#farmer amari
gojostan-doodles · 3 months
🩷 *Talks a lot*
💜 *Likes to listen*
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stinkiesdraws · 10 months
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This was funnier in my head....I joked about the girls having a group with just them and that it would mostly be used for gossip. Amari belongs to @gojo-stan <33
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gojo-stan · 1 year
Out for a stroll!🧋✨
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minnieposting · 8 months
Tell me about your Sun Haven character then. What's their favourite skill tree? Who are they romancing? How do they spend their days?
omg!! thank you for asking about my SH chara im OBSESSED WITH THEM...
this is noel!!
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ignore the writing on here, i've developed noel a lot more since drawing these. especially "shapeshifting demon", they actually aren't a demon at all, just a shapeshifting Thing(tm). they still live in withergate and work at the arcade though!!
in general, noel thinks that in order to fit in as a demon around withergate, they need to act tougher and way cooler than they actually are. they are genuinely wild and love to play pranks and scare people with shapeshifting. but they're also curious and out of touch with their new environment. noel isn't from withergate originally and used to live in the forest for SOOOOO long until stumbling upon the town one day.
originally i wanted them to date wesley and i had a whole story in my head until i realized donovan fits sooo much better with noel T_T <3 i really like to think about them adventuring through the sewers and finding fun stuff to do around town all the time. they're always hanging out at the arcade together too! their dynamic is like. noel trying and failing all the time to look cool and impress donovan while donovan thinks noel is cute regardless. noel has a huge crush on him that's why lol... they think he's suuper cool.
i also still think about a romance with wesley. i imagine that maybe a LOONG time into the future he would eventually visit withergate? or maybe nelvari opens up and curious demons would want to take a peak? haven't though that far ahead tbh it's just a vague explanation for how noel can specifically meet wesley while still in withergate, because i also thought about how noel can meet him in nelvari! it's by shapeshifting. idk if they'd be able to get past the "friend of the forest" barrier but WHO CARES they're successful because i say so. i'm not really sure what their dynamic would be like tbh, i've been mostly focused on donovan, but i just know that a common ground wesley + noel share is their connection with nature. cuz fun fact, noel could communicate with the forest they used to live in, and it's like they're "one" in a way.
as for that skill tree question, i feel like that doesn't really apply to noel. they're not my actual farmer oc and all they can do is shapeshift + communicate with nature. i'm still working on them so who knows lol. if anything they'd probably be really good at fishing and fighting things. they're rlly good at dodging and finding weak points
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friendlyartist · 10 months
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cringywhitedragon · 2 months
Behold the chaotic little eeper: She, Rika.
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(I’m playing with modded so that why her appearance is a little unusual)
Also here’s the crib/Fox hole so far, only a little in and it’s comfy
Note: I don’t mind if anyone wants to draw her/use her. Just give credit is all I ask.
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tfseeds · 9 months
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Sun Haven - Farmer Gaius
Been on a Sun Haven kick and wanted to draw this version of farmer Gaius. He's just a normal dog Amari, totally not actually a human. Just ignore that collar with his name engraved on it that he never removes. Don't mind him suddenly leaving the city for mysterious reasons. And definitely don't mind how disappears for like a day each month and the stray brown dog you might see around his farm. Just totally normal things with no implied TF going on. :)
Posted using PostyBirb
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
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Wow who woulda guessed that my Sun Haven farmer's yet another one of my brown-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned self-inserts??
Might just name her something naturey like River or Leaf or something.. coming up with names for inserts is usually the last thing on my mind since I name them all after myself in-game ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ <- ignore that, her name is Autumn >:3
Anyway here' a quick doodle of her!! She's a moth elf (maybe half-Amari, half-elf?) and an adventurer. Has a soft spot for both Iris and Vaan in terms of romantic interests, and is super fascinated by Nel'Vari in general. Once she gets her farm there it definitely takes precedence over the ones in Sun Haven and Withergate
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any headcanons of Darius and/or Donovan from Sun Haven?? i adore them ;; thanks!!
