#max also gets notes about his expressive hands (glh)
missyourflight · 2 years
rough day for daniel girlies (gn) so i'm self-soothing by thinking about a maxiel strictly come dancing/dancing with the stars au
suspend yr disbelief and follow me under the cut etc
max retires after like 3 wdc, comes out, is somehow persuaded into going on strictly come dancing w the stars (don't worry about it). daniel is a beloved pro dancer, he's made the final a few times but never won. he's never had a male partner on the show, either, and he's low-key nervous about it. he tells max, we're a team, okay. i've got your back.
max doesn't have the best musicality but he's got great stamina and he's fast and he picks up the steps quickly -- like the top end of what you'd hope for in a sportsman even if he's a bit awkward at first. daniel's like, i can work with this, but what he doesn't expect is max's lack of self-consciousness about his body, the way he'll take direction and adjustments from daniel and go wherever daniel puts him. and it's fun, actually. they laugh a lot.
they muddle through the early weeks okay (max's charleston rictus grin is something to behold, oof) but then they have a really fun quickstep and they're flying. high tempo, sparkly bow ties, big smiles, max nails the cane work.
the judges talk a lot about their strong partnership; what they mean is chemistry but they don't call it that lol. max is always getting notes about opening it out to the audience bc he's just dancing for daniel basically. every day in training he laughs until he's sore and then goes back to his hotel and jerks off desperately thinking about daniel's hands on him, the way he sometimes catches daniel looking at him in the mirror.
one week they're working on argentine tango, trying to switch the lead back and forth between them, and max throws his hands up like, can we -- i just want to be held, actually. and daniel's like, you mean you want to be in hold. and they look at each other, and max sighs, and they go again.
people are really rooting for them; they stay in, and stay in, and stay in; they survive a really dodgy samba and come back with a fantastic jive.
for couple's choice they do contemporary (daniel's like lol you are not doing streetdance, please allow me to save you from yourself), and the expectation is that max is going to open up about whatever emotional backstory on camera, which, there's no fucking way. so daniel's like, we don't have to tell them, but you can tell me, and max trusts him, so he does, and daniel tells him some stuff about growing up in perth, and when they dance two of the judges cry.
and then they have to rumba, and daniel picks i'm on fire for the music, and it's a lot. max tries to kiss daniel after, in the dressing room, and daniel has to try to hold it together and be like, i can't do this while we're on the show.
and they make the final, and they do their showdance to i've had the time of my life wearing complementary party shirts, and it's like, joyous. after they've seen the judges max uses up the whole of their allotted time talking really fiercely about how daniel of course deserves to win more than anybody.
they don't win, but they do kiss on the dancefloor under the glitterball at the end of the show, everyone milling around them, camera craning up into the air. max moves in with daniel in LA, and they're a team, like daniel said.
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