#sweet home alabama crossover
lcdrarry · 1 year
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9 June | LCDrarry Fic & Art
This Life Now
Prompt: "Sweet Home Alabama", 2002, Andy Tennant Author: Anonymous Artist: Anonymous Word Count: 38,295 words Art Medium: Digital Rating: Mature Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Mentions of Divorce, Alcohol, Minor Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, Minor Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter & OMC Friendship, Draco is involved with/engaged to Blaise while separated from but still legally married to Harry
Author Notes: I love classic rom-coms. Even though some parts may not hold up to scrutiny decades later, I'll always be weak for oblivious OTPs and grand gestures of love. I toyed with the idea of a Sweet Home Alabama AU years ago, but it languished in my WIP folder—until now. Thank you, camomiletea, for your wonderful prompt. I couldn't squeeze in a bonding ritual, but I hope you enjoy what I've done. Thanks so much, A, for stepping outside your regular fandoms and coming on this journey with me. For gracing my words with your brilliant art, and all your cheerleading and support. To the wonderful mods for making this fest a joy. To G and J, who looked over the original outline and first chapter years ago, and to H for generously reading through the rest.
Artist Notes: I want to say thank you so much to P who always gives me the most fun and exciting art prompts! I love working with you so much because it is always a fluid collaboration and we always feel so in sync which is a dream come true as an artist. It was such an incredible project!
Summary: This close up, Draco can see the differences that have occurred over the years. Harry's hair is longer, although it's as unruly as ever; his forearms are well-muscled and decorated with ink; and there are small lines by his eyes that look like they would crinkle if he were smiling. Which, at this moment, he most definitely is not. He looks like he's worn the same clothes for three days and just rolled out of bed, yet Harry's so unfairly gorgeous it makes Draco's heart ache. "What do you want, Draco?" Harry asks, his voice resigned. The question snaps Draco out of his reverie. "A divorce," he proclaims as he opens his bag.
Read and view it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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thedarkestgreys · 8 months
tagged by both @stannisfactions and @theangrypomeranian 🖤🖤 thank you friends!
How many works do you have on AO3?
67 but something new is popping up for halloween
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
so it says 976,114 but 266,429 of those words are from @baratheonbrotherspresent group written co-op fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily Fexi/Euphoria right now. but i've also written fics for ASOIAF/GoT, Eternals, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, and Teen Wolf over the last near decade.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
your violent overnight rush (fexi) stages (jonsa) and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) (drukkari) slow hands (drukkari) and then a fic that i currently have hidden 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! even if it's a quick TYSM FOR READING. i always appreciate when readers take the time to leave a comment, and i want to show my love back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't think i've written anything with an angsty ending tbh. yes, lots of angst in various fics, but i'm a happy ending girlie through and through.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
as stated above, im a happy ending girlie. but maybe my heart's gone double time if i had to choose.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i haven't in a long time, but in the past yeah. like drove me away from a ship and shut down my interest in writing for like a solid year. it wasn't even about the writing, it was about the plot (a Sweet Home Alabama AU) and the comments were unnecessary (go read the wiki on the movie yall its not hard) and it just sucked lol. that was a hot minute ago though. we're good now.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
hahahaha do i write smut???? i have an internal checklist of all the smutty things i haven't written yet that i want to give a go, so you could say that. (note: daddy kink is off the list and never to be seen from me again)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do not! but i like to write a lot of AU's of different media.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i know of, no i haven't.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had some offers in the past to have things translated back in the GoT days but i never gave the okay on it simply because it was a fic i never completed (ya girl used to get in over her head)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
technically the BBP fics are cowritten but we all did our own chapters following a basic outline of plot/storylines and worked around what other authors were posting. it was chaos and hilarious and the most fun i've ever had
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
to write for? i'd have to say it's fexi, they unlocked a new level in my brain as an author. shout out to my favorite non-canon little crackship that could podrya though - i'll love you forever. to read? this is like asking someone to pick their favorite child. i've read so many incredible fics across a ton of different fandoms. but god i guess the ones i still seek out frequently is dasey and dramione. wouldn't say i have a favorite though?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i really want to finish but the wolves came and went and i think i'm sitting on at least two chapters completed for it right now lol someday i'll sit down and finish writing the whole thing and get it posted.
16. What are your writing strengths?
plotting. world building. exposition. keeping characters in character. i've been told i'm good at writing big emotions too?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i've improved greatly but i still struggle with dialogue. 🙃
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
okay so. when i was writing slow hands as i got further into the story i really started describing the actual sign language being used by makkari and druig. hours of watching asl videos to pick out different words or phrases to translate. it was fun and it was hard work and i ended up with a whole new appreciation for asl. but it also felt important to really dig into describing the asl and i'm glad i did it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ... and i'm still bitter about the cancelled reboot.
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20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
taking yvor out of the equation: my fexi warm bodies zombie au sharing different heartbeats mostly i go back and read it and go "wait i wrote this?" because i don't do zombies at all lol. i'm just very proud of it.
tagging: @sarahcakes613 @muserepeats @calculated2stagger @iwantthemtostay and @idontneedtobeforgiven
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alphashley14 · 1 year
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
<Prev Next>
Chapter 16
“Do not be afraid.” 
Those were Mystery’s first words, after the stunned silence dragged on at such a pace that it grew to be unbearable. 
Thus far, this wasn’t the worst reaction he’d ever gotten to revealing his true form. At least no one had screamed, run, or thrown a spear at him yet. 
Mystery drooped his ears, lowered his tails, and lowered his head submissively, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. 
I’m like Lewis, Mystery told himself, no matter how much he knew it was a lie. Please realize I’m like Lewis. I’m your friend. I’m a good boy. I’m just as you’ve always known me. Please. 
Vivi walked up to Mystery helpfully and gave him a scratch behind the ears. 
“Sooo… yeah. We decided to save the best for last,” she joked. But her actions said something else: See? I’m petting him. It’s safe. He’s a friend. 
But alas, fear was wafting through the air, curling deliciously into Mystery’s nostrils. It was almost enough to make his mouth water. In another life, he would have done all he could to chase that feeling. But coming from them, his Children of Nibiru, the kids he was supposed to protect… it just felt wrong.
“I was born this way, and this is how I shall die,” Mystery said, laying down with his paws stretched out in front of him, seven tails curling around his body. “I am what is known as a kitsune - a type of yokai descended from Annunaki. My kind are gifted shape-shifters. So like Lewis, I assume an acceptable form so that I may walk among humankind. I’m sure you know very well that dogs are much more acceptable human companions than foxes - a fitting form for the guardian spirit of the Yukino family.” 
“So l-like um… this definitely explains a lot.” Shaggy said with his signature nervous laugh. 
“You’re a kitsune?” Velma asked slowly, visibly pale. 
Oh no. Which of the legends has she heard? “I am,” Mystery said gently with a nod. 
“Uhm… what kind?” 
“Leave it to you to know the old tales,” Mystery chuckled. 
“Just answer the question,” She said quickly.
“I am the son of a yama and a tengoku. As for me, I am a mori-”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Velma said accusingly. 
“Why does it matter, Velma?” Daphne asked. 
“Because he may or may not be capable and likely to kill us all!” 
“K-k-kill us?” Scooby trembled. 
“‘Capable’ and ‘willing’ are two entirely different things, Velma.” Mystery said gently. “Scooby’s teeth and claws are perfectly capable of ruining flesh. Fred could kill too if he wished, with his multitude of traps and weapons. Or Lewis or Vivi, with their powers. But they never would, because we are friends. Yes - I am a nogitsune. But I consider each of you to be friends and allies, and have placed you under my protection. So yes - I could kill you all, Velma. But that would be extremely unlikely. I would sooner die.”
“Hold on. Just- hold on,” Fred said, standing up and nervously rubbing his neck. “Let’s pretend for a second that most of us here aren’t familiar with Japanese folklore and start from the beginning. Please.”
Mystery sighed. “I am a kitsune - a fox spirit and a yokai, which is a japanese subclass of demon. What most people don’t know however, is that my people were originally animal descendants of the Annunaki. But not like Scooby and Professor Pericles. When Annunaki breed with mortal animals, the first few generations of descendants retain some of their ancestors’ traits and abilities. Usually, these disappear as the Anunnaki blood is watered down through generations of mating with regular animals. But some of their earliest descendants, my ancestors included, did not want this to happen. Sooo…” 
“Sweet home Alabama?” Velma guessed. 
“Precisely,” he sighed. “But not just that. Our bloodline also intersected with the native Yokai who already lived in Japan and we became adept with the magic of this world. The result was a new species: the kitsune. A creature part-mortal and part-god, descended from the wild foxes of Japan, the gods of Japan’s spirit world, and the gods of another. This is how I fit and diverge from the pattern. I can talk, and I am a descendant of the Annunaki. But biologically, I am a much closer descendant than Scooby or any of the others, and my blood is intermixed with that of other gods.” 
“We know it’s a bit much. Everyone following along?” Lewis asked. 
“So far, yeah. But what did Velma mean by different types?” Fred asked. 
“And what’s that got to do with killing us?” Ricky asked. 
“All kitsune are essentially divided into two diametrically opposed… camps. The zenko, and the nogitsune. Zenko, also sometimes called Inari Foxes, are benevolent to mankind and serve the god Inari. They serve the gods, perform good deeds, and are physically incapable of ever harming a human. Then there are nogitsune, also called the yako. We are… more complicated.” 
“By ‘more complicated’, you mean ‘evil’. And you’re one of them.” Velma said. 
Mystery nearly growled at her, but he stopped himself. Still, everyone flinched at his slightly bared fangs. Mystery took a step back, took a deep breath, and explained himself. 
“All that you know is what you have read in your books. Against what many of the old stories say, and what many of the so-called ‘good spirits’ spread around… the world is much more complicated than good and evil. Yes - I confess. I am a nogitsune. My mother was one, and my father abandoned his place in kitsune society and became one to run into the wilds with her. Really, it was quite the scandal. But they weren’t evil, and neither am I. However…  They were mischievous. And they hurt people… and there was a very long period in my life where I did too. 
