#;;we need more woozi the dancer prompts
with-woozi · 6 years
Imagine meeting streetdancer!Woozi for the first time at a dance competition and falling for his amazing dancing skills.
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wondernimbus · 4 years
firewhiskey appreciation day — james potter
pairing: james potter x female!reader
prompt: “you look yummy.” & “my hand was made to fit into yours. that’s all there is to it.” from this prompt list!
warning: mentions of alcohol consumption
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Parties in the Gryffindor common room aren’t exactly a rare occurrence.
The older Gryffindors throw parties all the time, for a multitude of different reasons: to celebrate a Quidditch match victory, someone’s birthday, or maybe even just for the sake of it. A way to have fun; to de-stress and forget all of the worries that comes with being a student. Homework and projects and, occasionally, drama.
Sometimes they make up a holiday on the spot. Sirius calls this one the “Firewhiskey Appreciation Day” and, like always, everyone just goes along with it.
Point is: parties are a regular thing. All the Gryffindors are used to it.
But what they're not used to is the sight of their usually cool, calm and collected Head Girl, [Y/N] [Y/L/N], aggressively headbanging and swinging her hips on top of the coffee table, looking a step away from toppling off and falling flat on her face.
James Potter, who has just clambered out of the portrait hole and into the common room, stares, not quite sure whether or not he should believe his eyes.
"Am I going mad," begins Remus slowly, wide eyes similarly fixed on [Y/N], who is now clutching her wand in lieu of a microphone. "Or is that your girlfriend?"
Sirius emerges from a group of seventh-years in the middle of the room, striding towards James and Remus with a glass of firewhiskey in one hand and a mug of Butterbeer in the other. "Drinks?" he says, grinning, holding one out to each of them. "I’d ask you to pay up, but you blokes are lucky I’m your best mate."
"Who gave her something to drink?" James demands, sounding positively outraged.
"Who—oh, you mean [Y/N]?" Sirius breaks out into a grin as he turns around to look at the girl behind him, who seems to have started tap-dancing on the table. A throng of Gryffindors are gathered around her, laughing and cheering her on.
"Yes, I bloody well mean [Y/N]," James says, exasperated. "She’s a ruddy lightweight!”
Sirius laughs. "I might have given her a shot of firewhiskey—"
"Just one," continues Sirius smoothly, shoving the mug of butterbeer into Remus's hands so that he can clap James on the shoulder. "Just one, mate, relax. She asked for one and to be honest with you i wasn't sure, but she insisted. Soon after one little sip she was climbing on top of the table and belting out some Muggle song." He lets out another laugh, watching [Y/N] try (and fail) to tap-dance. "You’ve got yourself a keeper, Prongs."
James gapes, at a complete loss for words. There's a laugh threatening to bubble out of his throat, but he shoves it back down for later—he can tease [Y/N] about this tomorrow morning (and possibly for the rest of her life; he's never going to let her live this down) but for now, he needs to stop her before she does anything she might further regret.
"Bloody hell," mutters James, shaking his head. He shrugs Sirius off and makes a bee-line straight for [Y/N], shoving past drunken teenagers as he goes. One of them grins at him and goes, "Didn’t know your girlfriend was such a good dancer, Potter!"
James grimaces.
He has to shoulder his way through the small crowd that has gathered around her. Once he has reached the base of the table, he tugs on her robes—enough to grab her attention. She whips around, a woozy grin on her face, cheeks flushed pink and a wild look in her eyes.
”Darrrrling!” she sings, movements sluggish like she’s moving through  water. Bending down to grab his necktie, she gushes, voice slurred, “Come dance with me!”
James can't help the laugh that slips out of his mouth. [Y/N] is a fairly reserved person; being Head Girl, she is almost always composed—or at least in front of other people. So seeing her let loose like this in the middle of the Gryffindor common room is quite an amusing sight.
"I’d love to," says James, grinning. "But trust me when I say you'd much rather have this night over with.”
"Oh, no!" She’s pouting, standing back up to full height as she crosses her arms and shakes her head vigorously. "No, no, I’ve still got to show everyone this dance I made up!"
The Gryffindors erupt into a chorus of enthusiastic cheers.
"—and you're going to help me teach them!" beams [Y/N], knees buckling dangerously underneath her—James lurches forward by instinct to catch her, but she manages to stay on her feet. "It’s much too early to turn in for the night, darling, I can’t leave now!"
James sighs. There’s an exasperated smile on his face, but it is also so ridiculously fond, like [Y/N] is the most precious thing on earth. (And she is—or at least to him.) "Really?" he says, flicking his eyebrows up at her. "Would you rather stay here dancing or snuggling in bed with me? It’s a one time offer, my love."
