quiet-gremlin · 7 months
ive got silly guys for you!!! (repost from my old acc) its a little older so im not as proud of it but !! we need more gremlin connor content out here
switch!connor + switch!schlatt (a little heavier on lee schlatt though Augh) | 1.3k words !!
Connor huffed, collapsing onto the couch right next to Schlatt. Schlatt turned his head slowly, his annoyed face very clear to the hedgehog.
Connor frowned, looking up at Schlatt. He opened his mouth to speak, before Schlatt interrupted him.
"Connor, I just want to warn you, that if you are going to say anything about being bored, I am going to lose my fucking mind."
Connor couldn't help but laugh. It was a frequent complaint that the brunette had, and usually everybody suffered when he went through it.
"Well, boy do I have news for you."
The shorter paused, staring as the ram waited.
"I'm bored."
Schlatt groaned, rubbing at this eyes and setting down his book.
"Fine. You win. What do you want me to do about it?"
He was exasperated, and the only response his friend paid him was a simple shrug.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
The taller said, hoping to find an end to their talk. Even though Schlatt loved Connor with his whole heart, running a business is hard work! And he needed time to recharge before he did shit again.
"I guess...."
But of course, the other hybrid had to make everything difficult. What did he even want if he didn't want a simple hang out session?
"You guess? Con, my man, it's a yes or no question."
They both laughed, and Connor finally gave a proper response.
"Fine. But only if it's not a horror movie. I can't stand those."
Schlatt nodded frantically, agreeing. Anything to get out of the conversation and into silently watching a movie.
He was quick to turn on some dumb Disney movie, picking Mulan since he knew for a fact it was among Connor's favorites.
Schlatt opened his book, reading through it as he thought the conversation had come to an end, and they would just watch the movie.
Connor though, seemed to not be even close to done. He snaked his arm around Schlatt's waist, his eyes glued to the screen. The ram didn't think it was anything different, his arm finding its place around his friend's shoulders. It was a common occurrence to find them holding onto each other, as best friends often did.
What Schlatt failed to see, was another common occurrence the two found themselves in the habit of doing.
Without saying a word, both of Connor's hands found their way to Schlatt's sides, and he immediately started taking advantage of that.
"Whahat the fuhuck-"
Schlatt tried his best to shut up, and not let Connor see his hard work pay off, but he was woefully unprepared for this.
The hedgehog simply shrugged, his hands finding their way to the ram's ribs. Maybe he'd think about not wearing a shirt around the house next time.
"Ohokay, ohOHKAY!"
Schlatt tried to back away, but his best friend only followed. He was still holding his book, and really didn't want to drop and ruin it.
"I told you I was bored. Maybe, next time, you won't try and shut me up with a movie. Tee Bee Ache, you kinda deserve it."
Schlatt was going to bring up the spelling of the acronym 'To Be Honest' out loud, but he couldn't focus on that, as Connor had wormed his way to his lower back, scratching at the area by his tail.
That actually made Schlatt collapse against the pillows, trying to squeeze out Connor's hands. But that only helped what he was trying to hurt, Connor moving one of his hands to come after his lower tummy.
Schlatt shook his head, trying to control the giggles that continued to leave his mouth. What didn't help, was that Connor said absolutely nothing as he fucked with him.
"Cohon, CohoHONNEHER!"
He tried to beg, watching the older look up at him.
"Yeah? What's up, Schlatt?"
The ram cackled, his head falling back to the pillow behind him. Of course he picked an asshole to be his best friend.
It took him a moment to process that he could be fighting back instead of sitting back and taking it.
Schlatt brought his hands down, trying to collect Connor's. He actually got a good grip on one of the smaller wrists before the tickles stopped, and bright blue eyes stared at him.
".....Heyyyy, Schlatt-"
He said, looking just a tad nervous. Good.
"Hehey, Connor."
Schlatt responded, a death stare finding its way to Connor.
Even through his short breathed giggles, Schlatt was a scary man. Usually it was to Connor's advantage! But this time? ....no, not really.
"Uhm, what's going on?"
Connor asked, testing the grip that the ram had on one of his hands, using the other to rub his palm on his pant leg.
Schlatt looked calm, shrugging.
"Nothing much. You want your hand back?"
He asked, doing his best to keep his growing smirk off his face.
"Yeah, uh, that'd be nice."