“But then, I met Mushi. She could have killed me. Maybe she should have. But instead she showed me mercy and treated me with respect. I bound myself to her and her family, and before I knew it… I fell in love. With her and her family, then with all of mankind. So yes. I am a nogitsune. But that does not make me evil. Rather (just like humans, really) I have the freedom to choose the sort of fox I want to be. I can be good. I could be evil… and when necessary, I can walk the gray areas to protect those who are worth dying and killing for. 
“The time of the samurai and the onna-musha is over. I may be among the last, but I am not the first of my kind to ally myself with a warrior or to grant them my power. Think about it. As pure as they are, an Inari Fox would be of little help in battle. They are incapable of causing harm to humans. You need a yako for that - like me.” 
Quietness settled over the conservatory as the kids processed what they’d been told and made up their minds about what they thought about it. 
“I think… I get it,” Scooby said. And he walked over to sit beside Mystery. The dog giggled, looking up at the kitsune. “Wow, you really are big.” 
And that was certainly true. The tips of Scooby’s ears didn’t even come up to Mystery’s shoulder. 
“Like, if Scoob’s cool with it, then so am I. Like, so long as you don’t like, kill us.” Shaggy gulped. 
“Nonsense - I find each of you uniquely delightful. And I see no reason why we should ever become enemies.” Mystery said, eyes twinkling behind his spectacles, tails thumping against the floor.
“Alright. You’ve been good to Vivi, Lewis, and Arthur for this long. So I guess I don’t have much choice but to believe you. But I still can’t say I trust you. Not completely,” Velma said. 
“I expect no less,” Mystery said fondly. 
“Well then gang, I guess we’re friends with a kitsune, now.” Said Fred. 
“Yeah…” Ricky mumbled. “Friends…” 
“So then,” Velma said, “You’re a nogitsune. But which of the thirteen types did you say you were again?” 
“And uh… go over it like most of us don’t know much about Japanese mythology,” Daphne reminded him. 
“There are thirteen different kinds of kitsune that each correlate with a different chakra,” Mystery explained. “I won’t go into all of them, but I am what would be known as a Mori - a kitsune of the forest. I have the same powers as most of my kind, but I have some abilities that correspond to plants, trees, moss, fungi, earth, animals, etc. that the other 12 types don’t have.” 
Fred prompted, “And those powers would be…?”
“Shapeshifting, obviously.” Mystery said, and in a flash he changed back into the little dog they’d all gotten to know. “As I said before, I usually take on this form because dogs fit well as companions alongside a human society. You should know from experience Ricky, that something more exotic-” and they gasped as he transformed into a large white moluccan cockatoo, then flew over their heads to land on the back of the sofa behind Ricky. “- Tends to attract a bit more attention.” 
He fluffed up his red and black mohawk, then stretched out his wings to show off his black wingtips. “Don’t get me wrong though, the form I would be most comfortable in aside from my own is a fox,” and the bird became a normal-sized, one-tailed fox stretched across the back headrest. “But alas, thanks to your fairytales and legends, people don’t tend to find those too trustworthy-” and the fox hopped down onto the seat, then onto the floor and turned back into a dog. “-So a dog suits me just fine.” 
Then Mystery walked back over to where he’d been sitting originally and resumed his true form. “Apart from shapeshifting, there’s my foxfire of course,” he continued. He raised his paw, and conjured a magnificent ball of crimson flame, smirking smugly at the awestruck expressions of his audience. “Fire is as dual as we are. It’s only fitting that we kitsune be so well-adapted to it. Capable of providing warmth or pain. Fostering life or destruction. Leading men to salvation, or luring them to their deaths. That is the purpose of foxfire.” And with a flex of his claws, he extinguished it. 
“As Shaggy has already observed, I am also capable of observing and manipulating auras and energies. Let’s see… I can also cast magic spells and have knowledge of runes and potions. There’s also the casting of illusions, the manipulation of dreams, possession, manipulation - though that one is more of a learned skill,” he said with a teeny bit of pride, “- and not one that I would use on any of you,” he paused to assure them. “And… without going into all of the little things I can do with those basic abilities, that’s it.” 
And that’s when Ricky finally snapped. “That’s it? That’s IT, he says!” Mr. E roared, and he shot to his feet and stormed past Mystery. 
Lewis made a move to stop him as he passed, but Mystery stopped him, “Let him go.” 
And he watched sadly as Mr. E flung open the ornate back doors and stomped into the gardens. 
“Rut’s up with him?” Scooby asked.
“Like, no kidding. Did I miss something?” Shaggy asked. 
“Yeah. What was that about?” Said Velma.
“I was afraid of this,” Mystery groaned with drooped ears. 
“What do you mean by that? I mean, he was fine with Lewis being a ghost. Whatever happened to ‘at least they were honest about being dishonest’?” Asked Daphne.
“Emotions often contradict each other. Emotions and logic contradict each other even more often. Though in this case, not trusting me is actually the logical thing to do,” Mystery said with a shake of his head. “Don’t forget: the pain that followed the last time a talking animal - specifically one whom he considered a friend - lied to Ricky about his true nature.” 
Mystery Incorporated looked at each other, then cringed in unison with a chorus of “Yeeeah…” “Yikes,” “Ouch,” and “Oooohhh…”  
“Poor Mr. E,” Daphne said thoughtfully. “I didn’t think of it that way.” 
“Most wouldn’t,” Mystery said. “But I’ve had about a thousand years to observe humans and learn their ways. I won’t be so arrogant as to say that I’m usually right, but if I didn't acquire some level of emotional intelligence after all of this time, then what kind of trickster spirit would I be?” 
“You need to talk to him,” Lewis said.
“I think not. At least not now,” Mystery said. “Give him a bit to himself to process. Children, one of you,” Mystery said, turning to Mystery Incorporated, “If you wouldn’t mind…” 
Through his anger, Ricky was in fact aware that he was being stupid. 
Fuck, why did I storm out? He groaned to himself, absentmindedly petting the head of the purring Dead Beat in his lap. Three of them had come out after him a minute or two after his dramatic exit - courtesy of Lewis, he imagined. 
Damn it. How was he going to go face everyone after walking out like some overly dramatic soap opera character? 
Well, it’s long-since gotten dark and all of the yard lights are on… 
“I’m going to have to go back in eventually, aren’t I?” He groaned. The three Dead Beats around him made noises of agreement and nodded. 
Or I could just stay out here and let the darkness swallow me, he considered.
The latter seemed less daunting than the former at this point.
Just then, he heard a distinct squeeeak as the back door opened. The Dead Beats made a couple happy noises at the newcomer and one of them zipped over to say hello.
“Uh, hey? Mr. E? Or um… Ricky? Sorry - still getting used to that. How’re you doing?” 
“I’m uh… I’m fine, Daphne.” He said, glancing back but not looking at her. He heard the click of her heels as she crossed the stone patio, then she sat down in the chair beside him, holding the third Dead Beat like a cat in her arms. They didn’t talk for about a minute, and Ricky stubbornly looked out over the illuminated gardens to avoid looking at her. Out of shame, not her own wrongdoing. He hoped she knew that. 
“Hey guys,” Daphne said to the Dead Beats, “I uh… kind of want to have a word in private for a minute so no offense but could you…?”
The Dead Beats chirped affirmingly, then zipped back into the conservatory. 
And then they were alone. And it was quiet.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Daphne finally asked.
“Nope,” Ricky replied way too merrily. “I’ve just gotten so good at pretending otherwise that at this point it’s just easier. Next question please.” 
“Are you mad?” 
“Furious, but not at you. Or Fred, Velma, Shaggy, or Scooby. Or even the Mystery Skulls. It’s fine though. I’ve been angry for over 20 years. Why stop now?” He sighed, resting his chin on his palm.
“So… you’re mad at Professor Pericles?” 
“You’re surprised that I’m mad at Professor Pericles?” 
“Not really. Out of everyone angry with Professor Pericles, you definitely have the most reason to. I was actually fishing for whether or not you’re mad at Mystery.” 
“Did he put you up to this?” 
“He wants to talk to you, but gets why you’d be upset with him. So he asked one of us to talk to you first on his behalf. He’s worried about you. But… he’s not the only one worried. I’d be checking on you even if he didn’t.”
“Well… thanks.” 
“So are you mad at him?”
“No. Maybe…? No. Just-” He scoffed with frustration. She’s going to think I’m so fucking stupid, he thought. 
“He reminds me of Professor Pericles.” 
“Oh,” said Daphne. “So… you’re upset because he reminds you of Pericles? And you hate Pericles?” 
“Not exaaactly. But- Kind of? Will you judge me if I tell you?” 
“I don’t know,” Daphne said. “I think that the big problem between us- that is, between you and my friends and I, is that we haven’t talked. It’s been over a year since you started sending us your clues. But we never said anything. And things have gotten so much better in just a day because we finally actually said something. So… whatever you have to say, I want things to keep getting better. So I’m listening.” 
Ricky sighed, “Thanks Daphne. So… I guess I’ll say something, then.” He looked up at the starry indigo sky, bouncing one knee, composing his thoughts before he began. “Mystery has reminded me of Pericles from pretty much the moment I met him. But… in all of the best ways. He’s… wise, patient, supportive, and just- always seems to know exactly what to say. In other words, he reminds me of the Pericles I used to think I knew.”
“Oh. So… like the way he was when you were a kid?” 
“Yeah. But… without all of the bullshit that I know I should have recognized as red flags. And now that I know what he is, it makes sense as to why he reminds me of Pericles. Only now, I also see all of the worst ways he reminds me of Pericles.”
“First off: his age. I told you all earlier today how much older than the rest of us Professor Pericles was. But Mystery? From my limited knowledge of kitsune, he is hundreds of years old, Daphne. Do you have any idea what the implications of that are? How much he’s seen and done? The skills he’s perfected? The things he’s had time to learn and experience? He’s so much smarter, wiser, and more powerful than any of us. I didn’t know to be afraid of that when I was a kid. But I do now… it’s scary.” 
