#taking a bit of liquid confidence when maybe hes not feeling much of his own
vincent-frankenstein · 5 months
who was that. that was not Janus who was that
#watched the new asides! hahahahahahaha i have thoughts#mostly positive which is not what i was expecting! i thought they felt in character for the most part#i enjoyed it#but that. was not Janus#youre telling me the master of deception the literal EMBODIMENT of deceit#would get SO drunk around people he quite frankly should not trust yet his arc has not gone that far#that he is saying everything on his mind and being extremely loose lipped#no. absolutely not#i feel like thomas was aiming a gun labeled /reduce character to alcoholism joke/ at logan and last second swiveled and shot janus#point fuckin blank#and the rest of the episode was actually good!!! it was fun!!!!!!! except for the weird drunk cardboard cutout they had standing#where janus should be#for a character like janus alcohol - if its gonna be used at all - should be used as like . a sign of character growth#a signifier of trust . he trusts the others enough to drop those walls . but that is NOT a point we should have hit now#he had a breakthrough with patton but roman hates him virgil hates him#that is not a situation where the embodiment of self preservation js gonna go welp! time to get blackout drunk!#im so . i just . come ON man#roman would get drunk as shit . at thjs point in his arc that even makes sense!!!#taking a bit of liquid confidence when maybe hes not feeling much of his own#though where roman stands in his arc after four entire years of waiting is . fuckin debatable i guess#anyway in conclusion that was not janus . thank you for coming to my ted talk#ts crit#ts critical#ts spoilers
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linoveins · 11 days
kitty keychains and pudding paybacks
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best friend!minho can't help but recall memories of him and fem!reader in the middle of their grocery trip
this is part 2 of silky shorts and stained shirts
genre: fluff, smut, angst (a little), college au
warnings: MDNI! condescending dom!minho, sub!reader, reader is physically sensitive, reader is inexperienced, minho and reader are not straight, pet names, grinding, nipple play, marking, praise, dirty talk, p in v, minho has a huge dick, a bit of pain from sex (just a little), oral f receiving, fingering, minho is really possessive, minho is an idiot when it comes to feelings
w.c.: 11.9k
a/n: i swore part 2 would be sweet, smutty, and simple but my fingers slipped and now we're at 11.9k words T_T hope it isn't too much! i rlly enjoyed writing this i hope u enjoy reading it as well.
you flinch at the sudden flash of light as you stuff sushi in your mouth.
the perpetrator is across you, smiling stupidly while holding his stupid phone in his stupid hand. you notice the people who were just peacefully eating in the dim restaurant look at you both with a disapproving stare which makes you mumble out a quiet apology.
minho doesn’t seem to care, that idiot. you kick him below the table and he just giggles.
“delete that!” you whisper at him aggressively. you both know it’s useless. his phone is a growing waste of every single embarrassing picture and video clip ever taken of his friends. and as someone who’s with him like 90% of the time, you’re unfortunately 90% of his pesky camera roll.
“shh, go eat your food”, he hums, still grinning. 
“i was eating until i was so rudely interrupted.”
“in my defense, i didn't know the flash was on”, he retorts confidently as if that makes it better. “and most importantly, i’m storing memories. be grateful you have such a wonderful friend to do that for you. you suck at taking photos”, he argues.
he’s right. you don’t even have a quarter of the amount of photos he has. you keep reminding yourself to take more pictures for the memories since your memory itself sucks, but you always either forget or you’re too slow to capture the moment. minho says the growing amount of keychains on your phone case were the reason you’re so slow. as if he didn’t add onto your collection with a personalized keytag of jureumi. 
you watch minho watch you thinking about his words. annoying. you just poke your tongue out at him and he shakes his head at the childish display.
after a while, minho finishes his plate and you notice him eyeing yours. you already know what’s running through that pretty head of his. 
by your luck or maybe his excitement from planning his attack, he accidentally drops his chopsticks. 
as he’s reaching out for it under the table with a silent fuck, you insert a pretty good chunk of wasabi into the sushi and flip the piece so he won't notice. 
you eat the second to the last sushi. you know he’s looking at the very last one on your plate like the greedy man he is. you drink your water to hide your grin. 
like clockwork, he grabs the last sushi and shoots it in his mouth in record time, a smug look on his face just a split second before realizing his mistake.
gotcha, idiot. 
you swallow your water so fast so you won’t choke from laughter at seeing how red his neck and ears are getting.
he rushes for the water and starts cursing at you. it’s your turn to take an embarrassing photo of him. you’re quick this time. 
“you are evil!” he shouts, eyes a bit teary and lips red.
“if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.”
minho continues downing liquid and you can’t help but stare. if it really isn’t the consequences of one’s actions.
his neck is all red and his lips are burning with the perfect shade of red adorning them. he’s swallowing the water and you follow the liquid that disappears past his lips and down his throat. he has such a pretty throat. you don’t understand how a person's adam’s apple can look so defined and delicious? you snap out of your staring and tell him you should head out soon for the groceries.
he nods, still glaring at you. you can tell from his faint smile he’s trying to contain that he’s not really mad.
the train to the supermarket is a bit packed. it’s the rush hour so you and minho are sitting together, both your thighs squished next to each other.
you notice minho’s ears are still red. no way he’s still affected by the wasabi? his eyes are closed and his jaw is clenched. you laugh.
“your ears are still red? that wasabi really did one on you!” 
minho rolls his eyes. it’s not the wasabi. not that you should know when you’re laughing like that anyway.
you sneakily bring out your phone but he hears the little clanging of the metals and he catches you sending the photo of him in the restaurant to han jisung of all people.
he snatches your phone from your hold to try and stop you, but it was already sent so you don’t make the extra effort to get it back. you grin in success and close your eyes while waiting for your stop.
you remember the first time you saw him. it was on this train on the way to university. you decided to leave early after having one of those moments of wanting to turn your life around at 3 am. 
you got aboard the 6 am train and there he was, some cute guy with glasses on and a hoodie. he had earphones on and his eyes were closed as he silently tapped his foot to whatever music he was playing. you couldn’t look away. not that you wanted to.
he had an intimidating aura to him which contrasted his cute face. you were a sucker for that so you decided to wake up early the next day too. maybe you’ll see him again.
and yet again, there he was. 
you woke up earlier again the next day. and the next. and then the next, until you formed a new habit of waking up early for the 6 am train even though your classes start at noon. 
you told yourself it was a good habit to form. you felt gratitude for the pretty boy on the train. you never approached him though. you didn't feel the need to. he never looked your way and you didn’t mind. it helped you develop a routine of waking up early and you were glad just for that. 
the speakers announce your stop and minho taps you gently upon noticing your eyes were closed. both of you got out of the train and walked towards the supermarket.
grocery shopping with you was one of minho’s favorite occurrences.
he didn’t think much of it, he just knew it was so much more fun when he’s with you. he always chalked it up to you simply being fun to hang out with and that you’re always able to match his sillier side. almost a little too well. maybe..
“ya! don’t buy too much of that!” he notices you stuffing your cart with 5 packages of the carbonara buldak which interrupted his wandering thoughts.
“it’s my money? it’s the perfect meal for exams!”
minho recalls your late night snacking during last term’s finals and he sighs at the memory. 
you were literally consuming that stuff three times a day. sometimes more. he had to hide the rest of it and force you to let him cook you a proper meal.
of course he almost folded when you looked at him with teary eyes, begging him to free the packs, and that you were tired and stressed and you’re really craving it. you were so tempting begging him like that. nevermind that it’s for some stupid noodles. he eventually made sure you ate his cooking anyway.
he takes 3 of the packages from your cart and puts them back on the shelf. he sighs through his nose while you glare at him.
“we’re supposed to die a natural death, y/n. i don’t want you getting a heart disease any time before 90!” he scolds you.
90 is a bit too much, you think. you just poke your tongue out at him again but you move on with only the 2 packs. 
you are so annoying. he can't help but smile while watching you struggle pushing the cart. 
you look back at minho from his sudden quietness. minho just nods at you to continue walking. his heart warms. you always glance back to see if he’s still behind you. always. whether you’re on a narrow sidewalk or whether you’re ordering in line in front of him, or when you’re both in bed and you can’t sleep due to stress, or that one time you were cheating off of him during an exam. he smiles at the thought. for all kinds of reasons, you always glance back, and for all kinds of reasons he vows to himself to keep being there. 
both of you walk to the candy section. none of you really like candy that much but hyunjin kept begging minho to get a brand of gummies that can only be found at that supermarket. minho saw you looking at the cherry lollipops. you’ve had that before. he knows because it’s what you had in your mouth during a small get-together for his birthday where he introduced you for the first time to his friends.
some of the boys have already met you. you got comfortable real quick with the rest of them and he remembers being so happy that they’re getting along greatly with you. 
seungmin teased him about you that night and he just threatened to put him in the oven before muttering something about how she's just a friend. seungmin just leaves him alone with a sarcastic “sure”. 
he recalls changbin being late that night because of a project. everyone was already on their 4th or 5th game of the night. hyunjin bought a bunch of candy and the lollipop was one of the prizes. minho remembers scolding him for being so childish but he didn’t really stop him since he knows how childish all his friends are anyway. 
you were definitely childish too with two cherry lollipops poking through each of your cheeks. why the hell do you have two? you don’t even like cherries.
apart from definitely childish, you were also definitely drunk from the drinking games you were playing with the rest of the guys. you were getting too close to felix for his own liking and he was unknowingly glaring holes at the younger boy’s freckles, hoping they’ll burst or something. 
he knows you’re a clingy drunk and he wanted to intervene, but he realized seungmin was looking at him looking at you and he’d rather not ignite whatever dumb things the mutt is thinking. he remembers cursing felix inwardly, repeating get your own friend, get your own friend in his head.
when changbin arrived, he introduced you once more. you sat up immediately to bow at the blonde man politely.
and with you being drunk as hell, you blinked at his friend a few times before your jaw dropped, both the cherry lollipops that were just in your mouth falling on top of minho’s head. hyunjin doubled back in laughter and jeongin had to hold the back of the hyunjin’s head to keep it from smashing against the furniture. minho picked up the cherry lollipops in disgust and saw you look at changbin all dazed and pathetic with a “you’re really handsome” slipping past your cherry-stained tongue. changbin laughed shyly and the guys just lost their shit even more at the whole thing.
minho knew you were way out of it at that point and decided to get you to bed while the rest of them continued with the night. 
he dragged you to the bathroom, brushing your teeth for you since you were too drunk to do it yourself.
he got you to his bed, lifting you up and rolling you in his duvet like a cat being put on sock timeout.
“don’t argue. you’re gonna have a terrible headache in the morning. sleep. now.” he said a bit grumpily while making sure you’re still comfortable even after restraining you with his sheets. you whined at him, still not wanting the fun to end.
“but i was winning! you- ch- chan was about to take another shot!” you were putting up a fight although he could see how weak and tired you already were. minho just clicked his tongue at you. 
“and you’ve had too much. you’re sleeping now. i’m not hearing it.”
minho closed his bedroom door shut after turning the lights out and he was right about putting you to bed since you passed out almost immediately.
after a few hours of messing around, minho got tired and left some of the guys in his living room who still had way too much energy. 
jeongin was already asleep on the couch, chan was in the bathroom puking his head out on the toilet (the photos haunted him the next day), and the rest of his friends were so loud screaming “draw 2!” “draw 4!” “draw 8!” that he got a complaint the next morning. 
changbin followed him that night to ask about you.
“so that’s y/n”, changbin said in an amused tone while handing the birthday boy his gift.
“mhm”, minho took the gift and smiled at him. “glad you could come. thanks for this.”
“is… she dating anyone?” the younger one asked and minho’s heart sank so low on his stomach that he thought he was gonna have to pull chan from the toilet so he could have a go next.
changbin looked at him expectantly and minho just blinked before deciding to pull something from his ass.
“she’s not. but she doesn’t really want to date anyone right now. says they’re a distraction. so you probably shouldn’t”
he wasn’t completely lying. you told him you didn’t wanna date around, that you weren’t actively seeking for it. but if anyone nice came, preferably someone you can trust and not a total stranger, then why not? 
minho gulped and changbin looked at him weirdly but ultimately just nodded his head in understanding.
“ah… i see. it’s too bad. but i respect that. i’m gonna hang with those idiots for a while. you heading to bed now?” minho nodded. he walked to his room with a heavy feeling on his chest that he blamed on the food.
he forgot all about it when he saw you. he chuckled at your position: head falling off the edge of the bed, arms in a marty mcfly sleeping position, legs somehow on top of his headboard? he took his phone out to immortalize the sight. how the hell did you even get out of the roll?
he sighed and gently laid your head back on the bed. he maneuvered your body until he had enough space to sleep next to you. he knew there was a high chance that you would be kicking some part of him later on but he never minded. 
minho plopped his heavy leg over you and took you in an embrace to keep you still.
he started feeling a bit guilty for making shit up to changbin. but he figured you won’t mind. not that he would ever tell you. 
he never thought about any of his friends seeing you in a romantic light. nor did he think about it himself. all he knew was he’s really possessive over his friends and that should extend to you. 
but he also knew changbin was a good guy and you’d definitely click well with him. that didn’t mean it would sit right in his stomach if you did click too well. 
get your own friend, he kept thinking. you’re his friend. he doesn’t want you spending less time with him. it would be unfair since he found you first. he should be enough. he huffed one last time before hugging you even tighter that night than he ever had.
“yo! you said you’d buy me two extra cups of pudding. let’s check the aisle.” minho snaps back to reality and follows you. 
the pudding.
normally, he wouldn’t even consider replacing it with one yet he offered you two.
his guilt from… earlier events made him think you deserve just as much and then some. he knows you know that it's unlike him to even pay you back for his greedy schemes so you're taking advantage of the newfound generosity that you didn't know was actually guilt.
somehow they’re all out of the regular pudding. what’s there is rows and rows of the nasty strawberry pudding both of you tried once. he remembers how your face scrunched from disgust.
the cute little designs on the pudding cup made minho wanna try it with you. you ate at the same time and both of you immediately spat it out.
“this is absolute shit from a butt! the goddamn devil’s butt, blergh!” you drank minho’s sparkling water to wash out the definitely-not-strawberry strawberry flavor. 
“yeah, you’d know” he laughs hard and calls you weird.
“it’s an expression, you piece of shit. a piece of shit from the devil’s butt too, mind you. and you’re weirder than me, don’t give me that.”
“i’ll stuff this pudding in your mouth,” he threatens and you fake gag at him. none of you tried any strawberry-flavored pudding again.
“looks like you really just don’t deserve pudding today” he chuckles at the sight in front of him. 
“maybe if you left my pudding alone”, you mutter and he just basks in successfully annoying you.
you both continue on your separate shopping carts while still walking around together. minho is about to go crazy. why the hell does he keep being reminded of you in this stupid store? for every little thing too. like, seriously?
the meat section reminded him of you absolutely fucking up the steak you tried cooking for him when he won with his team on a dancing competition. you still ate it all, trying your best to chew the overcooked meat, not wanting to waste it. 
the fruits and vegetables section reminded him of the time both of you were fixated on mango smoothies for months.
the onions reminded him of that one time he taught you how to cook kimchi sundubu-jjigae, and when you offered chopping the onions, you were silently sniffling to hide your crying. he laughed like a madman when he noticed. that picture was marked favorite in his phone.
the damn spring roll wrappers reminded him of your thin shorts just this afternoon. spring roll wrappers, for fuck’s sake.
the frozen foods aisle reminded him of the time he scolded you for not bringing out the tonkatsu he told you to bring out so you both could have dinner. you ended up sleeping all day in his bathtub and they were still frozen by the time he got home. you felt so bad that you paid for both of your food that night, which then made him feel bad so he went with you to the convenience store to try out the interesting strawberry pudding with the cute packaging. 
the dairy section took him back to that one afternoon where you were both here doing your groceries, and an old couple asked him to reach for the milk brand at the bottom shelf, saying something about bad joints. he remembers the goosebumps that ran through his body when the old lady whispered to him that both of you will have beautiful kids like them someday. she proceeded to show him said kids on her wallet, pictures faded from how long ago those were probably taken. he just smiled politely at her. he was certain if you two had kids, yours would be cuter than theirs. not that he kept thinking about it from time to time afterwards.
he exhales in relief when you two get out of the supermarket, light bags of food in hand. you look at him and he looks at you and there’s a pause before he starts talking.
“let’s pass by the convenience store. maybe they have your pudding there.” 
you know the convenience store is a bit farther from the station since it’s the other way. you’re not even craving pudding anymore.
“let’s go”, you say as you both walk towards the other direction, groceries in hand. 
you always linger when you’re with him. a few hours more to see him laugh with and at his friends on his birthday even though you already feel your eyes getting heavy. a few seats more distanced from the train door to see him a bit longer, not wanting to leave before him. a few blocks more in the opposite direction just to be in his presence a little more. the weight of the grocery bags are nothing. not when minho’s next to you.
once you arrive, both of you plop the bags on the tiny table while he checks on the pudding aisle. you notice how peaceful it is like this with your tiny routines you formed with him over a few years. your heart beats faster, realizing the domesticity of it all. 
you pinch your thigh to stop daydreaming about your friend. you tell yourself to just pay attention to your surroundings. 
the cashier is giggling at someone on the phone, there’s a cat meowing for something outside, the convenience store is rather empty, and you can hear minho clicking his tongue from across the store.
“nothing?” you ask and he nods.
“you know, there should be compounded interest in these things. i say one more extra pudding with every day that passes where you still haven't paid me back”, you offer a very bad deal for him. you continue pushing your luck. “besides, that was the last pudding. i was looking forward to eating it after a hard day at uni…”
minho raises his eyebrow at you.
“you’re a spoiled brat, you know that?” he chuckles.
“and you’re a thief! i’m just saying…” you add, still trying to convince him.
minho just shakes his head and gets some sparkling water for himself. you follow him to the counter and the cashier brings his phone down to scan his item.
“is that all?” he chews his gum with a smile while taking minho's money. minho nods. 
you’re looking at the other products near the counter. you notice the magnetic cat keyrings on the side and eye them closely. it’s a little too expensive. maybe you can convince minho to get this instead of the pudding.
“you need condoms too?” the cashier blurts out too casually and you can't help but get flustered at the implication.
“w-we don’t. we’re not- he-”
“i’ll take a pack. thank you”, minho says also too casually and you avoid looking at him while you head back to the table with both your groceries. 
it’s none of your business, really. you knew minho liked to fuck. well, most people your age do, it’s no big deal. there are multiple times when you wanna come over to his place but he’ll text you a little “busy” so you knew not to come. 
there was actually a time when you just strutted in his place without informing him, much like he is with you. it ended when you realized that of course he had a whole life that didn’t include you.
you were in his new apartment, relaxing in his bathroom since he could now afford an apartment with a bathtub. you were taking a warm bath, almost dozing off when you heard the door open and slam shut which was immediately followed by wet kisses and people bumping into furniture. 
you heard them giggling as they went inside minho’s room. you swore you felt your heart melting into the warm water and down the drain that you started to open after figuring out what was going on. and yet you can feel the familiar warmth in your belly because of the same, familiar person.
stupid lee minho with his stupidly soft voice. 
you moved as quietly as possible to get out of the tub but you’re sure they wouldn’t hear you anyway from all the moaning that’s going on. minho sounded a bit mean to the guy but that embarrassingly turned you on too. you felt like a creep squeezing your thighs in his bathroom after a few minutes of minho groaning and telling the stranger how much of a good pet he’s being for him. 
from then on you always told him every time you’re coming over. he doesn’t do the same to you, very much loving going in and out of your place like he pays for it. 
he knew you never brought anyone over anyway. minho teased you for your lack of love or “lust interests”, as he called it. that earned him a flying boba ball hurling from your straw and straight towards his cheek. your “lust life” isn’t his concern anyway. and it’s the same with him. minho liked to fuck and it’s not any of your business.
he stuffs the condoms and sparkling water in his bag of groceries. 
“let’s go”, he says while blinking at you. you head out and walk back again towards the train station.  
the wind was cool on his skin. you are right beside him, the air making your hair flutter as you talk about jisung calling you earlier this morning about some prank he pulled on changbin that minho hasn’t even heard of yet. 
you and jisung have already gotten closer since you two met on his birthday. and since then, minho kept appearing in your apartment more often so his title won’t be replaced.
he wanted to listen to your story. he really did. especially when it concerned his friends being absolute idiots. but all he heard was “jisungie”, “pink”, “butt”, and “burst” while the rest of your words were getting carried away by the cool wind.
he nods at every word with a smile, trying to focus as much as he can. but seriously, how can he when the light from the streetlamp is making your features soft and all perfect for him to stare at, and when you’re letting out airy giggles that interrupts the story itself.
he laughs at that. you clutch your stomach, as if his laugh pushed yours to intensify tenfold. you don't have to know he’s laughing at you and not whatever jisung did to make poor changbin suffer. 
you calm down after a few minutes and sit at a nearby bench with a sigh and a faint smile adorning your face.
“i can’t breathe. let’s sit for a while”, you say, eyes closed. 
your eyelashes are kissing your face and he has never wanted to imitate something so bad. at this point he doesn’t care where his thoughts wander to. he doesn’t think deeply about the implications. not when he can look at you right now.
a few silent seconds and then you jerk your head to the bushes on the right. he looks at you confused. a faint meow can be heard and you all but melt when you see a tiny kitten hiding but seemingly wanting attention. 
he holds in a deep breath as you call for the cautious little stray in front of you. he gives you a packet of the cat treat he always brings, and you gently coo at it so as to not scare the poor thing away.
“it’s okay, baby. you have to eat”, you say as you kneel in front of the little guy. he smiles at that.
he told you before that cats would feel less threatened if you make yourself smaller in front of them. you always listen so well. he realizes how both of your little habits, like feeding stray cats or doing groceries, have seemed to intertwine with one another over time.
you’re talking so sweetly to the cat and it overwhelms him. if he exhaled, he thinks he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from yelling or something.
the kitten comes closer, suspicious of the stranger offering him the food. he takes a sniff, you’re as still as possible, and it eventually licks the treat. you beam. your eyes turn to crescents and it’s the most overwhelming thing ever that he ends up finally exhaling but not before clenching his jaw so hard so he won’t be able to startle you or the kitten.
you start petting it and the little fellow allows him. he knows it’s the greatest honor in life for you. much like when soonie finally sat on your lap. eventually, he collects himself and the little stray allows him to pet it too.
