talvezeufique · 1 year
Categoria: Saudade
Nesse momento em que ando distante de mim, pensativo, olho por cima de minha estante e lembro daquelas nossas coisas, de ti. Dos livros, dos papéis, das histórias que repasso em minha cabeça e dos dias que se fazem mais frios sem sua presença.
E há um vazio que vaga entre a liberdade de se renovar com a melancolia de ser deixado. As vezes o peito até sente vergonha do medo de não ser novamente amado. Mas anseio pela surpresa, pois sei que não se permanece pra sempre nessa vibe de tristeza.
Não venho falar de amor ainda-vivo, mas não minto em falar de saudade. Essa categoria sem você na minha vida quase virou necessidade, lembrete, post-it colado na minha testa pra mostrar que lembranças são tudo o que me resta.
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frighteningsunset · 8 months
I used to go to loud places to ease the even louder voices in my mind. It helped me for a while. Felt good to hear sounds louder than my inner screams. But now I want peace and quiet. I want my roommates to stop singing and cars to stop beeping. I want the birds and the quiet wind to be the only thing I can hear from my room.
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Quisiera parar de pensar, crei que hacia las cosas bien ¿Me equivoque?
Siento que no fui ese tipo de persona que intentas hacerme creer, te di todo, tu solo decidiste que nunca fue suficiente.
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splendidocaos · 4 years
Vreau să-mi împart viața cu tine. Vreau să-mi împart temerile, vreau să-mi împart zilele, vreau să-mi vă împart dușul în fiecare dimineață și patul în fiecare seară. Vreau să împart cu tine ultima bucată din tiramisu-ul rămas, vreau să-mi împart sufletul, vreau să-mi împart inima. Adevărul e că, cu tine, vreau să împart totul și, prin tot, mă refer la existența mea, lucrurile rele și lucrurile frumoase, zilele ploioase și cele însorite, zâmbetele și lacrimile. Vreau să ne împărțim dragostea într-o casă caldă și cu o ceașcă de ciocolată caldă. Cu tine, vreau totul.
© 2012–2020 Splendido 💕 Caos
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There’s always a risk in letting yourself feel alleviated 
But if you close yourself up to the thrill 
Will you ever feel alive?
I grace your hair with flowers or flames
Blooming red or burning tenderness
In the secret garden of my mind
I lick the memories of Spring
You have that taste of Spring
I don’t know why
But you’ve always tasted that way
Like thin fresh air on my rosy cheeks on a late morning
Like a calm and dizzy dream, and
To the night, we’ve surrendered!
Sanctified our body
Among the cushions and the hangovers
Gave into pleasure
For we are innocent in the eye of the other
As if we had never loved 
As if we were teenagers
So shy, so scared, so stupid, so pure 
So sexy, so wild, so lonely, so wide, and
Yet as I’m turning my loving into words, I wonder:
Isn’t funny that a person who is so fond of the world of the wordy
Is attracted by the ones who don’t say any?
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elnaras-posts · 4 years
edited on December, 21st
Sa crinière toilée de soie et ses yeux océan, ensorcelant les âmes remplies d'ivresse.
Elle dansait comme-ci le monde la regardait elle, éclatante de joie et libre de ses pas.
S'envolait-elle de la griserie vers le microcosme utopiste.
N'avait-elle peur de l'embarras puisqu'elle n'avait peur de rien.
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abeille-africaine · 4 years
El numen de todas mis obras líricas, de mis sueños, anhelos. La inspiración encarnada en una costilla; bíblicamente la mujer salió de la costilla de Adán, podría tener el descaro de decir que yo salí de la costilla de Alan.
El estro que me causa atisbar sus rasgos, cada moviendo que él realiza, el timbre de su voz que me eriza, y la extraña conexión que me une a él, la vibración que siente mi cuerpo cuando está próximo a mí ser, la delicadeza, la seducción, el amor; Alan, mi numen, ¿qué haz hecho con esta fatigada mente, con este cuerpo tembloroso, y este temeroso corazón que no hace más que amarte ávidamente?
