#tbh there are maybe a few other things i ship that could possibly fit under this umbrella
jujutsubabe · 3 years
Synopsis: (This is set when Gojo and Getou were in highschool) You are all in the library trying to practice presentations but Gojo can’t stop being distracting.
(I mean,,, no ship tbh? Kinda platonic reader insert but u can take it as Gojo flirting)
Word count: 1.7k
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A library is supposed to be silent, filled with studying and well focused people. It’s a place meant for peace and quiet, so everyone there can get a good grasp on their subjects without any distractions.
The library is known for being the best place to work in, you are surrounded by peers and books and computers of all kind. The amount of resources is unlimited, mixing alone and social time all into one setting, a beautiful design.
However, if you mix a quiet respectable place with three idiots, you tend to get the opposite of what a library is supposed to be.
The library was filled with your quiet snorts and giggles as you sat in the back of the room, you putting your hand over your mouth did nothing to silence you as you shook.
Gojo bit down on his lip as he tried to contain his laugh as well, waiting for the right timing to say another dumb joke.
You felt the stares of a few of your peers, but couldn’t help from giggling in your corner. It was one of those rare moments where you felt air escape your lungs in a good way, the crunching of your sides was a ticklish feeling. It was so carefree and fun, a simple memory you would keep every time you entered a library.
You turned to Gojo at the same time as him, trying to put on a serious face but when you saw his struggling one you couldn’t help but crack a huge smile and fall back into your lap cackling. He turned away snickering to his side as well.
You had been here for what felt like hours, you trying to go over your presentation but barely getting through the first slide with how Gojo suddenly wanted to be a comedian. Not letting you catch a break each slide.
It didn’t help that you were already behind in your presentation, he just fed into your procrastination. Making this workload ease into other hours of your day, it seemed like the only thing you could do for the day was work on this presentation.
Getou rested his chin on his hand, “You egg him on when you do that.”
“I know!” You wheezed, “But its so—so hard, I can’t focus.”
Gojo leaned in to whisper something else but Getou tilted his head, “Satoru, you’re a distraction.”
He pulled back, fixing his sunglasses with a wide grin. The class clown couldn’t help but make light of such a boring atmosphere, what was he even supposed to do in here? (Study Gojo… study…)
Picking on you two was way more fun than doing his fifty-billion already missing assignments.
“What?” He looked over his glasses, “It’s not my fault I’m this funny.”
“No, he’s right!” You took deep breaths, pulling into your center, “He’s right, let me try again and don’t distract me!” You pointed with a warning intent.
He grinned at you, playing on his innocent expression, which didn’t come across as very genuine.
It was like he called for attention to himself just by entering a room. No one could ignore him. So imagine how much harder it would be to ignore him if this giant ray of sunshine was sitting right next to you, pestering you every second.
“So,” you skimmed over your notes, “for this presentation, I wanted to research how the possible extinction of polar bears is such a condenen— conquential—conquista-- conse-”
“Are you trying to say consequential?” Geto asked.
There was a slight moment of silence, maybe half a second before, like a burst of a bubble, Gojo snorted and turned his head to the side giggling away. It didn’t help that his laugh was so contagious. It was like a yawn, when one person did it everyone else did.
Geto looked away, covering the slight curl of his mouth. He tried his best to be the mature one in the group but sometimes Gojo broke down that expectation with something as simple as giggling like a child.
Him trying to not smile mixed with Gojo’s actual laugh made it so much harder to not give in yourself. These two really couldn’t stop goofing around, no matter the situation.
You forced a frown, “Guys, It’s not funny!”
Gojo made a look at Getou, and Getou let out the lightest huff of air before shaking his head. “You’re right. Continue.”
“Thank you,” you cleared your throat, getting your notes in order, “I think it’s important to note that a big factor that could lead to their extinction are greenhouse gas em… emm...emnio—”
You squinted at the page, pulling it closer, you ignored Gojo’s pestering smile beside you. If you even looked at him you knew this would be all bad, he had a way of pulling you from work and not letting you get back to it.
Getou tapped the paper, “What’s wrong?”
You slid the paper to him, “I don’t know how to say that.”
He pulled the paper to his face with a slight frown. He blinked a few times, trying to not let confusion seep onto his face. With a little bit of inspecting, he eventually slipped the paper across for Gojo to help.
Gojo blinked back at the paper, a smile curling onto his face, “Is this your handwriting…?”
Getou hid his face while Gojo’s smile widened into a grin, then a chuckle, then a full on laugh, the both of them snickering onto themselves. You rolled your eyes, as Gojo banged his hand on the table like he saw the funniest thing on the damn planet.
These two were rolling over themselves over your sleep filled handwriting! It wasn’t even that funny!
You scoffed as the two went into hysterics over your handwriting, trying to fight off the smile crawling it’s way onto your face. It took so much to not give in.
It was all fun and games until a few students started to share a few looks from across the room. A few glared your direction, some actually leaving the place for a quieter place to study. No one seemed to enjoy your table's joy the same way you all were.
The three of you were being a nuisance to the quiet work environment, contradicting the point of a library with your presence. But why was laughing in the library more fun than laughing in your room with each other?
Was it the concept of breaking the rules that tickled you? Or maybe it was the hysteria of working on something for too long without breaks, forcing you all into taking a different kind of break.
None of you noticed when a select few students got up to talk to the teachers about you three. Whispering to the side and pointing a teacher your direction.
Your head popped up when you heard the light tapping of heels and keychains coming your direction. A more than pissed off adult looking straight towards your table.
You shook Gojo and grabbed his arm, “Dude shut up! Shut up the teachers coming!”
Before you could grab yourselves together, the teacher already arrived by your table, tapping on the desk until she got your attention. “I’m going to need you all to quiet down or leave. You’re being a distraction.”
Gojo quirked a brow, opening his mouth, but you spoke up before he said something disrespectful.
“Sorry.” You nudged the guy next to you, “We’ll be more quiet.”
She pursed her lips as she did a once over of you all, definitely memorizing your faces. You lot were making this poor lady do more than needed on her shift. She probably couldn’t wait until you guys messed up again so she could kick you out for good.
“Thank you.” She did a last sharp look before she eventually turned, walking away to the front desk again. Full hawk eyes on your table.
You turned around to the group, trying to regain composure. It was so awkward having her stare and know that you had to be on your best behavior. Everyone sat silently, no one even moving.
Until Gojo leaned back in his seat, twisting his head to look at you. You tried your best to not look at him…you could literally feel his stare through your head. He was insufferable.
…However, you couldn’t help the curiosity and slowly turned your head to meet his eyes. Just one look and his face flooded into a winced grin, already trying to hold back laughter with a squeaking sound from him.
With that, your composure broke and you released a set of giggles while Getou covered his mouth. Just like that Gojo won, he ate this attention up, releasing his own dumb fit of laughter.
You guys really couldn’t go a minute in silence could you?
Getou smiled and stood from the table, “Were not getting anything done. Let’s get food.”
You nodded, you were surprised it took this long for someone to realize that. This was a highly anticipated break you put off for too long, not realizing just how much time was wasted goofing off until now.
“I want ice cream!” Gojo slung your bag over his shoulder.
You blinked between the two as they gathered their belongings, starting to disperse from the table. You were still getting yourself together, scrambling with your things as the tall pair strided to the exit. “Guys wait up!”
They very much did not wait up, if anything it seemed as though their pace got quicker. (Gojo even looked back before grinning that sinister smile of his and walking faster.)
When you darted out of the seat, you just so happened to glance back at the table.
It had a few balled up sheets of paper under it, (that Gojo made and threw at the both of you) the chair’s weren’t pushed in, and if you looked closely you could see a few doodles sprawled along it.
For some reason, the table setting that would definitely piss off that teacher, made you smile. It showed proof that you and your friends had been there, that a few teens were messing around and having fun before they left.
Which you did, you made a good memory today. Those small moments of laughing at dust with friends, warmth from being so happy, comfort from having a tight bond.
It was all you needed, and all you wanted to remember anyways.
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With the second half of chapter 11, I am ready for people thoughts / questions / comments on the opening arcs. Were there favorite parts of it? Parts you wish had had a little more to them? Who’s your favorite / least favorite of the characters as shown so far? Anything you found particularly interesting about certain scenes / panels / etc. that you want to share? Have at it! 
I’ll probably be doing some of that myself as I go back through for any little moments I liked, and sort of summarize my own thoughts on the opening arcs. Then, of course, we get to get into the USJ, and see some real action! <3
[No. 11 - Bakugou’s Starting Line]
We come back to the nurse’s office, where Toshinori is awkwardly hovering by Izuku’s bed while Recovery Girl tears into him for Izuku’s third time in her office despite the school year only just starting, and why he hasn’t prevented that damage from happening. Toshinori apologizes to her, and she tells him it’s not her he needs to apologize to. 
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(Also, man he’s swimming in his hero costume - really gives a sense of the size difference between the two forms to be honest.)
She notes that Izuku’s come to her both that day and the day before completely fatigued, and that this sort of damage isn’t so easily healed. He’s on an IV drip and has gotten emergency first aid, but all that can be done now is wait for him to recover on his own. 
Which brings me back to chapter 4 with her managing to heal him while he’s completely unconscious and in way worse shape - I really do believe at this point that she CAN use her own stamina to help a patient in critical condition who doesn’t have the energy to heal themselves, but it’s not as effective and, well, drains HER to the point where she won’t be able to help others who might be in need. Ergo, in situations like this, she sticks to hoarding her stamina and letting kids heal their own reckless behavior. (She probably could do a lot more in her prime, but alas.)
She states that she knows Toshinori gave Izuku his power, but regardless of favoritism, Toshinori has to stop indulging Izuku. Toshinori scratches under his ear in embarrassment and says she’s right - he was sympathizing too much, so he hesitated. He then goes on to hesitantly ask her to keep it down while at least discussing One For All. 
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She huffs and turns away, mocking him with his ‘natural born hero’ and ‘symbol of piece’ titles. He goes on to explain (for audience benefit alone tbh) that while the staff of UA know about his true form and injury, only Recovery Girl, the principal, an old friend of his (who will later be revealed as Detective Tsukauchi), and Izuku know about his quirk. To everyone else, it’s a secret.
(We know from later on that this isn’t quite true - there are a few others who know - but I suppose that this is the ring of people who he interacts with at this point in time, which is… really fucking depressing. 
Of course, Horikoshi might not have come up with either character beyond vague thoughts and outlines at this point, so I suppose he didn’t want to box himself in on a character design before he was sure they fit his needs. Gran probably was outlined vaguely at this point? But I think Nighteye might not have been created until around Kamino.)
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Recovery Girl asks rhetorically whether that talk is just him resting on his laurels, then a bit more seriously asks whether it’s really that important that he be a natural born hero and the Symbol of Peace. We get another up-close shot of Toshinori’s intensity as he states that without him, superhuman society would fall to evil.
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(A bit egotistical there, much? But I think it’s also a bit of the toxic mindset he’s had build up over the ages - that he’s alone in being able to hold things together, that there’s no one to fall back on, that he can’t afford to be ‘helped’ even as he keeps falling apart.)
Toshinori then goes on to explain that this is the responsibility that wielders of One For All must bear. Recovery Girl contemplates this quietly for a moment, then says that it’s then all the more important for Toshinori to learn how to guide Izuku properly. 
We transition to after school… which does end up leaving me to wonder whether I was off about heroics being the last class of the day, but at the same time, I don’t see how the teachers expect the kids to be able to focus on academics after two hours of heroics training, not to mention that the kids do need time to digest lunch, so,,, eh. I’m going to presume that here it’s more that with the battle trials ending a bit early, there was time afterwards for discussion before the school day ended.
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Anyways, Izuku is just trudging back to class, still in his damaged costume and wearing a sling for his right arm. He’s slouched over, thinking about how Aizawa-sensei is ‘really gonna let him have it’ - which says a lot about his expectations for teachers at this point. He opens the door to the classroom, and is surprised when Kirishima notices him and announces his return, as well as welcomes him back. 
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Izuku is quickly surrounded by several classmates (Kirishima, Mina, and Sato), all of whom are excited to talk to him, much to his confusion. Kirishima says that even without knowing what was being said, the battle was wild. Mina complements Izuku’s dodging (which makes sense now that I think about it - she does a lot of dance and incorporates it into her fighting, so she might have thought Izuku was similar? Maybe?) Sato says that everyone was pumped after the crazy first round.
Kirishima, Mina, Tsuyu, and Sato all then introduce themselves in order, with Kirishima saying that they were discussing battle training, Mina restating her admiration for Izuku’s dodging skills, Tsuyu that she just prefers to be called Tsuyu. Izuku is a bit overwhelmed. To the side, Tokoyami grumbles about them being noisy while sitting on the desk - much to Tenya’s concern as he demands Tokoyami get off of it. Someone else tells Tenya to not get bent out of shape. 
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The true crack ship - KamiChako. Which is immediately ruined when Ochako makes her way over to Izuku, noticing and worrying over his arm and whether he’d gotten it healed. Izuku says it wasn’t quite healed, since he was so worn out, and then he apologizes and says he has something to do. That something being rushing after Katsuki.
(Literally, that boy walks in, looks around, sees Katsuki isn’t there, and immediately goes ‘sorry I have to go immediately’. Like, I know this is a shounen, but at the same time…)
Izuku catches up to Katsuki on the way to the gate out of the grounds, and is, uh...
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Not looking that great, captain. Those bags under his eyes have really seen some cultivation in the time since the battle trial. 
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Izuku’s internal thoughts note that where everyone else wanted to talk to him, Katsuki just clammed up and went home. Or maybe it’s Izuku’s memory of Toshinori recounting the aftermath of the class? But Toshinori left right at the end, so uh… I have no idea. 
Anyways, Izuku catches up and gets his attention, drawing Katsuki’s shadowed stare (it’s not quite a glare? So yeah.) Izuku is looking down a bit, narration noting that he hasn’t even told his mom his secret as he states that he can’t say much, but that Katsuki should know this. Izuku thinks about Katsuki’s comments during the battle trial about tricking him, and then…
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Well that was a face adventure Katsuki went through. It’s a really good thing he was also too distracted by his own existential angst to really think about Izuku’s words.
But to dig more deeply into this, we can start from the top - literally. Starting at all that space at the top, and then the empty panel (asides from the two) where Izuku states he got his quirk from someone else. It really sort of gives a beat before such a weighty reveal, and more so how, in that moment, Izuku is only focused on Katsuki as he says it.
Izuku goes on to explain that he can’t say who it’s from, and that it’s a bit like a conversation out of a comic book, and that on top of that he can’t even really use it yet, so the borrowed power is pretty useless to him, which is why he tried to beat Katsuki without it… only to fail and be forced to rely on it. While this is happening, Katsuki’s expression goes from confusion/what the fuck towards outright pissed as Izuku rambles on, seemingly nonsensically from his point of view. Izuku states that he has a way to go, and then looks up and meets Katsuki’s gaze as he states that he’s going to make that power his own someday, and then overcome Katsuki with his own power. 
This seems to derail Katsuki’s anger for a moment back towards shock - possibly for the sheer boldness and earnestness of the statement. Izuku’s a bit embarrassed at his rambling reveal, thinking that he’d just meant to tell Katsuki he hadn’t been tricking him, but, well. 
Katsuki wobbles a bit in place, likely to keep himself from instinctively going after Izuku for being, well, Izuku. He repeats Izuku’s comment about borrowed power, then says he has no idea what Izuku’s talking about, but that Izuku is clearly determined to keep making a fool out of him. His anger boils back up as he grits out another swear, and then gets into how he lost to Izuku, and then if that weren’t enough, there was another student - Shouto - who he knows he can’t measure up to. He slaps a hand to his face, nails digging into his hair as he swears again and notes how ‘ponytail girl said it all’. He snaps his arms back down, swearing more, and demands a mostly rhetorical why from Izuku - likely in response to his fear of being able ot measure up to someone he had until then looked down on. Katsuki then declares through tears - and some repetition for emphasis - that from there on out he’s gonna beat everyone. 
He then spins back around and starts to walk off, rubbing at the tears while telling Izuku to enjoy his win, since it won’t happen ever again. Izuku holds himself firm a bit longer, then sighs and seems to lose whatever energy he’d dredged up for that conversation - methinks it’s also a bit exasperated with Katsuki? I mean, I have to admit trying to have a serious convo with the kid has to be a struggle sometimes.
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Incredible. Thanks, All Might. And I can’t help but cackle at Izuku swaying in the wind created with All Might rushing right past him to get to Katsuki, as well as that ‘ow!’ from Katsuki. All Might is latched onto Katsuki’s shoulder as he kind of greets the kid, with Katsuki looking about five seconds from turning around and biting the man in the arm like a semi-feral cat.
All Might is wheezing a bit in holding this form while rushing to catch up, starting to offer some advice - that Katsuki’s self-respect is important, and that he definitely has the makings of a pro, just so long as he-
Katsuki cuts him off by telling him to get off, since he can’t walk. He then goes on to say that it’s without question that he’ll be a hero who surpasses even All Might. All Might is surprised at that rebound, taking his hand off while thinking that the usual egomaniac is back. All Might mutters about how being a teacher is tough while watching Katsuki stalk off.
Izuku’s narration notes that Katsuki’s fuse had been lit, but his own goals hadn’t changed - that he would keep chasing after him. While he’s staring dramatically after his childhood friend, All Might starts asking what he said to Katsuki.
We have a last transition to a few days later, the narration noting that the class learned an important lesson that All Might had warned them about - about how they should fear the cleverest of villains. The scene is set in a different area, with the frontmost building being a bar. Someone is shown reading a newspaper article about All Might teaching at UA, as well as his temporary leave from his hero agency. 
The person sets the newspaper down folded neatly, noting how All Might is a teacher now. The voice then goes a bit raspy (or maybe it’s a different speaker) as they wonder out loud about what would happen if villains killed the symbol of peace. 
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Whoo boy, what a first introduction to the main antagonist of the series.
It seems like he has all five fingers on the newspaper in those panels? But it might just be the weird angle that keeps us from seeing how careful he is to not do so, which might have given away his quirk before it gets shown in the next arc. 
Also, hello misty character who definitely doesn’t have some deeper, tragic backstory we eventually learn about. 
About those hands… you know, I know what the ‘official’ story behind them ends up being, but like, they all look the same, so I wonder if those are just… random hands from his victims over the years. ...while the design is suitably disconcerning, it also makes sense that Hori would eventually chuck them aside thanks to how much extra drawing and detail they all need. 
Anyways, that closes out the chapter and the opening arcs, so again, open for any sort of thoughts/questions all of you have. I should have my own out in the next few days, I think.
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Humans are Space Orcs “To Deep Space.”
