#summer flowe
happyheidi · 1 year
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x - Jeffrey T. Larson: Hanging Laundry / x - Scott Prior: Laundry Line / x - x
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luxaofhesperides · 2 months
Wait wait wait, can there be more written about the one with Duke going on college tours with Danny??? If it's not too late?!??
(part one)
Danny’s been in love with Duke for years now. It’s always been kept a closely guarded secret, buried under as many wraps as he could get it. He tried to chase after other fleeting crushes in the hopes of moving on from his feelings for Duke, sure that they were never going to go anywhere.
How could they, when they lived states apart? 
The Danny back then would have never believed that he would one day be waking up in Duke’s arms in a hotel far away from home, traveling around the country to figure out a future together. 
Or rather, planning their own futures by each other’s sides, rather than planning to be together throughout college. Danny knows they’ll be spending even more years apart, chasing after their dreams, but it’s a gift just to a a summer together again. So what if it leads them to living on opposite sides of the country? They’ve managed to survive a long distance friendship for this long, they can keep it up for another few years.
And if it comes to it, Danny can just fly to wherever Duke is. He’s only gotten faster over the years, settling into his powers and practicing them so often. 
The future is daunting, but all his nerves are chased away by Duke’s smiles. 
“Can’t believe we’re almost done,” Duke says as they get settled at a restaurant in Massachusetts. They’re both tired, but the giddiness of getting together, of knowing their feelings are requited, keeps them energized and happy despite the long drive across state lines. 
“One state left, yeah?”
“Yeah, and I got Harvard first on the list so we can visit Jazz.”
“You’re the best,” Danny grins, stretching his legs out under the table to lightly knock his foot against Duke’s. 
This entire trip has felt like a daydream to him. It’s one thing being able to travel around the country with Duke, but to be able to kiss him wherever they go? Even now, two weeks later, Danny can’t believe how happy he is.
It makes the uncertainty of his future less scary. It helps distract him from how much he wants to escape his parents, despite how much he loves them.
Their conversation comes to a brief pause as a waiter comes by to take their order, writing everything down before hurrying away to keep up with the rush of activity in the semi-busy restaurant. 
“Oh,” Danny says, suddenly remembering the third person in their group, “Is Peter going to be joining us?” 
Peter, Duke’s chaperones, is odd but funny. He disappears and reappears like a magician, always carries a gun on him, and treats Duke like a little brother the rare moments he’s around. He’s mostly only been with them to act as transport, driving them around from university to university. 
Duke’s face does something strange when he hears Peter’s name, but it’s gone before Danny can figure out what that’s all about.
“Nah,” he answers, “He’s off doing his own thing. You’ve seen how he likes to follow his own plans.”
“So I guess we’re stopping here for the day?”
“Yeah. I’m sure we can find somewhere nice to spend the night, and until then we can explore—” Duke takes a quick moment to check the name of the town they’re in, helpfully stated on the restaurant’s wall of five star reviews “—Baldwinville. I’m sure there’s something for us to do around here.”
“I mean, we don’t have to do anything special, you know. I’d be happy to just to spend the day with you.”
Duke smiles softly, reaching over the table to take hold of Danny’s hand. “I’d like that too. Maybe we should just take some time and explore the place together. Have a relaxing day before we head to Cambridge.”
“That’ll be nice. I feel like it’s been forever since I had a quiet day.”
“Same!” Duke laughs. “Gotham’s wild, man. Did I ever tell you the story of having a barbeque with Killer Croc?”
“No! I can’t believe you kept that from me!”
Duke launches into the story as if it’s any other day, just the two of them hanging out. Danny’s enraptured as he always is when Duke shares his Gotham Stories. He doesn’t falter even when their food is brought out, and Danny tries not to blush too hard when Duke feeds Danny some of his meal, just so he can try it. 
There’s a reason Danny sometimes daydreams about what his wedding with Duke will look like, and it’s because of this.
But that’s getting way ahead of himself! He shoves the thoughts away and focuses on the story, enjoying their lunch together. 
