#sveti bes
nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
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Our Lady of the Rocks is one of two islets off the coast of Perast in Montenegro's Bay of Kotor (the other being the island of Sveti Đorđe). It is an artificial island formed by a trench of rocks by sinking old and captured ships full of rocks. The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rocks (Italian: Chiesa della Madonna dello Scarpello) is the largest building on the islet; There is a museum attached. There is also a small gift shop near the church and a viewing lighthouse at the western end of the islet.
Our Lady of the Rocks هي واحدة من جزيرتين صغيرتين قبالة ساحل بيراست في خليج كوتور في مونتينيغرو (الجزيرة الأخرى هي جزيرة سفيتي جوري). إنها جزيرة اصطناعية تكونت من خندق من الصخور عن طريق غرق سفن قديمة ومليئة بالصخور. الكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية لسيدة الصخور (بالإيطالية: Chiesa della Madonna dello Scarpello) هي أكبر مبنى في الجزيرة. يوجد متحف ملحق. يوجد أيضًا متجر هدايا صغير بالقرب من الكنيسة ومنارة مشاهدة في الطرف الغربي للجزيرة.
Our Lady of the Rocks, Karadağ'ın Kotor Körfezi'nde (diğeri Sveti Đorđe adasıdır) Perast sahilindeki iki adacıktan biridir. Kayalarla dolu eski ve ele geçirilmiş gemilerin batırılmasıyla bir kaya hendeğinin oluşturduğu yapay bir adadır. Our Lady of the Rocks Roma Katolik Kilisesi (İtalyanca: Chiesa della Madonna dello Scarpello) adacıktaki en büyük yapıdır; Ekli bir müze var. Ayrıca kilisenin yanında küçük bir hediyelik eşya dükkanı ve adacığın batı ucunda bir seyir feneri bulunmaktadır.
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poeticlicense12345 · 7 months
Moji učenici, svoje neodgovornosti ili prestupe najčešće pravdaju rečima „da svi tako rade“.Ja pokušavam da im objasnim da je u ljudskoj prirodi (ne govorim o onima za koje se epitet „ljudski“ vezuje samo zbog biološke pripadnosti vrsti) da se trudi da bude bolji od drugih ili, bar, bolji od sebe. Ovo poslednje im objasnim činjenicom da svi imamo neku svoju tamnu stranu, svoju senku, koju bi trebalo da osvetlimo. Tamnom stranom smatram i potrebu da nekom vratimo „milo za drago“. Tek sad, dok pišem, shvatam ironiju da se lepe i nežne reči (milo i drago) koriste u značenju uzvratiti, na isti način, na zlo koje nam je učinjeno.
Naš „prozor u svet“, Vikipedija kaže, otprilike, da je osveta svesno činjenje štete drugom kao reakciju na „štetni čin“, stvarni ili percipiran. Osoba koja se sveti, motivisana je sopstvenim shvatanjem pravde ili osećajem besa ili tuge zbog nečega što joj je učinjeno. Ona osvetu doživljava kao , neku vrstu, uspostavljanja ravnoteže („zločin“ i „kazna“) u ljudskim odnosima. Uvek mi je bila krajnje problematična i nerazumljiva ljudska potreba da se na naneseni bol odgovori nanošenjem bola. Da li ono što smatramo nepravdom, da ne kažem grublje, prema nama, manje boli ako je uzvratimo onome koga smatramo krivcem? Da li osveta zaceljuje rane ili se one još više „inficiraju“? Mislim da je „žeđ“ za osvetom neutoljena „žeđ“ : što je više „gasimo“ sveteći se, sve smo „žedniji“.Zavaravamo se, sugerišući sebi, da uništavamo zlo (ili ono što smatramo njenim ovaploćenjem), a ne vidimo da, na taj način, postajemo deo onoga protiv čega se borimo.Ako se zagledamo u sebe, iskreno, možda ćemo naći objašnjenje za bes koji osećamo prema nekome zbog „štetnog čina“ prema nama. Možda ćemo, nerado, priznati sebi da nam je ta osoba bila važna, pa je njena „izdaja“ izazvala buru u nama.Želja da je kaznimo jača je od svih racionalnih razloga da to ne učinimo. Možda ćemo, ipak, shvatiti da je osoba, koja nam je nanela nepravdu, zaista loša, ali ta nepravda neće biti manja ako i mi postanemo loši. Ni na čijoj nesreći ne možemo graditi sreću- stara je mudrost.