I am finished with university, had my last final yesterday, so we will be moving back to the normal writing schedule, yay! 
I have no idea where this arc is going tbh, but it is going to be good and I am excited. I hope you guys will enjoy it as well! 
“Dr. Adric, Dr. Adric please report to the bridge.”
He stepped from his office wondering what they could possibly need him for there. He had just been trying to get his office situated when the call came out. He set down his papers on the desk and made his way into the ship looking around as he made his tentative way towards the bridge. The ship was roomier than he thought it might be, but still rather small, he wondered how that affected the people on the ship.
He knew that they had to keep plants aboard the ship for the crew’s mental health, but he honestly wondered how much that help. Overhead he was assured the lights were UV in nature to mimic the sun and stave off depression after long months of being trapped inside a metal tin can hurtling through space. Not one was really sure what the effects of deep space on a person.
They knew that being lost in space could result in mass hysteria as demonstrated by the Commander’s own crew and malfunctioned civilian transport, the likes of which had apparently driven themselves to cannibalism in their panic and confusion.
He had read the reports, it was both disgusting and fascinating.
He paused just inside the bridge turning to stare with wide eyed at the men and women positioned at their consuls arrayed in a semicircular pattern against the outside edge of the room. A second tier comprised another smaller set of consoles for about four people, and just above that was a single raised chair.
The captain’s seat.
The room had been designed with both hierarchy and function in mind in that the captain’s chair could look down on all the other chairs with the ability to see what his crew was doing at all times.
And right now they were prepping for launch.
“Engine one through six online and reporting no malfunctioning cells Commander.”
“Check them one more time. Crew manifest.”
“Four hundred and eighty six confirmed crewmen, sir.”
“What does the manifest say?”
“The same.”
Dr Adric tilted his head watching as the crew worked, but specifically watching the commander. The man spun this way and that, giving orders, taking information, and all the while making quick check-marks in a little black book he held in one hand. He seemed at east in his chair.
The chief weapons officer, the Drev named Sunny, sat at her station despite not really needing her at the moment, and he could see over her shoulder that she was also doing a weapons check for the ship.
The commander turned in his chair spotting the doctor and motioning him over.
He came confused not sure what he would be needed for.
The man smiled, an expression that fit well on his face. Despite his youth, the doctor could already see laugh lines, faint and barely visible beginning to form around his eyes…. This was a man used to smiling.
“Take a seat doctor, and strap yourself in. This will be an uncomfortable assent.”
“What do you mean?” He wondered in confusion.
“I generally let all new recruits sit on the bridge for at least one launch or warp. I feel it makes the experience real for them instead of just expecting them to use their imagination. Besides, who doesn’t want to watch a ship launch.”
He was a bit surprised but of course he nodded walking over to the indicated seats and strapping himself in with the five point harness. He continued to watch the crew work. The bridge itself seemed to run rather smoothly under the direction of the commander, and from what he could tell the crew seemed very excited to be off.
“Engines ready, commander.”
“Fuel cells engaged.”
Commander Vir reached for his microphone broadcasting his voice throughout the ship, “Alright you beautiful hooligans launch begins in T minus one minute. Please strap yourself and any loose items down and keep your hands and feet inside the ship for the duration of the ride.” He cut off his mic smiling.
Dr Adric watched closely.
“Ground control this is Harbinger preparing to liftoff in T minus 55, do you copy.”
“Copy harbinger. Launch is ready for go standby on grid line trajectory Alpha two niner one one preparing for liftoff over.”
“Thirty seconds.”
He gripped the seatbelt hard teeth gritted watching as the rest of the crew braced themselves as well. The commander flexed his hands sliding his fingers into the flight gloves and hooking his toes onto the pedals. The holographic shield popped up to cover his eyes.
“launch in 10, 9 ,8, 7, 6, 5.”
He gripped tighter.
“4, 3, 2, 1, “
The force of the rising ship slammed him back into his seat as they were born skyward. All around them the ship seemed to vibrate and rattle. His chest felt like it had a carton of bricks stacked on top of it and a little black circle was beginning to encroach at the edges of his vision.
Somewhere, someone in the room was cheering. Past his vibrating eyes, he could see the commander valiantly fighting to bring the ship into the sky despite it’s immense bulk which had never been designed for gravity. Eyes wide he watched as the eggshell blue of a perfect day morphed before them and grew darker until space stretched out before them like a pair of waiting arms.
“Prepare core for warp. Navigations.”
“Yes commander?”
“Warp Coarse.”
“Sagittarius A. But not to close! Keep to the coordinates the smart guys gave us” he repeated very suddenly looking very nervous all things told.
“What’s in Sagittarius A?” He wondered
The commander turned in his chair one eyebrow raised looking almost incredulous, “you don’t know?”
The rest of the crew shifted very nervously, he could see it on them though there were hints of excitement.”
He shook his head.
“Our primary directive on this ship is deep space exploration. We are a military vessel, but we hold trillions of dollars in scientific equipment aboard this ship, as such we have been tasked by the UNSC in accordance with the NASA foundation to head to Sagittarius A and take the first close space images of the supermassive black hole at the center of the milky way.”
He felt his hands and feet go suddenly cold.
“B but how can you take a picture of something that sucks in light.”
“The accretion disk of course and then the massive black spot at the middle.”
“But if we get to close….”
“Yes yes doctor, I have been flying in space long enough to know what happens if you run amuck of a black hole. We get sucked in and suspended forever in a slow spiral of doom as time slows down and our bodies are slowly ripped apart atom by atom. Please we aren’t getting THAT close. Even I’m pissing myself just thinking about it, but also super excited to be honest. No mess ups this time which is why the ship has been checked to hell and back to make sure it’s working.”
Not for the first time, he was beginning to wonder if he was psychologically stable enough to be on this mission as it seemed you hat to be just a little crazy to want to do this. Maybe that is why a high percentage of people on the ship had presented with psychological anomalies, least of all the commander himself.
How he hadn’t gone mad with fear regarding the eminent death that surrounded them constantly was a mystery.
“Warp core?”
“Ready for ignition sir.”
“How far out are we.”
“Almost to the warp zone sir,”
Dr Adric rubbed his temples. He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to see a black hole. What kind of psychological effects does something that powerful have on someone, knowing that if you are caught in its gravity well you are done for in the most horrible way possible, and just looking at it from a distance he imagined would be like watching a bear or tiger out in the wild accept for this was different since the bear could now swallow stares whole and the tiger ad gravity so immense that not even light can escape it’s center.
“Preparing for warp in ten.”
He closed his eyes
But they didn’t stay closed as the countdown continued opening for a moment as he felt the space around him go strange. When he did he nearly lost it as his vision seemed to be looking through a glass fish bowl all warped out to the sides and stretched, far things looking close, close things looking far. Outside the window a massive spot appeared before him and around it the stars were morphing and repeating.
The ship reflected back a thousand times in fractal images.
He yelled in shock clenching his seat, and then, it was over.
He was breathing hard, outside there was nothing but blackness, and the emergency lights had flicked on over the crew.
The captain unbuckled his seat-belt and stepped down onto the floor.
He turned to look at Adric who was gripping the seat so hard his knuckles had gone white, “Nice work, first time I warped I definitely pissed myself so, good constitution.” He patted Adric on the shoulder. The blue Drev stood, and the commander grabbed her by the shoulder hauling himself up onto her back.
Adric watched as the two of them walked away.
How strange.
He was in for seeing a lot of strange things in the next few days. The commander and the blue drev spent a lot of time together, and often he rode on her back. At one point he walked in on the crew having a jousting contest where two drev ran full tilt at the other while the two crewmen brandished brooms.
He walked out of his room more than once to find the commander heelieing down the hall at the head of the bridge crew giving orders.
When that wasn’t happening he had run amuck of a freaky group of spider creatures being taken care of by a dog and a very strange humanoid creature who claimed he could read minds. He hadn’t believed it until it started repeating his inner thoughts back to himself.
Instead of being freaked out he found himself almost envious. If he had that kind of power imagine the sort of things he could do to help his patients.
Everywhere he went it seemed as if something strange was happening.
One day they were playing an aggressive game of keep the balloon off the floor and the next they were using window markers to drawn on the viewing field. As expected from a group of soldiers it turned into a heard of inappropriate doodles until it looked as if their ship was cruising past a heard of winged space dicks.
And he himself kept a close eye on the crew. None of them seemed bothered by the fact they were in deep space, but many of them had strange habits.
The commander and the Drev named Sunny spent an excessive amount of time together, or so he thought, the little doctor never relaxed, and couldn’t to save his life even when he tried. Conn, the mind reader, did his best to get attention by pissing everyone off, and the spiderlings, as he had come to know them, were constantly acting up as well.
He would need more time to get used to the crew, but it seemed as if he had his work cut out for him.
If he could hold himself together that is.
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crewhonk · 4 years
Hey loved the Poe thigh-riding fic! Could you maybe do poe x reader wedding night smut where they get married quickly before a big battle cos they don't want to die not married to each other? That would be awesome thanks😊
AN: No smut, cause I got too excited about the wedding part for it tbh. y'all can request it tho if its something you want
The low hum of the X-Wings and the small sound of static from he comm systems were the only thing either you or Poe could hear. You were on your way to Exegol– the final big battle you’d been praying for day and night just so that you could hang up your blaster and helmet for a long while. You wanted a small farm with your boyfriend, Poe Dameron, and you wanted rocking chairs not he front porch. You wanted to have a sunset moment with you wearing a soft dress and Poe looking at you like you’d laced the night sky with stars. 
That was the image you kept with yourself as you arrived, the battalion of fighter jets already coming under heavy fire. The image of the sun setting and warm light drifting through your cottage kitchen window and filling the room with a soft golden glow was what you held onto when the original comm tower was shut down. The sound of little feet pattering around the house and little voices shrieking with joy as they landed themselves in daddy’s arms helped you keep from spiralling down he the ground when Snap died. 
It seemed when all hope was lost, Poe Dameron, the love of your life, really loved to make it all about him. 
“YN!” He cried, fear making his voice yell. He steered his ship to spiral around yours and shoot down the TIE chasing you. “YN!” He called again, coming to speed beside you. You looked at him briefly before clenching your teeth and maneuvering in a way that took down three more ships. 
“Yes, Poe?” You tried, grunting when the G’s finally stopped. 
“Marry me!” He shouted, dancing his ship around your own. Time seemed to slow down in that instant, and you found yourself having time to look up at the underbelly of his ship as if he could see your incredulous expression. 
“You know, I really don’t think that now is the best time for that!” You called back, scooping up under him to shield him from the flames of a bomb that had gone off– thank force that you’d decked out your ship with flame resistant plating when you could. 
“I’m not going to die without you being my wife!” He cried out, watching as three more of your squadron were blown from the sky. 
“How about you don’t die at all, huh?” You yelled back, soaring towards the newly designated target. 
“I want you to be my wife, YN. I won’t wait a minute longer.” He replied simply, and you were silent for a few moments. Steering your ship and protecting Poe almost subconsciously. You bit your tongue and nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as you opened the comm link to Jess’s line. 
“Jess.” You said and she grunted in response. You hadn’t known her for a long time, but int hat time you’d went from her worst enemy (she was protective of her Black Squadron Family) to being soulmates and threatening Poe that you’d leave him anyway for her. 
“What’s up?” She called back, trying her best to sound casual as you watched her pull a risky maneuver, falling 100 feet before pulling up and sending TIE fighters to smash against the ground. 
“Marry us. Me and Poe. Marry us.” You said and she laughed out loud. 
“I’m kind of busy here, Kid.” She snorted, blasting more ships. 
“Jess, please.” Poe gasped, narrowly missing a tracking missile. Jess, upon hearing The Poe Dameron use his manners for once in her life, stopped herself from making any further jokes. It was when Poe used his manners that she knew something was serious. 
You both could hear Jess sigh slowly before clearing her throat. “We are gathered here today–”
“Skip to the good part.” Poe demanded and you and Jess snorted. 
“Will you, Poe Dameron, take YN YLN to be your lawfully wedded wife and cherish her in sickness and in health and until death do you part?” Jess asked and you could almost hear Poe’s smile through your headset. 
“I do.”
“Will you, YN YLN, take Poe Dameron to be your lawfully wedded husband and cherish her in sickness and in health and until–”
“I do, I do. Yes.” You sniffed, tears coming to your eyes. Sure, it wasn’t the perfect wedding, but damn if it didn’t make your soul feel like gold. 
“Then by the power vested in me by the force and whoever else, I declare you man and wife. I’d say you may kiss the bride, but–” Jess grinned, watching as yours and Poe’s ships came closer together. The battle was falling, and your side was losing, but you’d felt as if you’d won a million dollars. Poe steered his ship to be as close to yours as possible and looking to the side, you placed one hand on the window, watching as he mirrored your actions. 
“I love you,” You whispered, and he smiled, the corners of his lips meeting his ears. 
“I’m going to kiss you so hard when he survive this battle.” He swore and you giggled, pulling up to avoid another explosion. 
“I’m counting on it, Dameron.”
The battle had finished by some miracle you likes to call Uncle Lando. 
You arrived back at base quickly, and landed your ship. You popped the cockpit roof before the plane had even touched the ground fully and were climbing out of it as soon as you were cleared. Your combat boots hit the ground with a thud as you began running into the crowd, searching for the one person you wanted to see. 
You found him, climbing out of the red x-wing, and sprinted towards him s best you could considering your ability to weave through crowds who had just won a war. 
It was just as he turned away from he ladder that you threw your arms around him, pressing your lips to his in a feverish, desperate kiss of tongue and teeth and surprised grunts. 
Upon realizing that it was you, Poe wrapped two strong arms around your waist and leaned forward, making you arch your back and press your body into his. Your hands were splayed across his cheeks as his lips worked your own. Your noses bumped each other in your haste to just kiss each other for the first time as husband and wife and free people. 
You pulled away eventually, and before you could even say anything, he unzipped the top of his flight suit quickly, pulling the chain from his neck and unlooping it. He slid his mothers ring from it and grabbed your right hand, dropping it hastily and snagging your left one instead. You giggled at his nerves and excitement as he slid the ring on your finger– it was a perfect fit. 
“I had it adjusted a week after I met you.” He admitted, pink dusting his cheeks as he smiled sheepishly at your through his lashes. You grinned– a full, bright smile that stole the breath froths lungs as you launched forward and kissed him soundly. 
“I love you, Poe Dameron. This was the best damn wedding day in the galaxy.”
“I happen to agree, YN Dameron. And I love you so much more.”
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 3 years
Gotta say, Tumblr giving me nightmares is NOT a good turn of events.
It started out nice enough. I was hanging around with a bunch of friends I met on Tumblr. Obviously this is absurd, as if I’d meet anyone from here in the real world. Heck, when I told real world folks I don’t really use Facebook, but sent a link to my Tumblr not one of them were interested. Tumblr and the real world don’t connect.
Oh, and there was also a guy that was romantically interested in me with us. So clearly this dream wasn’t bothering with reality at all. Guys never even flirt with me, hell, I’ve never even been cat called! ** But dreams are dreams.
Anyway, everyone in the group started talking about something, a tv show, movie, or something. Whatever it was kept shifting. Dreams don’t you know.
The conversation turned to characters and everyone started assigning labels to characters. This character is a “insert label” or this character has “insert label”. 
 Now I was enjoying it at first. I loved that everyone was seeing themselves, ot at least what they needed to see, in these characters. These were characters where things weren’t ever said in the text, or the terminology or society at the time of creation wouldn’t have permitted it, and It was wonderful seeing people adopt them anyway.
Then it started to turn sour. Things like “only way to see it”, “everyone can tell”, “obvious”, “no other way to look at it”, and so forth were being said every other sentence. As far as they were concerned there was a label for each character and no other labels were allowed. 
I got uncomfortable. They saw themselves as being inclusive because they saw the characters as part of an under representative group, but they were excluding anyone else, even of  another under representitive group, that identified with the characters. 
They got to a character very dear to my heart, a character I’d identified with since I was a tiny child. They declared the character was absolutely something or other, I can’t remember what. The label didn’t fit me, but the character always had felt totally me.
So, I did something stupid. Since I was with good friends amd they were happily seeing themselves in the characters, I chimed in too. I said “That’s cool! You know, it’s interesting how we all see things differently. I’ve always seen them as..” and I described the way I’d always seen the character. The list involved a lot of personal characteristics that had made me indentify with the character.
I got shouted at. “NO!!! They are not like that!!!!” “If you can’t see that the character is only (insert label) then you hate people that are (insert label)!!!!!!” “You are trying to steal our character!” “You are obviously just prejudiced!!” “You are wrong! No one can honestly think that!!” “Why do you hate us?” 
I tried to argue quietly. I pointed out I liked them seeing themselves in these characters. It was completely valid, but I saw myself in this character and that should be valid too. I rarely saw someone like me in fiction, so this character had meant a lot. This character had been like a friend to me when I was a kid. 
“People like you don’t deserve friends!” 
And they left me in disgust. The guy said he was disappointed in me and walked away too.
I didn’t hate anyone. I figured we all had our own versions of the characters, and mine was the one I needed, like the ones they had were theirs. Mine shouldn’t effect theirs. 
I was sharing because I thought we were friends. 
I thought I counted too.
I don’t belong anywhere.
I woke up crying, which is deeply embarrassing.
But you know, I get why I had the dream. I saw a post on here last night that reminded me of a few years ago when an online friend turned on me for not shipping their fave ship. Then I poked around a few minutes on a message board for a favorite fandom and ran into a lot of “one opinion allowed” kind of thinking. And running into the farmer yesterday reminded me how apart I am from the local community despite living my whole life here. Of course I had that dream.
TBH, it’s the crux of most my problems: I never feel I belong anywhere. 
Once upon a time I thought fandoms would be a way to belong. If only I could just meet someone that liked what I liked I’d have a place. At a child in the pre-internet days I had no real chance. A rumor that someone read comics or finding out someone had actually heard of Doctor Who could briefly stir a bit of hope. Inevitably the comic reader would move away three days after I found out or the person that knew of Doctor Who would have just seen two episodes and thought it was stupid, but it still would feel like a reminder of twinge of possibility. Somewhere out there someone liked the same things I liked, and I’d fit in. 
Funny thing, it never occured to me that if we liked the same thing that liking that thing differently might be a problem. I just figured that the important thing was our shared interest, not the small details of favorite episodes or whether a character made you swoon or cringe. 
The internet seemed a miracle at first. You could live in the middle of nowhere without anyone for miles with a thing in common, but suddenly you could talk to people all over the world. There were fandoms for anything and everything, enthusastist and hobbiests with every passion under the sun. There must be so many places I belong.
Or not.
