#stolen from my own fb
alirhi · 2 years
reposting from an ooooold fb post
this just popped up in my memories on facebook from 5 years ago, and I still stand by every point I made here, so fuck it. I'm reposting it here:
While I really do love Joss Whedon's work, I'm not surprised in the least that his attempt at writing a Wonder Woman movie is being ripped apart for being sexist. Has anyone ever actually WATCHED Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I mean, really? It's a great show if you don't think too deeply on it, but... Every single female who shows the slightest bit of strength and independence is immediately ridiculed and slut-shamed, including the goddamn title character! Here's just the examples I can think of off the top of my head:
1) Buffy's entire. Fucking. Arc. She can't have a functional relationship because in Whedon's mind that's aaaaaalllllllll about sex, and there is an ENDLESS trope of "girl who enjoys sex must be punished!" Angel turns evil, Parker's a douche, she and Riley (UGH, Riley! *barf*) trigger a massive haunting that nearly kills all their friends, Spike is UTTERLY DESTROYED as a character on EVERY level, and everyone shrugs off his attempt to RAPE HER as just "eh, whatever. he went crazy that one time, but it's all better now." Oh, and she can't date a normal human boy because - god forbid - his fragile wittle ego might get all bruised!
2) Faith. omfg Faith. What he did to her should be a CRIME. Here is a girl who is comfortable with her sexuality and LOVES what she does. She's powerful, beautiful, and she knows it. In Whedon's mind? CLEARLY INSANE. TURN HER EVIL IMMEDIATELY. But not really evil, no. A truly evil woman is just too interesting. No, make her crazy, and then make her flop like a fish out of water back and forth over that good/evil line, just dipping her toe in on either side enough to make her feel like utter shit at all times.
3) Kendra is smart and has been properly trained. Can't have that! She's a stuttering robot and dies the DUMBEST WHEDONVERSE DEATH EVER. (well... maybe second-dumbest *side-eyes Wash in Serenity*)
4) Drusilla is actually interesting and nuanced and kind of a badass? Eh...quietly remove her and make her boyfriend whine about her for all eternity. No one will notice. (I noticed, Joss. I noticed and was NOT PLEASED.)
5) Willow, immediately upon discovering that she has a natural affinity for magic, is punished at every turn for pursuing that. Giles talks down to her and tries to hide things from her without even explaining why he thinks they're so dangerous for her, if she doesn't get something perfect on the first try, every goddamn character around her except Tara (who is the ONLY ONE with a leg to stand on, here, as the only other witch in the series - not counting Amy the rat) ridicules her for it, and when she finally gets a good solid handle on her abilities? BOOM. "Addiction" (thus proving Whedon has NO FUCKING IDEA what magic really is, what it does, or how it works), hurt Dawn, lose Tara (😭 MY HEART), and then make her "evil", and the only way she can be back with the good guys is if she's TERRIFIED of her power and lives in eternal shame of it, because I swear to god, WHEDON IS AFRAID OF WOMEN.
I was going to say something about Cordelia, but that's a whole rant on its own, because she was AMAZING on Angel before Joss ruined everything AGAIN... and I'm trying not to delve into Angel right now. I'm too tired for that shit lol. And Anya...eh. Everything about her and her relationship with Xander is pretty much just one big sexist trope. Also too tired to get into that.
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xiaq · 6 months
So my bike was stolen from our garage last night. My beloved, custom, carbon fiber, most-expensive-thing-I-own-aside-from-my-car bike. I just found it listed on FB marketplace. Shit is about to go down.
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acourtofthought · 8 months
I had a few friends mention that I'm a topic of conversation for the other side because I've "stolen" their idea that Elain is a healer.
I'm not sure why this is suddenly something they feel I'm guilty of since my recent post isn't the first time I've mentioned it.
As soon as I realized Elain was pinned by SJM as a Goddess of Spring (I can't remember exactly when that was however I have examples of posts below after I had been thinking about it) it had been rattling around in my head that she can bring about new life for people (not necessarily bringing them back from the dead, just a restorative healing) and the lands of Spring.
