colormepurplex2 · 16 days
Okay I did not expect that many 😵
And so many read hot af that I don't know where to start!!
Number 11 + 17 + 18 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) + 5 😋
My Lucy! You know, I didn't expect that many either...it wasn't until I sat down and started going through them that I realized it, I could have sworn it was only at like 25 last time I checked 😂
Okay, so...this is going to be a long one and so all the good stuff is below the cut! I'm going to include the graphics I've made for some of these as well 💜 5. Bounce/JHS 11. FF10: Dare Me To Eat You 17. PULSE/Maknaevamp 18. On Blades of Amethyst & Echoes
ALSO, please be aware there ARE spoilers below as well, esp for FF10: Dare Me To Eat You.
5. Bounce/JHS
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This is part of my Heartbeat Melodies series (where I am writing 1 fic based on a song for each BTS member. So far, I've gotten Jin's and Yoongi's done and posted).
The song for this fic is Bounce by Timbaland. StreetDancer!Hoseok x StreetDancer!f.Reader Rivals to Lovers, Street Dance Competition
In the underground dance scene, it's all about the crew you move with; body, mind, soul...no room for the heart. That is, until you find yourself dancing to the tune of someone else's beat.
The cardboard under your foot grew wet, soaking up the sleuth of water from the sudden downpour a moment ago. It was as if the sky opened up to remind you just how quickly it can all be washed away—the blood, sweat, and tears—so you're left with a clean slate. You watched as water dripped from the tip of J's nose. He was standing across the pit from you, hands on his narrow hips, and chest heaving from the exertion of the performance he put on before the sky took its turn. J was new to the scene, a fresh face trying to find his place—trying to find a crew. He's good—too good. Maybe if you had known that day, how things would go in the end, you would never have walked away. As it is, you gave him one more once over before turning on your heel and doing just that. Not because you didn't want him to join your crew, but because you were scared that he'd be the catalyst for you losing it all. Little did you know, that would happen anyway.
11. FF10: Dare Me To Eat You
The graphic for this one is already available on the Master Post. This is chapter 10 of my ongoing fic Fickle Flame and it's currently over a year behind in being posted, oops 😂😅
OT7 x FemOC & OT7 x OT7 Vampire/Werewolf/A/B/O Dystopian AU, Enemies/Lovers
“You want me to speak plainly?” Namjoon bites out, the words caustic behind clamped teeth. “I’m going to pump you so full of vampire venom you won’t have a choice but to turn into one! Satisfied?” There is a ringing in Shayne’s ears. It’s so loud she’s not sure she heard Namjoon correctly. She opens her mouth, intent on asking him to repeat his words, but saliva pools under her tongue, and the muscle seems far too thick to fit around her teeth. If it wasn’t for the air whistling down her throat, she’d almost believe she was choking. The words won’t form. They refuse to slip from between her lips. A vampire. He wants to turn her into a vampire. “No.” Finally, a word slithers out. She repeats it, letting it pour out in a stringed litany of denial. “No, no, no, no, no—" Her world rocks alarmingly as Namjoon jerks her around to face him, his hand still tight on her upper arm and the other closing over her mouth, cutting off her tirade. He towers over her, a formidable presence of sheer power. There is a flash of yellow in his eyes, the irises taking on a tinge of red as it passes. “You are the first inkling of hope we’ve had in nearly three decades.” He takes a slow, deep breath. “You will not fight me.”
17. PULSE/Maknaevamps
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Vampire!MaknaeLine x Human!f.Reader Futuristic Urban Fantasy Thriller, Vampires
This is what I have down in my notes "It’s a futuristic sci fi setting, imagine like cyberpunk 2077 or a bit of Tron. But the underbelly of the city is dark and insidious, as one would guess. The maknae’s are like mercenaries of a sort, meting out their own taste of justice to people pushing a drug called Pulse that’s like vampire cocaine that’s turning vampires feral. The FMC gets caught up in the drug trading and ends up being caught by them."
There is a lot more to it, but that would give away the entire plot altogether 😂 I've honestly been frothing at the mouth of wanting to get started on this. I don't even have a snippet to share because all I have so far are my outline notes and bulleted plot points.
18. On Blades of Amethyst & Echoes
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Dragon Rider!Yoongi x Psion!f.Reader Strangers to Lovers, High Fantasy Summary: The horizon blazes the color of amethyst, an ode to a coming death that will sweep the land if you don’t stop it. Secrets long hidden are revealed, but they come at a steep cost, as you have no choice but to follow the echoes of things long since past.
This, of course, is a follow-up to JK's story, On Wings of Mist & Memories.
