#tease you and gives you lopsided smiles when you pout
oh-katsuki · 2 years
i don’t say it often but yamaguchi drives me fucking insane.
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garoujo · 8 months
✩ ˛˚ . GOJO SATORU — sometimes satoru uses his technique to tease you, even though he’s the one who always seems to give in first.
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ஜ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ contents! fluff, just satoru being a menace, some smooches! that’s all me thinks! ♡ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ note! he’s been on my mind so often, i’m being attacked with all of these thoughts of him <3
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“satoru i swear, put it down!” you whine before you frown up at your ridiculously tall boyfriend, he’s wearing a lopsided grin and you’d take great delight in kissing it off of his stupidly handsome face if you could get passed his even more stupid infinity technique.
“oh? you can ask nicer than that, sweet girl.” gojo goads as he leans over you, deliberately close because he knows you can’t close the distance. he liked teasing you like this, liked seeing the way you would pout and groan whenever he did, he liked the way you wanted to touch him— to kiss him, to love him. so he took great pride in seeing you get a little wound up in your want for it.
“satoru!” you hiss as you push into him again, a little closer than last but still not enough to feel the warm press of his skin against yours. he tilts his head as you call his name, his crystalline gaze narrowing as he scratches at his snowy hair, and you give him another sharp frown before you stomp over to drop yourself on the sofa instead.
“come on~ can’t you just tell your good looking boyfriend you want a kiss, hm? just gotta ask.” gojo hums as he follows you, only needing a few long strides before the cushion next to you is dipping under his weight and he’s letting his arm rest behind you— so close yet so far.
“you’re so annoying.” you huff again as you turn to face away from him, refusing to make eye contact this time because you know he’s wearing one of his more handsome grins, one that you know he does deliberately to lure you in— to make you crave the press of his lips with yours. just so he can take it away so rudely.
“don’t be like that. my lips feel so cold, i’ll die here.” gojo’s pouting now, like it’s not his fault he’s still not gotten his kiss. he lets his head fall and rest back against the couch as he groans, whining about how cruel you’re being, hurting his feelings and rejecting his love like this.
“yeah well so do mine!” you retort back quickly and you feel a vein pop when he chuckles, trying to hide it behind another smirk when you shoot him a sharp look from over your shoulder, inching yourself further away on the couch.
but gojo can only resist your adorable little frown for so long himself.
“hm? then you know what to do, let me hear you..” his words take a lower sort of drawl as he follows you along the space, easing himself into your side until you can finally feel the warm press of his skin— finally releasing his technique enough for him to be able to press kisses along your shoulder blades.
but you’re far too petty to give into him now.
gojo groans when you keep yourself facing away from him, his lips making their way from your shoulders, to your neck, then across your jawline before he’s peppering a few sweet kisses to your cheeks and giving you a soft look from underneath his pretty lashes, “..or are you gonna leave me here to suffer?”
“can i have a kiss, satoru.” you mumble between your lips, giving him an inch when you feel his hands press into the dip of your waist— his touch so warm you can’t help but melt into it as you feel him smile against your skin, smugly you’re sure.
“oh, didn’t hear you, baby. little louder f’ me.” you groan at that, and gojo squeezes you closer— pressing you into his chest as he leaves a soft kiss at the corner of your lips, so close to where you want it, to where he needs it. he’s held out for long enough, he’s pretty satisfied with his teasing now.
“can i please have a kiss, satoru.” you finally give in and he’s on you immediately as he presses his lips to yours, exhaling like he’s been starved of you for months. your lips part and he takes that as an invitation as he pushes his tongue between them, groaning when your own comes to meet him and he already feels lightheaded as he closes his lips to suckle languidly.
another few moments, blissfully dreamy moments with your lips on his— his hands are on your hips now and your fingers are in his hair, pressing deeper into eachother as your mouth moves with his. he pulls away to breathe, as much as it pains him, despite the way hes kiss drunk and flushed— already leaning in for more.
“see? was that so hard? always holding out on me. so mean~”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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pucksandpower · 3 months
It Started With an Appendix
Carlos Sainz x nurse!Reader
Summary: in which an inflamed appendix turns out to be the ultimate matchmaker
Warnings: medical ethics are basically thrown out the window
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“Y/N, the patient in room 312 is awake,” a voice calls from the hall outside the nurses’ station.
You make your way down the bright, sterile corridor toward the private room, the scent of antiseptic lingering in the air. Taking a breath, you rap your knuckles lightly on the door before entering.
Carlos Sainz Jr. is propped up in the hospital bed, blinking slowly as the anesthesia wears off. His tousled hair and grogginess make him look adorably vulnerable.
“Hola, señorita,” he slurs with a lopsided grin as you approach. “Are you an angel? You must have fallen from heaven.”
You can’t help but giggle at his cheesy line, shaking your head in amusement. “No, Mr. Sainz, I’m your nurse. You just had your appendix removed.”
“Call me Carlos,” he insists, his Spanish accent thick and velvety. “And you’re definitely an angel to me.”
Suppressing another laugh, you check his vitals and make a note on his chart. “How are you feeling, Carlos? Any pain or nausea?”
“I feel ... floaty,” he murmurs, blinking slowly as he looks you up and down. “But you’re making me feel much better already.”
You bite your lip to contain your smile. This man is incorrigible, even fresh out of surgery. “That’s the pain medication talking, I’m afraid.”
“No, no ...” Carlos protests weakly. “You’re just ... muy bonita. So beautiful.”
His boldness makes warmth bloom in your cheeks. You clear your throat. “Why don’t you try to get some rest? The anesthesia can make people loopy for a while.”
“Don’t go,” he pouts, trying and failing to grab your hand from the bed. “Stay and keep me company, hermosa.”
You gently lay his hand back at his side. “I’ll be just down the hall if you need anything, okay?”
Carlos levels you with a look that could melt glaciers. “At least tell me your name, ángel?”
Holding his smoldering gaze, you reply softly, “It’s Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he echoes, savoring each syllable. “What a beautiful name. Maybe I’ll dream of you, Y/N ...”
With a flustered smile, you turn and exit the room, his flirtatious words still ringing in your ears. This man is going to be the death of you.
Over the next few hours, you check on Carlos periodically, each time greeted by a fresh cheesy line or thinly-veiled compliment. He’s relentless, but also strangely endearing in his drug-addled state.
“Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?”
“Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine written all over you.”
“I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.”
You roll your eyes at each one, but can’t deny the little thrill it sends through you. Despite his grogginess, Carlos’ charisma still shines through effortlessly.
By the time your shift ends, you’re almost disappointed you won’t get to hear any more of his terrible pickup lines. You linger a moment in his doorway after bringing him his evening dose of medication.
“Feeling any better?” You ask kindly.
Carlos gives you a crooked smile. “I feel a lot better when you’re around, querida.”
You shake your head in playful exasperation. “Get some rest. I’m off for the night.”
His expression turns almost ... wistful? “Will I see you again?”
Something warm blooms in your chest at his hopeful tone. “I’ll be back tomorrow,” you assure him. “Same time.”
The bright grin that stretches across his face is worth a million cheesy lines. “Buenas noches, mi ángel.”
You don’t bother holding back your smile this time. “Good night, Carlos.”
As you make your way home, his handsome face and melted chocolate voice keep popping into your mind unbidden.
You try to push thoughts of Carlos from your mind as you cook yourself dinner and get ready for bed. He’s just a patient — a ridiculously charming one, yes, but a patient all the same.
Still, as you drift off to sleep, his teasing grin and warm brown eyes seem seared into the back of your mind ...
The next morning, you arrive at the hospital with a new spring in your step. You can’t help but look forward to seeing Carlos again, newly appendix-less or no.
When you enter his room with his breakfast tray, the sleepy Spaniard perks up instantly at the sight of you. “Y/N! Buenos dias, hermosa!”
You chuckle at his enthusiasm. “Good morning, Carlos. How are you feeling today?”
“Much better now that mi ángel has arrived,” he declares boldly.
As you check his vitals, he continues to bat those ridiculously long eyelashes at you. “You must be a hell of a thief, because you stole my heart from across the hospital room.”
You snort at the line, rolling your eyes in amusement. “You do realize those cheesy pick-up lines aren’t going to work on me, right?”
“Not cheesy ... poetic,” Carlos argues with an impish grin. “Poetry for a woman of your beauty.”
You raise an eyebrow in mock skepticism. “Is that so?”
“Of course,” he nods matter-of-factly. “Here, let me demonstrate ...”
Carlos clears his throat dramatically. “Your eyes shame the brilliance of the desert sun, while your lips put roses to shame with their beauty. A sculptor could study your face for a lifetime and never capture its perfection in marble.”
Despite yourself, you can feel heat rising to your cheeks at his earnest compliments. “I ... you can’t just-”
But he’s not done. “While bandits would slay and sack entire cities for even a glimpse of your splendor. Why, the gods themselves weep at being outdone by such a radiant vision of loveliness!”
By now, your face is burning scarlet as he gazes up at you, eyes sparkling impishly. “Th-that’s enough, Carlos,” you manage, turning away and busying yourself straightening his blankets to hide your flustered expression.
You can hear the grin in his voice. “Too much for you, hermosa? I haven’t even gotten to the part about your luscious ti-”
“Carlos!” You squeak, spinning back around with wide eyes.
His mischievous laughter fills the room, head thrown back in pure delight at your scandalized reaction. The melodic sound is utterly infectious — soon you find yourself giggling helplessly along despite your embarrassment.
“You’re terrible, you know that?” You admonish once you’ve caught your breath, trying and failing to look stern.
He winks unapologetically. “I’m just being honest, ángel.”
You shake your head in feigned exasperation, trying to ignore the little thrill his flirtations still send through you. “I should get going before you corrupt me further.”
As you turn to leave, Carlos calls after you. “Until later, mi amor! Don’t forget my poetry books for next time!”
His infectious laughter follows you into the hallway, that bright sound certain to play on a loop in your mind all day ...
Over the next few days, Carlos’ recovery progresses smoothly — maybe a little too smoothly, you think with a private smirk. His cheesy compliments and relentless flirting show no signs of letting up, much to your mingled embarrassment and secret delight.
“For you, hermosa, I would wrestle bulls and paint sunsets!”
“Mother Nature herself must be jealous of your radiant beauty.”
“Careful, or you’ll put the Arabian sun to shame with your smile!”
You somehow manage to roll your eyes and blush simultaneously each time he unleashes a new line. Part of you wishes he would just give it a rest already. But an even bigger part never wants this game you two have going to end.
On your third day caring for Carlos post-op, you arrive to find a small bouquet of red roses sitting on his bedside table. “These are for you, querida!” He announces happily when you enter.
You blink in surprise, taking in the brilliant flowers. “Carlos, you didn’t have to-”
“Of course I did,” he cuts you off dismissively. “An ángel as dazzling as you deserves all the flowers in the world.”
A pleased smile tugs at your lips despite yourself as you inhale their sweet fragrance. “They’re lovely, Carlos ... thank you.”
“Anything for you, mi amor,” he grins impishly. “Though it pains me to give a rose to one who outshines it so effortlessly.”