Was I the first person to think that? I'm sure I wasn't because unless it's a farfetched theory (like my thinking Elain wasn't granted Seer powers by the Cauldron, the Vassa's curse actually being a Valg type infection or the Lucien / Gwydion connection), I'm guessing most people have come up with similar ideas because the text and interviews and pins are there for everyone to see and I haven't been in the fandom as long as many have.
Does that mean I stole the idea from someone? Also no because I barely understood how to use Tumblr in the beginning and I wasn't actively searching for theories, (most of my time was spent in FB groups). I only signed up here to keep a record of my own and I eventually shifted to this part of the fandom. If I did find inspiration from somewhere or someone posted something that further supported the idea, I gave credit (see below). Again, two people out of the thousands and thousands reading these books will have eventually come around to things that are kind of a no brainer when we learn of things SJM has done or said (sort of like the many people who feel strongly that Gwyn is tied into the Little Mermaid based on SJMs Pinterest). If the theory ends up coming true, it's because the author created the storyline, not the readers, and we just picked up on the supporting evidence.
I think it's also important to consider that many of my theories surrounding Elain and any healing powers involve Elain in Spring, along with Lucien in Calanmai, Elain and Lucien with Koschei, Elain during any future wars, and possibly Elain with the Pegasus considering Helion (Lucien's father) is the one who owns them. I would think E/riel theories would have their own spin that don't involve Elain in Spring / Day, etc. Taking one idea and having your own interpretation that differs from others is what we all do every day.
I did give credit to a happyhermit podcast that someone directed me too as she drew my attention to the fact that Elain may have been healed by Cassian. Before that point, I didn't have an example of Elain actually (possibly) performing healing and only based the headcannon around it being something she'd be able to do in the future.
Not that my identity is a big mystery at this point but I blocked my name anyway 😂.
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Even before that:
(excuse my dusty as hell laptop 🤣)
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In the end though, it's kind of sad that someone who shares the same positive idea about a character is someone people are gossiping over rather than being excited there are people on both sides of the ship war that support something exciting for the character of Elain.
Also, there's apparently uproar over Elain's ring possibly being a made weapon and how I stole that theory.
Yesterday was the first time I ever heard that and it was shared with me by someone else, hence why I gave them credit for the idea. I only added my own thoughts based on my personal knowledge of what's in the books. Yesterday was the first time I ever considered it.
Had I wanted to make a post about it before, after supposedly seeing it from an E/riel and deciding to "steal it", I would have done it back then.
Instead, a mutual gave me the inspiration and I only expanded with my own ideas.
I'm not trying to be rude but some in the fandom are giving themselves and their page a bit too much credit because the only time I ever happen to see anything an E/riel posts is when I check the "Tags you follow" section because I follow the Elain tag (which I don't often do) or the "because you follow Elain Archeron tag" recommendations and that means I end up finding out bullshit like this through others who let me know when I'm being mentioned.
Job well done to them for also coming up with Elain's iron ring being a made object (which again, was not my idea to begin with) but after checking out what the fuss is about, it seems like our interpretation of it is different. And any similarities shouldn't be that shocking because we're all working with the same text. 🤦. Other people are in fact capable of figuring out 2+2=4 without some accusing them of only knowing the math because they copied their work.
And in general, just because we wrote about it doesn't mean we're the first person to ever think of something.
There are many non fandom readers and "quiet bloggers" who are capable of making connections but choose to stay hidden because of the bullshit in the fandom. None of us are the only ones to ever think of something when it comes to these books, regardless of who wrote it when. Anytime we come up with an idea, I'd say there's a good chance someone we're not aware of came up with it first.
So to the other side of the fandom, maybe consider that you're giving yourself more credit than is deserved by thinking you're the only group to come up with certain ideas. Unless you're talking to every person out there, Gwynriels, Elucien's, etc, even the ones who don't blog their theories, then you shouldn't pretend you're the gatekeeper of a a theory.
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elliottkay · 5 months
Trying the Tumblr Blaze thing again.
I've been super grateful for the positive responses I've had so far about hyping my books here. Lots of Tumblr doesn't want things aggressively sold or pushed at them, myself included. Conversely, it's really hard to find anywhere good and pleasant online to hype your work as an author.
