#very lowkey Getou x reader
seeingivy · 10 months
sweet nothing
satoru gojo x f!reader
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: talks of grief, references to hidden inventory arc, satoru just being in love, megs + tsumiki babies
an: giving love to one of the best songs on midnights. also idk where I procured this emo at like 1 in the afternoon but here we are
You give him the book after the two of you settle Megumi and Tsumiki into bed, in the few minutes of peace you and Satoru get before you both nestle into your shared bed. You hike your knees to your chest as he picks it up, a confused look meeting yours when he reads the title. 
“On Grief and Giving?” 
“I took Miki and Megs to the bookstore today and I thought you might like it.” 
“A book about grief? I’m not grieving.” 
You look over at him - sparkling blue eyes rimmed with red, the usual sparkiness in his voice gone for the past few days, and no smothering, smushy cheek kisses every morning. You scoot over and he opens his arm up, tucking you into his side. 
You whisper the words against his neck, your hands placed on his body, tracing out the lines of his biceps. 
“He doesn’t have to be dead for you to be grieving him, Satoru. The person we knew is dead and the reaction is all the same.” you whisper. 
Satoru frowns, his hand going back and forth on your lower back. You know he hates it, when you try to talk about it. When anyone does. 
“Just read a few pages. See if it’s your thing or not, okay?” 
He looks into your eyes for a few seconds before nodding, pressing a swift kiss to your cheek. And when you leave to drop Tsumiki and Megumi off at school the next day, he reads the first page and promptly stops. 
Grief stays the same size. Life begins to grow around it. 
He thinks it’s stupid. 
from y/n 
you: don’t forget to bring strawberries home for froggy cake please!! 
satoru: okay love. anything else? 
you: that big fat ass 
satoru: got it :D 
you: you ruined it. 
Tomorrow marks two years since Tsumiki and Megumi have been staying with you. And of course, in your ultimate corniness, you’ve convinced all three of them to make a cake with you. And because you can never say no to Tsumiki and Megumi’s suggestions, you’re making a strawberry froggy cake. Because Tsumiki wants to try to make a little frog with frosting and Megumi just wants to eat the strawberries off the cake. 
He makes a mental note to drop by the store on the way home from his meeting with the higher ups and then his parents. Maybe buy some balloons or flowers or something to accompany the strawberries you asked for. He knows you said it was supposed to be a lowkey thing, just the four of you eating the cake together, but your annoyance doesn’t beat your surprised face, so he must. 
Satoru stops by the coffee shop first, making it a clear point to be late to his meeting with the higher ups for a very stupid reason, and gets a sugary caramel latte. He can hear your voice in his mind - berating him for picking something so sweet - but persists anyway. 
And as he leans against the counter, waiting for the cup with Satoru scribbled on the side, he takes in the shop, watching the people going around. He had never been too big on people watching, but it’s Tsumiki's favorite pass time at the park, pointing out people's silly outfits or how close and far they’re sitting away from each other. 
He spots two little girls, making little beaded bracelets in the far corner while their moms both nurse a warm cup of coffee in their hands. They have their hands wrapped around the porcelain, like they’re sequestering the heat from the glass. 
On the left, a young couple, nervously twiddling their fingers and cracking their knuckles as they make conversation - cheeks glazed pink and wobbly voices marking their conversation. They’re both dressed nicer than usual, clearly trying to impress each other. 
And in the far corner, leaning against the chair, is Suguru Getou. 
He nearly sprints to the other side of the shop when he sees him. Short hair, a man bun tucked neatly at the back with weirdly misshapen bangs and brown eyes. He can feel his heart racing, pounding even and the perspiration growing on his clenched fists as he moves closer. 
And when he reaches their table, standing way too close and looking straight into his eyes, he realizes that this is not Suguru Getou. Instead, a kid that bears far too much resemblance to him. But his eyes are rounder, his nose isn’t as pointy, and he is not a murderer. 
Satoru takes off and runs straight out the store, forgetting about his cup of coffee that’s getting cold in the pickup area.
Yaga and the higher-ups' voices drone out in the back, as Satoru wracks his head. 
Why did he think that kid was Suguru? Suguru is dead. 
And it only now occurs to him, that for all intents and purposes, he really does think he’s dead. But he knows he isn't because Satoru let him walk free. Because he had to clench his fists and swallow hard to walk away the last time he saw him. 
But the man he knows is dead. Your voice is echoing in his head. 
“Satoru, are you paying attention?” 
“I mean, not really.” 
