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🪱 #InsertAnInvert2024
April Theme: Wormification
-Long and Limbless: Shipworm (Teredinidae)
-Long and Limbed: Giant Tube Worms (Riftia Pachyptila)
-Short and Limbless: Green Spoonworm (Bonellia Viridis)
-Short and Limbed: Horseshoe Worm (Phoronis Australis)
Can't believe its the worms that posed such a challenge for me! Such a wild month, it was so hard to choose what guys to do each week.
Interested in learning more about the invertebrate animals around us? Join into the year-long InsertAnInvert event organized by Franzanth, where every week a new animal is spotlighted! Draw unique animals, read up on cool facts, or just follow the tag online to see a lot of cool artwork.
Like my work? Visit my shop, or support me on Ko-Fi!~
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taxonomytournament · 4 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Annelids
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Bonelliida. In this order of unsegmented marine worms, the males are much smaller than the females, and typicaly live on or inside them.
Echiurida. This suborder of marine worms is known as the spoon worms, and includes the penis fish
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shmothman · 1 year
he makes me feel like a male spoonworm
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a-book-of-creatures · 7 months
Tricketh or treateth!
You obtaineth one (1) green spoonworm. Forsooth
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needylittlegirl · 3 months
You deserve to get raped the next time you go outside slut
did you know that green spoon worms begin life all the same- in a sexually undifferentiated larval state, their sex only being determined on where they land?? if the larva lands on the seafloor it becomes female and starts secreting a toxin, if this toxin comes in contact with a larval spoonworm that worm will become male and be pulled into the females proboscis. For the rest of its life that male will live in the females genital sac to provide her sperm
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jhoudiey · 2 years
Would you still love me if I were a worm?
A conversation between Yoru (🐤) and Floyd (🦈).
🦈Would you still love me if I were a worm?
🐤Depends. Why are you a worm?
🦈Hah? You’re supposed to love me anyway.
🐤But did you turn into a worm? Were you always a worm? What size of worm are we talking, if you were always a worm.
🦈Why does that matter?
🐤Because I want to know how a worm caught my attention in the first place.
🦈Fine. normal sized worm.
🐤Like earthworm? Flatworm? Ringworm? Ribbonworm? Spoonworm? Arrowworm? Peanutworm?
🦈GEEEEHHHHH Yoru you’re making this annoying
🐤I need to know what type of worm I'm supposed to be in love with, is that too much to ask?
🦈Okay, so would you?
🐤I’d probably cut you up for experiments though.
🦈But it’s me.
🐤But if you started as a worm I wouldn't have gotten attached.
🦈Okay fiiiiiiiine~, if I got turned into a worm.
🐤Would you be able to turn back?
🦈How should I know I'm a worm.
🐤Then I guess I'd research to see if I could turn you back into you.
🦈And if you couldn’t?
🐤I’d probably give you to Mido to put in her backpack.
🦈She’d probably feed me to a fish.
🦈Even though I’m her papa.
🐤Technically you’d just be a worm. Do you think your memories would stay intact?
🦈Dunno, I’d still be a worm. 
🐤See, I need more information to make the right decision. 
🦈Ahaha!~ You’re thinking about this too much. 
🐤Well I have follow up questions! If it were reversed would you love me if I were a worm?
🐤You answered way too fast.
🦈Hey, you told me you’d cut me up and give me to Mido to feed to a fish. 
🐤You were the one that said you’d get fed to a fish.
🦈So how’s that any different?
🐤I guess it’s not. Just don’t get turned into a worm then.
🦈Hmmmm no promises. 
🐤Fine, I'd put you in a fish bowl on the kitchen table. Is that better?
🦈Would you remember to feed me?
🐤If you can’t promise not to be a worm I can’t promise to remember to feed you.
🦈Boooooooooooo you’re no fun.
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dippyface · 1 year
watching this video of sakura, sanha, and moonbin trying contentious Korean foods
anyway obsessed with sanha chewing the spoonworm w the smallest mouth possible and also w moonbin and sanha holding hands for support to eat fermented skate
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typhlonectes · 3 years
Green Spoon Worm
Check out this freaky Green Spoon Worm (Metabonellia haswelli, phylum Echiura), filmed in Port Phillip Bay, Australia, on 8 Feb 2018.
It may look harmless, but this marine  worm can paralyze small animals using the neural poison in its skin.
via: Youtube.com
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drhoz · 6 years
Proboscis of the Green Spoonworm, Bonellia viridis
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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Fat innkeeper worm, Urechis caupo, Urechidae, Polycheata, Annelida
The fat innkeeper worm is a type of marine spoonworm found in shallow waters along the western coast of North America from Oregon to Baja. It lives in sandy, u-shaped burrows where it feeds on detritus. Animals like shrimp, crabs, clams, and other worms often share this burrow, giving rise to the common name “innkeeper.” Due to its appearance, it is occasionally referred to as the penis fish.
Photo 1 by cefuchs, 2-5 by rebeccafay, 6-7 by j_mcgowan, 8 by lemurdillo, and 9 by edwardrooks
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mobiused · 3 years
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hyunjin wants to try cleaning spoonworms... just to see them bleed?