U Bibliji, u Starom zavetu, jedno od Mojsijevih „pravila“ je: život za život, oko za oko, zub za zub... Nisam sigurna da dobro citiram, ali je suština u tome da je opravdano uraditi ono što je nama urađeno. Znamo, iz života,kuda vodi pridržavanje tog pravila. Hrist, kao što znamo propoveda, za razliku od Mojsija, praštanje umesto osvete: ko tebe kamenom, ti njega hlebom. Impresionirana sam ljudskošću i plemenitošću ovih reči. Budi čovek- opraštaj gorima od sebe!
Oproštaj je, u stvari,najgora kazna onima kojima se želimo osvetiti. Dodala bih da je veća kazna ignorisati nekoga, nego „smišljati“ osvetu za njega i tako mu davati „mesto“ u svom životu. Negde sam pročitala duhovito zapažanje da je najbolje ne biti zlopamtilo, jer dok mi smišljamo osvetu i posvetimo život „pravljenju strategije“ za „obračun“, osoba kojoj se svetimo živi i zabavlja se. Divni primer „čojstva“( i junaštva) je ličnost iz naše narodne poezije, Banović Strahinja, koji je svojim viteštvom,opraštanjem nevernoj ženi, nadrastao svoje doba. Naravno, uvek je lakše na zlo odgovoriti na isti način. To je instinktivna reakcija, kao kad vas neko udari sama ruka ili noga „pođu“ da uzvrate. Mnogo je teže zaustaviti se i odgovoriti oproštajem. Teže, ali časnije i lepše. Svidećemo se sebi zbog toga.
Ima još nešto- kažu postoji neka „kosmička pravda“.Svako dobije po zasluzi. Biblija kaže da je Bog taj koji se sveti, a ne mi : Osveta je moja, ja ću je vratiti!
text author: Tanja Petrović Krivokapić
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ingridkepkova · 4 months
RODINNÉ MYTOLÓGIE KEPKOVCOV Ladislav Kepka, Juraj Kepka, Ingrid Kepková
Výstava zdôrazňuje jedinečnosť medzigeneračných prepojení, rôznorodé perspektívy a umelecké vyjadrenia v rodine Kepkovcov, predstavujúc jednotlivé i kolektívne príspevky tejto rodiny do sveta umenia. “Rodinné mytológie Kepkovcov” sú výberom príbehov, ktoré sa rozprestierajú cez tri generácie a tri svety, v ktorých pôsobili alebo pôsobia Ladislav Kepka (1931-1996), Juraj Kepka (1960) a Ingrid Kepková (1993).
Výstava v Mestskej galérií v Rimavskej Sobote (4. august - 6 október 2023) predstavuje šesť tematických celkov, ktoré je nevyhnutné chápať oveľa voľnejšie, než len ako osobnú filozofiu. Tieto pozície si nesú ako formovací nástroj istý druh dedičného vzorca rodinnej mytológie ako súčasti niečoho väčšieho – reťazca života, ktorý sa rozprestiera cez čas. Poskytujú kontext existencií, ktorý je zároveň fenoménom a svedectvom o ľudskej potrebe vnímať v príbehoch a špekulovať o tom, ako sa mohli alebo nemohli stať.
Najmladšia z pomedzi nich, Ingrid, šiestimi monotypiami vytýčila smer pohľadu, ktorým by sme mali začať čítať a vnímať rozprávanie o mytológiách v útvaroch pomenovaných ako: pozícia Raj (prerod, premena, vývoj k harmónii), pozícia Bes (hnev, bezmoc, resentiment), pozícia Feminita (ženská mágia), pozícia Živosť (pes, divokosť), pozícia Rituál (snaha, práca, sústredenie) a pozícia Človečina (ľudská tvár, emocionalita, sociálnosť). Jej umelecká tvorba kombinuje konceptuálne a intermediálne prístupy, čo je čitateľné v jej autorských knihách a denníkových kresbách. Kriticky reflektuje súčasnosť, ktorú skúma aj cestou umeleckých intervencií. Signifikantné je pre ňu autorské východisko v kontrapozícií s filozofiou Hygge, ktorá označuje silenú pohodu a spokojnosť, ktorú vníma ako popieranie autentickosti, ktoré prehlbuje ľahostajnosť, a pomenúva ho Antihygge. Významnú úlohu naprieč jej tvorbou zohráva hodnotový vzťah ku konceptu upcyklácie, ktorý presadzuje ako cestu k zabráneniu nadmernému plytvaniu ale taktiež ako kontinuum premeny v prírode ako dotyku s nekonečnom.