No problem! Truthfully, I have limited knowledge on these two characters, but I will try my best to answer anyway!
- He seems like the kind of guy to have a really cute hobby that he hides from everyone. Maybe baking?
- Another thing I can totally see him doing is collect comics and figurines of his favorite characters from said comics. He is very passionate about his collection and only lets his partner see it.
- On top of this, he would be really dramatic about it too because he's worried it might be a deal breaker for his partner. He'd be like "Before we get married, there's something you need to know about me..."
- And when his partner finds out, they find it super endearing and it makes them love him even more.
- Can you tell I like thinking of characters like him with a soft core?
- He may be a Wolf Amari, but he totally gives me excited puppy vibes
- I like to think he occasionally leaves flowers or other cool stuff he found in the wild on people's doorsteps. Mainly the farmer's though, simply because they can keep up with his shenanigans and energy.
- The stuff he leaves there ranges from flowers and pebbles to random junk or defeated monsters. He just finds it all so interesting!!!
- He can ramble for hours on end about his adventures and the stuff he saw out there.
- Oh, and he could sometimes help Jun with the counseling session for the younger kids. They are far more excited when Donovan is there. They would also learn consent because Jun would tell them to ask before they touch his tail and ears. We love consent in this household!
I hope these are good enough! Again, I have limited knowledge on these characters because I never went for them in my Sun Haven playthrough, but I do hope that these are in-character!
~Curator Silver
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lavender-sunhaven · 8 months
Lavender Mione, OC Rambling
I've seen a couple other creators in the sun haven tag talking about their farmers and ocs. I've actually been thinking about Lavender for a while now so I thought maybe I'd share some of my thoughts about her! Gonna put it under a cut because a lot of my thoughts can get a bit long.
@artistvicky if you're interested! I saw a post saying you were interested in other peoples' ocs, so here's info about mine!
Backstory & Traits
Lavender is a purple cat amari. She's slightly more on the beast side than many other amari, but still very humanoid in silhouette. Her entire body is covered in this small layer of light purple fuzz, for which she was named. She has purple cat ears, a blue tail with a white tip, and a small button nose and muzzle, complete with a couple of whiskers. These and her catlike eyes make it almost impossible to hide her amari nature.
Lavender did grow up in the City, with dreams from a young age of becoming a florist. She loves flowers, and in the city becoming a florist was what she really wanted to do so that she could take care of flowers for her money and help people make arrangements. She studied horticulture and flower language, and she finally eventually did get a job at a flower shop, but it was a competitive place to work and they almost never let her handle the flowers. No one really trusted her as an amari, so no one ever gave her a chance to prove herself, instead chiding her that she'd get her purple fur in the flowers if she handled them much.
Eventually she heard through the grapevine about Sun Haven looking for a farmer, and someone was able to give her an ad talking about it when she asked (one that was placed in a gardening and horticulture magazine, hoping to find an interested party). While she hadn't really studied agriculture, she was ready to try something else that could let her try her hand at taking care of plants, so she bought all the books on farming she could find, quit her job and caught the next train ride to Sun Haven after sending a letter to make sure they were still looking for a farmer.
Lavender loves to help people, she's friendly and polite. She's not really an extrovert, more of an ambivert, but she does like to regularly interact with people, especially her friends and neighbors. Gift Giving and quality time are her big languages of love and affection, so she loves to give people gifts to show them how much they mean to her, and she makes sure she's never late for an appointment. Moving to Sun Haven was the best decision she's ever made, because she's never felt more useful.
Sun Haven
Lavender took a while to figure out farming but was grateful that the townsfolk gave her time to get her feet under her. It took a lot of hard work but she got the hang of it, and was glad that she still had plenty of time to go around and meet the friendly people in town. She got on with Lucia pretty much right away, and Jun and Wornhardt immediately afterwards. Kitty and Catherine became fast friends to her, and it relieved her a lot to find other amari in town beloved by the other residents.