Turns out that fandoms, hobbies, and the like all have their norms, their general consensus, their proper ways, and so forth. Even the most niche ones, subsets of subsets, tend to have a bit of gatekeeping that ends up making me feel excluded. I can’t even fangirl right because I’ll inevitably interpret something in an atypical way or I’ll latch onto a character “everyone” hates. 
So honestly, I think I need to accept at this point I belong nowhere really. I’m an oddball among oddballs.
 I just have to content myself with being a feral creature wandering a wilderness and watching from the trees as others gather around the campfires. I’d like to think if I approached I’d be adopted as their pet weird monster, but that’s unrealistic. I’ve been chased away and had spears chucked at me too many times. It hurts too much. Alone may not be as fun, but I’ll live. I have so far.
**TBH, I wish I were asexual or something so it wouldn’t be so disappointing to always be ignored. But it’s just the way it is for me...so maybe I’ll get used it. I expect it will only take another 50 years or so! LOL 
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werifestaria · 3 years
Hi I love your blog layout it so tidy!! Also would it be alright if I got a bnha matchup please?. My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual. My personality type is ISTJ, I'm a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon and libra rising. To the public I'm pretty closed off/reserved but with my friends I'm brave, loyal and love to laugh. I don't trust easily and I'm pretty cautious of everyone so I try to keep out of the way.
My hobbies include gymnastics which I did competitively and won a few medals, I also do figure skating and have leveled up pretty quickly at that. I workout everyday because even though I dont compete now I still want to improve and if anything I'm better now than I was back then.
I like indie music, horror movies mainly psychological, nature and wildlife and the peace and quiet it brings. I hate loud, busy places, untidy, dirty things and people messing up my routine.
My love language is quality time like I just wanna be around that person a lot. I think the love language that speaks to me most is probably also quality time, like the fact that they would want to be around me willingly seems so unfamiliar I love the idea of it. Also words of affirmation or physical touch, I'm awkward at giving those but receiving them would make me melt cause I'm not really used to any of it. My ideal dates are simple things like going on walks at like 3am or dancing in the livingroom or movie nights just cheap simple things like that.
hope that's okay sorry it kindof long :)
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𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚
Thank you so much for one of our first requests! We appreciate your love for the layout as well!! Tbh, I spent multiple hours straight getting it just right, so it’s a relief people find it pretty- and also, Scorpio moon gang! anyways, I hope you enjoy your matchup from me! Have a lovely day, hun
𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . .
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𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 !
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runner-up : hanta sero
Easily, Kirishima is one of BNHA’s most easygoing, compassionate characters. His heart is big and always in the right place. Based off of your description and his own array of traits, I think he is the perfect character for you! Like, almost a little too perfect. A Sagittarius and a Libra (Kirishima’s sun sign!) are said to be very compatible and harmonious. Even better, it’s also said that people are often drawn to others who have their sun sign in the ascendant—Kirishima being a Libra sun and you being a Libra rising! To make things even more fantastic, perfect, and everything in between, Kirishima’s MBTI (according to The Personality Database) is ESFP. Guess what? ISTJ’s and ESFP’s are said to be extremely compatible! Of course, he’d find your inner demeanor to be extremely attractive. As he is naturally social, he wouldn’t mind your reserved nature and would pursue you in both friendship & romance regardless. Your outer shell would only lead him to appreciate your comical inner-self even more! He’d greatly admire your bravery and loyalty as well—it’s not something you see often anymore, after all. He’d try to bring the best out of you as naturally as possible, letting you do the same to him. Easily, he’s the most supportive boyfriend you could ever get! This man would adore you with patience, admiration, and sheer love, all with his own cheesy, dorky flair. I imagine Kirishima is careful in love, yet just as bold as the sun. He’s grounded, but on his most passionate days, his admiration can never be paralleled. You’d simply make him weak in the knees with every glance you’d spare him!
𖥸 Your music taste simply infects him. Imagine him listening to indie music with you 🥺🥺 your head in his lap as he plays with your hair- omg!! he loves to just sit and vibe with you. Nothing can compare to the fun you have on your chilliest days- he loves spending time with you in little ways like that
𖥸 Workout dates!! He’s infatuated with you for many reasons, but one of them is because you work out. The dude literally thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world and he adores working out with you. It’s easily his kryptonite lol
𖥸 Kiri has no concept of grace, so he is extremely impressed with your gymnastics and figure skating skills!! He could watch you do your thing for hours tbh. Like, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. In fact, I think he’d try to incorporate more nimbleness to his moves even though such a feat is kinda difficult when you can turn into rock. You gotta give him some credit tho- we all know he can be a little too opportunistic!! Just imagine him tripping all over himself because he wants to be nimble like you- that little blush on his face as he apologies for being a dummy- aww 💕💕
𖥸 Simply the king of casual dates. Sure, he’d love to spoil you with the stars and more, but he knows you like it calm- fr, you two are actually the cutest when it comes to staying up late and just messing around with no care in the world 💕 also, nature dates? Small picnics in the park?? I bet he’d love to go hiking with you. He likes to point out cool flowers or pretty weeds whenever you two are outside for even the shortest amount of time
𖥸 He loves watching horror movies with you.. even though they scare him a little bit LMAO- but just cuddling with you as your favorite movie plays in the background is simply heaven to him. Maybe you can turn him into a psychological horror buff!!
𖥸 He is also the king of words of affirmation~ the dude loves to remind you about how much you mean to him and how confident you make him feel within himself
You two really are couple goals imo 💕💕💕
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𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡
Gahhh!! I was so excited to ship you with someone!! Thank you so much for requesting!! Also! Don’t worry about long bios in your matchup requests! The longer they are the more mod Ara and I can assess who’s best for you! Its definitely preferable. I hope you enjoy who I match you with. ^w^
𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . .
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𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨 !
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runner-up : hanta sero
In my opinion, I feel that Mina is the perfect match for you!! First lets get some compatible basics out of the way. Like our good friend Kirishima above, Minas MBTI is also an ESFP (according to the personality database lol). As we know, ESFPs tend to be the most compatible with ISTJs. To add onto that, Mina just so happens to be a Leo!! Leos and Sagittarius's are often compared to soulmates and having a twin flame like connection! It’s a little scary how well you two fit each other, personality dynamics and all. Though you may have been cautious and quiet at first meet, Mina most likely pestered and wiggled her way into your life! She loves making new friends anyhow, and saw no issue in going out of her way to talk to you every chance she could. Now becoming your girlfriend later on would just be an added bonus for her! You better believe she finds your bravery admirable, it drives right up her alley. The two of you would make an absolute power couple, even a fan favorite!! Often, she’d make jokes or even play along with ones that you make in return, just to be able to hear your laughter. It fills her stomach with butterflies and she’s near falling apart at the seams with every melodic giggle. Get ready to be showered in compliments and praise, that’s this girls specialty, and she’d happily fluster you any day with her sickeningly sweet words. 
𖥸 Mina would probably ask you to spar with her a lot. Practicing new moves and quirk related techniques. God knows she loves staying active, and doing something she deems this fun with someone she loves. It makes the moment even more worth while. With your experience in gymnastics, you’d find that you’re able to run circles around this girl with your skill. Afterwards she’d probably offer a massage to ease any sore muscles. 
𖥸 Now as much as Mina would probably prefer a night on the town as a date, she would not think twice about choosing a secluded casual option for your comforts sake. Be that stargazing or even staying in to watch one of those horror films  that you love oh so much over popcorn and sodas. (She’s actually terrified of them, and has a weak stomach, but she’d never tell you that.) 
𖥸 Aimless car drives. Picture the sun setting, painting the sky in a soft pink and an orange hue flickering off of the distant buildings. Your preferred indie song blaring through the speaker while the two of you belt out the lyrics. Neither of you can hear each other over the sound of the wind rolling in through open windows, or how high she cranked the volume. You’ll definitely have to be the one to turn it back down, she can’t help but love loud music, even if the music wasn’t intended to be loud in the first place lol. 
𖥸 Don’t be surprised if she comes to you one day with a gift bag in hand. Every time she goes into a store she has to come out with something that reminds her of you. She’s not even aware of it either until you point it out. This could range from something as simple as your favorite drink to a giant teddy bear that she claimed resembled you. The possibilities are endless. 
𖥸 My word is she in love, infatuated even. That one night she caught you dancing about in the kitchen, probably making a late night snack, she couldn’t look away. In fact, she still thinks about it from time to time. How happy and carefree you looked lip-syncing the lyrics, in the silliest kinds of pjs you owned. She tried to sneak her way in, trying her best to not to make you jump in surprise, though she probably failed with how eager she actually zoomed in. Her love for dancing couldn’t go unnoticed here, oh no, not now. She brought you in close with a twirl under her arm, her smile the widest you’ve seen it. Her flirty nature, only for you, had her compliments laced with sugar and honey. Who knows how long the two of you spent dancing and goofing off to your playlist in that darned kitchen. 
Gosh the two of you make me squeal!! There’s absolutely no way you aren’t made for each other!  
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𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭-𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 !
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zwritestuff · 3 years
Some Things Are Bound To Be (Kyara) - Epilogue
A/N:  This is it homies. We've made it. I'm sorry it took me so long to post the epilogue, I hit writers block and tbh didn't want to let go of this fic. I tried to make the epilogue longer, but at the end of the day I don't think that's necessary. A big thanks to Emerald for being my biggest supporter during this ride and beta-ing every single chapter. Also, a huge thanks to the people that stuck around even after the season finished, I treasure all of you 💕 I have thought of a sequel focused on another ship that didn't get to shine here, but it's still a thought. I hope you all enjoy the epilogue. 💕
Find the rest of the chapters here | Read on ao3.
Kyne has no idea why she’s so sweaty.
Under normal circumstances, she’d be annoyed. Instead, she has Priyanka talking her ear off on one side, giving her one of her usual pep talks, while Bobo on the other is trying to get her eyeliner as sleek as possible. Bo has her head in her wardrobe, criticizing each and every clothing item she owns. That would gain a hundred eye-rolls from her—but then again, these are no normal circumstances.
She’s had dates before, despite what Priyanka might try to say, it’s just that they were never all that exciting. She was lucky if she was interested enough in someone to accept to go on a second date, and third dates were unheard of for her.
The fact she’s this nervous over her first real date with Kiara should be a surprise, considering she still swings by her office every day, coffee and cupcakes in tow, they still go out for lunch almost every day, they’ve been together just yesterday at work, not even 24 hours ago; but still, she can’t help the anticipation welling up inside her—it’s one thing to grab lunch together, to have movie nights and stay over at each other’s places when they think it’s completely platonic; but once they acknowledge the feelings meddling in the middle, it becomes harder to keep their cool.
It’s just a date with Kiki, she thinks, trying to keep her calm. It’s just Kiki, she repeats it like a mantra, because it’s really not that deep. She knows how to talk to Kiara, how to get out of her those throaty laughs that echo through the room and make her eyes crinkle at the corners. It shouldn’t be all that different from their usual “dates.”
Then again, if that’s the case, why does she feel like her brain has been replaced with TV static once the time for Kiara to pick her up arrives?
Kyne’s going to dig a hole through the carpet pacing back and forth. She doesn’t think she was ever this nervous, not even during her final exam to graduate.
“Don’t stress too much about it,” Scarlett yells out from the bathroom, possibly—definitely—smoking against the window. “She already looks at you like she wants to propose every time you open your mouth, a date can’t be all that bad.” Kyne’s cheeks heat up, not even bothering to yell out anything because she’s too busy chewing on her nails while she waits for a text from Kiara.
And then it comes through. 
‘I’m parking, I’ll be up in a second,’ followed by a red heart. Kyne smiles unconsciously as she grabs her purse and jacket, and turns to Priyanka and Bo sitting on her couch, intently looking at her.
“Right. So, you two keep your hands out of my fridge, don’t let Bobo stain the whole place with smoke, and for the love of god, don’t blow up my phone every ten minutes,” she says, like she’s a single mother giving her children instruction before going out on her first date in years. She stops to wonder why she ever allowed them in in the first place, but considering Priyanka has a spare key, they probably would’ve entered anyway.
They nod with childish grins, and Kyne paces around for a little while before there’s a knock on the door and she nearly jumps out of her skin.
It’s just a date, she thinks one last time.
Then she opens the door, and she feels her cool fade away the moment she sees Kiara’s smile.
“Hey,” they say at the same time, eliciting a chuckle from the other.
“You look really nice,” Kiara offers as a compliment, the smile on her face never faltering. Kyne opens her mouth to return the compliment, when she hears Priyanka and Bo snicker behind her back, making Kiara cock a brow and look past the door. “Ah, nice seeing you guys,” she says awkwardly, waving at them.
“Looking good, Kiki. Have fun, don’t make stupid decisions again,” Priyanka calls out as Kyne shuts the door behind her, mumbling apologies about her friends as they walk to the elevator.
“Nah, don’t worry about it, Rita and Tynomi came over to bother me before I left, too. I get it.” She rolls her eyes, scoffing with an amused smile, and Kyne feels the nerves melt away as she laughs, hooking an arm around Kiara’s biceps, letting her head fall against her arm.
“I have no idea why I ever thought giving Priyanka a spare key would be a good idea,” Kyne comments, chuckling slightly as Kiara recalls that one time she gave Tynomi her apartment keys so she could water her plants while she was away, and she has yet to return the keys.
Kyne makes a comment about not having noticed Kiara’s plants in all the times she visited, and Kiara just shrugs with an embarrassed expression. “Yeah, that’s ‘cause I don’t have any right now—I don’t have a green thumb like you, y’know? My plants always end up dead one way or another,” she admits, as the elevator opens its doors and they step outside.
“I can help you grow some stuff, I think we have plenty of time ahead of us for that,” she comments, meaning it, but Kiara has that shit-eating grin on her face that makes Kyne roll her eyes right away.
“How are we going to grow a garden in just a few hours?” She asks, leaning in on Kyne, and she’s feeling generous tonight, so she doesn’t shove her off, saying how corny she is; she just scoffs and softly headbutts her.
“You know what I meant, dumbass,” Kyne says, the affection in her tone palpable despite the name calling. Kiara doesn’t seem to mind; she smiles cheerily as she opens the car door for her, and Kyne dreads the moment their hands let go, if only for a couple of seconds.
“I know, I know,” Kiara chuckles after a moment, fastening her seatbelt so the annoying beep will stop. She turns to look at Kyne with a smile as she turns on the engine, “I’d love to have a garden with you, babe,” she says, with a tone so soft Kyne can tell she means it. She gets the car going, searching for Kyne’s hand almost right away, giving it a small squeeze before lacing them together.
She’s not sure if it’s the fact she hasn’t had a proper date in a long time, that she’s waited a long time to be like this with Kiara, or just that all of this seems straight out of a romantic movie, one she thought she’s never get to live herself—but she feels like a teenager in love all over again, wanting to dive head first into what she has going on with Kiara without a helmet, because she knows she’ll be there to catch her when she falls.
A week after their first date, Kyne gives Kiara a pot of dahlias, and promises to help her not let them die. If Kiara catches the symbolism behind it, she doesn’t say anything, just gives Kyne a kiss and promises to take great care of them.
Red camellias come next, some weeks after the dahlias, when Kyne thinks Kiara is doing a good job with them. Then, a small arrangement of orchids—Kiara notices the pattern at some point, and just smiles and kisses her forehead when Kyne brings her a new plant.
The dates keep on coming, and so do the flowers and indoor plants; Kiara eventually runs out of space to put them. Kyne isn’t of much help, either, since her place is small and barely fits her own plants.
“It’s not fair,” Kiara childishly complains one day, while Kyne’s staying over. They’re cuddled up on the couch, not paying attention to whatever it is that Kiara randomly selected from Netflix’s catalog. “A flower shop opened around the block, do you know how much I have to contain myself to not enter and buy everything when I ride past it to work?” She pouts, adding a vocal fry to really get her point across.
Kyne just laughs, amused at her girlfriend’s antics, while five different types of flowers hang from the sides of the TV. Maybe getting her into gardening wasn’t such a good idea.
“If space was really the problem, you’d be throwing out stuff to bring in more plants,” Kyne comments, not really giving it much more than a second thought.
But Kiara bites her lip, fidgets with her fingers for a little while, and avoids Kyne’s gaze for a solid minute. Kyne knows that demeanor all too well.
“No, yeah, I know. But, like, I dunno, I’ve been thinking about moving somewhere else, somewhere bigger, obviously, where the sun actually can come through and I don’t have to haul a bunch of plants in the same five spots,” she explains, stammering over her words, visibly nervous. Kyne prompts her to go on, knowing there’s more to it. Kiara breathes in hard, looking at her straight in the eyes. “And - and I want to live with you, too.”
The world seems to stop during the seconds it takes Kyne to process what she just said.
When it dawns on her, the sun seems warmer, birds are chirping and the flowers are in full bloom—even if they’re in the middle of winter and there are no birds in the city. That’s just what love does, she suposes.
“I’d love to move in with you,” she says softly, pulling her in for a hug, and Kiara breathes out a long sigh of relief.
She’s ready to plant a long-lasting garden with Kiara.
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paradife-loft · 4 years
1&2 for general, ships, characters & story
1. If you had to join a sect, which would you join?
Ahahaha oh, oh no, the difficult question!!! *covers face*
Tbh I would. join the Lan sect and then be like, the most problematic Lan ever to Lan XD (”But James, don’t you have a reflexive fight me!!! response to rules and authority....?” yes maybe so shush now that’s why I said problematic.)
Like the thing is. I DO like being a nerd, and I DO like the idea of cultivating with music certainly moreso than with swords look I do not enjoy physical exertion a lot of the time, and I semi-regularly become full of emotion and start wailing to whoever’s nearby about wanting to live in somewhere as beautiful as the Cloud Recesses??? It is SO lovely there. Also the only other option I was considering, the Jiang, tbh gives me the impression that I would die miserably of humidity in Yunmeng sooooo :/
But also for real I am... a lot more chill with following rules when I agree with them about their purpose being to better you ethically and also to form a cohesive community, and I’ve chosen to adhere to them by my own will? Uhh, demonstrably lmao. But yeah I’d definitely still be Arguing about things and eating hot peppers in Caiyi town and playing the “it’s not really drinking if you neutralise the alcohol” game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. Your three favorite characters?
*lies dramatically on the ground* How am I supposed to pick just threeeeee???
But ok, so, Jin Guangyao, and then *spins the roulette wheel for today’s picks* probably Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian, averaged out?? But I have a lot of feelings about Everyone ;u;
1. What’s your OTP?
*chinhands* Surely we all know this by now :P
2. What’s your NOTP? Or any other ship you hate?
Uhhhhh hhhhhhh hahaha ngl I usually feel guilty talking about notps in public??? Probably bc often as not it’s more about “90% of the content I see in the fandom is relatively fluffy and/or mundane and/or lacking in meaty conflict and therefore bores me to tears” oops.