He sees her hesitate. The grin on her face droops into an animated frown, but then a moment later she's beaming again—"Why don't we dance in bed, Jamey?"
Another laugh. He’s never going to let her live this down. "Alright. Okay." James holds his arms out to her, gesturing for her to come down. "I’ll carry you there, how does that sound?"
She purses her lips in contemplation, stroking her chin. After at least five seconds of this, she nods to herself, and then, turning back to the crowd, she sweeps her arms out and bows; a full-on ninety degree bow. The kind of bow theatre performers would do after a show, just before the curtains would close.
"Thank you everyone for coming out here tonight!" she yells, her flushed face glowing with pure, unadulterated happiness. The Gryffindors hoot in response, some letting out sounds of disappointment at her departure. "Until next time, my lovely fans!"
Waving at her crowd of so-called adoring fans, she tries to step off of the table, but her legs weaken underneath her and she very nearly falls—but James is there to catch her, staggering as her entire weight collapses on top of him; "Merlin," he says, hands gripping at her arms to keep her upright. "Are you okay?"
She giggles. A drunken, high-pitched sound. Leaning forward, she quite literally slaps her hands around his cheeks, holding him in place. "You look.." she murmurs, teetering on her feet as she looks at him up and down, lips quirking up into this funny, crooked smirk. When her eyes finally move back up to meet his, she says, "You look yummy."
James makes a choked sound at the back of his throat that sounds both like suppressed laughter and disbelief. He nods, if only to please her, and leans in to press a brief, chaste kiss to her lips. He tastes firewhiskey. “Thank you, love," grins James, slowly prying her hands off of his face. "But I've got enough people telling me that."
She gasps in exaggerated outrage. "Who?" her lips curl venomously, hands forming fists. "Tell me, so I can challenge them to a dance-off—show them who's got your heart—I will win, won't I?"
James laughs. "Yes, love. Of course. You’ve got my heart and the rest of me."
[Y/N] squeals again, actually jumping in excitement. "Do I have your nose?" she sings, bumping her nose against his, smiling from ear-to-ear. "Your lips—oh, what about your hands?" she gasps comically, grabbing at his hand and skimming her fingers over his palm. "Wow, your hand feels so—" She inhales, holding his hand up between them like it's the most amazing thing she has ever laid eyes on, "Soft. And warm."
James is equal parts both endeared and alarmed. He nods again, letting her continue to inspect his hand as he places his other free one on her waist to steer her away from the heart of the party.
She laces her fingers through his, and then—she screams.
James jumps, taken by surprise. "They fit!" [Y/N] gushes excitedly, shaking their interlaced hands in front of his face. "They fit, James! Our hands fit!"
Trying to calm his still racing heartbeat given that she'd screamed right next to his ear, James takes a deep breath before grimacing at her. "Wicked, right?"
"It’s like magic!" she enthuses, letting him lead her to the stairwell of the girls' dormitory. Only a few more steps left to go, thinks James, with yet another heavy exhale. “How does it do that?”
She’s taken to bouncing up and down as she walks despite the fact that she’s unstable on her feet. James purses his lips, pausing, gripping her by the shoulders so that he can veer her around to face him.
”Love,” he says, eyes dancing over hers, “I’m going to carry you up to your dorm, okay? Don’t—“
She squeals.
”Don’t move around too much or I might drop you,” he says, moving one hand up to gently card through her hair. “Alright?”
She grabs his hand again, lacing her fingers through his. “How!” she exclaims, shaking their hands frantically between them once more. “It’s like magic!”
”Yes, you already said that,” says James through a laugh. Slowly, he wriggles his hand out of hers, offering her an apologetic look, and bends down, sliding one arm around her back and the other underneath her knees so he can quite literally lift her off her feet.
“But your hand,” she complains as she’s being carried up the stairs. “I’ve got to hold it more, James, darling, so I can figure out why it fits so well with mine.”
James adjusts his grip on her, a smile growing on his face as he silently envisions her freaking out in the morning over tonight’s antics. “My hand was made to fit into yours,” he tells her playfully, climbing up the staircase with her in his arms. “That’s all there is to it.”
He meets her gaze, smiling, and spots her staring at him, eyes wide in awe. “Wow,” she breathes out, looking as though she has unearthed all the universe’s secrets. “Wicked.”
James has to stop on a step so that he can throw his head back and let out a loud laugh. “It is, isn’t it?” he says, grinning. “I’m never going to let you live this down, you know that, right?”
Her brows furrow. “Live what down?”