Facebook/Meta is an absolute scam, on top of all their other threat-to-society issues. I tried advertising there a couple times, got my card stolen from their site somehow, and then found it impossible to report the theft to anyone at FB/Meta. Not only are they unsafe with your info, they don't even want to know when theft or fraud happens. All I could do was cancel the card.
Twitter had already become toxic and stressful before the world's richest dipshit came along to make it a white supremacist dumpster fire. I was using less and less of it just for my own mental health, and then it somehow became worse.
BlueSky is new and rebuilding is hard. And I cannot do TikTok. I scroll and view all the time, but I cannot do videos of my own. Nope.
Tumblr, though? I like it here. Been here a while, though my activity has never been high. But holy shit, this place is so much nicer than the other platforms.
So, thank you for putting up with me, Tumblr. I promise not to Blaze up too much. I don't have the money to go wild with it anyway. :)
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iwishtequilawasfree · 3 months
When dating a ND (not my own words. Affectionately stolen from a person on FB who responded to a post I made in a ND group about dating as a NT/ND couple):
Give them a lot like common courtesy, but on steroids. Examples: listen actively, not to answer, but to witness what your partner is trying to express.
Don't settle for unspoken expectations, take the time to ask for your needs gently and to understand what your partner wants.
Smile at odd little quirks, but be aware of laughing out loud. ND folks have endured a lot of abuse for their quirky but harmless behaviors.
Be patient when you don't understand, odds are your partner is trying really hard to be understood which is already stressing their patience.
Never forget what attracted you to your partner in the first place, write it down or tattoo it if you have to.
When you get irritated, remember that your partner's annoying thing now is probably a different manifestation of the very thing that you like most about them.
When you feel that you are doing most of the work, you are getting close to doing half the work.
Don't spend too much of your good times together worrying about how to be NT dating an ND.
Research in your alone time.
Enjoy every minute of the good times, because that will motivate you both through the awkward and difficult times.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
I won’t survive if another the hottest islander of a season is an ex again. First suresh and now it might be Marshall. Fb why 😫
Soooo as much as I love that theory I can’t actually see it being true that he’s the ex 😭 There’s just too many things that would make me call bs on fb if they went down this path. First if he’s the ex wouldn’t the twins immediately call out Ozzy looks just like Zeph? Second, let’s pretend both twins are dummies lol who don’t notice that Ozzy has Zephs face, Ivy revealed in front of everyone that Zeph was MCs ex. Wouldn’t Ozzy be like Zeph?! That’s my brother/cousin/distant relation whatever.
I doooo have another little theory 🙃
Ok ok… if anyone has ever done the Noah route s2 Ozzys route is giving Noah 2.0. So it got me thinking fb LOVES a recycled storyline {insert someone steals MCs LI on first day here} what if…. They recycled the disaster recoupling 😬 fb has already told us we’re not getting Ozzy right away and this week he said he’s loyal to Grace and is going to see that through 😖 but he’s giving MC a lot of attention and just like Noah he’s already saying if there’s anyone that could turn his head it’s MC. My thinking is maybe there’s an operation nope with a disaster recoupling to follow and then the girlies all go to casa and who do we see there?? MARSHALL!!! And all of the girls are like holy shit he looks just like Ozzy! Maybe we find out they’re twins/ siblings maybe he’s just a vv good looking doppelgänger either way Marshall is going to graft HARD.. Ozzy is going to see this in whatever postcard/video they get sent from casa and obviously couple up with someone else {bc fb can’t just let us win} if Marshall is the twin/sibling like we all think, we might all be thinking why has Ozzy (so far) never mentioned him?? maybeeee his twin has always stolen the girls he likes and they don’t have the best relationship and he wanted to have this experience on his own. 😬😖
I might also be completely projecting because I want this to happen so bad 😭😬 as a Noah girly I love the slow burn and drama his route gave us but adding Marshall in would be *chefs kiss* i guess we’ll see in a few weeks
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doberbutts · 2 years
I'm not a woman but a friend and I were followed by a creeper in his car when we were like 9. We were walking home from an ice cream stand in her neighborhood and noticed that the same car had passed us several times, slowing down when he got near us, then turning around and passing us again. We ended up taking cover in one of her neighbors' houses so we wouldn't lead him straight to her house. The woman who lived there was very understanding and kind when she saw how scared we were.