Connor replied, avoiding the other's eyes by trying to pry off the fingers that held the freedom of his hand.
"Wow. That's gotta suck, then."
He finally responded, the shorter looking up at him in confusion.
He asked, but it was already too late. Schlatt held his hand palm up, furiously scribbling at it.
The hedgehog shrieked, the shock of his situation hitting harder than the movements themselves. His heel dug into the floor under the couch, and he tried to pull his hand back.
Schlatt wasn't giving in though, his nails scratching up and down the ridiculously sensitive area.
Connor was reduced to giggles, shaking his head as if he were embarrassed.
"The funniest thing about you, is that you don't even fight back! You just sit there and take it!"
The ram teased, watching his friend's face light up a bright red. He knew that he was right though, by the way he just shrinked into the couch.
He didn't respond, uselessly giggling. While that was a good spot, Schlatt wanted to try and get a different kind of laughter that he knew Connor could produce.
He gave the hands a rest, looking the hedgehog up and down. Eventually, before Connor could fully recover, his hands found their way to the other's sides, grinning as he did so.
"You should really just get good, Con."
He said, starting to quickly squeeze. Connor's giggles returned, and he tried to push at Schlatt's hands. It was only when the ram tried to scribble at his tummy that he fought back, actually pushing Schlatt's hands off of him and sitting up to dig into his hips.
Schlatt immediately retracted his hands, freezing up for a second before he weakly pushed at Connor's.
"Screhehew you!"
Connor exclaimed, moving a hand to claw once more at the other's lower back and tail area. Schlatt didn't take this well, but he didn't do much to stop it, too taken in by the sensations attacking his nervous system.
Connor took his time abusing that spot, Schlatt kicking his legs and basically unable to do anything. Finnally, after too much time (in Schlatt's opinion), he finally switched, one hand focusing on his ribs and the other scratching at the base of his horn.
The melt spot and regular tickles hit him like a truck, purring mixed with laughter tiring him out more than Connor probably meant to.
Eventually, he called out what Connor had been waiting to hear.
"Uhuhuncle! UhuncehEHELE!"
That led the older to finally stop, grinning widely at his friend.
"I won!"
He said proudly, rubbing away any ghosty tingles that stayed on Schlatt's skin.
"Oh fuhuck yohou."
Schlatt hissed in response, glaring. Of course, he'd have to get Connor back. But that'd happen on a day he didn't know to expect it.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
His friend asked, an innocent look plastered on his face.
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discoblocks · 2 years
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my irl tells me jerma’s chat is currently tearing Connor apart for not knowing the names of pokemon
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switchlee-za · 10 months
After yesterday's disaster, Blue Flame (Connor) had been assigned duty with Crowfather. He was no longer trusted to be working alone, as the blonde had outed what he really did.
The hero was silent the entire time, though he was clearly seething. The older man had attempted casual conversation, though each time it had been shut down by the other. He refused to keep things civil, as he knew if he started talking he would take it out on the man he was next to.
So the blue colored hero stared down at the ground, the small ears on the top of his head flattening against his curly hair.
{ @switched-up-connoreatspants :3 }
Phil was mostly a civil man. Being stuck at 17 to a hero job was tough. However, having to deal with a person who has more experience than him by at least a few years, slack off in the line of duty was uncool.
Phil couldn’t take the silence, he removed the plague black mask from his face. Grabbing the other and pulling on his shoulder.
“You can’t be sitting around like that, that’s not cool, and I’ve had less experience than you for gods sake!” Phil angrily scolded. “I know you don’t want to work with me, but maybe if you didn’t decide to be lazy, that wouldn’t be an issue.”
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ticklishtoms · 1 year
"Tommy! TommyInnit!"
Connor ran towards the blonde, looking very either excited or anxious. His eyes were wide and he rushed towards the too-tall child (18 year old).
"Oh my god, I have something to tell you-"
Connor paused, digging into his pocket and taking out his inhaler. The brunette puffed it, taking a deep breath and standing in front of Tommy, catching his breath.
{ @switched-up-connoreatspants hey^_^ }
Tommy was laying on the ground, hes arms extended to the sides before he heard a familiar voice calling his name. He sat up, and turned around. “Connor?”