I don't have a lot of finished content for this, just mostly giant walls of text/notes from my frantic brainstorming when I finished JK's story 😂 But, I can share a little of the notes, even if it won't make sense at all. Be aware that I have named JK's FMC from his story for the sake of story writing but have removed her name from this snippet of notes 👀
JK’s Psion travels with JK and Yoongi, who is now the captain of the guard, to go and investigate the mountain range border and figure out why reports have stopped coming from the outposts. They find all manner of soldiers frozen/suspended in time, the only indicator or trace of what happened is a distinct purple dust that clings to everything. Yoongi's FMC is another Psion, one with a secret and a past she is trying to run from. She's also the only person they find NOT frozen by the mysterious purple dust. Yoongi has so many questions, like 'Where did she come from? Why is she here at a military outpost when no Psion has been assigned to this quadrant?' And he's going to get the answers...no matter what it takes.
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missyourflight · 2 years
rough day for daniel girlies (gn) so i'm self-soothing by thinking about a maxiel strictly come dancing/dancing with the stars au
suspend yr disbelief and follow me under the cut etc
max retires after like 3 wdc, comes out, is somehow persuaded into going on strictly come dancing w the stars (don't worry about it). daniel is a beloved pro dancer, he's made the final a few times but never won. he's never had a male partner on the show, either, and he's low-key nervous about it. he tells max, we're a team, okay. i've got your back.
max doesn't have the best musicality but he's got great stamina and he's fast and he picks up the steps quickly -- like the top end of what you'd hope for in a sportsman even if he's a bit awkward at first. daniel's like, i can work with this, but what he doesn't expect is max's lack of self-consciousness about his body, the way he'll take direction and adjustments from daniel and go wherever daniel puts him. and it's fun, actually. they laugh a lot.
they muddle through the early weeks okay (max's charleston rictus grin is something to behold, oof) but then they have a really fun quickstep and they're flying. high tempo, sparkly bow ties, big smiles, max nails the cane work.
the judges talk a lot about their strong partnership; what they mean is chemistry but they don't call it that lol. max is always getting notes about opening it out to the audience bc he's just dancing for daniel basically. every day in training he laughs until he's sore and then goes back to his hotel and jerks off desperately thinking about daniel's hands on him, the way he sometimes catches daniel looking at him in the mirror.
one week they're working on argentine tango, trying to switch the lead back and forth between them, and max throws his hands up like, can we -- i just want to be held, actually. and daniel's like, you mean you want to be in hold. and they look at each other, and max sighs, and they go again.
people are really rooting for them; they stay in, and stay in, and stay in; they survive a really dodgy samba and come back with a fantastic jive.
for couple's choice they do contemporary (daniel's like lol you are not doing streetdance, please allow me to save you from yourself), and the expectation is that max is going to open up about whatever emotional backstory on camera, which, there's no fucking way. so daniel's like, we don't have to tell them, but you can tell me, and max trusts him, so he does, and daniel tells him some stuff about growing up in perth, and when they dance two of the judges cry.
and then they have to rumba, and daniel picks i'm on fire for the music, and it's a lot. max tries to kiss daniel after, in the dressing room, and daniel has to try to hold it together and be like, i can't do this while we're on the show.
and they make the final, and they do their showdance to i've had the time of my life wearing complementary party shirts, and it's like, joyous. after they've seen the judges max uses up the whole of their allotted time talking really fiercely about how daniel of course deserves to win more than anybody.
they don't win, but they do kiss on the dancefloor under the glitterball at the end of the show, everyone milling around them, camera craning up into the air. max moves in with daniel in LA, and they're a team, like daniel said.
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jnnul · 7 months
jnnul's [works in progress]: ii
because when have i ever done anything the way i planned on doing it? there are technically more than these but those probably won't be more than like 5k so i'm not including them here. i know. those are light work by now, aren't they?
the right side of wrong.
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PAIRING ▸ sunghoon park x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ young justice au!, nightwing!sunghoon, there is a vision here of sunghoon as nightwing and i want everyone to have it as well, superhero au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity (ofc), drinking, nsfw content (making out, thigh riding, oral sex, clothed sex), violence (fighting, blood, general superhero warnings), character death, on another note, y/n is mostly referred to as ardor just because my backslash button is stuck and it's pissing me off, sunghoon is a sexy mf, yes that's a warning, the first few parts of the story are in the chat font but that's just the profile section i swear, and yes, that's also a warning
SUMMARY ▸ sunghoon park has a really bad habit of collecting strays. especially strays by the name of y/n 'ardor' faust who are definitely not supposed to be showing up in gotham city with information on the light and a penchant for setting things on fire. but hey, technicalities, right?