Duke pays when they’re done, as has become routine; Danny had fought him about the first few times before Duke told him that it was all ‘Bruce fucking Wayne’s money so they don’t need to worry about costs.’ It’s a gift from the man himself to Duke, and rejecting it would be rude. 
That hit Danny right in his midwestern politeness and he could do nothing but let it happen, already planning thank you gifts for Bruce Wayne. 
They walk out into the quiet streets of Baldwinville, hand in hand. Summer has the air humid and full of buzzing insects, and the sweet scent of flowers surrounds them as they head down the sidewalk, idly looking into the display windows of each store they pass. The buildings are old, mostly made of brick, and carry a charm that’s lacking in the urban sprawl of Amity Park.
He likes it here. 
Honestly, he’s been liking a lot of what he’s seen in Massachusetts. 
He wouldn’t mind spending a few years here as he gets his Bachelor’s degree. Of course, it all depends on if he gets into the colleges of his choice, but he’s feeling hopeful about his future. He’s worked hard to bring his GPA up after his freshman year, and his ability to juggle and extreme workload has made him a master at getting things done before deadlines and adapting to things at the last minute. 
Danny idly swings their clasped hands between them as they walk, savoring the time they have together. 
The end of their summer trip is creeping up on them and Danny can feel the distance between them start to pull tight. 
They don’t speak until they wander into a park, just a large grassy field filled with wildflowers and bees. There are a few benches placed beneath large trees and Duke leads them over to it to take advantage of the offered shade.
“I can’t believe we’re almost done,” Duke says, sitting down with a sigh. He tugs Danny down after him, and Danny goes willingly. He swings his legs up to drop them across Duke’s lap, leaning against him, his heart fluttering when Duke gets a hand around his thigh to keep him in place. 
“I don’t want this summer to end,” Danny admits. “I’m not ready to leave you again.”
“Hey, we’ll figure it out. I’m not going to be away from you any longer than I have to.”
Danny can’t resist the urge to lean over and kiss him, so he doesn’t. Duke meets him with a smile, keeping the kiss slow and sweet, though the way his hand skates up Danny’s thigh sends molten heat through his veins.
He pulls back before they can escalate any further (one time in public was enough; he’s still embarrassed by it and can’t look Peter in the eyes) and leans his head against Duke’s shoulder. “It would be nice if we could live together.”
“Planning out our future already? Well, in that case, I want a dog and a pet snake.”
“Why a pet snake?”
“Just feel like it.”
“A dog would be nice,” Danny says, “As long as it gets along with Cujo. Not sure about the snake, but if you can take care of it, I’d be fine with having it around.”
“Think you’d ever live in Gotham?”
Danny considers, then shrugs. “Maybe. I dunno, it sounds like a lot and I already dealt with so much just with the ghosts in Amity Park. But I don’t think I’d mind if I was with you.”
The smile that crosses Duke’s face is soft and Danny wants to see it all the time. He loves when Duke gets flustered; Danny just turns red and shy, but Duke becomes soft and adoring in a way that makes Danny feel like he’s holding sunlight, all warm and happy.
“We’re getting ahead of ourselves,” Duke says, not yet able to bite back his smile. “Now that we’ve visited most of the places on our list, do you know which ones you’re going to apply to?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Danny answers. He’s been thinking about where he wants to go since summer started and he left school with Mr. Lancer reminder everyone to think about college and preparing their applications. 
It’s been a topic that’s never left his mind since for the past couple months, wondering about what the future holds for him. He honestly never thought he’s get this far, having died at 14 and struggled to adapt to how his life changed after. But he’s gotten back on track with school, has a handle on the ghosts, and the support of his parents to go anywhere he wants. 
For so long he’s been stuck in the routine of school, fight, struggle. There was never any time for anything else, much less planning for the future, and now it’s hanging heavy over his head. 
