#spn pacific rim au
qtepasacalabaza · 4 months
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entropic-saudade · 1 year
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Small mood board for Atomic Hearts, my Pacific Rim AU
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underthebednotebook · 2 years
Someone mind telling me why there hasn't been a Pacific Rim Wincest AU yet?
If you think about drift compatible, it is about having a neural connection and physical compatibility. Mentally and physically you have to be in sync with another person and being able to enter a neural handshake in order to drift--meaning letting another person into your head with no barriers so that you become one with your Jaeger.
Highest records of Kaiju taken down, highest battles won, being able to fight both in the ocean and in the land with minimal casualties (thanks to Sammy handling Dean's most combative attitude) and receiving the love and praise of everybody in the United States because they are representing the little cities with their Jaeger Dorothy Hellride.
And Dean would be so smug about it too. During the drift compatibility tests he makes a big show of fighting cadet after cadet, person after person and even go so far as to judge their moves while they are fighting and telling them that they are fighting like pretty boys just let out of the bunkers only to throw a fighting stick at Sam and asking the people if they want to see how it is done.
Sam, maybe dipping his toes into Jaeger tech and running the exams, shakes his head and rolls his eyes but decides that maybe it would be good to show them what two partners with drift compatibility look like. And so Sam and Dean talk, talk with their arms and their movements and the way they keep trying to pin each other down, until a machine shrills behind them telling them their compatability score.
97%, a nearly perfect match.
That just brings a smile to Dean's face and goes over to hug Sam and pull him downwards to ruffle his hair but Sam isn't happy at all. All of these just serve as reminders for something he can't have or he can't want. All these constant things in his life about how he and Dean are perfect for each other, one in the same, practically the same person.
It drives him insane.
So imagine one day they are doing a routine check up, keeping Dorothy Hellride (or as Dean likes to call her 'baby') in tip top shape and Dean is ready to start the neural handshake with a wink and a smile to his baby bro but his smile falters when he sees Sam look away from him.
But the neural handshake is starting out as it usually does and Dean can't help but feel comfortable with the feeling. It's just him and Sam in here. Nobody else belongs in this space but just them. Memories just pop up as if he is driving through them. Him sneaking into Sam's crib and sleeping with him. Sam and him running through the rain sharing only one flannel. The night John and Mary died, Jaeger fight gone wrong, and Dean and Sam were sitting alone inside of Dorothy and Dean vowing to protect his baby brother from anything with the Jaeger their mom and Dad left--
And then nothing.
Dean opens his eyes and his head snaps to meet Sam.
Darkness meant that the connection was being blocked, that there was a wall in one of their heads. There is something that Sammy doesn't want him to see. He calls out to his brother and Sam just shakes his head, not knowing what is happening and Dean's voice gets louder asking for an explanation, Sam's voice gets louder saying that he doesn't know what's going on either, everything around them is just screeching that there is something wrong that has never happened before and Dean feels so hurt and so ANGRY because where the hell did this side of Sammy that he doesn't know, understand, possess came from--!
The test is kaput and Dean feels the worst he's ever felt, begging Sam to just talk to him about this sudden wall and that he promised he would protect him from anything but he can't protect him from something he doesn't know.
He probably feels even worse when Sam is nowhere to be seen the day after, leaving behind a note saying that he is going off to study more about the tech at another branch.
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callowyn · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @oakashandwillow
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 42...the perfect number
2. What's your total AO3 word count? just shy of 500k which is an insane number
3. What fandoms do you write for? >_> look. is the top fandom on my ao3 page supernatural: yes. am I still actively posting spn fic: technically also yes. but the incoherent scum villain tweets that don't make it onto ao3 are where my heart truly lies rn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 and #2 are the double header of Cumplane (Pairing), an in-universe meta for @cleromancy's threadfic, and Cumplane Forums AU, an archive of @flightlesscrowkids's communal threadfic that I shamelessly enabled. #5 on the list is also a scum villain chatfic, It's Fine Cause I'm Wearing Cat Ears, where shen yuan is still insane on the modern internet but this time binghe and liu qingge are there. thank you cucumber stans for your support and good taste.
#3 is my untamed big bang from these nettles, alms which I cowrote with @zorrosuchil (chengxian, but also wangxian and a lil tiny bit zhanchengxian, much to jiang cheng's disgruntlement).