“wish i could put every stray cat in my bag and take it home”, he says as the kitten starts purring like an engine.
“i’ll bring my bag too so we have space for more.”
minho smiles at your statement. the little guy keeps purring as minho rubs just under his ear. 
to his shock, this one suddenly jumps on your shoulders and nestles itself on top of your head. you go completely still, afraid that if you move it will jump back down. 
minho inhales so deep. he starts thinking you’ll make him break breath-holding records someday. 
he grabs your phone that he still somehow has, trying not to make the array of keychains jangle. you laugh at his attempts to not startle the kitten with your dangling keyrings. he takes hold of your phone and takes the picture.
you look at him, still smiling, and the little guy starts making biscuits on your head. minho keeps holding his breath. you try very hard to stay really still despite feeling the ball of fur tickling your scalp. you’re trying so hard not to laugh and squirm at the kitten’s massages and minho can’t help but sigh out all the air he’s been holding.
“marry me.” 
the words are out before he knows it. it takes him a second to realize what it meant. he looks at you and it’s so silent. you’ve gotten completely still and you’re no longer smiling as the kitten makes biscuits on your head. he can hear his heart beating too loud. he fucked up. 
he fucked up. stupid stupid stupid. the kitten jumps from your head and runs to a distant meowing sound, probably its mother, and you’re still completely unmoving. you’re blinking at him, an unreadable expression on your face.
he takes your grocery bags and puts them in your hands.
“i- i gotta go. text me when you get home”, he mutters, still not looking at you.
when you move on from the shock, minho was already across the street and heading inside the train station hurriedly.
what the fuck?
you get up, still confused, and you try running to get on the train he’s in. it shuts before you can, and you’re standing there on the platform, confused and worried.
the ride back home is too loud for minho. loud and fucking heavy. minho was never good with confrontations. he was never really good at expressing what he felt either. 
marry him? what the fuck? he never paused to really think about the possible feelings he might have towards you yet the words slipped out of his mouth anyway. it slipped out faster than he realized that he might actually like you. and when he did realize, it was immediately after saying those stupid words which was why he started panicking instead of the obvious choice of laughing it off.
but he fucked up and fucked up again when he left you there. minho groans, bags heavy in his lap, and the ride home felt longer than usual.
he remembers this is where he met you, right on this train on the way to university. it was a normal day, he was on the 6 am train and you were outside rushing to get on board with a “pleasepleaseplease” leaving your mouth. 
by your luck, or his, you made it inside and sigh in relief. 
minho noticed your damp hair, baggy hoodie, and ridiculous-looking pants with too many pockets. 
you were still breathing heavily and you're holding onto one of the poles. when you looked up, your eyes directly met his. 
he blinked at you before deciding to pat the empty seat next to him. by definitely his luck, you sat there even though there were other free seats.
“thank you”, you mumbled out shyly, avoiding his gaze. he just hummed. you made no advances to talk to him after that which made him a bit disappointed.
when he noticed you bringing out your phone to check your emails, he inwardly thanked the also ridiculous-looking keychains hanging on your phone case.
“isn’t that heavy?” he asked with a teasing tone.
you looked at the voice who just spoke to you and he couldn’t help but smile wider at the shudder laced in your words.
“your keychains.”
“oh, these”, you mumble and he nods. “they don’t feel heavy to me. actually, they feel too light for my liking? i want more. some of them i bought, some are given. it’s like a collecting-thing.”
he softly laughed at your rambling that you didn’t seem to notice.
“can i see?”
you handed him your phone and your hand brushed against his. your soft hands. he inspected the thing and gave you back your phone, making sure to brush his fingers past your hand again. 
“i have one in my backpack. would you want one?” minho offered.
minho laughed at your nervous state. why were you so nervous? 
“yeah. it’s probably buried in here though so i’m not sure if i can get it right now. i can give it to you some other time, maybe?”
“you don’t have to bother, really.”
“no. it’s cute. the keychains. it would be an honor.” minho said.
“i um.. i’m al- a student in the university at the next stop. i-”
“great! me too. i’ll look for it there.”
when you two got to the university, minho dug through his backpack for one of the keytags in there. he found it under layers of crumpled paper, then noticed his jureumi doodle on it. he handed it to you with a smile and you gladly took it.
“this is quite… interesting. you drew this?” you asked.
“yeah. i- yeah.”
you laughed and immediately stuck it on one of the other keyrings on your phone.
“there! i will make sure to take care of it”, you said, bowing at him in gratitude. 
“well, i gotta make sure that you make sure to take care of it. what time’s your break?”
the rest was history. the train beeps and announces his stop so he gets up and leaves. 
it’s been four days and he hasn’t seen you since. you messaged him that night telling him you got home to which he sighed in relief but he didn’t reply back, feeling too awkward to do so. 
he didn’t come over to your place either. he can’t face you after that. 
he supposes you’d either a) tease him about it and he can finally say it was a joke but you’ll both know about how he feels anyway which will drive you away; or b) act normal and pretend it never happened and he can be relieved but you’ll both know about how he feels anyway and he wouldn’t be able to stand ignoring it. 
you actually went with option b, he thinks. he knew you weren’t good at confrontation either. you messaged him the next day if you could come over like usual but he replied with “busy” so you don’t push. 
you tried again the next day, then the next, but he kept saying the same thing. you still asked earlier this morning, the fourth time now, and he was about to reply the same four letters until his phone came flying across the couch thanks to kim seungmin.
“do you wanna get sma-”
“i can’t stand it”, the boy interrupts.
minho still looks at him angrily and a bit confused.
“i really can’t stand it. you asked to hang out but i can tell you’re angry at something and you’ve been passive-aggressive the whole time”, seungmin finally breathes out.
“first of all, i asked jisung first but he said he was busy-” 
“there you go again. what’s wrong, minho?” seungmin interrupts again.
minho just sighs. he’s feeling a bit guilty now. seungmin always meant well. maybe that’s why he called him next. even if he sucked at confrontation, seungmin read people well and maybe he just needed someone to understand without him having to say it out loud. minho didn’t realize that and apparently, the younger man was already fed up.
“it’s y/n, isn’t it?” seungmin asked. minho closes his eyes. he really is too observant.
“jisung told me that she told him you have been ignoring her” oh nevermind. so jisung told him. minho sighs, not sure if he should say the words out loud.
“i… i think i love her.”
“you think?” 
seungmin is just baffled. he laughs at his friend’s stupidity and lack of awareness of his own emotions. 
minho groans.
“so why are you ignoring her?” seungmin sat more comfortably, although a bit far from the older boy, just in case he says something that would make minho wanna smack him with a pillow.
“i told her i wanted to marry her”, minho says quietly and seungmin can’t hold himself back from laughing but minho continues. “it’s so fucking stupid. i told her that and then i realized that maybe i liked her. i just stood there like an idiot then i left.”
it felt good to get the words out, he realizes. seungmin is still laughing with a hand clutching his stomach. minho throws a pillow at him and the younger boy calms down.
“you’re cute, minho. but you still didn’t answer my question. why are you ignoring her now?"
“didn’t i just tell you?”
“no?” seungmin interjects. “did she reject your ridiculous marriage proposal?” 
“i just told you i left.”
“and there it is. you had no right to leave! you weren’t the one to say yes!” seungmin shakes his head, still smiling.
minho never considered that maybe you liked him back. he just… never did. 
he recalls back to that time he met you on the train. from the first time he laid eyes on you, you piqued his curiosity. from your wet hair to your oversized pants with too much pockets to the keychains on your phone, he really wanted to get to know you better. when you told him you were free until your 12 noon class, that also spiked his interest because why the hell were you rushing to get on the 6 am train when your classes start six hours later? 
your childlike wonder made him immediately want to be your friend. he didn’t question it since his close friends are a bunch of grown men with the interests and loudness of children anyway. not that he's any different. 
so you two became friends. best friends over the span of two years. he was too afraid that two years is all he’d ever have with you so he didn’t consider that maybe, just maybe, that there's a chance kim seungmin is right.
he was about to speak up again before hearing his doorbell ring. 
“i got it”, seungmin says. 
instead of the pizza they were expecting, you were standing there, hair damp, and in pants with too much zippers this time. 
minho’s heart skips a beat. 
you look at seungmin then look at minho then look back at the guy in front of you. 
“i- i’m sorry-”
“no. it’s alright, y/n. i was just about to leave”, seungmin reassures you. 
seungmin goes back to the living room to gather his things that were scattered like he was definitely not about to leave. 
minho stays silent, finally picking up his phone from across the couch and he opens it to the unsent message on his screen.
seungmin gives you a goodbye and a quick hug, and minho grimaces at the action. since when did seungmin hug his friends? the door shuts and you’re heading towards him. 
he’s still. he can’t ignore you forever but he thinks he can’t face you too soon.
“look at me. i’m right in front of you and you’re still ignoring me?” you pout and minho finally looks up at you, your damp hair sticking to his shirt that you’re wearing.
you’re wearing his shirt. you really went with option b after all.
“you suck at proposals, you know?” you throw something on his lap and his eyes go to the familiar cat keychain that he saw you look at in the convenience store. “asking me to marry you and you didn’t even get me a ring.. tsk.”
your words barely sink in and his heart is still beating in a speed like never before. he looks up at you again and there you are, smiling down at him like you also feel the same.
“yes, dumbass. i accept your horrible marriage proposal.” you’re grinning from ear to ear as you finally sit down on the couch next to him. you bring out your phone and show him the dangling other half of the magnetic keychain, attached to the jureumi keytag he gave you two years ago.
minho laughs. you accepted. you accepted the proposal that wasn’t really a proposal but more like a confession. you accepted it. you accepted him. he smiles wider at the ridiculousness of the moment.
“and i suppose these are the rings?” minho teases.
“mhm! want me to put it on your finger?” 
he laughs at that but nods. you insert the wide ring of the keychain on his finger and he giggles at the empty space.
“ya, you didn’t even get my ring size right!” he teases, eyes sparkling and heart practically bursting. he thinks he’s never been this happy.
“you really shouldn’t complain”, you retort back with a smile. “i mean, really, you proposed while i’m the one kneeling down, without rings, and then left! you’re hopeless, lee minho. at least i got us something”
minho grins while shaking his head.
“i’m sorry for leaving, y/n”, he takes your hand and kisses your fingers one by one. 
goosebumps run all over your body while his soft lips grace your skin. “in my defense, i didn’t know i’d be proposing.”
minho stops kissing your hand, taking your ring finger and inserting it into the empty space in the keychain right next to his.
“there. it fits perfectly.”
he looks at you, almost too fond, and you aren’t smiling anymore. you’re looking at him like you’re about to cry.
“you are so sappy. i’m in love with you, you know?” you whisper like it's a secret you are never meant to tell. minho looks at you and notices how glassy your eyes have become.
“shh. it’s okay.” 
he tucks a hair strand behind your ear. “i’m in love with you too. good for us, honestly. wouldn’t want us to marry when we don’t love each other.”
he’s sure your soft laughter is better than any music ever heard in this world.
“can i hug you?” you ask him shyly. 
the butterflies in his stomach are going crazy at that point but he lets out a chuckle at your question. he doesn’t quite understand how you’re still able to get so shy with him after all this time.
“you don’t have to ask.”
“i know, but just to be su-” minho interrupts you, removing the keychain from your fingers and quickly maneuvering you on top of his lap. you squeak and he encages you in a tight embrace.
you wrap your arms around his shoulders in return and you just about melt into his hug.
“you smell so good”, minho mutters while burying his nose into your neck. 
your previously damp hair that is now dry made him aware of your fresh-out-of-the-shower scent, and he inhales you in so deep, wanting to stay there forever. he can’t help but press a lingering kiss on your neck.
you whimper at the unexpected kiss. minho smiles at your reaction and peppers a few more kisses. you being so close to him is much better than smelling your scent in your bathroom. his lips continue kissing and he feels you let go of the hug, deciding to grip onto the material of his hoodie instead.
“minho”, you sigh, trying to even your breathing. 
“mm? what’s the matter?” he gets lost in your scent and decides that him inhaling isn’t enough. he licks the skin and groans at the shiver that runs through your whole body. “you’re so sensitive..”
he can feel you gripping the fabric tighter. he chuckles right next to your ear and that simple thing makes you shiver again which further amuses him.
minho licks another spot and he was about to suck on it, but someone rings the doorbell. he ignores it with a huff and proceeds to suck on the area. you let out a tiny moan and he smiles, sucking on it a bit harder. 
to both of your dismay, the doorbell rings again and minho gathers all his self-restraint to remove himself from you. 
he kisses your neck one last time before removing you from his lap. the grumpy look on his face is evident as he gets up to see what was so important that he was interrupted from marking you.
apparently it was the pizza that seungmin ordered. he thanked the delivery guy with a tip, and placed the food on the table.
you’re focused, putting the other half of the magnetic keychain on his phone case. he feels his heart melting.
“seungminnie ordered this with his money. i suppose we can enjoy this.” he grins at the mention of eating seungmin’s food and you just nod while blinking at him slowly with a blank expression. “or maybe we can eat this later.”
minho hovers over your figure and encages you on the couch. you’re just looking at him, smiling like a fool with dazed eyes. 
“you wanna continue, pretty girl?” minho asks in that sickeningly sweet tone. you could’ve sworn that there was concern laced in his voice if his hand wasn’t rubbing your thigh firmly which definitely overwhelmed you some more.
“min, i..” you start speaking but the rest of your sentence dies in your throat as you look at his hand inching higher. 
“mm?” he smiles down at you, noticing your hands digging into his couch. “don’t worry, baby. i’ll take care of you. will you let me?”
you nod at him. minho smiles. 
“but i… i’m not sure-”
“if you’re not ready right now, it’s okay. we can just eat-”
“no!” you interrupt him quickly. “it’s okay. i mean, i want it. now. i just- i’m not sure if i can be good? i don’t know what to do.”
minho’s heart skips a beat at your words. you’re just too cute. how can you ever think you won’t be good? you’re already being so good right now.
“shh. it’s okay. you’re already perfect. i said i’ll take care of you, yeah?” minho kisses your forehead and you know for sure that everything his lips touch makes you a bit dizzy.
“sorry. i’m acting like i don’t know shit. but like, practically, i don’t? i’m not a virgin but i- i uh i’ve only slept with one person so far.”
he giggles at your nervous rambling. you’re too adorable.
“yeah. you mentioned that before. it’s okay, pretty. don’t be nervous. it’s just me.”
“i didn’t tell you it was with a…  woman. the person i lost it to. so i, um, i don’t know how to handle stuff with a guy.” you confess.
minho’s cock twitches at the confession. not a single guy. he’s the first man you’ll ever have. you notice his jaw clench and he squeezes your thigh.
“you still want me?” minho asks, hoping for the obvious answer.
“want you now.”
minho nods and finally kisses you on the lips. 
your lips are so soft against his. it’s so soft and perfect and somehow familiar. 
he’s kissing you like it’s something he’s been practicing for his whole life. he lifts you from the couch, carrying you in his arms. your lips are slotted against each other. he licks over it and you let a moan escape making his tongue slip inside.
your mouth is so fucking perfect. so wet and so warm. his cock envies his tongue at the moment and he hurriedly opens the door to his bedroom. 
he lays you down on the bed and you let out a little stretch. he laughs at your cuteness.
“take it off.” you point at his clothes. he has such a smug look on his face. this can’t be happening. no, this really is. 
he removes his shirt and lays on top of you. 
he’s so beautiful like this. you trace your fingers on his skin, mouth agape at your crazy hot best friend, looking down at you with a smile. you trace the scar on his abdomen that somehow makes him prettier. minho laughs at your actions.
he takes your wandering hands and pins them right beside you. he kisses you again in the same breath, harder, messier, more forceful as if he wants to consume you whole. you whine into the kiss and he all but swallows your noises, licking and biting and sucking all over your mouth. 
when minho’s hands let go of your pinned arms, you scramble to hold onto his shoulders. he kisses down your neck, hands touching everywhere and eventually bunching up the fabric of his shirt you’re wearing, up and over your head. 
his mouth kisses all the way down to your collarbones, then to your shoulders, and he pulls one of the straps down, kissing the spot where the bra strap was. 
“minho, need you already.” you desperately sigh while tugging at his hair. he kept kissing all over your shoulders and down your chest, before pulling down the cups and letting your breasts spill out. his jaw clenches. even better than he thought.
“i know, baby. but let me take my time, yeah?” he says sweetly with a furrow in his brows before groping one of your tits and licking your nipple. he feels you whine and shudder at the sensation. “fuck.”
he keeps his hands full of them, continuing to lick and suck while humming in content. 
at that point you can no longer help but squeeze and scratch his shoulders.
minho lets go of your nipple and grins.
“kitty likes to scratch? is this too much?” he says with fake concern in his voice while he pinches the hardened bud. your eyes close, hands gripping him tighter because of how sensitive he’s making you
“i asked you a question, baby. look at me when i ask you a question.” he brings himself back up to look at your cute face all scrunched up, his hand stroking your cheek with his thumb. this is too much. how can he be demanding yet fucking soft about it?
you open your eyes, brows furrowed in frustration.
“there we go. now answer. is this too much?” he goes back to your chest again, slowly this time, dragging his finger downwards. when he reaches your breast, he encircles your nipple and rubs it lightly, his feather-light touch making you tremble. 
“yes”, you whined. “minho-”
he suddenly pinches hard and rolls it in between his fingers. you moan out loud and he chuckles, admiring how much of a mess he’s already made of you.
he unclasps your bra and dives his tongue into your mouth again while his fingers pull down the zipper on your pants. he tugs it off but is met with resistance. confused, he breaks away from the kiss and sees that it was the wrong zipper. you giggle after realizing what happened.
“you and your weird pants.” he zips down the proper zipper this time, and pulls it down along with your underwear. 
your jumpy thighs immediately close at the cool air in his room but he spreads them wide for him, negating your attempts.
“shit, you’re made for me.” he runs a finger through your folds, gathering the slick that formed and spreading it all over your cunt. “so wet, baby. knew you’d leak for me just right.”
you bite your lip, muffling your sounds when his fingers come into contact with your pussy. he takes a thumb to your clit and rubs. 
“i know, baby. it’s been so long, hasn’t it?” he coos, applying more pressure. “i’ll play with it for a bit. you’ll let me, yeah?”
minho’s position in between your legs kept you from your poor attempts of bringing your thighs together. he pinches your clit softly and your hips jerk even more.
“you can’t keep still, can you?” minho chuckles. “it’s okay, i’ll make you.”
minho lays down, eyes right above your cunt. he spreads your pussy with two of his fingers before diving in for a taste. he groans. too fucking good.  
your thighs enclose his head. he takes both of his arms to hold your hips down while he greedily laps at your cunt. 
“mmh” he mumbles onto your wetness, alternating between lingering flicks to your clit, licking down to gather more of your slick, then back above. “hold your legs, baby. be good for me, yeah?”
you listen to him, hooking your hands below your knees. you’re crying out his name and he takes it upon himself to add his fingers to the mix. 
he slips his middle finger inside, groaning at the resistance. god, your’e so fucking tight. his tongue starts sucking on your clit and you whine for him so cutely. he buries the whole finger in, making you gasp, and he temporarily releases you from his mouth.
“mm. there we go.”
minho is already drunk on your cunt at this point. he goes back to licking and sucking and thrusting and playing with it like he said he would. 
he adds another finger afterwards and starts scissoring you open. 
one specific curl of his fingers gets you moaning his name, more high-pitched than the previous ones. he chuckles directly on your pussy and does it again while simultaneously dragging his teeth across your clit.
you thrash under him, gripping under your legs harder, still following what he told you to do. so obedient. 
minho is fucking livid. he’s messy with it. you can feel his heavy tongue and plump lips all over you. your moans are getting more frequent, your legs starting to shake.
“you feel it baby?” minho says in between licks, his fingers continuing to abuse that one spot. you think you’re about to burst.
“min- please. i’ll-”
“cum on my tongue.” he orders and your body follows him. you cum so dizzyingly hard and minho continues dragging his hot tongue on your cunt. you let go of your thighs and push his head crying about it being too much.
he pulls off with a smile, licking his fingers that were just in you. intoxicating.
you’re breathing heavily, eyes closed from the intense orgasm and thighs practically vibrating. your hair is messy on his sheets, parts of your sucked red and purple, your pussy glistening because of him. all of it, because of him. you’re so fucking insatiable. 
he runs his hand up your shaking thighs and you flinch at his touch. he rubs his hand on your swollen clit and you flinch harder, still sensitive. 
“poor baby is twitching. can’t wait to be buried right here.” he drags his hand up from your cunt to your lower belly and pushes down. you squirm. after a while, you finally open your eyes and look at him.
he’s smiling wide, mouth a whole mess, even his nose was a bit wet because of you. you’d be embarrassed but he’s so fucking pretty and it turns you on even more.
“n-need a moment, min.” you say in a hushed tone, still trying to even your breathing. minho nods and lies down next to you, tucking your hair behind your ear again. how is he so soft?
“take your time. you’re so beautiful all spread like this.” his voice is so fond. “could stare at you all day.”
“you’re pretty too.” you tell him with a smile, eyes traveling down his form. 
he’s still wearing his sweatpants and you notice his dick poking through it. your curious hands travel down his stomach to the bulging outline in his pants. minho hisses and grabs your hand.
“you’re going to drive me insane.” minho is too fucking hard and he’s trying his best to wait since you needed your moment. but the way you look in front of him, fully naked with your innocent eyes and soft hands wanting to grab his dick, he might just lose it.
“wanna see it, min. can i?” you ask. 
you’re a goddamn angel. you’re asking permission and that somehow makes his cock twitch. he can’t really resist you, not when you’re looking at him like that. and not like he wanted to anyway. 
he sits against his headboard, motioning you to sit on his lap. he rubs your thighs gently. you’re so warm on top of him. so pretty. 
“pull it out then.” 
with shaky hands, you pull down his sweatpants just enough to pull his hard cock out. he bites his lip when your soft fucking hands touch his dick. he can feel his ego inflating when you gasp and look at it with wide eyes. 
he’s big. you haven’t seen a lot of dicks but you know it's big. thicker than what you’ve seen in the media, and a bit more than average in length.
