#tattoo wip
merildae · 11 months
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Two sessions in on my back tattoo by Aaron Harman
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bakchormee · 1 year
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proud of how far we've come😌
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tarogatchi · 2 years
OH YEAH I never posted pics of my tattoo!! I worked on the design and research over 6 months, it has a lot of different hidden meanings to me and I'm very happy with it! The second session is Aug 1st, tattoo artist wanted to see how my arm would deal with the first stripe healing
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morguehen · 6 months
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Second sesh on my stomach has me feeling some type of way (spicy)
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vamp-bb · 1 year
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I didn’t want to not post anything so I hope you enjoy these wips! I’m hoping I can get both lined and at least post one tomorrow!
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Quick little sketchy WIP of these two because I have a long list in my notes app and also in my head of things to draw of them so I’m just rapid firing sketches to clean up at a later undetermined time. Anyways. Love them.
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gojostan-doodles · 2 months
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Dorks 😞💕
Amari in normal lighting, since her markings glow in the dark! Also, she's holding a Californian Rabbit :3c
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bjarkanart · 2 months
Um... I'm working on a tattoo design of Laudna that I wanna get at some point and it's a whole project with her and her two different forms of dread on either side of her, with some ichor here and there etc, you get the idea.
Anyway, is it weird if I say I love how I drew her here? 😶
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coolbeesbro · 2 months
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Heket sketch is done!!! I’ve done a draft of Kallamar, but I’m not too sold on it so he’s being re-done.
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artofcarmen · 1 year
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I heard yall wanted a Volstrecker Caleb Widowgast, and I aim to please. ❤️‍🔥
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starrystevie · 11 months
steve who got a lower back tattoo on a drunken dare in his late 20s and forgets it's there most of the time. steve who stretches one night at a party and his shirt rides up exposing the swirling lines that peek out from under his belt line. steve who doesn't think anything of it and forgets to pull his shirt back down as he leans forward on the couch while talking with the group, basking in the welcomed burn of a certain pair of eyes locked on him.
eddie who's sitting next to him, gripping the back of the couch cushion where his arm is slung around his long term crush like it's the only tether he has to planet earth because not only does steve have a tattoo, but it's right there. eddie who takes in a shuddering breath and can't pull his gaze away from the ink that spreads low over tanned skin that he longs to explore. eddie who digs his other hand into his knee to keep it from doing anything stupid like running his fingers over the tattoo or pulling steve up to go to the spare bedroom.
steve who shoots frozen-in-place eddie a knowing smirk after a few seconds as he leans over even further before standing up and holding out his hand in invitation anyway. eddie who finds out later in the night that he doesn't have to wonder what the tattoo feels like under his fingers for much longer.
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fleethall · 7 months
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dragging my girl into ofmd and getting emotional about ed and stede all over again like
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bakchormee · 1 year
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kaelidascope · 2 months
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Love me through this
So how we doin after that chapter fellas :'D
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 months
I have a flower shop/tattoo parlor maxiel + loscar AU building from a tropical storm into a hurricane in my head so here are some thoughts
+ When Max hires him, this is what he says to Logan’s arrangement: “It is not the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I can make it better.” What he really meant was that Max could make Logan better, but he wouldn’t come to understand that until later.
+ There’s a phone that sits on the back wall of Max’s shop. The first time it rang while Logan was working, he’d mistakenly answered it. He’d watched Max’s face go bleach white from across the shop as Logan answered “Hello, this is Verstappen’s Floral, how can I help you?” The barrage of angry Dutch he’d gotten back in return had shocked Logan into silence, making it easier for Max to steal the receiver from his hand. Now, Logan knows to just let it ring.
+ Oscar is pretty sure Daniel only gave him an interview because their moms are in a book club together. The owner of Honey Badger Tattoos was always friendly and outgoing but he was notoriously possessive about his art. In the ten years the shop has been open, it’s had four employees. Daniel Ricciardo, the founder, Daniel Kvyat, Daniel’s partner who he bought out after the first year, Lando Norris who worked part-time at the front desk, and now Oscar.
“I’ve never had an apprentice before, I probably wouldn’t be very good at it,” Daniel says during his interview. He’d said he liked Oscar’s work and already showed an interest in teaching Oscar more of his signature American style. But the guy was still hesitant, fidgeting with excess nerves. “Just ask Lando.
Lando nods from his seat at the front desk which Oscar can see from the open door of Daniel’s office. “He doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time, I wouldn’t trust him to teach other people.”
Daniel does not look like that’s the support he was going for, wincing at the dry criticism but not arguing.