“I… can definitely get that,” Daphne shuddered. 
“And beyond that,” Ricky said, “A kitsune is a trickster spirit, Daphne. By definition. How am I to know what’s real when it comes to him?” 
“I get it. Pericles revealed that he’d been using you all along, and he chose the treasure over you. So now you don’t know if you can trust Mystery.” 
“In a nutshell… basically.” 
“Well… Mystery decided to show you his real self without betraying you first. He’s trying to be honest. That says a lot, doesn't it?” 
“Uuugh, and I know that, but just- it was all so overwhelming, learning all of that. All those thoughts at once. So of course it only occurred to me after I stormed out. Which is why I haven’t come back in… because I know how stupid I was.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid.” 
Ricky jumped out of his skin and whirled around. “Chhheese and crackers, Fred! Make some noise when you move! You gave me a heart attack! Wait a minute- how long have you all been standing there?” 
All four other members of Mystery Incorporated were standing behind them. 
“Long enough,” Velma said. “And Fred’s right: it’s not stupid. Those are perfectly valid concerns to have, all things considered.” 
Scooby padded over and sat beside him. “So uh… what are you going to do?” He asked. 
Ricky sighed, reaching over to give the dog a pat. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I don’t know how I feel about all this or if I trust him, so I really don’t know what I should do next. Or how I’m going to show my face indoors again.” 
“Like if it helps man, like Mystery is just as stressed about what he’s going to say to you,” said Shaggy. 
“Really? Why?” 
“He feels really bad about turning into a bird. Something about ‘his mischievous side came out too much’,” said Fred. 
“No shit,” Velma added under her breath.
“That’s probably true,” Ricky shrugged. 
“So… it’s dark out. And it’s getting colder. Ready to go back in?” Daphne asked. 
“As I’ll ever be,” Ricky sighed. 
Walking back into the conservatory, Ricky realized that he’d missed just how grand it was. The sun had gone to bed and where one world was now sleeping, another was waking up. And the house of the dead was as alive as ever. Three chandeliers in the same style as the room’s metal frame hung from the ceiling, sconces attached to the walls and every other vertical frame held floating mystical lights, and the ghost fish in the koi pond and the artificial brook shimmered so bright it was as if the water itself was aglow. 
Seeing the lights shining through the dark, it made Ricky wonder how he’d ever failed to see the magic. 
“You okay?” 
Ricky jumped, looked around for the source of the voice, then looked up.
“Okay. Lewis, I’m still getting used to the whole ‘ghost’ thing as it is, but you doing that is not helping.” 
“... Sorry,” the ghost apologized, floating back down to eye-level in his true form. “Seriously though, is everything good?” 
“No, but… it never was. As for us though, yeah. We’re good. Mystery though… ehhh… I need to talk to him.”
“He figured as much,” Lewis sighed. “This way, he’s waiting for you.” 
Vivi spared Ricky an encouraging smile before leading Mystery Inc. back into the manor. And Ricky followed Lewis deeper into the conservatory. Wordlessly, the ghost pointed down a lit, dense green path, where ahead on an unseen radio, a song was quietly playing. He patted Ricky on the shoulder, then disappeared into thin air. 
Ricky gulped, and stepped into the brush. 
“Tears that I cried... I've been hol-din’ on…”
He came to realize after a few steps that he was walking into a sort of indoor natural area, complete with big, twisting Japanese maples and cherry trees. 
“… I've been hold-in’ on~…”
Fallen crimson leaves and pink petals covered the ground atop trodden mossy cobblestones like a multicolored carpet. 
“… I've been hol-din’ ooo-on~…”
Finally, he moved a large fern leaf out of the way, and before him was a hidden oasis within the conservatory - a small clearing among the trees and bushes, at the center of which was a rather curious bonsai tree. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
Notably, the tree was dead. Or at least very close to it. With a couple of rather pitiful orange petals hanging limply on the edge of each branch that may very well have once been pink. And the bark- Ricky may have been mistaken but he could have sworn it was green. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
And yet in spite of this, the pitiful plant was the most revered thing Ricky had seen in the whole conservatory. It was planted directly into the ground with the richest, darkest soil and a ring of pink, orange, and white stones lovingly placed around it. And there were three giant pink necklaces placed around it with candles, burning incense, and Japanese blessings inscribed upon paper. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!"
"(Won’t let them take youu!)”
Ricky tilted his head, curious. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
But where was- 
“I worried you wouldn’t come.” 
Ricky jumped and inhaled sharply through his teeth. “Oooookay then. This is just going to be a regular thing now? You people talking out of nowhere and scaring me out of my skin?” Ricky asked, looking up at the source of the voice. 
Mystery was draped like a leopard across a large, thick tree branch. His head rested upon his crossed paws and his seven tails hung down, swaying gracefully yet playfully to and fro. 
As he stood, the kitsune laughed in a way that was not quite human; animal-like, high-pitched and a little silly, like a hyena- no. Like a fox. Then he bounded down to a lower branch and bounced to the ground to stand beside Ricky.
“Apologies. It’s been a while since I last revealed my true form to a human,” Mystery said with a dip of his head. “I suppose I need to get used to ‘easing people into it’ again. My manners aside… I really am glad you came.” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“You are upset with me,” the creature said sadly, ears drooping. “If you had wished to avoid me for a while, I would have understood.”
“Don’t apologize,” Ricky sighed, rubbing his temples. “Yes - I’m surprised. But I understand why you kept this from us. Really, it’s me. Not you.”
“Still. I should have been more mindful of your… experiences.” 
“If you’re referring to you turning into a bird, yeah - that might have been crossing a line,” Ricky grumbled. 
“Believe it or not, I do realize how much I have in common with Pericles,” The kitsune growled, baring his teeth. “And I hate it. But let me assure you… my hatred for him runs deep. And I’ll die before I make the same mistake he did.” 
And there it was again - that intuition. Just like Pericles. Or perhaps he’d just been alive long enough that he could guess. Dealing with basically immortal beings was kind of a new thing to Ricky.
“What mistake?” Ricky asked, clearing his throat.
“Isn’t it obvious? You. Or rather - what he did to you. And your friends.” 
“No offense, Mystery. But…” It then occurred to Ricky that Mystery may find what he was about to say extremely offensive. 
“In my miiiind~
“I thought it was just an illusion.”
“Do not be concerned with my feelings,”
“I wished for something like thiiis,”
“-Whatever you have to say, I am ready and willing to talk about it.” 
“Now I just can’t run.”
Ricky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just- you’re a kitsune, Mystery."
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
"I’m not… deeply familiar with Japanese mythology, but I know enough to know that your kind are tricksters. Agents of chaos. I’m probably being ignorant,” he apologized, running a hand through his hair.
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“How am I to know which of the stories are true? But from what do I know, I guess, shouldn’t you sort of… respect what he did?” Ricky asked, hugging himself. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!"
"(Won’t let them take youu!)”
“I mean to me (and to most people really) it was horrible. But at the end of the day, he took what he needed from his pawns, used them up, took a calculated risk, and got what he wanted. I was a naive, trusting, meddling, stupid kid.”
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“I mean, heh- if you look at it from a tactician’s standpoint, I was almost asking to get hurt-”
The kitsune surged forward so fast it made Ricky stumble back and fall upon the soft moss. 
“I~ won't let them take you away from me! My love~”
The change had been jarringly abrupt. When speaking of Mystery’s own kind in such a way, the kitsune had been fine. But the moment Ricky had started talking about himself, an animalistic sort of rage had crept in. And now, Mystery stood before Ricky as every bit the beast he was. Tails lashing, hackles raised, eyes glowing red, ears flat against his skull, teeth bared inches in front of Ricky’s face. 
“Do not be ashamed that your fate was put into the talons of a FOOL, Ricky Owens!” The kitsune barked.
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“HE was supposed to look after you. You were a CHILD, and the one who should have protected you fffailed!"
“I~ won't let them take you away from me!”
“He grew so distracted by something as frivolously human as GOLD that he failed to see the value in what he already had!”
As Mystery got the words out, the fur laid flat on his back and his eyes ceased their glow. 
“I'll be your protection, and I'll fight for you endlessly!”
“I will not make the same mistake, boy. Unlike him, as your elder I see fit to look after you. Upon my tails, I swear it.” 
Mystery darted back, pacing agitated to and fro between the walls of fauna. 
And as the music came to an end, Ricky took deep breaths to slow the racing of his heart, processing what had been said. 
I see fit to look after you…
“You and your friends were more precious than any treasure,” Mystery said, his voice losing that deep echo as he calmed down. “You and Cassidy still are. He is the one who should be ashamed for failing to see that.” 
There was a moment of tense silence when Mystery was done talking, broken only by the babbling of the brook. Ricky opened and closed his mouth fruitlessly searching for words. “I- um- thank you?” 
“I need you to say it, Ricky.” 
“Say what?” 
“You were a child.” 
Ricky scoffed, “I was a kid yeah, but I was seventeen. Hardly-”
“A child,” The Kitsune repeated, eyes flashing. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Ricky,” he said with forced calmness, “I think we can both agree that… Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy are children.”
“Of course. What’s that got to do with-” 
“Shaggy is the second-oldest, and he only recently turned seventeen,” Mystery said pointedly, pausing to let that sink in. “They are children. And they are no older than you were. So. You were…” 
“... a child,” Ricky admitted quietly. 
“You were a good kid, Ricky.” 
“I- I was a g-good kid…” Damn it, why was his throat closing? 
“-And he took advantage of that.”
He knew all of this already! So why were his eyes filling with- “... and he took advantage of that.” 
They didn’t speak for several minutes. To his credit, Ricky didn’t sob. But he did cry, tears falling silently with the occasional gasp, shudder, or sniffle. Mystery just laid there and let Ricky get through it, leaning against the kitsune’s large shoulder. And when there was a sizable wet spot in Mystery’s white fur, Ricky sniffed and moved away, trying to get ahold of himself. “S-sorry,” He croaked, hoarse from the effort of holding his sobs in. “Heh, I- I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” He chuckled, trying to laugh it off.