I have a vivid memory of us hunkered down below the bay window, peeking through the blinds, watching him slowly drive up and down the street looking for us. The woman who owned the house was at the door watching with us. He passed us several more times before seemingly giving up. The woman drove us the rest of the way to my friend's house just in case he was parked somewhere waiting to snatch us up.
It was broad daylight. We were just kids. This was a neighborhood where everyone knew everyone and no one knew whose car that was.
This is my story, posted on FB from a prompt "women talk about the time you first felt sexualized by a man against your will- most of us were children".
I'm not a woman. But I was a little girl when this happened. I didn't know what transgender was. I barely knew what gay was. But I did know that this man saw two little girls walking home with ice cream in their hands and made the decision to be predatory towards them that day.
And you know what I find bizarre? I had a falling out with this friend of mine years later, due to her far right beliefs. She has always been one of Those Christians that doesn't think dinosaurs or climate change are real- that's just how most people were where I lived including my own parents. But she also became an adult that was anti-gay, anti-trans, antiblack, anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive, anti-sex outside of marriage, etc.
We had the same experience. She was right there with me through it. I was at *her house* for a playdate and sleepover.
And she is still celebrating the overturn of Roe v Wade. Despite the fact that she could have been snatched up that day. Despite the fact that she could have been impregnated against her will, her childhood innocence stolen and ruined, had it not been for her neighbor who saw two terrified little girls knocking desperately at her door and chose the act of kindness to shelter them.
Anything to protect the children except what actually protects children, I guess.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Hello! I just wanted to ask if you allow people to repost you work in other social media sites? I saw the poster you made, the poster set 3 for Yoongi's Haegeum, was reposted on an fb page and posted your insta handle at the comments. Just letting you know just in case you're not aware!
hi!! i usually just ask if they can give proper credit, and this is also why i make sure to put my username on the actual work. if they at least tag the ig or twt handle then it could be good publicity.
frankly, so much of my stuff has been reposted and/or stolen for years—even back from studyblr days lol—and i know it’s near impossible to really stop reposting from happening. it’s kind of a meh thing now tbh since it happens so regularly. like even on my own pinterest feeds i see my edits and I’m like well hello there😂
although.. i did see the haegeum poster on someone’s shirt at the last concert💀💀💀💀💀come to find out some other people had the same ones🫠 I was like,, hope those were only printed for personal use bc I’m not selling them as shirts just yet😭
bottom line: ehh. as long as proper credit is given and it’s not being sold then i’m ok.
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kiunlo · 2 years
lmao just had a random local guy show up to our house because of an old youtube comment my mum made 3 years ago on some video about local stuff, and her comment had out of date/wrong info about a particular car yard in the area which his dad owned that apparently was being broken into and stuff being stolen. because some people (not my mum) were commenting that the car yard was abandoned or whatever, causing the break-ins.
and like. instead of just....contacting my mum on facebook to clear the air and let her know that it wasn't abandoned (easy to do, very quick, not invasive, keeps a semblance of privacy), he decided to try and find my mum's address to talk to her in person :) which he said took a long time :) because that's completely normal :) and totally not a situation that could end horribly if said guy decided to be a dick :)
anyways i don't care how local anybody is. if you get my address from a mutual friend, that's cool, fine, sure, whatever. we live in the same town i guess. if you meticulously take ages to find someone's address on the internet because of some old ass shit from 3 years ago...maybe you're a fucking creep <33333 i don't care that your dumbass dad's car yard is getting broken into because of misinfo in the internet. maybe make a facebook post about it in one of the local town fb groups instead of going to strangers fucking homes <3
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battybriefs · 1 month
I'm forever chasing that buzz I used to get from Tumblr and Deviantart's queer / neurodivergant / artist / fandom communities as a teen in the mid 2000s.
Every time I log in to Tumblr it just feels... vacant. Deviantart is just traced / stolen art and sonic the hedgehog mpreg now. Pinterest is overrun with AI. Instagram is just one big bot farm copy pasting canned scam comments on an endlesss list of sponsored ads. Elongated Muskrat tanked Twitter. I'm too exhausted to constantly film and edit videos just to have any presence on tiktok. Facebook has always been a questionable, musty, damp sock at the bottom of the social media laundry bin.