At least he gets to be with Duke as he figures things out. It’s like going back to their childhood, spending summers together, but they’re both grown up now, walking ever closer to the next stages of their lives. 
He’d love to get into MIT, but he knows the chances of being accepted are insanely low. He’ll apply anyways, just in case, but Danny’s prepared to go somewhere else. Maybe somewhere else in Massachusets. Or maybe go to New York. 
“I really liked the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. If I get in, I think I’m gonna go there,” Danny says, putting his hopes for the future into words.  
“Yeah? I think I might try to get into a college up here too,” Duke replies. “If things work out, we won’t be so far from each other.”
“And even if we do end up far away again, we can make long distance work. Right?”
There’s a worry in the back of his mind that Duke won’t like a long distance relationship, that he’ll be off in college falling in love with someone else, but there’s barely a second before Duke says, “Of course,” as though it’s obvious. Like he hadn’t considered any other option. 
Danny’s heart settles and he shoves away the rest of his general anxieties. There’s no time for that now! 
He intends to enjoy the rest of his summer trip with Duke to the fullest extent possible, which means all of that is a problem for Future Danny.
“Should we go find Peter? We’ll need to figure out where we’re staying tonight.”
“I think we can go a few more hours to a bigger town,” Duke says, “Not that this place isn’t nice, it’s just too quiet. It’s weird.”
“Alright, city boy,” Danny says, standing up from the bench. He pulls Duke up after him, leaning over to kiss the exaggerated offended expression off his face. It’s not like he’s wrong, anyways; Gotham is a big city, and Duke is an urban boy through and through, especially compared to Danny, who comes from a large town and has family living in reclusive rural Appalachia.
“Small towner,” Duke returns, nipping lightly at Danny’s bottom lip and laughing when he squeaks in surprise.
He pulls away before Danny can retaliate, and Danny lets him go, saving his revenge for after they get to their next hotel. 
Their time together is coming to an end soon, and as much as the future terrifies and excites him in equal measure, knowing Duke will be with him, one way or another, gives him the courage to keep going.
He hopes Jazz will be happy that Duke’s dating him now. He’s already hoping to ask her to be a bridesmaid for him.
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fairykazu · 4 months
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𓆝.°𓈒 ⋆ synopsis: falling in love in the summer wasn't on your to-do list but was it really worth it?
pairing: scaramouche x f! reader warnings: strong language, hurt/no comfort, fluff, established situationship / blurred lines between romantic and platonic, teen au, modern au, commitment issues, timeskip chapters, summer to autumn. ⋆ notes: the chapter names are a wip, it won't be named that in actual work. please comment if you want to be added to the taglist ⋆ profiles: dawn + twilight 𓆝.°𓈒 ⋆ status ongoing | started: 1/26/24 | ended: !
record player ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა coming up . . . 1 - twilight zone 𓇼 2 - seafoam at dawn 3 - summer flows 𓇼 4 - ride 5 - seasons 𓇼 6 - ocean floor 7 - surf 𓇼 8 - jonny 9 - reprise 𓇼 10 - too late
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taglist [ open / bold means i cannot tag you]: @practicoi @saccharine-sucks @veekoko @aruastu @jllyfsh-lvr @scaranthropy
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dazesanddoodles · 1 month
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new sitcom featuring stuilly (yuri edition) having a Totally Normal Summer™—coming this june to an ao3 tab near you!
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sharksupermacy · 8 months
summer flows 0.02
summer flows 0.02 - danielle marsh x 6th member! reader
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status: charging
synopsis: you thought you knew dani. but guess you were wrong.
tags: angst, really bad writing, cursing, friends to strangers to lovers??, secret pining, fluff, crack, strong language, a semi linear timeline, misunderstandings
updates? December 21st.
context: same yn in wave
profiles: choi y/n
trailer: TBD
characters: itzy and the choi's, blue pants (minus y/n), the witnesses
00. prologue (ft newjeans)
01. purple lake
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taglist:@technicallyimportantsweets @awkwardtoafault @skisk1
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a/n: uh if you want to be added to the tag list just comment or send a ask 👍
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makail8xx · 7 days
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₊⋆·˚🪷.‧ escapism˚ 🦢༉‧₊˚.