But I will say tbh that I have a pretty visceral unhappy NOPE reaction to LXC/NHS in. Probably 95% of contexts ever. Unless I feel particularly into reading, like, sex-as-self-harm fic on any given day, lmao.
1. If you could date any character from MDZS, who would you pick?
Lol, none of them.
2. If you had to kill a character, who would you kill?
Save a sex worker or POW, toss JGS off a cliff :) (predictable answer but hey) (I mean, this is distinct from an answer to “who would I kill at a point in the story prior to their actual death,” but. I would be remiss at existing if I didn’t take the opportunity to say I would kill JGS given the slightest excuse.)
1. If you could make one major story change, what change would you make? Why?
Ahhhh, hell. Actually, you know what? I would slightly revamp Qin Su’s character to have her be aware of her parentage since roughly the same time as JGY is, and have them both separately keeping that a secret from one another for roughly the same reasons. She’s disturbed by the letter from Bicao simply because of the implications around someone wanting to make this knowledge public. (On the other hand: she DOES still ask JGY about how Rusong died, and IS still angry and horrified by the attitude he takes to that question and the implication that he was the one who orchestrated that death, because wtf just because his parents were siblings doesn’t mean he should have been anything other than a happy, perfectly loved, alive child??? Get a fucking grip!)
...And then I think. if she does still end up dying* then it’s probably gonna be directly NHS’s fault, in this context? Because “oh okay I was not expecting her to be chill with that, that’s an unpleasant surprise; well I still gotta ruin JGY’s marriage somehow SHRUG”. But on the other hand I really really don’t love all the women dying, so maybe instead he just reveals her complicity publicly and destroys her reputation and turns her into a pariah? :/ Which is still unpleasant but at least isn’t. death.
Anyway the reason why is like. Partially just aesthetic preferences!! I like “morally questionable power couple” much better than I like “evil dude and morally pure innocent victim wife”. (I in fact very much dislike the latter. Looking @ u, late Numenor.) And also partially - I very much like the additional resonance of “JGY underestimates he sweet and kind people around him and doesn’t notice that they can also have sneaky ruthless streaks” that this would add re: Huaisang? While also for that matter foreshadowing the Huaisang reveal?
And, yeah, a lot of other changes I would “like” to make, honestly fall more into the genre of “things I would like as fix-it fics” rather than changes I want to make to the base story, because so many of the pieces I’ve gone “augh but what if that were different!” are just. structurally important to MDZS’s tragic and other thematic elements. Messing with this aspect to Qin Su’s story doesn’t have to make the base plot non-tragic, but does improve on a few issues I have with e.g. morally polarised female characters who all die anyway.
2. Which character would you bring back to life?
!!???!!? when are we talking, here! in what fashion?
....okay, so for the sake of not making my head explode with potential options, I’m going to limit this to cases of characters who are 100% confirmed dead, being brought back either as a fierce corpse or via sacrifice-summon, generally within the main timeline of the story (i.e. not several decades post-canon).
And of that set under those conditions, I’m gonna pick Jiang Yanli. Look. I LOVE the possibilities of fierce corpse!Jiang Yanli. As a scenario it’s both incredibly fucked up but also the possibilities for really emotional reconciliation between all three Yunmeng siblings in the present timeline??? Logistically I think this would have to take place in a bookverse-style “LWJ carries WWX off to the burial mounds post-Nightless City battle” situation... so like, in a fit of practically qi-deviating rage-grief, WWX reanimates JYL’s corpse right as she dies, a la Wen Ning? and then part of what he’s doing, half out of his mind, during the missing time in the Burial Mounds is working on bringing her spiritual consciousness to put back in there.
........there’s definitely more logistics to be worked out, most notably “where is she during the intervening decade?” but. I love the idea of Jiang Cheng’s anger being not only “you killed my sister” but also “YOU TURNED MY SISTER INTO A FUCKING ZOMBIE”. I love the idea of, eventually, her being ACTUALLY PRESENT to express some of her own opinions and feelings on how WWX & JC fighting over her death (& fierce corpse status) is rly fucked up. make them deal with her as an actual person who’s inconvenient in her wants and needs and willingness to always extend a hand to others, not just a place to hang all their messy emotions on! give her eventually a chance to bond with Jin Ling, and the awkwardness and grief about how much of his life she missed, interspersed with “!!!!! I get to have this back! feelings!”
Because also just in general, I’d really love to have her around to interact with all the characters in their fucked-up “one timeskip later” iterations, and her perma-dying really just robs us of that chance and it’s very rude!
Bonus: holy fuck what would it be like for all her talents and skills and weaknesses to suddenly be completely reversed? Extremely physically strong and capable now! But more likely to scare people than charm them. Can she still, like, taste food properly? Who knows. But wouldn’t THAT be a juicy situation to explore for her! :O
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amidst-thestcrs · 3 years
TAGGED BY: Someone tagged her in this on Summer’s old blog  TAGGING: @feralspace-bitch​, @fightan0therday​, @tr0ubled-s0uls​, @starrys0nder​, @implausiblynaive​, @defactomatriarch​, and anyone else interested!! 
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layer one : the outside
Name -  Summer Elise Smith  Eye colour -  Light Brown almost akin to honey, but can sometimes appear almost golden when in the sunlight! Hair style / colour -  Naturally red hair that stretches down to her midback ish area, her hair is typically worn down and straighten! If not straighten then in just loose waves. Height -  5′6″  Clothing style - I think the best way to describe Summer’s fashion would be summertime casual tbh! She wears a lot of skinny jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. Occasionally she’ll wear tank tops or crop tops if she’s staying on a planet/dimension she feels safe in as well! Always form-fitting clothing with this girl too, I don’t imagine she’d find any sort of baggy cloths really appealing. Summer is also not a huge fan of formal or winter attire either tbh. She hates the cold and purposely moved to a dimension where she wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore, so in all honesty, Summer probably owns one light jacket and dress in her entire closet. Best physical feature - Summer honestly has one of the prettiest smiles! It can light up an entire room, but I also thing it’s pretty hard to earn a genuine smile from her. She usually uses fake or “overly sweet” smiles when dealing with people who annoy her, but when people close with her tend to earn her genuine smile.
layer two : the inside
Fears -  Loss of control/power over herself, appearing weak, men (whether she wants to admit that or not), letting others in/letting her walls down (too many have proven to Summer that it’s best to trust as limited amount of people as possible), and losing the few people she does care about/trust Guilty pleasure - Honestly, coding and hacking 100%. There’s just something so relaxing about programming various electronics to Summer, like for a moment she just shut down her mind and just work/not think (which isn’t something Summer gets to do often so she revels in it when given the chance omg). Once she gets started, she can literally go on for hours, sometimes even a whole day if someone doesn’t stop her.  Biggest pet peeve -  People going through her shit or digging their nose into her business. Summer’s a very private person, so someone deciding to take it upon themselves to put to put their nose where it doesn’t belong is an instant violation of trust and overstepping so many boundaries for Summer!! Ambitions for the future - Just surviving honestly/living to see another day. Ever since Summer was little, it’s always been about making it to tomorrow, just do what you can to get by so you can hopefully wake up to see another sunrise. When she was living with Beth it was always about making sure she had the bare minimum amount of food to live, then when she first got into space it was always about having money so they didn’t freeze to death outside. It’s always been about survival for Summer, and now even though she’s in a much, much better place than before her mind is still set in survival mode. She very much lives with the logic of “Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so I might as well live each day as if it’s my last”. So honestly her ambition for the future is just living to maybe see it one day rip.
layer three : thoughts
First thoughts upon waking up: Honestly? “Welp, survived another day I guess, time to go make the most of it.” She very much lives life in the moment and spends every day as it’s her last. Summer tries not to think too hard on any responsibilities for the day when she first wakes up cause otherwise it’ll overwhelm her too much. Instead, on mornings like those, she just goes back to sleep for a couple of hours more.  What you think about most:  Her friends, Tammy and Tricia (both @tr0ubled-s0uls​).  I think she worries a lot about them and what they might think. Are they happy? Do they wish they hadn’t come with her and stayed on Earth instead? Would they still have stuck around with her for this long if it hadn’t been for all the shit she’s dragged them into? What would her plan be if the federation was to finally capture the three of them? Do they really like her or is it just a matter of circumstances? That kind of thing. Summer’s a ride or die kind of friend and would do anything for those two, kill or die for them (one of which she’s already done). She’s made so many sacrifices for her friends and has taken the wrap for them on multiple occasions, and I think the bigger part of Summer will always wonder if it’s enough or too little. Summer won’t say it a lot, but she truly does feel like a sinking ship sometimes, and she feels so horribly for dragging those two down with her, even though they both agreed to it entirely. If it wasn’t for them having a criminal record too because of Summer, I don’t think she’d feel so bad but that alone causes her a lot of guilt that she keeps under lock and key. What you think about before bed: I think she plays music a lot to try and quiet her mind of any thoughts or memories that always wanna come up before she goes to sleep-- so if she’d lucky, nothing. Although, if she’s not lucky, I imagine she thinks a lot on the past and she absolutely hates that. She’ll play music as loud as she can to quiet her mind before going to be if possible, if not possible, then it’s time to have a couple of drinks omg. Or if worst comes to worst, time to get up and try sleeping tomorrow night instead! What your best quality is: I know how it’s going to sound, but honestly her open-minded and accepting nature. Summer may not seem like it at first to strangers, but she actually quite understanding once you pick at all her tough layers. There’s a soft side in there somewhere, but not many people see it!! But those willing to work for it and dig hard enough that Summer deems worthy enough get to see that side of her.
layer four : what’s better ?
Single or group dates - Single - She loves her friends, but on the rare times Summer does actually go on a date, she prefers her and the other person are alone together so then she can get to know them a little bit better where as she’d be more distracted and withdrawn in a group date with some other people she may not know. To be loved or respected - Respected - Summer hasn’t seen any good side effects of being loved just yet, she’s only seen negativity come out of love so she’d much rather gain someone’s respect than love any day. Besides, in her opinion, at least she can do something useful with respect rather than love. Maybe one day she might prefer to be loved, but not until she can actually see some positivity come out of it. Beauty or brains - Brains - Summer cannot stand when someone looks so pretty but has absolutely nothing going on upstairs. She wants to be able to hold a conversation with someone that lasts more than a few sentences. Dogs or cats -  Dogs - In truth, she used to be neither, but ever since she got her boys, she’s been a dog person at heart. 
layer five : do you…
Lie - Absolutely. Summer is an amazing liar, she’s been doing it all her life to get by, one of the many skills she’s adapted along the way in order to survive. I don’t imagine she lies to those she cares about and trusts, but everyone else is fair game. Believe in yourself - For the most part, yes. I think Summer does have some days where she feels like she can’t do it anymore, but she lives by the philosophy, “I can do this, and even if I can’t, I have to.” so even if she doesn’t necessarily believe in her abilities one day she basically fakes it till she makes it. Although, Summer knows she’s smart and that she can do anything she puts her mind to so she puts a lot of faith in herself. After all, in her mind, yourself is the only person you can truly rely on so. Believe in love - No. I think Summer has been through a lot of heartache in the short time she’s been alive and that’s really jaded her a lot, to not only love but possible friendships as well. Not only just that, but I feel like Beth has literally told her from a young age that love isn’t real and to never “love” other people too much, which for the most part Summer takes anything Beth says with a grain of salt, but that’s one of the few things that stuck (mainly because Summer witnessed the effects that “love” had on Beth firsthand). However, that being said, I do feel like it would have to take a very special person (*cough cough* @fightan0therday​ 👀) that could possibly change her mind in the future omg. Want someone -  See now this is a complicated one cause I do truly that deep down a part of her does think it would be nice to have a special someone in her life, but again she just really feels like it’s all just one fairytale dream that will never happen so why even bother entertaining the thought? You could never catch her admitting that though! If you were to ask her, she would tell you no so fucking fast, it’s unreal omg. But again, there might be a special someone she’ll consider down the road ( *glances at @fightan0therday​ ) omg!!
layer six : ever been …
Been on stage: Oh gosh, I can’t think of a particular incident off hand, but I’m sure she has. Summer is not shy in the slightest so she and her friends would always get into trouble in high school, one of which being the time that she and Tammy ( @tr0ubled-s0uls​ ) pretended to be interested in cheerleading in high school just so they could do a not so school-friendly cheer routine in front of at least 20+ people. So if you count that, plus dancing on tabletops at bars among something else stupid she’s done I’m sure there’s been at least one time in her life! Done drugs:  Yes, but not so much anymore at all really. I feel like Summer has had one too many close calls while under the influence of drugs before when she used to dabble in them, so now she’d just rather not. She might occasionally smoke a joint with her friends on rare occasions, but only at a safe location with people she trusts. Other than that, she usually doesn’t because she doesn’t like not having control over herself or leaving herself vulnerable for others to do something to her. The same applies to drinking as well, she’d rather be the designated driver any day! Changed who you were to fit in: No. Summer changed because growing up at an early age was unfortunately vital to her survival, but she has never and will never change who she is a person for anyone just to “fit in”. Summer has always considered herself top dog, so why would she want to be some silly little “popular” girl?
layer seven : favorites
Favourite color -  I think it’s called peach? It’s that pale pink and orange mixture. Favourite animal - Dogs, or more specifically her Dobermans. She appreciates their undying loyalty to her. Favourite movie - Any horror movie, they’re always a good laugh for her and her friends! Favourite game - Summer used to play a little bit of softball in high school, but I’m not sure she’d say that was her favorite. Tbh I’m not sure!! Maybe trivia cause she’s really smart and it gives her a chance to show that off omg.
layer eight : age
Day your next birthday will be -   July 23rd How old will you be -  22 (Summer is always 22, I don’t typically age up my characters anymore.) Age you lost your virginity - Fifteen. It was some senior bad boy in high school that all the girls wanted and Summer had a crush on. He showed just a tad bit of interest in Summer, even going as far as flirting with her in the halls so she went for it, and then he wanted nothing to do with her after the fact. It’s still something she regrets to this day, usually just lies about her answer if anyone ever asks her this question. Or just gets defensive and changes the topic. Does age matter -  Depends on the situation. In dating, absolutely, Summer isn’t really interested in people way older than her. As far as someone telling her she’s too old/young to do something then no, cause Summer does what she wants regardless of anyone or anything.
layer nine : in a person
Best personality - Confident, intelligent, understanding, carefree, someone who won’t tuck their tail and run the second they start to learn about her past, self assured (that might not be the right word I’m looking for, but Summer doesn’t want someone who doesn’t have their own opinions/feelings and only follows along with what she says all the time) Best eye colour - I could see her being a sucker for brown or hazel eyes tbh Best hair colour - Darker hues tbh Best thing to do with a partner - Just be her true and honest self. Summer always has a front up to protect herself from others, so just having someone who she can wholeheartedly trust to put those walls down would be such a weight off her shoulders, whether she realizes that or not just yet.
layer ten : finish the sentence
I love - “my friends more than either of them will ever know. We’ve been through hell together and I’d do again if I had to.”  I feel - “like the multiverse is shit anyways and nothing matters in the end, so you might as well live life to the fullest and do what you wanna do.”  I hide - “everything... People only disappoint you, you can’t trust anyone really. I tried trusting more than two people before and it royally screwed me over, it’s a mistake I’ll never make again...”  I miss - “when things used to be simpler and it wasn’t always about running.”  I wish - “…I didn’t have to grow up being constantly reminded of how much of a mistake I was...”
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jowritesthingss · 4 years
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing(s): Prinxieceit(?) (Roman | Creativity + Virgil | Anxiety + Janus | Deceit), Intrulogicaliceit(?) (Remus | Dark Creativity + Logan | Logic + Patton | Morality + Janus | Deceit), idk the proper ship names but tbh it’s just Janus + everyone honestly
Rating: Teen (for some swearing)
Content Warning(s): swearing, teasing, lemme know if there are any I should add bc I got nuthin’ atm lol
Length: 4,239 words
Brief Summary: A bullet fic about Janus’ hair, because this is one of the important things in life obviously. (Which, for the other five sides, it really is. Duh.)
TS Masterlist + AO3 Links
under his hat, Janus actually has really, really fluffy hair
it’s nice and soft and puffy and glossy and it’s honestly fricking beautiful because he takes so much pride in his appearance as a whole that he can’t just not take care of his hair, even if he hates it
which, he does, for that matter, hate his hair
it’s just...yeah, it looks nice, and it feels nice, but...it’s so fluffy and cute, and Janus of all people is most certainly not supposed to be cute, so in that it is utterly detestible, Janus thinks
hence why he is always wearing his bowler hat
it’s just seemingly nonsensical that deceit of all sides would have a mess of floof atop his head. it doesn’t look very serious or scary or snake-y at all, it doesn’t suit him whatsoever, and the decided lack of aesthetic of it all is horrid, if you ask Janus
(not that anyone would ask Janus, because none of the other sides know about his hair, nor will they ever know about it if Janus gets his way with it)
((he doesn’t. get his way with it, that is))
our story begins with that first Sanders Sides Asides, in which Roman steals Janus’ hat to use when they’re “voting” on which movie to watch together
contrary to popular belief, Janus does actually kinda-sorta want to join them all for movie night
(Frozen isn’t good, he totally hates it, he doesn’t identify with Hans at all and he totally doesn’t hate Disney for doing Hans a dirty with their last-minute decision to turn him into a bad guy)
besides, even Remus is going to this movie night thing, for goshsake
and even if the others still don’t really like him, surely they can tolerate being in the same vicinity as Janus if he’s quiet and shuts up and just watches the movie, right??