Social media algorithms are dismally inept at showing me anything I would be remotely interested in, no matter how aggressively I try to "train it". What part of art, circus culture, burlesque, fashion, cosplay, drag, cats, wine, airplanes, minecraft, fallout, streamers, webtoons, gardening, home renovation and goth music makes FB Reels think I'm out here jonesing to watch a three hour shakey cam of some person unhygenically popping their own zits?
I've moved away from all my friends and I'm too sick and disabled to leave the house most days. It gets so isolating and monotonous sometimes. I miss having a genuine, organic online community to participate in.
Where did everyone go?
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champion-ion · 3 months
[Game of Dice] March 2024: 3rd Week
YouTube: [X]
This Week's Events
▪ Frame Contest (FB/Naver/Twitter Comment Event) ▫ Notice: [X] ▪ Card Match ▪ RPS Event ▪ Starlight Hourglass - My Selection ▪ Poisoned - Draw (Saturday - Monday) ▪ Monkey Hand - Craft/Refine (Sunday - Tuesday) ▪ Mouse King Lucy & Rabbit Hacker Stella Rerun (Monday - Wednesday) ▫ Character Rerun Guide: [X] ▪ 1+1 Package (Tuesday - Wednesday)
New Dice: B-Tortoise
▪ 4☆ - Valuation [!] ▫ When opponent's city reaches Lv.4, transfer that city's toll multiplier to a random city of yours (1 time per turn, 3 times per game) ▪ 5☆ - Recompense [!] ▫ When opponent steals your city, steal 30% of opponent's JOY ▫ Does not activate through city donation ▫ If multiple cities stolen, effect activates for each stolen city (EX: Poisoned steals 3 cities, steal 30% 3 times) ▪ 6☆ - Spiky Carapace [!] ▫ When you land on opponent's city and need to pay more toll than your owned JOY, don't pay and steal JOY equal to 75% owed JOY from opponent.
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itsrattysworld · 5 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Last Post 13/01/24 Address Social Media Cyberbullies Target Me On Behalf A-Z Abusers Let Me Share Passions Of Writing Storytelling Singing Performing Dreaming From Growing Up In Household Of Males With Strong Females Who Instilled Resilience Not Accepting Giving Up As An Option I Recall GanGan Irene Who Lived 10 Years After My Father Buried Some Of Her Children From Infancy GanGan Elsie Who Died Of A Broken Heart Despite Surviving Strokes Last Time I Seen Her Out Of Her House Day They Bring Uncle Terah From March Pen St Catherine 1st Buried On Our Land Mama Lou Laugh Sing Her Way Through PTSD Carer For Those Who Needed Her TLC After Her Nearest Dearest Left Home She Even Treated The Cats As Her Family Like I Learned To Communicate With Neighbours I Created Legacies Foundations Laid When I Joined Facebook 2009 SM Influencer Homemade Books On LinkedIn Websites Carry Stories Published On Subjects Cradle To Grave I Was Featured Online Across Globe Face Windrush 70 I Contributed Mum's Eulogy Viewed 7K Times FB Until I Became Victim After Death Mother Dementia June O'Sullivan Sanctions Hate Crimes Label UURICA-LE Spent 10 Years Clearing Name Time For Me To Benefit Intellectual Property Copyright Images CPPDP Instead Of Having Them Harvested Stolen Those That Underestimated My Education Gained Via Personal Experiences Are In For A Shock Am Not On SM Seeking To Rob Anyone Like What Is Happening To Me And Husband To Us Nigel Pearce Seb Adjei-Addoh Sir Mark Rowley Will Not Hear Last Of YouTube Benefiting From My Creations Trying Trick Me To Make Me Voiceless Vulnerable Victim Past 10 Years Some Name World Is In Denial Black People Refuse To Help Their Own Except Take Advantage Mimi Owusu Scam £10,000.00 Sold Me Out To H4W 12 Pages Witness Statement Sent Police To Do Welfare Check Adult Social Care My Great Grand Parents Were Land Barons CCMCC Judgement Ryan Clement Pay £9,450.00 Have Lists Offered £46-55,000.00 SENCO Job Smart Teachers Endorse Tony Bertram Chris Pascal LinkedIn 3/1/2024
Refer to Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Writes For Therapy Confused Girl Lost My Father To What They Said Was His Nerves Worked Too Hard Did Not Take Care Of Himself Lindon Stolen Balis Story Lists Of Defamation Section Registered Deaf Doing Rounds Maudsley NHS Southwark Council Housing For Women Mimi Owusu Life Open Book To Help Others Experience PTSD Or SEND Any Stages Of Journey From Cradle…
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wanderingnork · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
soft tag from @edda-grenade :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
288 (good fucking lord when did that happen)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment, it's Baldur's Gate 3 and Dragon Age. There are plenty of others scattered around as the inspiration strikes, though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Protector, in which I fused the Protestant Reformation with Dishonored