Tommy stood up, waiting for Connor to catch his breath, placing a hand on the brunette’s shoulder. “Woah- woah, take it easy. What’s up, Big C?”
ooc: Heyoo!! Taking this as c characters, and i use he/xey/they for c!tommy so ur welcome to use more than just he/him :D there was smth else i wanted to say but i forgor lmaoo
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dumbitch20 · 2 years
In love with green geckos team right now. We have dream who is your competitive player, foolish who is good but also likes to be there and have fun, tina who is new at the game but tries as much as she can and connor who is good and also so so funny and doesn't hesitate to tell a joke.
They are trying, some times failing and reassuring each other, but most importantly they are joking around and having fun which I LOVE in mcc teams.
I swear if I hear any of them apologize at the end of the event for something I am fighting whoever made them feel like they have to.
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kaslee · 2 years
"Kasey, my friend!"
Connor approached Kasey from... nowhere. He seemed to just pop up from nowhere in particular a lot.
"Remember when you offered to cook for me? I do. If I said pretty please, would you take me up on that offer?"
He seemed serious, but he had a very clear amused tone, even if his face didn't show it.
{ HIII PRETEND I DIDNT DIE FOR 12 MILLION YEARS !!! @switched-up-connoreatspants }
“Connor!” She exclaimed excitedly and slightly in surprise
“I do remember that indeed, pretty please isn’t needed but it’s appreciated so yea sure what would you want? I’m no five star chef but Punz hasn’t died from my cooking yet so that’s a decent sign right?”
She bounced softly on her heels as she spoke
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rubyiiiusions · 2 years
natural human desire to blend in is never stronger than when connoreatspants chat is spamming CONNOR CONNOR HES OUR MAN connor6frogdance HE EATS PANTS LIKE NO ONE CAN connor6frogdance
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comradeeatspants · 3 years
if connor ever actually told quackity to “go edit a fucking leafy video” i think i would just ascend into the heavens
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quiet-gremlin · 1 year
im moon :D (he/they) 18!
silly little sfw gremlin acc :D
i run @quackitlee-hq and @switched-up-connoreatspants :33 (u should follow me /silly)
big fan of hazbin hotel and dsmp......
lee!husk and lee!quackity believer. also lee!connor i miss him
umm i write ! asks open but otherwise!
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mcytblrconfessions · 3 years
i just realized why i was always intimidated by connoreatspants: he looks like he could be the switched at birth 9th child from the homophobic high school football dynasty family in my hometown. besides that he seems like a nice young man though
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jrwi-updates · 2 years
Charlie replied to Ted Nivison!
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[Image ID: two tweets. The first one is by Ted Nivison, and it reads "@ connoreatspants yo" and attached is a photo of Connor sitting at a campfire with a filter on his face. In the background, Charlie is seen sitting at a table inside, playing on a Nintendo switch.
The second is a reply, from Slimecicle. It reads "For all those asking I am playing Enter the Gungeon in this image its very fun" in all capitals. /End ID]
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The First Two Weeks of Dream SMP Season 2: In Review
So two weeks of Dream SMP Season 2 have passed, and so far it’s been unlike any post-war period before. Far from being a peaceful lull, Season 2 has been perhaps the most chaotic, tension-filled, dramatic “peacetime” the SMP has ever had.
Let’s summarize!
Overall, the tone of Season 2 has been both similar to Season 1 while taking on some new changes. For one thing, there’s a far greater emphasis placed on lore, backstories and family dynamics. 
Questions from the ridiculousness of Season 1 are being answered in Season 2, sometimes with some strange or cursed-sounding results. For example, the circumstances of Fundy’s birth were mostly a joke in Season 1 (I’m pretty sure they went literal months without even mentioning Sally’s name once), but now that there’s effort being made to explain it, as well as the birth of certain other Sleepy Bois, we’ve gained some...interesting...developments...*cough* Phridge *cough*
Since Season 1, Tommy’s become a Sleepy Boi and is therefore incorporated into the SBI family dynamic, especially now that Philza’s joined the server. Ranboo may or may not be Niki’s brother? Fundy and Dream are getting married soon, and Puffy and Niki have a romance as well.
New Members:
In one of the largest waves of new members in SMP history, several new people have been added to the server in a very short amount of time. 
