#syfy rp
pyramultimuse · 7 months
Starter Call - Viktor
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Starter call open to non mutuals and those that haven't interacted yet!
Crossovers and AU's are most welcomed.
Give this post a like or reblog if interested!
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troublesmaker · 1 year
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YOU'RE A TROUBLE(S) MAKER! a mutually exclusive and selective Syfy's Haven multimuse. Specifically catering to Mara and all of her incarnations. As seen through the chaotic mind of phantom. (she&her/35/EST)
THIS BLOG FEATURES: Mara, Veronica, Sarah Vernon, Lucy Ripley, Audrey Parker, Lexie Dewitt and Paige.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
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Most know your muse as  a powerful mercenary whose reign of terror stretches across the Galaxy. To those aboard your muses glass starship, however, your muse is just their friend and fearless leader.
But when a routine mission goes awry, the  all-girl crew is tested as they find themselves in a treacherous situation and at the mercy of a sadistic bounty hunter from your muse’s past.
Meanwhile, across the galaxy, a ruthless ruler waits in the shadows biding her time to exact revenge for the destruction of her people. The pieces of her deadly plan are about to fall into place, unleashing a plot that will tear the galaxy in two.
your muse and her crew embark on a dangerous, soul-testing journey that could restore order to their ship or just as easily start a war that will devour worlds. As the ship hurtles toward the unknown, and the galaxy hangs in the balance, the only certainty is that in a galaxy run on lies and illusion, no one can be trusted
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valdezhqs · 2 years
anon ask: is the wanted connections page updated? 
it is now. we currently have no wanted connections available on the page but members feel free to comment below if you have any wanted connections you want filled.
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thestarslinger · 8 months
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@thestarslinger- Selective but friendly-New Discord Transport Rp take on multiple Star Wars Muses. Book, show, and movie influence. Muses such as Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Leia Organa Skywalker Solo, and Padme Amidala
Promo made by the absolutely lovely @multi-royalty-commissions
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lilyresources · 1 year
hey, lily! may we request a shoutout? we’re in desperate need of it after flight AA78 crashed onto this strange island and we need international attention on our rescue, so maybe we can get help! if you could help spread the word about how this island is basically a bad scifi show, that would help so much! // SYFYHQ is an appless survival rp inspired by jurassic park, lost, sweetheart, & other survival media! thank you!
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this looks so amazing ! i'm tempted to join ! A HUGE REC .
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valdezads · 2 years
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ever   since   the   1920s.   the   us   government   has   hidden   the   existence   of   aliens,   following   a   ufo   crashing   in   the   desert   outside   of   boulder   city,   nevada.   now,   a   hundred   years   later,   the   town   has   become   a   tourist   trap   for   conspiracy   theorists   and   people   who   truly   believed   that   aliens   were   real.   are   they   right?   do   aliens   walk   among   us?
amongustm   is   an   appless   oc   alien   roleplay   with   original   lore.   set   in   boulder   city,   nevada.   we   are   a   poc   &   lgbtq+   friendly   group   for   muns   &   muses   21   and   over.   like   all   groups,   we   thrive   &   survive   on   interactions   and   dedication,   focusing   on   plot   lines   &   character   development.
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Lexy and Jake’s room
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godzexperiment · 1 year
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God's Angelic Rubber Duck- The Angel Nix
18+ indie (high activity) fandomless, fandom verse(s) angel oc written by: chance 21+ he/him
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barnxradio · 2 years
OUT OF CRAZY PILLS. I’ve been rereading The Colorado Kid and have found myself missing Haven. I really need to revamp this blog. I wish more people were still around. I also kind of miss Arla. If I revamped her would anyone want to write with her? I play her a bit different from the show and don’t assume any ships.
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ravel-ing · 2 months
hey, je suis curieuse, comment vous avez commencé le rpg, vos tout débuts ?
parce que perso, j'ai pris des grooos détours avant d'atterrir dans la sphère rpg de forumactif (sous hide parce que c'est long).
Est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà entendu parler d'Edenya ? Je crois que ça existe toujours, c'était du high fantasy rpg illustré mais la plateforme était complètement unique, et la façon de rp était incroyablement différente. Mon perso a chopé la PESTE ... deux fois ... J'avais 13 ans et j'y suis resté trois, quatre ans, et pourtant je me souviens même pas du nom de mon perso.
J'ai appris là-bas ce qu'était le ttrpg, mais étrangement très peu d'entre eux faisait du forum rpg, à part une, et c'est elle qui m'a emmenée sur ma deuxième aventure cheloue.
Techniquement, c'était sur forumactif. Techniquement, c'était ma première réelle expérience de forum rpg comme on le connaît. En réalité ? Rien à voir.