(he doesn’t even have to sit with them on the couch or hell, he doesn’t even have to be in the living room at all. he can just stand in the kitchen or sit on the stairs and watch from there if that makes them all feel better)
so Janus is preparing to get ready for the movie night
he’s wearing his darkest black capelet and his nicest silk yellow shirt and the slacks he knows make his butt look best, and he’s even doing actual fancyish makeup too to top it all off. and if asked he’ll say it’s just because Thomas had been planning on going out for the night, hadn’t he
(it’s not because he cares what the other sides think of him and how he looks. it’s not because they’re all stupidly attractive without even trying and because he’ll never be able to measure up to all that because of his goddamned snake face. it’s not because he wants to impress them. it’s not)
and at last, Janus is ready to ascend into the real world and descend down the stairs in swirls of darkness to rival even Virgil and dramatics to rival even Roman’s
and he goes to grab his beloved black bowler hat with the satin ribbon from its usual spot on a peg by his bedroom door and it’s not there where is it where—
Janus searches high and low and left and right and everywhere in his room he could think it would be and even some weird places, like the top of his wardrobe and in the toilet in his bathroom and under the trash can (not just in it, under) but he, he just can’t find it anywhere, where could it possibly have gone??
and he’s not like Remus or Roman he can’t just Imagine one into Being like they can so he doesn’t have anything else to cover his hair
(he’s not about to cry he’s not)
so when he hears the others thunder by his room and sink out to go watch movies with Thomas he thinks about sinking out with them, regardless of whether his hair is visible or not, but he shakes his head violently because he can’t he just can’t, the others still don’t really like him and they’ll just make fun of him and they won’t take him seriously anymore and it’s taken so much work fitting into this ominous villain persona just to get them to halfway listen to him already
(and he isn’t actually crying now he isn’t)
eventually he calms down enough to appear in the real world at the top of Thomas’ stairs, deciding to call out to the others at a break between movies, just to ask if anyone’s seen his hat without letting them really see him
and what should he see when he peeps out
but his hat
and it’s clutched in Roman’s attractive grubby hands
and he gets swept away in his anger at Roman for taking his precious hat without at least asking first, especially when he can literally just conjure his own fucking hat, dammit—so without thinking, Janus marches into the living room to take it back
he loses steam halfway down the stairs and shit he’s regretting his emotion-ridden decision but it’s too late to go back now
and even though Janus is pressing down on his hair and trying to hide it, it’s miserably obvious that his hair is a soft floofy mess even as his demeanor and expression are neither soft nor floofy
the others all stare and gape at his head, then they all exchange a Look with each other and he sees it and he knows what it must mean, he knows
he rushes out some sort of scolding at Roman, he’s not even sure what he said, really, just anything to distract them from his hair, only it doesn’t work, they’re still staring, why won’t they stop staring
he leaves the room as quickly as he can, leaving all dignity behind in his rush
but he can’t help but linger at the top of the stairs
Janus listens in on the others with bated breath and a sinking feeling in his chest, worried that they’re going to say something about his hair and yet he’s too much of a masochist to try and ignore it and leave
“oh. my gosh,” Patton says in awe, and he must be so in awe at how stupid Janus looks with his hair, he must be wondering how it’s even possible for someone to look so absurdly pathetic
(spoiler alert: nopenopenope. Patton trying to figure out how he never realized just how attractive Janus is)
“did you see his hair??” Roman says incredulously, and there’s some unknown emotion tightly contained in his voice. he must be trying hard not to burst into that boisterous laughter of his. Janus privately doesn’t think he looks all that bad, really, even with his scales and the halo of hair that surrounds him, but of course Roman of all people would find it especially silly and use it against him
(actually, Roman’s really just trying hard not to fangirl. that’s pure gay panic he’s trying to tamp down on babey)
“that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you dorks!” Remus says and god, that feels like a slap in the face to Janus. Remus ratted him out? just like that?? they’d been each other’s only friend for years and then Remus goes and gets accepted-ish by the light sides and then that’s it. just like that, huh.
(fuck that betrayal stings like nothing he’s felt before but he’s not going to let on about that)
Janus watches as the other sides clump together and begin discussing something even his most excellent snakey hearing can’t pick up, but he’s sure they’re insulting him and making fun of his hair
(spoiler alert: they’re actually just making a game plan to figure out how they can all touch his floofy hair and using Thomas as a sounding board)
and eventually he hears the other sides burst into laughter
which Janus, listening in, hears
and he’s hurt because he always knew they wouldn’t take him seriously how he is, things like that are the very reason he wore his hat in the first place, why did stupid fucking Roman have to take his hat and force him to reveal himself like this??
Janus slinks off, shoving the hat back down on his head, hard
and if he’s kinda heartbroken over it all, no way in hell is he about to acknowledge it
the whole rest of it just follows all the other sides just absolutely becoming obsessed with Janus’ hair and subsequently falling in love with him lmao
after that one time Roman took Janus’ hat, everyone just keeps trying to steal his hat the second he lays it down or takes it off for the night
(Patton shoves an entire pack of gum in his mouth all at once, cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk’s, and then as he passes Janus lying down and blep-ing in the afternoon sun he “accidentally” spits it all out on his hat just to get Janus to take it off to clean it.)
((he blinks once. once. once and Patton has torn it away out of his hands, reaching out a hand and mussing up Janus’ already-messy hat hair, and then dancing just out of reach, promising to go clean it for him as an “apology”))
so Janus starts wearing his hat more and more and more, regardless of the circumstances the others keep trying to catch him under
(“gee, isn’t it hot in the mindscape today!” Roman pants, shirtless and sweating his ass off, after having literally turned the heater up to eighty-four fucking degrees Farenheit, right as Janus watched him. “sure makes you wanna shed a few layers of clothing. hahaha. like...oh, I dunno, maybe that hat of yours...? and, ahm, maybe that lil cape and mmmaybeee your shirt too pretty pretty please?”)
((which, Janus does end up removing his shirt, only because Roman promises him half the money he bet Virgil on Janus having a six pack—and who knows why Roman’s talking to boyfriend about another man’s abs but hey, Janus isn’t one to judge—but the bowler hat stays firmly placed on top of his head))
(((that day his wallet expands by twenty bucks, and his satisfaction expands immeasurably when he sees Virgil next and the anxious side’s face immediately flushes dark red)))
((((yeah, that’s what you missed out on when you left the dark sides, ya lil bitch. ha))))
the other sides’ ploys to get his hat off of him and his hair in fluffing distance spiral more and more and more
once he even catches Logan—yeah, that’s right, stupid McSerious Mr. Logan N. Sanders (the N stands for Necktie)—trying to head a goddamn sting operation with his boyfriends, trying to take the hat from right off his head while Janus is reading in the mindscape’s living room
(there was a fishing pole, a grappling hook, a pair of Virgil’s surprisingly emo underpants, and an exorbitant amount of Cheez-Its involved and Janus really, really regrets learning this information)
((he totally steals that pair of MCR boxers when the Logan, Patton, and Remus aren’t looking though))
petty panty theivery aside, the other sides are all getting increasingly more desperate, and they’re not even bothering to hide it at this point, even
and Janus just doesn’t get why they’re trying so hard to embarrass him and insult him like this
like, maybe it’s because he totally schooled them after the whole wedding fiasco??
because Thomas did accept him, and technically the others did too, no matter how grudgingly, but he supposes that Thomas accepting him could have forced everyone else’s hands, so maybe this is their way of making fun of him even as they’re not supposed to verbally insult him anymore??
but regardless of why they’re doing it, now Janus has to take to wearing his hat everywhere
like, literally everywhere, or else it’ll be stolen if he so much as blinks or takes his eyes and hands off it for even a second
remus tries to sneak up on him in the shower and grab his hat off the counter only to find a drenched Janus, fully naked save for the bowler hat, glaring sourly at him from the shower as he attempts to stealthily creep into the bathroom
he even has to wear the hat places like in bed, because otherwise the others Will take the opportunity to steal it
once he wakes up to Patton staring at him, the moral side’s eyes wide as he lays on the other side of his bed, one of his arms reaching out to Janus’ head and fucking caressing his hair
(and no, his stomach does Not do weird flips at that, it doesn’t)
((will he ever actually start to believe these lies he’s telling himself??))
everyone keeps finding more and more and more ridiculous ways to get Janus to take off his hat and more and more ridiculous places to accidentally “misplace” it
Janus still is convinced that they’re pulling all of this shit just because they wanna laugh at his hair and insult him
(but no! it is because they are all useless gays that rly rly rly like the floof of hairs on his head)
at some point Patton or Roman or someone literally just. fucking freezes his hat in a block of ice in the freezer
it is at this point that Janus decides he has had Enough
and at this point he can’t even lie to himself anymore and say that he isn’t crying
(and thank god he found his hat when going down to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, and not the following morning at breakfast, because then the others would see him so fragile like that and even if they’ve already seen his stupid fucking hair they certainly don’t deserve to see him this vulnerable)
but he carries the tub of ice with his precious hat in it back to his room, glass of water forgotten
and he’s silent but he’s shaking and he’s sobbing and he just. doesn’t know what to do anymore in response to any of this
because he’s just so, so tired of the others teasing him like this and he doesn’t know if it’s normal or not because he has no prior experience with them
—all Janus knows of the light sides is that back before the whole hat and hair thing started spiralling so far out of control, it was actually kind of nice to be around them sometimes
like, not to be cliché or anything
but passionately arguing over Disney with Roman and Virgil was really nice, reading and co-existing with Logan was an excellent wind-down from busy days, talking theatre and doing kinda-sorta-almost-horny-but-not-quite dirty dancing with Roman was fun, Patton was a surprisingly excellent co-conspirator for pranks, Remus and Logan were surprisingly excellent victims for said pranks, Virgil and he had finally made up and were maybe even flirting a little bit again, and things had just. they had been nice—
so excepting the whole hat and hair thing, things had been oh so nice and friendly and maybe even flirty between him and the other sides
only now it isn’t now it’s horrible and he just doesn’t understand why they can’t leave him alone already or at least stop beating around the bush and tell him why they won’t just leave him alone—
and god fucking dammit, it just hurts so fucking much because he likes them all so, so much that he can’t even pretend not to anymore. he likes them all, and he wants them all to like him too, but with all the pestering they’ve been doing it just doesn’t feel like they do
and like, is this mean-spirited or not? he honestly can’t tell, he can’t read any of them at all on this, and it’s so strange because usually he can
and, and maybe, just maybe, it isn’t, maybe they’re just flirting or teasing or all in fun or whatever, but still it hurts
then if it truly is mean-spirited, can’t they just tell him and leave him to lick his wounds in private instead of popping up literally everywhere and scaring him half to death?
but whatever the reason behind it all, the subterfuge and the glances when they think he’s not looking and the weird emotion on their faces when they watch him hiss and try to grab his hat back and all the mixed signals he’s getting now are too too much and—
—and Janus, he knows how to be quiet. he knows how to tell a lie. if they want to hate him and pretend to get along around Thomas it’s fine, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before
(it’ll hurt like a bitch but he’ll be fine)
((he’s lying to himself again he won’t be fine))
but he’s just getting so much attention, and so much of it is on his hair, one of the things he hates the most about himself, and he’s
he’s just so tired
and so Janus, with a heavy heart, starts straightening his hair every morning without fail
he lets his hair go all greasy and unwashed and unkempt and it hurts him to stop taking care of himself like that, but maybe, just maybe, if he does they’ll all lose interest in his hair and finally just stop
only the others are actually? really devastated?? and genuinely concerned???
and so all the other sides corner him and ask him why
in self-defense (but also out of hurt) he somewhat nastily comments something along the lines of “what, so you can’t make fun of it anymore, huh?”
and the others are hurt and there’s a bit of shouting and anger until someone comes out and admits that like,,, “no dude you’re literally the hottest/cutest of all of us and uhhh we all love you and kinda wanna date you lol”
and then Janus is like
everyone is reeling from the reveal, and oh so confused, so at Logan’s insistence they all take a big step back to calm down from the confrontation that just happened
Patton offers to go make some hot cocoa and warm up some brownies for everyone to help them all de-stress a little bit, and Logan bustles off after his boyf to help him
Virgil insists that Janus take a bath to get all clean, and he actually offers to help Janus bathe
(god, that’s such a flashback to when they were younger, when things were easier)
((Janus bites back a strangled, choked-up laugh as he remembers him, Virgil, and Remus all squished in a tub together as children, only back then it was the two of them trying to make Remus wash his hair, not vice versa))
and this time Virgil asks before touching him, offering to wash Janus’ hair for him to help get the week-and-a-half’s worth of grime out of it, and Janus is tired and the water is warm and Virgil is safe(?) so he says yes and
and oh
Virgil’s hands scratch up against his scalp, soft and feather-light, and it actually feels really, really...good
there in that tub, Janus slowly starts to relax for the first time in what feels like months
then, when he’s done washing Janus’ hair, Virgil leaves to let Janus have some time to relax and soak in private
Janus sits there in the tub, head tipped back against the cool porcelain, relishing in the warm water surrounding him
he still doesn’t really know why the other sides have been doing what they’ve been doing
but all the same, he’s not quite so anxious about what they’ve been doing anymore
surely if Virgil of all people has been so soft
surely things can’t be so bad as he had himself convinced
(maybe things can be okay after all?)
when Janus finally gets out of the bath, Roman and Remus are standing wordlessly outside the bathroom, holding out a ridiculously fuzzy pair of yellow-and-black pajamas with cartoon snakes for him
and there, on top of the pajamas, his hat
no, no, wait a minute
that isn’t his hat, it’s a...a new one
...for him?
Janus looks up at Roman, who nods, his expression surprisingly shy, then he looks over at Remus, who grins almost nervously at him, looking at him weirdly delicately
the bowler hat is clean and shiny and velvety and black, with a satin yellow ribbon at the brim just like his old one, only this new one has small polka-dots that, upon further inspection, are actually really, really tiny versions of all the sides’ different insignias—so that a little piece of them all can be with him, Roman explains, even when Janus doesn’t feel comfortable actually being in their presence
(he’s not really sure how he doesn’t break down at that, but Janus manages to hold out until after he’s swathed in fuzzy warmth and after he goes downstairs to talk things over with the others)
the six of them make themselves sit down in the living room and talk it all out over hot cocoa and warm mushy brownies
Janus opens up about how he hates his hair, how he wears his hat to hide how fluffy and soft it is, how he thought that they would never listen to him or take what he says seriously because of it, how scared he was that they were doing it because they hated him, how overwhelmed he was over them showing up everywhere and invading his space and taking his hat and playing with his hair without at least asking first
and the others explain that they were just trying to have fun and flirt with them. that first time they saw Janus’ hair he hadn’t even technically been accepted by them yet, but nevertheless, even back then they only wanted to comment on how soft it looked. on their side, it had been a bet—to see who could get Janus’ hat off again next, to see who could touch Janus’ hair first and figure out what it felt like—but then it had morphed into gay panic and them all falling for Janus, hard
Roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan, and Remus all apologize big-time to Janus
they assure him that they hadn’t meant anything bad over it, and that they really did love him and want to all be involved with him, and that they would never actively try to maliciously insult or tease him like that, and that they didn’t realize that he wasn’t just flirting back when he protested the whole hat thing
(which, Janus realizes that he kind of had been back in the beginning, just a little bit, before the teasing went way too far)
but just because the others hadn’t deliberately meant anything mean doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt him, nevertheless
so the five of them acknowledge and apologize for not realizing Janus’ discomfort and for not ensuring that the environment was one in which he felt safe in admitting his discomfort to them
and Janus admits that, now he knows for sure that it isn’t anything bad, he really doesn’t mind them touching his hair or any other part of him, really, but they really need to ask first, because things that feel nice some times don’t feel so nice other times
so they all have a nice long talk about boundaries and about how consent extends way past just sexual activity
and what kind of hurt/comfort fic would this be if Janus isn’t passed around everyone’s laps while everyone softly peppers kisses all over him and reassures him that they love him and they love his hair and they love his scales and they love his everything? so naturally that happens, and it’s all very very mushy and sweet and cavity-inducing
and everyone assures Janus that he and his hair are fully worthy of love and that they’re happy to love both even as he can’t bring himself to love himself just yet—if he’ll have them all, that is
and Roman + Virgil ask Janus to date them, and Logan + Remus + Patton ask him to date them too because yay gays and yay polyamory
and maybe Janus is crying a bit after the others admit that they actually really like how he looks, snake face, fluffy hair, and all, maybe he’s crying as he says that yes, he really does like them all and want to be with them
but he’s not about to admit it, of course
besides, he’s got his head turned to kiss Roman, soft and chaste and long and sweet, and Patton’s in his lap with hands under his shirt, gently rubbing just above his hipbones, and Virgil’s pressed against his side, holding his hand and squeezing carefully, and Remus is on the floor, curled around his calves and playing with the fuzz of his pajama pants, and Logan massages at the base of his neck even as his brand new hat sits perched atop his head
so Janus most certainly has an excuse for not admitting anything (or saying anything else, really) for a long, long while
Why is this literally over four thousand words what the fvck
Anyways, maybe one day I’ll write this like a proper fic, but in the meantime I wanted to share it as a bullet fic! :) If you want to create something yourself that’s based on this, be it writing or art or whatever, please feel free to! PLS do tag me tho bc fluffy-haired Janus is LIFE and I want to see it ALL. o.O
Want to be added onto any of my taglists? Shoot me an ask or a message here or via my other social media!
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s-j-ace · 4 years
The Same Question
Chapter Three
Characters: Shuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi
Words: 3360
After Detective Shuichi Saihara encounters mysterious thief Kokichi Ouma for the first time, a game of cat and mouse ensues as both men ask themselves the same question. Why exactly does the elusive phantom thief do what he does?
This is Chapter Three, Here are Chapters One and Two
Read on AO3
[Log of Text Messages from Kaede Akamatsu’s Cellular Device]
From: Me
Hey Shuichi! How's it going? I haven't heard from you in a while. I keep forgetting I'm a human person and not a piano machine while I'm on this tour lol.
From: Shuichi! :D
Hi Kaede! I'm sorry! I forgot to check in on how your tour is going, probably because I've been kind of busy myself. How are you?
From: Me
No need to apologize silly 
I'm doing ok
Just craving human interaction that isn't a graceful hand shake or an approving nod rn 
Hey if you've been busy that means you're working another case, right? 
From: Shuichi! :D
Haha yeah I guess.
Or at least I'm trying.
From: Me
You wanna talk about it or is this one still top secret?
From: Shuichi! :D
I guess there's no client or victim to protect with this one
And there's nothing really stopping me from talking about it
But it's not that interesting to be honest.
From: Me
You're talking to a girl who is on her phone rn to avoid playing hoity toity with a bunch of rich people who like dressing up fancy more than they actually appreciate music :///
Anything is an improvement tbh
From: Shuichi! :D
Haha ok
So like I've been tracking some thieves for a while now.
From: Me
Oooh is this like the Novoselic case?
From: Shuichi! :D
No it's more like a series of robberies than one big robbery.
From: Me
The intrigue,,, 😲😲🤔🤔
From: Shuichi! :D
Anyway it's just a group of thieves
They just robbed this casino and it's a little frustrating
Because I looked at the security tapes and they just kind of…
Walked in…
And the thing about these guys is that they all dress up like clowns
So like it’s literally just eight clowns on the security tape coming in and picking things up and leaving and there’s other people in these videos but no one even looks at them twice????
From: Me
Ffff that’s pretty funny…
From: Shuichi! :D
Hmm.. I’d probably have found it more funny if the owner of the casino hadn’t been crying and shaking me while I watched it. They dropped one of the chandeliers on his car or something.
From: Me
What??? Chandeliers????
From: Shuichi! :D
Yeah, the boss clown dangled these chandeliers off the side of the roof to distract me while these rare videogames were being stolen. Then he broke them when he thought his crew could get away.