Captain Puffy
Schlatt’s Funeral
Schlatt’s funeral, overseen by Badboyhalo, was held at the edge of New L’manberg. His organs were looted by the citizens. Everyone keeps hinting at possibly reviving Schlatt somehow. Currently, Schlatt’s remaining organs are kept on sale in Puffy’s L’Targay, a new structure on the server replacing Purpled’s Walmart.
Ongoing/New Building Projects
Some important ongoing building projects / new builds include: Karl’s Party Park, HBomb’s L’Cast, Vikkstar and Lazarbeam’s Boomerville, the Prime Path Shops, Purpled’s Skull Base, Awesamdude’s Place of Business, Punz’s house and Eret’s Museum
Important Plotlines/Character Updates: 
Tommy’s done his best to make everyone on the server angry with him, which has currently led to the border skirmish plotline going on right now. He’s destroyed Puffy’s house, George’s house, griefed Fundy’s house and moved Ponk’s tower, leading to some animosity with all of them. His griefing of George’s house especially has  led to Tommy being on probation. Will Tommy be exiled? Or will this lead to another war? L’manburg is looking awfully flammable right now.
One of the other main plotlines that’s been going on has been Fundy’s character arc with Wilbur. Now that Philza’s on the server, and Wilbur’s perma-dead and ghosty, Fundy’s family drama can finally come to a head and break some hearts. Fundy reprises his role as the “main character” of the story for this particular plot, something that hasn’t really happened since the Pet War. This arc started at the very beginning of Season 2 when everyone was rebuilding L’manburg.
Related is the arc of Ghostbur in particular. Wilbur’s stuck around after death, seemingly for some “unfinished business.” He doesn’t remember any negative memories, and continually forgets them whenever somebody tries to hold him accountable for his past crimes. Will Ghostbur ever settle his issues and gain a peaceful rest?
There’s been some talk of the Disc War Continuation in the future, especially concerning the Badlands. Skeppy still has one of Tommy’s discs, but who knows when that drama will sort itself out. Dream brought up the discs when talking with Tubbo about exiling Tommy. While Skeppy has one of the discs, Dream wants to put Tubbo in a tough enough position that Tubbo has to give Dream the other disc, which would put both discs functionally in his hands.
The Dream Team has been a lot more active on the SMP recently, which is interesting. George, the new king, is actually on the server! So far he’s mainly participated in multiple dress-up roleplay sessions, cosplaying Simpsons characters, Professor Snape, and Dream himself. Sapnap has streamed recently as well, continuing his ongoing relationship drama with fiancés Karl and Quackity. Dream has gotten himself into some shenanigans, including vandalism and muggings, and is currently reprising his role as the main Big Bad of the server. It’s almost strange seeing them so active on the server again, but a welcome change! Even Callahan’s dropped by to join in - the SMP’s funniest reindeer, everyone!
Quackity may or may not be possessed? Puffy’s mentioned that Quackity wants to bring back Schlatt, but Puffy is currently in possession of all of Schlatt’s body parts. She’s also mentioned that Connor is looking to revive Schlatt as well. Connor hasn’t gotten super involved in the storyline yet, mostly just vibing on his own, but perhaps he will eventually. Quackity has also taken the role of honorary vice president in Tommy’s absence. 
Tubbo’s been acting a little strangely as well too, recently. While he’s been the most responsible president of L’manberg by far, he’s shown that he’s not immune to corruption, to the point where even Philza’s started questioning loyalties to L’manberg. Tubbo’s handling of the situation with Tommy shows maturity, but when he’s put between a rock and a hard place, what will come first? Tommy or L’manburg? And is Tubbo prone to the same corruption that Wilbur and Schlatt went through?
Meanwhile, Techno’s almost nowhere to be seen. He terrorized Fundy a bit at the beginning, and he’s logged on to say his own name of course, but besides that the Blade has been remaining as mysterious as ever. Wanted posters bearing his image have sprouted up all over New L’manburg.
One side effect of Fundy’s adoption plot is the plotline’s relation to Eret, who has been dethroned. Will Eret try to take power back from Dream? What will their relationship be as father-in-law and son-in-law, if the adoption goes through? 
The newest members - Phil, Puffy, Connor, Vikk, Lazar and Ranboo, have all gotten started settling into the server. Who knows what their relations will be to the plots? Will they get involved, or stick to the sidelines where there’s peace? 