They all pinch their noses and groan, starting the lecture he’s sure they were giving him all over again. And it’s nothing he hasn’t heard before. 
We want you to take more missions, there aren’t that many special grade sorcerers available. We want you to spend more time teaching, you're not doing enough. A long list of we want, we want, we want. 
And when the higher-ups trail out of the meeting, disdainful looks on their faces, he turns back to Yaga, who frowns at him. The question is on his tongue. He can’t bring himself to ask it. 
Do you ever think you ask too much of me?
He understands. He tries to. That he is the strongest sorcerer, that there’s no one like him. That he may have infinity, but he knows they forget the inner parts of him aren’t untouchable. That he’s still a person, that he’s still soft. 
Tsumiki’s shiny report cards make him beam with joy, fighting with Megumi keeps him up at night, and getting to hold you at night is the only thing that keeps him grounded sometimes. 
That sometimes the smell of blood never leaves his nose no matter how hard he scrubs in the shower, that when he sees a boy who looks like Suguru, the wound he thought he patched over feels like it’s freshly bleeding. 
But that doesn’t matter, because…
“You should be taking more missions. People are getting spread really thin.” Yaga says, clearing the dust off his desk. 
…Because he’s the strongest. 
As he drags his feet to the Gojo estate, he can’t help but survey the crowd as he walks there. Three girls with the same hair color as Getou, two boys with the same eye color, five people the exact same height, but none of them are Suguru Getou. 
When he reaches his parents house, pulling out the long black chairs he uncomfortably sat in for hours as a kid, his mind wanders even farther when they start talking. 
This time, he’s imagining. Daydreaming. What it would be like if he wasn’t the one gifted with the limitless and infinity. If jujutsu sorcery didn’t exist. 
That he’d have more time, be more free to do what he wanted. Make chocolate pancakes with you every morning, before the two of you walk together to drop off Megumi and Tsumiki to school. You’d work normal jobs - maybe he’d still be a teacher, a normal one - while you would do something that was entirely too impressive. Like saving lives or writing books or working at a non-profit. 
You would both go to Tsumiki’s first school dance together and take so many pictures that she’d walk away all embarrassed, red in the face. He’d go to every single one of Megumi’s baseball games, you’d both be the parents that are way too decked out, way too enthusiastic about their kid. 
Satoru would help you collect vinyls and when Tsumiki and Megumi were long gone and the two of you would put them on and dance in the kitchen humming. You’ll get wrinkles at the same time and your hair would gray so the two of you would look like pale-haired ghosts together. 
He zones back into what his parents were saying, their bored eyes glazed on him. And he doesn’t pay attention, because it’s nothing he hasn’t heard before. 
They want him to be around more, because he should know how to take over the estate. They want him to meet with other clans, so he can help them with other deals. A long list of they want, they want, they want. 
And he walks out, he wonders if his parents want the life he imagined for himself, the way he wants it for Megumi and Tsumiki. If that was the life Suguru would have lived, if things were different. 
When he makes it home, the sun is sinking into the sky against the house, the sky an array of golden hues. And when he pushes his key into the lock, he’s met with one smiling face and two grumpy faces. 
You march over, flicking Satoru’s cheek as he moves closer to you, grabbing onto your hands. 
“Those strawberries better be hidden in your pants or something.” 
He feels his face pale as he remembers that in the loop of things he’s been thinking about all day, he forgot to get the strawberries for froggy cake. And the balloons and flowers and everything else he wanted to give the three of you. 
“Satoru. We really wanted strawberry froggy cake.” you whine, reaching up to rest your hands on his face, squishing hard. 
He reaches for your wrists, pulling them down from his face and looking down at your joined hands. 
“Oh well, I’ll just go grab them with Megumi or something.” 
He watches you pad back into the kitchen, not even phased by his shortcoming, as you place a hand in Tsumiki’s hair. She’s very focused on frosting her little frog in the center of the cake, her eyebrows knit in concentration. He makes his way in, leaning over the counter as he intently watches the three of you. 
“What if we all go to the store and pick up strawberries?” you say, a hand resting in Megumi’s hair. 
Megumi directs off of you and to Satoru, glaring at him. 
“Did you seriously forget the one thing we wanted you to get?” 
“Megs, don’t be mean. It’s always fun to go to the store together!” you respond. 
“I’ll let you pick out anything you want, kid.” Satoru mentions. 
Megumi gives him a satisfied smile, hopping off his seat to go yank his shoes on. Tsumiki follows suit and you give Satoru a glowing smile as you drag the three of them out, hands intertwined as you go to the store. 