”Nothing,” James ducks his head, smiling. “Nothing.”
taglist: @dancing-in-the-moonlight3 @kalimagik @alittletoomanyobsessions @hariosborn @obsessedwithrandomthings @emcchi @sxrensxngwrites @enjoying-fantasyland21 @masterofthedarkness @siriusly-addicted-to-writing @bforbroadway @hufflefluff-writer @summer-writes @chaotic-fae-queen @firewhisky-kisses @dracosvftie @heloisedaphnebrightmore @idont-knowrn @dreamer821 @peachesandpinks @slytherinprincess03​ @chocfrogaddict @nebulablakemurphy​ ​@kpopgirlbtssvt
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supercilium-sulcos · 5 years
Fictober 2019: Day 5
Prompt number: 5 - “I might just kiss you.” Original fiction: Decadence Rating: G Warnings/Tags: alcohol, implied polyamory (not really a warning but? w/e)
Even if the party had ended, their night was far from finished. Elegant soirees in the Crest were for intrigue and guile. They weren't for entertainment, they were tests of his mettle. Central, on the other hand -- Central folks knew how to party.
He'd come to the capital to do something worthwhile, but the strain of his non-stop performance weighed on him. And, he was sure, it had begun wearing away at Arael and Samira as well. They deserved a break, if only for a night.
The streets were deserted. They must have woken every resident from the lifts to the palace with their laughter. Cassian carried them both -- Arael on his back and Samira in his arms. He was the only sober one of their trio, though he didn't mind. He couldn't recall ever seeing Samira so giggly. It was refreshing. She reached out to open the door for him when they were in range.
Cassian headed for the living room where he let them down. Rather than split up, they all fell against the couch in a cozy heap. Arael sprawled across his lap with his legs stretching over Samira's. Cassian kept an arm around Sam's shoulders to pull her in close. So much of their affection was simply for show to play the part of husband and wife. In private, they rarely cuddled. She nestled comfortably into the crook of his arm and laced one hand with Arael's.
"Hey love," Arael grinned, nuzzling against him. "We should play a game."
"I don't think you're coherent enough for  games," Cassian reminded him. He ran his fingers through Arael's loose hair.
"Not your weird games." His beloved poked him hard in the chest. "Let's play truth or dare. C'mon. You start."
Chuckling, Cassian said, "All right. Truth or dare?"
"Dare," Arael declared with a dramatic waggle of his eyebrows.
"I dare you to show Samira your tattoo."
Samira perked up. Her rosy cheeked grin was lovely to behold. "You have a tattoo?"
Arael groaned. "I know, I know! I made a really stupid bet with my brother once. Long story short, I didn't know turtles laid eggs until I was seventeen and I thought our parrot was the devil--"
"Stalling won't save you," Cassian reminded him. "Show her."
Grumbling all the while, Arael hooked his thumb into the side of his pants and tugged them down a few inches. He angled himself up so Samira could see the design inked into his hip.
"Oooh, is that a fish?"
Arael explained, "Yeah. A fighting fish."
"It's really beautiful," she sighed. "You shouldn't be embarrassed. I think it's elegant."
"I like it too," Cassian smiled, scratching lightly under Arael's chin. "The way the fins twirl remind me of your hair when you dance."
Arael pushed against them both with hands and knees. "All right, that's enough. You're both being so gross," he groaned. "And it's my turn. Sam, truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Truth," she said.
"What's the tackiest part of Cassian's house?"
"Honestly all of it is a bit tacky for my taste," she said, "but I think the whole city is like that." After pausing for a moment to suck on her cheek, Samira's eyes lit up. "Oh! The gold busts of those old men down the hall. Those are hideous."
"Agreed," Cassian had to admit. "I think my grandfather commissioned those, and I don't have the heart to throw them out."
Arael patted his chest for his attention. "Cass. Truth or dare?"
"It's Samira's turn."
"No, you go," she said.
Cassian rolled his eyes. "All right. Truth."
Something wicked lurked in  Arael's smirk. "What's the most you've ever done with a woman?"
"You already know the answer." But the way Arael looked at him so expectantly, Cassian knew that wouldn't be enough. He sighed, looking away. "Nothing."
"Have you ever been attracted to a woman?"
"It's just a question!"
"And you've already asked one. You don't get two per round."
Arael reached up to stroke his cheek. The movements were still a little sloppy, eyes a little glassy. But his beloved's smile still brought him comfort. "I'm not going to be jealous."
Hesitating, Cassian murmured, "Yes."
He didn't think the answer would be satisfactory, but Arael pressed him no further. Instead, he moved on to Samira.
"Truth or dare?"
Perhaps she'd learned her lesson from Cassian. "Dare," she said.
"I dare you to try one of my dances."
"Oh Creators," she sighed.
But she didn't shy away from it. She untangled herself from Cassian's arm and Arael's thighs, standing before them with her hands clasped behind her back. Rolling up to the tips of her toes, she asked hesitantly, "So which dance, exactly?"