So far, besides Phil of course, Puffy and Ranboo have been the most involved in the main plot. Dream seems to like getting into chaos on Puffy’s streams in particular, having her as a “witness” to his actions. Puffy is an agent of chaos herself and has unofficially “adopted” Dream as a sort of pet, driving her loyalties towards the Dream Team. Despite this, she has also been on a date and promised herself to Niki, who is of course loyal to L’manburg. If Puffy ends up siding with Dream, will Niki be able to keep her loyalty to L’manburg, or will she switch sides to be with Puffy?
Meanwhile, Ranboo has been suggested to be Niki’s brother and was an accomplice to Tommy’s crimes against George. Tommy defended Ranboo from consequence, but considering how short of a time it took Ranboo to get wrapped up in the plot, who knows what will happen in the future?
Vikkstar and Lazarbeam have also joined the SMP as a pair, and similar to Connor, they’re currently just vibing doing their own thing in a new town called Boomerville.
The Elytra Challenge should be happening soon? Maybe? Whoever gets the elytra will have a huge bargaining chip on the server, an item as valuable as the discs or Spirit’s leather. What that also means is, there’s the possibility of them also having a target on their back...
In Summary: 
We really need that beach episode.
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Dream SMP Species headcanons!
The kind of Species I make the dsmp people in aus, some have multiple I tend to switch between! :D  (more info about hybrid types at the bottom) Dream- Nothing but a human with a god complex (Tho sometimes Dream currently is not in his body, and a Dreamon is wearing him like a cheap suit)
DreamXD- He’s a god of the server that took a similar shape to Dream, and is tied in with Dream’s admin powers. Exactly what or who he is is unclear but he’s… there.
Sapnap- Half Demon, some kinda fire or nether related mob hybrid, sometimes a Blaze!
George- Brown Mooshroom hybrid! Sometimes either a witch hybrid or a nymph as well
Awesamdude- Creeper Hybrid
Sam Nook- It's actually just Sam, the mask he wears malfunctioned when he started to work with Tommy and it was both so hilarious and brought Tommy such joy, it became a bit between them. Nowadays it's like, an unspoken thing they don't acknowledge the fact they both know it's Sam. It's a way for them to pretend everything is okay and for Sam to ignore his guilt over his actions while he ‘looks’ after Tommy :)
Ponk- Human
BadBoyHalo- Demon
TommyInnit- Latent hyrbid. Normally some kind of Bird Hybrid of some kind (going between some kind of normal bird of prey not chosen as of now, a Thunderbird, or Phoenix!) But I'm also very fond of Fox, Wolf, and Ferret hybrid Tommy too!
Tubbo- Ram hybrid, though Bee hybrid is very cute too! 
Fundy- Fox shifter and half nature spirit/demigod (depending on what Sally was!), which is why he aged so strangely.
Punz- Human
Purpled- Human
Wilbur Soot- Human! Though iv made him a fish/mer/siren hybrid before but i think fox or even a wolf hybrid would fit too
Jschlatt- Ram Hybrid Shifter (his full form is his little Ram dude. His hair color is actually naturally white like Puffy’s but he dyes it brown, when it grows out it makes it look like he has silver hairs)
Skeppy- Diamond hybrid (I imagine he’s some kinda like, diamond gemling or golem? Idk lol)
Eret- He’s either a reincarnation of Herobrine, a descendent/child of Herobrine, or a Herobrine hybrid (making herobrine a race sounds fun), also wither hybrid is neat!
Jack Manifold- Human/Demon? (after his death?)
Nihachu- Human!
Quackity- Duck hybrid (though, iv saw a very cool hc where he can shape shift via magic magical masks and I am looking)
Karl Jacobs- Human
HBomb94- Human
Technoblade- Piglin Brute hybrid Shifter, the brute part is one of the reasons he’s so violent.
Antfrost- Cat hybrid (shifter? perhaps!)