You shake your head, fighting a blush yet again. “Are you always this much of a shameless flirt?”
His eyes dance with impish delight. “Only to beautiful nurses who make my heart race faster than any lap around the fastest street circuit on the calendar.” Carlos pauses, expression turning serious. “Truthfully Y/N ... I know I’m a patient, but I feel a connection with you. Something deeper than just pretty words.”
You regard him carefully, caught off guard by his sudden earnestness. Part of you wants to laugh it off, dismiss his words like all the cheesy lines before. But something in his warm and open gaze gives you pause.
“I ... feel it too,” you admit quietly after a moment. “I don’t know why, it’s just ... a spark. Like we’ve known each other for years.”
Carlos’s face breaks into a brilliant smile that makes your heart skip a beat. “Exactly, ángel! A connection of the soul — that is what it feels like to me.”
He holds out a hand in invitation, eyes soft yet intense. “Come over here? Let me get a closer look at mi amor’s beautiful face.”
You move toward the bed instinctively, taking his hand as he guides you to sit at the edge. His touch sends little electric tingles coursing through you that raise goosebumps along your arms. Even when you’re seated, Carlos has to look up slightly from where he’s reclining on a pile of pillows to meet your eyes, his thumb caressing your knuckles tenderly.
“So lovely,” he murmurs huskily, eyes tracing your features reverently. “A woman more beautiful than Aphrodite herself. And just as captivating ...”
Slowly, carefully, he lifts your joined hands to brush his lips along your knuckles in a feather-light kiss. The simple, intimate gesture steals the breath from your lungs.
“Carlos ...” you start breathlessly, hardly daring to move lest you break the hypnotic spell between you two.
He gives you that crooked, heart-melting grin. “Let me take you to dinner when I’m out of here, mi ángel? So I can woo you properly like you deserve.”
Despite the warm tingles his attention still sends through you, you nibble your lip uncertainly. “I ... I don’t think that would be appropriate. You’re my patient-”
“Just dinner,” he interjects smoothly. “As a thank you for taking such wonderful care of me. I insist on repaying you somehow.”
You search his face, wanting so badly to throw caution to the wind and say yes. He could charm the feathers off a bird, this man.
“Just dinner,” he reiterates in a low, sincere tone. “And if nothing else ... maybe we both make a new friend, yes?”
A slow smile spreads across your face, anticipation blooming in your chest. “Alright then. Just dinner.”
The boyish grin he gives you makes your breath catch. “Excellent! I’ll wine and dine you like a true gentleman, you’ll see.”
You roll your eyes, even as a giggle escapes you. “I’ll hold you to that.”
With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Carlos lifts it once more to brush his lips across your knuckles, holding your gaze intently.
“I cannot wait, mi amor.”
The luxurious restaurant that Carlos chose for your dinner date is dimly lit by ornate lanterns and alive with the sounds of traditional music. You can’t help but let your eyes linger on him as you’re shown to your private table tucked away in a secluded corner.
Even in a simple shirt and slacks, Carlos looks effortlessly dashing. His warm eyes crinkle at the corners when he catches you staring, rewarding you with that heart-melting smile.
“See something you like, querida?” He teases once you’re seated across from him.
You feel heat rush to your cheeks at being so brazenly caught out. Recovering quickly, you arch an eyebrow cooly. “You just look different out of that hospital gown, that’s all.”
Carlos throws back his head with a rich laugh. “Ah, so you prefer me in my natural state then? Bueno, no complaints here!”
You shake your head in amusement, trying not to smile too widely. “Is that ego really as big as they say?”
“What ego?” He asks innocently, shrugging broad shoulders. “This is merely healthy self-confidence, mi ángel.”
The banter comes so effortlessly between you two, like going back-and-forth with an old friend rather than a man you just met days ago. Carlos reaches across the table to take your hand, calloused fingers stroking your knuckles gently.
“Truthfully? I’m just thrilled you agreed to have dinner with me tonight,” he admits in a low tone. “I wasn’t sure if all my flirting was too much.”
You chuckle softly, gazing at him through the glow of the lantern between you. “It was definitely ... persistent. But also strangely charming, if I’m being honest.”
A pleased grin stretches across Carlos’ face, lighting up his handsome features. His thumb caresses your knuckles tenderly as he holds your eyes.
“I meant what I said, Y/N ... I felt an unexplainable connection with you from the moment I woke up in that hospital bed.” His expression turns almost wondering. “Despite my joking and terrible pick-up lines, there was something deeper drawing me to you. Like my soul recognized yours, si?”
You nod slowly, inexplicably understanding exactly what he means. That spark, that feeling of having known him for years — it’s indescribable and yet so real at the same time.
“I felt it too,” you murmur. “A pull, like I was meant to meet you.” You give a soft, self-conscious laugh. “It sounds silly saying it out loud.”
But Carlos shakes his head adamantly. “Not silly at all, cariño. Spiritual, cosmic, whatever you want to call it — I felt it too, and I don’t question these things anymore.”
He leans in conspiratorially. “Do you know what the nomadic Bedouin peoples of Arabia call that? Finding your namiah.”
You can’t help the way your heart flutters at the unfamiliar word and the enchanted look on his face. “What does it mean?” You breathe.
“It translates roughly to your twin soul,’" Carlos explains in a hushed tone. “Two souls destined to connect in this life. Bound together across lifetimes, finally reunited.”
He gives your hand a meaningful squeeze, utterly transfixed. “The Bedouins believe when you encounter your namiah, it’s sacred — a reunion that must be honored and embraced, regardless of what life may throw your way. Because you’ve been given a second chance with your twin soul.”
His words seem to reverberate somewhere deep within you, ringing with an ancient truth you can’t fully grasp but feel with your entire being. Impulsively, you lift Carlos’s hand to your cheek, holding it there as you bathe in his wonder-filled gaze.
For a long, charged moment, the whole world narrows to just the two of you sharing this cosmic revelation. Then the spell breaks as you let out a breathless laugh, eyes shining with amazed delight.
“You believe in destined soulmates? I never would have guessed,” you tease gently.
He chuckles warmly in return, leaning back but keeping your hand pressed tenderly against his cheek. “The universe works in mysterious ways, querida. I’ve learned not to question things my heart recognizes as true.”
A comfortable silence stretches between you, filled with unspoken understanding and newfound intimacy. He grazes his thumb along your cheekbone reverently.
“That’s why I couldn’t stop myself from flirting with you, you know,” Carlos muses in that rumbly tone. “You captivated me from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I knew I had to at least try winning your heart, mi ángel.”
You shake your head in fond exasperation, fighting a smile. “Carlos Sainz, actually a hopeless romantic? Who would have thought ...”
His playful grin is back in full force. “Only for you, hermosa.” Then his eyes take on a hint of hesitant hopefulness. “Speaking of ... there’s actually another reason I wanted to take you to dinner.”
You regard him curiously as the waiter arrives to fill your glasses with water. “Oh? Do tell.”
Carlos takes a fortifying sip before fixing you with those warm, earnest eyes again. “I would be honored if you came to Australia with me in a few weeks. As my guest for the race in Melbourne.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, mouth falling open slightly. “The ... the Grand Prix? In Australia?”
He nods eagerly. “It’s at the end of the month. I will arrange for your travel, put you up in the plushest hotel, everything. My treat.”
Carlos leans in closer, an impish gleam dancing in his eyes. “It would give me the perfect chance to keep wooing you properly, mi amor.”
You let out a disbelieving laugh, barely able to wrap your mind around the unexpected invitation. “Carlos, I ... I can’t just fly across the world like that! I have work, responsibilities-”
“Ah, but you’d only need to take a week or so off,” he counters smoothly. “I’ll handle all the details. You just need to relax and be my honored guest for the weekend.”
He gives you that smoldering look that makes your heart skip a beat. “Let me spoil you, mi ángel. Just say the word and it’s yours.”
Part of you is tempted — so, so tempted by the enthralling prospect. A luxurious vacation with this enchanting man who is already well on his way to sweeping you off your feet? It sounds utterly magical.
But the practical part of you holds you back, brow furrowing with uncertainty. “I don’t know ... even taking time off for a trip like that would be difficult.”
Carlos regards you intently for a moment, reading your hesitation. Then he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, voice turning softer yet insistent.
“Y/N, when was the last time you took a real vacation? Away from the hospital, away from responsibility for a little while ... to just breathe and enjoy life?”
You open your mouth automatically, then pause. Truthfully, you can’t even remember. Life has become an endless cycle of work and sleep with little room for anything else.
“Exactly,” Carlos nods knowingly at your silence. “Everyone needs to get away sometimes, querida. To recharge their soul before the daily grind drains them completely. Even an ángel like you.”
He fixes you with those molten brown eyes again. “Let me give that to you, mi amor. A week to relax, to be spoiled and carefree in one of the most beautiful corners of your world.” One side of his mouth quirks up teasingly. “And with a ruggedly handsome Formula 1 driver to keep you company, of course ...”
You chuckle in spite of yourself, warmth blooming in your chest. He has a point — when was the last time you allowed yourself to have fun and truly unwind? You certainly can’t remember. And if there’s anyone who seems like the ideal travel companion ...
Carlos notices your resolve softening and presses his advantage. “I promise you, it will be an experience you’ll never forget. Put yourself in my hands for just one week — let me take care of everything so you don’t have to lift a finger. What do you say, hermosa?”
His gaze is so open and full of restrained yearning that your breath hitches. You search those bewitching eyes for one more long moment, feeling yourself teetering on the edge of a decision.
Then, with a breathless laugh, you give in to impulse.
“Okay! You win. I’m yours for a week in Australia. Show me what you have in store.”
The smile that slowly spreads across his face is brighter and more radiant than the high desert sun. Carlos lifts your hand to his lips to brush a lingering kiss across your knuckles, sending delicious sparks dancing along your skin.
“Your wish is my command, mi ángel,” he murmurs fervently against your fingers, holding your breathless gaze. “I’ll make sure it’s a trip you’ll never forget.”
The bright Australian sun feels glorious on your skin as you relax on the private rooftop terrace of Ferrari’s plush motorhome. Leaning back on the cushioned lounger, you close your eyes and inhale the first deep breath you’ve taken in ... well, you can’t remember how long.
For just this fleeting moment, all the stresses of everyday life as a hardworking nurse seem to melt away into the balmy afternoon air. You’re worlds away from the frenetic hospital routine, from the bright fluorescent lights and permeating smell of antiseptic. Here, surrounded by towering palms swaying lazily in the breeze, you can almost imagine you’re at a lavish resort rather than the Albert Park paddock.
A fond smile tugs at your lips as the roar of engines echoes across the circuit. That unmistakable sound is your reminder of just how enchantingly surreal this entire experience has been.
When Carlos first invited you to be his guest at the race, you expected some form of VIP experience to watch the Formula 1 action up close. But you never could have imagined the level of extravagance and pampering he had planned.
From the moment you landed, you’ve been put up at a five-star hotel in the lap of luxury — a stunning penthouse suite, complete with a butler at your beck and call plus a private concierge team to arrange anything you may need. Not that you’ve had time to need anything, with Carlos’s personal assistant, Elena, catering to your every whim.