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strqyr · 12 days
idk what it is but there's something about ruby visiting summer's grave when she leaves home vs yang looking at the team strq photo (let alone having it in the first place) on the boat when she leaves that tickles me.
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headphonegrl · 1 year
The first summer you and Kylian spent together was when you were toddlers, both teetering on the edge of being able to walk without the help of an enthusiastic adult. There’s always been a great debate between you both about what’s actually a memory and what’s derived from the photos that are treasured by both of your parents and brought out at any given opportunity; you pictured in a tiny green bucket hat and him with so much sunscreen on his nose that it looks like white paint. In the hallway of his childhood home hangs a framed photo of you both clumsily clutching each other's hand, a habit you both developed long before the notion of walking or talking.
The fifth summer was significantly defined by the evening you both decided to turn a wall into a full elaborately drawn landscape complete with flowers amongst the grass and an attempt at an accurately sized sun, all with the help of the crayons Kylian packed in his suitcase amongst his socks. Understandably, you were both punished and spent the rest of that week sulking beside the pool you weren’t allowed to swim in and fishing out insects to nurse them back to health. There was a dramatic departure of a bee you had both formally named ‘Fuzzy’, who flew away gracelessly after being fed water with the end of a leaf; ever since then Kylian has drawn a little bee on the envelope of all your birthday cards.
The ninth summer was so hot that the concrete patio had turned into the equivalent of lava. Nearly all of the time was spent under the shade of a peach tree that belonged to the house you were all staying at; it was far too warm to be in direct sunlight for more than a minute without feeling faint. A planned mission had secured you both garden furniture chairs, stolen from the top of the garden while everyone was preoccupied with making lunch. Most of the mornings were spent picking the best peaches and eating them until your hands went sticky with juice and you’d have to walk up to the kitchen to wash them. Then the afternoons were consumed by taking grainy pixilated pictures on Kylian's new phone he had got in light of the next school year, one of which has been your contact photo for over ten years.
The thirteenth summer you spent together always pops into memory whenever the smell of vodka rears its ugly head again. Neither of you were unlike the rest of the kids your age, both victims of the typical adolescent crime of not knowing limits yet when it comes to drinking. As soon as the hand of the clock hit six in the evening, any alcohol sitting in the door of the fridge would sneakily be poured into mugs and tiptoed up to one of your rooms. On the last Friday of August, you mixed heapings of vodka with way too little apple juice and both ended up lying in a tangled heap of limps on a sun-lounger. Over breakfast the next morning as Kylian cut his toast into tiny pieces, his mother cooed at the picture she uploaded to Facebook of you both cuddled up with all the comments underneath from her friends exclaiming what a cute couple you both were. 
The seventeenth summer ended so quickly that it was almost heart-shattering. The months don’t bid everyone farewell like they used to, as you’re both nearing your twenties they just melt away in a blink. Stubborn as ever you insisted on not having any help with shoving your bags into the back of the car, so all Kylian could do was stare down at his feet and kick pieces of gravel around. A goodbye kiss was pressed towards his temple, and he embarrassingly grabbed onto the side of your top like a silent plea for you to stay a second longer. Watching your car drive away felt like letting go of a balloon and witnessing it float further and further until it looks like a tiny dot of ink on a page. When he’d finally been dragged back into the house, his little brother offers him the last chocolate bar as if to send him his condolences. 
The twenty-first summer you spent together was when Kylian finally kissed you. The lights under the surface of the pool were reflecting off your face and there were little droplets of water in your eyelashes. You tasted of chlorine and that coconut lip balm you still lend him sometimes if he asks nicely. Probably due to all the romantic films he had consumed throughout his life, part of him believed that after a moment like that something unbearably dramatic would happen; that maybe the world would implode whether it went well or otherwise. Though slipping into this kind of affection felt incredibly safe and comforting, like falling into a blanket after a long day or hugging a childhood teddy. After all, Kylian had been holding your hand before he could even talk or eat from a spoon; he was born loving you. He loved you even before he knew what love was like. 