“it’s really pretty like you.” 
minho laughs at your statement. you have his hard cock in your soft hands and you’re calling him pretty. you’re too fucking cute. 
you notice it’s already leaking a considerable amount. you swipe experimentally at the tip and he grips your thighs harder.
“baby”, he speaks in warning.
“mm?” you continue caressing his dick, admiring how his thigh muscles clench and his breathing hitches.
“don’t be a brat. you said you needed a moment.”
“but you’re so sensitive here too?” you return the faux concern to him. you squeeze just below the tip and he moans. “wanna play with it, min. like you did with me.”
oh? you’re getting bold? minho clenches his jaw, glaring at you. he wanted you to stop before he cums too soon, but your soft and warm fucking hands felt too good on his cock. he tries to distract you.
“grab a condom from my drawer, baby.” thankfully, you obey. you notice it’s the new condoms. who knew he really was gonna use it for you.
you open the foil, and he guides you to slip it down his cock. eventually, you start stroking him again and he whimpers.
“see? you like it!” you say confidently while minho’s brain starts glitching. “you’re gonna lay there for me, won’t you?”
you’re getting cocky. and somehow it’s turning him on more. you’re on top of him acting like a big girl. he likes that. he’ll put you back in place eventually.
“yeah? you wanna play?” 
you nod with a faint smile, still softly stroking his dick.
“we’ll play on my own terms, pretty.”
he grabs your hips with rough palms and sits you right on top of his cock. both of you moan at the wetness. he grips your hips and grinds you down. 
“minho-” you whine, gripping onto his shoulders. 
you’re squirming again, trying to get out of his hold on. your clit is still a bit sensitive from earlier yet he’s dragging it on his wet cock like he wants it to overwhelm you. minho grunts.
“said you wanted to play with it. you don’t like this?” minho says, his voice like honey right next to your ear. 
he’s fucking pressing you down on it. your thighs are so fidgety but his strong hands are still holding your hips down, making you take it.
you just whimper and he laughs.
“your moment passed, baby. i’m gonna fuck you now.”
minho swiftly pins you down under him, tapping his cock on your clit.
“shit, min-”
“you ready, baby?”
“still sensitive. don’t know if i’ll last”, you answer honestly. minho kisses your forehead.
“it’s alright, y/n. it’s just me.”
you nod at him and he collects your slick on his cock, hissing through his teeth. he pushes one of your legs up, his other hand slowly inching the tip in your entrance.
you’re clutching the sheets. it fucking hurts. you’re both so wet against each other but his huge fucking cock felt too much.
“hurts, min.”
minho hums, stopping his movements. his tip is already in, and he starts to press soft kisses on your neck again. 
he rubs on your clit and you twitch under him, inserting his cock in you even more slowly. 
you’re so fucking tight. tight and wet and fucking perfect. you’re clenching so hard on him, he can barely slip inside without using his hand to guide him in. he’s breathing heavily above you, and he notices you stopped breathing altogether.
“baby, breathe.” he caresses your thigh softly. “i know it hurts but i promise it’s gonna be good later. breathe for me. try to relax.”
his soft voice is washing over your senses. you nod as you try to follow his words. who knew taking his cock would be so fucking hard? 
“there you go. not used to taking big cocks, huh?” minho teases which gets you laughing airily. “i suppose you’re not used to taking cocks at all. so i should really make this good for you.”
you take a moment to try and focus on something else other than that thing penetrating you. you look at minho smiling down at you, eyes fucking sparkling like he’s waited for this his whole life. he’s really so beautiful. if you knew he’d look this pretty for you right from the start, you would’ve approached him sooner on the train. it doesn’t matter though. you have him now.
“you can try moving again.” you softly mutter.
minho rubs on your clit a bit more firmly, and keeps whispering in your ear while situating himself inside.
“so good, baby. you have no idea.”
“you’re clenching so much. try to relax. for me? don’t wanna cum while i’m not even halfway inside you.”
“shit, feels perfect in here.”
“there we go. shh sh, it’s alright you’re doing so well.”
“just a few more. still hurts?”
“feels full? i know, pretty. but just a bit more.”
he talks you through it and you swear your mind is already fuzzy by the time he bottoms out.
“you took it all. i’m so proud of you.” he says with a kiss on your cheek. he feels your cunt clench around him at his words and he smiles.
“min- fuck, it’s so deep.”
“i know. let me know if i can move, yeah?” minho is gripping onto the sheets. you’re so fucking snug and wet around his cock. it’s better than any fucking thing ever. he could stay buried here. 
after a few soft kisses and involuntary clenches, you decide that you’re ready for him to move. minho pushes your leg higher, dragging himself out and slowly sliding back in with a little force. 
“shit, minho.”
“you’re so tight. fucking gripping me.”
minho repeats the motions, slow but hard, and soon enough you’re squeezing his arms and moaning his name. you can feel him rub against a certain spot and you’re sure you’re about to explode.
“p-please go faster.”
“you sure?”
“yes, min. fuck- just. please.”
minho kneels and presses both of your legs to your chest. he slips his cock inside you hard and gets to a pace quicker than before. he fits so well. you start screaming from him as his dick rubs against your g-spot even better and he starts kissing your mouth again. he licks and sucks on your tongue, and lifts your hips a bit higher and angles his hips a bit differently then rams his cock into you.
“f-fuck, minho. n-not so hard.” you cry out, wincing at the pain of him nudging your cervix. it’s fucking painful. minho apologizes and pulls out, rubbing his head on your clit to get your mind off the pain.
“i wanna try something. wanna take you from behind. you alright with that?” minho says softly.
“o-okay.” you nod, and minho presses a sweet kiss to your lips before flipping you over.
he manhandles you to a position he likes, ass up, face down, spreading your legs a bit wider. you’re a dream. he taps his tip on your pussy, which gets your whining, before slipping inside and continuing his pace.
you’re squirming and moaning much more. somehow, his dick felt even better in this position. minho grabs your ass and thrusts just how he likes. you’re crying out his name.
“mmm. letting me do this to you.. you like taking big cocks, baby?” he says, gripping your bruised hips so tight like it’s his job. you’re nodding, hair messy all over his pillows.
“o-only yours.” you cry out loud. you’re already drooling but he can’t see that.
“that’s right. only mine. i’ll train you to please it. train you to crave it. you’ll like that, won't you?”
he angles his hips and slams into that fucking spot which gets you twitching under him.
“i asked you a question, baby. what did i tell you to do when i ask you a question?”
he gets one of his hands to pull both your arms together, tugging so your head would be lifted up. minho takes his other hand, holding your jaw firmly. you look behind you, staring at him, and he sees how fucking beautiful you are. your cheeks are stained with tears, your chin wobbling with drool over them, your eyes glassy and dazed from how good he’s fucking you.
“that’s right. thought you forgot.” he keeps thrusting and you’re moaning so loud as if it’s the only thing you’re good for. “so? would you like that? train you to be mine?”
minho is so fucking mean. 
you try to answer. you really do. but every time your mouth moves, he just slams into that spot that gets you moaning his name instead.
“can’t even speak?” minho laughs and decides to let go of your face. you fall back into the pillows. 
“i’ll let it slide for now since i have to make sure to fuck you good.”
he carries on with his thrusts. you’re trying so hard to prolong your orgasm, not wanting this to end. he starts groping your tits from behind you, his other hand rubbing your clit in quick motions. fuck. 
minho is so close. your pussy is so fucking wet and the recoil of your ass from his thrusts is driving him insane. you can’t control your moans and he knows you’re close as well.
“you close, baby?” he huffs.
“yes, min. i’m- s-o close.”
“hold it.” 
you fucking groan. minho’s brows are furrowed, he’s focusing on your wet fucking cunt squelching so loud from his rubbing and thrusting. your legs start to shake violently, minho slaps your ass from how fucking dirty you look and feel around him.
“min, i can’t-”
“you can.”
“just a little more. you’re cumming with me.”
minho is thrusting like a mad man. his grip on you is so tight, and you’re fucking begging for him to let you cum.
you jerk violently under him while moaning his name, and he’s cumming. he’s cumming so fucking hard. harder than he ever had in his life. it’s so good. so fucking addicting. he’s moaning in your ear, you’re clenching around him so hard and it’s so wet and overwhelming. he tries to pull out but you’re gripping his cock fucking tightly like you’re made to keep him there. he feels himself weaken and he slumps on top of you. 
it takes him a few moments to regain himself, and he slowly removes himself from inside you.
you were in a faraway place. your body feels too light, but also so heavy that you can’t move. you can’t think either. you feel minho flipping you on your back. he’s talking so sweetly but you can’t really register his words while he kisses your lips, then your nose, then your forehead, then the top of your head.
he mutters something about cleaning you both and you’re too far away to respond. it’s good. you feel fucking great. after a while, the bed dips and he’s running a warm cloth in between your thighs. 
you’re so pretty, he thinks. like his personal angel. you’re laying their dazed, and he thinks he’s the luckiest fucking person in the world. he can see your eyes getting droopy, about to pass out from the amazing sex you both had. 
minho dresses you both, and wraps you in his blanket.
“you’re too cute. i’ll be here when you wake up.” 
after a few hours, you wake up with your entire body aching. it’s usual for you since you manage to sleep in odd positions. but this time, it ached in new places. you chuckle at the memory. you sit back up and rub your eyes.
minho enters his room, glad that you’re already awake. 
“sleep well?”
you nod. you notice he’s carrying a paper bag in his hands. minho drops it on his desk and heads to your soft form on his bed. he kisses you on the mouth and you freeze with a blush.
minho notices and laughs at you.
“i already had my tongue in you and you’re blushing at a little kiss?” he smiles widely. his words make you blush more.
“you took me by surprise is all...” you try defending yourself. you know you wouldn’t get used to your friend being so physically intimate with you any time soon. you can’t help but feel all shy.
it’s minho, for fuck’s sake. your asshole friend who keeps stealing your food and taking horrible pictures of you. but that’s exactly why. 
it’s minho. your asshole friend who’s too sweet and pretty and funny for his own good.
“what’s going through your pretty head?” minho asks, tracing his fingers on your bare thigh.. your smooth thigh he can now touch like this.
“i can’t believe we skipped the marriage and went straight to the honeymoon” you tease. he laughs with you.
“yeah we kinda suck at this. skipping the boyfriend-girlfriend phase and straight to engagement..” minho mumbles with a smile while kissing your bruised neck. “then skipping the marriage and straight to consummation.”
you shiver while giggling at his kisses. you’re so sensitive for him. he likes that.
“wouldn’t have it any other way.” you say. 
his hands inch higher and higher on your thighs until he gets interrupted by the grumble of your stomach. both of you laugh.
“we have all the time in the world to continue later. let’s get you fed.” minho grins, pulling you from the bed. 
“oh and”, minho smiles widely, giving you the paper bag. you look at the contents with a grin of success on your face. “there’s your pudding. compounded.”
a/n: that was a lot. stretch a bit, drink some water, wash your face. that's what i did after writing lololol. i rlly hope this wasn't too much.. ALSO i tagged ppl who were asking for a part 2. if u want to get removed pls lmk!
tags: @stayinlimbo @all4minnie @emmaluvsjisung @ddiidi @8bigguys @sunnysidesins
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velvetures · 10 months
Vulnerable pt.1?
A/N: A not-so-little thing I've had for a few weeks, and wanted to see if a part two was something anyone would be interested in reading. If so, please let me know. Summary: You try and get Ghost to relax after a harsh mission and find a bit of a quiet moment. T/W: not proofread :)
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Bad intel led to you and your Lieutenant being nearly hunted down and killed by a not-so-small group of arms dealers who caught on quickly to the pair of foreigners lingering just a little bit too close to their sheltered storage garage right in the middle of a market district in the South East. The task force assumed sending in an entire squad would be overkill just for some simple recon information and decided that you and Ghost would be the perfect pair for the job. ‘In and Out…’ Price had said quite offhandedly, sliding the prepared information in two files across the table to you. Only Price’s sources hadn’t double-checked if the area was secure enough for them to enter without full backup on standby. Not necessarily a lethal kind of mistake when bringing you and the Lieutenant into the equation, but there were too many close calls and stray bullets that were clearly heard for either of you to feel super confident in getting away unscathed.
Your only savior was a small farmhouse that had been recently abandoned due to the illegal and dangerous activity that had been surrounding the small city. Modest in size with two bedrooms and running water. Perfect for a makeshift safe house to keep the trackers off your asses until an extraction could be arranged and put into motion. Contrary to belief, the 141 didn’t have the bottomless pit of resources everyone believed they had at their disposal. Which included access to evac and trained air-support teams. This wasn’t a big mission that had a lot of working parts and multiple organizations involved that had enough liquidated funds to through out for a helo and heavy gunners to rescue two operators from the middle of who-the-fuck-knows-where.
That means with busted equipment, inoperable comms, hardly enough ammunition to fight out of a wet paper bag, and zero way of knowing when and if you’d be rescued, there was nothing left to do but try and relax in one of the most difficult predicaments. It left you searching through cabinets for maybe some kind of food to keep the both of you while Ghost did one of his favorite things. Pacing the house from window to window looking for the slightest bit of movement. The trouble being, there wasn’t anything for at least two miles in any direction. The people who owned this place were farmers of some sort, and had placed their home right in the middle of crop fields that gave a very advantageous sightline. While that information gave you quite a bit of comfort, it was not effecting Ghost positively in the slightest.
Your relationship with the Lieutenant was complex, to say the least. When you were first introduced it was for a succession of short co-op missions that were nothing if not brief and very impersonal leaving you with more questions than answers about the man who stayed hidden under the mask. Through some talks that you hadn’t been privy to being in the room for, John Price decided that your skills would be more useful to Task Force 141 than for the U.S. Division of Clandestine Service and offered you a position that you couldn’t possibly decline.
By day-in and day-out contact with Ghost, you got a lot more comfortable with him and learned much of his little idiosyncratic behaviors. Maybe a little too well…. He didn’t particularly act much differently towards you in the grand scheme of things, but something in you felt like trust had been developed to where he could depend on you when the situation called for it.
“Go hit the rack, I’ll take first watch.” He called gruffly from the living room where he had moved a chair from the kitchen to sit facing the front door head on with his MP5 resting lazily on his chest.
You couldn’t help but notice just how damn tired he looked under all that gear and through the black smeared around his eyes. He couldn’t be carrying less than one hundred pounds on him right now; even sitting in that chair with it wasn’t a good enough solution. Let you take a moment or two for yourself, stripping out of your tac vest and heavily weighted gear to drop it on top of the kitchen counter with a little grunt. Two days ago you both got the luxury of sleeping, and since then it’s been nothing but being on the run.
This would be the safest place for you that wasn’t in the belly of an evac bird, and the thought of Ghost not taking the time to sleep sat in your mind like a lead sinker. Leaning against the doorway and watching him for a long moment, you start having thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Ones that normally wouldn’t surface if you’d been able to separate working with Ghost from the more personal aspect of literally sharing almost every part of your life with him. Thoughts about how you could make him feel better… even if just for the night. That no one was around for miles and whatever happened could safely stay between the pair of you.
By utter carelessness of your position with the team or lack of fear about how the Lieutenant might respond, you walk into the living room and kneel down right in front of him with your fingers reaching out to unlace his dusty boots. Off instinct alone, you expected and watched as his foot flinched away from you. His whole body jumps and stiffens at the contact and sight of you kneeling on the floor. He quickly pauses and collects himself, taking several moments before his gravelly voice breaks the silence.
“What’re you doin’ Sergeant?” His eyes grew heavy and showed more expression than the rest of his massive body as they flashed with confusion and a little swell of anger. That aloofness didn’t hide that slight guardedness of something that made him uncomfortable in one way or another.
“I’m perfectly capable of takin’ care of my fuckin’ self.” He adds with zero discernible sign of either offense or gratitude. You can’t help but smile tiredly, feeling like you’re attempting to soothe a feral wolf into letting you pull it’s paw out of trap.
“I never said you couldn’t L.T.,” You reply gently, reaching back to start unhooking the laces from their claws on his left foot. “Just thought you couldn’t use some affection.” Smirking to yourself, you can’t help but think something this small being considered ‘affection’ didn’t fit anyone save for Ghost. He was just too hard to approach. Walls so thick and tall that it would take someone with patience beyond that of a human to break through and see what rested behind all of that brash posturing and icy disposition.
“You know affection is something I’m averse to,” he utters, watching yet making no effort to stop you. “What you’re doin’ is unnecessary.” A small sound close to a growl escapes from behind the mask when my hand reaches to the back of his leg to help aid my effort of pulling his boot off.
Chuckling softly and sitting the boot down at your side you respond, “I know you don’t like affection,” You’re already working on the other one, purposefully moving slowly as not to overwhelm or spook him. “That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it, L.T..” You can’t help but look up at him almost exhaustedly yet still trying to be reassuring.
“M’fine without it.” He spits out quickly, looking away from your face back down to your progress on the laces, his masked face otherwise unreadable. “Didn’t ask you for this shit, Sergeant.” Tinged with an undercurrent of irritation his deep voice sounds near the bridge of turning to anger.
“Mothering me isn’t in your best interest.” He growls low and threateningly in your face as he bends down to grab the boot sitting next to you and giving it a quick look of observation before sitting it back down closer to him. You just finish taking off his other boot and sit it down next to the other without much more of a verbal fight and put a hand on his thigh to steady your sore legs as you get back up to your feet.
“I’m younger than you Ghost, I can’t mother you.” You reply, holding out your hand for him.
He doesn’t make note or stop you from using him to help yourself up, however, Ghost follows your movements carefully… closely. He’s doing everything in his power to hide his emotions, but there’s still a faint twitch of his lips when he looks down at his boots sitting at his side. You’d done something very unusual, and he knew berating you was what he should’ve done. Yet a flinch of a smile was what really moved Ghost’s mouth. It’s gone before it even surfaces, pushed down by the sight. of you holding out your little hand in front of him. The sounds of his deep breathing fill the quiet house as you both sit there unflinching of each other. The Lieutenant shifts in his chair, readjusting his rifle on his chest.
“Go to bed. It’s late.” His repeated command felt softer now. Wavering a bit with you hand still held out and your fingers wiggling a little.
“Come on,” You hold steady and patient.
Reward comes in the form of feeling Ghost’s heavy and large hand falling into yours and gripping just hard enough to allow you the phantom sensation that you’re actually helping him up from the chair, hearing a short grunt as his back straightens up. Without explanation, you lead the Lieutenant through the small house back towards the only bedroom in the house with an actual bed left behind by the owners, pulling him to the center of the room and turning around to face him.
“Put your arms up for me.”
“Excuse me?” Ghost’s frown can be heard from behind the mask. Despite his apparent bewilderment, he hesitantly obeys, extending his arms above his head with an exhale of a tense breath, looking down at you with dark and questioning eyes. “What are you doing now?���
You just smile and hum to yourself softly, reaching out to begin unclipping and unzipping the sections of his tac vest holding it on his upper body and the multiple ammo belts. Carefully draping them over you shoulder as you release his body from them one by one. Seeing the way Ghost’s body sinks into itself with the weight being pulled off after days without rest. You feel his eyes scan over you, over your hands finding ways to take off his gear for the first time in your life, feeling your way through sunch an unusual yet careful act.
“Bein’ fuckin’ ridiculous…” He growls, covering up the feelings of not being so concealed by barking at you a little.
“Shhh.” Your hush does enough to stop his quiet and brooding complaints.
Long enough for you to kneel back down at his feet and work at the thigh straps over his pants and even remove the ankle holster you’d left alone while taking off his boots. He doesn’t resist this part, just watching you undress him bit by bit with half a mind questioning just what had happened for you to start acting so strangely. You’d always been sweet. Much nicer than your job allowed for. Yet even this was quite off the edge of the character Ghost had built for you over the years. This felt downright intimate for just two operators to be doing.
Then again your shared situation wasn’t exactly one of professionalism at this point. You’d been improvising for nearly a full day just trying to stay alive. Once back on your feet, you take hold of his hand again, this time with a little less caution since you’d already touched him there, and begin pulling at the fingertips to slide his sand and dirt-cakes gloves off. Even seeing his bare skin under his gloves be seen in the dim lamplight of the house, Ghost doesn’t do more than flex his fingers once you’ve rid him of the stiff material.
Purposefully avoiding his mask, you get Ghost down to nothing more than boxers and a t-shirt, even with his help at certain parts without him growling more or acting like you were irritating him. While he still gave off a feeling of all-around grumpiness and more than a little confused as hell, you paid it no mind as you led him towards the edge of the bed and pointed to it with a short yet polite command for him to ’sit’. Right away you noticed his hesitation and the way that his shoulders and arms tensed, his attention solely on you, flashing between your eyes and mouth like he was trying to reassure himself that he’d heard you correctly. But with one small tug on his hand, he turns around and sits on the bed with his feet resting on the floor and his arms braced on both sides of him a little stiffly.
“Now what?” His voice held a bit of rasp to it as he tracked your movement from his side, seeing you climb up into the bed and position yourself on your knees behind him. The close proximity didn’t go unnoticed by the Lieutenant as he cleared his throat, once again interrupting the calm silence in the house. His tension filled the small space between you, heating the gap of air, almost electrifying it.
“Just relax Ghost.” Easily touching his shoulders, you begin working your palms flat against the slopes of his muscled neck.
Purposefully but gently rubbing at the stiff cords of muscle and introducing the sensation to him as easily as possible in the case that it was a bit too overwhelming for him all at once. You knew you’d pushed the boundaries with him much further past anything you’d expected to achieve in one night. But now that he was sitting here in front of you, it was hard not to smile brightly that he was trusting you so much. Allowing your hands to be on him. Accepting that you had positioned the both of you in a very vulnerable position that could lead to a lot more violent options than affectionate ones. Torture and nightmares had given more than a fair share to Ghost, yet he was patiently staving off his own clear hesitation so that you could play out whatever this was turning out to be.