Meeting with Elios intimidated her a lot, but she tried to keep her wits about her and take it in stride. The potential of having magic abilities and untapped potential surprised her, but she was quickly enamored by the possibility. A lot of her early days in Sun Haven were spent practicing her magic and figuring out how to use it as she cleaned up the farm land, trying not to set the grass on fire.
Lavender is a fast learner, so after only a couple weeks Lavender had a lively farm with all sorts of crops, and was getting along pretty quick with all the townsfolk. She still felt the need to prove herself, and kept a tight schedule of getting up early in the morning to tend to the farm before finding anyone she could help in town. When Elios called for her again, though, she was quick to go meet him and see what she could help him with.
The Hero of Sun Haven
After Elios asked her to aid Sun Haven, she took the responsibility very seriously. They often found her on her farm practicing with her magic or sword, or figuring out how to smith armor for herself, and going to practice her combat techniques on the creatures in the mines. Her friends urged her not to overexert herself, but while Wornhardt never had her dragged into the hospital from collapse she was often seen trudging back to her farm, tired.
Pretty soon she struck out farther into the forest and reached Ne'Vari, and was quite enchanted by the forest town. Though she found herself quite at odds with Wesley, she pressed ahead in her goals without slowing down and soon found herself befriending griffons and meeting Nivara. When she finally returned to Sun Haven, she worked to train more with her magic, and soon found it was even stronger than she thought.
Lavender had something of a whirlwind romance with Jun, they met on her first day in town and was always happy when he came to check on her, and as soon as she could she was learning how to cook and giving him home-cooked meals as thanks for all his encouragement. They wound up as very good friends and they liked to talk to each other and explore solutions to their problems, and found themselves confiding in each other and dating in pretty short order. They were married before Lavender even set out to find Withergate.
Jun often helped remind Lavender to take breaks and not overwork herself, and Lavender always gave Jun a thoughtful ear to the problems of the day, and they were united in their love and care for the other townspeople. People weren't really surprised when they got together (though, that doesn't mean a few of them weren't jealous).
Lavender wasn't super keen on Withergate at first, as it reminded her a lot of the City that she'd left behind, but after a while there she realized that she fit in really well, and she still isn't entirely sure how she feels about that. She can take off her farmer hat that she's attached to, and then the people of withergate don't even give her a second glance. She wound up making pretty fast friends with Donovan, and he helped her get used to how things worked in the city.
Though of course many of the higher ups of Withergate have been suspicious of her and her intentions, Lavender isn't more dedicated in any cause more than making friends with others, so she continues to work to figure out how to help the people of Withergate and aid them as best she can. Even Darius has found her easy to talk to, though Xyla still finds her far too genuine for her liking. They both see her often wander into the forest and come back nearly unscathed with items to deliver to their townspeople, though, so they've stopped thinking of her as weak.
Lavender The Diplomat
Lavender has a few morals that she's become attached to over the years, and the biggest one is to always try to reach out and try to understand before pushing anyone away. She's gotten a lot of practice at this, and has become dedicated to befriending every being she can. She goes out of her way to meet new people and to show them kindness, to be sympathetic to their plights and not assume the worst of people. This has gotten her a long way, as it's led to her having strong bonds with many of the people of Sun Haven and Nel'Veri, and even some in Withergate. Though she always fights with magic in one hand and a sword in the other, she always tries to solve conflicts with words and agreements before taking up arms against anyone. If they don't like her, she will find what she needs to do to get them to like and trust her, and she will work to give it to them. She is a people pleaser, but it has gotten her a long way so far.
At the moment, she spends her days balancing farm work, training her magic, and collecting offerings for Dynus with hopes to get a favorable audience with him. This will be her greatest challenge yet.
SO anyways that's sort of the brief points. If you want to know more about her please let me know, feel free to send me an ask or anything like that, I'd be happy to talk about all sorts of things about her- her farm, her relationships with other characters, her hobbies, how she handles the plot, anything at all. I've been thinking about her for months so I have a lot to share!