“That’s because there is nothing wrong with you,” the kitsune said gently, pulling Ricky back in and enveloping him in his warm, soft tails. “I learned a rather fun fact about you humans recently,” he said, licking the tears from one of Ricky’s cheeks. “Did you know… that human beings have three different kinds of tears? Basal tears form the wet coating of your eye and reflex tears flush things out. Like say, having a bug fly into your eye.” And he swatted Ricky playfully in the face with one of his tails. 
“Hey…” Ricky said in mock-warning, rubbing his watering eyes.
The kitsune chuckled. “And then… There are tears of emotion. That’s what these are,” Mystery said, collecting a tear from Ricky’s cheek with the tip of one long claw. “These are the ones I find interesting. You see, aside from magical creatures, human beings are the only species on Earth who burst into tears when they’re in pain. Whether that pain be external or in here,” he said, gesturing to Ricky’s heart with his nose. “But there’s more than just water in these tears. They purposefully have proteins in them that make them fall slower, dry slower, and stick to your face.”
“What’s your point?” 
“That these tears were never meant to be hidden. When you cry - when these tears fall… they were meant to be seen. Humans are such social creatures. Don’t you see? You evolved this way because you were never meant to carry your burdens alone.” 
“How would you know?” Ricky grumbled bitterly, resting his forehead on his knees. “If only humans have them, then how many tears have you shed?”
“I have cried a thousand lifetimes worth,” the kitsune murmured. “Descendants of the Annunaki have the gift of humanity. Which means that just like humans… we are corruptible. But we are capable of growth and change at all stages of our lives as well.” 
“So what’s your point? That Pericles can cry too? That I should try to change him?” 
“No.” The kitsune snarled. “If a miracle happens and he changes his stars, it shall be his own doing. You are not responsible for fixing Professor Pericles, nor do I think anyone could. The point I was trying to make… was actually about myself. You see- there is a reason I have such a deep hatred for that bird. Why I am so disgusted and angry at what he has done. It’s because-” And reluctantly he admitted, “In another life… I may have been the same. And you would have been right about me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I meant what I said before. I wasn’t always a good boy, Ricky. In fact, there was a time when I was just as bad as Professor Pericles. Probably worse, even.” 
Ricky gulped. “Oh yeah? Is that so?” 
“It is so,” the kitsune said sadly. 
“Then… if you want me to trust you, then why would you tell me that?” 
“That is a rather curious thing to do, isn’t it?” The kitsune chuckled. “It’s certainly contradictory to my goal. Hardly the tactical thing to do. I suppose that it is because most of the relationships I’ve built throughout my life have been founded upon lies - at least at first. And from now on I wish to begin with honesty when I can. So, before you and the kids, I wish to lay my sins bare.” 
“Is this… why you seemed so keen to give me a chance?” Ricky asked. “Because you also changed your ways once?” 
“Partly,” the kitsune shrugged. “But even at your worst Ricky Owens, I have seen evil. And you’re not it.” 
“Then, if I may ask… what changed? For you, I mean?” 
“Mushi,” Mystery said sadly yet fondly. “But that is a long story, and one I wish to repeat only once. And as it happens, this place is a rather good place to begin. Come. There’s someone I would like you to meet.”
The kitsune stood and walked over to the dead bonsai in the center of the oasis. Ricky wiped his eyes on his sleeve and crawled over a few feet on his hands and knees to watch. 
“I assume you noticed this when you walked in,” Mystery said. 
“Yeah,” Ricky gulped to clear his throat. “What is the deal with that tree? It’s dead, isn’t it?” 
“Seemingly. Apparently… Probably. But hopefully not completely.” 
And then the kitsune dug with one massive paw around the base of the tree, disturbing as little as possible. And when he had uncovered the roots, he beckoned Ricky over with a gesture of paw and tail. “Come, and look upon a consequence of my past.” 
Crouching, Ricky came forward and was so surprised by what he saw that he recoiled. 
Mystery hadn’t uncovered the tree’s roots. Rather, the tree was attached to the top of a wooden head. And his digging had uncovered a sad, dead face with empty, soulless eye sockets and tear-mark cracks down each side. 
“What is that?” Ricky asked, wrinkling his nose. 
“This is my daughter,” Mystery replied sadly, unbothered by Ricky’s reaction. “Her name was Shiomori.”  
Nearing 10:00 at night was not the most opportune time the plane could have touched down on California soil. And it was nearly 11 by the time she left the airport.
But as antsy as she was to rush, stealth - not speed - was the goal, here. If Professor Pericles knew she was coming- if he even realized she was alive, then it would cost her a huge advantage that he’d already proven could cost her life. 
And if she could help it, Cassidy Williams would like to go a lifetime without ever coming that close to dying again. 
Weirdly enough, it wasn’t all bad. In a lot of ways Angel was grateful for the experience. It had reminded her just how much she loved being not-dead. More importantly than the little things though… seeing her reflection in the reaper’s scythe had rather annoyingly put some things in perspective for Cassidy that she’d been denying hard for over fifteen years. 
Namely: She was in love with Ricky Owens. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, she was in love with Ricky Owens. 
She used to ask herself why. She used to try to convince herself that she didn’t love him anymore. That the asshole who’d put her heart through the ringer wasn’t the same person as the adorable, awkward boy she’d fallen for. She used to try reasoning with herself that she could move on if she just forced herself to start over with someone else, no matter how many dates ended and relationships failed because no matter how nice they were they just were. Not. Him. 
... Why did she only stop doing that the moment she realized she had to die? 
There would have been a sort of purpose to Angel’s death: giving up her life to save those wonderful, stupid, meddling kids of hers. But as the Kriegstaffebots closed in and the clock neared zero, one regret stabbed at her heart like a thorn. 
It’s true what they say. About your life flashing before your eyes. Most of Cassidy’s life had come to her in flashes of color and memory. But he struck her mind like a bullet train, and in what would have been- should have been her final moments, she fell in love with him and had her heart broken into a thousand little pieces all over again. 
Except… those weren’t her final moments. 
Cassidy still wasn’t exactly sure how she’d survived. Everything after Moby disappearing under the waves got kind of blurry and she couldn’t string together even a semblance of how she’d gotten from point A to point B. What she did know was that for all intents and purposes, she should be dead. It honestly didn’t make a lick of sense that she wasn’t. Cassidy still didn’t have an explanation for it. 
Neither had the Mystery Skulls, before she had sent them to Crystal Cove. She would have come with them, but the attempt on her life had left her battered and bruised and with a badly dislocated shoulder. Even after popping it back into place it had taken weeks for the swelling to go down. In her condition at the time she would have just been a burden. 
But that was a mystery Cassidy wasn’t the slightest bit worried about at the moment. She was all healed up now and all that mattered was that Professor Pericles had tried to kill her, but she’d survived and now she was back in California and on her way to kick some tail! Woo-hoo baby!
…And she was in love with Mr. E. 
There was that, too. 
Cassidy didn’t know why that seemed so damn important, but no matter how hard she tried to think about the kids, the planispheric disk, the Mystery Skulls, or about Pericles, Brad, and Judy, all she could seem to think about was her last phone call with Vivi. 
Ricky’s in trouble. 
Those words kept ringing through her ears on loop and she hadn’t been able to relax since she’d heard them. 
Cassidy had thought once, that if there was one person whom Pericles might have a soft spot for, who was off-limits and may actually be safe with him, it would be Ricky. 
Wow, she’d been naive. But then again, Pericles loved to surpass her expectations of how rotten he was. If she had a nickel for every time he’d proven her wrong, she’d be able to rebuild K-Ghoul. 
Angel wished that Vivi had just come out and told her whatever-the-hell was going on. But Vivi had given her an abbreviated, vague, and clearly cushioned version in an attempt to keep her from worrying. And in doing so had done just the opposite, because in a haze of ambiguity, it seemed like now all Angel could do was worry. 
He wasn’t hurt. He was safe. Vivi had said that, right? Nope. She’d said he was sort of safe, and that he was kind of not hurt. 
Cassidy wanted to scream. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!
If he wasn’t hurt, then why couldn’t she get visions of every possible way he could be hurt out of her head? Was he in the hospital? Had he been shot? Poisoned? In an accident? God, there were any number of things that feathery lunatic could have done to him. 
And it was all so frustrating because even though she loved him so much she thought her heart might cave in from the weight of it, Mr. E had made it abundantly clear that he didn't love her anymore. Not to mention Angel wasn’t sure whether he had anything to do with her assassination attempts. Had her Ricky… really tried to kill her? She just couldn’t see it. Or maybe she just hoped not so much that it was blinding her. Still, the factory hadn’t been Destroido property.
So maybe Ricky hadn’t had anything to do with it. 
Both Pericles and the kids thought she was dead, now. 
Did Ricky think so too?
Maybe he had been… sad to learn of her death. 
Maybe he didn’t even know. 
Maybe he was even looking for her. 
She was so fucking scared of the answer to those questions. And she was so fucking angry that if Ricky’s stupid, handsome, scowling face was in front of her right now, she didn’t know if she’d tackle him in a hug, kiss him, or smack the shit outta him. 
Whatever the truth was, and whatever was happening back in Crystal Cove, Ricky wasn’t with their old group anymore. He was with the Mystery Skulls and the new Mystery Incorporated.
The question was… what had happened to drive him there? It would have taken something big to snap Ricky out of his codependency. And it scared her to imagine what that could have been. 
She wouldn’t be so naive as to wonder (or hope) if it had happened over her. 
But on the other hand, she didn’t know what she’d do if it had happened because Pericles had… hurt Ricky in some way. 
Wait- no. That isn’t true, Angel realized as she flung a leg over her new motorcycle - courtesy of Kingsmen Mechanics. It didn’t matter if Ricky didn’t love her. If Pericles had harmed so much as a single hair on Ricky’s head, she was going to pluck, baste, and boil that bird alive. 
