#studio A-1 Pictures
fairytale-poll · 3 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
It's a clever play on the story where, rather than the littlest becoming human for love and a soul, instead she becomes a mermaid after loosing both, even gaining the bittersweet ending of having a chance at heaven but she still needs to do good after death
i was surprised to learn that sayaka's story is based on the little mermaid, but it makes more sense the more i think about it. such a heartbreaking, tragic tale that i get emotional ocer every time.
A lot of Madoka Magica fans believe she is based off of the original Little Mermaid story cuz, just like the original Little Mermaid, Sayaka loved a boy and said boy did not reciprocate. SPOILERS, she makes a contract with Kyubey to become a magical girl and in return her wish was to help Kyosuke (the guy she likes) who was disabled. Later on when she becomes a witch cuz she felt she wasn't good enough for Kyosuke and doesn't tell him about her feelings, her witch form is a mermaid. I suck at explaining but I hope my propaganda helps 🙏
(Major spoilers for madoka magical)Okay so I will admit her allusion to the little mermaid ain't super obvious, but let me explain, she is based on the original story for the little mermaid, she makes a wish for the sake of a boy she loves basically sacrificing her soul, well he ends up in love with another girl, and as a result she ends up going on a downward spiral and transforms into a monster known as a witch, her witch form is a mermaid.
Even though she's not a mermaid outside her witch form, her story is made to be a direct parallel to the self-sacrificial nature of the little mermaid, even letting herself die. This isn't the end tho because in one of the happier endings of the little mermaid she still becomes sea foam/dies but she also has a chance at becoming a sea spirit and helps others, this is very similar to Sayaka's final fate in the anime where after Madoka rewrites the universe Sayaka still gets corrupted/dies but instead of becoming a witch, she becomes apart of the law of cycles and helps Madoka save other magical girls. There are way to many similarities to her story and the little mermaid for it to just be coincidence imo.
Poor girl is stuck in a craptastic world where horrible monsters kill you, the only way to fight back is to become a zombie child soldier killing what remains of your own kind for survival, the wish you made will inevitably blow up in your face because the person granting it is a jackass, and the writer is hellbent on shitting on the girl power ethos of the magical girl genre by making it so that girls suffer and die for trying to achieve reasonable desires like "not starving to death" and attaining agency in their lives dooms you even harder because of womanly emotions. She needs a win. Also, she is explicitly paralleled with The Little Mermaid--she is a tragic figure who makes a deal to help the boy she loves in exchange for putting her life on a ticking clock, only to be passed up in favor of another girl. As a result, she dies and becomes something else--in this case, Oktavia von Seckendorff, "the mermaid witch."
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
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moonfromearth · 8 months
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- You smoke now?
- After the night I had.. I've earned it.
Day 1 - The Final Girl
"Usually the one that survives the onslaught, they give the killer a run for their money"
from @windbrook's Slashed Challenge.
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floral-hex · 3 months
woke up at 4am feeling the weight of my life crushing me, so I’ve been sitting out in my car for the last couple of hours because I just need. to. be. somewhere else.
#tumblr ate something like this but I think I deserve to shout uselessly into the void#shits rough dawg#I know it’s rough for everyone. I feel shitty even talking about myself. still… compelled to vent… big butts#haven’t really been on here much since it hasn’t really scratched that itch lately & just makes me feel lonelier#it’s cold#saw the Jazzercise studio open across the street. 5am for Jazzercise? wow. early.#and then everyone left an hour and a half later. lights out. everybody gone. weird schedule. I am perplexed.#went down the road and got a soda and I’ve been sitting in my driveway contemplating for the last 2.5 hours#guy at the gas station tried to talk to me but I just half assed a smile and nod and left#even though I know I’d love to just… talk to someone. I suppose it has to be ‘on my terms’ whatever those are#I miss having a therapist. or even just when my little brothers would talk to me. when anyone would. blegh#my insurance is still a mess and I’m about to run out of one of my blood pressure meds this week#maybe I’ll have a stroke. scary to think about. I think about dying a lot but that potential feels too real. just… pop! and I’m done.#I’ll try today to finally push to straighten it out but everything feels daunting#woke up with so much anxiety. about my health. my hearing. no money. my life. had to get out of the house even if it’s just right outside#hate to say it but I need(want) thc. haven’t wanted to spend money on it but I could have really used it this morning#can’t be sad if you can’t feel anything (jokingly but also not. whichever is less sad sounding)#actually treated myself to Dune 2 last week and it was so so good. wish I could go again. but it’s drugs food or movie right now. so…#I know. dumb priority but BIG SCREEN. maybe it’ll hit theaters again for the next awards season hopefully. just a real nice loud experience#anyway… I should go inside. almost 7am. need to take my brothers to school then drive my mom to her daily appointments#I’ve felt so hollow and angry and sad for so long it feels like. I feels so weak and sad and I’m tired of it. I’m so tired.#I’ve been eating about 1 meal a day and sleeping a lot. this is the worst my body has ever been. I feel like I’m just waiting to die.#is this relatable?#just have to look past it. it is nothing. this body is nothing. just enjoy your soda.#gonna look at pictures of butts now#ok gotta go I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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drswannbond · 1 year
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Léa Seydoux on the set of Spectre, 2015
(Mary McCartney for Vogue UK)
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Marvel Studios’ Iron Man, the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hit theaters nationwide on May 2, 2008. Happy 15th anniversary!