Your command went unacknowledged just like all of Ghost’s from earlier had; His breathing steadily slowing down into a deep and rich, relaxed sort of rhythm. Power of your hands and calming attitude worked faster than you anticipated, leaving the massive man sitting between your thighs begin to release. Tension falling out of his body not only under your hands but by sight of his jaw loosening. You’re even lucky enough to spot him trying to take glances at you from the corner of his eye, only to look back ahead since you were in quite the blindspot. Taking your thumbs in a sweeping motion from the edges of his shoulders inward, you apply pressure on the back of his neck and experimentally reach higher up under the hem of his mask. A dangerous game to play. Rumbling sounds of appreciation filling your ears are better than any sort of medal you could earn or bet you’d ever cash in. His head rolls back slightly with each small circle of your thumbs and fingers, pushing against you. Silently asking for more pressure.
“Feel good?” You ask at just a whisper, not wanting to disturb the warm sort of feeling the room has right now by speaking too loud.
Under the safety of his mask, Ghost’s mouth curves into a smile hearing you. He rolls his head back again, arching slightly to accommodate your small hands struggling to find good purchase to keep working at the intensity he’d been hinting at. A much less controllable sound escapes his mouth when you begin working at a very sore spot he didn’t even know was present right at the base of his skull.
“Keep going,” His sleepy-sounding mutter makes your chest ache.
Grinning at the feeling of his harsh accent and sudden domestication you work away diligently down his back carefully and methodically so as to not miss a single thing. And while it’s not necessarily going to help him much, you go ahead and use your fingernails to gently scratch up and down. It’s then a groan interrupts your focus and you see Ghost shift on the edge of the bed. Believing you’d found the end of your time, you leaned back on your heels and expected him to get up and leave you in the bedroom alone. Watching him tug at his t-shirt and pull it over his head to toss it somewhere across the room was how you were told that Ghost did indeed want more. Only his shirt was getting in the way of something he wasn’t getting.
Hearing him give a deep sigh when your fingertips returned to his now bared skin gave you a rush of adrenaline and nearly caused you to wiggle happily that you’d been able to share this with Ghost. He leans back into you a little more, letting your hands and arms take more of the weight as he groans out;
“You’ve done this before.”
“Yeah, but not for a long time.” You answer, eyes smoothing over the muscles rippling as your hands work at them.
“You’re good,” He grunts, closing his eyes and zeroing in on how to focus his attention between your small hands working so efficiently and the conversation he’d begun. “How’d you get so good at it?” His head turns a little, trying to get at least one good look at you. He keeps shifting now, allowing him to keep you just in the edge of his periphery.
“Had a good teacher for a few years,” You answer, working in tight circles over a large ball of muscle fibers all collected just at the edge of his shoulder blade, earning another growling sound from the Lieutenant.
“Teacher? When?” He asks, giving a slow release of a deep breath giving a short indication that the muscle you’d been working to release was getting a bit uncomfortable. Pulling back for a moment just to give him and your hands a break, you hear him make a noise then lean back a little further, pressing his back against you almost like a dog wanting to be pet more.
“Don’t stop.” He requests in a husky tone. You chuckle aloud, returning your hands and taking a less aggressive approach by smoothing your palms over him in less-than-planned patterns, just enjoying feeling his tattooed and scarred skin under your hands as you think about how to answer him.
“A woman in London taught me,” you start, using your nails again on his skin softly. “In the year or so between my U.S. military discharge and acceptance into the task force with you.” You see the effect of your touch on Ghost as it takes him longer to respond and the way he keeps leaning more and more weight back into you, unable to keep himself from subconsciously trying to get closer. Wanting more whether he’d ever admit it or not. There’s no mistaking it between either of you, he’s enjoying this.
“I assume she was special to you.”
It was your neighbor just across the hallway from you. An older woman named Sarah. Eccentric in modern times, you’d always believed she must’ve been a force to be reckoned with when she wasn’t hindered by an aging body and an even more ailing mind. A massage therapist by trade, and a pianist by heart there wasn’t much that Sarah could accomplish without someone helping her once she became limited in movement living on the eighth floor of the apartment building you shared. Back then you didn’t have much in the way of contacts after leaving the country, and it led to a friendship with the old woman living across from you. Sharing stories, eating dinner together, grocery shopping together when she felt like going out, and trading some skills between each other. After telling Ghost this much with your fingers tracing out letters and shapes over his back, you can sense he’s listening carefully. And Ghost is feeling a slight fuzzy sensation building in the back of his brain, spreading out in a warm wave down to his fingertips and toes.
“She taught me massage since at the time I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my life.” Your head falls to the side, examining how the lamplight shines on ghost and deepens the already significant definition in his physique.
Ghost falls against you even more, and this time he lets his head fall back against you. Trying to counterbalance his weight and keep both of you from falling backwards with just him limp he’s becoming, you wrap on arm around his neck and hold his head in the bend of your arm. He gives another sigh, and settles against you heavily. He. looks at you in silence out of the corner of his eye listening to your explanation.
“Why was she your only friend?” You can’t help but chuckle at his question, resting your chin on his opposite shoulder and bringing your other arm under his to begin scratching and rubbing at his chest, feeling deep and puckered scars littering nearly every inch of him.
“I didn’t know anyone else. And you know me well enough to know that I’m not exactly extroverted.” You smile, tracing lightly up and down his well-defined arm. Ghost couldn’t be more comfortable laid against you.
“Sorry to hear that.” His voice low and husky with his mouth so close to your ear. “She must call or ask about you…”
You shake your head. “No. She died just before I joined you all. Her mind was… failing her. And there was some kind of accident in the middle of the night The police told me she was likely trying to get to the bathroom and fell. She apparently died on impact… they didn’t say what, but I think her head hit something.” You explain quietly. “And you and I both know that means lights out. So she didn’t suffer.”
“Sorry to hear that,” he answers as softly as he can manage after hearing the darker part of your happy memories. “How did it become… intimate, like this?” He asks, nodding to the way you were leaned up against his back with your hand tracing over every inch of him that you could reach. The longer you’ve both let this go, the more boundaries get pushed further out of reach, making it hard for either of you to really know where it could end.
You smile with a blush creeping up your neck onto your cheeks, thankful you’re somewhat hidden out of sight. “This isn’t really what she taught me,” You mutter a bit quiet. “When i was massaging you… yes. That I got taught. But this, it’s… just me.”
Out of your sight Ghost’s face flushes slightly as well, his cheeks a warm rose-color. You’re touching him in a way that he’d never expected. But hearing that you’re not just doing it for… relaxation, it’s a heavy but welcome thought. And Ghost can’t help that his body reacts to it with chills raising all over his skin despite the house being perfectly warm. He lets out a deep breath focusing on your words, repeating him over just to ensure that you’re not saying it one way and him interpreting it differently due to your hands being all over him, making him feel so good. Mind racing, heart pounding, he truly realizes just how vulnerable he is under you at this moment.
“I can stop if you’d like?” You offer, preparing to move away from him.
“No,” His hoarse voice gives away his sudden dry mouth. No matter how much your touch is affecting his body, he’s not willing to stop you right now. You’ve crossed into a level of trust that he can’t think to make you abide by anymore. It’s a foreign feeling for him, but he wants to push through it. Hoping he can feel more of you if he just holds on a little longer to this.
“Don’t stop."
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cavillsbitch · 1 year
Are You Sure?
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X BAU!Fem!Reader (use of y/n)
Summary: You find yourself in a very precarious situation with your freshly divorced boss…
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI!!! Smut ahead!!! p in v sex, protected sex, detailed descriptions of sex, let me know if i missed any
A/N: This is coming at y’all out of nowhere, I have been stewing on a series and in lieu of me not having time yet to get started on that, this was born. Also, sorry if there are any weird spaces below… mobile app post hehehehehehe. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.3k
Of all the places you thought you might be this Friday night, naked underneath your boss in his bed wasn’t one of them.
The only thing you could hear was your own panting breath and the soft sound of his hips connecting with yours as he buried himself into you over and over again. You could barely think straight, one hand gripping his sheets and the other holding onto him for dear life. A little while ago, the two of you were out with the team for drinks after a case, and Hotch could tell you weren’t really feeling it. He’d offered to give you a ride home, and somewhere along the way you’d rerouted to his for a nightcap. Neither of you were particularly drunk, but you were thankful for the liquid confidence (and his) when he made the first move. He’d asked repeatedly if it was okay and if you’d wanted him to stop, knowing that he was your boss and that you knew he’d just finalized his divorce from Haley. You seemed to notice his flirting (that Emily and Derek continually pointed out to you, no matter how many times you’d brushed them off and said they were seeing something that wasn’t there) a little bit when him and Haley were separating, but you’d never ever think he was actually attracted to you, let alone to the point where he’d want to sleep with you, and yet…
The feeling of him inside you was more than you could have ever fantasized about (and you did fantasize about it). Not only did he take his time devouring you first, making you come twice with his mouth and fingers, but he made sure you were well enough aroused to be in nothing but total ecstasy when he was ready to fuck you. Every single stroke felt so fucking good. He was perfect. Well… perfectly sized for pleasure. Great in bed. Not perfect. Not… whatever.
“H-Holy… shit, Hotch…” your eyes screwed shut and your jaw fell slack as you heard him chuckle and groan.
“I think… we’re at the point where you can… call me Aaron, darling… don’t you think?” his pace slowed a bit, truthfully because he was close and didn’t want to be finished just yet, but he wanted to give you a moment to respond to him.
You opened your eyes and found his. God, what a dangerous moment. The look is his eye as he lazily fucked into you wasnt anything you could have prepared yourself for. You tried avoiding eye contact this whole time, and you were almost successful. You knew what would happen if you held his gaze, and here you were. You knew you’d be confronted with thoughts that you’d been successfully suppressing for a long while now, thoughts you’d only let brew when you allowed yourself to think about your boss in a way that you knew you had no right to, especially because they began well before he was even separated from his now ex-wife. The desire to open up to him right now about how you feel was right on your tongue. You wanted to tell him how sexy he looked with his hair all messed up, especially from your fingers running through and pulling it as he ate you out. You wanted so badly to tell him that his face looks much better being flushed from sex rather than being flushed from your typical daily compliments. Dare you tell him that you think you love him? What a stupid, stupid idea. You decided that it’s definitely best not to say anything, maybe ever, and just respond to what he asked you.
“Are you…” you stopped to sigh, the pleasure was still too much and you wanted to last for him, “… are you sure?”
You watched his eyes half-lid as he brought your right leg to rest on his shoulder. He leaned down to you further, allowing himself a new angle to thrust into you. His pace picked up again, and this time, you saw fucking stars. You tried, but couldn’t help the loud sound of your pleasure escape from your throat. You’ve never been fucked like this, and you knew he could probably tell, which you decided you’d curse yourself for later.
You could feel the air from his lips as he spoke right next to your ear, “Does it feel like I’m sure, Y/N?”
You nodded quickly, your arms now coming around him under his arms to hold on to his back, surely leaving marks with your nails. “Y-Yes… God Aaron, yes.”
You couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be affected by your use of his first name, responding with only a low and breathy moan. He drove you so close to your third orgasm, and you could tell he was close too. His name fell from your lips again as you tried to speak, “I’m… Aaron I-I think I’m gonna..”
He panted and kept his pace, “I’ve got you, sweetheart, g-give it to me.”
The moment that your orgasm hit you nearly blinded you for a few seconds. The brightness of the pleasure your body felt was something you were sure was once in a lifetime. It affected your entire body, legs now shaking and back arched against the mattress. The pleasure kept coming as Aaron thrust into you. You didn’t even hear yourself nearly weep as you came, your pussy contracting strongly around Aaron’s rigid cock.
“That’s it, that’s a good… good girl,” Aaron stuttered as he followed close behind you with his own peak. His thrusts became sloppy, still trying to ride you through your high, as he drove into you once more with a loud groan. You whimpered as you came down, still feeling yourself ebb through pleasure as Aaron stayed inside you. The two of you breathed heavily together, locked eyes as Aaron smiled lazily at you. Goddammit. You were so fucked. Fucked.
He gestured toward your leg on his shoulder, silently asking for permission to move you so he could adjust and start to clean himself up. You nodded, trying not to make a sound as his cock left you. You didn’t think you were quite ready to move yet, but you tried to at least scooch yourself up by your elbows to begin coming back to reality.
Aaron stood, taking off the condom while making his way toward the bathroom in his bedroom. You watched him, getting a more normal view of his naked body, and for some reason you felt guilty for looking.
You shook your head, pushing the feeling away as you looked for your clothes on the floor. As you sat up, Aaron came out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of sweats to put on. You stood, “Do you mind if I…” you gestured toward the bathroom asking silently.
Aaron smiled again, “Of course not, whatever you need. I have extra toothbrushes in the bottom right drawer,” he began walking toward the door with you, showing you, “If you want to shower, I have extra towels here.”
You nodded, deciding that would probably be a good idea. Smiling at him, you thanked him. He held your gaze, brushing your hair behind your ear, and leaned down to kiss you. It was brief, but surprising. He pulled away from you with a goofy looking smirk on his face, leaving you in the bathroom.
After your shower, you left the bathroom in a towel, and found your clothes folded nicely on the armchair in the corner of the bedroom. Aaron was in bed, reading glasses on, looking at a file by the light of his bedside table lamp. He looked up to you as you emerged, but you’d already made your way to the pile of clothes and started to get dressed.
“You can borrow something of mine to sleep in, if you need,” he said. You could tell this was his way of asking the question, ‘are you staying?’ and you weren’t sure what your response should be. Obviously he wouldn’t have framed it that way if he didn’t want you to stay, but did he feel obligated to offer? You knew you didn’t really have time to think about it, so you decided not to.
“I think I’m going to call an uber back to my place, actually. I’ve got some things to take care of pretty early tomorrow.”
Aaron was very good at his job. Aaron could absolutely tell that you probably don’t have something to do tomorrow that early, and that you don’t want to stay over. You hope he can also tell that it’s not necessarily because you don’t want to, but because you aren’t 100% comfortable yet, even if you don’t get a chance to become comfortable.
He set down his file and stood, “Let me drive you, don’t pay for an uber.” He made his way to grab a t-shirt and slipped on comfortable slipper-like shoes to wear in the car.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind getting an uber, Aaron, I don’t want to make you leave just to drive me home.”
Grabbing a jacket from his closet, he shrugged it on and walked over toward you. Without warning, he leaned down to your ear, delicately pushing your hair on the opposite side over your shoulder and caging you in with his hand then on the wall behind you, “Does it feel like I’m sure… Y/N?” he smiled at you slyly as he pushed himself off of the wall and walked past you out of the bedroom. You felt heat rise in your tummy and cheeks as you sighed and shook your head. What the hell were you getting yourself into? Following him, you grabbed your bag, slipped on your coat and shoes, and followed him to the car.
The short drive to your apartment was overall quiet, but as you were turning the corner onto your street, you knew you had to start the conversation. “Sorry for not staying the night… to be completely honest I wasn’t expecting you to offer.”
Aaron shifted to lean on the center console and nodded, “It’s alright, I know that tonight’s events overall seemed a bit unexpected. Hopefully you’re not dissapointed, though.” You turned to him, noticing the cocky smirk on his lips. Asshole.
You rolled your eyes and he laughed. There was a beat of silence before you spoke again. “Are we… do you want to just act as if nothing happened tonight? At work, I mean… and outside of work if that’s what you want.”
You wanted to smack yourself in the face for letting your thoughts out so freely. Your anxiety surrounding this part of the situation definitely was getting the better of you, and you weren’t sure what he wanted, which made things so much worse. As the car slowed in front of your building, Aaron put the car in park as you waited for his response. You knew he was thinking about what he wanted to say, which obviously made you even more nervous.
“Y/N, I know you realize that… this is a slightly complicated situation.” You nodded, urging him to continue, “I need you to understand that since Haley and I separated… it’s taken a lot of my own will power to keep myself from you.”
Everyone on the team knew that one of its strongest members was its leader, Aaron Hotchner. Hearing him confess that he’s had a hard time keeping himself away from you was a statement you could never have expected. You knew he was flirtatious toward you, no matter how much you denied it to yourself. You knew he was soft for you, you knew he favored you in appropriate ways, and you knew that the team noticed. You just wished that you let yourself see it. Maybe you’d have to start, that is, if he wanted you to.
“I… I loved and still have love for Haley, she is the mother of my son and the woman that I thought I would love for my entire life. Coming to terms with that not being the case has been hard. I would do anything for Jack, you know that. I don’t mean to tell you things you already know, but while things are still being worked out custody wise, and while we work out a way to tell the team and… Strauss, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to pursue you publicly. I need you, though, to understand that I want to when I can, if you’ll let me… and that I’d like to continue to see you privately, if that’s something you want.” Another beat of silence, “I like you… more than I should, more than I care to admit to myself. I think about you, I want to be around you when I can be. I… want you.”
You nodded, trying to hide a smile. “May I speak freely, sir?”
Something in his eyes seemed to darken at the formality, “You may, agent.”
“I want you, I have for a long time. I would really like to continue… whatever this is, whatever you want this to be, however you want to.”
The lustful look in Aaron’s eye turned briefly into fondness, you believe, if you caught it right. He reached for your hand and gave it a light squeeze, “I know this isn’t ideal for you, and I know it will be hard to keep this from the team. Are you sure?”
You adjusted yourself to lean into him and kiss him unexpectedly with fervor, a kiss that made him brace himself on the steering wheel and grasp the back of your head for reassurance. He grunted as you leaned him further back, returning the kiss so fiercely that you had half a mind to ask him inside with you.
You let yourself pull back just slightly to speak, lowly but clearly, “Does it feel like I’m sure, Aaron?”
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daisynik7 · 9 months
Can I request All for you by Janet Jackson for Aki Hayakawa - fluff
All For You
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Tell me I’m the only one. Soon we’ll be having fun.
Pairing: Aki Hayakawa x f!reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
cw: fluff, grumpy/sunshine trope, alcohol consumption (everyone is of age)
Summary: Aki Hayakawa has been training you for the past two months, helping you acclimate into your new role as a Public Safety Devil Hunter. From the start, you were smitten, unable to contain your cheery attitude whenever you’re with him. He’s closed off, strictly business, and never cracks a smile, but in his own subtle ways, he shows you that he cares. One day, after a successful mission, you test your luck to see if your love is truly unrequited, or if Aki just needs that extra push to admit his true feelings for you. A little bit of liquid courage might also come in handy. 
Author’s Notes: Ahhh, my first Aki fic! Thanks for the request anon, I LOVE Janet Jackson, and this is the perfect song for the y2k karaoke party! I hope you like this! It’s short, sweet, and very fluffy, so it’s been a nice break from the shameless smut I’ve been writing LOL. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading! Banner created by @/saradika.
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It’s been two months since you started working for Public Safety. Two months of grueling training, both physical and mental, and two months of being stuck with the notoriously grumpy Aki Hayakawa. But you’re not complaining, considering how absolutely head over heels you are for him. 
In this case, it’s true what they say: opposites attract. While you’re the type of person to always have a happy expression on your face, Aki is the opposite. You have yet to see him crack a smile, even the tiniest hint of one. No matter how hard you try to bombard him with your joyous affections and shameless flirting, he remains unfazed by it. Though, you’re certain he doesn’t hate it. If he did, you would have already been chucked off to someone else to have to deal with you. That’s why you continue your efforts; because deep down, you know he likes it. Likes you. 
He doesn’t say it in words, but he doesn’t have to. His actions display them perfectly. Subtle glances during moments he thinks you’re not looking, though you always are. Small gestures to show he cares about your safety and well-being, like always switching spots with you when you’re walking on a sidewalk, making sure he’s on the side of the street. Putting out his cigarette whenever you arrive because he knows you don’t like the smell. Holding the door open for you, sharing his umbrella on rainy days, always volunteering to be your partner during group missions because he doesn’t trust anyone else to be with you. Sure, maybe he’s just that nice of a guy, a true gentleman, a man who proves chivalry is not dead. Or, maybe he really likes you as much as you do him. Is it wishful thinking? Probably. You’re growing impatient waiting for validation, so tonight, you decide to take matters into your own hands. 
The Public Safety Department is out to celebrate a successful mission. It’s the first time you’ve all been together in a while, so many of you are ready to let loose.  Your team sits together in one corner of the restaurant, a round of beers already being passed down as soon as you take your seat by the wall, directly across from Aki. Kishibe, the most senior Devil Hunter, takes a spot next to you, while Kobeni, your dear friend and main confidant on the team, sits by Aki. As usual, he’s quiet, sipping on his drink without so much as a peep. His eyes flit towards you as you grab the handle and take several heavy gulps of beer. You’re going to need some liquid courage in you for what you’re about to do. 
Kishibe doesn’t say much either, downing his liquor silently, leaving you and Kobeni to fill the void with random small talk until appetizers are served, and she stuffs her mouth with gyozas and chicken yakitori. When you’re almost done with your beer, Aki’s shoves the plate of dumplings to you. “You should eat,” he mutters, staring at your empty glass. 
You grin at him. “I will, if you feed me.” You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out playfully.
He rolls his eyes at you, a small blush surrounding his cheeks. “Stop acting like a child.”
Feeling particularly wicked, you turn to face your neighbor. “Kishibe, can you feed me?”
The older man chuckles, already finished with three pints. “Alright.” He pinches a gyoza between his fingers, dips it in the sauce, and guides into your mouth whole. From your peripheral, you notice Aki scowl, grabbing at the pitcher at the center of the table to refill his cup to the brim. 
You giggle, chewing it into smaller pieces to swallow, batting your eyelashes with your hand covering your mouth. “Thank you, Master.” 
Kishibe laughs again, clearly amused by this, glancing at Aki across the table. “Is this what you have to deal with?”
“You have no idea,” Aki grunts, chugging his beer halfway. 
For the next hour, you continue to focus all your attention on Kishibe, and none on Aki, who sits still with his shoulders tense and a permanent frown on his face. It helps that your senior is playing into it, not questioning your brazen behavior, fully aware of your crush on Aki because you have admitted it to him plenty of times before. Aki’s had several pints now, a red glow surrounding his cheeks, sweat beading on his forehead. He hasn’t said a word as you blatantly flirt with Kishibe in front of him. You’re feeling a buzz now, more reckless with your emotions. Suddenly, you’re annoyed with yourself and with him; you stand up, wobbling slightly, murmuring something about going outside for some air. 
You’re slumped on the steps in front of the restaurant, breathing in the fresh night air, cool against your hot skin, feeling defeated. Your dumb plan to make him jealous backfired, leaving you just as confused as before. Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel and just accept that Aki will never reciprocate your feelings.  