Juraj Kepka je ako výtvarník ovplyvnený odkazom svojho otca a spoluprácou počas štúdií v Prahe s predstaviteľmi Slovenskej novej vlny, ako sú Peter Župník, Štefan Potočnňák, Martin Štrba alebo Rudo Prekop. Predovšetkým v sochárskej tvorbe sa zameriava na témy feminity. Jej opakovania bez komentára, iba s obmenami, vytvárajú dojem, že vznikajú v procese tvorivej meditácie. Uvedený prístup koexistuje ako komplement s jeho experimentálnou tvorbou, ktorá tvorí dôležitý vyvažujúci aspekt a vďaka svojmu absurdnému humoru, irónii a patafyzike sa otvára svetu, pričom jeho hodnotové a osobné presvedčenia – hľadanie dobra, krásy a pravdy - zotrvávajú nezmenené. Typický prvok-priesečník, ktorý sa odhaľuje a identifikuje neprieč tri generácia je motív psa. Ich pes je pôvodom Nietzscheho vlk, ktorý reprezentuje odolnosti voči konformite a zobrazuje psa ako bytosť s vlastnými životnými príbehmi. Odolnosť znamená aj prejav tvorivosti a nevôle voči zväzujúcej konformite a stereotypom.
Ladislav Kepka sa formoval ako umelec takpovediac z vlastnej vôle. Talent v sebe nachádzal sám a rozvíjal ho až v dospelosti. Jeho tvorbu je rovnako možné rozdeliť do dvoch skupín, pričom v oboch ostáva dominantná drevená skulptúra. Prvá skupina predstavuje narábanie s niečím nadprirodzeným - obsah diel nie je ľahko pochopiteľným konvenčným prístupom. Príkladom môže byť zobrazenie vtáka, ktorý má v brušnom vaku svoje mláďa, alebo kľačiacu modlivku so žirafím chvostom „zachytenú“ počas tradičnej kresťanskej modlitby. Druhá skupina obsahuje diela, ktoré zobrazujú bežných ľudí, historické postavy alebo biblické motívy. Narúšanie stereotypov takzvanej tradičnej ľudovej drevorezby je typickým znakom jeho tvorby, bez ohľadu na preskúmateľnosť úmyslu cielenej výstavby takéhoto umeleckého programu.
Tomáš Marušiak 2023
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meli-rose-dd · 1 year
Quick Travel Advice On Sofia
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Sofia, Bulgaria is certainly one of the lesser-known tourist routes of Europe. Although not many tourists go to Bulgaria Sofia, the city is stunning and inexpensive that we highly recommend visiting. Before you go check out this Quick Travel Guide to Sofia. You can get more details on travel by visiting Sofia places to visit site.
Sofia How do I help?
Sofia was released from Communist rule in 1989. Many of the tourist attractions in Sofia still have a strong communist influence. Also being the second oldest city in Europe it has a lot of early historical sites to discover that dates from Roman times. These are our top recommendations for the top Sofia Bulgaria attractions.
Alexander Nevski Cathedral: This cathedral can accommodate 10,000 people and features beautiful paintings throughout its interiors. The Cathedral is free to enter however photography is not permitted inside. The cathedral is a landmark that is worth seeing and must be seen in Sofia.
Vitosha Boulevard: Sofia is not the most well-known shopping destination but the main shopping avenue Vitosha Boulevard is well known for the cafe scene and the people-watching. It's also the most affordable location to buy souvenirs.
Rotunda of St. George (Sveti Georgi) The Rotunda of St. George (Sveti Georgi) is the first church built in Sofia and it can be a bit difficult to find, because it is now completely surrounded by Soviet administrative buildings of the Soviet style. It was constructed in the 4th century and is well worthy of a search. It's not one of the tourist sites in Sofia, which can be a bit of a surprise.