Pour commencer, j'étais la seule joueuse pour les trois premier mois avec elle en seule admin. Cette fois je me souviens un poil plus de mon perso, Alix, mécanicienne des vaisseaux spatiaux, tester la syfy oui oui. "C'est dans l'espace" c'est aussi tout le contexte que j'ai eu avant la question "Qui est ton perso ?" donc on testait mon improv du haut de mes 16 ans clairement.
Malgré la confusion constante dans laquelle j'étais, c'était une expérience cool parce que en gros, le principe était que mon admin postait un contexte (ex: Alix reçoit une lettre de convocation à tel poste), je postais en tant qu'Alix, et l'admin continuait en tant que GM de l'univers avec ce plot créé autour de mon perso qui s'adapte constamment à mes choix. En soi, c'était bien plus proche de jeux de rôle type DND. Finalement, d'autres joueurs nous ont rejoint et je suis partie discrètement après quelques mois.
A partir de là, j'ai découvert les vrais forums rpg, mais les illustrés en premier. ET G PRIS PEUR OK.
Tout le monde parle des vieux forums où on écrivait que deux ou trois lignes, j'ai jamais connu ça ! Jusqu'à maintenant, les rps que j'avais fait étaient de la même taille qu'on fait aujourd'hui. Mais quand j'ai exploré de loin, j'ai toujours trouvé que des forums où les gens écrivaient des ROMANS, et j'exagère pas, les rps étaient 3 pages word minimum à chaque fois. C'est la raison pourquoi j'ai mis tant de temps à rejoindre les forums, je croyais que tout le monde écrivait comme ça et que je n'avais pas le niveau.
Finalement, j'ai trouvé Bazzart, et après some lurking j'ai rejoint un des fo les plus populaires à l'époque en test, croyant sincèrement que j'allais paniquer et partir et que c'était mieux de se noyer dans la foule si ça arrivait. Heureusement, le forum a crashé avant moi, peut-être deux semaines après ma validation. Mon perso était si mauvais mais j'avais good taste parce que c'était avec le fc d'Alexis Bledel ok, et elle avait des yeux de deux différentes couleurs parce qu'elle était possédée par un esprit et omg le cringe.
Le prochain forum que j'ai choisi était aussi très populaire, mais celui-là était debout depuis quelques mois, et cette fois j'ai pris un scénario pour être sûre de m'intégrer et boom je suis restée trois ans et des poussières sur ce fo, même finie par être admin dessus. (ps edit: aussi le seul perso que j'ai tué en partant, et je regrette rien fyi, mais c'est une histoire pour plus tard)
Après ça, c'était smooth sailing from there.
Merci aux pauvres âmes qui ont lu jusqu'au bout.
Sincèrement, j'adore lire les histoires des gens et ça aurait pas été juste si j'avais pas donné ma version avant mais pls parlez moi vos débuts !
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dedalvs · 11 months
can you make a translator for firish i want to use it in my rps i have with friends
I've actually gotten this question a couple times, which is great! But this type of thing just isn't possible with a conlang. It has nothing to do with the quality of the conlang or the level of completion (i.e. the amount of vocabulary, how much of the grammar has been recorded, etc.), and I'll tell you specifically why.
First, you may have seen "translators" for various languages online like LingoJam. LingoJam not only has translators for a bunch of different languages, but allows you to make your own translators. The way these work, though, is you write down a word in one language and write its translation into another—something like:
English > Spanish
I > yo
am > soy
to > a
the > el
store > tienda
going > yendo
That is, you put in one to one correspondences, and that's what it has to work with. Once you're done, if you ask for a translation, it looks up the words and sees what's available and it spits back what it has, in order. If we had this very minimal English to Spanish dictionary (which is 100% accurate, by the way! That is, all of these English words can be translated as all of these Spanish words), you could ask LingoJam to translate the following into Spanish...
I am going to the store.
...and you would get...
Yo soy yendo a el tienda.
Now, if you speak Spanish, you'll see all the places this went wrong. (Short version: You don't always need subjects pronouns in Spanish; you use a different helping verb for "to be x'ing" in Spanish; you rarely actually use this "to be x'ing" construction in Spanish; the present tense is sufficient; though el means "the", it's the wrong gender for tienda—analogous to saying "an store" as opposed to "a store" in English.) And you can actually avoid this in LingoJam by adding phrases on top of single words:
English > Spanish
the store > la tienda
I am going > voy
But you can imagine how much work that would be...
The reason why things like LingoJam are so popular, though, is because imagine if you knew nothing about Spanish. Typing in "I am going to the store" and having it instantly spit out "Yo soy yendo a el tienda" is pretty darn satisfying! If you don't know it's wrong but you're happy with it, what's the problem?
Now, a language like Spanish is huge, so it's easier to get accurate Spanish translations online than it is to get accurate Korean translations online—and it's easier to get accurate Korean translations online than accurate Tigrinya translations online, etc. The reason for that takes us to Google Translate.