"Any of them," Arael said.
"I... Well. I don't know," she admitted with a soft  giggle. "Sometimes I get so distracted by your water magic that I don't really, um... pay close attention to the dance moves."
Normally Arael, as Cassian knew him, would have jumped at the chance to be appalled at the notion. Too distracted to pay attention to me? I am SCANDALIZED, Samira. SCANDALIZED! Cassian could hear it already. But instead, he'd say that Arael looked almost... pleased? His husband slipped off of his lap and circled around Samira until he stood right behind her. "How about I give you a little lesson?"
Surely it wasn't meant to be this way. Arael hadn't meant to wink at him. Samira hadn't intended to flush and grin when she agreed. His mouth watered. Stomach somersaulted. If he wanted this to stop, he could make it stop. He knew Arael wasn't so far gone that he would test this boundary without Cassian's consent. Their eyes met. Cassian gave him the slightest nod and perched his chin on his palm. Pleased, Arael put his hands on Samira's hips.
"This is where you've got to build that rhythm. Like a heartbeat," he said. And began rocking her hips left... right... left. His own swaying in unison. "There you go. You're way better at this than Cass."
Samira said, "I've danced before, you know. Just not like you."
"Sweetheart, no one dances like me."
When he guided her to dip, to bend and twirl like a willow, she moved. Gods, she moved.
"So why did you dare me to try?" she asked.
Arael flashed another mischievous grin over her shoulder... directed at Cassian. "Oh, I don't know. Just for fun."
He pulled her in close, leaving no room between their bodies. Flush against her back, he wrapped his arms around her while Samira lead their dance.
"Did you know Cassian fell in love with me the first time he saw me perform?" Arael said.
A breathless giggle parted her lips. "I'm not surprised. You're the most incredible dancer ever."
It was Arael's turn to laugh. Dipping close to her ear, he slid his hands up her waist. Samira leaned into his touch. "Glad you noticed." A tiny sigh fluttered past her lips. Delicate fingertips traced Arael's hands. Cassian wasn't sure what he was meant to feel in that moment. All he knew was the intense satisfaction of seeing the two of them -- together, blissful.
"You really do move like... like water," Samira murmured. "Like a river. Never losing your flow."
"Careful with all the compliments. I might just kiss you."
One plump lip disappeared between her teeth. "What are you waiting for?"
A primal, fierce sense of hunger stirred in the depths of his gut. He watched as if transfixed. Arael peered up with half-lidded eyes, mouth hidden against Samira's shoulder. "Seeing if Cass wants to do it first."
He didn't know how they'd gotten to this point. Realistically, he should have seen this coming. How long could two people pretend to be a loving couple before it was no longer pretend? Cassian thought his feelings were something different: friendship, companionship. Attraction was normal... right? Samira was a beautiful woman. He certainly thought so, and so did Arael. He remembered many occasions when Arael admitted to his attraction. But the pieces didn't come together until Samira looked him in the eyes in their living room, tipsy and barefoot and messy-haired.
Cassian dry-swallowed. Well. Now we've really stepped in it, haven't we.
He extended his hand towards her from his seat on the couch. Tentative, she approached and settled her hand in his. He had not forgotten how much she'd had to drink. He pulled her knuckles to his lips, held her gaze while he planted a gentle kiss against them.
"Perhaps it would be best to continue in the morning when we have clearer heads."
Samira gave his hand a faint squeeze. "Always the gentleman."
And from behind them came a very soft "oof." Cassian peered around Samira where his husband swayed. Not in the motions of his dance routine, but as if woozy. "Ah... yep. Yep, that's the vomit. Be right back--"
His husband barely made it out of the room before finding some receptacle to ruin. Cassian could not help but to roll his eyes. Whatever it was, hopefully it wasn't another expensive vase. The kitchen must have still had mint and ginger. Though it would have been far more satisfying to let Arael take care of himself -- and learn his lesson about over-indulging -- Cassian would not risk their good bed sheets. He touched Samira's back just enough to get her attention. "I'll get to him in a moment. Can I help you to your room?"
"I'm fine, I... oh." Springing to move so quickly left her stumbling, and Cassian steadied her. "Maybe. Please."
She walked on her own, but her wobbling would have led her stumbling into any of the hall's many hazards. From statues to tapestries to paintings, there was no end to the dangerous furnishings between the couch and her bedroom.
"Sorry for troubling you," she murmured. That meekness had faded so much during their time living together. It was the first time Cassian had seen it creep back in a long while.
"I enjoy a bit of trouble on occasion."
"To be with Arael for so long, I suppose that must be true," she chuckled.
He stopped at her door. "Do you need anything?"