And at the end of the day, in the few minutes of peace the two of you get before the next day, Satoru’s staring at you, memorizing the curve of your nose and the shape of your eyes, and the way your hair falls against your face. 
You bring a hand up, cupping the side of his face as you whisper in the dark. 
“You okay, Toru?” 
“What do you want from me?” 
He watches you frown and pull back, your hand shaking against his face. 
“Are you mad at me, Satoru?” 
He brings his hand to the back of your neck, bringing you back closer. He’s resting his forehead against yours, savoring the warmth that gathers in the back of your neck on his hands. 
“No. No, no. I just…I want to know what you want from me.” 
He watches you scrunch your forehead, as you ponder the question. 
“I mean. I’d really like it if you didn’t leave the toilet seat up all the time.” 
He cracks a smile, rolling his eyes at you, as he reaches for your hand to bring your knuckles up to his lips. He leaves a soft kiss, noticing the sweet smile that spreads across your face when he does, and drops your hand. 
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N.” 
“I mean. I’m not sure what you mean. It’s just small things, Toru. Like we should go on walks together sometimes in the evening, I think that would be nice. And we should watch all the Harry Potter movies together, like do a marathon and not sleep in between. And I’d really like a big diamond ring, circular cut, six pronged with a golden band.” 
Your hands, still resting against his face, are now meshed in with a spray of salty tears and a whimpering Satoru. You instinctively bring him forward, tucking his neck into your face as he cries into your shoulders. 
His tears are coating your neck as you run your hand through the white tresses of hair, whispering against his forehead. Imploring for what’s wrong. He doesn’t respond and the tears subside after a few minutes, his frame still shaking in your hold. 
“I’m not that attached to a golden wedding band, Satoru. I can do silver.” 
He laughs, pulling his face away from your neck to run his hands through your hair. 
“Gold is okay. I like gold.” 
“What’s wrong, Satoru? Tell me.” 
“Nothing. I just- that’s really all you want from me?” 
“I mean, yeah. What else would I want?” 
Satoru leans forward, pressing his lips against yours as he nearly cries into your face again, hanging off the ends of your lips. And you’re not sure what it means, what any of it means, but you let him - cry into your arms, hold you through the night, and make you breakfast the next morning. 
In truth, Satoru cherishes the fact that everyone may ask the world of him, but all you’ve ever wanted from him are sweet, sweet nothings. 
When you wake up the next morning, padding into the kitchen to make breakfast, you’re met with a box of strawberries, a sticky-note pressed on top. I love you, written in Satoru’s scribbly handwriting. 
Life has grown around Satoru’s grief. And it looks like you.
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
taglist: @porridgesblog  @platrom  @k0z3me  @kayleegomez  @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea  @skzismyhome  @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @squirrelspoetry
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peachsayshi · 7 months
In any of your future playboy!Getou parts (I know part 4 is in development), will you delve into detail of Getou’s process into gaining the reader’s trust and show her that while he didn’t want to be in a committed relationship before, he does with her now? Another thing, what would/is Shoko’s and Gojou’s reaction to their friend genuinely being in love with the reader and wanting to be with her? Will they like, change their attitudes concerning how they perceived Getou’s relationship with reader (especially shoko since she once told reader, “don’t fall for his bullshit or you’ll be reduced to a number.”” Also, what happened after Getou tried to kiss reader but reader rejected it? Like, it must have been a very awkward situation and I can see like, the reader getting out of there and convincing telling Gojou and/or Shoko that she had to leave cause of an emergency or something and then avoiding Getou after in a more lowkey kinda way so it doesn’t raise concern from Gojou or Shoko
➳  minors / ageless / blank blogs dni  ➳  fic: playboy geto x inexperienced reader
➳  notes: hi, anon! 🧡 so regarding the backstory about playboy geto x reader, I've been dropping small details here and there purely for background plot purposes. I actually don't have any plans to dive further into those details to be honest. the reason is because I plan on ending this specific mini story after part five.