Philza- Bird Hybrid, specifically a Eurasian Hobby (but Crow philza is pog too!), Semi-god of Death/Death god’s champion
ConnorEatsPants-?̸̠̘̯̠̥̙̘͈̽̽̽͆̓̈̏̉ͅw̸̱̟̱̅ĥ̸̯͕̞̬͌̉͒͝͝ͅa̸͚̲̋̇̈́̒̏͆̃͠t̸̳̀̊̐̌͂̾͑ ̷̯̒̈̈́̀͐̑̅ĭ̵̩̻̭̯͍̓̿̿̊̚ṡ̴̥̠̹̩͖̋ ̴̜̙̈̑̽́̚ḥ̶̡̖̙̗͖̝͑̍͋̎͊́͘ė̴͕̟̩̰̝͕͔͍̫̽͊͒̋͊̎͌?̷̱̗͕͓̠̳̼̘̂̄
CaptainPuffy- Sheep Hybrid
Ranboo- So Ranboo, for me, is a human, enderman, AND shulker hybrid! (50% Human, 33.3% Enderman, and 16.7% Shulker.) and because percentage doesn't really matter to how much someone presents or looks like their hybrid, that's why he looks so enderman and barely any shulker traits are shown. (Also fun fact, Ranboo’s human side is albino!)
Foolish Gamers- Was a Shark and Totem Hybrid (the Totem part was because of a family curse he suffered before being turned into a Semi-God of the Ocean) (note, is not a god of death, or life, he’s only sensitive to rebirth and resurrection because of his Totem-ness) 
HannahxxRose- Rose Nymph
Slimecicle- Slime Hybrid ~ Latent Hybrids are mob Hybrids who’s hybrid genes are suppressed and dont show ANY SIGN of being a hybrid whatsoever unless a either very stressful or life threatening thing happens, so their body unlocks and unsuppressed the genes in an attempt to survive. This causes the player to rapidly grow said attributes of their hybrid side to match their actual age (so they wont have baby features like small ears or tails or wings when they are a full adult). Latent hybrids can go their entire lives not knowing they have the potential to be hybrids. Hybrid shifters are hybrids that, instead of being a physicals mix between their mob and other side (of which they can look like more then one or the other, or a perfect half and half), they are able to shift between the full mob form, full their other part (human or otherwise depending) and a form in-between (or even multiple in-between forms!). Hybrid Shifters are very rare. *note 1; mob hybrids include both animal mobs and monster mobs as well. *note 2; most hybrids are part human part mob, but other species (like demons, angles, vampires, sirens, orcs, ect ect) can also be part mob and thus hybrids as well.
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simplydm · 3 years
Okay okay okay before the majority of April fool’s day starts (thx SBI), here’s some unfounded ideas I have for things that could possibly happen:
-Dream just straight up deletes the Dream SMP
-No one streams on the SMP and pretend not to know what it is (entire SMP amnesia arc lmaoo)
-The only people who stream on the SMP are the people who never do OR only the people who have come on as guests
-someone blows everything up (but it turns out to be a fake)
-Callahan comes on in creative mode and fucks everything up
-Dream escapes prison
-Actual Lore happens, but we never fully believe that it did
-Ponk’s gonna do something I just know it
-Two or more CC’s switch streams and pretend to be each other
-Connoreatspants does actual lore
-The whole SMP is altered ever so slightly, like a room where all the furniture has been pushed three inches to the left
-Nothing Happens
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heyswagmoney · 3 years
for @pyroselkie
dream smp characters: catboys vs dogboys.
(not including minors. this isnt written with secual intent, but people are weird.)
dream - dogboy. way too excitable to be a catboy. golden retriever gamer boy.
george - catboy. sultry but in a derogatory and hateful way.
sapnap - catboy. hes those cats that knock shit off counters on purpose.
techno - catboy! self explanitory.
quackity - dogboy no elaborations
nihachu - catgirl! she owns cat ears already this is self alligned.
fundy - catboy. fucking furry.
punz - dogboy! growls at the mailman vibes.
eret - catenby. chaotic neutral.
badboyhalo - dogboy. gets excited when you get home from work.
jschlatt - catboy but in a spiteful way.
wilbur soot - catboy. likes cardboard boxes? i fits i sits.
philza - dogboy! loves car rides, stickin his head out the window.
awesamdude - catboy. switches up man, you bring him in your bedroom and he leaves right away just to scream at your door when you close it.
captain puffy - doggirl. another self explanatory.
connoreatspants - dogboy. crusty white dog?
jack manifold - catboy.
antfrost - guess.
skeppy - dogboy. big floopy tail that murders anything in its way when it wags.
karl jacobs - dogboy! chihuahua.
slimecicle - dogboy. fear bites.
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rocketpog · 3 years
The dream smp ruined connoreatspants, within the year of him joining he now owns 4 nintendo switches and brought 3 copies of Mario party
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