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gojostan-doodles · 8 months
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I LOVE the idea that after a while of being married, Sebastian gets more comfortable being a little shit bold. Amari can't complain (too much at least)
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This was slightly out of pocket of me 🗿
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stinkiesdraws · 10 months
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Steph and I did a blorbo collab! We drew the squad together, I colored her drawing and she colored mine! Art is by me, and the coloring was by @gojo-stan
Steph's Drawing! (LINK) The Ref:
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gojo-stan · 1 year
WHAT ABOUT 13 ? What's your farmer's relationship with their family? (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
I'm combining this with another ask "what's your farmer's name?"
my farmer's name is amari! :3
she's pretty close with her parents! they were actually sad when she decided to move, but respected her decision regardless. her dad is an ex demon lord who left his position because he got bored. there wasn't much of a challenge in the underworld, and overall he wanted to try something new. after meeting his wife and raising a family he became more of a softie! although he still has his intimidating demeanor. (and a bit of a temper, he vaporized the mailman when he caught him trying to steal a package for amari 💀)
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amari's mom is human and works as a radiologist! she's usually busy, but she makes time to check in on amari occasionally. she likes animals too, so amari usually sends her pictures of the farm animals!
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they never told amari that she was half demon. they wanted to wait until she was older. so until then, they wanted her to live simply as a human. other than amari possessing superhuman strength (which they brushed off) she had a normal childhood!
once she got older her parents actually... forgot to tell her. and by the time amari moved to pelican town she STILL DIDN'T KNOW. once she found out she was pretty upset, but she didn't hang on to the anger for long.
they tend to visit the farm during the holidays! and they always end up embarrassing her in typical parent fashion.
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starlightcleric · 8 months
Autumn With a Witch - Chapter 1 - Leaves
Fandom: Sun Haven
Relationships: Catherine/Farmer
Other: Fluff, established relationship
With the town of Sun Haven saved, Calliope can turn to enjoying the start of autumn with her wonderful wife, Catherine.
Also on AO3
Autumn had come to Sun Haven, bringing cool air, the crisp scent of decay, and the crunch of leaves underfoot. Repeatedly. Crunch. Crunch.
Calliope admitted to herself that she possibly didn’t need to step on so many of the leaves so exactly as she skipped herself forward into town. It was just, well, fun. She was a responsible adult. Honest.
The canine amari twitched her ears as yellow leaves brushed against them in their fall from above. She raked a hand through her unruly, silvery bobbed hair to dislodge the leaves and almost missed a beautiful red maple leaf she could crunch underfoot. Crunch.
But the change of season also meant a time for new crops, and Calliope had already spent the past two hours prepping the land. So if she wanted to take some time to be silly on her way to the farming store, she was going to take it.
Her fluffy tail wagged eagerly as she combed through the fall seeds at the farming store, Emmett watching emotionless from behind the counter. Yams, pumpkins, cranberries! She threw a few of everything into her basket. Maybe she should have more of a plan, but her farm was doing well and she had already donated fall crops to the museum last year. Now was just time for fun: for the jack-o-lanterns, jams, and baked goods that she wanted to make.
“You know, the ingredients for love potions are in season right now,” said a voice behind her.
Calliope turned to see her wife, Catherine, beaming at her, her rabbit ears perked forward. Catherine’s purple hair cascaded down around her shoulders, and a carrot peaked out of the band of her pointed witch’s hat.
Calliope smiled innocently. “And what do I need a love potion for? I already have the love of Sun Haven’s most beautiful woman.”
“I’ll just keep pretending I’m not here,” said Emmett, deadpan.
Catherine laughed and closed the distance between them, placing a kiss on the top of Calliope’s head. She then plucked a yellow leaf out of Calliope’s hair. “Saving this for later?”
Calliope shook her head vigorously, attempting to dislodge any more leaves. “Hey, if you can store snacks in your hat, can’t I?”
Catherine raised an eyebrow. “Snacking on dead leaves? Surely there are better options? Or are you just fishing for the mushrooms in my pockets?”
“Hmm, you know I wouldn’t say no, but I’m still interested in those love potions. Should I be growing something specific?” Calliope wiggled her basket of seeds.