PLAYLIST ▸ yosemite - travis scott, back - jey, stay - ari abdul, element - pop smoke, dirty laundry - blackbear
EST. WORD COUNT ▸ varies per chapter
RELEASE DATE ▸ currently being released
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i've fallen back into my superhero phase (which i'm always in, who am i kidding?) and everyone needs to understand my love for the found family + superhero trope. extremely self-indulgent and shamelessly fun to write! it's a little different from what i usually write (college aus) so hopefully i do it justice (haha get it).
that ain't my baby
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PAIRING ▸ jake sim x fem!actress!reader
GENRES ▸ idol x actress au!, exes to enemies to friends to lovers (idk either tbh), lots of famous ppl cameos
WARNINGS ▸ profanity (do you sense a pattern here), drinking, uhh nsfw content but specifics tbd, mentions of infidelity and emotional cheating, you're a bad bitch w an detachment issues, crazy stalker fans, accusations and false accusations, somebody claims to be in a relationship w someone but it's not true
SUMMARY ▸ we got married is back - with a vengeance! you're an actress who's just beginning her ascent to stardom after playing the main antagonist in a sleeper hit kdrama. jake sim is about to make his solo debut and needs to prove that he's got nothing to hide about his dating life. so the both of you join we got married to find fame, fortune, and favorable friends on the show. when the two of you were paired together on the show, everyone was sure that the two of you would hit it off immediately. the only issue? jake sim is your ex.
PLAYLIST ▸ maria - justin bieber, popular - the weeknd, back for more - txt, greedy - tate mcrae, obsessed - mariah carey
EST. WORD COUNT ▸ 15k words
EST. RELEASE DATE ▸ on hiatus
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i actually started writing this soon after i published the first work in progress masterlist but didn't write enough of it for it to be included as an official wip (kinda like how sm rookies works - if i didn't despise sm). after listening to the song maria though, i found the charm that this work was missing and it's back!
two reflections into one
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PAIRING ▸ yudai koga (k) x streetdancer!fem!reader (ft. fuma)
GENRES ▸ dancer!au, fake relationship, mostly angst, 90s au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity (it's basically not even a warning anymore), tbh not really a healthy relationship at first, you end up liking the second lead more (that's a warning.), k is a menace at first i'm so sorry, y/n is...questionable when it comes to drawing the line, this is the early 90s so 90s pop culture lol, probably a few inaccuracies
SUMMARY ▸ y/n l/n has always looked up to koga yudai - known better by his stage name k. and when the universe ends up delivering her directly to his front door, she decides she's definitely not going to go and knock it. but as they say, you should never meet your idols - a lesson that she learns the hard way when a twist of fate ends up with her having to pretend to date k, seeing more of her idol than she had ever imagined.
PLAYLIST ▸ maula mere maula - roop kumar rathod, hawa banke - darshan rawal, honeymoon avenue - ariana grande, ihyn - f.n.
EST. WORD COUNT ▸ 20k words
EST. RELEASE DATE ▸ on hiatus
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ the first time i planned out a fic scene by scene from start to end! let's see if that changes anything about how i write or if the characters decide to create a story of their own - regardless of what i think. i've always had more ideas than time to write anyway.
it's midnight in paris
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PAIRING ▸ jung sungchan x reader (i'm aware that it's younghoon but i'm switching it and i haven't made a banner yet sue me)
GENRES ▸ percy jackson!au, greek mythology/demigod!au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity (seriously.), all the warnings of demigod-ism (fighting, violence, characters get hurt, somebody's always tryna kill them), y/n can't catch a fucking break, zeus is an asshole but what's new, modern romance is trying not to die while on a date
SUMMARY ▸ deliveries to the gods were never all that exciting. usually, doing the dirty work for the greek gods meant that you were pretty much guaranteed a safe passage when dropping off their toys at the empire state building. but you must've pissed them off big time if they were sending you on babysitting missions now. or, the one where you accidentally save a late blooming demigod from a minotaur and now he's emotionally dependent on you.
PLAYLIST ▸ sweet juice - purple kiss, kingdom come - the boyz, blue blood - ive, dahlia - (g)-idle
EST. WORD COUNT ▸ 30k words
EST. RELEASE DATE ▸ end of fall 2024
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ GOD i have to stop doing this to myself. this being writing fics that cause me to have to plan out the whole thing out instead of just writing whatever the hell i want. i say this but i will be the most invested in this one at the end, i promise you.
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fandomtrash264 · 2 years
Okay guys- bear with me here
Byler dance!AU (kinda like Streetdance the more I think about it)
Mike is a hip-hop dancer and he gets recommended for ballet
whether that be a coach who tells him he needs to "feel the music" or learn some grace. Perhaps his friends [probably Dustin and Lucas] telling him to try going to a ballet class if he is *so* desperate to get a girlfriend
He goes for a ballet session (either one on one or he goes to a large class and then gets tutored for it) and he is reluctantly looking forward to it
Mike is expecting a pretty girl to be his partner but it thrown for a loop when his partner turns out to be a boy
A very pretty boy by the name of Will Byers who is actually an incredible dancer
Love story ensues. At first he hates it but then he finds himself enjoying the lessons (or maybe his partner/teacher?) And they fall in love and it's great. Thank you.