As for uh… them, Cassidy really didn’t know what she was going to say to Ricky, but she supposed it largely depended on what he had to say to her. And she had a whole night to figure out the possibilities. 
But as uncertain as the road ahead was, as she revved up her engine there was one thing Cassidy Williams knew for sure. 
She loved Ricky Owens. She was done denying it or fighting it. And even though he’d made it abundantly clear that he didn’t love her back, (and shit, did that hurt) Angel knew her heart wouldn’t be able to bear it if anything happened to him. 
This time, she was going to protect him.
She would fight for him. For them. Endlessly.
Hehehehe. At LAST, I am soon to arrive at the point where I can ACTUALLY WRITE RICKIDY! 😍✍️ Oooh, the chapter song for this one turned out to be so much more meaningful and on-the-nose than I thought it was! I've never written alongside music before but now I see why people do it. Mystery and Ricky's conversation flowed so well because it was written in time with the song. Seriously, in the future I'm going to make an entire post about my song choice for Endlessly, because there are some things about it that I can't say without spoiling parts of my master plan. So, this chapter turned out to be mostly about Mystery, which is good because as a character I kind of felt like I haven't done as much with him as I could at this point, so finally it's starting to hint at how important to this story he's going to be. Makes sense tho that he'd make his true debut late - what sort of sneaky trickster spirit would he be otherwise? Lol Speaking of sneaky, Shiomori managed to burrow her way in here. Tbh I wasn't expecting that. She wasn't on the original guest list for this fic but now that I've thought of how to include her, I can't NOT do it. I think Mystery must have invited her. She didn't exactly RSVP but ya know what? Happy to have her. Will she have a major role in the fic? Or is she a tool used to tell Mystery's backstory and make references to the events of the msa music videos? Only time will tell. Who knows what my brain will be doing by the time I get to that point? I sure don't. And lastly of course, her return is long overdue but Angel, the QUEEN 👑, has made her debut!!! I’ve been SO EXCITED to write that part it’s not even funny. And I’ve had the vision of what’ll happen next time we see her in my head since some of the earliest imaginings of this fic. GOD, I cannot WAIT to show it to you!!! 🤩
I would like to give a huge thank you to @lesbian-duck-lord for helping me out with this chapter. I got super stuck on how the conversation at the beginning went and I swear the writer's block looked like the walls from Attack on Titan. But talking to that magnificent person was a HUGE help. Seriously they are so good at characterization. Busted a hole in that wall like the colossal titan. (Yes my brain works in references. Why do you think I write crossovers so much?!) And with this shout out, now you're tagged in this post. So you'll know immediately that Chapter 16 is out!!! Thanks again, Duck!
I would also like to take this moment to congratulate whoever the like, ONE person was who guessed the next chapter song correctly on my recent poll. Because only like two people voted for it, and the other one was me. (I had to put a vote down in order to see the votes as they came in.)
22% of you thought the next song would be Fake (which IS a great song, and I DO have a very specific plan for that one), and Hellbent, Every Note, and Freaking Out tied for second place. Funnily enough, I do also have plans for both Hellbent and Every Note. And joke's on you - I already used Freaking Out! You fell right into my trap! Ha!
I jest of course. It actually rather delights me that only one of you guessed right. How I do love hitting you all with a curveball. 😏
Chapters 1-15 of One of Us are presently posted on Archive of Our Own.
Chapter 16 should make it to Ao3 sometime in the next two days or so. Probably tomorrow tho. Because I'm impatient.
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futureseaempress · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
hi so my sweetheart tagged me in this @hypnostheory so thank u bb
1. How many works do you have in Ao3?
27 (teehee that's my fave number) (i also have like two more on a google drive that are wips,,, some princes don't become kings & first date which is called nastygum in like all my notes)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 163,308 which is like longer than twilight i think
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Homestuck, AFTG, SK8 the Infinity, TMA, Stardew Valley, RWRB, and uhhh law and order svu
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
honey, why're you calling me so late? (matchablossom)
about to bloom (matchablossom)
baby kiss it better (first prince)
i only want what i can't have (first prince)
as certain dark things are to be loved (jonmartin)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i would love to but sometimes i just don't have anything to say
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhhhh i don't think any of my fics have super angsty endings-- fanning the flame was supposed to end with a super sad chapter about agnes and jack but i never wrote it lmao maybe i'll get back to her in november
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ummmm i try to end everything on a loving/happy note bc that's what i like to read most
i think asking you to stay has like the cheesiest last line
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uh not yet thank goodness. i used to back in my wattpad days though and i did have someone say something kinda off color to me in a writing exchange but that worked itself out
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
because it's most of what i read i try to include like a horny scene in most if not all of my stuff but i like anything rlly i sort by ship, explicit, and go from there I think "Coming In Pants" is a frequent flyer.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s your craziest one?
11. Have you ever had your fic stolen?
YEP! both my current fanfic and my older stuff like i had a terrible homestuck fanfic on wattpad that someone reposted saying mine was too smutty and then on ao3 there is a fic,,, that,,, very heavily seems to draw from baby kiss it better but idk maybe henry wearing alex's white t shirt and a taylor swift cardigan while sick before alex blows him is just reaaally common
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
so other than some garbage i was writing in middle school no, but i do for sure like let my partner beta everything and we run ideas by each other all the time and like work out how to block stuff and what seems interesting they keep me from going to melodramatic and i help them know what sex sounds fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
oh god i can't choose. i love davekat, but i love alex and henry a lot. like a lot. like wow i loved the book last year and the movie has given me brain worms and there's other karkat ships i rlly like. hmmm okay i have two hands and i hold my sons Crabapple and Firstprince.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably never will?
so many davekat wips
the sweet home alabama fic for sure.
the nanny au. uh the other davekat band au that's just a draft... probably fanning the flame. there's also a coda for more silver paint that haunts me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uhhhhh i think i'm good at banter? (see echoed through my mind) i think i'm good at like making stuff fit into canon and comply with it in fun ways (see this hope is). i think i'm good at writing characters having break downs (see chapter 3 of silver paint or going with the flow)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
also commas
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
bafhehasdk so like it's kinda a pet peeve a lot of the times i feel like spanish especially ends up reading kind of like Law and Order dialogue like "he trabajo'ed here last week" but i eat that shit up in theory. like people would probs do better throwing random french in shit bc my ass would be like SOUNDS RIGHT TO ME. it's also like cultural references get lost and i know just enough spanish to know when something is "off" so i prefer like "This is a line of dialogue," they said in Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Homestuck! on wattpad! in 2012! it was bad mpreg! i was 13!!
TMA on ao3! in like 2020
but i did once write a one direction rpf with my friend that we posted on instagram in 2011
20. Favorite fic that you’ve written?
oh god i don't know. i think it's gotta be glory just bc i spent so long with it and i'm hoping to finish it during november (i do nanowrimo in a crazy bass ackwards way) but tire trouble is like the one everyone else loves best??? and i have a sequel in the works for it im just super into rwrb rn
I’m tagging @wardenhawke bc i feel like you might like talking about your ocs at least and i like u
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terastal-luxray · 1 year
I'm just gonna make something clear right now.
I do not take fandom seriously. At all.
So yeah I may make weird crossovers between unrelated franchises and shit. I don't die on any hills when it comes to shippings or headcanons. SpongeBob may be asexual in one post, but then he may be boinking Squidward in the next post. I'm making an AU where Pokemon can speak human language. Nobody can stop me.
Also, don't start the whole pr*ship/anti-sh!p crap with me. I'm an adult who has more important things to worry about than whether it's morally right to have two fictional cartoon siblings Sweet Home Alabama-ing each other or whatever. I ship what I want and that's final.
With that in mind, here's my other social media:
➡️ AU blog: @pokemonbreakthrough
➡️ Instagram: dorkyespurr
➡️ YouTube: dynamax-luxray
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Beard analyzing anon here, bow to me and my awesome power!
I called it, this time and I called it last time that he’d return for the 100th episode judging from David’s “watch this space” and the Legacies beard and the MOTU beard and beards do not lie, people, and I can see what they say!  I have the gift of prophecy* and you should all bow to me and my infinite knowledge**, bwahahaha!  
*okay, it’s not prophecy, just logical thinking based on facts*
**been watching too much Stargate SG-1, excuse me**
In all seriousness, this development came about on a day when I got absolutely slammed at work so I haven’t had full time to read/digest everything.  I said some things already, but here are my thoughts on what probably happened if anyone cares but more importantly why I really do think this means karamel endgame:
My guess is based on everything we’ve heard and the rumors: they wanted Chris to return for season 4 but he didn’t want to stick around, for whatever reason I won’t speculate.  So they said to him, okay, fine, but he had to be open to being written back into the show for an appearance and karamel endgame toward the end.  Notice they undid his death in the episode with Reign, laid the groundwork to show how much he still means to Kara and vice versa in episode 100, etc.  And yes, they didn’t mention him much in s4 but to be honest, I think just wanted to give some time because maybe they hoped the supercraps would finally simmer down a bit (fat chance) and they were biding time till they could bring him back and they did mention him, though in a very poorly-written line.
Then they test the waters with episode 100’s return and the majority of sane fans loved it.  So they proceeded with their plan to give karamel endgame in the finale and meantime distracted everyone with Dull Reporter Dude who was never meant to be endgame, but rather, was supposed to be the Pete Shanahan of this story (hillshollow will get this reference but for non-Stargate SG-1 fans, basically means the dull and completely ordinary guy very ill-fitting for a superhero to marry but she’s desperate to make it work because she doesn’t want to admit she’s in love with someone else).  So they keep DRD around but keep throwing out stories showing how Kara will never be herself around him and he’s not a serious contender for endgame.  Plus - cue the Sweet Home Alabama theme - she gave away her heart a long ago [to Mon El], and she never got it back.