“Well, it depends on who you’re trying to get to fall in love with you,” said Catherine. “The potion must be tailored to the person, otherwise it’s no good.”
“Hmm, is this just an elaborate scheme to get me to make you more carrot juice?” asked Calliope.
Catherine laughed. “There’s a little more magic involved than that, but as you pointed out you don’t exactly need me to fall in love with you again.”
Calliope stood on her tiptoes to kiss Catherine on the lips, then winked at Emmett. “I’ll get out of your hair so you can go back to your peace and quiet. Just ring me up for these.”
“I’m not going to ask how your personal finances work,” said Emmett as he handed her the change.
“Let me know if you need any help,” said Catherine as Calliope headed towards the door. “You know I don’t mind the feeling of dirt between my fingers.”
“I should have it under control,” said Calliope. “I don’t want to interrupt your lunch with Lucia. Although…” an idea came to her. “Meet me in the wooded area of the farm before dinner?”
Catherine cocked her head. “Alright, I’ll look forward to surprises. Love you.”
“Love you, too,” and Calliope headed back to her farm, crunching the leaves along the way.
Calliope attempted to smudge the dirt off her face as she waited for Catherine, but only managed to get more on herself. She sighed. Catherine was always so composed, the image of a garden goddess, and Calliope… Calliope was always slightly scruffy. Grungy. Untamed. And yet for some reason Catherine loved her back, something she thanked the universe for every day. Maybe carrot juice was a love potion.
“Alright, what’s my surprise?” Catherine’s voice echoed through the trees. She stepped into view out from behind an oak tree to see Calliope in the small clearing she had created earlier.
Calliope gestured to the picnic blanket surrounded by fallen leaves. “I thought, since it’s not too cold yet, we should enjoy one more dinner outside.”
“Is that mushroom pie I smell?”
“Yep!” Calliope situated herself on the picnic blanket, wrapping her tail around her legs.
“You do know how to treat me right.” Catherine sat down next to her. “Oh, you have some dirt on your face, love.” She licked her thumb and attempted to rub the dirt off of Calliope’s face.
Calliope leaned into her hand, enjoying the touch. 
Catherine leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “No, but really, you do spoil me. What have I done to deserve this?”
“Just being your wonderful self.” Calliope smiled and began serving the mushroom pie.
“Calliope…” Catherine actually seemed uncertain now. “I hope you do know… I hope you do know how much I love you? I feel like you always spoil me with romantic gifts and gestures and I don’t do as much in return.” A falling leaf landed on her hat. “But you’re the best thing that has happened to me and I love our life together.”
Calliope took a bite of her mushroom pie and considered thoughtfully. “You know I was really nervous originally, moving to Sun Haven? Giving up everything I had known in the Great City and moving to a small town to start all over. I almost didn’t get on the train three times. But everyone here… and you,” she punctuated emphatically at Catherine with her fork, “made me feel so welcome. This is my home now. Our home. Together. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky, but I know you love me. And so I just try to show how much I love you back.”
Catherine leaned into Calliope. “I know, love. I know. Thank you for the picnic. This is a perfect start to fall. I’m glad I gave you the mushrooms in my pocket. Mushroom pie is a much better dinner than dead leaves.”
Calliope picked the leaf off of Catherine’s hat, booped her on the nose with it, then, holding steady eye contact, munched on it.