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nokzeit · 2 years
Next Level geht nach in Indien
Next Level geht nach in Indien
(Foto: pm) Anfrage einer Talentagentur aus Dubai Buchen. (vs) Eine sensationelle Anfrage aus Indien beflügelt seit Juli die Streetdance-Gruppe „,Next Level” des TSV 1863 Buchen. Dieses Mal geht es nicht um eine Meisterschaft, sondern um zwei Show-Auftritte der vielfachen nationalen Meister und Weltmeister auf dem größten indischen Kulturfestival „Mood Indigo”, das jährlich Ende Dezember auf…
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borispfeiffer · 6 months
// von Boris Pfeiffer // Er geht durch die winterdunkle Straße. Plötzlich stößt er einen Laut aus: “Puhooooooo ….” Er trötet es fast. Er fängt an, seine Arme nach rechts und links zu schwenken, durch den Schneeregen. Er fängt an, laut vor sich hin zu sprechen. Jeder geht ihm aus dem Weg. In einem der Fenster über ihm spielt eine Lichtorgel. Es wird lila, dann blau, dann grün. War das der…
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Wieder ein großer Erfolg – das Jugendkulturfestival MOVE!
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Wieder ein großer Erfolg – das Jugendkulturfestival MOVE! Moers. (pst) Das Kinder- und Jugendkulturfestival MOVE! lief nach zwei ‚Corona‘-Ausgaben in diesem Jahr zu neuer Höchstform auf! In Kooperation mit den Einrichtungen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, dem Bollwerk 107 und anderen bot es in diesem Jahr einiges für die unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen. Mit mehr als 100 Teilnehmenden in zehn Workshops begann der Samstag (6. Mai) in den Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen sowie im Musenhof und im Alten Landratsamt. Das Spektrum reichte von ‚Anime zeichnen‘ über ‚Mittelalterliche Spielbretter bauen‘ bis zu einem ‚Instrumentenbau DIY‘. Auch unterschiedliche Tanz- und Bewegungsworkshops waren sehr beliebt. „Das gut funktionierende Netzwerk von Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendkultur, der Moerser Kulturschaffenden und der städtischen Partner ermöglicht dieses reizvolle Festival erst in dieser Form“, beschreibt Katja Roters vom städtischen Kulturbüro das Erfolgsrezept. Musik-Open-Air begeisterte Ein besonderes Highlight war das Jugendmusikfestival ‚MACH MAL LAUT‘ in Kooperation mit dem Bollwerk 107 und den Moerser Jugendzentren auf dem Moerser Schlossplatz. Rund 300 Besucherinnen und Besucher ließen sich zunächst von der 17-jährigen Singer-Songwriterin songsofsophie aus Duisburg begeistern, die sich mit ihren Songtexten für die LGBTQ-Community einsetzt. Tanzbar wurde es dann mit dem Duo Poppymoon aus Mülheim, die neben einigen eigenen Songs auch mit eigenwilligen Coverversionen das Publikum überzeugten. Der Headlinder des Abends war Batomae. Er brachte seine Fans unter ihren Schirmen trotz stärker werdenden Regens mit deutschsprachigem Pop zum Tanzen. Im kleinen Festivaldorf boten die Moerser Jugendzentren u. a. Hennatatoos und Batiken an. Familientag am Sonntag Der Festival-Sonntag stand ganz im Zeichen der Familien. Weit über 1.000 Gäste nutzten zahlreiche Angebote zum Mitmachen, Kreativstände und sahen ein abwechslungsreiches Bühnenprogramm. Mitreißende Musik kam von der Schulband des Gymnasium Adolfinum sowie den Ensembles der Moerser Musikschule, Samba Marching Band und Mission Music. Auch die unterschiedlichen Streetdance-Gruppen von Cristina Rey Delgado und ‚tanzmobil‘ begeisterten das Publikum. Kinder, die an den Pop-Up Workshops von Musiker und Akrobat Famous Awuko Doé und Beatboxer Carlos Howard teilgenommen hatten, trauten sich zum Ende des Nachmittags ebenfalls auf die Bühne. Der Stimmung beim Publikum gingen die ‚Kinderreporter‘ der Offenen Einrichtung Seestern unter Leitung der ehemaligen WDR-Reporterin Monika Hanewinkel auf die Spur. Abgerundet wurde der gelungene Nachmittag mit zahlreichen Ständen der Fördervereine der Gebrüder-Grimm-Schule und der Astrid-Lindgren-Schule oder des Leo’s Club. Insgesamt waren die Veranstalter mehr als zufrieden: „Moers hat eine lebendige und vielfältige Szene der Kinder- und Jugendkultur. Toll, dass die Möglichkeit, sich zu präsentieren, auch in diesem Jahr wieder so stark wahrgenommen wurde“, so Mark Bochnig-Mathieu vom Kinder- und Jugendbüro. Bildzeile: Weit über 1.000 Gäste kamen am Sonntag zum MOVE!-Familientag. (Foto: Bettina Engel-Albustin) Read the full article
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maximegigan · 2 years
💖Renaissance📊C’est la rentrée🤹‍♂️
🌈Rétrospectif de mes cours de danses réguliers enseignés aux enfants, ados et adultes sur Paris et sa banlieue d’Île-de-France pour la nouvelle saison 2022/2023, inscrivez-vous :
💙Les mardis de 19h à 22h au @latinstudioecole (Neuilly-sur-Marne) : Urban Clip Dance, Street Jazz, Talons Heels Dance
❤️Les mercredis de 17h à 22h à @creadanseparis (Paris 16ème) : Hip Hop, Street Dance, Ragga Dancehall, Girly Street Jazz