From: Me
How is that not interesting??? That’s super intense Shuichi!! It makes me want to play movement three of Moonlight Sonata...
From: Shuichi! :D
Is that the really fast one
From: Me
Yes!!! :DDD
I’ll make a melomaniac of you yet!
From: Shuichi! :D
Does this mean you’ll stop making fun of me for getting a C in music appreciation senior year
From: Me
Oh yeah the real reason we broke up lol
From Shuichi! :D
Haha yeah.
Uh, anyway. With the thieves.
I know they're going to land in Cairo in a few days but I don't know what they're stealing.
From: Me
Hey! Rantarou's going to Cairo tomorrow!
You want me to see if I can get you a ride on his jet?
From: Shuichi! :D
Oh no you don't have to do that
From: Me
Yeah, but I'm going to
Unless you really don't want me to but I think that you do so...
From: Shuichi! :D
I dunno
That would be very nice
I'm a little low on a travel budget and I'm in Reno Nevada right now
From: Me
Oh huh where's that
From: Shuichi! :D
In America, like eleven hours away from where you are
From: Me
So? Rantarou's a trust fund baby he could afford the detour
From: Shuichi! :D
Yeah but also like
I'm pretty sure he hates me?
From: Me
Rantarou doesn't hate you
Last time you saw him you literally helped him track down all twelve of his missing sisters
From: Shuichi! :D
Yeah but I just get the vibe that he doesn't like me
From: Me
Shuichi you have social anxiety
From: Me
Hey you don't hate my friend Shuichi do you
From: Avocado Hair
I don’t want to be mean
From: Me
Yeah you don’t >:/
From: Avocado Hair
But I thought he was a little suspicious when I first met him…
Don’t get me wrong, Shuichi’s nice and seems reliable enough
But also he’s your ex and I don’t trust exes of my friends just on principle
From: Me
From: Avocado Hair
Listen obviously I think Shuichi is cool now
But also it was kind of sus when he was just creeping around your shows without introducing himself…
From: Me
I invited him to those! >>:0000
From: Avocado Hair
Yeah, I know that now
He’s a nice guy alright? Really, I do owe him one
Or twelve hah
From: Me
Great! You’re picking him up from Nevada tomorrow
From: Avocado Hair
I'm doing what now
From: Me
Tumblr media
From: Avocado Hair
So Nevada, huh?
From: Shuichi! :D
Yeah but also sometimes I'm right when I think people hate me
Having social anxiety does not make that not true
From: Me
I set everything up :)) he says you're a cool guy and he'll call you when he lands in Reno
From: Shuichi! :D
That's very nice of him
From: Me
Shuichi Rantarou owes you like 12 life debts
From: Shuichi
Finding missing persons is my job, it’s hardly something to owe a life over
From: Me
Shuichi it was 12 missing persons 
My mans Avocado lost track of twelve whole sisters and you found all of them and now you think he's capable of hate??? smh 😔
From: Shuichi! :D
I'm sorry okay?
From: Me
You don’t need to be!!!
    Shuichi Saihara found himself, one week after the heist in Reno, on practically the other side of the world. He was  blending in with the scattered crowd of tourists circling around the new exhibit at The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, Egypt. As he looked into the wide-eyed, gilden face of a newly dug up sarcophagus, Shuichi struggled to convince himself that this wasn’t a complete waste of time. Interpol and the Boulaq Police Department certainly seemed to think it was... 
Back in Paris, Interpol hadn’t ended up giving Shuichi access to DICE’s next encrypted letter of intent. Instead, after Shuichi gave his testimony to the Paris Police and the investigation was essentially wrapped up, it seemed like Agent Kiyotaka Ishimaru decided to make an appearance just to have the pleasure of yelling at Shuichi about how many protocols he would've just broken if he were actually beholden to the employment of any law enforcement agency. 
… okay that wasn't a fair characterization of Agent Ishimaru. He was a nice enough guy. He just wasn't as disillusioned with the authoritarian reality of national militias given power by systems of government forged when people still thought eating your own vomit cured smallpox. One time he gave Shuichi a juice box, and some cookies his husband made, before chewing him out, so that was pretty nice. Although maybe that was only because Shuichi had just gotten lightly stabbed by an internationally wanted drug dealer…
    Regardless, Agent Ishimaru was far from pleased that Shuichi was “performing acts of covert vigilantism again,” despite the fact that Shuichi had absolutely no idea DICE was even on the flight and therefore his reactionary investigation didn’t include anything illegal, such as stalking, that would be classified as unlawful vigilantism without the backing of the appropriate law enforcement agencies. 
When Agent Ishimaru was done giving a speech about Shuichi’s naivete, he ordered him to get off the case. Luckily for Shuichi the Paris Police thought he was with interpol because of this exchange, and they let him look at security tapes and flight records from the two closest airports. He’d been able to deduce their arrival at Reno, but wasn’t able to figure out what DICE’s mark would be until the heist was already under way. He’d just barely been able to stop them from stealing every single vintage game console from the Silver Legacy Resort. 
    After looking at tapes from the Reno-Tahoe International airport too, Shuichi had been able to deduce DICE’s next destination was Egypt, but Egypt was a country and had a lot more national landmarks than Nevada did and honestly Shuichi didn’t even know where to start looking for possible burgleables. Rantarou, a friend of Kaede's who was nice enough to give Shuichi a ride to Cairo, had asked him to check out the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities first. 
Apparently Rantarou's family could trace parts of their bloodline back to old money European families which had partaken in the awful rich people trend of the 16th century where they would just rob graves in Egypt and eat parts of mummies. As a result, they had a bunch of artifacts that didn't belong to them, so Rantarou often made trips to Egypt to return as many as he could. Right now a lot of those artifacts were getting packaged to be shipped to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, because the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities was due to be superseded by it next year. He was off somewhere mixing with Museum staff while Shuichi took stock of all the possible entrances around the exhibit. 
    The museum was rather crowded, and as a couple walked up behind him, Shuichi suddenly felt that he was very obviously blocking the view of the sarcophagus display he was in front of. He muttered an apology and moved away, turning around to look at a vase closer to the corner rather than the center of the room. Like most of the artifacts on display it was in a glass case, which Shuichi had noticed seemed to be of the make and model of the kind rigged up to a silent alarm system of some sort. If the cases were opened, the guards in the security booth near the front of the museum would most likely be notified. Although, the exhibit pieces in the cases themselves didn’t seem of much note to Shuichi. There were, of course, priceless artifacts held up on stands or splayed out on ornately embroidered mini-rugs inside the cases, but none of it quite seemed to fit DICE’s MO. Maybe he could look into the other exhi...bits….
    Shuichi’s train of thought trailed off as he noticed that on the other side of the vase he was looking at stood a young woman in a headscarf who he could tell was giving him a weird look. 
    Shuichi’s inner voice made a noise that would have sounded like, “Hghhhhhh” if he were speaking out loud.
Was he in front of something again? Did he have something on his face?
    Okay maybe she wasn’t looking at him and he was just being weird.
    His gaze flitted up to momentarily take in the heavily makeuped face and he instantly found himself locking eyes with the very familiar dark purple irises of a complete stranger.
Shuichi did a double take as he realized that this was not, in fact, a young woman.
Wait, did he really know that? Maybe he had just assumed the thief was a guy. Shuichi squinted. How do you ask an internationally wanted thief their pronouns?
“What pronouns do you use?” Ah okay, like that. Thanks for nothing internal filter.
“His majesty/His imperial highness,” The thief replied automatically as if he already knew what Shuichi was going to ask them and had remarks prepared. “Rat/rat bastard are also acceptable.”
Shuichi took that to mean that the thief wouldn’t be offended if he referred to him with masculine terms. Ugh, wait what where was his head at right now? 
Shuichi began to maneuver around the vase to apprehend him, but as he moved the thief moved at the same time, so it ended up looking like they were playing ring around the rosey with the vase display.
Shuichi stopped. The thief stopped too. 
He started going around the other direction. So did he.
They stopped again.
While maintaining eye contact, Shuichi attempted to discreetly move his hand into his pocket so that he could text Rantarou that a robbery was definitely happening right now. He had gotten pretty good at typing on his phone without looking, but as he slipped his hands in his pocket the thief’s eyes followed.
If he considered that Shuichi might have been reaching for a weapon, he sure didn’t look it. The man’s posture was relaxed and as he watched the grin on his face widened impossibly.
“Is that a phone in your pocket that you’re using to discreetly notify the authorities of my presence, or are you just happy to see me?”
Shuichi sent the text -- he had managed to type out a simple “HELP” to his most recent contact, which was probably Rantarou -- and quickly pulled his hands out of his pocket. He maneuvered them instead into a placating gesture, glancing around at the trickle of visitors wandering through the exhibits around them.
“I… Don’t want to cause any unnecessary alarm…” Shuichi started to say as he tried to think of any way to de-escalate this conversation.
“Oh, trust me,” The thief began in an earnest tone that Shuichi definitely knew not to trust. “Neither do I.” 
Suddenly, the glass case lifted up and Shuichi realized the thief had somehow managed to pick the display case lock during their impromptu round of ring around the rosey. Which hopefully set off an alarm of some sort?
Yet as Shuichi glanced around he couldn’t spot any form of security in between tourists, none of whom seemed to see what was happening. Or maybe it didn’t register as suspicious to them? 
It certainly registered suspicious to Shuichi, who was now looking directly at the thief’s heavily makeuped face. He didn’t look anything like the first time Shuichi saw him, except for the facial expression that seemed to indicate he could just decide to pull out a knife or jump off an airplane at any moment. Shuichi had only a moment to connect this expression to that of the black and white cat that kept knocking over the potted plants on Kaito and Maki’s balcony before the thief’s hand was raised and already coming down on the ancient vase. The priceless artifact took a nosedive off its display pedestal, and Shuichi dove to catch it. 
Thankfully, Shuichi managed to grab the vase out of the air in the nick of time, just careful enough to prevent it from shattering into a million pieces on the floor. Not so thankfully, Shuichi was the one who fell on the floor instead. He hit the ground, but hey! At least the vase was fine! Then again the natural oils on his hands probably weren’t especially helpful in the grand scheme of the artifact’s preservation…
Shuichi moved to stand up, but froze as he realized that every eye on the room was on him. 
Uh. Okay. Time to. Not. Freak out about that. Yep. 
Oh shit oh shit oh shit they were all looking at him what if they thought he was-
Wait. Where did DICE go?
Shuichi heard a loud, sharp sound, and turned instinctively. He found that the thief had stepped behind him at some point, and had backed up to blend in with the rest of the crowd. As the sharp sound repeated, Shuichi came to the realization that the thief masquerading as a young girl had clapped. And now the man behind him was clapping to, and the woman behind him, and the lady behind her and almost instantaneously Shuichi came to the realization that the whole room was clapping, and that it was a distraction. As the clapping continued, the thief stood still as curious museumgoers pushed forward in the crowd to figure out what was going on in this corner of the display.
The thief was disappearing from view. Now was his chance.
In the brief instant Shuichi and the thief locked eyes, the detective saw his challenge. That it was not only a challenge, but a question. 
Will you drop everything to chase after me?
He had to make the decision now.
Shuichi chose to stand up to his full height and turned to place the vase safely back into the display case, closing it back up.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake he made in Reno, chasing after the man whose face he knew rather than keeping in mind the nine other just as capable operatives. He was starting to learn that DICE always seemed to take two steps ahead, and that if Shuichi wanted to do something it was most likely something that would benefit their plans. So he resisted the single-minded urge to chase the thief in to instead take the preventative measure of scanning the nearby displays for anyone trying to take advantage of the distracted crowd. 
He didn’t even watch as the thief disappeared into the crowd, and instead pulled out his phone. 
Rantarou had replied very helpfully to his “HELP” text with a carefully chosen one word reply. 
[Log of Text Messages from Shuichi Saihara’s Cellular Device]
From: Rantarou Amami
From: Me
Don’t panic
But I am fairly certain that this museum has just been robbed
From: Rantarou Amami
    From: Me
    It’s a lot to explain
        From: Rantarou Amami
    Just call me
    You were in a call with Rantarou Amami that lasted 38:56.04
     From: Rantarou Amami
    Hey is that interpol guy done yelling at you yet
        From: Me
    Oh geez
    Did you hear all that?
    From: Rantarou Amami
    I mean like
I got the gist of it
And the gist of it seemed to be
“Shuichi! Stop being such a good detective! You’re making me look bad!”
From: Me
Oh haha
I guess that was something along the general theme
I’m not really a better detective than him though
He’s just the kind of guy whose like 
But also I think his husband is like in a biker gang or something
From: Rantarou Amami
Come on Shuichi give yourself some more credit there
If you’re not a good detective that means that at best I’m an awful one
You found twelve missing people in one week who I had been searching for for five years
Also you literally just stopped a museum robbery
From: Me
Oh, sorry I don’t mean to be like weirdly self deprecating
But also I would contest the fact that I stopped a museum robbery with the evidence of the fact that the museum definitely still got robbed
From: Rantarou Amami
Yeah but like
The only part of the museum that didn’t get the carpets stolen from it was the room you were in
Which literally had the most valuable rug in the whole building in it
Like seriously even the carpet built into the floor of the gift shop was stolen
Also you saved that vase
One of the anthropologists here almost cried when he saw that girl push it over in the tape
From: Me
That is weird isn’t it
I think the rug being an actual exhibit might’ve been why DICE didn’t go for it
That’s not their typical MO
From: Rantarou Amami
Wow… that compliment dodge tho…
From: Me
From: Rantarou Amami
You’re good man
Hey do you need a ride back to the hotel
From: Me 
Oh sorry, I was doing some research 
I can get back to the hotel on my own
From: Rantarou Amami
Ok, cool
From: Rantarou Amami
Hey just checking in again, did you get back to your room okay?
From: Me
Oh, yes I’m here
Actually I was just about to text you too
I’m sorry to ask so much of you Amami
But could you possibly drop me off in Taipei on your way home tomorrow?
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mcybebailey · 4 years
ʻ   / wow ,   i am so excited  to introduce bailey pyo   to  our current  students at cape  coral . she is  extremely  excited to  join the film club .   coming  in as an  21  year  old freshmen ,  they  shouldn't  worry about  fitting in .   the cis female  taurus   has  always  reminded  me of park sooyoung  , but  some people  don't see it .   trying to keep the  fact that she has dropped out of three different colleges in the past few years and her parents used their connections to obtain the scholarship   from  getting  around this  school is going  to be tough . no  worries , though ,   cape coral will create  a new life for them , i  assure you . ʼ 
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hi!! omg hi everyone i’m jala (gmt +8) wow i’m so excited to be here wow i’ve been lurking on this group for so long and i took the chance to apply once i saw it. this is my quiet bub who’s Trying(TM) and i have her somewhat complete bio HERE but under the cut is a bit of a sparknotes version and some connection ideas to help with plotting hopefully (and i’ll have a proper wanted connections page up soon) - but really i’m up for all the plots!
full name: bailey yerin pyo
nickname(s): bay, bays, pyo
birthdate: 20th april 1999 (taurus)
hometown: san francisco, california / moved to portland when she was 10
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
languages: english, korean
orientation: graysexual biromantic
major: (eventually) media studies, with a literature minor
faceclaim: park sooyoung (joy)
distinguishable features: soft & sleepy like eyes, a beauty mark on her nose, a nick on the left side of her jaw
aesthetic: worn out sneakers, naps under the warm sun, surprising tenacity, oversized flannels, band-aids plastered on the skin, postcards meticulously stuck on walls, blending into the background, weathered copies of books, quiet but not blind, soaking in the bathtub until the water goes cold, long raven-coloured hair, smelling faintly of lavender.
( - ) blunt, anxious, lazy, stubborn, cynical, cannot handle pressure, selfish, quiet, insecure, overthinker 
( + ) tough, observant, warm, perceptive, poised, mature, headstrong, creative, quirky
[ tw for mentions of anxiety disorders ]
bailey’s a scholarship student! by not so honest means but she’s genuinely doing pretty good since she’s actually putting in effort into making sure her life is in Check. she’s by no means a teachers pet, and just in general doesn’t... bring much attention to herself.
genuinely kind of has a talent for blending into the background and disappearing from situations she doesn’t want to be in - which really has helped as much as it’s damaged her young life. she’s mousy and quiet by default, usually reading or writing a whole bunch.
likes to nap in between classes in quiet and/or strange corners on campus as she progressively finds them. she likes to say she has a talent for sleep, which really it’s impressive how quickly she can sleep and how she can w wake up from naps at the right times
really, she’s trying this time to be more social and make friends. she’s put herself off from it for so long that she figures it’s time you know? it’s not like she has any particular difficulty with it (unless it’s in a large group setting ie: in front of classrooms then... whew) - bailey is genuinely a warm person when talked to albeit maybe a tiny bit blunt. she just happens to be in her own head a lot.
that being said she’s extremely calm - almost too calm that’s it’s really a way she copes to try and not be anxious constantly. it works, for the most part, thankfully and it’s been keeping her stable enough mental health wise. keeps her from any more college-dropping-out-inducing incidents with her anxiety. (that being said she’s Big Anxiety internally)
kind Notices things very easily. she’s an observer and have been since she was younger but since becoming quieter as she’s grown, it’s just become more heightened. it’s not like she voices out these things willynilly, but she likes to keep these things in mind. makes for good inspo when she’s writing tbh. 
her family fits snugly into the upper middle class tbh!  she has two younger sister, one who’s doing pre-medicine in an ivy league school, so a lot of the family funds are going into paying for that sister’s college. also her past of dropping out really has her parents not trusting her anymore - which was why she ended up in parker community college in the first place.
she’s really... like straight edge, completely by choice! she’s genuinely not interested in drinking or drugs it’s just not her thing? (she’s got enough on her plate tbh) she is trying to be more social and is trying to go to parties but she’s just been Struggling tbh it’s not really her scene? also partly why she is not that Experienced compared to her peers in intimate matters? the closest she’s had is a couple of “almosts” from high school that ended up going nowhere
a ho for all kinds of media - she’ll talk your head off about the things she’s watching/reading if ever explicitly given the chance. 
i just by red velvet - that smidgen of hope, of (trying to) leave all past troubles and actually try now. the mindset bailey is trying to get into now that she’s in cape coral and moving on with her life! her attempt at being a proper adult now and for her to just leave the past behind. the contrast of the driving edm with the heavy-ish lyrics also feels like it’s very bailey in terms of her mind and thoughts.
busted & blue by gorillaz - the song's feel captures bailey’s vibe overall, it’s chill, slightly downer in tone, but has a hint of hope as well within the words. the lyrics, too, feel like they were written in her voice. kind of similar to how she’d write a poem, for example, especially during her very tumultuous period of life when she was in and out of school and truly starting to understand herself. It’s less a song that relates to her and more a song that emulates her in some ways.
class of 2013 by mitski - really explains her confusion and hesitance to grow into adulthood. it’s something she’s felt that she’s not suited for but life really doesn’t care about how she feels so she’s going to keep growing. so she ends up trying to cling on to years past even if there’s really nothing there for her anymore.  It’s really not helped by her rather poor mental health and the song doubles down on that feeling of progressively feeling more and more inadequate.