Everything Important in a Suitcase (Fantastic Beasts)
a better mirror (Fantastic Beasts)
Going Home, in which everyone survives the Battle of Five Armies and Thorin and Bilbo figure their relationship out
i am stretched on your grave, in which Loki doesn't fucking die at the kickoff of Infinity War and ends up breaking the timeline
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As many as I can! Sometimes I don't have the spoons. But fandom is based in relationships with other fans, so...I do my best to foster those.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably blood and a black sword, a fic for the Elric of Melnibone series. Elric tries to kill himself and fails, and while the ending is somewhat hopeful...the last line is his evil sword Stormbringer, which will eventually kill him and everyone he loves, being satisfied that he lived to fulfill his fate. It's pretty grim.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a fair amount of postive-ending fics. Gonna give this one to "Are You a Boy or a Girl?" a wizard101 fic about my nonbinary wizard dealing with gender norms in the Spiral and finding their own place.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. And if I did, I'd mute and block and move on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do! What I write when left to my own devices tends toward the...unhingedly kinky? It's not safe, it's not sane, but it's always consensual! Which is also buckwild to me because I'm about as asexual as they (ha) come.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh this HAS to go to Task Force Winchester, a crossover between Supernatural and Suicide Squad. I have a few others that are right up there, but I don't write many.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! One of my FB fics, The Protector, and one of my SPN fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES!!! During my time in the FB fandom I did several, and now with Dragon Age I've collaborated on an entire au featuring my Inquisitor and Saar, @edda-grenade's Inquisitor. As well as a delightful merfolk au with the same cast and co-writer. :3
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It's gotta go to Dean and Cas. Like, that was formative in many ways, but also...it just works. I love it. Always will. I was "out of the fandom" when it became "canon" and I still ran in circles shrieking with excitement, and promptly wrote a fic about it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There are several unpublished AUs floating around on my computer. The big one is a Pacific Rim/Crimson Peak one. I poke it every time I watch one of the movies.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding, writing quickly, and "show don't tell" in regard to emotions, specifically. I went an entire 30k fic without saying the word "happy" or "sad" and got no complaints from my beta about it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Spacial comprehension, where human limbs go and how far they can reach and/or bend, using ten words when one would do.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Please provide a translation. I've got some of this going on with the githyanki language in my Baldur's Gate fic, and I ALWAYS have some kind of in-text translation or a translation in the author's note. It's a fictional language, people don't speak it. Make it easy on the reader.
Also...make sure it works for the fic and the character. Random interjections (just according to keikaku/keikaku means plan) are awkward. If a character speckles their dialogue with interjections in another language, go for it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maximum Ride! Unpublished, all of it, but I have SO MUCH FIC laying around. Some of it is pretty decent.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Overgrown. It combines horror, romance, worldbuilding, and one of my favorite pairings with some of the best, prettiest prose I've ever written.
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stinkybreath · 6 months
I’m proud of how this turned out so I’m crossposting from fb but I respect you so I’m putting it under the cut. Here’s 5 of the absolute worst bullshit I put myself through consuming in 2023 in my lifelong pursuit of cultural literacy. Individual explanations underneath each for those who are interested in me being a hater 🫶
I have tried really hard to develop my critical perspective this year so I do have actual thoughts about these but I did me best to make them entertaining as well.