With a little shake of her head, Samira let herself in. One foot crossed the threshold. She looked back up at him. "Cassian?"
"Yes, dear?"
She said nothing. Maybe she was waiting for him, like Arael. Maybe she worried that he would prey upon her like a beast. Whatever happened behind that furrowed brow was a mystery. Samira did nothing to enlighten him with her soft chirp of, "Goodnight."
Arael was a lost cause if the sound of his puking was anything to go by, but Cassian hoped that Samira might get a better night's rest than him.
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fireladybuckley · 7 years
A Grad Night to Remember
Fandom:  Star Trek (AOS/TOS) Pairing: Leonard/Reader/Jim Prompt: @yourtropegirl requested Reader/Bones/Jim graduation night fun! Word Count: 3836 Warnings: Fluff, sex, smuttiness, etc Rating: R/18+ Tags: @outside-the-government​ 
Cheers erupt around the auditorium as the master of ceremony finishes his last speech.  That’s it, you’ve done it!  You have officially graduated from Starfleet academy.  You hop up and down and cheer with the others, excitement pouring out of you. You turn to Leonard, cheering beside you, and throw your arms around him.  He wraps his arms around you in a giant bear hug, grinning down at you.
“We did it!” he shouts, still hugging you, and you laugh joyfully as giddiness rolls through you, both from the graduation and from his warm, excited embrace. You all file out of the auditorium and head to a hall across campus for the party, which is sure to be an excellent event. When you enter the hall, the first thing you see is a huge banner reading “Congratulations Starfleet Graduates!” over an enormous, long table covered in every type of food you could possibly imagine.   Your stomach snarling, you happily join Leonard and Jim Kirk in the line, joining in their conversation without invitation.  You’d been in most of their classes and are on good terms with them, Leonard in particular, and they happily accept your intrusion, turning so they’re facing you.
After gorging yourself on all of your favourite foods, the three of you lounge in your chairs for a bit, full and satisfied, just chatting happily.  Soon, someone turns down the lights and the music begins, loud dance tunes bouncing off the walls of the hall.  Jim is out of his seat in seconds and pulls one of your classmates to her feet, twirls her, and disappears onto the dance floor with her.  Leonard shakes his head with a laugh.
“Man, he sure moves quickly,” you comment.  Leonard chuckles and nods, and you shake your head too, grinning.  You can see Jim and the girl dancing wildly on the floor, other couples nearby moving away a little so as not to get smacked by an errant arm or leg.
“And he hasn’t even had a drink yet,” says Leonard with a snort.  “Wait till they bring out the liquor…”
You laugh, and, as though he predicted it, a waiter suddenly appears with a bottle of wine, a bottle of spirits and some alien fruity booze you’ve never heard of or tried. “Cheers!” you say happily to the waiter, as Bones thanks him as well, and you both examine what has been left on your table. “What is this?” you ask him loudly over the music, picking up the alien drink and turning the bottle around in your hands. “I’ve never seen it before!”
“Oh, that stuff is strong,” Leonard warns, leaning over to look at the label.  “It tastes really good though, and from what I can remember, has something in it that triggers the dopamine receptors in your brain more than normal… it makes you incredibly happy,” he adds the last bit at your slightly blank look. “Oh!” you say, smiling.  You are an engineering graduate, after all.  The human body’s chemical processes are not overly familiar to you.  “That sounds great!”
Leonard grins and takes the bottle from your hand, filling two glasses with the hot-pink liquid and hands one to you.   You sniff the drink – it smells fruity and delicious and it bubbles merrily in the glass.
“To friends,” Leonard calls, raising his glass to you.  
“To friends!” you agree, clinking his glass with yours.  
You tip the glass up to your lips and take a sip, the fizzy drink filling your mouth.   It tastes amazing, fruity and sweet with vanilla undertones that make it taste almost creamy, despite being translucent.   Almost immediately you feel almost light-headed as a feeling of great happiness and joy washes over you.  Leonard smiles at you lazily, clearly feeling the same.   You both get about halfway through your glasses before the song changes to something Leonard apparently likes.
“Let’s dance!” he says suddenly, jumping to his feet and holding out his hand.  You take it eagerly and he leads you onto the dance floor.  Neither of you are particularly good at dancing but you don’t care.  You both are gleefully busting a move, and Jim notices you within a couple of minutes. He lets out a shout that you don’t hear over the music and joins you, the three of you dancing up a storm in a little circle, somewhat oblivious to the other dancers around you.   Many times you end up dancing very close with one or both of them, their arms around you, your back against their front.   None of you is feeling particularly shy with physical contact, and so a lot of grabbing, grinding and stroking is going on as the night continues.