You’re alone for a few minutes until the door swings open and you see Aki walking towards you. a glass of water in one hand, the other tucked in his pocket. He passes it to you, saying, “Drink this.”
Pouting, you take it, sipping it slowly. “Thanks, I guess.” You add the last part spitefully.
He sits next to you, sighing. “Why are you doing this?” His voice isn’t his typical monotone; there’s actual concern behind it now. 
“Doing what?” You set the water beside you, crossing your arms. 
“You know what.”
You shrug, leaning back on your hands, staring up at the sky, blinking at the moon. “I don’t know what you’re talking about it.”
He turns to face you, swallowing loudly. “Why are you being like this? Are you in love with him?” 
This catches you off guard. “Huh?”
“Kishibe. Are you in love with Kishibe?” His brows are tight, eyes imploring you for the truth. And it’s in this moment that you realize your plan actually worked. And now you feel guilty. 
Before this gets out of hand, you decide to stop the games and be honest with him. “No Aki. It’s you. It’s always been you. You’re the only one.” You look at your shoes, avoiding his gaze, embarrassed by your confession, nervous for his reaction. 
“Then why were you – ”
“I was trying to make you jealous,” you interrupt him, explaining yourself. “I’m sorry. It was childish and immature and just plain dumb and I’m sorry. I understand if you’re upset. You can hand me off to someone else if you want. You don’t have to deal with me anymore.”
He copies your posture, leaning on his wrists, hands so close to touching yours. He doesn’t say anything for a minute, choosing his words carefully. “I’m not upset,” he says softly. 
You look at him, surprised at his response. “You’re not?”
And finally, after two months of yearning for it, he smiles at you. “Not at all.”
You can’t help perking up at this, scooting even closer to him. “Does that mean…?”
“Yeah. It does.” He places his hand on top of yours, squeezing it gently. 
“You have to say it,” you demand, flipping your palm over to interlock your fingers with his. 
“Do I have to?” he groans, still grinning. 
Your heart pounds in your chest, belly fluttering, grin wide and eyes bright. “Use your words, Aki. Or else I’ll get confused again.”
He shifts forward, nuzzling his nose to yours. “I like you. Happy now?”
You close the gap, kissing him on the lips, smiling. “Very happy.”
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beomgyw · 28 days
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if you're new here; hi! this is a beomjun multichoice fic. go back to the beginning to start choosing your own path!
the town is small enough for you to walk around without needing to check your phone for directions. you remember most of the streets and you're confident you won't get lost. that makes your way to work all the more enjoyable.
you trail through the narrow roads, trying to stay close to the seafront. you find the beach just so beautiful in the mornings so silent and, without the tourist contamination. but when you pass across the roads where the restaurants and the coffee shops you realise where the tourists were: having breakfast.
you're thankful that grandma had made coffee at home and you didn't have to get yourself into the crowd to get some, but then you spot this tiny coffee place, cutely nestled in between two other local businesses.
it has an outside-service counter that, as a meticulously decorated blackboard indicated, only opens at night, serving as a cocktail bar. it's a pretty place, comfy looking, and though considerably crowded, the amount of people is reduced in comparison to its neighbouring establishments. so you decide to grab some coffee you can take with you to work.
you push the door open, and the scent of fresh brew envelops you with the first step in. the place buzzes with chatter, indie music adding to the atmosphere.
attending the tables inside the coffee shop a very much stressed worker zooms around like a tornado, his hair tucked under some funny looking joint-branded hat. he moves with a caffeinated grace that's almost dance-worthy, and he does not look happy at all. you think he's cute. he looks like a grumpy gnome, with his silly uniform and his grouchy expression.
you pass him by on your way to the counter, so, seeing that there is no employee at sight behind it, you figure you might as well ask the grumpy one, "hi, excuse me. can you take my order or should i wait by the counter?" you say. big mistake.
he doesn't even glance at you, irritation evident in his furrowed brow. "do i look like a can take an order right now?" he snaps.
and truth is, with his apron askew and a tray with at least eight coffee cups in different states of being filled, no he doesn't. but you still blink, taken aback by his abruptness. you don't know what to do with yourself, but it is him who realises maybe he has crossed the line.
"i'm sorry. that wasn't necessary" he sighs. his expression softens a bit, but it's still tired. he takes out a pos from the pocket of his apron telling you, "just tell me your name, i'll take your order. my coworker will be out in a minute. i hope." he says, rolling his eyes.
"y/n" you reply, feeling a pang of sympathy for this overworked boy.
but when he hears your name, his head snaps to you. he looks at you. and he proceeds to absolutely fuck up. like he lost control over his hands, he fumbles, and the coffee tray slips from his grasp, cascading its contents all over you. you wince as the hot liquid soaks through your clothes, but the first thing that comes out of your mouth is, "it's alright, it's alright, its nothing."
but of course, it's not nothing. "i'm so fucking sorry, shit... i'll pay for a new shirt, i am so sorry." he keeps cursing under his breath, panic evident in his eyes, without really knowing what to do.
embarrassment floods the air as the other customers turn their attention to the commotion. you really didn´t mind, it was an accident, could have happened to anyone. but it was the being the centre of attention factor what you weren't really loving that much.
another employee then comes out from the kitchen, mop in hand, probably having heard the commotion from the kitchen. jay, read his name tag. " i'm not gonna be screw up employee of the month, thanks, beomgyu," his coworker chides, a light chuckle on his lips,
at this, your head perks up, you of course. you recall yunjin's words. he got hot during our senior year. he's mellowed out since then. "choi beomgyu?"
and upon hearing you say his name he cringes, nodding reluctantly as if he'd rather be anyone else in that particular moment. "uh, yeah... kai said your were coming back for the summer... welcome, i guess." he says at the brim of an aneurysm because your shirt is ruined and he wants to help you clean it up, but it would be disrespectful to touch you, so he just stands there like an idiot, "shit. i am so sorry... wait."
he says, before disappearing into the backstore, as the rest of the customers go back to their own business, thank god. jay stands there, watching the scene, mop in hand but without having mopped a thing. soon enough, beomgyu darts back carrying two neatly folded pieces of clothing in his arms. you figure they're his, the clothes he had changed from into the work uniform.
"here," he mumbles, thrusting them towards you. "they're mine. i could take out the joint logo shirts for you but they're ridiculous, and i really don't wanna keep adding to the humiliation."
you hesitate, thinking if you really have a need to borrow his clothes. but then you remember you're pressed for time and don't fancy the idea of showing up to your first day at work looking like the mud man. so, you accept them, shyly.
"t-the restroom, that way..." beomgyu gestures towards the restrooms, but then he stops himself. "no, wait! use the employee ones, they’re cleaner. and the soap isn't radioactive so it won’t lacerate your skin."
the still curious customers shoot him offended looks, but you follow his directions, stepping into a surprisingly clean restroom. you lock the door behind you, and start peeling off your soggy shirt.
gross. from the embarrassment and how flustered you were from being the centre of attention, you hadn't even noticed how uncomfortable it is having your wet, cold clothes stick to your skin. and now your skin is all stick and muggy... ugh. you walk to the sink and try to clean yourself the best you can. that is until, as if he had read your mind, you hear a sheepish knock on the door.
you open it just enough for your head to peek out, and you see beomgyu extending his hand, holding a towel, while looking the other direction. cute. "i figured you'd need a towel." he says.
"thanks," you chuckle, taking the towel and getting back in.
you finish drying yourself up and finally hold his clothes. just a white tee and a grey zip-up hoodie. not too bad, actually. plus, they smell like vanilla. as you slip them on, you confirm what you already suspected: beomgyu is a giant, and his clothes fit you like a comedy act.
but with a little finesse – hoodie placement, sleeves rolled up just so, and your beaded necklace draped over the white tee – it almost seems intentional.
when you finally step out of the bathroom, there he is, leaning against the wall lost in thought, but he jumps a bit startled when the door creaks open. his eyes freeze for a moment, taking you in, wearing his clothes. "kinda looks good... doesn't it?" he mutters sheepishly.
"yeah, i can work with this. thanks," you reply, trying to ease his still embarrassed self up. "i mean it, it was an accident. could've happened to anyone. you didn’t need to give me—"
"it's fine. i had to. i'm really sorry," he cuts in before handing you a little paper bag with a heavenly smell. "here, this is an apology package. on the house."
you take the bag with a nod of gratitude, following him back to the main room. "so... long time no see, i guess," you say, trying to break the ice. thought some would say the ice had been shattered already.
"yeah... i couldn't have imagined a worse reunion scenario," he mutters, still sulky and with flushed cheeks.
"hey, i told you its fine" you assure him with a laugh, reaching out to stop him. "beomgyu. it's fine. i promise."
a smile tugs at his lips as he looks down, heading back to the counter and getting behind it as you take a seat in front of him. "huening has been talking about you coming back for weeks," he says. "he's gonna... he's gonna find this very funny,"
"he's done far more embarrassing things, forget about him," you smile.
"still, don't tell him, alright?" he chuckles. "so, what are you having?"
"i think i'm all set with the apology package,"
"the apology package doesn’t have coffee because i wasn't sure how you liked it," he explains. "what will it be?"
"iced espresso," you say firmly.
"tough girl," he smirks, jotting your name down on the cup.
you seat perched on the stool, watching him work. his apron tied tight around his waist, expertly brewed coffee behind the counter.
suddenly, his workmate pipes up, "did you get her number or not?" he blurts out, like it wasn't compromising information.
beomgyu's cheeks flush crimson. "what the hell are you talking about?" he shoots back under his breath.
"i just wanna know if i should tally one point for you or not," his colleague replies, a mischievous glint in his eye. "every tally counts."
"for your inevitable defeat, you mean. you're a big-time loser," beomgyu retorts, sliding your freshly brewed coffee across the counter. "it's just this stupid bet." he explains, leaning closer to you. "whoever racks up the most numbers gets to take home the week's tips," he says. he gestures toward a blackboard divided into two sections labeled 'beomgyu' and 'jay'. beomgyu's side is littered with marks, while jay's is considerably less crowded.
"oh, that's just unfortunate," you remark –meaning jay's section was very much unfortunate. "should i throw him a bone? he seems desperate for points..."
"pfft, don't," beomgyu advises, "it wouldn't be honorable to hand him a win out of pity. besides, you're walking out of here with my clothes on. seems only fair i'm the one to get your number."
you pause, a smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. "got a pen?" you ask.
beomgyu unclips one from his apron and hands it over. you grab a napkin and quickly scrawl down your number, feeling beomgyu's breath on your neck as he leans in to sneak a peek. that vanilla scent gets to yoy again, though you can't quite tell if it was the clothes or just him.
as soon as you're done, you hold the napkin out for him to take, but before he can grab it, you pull it back teasingly. "jay?" you call out, catching the attention of the boy in question. "here. mark yourself a point."
turning back to beomgyu, you find him staring at you, his mouth hanging comically open, a mix of offense and amusement dancing across his face.
"you did spill coffee all over me," you remind him with a grin.
"whatever, i don't need it," beomgyu huffs, trying to play it cool. "i'm in cahoots with your cousin."
"my cousin is loyal to me."
"don't be that sure. you've been away from some time..." he teases. "and even if he was loyal you, kai is a weak-minded individual. any intel he has, i can easily come by too."
"good luck with that," you smile, grabbing your coffee and slipping off the stool.
"leaving already?" beomgyu pouts.
you nod, adjusting the strap of your bag. "yeah, gotta head to work."
"huh? where at?"
"the bookstore across the street,"
a grin tugs at beomgyu's lips. "guess i'll be seeing you often then," he remarks, a hint of playfulness in his voice. then, his expression shifts, and he clears his throat. "you... uh, got a ride home after your shift?"
"hyuka's picking me up,"
"right," beomgyu mutters, a touch of disappointment flickering across his face.
"oh, by the way," you interject, "we're hanging out later today, kai and i. its not like we have a defined plan, but you can come by, if you want." you tell him. oh, how his eyes lit up. "i'm sure kai won't mind if you tag along. you're his best friend, after all."
"yeah... i'm not proud of it, but we're horrifyingly close. i'm afraid you might feel like a third wheel," he admits.
"i'll survive," you chuckle, before bidding him goodbye. but as you turn to leave, you remember, "oh, wait, the coffee. how much do i owe you?"
beomgyu waves you off. "nothing! it's all part of the apology package," he explains.
"you can't stop me," you smirk, before taking out your bills and rushing towards jay who's to your luck, besides the cash register. "take it, quick," you tell him.
"hey, what are you doing?" comes in beomgyu with a playful smile, "jay, don't take the money, it's fake." he exclaims.
you fake a gasp. "it's not fake, it's very much real. look, you can see the transparencies," you insist.
but then jay chimes in casually, "her coffee? that's already paid for," he announces.
"what?" you ask.
and beomgyu is smiling proudly, about to give jay a pat in the back for not letting you pay, that is until jay points towards the other end of the counter. choi yeonjun.
your stomach flutters helplessly. embarrassingly, almost. there he is, with his warm smile and his flowy hair. he's such a product of the beach town its even hard for you to imagine him in the winter time.
you hurry over to yeonjun's side with the excitement of a schoolgirl. beomgyu trails behind.
"hi!" you greet yeonjun, too eagerly for your own taste.
"you know him?" asks beomgyu, lacking your enthusiasm.
"she's my secretary, taking important phone calls for me and whatnot..." yeonjun confirms with a smile. then, turning to beomgyu, he asks, "please, beomgyu, i need some good coffee ASAP. i barely slept last night and the kids are driving me crazy."
beomgyu frowns. "ask jay. i'm on table waiting duty."
"come on, you make the best coffee. jay's gonna serve me stained water... i really need the good stuff." yeonjun raises an eyebrow. "you work here, its your duty..."
"i do work here, but i'm not your slave," beomgyu retorts.
yeonjun chuckles. "you kinda do look like a maid in that pastel apron," he teases. "come on, pretty please, go make me the coffee."
beomgyu glances at you, then at yeonjun, then back at you before he finally rolls his eyes and heads off to make the coffee.
"so, did you think about those surfing lessons?" he asked, his voice low and coaxing.
you hesitate, swirling the plastic stick in your coffee. "i did, but you know i'm not keen on the whole ocean thing. it freaks me out."
yeonjun's grin widens. "come on, i'll be right there with you. i've handled rowdy kids before; and not one has ever died on me. you'll be in good hands."
you chew your lip, unsure. "i don't know..."
"alright, no surfing then. how about something else? are you free tonight?"
you glance down at your phone, remembering huening. but the day is long, right? you can do both, "i told hyuka i'd hang out with him." you tell him.
"that's perfect!" yeonjun exclaims. "huening's but a kind soul, he'll understand. flirty comment"
you can't bring yourself to outright refuse. "i'll think about it, okay?" you say, as he offers a silent prayer of gratitude to the heavens that you hadn't flat-out said no.
"you're silly" you tease, earning a proud grin from him.
"you're pretty," he says, eyes mellowing into yours.
"your coffee," comes in beomgyu at his grumpy peak. he almost hits yeonjun with the paper cup.
"thanks a bunch, mr. squarepants," yeonjun replies with a smirk. "i gotta go. left jake in charge of the kids, and if i don't hurry, i'll come back to a cemetery."
but before he leaves, he notices your clothes. beomgyu´s clothes. "hey..." he says. "why are you wearing his clothes?" he asks, an eyebrow perking up.
beomgyu rolls his eyes, but a smirk plays at his lips. "just go before the kids stage a mutiny, will you?"
"shit, i have to go, too," you exclaim, checking the time in your phone. you're late.
"wait, but why the hell are you wearing his clothes?" yeonjun asks, a hint of alarm in his voice.
"ask beomgyu, alright?" you say before making your escape. “i’m late for work!”
as yeonjun's voice echoes after you with one last, "just tell me, come on!" beomgyu resumes his tasks with a triumphant grin playing on his lips. this victory was only figurative, of course, but to see yeonjun all panicked is enough for him.
"dude, how fast are you? you've got more game than i gave you credit for," yeonjun remarks, leaning against the counter.
"what are you talking about?" beomgyu asks casually, acting like he's very focused on preparing some smoothie and not at all interested in whatever yeonjun is trying to imply.
"why was she wearing your clothes?"
beomgyu scoffs, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "bothered much?"
"did you... you know," yeonjun asks, but ends the question blurting out a "fuck her?"
"watch it." beomgyu chides, his tone turning sharp.
"why? do you like her?" yeonjun persists, his interest piqued. "i mean, like like her."
"then can i hit?"
"what the hell is your problem?" beomgyu shoots, fed up with his whole smoothie-making charade, and turning to face yeonjun. he is itching to give him a piece of his mind, but he holds back. you had your chance to hit, seven years ago, when she confessed to you but you turned her down because you were a shallow fuck pretending to be a hippie. but you didn't and you're so interested, all of the sudden? and you're not even bothered by the fact that she's kai’s family. only someone with a conscience would worry about that stuff. but all these thoughts are stuck in Beomgyu's head, never making it to his mouth.
“listen, i don’t wanna fight over girls with you again, its exhausting and dehumanising for the girls and i end up feeling bad because i win them all over and you look like a loser.” yeonjun says.
“that’s not–”
“beomgyu, i won't ask again. do you like her or not?” yeonjun demands.
and yeonjun knows that this hesitation meant that maybe he does, but he's too much of a coward to make a move, and that in yeonjun's dictionary, means that he might as well take the chance. "well, too bad." yeonjun flashes a grin before grabbing his coffee and making his exit.
and beomgyu, of course, spends the rest of his morning cursing yeonjun. but, remember, you're at work and oblivious to all this.
NEXT PART (coming soon...)
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mushroommanstan · 11 months
Glory Hole
(c au tenko)
Warnings: gay smut, blowjob, bi tenko
Tenko sat on the toilet seat with his pants up, waiting anxiously yet impatiently for someone to occupy the stall next to his. He stared at the grimy, worn hole in the wall in silence apart from the grinding of his teeth. It was agony waiting like this, just pure agony.
Finally, someone entered, and he heard just for a moment the bustling party going on just outside the door, hooting and hollering erupting from no doubt drunk off their asses frat boys and girls. He heard boots making their way across the cheap linoleum floor until they went into the stall adjacent to him, the footsteps confident and strong. He heard their zipper and the sound of liquid pouring as they, well, did what they came in here for.
Tenko hopped off the toilet, wobbling a little bit as his legs had fallen asleep, before lowering onto his knees infront of the hole in the wall. He licked his lips, waiting for the other male to finish while he quivered nervously, one had subconsciously raising to scratch at his neck. He hasn’t done anything like this before, but he’s “thought” about it plenty of times. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system that made him want to go through with it.
In any case, the reality of the situation finally came to him when he heard the stream taper off. He scratched his neck harder as his mind was filled with thoughts going a mile a minute. If he didn’t do something, like, now, the other guy will just leave and he’ll miss his chance! Cmon, you can do this. This is what you trained for. Just go for it.
He faced the hole and positioned his mouth over it, shaking hand raising and hesitantly knocking three times while he opened his mouth as far as it would go. Tenkos jaw kept relaxing automatically as he waited, mostly out of nervousness but he continued to force it open anyways. The other guy responded to the knocks with a confused hum, expecting an answer, but Tenko tried his best to let his awaiting mouth do the talking.
He couldn’t see but he heard the others knees clicking as they presumably squatted down, and Tenko knew they had seen his offering when they let out an amused “oooooh”, followed by chuckling. He stretched his mouth even further as the other rose, his zipper lowering once again and Tenko squeezed his eyes shut.
Last minute thoughts flashed through his eyes almost making him pull back but he stayed put. He remembered last minute all the things he had read the night before, all the videos he had seen on this exact topic that showed him what to do. He waited, he waited a few agonizing, suspenseful seconds until…..
Utter bliss.
The first thing that hit him was the taste. Earthy, salty, soulfully addicting. The second was the warmth. It filled his otherwise cool mouth like a drink of hot cocoa during the cold months, a heavenly feeling that immediately put all his nerves at ease. He dared not open his eyes, fully savoring the feeling of his mouth being filled to the brim before he let his lips close around the hot mass and pull.
Immediately Tenko heard the male hiss, both of them shuddering in unison as Tenko began to suckle on the member lodged in his mouth. He wasn’t doing much at that moment, just taking a second to savor the weight on his tongue before the other clicked his tongue impatiently and Tenko got to work.
Tenko sunk deeper letting the head rest against his tonsils for a moment before bobbing back, taking in gulping breaths as he heard the other man do the same. Then he sunk down again, his tongue naturally writhing along the underside of his shaft and his cheeks hollowed on their own. He was worried before, but now he sees it was unfounded. His body already knew what to do, had already taken in the lessons he had learned from the certain videos he had watched.
After bobbing for a bit, Tenko withdrew. He took the cock in hand and caressed it against his face, his tongue lolling out and laving over it messily. He just loved the feel of it on his cheek, so damn warm and hard. He licked the shaft from the side before lowering, causing the man on the other end to move closer and give Tenko access to their balls. He kissed them in gratitude before taking them in his mouth and swirling his tongue around them. They were a little fuzzy, a little wiry, and very musky.
At this point the man on the other end was jerking his hips, and Tenko was able to feel his pulse from the throbbing veins on his cock. The deep pink tip was now an angry red, and Tenko was sure if the other man could touch him he’d have his fingers in Tenkos scalp, pulling him even closer. Tenko shuddered at the thought, deluding himself into thinking that maybe there’d be time for that later.
After playing with the man’s sack for a bit, Tenko grew bored of that at around the same time the other man had as well. So he moved back to what he was doing before, and with the cock fully against the door he decided to begin deep throating him. He forced himself down on the veiny mast, the head beginning to nudge at the back of his throat, but he persevered. Then, when he was as far down as he could go, his nose tickled by the other’s pubes, he held himself there.
Tenko heard a loud moan from the man, his twitching mouth being well enough to get him there. He grunted as a warning, thrusting his hips just a little as his legs wobbled. Tenko heeded him and retreated to the tip, sucking harshly as he urged him to finish in his mouth with his mouth. His hands kept busy on his shaft as well, pumping vigorously to replace the stimulation his throat had given. Both efforts were well enough to satisfy the other and beyond, their hips bucking again as they finally let go in his mouth.