(note: even if the story itself complete I will keep it open for requests for specific hc's or imagines in case anyone asks for it!)
my playboy geto story was only ever meant to be a small drabble, but I was heavily requested to write more parts which is why I did hehe however, I'm more than happy to give some back story for you regarding your questions! (ps. sorry if this answer turns out longer than expected)
what happened after geto tried to kiss the reader and she rejected it:
geto approached you with cunning eyes and a devious grin; when you first met, his intentions weren't in the right place. he saw a pretty face and knew it would look even more beautiful pressed up against his sheets. what he didn't expect was to fall for you in ways which left him dizzy and confused.
at some point during his budding friendship with you, suguru forgot who he was - he failed to remember the reputation that he so masterfully earned: the mystical seducer who lured many into his bed, wrapping his arms around lovers and whispering sweet nothing into their ear, only to leave as quickly as the season turns and having them wonder if any of it was real or simply a magical dream.
he leaned in for that kiss because he was guided by his scrambling heart, tossing logic and truth out the window. he's been spoiled by his confidence because he's never faced rejection before.
I mentioned that it was the point where he knew he had to change, and the reason is because of the distrust in your eyes when you stared at him. for the first time he saw the reflection of the man that he's become; it was a mirror of reality that riddled him with shame.
what happens after is silence, a blanket of tension surrounding you both. the situation isn't awkward necessarily, but the mood is heavy. the both of you are facing truths that you don't particularly want to tackle. your fingers fall to your lap, and you turn away from him.
what eases the pressure in when satoru remerges back into the room with utahime and mei mei. suguru casually leans against the sofa, his eyes still on you as you get up from your seat to approach the crowd. the two of you simply pretend like nothing even happened, but for the rest of the night you're catching the other staring longingly from a distance.
geto's process on gaining the reader's trust, and earning his commitment:
a few days after the kiss, suguru geto asks you out on a date. "you're lovely, and I would like to spend more time with you..." he says while the both of you are standing just outside your front door.
"you seem to have an affinity for lovely things, suguru" you boldly respond, but your eyes are soft looking into his own.
"if that's a no than I'll happily admire you from afar," he admits, his sweet words making your cheeks burn. "just one dinner, and we can see how it goes from there. if you'll have me, of course..."
geto earned the reader's trust through time and patience. his dates with you were always innocent; dinners at his favorite, low key restaurants. long walks in the park, and late night strolls. visits to cultural exhibits and art museums.
with physical intimacy entirely off the table, you started to see the intelligent spectrum of that beautiful mind. this allowed suguru the chance to woo you with his personality alone.
for him, it was a breath of fresh air not losing himself into the daze of passion, and he found himself enjoying the slow pace of romantic descent instead.
one of the key factors that led to this relationship working out was his honesty. suguru could have easily fibbed about his dating history, or choose to omit details. the man knew that it would only blow up in his face eventually, so he just granted the viewing of both the good and the bad.
despite his own reputation, suguru was equally curious about your own personal love life. you were always so quiet about it, barely letting out two sentences whenever he would ask a question or try to prod an answer out of you regarding your own dating history. frustrated with the barrier, he decided to breach the subject on both your pasts while the two of you were hanging out at his place.
"I want us to be able to talk about everything," he said, giving you another sign of just how serious he was about pursuing this relationship.
that night he revealed the secrets of his tainted history. of his pursuits for lovers because the man believed that desire shouldn't be suppressed. that sex and intimacy was a part of the human experience, and one that should be indulged in.
"I've always been an honest man about my intentions. I never made any promises about commitment to anyone," he pointed out, a blush tinting his cheekbones. "It's just that...sometimes people tried to force it on me, and that always led to messy situations"
when you asked him why he chose to carry on without strings, suguru replied that he simply wasn't ready. he revealed that he grew up with so many responsibilities, and he didn't want to tie himself down now that he had his independence.
that night you also disclosed your inexperience. you were so shy about the reveal, embarrassed that a woman your age has gone this long without ever being touched, without ever being kissed. an expression of guilt washes over suguru, and he immediately apologizes for attempting to kiss you at gojo's place in the way that he did.
his thoughtfulness is extremely endearing.
"we are on two completely different sides regarding this," you say with slight apprehension, "I'm just scared to tread this path with you. what if...what if you break my heart?"
"and what if you break mine?"
his question throws you off. you stare at him with puzzled look, like you're unsure if he meant what he asked or if he was just teasing you.
"you don't think that scares me too?" suguru sincerely questions, then takes your hands in his own and brings them close to his chest. "we are different, yes, but we've both never experienced this before," he gives you a reassuring smile, "and I think it's nice to know that we can figure it out together..."
that was the moment you dropped your guard; that was the gesture that secured his slot. from then on, suguru approached every conflict or challenge by simply laying all the cards out on the table.
and it worked every single time.
shoko and gojo's reaction to geto being in love with the reader and wanting to commit:
shoko and gojo definitely had two very different reactions to the situation. they've both known suguru the longest, and have both been witnesses to the cycles of his relationships. sometimes they were even caught in the crossfires of geto's mistakes, losing friends and acquaintances because of his actions.
gojo sees the change in geto first when the two of them are alone together. as a pair they naturally garner attention, but suguru no longer engages himself into any entanglements. his friend makes it clear that his time with you is a priority, and whenever he has doubts on how to approach things, he would turn to satoru for help.