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fivefeather · 3 years
priapulids 🤝 geoducks 🤝 spoonworms
sweet jesus
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paulchang1 · 4 years
Korean's favorite Seafood Spoon worm,Sea squirt and small octopus (long arm octopus) 韓國人喜歡吃的海鮮 海腸,海鞘和小章魚 Let's enjoy Korean seafood with Busan oppa!! #spoonworm #seasquirt #smalloctopus #seafood #korea #korean #seafoodtasting #busan #koreanseafood #韓國 #海腸 #海鞘 #小章魚 #海鮮 #釜山 #airbnb #tripadvisor https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qLeyvAL2P/?igshid=8vyfouv2yfk2
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ts-porter · 7 years
Worldbuilding and Aliens
Warning: This post contains mild spoilers for my upcoming novel, Rescues and the Rhyssa. (which is out next week! eeeee!) If you want to come into the book completely free of preconceptions maybe don't read this?
There is no good excuse for designing aliens that ascribe to our modern human gender binary.
Even setting aside the rich and varied history of gender in human culture, there is absolutely no reason to go with the mammalian xx/xy split. (which is, in actuality, quite messy and not such a clear binary as many would have you believe, but that's a rant that many others have made before me).
When I was worldbuilding for Rescues and the Rhyssa, I wanted to step away from both the popular culture 'aliens as basically humans with different facial adornments' and 'of course aliens would subscribe to an approximately human gender binary'. I didn't have to look far from home for inspiration! Even on Earth, and even limiting the options to species in the animal kingdom who utilize sexual reproduction, organisms have taken up a wide variety of different strategies, all ripe for the choosing.
Take the clownfish, for example. In clownfish, biological sex is entirely a product of social group. The largest fish in the group can lay eggs, the next largest can produce sperm, and the other fish in their social group don’t do the gonad thing. If the egg laying fish is removed, no problem! The sperm-producing fish gets much larger and becomes the new egg layer, the largest nonreproductive fish gets a little larger and becomes a sperm producer, and order is restored. How is that not a thousand times more interesting than yet another iteration of the same old gender binary?
I pulled heavily from clownfish when designing the anoloid species for Rescues. They are very large, quadrupedal, lizardlike aliens. They come in familial groups—with several large anoloids, many much smaller males, and a single dominant who is the largest of all. With an increase in size or status comes a corresponding increase in name length, with male anoloids having one syllable names, anoloids having two, and dominants having three. The dominant anoloid Kriikisiii recalls having been the male Kra for long enough to be Kraa before choosing to grow larger. Her senior male, Raaa, is the only other anoloid shown to have three vowels in their name. Anyone familiar with their culture can tell an anoloids status very easily from their name.
Of course, even with anoloids, there are individuals who don't ascribe to their species' major categories, and there is space for them in the culture. Because biological determinism is crap, among any sentient species. (again, a rant that others have done better than I could).
Another interesting take on sexual reproduction is the green spoonworm. Their larvae start out sexually undifferentiated. If they never run into an adult spoonworm, they settle on the sea bed and grow into ~15 inch green worm critters who can produce eggs. But if they do run into an adult egg producer, the tiny larva instead become sperm producers and never grow bigger. They cling to the adult's body, or get ingested and live in a tiny chamber inside her, where they are always available to produce sperms. Biological sex among spoonworms is environmentally determined, based on what the larvae are exposed to.
Somewhat similar is the infamous case of the deep sea anglerfish. If you don't know, in their adolescence males and females are free-swimming, but the males are very small and have very weak jaws and are not really designed for survival. SO. If they're lucky, they come across a female and bite her. And never let go. Eventually their circulatory systems merge, and the male's body atrophies away into little more than a pair of gonads. The fish is now a chimera of male and female, and can easily fertilize the eggs they lay with unrelated sperm, which is handy when you live in the deep sea and it could be difficult to find another fish to breed with.
I used both of these, along with the more commonly known hive insects, as inspiration for the blatta species in Rescues. They are small, insectlike aliens. Most blattas the average person sees in-universe are nonreproductive workers. The reproductive caste are the Pod Mothers, who are enormously large with eggs like the queens of some ant species. Unlike with ants, though, there are no drones. Instead, if a fertilized egg (which could grow into a Pod Mother with proper care) comes in contact with her body, it will instead attach and develop into a set of gonads with which her eggs can be fertilized.
This is only scratching the surface of what organisms here on Earth give us for inspiration to make aliens that are not just 'humans but a different color'.
There is no excuse for boring aliens.
Obligatory link to purchase Rescues and the Rhyssa - https://lessthanthreepress.com/books/index.php?main_page=product_bookx_info&cPath=95&products_id=1477
Clownfish - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphiprioninae#Parental_investment
Green Spoonworm - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonellia_viridis
Deep Sea Anglerfish - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceratiidae
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originaljiraiyan · 4 years
Deca-Dence Episode 3: Recap and Review
Deca-Dence Episode 3: Recap and Review
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Natsumi struggles to master battling Gadoll Let’s begin your training
Deca-Dence Episode 3 opens with Kaburagi reviewing the moment Natsume “dies” and her chip malfunctions. Kaburagi throws her into the deep end. They practice on a Gadoll called Spoonwormer’s. Small and pink, the Spoonwormer is fairly weak. Kaburagi gives a tutorial that both educates Natsume and the audience. He explains…
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factsos · 4 years
Thousands of Innkeeper Worms aka Penis Fish Lie Exposed on California Beach !
Thousands of Innkeeper Worms aka Penis Fish Lie Exposed on California Beach ! #InnkeeperWorm #PenisFish #California #Spoonworm
Thousands of ‘penis-fish’ have washed ashore Drakes Beach, California.
Formally known as fat innkeeper worm, an expert believes a recent storm forced the worms out of their underwater homes and carried them to the beach -leaving them exposed to predators.
This 10-inch marine creature looks like a ‘pink sausage’ and creates U-shaped burrows in mud or sand that it leaves behind for other creatures…
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