After a couple of hours dancing with only a single brief break for more of the alien liquor, you’re feeling a bit woozy and need to get some air.  They decide to join you, all three of you sweating but still laughing and talking non-stop as you leave the hall and head outdoors.  Your hearing is oddly muffled- an aftereffect of the loudness of the music - and all of you are talking more loudly than necessary because of it, earning a few shakes of the head from older officers nearby that either disapprove or are fondly recalling their own graduation party. The three of you get outside and find a bench, which Leonard and Jim immediately flop down on, leaving you standing there.
“Hey!” you protest, swaying slightly where you stand.  “What about me?”  
Jim pats his lap and winks at you, while Leonard opens his arms, both clearly inviting you to sit on them.  You falter for a moment, then choose Leonard, hopping up and settling on his lap.  He wraps his arms around you, squeezing you for a moment, before laughing at the frown on Jim’s face.   You pull your legs up and lay them across Jim’s lap, and he looks slightly disgruntled, but laughs.   Your head and Leonard’s are at roughly the same height in this position and you can’t help looking at him as the three of you resume conversation.  He’s so handsome, you feel your heart fluttering faster the longer you sit in his lap.   Jim has begun stroking your leg and though the gesture seems a little unusual and sensual, you find you’re enjoying it so you don’t comment, just smile at him.  You notice that the conversation has started to turn flirty and run with it, feeling giddy and excited both from the booze and from your own emotions.
“No, THIS one always beat me,” Leonard was saying to some question that Jim had asked that you’d missed while you were focusing on your own thoughts.  He squeezes you when he says ‘THIS’, and you look around.
“Huh? What did I beat you at?” you ask, tightening your arms around his shoulders in response, grinning.
“Oh, just about every exam except the medical ones,” he says, and you can feels your cheeks reddening, but you’re pleased.
“I was asking him if he was top of the class,” Jim says, laughing.  
“I’m book-smart, what can I say,” you say, laughing with a slightly embarrassed shrug.  
“Oh, you’re more than that,” Leonard says, shaking his head.  “You’re great with your hands too, from what I’ve seen.”   Jim starts laughing at how suggestive the comment had sounded and you grin, blushing deeper, looking at Leonard.
“And how would you know that?” you ask him playfully, tickling his neck. “I’ve never shown you that in person…” you tell him, a teasing, flirty note in your voice.
“Hm, no you haven’t,” he replies, frowning slightly as he looks at you.  “I’ve always wanted you to, though,” he comments and your eyebrows raise in surprise, your mouth falling open slightly.
“Well, no time like the present!” Jim exclaims jokingly, grinning almost maniacally.
Before you can respond, Leonard has lifted his hands, taken your face gently in them and pressed his lips to yours. Your heart nearly stops in surprise, before a hot feeling of excitement wells up inside you.   His lips are warm and soft and you can taste the alien liquor lingering on them.  You kiss him back after your initial moment of surprise, looping your arms around his neck. The buzz of the liquor is starting to fade, but the excitement of this encounter is making your heart race.
You pull away for a moment, staring at each other, hearts pounding.  Jim stares at the two of you, but neither of you notice.  Without a word, you lean together and your lips meet again, and this time it’s more fevered.  The tip of his tongue touches your lips, seeking entrance, and you eagerly comply.  The kiss deepens, and he holds you tightly up against his chest as you embrace.  
Breaking the kiss for a moment, you pull your legs off of Jim’s lap and maneuver so you’re straddling Leonard’s thighs, facing him.  He grins at you in a lusty sort of way and your feel your heart skip a beat.  Before you know it he’s kissing you again, his hands tangled in your hair.
Jim laughs and suddenly you feel a hand caressing your neck and sliding over your back.  You shiver, goosebumps rising on your arms.  You break the kiss with Leonard and look up to see Jim sitting right beside you, looking turned on and excited as well, and you grin at him.
Before you know what’s happening, he’s leaned forward and now you’re kissing him while still straddling Leonard, who is squirming a little underneath you.   Jim’s kisses are a little rougher, and you can feel his excitement through the urgency of them, his hand pressing hard against the back of your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible.  You return the fervour as Leonard continues to hold you close, his hands roving over your back and shoulders. “I think we need to go somewhere else,” Jim gasps as the two of you separate, and you and Leonard both nod in agreement. You yelp and then giggle as Leonard stands, still holding you, and you wrap your legs around his middle, holding tight around his neck as he begins to walk.
Before long you’ve entered the dormitory building, having gone the long way outside so no one sees where you’re heading.  Jim quickly runs ahead and opens the door to their dorm room as Leonard, still carrying you, brings up the rear. Once inside, Jim locks the door and you and Leonard topple onto the couch, laughing.  You’re lying on top of him at this point, with the way you’ve landed, and you take the opportunity to crawl up his chest and begin kissing him again. One of his hands snakes up into your hair, the other wrapped around your side.  You can feel him getting aroused as something begins pressing against your upper leg and you smile into the kiss.