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oofuri2003 · 11 months
Sorry i saw a tag on the poll about how the oofuri anime doesnt teach you the rules of baseball and it was extremely jarring to me bc the one thing I'm always saying abt the manga is that i wish it taught me the rules of baseball less
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tinybelieverflower · 2 years
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He's one hell of a Butler.
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punster-2319 · 1 year
2006 had a lot of animated films released that year so I had to split it into 2 parts.
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
The Original Ichigo
Ichigo Kurosaki : Hey, you must be Zoey Hanson.
Zoey Hanson : That's me alright. I'm Zoey Hanson.
Ichigo Kurosaki: I heard that you must be the superhero that is star of the show, Mew Mew Power, is that the name of your show.
Zoey Hanson : I think so, and by the way, it's Tokyo Mew Mew, not Mew Mew Power!
Ichigo Kurosaki : Ah-ha! I know who you are! You're from Studio Pierrot that made your show right about two years before me, the current Ichigo!
Zoey Hanson/Ichigo : Okay, fine! You got me! I'm not Zoey Hanson or the other Zoe Hange. I'm the character that you were namesaken by me, Ichigo Momomiya!
Ichigo Kurosaki : Hold the phone! You're Ichigo, the original Ichigo!?
Ichigo Momomiya : That's right. I was the original Ichigo that studio pierrot hired for my show before you came! I was the coolest Ichigo at the new millenium, everyone liked, everyone loved me, It is I that Ichigo's name was shedded by 4kids for Zoey Hanson. Everything was great in 2002, but then you came, the new and current Ichigo! The only Ichigo that is you and I was still Zoey Hanson, but my real name is Ichigo, so you were namesaken to me the whole time before I left Studio Pierrot for no reasons. And now 10 years later, here I am seeing you, still looking alot better in manga than in the show. I've been looking for the man that Ichigo is really both a boys name and a girl's name, why would the name Ichigo be a name for a boy!? WHY JAPAN! WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE NAME ICHIGO FOR A BOY AND A GIRL!? WHYYYYYYYYYY!?! *breathes heavily*
Ichigo Kurosaki : Okay, so my first name was namesaken to you, the original Ichigo. Your show debuted two years before me, the current Ichigo. We are different Ichigos from our own seperate worlds and universes. So why did 4kids changed your name to Zoey Hanson?
Ichigo Momomiya : Well, I'll tell ya what happened to me, the "original" Ichigo!
Rukia : Guys! Guys! How many times do we have tell you. Every character in Japan shares the name Ichigo, because the name is a word for Strawberry!
Kurosaki & Momomiya : Oh, that's right. Everybody shares the same name as "Ichigo" which is the japanese word for strawberry. Wow, why didn't we think of that Ichigo is the word for Strawberry, we weren't named after or namesaken to people, we were named after and namesaken to a fruit!
Momomiya : Why didn't you tell me our names is actually food!?
Kurosaki : I know, man! I mean Chad's name comes from a country call Chad, Anybody knows that every citizen is Chad, who else but Chad!?
Momomiya : And 4Kids had no rights to change my name to Zoey Hanson, to keep everything secret! And I'm tired of singing the National Anthem, so that is why we are giving up 4KIDS, death to english dub posers!
*Tire Screeching*
Kurosaki : Uhh, 4Kids is already dead after the home network of our shows, lawsuited them for editing out Japanese animation if it hadn't been for Naruto on Cartoon Network and Disney XD, America couldn't do anything right for the country, but hey, he has his show on Toonami...on Adult Swim at least.
Momomiya : Yeah, you're right. Ichigo is just a reference to food, not human.
Kurosaki : You got that right.
Ichigo from DITFXX : Hey, what about me! I'm the only person from a mecha show that has a name for Ichi-
Momomiya : No!