💚Les vendredis de 19h45 à 21h45 au @rcdanses91 (Yerres) : Ragga Dancehall et Clubbing House Dance
💞Pour toute autres collaborations et informations veuillez me contacter directement en MP @maximegigan , par mail [email protected] ou encore joindre vos demandes sur celui de mon label [email protected] : @mgplayrec
🫶Artistiquement vôtre, MG🇫🇷🇷🇪🇲🇦
#maximegigan #urbandance #clipdance #streetjazz #talons #heelsdance #hiphop #streetdance #ragga #girly #dancehall #housedance #danse #work #choreography #maximegiganchoreography #danceclass #backtoschool #registernow #mgplayrec #shooting #coursdedanse #dance #paris #latinstudioecole #creadanseparis #rockingclub91 #beyonce #breakmysoul #renaissance
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A Streetdance-AU for BNHA
Part I
Soo, I´ve been watching this movie called “StreetDance” and I was hit with this wonderful idea of letting the BNHA-Characters dance in an AU about streetdannce, because why not? They´ve already performed a choreo at the festival and I really would like to see some more characters dance..
Like for example there would be a “Baku-Streetdance-Squad” and of course Bakugou is the leader, but his first squad falls apart because of Deku, who suddenly shows up and wants to join his group. And Bakugou refuses to let him join, even though he knows the moves and how to dance all of a sudden. He never had a talent for dancing before, so how come he suddenly acts like he has it? 
Bakugou is furious and his squad decides this is finally the last straw and they would rather join Deku, so most of them leave. Except Ahido and Sero, but two people won´t do it, so he has to go and search for new dancers, if he wants to challenge the new founded “Deku-Squad”.
The “Deku-Squad” so far consists of Iida, Uraraka and Deku himself, but soon Todoroki will join them in the streetdance and (secretly) abandons his ballet lessons.
While Bakugou reluctantly goes on the search for new members, Deku has a perfect place to train with his friends: an old dance academia that belongs to none other than Yagi Toshinori aka “All Might”, a former streetdancer, who has been the idol of many young performers in the art of streetdance for many years. Not only Deku highly respects him, but Bakugou also is a huge fan of him. And All Might trained Deku, but only his new squad gets to know the secret.
Bakugou meanwhile thinks he´s going to loose it, because everyone seems to be f*cking untalented, but Ashido and Sero think he just has too high standards and expects too much, to put it nicely. But lucky for him, there are two indivuals not far away from him, that actually show some decent talent at streetdancing. They make a little show in front of a crowd and Bakugou watches. But of course he wouldn´t just go and invite to join his squad so he strides over and challenges them.
Kirishima and Kaminari might not be able to beat him, but they have potential and Sero and Mina try to convince their leader to let them join. And there begins the journey of the “real” Bakusquad. And Aizawa just lets them use his dance studio, because he thinks it´s saver to have an eye on Bakugou when he´s not out on the streets to start some stupid fights with gangs and other people. (He promised Mrs. Bakugo to watch over him, so he is kinda stuck with this kid.) Well, as long as he gets along with Shinsou, who Aizawa teaches some standard dance.
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superevilbadguy · 2 years
The Spell of Song and Dance (One-Shot)
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The Spell of Song and Dance can be read here on Ao3!​
I honestly wasn’t sure I was going to do something this year, but somehow it managed to come together in less than 24 hours, SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY!
 Based off of the artwork from my Streetdancing AU 
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with-woozi · 6 years
Imagine meeting streetdancer!Woozi for the first time at a dance competition and falling for his amazing dancing skills.
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humanshitpost01 · 6 years
My newest fic is up now! Feel free to check it out and while you’re there check out Beautiful Storm as well.
Clarke Griffin has just moved to a new city. After the disaster of a report card she got last year she has decided to focus more on school this year. But then she accidentally runs into Lexa Woods, a rebel of huge proportions and one of the best dancers in the city. Unfortunately Lexa is also the leader of Grounders, the local street gang which tends to get into a lot of disputes with the city council, which Clarke's mother happens to be in. Clarke somehow ends up being a part of this street gang, with her very own crew made up with her new friends. Something tells her that focusing on school might prove to be a difficult task.