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
💫 Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home
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💫 Key Troupe Members:
All Troupe Members
💫 Summary:
After winning the Fleur Special Award, MANKAI Company decides to put on a performance to show their gratitude and return their thanks to their fans.
At Tsuzuru’s suggestion, the contents of the performance were decided to be spin-offs of the MANKAI Performance.
The dwellers of A12, the STARS treasure hunters, the ANIMS space pirates, and the Space Police and ARC investigators… In order to focus on thinking of content for their spin-offs, the troupes each go to a training camp at a place that’s associated with their respective groups.
💫 Chapters
Style of Thanks: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
🌸 Spring Planet Story: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
🌻 Summer Planet Story: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
🍁 Autumn Planet Story: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
❄️ Winter Planet Story: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Epilogue | The Way Back Home Under the Starry Sky: EP 1, EP 2
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daily-kagami · 11 months
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Day #73: Grown Up
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koifsssh · 11 months
I have two sides in my brain,
One side says to post not more than 3 times a day because if I do I will annoy people,
The other side says "screw you, it's MY BLOG, and it's MY INSANITY, and if PEOPLE FOLLOWED ME, that's THEIR PROBLEM, RAHHHHH"
They fight constantly.
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musingsofom · 1 month
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Spa Day
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akkivee · 2 months
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fairykazu · 4 months
[ 1 ] 𓇼 TWILIGHT ZONE content warnings: strong language, mommy issues word count: 2.8k previous ⋆ masterlist ⋆ next
“Raiden. Raiden Scaramouche, please report to the office.” Scaramouche raised a brow, confused. He knows that he’s a delinquent, but it doesn’t mean he pulled pranks and atrocities all the time. Besides, what’s the point of even calling him to the office? The school year is ending, finals are over, and summer is rolling in.
Childe, or what Scaramouche likes calling him, a parasite, turned to him, “’Mouchie,”
Disgusted, “Don’t you dare call me that! I know where you live.”
Scaramouche’s threats used to be more terrifying but the more you get to know him, you’ll know that they were only used to scare you off; he’s just all bark, no bite. Most people’s faces would fall immediately, running off to pick up the dignity they have left. But Childe isn’t like most people; unfortunate for Scaramouche since Childe is used to his sharp words since middle school, Childe only laughed off the threat, getting used to Scaramouche's empty filled threats. He's all bark, no bite. “So What did you do this time?”
“How the fuck am i supposed to know?” Scaramouche replied, being as confused as him. The indigo haired male rolled his eyes as his friend’s empty ones glanced to the side who was avoiding his gaze,
“Sheesh, my bad.” Childe replied, holding up his hands to defend himself.
“Raiden Scaramouche, please head to the office.'' The speaker spoke again as Childe tugged him in the direction of the office. The fluorescent, bright lights flickering above Scaramouche, he yanked off Childe’s hand off his sleeve, “whatever.”
As the bell rang for the next class, people stared at Scaramouche while he walked to the office. not because he’s the infamous guy who causes trouble just to cackle at the faces of terror, but because he’s beautiful. Scaramouche isn’t being full of himself though; the case being more evident when he saw someone raise their phone at him... with flash. 
Well, some people would think that Scaramouche is full of himself for saying that, but have you seen Twitter, or hell, even, Tiktok? So many unsolicited pictures or videos of him being edited and being posted to Lana Del Rey or Chase Atlantis. The comments on those videos are like the reign of terror. Scaramouche considers those comments more terrifying or scary than whatever Scaramouche and “his” goons do during school.
Arriving at the office, he meets eyes with one of the office hags, Xianyun, who greeted him with a thin lined smile. She didn’t even look him in the eyes, just clacking away at her screen. This is why that old bitch has glasses. “Hello, Mr. Scaramouche.”