After a moment, Jim grabs you around the waist and physically lifts you off of Bones, setting you on your feet, flushed and giggling.  He grins at you before gently pushing up against the wall, his arms caging you on either side and leaning in to kiss you again.  You kiss him back just as feverishly, one of your hands lifted to play with his hair and the other against his chest.   You realize that without even meaning to,  you’ve started to lower the zipper of his uniform and he breaks the kiss to look at you.  You smile innocently, then pull the zipper down a little more, and he grins. Leonard stands and joins the two of you, a hand settling on your butt and the other reaching towards Jim.  
Before either Leonard or you know what’s happening, Jim has reached across and hooked his hand around Leonard’s neck, pulling him close, and planting a kiss on his lips.  There is a pause of a shock as you stare at the two of them, and note Leonard’s rigid posture of surprise.  After a moment, though, he relaxes and the two men kiss deeper.    You can feel yourself getting hotter and hotter as you watch them, as Leonard’s arm pulls you closer to them even as they kiss.
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” Jim says, his voice a bit hoarse, when they pull apart.  Leonard looks surprised, amused and turned on all at once and doesn’t reply, though his smile to Jim says plenty.  They look at each other intensely for a moment and you’re not sure what to do.  You’re still tucked against Leonard’s side and wonder if you should excuse yourself since they’ve clearly had some kind of connection, but they turn back to you just as you finish the thought.  
Leonard leans down and your lips connect, your tongues clashing as Jim reaches out and strokes your neck, his hand creeping down your collarbone before ghosting over your breasts. “Can I--” Leonard asks breathily, his hand searching for the zipper at the front of your uniform, and you nod fervently. “God, yes,” you say breathily, pushing his hand to the top of your chest so he can get at the zipper.  He finds and unzips it quickly, opening up your uniform coat.  He leans in to kiss you again as Jim helps you pull the jacket off your arms, leaving you in a white, Starfleet-issue tank top and your pants.  You reach up and pull Leonard’s zipper down, pushing the coat off his shoulders.  He squirms a bit until it’s off of his arms and you feel and hear him fling it across the room.  
Jim quickly grabs your attention again you begin kissing him while Leonard gets his hands between you and undoes Jim’s coat.  After a moment all of you are in your white tanks, and their touches feel so much better and more intense with so much less fabric between you.  You reach for the hem of Jim’s tank top and break the kiss as you pull it up over his head, leaving him bare-chested.  You run your hands over his chest and he groans, slipping his hands under the back of your tank and stroking your skin before pulling your tank over your head too. You turn to Leonard and do the same to him, slipping your hands up his chest sensually as you push the material of the shirt up over his skin.  He shivers a little at your touch, his hands stroking over your stomach and ribs, making you shiver in turn.  He wraps a hand around the small of your back and pulls you close, leaning down for another kiss.  Your bare stomach presses against his waist and the feeling of your skin together sends a shiver of lust through you.  As you embrace, you feel him start getting more urgent in his ministrations, his hands snaking around behind you and starting to undo your bra.  Within seconds he’s undone the garment and you feel him pulling it away from your body, your bare breasts now brushing against his chest.   He slips his hands up your bare sides, slowly, and you shiver again, whimpering slightly into his kiss.  He chuckles and pulls away just enough to look down and watch his hands as they move over your ribs and then over your breasts.  His long fingers envelope your breasts and stroke them, moving around the fleshiest part before gently teasing your nipples, watching your reactions.  You shudder and let out a soft moan and he smiles with a wicked gleam in his eyes, clearly loving your response.  
You reach down and begin to undo his pants, as he tangles a hand in your hair again.  Gently, but with a firm tug, he tilts your head back and begins kissing down your cheek, along your jawline and down your neck as you fumble with his zipper.  Eventually you manage to pull it down and let out a whimper as he kisses you hard just under your jaw, right over the pulse point in your neck.  It feels so good you just want to melt in his arms; thankfully he has one arm around you, holding you up.  You slip his pants over his rear.  He lets them drop and kicks them off, leaving him in his boxers only.  He’s still kissing your neck and you wrap your arms around him, hands caressing his back, exploring his skin, slipping down over his butt.  
You feel arms around your waist and movement at your front and know that Jim is undoing your pants from behind. He seems to be better at it than you, even blindly, and your pants are around your ankles within seconds.  You feel Jim slide a hand sensually down your leg from your thigh to your ankle and you shiver, then lift the leg he’s touched. He pulls the pants off of that leg and does the same to the other, and you grin as you lift your other leg too.