You had tried to object at first, insisting this level of opulence wasn’t necessary. But Carlos merely placed a finger over your lips with a mischievous grin.
“Ah ah ah, mi ángel — you agreed to let me spoil you for a week, remember?” He chided playfully. “No objections!”
Before you could protest further, he pulled you into his arms, warm and solid and smelling faintly of bergamot. “Just relax and enjoy la buena vida for once. That’s my only condition.”
Looking into those warm brown eyes, you found yourself getting deliciously lost as his breath fanned across your lips. What choice did you have but to nod breathlessly and let yourself be whisked away into his lavish wonderland?
And it has been nothing short of wondrous so far. After being settled into your palatial suite with its giant marble bathroom and wall-to-wall windows, Elena escorted you into the exclusive world of Formula 1.
The Grand Prix itself is certainly glamorous — the electric atmosphere, roar of the cars driving at breath-taking speeds, and prestigious crowds dripping in finery and jewels. But it’s the behind-the-scenes action in the paddock that truly left you dazzled.
Elena led you through a dizzying labyrinth of state-of-the-art motorhomes and garage bays with cutting-edge equipment full of personnel bustling about in a flurry of coordinated movements. She introduced you to a mind-boggling array of mechanics, aerodynamicists, race strategists, hospitality workers, and more.
The entire operation felt like the world’s most organized theatrical production playing out before your very eyes. And at the center of it all? A beacon in red drawing all eyes to where he’s leaning against a metal wall towards the side of the garage? None other than Carlos himself.
Seeing him in this element, commanding the hushed and reverent attention of dozens of crew members with an intense yet unhurried confidence ... there was something almost unbearably sexy about it. His typical warmth and charm were overshadowed by a blazing intensity and poise more potent than any poem he could compose under the haze of painkillers.
Between briefings and warm ups, you managed to steal a few stolen moments with Carlos. Whether brushing a clandestine kiss to the back of your hand or pulling you aside for a heated embrace out of view, he always reaffirmed this sublime fantasy was for you … and you alone.
“Having fun so far, mi ángel?” He would murmur, lips brushing your ear as his hands skimmed teasingly down your sides.
You shivered at the gravelly timbre of his voice, rendered speechless by the fire flickering in his eyes. How could anyone put the depths of your experience into words?
So you simply answered by pulling him into a searing kiss, fingers tangling in those sinfully tousled locks. By the time you parted, Carlos’ pupils were blown wide, chest rising and falling heavily against yours.
“Save some of that fire for after the race, cariño,” he’d say thickly with a wolfish grin. “You may just be the greatest distraction I’ve ever had to overcome.”
With one last smoldering look, he rejoined his crew, leaving you flustered yet utterly euphoric. Yes, Carlos Sainz had managed to spirit you away into an all-encompassing dream — one you never wanted to wake up from.
The sound of a nearby door opening brings you back to the present with a contented sigh. You let your eyes drift open again, blinking against the brilliant sunlight as a familiar figure emerges onto the terrace.
“There’s my hermosa,” Carlos greets you warmly, slipping off his cap to run a hand through his ridiculously perfect hair. The simple gesture makes your breath catch as always.
You feel a smile stretch across your face as he approaches. “Hi there, stranger. Taking a break?”
“Something like that,” he chuckles, dropping into the lounger beside you with a groan. “Just a quick respite from the crowd.”
Carlos turns toward you with poorly concealed mischief dancing in his eyes. “Though ... I may have also needed an excuse to see this beautiful sight again.”
You roll your eyes in exaggerated exasperation to hide your giddiness at his flattery. He’s been adorably smooth this entire trip. “Save your lines, Casanova. You already got me here, remember?”
“Ah, but a man can never compliment his lady enough,” Carlos objects smoothly, grasping your hand in his calloused one to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Starting with how radiant you look basking in the Australian sun, mi ángel. A lesser man would get jealous.”
You shake your head, even as tingles race across your skin from his gesture. “Is flattery how you butter up any pretty girl who catches your eye?”
“Just the especially gorgeous ones,” he winks unapologetically. “But there’s only one who’s made me want to be a hopeless romantic.”
With dizzying ease, he leverages himself across the narrow space between you, caging you in on all sides with his toned arms. Your breath catches at his sudden proximity, pulse quickening from the heated look in his eyes.
“Perhaps I should stop with pretty words ...” Carlos rumbles in that velvety accent, closing the remaining distance until you can feel the heat radiating from his body. “And use actions instead.”
His mouth captures yours in a slow, smoldering kiss that has you melting bonelessly against the plush cushions. Large hands splay across the dip of your waist, firm yet intoxicatingly gentle. You melt into the unhurried caress of his lips, addicted to the way he sets your entire body deliciously alight.
When you finally part, you’re flushed and breathless, gazing up dazedly at his twinkling eyes. “You’re ... terribly persuasive, Mr. Sainz,” you manage.
He rewards you with a wolfish grin and another toe-curling kiss. “Only for you, mi amor,” he growls against your lips, pulling you flush against the hard planes of his chest. “Only for you ...”
A tiny gasp of surprise parts your lips as Carlos suddenly freezes, mouth going taut. You tilt your head back slightly to meet his gaze questioningly.
“What’s wrong?”
He drops his darkened eyes down toward his palm sheepishly. It’s then you notice the tiny trickle of red seeping from a paper cut across his skin.
“Oh no, it seems our ... passion got a bit too rough,” Carlos grins cheekily. “Gave myself a battle wound.”
Rolling your eyes, you gingerly take his hand to inspect the miniscule wound. Just a thin cut that was reopened, likely from reviewing telemetry packets between briefings.
“It’s nothing serious,” you chide. “Though I suppose I could play nurse for you one more time.”
He gives you a devilish look from under his inky lashes. “Please do, mi ángel. I’ll need your ... very special care.”
You level an unimpressed glare at him, slipping off the lounger toward the rooftop bathroom to grab the first aid kit inside. By the time you return, Carlos has the audacity to be sitting patiently with his lightly bleeding palm extended in offering. Like a king awaiting tribute from his loyal subjects.
“It’s a good thing you’re pretty,” you scoff, cracking open the kit and perching on the edge of his lounger. With the utmost care and tenderness, you gently apply antibacterial ointment and wrap the cut with an oversized adhesive bandage.
“There, all better, your Highness,” you announce with a solemn nod.
But rather than releasing your hand, Carlos envelops it fully in both of his. His warm eyes search yours impishly.
“Actually, hermosa ... there is one last thing that could help it heal even faster.”
You quirk a skeptical brow at him, already thoroughly endeared by whatever outrageous thing is about to come out of his mouth. “Oh? And what’s that?”
The corner of his lips twitches up in that rakish half-smirk you adore. “A magical, healing ... kiss.”
Of course. Of bloody course.
“You can’t be serious,” you laugh, trying in vain to tug your hand back. Carlos simply holds it fast, fervently earnest despite the devilish twinkle dancing in his eyes.
“Completely serious, mi amor! The power of a beautiful woman’s kiss has incredible healing properties.” He pulls your hand close. “Especially from an ángel like you ...”
Warmth blooms across your cheeks at his antics, head shaking in amusement. Even after weeks of witnessing Carlos��� particular brand of cheeky charisma up close, he can still catch you off-guard and leave you deliciously flustered.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” The reprimand lacks any bite as you can’t help but grin back at him, captivated as always.
His answering look is all playful innocence — one you know better than to trust for a single second. “Does that mean you won’t bless me with your magic?”
Brown eyes beg at you over your trapped knuckles, full lower lip jutting out in a pout far too enticing to resist. With a shaky laugh, you finally acquiesce and bend forward to press a slow, petal-soft kiss over the bandage.
A grin stretches across Carlos’ face once you pull back. “My hero!” He exclaims, catching your hand in both of his to nuzzle the inside of your wrist adoringly. “See, querida? Already I can feel the enchanted restorative properties working wonders.”
“You’re utterly shameless!” You let out another breathless laugh.
“Only because you make me crazy, mi ángel,” Carlos retorts with an exaggerated groan, tugging you closer until you half-cover his toned body.
You go easily, resting comfortably against the solid wall of his chest. Strong arms wrap around your waist, securing you in place as Carlos pillows his cheek atop your head with a contented sigh.
“You render me nonsensical and utterly bewitched. I’m powerless against your effortless magic.”
The words rumble through you in that low timbre you’ve become addicted to, spreading warmth from the crown of your head to the very tips of your toes. With a quiet hum of contentment, you tuck yourself tighter into his side and watch the swaying of the palms framed against the brilliant blue sky.
In this moment, the entire world seems to shrink away into insignificance — nothing but you and Carlos tangled in this serene haven apart from all space and time. Nothing but the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your cheek, the cocooning circle of arms that sets you ablaze and soothes you in equal measure.
Just as you feel yourself being lulled into a state of blissful relaxation, Carlos presses a lingering kiss to your hair. His chest vibrates with quiet yet fervent words.
“Thank you, amor ... for giving me a chance to make you mine.”
Pure affection blooms golden in your chest at the reverent sincerity of his tone. You tilt your head up to find his warm brown eyes already trained on you. Filled with adoration yet still flickering with that insuppressible spark of mischief and zest you adore so much.
With an impulsive hand curling around the nape of his neck, you pull his mouth down toward yours. As you part, twin smiles linger on your swollen lips.
“And thank you,” you smile wryly. “For having an appendix that decided to take matters into its own hands so we could meet.”
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pupkashi · 11 months
sweet nothing
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gojo always finds himself running home to you
a/n: hi friends ! hope u all enjoy this little piece inspired by the song sweet nothing by taylor swift (thank u anon for the inspo 🫶🏼) let me know what u all think :3
wordcount: 1,310
one of the only thoughts on gojo satoru’s mind, from the moment he leaves home to the second he’s unlocking the door, is coming home to you.
his shoulders hurt from the amount of stress he’s under, every muscle in his body tense, eyes burning with exhaustion, and his head throbbing as the higher ups words ring in his ears. the light jingle of his keys as he unlocks the front door helps ground him a bit, blinking once, twice then opening the front door.
he’s greeted with the smell of food, he can’t quite place what it is (he doesn’t help in the kitchen much after the one time he did and ended up ruining three pans), he’s slipping his shoes off and placing his keys in the small leaf shaped holder on the table next to the door.
his eyes naturally focusing on the picture frame of the two of you on vacation last July, a wide, carefree smile painted on both of your faces, hair a bit messy from walking around. his cheeks were flushed as you planted a kiss to his cheek, your arms thrown around his neck.
satoru’s thrown out of his trance by the sudden sound of loud sizzling, the small smile on his face only growing when he hears your soft humming. his tired feet carry him quickly to the kitchen, a spring in his step as he grows closer and closer to being with you.
he feels the weight on his shoulders ease up a bit as his eyes land on you. he’s leaning against the wall, watching you chop up vegetables with a smile on his face, replacing the higher ups nagging ringing in his ears with your off-key singing.
“have you ever considered x-factor sweetheart?” he asks, a lopsided smile on his face when you turn to face him, bright eyes as you welcome him home.