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The Stand - This year I embarked on an effort to read more Stephen King because I really like the Ranged Touch guys and I wanted to better engage with their show Just King Things. I read Carrie first (more on that in another post), which really set me up for such monumental disappointment when it came to this fucking book. Jesus Christ. I have scarcely read a better selling or more beloved work of popular fiction, and I have also separately scarcely read a more offensive and poorly constructed work of popular fiction. I don’t even know how to begin addressing the headache it gave me, but I was pissed off almost the entire time I read it. Caveat here that, like everyone else, I did love the “no great loss” section both on its own merits and as a cute little Vonnegut nod.
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Goodnight Beautiful - I read a lot of shitty thrillers because they get miscategorized as horror very commonly- and while I don’t think genre boundaries are hard and fast I do think that these are very distinct groups- but they’re almost as satisfying so I guess I’ll take it while I’m here. But my lord. This is one of the shittiest shitty thrillers I’ve ever managed to make myself finish. I have brain problems that make it difficult for me to distinguish between characters when there’s a lot of action or time weirdness or whatever whatever, but based on reviews that I trust, it was so poorly done that even normal people couldn’t follow what was happening until the author took the reader by the hand and shoveled the answers directly into their mouth.
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Stolen Tongues - for YEARS I’ve been hearing people rave about how unique and effective and just good this book is. My experience, however…
1)author can’t turn a phrase to save their life *vine boom*
2) this has such an extended ‘nlog breasting boobily’ description of the girlfriend that I think I literally gagged *vine boom*
3) racist. *vine boom vine boom vine boom*
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No One Is Talking About This - one of my biggest pet peeves is the way most people (authors, journalists, thought leaders, your parents, congresspeople) talk about the internet. It is broad, with both the lack of specificity and the extremity that implies. The way someone talks about the internet can tell you so much about their perspective that they must not know how revealing it is or they’d be more embarrassed about how they sound (again, more on this in another post). This book is a great example- it’s inauthentic to the core. There are some readers who clearly interpreted this as funny glibness but the particular way Lockwood takes internet haterism ad absurdum lets me know she’s never had one single internet argument with someone. It pissed me off so royally that I nearly sent this author an email except I’m not convinced she understands how to open those.
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The Vile Thing We Created - the only book on this list that I did not finish and yet felt qualified to speak on anyway. Suckered again by booktok! There was sufficient hype for this book that I let myself get excited, I even spent a few of my actual dollars to get the ebook for convenience. I am really enthusiastic about engaging with themes of the horror of parenthood, good or bad, because I find them an interesting reflection of social ideas about parents. However. Let me just excerpt some of this dreck so you can feel the full force of the normie milennial local cringe that is baked in to every sentence:
Lola was elbow-deep in her fifteenth batch of macaron batter for that week. Spring orders were in full swing, as were an ocean of orders for baby shower treats. It never failed. She never refused the business. Quite the opposite. Macarons meant time. Time meant money. She easily brought in an extra twelve-hundred dollars a week during baby shower season. Music floated into the kitchen from the living room record player. Depending on her mood, Lola’s extensive vinyl collection met her every need. While baking, she usually threw on some David Bowie, Foreigner, something along those dramatically-opposite lines. Today, Louis Armstrong’s “A Lot of Livin’ to Do” danced in the air, trumpet notes accompanying Lola’s bopping around the kitchen.
……….yeah. You can see why I ragequit at 15%. It’s also really fucking weird about the dialogue of the black characters.
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 7 months
@sarcasticsciencefictionwriter thanks for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13, currently.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
134,289 at the moment.
Higher than I thought it was, actually.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Fantastic Beasts, Hannibal (TV), Pokémon, and Dr. Strange (Movie).
Hannibal numbers in the most, and there are only one each of Pokémon and Dr. Strange. Really into Hannibal right now. I love writing the Murder Husbands!
One of my FB ones is also slotted into Harry Potter, since it was from Luna's point of view.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Autumnal (Hannibal TV)- 110
A Hades & Persephone based story with Will being the Queen of the Underworld and returning home on the autumnal equinox.
His Shadow Suspended on Dust (Hannibal TV)- 74
A post-fall omega verse where Jack catches up with Will and Hannibal a few years later, and he and Will talk.
Estivel (Hannibal TV)- 41
The prequel to Autumnal, with Will and Hannibal's courtship.