#4 is my pacific rim reverse bang Our Blood in the Machinery in which raleigh becket is possessed, but joke's on you, he's into that shit.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try but unfortunately I often give myself the fake homework of needing to reply Meaningfully which means it simply does not happen
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmm probably the most it-didn't-have-to-be-this-way classic tragedy fic is The Dismemberment Song (the untamed, nieyao); the deadest dove is Jettison (pacific rim, hansens badtouch)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I was going to say Only Human but then I remembered the last chapter ends with one of the main characters announcing her imminent demise lmao so perhaps my cql fix-it of Waking / Rising
8. Do you get hate on fics? thankfully not, I don't think they get enough attention to have haters lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? only for siblings
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? fandom fusions are my faaaaavorite to spitball. way back in the day I had grand plans for Merlispn which (as the name should make clear) was very silly
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge but cambionverse did once get cited in an academic paper
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? funnily enough one of my smallest and least-viewed spn fics, Driftwood, was translated into chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nearly all of them in fact! shout out to @thegeminisage and our series Cambionverse which is old enough to be in middle school now
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I am a multishipper til death do us part ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? fuckin. Envesseled lmfao. ON GOD WE WILL POST THE LAST FIVE CHAPTERS I JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN
16. What are your writing strengths? *eye* think my own jokes are very funny hahaha and I love to write banter & arguments
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I can brainstorm plots all day long but executing upon them is So Hard
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? as a monolingual it is something I would do very sparingly if at all, and only if there wasn't another way to convey the same tone/emotion
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first thing I ever posted to ao3 was The Quest for Camelot which is found poetry from the merlin fic finders comm. before livejournal I did post a few things to ff.net but they are going with me to the grave
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? listen. I understand why it deals psychic damage for my followers to see supernatural content in the year of our lord 20 whatever. but read Cambion those are my kids
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ltleflrt · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for tagging me @prosopopeya 😊
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 (also 112 unanswered asks in my inbox, oops lol)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age, Mass Effect, SPN/Destiel, Baldur's Gate 3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kiss the Baker (9,346)
Satin and Sawdust (8,306)
Cursed Or Not (7,797)
No Words (7,754)
Addicted To You (6,079)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! In order to conserve spoons for it, I only answer comments on my long/chaptered fics, and don't answer them on my short one-shots. Which makes me feel guilty sometimes, but setting up an exception is the only way I can manage my social anxiety about it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Such Thing As Ghosts
This is a one-shot that I always answer comments on because if someone takes the time to read a MCD fic, they deserve extra gratitude, and probably milk and cookies and a box of tissues.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write romances or smutfics, they all have happy endings lol
Probably the sweetest thing I've ever written is Where The Heart Lives which was for an October writing challenge a few years ago.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
It's happened, though it's rare. There was a troll that targeted me on FFnet like 10 years ago who was so over the top with their hatred that it was actually funny. Every once in a while I'll get a comment that irritates me, but it's not really hateful stuff, just something I disagree with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, original sci-fi alien smut was a thing for me when I was a teenager. For fanfic, I loooove writing smut. Some of my short fics are just smut. My favorite kind of smut involves being in a shower or a bathtub. It might just be masturbation, or full on sexual escapades, but there's water involved.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't like crossovers, so no. I have a lot of ideas for fusions, but I haven't written any. I tried to do a Pacific Rim/Mass Effect fusion, but I only ever got 1 chapter, and it's the only fic I've deleted from AO3.
For reference, I consider a crossover something that includes characters from both universes in a story together, and a fusion is a story where characters from one universe live in the other universe, but there's no meeting of characters from both. Like, Dean is a Templar who knows Knight Captain Cullen in Dragon Age, vs what if Dean is the Knight Captain instead of Cullen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of *knocks on wood*
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few. One of them isn't on AO3 and I lost the link, which I'm sad about. But now I only give permission if it's going to be posted on AO3, so they show up under my name.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, but @jupiterjames and I have worked so closely together that it's almost co-writing. @bendingsignpost wrote a prequel to a shortfic I wrote tho... does that count? That probably counts. Here's the series:
Bookshelf Boys by bendingsignpost, Ltleflrt
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
They all feel equal in my heart, but I've written the most for Destiel, so they're probably a tiiiiny bit more important to me lol
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm starting to think I'm never going to finish anything ever again lol
My current posted WIPs are
Reaching Out (Dragon Age)
Shameless (SPN/Destiel)
I desperately want to finish them, but my brain is very NOPE about it. There's also the Untitled Haunted House AU I've been talking about for years now, but I've never posted any of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Capturing character voice in dialogue. Also shower/bathtub smut 😁
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Of anything. People, places, emotions. I feel like I suck at all descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to do it, but I definitely have to get help since I'm hopelessly monolingual. And I like when other authors do it too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age, specifically DA2. It's what got me into reading fanfic in the first place, and eventually sparked the urge to write.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This answer changes every time someone asks me the question lol... today's favorite is Peace because it's the most recent thing I've worked on and there are 2 people commenting on it, and I'm having a good time with it.
Tagging: @jupiterjames @mittensmorgul @slytherkins @valleydean
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foolscapper · 2 years
Pinned Masterpost Thing
Hello! This is an obligatory pinned post about me. 
My name is Ashlee and I’m an artist and occasional writer, currently primarily for My Chemical Romance with some other fandoms sprinkled in from time to time! The blog is 90% SFW but no promises. Here are all the things I post most here on this blog, as well as things I’ve done in the past that I dedicated a lot of time to. Enjoy!