Hot jizz shot into tenkos mouth which he accepted enthusiastically, groaning at the taste and sucking greedily as his hands slowed to a more gentle pace. He gulped down the salty fluids with a long moan, the vibrations making the other whine from overstimulation. He kept going until the other was completely dry, even keeping the soft member in his mouth after that and relishing the feeling for as long as he could.
“Heh, damn. What a cum-slut. Perfect little cum dumpster.” The other sighed, finally canting his hips back and retrieving his soft member from the overstimulating, greedy mouth that did what it could to get him to stay.
Tenko wasn’t sure why, and was a little embarrassed by the fact that he was genuinely touched by that backhanded compliment. He was a perfect cum dumpster? He blushed at that, wiping his chin as he found comfort int the fact that he was skilled in pleasuring, not just destruction. That the same hands he loathed for their murderous capabilities could also be used to make someone feel good.
Tenko was about to thank him, but he bit his tongue at the last moment, remembering just in time that he couldn’t give his identity away. His scratchy, hoarse voice would be a clear indicator, and he’d only serve to turn the happy moments he had just created for the other into ones of disgust. Because he is disgusting, isn’t he? Just a disgusting, ugly little creep. I mean, who would even let him near their-
“We should do this again sometime Tenko.”
That simple, casual remark sent tremors up Tenkos spine. He knew, fuck, he KNEW! Was he mad? He was wasn’t he. Damn it, he was sure the glory hole was gonna make it so that no one knew it was him, so his terrible reputation wouldn’t follow him and he’d be able to suck some dick in peace. What gave him away?
The man chuckled, now on his knees and making eye contact with Tenko through the glory hole. Through dewed eyes Tenko looked at the man confused, now cowering in the corner and scratching his neck furiously. “What? You didn’t think I knew? The scratching was a dead give away. No one digs themself like that unless they’ve got lice the size of ping pong balls.”
Tenkos hands stopped, and he looked at them in terrified awe for just a moment. He was beyond confused. If he knew from the beginning, then… why…
“W-why’d you let me do it?”
Now it was the man’s turn to be confused. “What d’ya mean? Why wouldn’t I let you do it? I, I mean… I-“
He began stuttering now, and Tenkos posture relaxed as he saw him look away coyly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve had my eyes on you for a w-while now, to be honest…. Guess I couldn’t resist when I realized it was you.”
Tenko was sure he was dreaming now. “M-me?!” He yelled, almost furiously.
“Yeah. Frankly I should be asking why you let me! You’re legendary man! I-“ he cleared his throat, regaining his composure, before handing a slip of paper to Tenko through the hole. “Listen. If you ever find your mouth painfully empty again, I’d love to help you out.”
Hesitantly, Tenko took the paper, smoothing the crinkled ball and nearly passing out when he saw what was inside. It was a phone number. A holy fucking real ass phone number.
He heard the bathroom door unlocking, and just as the other man was about to leave he stopped, looking at the disheveled twink peeking at him from the barely open stall door. He winked.
“And if any other holes of yours are feeling empty too, well, it’d be my pleasure.”
With that, he left, the door slamming shut behind him. Completely sober now, Tenko collapsed into the corner of the stall, staring at the ceiling in awe and clutching the paper tightly to his chest.
No doubt in Tenkos mind, this was the strangest thing to ever happen in that bathroom.
Ok so, this idea came to me in a dream, no joke, and I knew I just had to write it. I don’t wanna toot my own horn but I’m really proud of this one.
Readers choice but in my mind and in the dream the other guy was Touya. But, you know, it can be who ever.
Hope y’all liked it of course, comments and constructive criticism is appreciated, of course.
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lilspacewolfie · 1 month
What are you working on these days? Want to share a tiny piece of a WIP?
Sup nonny! Still working on my Devil!Terzo fic *melts into the floor* but things are going well with that! I gave myself a few days off because of headaches... I realized I haven't shared much about my take on my Lucifer/Terzo as a character online. I mostly talk about him privately, but why not share a little of my take on the Devil's charm? This WIP snippet is from chapter 8 of YWNWA, the Walpurgis Night chapter! It was such fun to write but still needs some work, so everything is subject to change/edits!
Later, maybe, when he gets some liquid courage in him. But even that isn’t enough to completely outweigh the anxiety that’s quietly suffocating him. 
Eyes are falling on them, Siblings beaming and excitable at the mere sight of their Papa being in open touching distance. Something else creeps into Copia’s head and lingers on the fringes, cold and poisons—a snake ready to strike. He’s quicker to strangle it. He shouldn’t feel the slightest bit jealous of their happiness. It’s simply the allure Terzo exudes. He makes people happy, and Copia adores the joy he brings to them and the world at large. He is beloved and worshipped. Copia has no right to feel like this, and he’s reminded of his own ugly, crippling unworthiness. 
When he slows his pace and his arm starts to slip, Terzo tightens his hold just a fraction. 
“Easy,” Terzo soothes in a tone one would reserve a nervous animal. “Walk with me.” 
It’s confident and encouraging and Copia can't help but melt because—as much as he tries not to read too much into others' tones when he can for the sake of his sanity—there’s an awareness beneath it all.
“Keep me company for the celebrations, hm?” Terzo then says. “Join me for a dance later if you are willing. You have more than earned a break to let loose. What better night than tonight, no?”
Copia swallows, ears burning. 
“I am sure you have many from this legion of devout followers that you would rather dance with, Papa,” He counters a bit too bitterly. Besides, he doesn’t know how to dance. 
“Nonsense,” Terzo chides fondly. “I would like nothing more than to be your guiding hand for the evening.”
When he glances at Terzo, he’s drawing his gaze from Imperator and focusing solely on Copia with softer eyes. Copia knows what he’s doing and he’s certain, then, that Terzo is aware of what’s transpired between him and Imperator. He must know. Why else would he be doing all this? Why else would he be touching him, save for putting some sort of claim on him that will for sure rile Imperator up? It’s certainly doing something to the Sibling’s they pass. He can't imagine how much it must infuriate Imperator.
Frankly, when Copia gives himself more than a second to be hastily absorbed by his anxious thoughts, he doesn’t care. The annoyance he’s felt towards Imperator—the culmination of all the years worth of fleeting irritations brought on by the week's rough start—simmers in his belly. 
He’s allowed to be angry and upset. He’s allowed to do what he wants. He’s allowed this. It’s none of her business, anyway. 
Copia finds Terzo is still looking at him, searching his face like he’s reading the silent battle Copia is warring. He’s ever-patient, offering another gentle squeeze on his arm.  
“Would you do me the honour of being my company for this night, topolino?” He asks again, quieter.
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foreverrogers · 2 years
you're writing has so much emotion, it's beautiful :,) if you're taking requests, maybe peter and reader at a party and there's the kind of music that makes you dance in a very 🥵 way, and peter grabs their hips and they're dancing together 😫
thank you so much you're so sweet!! absolutely loved this idea, thank you so much for requesting <3
best friends to ;) // 1.4k
the music feels physical. tangible. corporeal. like you could reach out and run your fingers through it, the deep base and quick tempo mixing intoxicatingly smooth with the warmth and the blur of this club.
you're a couple rounds in, still tucked away into a plush booth with empty glasses and bottles strewn across the table. the friends who had dragged you and peter along with them for the night have already ventured into the messy crowd on the dance floor, absorbed into the mass of bodies until any hope of finding them again before early morning had been reduced to nearly nothing. you and your best friend, however, confidently opted to pump some more liquid courage into your blood streams before you were willing to join them.
the clink of your shot glasses is swallowed up by the music as you and peter press them together, wide grins mirrored as you bring them to your lips and welcome the familiar burn of the liquor down your throat.
peter thinks he's drunk enough that the alcohol is actually starting to have an opposite effect, like he's become desensitized to it, superhuman metabolism processing faster and faster with each drink like an immune system working just a little too well.
he doesn't really mind, though, because this way he gets to stay lucid as he watches you descend into a blissful slur of movements. your limbs are loose, legs draped over his own with one arm slung around his shoulders, keeping you pressed close together. his hand has anchored itself around your bare calf, a persistent contact that makes his skin tingle if he thinks about it too hard, and he has to consciously stop himself from giving an automatic squeeze to your leg every time you absentmindedly curl a lock of his hair around your finger or lean in to yell in his ear, warm breath against his neck.
it's not that the two of you weren't used to this closeness. years of friendship had made you more than comfortable with each other, with the proximity and the casual touches and the intimacy of it all. it's just that when you drink you get impossibly touchier, needy and clingy in the most endearing way possible because all it makes peter think of is that you need him, that you want to be near him in your most vulnerable moments, and that idea never fails to flood him with more warmth than any amount of liquor ever could.
one song bleeds into another, and as soon as you register the shift you perk up, eyes wide as you grin across at him. peter doesn't have time to ask about your sudden surprise, because soon enough you're tearing your legs away to stand up and moving to tug at his hand.
"oh, we're dancing now?" peter's strong enough to resist you, but he opts against it, let's you pull him onto his feet and out of the booth.
"yes, we're dancing now! I freaking love this song!"
you dive head first and unafraid into the crowd, grip on his hand tightening as you guide the two of you well into the bustle. the belly of the beast smells like sweat and cheap liquor and just a little bit like vomit, pressing you in from all sides and engulfing you in the heat of it, an unpleasant hug moving your bodies with the flow of music like a current.
and despite all of that, the chaos encroaching into every inch of personal space, all peter can see is you. you, head tossed back, eyes closed, flashes of red and blue neon slanting over your face. you, movements smooth and raw and easy, hips swaying rhythmically with the beat. everything is tunnel vision.
peter's so busy watching you that he forgets he's supposed to be dancing, and when you finally open your eyes to look at him and find him static, mouth slightly agape in the middle of the dance floor, you grin at him.
it's one of those messy grins you can't quite control, and only pulls peter deeper into his infatuated haze. you laugh, not that he can hear it, can tell by the familiar movement of your chest and god why is he looking at your chest?
"just relax!" you shout, muffled in his ears, lean up to wrap your arms around his neck and then you're really dancing, dancing enough for the both of you, so his grasp on your body forces his to follow along and move to the music with you.
you shuffle closer, your fronts pressed almost flush together, seek out his hands in the slurry of people and guide them firmly to your hips. you keep your hands over his for a moment, looking up at him with those wide, glassy eyes as you wait for him to respond, to give you something back. peter's still a little caught up in the sight and the feel of you to really register what's going on, and so you move for him, squeeze his hands over the soft flesh of your hips until his grip on you is tight, unwavering.
he catches on after a few more moments, starts to move a little more of his own volition, spurred on less by the waning alcohol and more by your smile and your fingers tangling through his hair as you dance, the closeness of your bodies and the warmth of your skin and your breath.
everything is fast and loud and bright and peter wishes he could feel like this forever, wishes he could feel like this with you forever, never wants to let go of this little bubble you've made together.
there's a lull, a spilt second slowing of the pace as songs melt together again, but it's enough to let you catch your breath, come to a stop as you rest your forehead against peter's shoulder and try to ease the spinning in your head.
but peter's really feeling it now, hands still on your hips helping sway the both of you loosely side to side, not exactly matching the energy of the people around you but blending into it nonetheless.
you grin up at him as soon as you realise what he's doing, and peter moves in quickly to press a slow kiss to your forehead, all inhibitions that would usually have stopped the gesture left behind the moment you dragged him onto the dance floor.
you close your eyes at the welcome feeling, the gentle softness of his lips against your skin amongst the pandemonium, and when you look back up at him something's different. there's a shift, undeniable and mutual, evident in the way peter rocks to a still and gives your hips a light squeeze, the charge of the air between you suddenly changed.
you've had the luxury of sobriety whenever you find yourself looking at your best friend like this. tonight, however, you're not so lucky to have something hold you back from kissing him.
it brings you both in, mouths parted and breathing the same sticky air, eyes roaming dimly lit faces, flitting down to lips.
it comes like second nature, like you had been doing this the whole time and hadn't just been thinking of doing it since you were sixteen, the ease of peter's mouth moving against yours and his arm circling your waist to press you close.
it's dizzying, utterly intoxicating, the way peter kisses you and the taste of him melting bittersweet with the liquor on your tongue. his hand come up to your cheek, thumb brushing lightly over the skin as he slots it beneath your ear, tilts your head back and opens you up for him to deepen the kiss.
you have to pull away eventually, cruelly, breathing heavy as you look across at each other.
he breaks first, the wide grin spreading across his face like a crack in the sun, flushed and all-consuming.
the music shifts again, and then comes the dancing, and then comes the messy kisses you share as you move together, teeth and heat and smiles pressed together.
peter could choose to dwell on it, on the implications this could mean for the morning, for the course of the rest of your friendship, your relationship, whatever it was after this. he could, but it's easier not to. tonight, he lets himself revel in you and him, like this, together and drowning in the music.
request something! masterlist
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luvkun4 · 2 years
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KINKTOBER :: Jean Kirstein + costumes & role play
⊱ summary ─── You’ve been eyeing the talkative cowboy at this Halloween party all night, and after one too many drinks, you use that liquid courage to coerce him into having some fun.
⊱ warnings ─── fem!reader, dark content, modern au, strangers to lovers, dubcon, coercion, mentions of intoxication, oral (m), some (barely any) role playing, light bondage, some dirty talk, exhibitionism (Jean takes some pictures), unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, creampie, not proofread
⊱ word count ─── 3.0k
okay so i know the prompt was "costumes and role play," but the role playing part is practically non-existent LMAO. it's subtly mentioned once as things pick up but not really mentioned again
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The initial thrill of this party was starting to fade. It was fun when you got here but now it’s been a couple hours, everyone’s drunk off their asses, your plus one had left you for some guy she’s never met, and you were sitting with a drink in hand and no one to talk to. You were willingly social two hours ago, laughing and dancing with whoever would join you. Yet now, nothing was as appealing. Except, however, the brunette you kept staring at from across the room.
He stood in the kitchen with a few other guys, laughing at a joke you assumed wasn’t all that funny. You were in the living room, though from where you sat, you had a perfect view of him. He wore a cowboy costume — well, a makeshift one. The only thing that really made out his costume was the cowboy hat and boots, and the vest he chose to wear on top of nothing else. The blue jeans he wore sat low on his hips, exposing a bit of his v-line but leaving more to the imagination than the naked eye.
An almost mischievous idea popped into your head, one that was definitely fueled by the alcohol running through your system rather than any logic. Maybe he’d be down to take this party somewhere else, somewhere private, you wonder. Whoever this handsome stranger was didn’t matter to you too much. You found him attractive — that alone, intrigued you. You were bored, and not even your intoxicated state was keeping you lively anymore. So with one last big gulp of your alcoholic concoction, you set your cup down and make your way towards the kitchen.
Jean pours himself another drink, nonchalantly glancing in your direction when he sees you get up. He’s been aware of your presence since you got here. He wasn’t sure who you knew here that resulted in your invite but he wasn’t too concerned. Just another hot girl for him to stare at whenever he got the chance, he thought. What he didn’t expect though was for you to confront him, suddenly worried that maybe he stared at you one too many times and you were coming to chew him out.
“Hey there cowboy,” you coo, leaning against the counter beside him.
Ignoring the slight flush of his cheeks, he smirks, shifting his focus from his friends to you.
“Howdy,” he winks, internally regretting it, “You want a drink?”
“I was hoping to talk to you, actually,” you say, eyeing him as if he were some prize you couldn’t wait to get your hands on.
The other guys in the room were having their own conversation, though they could feel the tension between you and Jean, deciding to leave you two alone. By the look on your face, Jean had a feeling you weren’t here to call him out on all his not-so-subtle stares, but rather, here for something else. That didn’t calm his nerves though — his heart was still beating a bit quicker than usual and he wasn’t sure if it was because of you or because of the environment he was in.
He takes another swig of his drink, “I don’t think we’ve met,” he exclaims, still sporting that confident grin, “What’d you wanna talk about?”
You straighten your posture, placing a hand on his bicep and leaning in close to his ear, “How about we talk somewhere more private?”
Jean’s breaths hitch and he swallows hard — you were quite blunt. What you had suggested couldn’t have been a more obvious way to say “let’s hook up,” and frankly, he wasn’t sure how to respond. It’s not that he didn’t want to, he just wasn’t sure if he should. His head wasn’t all there — mind clouded from all the drinking and partying — and it was safe to assume yours wasn’t either, still, he follows you down the hall to an empty bedroom.
You lock the door once you’re both inside, immediately walking towards the man you dragged in here. Jean couldn’t keep his eyes off you, admiring the way the tight bodysuit you wear hugs all your curves. You giggle, running both your hands across his chest.
“You’ve got very lingering eyes,” you say, “You like what you see?”
He nods, unable to find the right words to say. You were dressed like a playboy bunny — something that was anything but modest and guaranteed to catch the eyes of whoever was around. You didn’t fault him for staring, if anything, you were glad he was. 
“Party became a bit of a snooze fest, wouldn’t you say?” you ask, still slowly dragging your hands under his vest and across his bare torso. 
“I-I guess,” he shrugs, more focused on the way you touched him.
“We should have our own fun in here, don’cha think?” you tilt your head with a smirk, boldly hooking your fingers in his belt loops.
Jean’s heart couldn’t have been beating any faster, his face redder than a tomato. 
“I-I’m not so sure,” he mutters, surprisingly managing to keep his eyes on you.
You pout, bringing your hands to his hips, “Why not?”
“You’re drunk,” he exclaims, finally deciding to grab your wrists so you let go of him.
Swiftly, you entwine your fingers with his, now holding his hands.
“Yeah but so are you,” you grin, “I don’t see the problem.”
His eyes finally fall from yours — you had a point. He didn’t want to take advantage of you, but was it really “taking advantage” if you’re both in the same physical state and agree to it? Poor Jean couldn’t seem to find much more logic in his brain, struggling to find a reason to deny you.
“I-I guess that’s true…” he mumbles, still holding your hands.
“Kiss me,” you whisper, leaning in close in hopes to provoke him.
And provoke him you did, because he wastes no time closing the gap between you. He didn’t even know your name, yet he willingly got caught in languid make out with you in a matter of seconds. Your lips tasted of tequila, a contrast to the beer he was drinking moments ago. Jean takes it upon himself to let go of your hands, grabbing your waist instead. You both stumble back until his legs hit the edge of the bed. He sits down, keeping his lips on yours and pulling you onto his lap.
You nibble his lower lip with a groan, resting your hands at the slope of his neck. He was very warm, only further expressing how flustered he truly was. Jean could feel himself getting hard under you, starting to guide you along his lap to receive the desired friction. A tiny smile creeps onto your face when you separate from the kiss and you moan, letting your head fall back as you start to roll your hips on your own.
“Fuck you’re hot,” Jean sighs, impulsively leaning forward to kiss your neck. 
He suckles on your skin, tugging at the tight bodysuit you wear as a way of saying he wanted it off. Except, you ignore him, grabbing his face and locking lips with him again. It was clear there was a fight for dominance here, one that Jean admittedly wouldn’t mind losing. 
You took some initiative and started to kiss his neck, littering open-mouthed kisses. Your hands roam his chest, eventually pushing him so he was flat on his back. The hat he once wore was long forgotten about, now sitting atop the mattress right above his head. Your kisses move lower, across his pecs, to his abs, to the very little of his v-line you could see. Jean’s hips rut up instinctively, a dark blush creeping onto his cheeks at his own enthusiasm. You merely chuckle, hurriedly unbuckling his belt. 
Suddenly, you pause, right as you begin to pull his jeans down. The brunette gives you a confused yet concerned look, a contradiction to the quizzical one you wear. You smirk, unhooking the prop lasso he had on his belt. You hadn’t noticed it until now — there was too much happening, it was the least of your worries. Now that you were aware of it, though, a mischievous thought popped in.
“Sit up for me, will ya?” you ask, and Jean does so obediently.
He’s wary of your movements, still subconsciously fighting the internal conflict of whether he should let this continue or not. He snaps out of it quickly when you sit on his lap again, catching him in a kiss before he can process it. What also seems to slip his mind as he’s distracted by your kiss is the way you bind his wrists behind his back, fastening the knot of the rope with a grin when your lips leave his.
“Wha-” he tugs at his restraints, “What the hell?”
You giggle, kissing along his jaw as you stick a hand in his unzipped jeans, “Cowboy’s got a lasso for a reason, right? Might as well use it~”
His head is spinning. Jean can barely understand what’s happening because of how whipped he is. You were just, so hot, the poor guy didn’t know what he was in for, nor did he even care. You stand between his legs after pushing him to lay back down. Impatiently, you pull his jeans to the floor, letting his boxers follow. His dick springs free, twitching once exposed to the cool air. You hum with satisfaction, as if the sight of him pleased you. It did — it’s not like you were expecting him to disappoint, but you had to admit you were quite surprised with what you’d be working with.
Jean’s eyes were glued to the ceiling, not like he had much of a choice. He could feel your breath between his thighs, though, soon feeling the heat of your tongue flatten against the underside of his cock. He moans, bucking his hips. You take his squirming as an opportunity to continue, closing your lips around the leaking tip of his cock. You both groan, the meshed sound of it making both your stomachs jump. 
He tries to sit up on his own, struggling a bit but eventually succeeding. Jean rests on his elbows, watching as your head bobs up and down his cock. The fact that you were dressed like a slutty bunny only fueled his arousal, and the fantasy he might’ve come up with only a few hours earlier. It annoyed him that he couldn’t touch you, couldn’t push on your head or hold it in place. He would’ve preferred that you moved faster — you were being somewhat of a tease, taking your time forcing his inches in your throat only to come back up just as slow.
“Fuuuck,” he groans, arching his back ever so slightly. 
The hums you let out send the most pleasurable vibrations through him, making his entire body shiver. You remove your mouth with a wet pop, replacing it with your fist.
“Mm, you needed this, didn’t you cowboy?” you ask rhetorically, “Always working so hard — it’s about time you take a load off.”
His eyes roll and he bites his lip, trying to keep his composure. He wasn’t even sure what you were talking about, assuming you were throwing together some make believe story just to keep him on edge. Regardless, whatever you were doing was working. You maintain eye contact with him while you take his cock in your mouth again, letting yourself gag around him. Jean gasps, rutting his hips into the air.