“i sent in a recording once, they offered me a ten year contract but i declined” you teased, moving to stir the food cooking in the pan, “told them i have a very needy boyfriend that would die without me.”
satoru let’s put a small ‘pft’ at your words, pushing himself off the wall and walking up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder.
“how was your day, angel boy?” you ask, voice as sweet as honey as you press a soft kiss to his cheek. satoru let’s put a small huff, his warm breath tickling your neck which causes you to smile.
“‘t was okay, just stressed out” he mumbles, “and the fucking higher ups are-”, his eyes closing as he remembers his conversation with them, sighing deeply. you pout a bit, noting his more more tense body against yours. you let yourself melt into his touch, turning around and hugging him properly.
“don’t wanna talk about it?” you ask gently, he shakes his head, bangs covering his eyes just a bit. you nod, giving him a smile before kissing his lips softly, “then we won’t.”
satoru is grateful, knowing that when the time is right he’ll open up to you about it. but for now he just wants to spend his night with the love of his life.
“good thing im making your favorite then huh?” you chuckle, watching the way his shoulders inflate, he’s standing taller and there’s a smile on his face.
it wasn’t long before the two of you were eating dinner together, making easy conversation and laughing at anything stupid either of you said. he’s placing the freshly washed plates on the drying rack, heading over to you on the couch when you stop him.
“go shower, I’ll let you use my stuff” you state, eyes widening as you see satoru already running towards the restroom, “just this once!” you call out, hearing his loud giggles echoing from down the hall.
it’s 40 minutes later when he’s emerging into your shared room in only his boxers, body still dripping with water and steam following him out. you can smell your rose scented body wash on him as he dries himself off besides you.
satoru is looking at you with big eyes, towel in hand as he grins up at you, “will you dry my hair?” his voice is filled with a gentleness you’ve grown much too soft for.
“come here” you smile, heart growing at the sound of an excited squeak he lets out. you’re gentle as you dry his hair, combing out any knots and putting some product in it before patting his head twice, letting him know you were done.
your lover is quick to change positions, taking you in his arms and curling himself around you, some damp strands landing on your face as he buries his face in your neck. you’re doing your best to wiggle your hands free from his grasp, adjusting so you can card your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp a bit just the way he likes.
satoru visibly relaxes against your touch, practically purring as you whisper to him, “I’m so proud of you” you say, “you work so hard, angel” tenderness carried in every syllable of your words.
“I love you so much” you remind him, squeezing him a bit tighter, moving his hair from his forehead and placing a kiss there, “my beautiful boy” you murmur, a smile on your face as you see the way his grin grows.
the apples of his cheeks are rosy, pink dusting his entire face. satoru easily grabs your hips, placing you on top of him so that you straddle his lap.
“how do you always know what to say?” he asks, looking up at you with fond eyes, nuzzling his cheek into the palm of your hand as you place a stand of hair behind his ear.
“hmm, call it intuition” you tease, placing feathery kisses all over his face, the two of you giggling when you kiss his nose, “but it’s probably just ‘cause I’m your soulmate” you smile.
satoru hums in agreement, one hand snaking to the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss, your lips moving in sync. when you pull away the two of you are giggling softly, foreheads resting against each other as he shifts a bit, kissing you nose before throwing his head back against the pillows, letting out a small sigh.
“sometimes i wish i was just your toru” he mumbles, “i never asked to be the strongest.” you can hear the slight tremor in his voice as he speaks, his eyes closing to fight tears back. you’re quick to kiss his cheeks, rubbing your thumb against his cheek as you coax him to look at you.
“i know you didn’t, angel boy” you sigh, brushing his hair away from his face gently, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “it’s gonna work itself out, i know it will” you reassure him, a small smile on your face as he nods along with you.
maybe you were right, maybe you weren’t, satoru didn’t care. he believed every word you said to him. each reassurance working to calm his exhausted mind, his eyes fluttering closed as you continue to whisper, your words meant for him and only him.
“and you’ll always be my toru” pressing a feathery kiss to his jaw, “the one with the stupid sweet tooth and terribly timed jokes” you smile, watching the way his smile returns to his face.
“I’ll always be here waiting for you to come home to me” you say, there’s a plethora of emotions dripping from your words. the only thing satoru feels is love, your undying and genuine love, for him.
gojo satoru may not know everything, but he knows one thing for sure; he’ll always be ready to run home to you and your sweet nothings.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @luna0713hunter @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags
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Kink Discovery- Pt. 2 (Hands)🤩
Summary: Chris notices that you seem to be looking at his hands a lot.
TW: smut
"Ma? Hellooooo-? Earth to ma?" Chris nudges me, his hand pushing my shoulder. His long fingers touching me- fuck.
"Yeah? What is it, Chris?" I force myself to focus on his face.
"You good? You seem really, like, far away."
"Yeah, I'm fine. One hundred percent. I'm good!" I assure him. He squints at me.
"Uh huh...well, do you want to play a couple games with me?" He lets his lip pout slightly.
"I suck ass, but sure. Since you asked so nicely." I tease him slightly. I don't want to get him riled up, but I don't want him to notice my affliction.
He hops up and runs to his room. I take a moment to myself. I need to stop looking at his hands. I need to stop thinking about them wrapped around- Stop. Shit. I get up and force myself to follow the path I know leads to his room.
"What were you wanting to play-?" The last word trails off as I close the door. He's leaning, trying to reach something, but his hand is gripped so tightly around the edge of his desk; I can't help but stare. How could I not?
His head pops back up, and he stands up straight. He smiles all lopsided and it's so soft. He lets go of his desk, flexing his hand out, spreading his fingers and stretching. I want those fingers in- No.
"Hey, you up for a game you'll actually be decent at?"
"Uh, sure?" He pulls up the game. "What is it, exactly?"
"The sims." He grins at me. My chest swells up and I swear I must be dying.
"I love you." I kiss his cheek and he wiggles happily. I sit down and we start playing. Sadly, the sims can only hold my attention for so long. It's about 45 minutes later when my eyes start drifting to his hands.
I can't help it. They're just so pretty. They're perfect, honestly. Perfect to- Nope. Not going there. Come on, just focus on the game. His hands are right there though. Nearly so close I could taste them. God, I wish.
"Ma?" I'm staring. Shit. "Something on my hand-?"
"Nope. No. Nothing. Nothing at all." I quickly respond. I am so smooth, clearly. My cheeks are warm, they must be red. Chris sticks a hand out and touches my scorching face.
"Are you sure?" He moves his hand to my forehead. "You feel warm, babe." He lets his hand slide down the side of my face, coming to cup my jaw. His thumb brushes the corner of my mouth. I can't bite back the noise rising from my mouth.
His face contorts, and his eyes gleam with a new understanding. He places his thumb in the center of my bottom lip, slowly moving it downward. "Open."
My mouth is left agape, and he sneaks his thumb in. "Suck." My body is on autopilot, my mouth automatically sucking on the digit. "Good girl." I moan around his thumb.
I reach for his other hand. He gives it willingly and I move it to exactly where I want it. Now, one hand is occupied with my mouth and the other it up my shirt.
He pulls his thumb back. "Chris no-" I whine, trying to follow his hand. He gives me a look that stops me in my tracks. He adjusts himself in his sweats before returning his hand to my face.
This time, he points two fingers into resting on my lip. I open my mouth before he says anything. He begins to lightly thrust the two fingers into my mouth, never going to far back as to avoid my gag reflex overreacting.
"God, I wish this was 'm dick." He groans. I moan around his fingers, letting my hips oscillate. He groans as he watches my movement. I reach one hand out and place it on the same spot he had previously adjusted. "Shit, your hand is warm."
He moves his own hand down until it's at the apex of my body. I suck harder on his fingers, swirling my tongue around them as a means to deal with myself.
"Fuck ma, just like that. Can't wait to have you do that on 'm dick. Fuck. Need your hand under ma." I move my hand under his waist band. My palm is warm, my fingertips slightly cold, and he hisses as they brush across his sensitive head, spreading the wetness there across the whole length.
It's not long of my hand on him that Chris finishes into my palm. As he finishes, he begins moving his own hand faster than it previously was. "Aw fuck." He groans. "Need my fingers in you ma." He pulls my sweats and underwear down.
No time is wasted, his fingers immediately finding the source of my wetness and plunging in deep. He draws out loud and long noises from me. He forces out moans and groans, whines and whimpers, begging and pleading. Finally, I squeeze his fingers so tightly inside of me that I think I must have crushed them.
"Have a nice time with my hands, I presume?" He teases, kissing my head and removing both of his hands.
"I love you." It's all I can manage.
"I love you too, ma."
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loveshotzz · 6 months
kitchen? 😏
Just a little something i’ve been plugging away at since @palmtreesx3 put the idea of us wearing AIRWIY!steve’s baseball jersey from chapter nine and what that would do to him. It spiraled into our first sleep over at his house and him cooking us breakfast the next morning. Here’s a little snippet for you baby.
18+ - fem!reader, age gap, older!steve, fingering
Both his palms curve around the counter behind him, chest puffing out a little more just for you. Licking his full pink lips, they pull up into a lopsided grin, a hungry gaze roaming freely as you come to a stop right in front of him. His confidence only falters a little when he has to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, but the gesture only makes your heart swell especially when the tops of his ears redden.
You lean against the island with a smile that tells him you’re up to no good. Heat from the oven and the man across from you warms your legs against the chill that bounces off all the glass and stone in his kitchen. Electricity sparks in the space between your bodies making the tips of your fingers and toes buzz, your pulse jumping when he reaches a big hand out for you.
“Just a little bit too far for me still baby,” He wiggles his fingers at you making you giggle before you slip your hand into his palm, watching with glazed eyes when it disappears in his grasp.
His gentle tug makes you squeal, hitting his chest with a soft thump, while he grins down at you like someone who just won the grand prize at the fair. He wraps an arm around you to keep you from leaving, letting go of your hand to cup the side of your face. The pad of his thumb traces the length of your cheek bone, and he smells just his pillow. Your hands find themselves tangled into the cotton of his shirt, leaning deeper into his touch. It makes the playfulness that dances in the chestnut of his turn soft, with something lovesick.
“Good morning handsome,” you say in a content sigh, and the hand that's spread across your back starts to work a path up your spine pulling the fabric of his jersey with it.
“I could really get used to this you know,” He hums, dipping his head down so the tip of his nose runs up the length of yours, mint and coffee on his breath “waking up to you.”
Your stomach flips at his words, all the blood rushing to your cheeks when you feel the cool breeze hit where your underwear should be.
“Oh yeah? What about Bandit?” You tease leaning closer, letting your top lip catch his bottom one.
Steve snorts a little, the palm on your back squeezing you even closer.
“Are you kidding me? We’re obsessed with you over here honey.” The whites of his teeth show a little before they nip at your pout. He takes advantage of the gasp he gets because of it, closing the gap completely in the kind of kiss that doesn’t give you any time to catch your breath before he’s licking at your bottom lip.
Your fingers untangle themselves from his shirt, and find a new home to get lost in the locks at the nap of his neck. Tongues meeting in the middle with eager enthusiasm, front teeth scraping together as you push up on your tippy toes on the search for more. A deep groan vibrates from his chest, and his palm starts working its way down the dip of your back. He’s met with the bare swell of your ass when he reaches the bottom hem of his jersey, and you feel him kick up in his sweatpants.