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princessfbi · 2 years
You know since you wrote that ficlet of the step up au i can't stop thinking about streetdancer!eddie and balletdancer!buck maybe it's time i enable you again? 👀👀 (but only if you have fun with it)
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nokzeit · 2 years
21. Kinder- und Jugendferienprogramm Mosbach
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_(Symbolbild - Pixabay)_ Mosbach. In Ergänzung zu ihrer Kinderbetreuung in den Sommerferien hat die Stadt Mosbach in diesem Jahr wieder Einzelveranstaltungen für Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen fünf und 16 Jahren auf die Beine gestellt. Das traditionelle Ferienprogramm findet vom 28. Juli bis 10. September statt. Dank der vielen Mitstreiter, Kooperationspartner und Veranstalter kann die Stadt nach zweijähriger Coronapause wieder viel Spiel, Spaß und Wissenswertes anbieten. In diesem Jahr erfolgt die Anmeldung zum ersten Mal über ein Internetportal. Dort können sich Eltern und Kindern bequem von zu Hause aus über die einzelnen Angebote informieren, neben einer Veranstaltungsliste steht das komplette Programm auch als PDF-Download zur Verfügung. Unter der Adresse www.unser-ferienprogramm.de/mosbach kann man sich ab sofort registrieren und für die einzelnen Veranstaltungen anmelden. Die Anmeldung ist ausschließlich über das neue Portal möglich, die Vergabe der Plätze erfolgt nach Eingang der Anmeldung. Aus 28 Einzelveranstaltungen verschiedener Themenbereiche wie z.B. Technik, Natur, Kunst und Sport können sich die Kinder in den Sommerferien ein vielseitiges und abwechslungsreiches Ferienangebot zusammenstellen. Veranstaltungsthemen sind z.B. „Wir bauen ein Vier-Gewinnt-Spiel“, „Streetdance – Hip Hop“, „Katzenkunst“ und vieles mehr. Dies sind nur einige Höhepunkte, die auf „Euch“ warten. Interessierte sollten nicht lange überlegen, denn die Nachfrage ist groß und die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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key201303 · 3 years
Part I
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Word count: 2661 words
Pairing: Streetdancer!Moonbin x Ballerina!reader x Streetdancer!Rocky + the rest of Astro as members of the dance group
Genre: street dancers AU, ballerina AU, fluff, slight angst, suggestive
Warnings: slight angst, some suggestive parts, swearing, mentions of surgery, mentions of medicine, brief mentions of death, brief mentions of drugs
Plot: It was your time to shine and be accepted on the most prestigious dance academy in the city. But your ballet dance moves won’t be enough to convince the CEO of the academy. If you really want to be accepted, you'll have to create something new, something impresive. And that’s when you meet Moonbin and Rocky.
The moment they take you to their own little world of street dancers, you finally finally find what can compete your sofisticated and delicate ballet moves and soon you'll find yourself locked in a studio with the two boys and 4 other boys you have managed to gather to create what you believed would be the best choreography that would send you all into the academy.
But things were too perfect to be real and a terrible accident will make you decide whether to stay with the 6 boys and fight for your place in that academy or leave them to continue with their boring lives while you kept having the perfect life everyone thought you had. Sometimes being selfish wasn't the best thing even though your health was in risk.
A/N: Here’s the first part!! Hope you guys enjoy it❤️❤️
Taglist -> @staysstrays (let me know if you want me to add you!)
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“5, 6, 7 and… (Y/N) stop.” Your mentor shouted, knocking you out of your focused bubbled as you tried to keep up with the rhythm and make perfect moves. But apparently, by the way she called out your name telling you to stop, you were definitely doing something really wrong. “What’s wrong with you today? Your retiré and plié are completely wrong!” She scolded you, finally letting you know what you were doing so wrong. “I’m sorry miss, I’m just a bit tired.” You confessed slightly panting, trying to catch your breath.
Being a ballerina and a college student was definitely not a good idea. Ballet always took so much of your time and, unlike the rest of your college friends, instead of spending the days locked inside a library bingeing all your books to get good scores on your tests, you spent the days locked inside the practice room, working so hard to improve your moves so you were able to quit college and attend to the most important dancing academy in the city. But still, you had to pass your exams with good scores if you wanted to keep dancing, after all, you paid the dance academy with the money you received for being an excellent student. Unfortunately, fixing your schedules with classes and dancing lessons wasn’t as easy as you expected.