Hence them returning Mon El for karamel endgame in the finale.  I really think the evidence is rock-solid for this to happen: they wouldn’t bring back a serious love interest who Kara said “I LOVE YOU” to just randomly, finale or not.  They wouldn’t unless they plan to make them be together for good.  Yes, you can argue that James is back but we all know James was never a serious love interest and they never loved each other, he really was nothing more than a puppy crush when Kara was still searching for herself, her identity, the real love of her life who is not only a hero in his own right but can stand alongside her like equals.  And thus far, the only one we’ve seen who fits that bill is Mon El.  (Just like the only one who could ever be on equal footing in SG-1 with Samantha Carter was Jack O'Neill, the head of SG-1, the man who fought alongside her for years and understood her life and her world unlike all the love interests she had throughout the show.)
So you heard it here first and this time you might even believe me: KARAMEL ENDGAME INCOMING, BITCHES!!!!! XD
Assorted thoughts I already shared today:
1) I do think the funeral is Papa Zor-El’s most likely, sorry.  I thought maybe it could be Dull Reporter Dude but it makes no sense to have Mon El or Winn there for it, they never knew him and I would guess his family wouldn’t want randos who didn’t even know him at his funeral.  
2) I don’t think melwood is going to stay in Vancouver so my guess is any special appearances or crossovers they make with S&L will be few and very far in between if any at all.
Anyone else see any concrete evidence for karamel endgame, feel free to pipe in here.  On a closing note, I would say something about supercraps, but they don’t deserve any more of my time or my headspace, so screw that.  
A standing ovation, please:
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I agree? Totally. I think a lot of us, more or less, had and have similar thoughts. Just we keep in mind that we talk about the SG writers who love to screw everything, not only ships, but generally speaking - EVERYTHING.
But yeah, it makes sense. I don’t think that the pandemia screwed Dullara that much,because he could have been developed outisde of Kara and their so called relationship, and he was not.
1)The funeral is William’s, it looks like. Staz was not in that scene also Lobotomzier is founding some journalistic school with his name, so it probably means he is dead. I think Legion could have come for another mission, William died and they stayed for teh funeral to support Kara and the rest superfriends.
It’s not Zor El. Papa Zor is with Alura on Argo. End of story.
2)Yeah, they have a house in CA and there is nothing that will keep them there after finishing shooting.
Bitch, don’t force me to start watching SG-1, I have other things to do =____________=’
@hillshollow @peggystormborn @raisedbyfandomwolves @madeunmexico @chelseaellie @adazzlingsakura @msclockwatcher @i-am-aci01​ you may find in interesting :D
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
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Darling are you confuse as to what I write here? Relax and grab some snacks, I got you covered! Here’s the guidelines to which fandoms and characters I write for, it also includes for what I do and don’t write. So note, that I may or may not add/delete what type of things I write in the future.
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Fandoms and Characters:
My Hero Academia:
Todoroki Shoto
Monoma Neito
Assassination Classroom:
Akabane Karma
Asano Gakushuu
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Regulus Black
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Tom Riddle
My Future Diary:
Akise Aru
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Inumaki Toge
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What I write:
I only write xreaders(Specifically for fem!)
Crossovers/AU’s(Pretty much any kind I’m open to)
Poly!/Love triangles
Implied smut
Angst(Endings must be happy)
Headcannons and Drabbles
Mary Sue and Crack fics
Insert oc! as a side character
Sugar daddy
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What I don’t write:
Xoc’s (I dunno it’s just a pet peeve, unless they’re side characters)
Gender neutral or male reader(I suck at making them, I’m so sorry😭)
Smuts/Lemons/NSFW for now
Incest, sweet home Alabama
Age gaps like huge jumps🫡
Older Reader or smth along those lines (Don’t really find anything wrong with it, I just don’t write them)
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Lowkey cause I'm interested and you totally don't have to answer it but: Kippi as Mabel's alternate love interest? And if you're not down for crossovers, Toni or Veronica? I'd ask for any of the guys but I feel like she'd tear most of them to shreds lol
omg actually kippi/mabel (aka kabel which is a great ship name) is such a fun concept. i don’t have a lot of thoughts (mostly because my brain is currently so broken) but i think it would definitely work because they’re already a little in love with each other as it is 🤪 but i would love to explore that some more !!!
as for toni and veronica, i don’t really see her with either of them, except veronica is her fiancée in a sweet home alabama au i have tucked away in my docs.
and as for the guys, you’re absolutely right. there are only two guys really worth her time and they’re chuck and reggie, but chuck is too much like a brother to her for her to even begin considering him romantically lmao
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hybriddonuts · 3 years
A list of some bands named after places, rated.
Alabama: Country rock crossover superstars were indeed formed in Fort Payne, Alabama!  Sweet potato pie and shut yer mouth!
Grade: A+
America: Formed in London by the sons of American servicemen stationed there, this one's kind of a tough call.  I think they’re technically American citizens, but they formed in the U.K. and recorded there initially before later moving to L.A.  It’s good they didn’t name that horse, they probably would have called it “Fido” or something.
Grade: C
Asia:  Essentially a prog-rock supergroup featuring former members of Yes, King Crimson (but who wasn’t in that band at some point), and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (Palmer); Asia was formed in  London by a bunch of British dudes.  Why did they name themselves after the largest continent? Maybe it seemed like a good idea in the heat of the moment.  Or maybe Europe was already taken.  
Grade: F
Berlin: A classic New Wave band formed in Los Angeles, perhaps they chose the name “Berlin” to masquerade as being more hip and exotic? I still like them, so I’m giving them a plus. 
Grade: F+ 
Boston:  Centered around MIT educated multi-instrumentalist Tom Scholz, Boston formed in Boston.  They even went so far as to lie to their label about recording at a fancy L.A. studio when actually Scholz was recording all the instrumental tracks himself at his home studio in Massachusetts.
Grade: A+
Chicago: Originally called “the Chicago Transit Authority,” Chicago formed in Chicago Illinois and played a particularly horny style rock that was actually sometimes pretty good.  At least in the period before original guitarist Terry Kath accidentally killed himself in one of the cringiest ways possible. 
Grade: A
Europe: The band Europe is from Sweden, which my sources tell me is part of Europe. They did “The Final Countdown.”  Basically a one-hit-wonder, it’s messed up that they got to claim an entire-ass continent.
Grade: B   
Kansas: This ‘70s arena-rock monster had humble beginnings in Topeka, Kansas.  A state historically well-known for having a lot of dust in its wind.
Grade: A
  Japan:  Another band formed in London!  Interestingly, these androgenous new-wavers initially found more success in their national namesake than they did at home, so I’ll give them a little credit for that.
Grade D-
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softtashoney · 3 years
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made for you (atsumu miya x reader)
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sweet home alabama (bakugou katsuki x reader)
studio ghibli one shots
eighteen (hawks x reader & shinsou x reader) ON HIATUS
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aquaeclipse · 4 years
A Little Riordanverse Crossover Where the Nations Co-Exist with the Gods and Are Claimed by Them
By claiming, I mean they are essentially the legacy of insert-deity-here and/or have the Blessing of insert-deity-here (i.e. they are adopted by said deity as one of their own - I know that's not what it means in the PJO world but bear with me, okay?).
On top of that, I add on subdivisions/city-states as well, just because I can. (All characters are based in A Provincial Life.)
Here are some of my ideas, you can add on to them if you have your own ideas:
Roman Empire: Son of Mars, Legacy of Venus (read: Aeneas)
Descendants of Rome (i.e. Italies, Iberian Brothers, France, England, etc.): Legacies of Mars and Venus (unless stated otherwise), [may or may not have connections to their mothers' pantheons]
North Italy: Blessing of Apollo (it's the Renaissance!)
South Italy: [definitely someone, we can't leave Romano all left out!]
France: Blessing of Venus (country of love!), [may or may not have associations with the Gaullish Celtic deities through mother]
Spain: Legacy of Apollo (through the royal family, via Louis XIV, also the Empire Where the Sun Never Sets before England stole the title)
Portugal: Blessing of Poseidon (due to navigational advancements)
USA: Legacy of Athena (something about the Founding Fathers and the Statue of Liberty), Blessing of Ares/Mars (“best since Sparta” due to right to bear arms), Legacy of Skírnir (Leif Eriksson is the son of this guy), [may or may not have connections to various pantheons of indigenous peoples]
Canada: Blessing of Boreas, Legacy of Skírnir, [may or may not have connections to various pantheons of indigenous peoples]
Russia: Blessing of Aquilon (something about Moscow being the Third Rome)
Macau: Blessing of Fortuna (Portugal is Roman-side, and all the gambling), Blessing of Mazu (Chinese sea goddess, named after her)
Hong Kong: Blessing of Mazu, Blessing of Hermes (something about trade and travellers…)
Sparta: Legacy of Zeus (yes, I looked this up), Blessing of Ares
Athens: Blessing of Athena (?)
New York City/Long Island: Legacy of Athena (*cough* Alexander Hamilton *cough*), Blessing of Hermes (trade and travel) [there's another -tan for Upstate New York]
NorCal: [associated with Romans]
SoCal: Blessing of Hades (main entrance to Underworld in L.A.)
Nevada: Blessing of Tyche (Las Vegas and all that)
Texas: Blessing of Ares (“right to bear arms” strikes again, but is not connected to Mars because c'mon, it's Texas, they're pretty chaotic down there)
Alaska: [complicated due to association with indigenous peoples, but has no connection to the Greco-Roman pantheons as the “Land Beyond the Gods”]
Hawaii (daughter of Ancient Hawai'i): [complicated due to association with indigenous people, but definitely a legacy]
Ireland: Blessing of Brigid (Gaelic goddess, Christianized as Saint), Blessing of the Morrígan (war/death goddess)
England: [extremely complicated scenario which may or may not involve the Celtic influences from mother, Poseidon, Hephaestus (Industrial Revolution), etc.]