"do you and your girlfriend have plans for tonight?" gojo asks one evening; a part of him using that specific title to see if he can stir even the smallest reaction out of suguru.
"she's not my girlfriend," geto replies with a slight pout and a tiny blush, "well, I haven't asked her yet anyway..."
satoru parts his lips in surprise. he was half expecting suguru to fight him on it, for him to get jitters over the thought of rooting down with somebody. his reaction makes satoru's blue eyes grow tender, and it's almost like he can read geto's thoughts in that moment
he can see the uncertainty, the smallest sprinkle of insecurity, that you might not accept if he did ask.
"you sure about that?" his friend teases to lighten the mood, and bumps his shoulder against geto's, "because you guys definitely act like it"
shoko, on the other hand, took a while to believe that suguru wasn't just playing a long con on your heart. she wasn't supportive about you dating him, and would flat out refuse to hear suguru's side of the situation.
"you don't know how to keep it your pants" she scolds at him over the phone, the two of them having another bickering argument. "does she even know that you hooked up with mei? that you hooked up with utahime?"
suguru groans, "I hooked up with them in high school. that doesn't even count! it's in the past and it doesn't matter..."
"I know this game of yours, suguru. I've seen you play it..." shoko scoffs, "you're dipping your toes into something new, but you'll stop swimming the second you get bored"
"thanks for giving me a chance, sho" suguru coldly responds through gritted teeth, "it's nice to know how highly you think of me."
when suguru and shoko fight they aren't dramatic about it, but they both hold an icy front that would make anyone feel frigid.
you don't know that they stop speaking after that. that they both avoid each other as much as possible, and that gojo stays out of the situation entirely. they kept it under wraps because everyone would still hang out without any issues being brought up.
but the distance is when shoko sees how geto fawns over you, recognizes the small acts of kindness that he mindlessly fulfills when he's by your side. and what completely shifts her perspective is noticing the way he gazes at you when you aren't looking, paying attention to the compassionate radiance that floods over him.
there's a level of guilt that stirs within her. her and satoru have always chastised suguru for his sins; snubbing the fact that the man grew up far too early in his life, that he was the anchor of support for his single mom and two younger sisters up until he left his home.
that he suffered the consequences of a broken commitment.
he's been running way from the duty of responsibility for as long as she can remember. and now that she sees geto in this new light, she almost can't recognize him.
later that night, she catches him alone outside on the patio. instead of walking away, she approaches her dear friend.
"cigarette?" she offers.
suguru looks at her over his shoulder, a tiny smile of relief curling at the corner of his lips. "no, I'm good..."
the two of them stand side by side, watching the waves crash against the sand as a breeze runs over them.
"so, what is it about her?" shoko pries nonchalantly and puffs out a cloud of smoke. "what makes her so different from the rest?"
suguru bites back a grin, "I have an affinity for lovely things, and she is by far the most captivating..."
"what makes you say that?"
"I've never..." he exhales, "I've never been drawn to a person the way I am to her. I've never been greedy about wanting more. There comes a point when I've had my fill, but with her it's like...I can't get enough, like my body is now dependent on more..."
there's a silence that follows his statement.
"she's...she's the one for me, shoko."
shoko nearly drops her cigarette, her brows tugging upward as she watches suguru sheepishly tuck his bottom lip between his teeth. her friend turns to face her and carries on.
"If this doesn't work out, I guarantee you it won't be by my own choice but you'll still have my gratitude because she's the best thing that's ever happened to me..."
shoko knows suguru like he's an extension of herself, and his heartfelt declaration speaks volumes.
she chuckles, her free hand moving to pat his broad shoulder. "I never thought I'd live to see you talking like a lovesick fool..."
"I know right," geto acknowledges, an easy expression highlighting his handsome features.
shoko and gojo don't weaponize geto's past against him after that. their his best friends; they love him and just want him to be happy. if anything, they both become your biggest supporters and they can see how much he's changed and grown for the better while being with you.