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therealmofamorus · 2 months
My Mood
Original Male Stud AU: Farmer AU, Office AU: CEO AU, Naruto AU: Missing Nin AU, Naruto AU: Samurai AU, Mundane AU, Domestic AU, Cyberpunk AU, MHA AU: Vigilantes AU (including crossover), Smol AU: Shortstack AU/Shortjack AU, Fusion AU: Future + Married AU
Alpha Male Stud AU: Free Use AU, Lust Virius AU, Clone AU, Brothel AU: Stripper AU, Bimbo Maker AU, Misogyny AU, Stepford AU, Bimbo Maker AU, Law and Crime AU: Criminal AU - Corrupt Lawyer AU, Law and Crime AU: Criminal AU - Fugitive AU
General Moods: Crossover AU/Fusion AU, Dom/Sub: Maledom/Femsub + Femdom/Malesub, Rough Sex, Corruption, Degradation, Blackmail, Slutty, Free Use, Humiliation
Main Muses: Male: Cloud Strife, Neptune Vasilias, Kiba Inuzuka, Vinsmoke Sanji, Makoto Yuki, Mondo Owada, Johnny (Guilty Gear), Fergus mac Róich, Kazuma Satou, Kevin Levin. Female: Artoria Pendragon (Lancer Alter), Narcissa Malfoy, Heather (TD), Fareeha Amari/Pharah, Sansa Stark, Moe Kamiji, C.C., Camilla (Fire Emblem), Fem!Broly, Jinx, the Loose Cannon
Male: Persona Series, Naruto, Final Fantasy Series, Guilty Gear, One Piece, Dangaronpa, RWBY, Konosuba, Fate Series (Fate Grand Order), Ben 10
Female: Fate Grand Order, Total Drama Series, My Hero Academia, Overwatch, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones/House of Dragon, Code Geass, Dragon Ball, Fire Emblem, League of Legend
Meme: FMK Game, Condom Break, Wet Dream/😴 💦, Pornhub Meme, Orgasmic Headpat, Snap Finger Hypnosis, FREE-USE SLUT, Naked Dogeza, Crossover Crack Ship/OT3, Forbidden Passion, Free Use Empire, Transactional Sex
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OOC: so this one doesnt have a TRO entry its just fanart by Mattplog but according to him this thing is powered by an ICE and a i quote "mid grade AC" so lets say ac 5 and 20 machine guns. what do you think?
In Character: Found one of these used by some amaris wannabe oppressing some poor farmers out in the periphery. The loadout is inadequate for dealing with anything more than some poor farmer whose largest ordance is just grandpa's hunting rifle. I figured you'd get a kick out of this silly design. I was almost tempted to keep it for myself, but figured those farmers need it more than i do. With the quality of bandits around those parts, i reckon most will take one look at the twenty machine guns and turn around and run. I just hope they dont have to use it much. those MGs are going to be hungry and ammo is hard to come by hereabouts.
So that is where it went... Ah, forgive me. Context, aff? Nostalgia strikes once again.
I remember when this was built. It was built by one of the Fusiliers. A particularly grating and irritating merc who went by the callsign "Xarn". He was arrogant, unpleasant, and uncouth.
The "Gun-a-Pult" was part of an argument that Xarn was having with some of the other Fusiliers back in the 3030s, about the efficiency, effectiveness, and "coolness" of ballistic weaponry versus missile and/or energy weaponry. The argument eventually got so heated, Savannah had the parties involved redirect their ire into building 'Mechs, from scratch, to settle the argument.
The "Gun-a-pult" was designed by Xarn as his attempt to win that argument. Twenty "MMM 15mm Gatling" Machine Guns, and a spare Armstrong J11 80mm AC/5. And then he stuck an ICE engine into it, because he also wanted to prove that ICE engines were better than fusion ones. You do see now that he was a moron, quiaff?
Needless to say, Xarn did not win the argument. And like the petulant man-chikd that he was, he immediately quit the Fusiliers, taking the 'Mech with him. I do not know what happened to him, but that his 'Mech survived this long indicates that at least someone (or several someones) found use for it over the last century-and-a-quarter. One thing Xarn did not take with him, though, was the design specs. I contacted Savannah to have them sent over so you may see it, in all its horrific "glory".
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Did the 'Mech survive your encounter with it, quiaff? If so, I would be more than willing to purchase it from you.
(OOC: Wow, talk about a blast from the blast! I remember surfing the /btg/ threads and seeing this thing first pop up years ago. I remember it getting the full TRO treatment, too, like you see. Everyone rightly took the piss out of it, for being pretty bad. But it's kinda got charm, yeah? Though I'll say, I think I like the sketch version of the art slightly more than the finished piece. Can't really say why exactly.)
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