“If you are tired then you shouldn’t have come to my class, I don’t have time to waste with a tired ballerina.” Your mentor retorted, making you lower your gaze. She had a pretty bad reputation about the bad treatment she had towards the students due to how strict she was. She would never hesitate for a second to scold any student and tell them to leave the practice room if they were messing around with the choreography. Some friends of yours would sometimes ask you why you kept going to her classes if she treats you that bad but you always say that, after all, she’s one of the best ballerinas in the academy. And you weren’t wrong, she was definitely a great ballerina and ballet definitely ran through her veins. You guessed that was the reason why she was so strict. She wanted you all to be as good as she was but that was kind of impossible for a girl like you who had just slept 4h last night due to an upcoming exam. “If you want that place in that academy, you’ll have to work harder even if you’re tired Miss Lee.” She added, turning back to face the stereo to play the music once again. You knew she was right. You knew you had to work even harder if you wanted to enter that academy. And you were really working hard on it but the way she said those words made you feel really insecure about the choreography you’ve been preparing and the amount of time you have spent to practice it.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice calling your name from behind as you packed your stuff to leave the practice room and head to the library for studying. You turned to meet one of your friends from the dance academy standing behind you with a worried expression. You could tell she has noticed the black circles under your eyes even though you tried so hard to cover them with make up in the early morning before attending class. “Hey.” You greeted her with a tired and weak smile. All your muscles were in pain and you couldn’t even know how you were able to stand on your feet right now. Maybe it was the 2 coffees you had before getting to class or maybe it was that you have stopped controlling your body movements a long time ago, feeling like a complete zombie. “Are you okay? You look terrible.” Your friend asked worried. “Yeah, don’t worry, it’s just I haven’t had much time for sleeping lately. Have this upcoming exam that is taking more time than what I would like to admit.” A tired sigh escaped your lips as you bent over to grab your bag and exit the practice room with your friend. You really appreciated her worry as a friend but the last thing you needed now was someone scolding you for not having enough rest. “You know how important rest times are for us. (Y/N) if you keep skipping sleeping hours you’ll end up fainting and trust me, Miss Park won’t be there to help you out.” Your friend scolded you as you both walked out of the building. “You don’t understand, do you? It’s easy for you because you can only focus on dancing but I also go to college and if I start failing I won’t be able to keep dancing! Is it that hard for all of you to understand?” You said clearly mad and annoyed by your friend’s advice. You knew everyone gave you those advices for your own mental and physical health but in your point of view, none of them could understand your situation.
Your dream and passion was dancing, you were born to dance and it was your entire life. You danced when you were happy, you danced when you were sad, you danced when you were mad… You always danced. And it was a big no no for you to give up dancing. If you stopped dancing, your whole world and life would tumble down in a matter of seconds. But you couldn’t stop studying either because thanks to being in college, you got the average amount of money you needed to pay the academy. In conclusion, you couldn’t give up any of your problems. Your only solution was working even harder to get that place in that academy with a scholarship that would give you the chance of quitting college and fully focusing on becoming the great ballerina you always dreamt of.
With no more words, you increased your speed, leaving your friend behind as you walked towards the library. The streets were crowded even though it was getting dark. The same song you have been listening to for the past month was now repeating over and over again on your phone as you walked through the busy streets of the city as you mentally reviewed the choreography you had prepared for the audition to enter the academy. At this point, you could tell the music has engraved its notes in your brain and even though you knew the very basics about sol-fa, you could immediately recognize the notes of that specific song.
You were about to arrive at the library when loud music coming from a semi dark alley got your attention. You were surprised by the type of music it was being played since you knew those kind of alleys were usually used for selling drugs and some other illegal things but when you heard a song you really liked, you couldn’t help the growing curiosity to get closer to the small alley and take a look at what was going on.
As soon as you peeked around the corner of the street, you met with two boys randomly dancing to the song you have recognized. Their dance moves were pretty clean and you could tell both of them have been dancing hip hop style for quite long by how smooth they moved. They’re faces as they danced reflected how much they both enjoyed dancing and how happy they felt while the music flowed through their veins. You missed that feeling while dancing… “Can we help you?” One of the boys asked, knocking you out of your thoughts. You were too immersed in them, you didn’t notice they had stopped dancing to stare at you the same way you were staring at them. “No, I was just passing by…” You answered, lowering your gaze clearly shy about getting caught for staring at two boys. You took a few seconds to analyze them sideways. One of them had a perfect brown hair that delicately fell before his dark eyes, giving him an intimidating look. The other boy had cotton candy pink hair that didn’t really fit the vibe he actually gave due to his height. “You’re a SOPA student?” The brown haired boy asked with a deep voice, pointing at the few metal badges that decorated your bag. “I’m trying to.” You answered, looking down at the metal badges and weakly smiling. You really wanted to be part of that academy and you really wished someday you could change your answer to that question. “Ballerina, huh?” The pink haired boy said, reading your figure like if you were a book, analyzing every single detail of your outfit that could give him the perfect hints to guess what your dancing style was. You just shyly nodded, looking down at your outfit that shouted the word ‘ballet’. Their eyes were piercing you like a knife as they analyzed you from head to toes. “I think I should get going, someone’s waiting for me at the library.” You said turning around and trying to hide your red cheeks. Both of them standed there eyeing you as you walked away. What a pleasant yet awkward meeting you had with those two handsome boys.