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
Synopsis: (This is set when Gojo and Getou were in highschool) You are all in the library trying to practice presentations but Gojo can’t stop being distracting.
(I mean,,, no ship tbh? Kinda platonic reader insert but u can take it as Gojo flirting)
Word count: 1.7k
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A library is supposed to be silent, filled with studying and well focused people. It’s a place meant for peace and quiet, so everyone there can get a good grasp on their subjects without any distractions.
The library is known for being the best place to work in, you are surrounded by peers and books and computers of all kind. The amount of resources is unlimited, mixing alone and social time all into one setting, a beautiful design.
However, if you mix a quiet respectable place with three idiots, you tend to get the opposite of what a library is supposed to be.
The library was filled with your quiet snorts and giggles as you sat in the back of the room, you putting your hand over your mouth did nothing to silence you as you shook.
Gojo bit down on his lip as he tried to contain his laugh as well, waiting for the right timing to say another dumb joke.
You felt the stares of a few of your peers, but couldn’t help from giggling in your corner. It was one of those rare moments where you felt air escape your lungs in a good way, the crunching of your sides was a ticklish feeling. It was so carefree and fun, a simple memory you would keep every time you entered a library.
You turned to Gojo at the same time as him, trying to put on a serious face but when you saw his struggling one you couldn’t help but crack a huge smile and fall back into your lap cackling. He turned away snickering to his side as well.
You had been here for what felt like hours, you trying to go over your presentation but barely getting through the first slide with how Gojo suddenly wanted to be a comedian. Not letting you catch a break each slide.
It didn’t help that you were already behind in your presentation, he just fed into your procrastination. Making this workload ease into other hours of your day, it seemed like the only thing you could do for the day was work on this presentation.
Getou rested his chin on his hand, “You egg him on when you do that.”
“I know!” You wheezed, “But its so—so hard, I can’t focus.”
Gojo leaned in to whisper something else but Getou tilted his head, “Satoru, you’re a distraction.”
He pulled back, fixing his sunglasses with a wide grin. The class clown couldn’t help but make light of such a boring atmosphere, what was he even supposed to do in here? (Study Gojo… study…)
Picking on you two was way more fun than doing his fifty-billion already missing assignments.
“What?” He looked over his glasses, “It’s not my fault I’m this funny.”
“No, he’s right!” You took deep breaths, pulling into your center, “He’s right, let me try again and don’t distract me!” You pointed with a warning intent.
He grinned at you, playing on his innocent expression, which didn’t come across as very genuine.
It was like he called for attention to himself just by entering a room. No one could ignore him. So imagine how much harder it would be to ignore him if this giant ray of sunshine was sitting right next to you, pestering you every second.
“So,” you skimmed over your notes, “for this presentation, I wanted to research how the possible extinction of polar bears is such a condenen— conquential—conquista-- conse-”
“Are you trying to say consequential?” Geto asked.
There was a slight moment of silence, maybe half a second before, like a burst of a bubble, Gojo snorted and turned his head to the side giggling away. It didn’t help that his laugh was so contagious. It was like a yawn, when one person did it everyone else did.
Geto looked away, covering the slight curl of his mouth. He tried his best to be the mature one in the group but sometimes Gojo broke down that expectation with something as simple as giggling like a child.
Him trying to not smile mixed with Gojo’s actual laugh made it so much harder to not give in yourself. These two really couldn’t stop goofing around, no matter the situation.
You forced a frown, “Guys, It’s not funny!”
Gojo made a look at Getou, and Getou let out the lightest huff of air before shaking his head. “You’re right. Continue.”
“Thank you,” you cleared your throat, getting your notes in order, “I think it’s important to note that a big factor that could lead to their extinction are greenhouse gas em… emm...emnio—”
You squinted at the page, pulling it closer, you ignored Gojo’s pestering smile beside you. If you even looked at him you knew this would be all bad, he had a way of pulling you from work and not letting you get back to it.
Getou tapped the paper, “What’s wrong?”
You slid the paper to him, “I don’t know how to say that.”
He pulled the paper to his face with a slight frown. He blinked a few times, trying to not let confusion seep onto his face. With a little bit of inspecting, he eventually slipped the paper across for Gojo to help.
Gojo blinked back at the paper, a smile curling onto his face, “Is this your handwriting…?”
Getou hid his face while Gojo’s smile widened into a grin, then a chuckle, then a full on laugh, the both of them snickering onto themselves. You rolled your eyes, as Gojo banged his hand on the table like he saw the funniest thing on the damn planet.
