velt0n · 7 months
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"Telemarketing Cthulhu" This was a really fun weekly challenge haha
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browngonzo888 · 8 months
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secondwheel · 2 years
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rosethornewrites · 5 months
In my life, I’ve had a myriad of jobs, having started doing paper routes as a preteen. Among those jobs were three different call center jobs.
The first one was telemarketing, but mostly limited to calling DirecTV customers to convince them to upgrade, though a few times I had to do cold call credit cards and that sucked. I often had to deal with people angry that I was calling, which I understood completely. Unfortunately I needed a job.
It started as a summer gig, and required 20 hours. I asked to cut my hours when I started the semester at uni but they wouldn’t. I lasted until October with 17 credit hours and 20 hours of work, all intensive classes, before I nearly got hit by a car because I was so tired. When I quit they offered to lower my hours but lol that was too late. I went home and slept 12 hours and focused on school.
The second time was university fundraising, ostensibly connected to the alumni association, which included updating demographic information. Got a lot of folks who were out of work, so I was able to direct them to the alumni career center. I found out later it was only available for people less than 5 years past graduation—when I needed it, of course. That one was dependent on whether there were enough computer stations for everyone who showed up. I was in between undergrad and grad school, so one such night that I was sent home, I got a call from them and it was hilarious.
The last one was a summer job during graduate school, and involved administering telephone surveys. It was also an election year (2008, Obama versus McCain), so some of them were less surveys and more attempts to campaign or smear the opponent. I learned a lot about crappy surveys during that time.
A lot of the folks I worked with were felons and couldn’t vote, but they were all good folks and we ate lunch together daily and chatted. Probably one of the least drama-filled of any place I’ve worked. And of the call center jobs I’ve worked, probably the least annoying—I genuinely enjoyed getting folks to take the surveys and most people were polite. I only worked there one summer because the company shut the place down to downsize. I would’ve gone back.
I don’t have to do those types of jobs anymore because I can pick up adjuncting gigs now, but they were interesting experiences. The latter I used when teaching field research practices in classes, even.
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martineznadia · 1 year
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How actively listen to your customers is the key to understanding their underlying needs/desires. Do you listen to your customers closely?
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johnsaleswolfs · 6 months
Mastering Success: Appointment Setting through Telemarketing and B2B Lead Generation
In the fast-paced world of business-to-business (B2B) interactions, securing appointments is often the crucial first step towards building meaningful relationships. Telemarketing, when coupled with effective B2B lead generation strategies, emerges as a powerful tool for businesses looking to not only connect with potential clients but also to set the stage for successful collaborations. In this blog, we will explore the art and science of appointment setting through telemarketing in the context of B2B lead generation.
The Role of Appointment Setting in B2B:
1. Building Relationships, Not Just Transactions:
In the B2B landscape, success is often rooted in the ability to build strong, enduring relationships. Appointment setting goes beyond mere transactions; it opens the door to meaningful conversations where needs, solutions, and potential collaborations are explored.
2. Trust and Credibility:
Securing an appointment demonstrates a level of interest and commitment from both parties. It serves as an opportunity to establish trust and credibility, laying the groundwork for a partnership based on mutual understanding and shared goals.
Telemarketing as a Strategic Tool:
3. Direct and Personalized Communication:
Telemarketing provides a direct and personalized channel of communication. Unlike email or other digital methods, a phone call allows for real-time interaction, enabling businesses to address concerns, answer questions, and tailor their pitch based on immediate feedback.
4. Navigating the Decision-Making Process:
B2B transactions often involve multiple decision-makers within an organization. Telemarketing allows for strategic navigation of this complex decision-making process by identifying key stakeholders, understanding their needs, and influencing the decision-making chain.
5. Customizing Pitches for Maximum Impact:
Telemarketers can tailor their pitches based on the specific needs and pain points of the prospect. This level of customization ensures that the value proposition is aligned with the prospect's requirements, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
Effective B2B Lead Generation Strategies:
6. Comprehensive Data Analysis:
B2B lead generation starts with comprehensive data analysis. Identify your target audience, understand their industry challenges, and analyze their behavior to create a targeted approach. This data-driven strategy ensures that your telemarketing efforts are directed towards businesses that are more likely to benefit from your offerings.
7. Content Marketing for Thought Leadership:
Establishing your business as a thought leader in your industry through content marketing enhances your credibility. Valuable content positions your company as an expert, making prospects more receptive to appointment requests during telemarketing calls.
8. Utilizing CRM Systems:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a crucial role in B2B lead generation. These systems help in organizing and managing lead data, tracking interactions, and ensuring that telemarketers have the necessary information to engage in meaningful conversations during calls.