Leonard finally eases up on the neck kisses (much to your disappointment) and moves over to Jim, who is the only one still wearing his pants.  You wordlessly follow and bend to undo them, slipping them off of Jim and are greeted at eye level by the straining erection through his underwear. You laugh softly and reach out, provocatively (and daringly) touching both of them through their boxers.  Both of them groan, their bodies stiffening at the intensity of the feeling.   In retaliation, Leonard reaches out and puts his hand over your middle, pressing against your clit through your panties and you gasp as an intense feeling of pleasure and excitement shoots through you.  He grins and you hear Jim laugh softly, all three of you knowing that each of you are just as turned on as the others.
You launch yourself at Leonard and start kissing him fiercely, and he wraps his arms around you.  You feel Jim pulling down your panties and help him, moving the way he needs you to move, but not breaking the kiss.  From what you can hear and the way that Leonard is moving, Jim has gone around and removed his underwear too.  You confirm this fact a second later as you feel Leonard’s erection pressing against your belly and feel a shot of lust pulse through you again.
Jim slips his own underwear off and kneels behind you, his hands on your belly and slipping lower, slowly, giving you time to stop him if you don’t want it, but you don’t have any inkling of stopping him.  Smiling, he pulls his hands back around your hips, over your ass and then reaches under you, slipping his fingers over your core, gently sliding over your wetness until he finds your clit.  You gasp throatily into the continued kiss with Leonard as Jim gently rubs your clit, eliciting all kinds of warm, tingly and intense sensations through your abdomen and spreading out through your body.
Finally, Leonard can’t handle the sounds of your whimpers anymore and breaks the kiss.  He looks at you for a moment, wordlessly asking for your permission, and you smile at him, reaching down to stroke his cock.  Taking that as a yes, he lets out a groan and lifts you up so you’re straddling his lap again, this time sans pants.  
You feel Jim stand and lift you from behind, and Leonard guides his cock to your core, pausing for a moment while you both steel yourselves, then enters you with a swift movement.  You gasp as he fills you up and stretches you, moaning as he begins to thrust inside of you.  You cling to him as Jim supports you from behind with your back leaning into his chest, your nails digging into Leonard’s back as the doctor leans down to kiss your neck again, in rhythm with his thrusts.   Jim’s hands wrap around from behind and massage your breasts, teasing your nipples.   You whimper as it adds extra intense feelings to the mix and your grip on Leonard’s back gets tighter.  Before long, he bursts inside you with a gasp and you feel yourself go over the edge as well, crying out as waves of pleasure roll over you.
They let you stand on your own again after a moment, though you feel pretty wobbly so you hold onto Leonard as you both breathe hard, a sheen of sweat glistening on your skin.  Leonard pulls you over to the bed and falls onto it on his back, pulling you down onto his front, leaning your back against him.   Jim still has an erection and you smile, beckoning him over.
“I can go again,” you tell him, your voice still husky with lust.  “Come here.”
He obeys eagerly and leans over you, kissing you.  You kiss him hard and fast and reach down to stroke his length several times before he groans and gently pushes your legs apart.  Leonard steadies you from behind as Jim hovers over you, lifting your legs and holding them up on either side of his middle.  He quickly finds a comfortable position and after a slight pause thrusts inside of you.   You moan in pleasure as he starts up a quick, excited rhythm.  Unexpectedly, Leonard’s arms slip around you and he reaches a couple of fingers down to stroke your clit, almost instantly triggering the feeling of impending orgasm in your abdomen.  His other hand strokes your ribs and occasionally your breasts, caressing your chest as Jim continues to thrust.    Soon, climax hits him and as he throws back his head with a shout of pleasure, you let go again too, spurred on by Leonard’s insistent rubbing of your clit.  As you feel the orgasm subsiding, Jim slips out of you and crawls up onto the bed beside you.  Leonard turns slightly and you slip off of him, ending up nestled snugly between them on your side, facing Jim.  There is a long, contended pause while you and Jim catch your breath, grinning at each other.
“Happy graduation!” Jim says to both you and Leonard after a while, and you all laugh in a satisfied way.  You snuggle closer to Jim’s front as Leonard spoons you from behind, an arm wrapped around your middle.  His fingers stroke your stomach as Jim reaches out and also wraps an arm around you, his fingers gently playing with your hair as your eyes droop. “I think we tired her out,” Leonard says with a chuckle, as you relax completely in their arms, your body pressed to his in behind.
“In the best way possible,” you murmur, your voice thick with contented exhaustion.   They chuckle and fall quiet, and eventually you all drift off into sleep wrapped up in each other’s arms.  You know that none of you will ever be able to tell anyone what you got up to on graduation night, but it had been so incredibly worth it.  
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