“Tough girl.” He says your nickname like he's scolding you, leaving open mouthed kisses up your jaw, nipping at your earlobe before whispering with the kind of gravel in his voice that makes the inside of your thighs sticky. “We’re supposed to be eating breakfast.”
“Who says -“ your sentence is cut off by your own gasp when two thick fingers trace a line up your slick lips with ease, the pads of them pressing down on your bundle of nerves just long enough to make you whine and your knees shake.
“Who says what huh?” He whispers against the sensitive spot behind your ear, rubbing small circles on your clit with pointed pressure, obsessed with the way your jaw goes slack, and your eyebrows bunch together because of it.
“Who says we can’t do both?” You manage to get out, eyes rolling back when he spreads you apart.
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tightjeansjavi · 3 months
The Rite of Movement | drabble
“oh sweet, sweet, dark haired man”
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A/N: what’s crazy is that this idea came to me because I was watching Iron Man 2 and when Tony Stark is drunk at his birthday party?? I also do not understand the correlation whatsoever, but here we are 🤣 and Mai Tais are no joke lol
~word count: 1k~
Summary: it’s the first night of yours and Joel’s honeymoon, and he’s had a few too many Mai Tais tonight, baby love.
Pairing | pornstar!husband Joel x pornstar!female reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, implied smut, established relationship, dirty talk, teasing, flirting, language, breeding kink??, Joel forgets you’re his wife in an endearing way, he also wants to pump you full of his babies, Joel is in his 40’s reader is in her 30’s, reader has no physical descriptions, readers nickname is baby love, +18 minors dni!
series masterlist
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“Baby loooove.” He hummed into your ear, arms looped around your waist for support in his drunken stupor.
Joel had a few too many Mai Tais the first night of your honeymoon. Combined with hours laying in the sun, endless amounts of delicious food and love making with you, he was in a syrupy sweet, love sick haze.
“Let’s get you back to the room, okay baby?” You had your arm wrapped around his middle, guiding him towards the direction of your private honeymoon suite.
“Can’t feel my legs.” He giggled, burying his face into your neck, steps staggered as you guided him along, “and you smell fuckin’ delicious! Jesus fuckin’ Christ, what perfume are ya wearin’, baby love?”
“That would be the rum talking, baby.” You giggled with him, giving his waist a gentle squeeze. “It’s your favorite perfume, Joel.”
He chuckled, peppering kisses against your exposed neck, leaning further into your supportive hold around him, “Well, ain’t I the luckiest man alive. Where ya takin’ me, pretty girl?”
“To the room, baby. And then we’re gonna get you some water, okay?”
“And you’re coming with me?” He questioned softly.
“Course I am. Gonna get you nice and comfy and we’ll have a good snuggle.” You promised him.
“Oooh! A snuggle with my baby love? Well, now I’m really lucky!” He chuckled. “Man, this place is so beautiful, isn’t it?” He detached his lips from your neck and tilted his chin upwards so he could look up at the millions of stars and the gently swaying palm trees.
“It’s very beautiful, baby.” You agreed.
“Not as beautiful as you, of course. You’re like—the most beautiful person ever, so beautiful that sometimes my brain turns to absolute mush when you’re around me! Isn’t that crazy?” He said with a lopsided grin, eyes barely peeked open as he looked over at you and leaned in to nuzzle his nose against your cheek.
“You wanna hear something just as crazy, baby?” You met his hazy gaze with a soft smile tugging on your lips as you reached your freehand up to brush away a few stray curls from his forehead that were obstructing his view.
“What could be crazier than that, baby love?”
“Sometimes my brain turns to mush when you’re around me too, Joel.”
He gasped in surprise, not believing the words leaving your mouth, “whaaat? No way! That is crazy!” He hiccuped, “‘scuse me baby love, m’ a bit drunk right now. Too many Mai Tais.” He rasped.
“It’s okay, baby. That’s why I’m here. Getting you back to the room safely.” You reassured him.
He nodded, crouching down a little so he could bury his face into your neck once more despite the faint strain in his lower back that he was feeling at this angle. “Baby love, I may be super drunk right now, but imma tell you somethin’, ‘kay?”
“I’m all ears, baby.” You mused.
“One day, and I’m hopin’ it’s soon, m’gonna ask you to be my wife and we’re gonna have lots and lots of babies—if that’s what you want, of course. Hopefully my swimmers are healthy n’such but if not, then there's other options. Hey—why are you gigglin’ over there?” He pouted his lips against your skin, tilting his head back so he could look over at you.
“Baby, my sweet, sweet, dark haired man, I am your wife! We’re on our honeymoon right now, Joel.” You softly reminded him as you held back your giggles as best as you could.
“WHAT? Oh my goodness—you’re my wife? Oh, goodness! I really am that lucky, huh? Wait, lemme see the ring! I better have picked out a good one or so help me—”
“Joel!” You giggled, “those Mai Tais really got to you, huh? You had the ring custom made, baby.” You stopped walking, letting him grab your left hand in his big warm palm and ogle at the dainty rock on your ring finger.
His eyes were dazzling like the stars glimmering above as he brought your hand to his lips and pressed his lips to your fingers and one to the ring. “Very, very, beautiful.” He hummed. “I have good taste, huh?”
“You do, baby. You have wonderful taste and I’m so lucky.” You preened.
“No, no, I am the lucky one here, baby. And tomorrow mornin’ when I wake up hungover, imma treat you sooo fuckin’ well. Breakfast in bed, mine between your thighs, of course. And then I’m gonna feed you my cock—”
You shushed him with a sweet kiss to his lips, “I love you so much, my sweet dark haired man.”
“Mmm.” He hummed against your lips, pulling you in closer, “I love you more, my baby love. Can I pump you full of my babies tomorrow mornin’, please?”
“You’re such a horndog, Mr. Miller.” You giggled against his lips, kissing him deeper, “You can pump me full of your babies, okay? And maybe we’ll get lucky and one of them will stick?”
“Jus’ how you like me, Mrs. Miller. Oh, and one of ‘em will stick. I believe in my trusty little swimmers.” He slowly pulled back from the kiss so he could look at you.
You took all of him in from his messy hair, to his beautiful brown eyes, the flush to his neck and the apples of his cheeks, his swollen lips from your kisses, and his glistening tanned chest peeking out through the opening of his shirt.
“You’re so beautiful, Joel.” You breathed out, and you could feel tears begin to prick in the corner of your eyes.
He sniffled, eyes equally as glassy, and he brought his warm palms to rest along your cheeks, and gently pressed his forehead against yours, “my baby love, if you don’t quit that sweet talkin’, I’m gonna turn into a puddle of waterworks.” He playfully warned you.
“Okay, Mr. drunk sappy pants, let’s get you home.” You pecked his lips one last time before wrapping your arm back around his waist so he could lean into you.
“Lead the way, baby love.” He whispers soft and sweet, drunk on Mai Tais and your love.
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Banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💕
Follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications
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chastiefoul · 1 year
in tune | gepard
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i had to write about his singing idle animation.
you heard someone cleared their throat just around the corner.
“na na na na na..”
a familiar low and out of tune voice sang out, what you could assume just to another of serval’s catchy song. you laughed, couldn’t contain the giggle any longer.
“w-who goes there?” gepard called, panicked. you revealed yourself, and the man sighed a little in relief although the soft color of pink on his cheek still apparent. “love, don’t scare me like that.” he put a hand on his heart to emphasize.
 “you seem to be getting better, gepard.” you smiled cheekily, approaching him a lot closer. “am i suppose to believe you when you were laughing so heartily just now?” he gave you a lopsided smile, knowing your endearing mockeries and teasing.
you reached out for his hand and intertwined your fingers together as he accepted it just as naturally. “because it gets funnier each time i hear it,” you said playfully. he pretended to be mad as he pouted slightly, “no more of my singing for you, then.”  
“aww, but i love it so much?” you peered into his face, giving him a pleading look. “lies,” he said with a small smile. “i do!” you insisted, a big grin on your face. “if only you could see yourself, you went like-“ as you wanted to recreate the scene you just witnessed he quickly put his hands over your lips gently. “love, please!” he begged you to stop your mischievous antic, cheeks turning crimson.
you chuckled, grabbing his hands. “just kidding, but i really do love it,” you declared, moving your hands to either side of his face. “cause i love you.”
he widened his eyes, eyes full with adoration as you held his gaze on yours. he smiled, defeated.
“and i love you as well.”
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pompompussy · 11 days
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Imagine your F/O slipping behind you at a party and laying their hands on your hips, a possessive feel in the way the cling, fingers digging in. They're already drunk, face flushed, giving off heat like a radiator as they sag against your back, nuzzling into the side of your neck. You smile and chide them for drinking so much, leaning into the warmth of them while they giggle and rest all their weight against you, pulling you down a bit as they moan about being exhausted.
With a sigh you pat their hands and promise to take care of them, feeling them lean into your touch and sloppily drag their lips over your neck in a happy mumble. Keeping their grasp on your hips, they lean back and smile as you turn in their arms to look at them, eyes half lidded and face red. They pout when you laugh at their drunken, lovesick expression and give you puppy eyes until you tug them in for a kiss, warm and sweet and with the slight sting of alcohol lingering in your mouth.
They are smug after the tender kiss, turning to lean against you again, head resting on your shoulder as they tell you what a good kisser you are. With a laugh, you roll your eyes and tease them as you urge them towards the door to take them home for the night. The whole way there they cling to your hand, drunk and happy, all lopsided smiles and a mumbled 'you're the best' slurring from their mouth.
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bby-deerling · 7 months
last dance (platonic!sanji & zoro's partner!reader)
the last cigarette you share with sanji. pre timeskip in mind.
ft. sanji being sanji, smoking (obviously), fem!reader, same continuity as my other zoro x reader fics wc: 1.2k more platonic sanji, masterlist
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The bar was lively, full of vibrancy, bright lights, and more importantly—beautiful women; it was a shame that Sanji had completely struck out with all of them.  Times like these called for drastic measures, and the cook found himself resorting to the last weapon he had in his arsenal: desperation.
“You’re selfish, mosshead, keeping such a pretty girl tucked in the corner.” Sanji huffed, approaching the two of you crowded at the end of the bar.
“Almost like we want to enjoy our drinks alone.” Zoro shoots back.  The cook ignores him and folds his arms onto the back of your barstool; you twist in your seat to keep him from getting too touchy.
“Dance with me, sweetheart.” he says, leaning in a smidge closer and offering you his hand, eyes glimmering.  When you decline on account of having two left feet, and then a second time on account of simply not feeling like it, he protests, and the pathetic look on his face as he begged was almost endearing.
“At least have a smoke with me, sunshine.” he pleads, offering you an unlit cigarette.
“She’s drinking right now, moron.  Let her be.” Zoro replies, eyes twitching slightly at the irritation from your peaceful evening being interrupted.
“Since when isn’t that the best time for a cigarette?” Sanji asks him, a sly smile plastered on his face.