As soon as you entered the library, you could spot the only reason why you could still stand on your feet, your best friend Sanha. "Wow I thought you were about to leave me all alone in here once again.” He said, removing his messy notes from your side of the table. “Get over it Sanha, I only did that once.” You said rolling your eyes as you sat down and started getting your books out of your bag. “What were you doing that took you so long to come? Didn’t you say the practice room closed at 7pm?” He said, checking the time on the clock hanging on the wall behind you. “It’s already 8:30pm.” He added, pointing at the small clock. “I was just talking with some random guys.” You said, moving your attention from the clock your friend has pointed out back into your books. “Boys? Wow you’re not the (Y/N) I know.” Sanha said, mocking you. He was actually right and you hated that he knew you so well but, after all, he was your best friend and the 19 years of friendship both of you had on your back didn’t go unnoticed when it came to knowing facts about each other. You could tell he even knew you better than you did yourself from time to time and so did you for him. “May I know who they were? Were they handsome?” He started his ‘best friend interrogation session’. That’s how he liked to call it, blame him for having a disgusting taste for naming things. “I don’t even know them, for God’s sake Sanha.” You said rolling your eyes. “And? Since when do you have to know someone to tell if they're handsome or not?” He complained. He somehow had a point and you hated it. “Well, yeah, they were handsome and what?” You embarrassingly admitted. You would be lying if you told him that the two boys you met a few minutes ago in that dark alley weren’t handsome but talking about it in a library with your best friend was not a good idea. “Is there anything you can tell me so I can find out who they are? You know, I have contacts.” Sanha said, wiggling his eyebrows. You knew everyone knew him and he knew everyone. That was the blessing and curse that you had to bear with for being his best friend. You knew he would do some kind of FBI investigation to find out who those boys were and even where they studied. Sometimes he really scared the shit out of you because of his meticulous research on the people you talked about with him. But deeply inside you, you really wanted to know who those boys were. The way they danced left you mesmerized and there was no way you were wasting the opportunity of getting someone’s advice on your choreography, especially when those someones were them. “I saw them in the alley near here. They were dancing hip hop so I guess they’re street dancers. One of them was short and had brown hair, he looked pretty intimidating. The other one was pretty tall and wore cotton candy pink hair, he seems nice but kind of scary though.” You explained. As you explained the looks of the two boys, Sanha’s face turned from a curious one to a surprised one. “Wow, you’re really describing my friends.” He suddenly said. His words pierced you like a knife. Sanha would call absolutely everyone ‘friend’ but whenever he talked with you, he would only refer to ‘friends’ those who were really close to him. “Your friends?” You asked with a shaky and nervous thread of voice. “Yeah, Moonbin and Rocky. They were my neighbors when we were in elementary school.” Sanha said. “Wait, I’m sure you know them. Remember the two kids that always stared at you while you danced?” He added, unlocking a ton of hidden memories from your brain.
The sun was warmly illuminating the small porch of your best friend’s house. You would go there every now and then so he could monitor your practices and give you his objective opinion on how your choreographies looked. After all, having a friend that loved filming wasn’t as annoying as it may sound. “How was it?” You asked him once you have finished your choreography. “Pretty cool actually, but that foot kind of missed the tempo.” Sanha said, pointing at your left foot. He became really picky about your dance moves as years went by and he learnt more and more about ballet thanks to you. “Fine.” You said, rolling your eyes and removing your dancing shoes to get on your ankle boots.
“Hey who are those two boys? They’ve been staring at us for quite a long.” You said, pointing at the two boys hanging on the porch in front of Sanha’s house. “Oh, they just moved there, I’ve heard they also dance. Maybe they are just getting ideas?” Sanha said downplaying the fact of two boys staring at you. Maybe he was right, but you were curious about them.
“They are those kids?!?!?!?” You said, a bit too louder for what you would like to admit. “Shh, you’re gonna get us scolded.” Sanha said covering your mouth and scolding you for being loud. “And yes, they are those kids.” He said, removing his hand from your mouth. You were surprised by how both of them have changed since then. Well, it has been ages since you saw them and never knew about them again so it was normal that they changed but you didn’t expect them to have THAT change. “Want me to introduce them to you?” Sanha said, wiggling his eyebrows once again. “Stop saying that if you don’t want me to slap that stupid grin off your face.” You said, moving his face away from yours so he would stop staring awkwardly at you. “Ouch that hurts.” He said, placing his hand on his chest, acting like your words hurt his heart.
You were too shy and embarrassed for asking him to introduce them to you but you couldn’t help thinking about it non stop. The thought of having them giving you their opinion on your choreography kept popping up on your mind throughout the entire time you spent in the library and even throughout the entire night once you arrived home. They asked you if you were a SOPA student so maybe it was because THEY were students in there or knew someone from there. They were the gate to you being accepted in that academy, or at least that’s what you thought.
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