The lipstick you once wore was now smudged, your lips glossed with spit instead. Your eyes were watery, your mascara bleeding every time you blinked. It didn’t matter to you too much, you liked having a physical example of how you spent your time at this party. So you continue, choking on his cock to keep the tears rolling down your cheeks and the drool trickling down your chin.
Jean grunts, feeling himself grow restless. Coming up for air again, you grip his cock, giving it an impulsive squeeze as you drag your palm along its length.
“You want more?” you question, stroking him faster, “Wanna feel my tight pussy gripping you instead?”
Your voice held a teasing tone to it, your words making Jean squirm.
“Fuck- yeah, c’mon,” he whines, “Please.”
You smirk, halting your actions and rising to your feet. You turn your back towards him, unzipping your bodysuit then stepping out of your tights. Jean's eyes watch your costume fall to the floor, his gaze immediately landing on your ass. He chews his lip, staring at you strip for him until you’re naked. Whatever accessories you wore for your costume stayed on, you, not bothering to remove them.
You’re back on Jean’s lap in seconds, slipping your tongue into his mouth as if it belonged there. He kisses you back just as desperately, whimpering when he remembers he can’t touch you. You pull away, grabbing his dick to rub it against your clit.
“W-wait, fuck- no condom-” he mumbles between kisses.
“I’m on the pill, don’t worry about it,” you quickly reassure, immediately pressing his cockhead against your slit before he can protest. 
He hisses, throwing his head back. You hum happily, slowly lowering yourself onto him until you’re full. You bring your hands to his shoulders, mentally disregarding his presence for a moment as you roll your hips. You grind against him, feeling him throb deep in your warmth. The groan you let out makes his dick twitch. 
“You feel good,” he huffs, staring at you with lust-blown eyes and reddened cheeks.
You grip his shoulders tighter, beginning to bounce on his lap. A little yelp escapes you when you feel him hit you deep, your noise followed by a groan from the man beneath you. Jean’s forehead is dressed with beads of sweat, his mouth agape while you use him like a personal dildo.
“You feel good,” you praise, “Fuck- so good.”
It wasn’t even the fact that you were drunk and your senses were muddled, you were certain you haven’t felt this good in a while. You were definitely curious to see how he’d handle you if you gave him control, at the same time though, having his wrists bound while you ride him gave you a feeling of power you didn’t want to give up just yet. Watching the way his eyes rolled, hearing him grunt and moan under you — you couldn’t help but tighten around him.
You push him back, fucking yourself on him harder as soon as he’s flat on the mattress. His back arches and he whines, continuously forgetting that he’s unable to grope you the way he wants. You weren’t the slightest bit concerned about that, despite how much you would’ve appreciated feeling his hands on you. Honestly, all you were focused on right now was chasing your high.
You drag your hands down his hot chest, your nails lightly scraping his skin as you do so. The sound of skin slapping together, in addition to all your moaning, was drowning out the muffled noise of the music outside the room. The squelching of your pussy is surprisingly loud, turning you both on. You whimper, rocking your hips back and forth only to bounce with the same momentum you’ve kept. 
“Mm, shit- m’gonna cum,” Jean suddenly mutters, writhing beneath you.
He almost sounded panicked, as if he wasn’t ready. He probably had no intentions of finishing inside you but that was exactly what you wanted.
You lean forward and unintentionally moan in his ear, “I’m not getting off,” whispering to him after, “Want you to cum inside.”
Jean swears, bucking his hips. You adjust above him, giving him a little more freedom to rut up into you. He wastes no times doing so, matching your movements to fuck deep into your cunt. You catch his lips in a kiss, moaning into his mouth. The kiss is sloppy, not that either of you mind. Jean can’t even hold it together long enough to drag out his orgasm, instantaneously trembling as it washes over him.
“Fuck, fuck, yes, fill me up, give it to me,” you mewl, still hopping up and down on his cock to milk him.
You inevitably stop though, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck when your orgasm hits. Jean pants in your ear, struggling to come down from his high as he feels you clench and cream all over him. Your soft whimpers provoke him to kiss your shoulder, the least he could do to coddle you knowing his hands were still tied. You remember you have him bound, tiredly reaching back and undoing the knot from under his weight. 
He’s quick to wrap his arms around you once he’s free, swiftly flipping you onto your back. Tenderly, he kisses you, slowly pulling out and letting the mixture of your cum drip onto the blanket. He plops down beside you with a huff, chuckling as the reality of all this starts to set in.
“How was the ride, cowboy?” you tease, fully aware of how you nearly fucked the life out of him.
“I should be asking you that,” he laughs, running his fingers through his hair.
You simply hum, and the silence that falls over you indicates a mutual agreement shared between the two of you that it was a good time. You’re quiet for quite a few minutes, breathing heavy and trying to regain some composure.
“So are you gonna give me your number, or what?” Jean blurts out, turning his head to look at you.
You giggle, sitting up finally. Your phone was on the floor — you don’t even remember bringing it with you. With a sigh, you pick it up. Instead of opening your contacts though, you open your camera, handing the handsome stranger your phone.
“Take a picture of me and I’ll send it to you,” you suggest, offering your cell to him.
He looks at you puzzled but the smirk he wears contradicts whatever confusion you assumed he felt. Once he takes it from you, you get on your knees between his legs, resting your cheek against his thigh. Jean quickly snaps a picture, biting his lip as he does so.
“Wait,” you say, climbing onto his lap, “One more.”
You straddle him, holding your boobs as you wait for him to take another picture. He leans back a little and takes the requested picture, handing you your phone soon after. You get off him to sit beside him, admiring the photos before asking for his number. He gives it to you with no hesitation.
“Name’s Jean by the way,” he states.
You smile, typing out a message to him. It was your name with a heart beside it and two attachments; the photos he took.
“Well, Jean, you’re more than welcome to hit me up if you ever wanna fool around,” you wink, sending your text and hearing his phone ping soon after.
“Hm,” he gets up, grabbing his phone and looking at your text admirably, “I’ll be sure to take you up on the offer.”
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taglist! [ @snake-titan @discordkittenjoestar @erwnsmith @bunnyyamor @wh0reforlevi @soaringmirror @ofallthingswhythis ]
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jinlias · 2 years
37 + 27 smut with milf!lia
“he’s out like a light” your boyfriend’s brother laughs interrupting your conversation with mrs. choi “i think im gonna go to bed too” he sighs “don’t stay up too late, okay? both of you” the younger choi presses a kiss to each of your heads and leaves.
the woman in front of you only sighs as you take a sip of the red wine your boyfriend had poured for the two of you before knocking out. “we should skinny dip.” yet her words cause you to choke on the bitter liquid, your hands attempting to cover your mouth so nothing would spill out. “you okay dear?”
“im fine, mrs choi-“
“how many times do i have to ask you y/n, please- call me lia” she chuckles, placing her glass of wine on the small table between the two of you, and walks to where you’re sat, taking the wine glass from your hands and lifting you up from the chair. you try to fully convince yourself it’s just skinny dipping. “come on, it’ll be fun”
“okay” malice flashes through her face in the way of a smile as she walks you to the edge of the pool, her hands peeling the blouse from her body. a black, lace bra adorning her chest. her trousers come off next, meanwhile you’re stuck on the image of her small, plump ass and how her matching underwear almost acts as a gift ribbon on it. inviting you, to touch, to kiss, to bite. you try to shake off the dirty thoughts, and continue to take off the garments of sleepwear covering your body, hoping she doesn’t notice your lack of underwear.
“it’s nice” you sigh when you dip your toes, trying your best to avoid her eyes on your body, contrary to you, she’s very sure and confident in her body. it has you sneaking a couple of peeks at it every now and then.
the whole “swim” is a dance between the two of you where she steps towards you and you step back, too nervous to be next to her. at some point one of you brings the wine glasses and wine bottle to the edge of the pool, and you become tipsy enough to allow yourself to get close to her, to let her push the wet hair from your shoulders and ‘accidentally’ graze the tip of her fingers against her skin.
“what’s on your mind?” she flashes you a soft smile, the two of you standing side by side staring at the water in front of you.
“you” with a smile, you turn to look at her, who was already looking at you.
“really?” she furrows her brows, turning to rest her forearms on the edge of the pool. “do tell”
“i liked you first, y’know”
“when i was julien’s friend” you nod, turning to face her with only one of your forearms on the edge of the pool. “i liked you before i liked him”
“why didn’t you say anything?” she chuckles, brows furrowed and mouth open mid smile.
“you were my best friends’ mom!!! plus, i could be your daughter, you cannot be attracted to me.”
“i am” she whispers, but doesn’t repeat herself when you ask again, having heard her the first time but wanting confirmation. “are you… are you dating my son because of me?”
“are you dating him as an excuse to see me?” she’s a bit closer now, still a decent space between the two of you, for naked bodies that is.
“i love julien” you begin, guilt soon taking over you. “i would love you more though”
“what does that mean?” she furrows her brows again.
“if i were with you. i mean” you turn back again so this time your head is resting against the border of the pool. “i love julien. but maybe i jumped into that relationship, maybe it is because of you” you shrug
you can feel the skin of her chest against your shoulder, and you turn to look at her. lia’s much closer than before, your breaths meet halfway and your eyes stare intensely into each other, basically screaming how much you want one another.
“can i kiss you?”
“my boyfriend would kill us.” you lick your lips, looking at her own.
“i’m his mother, no he won’t.” lia just shrugs “besides, not if he doesn’t find out” it’s wrong. it’s so wrong, you’re not just cheating, its his mom for fuck’s sake. but you can’t deny she’s been on your mind far too long for you to simply ignore. fuck this.
you grab her face with your hands and kiss her. it’s messy, more lip smashing than them dancing, teeth clashing and lia even bites your lip. it’s different than the ones your boyfriend provides, maybe it’s in the heat of the moment, but it’s hungry, playful, even. neither of you notice your feet taking you towards the steps of the pool, the ones you sit on and the water reaches your knees at most, until you’re sitting on them. she’s still standing, between your legs that she parts before pulling her lips from yours. lia puts up two fingers, her middle and ring finger, and watches you take them into your mouth, sucking on them and coating them in saliva as a last minute lubricant.
her fingers drag down your chest, and your torso, down your navel until the tips of them are grazing and teasing your entrance, taking sweet sighs and pleads of you with them. you nudge her jaw with your nose, looking for her lips. your hand rests on the back of her neck, and she pecks your lips once, twice before pulling away, eyes glued on your cunt when she carefully slips her fingers inside, smiling at the loud moan you let out. “shh, gotta be quiet pup, wouldn’t want your cute little boyfriend finding you like this, hm?”
it makes you moan just as if not louder, earning a chuckle from her as her lips slowly pump in and out of you. “or maybe you’d like it, wouldn’t you?”
“not a bad idea” you chuckle, eyes closing as you try to hold back a moan. she’s not laughing, she can feel herself getting possessive of you, the thought of you going back to your boyfriend right after irks her, she knows its wrong, but she just can’t avoid it. she wonders if he can make you feel like she does, if he makes you feel good or if you even fuck regularly. god, she feels like a perv, but then again, if he treated you well you wouldn’t have given in so easily, or maybe it is true that you liked her first, for a long time. “fuck, you’re so good” you whisper against her lips
“i know” lia chuckles confidently, pressing rough bites and kisses on your neck that she doesn’t think about in the moment, but right after, the thought of her son seeing them sends jolts of electricity to her cunt. “you sound so pretty pup, i wish we wouldn’t have to be so quiet”
you join your mouths again, and this time she feels your moans vibrate through her, her thumb grazing with your clit every couple of times and making your body jolt here and there. her other hand makes its way to your hair, bunching what she can of it and tugging your head back for a deeper kiss. your hands make their way to her waist, trying to pull her closer to you without interrupting her hand on your pussy. intentionally, her thumb goes back to your clit, rubbing circles quickly hoping it’s what you like, and the ragged moans you let out after make her think that it is.
“it feels so good…” you start, holding on to her for support
“aw, you’re gonna come angel? is that why you’re so clingy?” she pouts, kissing your lips repeatedly. “you’re so cute. fuck, you drive me insane” her admitting to the hold you have on her doesn’t go unheard, and it’s probably going to be brought up during your next tipsy conversation, but right now, all you can think about is her fingers inside you and her lips on your body as you let your orgasm coat her fingers.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
If This is How it Is: Chapter 1
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First chapter in my new series! Read it on AO3 here!
Summary: On the night you plan to reveal your feelings for your best friend, Eddie, you find him sneaking off with a groupie. Lucky for you, there's a hot meathead at the concert who is willing to take your mind off of things. But what does this mean for you and Eddie?
Warnings: smut smut smut (18+ only please), angst, underage drinking, Eddie x fem!reader, Billy x fem!reader, oral (m receiving), p in v (protected)
WC: 2.4k
"Remind me again why I have to be here?" Robin asks as you grab a beer for each of you.
You shrug and hand her a lukewarm bottle. "Moral support, I guess." You take a swig, wincing as the hoppy taste hits your tongue. The Hideout was known for serving cheap drinks to its underage crowd, and you definitely got what you paid for.
Robin scoffs and rolls her eyes. "You're always saying that you're gonna tell him. And you always find an excuse not to!" She tips your beer up to your lips. "Drink up. Maybe some of that liquid courage will keep you from pussying out this time."
You've wanted to be with Eddie for a long time. You'd always had a small crush on him, even when you were kids, and those feelings have only intensified. He grew his hair out, gained a bit of muscle; don't even get you started on his rockstar stage persona, dripping with confidence and swagger. And the concept that Eddie's kinda cute soon morphed into Eddie is fucking hot. Now, when he swung an arm around your shoulders or tugged on your hair to get your attention, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach had wings of lead. You'd spent countless nights thinking about how badly you wanted him to press you up against a wall and kiss you, gripping your hips with his calloused hands while you hooked a finger around one of his belt loops.
At first, you thought you could just push the feelings aside, terrified of ruining the friendship. But now you'd reached the point of no return, where you felt like you needed to confess or risk imploding.
So it's going to be tonight, after his Corroded Coffin concert. You both just graduated two weeks earlier, and while you planned to tell him at your graduation party, he'd gotten way too drunk to have any semblance of a conversation. You know exactly what you'll say: Eddie, I need to tell you something. I like you so much, more than a friend likes another friend. I've spent the last few years keeping these feelings inside, but I can't do that anymore. I had to tell you.
From the corner of your eye, you see him peering out from the hallway that leads to the Hideout's makeshift stage. He calls you over with a wave of his fingers, and you feel a blush creeping into your cheeks. This is it, you think, smoothing down the black miniskirt you wore especially for him.
"Hey, Eds," you say, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. "What's up? Aren't you going on in, like..." you glance at your watch. "...now?"
He gives a small laugh. "Yeah. Jus' nervous." He wipes his clammy palms on his jeans. "Actually got a decent crowd tonight, y'know?"
You did know. You went to nearly all of his gigs, and there were at least twenty people out there, getting drunker by the minute.
"Could I, uh, get one of your famous pep talks?" he asks sheepishly, wringing the back of his neck with his hand.
You nod and smile. "Of course," you say, taking his free hand in your own, drawing his attention to you. "Eddie, you are the most badass, most metal musician there is. Dio? Metallica? Black Sabbath? They wish they had Eddie Munson fronting their bands. You're gonna get up on stage, absolutely crush it, and I'll be cheering you on the whole time. Till I lose my voice," you promise.
"Thank you." He looks visibly relieved, even offering you a grin that melts your insides. "You're the best, I swear."
You swallow your nerves and take a step towards him. "Eddie?" you start, barely able to make eye contact with him. "I need to tell you something." As you say it, his brows furrow in concern and he squeezes your hand gently.
"Eddie!" Gareth hisses down the corridor. "We're on! Get your ass over here!" Fuck.
Eddie springs into action, darting to the stage. "We'll talk later, okay?" he calls out apologetically. The adrenaline drains out of your body and you feel numb as you watch him walk away. You stand there, frozen in time, until a voice snaps you out of your stupor.
"Cute skirt, darlin'." You spin around to see Billy Hargrove, cigarette dangling from his lips, embers paling in comparison to the fire behind his eyes. "It's practically begging me to think about what's underneath."
Shaking your head, you push past him and make your way back to Robin. You'd be lying if you said he wasn't attractive, but he was never nice to you when you were both in high school; probably because you never dressed like this.
"When you change your mind, just come find me," he says, and you hear him take a drag from his cigarette. But that won't be necessary, because tonight will be about you and Eddie.
Watching Eddie perform is nothing short of magic. You and Robin dance--and drink--like no one is watching, and though you're still terrified to talk to Eddie later, you have a good feeling about things. He said that you're 'the best'; that has to mean something...right?
When the band finishes their last song, Eddie grabs the mic, sweaty and breathless and so damn perfect. "Thank you all for coming out to listen to us!" he shouts. "We're Corroded Coffin! Good night!" There's some scattered applause, punctuated by your own hooting and hollering. He spots you and pokes his tongue out of his mouth cheekily, and you mirror him.
"Now or never," Robin whispers drunkly, and you giggle, more than a little tipsy yourself. "Go get 'em, tiger."
You stop off in the women's bathroom to pee and wash up, reapplying some mascara and lipstick. You can do this. Worse comes to worse, you go to Indianapolis for college in a few months and leave this all behind you.
You rush down the hallway as quickly as you can in your heels, careful not to trip and fall. Anxiety bubbles through you like seltzer water. Taking a deep breath, you push open the swinging door that leads to the backstage area.
What you see knocks the wind out of you, feeling like you've been punched in the gut.
A tall, skinny, gorgeous girl has her arms wrapped around Eddie. His hand is around her waist. She leans in and kisses him, and he moans gently against her.
You immediately turn back around, too devastated to make your presence known. Tears prick at your eyelids and soon spill over. Your freshly applied makeup is probably running down your cheeks, but you don't care anymore.
"Stupid fucking groupies," you mutter, bumping into someone. You feel them grab at your wrist, and you pray that it's Robin. It's not.
"What's wrong, Miniskirt?" Billy asks with a sly grin. "Your little rockstar boyfriend break your heart?"
You swipe the tears from your face. "Not my boyfriend," you correct him angrily.
"But he did break your heart." There's no point in lying to him, so you just nod. He laughs. "Never seen Munson bring home any girl but you. Guess he gets it all out of his system here, huh?"
"Bite me, Hargrove," you growl, tugging yourself away from him, but his grip is too strong.
"Been trying to," he murmurs. "Watching you dancing out there, shaking your ass like that. I'm dyin' for a taste, Miniskirt."
You roll your eyes. "Stop calling me that. I have a name, you know. Not that you'll bother to learn it."
He doesn't deny this, but he pulls you closer until his lips brush against yours. "Y'know I live in the trailer next door to him, right? Got my own place."
"So," Billy rubs his thumb along your jawline, "we can make him jealous. Make him feel like he has you feeling right now. Make a lot of noise, keep him up all night listening to us going at it. You scratch my back, I scratch yours."
It's a bad idea. A horrible idea, in fact, but between the drinks and the heartbreak, you're not thinking straight. You push onto your tiptoes to close the kiss, feeling Billy's tongue slip between your lips.
"C'mon," he whispers, taking your hand in his. "Let's get out of here."
You turn back to the barroom, following him obediently. You move so quickly that you don't even see Eddie, who has pushed the groupie off of him, start down the hall to find you, only to watch you kiss and leave the Hideout hand-in-hand with Billy Hargrove.
There are ground rules that you and Billy set: you won't start anything until you see Eddie's van in trailer park; this isn't any kind of relationship beyond sex; Billy has to wear a condom. Oh, and he has to say your name--and it's not Miniskirt.
"How else will Eddie know that we're fucking?" you ask coyly, though you also feel like you deserve the basic respect of him knowing your name.
So as soon as you hear the van doors slam, Billy climbs on top of you, sucking bruises into your neck. "Gonna mark you up," he snarls. "Property of Billy fuckin' Hargrove." As much as you hate to admit it, you're enjoying this. You don't necessarily want to be Billy's property, but it feels good to know that someone wants you.
A groan slips past your lips, and he snickers. "Poor Miniskirt--I mean, Y/N," he teases. "So desperate for me, huh?"
"Y-yes," you manage, lifting his shirt and pulling it over his head. You run your pointer finger down his abs, impressed with his muscular physique.
Billy grins. "Bet Munson doesn't look as good as I do."
"Don't talk about him," you snap, pulling his hips closer to yours. "I just wanna forget he exists." It's fruitless; this whole rouse is specifically for Eddie, but you're going to try your best.
Billy leans over and opens up a window. "For fresh air," he says, adding, "and to make sure he hears us." He pushes your skirt up, rubbing your aching clit through your lace panties.
"Fuck, Billy," you moan, biting your lower lip. You unbutton his jeans and pull down his fly. He hisses at the relief, erection evident against his boxers. "Want me to suck you off?"
The smirk is back. "If you do, I'll say your name so loudly, I swear to God."
That's enough for you. You're on the floor in a heartbeat, knees against the thin carpet, as he pulls himself out of his underwear and tugs on his cock. "Need that pretty little mouth of yours, Y/N." He's a bit too loud, too exaggerated, but you know it's for your benefit. You lick him from the base to the lip, pressing your tongue flat against him. Slowly, you take him in, making a drooling mess of yourself. Billy is practically screaming your name now, though it seems involuntary.
After a few more thrusts into your mouth, he pulls away. "'M gonna cum if you keep doing that," he growls. "Want your pussy b'fore I blow my load." He lifts you and you wrap your legs around his waist. You straddle him as he sits on the bed, and he pushes your panties to the side, plunging a finger inside of you. "So wet for me, huh? You needed me tonight."
"N-need you, Billy. Need you inside me," you pant, groaning as noisily as you can. You might be imagining it, but you think you hear a window slamming shut coming from the direction of Eddie's trailer. Billy inserts another finger, pumping them so ferociously that you can't help but mewl at his touch.
He brings his head down so his lips rest against your ear. "When you cum, I want you to scream my name as loud as you can. You got it?" When you nod, he tsks. "Use your words, Miniskirt."
You can't even bother to correct him, too stupefied by his fingers. "BILLY!" you call out his name over and over as your orgasm washes over you. He pulls out his fingers and you whine at the withdrawal.
He licks them clean, smiling.