It Wasn't Supposed to Happen This Way (Dr. Strange Movie)- 33
A little fluffy Dr. Strange/Loki mpreg I originally posted here.
Beneath the Brine (Hannibal TV)- 26
A story about Will and Hannibal's life after the fall until they're old men.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I was a bit intimidated at first to respond, to be honest, then I thought too much time had passed for a bit. But I respond to almost all of them now (do my best to answer in a different language if they commented in it).
I generally thank everyone for their comment, because I have not received any bad ones yet, and it means a lot to me that they took the time to let me know they enjoyed it. Haven't gotten a lot yet, but I am willing to answer any questions or engage in any nerdy conversations about the fandom.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... That one was a bit hard, but I would have to say a Fantastic Beasts story I wrote about Percival Graves called No Man in the Mirror. It's a story where Graves was found and rescued at some point, and feeling like he doesn't exist anymore.
Or another Percival Graves one called Haven't Been the Same (Since I Expired) where Graves is totally erased... By his own actions and choice (can't reveal any more without spoiling it). That one might be more dark than angsty, though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would have to say my Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter story, More, from Luna Lovegood's POV. It's really angsty story about why she and Rolf became parents later than everyone else (lots of heartache and miscarriages), but it ends with them having their twins.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
No, I don't think so. I consider myself lucky for that, but I did get a comment by some bot trying to get to join a supposed to discord server for the Marvel fandom.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope. I'll write something kind of 'teasing' and cut-to-black or just skim over it, but no hardcore stuff from me.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not generally, but I slotted one of my Pokémon ones into both manga and games because it was manga-centric with elements of the games. I also have a Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter story, but I don't think that counts as a crossover.
I do have an idea for a Hannibal/Supernatural crossover that I hope to cowrite (see below).
I have some fics that take the world from one thing and place the characters from another in there, but I don't generally count those as crossovers unless characters from both things are included. If they do count as crossovers, then I have a Hannibal/Caraval (by Stephanie Garber), Hannibal/The Handmaid's Tale, and a Hannibal/The Third Day (HBO) all collected into a story called Fragments. The Third Day and Caraval ones will eventually be put into bigger stories, hopefully.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but if someone asks, I would probably give my permission as long as they credited me as the original writer.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but I've been trying to make plans with @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter for one. I have chapter 1 on the idea, so any sort of work is being held up by yours truly.
I would be excited to be invited to so by the few authors I have had comment conversations with, though!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
It's a tie between Newtina (Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein in FB) and Hannigram (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham). They're both my favorites, for VERY different reasons.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
I'm not sure if I have one at the moment, but it feels like it's going to be my Percival Graves and Leta Lestrange story, All Night or a Hundred Years. I love it so much and I know exactly how it's going to end, but the middle has just ground to a halt.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Angst and/or angsty love stuff, looking at my fics and original work. I don't really know! 😅 I guess I would have to say it depends on what exactly I'm writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
A lot.
Fluff, romance, purposeful humor. A lot of it just seems so cringy to me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I do it when I can. Mostly Lithuanian in Hannibal fics, like mylamasis (beloved) or a few words thrown in here and there. I don't speak any other languages, and what I know of them is usually self-taught by fanfictions, to be honest.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokémon! I can't actually remember if it was a Looker story I wrote based off the manga, or an Alain/Mairin fic based off one of my favorite books.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Don't make me choose!
But... I'd have to say Beneath the Brine. I have no idea why. It was my first Hannibal fanfiction, and I just love it so much. I'm also going to slot No Man in the Mirror and an FB Theseus and Lally story I wrote called A Night in New York as well. All three are things I am very proud of.
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lilythepurple · 2 years
Hello. I’m a local scam buster and I regret to inform you Bear is stolen from a Facebook user called Zeyna Fip Cat who does not use tumblr and the PayPal address shown is not theirs. Peachy Cruz, aka bigcrownwolf, has saved the FB post contents and is posing as the owner but they do not own the cat and will not give the real owner any donations. Feel free to check out kyra45 for further info on how these scams work.
Hello, thank for bringing this to my attention. I will take down the post. I'm sorry for spreading misinformation!
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