The Art of Appointment Setting:
9. Effective Scripting and Training:
Crafting an effective telemarketing script is an art. It should be concise, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs of the B2B audience. Training telemarketing representatives on effective communication, objection handling, and relationship building is equally important.
10. Follow-Up Strategies:
Not every call will result in an immediate appointment. Implementing robust follow-up strategies is crucial. This may include sending additional resources, scheduling follow-up calls, or providing further information to address any concerns raised during the initial conversation.
Appointment setting through telemarketing is a dynamic process that requires a strategic blend of personalized communication, data analysis, and effective lead generation. By understanding the nuances of B2B interactions and adopting a comprehensive approach that integrates telemarketing with targeted lead generation strategies, businesses can unlock the potential for meaningful collaborations and long-term partnerships. In the ever-evolving world of B2B, mastering the art of appointment setting is not just a transactional endeavor but a journey towards building lasting relationships and fostering mutual success.
posted by johnsaleswolfs this site help to growth your business with the services of digital marketing , B2B lead generation and telemarketing .
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rickchung · 8 months
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Telemarketers (prod. Adam Bhala Lough & Sam Lipman-Stern).
HBO's docuseries chronicling the multibillion dollar industry of scamming citizens over the phone under the guise of fundraising money for charities illuminates viewers on many aspects of telemarketing across several years from the inside. Lipman-Stern uses his own archival amateur home video footage from his time working in these dubious offices alongside criminals, convicts, and the generally unemployable. It's ultimately a grim outlook into American scammer culture thriving with little incentive for anyone to dismantle or regulate its successful Wild West business model.
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naviganttechnologies · 7 months
B2B/b2C Lead Generation Services
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Are you looking to boost sales, grow your revenue, and attract valuable leads that will contribute to long-term business growth? Navigant Technologies is here to help. By partnering with us on your lead generation campaigns, our team of experts will assist you in achieving your return on investment goals through creative, data-driven, and automated campaigns that effectively target your desired audience.
We are dedicated to delivering outstanding results when it comes to lead generation, regardless of whether you operate in a B2B or B2C capacity. With our assistance, you can generate an unlimited number of high-quality leads and expand your customer base at a faster pace, all while maintaining sustainability.
Connect with us and we will discuss with you how we ensure quality using KPIs, benchmarks, and QAs. And how we can increase B2B and B2C leads by streamlining and funneling leads through various digital outreach.
Web: www.navigant.in Book A Meeting: https://meetings.hubspot.com/sonal-arora Email us at: [email protected] Cell: +91 9354739641
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dashnite · 2 years
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Was telling a friend about the time I panicked over an answering machine at work
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I think it’s fucking underrated that my little sister kept getting spam calls and one day she picked one up and, in the weepiest and most tragically mature voice she could muster, my little sister at the age of 14 responded with:
“I know it’s you, Timmothy . You know she’s yours. I won’t raise this child alone, Tim. With all the bills and the money! Either take responsibility or don’t call me again.”
And many of those numbers fucking stopped calling her for a while.
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businessmemes · 7 months
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C'mon Jer.
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bumblingfloob · 1 year
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noneun · 2 years
Iscrizione al registro delle opposizioni
Se il sito è molto lento (per via delle molte richieste) o semplicemente ci si vuole iscrivere in pochi istanti basta chiamare col proprio cellulare:
Iscrizione tramite Telefono
Chiama dal numero che intendi iscrivere il numero verde 800 957 766 in caso di utenze fisse o il numero 06 42986411 in caso di cellulari
Segui le istruzioni del risponditore automatico per esprimere il diritto di opposizione. In caso di difficoltà la chiamata verrà inoltrata a un operatore umano
[...] Tutte le richieste vengono gestite entro un giorno lavorativo, sebbene la loro efficacia diventi effettiva entro 15 giorni.
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hannaxjo · 1 year
so i just started my first job, and it’s telemarketing. i have done it for one day, and my hatred for capitalism (which already was higher than average) just fucking doubled. because this is the most useless job made, and it exists purely because of capitalism. i work, because i need money, because that’s the only way you can survive in this shit ass world. but the whole thing is so fucking inhumane. for the seller and the customer. a society doesn’t need fucking telemarketing to exist. but because of this shitty ass system, we need money. i hate capitalism so much, and i hate this fucking job.
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wrongydkjquotes · 2 years
- Cookie Masterson
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Quantos já falaram isso...agora vai né ?? Aprenda a reconhecer empresas fascistas. É fácil.
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