"You taste s'fucking good, Y/N," he coos, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. He rips the wrapper open with his teeth and glides it onto his hard cock. "Beg for it," he demands.
"Please, please, give me your cock, Billy," you plead, and he nearly splits you open. You take a sharp breath in, but he doesn't stop to make sure you're okay. I bet Eddie would briefly pops into your mind, but you shake it off. Actually, maybe he wouldn't, considering he blew off your talk to get blown by some random chick. "So big...you're huge."
"Mhm," he grunts, thrusting up into you. "Can't hold back. Your pussy is perfect." You preen at the praise, finishing again around his cock. He feels your walls clench, your legs tremble, and he's spilling into the condom, yelling your name.
"Thanks," you mutter as he pulls out and removes the condom. You fix your skirt and panties and pull your hair back, sweat plastering it to the back of your neck. There's obviously no cuddling; Billy just goes to the bathroom and you slip out the front door. You'd thought sleeping with Billy would be empowering, helping you through a shitty night, but you only feel worse. And you're still thinking of Eddie.
Eddie watches you leave the trailer next door. He clenches his fists and slams one into the wall, barely registering the pain. She must've wanted to tell me that she's with Billy now, he thinks somberly. I missed my chance. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the slip of paper with the groupie's number on it. He pauses before dialing, but ultimately gets all seven digits.
You can't sit around and wait for Y/N to love you back, he reasons, listening to the line as it rings once, twice, three times...
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tetralea · 2 years
what about a fic where it's 2024, Charles is in Red Bull with Max and Charles wins championship with the last race. Max is just as happy if not happier for him. They're on podium, Max almost kisses Charles. Later Charles confronts him saying "I thought you were gonna kiss me haha how silly right" and then Max actually kisses him after saying "I was going to".
Wow wow wow wow wow. Wow.
That is something anon. 😄
I’d say Max kind of hates it and loves it at the same time, that Charles won. He hates to lose but if he has to at least against Charles it is not so bad. And when they are on the podium he realises just how not so bad it is.
Charles is vibrating with happiness, his smile is so wide, it reaches his eyes and his dimples are all out and Max just feels the urge to grab him and kiss him right there. He doesn’t have too much time to day dream about it because the anthems are ending and he picks up his champagne bottle to absolutely drench Charles in the bubbly liquid.
He then has to go for the obligatory pic on top of the podium. Charles is already there reaching or his arm to put it around the dark blue overall matching his. Max steps up and maybe he moves a tad bit faster or with more purpose than he should. When he arrives his body presses to Charles’, his arm wraps around his waist rather than his shoulder and pulls the brunette a tiny bit closer. Charles looks at him, still laughing, his eyes sparkling and Max swears he could kiss him.
The blue eyes look into the green ones, and it is only as long as a heartbeat, as he tips his head to the side a bit before the cameraman shouts his name pulling his out of his stupor.
The moment is gone and when he looks back at Charles his gaze is on the crowd again.
It is only later when they are both in the RedBull hospitality when they can have a second to talk. The monegasque is sitting in his drivers room, leaning to the massage table, taping on his phone when Max finds him.
‘Congrats on the win, mate! It was a good battle all season.’ He says and Charles can tell he is sincere.
‘Yeah, it was quite tough.’ He laughs, puts down his phone and gestures the blonde to come in.
There is a moment of silence as Max takes a few steps standing in front of him, before he speaks again.
‘You know, on the podium, for a second I thought you were going to kiss me.’ His tone is light, not mocking at all, more wondering.
‘That should have been quite a show.’ Max forces a laugh, but doesn’t look at the other one. ‘Imagine Christian’s face.’ He continues to laugh but Charles is it doing the same. Just smiles a bit, his eyes loving their sparkle slowly.
‘Yeah. It was a stupid thought, anyway.’ Charles tries to dismiss the topic feeling a bit embarrassed to even bringing it up. Max panics and does the only thing his confused brain feels sensible.
‘No it’s not.’ He straightens himself a little, looking at Charles with determination, stepping closer until they are almost touching. ‘I thought the same for a second.’ He admits and is now more confident than ever because Charles’ hands are on his waist, pulling him closer.
He doesn’t say anything else because he looks into those green eyes and he is rendered speechless. Charles is looking at him with a certain longing he never saw before and one of his hands is now on Max’s neck who leans in kissing the pink lips gently.
It is only a few seconds before they part and Charles whispers a bit out of breath. ‘Can you do it again?’ And who is Max to deny him? He kisses his team mate firmly, pressing their lips together, lips and teeth and tongue moving in sync, making it heated quickly.
‘Maybe if you want to, after the celebrations, we could have our own thing in my room.’ Charles suggest, his fingers pulling on the blonde hair, making Max’s eyes roll back.
‘Good thinking, we totally should do that.’
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pocketstoriesstore · 8 months
Hey y’all! This is my first story about vampires, which i LOVE! Hope you have fun and forgive y choice of humble words! hahaha
THIS IS A +18 STORY! If you’re minor, get out and DON’T READ!
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The day was darkening. You were just about to go home, after dealing all the traffic, of course.When you saw that guy again: the one all in black, long hair, a gray intense stare. You was only able to feel weird about it, since you couldn’t imagine what’s was actually going on.
You thought he could be a coworker on the same building as you, or a corporate neighbor, so you didn’t feel afraid at all.
Even when that was awkward as a fuck.
You saw him on the market two nights ago, and now he’s on the corner of the street, almost ten o’clock.
You took a cigarette from your purse, looking at him with the corner of the eye, thinking on how could you get to him and finally ask something, start a conversation just to make sure of things and all.
You turned your head down to find a lighter and two seconds after he was in front of you, with the lighter burning in front of your cigarette.
“Hey… thank you so much. Didn’t notice you so close…”
“Sorry, didn’t meant do bother you.”
“Don’t worry, just scared me a little bit. Don’t worry.” You said last, smiling.
He kept looking you intensely, almost eating your eyes with his own.
“You work here, right?” You gave a slow “yes”with your head, worried about your answer, keeping in mind the importance of the confidence about your job, when he kept saying: “It’s really dangerous here around. You should take care.”
“Ok. I… can take care of things, really. Don’t worry. Thanks for the lighter.”
“You’re welcome.”
You wasn’t sure, but he didn’t seem to blink so many as people usually do.
He was beautiful.
His skin looked gray in the light of the moon, you couldn’t let aside…
Bu he was fucking beautiful.
Voice, liquid eyes, hearted lips. Maybe Thirty-eight, Forty. Everything seemed to work.
You were almost in the car’s door, when you heard something weird. Sounded like someone throwing a big peace of fabric against the wind…
And silence again.
Inside the car, you noticed you were right all of the past few days about two things:
Vampires were real, and he was one.
You had all your investigation spread in a table in front of you, when he said: “What were you about to do with this?”
“I-I wasn’t about to tell-“ “Who do you work for?!” You saw the tips of a couple of fangs shining inside his mouth, and couldn’t avoid the stare. He glanced at you, angrily.
“You have to tell me, so I can let you out! Ok? TELL ME!”
He seemed uncomfortable, angry, curious, agonizing for an answer, apologizing with his painful gaze.
“I work for myself. I was fired last week. Here, take my documents and see what you need, if I do have a chance to get out. I know about all of you. Your boss, too. Tell him i’m curious, that’s why i know all about you.”
“They won’t believe this. No way, you’re pretty much dead, girl, you know.”
“I was fired because all of you. Because i- “you scoffed, started to laugh for a second, and then got dark again-“I was trying to proof your existence. They think i’m crazy.”
He dared to get close to you.
He believed you, at all, but there was another big trouble: What if his boss didn’t believe him? He already wanted you dead. You almost showed up their asses for the world, what if someone decided to believe your vampire story? How did you know all of this?
“Ok, hold on, now: Christian told you. Is it so? Chris is a vampire. He told you about my research, he who FIRED ME! NOW IM HERE?!” You felt your ground fall.
Your friend, who fired you, calling you crazy for takin vampires so seriously was a fucking one of them.
“I have to let you alone now. I’ll be back soon.” Stephen told you, unable to look in your eyes as before he did.
“Are you gonna lock me here and…?”
“Don’t worry, nobody’s going to hurt you. I’ll be right back.”
You had your tour on his house, all oh the rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, wardrobes.
You knew it wasn’t right, but you had no choice, no cellphone, just the tv and a Playstation connected to it, and you’ve had enough of playing videogames by yourself in that lonely house already.
Almost five hours later, Steph (a nickname you gave him for no reason) was back home, with a pack of some snacks so you could choose, and died coke.
“Thank you.” “No problem.”
This time he seemed more “colored”, “alive”.
“Did you kill someone? You looked dead earlier, now you are out there, totally alive.”
He laughed:”I didn’t, don’t worry. A friend of mine fed me.” You felt your eyes bigger:
”HOW?! J-just what the fuck?” He laughed more: “She gave me her neck for just a while. Like this:” One second after he was breathing centimeters away from your neck, saying: “We ask people, they give us blood enough to get out safe from our clowns.”
He said, playful but also a little shy. You felt some walls falling between you two.
You were almost sure that this vampire was a little bit as screwed as you. Intuition.
“So, if you wanted a little of blood, why didn’t you ask me?” He stood cold, curious:
“Would you let me? I didn’t mean to freak you out. Thought it could be too much. I just got to know you and all of this…” He passed his fingers through his hair, worried. You interrupted:”Well, let’s consider I was about to die; giving you blood and still staying alive couldn’t be this hard for me.” You both laughed, he gave a pause, uncomfortable again. “What? What’s this weird??” You were starving and excited for information, now. He started: “When we have contact with someone who feed us, things can take a little… intense. It’s a big deal, exceptionally for the feeder.” You blinked, stoned: “You fuck your feeder?” He laughed loud, getting red for the first time, now that he had blood enough in his body. He crossed his big arms, resting his backs on the balconies: “Yes, lady. We fuck. We fuck a lot, blood everywhere, etc.”
“And…Do you need to…get fed everyday?” You was trying to discover how many girls he used to fuck, now. You felt crazy, because you was almost jealous about him and his interesting life. “You wanna know if i’m a pervert? Say it out loud. I’m not gonna hurt you, I told you.” “Stephen, i’m sorry, I didn’t meant to- hey! fuck you, i’m the one stuck in a trap, and am I apologizing? Be nice to me and at least answer my curiousness, i’m have the right.” “Remember being here is kinda your fault? Chill out! I need to rest now. In a bed, not a coffin. Anything else? No? Great! Then, excuse me now! And he left you alone again in the kitchen of the locked big apartment.
You found tea in the kitchen, and drank at least four of them. Alone, you started to reread your own research, missing your cellphone. You hated to feel this alone.
Only when YOU wanted, you enjoyed to be alone. But feeling alone was different.
You slept in the couch. When you woke up, Stephen was in the kitchen using the computer to talk to someone. You felt the scent of fresh coffee taking over the house, and felt a little happier in the middle of all that mess.
“Gmorning, Bloodsucker. I need to take a bath, hope you don’t mind.” “Anything you need. Make yourself home.” His eyes locked in the computer. Almost a hour later you showed up again, using his black clothes. You passed behind his chair to steal a bit of his coffee as if that was your own house, your own life.
He laughed a bit, unbelieving what he was seeing. “How dare you, you human?” He said, playfully. “Luckily I love black clothes. I used your laundry too, and your shampoo. You don’t mind, do you?!” You said with those girly eyes, batting your lashes as a baby dog, getting close to his face so he could smell the sign of his shampoo in your hair. Caught in surprise, he just frozen and close his eyes as he felt the the smell of his shampoo, your skin, your breath and…your blood. When you broke his spell: “Hey, wake up, princess. Is it that good?!” His face became red again, while he rolled his eyes and got back to his “job”, pretending to ignore you.
“I need to go out now. You’re a professional so I don’t have to tell you to stay here, otherwise… Just stay here, please. Ok?”
“You should let me out. You know.”
“I can’t, now. Don’t make things harder, ok? If you go out, you’re dead.”
“Why do you care? You don’t even know me.” “I DO know you a little bit, now. I’ll be back soon.”
“Are you going to… get fed?”
He stoned. You kept saying: “Cuz if it’s the case… I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind if you want to try on me.” He turned to be face to face with you, studied you entirely, confused and… something more than this.
“Yesterday I didn’t take blood enough. We can try, and If you tell me to stop, i’ll stop in no time. Are you feeling rested? Did you sleep well?” “Yes, sure!” You said, locked eyes with his. “Come here.” He took your hand, gently, guiding you to his room.
It was dark and clean, smell of his cologne and some decorations of his travels on the wall. “Please, lay dawn.” “Like this?” You laid on your right ribs, using your elbow to rest your head while exposing your neck so he could take you there as he needed. “Please, relax. Trust me.” As he approached, you started to close your eyes until his mouth was too close of your neck, breathing hot. You shivered in anticipation, until he finally brush his lips on your skin, pushing kindly until he felt comfortable to open your skin. You felt his fangs pressing, and when it finally opened the wounds you couldn’t avoid letting out a hard breath. That wasn’t bad. Thad was so fucking good, and when he sucked the first amount of blood from your skin you couldn’t avoid crying out his name, and when he seemed to worry was to late- he knew that by the way you held his hair tight and pressed his head even more against your neck. The feeling started some electricity on you that was impossible to avoid, to control, and you wanted more. Both of you couldn’t contain the hard breathing, the body trembling, almost shaking. His left hand, at first resting in your cheek, decided to hold your hair trapped on its fingers, while the other one traveled from your waist until your breast under the fabric of his own clothes on your body. Feeling the electricity getting out of your control, you moaned louder, pushing all his body to yours as he guided his bloody mouth from your neck to your lips, taking you in his lap easily as if you where a feather, spreading your legs and pressing his hips on yours, holding tightly behind your knee and your waist.
He wasted no more time when he pulled your T-shirt off, sucking hard on your breasts, leaving marks and making you scream and moan his name even louder. “Fuck, i told you. Do you understand now, huh?” He said almost groaning in your year, taking his clothes off as fast as it was possible, and finally, your pants. You needed him inside of you as if it was the only way to stay alive. When he threw the last piece of fabric on a corner of his room, he pushed his naked body against yours again. You closed your eyes to feel all his way inside you, but he held your hair hardly, making you face him, while positioning his length on your entrance: ”No, no, you’re going to look at -Ah!- me..Ah! Look- At -My- Face- While - Ah, shit! I fuck- You!” You couldn’t do more than feel the ecstasy fill you up. It took a while with his thrusts until you couldn’t get it anymore. He was strong and his pace was perfect, as if he was made to fit you. Steph-en- Ah! I-ca- n’t - I-Ah!” And you couldn’t say a thing. “Yes, I-Fuc-kin-Know.- Goa-Ah-Head.” He tried to said in his tired husky voice, his eyes locked on yours, the color of your blood in his mouth and breast. “Co-Me-F-Or- Me-Ah!” An you couldn’t stop yourself from screaming his name, until your body stopped trembling, until you feel him to let go all inside of you, breathing your name until the last jolt of your bodies pressing together, when he finally lied his head on your neck again to steal a trail of blood he left behind, kindly adjusting his weight above your body, still holding your thigh around his waist and caressing your skin from the knee to the hip, repeatedly, as the both of you tried to catch the breathing together.
“Do I know you enough to no let you run, now, lady?”
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
Nichkhun + something suggestive or smut?? Please ;)
Nichkhun + Suggestive -I'm so sorry this took 800 years, and I hope it reaches the person who requested it!! ❤️❤️-
(You're not as quiet as you think you are.)
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When you take a sip of your wine, you notice Nichkhun staring at you over the rim of your glass. His eyes sparkle as he watches you slowly sip the fruity liquid. The alcohol paired with the warmth of his gaze sends a shiver racing down your spine. This isn't the first time Nichkhun has admired you, but it's the first time he's done it so openly and you're a little taken back.
Taecyeon's voice pulls your attention away from Nichkhun and your focus returns to the rest of the table. A group of you were gathered in the hotel's restaurant, having dinner together after a long day of sightseeing and exploring a foreign city. You try to focus on whatever story Taecyeon is telling, but your eyes are continuously drawn back to Khun's.
The way he's watching you with a knowing smile like he knows all of your secrets unnerves you. What is going on with him?
The two of you have flirted in the past, even shared a kiss or two, but neither of you has gone farther than that. You don't know if it's because you've both enjoyed the game you've got going on or if it's because this is just a fun flirtation to pass the time. All you do know is that if he's ready to step the game up, so are you.
You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, eyeing Khun but not expecting much. He smirks but allows you to go off on your own. Continuing with your plan, you enter the bathroom and freshen yourself up a bit. Admiring what you see in the mirror, you feel confident that you look good tonight, and maybe that's why Nichkhun can't seem to keep his eyes off of you.
With a final glance at yourself, you exit the bathroom and find Nichkhun leaning against the wall. Startled, you jump slightly and send him a glare causing him to smirk.
"Like you weren't expecting me to be here when you came out."
"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting you to be standing outside of the door like a creep."
He raises his brows. "I can go?"
Maintaining your composure, you ask, "Why did you follow me anyways?"
"Besides the fact that you wanted me to?" He sends you an amused look that quickly turns serious. "Maybe it's because I'm done playing this back-and-forth game we've got going on."
You swallow, slightly breathless. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," he takes a step toward you and trails his eyes up and down your body. "You're not as quiet as you think you are."
Confusion quickly takes over. What does that even mean?
Seeing your quizzical expression, Khun elaborates. "I heard you last night. I assume you were touching yourself with all the moans that were coming through the wall."
Your eyes widen while your heart stutters in your chest. Is he saying what you think he's saying? Did he really hear you last night? His room is next door to yours, but you didn't think the walls were that freaking thin.
"Funny thing is, I also heard you moaning my name. Over and over."
He backs you against the wall and moves against you until he's flush against your chest and you have to look up at him.
"So, what'll it be? My room or yours?" He asks before his eyes flash to the bathroom you just vacated. He suddenly grabs your hand and tugs you toward it. "Nevermind. I don't want to wait that long."
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 9 months
Frayed Ties - Chapter 15 - Part 4
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Well, your body is your own now. You can touch yourself whenever you like."
That was the only excuse Danya needed to shed his shorts.
With how he'd been tenting them, they hadn't been concealing much anyway.
Simon's eyes darted away, then slowly returned to Danya's body when he realised, in this situation, looking was entirely appropriate.
"You're beautiful."
Danya couldn't keep himself from squirming slightly.
He'd never been shy about his body but when Simon was looking at him like that, saying those words, it was different.
"You really think so?"
"Maybe one day I'll manage to show you how attractive I find you well enough that you believe it."
Danya's hand hesitated on his own thigh.
"It's okay if I touch myself?"
"It's your body, Danya."
Simon rubbed a reassuring hand over Danya's knee before he remembered the passive role he'd assigned himself in this and stopped.
"But, if you're looking for encouragement... I'd really like to watch."
That was what Danya had needed.
He took hold of his cock and gave it one cautious stroke and it felt weird and it felt nice and he did it again.
Simon was watching him.
Danya had worried his juvenile fumblings might be boring to someone more experienced like Simon but that wasn't the story his face told at all.
He was keeping himself still but his lips were slightly parted now and his breathing had quickened.
The outline of his own hard cock was clearly visible in his shorts.
Danya's hand on his cock felt nice, almost too nice, yet he still itched for more.
He gently touched the back of Simon's hand.
"Do you want to...?"
"You want me to take over that for you?"
Danya nodded.
Simon's hand was bigger, rougher, warmer and his first confident stroke drew a shuddering exhale out of Danya.
This was it.
This was how he was supposed to feel.
He found his hips reflexively pushing up to meet Simon's next downwards stroke.
It was too much, too intense, but he needed more.
Simon's hand seemed to know exactly what to do, moving faster and faster and then... Danya's climax hit him so hard he wasn't even sure what was happening for a second before warm liquid hit his belly.
His thoughts went fuzzy and his whole body seemed to tighten up as pleasure centred on his cock pulsed through him.
As the final throes of it left his body, he lay back and just breathed.
"It wasn't like that when it happened in my sleep," Danya murmured.
Simon let out a soft, quiet laugh.
Danya waved his hand over his stomach, clearing the mess away with a tiny brush of magic.
"Do you want to?"
There was still something in Danya coiled, craving, unsatisfied.
He nodded.
"Yes, you can touch me."
Danya still didn't really know what he was doing and now that it was Simon's body instead of his own he felt even more insecure.
He tugged down Simon's shorts and then he just stopped and stared for a moment.
He'd never seen another man hard before.
Simon was bigger than Danya in this way as he was in all others.
He certainly hadn't deserved Atticus' mockery for this.
It felt so warm in Danya's hand as he took hold of it and gave it a single, cautious stroke.
Simon let out a long exhale.
He was watching Danya with hooded eyes.
Danya moved his hand again, trying to mimic the rhythmic motion Simon had used on him.
"Is this okay?"
"Yeah," Simon breathed. "Grip it a bit more firmly."
"Like this?"
Danya had been worried his inexpert touch would do nothing for Simon but the quickening of his breathing, the tensing of his muscles, those clearly weren't nothing.
His hand found Danya's thigh, squeezed it briefly, then tangled in the blanket they were laying on instead.
"Faster," Simon said as he pushed up into Danya's grip.
Danya's obeyed.
Danya felt the release of energy a split second before he saw the release of Simon's body.
He curled in against Simon's side, hand still on Simon's cock, as warm, protective energy flooded over and through him.
It was almost too much but his body craved every bit of it.
He didn't realise he was shaking until he felt Simon's hand on his back.
Simon stared down at Danya, his body leveraged up on one elbow. He had a concerned frown on his face.
"You okay?"
"What just happened?"
Danya hadn't even considered that Simon might not know.
Of course he wouldn't.
"Ah, energy. You release it when you climax. A lot of it all at once."
"You okay?" Simon asked again.
"Mm. It's good."
Danya's whole body felt tingly and warm.
He felt sleepy yet energised all at once.
His head was spinning.
"Just... a bit intense."
Simon's hand rubbed circles over Danya's back.
"And... everything else? You're fine?"
"I'm good."
He took a moment to clean up the evidence of Simon's climax.
"Can we cuddle?"
Simon snagged a blanket and dragged it over them, then pulled Danya in against himself.
"I would like nothing more."
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