“You trying to flirt with him or me?” you smirk, amused but not necessarily surprised at his persistence.
“I’m simply trying to find some kindred company, dear.” he insists, offering you the cigarette again, attempting to use your addiction to sway things in his favor.  You hesitate for a moment, but regain your resolve once Zoro shoots you a look.
“Blondie, I’m trying to quit.” you say, staring him down firmly.  He pouts at you, giving you puppy-dog eyes and hoping you’ll spare some pity for a creature as wretched and lonely as him on a cold night like this one.
“Please, sunshine?” he says, eyes nearly watering.  It’s an act and he knows you know it, by the way you stifle a laugh.  “I’ll ask just once more for the privilege of standing within the orbit of your radiance—”
Zoro groans in disgust.  “Just go with him so he stops already.  I’ll watch your drink.”  The sooner you caved to the cook’s demands, the sooner you could continue your evening quietly drinking and people watching in the corner of the bar—if he got you drunk enough, he might even be able to get you to draw offensive caricatures of your targets.
“No need.” you say, downing the rest of your sake and smiling at him.  “Just order me the next one.”
“That’s my girl.” he murmurs, intending it for your ears only, but both of you go red in the face when Sanji gags exaggeratedly.
“That’s the best you can come up with, mosshead?” he asks.  You roll your eyes and slip off the barstool, yanking the cook away before Zoro can say something obscene back to him.
The nighttime air is chilly, a far cry from the memory of your first smoke together on a warm, peaceful night, leaning off the railing of the Merry.  He offers you his coat; when he had met you, during a time when you were less sure of yourself, you would have protested, unwilling to leave him cold at your expense.  Now, you accept it gladly.
“You deserve to suffer for a little while after all that whining.” you tease.
“And yet, here you are, dear.” he replies, smiling as he lights his cigarette. 
“On orders from my vice-captain.” you say with a lopsided grin.
“By all means, sunshine, let him keep thinking he runs the show.  I know who’s really in charge.” he replies grinning slyly and poking you in the side, cigarette hanging on his lips.  He never dares point it out to prevent embarrassing you, but it amuses him to no end how the cold, ruthless demon of a swordsman can so easily be rendered soft by you during moments when you both think no one else is looking.
Usually, he lights your cigarette with the tip of his, and you playfully blow the smoke from your first drag right in his face.  Tonight, he inexplicably finds himself reaching for his lighter.  The wind picks up as he tries to light yours in vain, even when he guards the flame with his other hand.  He eyes you expectantly, and you relent and use one of your hands as an extra layer of protection around the lighter until your cigarette is lit.
“Flirting tonight, sweetheart?” he asks playfully.  “A pretty little thing once told me that’s what placing your hands around my lighter like that means.”
“That was out of necessity blondie, you know that.” you reply, tone sounding a bit harsher than you intended as embarrassment tickles your cheeks—that someone had been you, who had at one point passed down a piece of wisdom to him that came from your mother: if a man is lighting your cigarette, cup your hand around the lighter if you intend to flirt with him.
“It’s a good concept, dear, I’ve gotten a lot of use out of it—” he assures you, running his free hand through his hair.
“Obviously it didn’t work well tonight, or you wouldn’t be out here with me.” you tease, poking fun at him for having approached you for company only after he’s exhausted his other options.
“You’re a tad bit acerbic tonight, dear.” he notes as he takes a drag.
“Only when strange men at the bar beg me for a smoke as a last resort.” you say with a smirk that quickly fades when you glance over and realize he’s not smiling back at you.
You let out a sigh and lean into his side.  “I only tease you because I care about you, Sanji.” you say, feeling guilty for playing around too much when he’s in one of his sensitive moods.
“I know, dearest.” Something in his tone doesn’t sit well with you; there’s a latent sadness behind it, whispering that he didn’t quite believe you. 
Turning towards him, you tap on his arm until he looks at you.  “You’re one of my closest friends Sanji; you’re more than just a shoulder to cry on, or a source of a good meal.  You’re dear to my heart.” you say once you have his attention.  You exhale in relief as the light behind Sanji’s visible eye returns and he gives you a grateful smile, stripped of the usual toying intentions or flirtations he offered.
The word friend had been poison to Sanji just a few minutes ago as he faced a violent string of rejections from women he’ll never see again, but now it felt like magic coming from you.  The cook knew he couldn’t ever dream of having you for his own in the way he wanted most women, but he suddenly found himself not caring about that in the slightest.
“The feeling’s mutual, sunshine.” he says, squeezing your arm.  The wind stills on the quiet street as a comfortable silence settles between the two of you.
“Is he good to you, sweetheart?��� he asks.
“He is.  More than good, you know that.” you reply, smiling sheepishly. Despite his rivalry with the swordsman, Sanji admires the way you turn into a blushing mess at just the thought of the idiotic mosshead.
The cook lets out a sigh as he exhales smoke into the cold, winter night.  “He better not screw it up.”
You gently tap the barrel of your cigarette and watch the ashes fall to the ground, sinking into the fresh fallen snow.
“He won’t.  I think this is it, Sanji.  I really do.”
“Then I think that’s beautiful, sunshine.”
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jobean12-blog · 10 months
Nook of Love
Pairing: Pre!Outbreak Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,806
Summary: Joel builds you something extra special and it's everything you've always wanted and more.
Author's Note: After writing about mob!Bucky buying you a bookstore I thought I do a version for my other fave guy- except his style haha. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you sweet Daisy!
Warnings: it's so fluffy and soft and lots of kisses :)
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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“How are you gonna keep her outta the house for the next week?”
Joel narrows his eyes as he grinds his teeth together.
“I haven’t though that far ahead…” he mumbles.
“Of course not,” Tommy teases.
With a grunt of annoyance Joel reaches for more wood and lifts it into his pickup.
“Are you just gonna stand there and bitch or help me?”
Tommy ambles over with a raised brow. “You better figure out how you’re gonna see her because I’m not dealin’ with your extra grumpy ass for a week!”
Joel’s hands land on his hips and he shrugs. “I’ll just go to her place.”
Tommy scoffs. “Yeah ‘cause she won’t find that weird as fuck since you never go there. You know she likes it here better.”
“You know what, shut it Tommy. No one asked you,” Joel grits out.
Tommy smirks. “Well just don’t ask me to get involved in your bullshit when she starts askin’ questions!”
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“Are you sure you want to come here again?”
You hear his sigh on the other end of the phone before he answers. “Of course darlin’…just need to see you.”
“I’m happy to come by you. I like your place better anyway,” you argue, hoping he hears the smile in your voice.
“I know but, I need a change of scenery. I’ll be there soon.”
When you hear the doorknob start to turn you fly off the couch, jumping into his open arms the moment he fills the doorway.
“Hey there darlin’,” he murmurs against your lips as his arms close tightly around you.
You kiss him softly then take his hand and start to pull him toward the couch.
“So how was your day? How’s Sarah? How’s the progression on that new building?”
You fire off your questions, only stopping when you feel him give you a tug. You look over your shoulder and he’s wearing a lopsided smile.
“Come ‘ere,” he murmurs before dragging you back into his chest and spinning you around.
He walks you slowly toward the wall, only stopping when your back gently bumps it.
“Aren’t you going to tell me about your day?” you ask coyly.
“Nuh uh,” he whispers, placing both his hands on the side of your head along the wall.
He pins you in place, pressing his hips closer. “I’d rather hear about your day.”
His lips trail along your jaw, stopping just under your ear where he places a soft kiss. He continues pressing kisses to your skin until he finds your mouth.
“That’s such bullshit and you know it,” you breathe against his lips.
You can feel his smile along your skin.
“Go on darlin’,” he whispers and runs his nose along your throat. “Tell me.”
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“This is the third time it’s ringing Joel. You have to answer or she’s likely to show up here!”
Tommy holds out the phone and Joel takes it with a grumbled curse.
“Hey darlin’,” he answers then pauses to listen.
“I was in the bathroom,” he answers, waiting as you talk again.
“Actually, no. Must have eaten somethin’ bad for lunch.”
“How ‘bout I call you later and we can figure out our plans?”
He stares down Tommy as he listens to your concerned voice, wincing every now and then when he can tell you’re pouting and upset.
“It’s ok. I’ll be fine…NO!”
He immediately scowls after shouting out “no” and softens his voice. “I just don’t want you to be sitting around here while I’m in the bathroom the whole time.”
His head hangs and he pinches the bridge of his nose. “I promise. Ok, don’t worry. Love you too baby.”
“Shit that was painful to watch,” Tommy says when Joel hangs up and drops his phone. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“That’s because I would never lie to her!” Joel yells then his hands land on his hips and he sighs dramatically. “I should have had a plan in place for this.”
“AH HA!” Tommy yells triumphantly. “TOLD YA SO BROTHER!”
“Ah fuck off and quit standing around and help me. I need to get this done by tomorrow. No way I can keep this up another day!” Joel huffs.
Tommy snickers but marches over to help sand the wood, delighting in Joel’s continued grumbly mutterings.
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When he opens the door you push past him and whirl around, hands crossed over your chest and glaring.
“Joel Miller if you don’t explain why you’ve been acting so weird the past few days…”
You step closer and poke him in his hard chest.
He grabs your finger and drags you into his arms.
“Everything will make sense in a few minutes,” he says quietly, his eyes searching your face.
You study him and your own eyes go wide.
“Are you nervous?” you ask as your lips lift into a small smile.
He looks taken aback. “ME?!?!”
His tone is incredulous. “No way darlin’. I’m fine. You just missed me yesterday is all.”
“Oh is that it?” you ask before blowing a raspberry. “I don’t see you for one day and now I’m imagining things...like the fact that you had food poisoning but feel perfectly fine now?”
Instead of continuing to argue he takes your face between his large hands and presses his lips to yours. After a few moments of kissing you senseless he gently releases you and rests his forehead against yours.
“Are you ready for your surprise?”
“THERE’S A SURPRISE!!” you squeal. “Why didn’t you say so!?”
Your excitement sets his nerves aflutter again and he wipes his palms on his jeans. “Ok…just promise…just promise me you’ll tell me what you really think…and you won’t pretend to like it just because…”
You reach for his hand and grip it tightly in reassurance. “I promise Joel…NOW HURRY UP! I can’t wait.”
You’re bouncing on your feet the whole time you follow him through the house and when you pass the living room he stops you and says, “close your eyes.”
You immediately shut them and squeeze them tight.
“Don’t peek.”
“I won’t!” you say excitedly.
He gives your hand a tug and carefully leads you into the next room, stopping after a few more steps.
“Ok…” he says on an exhale. “Open ‘em.”
Nestled into the back of the small room is something out of your dreams. A large window is framed by floor to ceiling dark wood shelves and just under it is a long and cushioned seat. There’s even a shelf above that goes horizontally and smaller shelves on the inside of the nook on either side of the seat.
“Now I know there aren’t many books yet and the details are missing but I figure you would want to pick out the curtains and pillows and Knick knacks and all that. I was going to do that myself but I didn’t think I should in case you wanted a theme or somethin’. Sarah said she would help but I told her you could take her when you shop and…”
You turn to face him, softly pressing your finger to his lips so he stops his nervous rambling.