These two were rolling over themselves over your sleep filled handwriting! It wasn’t even that funny!
You scoffed as the two went into hysterics over your handwriting, trying to fight off the smile crawling it’s way onto your face. It took so much to not give in.
It was all fun and games until a few students started to share a few looks from across the room. A few glared your direction, some actually leaving the place for a quieter place to study. No one seemed to enjoy your table's joy the same way you all were.
The three of you were being a nuisance to the quiet work environment, contradicting the point of a library with your presence. But why was laughing in the library more fun than laughing in your room with each other?
Was it the concept of breaking the rules that tickled you? Or maybe it was the hysteria of working on something for too long without breaks, forcing you all into taking a different kind of break.
None of you noticed when a select few students got up to talk to the teachers about you three. Whispering to the side and pointing a teacher your direction.
Your head popped up when you heard the light tapping of heels and keychains coming your direction. A more than pissed off adult looking straight towards your table.
You shook Gojo and grabbed his arm, “Dude shut up! Shut up the teachers coming!”
Before you could grab yourselves together, the teacher already arrived by your table, tapping on the desk until she got your attention. “I’m going to need you all to quiet down or leave. You’re being a distraction.”
Gojo quirked a brow, opening his mouth, but you spoke up before he said something disrespectful.
“Sorry.” You nudged the guy next to you, “We’ll be more quiet.”
She pursed her lips as she did a once over of you all, definitely memorizing your faces. You lot were making this poor lady do more than needed on her shift. She probably couldn’t wait until you guys messed up again so she could kick you out for good.
“Thank you.” She did a last sharp look before she eventually turned, walking away to the front desk again. Full hawk eyes on your table.
You turned around to the group, trying to regain composure. It was so awkward having her stare and know that you had to be on your best behavior. Everyone sat silently, no one even moving.
Until Gojo leaned back in his seat, twisting his head to look at you. You tried your best to not look at him…you could literally feel his stare through your head. He was insufferable.
…However, you couldn’t help the curiosity and slowly turned your head to meet his eyes. Just one look and his face flooded into a winced grin, already trying to hold back laughter with a squeaking sound from him.
With that, your composure broke and you released a set of giggles while Getou covered his mouth. Just like that Gojo won, he ate this attention up, releasing his own dumb fit of laughter.
You guys really couldn’t go a minute in silence could you?
Getou smiled and stood from the table, “Were not getting anything done. Let’s get food.”
You nodded, you were surprised it took this long for someone to realize that. This was a highly anticipated break you put off for too long, not realizing just how much time was wasted goofing off until now.
“I want ice cream!” Gojo slung your bag over his shoulder.
You blinked between the two as they gathered their belongings, starting to disperse from the table. You were still getting yourself together, scrambling with your things as the tall pair strided to the exit. “Guys wait up!”
They very much did not wait up, if anything it seemed as though their pace got quicker. (Gojo even looked back before grinning that sinister smile of his and walking faster.)
When you darted out of the seat, you just so happened to glance back at the table.
It had a few balled up sheets of paper under it, (that Gojo made and threw at the both of you) the chair’s weren’t pushed in, and if you looked closely you could see a few doodles sprawled along it.
For some reason, the table setting that would definitely piss off that teacher, made you smile. It showed proof that you and your friends had been there, that a few teens were messing around and having fun before they left.
Which you did, you made a good memory today. Those small moments of laughing at dust with friends, warmth from being so happy, comfort from having a tight bond.
It was all you needed, and all you wanted to remember anyways.
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diorsbrando · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛!
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 WARNINGS & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎!     ⤿ pairings; multifandom x black!fem!reader!
includes ; headcanon scenarios of men across several fandoms including naruto, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, bleach, & tokyo revengers. all characters aged up 21+ where applicable. tobi/obito are two different people here as well as sukuna/yuuji.  explicit & suggestive content and language, night club setting, mentions of alcohol, fluff if you squint really hard. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
notes! — another one of my impulsive ideas that i got while listening to music LOL i hope you guys enjoy this a lil fun idea to write! i apologize if these aren’t accurate or ooc! i tried my best ://
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it was friday night, and after a long and stressful week, you found yourself slipping on your favorite ‘going out dress’ and heels to match, and were on your way to that popular nightclub that you’d always drive by on the way to work, but never got to visit yourself due to your busy schedule. you sat in the car jamming to music with your best friends , and your boyfriend texted you and said he’d meet you there, very eager to see you and what dress you decided to wear. after your arrival, the night seemed to speed by and you already felt yourself loosening up and having a blast. then, through the loud speakers, the song “work” by rihanna started to play, instantly getting you hype:
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sneaks up behind you without you noticing and begins to match their hip movements with yours. you’re lowkey surprised at how good of a dancer they are and keeping the rhythm. their larger hands return home on your hips, gently rubbing them up and down your skin, from your waist to your thighs. they’re fully enjoying how flustered you get, how your body shudders when they whisper the lyrics in your ear, while simultaneously placing soft kisses on your neck and collarbone. heat pools at your core at the intimacy and passion of your motions.