He scrunched his nose, leaning back, her words were laced in saccharin, too sweet to be sincere. Scaramouche hated her fake pleasantries especially when they’re both aware of how much they don’t like each other. Small talk and being polite for the sake of being nice annoyed him, pretending to be nice isn’t as polite as people may think. Cutting to the chase, he crossed his arms, “Why was I called? I didn't do shit this time.”
Watching the fine lines wrinkles in her face creased, she looked away from her screen. She made direct eye contact with Scaramouche. It doesn’t matter if her gaze might be too hard to handle, he lives with the CEO of the Raiden Shogun Corporations… 
or known as his mother. 
Now, he got her attention. she sat up straight, pinching her nose bridge. The older woman gritted her teeth, “Mr. Scaramouche, please do not curse in a school setting. as it goes against the rules; it may disturb others with sensitive ears. please go to the principal morax’s office, i’m sure you’ll be more comfortable there.”
Scaramouche smiled a little not because the older woman dissed him, but because there was no longer an uncomfortable barrier between the two, but instead something he was comfortable with, bitter and straight forward. “Whatever.” he quipped back, giving the amount of attitude the office lady gave to him.
As he walked past her desk, she mumbled under her breath, “Fucking brat.” Scaramouche pivoted on his heel, “Oh, Miss Xianyun,”
The office lady turned her chair towards his direction, despite dying her hair, she would definitely grow more gray hairs after this. “Please don’t curse in an educational setting. it may disturb people with sensitive ears.” Watching the woman’s face twist into annoyance as he chuckled quietly to himself. Serves her right!
He walked into Mr. Morax’s office; it looked the same as always. A big, stuffy office with no a/c but the only room without flickering lights and a bunch of old man decorations on the shelves and some pictures of his kids— Scaramouche squinted at the framed pictures, Xiao and Ganyu. Wow, what a great parent unlike some people. With a frown adorning his face, he greeted the principal, “Hey.” Throwing his backpack on the carpeted floors, he pulled out one of the two brown chairs in front of the older male’s desk, slouching in the chair. Mr. Morax didn’t pay any attention to Scaramouche’s attitude, which Scaramouche liked or disliked? The principal treated him like everyone else, but he wasn’t dismissive of the indigo haired male’s distracting actions. “What’s the problem?”
Mr. Morax explained the issue to him, resting his gloved hands on the desk, “Your mother had called and said that she’s pulling you out of school early due to technical issues.”
Scaramouche's face twitched, his mother? What the hell does she want? “What?”
“Yes, she said that she’ll be there in twenty-” Mr. Morax scooted his chair towards his computer which had a yellow sticky note attached to it. He peeled it from the screen, reading the rushed handwriting, he corrected himself. “— I apologize, in ten minutes, your mother will pick you up. please grab your needed essentials and go home.”
Scaramouche wanted to argue back, not wanting to face his mother and the consequences that come with it. but he glanced at Mr. Morax's eyes, knowing that even if he fights back, the old man will have his way and it would be worse than it would have been initially. “Fine.”  He didn’t mean to say it so bitterly, but he did. but the real question is why did he react like that?
Was it because he viewed that man as his “father”? He wanted to laugh at himself. Don’t be stupid. He slung his backpack, his mood becoming grouchier than before. Out of the office, sitting on the golden yellow benches that had been graffitied before being painted back to its boring solid color. Despite wearing sweats, the temperature of the bench seared him as if he was salmon, but instead finding a seat in the cool shadows, he's just as stubborn as his own mother. 
He stayed in the same seat.
A Cadillac honked at Scaramouche just before he got up to curse out the car. it was his mother and most importantly, her girlfriend in the driver seat. the pink haired hag, yae miko who taunted Scaramouche that she would take his mother away from him forever. Well, to be fair, it was a joke and she always meant it jokingly, but Scaramouche was eleven who didn’t know any better. He took that joke too seriously. but of course, there’s other instances where yae pulled that pissed him off. He'd rather not get into that, otherwise, it would be a long day.