“That’s fine,” Oscar confirms with a shrug. He’s already done the majority of his apprenticeship under Mark Webber. But when the man decided he’d had enough of the South of France and was selling the shop and moving back to Australia, Oscar had to look for somewhere else to work. “I only have six months left before I can get my certification.”
Daniel doesn’t look very reassured. Oscar can take a hint so he decides to get out before he’s kicked out.
“Hey, it’s cool, mate, thanks for meeting with me anyway-”
“Can you start next week?” Daniel asks, leg bouncing up and down and rocking the desk he’s sitting behind. He sees Oscar’s confused expression and sighs. “I really need more help here.”
“Yeah,” Oscar decides, not looking a gift horse in the mouth. “I’ll text you my schedule.”
And that’s how he starts working for the Honey Badger.
+ “This is a tulip,” Max is saying in French, word draw out and pointing at the multi-colored bulbs. Logan has tried telling him that he’s lived in Europe for the majority of his life at this point and can do his job in English, French, and Spanish but Max doesn’t believe him. At least Logan’s starting to pick up more Dutch.
Logan is rescued from his impromptu language lesson by the bell on the door ringing. He turns towards the sound, customer service smile already in place.
“Hi, welcome to Verstappen Floral, how can I-”
“Oh, it is you again.”
Logan stops and looks at Max who is frowning at the guy who just came in. The man is curly-haired and tanned, with tattoos scrawled over the majority of visible skin. His grin is big and toothy when he shoots it at Max.
“Hey, Maxy, aren’t you happy to see me?”
Logan blinks in shock at the nickname. Even their regular customers don’t get to act that familiar with Max. Logan doesn’t get to act that familiar with Max.
Max crosses his arms, lips pursing. “For the last time, I do not know what these flowers mean. I speak four languages and plant is not one of them.”
“Always a ray of sunshine, aren’t you, Max?” The man asks, unphased by Max’s grouchy demeanor. He leans forward onto the glass counter, certainly leaving smudges behind, but Max surprisingly doesn’t yell at him about it. “Lando sent me to pick up his order.”
Lando is someone Logan knows. He comes in about every other week and talks to Max about streaming and video games that partly goes over Logan’s head. He always leaves with a red and white bouquet, though the flowers change each time.
“Why could he not come get them himself?” Max grumbles, heading in the direction of the cooler where they kept to-go orders. Daniel shrugs and wraps his knuckles against the glass.
"He was late for a meeting or something, you know I don’t ask about his other job,” Daniel supplies. He changes his focus to Logan and the blond is met with the full force of the man’s mega-watt smile. Logan blames his mom’s genes for how easily he blushes. “Hey, you’re the new guy, right?”
Logan opens his mouth to answer but Max is suddenly im between them, Lando’s bouquet in his hands.
“Yes, this is Logan, no, he does not want any of your garish tattoos.”
Daniel pouts at Logan’s boss. He wonders how it doesn’t look strange for a guy who’s at least 30 to be pouting.
“Don’t be mean, Maxy. I wasn’t even going to mention the tattoos.”
Logan racks his brain for tattoo shops nearby. They obviously have a close relationship outside of just Lando. And Lando did say he worked for an artist…
“Oh hey, are you the Honey Badger?” Logan asks, moving his head to be seen around Max’s wider frame. Daniel jerks his eyes away from Max’s, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. “I pass by there all the time. Not a lot of shops do American style out here.”
Daniel’s face lights up, looking between Logan and Max. “Max, you hired an American?”
Max sighs, more long-suffering than Logan thinks is necessary. “This is why I did not want you to speak with him. I knew you were going to be weird about it.”
“I’m not being weird!” Daniel argues. “I’m just surprised!”
Max and Daniel have another weird silent staring contest. Logan clears his throat reluctantly and they both snap to him.
“Um, where’d you learn to do that style?”
Daniel looks ready to excitedly burst into the story of his tattooing style and his interest in America, but Max cuts him off by pushing the bouquet into his chest.
“We do not have time for that, these are going to wilt. Take these to Lando.”
“Bossy, bossy,” Daniel murmurs, picking up the bouquet gently. He doesn’t sound annoyed by Max’s demands. Rather amused, actually. He shoots Logan another grin over Max’s shoulder. “I don’t envy you, mate. But hey if you want to talk tattoos, come by the shop sometime.”
“Definitely!” Logan agrees before Max can say anything else on his behalf. Daniel shoots him a one-handed finger gun before turning back to Max. His smile becomes a lot less joking and more sincere.
“See you later, Maximus”
Max loses some of his prickliness, voice soft when he says, “Goodbye, Daniel.”
+ There’s a man talking to Lando at the front desk when Oscar comes in that day. It’s neither of the two Oscar is used to seeing who come talk to Lando pretty regularly. Oscar’s pretty sure one of them’s his boyfriend and the other is his business partner but he can never tell which is which.