I think most people know that with LingoJam, you get what you pay for. Google Translate, on the other hand, is much more sophisticated, and much more accurate. It's not 100%, but it's pretty darn good—for widely spoken languages. This is why.
Way back when, Syfy facilitated a chat between me and the folks at Google Translate because they wanted to see if Google and I could work together to create a translator for a couple of my Defiance languages at TED in 2013. After all, we had a full two weeks. We could bang something like that out in two weeks, right? (lol no)
I learned then how Google Translate works. Google Translate doesn't actually know anything about the specific grammar of a language—maybe a couple language specific tweaks, but it's not as if you can go under the hood and find a full grammar of Spanish that tells you when to use the subjunctive, what all the conjugations are, etc. Instead, what Google Translate has is a database (i.e. Google, along with Google Books, Google Scholar, etc.) with tons of, presumably, fluent documents written in the various target languages offered on Google Translate. They also have faithful translations of those documents—not all, but a percentage. Google Translate uses that information to predict what a given sentence in one language will turn into in another.
In order to do this successfully, Google Translate needs BILLIONS of documents to troll. And it has that. It has BILLIONS of articles written in Spanish and translated to English. That's why the English to Spanish translation is as good as it is.
Now, having said that, anyone who's bilingual in English and Spanish knows that Google Translate isn't perfect. Sometimes it's pretty good, but sometimes it produces a lot of clunky, unnatural, or even incorrect translations. This is because there isn't a human back there calling the shots.
But that's its best translator. Now imagine translating between English and Samoan (one of the other languages it offers). There are EXPONENTIALLY more online articles in Spanish than Samoan. Consequently, the translations you get between English and Samoan on Google Translate are absolutely no guarantee.
And bear in mind, there's a kind of minimum threshold they work with before adding a language to Google Translate. If Samoan is on there and not Fijian, it's because there's that much more Samoan online than Fijian.
Now let's go back to conlangs. What Google Translate wants is BILLIONS of articles written online in the target language. Forget how complete the grammar of a conlang is, whether you can find that description online, or how many thousands of words the conlang has. How many fluent articles are there written in that conlang that are online? How many can one person to? How about a team of people? And how many conlangs have that?
This is why Google Translate has Esperanto and nothing else. Esperanto has been around for 136 years, and in that time there have been a good number of people who have learned to speak it fluently, and have written things (poems, articles, books) that are now online. It is as much as Spanish? Certainly not, but it is enough to hit Google Translate's minimum threshold, and so it's available.
Assuming you have a conlang with a full grammar and a good amount of vocab, if it were popular, it might have enough available material for Google Translate to work with 125 years from now. But at the moment, it's not possible. That says nothing about the language: It's about how Google Translate works.
And bear in mind, Google Translate is, at the moment, our best non-human translator.
If predictive-AI gets good enough that it can learn the grammar of a language, then it may be possible to produce a translator for a new conlang. That, though, is not the goal of Google Translate. Maybe ChatGPT and things like it will get there one day, but even that isn't a dedicated language learning AI. We need an AI that doesn't work with billions of fluent articles, but works with two books: a complete grammar and a dictionary. If an AI can one day work with those two tiny (by comparison) resources and actually produce translations that are as good as or better than Google Translate, then we'll be at a "translation-on-demand" place that will be good enough to feed a new conlang to. At that point, it will simply be a matter of producing a grammar and lexicon of sufficient size for the AI to do its thing.
So, no, right now we can't do a Ts'íts'àsh translator. :( We can go over things like the sound system and basic grammar and you can create your own words to work with it... A lot more work, but hey, we don't have to churn our own butter or milk our own cows anymore! We've got time!
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handgiven · 9 months
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‘Īmmānū'ēl. Deus nobiscum . God is with us . עִמָּנוּאֵל.
hi! this is an independent fandomless oc rp blog for the angel Emmanuel (main muse) and some of his family (available upon request). penned, loved & adored by kai (nb, 21+, central european) since 2013, remade in 2023.
open & excited for interactions within fandoms with angelic, supernatural or otherwise inhuman elements (neil gaiman media, nbc constantine, syfy's dominion & more) as well as original fandomless characters. if i follow you i likely am interested .)
exploring the themes of fundamental good, loving thy neighbour & forgetting to love thyself, purposeful existence, higher power, being a heart of a found family, rejoicing in sanctity of the mundane & figuring out your own place in the world.
affiliates, aka the lovely people that own the keys to em's apartment and also my heart: @talentforlying & @spookyagentfmulder & @beyondthescully
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valdezhqs · 2 years
hi friends! i am here for the day! we’d love to see more muses. here are some fcs we’d love to see.