“You built me a reading nook,” you state, your words breathy and light as air. “My very own reading nook.”
He nods and swallows audibly.
“Do you like it?” he asks quietly.
“Joel,” you start, pressing yourself against him. “This is the most beautiful gift ever. It’s literally a dream come true!”
His lips spread into a smile under your finger and you finally drop it, snaking your arms around his neck.
“I can change somethin’ if you want darlin’. If you don’t like the color of the wood we can stain it again or I can redo the shelving.”
You look back at the nook and step from his embrace to run your hands reverently over the polished wood, noting every curve and nuance.
“You made his with your own hands,” you murmur. “What could be more perfect?”
He comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle and rests his head on your shoulder.
“I’m happy you like it.”
“I love it. LOVE. IT.”
“So that’s what I was up to this week. Tommy helped but only a little so…”
You laugh in his arms, pressing your hands over his to trace his knuckles. You slip your fingers through his and brush your thumbs over the calloused pads of his fingertips.
“Oh wait!” he says as he takes a few steps toward the nearby wall, still holding you tightly.
He flicks a switch and a long set of fairy lights brighten, adding the perfect soft glow to the books.
“Oh Joel,” you gasp. “You remembered.”
“Of course darlin’,” he answers.
You think back to the first night you spent together, lying skin to skin and completely wrapped up in him, talking for hours about your dreams for the future, including your love for fairy lights.
With watery eyes you move away and sit down on the cushioned seat, smoothing your hands lovingly over the plush fabric and leaning back until you can see the insides of the shelves. You lift shaky fingers and press your other hand to your mouth.
Hidden on one of the walls of the inside shelf is a carved-out heart with two initials inside of it. Your fingertips trace the deep lines before they close around the single book on the shelf.
“Our initials…Joel.”
He smiles softly at you.
“And how did you get my copy of my favorite book?” you ask him without looking up.
“I uh…” he begins sheepishly, “may have borrowed it the other night when I stayed at your place.”
“My place,” you repeat. “But this perfect nook is at your place and I won’t…”
Your thought trails off as you open the book and out slides a key tied to a ribbon.
“Is this what I think it is?” you ask with a shaky breath.
“It’ll be our place.”
You stare at the key in your hand and the back up at Joel.
“If that’s what you want darlin’.”
 Without warning you launch yourself off the seat and into his arms.
“Thank you,” you whisper over and over again as you nuzzle his neck. “And don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you’re such a romantic.”
You can feel his body shake with laughter. “Only for you.”
“I know,” you say softly before peppering his cheeks with kisses.
He closes his eyes contentedly.
“Where’s Sarah today?” you ask in between all the kisses.
“Stayin’ at her friends for the night.”
You grin and start to pull him toward the cushioned seat.
“That’s good,” you murmur.
“I thought so,” he answers with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Figured we could break in all the surfaces in your new place.”
“Mm hmm,” you hum. “Starting with my favorite spot.”
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@pedritosdarling @hiddles-rose @blackwidownat2814 @littleseasiren @kmc1989 @justkinsey @beccablogsthings @laineyreads @lorilane33
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kairiscorner · 11 months
can you do where Miles kisses reader but reader doesn't kiss back to tease him... when Miles pulled back and reader wipes her lips..
+i really love your one shots,, they got me giggling and sht 🤭
HI ANON 🫶🫶🫶 okay, so i'm not entirely sure if i did this one right, I HOPE I DID....... also i saw your other message, AND DW ABOUT IT, IT'S OKAYYYY we all make mistakes <:DD you're welcome here any time :3
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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just one kiss, that's all
"whaddya think, that was pretty good, no?" he asked you with a cheeky grin on his face as his mask was pulled upwards just a little bit. you weren't impressed in the slightest, or at least, that's how you wanted it to seem. you shrugged. "it was okay, morales." you said as he paced around the ceiling for a little, chuckling to himself at your apathetic response. "it's like you weren't even there and don't believe me! i'm telling you, that crook was getting nowhere near my lover." he said as he sauntered over to you as you sat down on your bed, looking up at him and raising an eyebrow, pouting your lips and keeping your arms crossed over your chest. "i can handle myself just fine, morales. you gotta worry about yourself." you said as he looked into your eyes lovingly with a lopsided grin on his face, because he knew you agreed to this little bet you two made, and miles doesn't forget rewards from his hard work so easily.
miles placed a hand on your cheek and smirked to himself as you gave no reaction, you were completely and utterly giving him silent and poker face treatment. "what's mi corazon doing now, hmm? you know, you're super cute when you smile and chuckle at my stupid stunts sometimes... but you pouting to them is much cuter." he teased you, to which you fake groaned at. "whatever, it isn't worth you getting scuffed up. even if you're spider man, you're still a boy." "correction, a man." he joked as he smiled wider at you. "the day you'll be a man is the day you get kisses from me without having to save me after i call for you." you said with a smirk up at him to match his confidence at that moment.
miles laughed a little as he neared your face. "now, come on, can't we get on with it, babe? i love you a whole lot, that's why i saved you. not just to... to feel your lips on mine, y'know..." he said as he ran a hand through your hair and got a little flustered in the face, and so did you, and you couldn't shake it off. "no. you put yourself in danger, you weren't in your suit when you saved me–" "but i saved you nonetheless, didn't i, mi amor?" he asked you with an eyebrow raise. "our bet was that you'd kiss me the minute i saved you, and it was in a minute. no rules were stated that i had to be in the suit." he said, and he had a point, but you turned away from him with an unwavering poker face. "still, i can't reward risky behavior; not even for you, morales." you said with a stern tome in your voice.
"you promised... come on, please don't leave your friendly neighborhood spider man all alone with unkissed lips..." miles whined, to which you took in a deep breath. you sighed, and looked at him, who was looking at you desperately for that reward of his that he so badly deserved. you caved, he was too cute for you to say no to.
"...fine." you said, finally giving in, as miles gasped in delight. "yes!" he exclaimed to himself softly. "okay, i promise i won't chicken out this time." he said as he cupped your face, and slowly... he kissed you, his lips were soft against yours. you held back all your urges to kiss him back, though, because even if you let him kiss you, you weren't going to fully reward him for his recklessness for a mere kiss.
as miles pulled away, he looked at you expectantly in your eyes for something, anything--any indication that you reciprocated his love, his emotions towards you. he smiled awkwardly, "love?" he called out for you. "come on now, don't be like that..." trying to fluster you, trying to flirt with you, to get you embarrassed for him, but all he was greeted with was your stoic expression, your unchanging, stoic expression.
the worst part was when you wiped his kiss off your lips, with him witnessing you doing so. you folded your arms in front of your chest again. "what?" you asked him in a slightly irritated voice when he didn't say anything after you did that. you turned to look at him, and he was on the verge of sobbing. "mi cielo... babe, what'd i do wrong? i just... i'd always save you, if this whole thing is about that, y'know... i'm sorry..." he said in a soft voice as he placed his hands on either sides of your face, his eyes going wider, sadder, and filling with tears knowing you didn't want to kiss him back. you sighed, and soon, you cracked a small smile. "i'm sorry, miles." you finally said as you placed your hands on his face now. "i can't reward stupid behavior, you know that." "but it wasn't stupid, you were in trouble. with or without the suit, as spider man or as miles morales, i'll always save you."
and that... that made you realize. that made you realize miles didn't care about the bet, about getting a kiss from you or showing off--he really wanted to save you that day because he knew you were in trouble, even if it jeopardized him and his identity as spider man. "really?" you asked him as you ran a thumb over his cheek. "really." he said, and soon, you pulled him in close to give him what he's needed all this time--the feeling of your lips against his. since miles wasn't the best teaser in the world and was easy to give in when it came to you, you felt him kiss you back, and it was an adoring, sweet sensation--the feeling of his soft lips against yours was enough to tell you that he genuinely loved you, more than any other boy had before towards you.
as he pulled away, he looked back at you, his face flustered so badly--and he smiled widely again. though his eyes looked glassy because of how he was almost about to cry at your teasing because he thought you didn't love him anymore, his anxiety was replaced with long overdue relief. "i love you, miles." you told him as he kissed your forehead. "and i love you, so... so much." he replied as he rested his forehead against yours, just feeling you near him, loving how near you are--how you're within reach of him, how he can just love you and it'd all be so right to both of you, despite the stunts he does to protect you;
because he loves you.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fictarian @zalayni @q2ie
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harlowcomehome · 5 months
Made for me:
A/N: Please listen to Made for me by Muni Long as you read! That’s the song they are singing, lyrics are in bold! Thank you to @vanwritesfan-fiction for the request and for helping me with some of it!!
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You sat beside Jack, with your knees facing him. You watched as he swirled his wine glass around babying the last few drops of it, his plump lips stained red from sipping on the lukewarm wine all night.
“What?” A big toothy smile spread across his face, as he made eye contact with you. His heart obnoxiously thumping in his chest as he admired the dress you had on.
“Just appreciating how handsome my man looks” you smiled, leaning into him, your knees touching. You carefully wiped his lips as best as you could with a napkin, making him let out a raspy chuckle.
He felt his cheeks growing warm, his hands clammy. Even after all the time together, you had a power over him that he couldn’t fight and honestly didn’t want to.
The opening chimes of a slow song started to play, both of you letting out audible “awwws” as your shoulders dropped.
“We have to!” You poked your bottom lip out, pouting and knowing just how much he hated slow dancing in front of other people.
“Only because I love this song” he playfully rolled his eyes, standing up and straightening his pant legs before taking hold of your hands and guiding you to the dance floor.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, struggling at the height difference as he wrapped his longer freckled arms around your curvy torso. His watch was cold on your open back, making you jump slightly.
“Can you believe that someday this will be us?” Jack smirked, knowing the topic of marriage had been heavily on both of your minds.
You felt the blush creeping up your neck, knowing how badly you wanted that.
“This moment is surreal”, you sang as you scooted in closer to him. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, your fingers and toes tingling with excitement and nervousness. Jack looked at you, his deep sapphire blue eyes glimmering in the lights, and for a second, it was as if you’d forgotten how to breathe, how to function, as he looked at you with so much love and admiration, your breath hitching in your chest. He smiled at you, and suddenly, breathing seemed like the least important thing in the world.
His touch brought you back to reality.
“I can’t put into words how I feel”, he continued, his gaze never leaving yours as the both of you sang the words together following that.
“I didn’t know you had pipes like that Mr. Harlow” you teased as you gradually started holding hands while you continued to dance with one another, less formally now.
“You’ve been to the shows, don’t play with me like that” he let out a boisterous laugh that made his chest shake.
“NOBODY KNOWS ME LIKE YOU DO! NOBODY GUNNA LOVE ME QUIET LIKE YOU!” You both shouted as if you were the only two on the dance floor now, in that moment you were.
He put two hands on your face gently, pulling your face closer to his, your lips pressed together so hard, that not a single breath escaped you.
He pulled away, breathless, his eyes still focused on your glistening lips.
All eyes were on the two of you but neither one of you cared enough to notice.
“You were made for me” both of you sang to one another between shared giggles.
It was then that Jack realized the copious amount of eyes on both of you, stopping to look around the room.