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tsukihoshi14 · 6 years
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It's been a few days but I finally gif-ed it, such a cute moment between these twos, JUST LOOK AT THEMMM :3
Also, unrelated but Kaori’s reaction in the last gif is exactly my reaction and my small thank-you to the lovely messages and gorgeous photos I’ve been receiving in my inbox these past few days from an angel of Yuzu fandom :x
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Do you know that feel
when everything just hurts like hell?
Like.. mentally and physically?
When the air feels heavy,
so heavy that you can't breathe
and everything hurts so much?
And your head pounds
and your lungs burn
and your eyes feel like crying.
But there's nothing but this unbearable pain
and this big black hole right where your heart is supposed to be.
So you just lie there,
staring at the ceiling,
just wanting to disappear..
and you know exactly
there's nothing you can do to stop feeling this way.
So you just wait.
You wait for it to be over,
you wait for yourself to pretend to be fine again..
but the sad part is, you know exactly it'll come back.
Over and over again,
and each time you'll lie there and wait for it to pass,
each time you'll end up pretending
it's just a bad day and not a bad life.
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cafecomcanela · 6 years
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Like coins, every story has two sides... Don't get involved in situation where you don't know every facts. So, don't judge, don't take sides, don't condemn someone about what you have only heard..
Como as moedas, toda história tem dois lados... Não se envolva em situações da qual não se conhece todos os fatos. Então, não julgue, não tome partido, não condene alguém apenas pelo que ouviu...
— Café com Canela
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mpoumpoukakii · 6 years
Η ζωή είναι ένας άδειος καμβάς.
Εσυ εισαι ο καλλιτέχνης.
Γύρω σου υπάρχουν χρώματα.
Βρες την έμπνευση και ζωγράφισε ότι θέλεις.
Ζωγράφισε μόνος σου την ζωή από την αρχή!
Εισαι ο καλλιτέχνης της ζωής σου, ο μόνος δημιουργός της, μπορείς να κανείς ότι αλλαγές θέλεις!
Άντε τραβά!
Και μην αφήνεις κανένας να ζωγραφίσει μαζί σου!
Είναι δικό σου αυτό το έργο μην ξεχνάς!
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saturnamoon · 6 years
Na maioria das vezes, faço pelas pessoas coisas que sei que não fariam por mim. Mas isso não me deixa triste, com raiva ou chateada, isso só mostra que eu sou capaz de amar mesmo sem ser amada , que sou capaz de doar mesmo sem ter nada em troca . Que eu dou tudo de mim naquele momento , mesmo sabendo que vai embora; porque o que realmente importa , é o amor , é saber que dei meu melhor e fiz oque pude por aquela pessoa ou momento, e que um dia ela vai saber , e compartilhar esse amor também.
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1like1gayer-blog · 6 years
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nhyphk · 4 years
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The ruins are already fallen. You don't have to put them down. Whenever you cross them, Remember there was once a town. #byme #text #lyric #ruins #moonlight #gay #insta #faith #fé #instagay #pride (at Gamboa , Morro de São Paulo.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdjKM6jhvb/?igshid=15pcqdurd8di3
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vivezlesprit · 6 years
am I the only one who have ever had the impulse to use computer shortcuts while doing something non-digital? Like doing a research in an actual book and feel like pressing ctrl+F/ctrl+L or thinking “oh I can’t forget to save my work” even tho you are writing or drawing or whatever in a real paper?????
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abeille-africaine · 5 years
Encontré un amor para mí
arde en mi pecho
salta en mi pecho
lo amo
Dios mío!
lo amo
no encuentro a quien o a qué
agradecer eternamente
por este ardor fascinante
que siento al besarte
y al cariño insaciable
que siento al acariciarte
esos rizos
y amarte tanto
con un límite que parece
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