Ichigo from DITFXX : W-Why?
Momomiya : You know why? Because you don't even exist here in life. The name Ichigo doesn't count for giant machines like you!
Ichigo from DITFXX : Oh, crud! *POOF!*
Momomiya : Glad we never see that one again.
Hiro : Hey, other Ichigos. Where did our Ichigo run off at? Where's the other Ichigo at? Where is our Ichigo?
Kurosaki : Oh, your ichigo? We didn't know that was your Ichigo.
Momomiya : We might've sent her away from a place where she meets her ultimate demise!
Kurosaki : Why did you even say that.
(cuts to Ichigo who is now a strawberry)
Ichigo from DITFXX : (as a Strawberry) Oh! Where am I? I don't remember ending up being a fruit am I? At least I had some diginity as a fruit and a fantastic-- (a worm comes crawling down) Oh, hey a strawberry worm. How are you doing there? Hey, what's going on? What do you think you're doing? H-Hey, no! Get out of there! No stop! (the worm starts enter inside by eating her) OH GOD! IT'S INSIDE ME! SOMEONE HELP! I'VE BEEN EATEN BY FRUIT-EATING TW*T! SOMEBODY HELP ME! OH GO-O-O-O-OD!!! SOMEONE HELP ME-E-E-E-EEEE!!!
(Scene cuts back to the gang)
Hiro : You really did "what" to her?
Momomiya : We thought it was a good suggestion.
Kurosaki : It's really a hard pass that the word Strawberry sounds fruitier than Ichigo.
Momomiya : Yep. Sounds fruitier than Ichigo.
Hiro : Well, yeah! I guess Ichigo sounds frutier than the name itself.
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rozen-neverland · 1 year
Blush-hued River
A Red Deer With A Human Heart
All that I left behind was but this empty shell, this body that cannot be called human.
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The desire to fulfill just that – Wish – began to strip away the layer of essence that had defined my being, consuming me until I had lost myself. Still, I clung to it, desperately striving to become a creature, I had drifted away from in the process of trying to reach it; without having realized, until it was too late and my silhouette that reflected in people's glassy eyes mirrored what I had become – a Beast. It’s rather paradoxical, don’t you think?
This beautiful image I had of humans had been a lie from the start, an image I created, a nightmare that showed me I didn’t belong, all the same giving me a reason to continue living. Since I thought I would be allowed to see you again, once I looked like your kind.
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Given that I gazed at myself with disgust, viewing my existence as unavailing, I was equally unable to recognize the worth of the souls around me; only when your life had been threatened was I capable of understanding that value, which could solely be measured by a humane heart. Only when I myself was in pain, could I understand the sorrow of others.
Every person is precious to another and I had always believed that to be a weakness, something that trapped one in a confined space and withheld one's radiance. That may be the case for some, but what is the point of living a life, in which you are forced to be someone less than yourself? If anything, I am able to let my wings be carried by your refreshing gust of wind. In my eyes, that is freedom itself.
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Through your kind words and sincerity, I have come to recognize that my interpretation of a human existence had been wrong, all along. My actions are as faulty and irrational as a human’s: the crimson horns, dyed with the lives that I stole, souls that I shattered, nevertheless, the cherry blossom-colored hair that you loved so dearly as well, inducing a warm feeling in my being. Suddenly I wanted to live, I wished to be cared for. Your Love made me blossom into the person I am now, and you taught me the true meaning of this gentle endearment.
The simple act of lending someone a hand or a glance of sympathy, such simple gestures should not be underestimated since these tiny things, can teach you the true nature of kindness. Yet, the instant you have known love, the malicious behavior, which previously made your body and soul unfeeling, hurts all the more. For one is only able to experience true pain when one has wished for another’s genuine happiness. Regardless, of whether you lost warmth or never possessed it in the first place, both leave a void in one’s core.    
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Even though our lives in which we were able to see each other for whom we truly are, have merely begun, I must abandon it. Even when I do not sense the burns and cuts I sustain, I cannot imagine the unbearable pain you must endure while gazing upon the red tears flowing from my lonely heart, leaving for you to guard – The vessel that once held my cherished emotions toward you.  
I wish for you to stay unaware of the truth – that my consciousness is elsewhere, destined to fight an endless battle. However, it pains me to think that you will never find out that we are separated by millions of galaxies and gleaming stars, awaiting my awakening which will never occur. How can they continue shining so brightly, despite your absence?
The salty drops of my soul gather, forming a river of emotions that will drown me.
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Please don’t meet me at the river, it isn’t your time.