“Did you leave Logan alone at the shop?” Lando is asking while Oscar sets his station up.
“Well, I had to do it at some point,” the guy says, his accent reminiscent of German or Dutch. “What is the point of hiring another employee if I cannot leave for a few minutes?"
“Daniel never leaves me alone here,” Lando points out, a tad resentful. Oscar snorts.
“That’s because he has control issues,” Oscar claims. Both of the men look at him, one in amusement and one in confusion.
“Who are you?” The mystery guy asks. Weird, Oscar was going to ask him the same thing. He looks to Lando who makes the introductions.
"Max, this is Oscar, Daniel's new apprentice. Oscar, this is Max, one of our neighbors."
Oscar frowns. "I thought Max was your..." he trails off, leaving space for Lando to fill in the blank. He waves his hand.
"Different Max. This is Max Verstappen, he run's Verstappen Floral."
The new Max is still looking at him strangely. "Daniel does not take apprentices. He says he is a bad teacher."
Oscar shrugs, not sure what to tell him. He doesn't know how he got the job either. Luckily, he's saved from having to respond by Daniel coming out of the back office.
"Oscar, good, you're here, I wanted to talk about-" Daniel stops abruptly when he sees Max standing in the lobby. His entire demeanor shifts when he says, "Max, hey! What are you doing here?"
Daniel is normally a friendly guy, sometimes too much in Oscar's opinion, but he's practically glowing as he bounds over to Max. While Max's expression doesn't shift, his body language opens up to Daniel like one of his blooming flowers.
"I am talking to Lando about our stream tonight," Max answers. "He has not been very forthcoming with the details."
Lando tries to protest but even Oscar can see that it's a lost cause. This new guy showed up and suddenly it's like nothing else exists to Daniel. His boss giggles at nothing and that's when Oscar decides to get back to work.
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leiatalon · 2 months
Ink and Intrigue: Romantasy IF (WIP)
The title for my upcoming interactive fiction game with Heart's Choice is official: Ink and Intrigue!
Sail to a lush island of warrior-mages where dragon runes grant immortality and love runs deep. When mystery tempts, how do you answer?
Ink an Intrigue is a standalone Heart’s Choice IF fantasy WIP set in the same world as my recent game, Their Majesties' Pleasure.
Play the three-chapter demo of Ink and Intrigue on Dashingdon.
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Plunge into a world where magic calls the passion in your soul. Join a clan of immortal warrior-mages and choose your kindred: a powerful dragon, a shapeshifting griffin, or a blue-lightning phoenix.
As you train to become a warrior-mage, do you romance or befriend a tattoo artist, a feisty initiate, a playful sage, or a maverick with an unfulfilled quest?
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You’ve been a spy for the kingdom of Minare since you were ten, when the king deemed you too clever and sent you off for training. Now a seasoned spy, you’re sent to infiltrate the Kitherin warrior-mages, whose tattoos give them supernatural abilities and whose blood rites bond them to powerful creatures from another world.
When the call of the Kitherin sounds in your soul, what paths will you take as an initiate?
Shop from the finest market in the nine seas, surf azure waves, and dance at a full moon celebration where you might indulge in magical elixirs and intimate moments. Get dragon rune tattoos and learn to wield their power, show your prowess on the sparring field, and soar in the skies of the otherworld. Arrange a marriage alliance, meddle in the affairs of the mage council, incite a lawful rebellion, or resort to poison to get what you want.
Will you confess the clandestine role you’ve played for your king, or keep your secrets and let the past die? No matter what you’ve done, your lover will stay by your side. When you pass your initiations and bond with your kindred, you will be joining the ranks of the Kitherin warrior-mages who bring balance to the interconnected worlds.
Romance a passionate artist, a Fae-blooded sage, a sassy diva, or a master warrior.
Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bi; asexual; monogamous or polyamorous.
Choose high-heat or sweet options, or avoid spicy scenes entirely.
Dive through portals and explore other worlds.
Bond with a dragon, a griffin, or a phoenix.
Indulge in magic elixirs and delectable food.
Apprentice as a tattoo artist and learn about dragon runes.
Go surfing with your friends beneath a full moon and watch the sun rise over the sea.
Explore a steamy island paradise crowned with temples, magnificent gardens, and a hidden library.
Forge alliances as an emissary, gather intelligence as a spy, decide the fate of a maleficent mage, and shape the leadership of the Kitherin.
Uncover the mysteries of the Kitherin and discover the soul-deep love that awaits!
Keep an eye on this blog for updates or check out the CoG forum thread. I'm currently writing chapter seven of nine, right in the thick of the story.
WIP word count is up to 155k so far.
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