Serdika Ruins are situated in the middle of Sofia. The remains of an archaeological site from Serdika, an ancient Roman site, can be found in the station. Be sure to visit the historic Church of St Petka of the Saddlers, right next to the entrance of the subway.
Yellow Brick Road Walking Tour: It's not where Elton John sang. It's actually a set of brick roads in yellow that run through the center of Sofia, which just happen to pass through many of the most popular tourist destinations in Sofia city center. They Yellow Brick Road walking tour is a great way to fill in 2 or 3 hours.
Day Tours from Sofia
Sofia is situated in stunning Bulgaria which is located in a beautiful mountain region. Make sure you take a day travel into the mountains to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.
Mount Vitosha, the oldest nature park in the Balkan Peninsular is located near Sofia. It has stunning views of the city. There are chair lifts and snow runs in winter. This is the most popular of all Sofia day trips, for locals and tourists too.
Rila Monastery and Boyana Church Boyana Church places are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Rila Monastery, located approximately two hours away is the most fascinating of the 2. It boasts jaw-dropping fresco murals dating to the Ottoman period. The majority of organized Sofia day tours will also go to Boyana Church, conveniently located on the outskirts of Sofia.
Sofia Where to Stay
Staying right in the city centre is the best way to go. It's because the majority of important tourist attractions in Sofia are actually in the city centre. A majority of the sightseeing is possible on walking. Sofia is a very affordable city. Apartments in Sofia's city centre are quite affordable.
Cheap Accommodation in Sofia
Whilst there are wonderful hotels in Sofia We recommend that you rent an excellent big apartment and living like a local. We found this great City Apartment on Agoda, located close to the city's centre.
Mid-range Accommodation
The North Tower Apartment is a residence with a home-like style with a fantastic location near one of the best shopping streets in Sofia. It is located near the Serdika main subway station as well as the 500 AD Serdika Ruins.
Affordable Luxury
The InterContinental Sofia Hotel is located directly across from Alexandar Nevski Cathedral, the city's most well-known tourist attraction. 5-star luxury at a budget rate. The hotel we recommend is our pick to be the top hotel in Sofia.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Saint Kotar free DLC releases adding two more hours of gameplay
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The Ritual DLC releases Free for Saint Kotar on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. As a result of the commitment and talent of Red Martyr Entertainment. Available for the game now on Steam, GOG, and Humble Store. Red Martyr is releasing a free DLC for their point and click psychological horror detective game Saint Kotar. The Ritual DLC is available now, again, on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Saint Kotar: The Ritual is a free DLC that brings new and unique characters as well as puzzles. Players might know this new playable character as Viktoria. You can now finally delve into her side of the story. And also find out what happened the night before the start of the main game. All while you Follow a woman battling her own demons. Since she is trying to get redemption by finding out what happened to her missing father. Which is coming together in this brand new storyline. The Ritual offers two hours of gameplay time. The Free DLC reveals many secrets from the obscure past and gives answers to unexplained events. Right from the storyline into the main game.
Saint Kotar | The Ritual Free DLC is live now
The Ritual DLC adds more to Saint Kotar. A story and choice driven psychological horror detective game. Here, you play as Benedek and Nikolay – two troubled godly men in search for their missing relative. Which takes place in an ancient God-devoted town called Sveti Kotar. Here, an unknown presence preys upon the weak and sways on devil worship and witchcraft. Details point to your missing relative being part of the grisly murders and the occult. But what is the truth? Are you also to blame for what happened? The Ritual Free DLC is available now in Saint Kotar. While adding two more hours of gameplay to the base game. Available for the game now on Steam and GOG with a 30% discount, priced at $17.49 USD / £16.09 / 17,49€. Regular priced on Humble Store. Along with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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psihicki-poremecaj · 6 years
Oprosti im, nacrtat ćeš sebi osmeh, opet.
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Kako ti se sviđa da budeš s ove strane straha
Tebi koji su sejao strah
Kako ti je sada?
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surrexerunt · 7 years
Ovo je tvoj kraj, ti završavaš mojom osvetom.
Marchelo, Sveti bes
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oprostite-sto-disem · 7 years
Oprosti im, nacrtat’ ćeš sebi osmeh opet
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traumacatholic · 3 years
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Our Lady of the Rocks, is one of the two islets off the coast of Perast in the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro (the other being Sveti Đorđe island). It is an artificial island created by bulwark of rocks and by sinking old and seized ships loaded with rocks.