SOME LIGHT INSPIRATIONS: azusa nakano (k-on!), michelle (mcu spiderman), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), eva kviig mohn (very early skam season 1), haruhi fujioka (ouran)
someone who just kinda sees her y’know? probably a person who’s found her weird spots and they’re slowly like beginning to share these spaces and such. which would partly weird her out because she’s been so used to just making herself not be seen and has been very successful doing it for so long. but it’s obvious she likes it and wants this person around more.
pre-scholarship parker community college friend(s)! bailey would’ve definitely started Trying when she got to parker so possibly someone she grew close with then and them getting the scholarships together would’ve been great for bay because she’s not alone again lmao
old friends from when they were younger? maybe family friends? her dad has a pretty large reach tbh so it’s possible she would’ve accidentally known some people from even before this. 
someone to try and get her out more and Live A Little. can be ~corrupting~ her or a bad influence, but mostly just someone to drag her out of her room and be daring and bold! she can at the same time, be a calming presence for them to just chill out with her 
a crush! a few crushes! a flirtation! bailey crushes really easily tbh but she also gets over them just as quick so however you’d want to play it out i’m up for that!
ooOOH someone who’s very forward in flirting with her and bailey actually gets super flustered? like she just wouldn’t know how to deal with it and she’s not sure if she likes it or not (probably likes it a lot). but she’s just not used to this kind of attention that it throws her off big time.
a work out buddy lol she’s been pretty successful with consistently doing weekend jogging/walking so something could be built from there?
honestly any of the above can be combined with each other but either way: all the plots! gimme i would love theeemmmmmmm allll - frienships, romantic ships, antagonistic stuff, ALL OF IT.
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yunharlaquin · 4 years
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@mstinteresting​ asked:      “plots please” (Let. Me. Give. Diego. A. Star. Wars. Verse.)
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Your wish is my command, M’Lady!
1. & 2.  Star Wars
It’s both versions of the universe and even though what he is in both is basically the same, how that works out is different.  But TBH, the thing that just sticks in my mind with him and Star Wars is being a commando... like he’s the one that knows the science things and is probably at least mildly if not full blown force sensitive but isn’t a jedi either because he was never interested or didn’t realize until after becoming a commando and doesn’t care to join the Jedi.  This could easily shift to any part of the SW universe as most times and groups have commandoes but my ideas have to do with both versions of post OT.
In the new canon, he’d be potential past New republic, but definitely now a resistance commando, potentially one of the few who have survived this far into the war.  He’s vital beyond his abilities as a commando in training others to some level of adeptness in hand to hand or sniping or clearing buildings, you know the drill.  He probably meets Jaina when she’s still a teen, making a visit to a base with Leia or Han, a tiny teen with the sharpest tongue and mind for flying and mechanics.    She doesn’t get much taller, just a touch more than Leia either btw... XD  But as the new trilogy’s events approach, she’s an adult, finishing up what her mother can teach her in the force, almost one of those legendary jedi and she probably asks to spar with him and/or to help her learn some more hand to hand things.  She might not have an x-wing, but she’s smuggling things for the resistance so he might even be asked to join her on a particularly stiff mission.  THINGS LIKE THAT.  and she does get her plane not long after TLJ at the latest, so she’ll become the hotshot pilot she always told him she’d be. XD
In Legends, he’d be just New republic, part of a large group of commandoes, plenty of comrades, but they’re facing the biggest threat the galaxy has seen in a least a thousand years: the Yuzhan Vong.  Their lifeform based tech and terraforming threaten to destroy life as every being knows it and enslave the survivors under a society that worships death and pain on a level to make the Sith cringe.  And they would... since these beings can’t be sensed in the Force.  These being rip through the galaxy, including the jedi who are fighting as hard as anyone else.  A year or two into the war, he’s assigned to the same ship as Jaina, who is the leader of her own squadron and a republic officer in her own right.  Listen, they’d either get along great in this verse or butt heads constantly.  She’s single mindedly determined to end this war before she loses someone else, and doesn’t care if she doesn’t survive it... let alone if this is after Intel has her playing Yun Harla, a vong goddess, for pyschops.  But he’d be first to know some of the new ways to fight these beings and some of the intensest fighting.
3.  Umbrella  Academy
I SUPPOSE this is just related to her modern verse, but I could see them running into each other just by accident... yes, she happens to be the daughter of a prominent US politician, but she’s also a helicopter pilot for the special forces, so let them meet in a bar and idk if anything surprises Diego but maybe he’s surprised this pint sized woman is basically special forces.  Especially if he happens to know who her mother is but not what she’s been doing.
4.  Fantasy
Finally, come onnnnnnnn... Diego would fit well, as just a common person or a knight or some sort of other being or having magic.  And give him and Jaina a reason to team up, perhaps her seeming like a damsel in distress at first but him quickly learning she’s an excellent horseback archer (and archer in general).  Maybe it’s the Imperial au version where’s she’s the granddaughter of one of the evil overlords of the land and he’s part of a resistance against it.... but he doesn’t know at first who she is I MEAN THE POSSIBILITIES.
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norelationtoatticus · 5 years
So...........anyone want to read my long, hyper-excited essay on why Sansa and Tyrion belong together, using character wound theory as evidence?
Too bad. Here it is anyway. I have high-key shipped these two for years, alone in the darkness, because everyone thought I was crazy. Well, I don't look so crazy after that hand kiss, now do I?! (To all of you fellow long-time Sanrion shippers out there: I salute you.) Some people are just starting to ship them after that last episode. Some don’t see it at all and think that the idea of them together is off the wall and out of nowhere. I am here as a longtime weird-o cheerleader for these two to offer some perspective. Ship them or don’t, live your life! But they are definitely not coming out of nowhere. And here are 1500 words explaining why!!! 
(lololol...I have a problem, guys.)
Anyway, here's the essay. I’m putting this under a cut because the last couple of paragraphs do contain spoilers for the most recent episode, Season 8 Ep. 3.
First, an intro to character wounds, in case you are not a writer type or have not studied this concept.
When creating a character and setting them on their inner journey, one aspect writers tend to develop is the character's wound. A wound is a dark, sucking abyss in a character's psyche that influences all of their actions and choices. Typically, it comes from some sort of trauma in their past. This wound is all-encompassing. It affects their relationships, their decisions, their journey, as they seek (usually unconsciously) to fill or heal the wound. It's like a black hole around which the character's personality and motives swirl.
The reason why I think Sansa and Tyrion are completely perfect for each other? They have complementary wounds.
Let me explain.
Tyrion's wound is that no one has ever wanted him. I mean that on a multitude of levels. His father and sister detested him, made it quite clear that they did not want him in their family. They spent years telling him that his mother had died rather than have to raise him, which is awful and not true, but of course he has internalized their abuse. Even Jaime, who loves him, sides with Cersei and Tywin when it matters most. He loves Tyrion, but Tyrion is never his first choice. Even though Tyrion is obviously the most clever person in King's Landing, no one wants his advice or council. He's made Hand of the King, but immediately gets demoted as soon as his father comes back. Sexually and romantically, no one has ever wanted him. (In the show, anyway. Remember, he does not know the truth about Tysha in the show.) Even though he is one of the more sexually active characters early on, both he and the narrative make it a point to really hammer home that all of his experience is with prostitutes. He has never had a romantic or sexual relationship with a woman he didn't have to pay. All of this motivates him. This is what ties him to Daenerys, what keeps him loyal to her even when he really doesn't like some of her choices; he stays with her because she chose him. She threatens him, questions him, doesn't listen to him, accuses him of treason, and does a lot of things that Tyrion is not comfortable with. But he stays. Because she chose him. This is his wound. No one has ever wanted him. He has never been anyone's first choice.
Sansa's wound is that she has spent so much of her life as a prisoner, unable to make her own choices. That has been her entire journey. She went from being a prisoner in King's Landing, to a prisoner--albeit one with a bit more agency--with Littlefinger, to being a prisoner in Winterfell. She has been caged, trapped, forced into two marriages, used as a political tool by people like the Lannisters, the Tyrells, and Littlefinger who only see her as a pawn. She has had her bodily autonomy violated in the worst ways. She has been beaten and raped. Everyone took away her right to choose. Every step of the way, Sansa clawed and scraped to be able to make just a few choices of her own, to grab just a bit of her agency back. But for a long time, she was making whatever small, survival-based choices she could within the confines of various cages. Even now, she is bound to serve the choices of people who are more powerful than her--people like Daenerys, but also Jon. She is much freer now, and we have seen her taking up space and making choices for the past two seasons, at least. But she has more to do if she's really going to come into her own and take charge of her role. This is Sansa's wound: her imprisonment, the stripping of her agency, her lack of free will.
See? They're complementary. They're a matched set. And they offer each other a path to healing:
Sansa needs to make her own choices. And Tyrion needs to be chosen. 
What a lovely symmetry. It's like something deep in each of them has been calling out for the other.
There's more, too. 
On their awful, painful wedding night all those years ago, Tyrion was handed all of Sansa's agency. Now, let's be very clear: not raping someone should not be a high bar standard we're celebrating. That's awful. But in the world of GoT, where rape is so common place and lightly-used, I genuinely don't think many men would have done what Tyrion did. And then he did something even better. Sansa had been trapped, imprisoned, for a while by that point. She had no freedom, no choice. Tyrion had all of her free will held tightly in his grasp. He could have done anything to her, and no one would have blinked. But not only did her refuse to do anything against her will, he took it a step further. He handed some of her freedom of choice back to her. He didn't just refuse to abuse her. He actually literally said, "I will not share your bed until you want me to." Until you want me to. He handed a little bit of power back to her in that moment, and he never once tried to take it away again, even when Sansa said, "What if I never want you to?" To be clear, I do not ship them in this time period. Not even close. This marriage was awful, even though they found some kindness in it. Sansa never could have learned to love Tyrion back then. She was a child. They had both been forced into the marriage. And she was so ruthlessly trapped and imprisoned in King's Landing, there was no way she could ever feel anything but fear and hate while she was there. But now? With some years of distance? With some growth for both of them? When they're both free to choose it? I suspect real feelings could grow between them.
Until you want me to... ...What if I never want you to?
You know, she never actually said no, never. Maybe she just need a lot of years and a lot of change...
There's also just the fact that they really complement each other, in terms of personality and what I think they would each want in a partner. Their minds and the way they think are a matched set. They're both very intelligent, ruthless when they need to be, and yet kind and good at their cores. Sansa is one of very few people in the world who can stand up beside Tyrion, match him wit for wit, cover his blind spots, act as a real partner to him. And Tyrion is literally everything Sansa has ever wanted, exactly the kind of man she admired in all the romantic songs: a brave, noble, handsome, heroic lord with a heart of gold. She just had to do some growing before she could see all of that in him, because he’s not exactly conventional.
Anyway, long story short, Sansa and Tyrion are legit perfect for each other. This is why I ship them. This is why you should be shipping them. (Please, good lord, more people ship them. There is not a whole lot of Sansa/Tyrion fic, and I really don't have the time to write it all by myself, guys.)
Do I think they're actually going to get together in the show? Maybe! Maybe not! Who knows! I won't be upset if they're not actually canon. I still love the pair. This show doesn’t do romance super well, and romance is not often a priority, so I am definitely not holding my breath. But I do have a few thoughts.
As to whether or not they're actually going to get together on the show, a few thoughts from the last episode: 
1) The damn world was ending, they were all about to die, this was not an opportune time to be flirting with each other! But did that stop them? No, it did not. 
2) The moment that they shared in the crypts, backs to the wall, side by side, and sure they were about to die, was one of the most intimate moments this show has ever given us. These were two people who deeply understood one another, acknowledging without words that there was a whole world of things left unsaid between them. That hand kiss? So tender. So loving. And yes, of course you could take that scene as platonic. Maybe it was. Quite possible. But, in my defense, I know and follow a whole lot of romance authors. Most of the romance authors I know saw that moment as deeply, wildly romantic, even if they had never shipped this pair before. So there's that, from a bunch of people who write romance for a living.
3) Sansa told Tyrion they would never work because of his loyalty to Daenerys. This felt...um...first of all...like a hell of a conversation to be having while you think the world is ending. I would not be surprised if Sansa was laying some ground work, trying to get ahead of the curve in grabbing Tyrion to her side in case they actually survived. It made me think Sansa has Plans ™ . But also, this one feels obvious, tbh. The show has been building up a conflict and a tension between Tyrion and Daenerys for two seasons now. He has made a lot of bad calls that have her questioning his judgement and loyalty. She has made plenty of her own bad calls that have him questioning whether she is fit to rule.They are ready for a blow out. And if Sansa presents another option? If Sansa is there as someone who wants him, wants to choose him, wants to love him? I suspect Tyrion’s loyalty won't be split for long.
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court-of-pokemuses · 4 years
Every Eusine ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Eusine and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Eusine with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Eusine w/ a Villain
Top rated ships: Diamondstud, & Uxorious shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Fanatic, Fixation &  Hoax shipping.
*DiamondstudShipping - Colress & Eusine 5/10 I mean they’re both fabulous dudes who are focused on finding legendaries so I’d give it a fair shot of happening. Then again would Colress be able to put up with Eusine? 
FanaticShipping - Eusine & Saturn 0/10 Hehehe, they’d kill each other. (Saturn would kill Eusine)
FixationShipping - Eusine & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni would kill him let’s be honest. 
HoaxShipping - Archer & Eusine 1/10 I.........hm.........yeah don’t really see it too much either as a long term thing. Maybe a hook up?
*UnfortunateShipping - Butch & Eusine 4/10 I mean it’s interesting you got 2 folks who like to show others up, and are fancy bois. Could kinda work I suppose. 
UxoriousShipping - Eusine & Hunter J 6/10 And in this corner we have the wild ship that kinda makes sense just make Eusine more crazed. I mean they’re both obsessed with finding legendaries??? So just watch em run around trying to find certain stuff. Not much love there tho
*WorthyShipping - Cyrus & Eusine 4/10 I’m sorry but I do not see Eusine as hitting the ‘worthy’ level on that I mean he’s strictly emotion based tbh. This would be wild though to see. 
Eusine w/ a champion
Top rated ships: Regent shipping
Bottom rated ships: Gnomon shipping
AeonShipping - Eusine & Cynthia 0/10 Oh gosh no, how the f is that gonna work? Like bruh I don’t think she’d put up with him. 
GnomonShipping - Eusine & Steven Stone 4/10 Gnomo means gnome, so this ship is about gnomes???? Anyway moving on from that def another one night stand scenario.
MantleShipping - Eusine & Lance 4/10 Here we have another one night stand! Seriously just very few people can handle Eusine long term.
*RegentShipping - Alder & Eusine 7/10 Eh Alder did casually shoot his shot at Cynthia so if he did with Eusine def would of at least gone a round. Tho hm long term???? Maybe? I mean Alder has more patience???
SplashShipping - Eusine & Wallace 4/10 Both fabulous, but can they handle each other’s extraneous is the real question.
Eusine w/ an elite 
Top rated ships: Ouroboros, and Harker shipping
Bottom rated ships: DarkMagic, MythHunter, and Elitist shipping
DarkMagicShipping - Eusine & Karen -50/10 Hehehehe, no. Yeah no even if Morty wasn’t involved in why Eusine hates her they would soon find a reason to be at each other’s throats.
ElitistShipping - Eusine & Will 1/10 Will would be sick of him pretty soon, or Eusine would be sick of him. If they didn’t chat much before hand maybe 1 night.
HarkerShipping - Eusine & Marshal 7/10 Cuter than some others I will say and I mean Marshal does seem to have more patience than some, and maybe it’d work.
MinaShipping - Eusine & Grimsley 5/10 Oh grims baby boi shipped around. Yeah I could kinda see it running better than some but again 2 dramatic bois, we’ll see how long they can take each other. 
*MythHunterShipping - Drake (Orange) & Eusine 1/10 I just want to see em exploring the world trying to find crazy legends and such. 
OuroborosShipping - Eusine & Flint (elite) 9/10 Kinda want to see this happen. I just imagine it being the refined boyfriend and messy other boy friend who were originally roommates. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 Ye Bruno would have the patience of a saint to handle him but would it be a good relationship?
WellReadShipping - Eusine & Lucian 5/10 Hm, nerd meets fabulous extrovert. Kinda sorta maybe?
(Surprised to see everyone in the Johto league and no Koga)
Eusine w/ a gym leader
Top rated ships: Sacred, Maelstrom, and RagingInferno shipping
Bottom rated ships: Camilla, Sacrosanct, and Broxa shipping
BroxaShipping - Eusine & Winona 0/10 Winona would not put up with this man. 
CamillaShipping - Eusine & Sabrina -10/10 Sabrina WOULD NOT put up with this man.
CeladonShipping - Eusine & Erika 3/10 I kinda want to see this in that Eusine can usually get away with his slightly flirty shiz and expects Erika to fall, but she just outright does not and boom he’s like,”but....hm I am intrigued.”
CorruptShipping - Bugsy & Eusine 0/10 No way in heck would Boy Scout and Eusine get along
DropletShipping - Eusine & Misty 2/10 Huh it’d be interesting but also they’d probably just fight alot.
HereticShipping - Eusine & Falkner 6/10 I think the name is funny, and brings up some interesting possibilities in au, but as the same time I kinda see it in the main timeline and wanna see it. 
IntertidalZoneShipping - Eusine & Jasmine 0/10 Ye they might ship, but would it be a healthy relationship?
JustinShipping - Eusine & Elesa 0/10 Who is Justin. They would be fashionable together but trying to romance would not work.
MaelstromShipping - Eusine & Volkner 8/10 Ok maybe. Tbh Volkner and Morty have somewhat of the same vibe to me, but Volkener has a bit more sad energy. 
MinakaneShipping - Eusine & Whitney 0/10 This is the first time I feel like Eusine would be annoyed and only becasue she’s just a happy ball but like all the time.
*RagingInfernoShipping - Chili & Eusine 7/10 Ok but watch em both get mad and scream like and then like cuddle afterward and both apologize. 
RueShipping - Eusine & Candice 0/10 Eusine is bent on finding legendaries and Candice is all protect them. no.
SacredShipping - Eusine & Morty 1000/10 Top for the boi cause they just have alot of character moments, and also they have the same salty chemistry and I love it.