Greece: [extremely complicated scenario again, but despises his namesake for being such an asshole, and thus refuses to be called Hercules, favouring the Greek Herakles, and Hera is actually somewhat nice to him]
Japan: Son of Izanagi and Izanami (yes, I looked up the Shinto creation myths for this, and we mean the main island here), Legacy of Amaterasu (sun goddess, through the Imperial family)
China: Son of Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor)
Fujian: Blessing of Mazu
(someone that has read TKC, MCGA and RRP works, please help me fill in the rest of the gaps)
(and yes, I'm a shipper on top of all the familial relationships in Europe, and yes, the Nations, especially the Europeans, are nearly as Sweet Home Alabama as the Greco-Roman Pantheon, change my mind)
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bluestar22x · 4 years
Master Post
Lost looking for something on this blog? This post is for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they can be found and usually were reblogged a lot.
I don’t regularly reblog all the shows I watch. I usually do “catch-up” reblogs for many of my shows, so expect occasional mass reblogs (especially at the beginning of a new month).
This post is here to give you an idea of where to search for gifs and photos, etc. of a particular subject on my blog. I’m usually pretty good with tagging everything, but in some cases it may be easier to go through the posts by month instead of by the tags.
It’s also my personal guide to what to reblog in the future, so this post will be updated or reposted whenever I’ve had a lot of activity or it’s a new month.
Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017, June - Nov. 2018, April 2019, Oct. 2019
13 Reasons Why - April 2017
911 (Fox) - Dec. 2018, Nov. 2019 - Dec. 2019, March - Aug. 2020
911 Lone Star - Jan. - Aug. 2020
After Life (Netflix) - August 2020
Agents Of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016, March - May 2018, May - August 2019, May 2020 - August 2020
Almost Human – January 2016, Feb. 2018
Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Dec. 2018, May 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020
Awake (2012) - Oct. 2018
Baby Daddy - October 2017
Beauty And The Beast (CW), BATB - April 2018
Being Human (US) - November 2016
Believe - August 2016
Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016
Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016
Burn Notice - Sept. 2016, March 2020
Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017
Charmed (CW) - July 2019, Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Chasing Life - March 2018
Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017, Oct. 2017, March 2018, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. - May 2019, Sept. - Nov. 2019, Jan. - April 2020
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - June 2019, Sept. 2020
Constantine – Dec. 2015, Feb. 2016
Daredevil (Netflix) - January 2018
Dark Angel - March 2017, Sept. 2018
Dark Matter - January 2018
DC Crossovers (CW Crossover) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019, Jan. 2020
Dominion – August 2015, November 2015
Elementary - January 2018
Forever - July 2016
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - August 2018
Frequency - Oct. 2016, Oct. 2017
Fringe - June 2016
Full House - August 2018
Galavant - September 2018
Game Of Thrones - Feb. 2018 (Some gifs in months before)
Ghost Whisperer - October 2018, November 2018
Gilligans Island - August 2018
Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017
Grimm (early seasons) - March 2018  
Happy Days - August 2018
Hawaii Five 0 - Oct. 2017
Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Dec. 2017, Jan. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Sept. 2020
Humans - August 2017
Impractical Jokers - April 2019, Feb. 2020
Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017, March - May 2018, April - May 2019
iZombie - Feb. 2018
Jane The Virgin - January 2018
Jericho - December 2018, August 2020
Killjoys - November 2018
Kyle XY - June 2016
Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018 - June 2018, Sept. 2018, Nov. - Dec. 2018, April - May 2019, Jan. 2020, March 2020, May 2020
Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018 - May 2018
Limitless - January 2018
Lost In Space - June 2018
Lucifer (Fox), Lucifer (Netflix) - December 2017, April - June 2018, April - May 2019, Sept. 2019, Dec. 2019, Jan. - Feb. 2020, April - May 2020, July - Sept. 2020
Melissa & Joey - October 2017
Moonlight - November 2016, October 2018
Nashville - March - April 2017, September 2018
NCIS - September 2020
Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017
Once Upon A Time – January 2016
One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017
Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017
Prison Break - Oct. 2017
Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Resurrection - Oct. 2018
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Saved By The Bell - August 2018
Saving Hope - November 2018
Shadowhunters - Feb. 2018
Sherlock BBC - Feb. 2018
Shooter - August 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen & Ichabod) - August 2016, August 2020
Smallville - Feb. 2018
Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017, April 2018
Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. - Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, April - June 2018, Dec. 2018, Dec. 2019
Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017,  Oct. - Dec. 2017, January - Dec. 2018, Jan. - Dec. 2019, Jan. - Sept. 2020
Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - June 2019, November 2019
Terra Nova - Oct. 2018
The Dead Zone - August 2020
The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Oct. - Dec. 2018, Jan. 2019 - March - May 2019, Nov. - Dec. 2019, Feb. 2020
The Following - July 2017
The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, June 2018
The Mentalist - Nov. 2017  
The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. - Oct. 2017, Dec. 2017, Jan. 2018, April - Sept. 2018
The Passage - Jan. 2019 - March 2019
The Saddle Club - Oct. 2017
The Vampire Diaries - Jan. - March 2017, Sept. 2017, April 2018
The Walking Dead – March 2016
The Witcher - January 2020
This Is Us - January 2018
Transformers Prime - May 2017
Warehouse 13 - May 2018
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017
Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016
Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017
Young & Hungry - October 2017, September 2018
You Vs. Wild - May 2019
X-Files - January 2018 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
A Cinderella Story - Feb. 2018
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Aladdin (2019) - Feb. 2020
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017
Alpha Movie - December 2018
American Assassin - December 2017
An Extremely Goofy Movie - September 2020
A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016
Aquaman (2018) - Feb. 2019
A Star Is Born - September 2019
August Rush - November 2017
Avatar - Feb. 2017
A Walk To Remember – May 2016
A Wrinkle In Time - June 2018
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017
Bambi - June 2016
Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016
Beastly - May 2018
Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017
Black Beauty - Sept. 2016
Blade Runner 2049 - Feb. 2018
Blood And Chocolate - Sept. 2017
Bring It On - July 2018
Brother Bear – May 2016
Casper - November 2019
Charlie St. Cloud - November 2017
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017
Creed Movies - April 2016, Oct. 2018, May 2019
Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - Sept. 2017
Daredevil (2003) - Jan. 2018
Dawn Patrol - March 2018
Deadpool - Sept. 2016
Descendants Series - Oct. 2017, Sept. 2019
Dirty Dancing - July 2017
Eight Below - Sept. 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017, Jan. 2019
Enemy Mine - Jan. 2017
Eragon - Sept. 2017
Everything Everything - August 2018
Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017
Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017, Feb. 2018, August 2019
Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - Sept. 2016
Footloose (1984) - July 2017
Footloose (2011) - Oct. 2017
Forever My Girl - March 2019
Frozen - June 2016
Galaxy Quest - Dec. 2017
George Of The Jungle - Jan. 2017
Grease - June 2017
Gifted - Feb. 2018, June 2018
Hachi - Sept. 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017, April 2019
Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016
Hidalgo - Sept. 2016
Homeward Bound - Sept. 2016
Horse Sense - Oct. 2017
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017
I Am Number Four - May 2018
Ice Age Movies – May 2016
If I Stay – May 2016
If Only - January 2017
I Frankenstein - April 2018
Interstellar - September 2019
Iron Will - September 2016
Jack Frost (1998) - January 2017
John Wick Movies - July 2019
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle - July 2018
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World Movies – May 2016, Dec. 2017, Oct. 2018, April 2020
Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. - Feb. 2018
Just Like Heaven - January 2017
Kong Skull Island - December 2017
Lady And The Tramp - June 2016
Lassie (1994) - September 2016
Last Christmas - November 2019
Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017
Letters To Juliet - August 2018
Man Of Steel - April 2016, August 2017
Marley And Me - September 2016
Marvel Universe (Avengers, Spiderman, etc.) - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Jan. 2018, March - April 2018, Sept. 2018, April 2019, Sept. 2019
Max (Dog Movie) - September 2016
Moana - July 2017
Motocrossed - November 2017
Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Mulan 2020 - December 2019
My Fake Fiance - October 2017
Narnia Series - September 2017
Netflix Movies - May 2019
Night At The Museum (NATM Series) - March 2018
Oliver And Company - June 2016
Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017
Raise Your Voice - January 2016
Red Dog - September 2016
Remember Sunday – May 2016
RoboCop/Robocop 2014 - February 2018
Rocky (1-6) - April 2016, May 2019
Seabiscuit - September 2016
Secretariat - September 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017
She’s The Man – May 2016
Shrek - June 2016
Snow Dogs - September 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - September 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016
Spy Kids - April 2019
Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016
Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017
Suicide Squad - September 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017
Tangled - June 2016, May 2017
Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017
Terminator Movies – May 2016
Tremors - July 2017
The Addams Family - February 2018, November 2019
The Crow (Original) – May 2016, October 2018
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Duff - February 2018
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017
The Game Plan - May 2018
The Greatest Showman - January 2018, May 2018
The Hitman’s Bodyguard - February 2020
The Horse Whisperer - September 2016
The Host - November 2017
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Indian In The Cupboard - March 2018
The Jungle Book - August 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017
The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017
The Little Mermaid - June 2016
The Longest Ride - March 2018
The Lucky One - November 2017
The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Mandalorian - Feb. 2020
The Maze Runner - May 2017, January 2018, May 2018
The Mummy (1999) - January 2017
The Mummy Returns - January 2017
The Pacifier - May 2018
The Pirates Of The Caribbean (TPOTC Movies) - January 2020
The Princess Diaries/The Princess Diaries 2 - February 2018
The Proposal – May 2016
The Santa Clause/The Santa Clause Movies - January 2020
The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016
The Ultimate Gift - December 2016
Togo - March 2020
Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies/Bumblebee 2018 - May 2017, April 2019
Twilight Movies - May 2017
Unconditional - December 2016
Underworld Movies - October 2018
Walking Tall - January 2017
War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
Warm Bodies - November 2017
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017
Wonder Woman (2017)/Wonder Woman 1984 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017, Dec. 2017, Dec. 2019
X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017, Nov. 2017, Nov. 2019 xxx
Jurassic World Evolution (XBox/PC Game) - Dec. 2018
The Isle (PC Game) - July 2020
The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016
The Hillywood Show/Hillywood - Nov. 2017, Aug. 2018
Buzzfeed Unsolved - April 2019
The Try Guys - April 2019
Other Actors - Under “Actors” Tag
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Michael B. Jordan - Dec. 2018
The tags for many actors are “Actors” or rarely, “Actor” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority)
Jurassic World 3
Wonder Woman 2
Supernatural - Season 15
Agents Of SHIELD - Season 7
The Flash - Season 6
Legends Of Tomorrow - 5x11 & Beyond
The Good Doctor - Season 1 and 2
911 - Season 4 (Upcoming)
911 Lone Star - Season 2 (Upcoming)
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina - Season 1 Part 2, Season 2
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finchel-au · 7 years
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#finchelweek2017 Day 1: Crossover Crossover between [#sweethomealabama] and obviously [#finchel] Sorry for posting so late but here where I live it's almost 12. So here you go. Enjoy!! Source/credit: official.glee.lovers on instagram
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gin-ursur · 5 years
band of brothers fic rec (ft. the pacific)
nobody asked for this is a self indulgent list because this fandom has a lot of quality works that deserve recognition:
Easy’s Omega by GGCharms 
Omega Eugene Roe is assigned to be a medic to the 506th Infantry Regiment's only all Alpha company, Easy Company. Watch as he earns his place among them, becomes pack, and (unintentionally) finds his Alpha and a family.