The legend of Our Lady of the Rocks goes back more than five centuries. Legend has it that on a hot summer's day on 22 July, 1452, two brothers were heading home to Perast from a dangerous voyage. One of them had an injured leg.
As they passed St George, the 12th century monastery built on the natural island in front of the town, they saw something caught on a rocky outcrop. When they went to see what it was, they found an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child.
The brothers went home and took the icon with them. The next day a miracle had occurred; the injured brother's leg was healed. They took this as an omen and vowed to build a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary on the rock where they found the icon.
Of course, there wasn't enough rock to build a church on at the time. So they started to drop boatloads of rocks and scuttle old boats around the spot. Other sailors also began to drop rocks on the spot as they headed out to sea, in hopes of being protected while they were away. By 1484, 32 years after they found the icon, there was an island with a chapel on it.
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rudyscuriocabinet · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @saintsandfathersoforthodoxy Drink water from the spring where horses drink. The horse will never drink bad water. Lay your bed where the cat sleeps. Eat the fruit that has been touched by a worm. Boldly pick the mushroom on which the insects sit. Plant the tree where the mole digs. Build your house where the snake sits to warm itself. Dig your fountain where the birds hide from the heat. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time with the birds – you will reap all of the days' golden grains. Eat more green – you will have strong legs and a resistant heart, like the beings of the forest. Swim often and you will feel on earth like the fish in the water. Look at the sky as often as possible and your thoughts will become light and clear. Be quiet a lot, speak little – and silence will come in your heart, and your spirit will be calm and full of peace. ☦️Saint Seraphim of Sarov • #christ #church #xristos #jesus #orthodox #faith #love #mercy #monastery #saint #apostles #agionoros #st #sveti #ekleisia #tradition #byzantine #patriarch #constantinople #holy #athos #synod #greek #icon #theology #eucharisty https://www.instagram.com/p/CW53SvetttA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Dok ostali HipHop izvođači prave pjesmice o laznom getu, njhovom lafo životu na ulici, parama i drogi, Marchelo je govorio istinu i bio kritika društvu, uvijek skretao pažnju na pravi prablem društva. Marchelova pjesma sveti bes je stravična priča, priča koja budi jezu i strah i nelagodu, ali ovakve stvari su realnost, pedofilija, nasilje, silovanje spadaju u najstravičnije zločine, ali ono najgore od svega oni su realnost.
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paula-of-christ · 3 years
[Note from Paula: I don't feel like commenting on this other than to respond to the TLDR; just because the laity believe it to be Christian, doesn't make it a Christian practice. What matters is what the AUTHORITIES of the Church say. So no, the authorities of the faith and the magisterium of the Church and the big T traditions of the Church, have not co-opted pagan practices. The rest of this post is submitted by another user.]
This kinda became, longer than i intended so I'm not doing it via anon messages.
I'm not surprised you didn't find anything about St. Gregorjevo. Because it's Sveti Gregor. (If you google it, you are most likelly to find settlements named after the saint.) The "jevo" is like "'s" so calling it Gregorjevo is like calling it George's.
Citing sources will be, difficult since they are all in slovene and I do not recall any translations in english? For example there is "Praznično leto Slovencev" by Niko Kuret  you could search for "The Festive year of Slovenes" as a potential english title for it, which covers all folk traditions that take place in slovenia, their origins and meaning.
It HAS been a very long time since I read it(i should really buy it at some point) and I don't recall the other books I was reading at a similar time.
Also I wish to preface this that I am not writing to you with any ill intent. I myself had a catholic upbringing, but after my confirmation it seemed like the world did not want me to attend sunday mass and the extra faith classes we had in the year after our conformation. My current religious stance is ???. I'm not pagan, even if i wished to be pagan, the religion of my ancestors is..., unlike ancient greek, roman or norse religions, there's no concrete facts about it, only religious items, traditions and practices. I believe in a higher force/power/being, but I do not have the confidence to put a name to it, as I am a mere human, and I am weak and uncertain. I do have an interest in theology, it is the one big thing that stayed with me from faith class. And at the minimum I have to be educated in it if I wish to have a good understanding of art history, as many great arts WERE made as commissions by the catholic church, or pious rich folk (nobles, merchants etc.)