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If “The Dark Pictures Anthology” games were actual movies, these would be the movie production companies that I think would produce them:
1) Man of Medan: Platinum Dunes (mainly because I feel that Platinum Dunes makes really stylized horror movies that turn out mid, just like Medan)
2) Little Hope: A24 (Little Hope’s overall tone and twist ending feels like the type of artsy fartsy horror movie that A24 would be behind)
3) House of Ashes: 20th Century Fox (aside from the obvious connection to Aliens and Predator, House of Ashes feels like the type of action horror movie blockbuster that would need a big name studio to produce it)
4) The Devil in Me: Either Twisted Pictures (because of Saw) or Blumhouse (I can see this game being produced by the same studio that greenlit Get Out, The Black Phone, Ouija, and Split)
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
For some reason I was thinking about BC’s Fuck marry kill and how everyone else joked around but Joel was all serious about his ”I’d fuck Olli because he’s the most handsome” -answer 😭 like yes we been knew you’re sexually attracted to him (him filming him half naked doing yoga and all that) but. really?? 😭
(and for legal reasons this is a joke)
Joeeeeeellll your bisexuality is showing agaaiiinn 🙄
I mean, I'm convinced the whole fucking band is sexually attracted to Olli (who's completely oblivious to it and think the others are just messing with him) because who woudn't be, honestly?
Tommi commenting how Olli always looks good?
Niko saying Olli is the most handsome in the band?
Joonas having a whole-ass sexual awakening watching Olli paint a broccoli shamrock on his chest? (Yes, I may have stared at a gif of this for unreasonably long yesterday)
To conlcude, they all a little gay for Olli 💕
#we're ALL gay for olli aren't we 🥰#although in joonas' defence he's a little gay for everyone#(also i don't just randomly stare at BC gifs in my freetime! i was looking for another picture and just came across that lol#hence i have a vivid image of it imprinted on my brain currently)#but WHERE is my yoga instructor!olli and beginner yoga trainee!joel fic??#he enrolled for the beginner yoga class because his therapist and his mom and porko thought it might be good for him#(he's not quite as positive and porko would literally walk him to the yoga studio to drop him off like a child at day-care)#joonas is friends with olli of course so he just passes joel to him and leaves for his porko business#abandoning joel before he can do or say anything#(joel thought they were going for a record shop haul and now he knows how dogs must feel#when their owner tells them they're going to the park but really they're going to the vet)#joel understands his loved ones only want the best for him but he's not sure how a bit of strecthing is going to help him 🙄#in fact stretching is the LAST thing he wants to be doing when he sees how thight the instructor's yoga pants are 😳#so he spents the whole 30 minutes not knowing where to look 🙈#(mostly he looks at the instructor's face because it's so devastatingly cute 😩)#and then the instructor pulls out a basket of wolly socks for the trainees to put on for the final relaxation#(well actually just for joel because apparently everyone else knew to bring their own. this is somehow porko's fault)#so joel nearly cries as he lays on the yoga mattress listening to olli's calm voice bc 1) he's actually feeling a little better already#and 2) he might have fallen in love a tiny bit 😭💞#...okay i may need to write this myself actually#if y'all up for reading it? anyone at all?? 👉👈#joelxolli#answered asks#anon asks
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tv-moments · 2 years
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Slow Horses
Season 1, “Work Drinks”
Director: James Hawes
DoP: Danny Cohen
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The Titles for the main cast of Spider-Man 1,2,& 3 🕸️
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tinybelieverflower · 2 years
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Sebastian and Ciel
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sstormshadow · 2 years
Fate Series
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This is my overall review and opinion on Fate series that I watched so far. By watching chronological way of Fate/Zero, UBW, Heaven's Feel, Apocrypha, and Grand order sadly I watched last was Fate/Stay Night but I figured it was the best way to say goodbye to them. After watching all of them I grown to love these characters and their different stories or routes because Stay Night, UBW and Heaven's Feel are 3 seperate routes from Shirou's arc or in this case Rin's arc as well because basically every route story Rin has a major role that she didn't felt like a nuisance second character like Sakura or Shinji. But in HF sakura was the main plot character I loved each route and really enjoyed Apocrypha and Grand Order because it was refreshing and different plot other than aiming for the Holy Grail but instead they aim for survival and there are like teams of servants against other team servants that peak my interest. But my favorite fate series is UBW it was such a great route that I felt like it was the perfect route for them except for Ilya which she deserve better treatment for her character. Saber is everyone's favorite but Lancer was the badass servant I go to specifically the UBW and HF ones. Solid anime series in a way they are all connected but different alternative routes, if you haven't watch of the fate series I highly recommend the chronological order it is worth it.
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