SacrosanctShipping - Eusine & Clair 0/10 Clair would hurt him first before any sparks flew. 
SiWongShipping - Byron & Eusine 4/10 Eusine is your dad now Roark. So anyway I think it’s kinda interesting I like the contrast they have with each other but Idk how it’d work together. 
TesseractShipping - Brock & Eusine 1/10 Please explain the name to me, are you telling me they’re Avengers now??? So anyway I kinda feel like this wouldn’t happen. Like I mean Brock is a kind soul, and Eusine is kind of a goblin. 
WTFEverShipping - Brawly & Eusine 3/10 The name says it all. They’d have a one night stand, Brawly would think it was more and scream that at Eusine who’s confused why he’s mad. 
Eusine w/ Professor or assistant to
CrossRegionShipping - Bill & Eusine 3/10 Bill I suppose could work but I feel like things would fall apart when Bill realizes ‘oh you don’t just like suicune in a research sense you’re a bit fanatic.”
***ForelockShipping - Eusine & Professor Sycamore 5/10 .....Ok but if Sycamore was evil maybe? Idk why specifically this, but for some reason I feel like that would vibe??? In general tho naw.
*InvestShipping - Eusine & Professor Rowan 4/10 Naw don’t see this long term but I see it going longer than most.
*LifelongDreamShipping - Eusine & Fennel 9/10 There aren’t too many heterosexual ships I see with Eusine but oddly enough I can see this one. Especially after Eusine lost suicune and they get to talk about what they want from life. 
Eusine w/ a minor GAME npc
Top rated ships: Bowtie, and Value shipping
Bottom rated ships: Chaser, and Jinx shipping 
*BowtieShipping - Eusine & Juggler Irwin 6/10 You know what ye, let em both be showy but one has the cool ability to juggle.
ChaserShipping - Eusine & Satsuki 2/10 Satsuki is a kimono girl about protecting the legendaries idk if she’d be down with his goal unless you just want to focus on them enjoying the journey of looking. 
HarangueShipping - Eusine & Thorton 5/10 I can’t tell if Thorton is a child so that’s weird but for this we’re gonna head cannon he’s an adult. I mean kinda cute I guess with crazy pants McGee energy that Eusine has and in control Thorton. SO eh.
*JinxShipping - Eusine & Palmer 2/10 But Palmer making a hologram suicune? Eh Might be cute, but it’d need more depth than my little cute joke. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 3/10 Funny to imagine same energy as Erika, but long term I don’t see it. 
PokeWifeShipping - AZ (XY) & Eusine 4/10 Someone please explain, please. I mean it’s a no from me dog, but like maybe in an alternate timeline???
*ValueShipping - Eusine & Riley 6/10 They just wanna go find legendaries. They both have the slight cool vibe and I like it.
Eusine w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc
Top rated ships: Harrow, Thunder, Jones, and LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping
Bottom rated ships: 20Questions, FollowMyLeader, and Legato shipping
*20QuestionsShipping - Eusine & Flint (Kanto) 0/10 Ya’ll this is Brock’s dad. Like wut??? Brock I am your dad now. I guess the fandom just sees Eusine with dads/dad bods. what 20 questions are they asking?
*AncientPossessionShipping - King of Pokelantis & Eusine 5/10 ..........yeah if anyone was gonna end up possessed it’d be Eusine. They both want to find a legendary pokemon, but Eusine still has their heart focused on wanting to help the pokemon. Although hm idk but what if the king corrupted Eusine??? 
FollowMyLeaderShipping - Eusine & Molly Hale 0/10 So this is the child from the movie and I get we see her all grown but still I don’t like this. 
ForeignShipping - Eusine & Harrison 3/10 This guy has a houndoom as his main and has a tie with ho-oh, I’m shocked the fandom didn’t slam him together with Karen. Anyways he doesn’t have too much depth in the way most anime NPCs do but like mayhaps
GoldbergShipping - Eusine & Noland 5/10 Another dad bod type. Anyway I see this one tho since the cold calculations of Noland may mix with Eusine’s craziness. 
*HarrowShipping - Eusine & Harley 10/10 Yes def on this one. Harley is kinda intense, Eusine is intense. I think this makes sense. 
JonesShipping - Eusine & Ian 8/10 There isn’t much on this guy except that he takes care of pokemon. But he has that dad bod which apparently is Eosin’s thing so sure. 
LegatoShipping - Butler & Eusine 0/10 So Butler has a girlfriend for one. I honestly feel like they have the same energy but Eusine is gay. 
LegendQuestShipping/PursueShipping/RavingShipping - Eusine & Lawrence III 8/10 Again this is just crazy Eusine with someone enabling him. 
*MadShipping - Eusine & Tyson (Johto) 6/10 The Tyson they’re talking about it she one that forced the evolution to happen. I mean I guess but also again this would be the crazy Eusine one. 
ThunderShipping - Eusine & Kudou 8/10 One gets Suicune, and one gets Raikou I mean he’s one of those anime characters that doesn’t get much character so let it happen.
WitnessShipping - Eusine & Ritchie 0/10 This guy is a rival to Ash so ya know it’s a kid, and I don’t see anything they’d connect on.
Eusine w/ Orre or Ranger npcs
SuicuneShipping - Eusine & Venus 8/10 So they’re both conceited, and focused on folks liking them? 
Eusine w/ manga characters
UnworthyShipping - Eusine & Walker Guess what folks, it’s another dad-o, specifically Falkner’s. 
Eusine and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: ImaginaryFriend, and Oos shipping
Bottom rated ships: MissSaigon, Erratic and CrystalIntegrity shipping 
4KingsShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Lyra 3/10 I’m kinda lost on the name here, and I could see them all hanging out I guess. Maybe a couples date thing, Eusine & Morty w/ Lyra and Falkner. Where do the kings come from tho?
BromanceShipping - Eusine, Flint (Elite), Morty & Volkner 7/10 Bromance where nothing is platonic and clearly 2 couples, or heck maybe it is, anyways I like it though! CapeShipping - Eusine & Jackson (Vincent) / Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 9/10 Ok but cape awareness club though where they all sit down and make up good reasons to have a cape, and they make PR for it cause they’re tired of getting teased. It’s a funny idea. CrystalBellShipping - Eusine, Morty & Suicune 5/10 Ok this is just Eusine completing his goal in life and morty also being there. I mean I feel like Morty would be the 1 person to support him having the pokemon but I mean it’d eventually just be his fav pokemon on his team.
CrystalIntegrityShipping - Eusine, Paul, Kris & Suicune 1/10 This is just eusine hanging out with children and a legendary pokemon what are they supposed to do?
CrystaltrioShipping - Eusine, Morty & Kris 4/10 Just a gay couple handing out with this child who defeated them both in pokemon combat. Look she just thinks they’re cool ok?
DashingFanboyShipping - Baron Alberto, Eusine & Lawrence III 9/10 3 bad bois all out wanting to catch their pokemon favorite. Please don’t leave them along longer than 5 minutes because bad things can and will happen. 
EastWindShipping - Crystal, Eusine & Suicune 4/10 This is just Eusine being mad that she caught the pokemon. It makes sense tbh, but I think she’d get annoyed with him trying to convince the legendary to be his pokemon.  ErraticShipping - Eusine & Morty + Eugene (Eusine) & Kudo 2/10 Ok so this is just Eusine shipped with one guy and another Eusine shipped with Morty cause Eugene and Eusine are the same person. I am confusion and I feel like Kudo and Morty would be too. 
ImaginaryFriendShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III, Morty, Ho-Oh, Lugia & Suicune 10/10 .........This is just people giving them a hard time about pokemon they will never get/see isn’t it. Heh I feel like you could put more people in this thing, and I think there should just be that as a support group.  IntelligenceShipping - Eusine, Lucian & Will 5/10 Bruh Lucian would lose his mind trying to deal with these two, It’d be funny to watch but poor Lucian.  KarmaShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Will 5/10 What did Falkner do to deserve bad karma? And yes I say bad cause Will, Morty, and Eusine alone would cause some shiz. This is the above but with one more person and falconer stuck with it.  LovelyangstyfanserviceShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Lawrence III & Morty 5/10 Ah so these are the angsty bois huh? You’re missing a few folks.  Marina'sFondestDreamShipping - Eusine, Jackson (Vincent) & Lance 3/10 I think this is just a 4 way someone wants to happen. Eusine would have a good time talking to Vincent about Raikou cause it could help him find Suicune. Lance is wondering how he got wrapped up in this convo. 
MisledShipping - King of Pokelantis, Ash & Eusine 4/10 So Ash got possessed by the king and Eusine would def fall into the same boat if there. Yeah the king would have 2 minions basically. 
MissSaigonShipping - Brawly, Eusine & Morty 1/10 So many Eusine and Morty with another person. Hm I can’t think of much they’d have in common immediately...
MovingOnShipping - Eusine, Lawrence III & Professor Carolina 5/10 Professor Carolina helps 2 dorks get over the fact that they can’t have the legendary pokemon they want. MysticQuestShipping - Eusine, Jimmy (Kenta) & Marina (Johto) 4/10 This is just them all looking for suicune and only one gets it, spoiler it’s not Eusine
MysticShipping - Eusine, Morty & Will 6/10 Ah yes the clairvoyant, the psychic, and a fanboy. One of the most powerful forces to ever exist. Real talk though I feel like they’d just all cause trouble together. 
MystifyShipping - Eusine, Morty & Whitney 3/10 Is it just me or is anyone that ships with Morty and Eusine feels like a 3rd wheel? I feel like they’d have an ok time together but idk if it’d go long term. OnMyHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner, Morty & Clair 6/10 Ok yeah they all definitely have that ‘honor’ vibe about them but I fell like their honor systems have various levels of skew to them. It’d be interesting to get them all in a room to talk about it though. 
OosShipping - Brawly, Eusine, Morty & Will 10/10 Please catch them all in some school au where they are the trouble makers of the school. Brawly is the wanna-be intimidating jock, Will is the class clown, Eusine is the dramatic theater kid, and Morty is the introvert they adopted.  SacredDevotionShipping - Eusine, Morty, Ho-Oh & Suicune 9/10 They finally got the pokemon they have fan boy crushes over. Cute but I feel like they’d not realize how much for it takes to care for a legendary. That and be bad at trying to defend them, interesting thing to explore.
SacredFireShipping - Eusine, Morty & Ho-Oh 5/10 Now morty got his pokemon he wants. Kinda cool, maybe it’d show Eusine what he looks lie to other people. 
SacredHonorShipping - Eusine, Falkner & Morty 3/10 Again falconer feels like the third wheel here, and idk what they’d do long term. 
SuitUpShipping - Butler, Darach, Eusine, Lance & Steven Stone 6/10 All the dudes in suits huh (and Lance)? I feel like some are missing. I can see them all going shopping some time though and getting wild new styles. 
TrimurtiShipping - Eusine, Giovanni & Lance 4/10 Huh....ok I mean I just see it as Lance reluctantly keeping Eusine safe from Giovanni cause Eusine would def do something to make him mad trying to act tougher than he is.
Eusine w/ Eusine
RagingEgomaniacShipping - Eusine & Eusine 10/10 He’d band himself in a heart beat, and they’d be wildly annoying to everyone else. 
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flying-elliska · 5 years
Elu feelings
I cope by writing meta, so expect a lot of it this weekend. I think I’m going to be processing s3 for a long time tbh.  I feel like all ships have a few core emotions they run on, you know ? 
The first one I can think for Eliott and Lucas is relief. Like look at them after their first kiss, hugging and laughing. It’s like this big stormcloud of tension that has just broken into rain over their heads and is now watering their crops. Relief because they’ve both been lonely for a long time and they just found each other and it’s downright miraculous.
 It’s that corniest of corny tropes, love at first sight, except for them it really works, because they show us time and time again how perfectly they fit together. They both want something committed and deep, they’ve got artistic sensibilities, they’ve been hurt a lot by life but still want to believe, they’re both so passionate. Eliott’s romantic playfulness manages to reach beyond Lucas’ walls, Lucas’ fierce devotion is able to reach through Eliott’s pessimism and self-hate. They can be themselves together after a lifetime of hiding. Eliott gives Lucas signs that it’s okay to be goofy, and Lucas shows appreciation for it. During the piano scene, Eliott looks at Lucas like water in the desert. And Lucas just blossoms as soon as he doesn’t have to bother with shallow, bullshit pretend relationships anymore. I don’t like the ‘we complete each other trope’ usually, but those two, they really do. They went on their own journey but it’s really like something wasn’t right with the universe until they got together. And look at how relieved they are to see each other again after being pulled apart. The minute by minute becomes that too in the end, as does the parallel universe metaphor - there could be so many ways and so much time for them to be apart, and they’re going to make damn sure they never have to be apart again. It’s fragile and it’s beautiful and it’s the most right thing ever. They just fit. 
The second one is...probably yearning, working along with the first one. They’re both just so needy. Eliott is in general ‘a lover of all things’ (like Maxence said) - and as shown through the Polaris video, he desperately wants a true soul connection, something that goes beyond appearances, beyond fears. He puts that film out in the world like a message in a bottle. He doesn’t get funding, but it does reach the one person it needed to. The story could be hella sappy and it would fit the whole artsy teenager with too many feelings thing, but it’s just so earnest. He’s terrified of ‘the dark’ (ie his issues with mental illness) and what it would do to people around him, and yet he’s still willing to take his deepest, most desperate desire and put it into the palm of the world. There’s something so brave about that. And Lucas ?  He starts out as disconnected and adrift, pretends to be tough and a player but scratch the surface even once and wow. The way he clings to his mask speaks of his fear of being left alone. And the way he just opens up to Eliott so fast - he’s been looking for that forever, really. Someone to really see him, and see that need. The way things went in his family probably hurt him so deeply because under his grumpy façade, Lucas strikes me as someone incredibly loyal and caring, and what his father did probably shook a lot of his core beliefs. Because of this and his internalized homophobia, he took on a ‘feelings make you weak’ demeanour. So it’s so important that him and Eliott made it through - it allows him to believe in love again, that he is worthy of being loved, it’s some deeply existential shit. (even though the part with his friends was also crucial.) And it’s why it never seems rushed that they move so quickly. It’s really like a spark comes and starts a wildfire in a few moments because everything was ready for it already. I would buy them moving in together, for real. Obviously they might have issues down the road because of this. Lucas’ abandonment issues and Eliott’s troubled self-image and issues linked to bipolar are not going to just vanish overnight. They just care and want this so much they might rush into things. But you really believe they’re going to pull through and spend the rest of their lives together, anyway. 
I’m also thinking of faith. That’s the whole point of the Remember montage. The beginning of their relationship is really messy. Eliott cheats on his gf and bails on him and sends him all sorts of mixed signals, Lucas says some really ignorant things about mental illness and pretends to be into girls and uses Chloé and says mean things about him to his friends. Lucas is forcibly outed, then there’s the whole houseboat which might have been very traumatic for the both of them - someone else in their shoes might have said, this is too much for me, and they might not have been entirely unjustified. I feel one important aspect of this pairing is that you’re never entirely sure they’re going to end up together. Sure, they’re perfect for each other, but their issues interact in ways that mean they’re uniquely suited to hurt each other as well. When you look at Lucas’ past, Eliott on paper really isn’t an ideal partner. Lucas too can be sharp and mean and reckless, or he can go overboard when he cares about something. They’re both very aware as it develops that this could end up being dangerous for them, that they could wreck each other. This version of the story just has so much more tension and uncertainty than the other remakes, for some reason - maybe because Lucas is more isolated, or Eliott is less cool on the surface than Even, or maybe it’s down to technical choices too. The amount of feelings between is overwhelming right from the start, it’s like, it could easily become too much. And then there’s the whole stigma from society thing. And of course, love, between anyone, remains one of the most terrifying things in life, because of the trust and openness and vulnerability it demands. So faith is important, because it implies making a bet that things will turn out alright in the end. It’s about compassion and moving on from the past but also learning from it. And choosing to put the positive possibilities above the negatives. They choose to have faith in themselves, too, when they choose the relationship. That they’re going to figure it out, be better at communicating. The church montage makes a lot of parallels between religious faith and love, as being a refuge in times of sorrow, something true and sure when everything is uncertain.  It should be the meaning of ‘christ-like’ love. And this is not about Lucas being some sort of savior figure for Eliott in spite of his ‘flaw’ - it’s for himself too, that compassion and that faith. That he can be better than his father. That he recognizes the faith Eliott put in him by telling him about Polaris - now he probably understand fully what it means, that Eliott was telling him he was stuck in that darkness too, that he gave Lucas this key because he had faith in Lucas’ capacity to love. It’s about people’s faith deserving to be rewarded in kind.  It’s so beautiful, I want to cry.
And last but not least - tenderness. If I had to pick only one, it would be this one. And it’s not (only) about them being so cuddly and prone to PDA as soon as they get together, it’s a much deeper thing. It’s like they look at each other and go ‘hello, your soul is beautiful and belongs with mine, let me make some room for you’. It’s in the way they approach each other - Lucas makes the first move, then Eliott shows his interest in a way that is ‘chelou’ enough to signal something more is going on - repeats his name only for him - but never pushy. It’s the entirety of the piano scene, and the way they keep unveiling little bits of who they truly are to each other - Eliott’s wacky music and moves are incredibly important for that, and so is Lucas’ playing - it’s them creating a space for each other saying, look you’re safe with me, I am weird and intense and passionate and artistic and I know you are too. It’s that conversation as they walk home, the carefully worded sentences where they’re pushing each other towards the conclusion of ‘not necessarily a girl’. And it’s of course the first kiss - Eliott pushing at Lucas enough to show him how much he cares and get past his walls, but letting him do the first move. And Lucas letting Eliott know he has seen Polaris. And obviously the entirety of Samedi 9 : 17. Lucas knowing what to say to reach Eliott, his emotional intelligence. Eliott’s little drawings, and his romantic gestures that show Lucas he deserves a grand love story. Lucas taking care of Eliott after his episode, the croissants and the flowers and the meals. The playfulness, the care, the attention. They want to help each other be as free and happy as they could be, they care so much about each other’s developpment ? The way they’re constantly checking in with each other - minute by minute, and the reciprocity of the bus stop scene - Eliott knowing how to use it to soothe Lucas’ fears as well, showing the truth of the concept that they both will have difficult moments. They’ve bruised each other’s hearts, it’s heavy, but they also handle it as a privilege - it’s so much better than not being in each other’s lives. When they’re together, it has the carefree vibe of young first love, joyful and clumsy and rowdy ; but you catch glimpses of them as old souls, too, with a maturity and selflessness and depth of love that is just awe inspiring. It’s love as sanctuary and refuge, and love that opens the doors to the world. 
I’m never going to be over it tbh. 
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