And above all, I have read your blog. And you seem like a really likable person. You feel good natured and I honestly wish you happiness and that you will be joyful once you enter the cloister and are able to be closer to God and your worship of him. <3
Now to talk more about Gregorjevo, It is mostly associated with him thanks to, well,  it taking place on his name day.
I am not sure if name days  are still an important thing in America? Or if they ever were... Funfact, in Slovenia birthdays didn't used to be celebrated on your, day of birth, but on your name day. The tradition still presists, by people wishing you well when its your name day.
Back to Gregorjevo, since saint names tend to be slovenized in slovene. It's probably named after Saint Gregory the Great. I think. St. George is usually slovenized as Sveti Jurij. (More on St. George later)
On Gregorjevo there are quite a few, traditions to be done so to say.  But they arent done all over slovenia, because again it's folk traditions, small things. One such thing is letting candles float down rivers. Iirc, from slavic paganism, it is the start of spring and a ritual to the gods sending wishes for the new year.  (Another spring related tradition is pust, but its more of a pre-spring, scare away winter type of thing)
How is that connected to St. George the Great? Ummm. Theres a legend that he came to his parents in a glowing boat.
No literally. Thats what the priests say. Its a story I recall being said whenever it was the saints name day in morning mass. I can't find, anything, that implies that that happened to the real St. Gregory, maybe it happened to some other saint Gregor and its just a mix up because of the same name? The candles that go down rivers in some areas are inside small church building boats, again to paint it christian.
Then there is Jurjevanje that happens on Jurjevo. Jurjevo again takes place on spring. St. Georges day. It's an important day, especially for herders  since snakes arounf this time are supposed to wake up and come out from the underground. St. George who is known to have killed a dragon, was then believed to come out again on this day to kill the snakes. (dragon/snakes, etymologically the same thing in slavic languages, or atleast the same root word, zmaj, dragon, zmija, snake). So whats Jurjevanje? Its when a young boy dresses up as Zeleni Jurij (Green George), all dressed in green  he would then go around the village to stick saplings or the like at doors, to bring good luck, to ward off the snakes. Zeleni Jurij is supposed to be an aspect of Svet Jurij. Kind of how Marija zavetnica (s plaščem) (Mary the protector (with a cape)), is an aspect of Mary, specifically the part of her that protects worshipers. Depicted usually with a cape that she opens up and covers ovef the worshipers. But its also very likely that Zeleni Jurij is, Yarilo, (I should have mentioned that j is pronounced like y earlier than this) a slavic god of spring time, especially since he doesn't show up anywhere else.
It is really just local traditions that get this overpaint of Christianity, and since they are so local and small, and rural people aren't that important, there's not really much talk about them outside of their regions.  If you ask any grandma who regularly goes to church, she will call them christian. And so will the priests, they won't call them traditions that are practiced everywhere.  Its like how coloured eggs are prepared differently for Easter in different regions, they are all Christian but a different local tradition. Scholars on the other hand will figure out and look where something might have come from, why do these people do these things, and others do not.
This is getting kind of long and I'm sorry about that. But this topic has really sparked up my curiosity and I will need to do some research again. I also wrote this fully on my train ride home, so I couldn't really double check anything and had to rely on my memory. So I also apologise if there are any grammatical mistakes or if I on accident do not make sense.
Hopefully our villages priest might have some time this weekend, because now I wish to ask him about some of these things. If he doesn't then I will have to remember to ask him on Easter since he always managed to visit my Godfather then.
Thank you for reading this and I hope that you'll have a lovely weekend and have a pleasant All Saints' day.
Tl;dr: its local festivies, ask a priest or grandma and they'll call it and believe it christian even if the vatican doesn't practice it.
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petrosstathis4 · 4 years
Being holding a successful track record in sectors like banking, hospitality, and real estate, Stathis had already set his sight on the  Montenegro tourism industry and undertook the most ambitious project to date – restoring the iconic Sveti Stefan Resort.  
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Hey. In 2015 me and my family traveled for our annual summer holiday to Bulgaria. We’ve been there one time before but it was in times when Bulgaria was not as touristy attractive as it is now and most of the hotels were still in process of building. To be more specific – a hotel was being build right next to the hotel we were staying and the constructions turned into swamp with shit ton of mosquitos. In the morning me and my sisters woke up with over 40 mosquito bites and we looked like we had chicken pox again. So this time we were really hoping it would be different.