“Scaramouche, get in the damn car, we don’t have all day.” the pink haired hag hollered. she could be even louder the way she spoke, waking up the damn archons from their rest.
“Shut up, hag!” is what Scaramouche wanted to reply with. But instead, Scaramouche grumbled whatever, opening the door. He saw his youngest sister, Mikoto, the prized daughter who would get the seat of CEO in the company. If that little shit wasn’t born, he’d be the one being praised and loved. the one above the rest instead being the one among the others.
When Scaramouche sat down, buckled in his seatbelt. He took out his phone, plugging his ears with music. In his peripheral vision, his sister Mikoto whispered to her older brother, “Good afternoon, Big brother.”
Even though he wasn’t paying attention, he knew what she said. the dyed haired male recoiled from the title. He never accepted her as his little sister, why did she think she had the place to call him that? boiling it down to being all his mother and yae’s fault, they must be forcing a bond between the two of them. “Don’t call me that.”
“Ah, I'm sorry, big– Scaramouche.” his little sister flinched back, fiddling with her braids. Even though he did feel a little guilty, Scaramouche shifted to the side, looking through the window.
When Scaramouche arrived at the house, his mother took him into her office whilst yae went somewhere with mikoto. he was seated in the velvet chairs in front of her desk. Unlike the behavior he has at school, he’s more polite. Sitting in the chair, no manspread and he adjusted his collar. His mother was in front of him, writing something down. With the way his mother was talking to him, stern but firm, he thought, Maybe I am getting that CEO spot instead of Mikoto.
“Kunizukushi.” Oh!, she’s using the family name instead of “Scaramouche”, maybe he is getting that position. “As your school year is coming to an end and summer is coming up, I believe that you aren’t ready for the CEO position. Instead,” she placed a sticky post it note in front of the male. “You will go to auntie nahida’s summer house to help her out with her duties in fontaine.”
Whatever remaining pride scaramouche had crumbled before him, he no longer had a reason to keep up a façade, his mother already knows, they already know. “What do you mean I’m no longer fit for the CEO position, mother?”
When he was born, as if he was a puppet, ei shaped her son as someone who would take over the family’s business. but as he grew up, she saw that he wasn’t fit for the position, other than being empathetic towards others but he was too like her sister, who was forced to be in this position. She didn’t want that kind of responsibility on her son’s shoulders.
As Scaramouche's voice got louder, his mother kept staying calm. “Don’t you use that tone with me, Kunizukushi, I say this with all the love in my heart that you are simply too empathic to work as the sole owner.”
The tension between the two only grew worse; as the indigo haired male stood up, making his chair fall behind him. He said through gritted teeth, “I've been working for this my entire life and you’re throwing it all away because I'm too “nice”? you think that’s fucking nice? Have you seen how people perceive me in school? Have you?” if she had seen him as the infamous sixth member of the group he was a part of, the Fatui, they would call it. When were people making eye contact with him? in the hallways, in class, in the locker rooms or hell, even outside of school.Those idiotic people were in fear. in fear of the troubles that Scaramouche would wreak havoc over them. 
“Just because you are seen as terrifying there, it doesn’t mean you aren’t empathetic. you aren’t fit because you are prone to your emotions. You don’t control your feelings, they control you. Kuni, you will be sent to Nahida's summer house by tomorrow, pack up.”
Scaramouche's eyes twitched, “What?” Despite his tone, he was tapping his foot on the carpeted floor. 
Her voice grew more stern, holding her ground. He played with his fingers, nervous of the outcome even though he knew what was coming. “Don’t talk back to me. Return to your room and pack up, you’re leaving tomorrow. Take the note with you.” 
The tension was as thick as the fog on Tsurumi Island. Just before Scaramouche scoffed at his mother, he took the note from the office.
When he left the office, making sure to slam the door behind him. Although his room wasn’t far from the office, it felt like it was dragging on. He trudged through the hallways all the way to his room, ignoring the family portraits that stared daggers into his back. 