“I forget other people are around when I’m with you” he scrunched his brow, giving you a subtle smile.
“Follow me.”
He led you off the dance floor and into the hallway, taking your hand as you continued humming the remainder of the song.
You didn’t question him, knowing he was trying to make a private moment.
“Do you know that I really feel that way? That you were made for me?” His tone was serious and he wore a lopsided grin.
“Oh, do you?” You grabbed him by the tie to pull him closer.
“I do.”
He reached into his jacket pocket taking a ring box out, his hands trembled as he held it, he knew you’d say yes but the thought still crossed his mind.
You were frozen still, your eyes glistening with tears. The moment you had always dreamed of was finally happening.
He got down on one knee, maintaining eye contact.
“Will you marry me?”
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
So sorry to add onto your pile of reqs but I just really love the way u write 😭❤️
Could you write something for some really soft and fluffy cuddling with hobie 🥺? Just some casual banter/teasing here and there while really just basking in each others presence
Hi hun! Thank you for your request ❤️ I really love writing cuddling in bed, just spending time with each other 🥹 hope you like this!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF
The soft music blares out from your headphones, the afternoon rain gives you the perfect excuse to stay in bed for the rest of the day. You're properly tucked inside the covers, the only thing Hobie sees of you is the upper half of your face, lashes kissing the heavy blanket, your eyes are closed, the only indication that you're awake is your feet tapping rhythmically under the covers.
Hobie comes out of the shower feeling refreshed after a hard patrol, he leans on the doorway, wiping the water droplets off his torso, the pajama pants you've bought for him are soft against his skin. He watches as you listen happily to your music.
Hobie tosses the towel somewhere, jumping next to you in bed, you gasp when your body suddenly lifts a few inches off the mattress. Hobie laughs loudly when he sees your startled face, you can hear him guffaw through the music. Lifting off the earphones, you pout at him for disturbing your peace. The rain knocks on the closed windows, the wind howling outside.
"Hobie! I almost dropped my phone" you sit up by your elbows, your eyes quickly scan his naked torso, shutting you up immediately.
Hobie smirks when he sees you staring "oi perv, what are you listening to?"
" 'm not a perv" you murmur, Hobie almost missed it, he grabs you by your shoulder lying you back down gently, you lie on your side, face to face with Hobie. He pulls you by your waist, his fingers caress the soft skin where your shirt hitched up, "alright, 'not a perv' what're you listening to?"
Hobie turns, laying on his chest. His eyes stare at you the entire time, hand glued to your waist. You lovingly wipe at a wet spot he missed on his nape. His eyes flatter close at the contact, making him completely relax, thinking you're massaging his sore muscle. You indulge him, kneading his skin with your fingers.
"You won't like it" he hums a reply, eyes still closed "it's a slow pop song"
"Let me hear it, just pop it in" He groans in pleasure when you massage a particularly tensed muscle.
It's a struggle, giving him an earphone while you're massaging his neck, practically playing twister. You manage though, slipping the other earphone on his ear, the other one on yours. You both listen in on the same music, a smile spreading across your face, knowing exactly what his reaction will be in a few seconds.
He listens in for exactly five seconds before he flings the earphone away from his ear, making you giggle.
"I told you! you wouldn't like it!" You say in between laughs. Your hands stop from massaging him, palm laying flat on his toned back.
"The 'babygirl' got me" he scrunches his nose, making you laugh harder. It's exactly what you thought his reaction would be. You copy his position, laying flat on your chest, hooking your leg over his. His soft pants tickle you slightly.
Hobie has a lopsided smile, you grin back at him, leaving a sticky kiss on the tip of his nose.
He chuckles at your adorable affection, Hobie moves your hair out of your face, seeing you in all of your glory. Heat blossoms on your face, you shuffle closer to him, arms tucked on your side, breaths mixing together.
"You like the pants I left you?" You tease him by smoothing your foot over his leg, feeling the fuzzy material kiss your skin. "You actually make it work"
"What can I say, I look good in everything" he plants his hand back on your waist, this time he fixes your shirt, covering your exposed skin, worrying that you might get cold.
"I know, it's unfair" you pout, he takes one of your hands, intertwining them with his. "Sorry, it was the only thing available in your size"
"And here I thought you bought it on purpose"
"Kinda" you smile widely "at least it's black though" you laugh when he rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, sure" to tell you the truth he actually likes it, it's nice to wear something different from time to time, especially when it's this comfortable. "Come closer, you're too far" he acts like you're far away, even though there's no way for you to get any closer to him.
"You could just tell me you want to cuddle" you hold out your arms, Hobie immediately positions himself in between them. You raise your leg up, bringing it over his waist, completely cageing him in your embrace. And that's absolutely alright for him, he sighs, content.
"You want me to massage you again? Or a nap?" You kiss his bare shoulder, sending goosebumps over his skin.
"Nap sounds good, lovey" He yawns.
"Nap it is" you whisper against his skin. You're sure your arms are gonna be sore by the time you both wake up, it's a small price to pay, you'd gladly offer it again to Hobie.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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spideyhexx · 5 months
imagining billy with a reader who cums really fast because she’s inexperienced so billy always teases and edges her to keep her orgasm as far as possible
am losing it (slightly different from what you're asking but same vein)
mdni - fem!reader
Maybe you've already fucked him a few times, but everything is still so new to you. Billy is patient, teaching you what he knows and making sure you're feeling as good as possible And he succeeds of course. Billy had come to realize you're very sensitive and he's kind about, silently edging you because he doesn't want to embarrass his girl for being so sensitive to his touch.
But when you ride his cock for the first time? You're a goner.
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, fully sat on his lap with his dick deep in your pussy and Billy told you he'd help you. You take a few experimental moves, bouncing only slightly, weakly on his cock.
"Need help already?" And Billy is joking, but he means it, especially when he sees the pout on your lips and the way your eyes are pleading his. "I got you," he coos, placing a wet kiss on your cheek as he holds your hips, helping you move on him.
You don't know if it's just cause you're so sensitive to him. Or if it's the way he's looking at you, holding you, or maybe it's simply just how perfect his cock is, because you feel that fuzzy feeling building up in your core. The slight friction against your clit when your hips sink back completely against him makes you whine, "Billy, I-I can't."
Billy's too lost in pleasure to realize what you mean. He's watching the way you take him, how easy it is to control your body, fucking his cock into your soaked, tight cunt, dreaming about coming into you.
"I-I can't, Billy," you repeat, your whining getting a little louder. Billy lets go of your hips, but they still move, grinding onto his cock. Before you can tilt your head back, he's grabbing your face in his hands.
"Can't what baby? Talk to me, what's..." and he trails off as your eyes roll back, the clear indicator that you're just about to come. And you do, your cunt squeezing him tightly as you release, the noises between your bodies wetter as you keep your hips moving. Billy's brow raises and his mouth parts, his own pleasure beginning to topple over the edge and he can't stop himself from spilling into you, a groan escaping his mouth that he stifles quickly with a bite to his cheek.
You whimper as you become even more sensitive, your head longing to press into his chest and hide your embarrassment, but he keeps his hold on your face, shaking his head. Billy leans his forehead to yours, "is my dick that good?" You laugh breathlessly, your hands rubbing to his chest as you nod.
He gives you a lopsided smile, whispering, "can you do that 'gain?"
"We'll find out," you mumble back to him and Billy presses his lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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dokries · 26 days
april shower
pairing: wen junhui (jun) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff
word count: 795
warnings: mentions of food near the end, classic kiss in the rain (gone wrong)
author note: this is another repost haha i find it funny that i never posted it in april actually; the first time was the last day of december, and now it’s may already! lots of love <3
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running ahead of him, you stop under the only street lamp on the street to jun’s apartment that isn’t lit up. as you turn around, your mouth stretches at the edges at the sight of him coming closer and his childlike smile, even as his dark dress shirt—which he had on because you had gone to a fancy restaurant for dinner—was turning a colour similar to how the midnight sky looked in winter thanks to the rain shower that had started as soon as you left the restaurant.
it was april, and the two of you should’ve expected it to rain, but the forecast earlier had said there was a low chance, so you decided to not take an umbrella (oh, how you were regretting your decision now).
“are you cold? i know i gave you my blazer but…” jun’s voice shakes you from your thoughts, hesitation clear in his tone.
with the mentioned fleece-lined garment perched on your shoulders, you shake your head. “i’m fine moonjun! your blazer is very warm.”
“this night feels so…magical, doesn’t it, moon pie?” you ask, moving closer to him. at that moment, to jun, your eyes look even brighter than the night view of the city he saw every night from on the 7th floor (which is saying a lot, considering the light pollution in his area).
“every day is magical with you,” he responds, winking jokingly, though you know he means his words.
sticking your tongue out, you venture out closer to the middle of the road, disregarding all the warnings you had been told by your parents when you were younger. “you know how in most of the movies we watched last week, there was a scene where they kissed in the rain?” you mention offhandedly, reminiscing on the rom-com marathon you had with jun on the comfy loveseat in his living room.
“yes, my love?” jun says, walking fast to catch up with you before you go too far; though there were no cars to be seen this late, he still didn’t want to risk you getting hurt.
turning back to look at him, you snake your arms around his neck, jun’s arms automatically finding their way in a comfortable position around your waist. you give him a lopsided smile before speaking lowly, “we should have our own rom-com moment, shouldn’t we?”
seeing the confused look on your boyfriend’s face, you giggle. “close your eyes, jun!”
once he follows your instructions—not without grumbling about how you never tell him what you’re going to do under his breath, eliciting an eye roll from you—you make sure his eyes are completely closed, and he’s not pulling some sneaky trick on you. once you’re satisfied, you cup his face with your hands, tracing over the small moles all over his face, before placing a prompt peck on his left cheek and taking a step away from his warm arms.
his eyes remain closed for a few seconds, a crease in between his eyebrows forming as time passes before he opens them to see you facing him with a wide, mischievous grin. he lets out a huff of disappointment before rolling his eyes. “come on, that’s not what you’re supposed to do after all that hype!” he whines, grabbing your arm and clinging to your side.
you stare down at him—he’s made himself look smaller so you pity him more, and it works. he looks like a poor stray cat, and the fact that his hair is wet and sticking together strengthens that image in your head.
“aw…my poor meow meow, do you want another kissy kissy?” you tease, faking a pout before giggling at jun’s deadpan expression as he pulls himself away from you.
“…okay, fine.” he starts, looking away from you with a pout. “be that way, and you’re the one who’s gonna have to make hot chocolate once we get to my apartment!” he finishes with a huff—missing the way your eyes turn into hearts at his cuteness.
“well…if you say so. race you home, junnie!” you yell at him before running off, sending your flabbergasted cat-like boyfriend a teasing look: your tongue out and one eye closed, like the emoji he uses ironically all the time. turning back to the goal of the apartment building, you swear you can hear the sound of him running after you—or maybe that’s just the result of the rain picking back up again, dousing both you and jun in water as you run.
sure, you’ll both be shivering once you get to the elevator and grin at each other when you realize you’re dripping water onto the green carpet of the entrance, but when else would you get to enjoy an april shower with the love of your life?
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