And it was.
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We took a road trip to Bulgaria and made a stop in Romania. I wrote what we did in Romania in my other article – Visiting Dracula in RomaniaVisiting Dracula in Romania .
We were staying in Sveti Vlas in all-inclusive 5 stars hotel. In case you didn’t know this – in bulgur they speak Bulgarian and write in cyrillic and even thought me and my parents understands russian a bit we used english instead and it was very easy to communicate with locals. Bulgarians currency is lev.
We booked our hotel – The moonlight hotel – online and at that time it was still really new building. The other part of its 2 building set was just getting build at that time when we were visiting but it was very smooth and we barely even noticed it. The hotel is right at the beach but it even has its own pools if you’re not a fan of swimming in the sea.
Me and my sisters got one room and my parents the other. Rooms were so huge and fancy. We had an incredible view from our balcony, that was right above the hotel pool, of the sea that looked just like this:
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The food in hotel was served in a form of buffet and there were so many options to choose from. It was during my vegetarian times and even I had plenty to choose from. There were even themed nights with cultural program like dancers or musicians. We also had unlimited alcohol options so we had plenty of vine and cheese for dinner. I specially loved this rainbow cocktails they were serving at the pool.
Pool had its own restaurant where they served pizza in between the meals, drinks, cocktails and our favourite unlimited ice cream options. You even got to get it for yourself as the freezer was always open and you didn’t have to feel guilty to ask bartender for ice-cream every 10 minutes.
I also remember this night when we received a call from my aunt that I just got mail from Charles university in Prague stating I got accepted to pharmacy school. We had few drinks by the sea that night – can’t believe how much has changed since then.
Private pool was empty most of the time so we spend a lot of time playing volleyball in there. The sea was like 10 steps away from the pool so we just kept all our stuff by the pool and walked to the sea whenever we felt like it. I did what I do on every holiday – read plenty of books with a drink in my hand, sun tanning, listening to music and just chilling.
Hotel had wi-fi connection but it worked best in hotel lobby so my sisters spend more time on a couch then on the beach. Sad.
As it was pretty new and unknown hotel there were not many residents so it felt very private for us. Beach was like semi private of the hotel and it was right in front of the hotel. Black sea was quite clear as we even saw some jellyfishes and they live in clean waters only. Sand beach with some bigger rocks created true summer experience for us. There were some evenings where I would just take my sketch book and sit in form of ocean and just draw on my own – such a peaceful moments.
My most magical moment of that summer was when me and my sisters went swimming in the sea in around 11 pm. All was dark and all was calm and it was drizzling a bit and I was lying on my back just breathing in the moment and I shit you not there were fireworks going on somewhere in the distance and that moment was so chilling and unforgettable for me.
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Main center of Sveti Vlas was just few minutes away. Receptionist recommended us using a car but we always prefered a walk to explore each new place we visited so we just wandered the town to see what it has to offer. In my opinion it is not ideal town for young people who expect to party every night. It’s much calmer and ideal for family’s vacation. Shops in the town offers bunch of local souvenirs but my favourite was this Hello kitty shop I was blown away by.
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Near Sveti Vlas is well knows historical town Nesebar we went to visit but I’m gonna dedicate whole article to that trip in future as it deserves its own glory.
Anyway we just had a best time and if you’re wondering where you might spent next summer try to think about Bulgaria’s Svati Vlas. We had a blast.
Thank you for your attention
xo Natalia
  Bulgarias Moonlight Hey. In 2015 me and my family traveled for our annual summer holiday to Bulgaria. We've been there one time before but it was in times when Bulgaria was not as touristy attractive as it is now and most of the hotels were still in process of building.
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hoomansunshine · 4 years
Al' ću umreti s osmehom
Ovo je tvoj kraj
Ti završavaš mojom osvetom.
Tup'o klik, tajac,
Pa jedan urlik u prazno.
Kao sto je i pištolj prazan
Smeši se mladić u tamnom.
"Sad si samo senka, jadniče
Ništavan pred strahom
Dželat tebi neću biti ja
već život, zvaćeš ga kaznom"
Marchelo- Sveti Bes
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