The moment he walked into his room; the weight of the tension was lifted off his shoulders. He laid on his bed followed by a sigh of relief.
What a day. What a total waste of a day.
Scaramouche wondered if his sister wasn’t born, would he be in the position? Or would it be doomed in every universe. He rolled to his side, burying his face into the
He burrowed himself into his blankets, not caring to take off his “outside schools”. Years of training to be the exact leader for the company wasted just because of some stupid reason. Scaramouche's dream ever since he was a kid was to take over. But after this talk with his mother… correction, “mother” is not even her name, Ei. 
after that?
 he doesn’t even know if it was really his or her dream.
Someone knocked on the door, “Scaramouche, get out of your room.” 
“Piss off.” He mumbled, mostly out of habit. The person– probably Yae chuckled. 
The sun peeked through his blinds; he groaned as he fought the struggle to slip back into his bed sheets. A pang of realization hit him when he remembered that he didn’t pack at all. God, Ei would be a pain in the ass. He burrowed out of his bed, his head peeking out to find a luggage already set and ready to go and his step-mother was leaning at the door, “Scaramouche, I packed some of your things. Your aunt has some clothes or swim shorts for you at her villa. Don’t be an ass to her and you’re lucky that your mom wanted to play nice with you.”
Yae continued, pulling the comforter off Scaramouche’s body, he shivered, yanking the blanket back and pulled it over his head. “Get up, the jet is ready for you.” She crossed her arms, “If you go, I’ll put a good word for you to Ei.”
Despite knowing it was bait to get him out of bed, Scaramouche kicked the comforter off of him and walked to his bathroom. Yae looked over his shoulder, pointing out, “Your roots look rough. Oh! There’s a white hair.” She plucked a white hair from his head, he tossed a glare at her, she only laughed.  
“Are you leaving?” Scaramouche asked,  on his way to his bathroom. She hummed out a reply but he waited until he heard the door closed. He stared himself in the mirror and shit, Yae was right. he does need to redo his roots, his natural black hair peeking out. There isn’t any time to retouch it, he’d do it later when he comes back from the vacation to his aunt. 
Even though he is ready to go, physically. He isn’t mentally, not getting why his mother is sending him on a getaway trip. He laughed at himself, pulling his luggage into the jet. every other kid would be happy that their mom is sending them off to some place with beaches, Scaramouche just wants to ensure his spot that he was born and meant for. it’s his role. no one else’s. 
Well, that is what he insists on. The jet was comfortable at least. Fluffy blankets draped on the seats, a pillow on each one and a basket of snacks on the table tied with a bow and a card. His mother decked out the private jet with things she thinks her son would like. From miniature snacks to different kinds of gifts to “make up” what she did yesterday, parental guilt. It always gets them somehow. 
Scaramouche picked up a bag from the small basket, opening it as he picked up the notecard from his mother. “Kunizukushi, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. But you will understand why I sent you to your aunt’s when you’re older or hopefully, when you’re more mature.” 
“‘when you’re more mature’? I’m even more mature than you old ass hag.” Scaramouche mumbled before pausing. “Nevermind.” 
He opened the window’s blinds, seeing his sister leaning on Yae’s hand, she waved goodbye to him. He shut the window immediately and cracked it open a little. When Yae wasn’t looking, he waved back, he guessed that older sibling guilt is quite similar to parental ones. Leaning on his hand, he fell back to the much needed sleep. 
Maybe she was right. He needed this.
taglist [ open / bold means i cannot tag you]: @practicoi @saccharine-sucks @veekoko @aruastu @jllyfsh-lvr @scaranthropy
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satsuha · 10 months
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summerrr........ its not over in my heart...... (says this every year)
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sharksupermacy · 5 months
01 purple lake.
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masterlist back next
summary: the person you dedicated your seasons to leaves you in the middle of the beach… but when you returned back to korea you only discovered that she was right back in front of you.
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