itachi, kakashi, neji, sai, asuma, shisui, genma, izumo, shikaku, jiraiya, deidara, hashirama, minato, ashura, gojo, yuuji, getou, choso, higuruma, megumi, yuuta, inumaki, todo, eren, erwin, armin, jean, reiner, onyakopon, zeke, miche, nile, renji, shinji, ukitake, kisuke, chad, shunsui, kugo ginjo, gin, shuhei, tosen, mikey, naoto, draken, chifuyu, mitsuya, souya, hakkai, wakasa, shinichiro, izana, kakucho, benkei, kokonoi, atsushi (akkun)
kinda( slow and ) sensual grinding—like very sensual. his hands are roaming every inch of your body and you gasp when you feel his quickly hardening erection on your ass/tailbone. matter fact, the man damn near bends you over on the dance floor and dry humps you right there in front of everyone. you look back to see his tongue sticking out his mouth and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. you grew hot with embarrassment by his brazen and explicit actions, but also increasingly impatient to leave the club so he can solve the problem he created by fucking you dumb. 
genma, kotetsu, shisui, kankuro, suigetsu, jiraiya, hidan, deidara, kiba, yuuji, gojo, getou, sukuna, todo, eren, jean, connie, zeke, erwin, renji, grimmjow, ikkaku, shinji, shunsui, kugo ginjo, mikey, chifuyu, wakasa, baji, nahoya (smiley), hanma, ran, sanzu, yamagishi
they were much too shy or apprehensive about going to dance with you, so they settled to hang at the bar with some friends, or by himself, ordering drink after cocktail, in hopes it’ll loosen him up a bit; he takes joy in observing you from afar. he stared at  you with what looked like hearts in his eyes, completely mesmerized by your curves, loving how much you were enjoying yourself. he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way you gyrated to the beat, in your own little world which he desperately wanted to join. if it wasn’t for you glancing at him suggestively or his friends encouraging him to go over there, he would have never gotten up.
omoi, naruto , gaara, iruka-sensei, yamato, sai, rock lee, tobi, megumi, choso, kusakabe, yuuta, muta, ichiji, noritoshi kamo, armin, connie, reiner, bertholdt, miche, nile, niccolo, ichigo, kisuke, chad, uryū, hitsugaya, ulquiorra, shuhei, coyote starrk, takemichi, naoto, chifuyu, souya (angry), kazutora, hakkai, shinichiro, izana, kakucho, inui, takuya, yamagishi, peh-yan
..…you’re not even to on the dance floor. whether it would have been with your friends or by yourself, this man is not having it and he’d prefer if you stayed by his side. he’s not really the ‘dance floor’ type, so instead he has his own little section to smoke, drink and talk with his close friends. and that’s where you’ll be too—sitting your pretty self on his lap and watching everyone else have a great time. you were upset at first, but with the way he would mindlessly trace his rough palms on your thighs, waist and tummy, you were quickly convinced this was way better than sweating out your edges and makeup. still, you couldn’t help but whine your hips on the man’s crotch, the bass and lyrics so hypnotic and controlled your mind and every movement you made. feeling him get hard almost immediately, you bit your lip to contain your excitement and arousal and continued to tease him. the man underneath you held a lopsided smirk as he watched you grind on his clothed cock. 
shino, shikaku, shikamaru, obito, pain, kakuzu, sasuke, madara, tobirama, indra, sasori, getou, nanami, toji, sukuna, naoya, muta, levi, bertholdt, floch, zeke, byakuya, chad, grimmjow, gin, aizen, hitsugaya, tosen, kenpachi, ulquiorra, kugo ginjo, kensei, draken, hanma, kisaki, rindou, takeomi, sanzu, benkei, taiju, kokonoi, inui
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a/n! — i put some people in more than one place because i felt like depending on circumstances and their personality (or time period), more than one description fits certain people. i hope you all enjoyed, pls reblog and like!! it is greatly appreciated <33
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