santiago cabrera, tommy martinez, florence pugh, anya taylor joy, dj cortana, matthew daddario, jon bernthal, ben barnes, wilson bethel, jamie chung, sophia bush, bethany joy lenz, john harlan kim, zeeko zaki, prang kannarun, lewis tan, mena massoud, alfie enoch, lindsey morgan, ozge yagiz, aslihan malbora, demet ozdemir, hande ercel, bahar sahin, jessica lucas, yagmur tanrisevsin, serkay tutuncu, sofia carson, peter gadiot, jay hernandez, charlie gillespie, sarah jeffery, elizabeth lail, michael evans behling, taylor zakhar perez, naomi scott, camila mendes, katherine mcnamara, victoria justice, lucien laviscount, lily collins, melisa pamuk, hazal filiz, priscilla quintana, hafsanur sancaktutan, jessica chastain, alberto rosende, adria arjona, oscar isaac, jonathan bailey, rege-jean page, kylie bunbury, simone ashley, mason gooding, samantha logan, blair redford, rachel bilson, adam brody, idris elba, keanu reeves, jennifer aniston, anne hathaway, zoe saldana, milo ventimiglia, pedro pascal, charlize theron, aron piper, michelle yeoh, kerry washington, rose byrne, ryan destiny, shin sekyung, kimm jihoon, robert sheehan, michael b jordan, sydney park, jessie mei li, chase sui wonders, jessica henwick, natasha liu bordizzo, eddie liu, lucy liu, wang ziyi, brianne tju, jason scott lee, gemma chan, henry golding, charles michael davis, amber midthunder, martin sensmeier, devery jacobs, cody christian, jeanine mason, froy gutierrez, oliver stark, kiana madeira, wolfgang novogratz, nicholas galitzine, tyler blackburn, michael vlamis, michael trevino, candice king, greta onieogou, heather hemmens, nathan dean parsons, phoebe tonkin, claire holt, daniel gillies, kat graham, darren barnet, paul wesley, chris evans, tom welling, and more
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themcrningstar · 2 years
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                                              ind.  lucifer  morningstar  rp  blog                                             syfy’s  dominion   /   fandom  adaptable                                            selective   /   18+  only   /   low  activity                                   read.   the.   rules.   page.   before.   following !
                                                ⛧       ⛧       ⛧        
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madxwonderland · 29 days
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I really don't know if I have an OTP with Alice. I've shipped her with a few characters back in the day when I mostly RPed her on twitter. One of my favorites was her with Hatter from syfy's Alice.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
The biggest is probably angst and fluff. Alice is very reserved when it comes to romance but if someone can crack her then she is very devoted and loving. She is also very protective over those she cares about. Her ptsd and demisexuality make it hard for her to find any romantic prospects.
However she is always looking for friendships and other platonic relationships
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Probably no bigger than 5-10 years. 10 years would be pushing it. I personally don't get super uncomfortable with age gaps as long as both parties are over 21 and it's completely consensual. When the older party knew the younger when they were under 18 that's when I get uncomfortable.
Alice's personal preference probably won't go past 10 years older than her and she definitely wouldn't involve herself with anyone 18 or younger. She is 21 in all of my verses now.
Are you selective when shipping?
With Alice, I am probably more selective than any of my other muses. I ship chemistry but I am always open to exploring romance with her if she and the other person get along really well.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
With Alice I prefer to do a fade to black but will sometimes put it under a read more. It really just depends. But really once it goes past making out and the fourplay starts then I try to stick it under a read more or fade to black.
I don't do a whole lot of smut with Alice just because she rarely gets herself involves in such relationships.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
There has been a few that I would have threads with and think 'oh this would be cute if things went this direction' without anything going in a romantic direction. I don't want anyone to think that I'm throwing Alice at their muse intending to ship. But sometimes if I know the character then I have moments where I think them and Alice would be a cute couple.
But really no specific muse comes to mind at the moment
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
You can ask if you like! Or we can just rp it out in a thread and build that chemistry. Either works for me!
How often do you like to ship?
I would love to have more ships with Alice! But like I said, it can be hard for her. It takes a lot of trust for her to open up in such a way. But I do really want my girl to fall in love.
Like I said earlier, I am also always wanting more platonic and familial ships with her as well!
Are you multiship?
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Probably ship more or less with her? I like to focus on many different dynamics with Alice and shipping isn't my priority.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Sadly there really aren't a lot of ships in my fandom. To be fair most of the characters opposite of Alice are in her head. I've seen a lot of fan ships with Alice and Carpenter or Alice and the Cheshire cat in human form. But for me personally, all of the Wonderland occupants are like Alice's children more or less. They are just her companions. She doesn't see any of them in a romantic light.
The only other ship I ever see is Alice and Bumby and that one is disgusting and has no place on my blog.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Build up that chemistry in some threads, send in memes with a more shippy tone or if anything you can just ask if I can see anything going anywhere with our muses!
Tagged by: stole it from my other account
Tagging: i'm too lazy to tag. steal it.
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