[unfinished / abo / baberoe / doc roe centric] 
Doc Roe is the soul omega in a company made up predominantly of alpha’s and beta’s, in a world where omega’s serving in the military is still a very new concept. And I think the study into that is really interesting, there aren’t enough good historical abo’s set during the early to mid 1900s.
letters between continents by aliaaaaaa
Shelton and Roe sharing their worries, anxieties, hopes, and dreams in a series of letters throughout the war.
[bob-pacific crossover / sledgefu / baberoe / snafroe friendship]
Really good angsty cajun boy’s writing correspondence throughout their individual war’s. The prospect of doc and snafu being either close friends or cousins is a favorite headcanon of mine.
catch it down in new orleans by starblessed
Gene’s not sure what he regrets more – inviting Babe down to Louisiana for the week while his cousin is also visiting, or saying it was fine if Babe brought his friends with him.
Merriell is the last person Gene wants in the house when his boyfriend and his friends show up. But, well, it’s not like he can kick his cousin out. It seems like the only option for Babe and his posse is just to learn to live with him.
Not if Gene can help it.
[bob-pacific crossover / sledgefu / baberoe / they’re cousins this time]
Cajun cousins do it best. Big family values down on the bayou.
Delivered as a Whisper by mytimehaspassed
They work nights, work bars and corners and alleyways and pool halls and night clubs.
[baberoe / snafroe / sledgefu / murder mystery]
A Softer War by twelve_pastels
In 1945, Edward Heffron comes home from War. In 1951, Babe punches a guy through a plate glass window, loses half his tastebuds, flees from alligators, and moves in with a doctor. All of these things are related.
[babe centric / baberoe / post-war]
Babe after the war, a really good study into veterans and PTSD. Definitely one of my favorite BoB fics ever. 
Center Stone alyseofwonderland (Esyla), Esyla
They are the same, at their centers, at their cores. Ronald Speirs has a center of stone and Eugene knows exactly what that feels like.
[speirsroe / magical realism]
Rarepair that deserves more. I think this author really captures their characters, as well as a presumed relationship dynamic.
and what you've got is magic by cptnwinters
The day Babe Heffron meets Eugene Roe, he falls through a compartment door on the Hogwarts Express straight into Eugene’s lap. It’s (unfortunately) not the only time it happens.
Or: The Hogwarts AU.
[baberoe / harry potter fusion]
Just a really sweet Hogwarts AU.
Follow My Lead by Emono
George just never thought he’d meet a Sex God at his great-grandfather’s deli.
“Who the fuck says ‘going steady’ anymore?”
[toyeluz / meet-cute}
Romance? In my deli?
Grass Knuckles Series by Emono 
Please just read this entire series it’s so sweet.
Old Familiar Places by ama
George's relationship with Joe Toye wasn't exactly normal, or always happy, or easy to maintain. Sometimes he thought about ending it, or cursed the G.I. bill (which he blamed in the first place), but every time he made the five-hour drive to Philadelphia for a secret tryst it just felt... worth it.
[toyeluz / post-war]
Through the Gay Days by ama *****
“When you got to a camp, you just immediately sought out the other gay guys, just for the reinforcement of knowing you were not alone.” -- Pvt. Ben Small, Army Air Corps.
Four gay men arrive at Camp Toccoa in 1942, each thinking that they are alone. They're used to being alone and used to keeping secrets. But when Gene Roe, George Luz, Ed Tipper, and Chuck Grant meet, they realize that the war has shaken everything up, and together the four friends try to make it through the worst of the war--and the best.
[snafroe / tipper x lieb / toyeluz / speirsgrant / queer history]
Okay ladies and gents this is it. This fic is up there as one of the best I’ve had the blessing to read. This story is such a fantastic study into queer history, specifically pertaining to queer culture in the military that would go on to become the very foundations for the LGBTQA+ community as a whole. This author simply has an incredible grasp of queer history please read and support everything by ama.
they don’t know about the up all nights (they don’t know I’ve waited all my life) by PotofCoffee
Johnny and Bull throughout the war, in a slow meandering dance you might just call love.
[bull x martin / Period-Typical Homophobia]
Boy’s in love trying to figure themselves out.
By Small and Small by luxover
Babe wants to keep talking with Gene, but he doesn’t really know what to say. He feels like, in the past, he never would’ve shut up, but now, since Julian, he’s just got nothing. Maybe that’s grieving; Bill says that’s grieving, anyway, but Bill uses the term like a Band-Aid to put over every aspect of Babe that has changed.
Or: The one where Gene is in med school and Babe's messed up over Julian.
[baberoe / modern au / hurt-comfort]
Random The Pacific mentions just because:
My Sweet Summer by Emono
Eugene hears from his good friend George Luz about a charity farm he wants to do a story about. Feeling restless in Mobile, Eugene travels to Currahee to investigate the town and see if there's a story worth pursuing. There he finds people he'd never think he'd meet. A bright and bubbly ranch owner, his gruff business partner, a charming server, a modern (but happily married, damn it) witch, and a Lousiana boy who seems to have an eye for him.
Eugene lets himself enjoy the adventure and succumb to the sweet spell of Currahee.
[sledgefu / farm life]
Southern belle sledge meets farm boi snafu.
Where to Begin by ama
In the summer of 1946, Leckie travels down to Alabama for Sid’s wedding. Once there, he rekindles a friendship with Eugene Sledge. They’re both a little lost, a little broken, a little heartsick; it might not seem like the best basis for a relationship, but to their surprise they find themselves stumbling towards one anyway.
[leckie x sledge / post-war]
Rarepair, I know, but please give this one a chance cause it’s incredibly good. Two gay boys finding each other in 1940s america.
That’s all folks, I might do another in a few months tho.
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sierranovembr · 5 years
Top 5 Favorite Fusion Fics That You Adore
This week’s official Top 5 according to @tonystarktogo​ was “ Top 5 Favorite Fics with Pairings You Usually Don’t Like” and I could only come up with one because I don’t really read pairings I don’t like.  So, since I had so many choices for Crossovers last week I am revisiting it with a top 5 Fusions post.  These are fics where the marvel crew have taken the place of the original characters in the stories.  Enjoy!
#5: Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
Stony; 120.6k; Sweet Home Alabama. By the masterful sabrecmc, this fic is a flawless no-powers AU with a broken Steve and Tony putting each other back together.  So much love and great Bucky and Rhodey to boot.
#4: Atomos by SierraNovembr
In 1938, Stevie is 13 years old, a fledgling artist, and possessed of a keen sense of righteousness. His family lives a life of wealth and privilege, but he knows that even powerful people can be bullied. A long-anticipated family visit doesn’t go anything like he’d hoped, and his own rash actions threaten to destroy those he loves.
Winteriron; 33.8k; Atonement.  I’m hoping a self-rec isn’t taboo.  This was a big bang fic with the very talented @explodingcrenelation​ which I had a wonderful time doing, especially working up the role for Tony in WWII. I tagged it as “Angst with a Hopeful Ending”
#3: Believe Me When I Say by ChibiSquirt
When Tony gets mortally injured in a sea battle, Bucky trades his freedom to Davy Jones in order to save his life.
Winteriron; 16.5k; Pirates of the Caribbean.  Consentacles, baby! I cannot stress enough how much I adore a Bucky utterly devoted to Tony.  A great job with Peter here, too!
#2: How the Light Gets In by Robin_tCJ
Tony is the Dollhouse’s neuro programmer. It’s his job to build and imprint personalities on the Dolls in the house so they can be rented out to a very select (rich) clientele. There’s one Doll in particular that has caught Tony’s eye, though, and all he wants in the world is to escape with Steve to freedom from the Dollhouse.  But when Steve starts remembering, even after he should have been wiped, Tony realizes it may not be that simple.
Stony; 35k; Dollhouse.  Dollhouse Fusion AU that you don’t need to have seen Dollhouse to understand. I loved Steve in this.  Everyone is great, but doll!Steve is fantastic.  Great read with a well-executed twist.
#1: While You Were Sleeping by Finely Honed
“Rhodey, what part did you miss?” Tony hissed into the phone. “They think I’m their future son-in-law! And… and statistically speaking, at least one of them has to have some sort of heart condition, so maybe I tell them the truth and the shock is too much, and I kill a member of his family. This is the definition of a big deal!”
Winteriron; 21k; While You Were Sleeping. I’ve always had a soft spot for this ridiculous rom-com and I like it even more as Winteriron.  Tony and Bucky are SO perfect for each other and the Howlies are great as the parents. 
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