If you’re enjoying my work, I do have a ko-fi for tips, but don’t feel obligated to visit! This is all just a free labor of love.
Misc. Fandoms Tags:
My Chemical Romance / Pacific Rim / Supernatural / It’s Always Sunny / Spider-Man / Pilgrimage (2016) / Mad Max / Hadestown
Current Projects:
The Black Parade / @theblackparadecomic (fancomic) - An adaptation of MCR’s The Black Parade, using lyrics from all songs on the originally released album. Updates very sporadically! Be patient with me! Currently on the second chapter.
Previous / Popular Projects Completed:
Ask Sam Stuff (SPN)
Quarterverse + Discontinued Askblog Entries (SPN)
Where the Wild Things Start (SPN)
A Little Break (All Might MHA Comic)
The Art of Measuring Time  (PACRIM; Newmann Comic)
Exploding Head Syndrome (MCU; Post-IW AU)
Hadestown Animatic | Wait For Me
General Tags / Links:
My Fanart Tag
My Art Tag (includes all, including fanart)
My AO3 Account 
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arialerendeair · 1 year
Tag Game #2!
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better! 
I was tagged by @moorishflower and @sans--seraph!
Three ships:
Dreamling - I’ve written more than one million words of both Malec and Sabriel, the other two pairings on this list, and there is no doubt in my mind that I’m going to soar past that number for Dreamling as well - it’s merely a matter of time.  I never know quite what’s going to grab me about a pairing sometimes (why did this grab me and not Aziraphale/Crowley, for example?), but when Dreamling grabbed me, it has gloriously refused to let go.  I love the characters, the world, and I love that it’s challenged me to write in different ways than I have in the past.  I love the sass, the sarcasm, the angst potential, and agony they can put each other through.  They’re a pairing based around stories - Dream as the prince of them, and Hob as the embodiment of them.  How can you not love them?
Malec - This is the ship that, after I fell out of Sabriel and into a period of not writing for more than a year - made me remember that I still knew how to write.  I hadn’t forgotten, a broken heart hadn’t stolen it from me.  I fell in love, and I decided for the first time that I was going to be good at action scenes (something I’d considered myself bad at for ages in the SPN fandom) - and it’s still one of my best accomplishments that now I feel I write them very well!
Sabriel - This is the ship that really taught me to WRITE in a way that no other ship had before.  I remember falling into SPN from the Sherlock fandom and then falling into the niche corner that was Sabriel.  It was like I had finally put on shoes that fit for the first time in my life.  It was also the first ship that ever made me consider being a writer full time - because I learned how much I loved writing, and could feel and see myself getting better over time.
First ever ship: Heero/Duo from Gundam Wing.  Coincidentally, they were also the first ever pairing that I wrote waaaaay back in April, 2004.  (Yes that fic exists on the internet still.  Yes, it’s older than a lot of you.  Yes, it’s also old enough to vote.  I have Feelings about this.  I should put it on Ao3 someday for sake of sheer posterity, but I don’t know if I ever will.)
Last song: Just Communication from Gundamn Wing.  (Which is entirely @moorishflower‘s fault.  The Nostalgia.)
Last movie: Pacific Rim (Which is definitely not related to the AU that is currently 10k and refuses to end because Dream and Hob are ridiculous.)
Currently reading: The Annotated Sandman - Volume One (I got this for Christmas, as well as a complete edition of the comics.  When I saw the Annotated was available at the bookstore I scrambled like a madwoman to get a copy and have been devouring it.)
Currently consuming: Strawberry Yogurt.  Because yum.  Also because I could not be arsed to snack on anything reasonable like candy this evening. 
Currently craving: Aged cheddar - because I ate through all the fancy aged cheddar I got for Christmas.  It was so good, so worth it, but I want so much more of it, please. 
Tagging... let’s see! @rainbowvamp, @mayhemspreadingguy, @darthstitch, @softest-punk, @cuubism, and... oh hell this is always the part I’m bad at.  Whoever else wants to play!
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theangiediary · 2 years
wait sorry I can't get this out of my head, here's my actual Fandom/Shipping Timeline:
2009, 11years old. Star Trek, McKirk (my very first ship? Not a spirk fan tbh). Eventually also Kirk/Pike 🙈 they're not technically father and son!
2009-2012 HP, specifically the ffnet author Silver Sailor Ganymede. Slytherins, mostly non shippy with some Blaise/Nott. Some drarry.
2011 X-Men first class release, cherik (b!e all the way) (also 91110 which. woof. a doozy!!) + Alex Summers as the bicycle
2011-2012 watched spn for the first time, up to s6ish, non shipper (still no incest)
2011 Thor, non-related AU thorki
2011 ca:tfa stucky/stevebuckypeggy
2013.... Thor 2, related thorki (first incest!)
2013 Pacific Rim, Raleigh/Chuck+.. Chuck/Herc
(I actually do remember distinctly which fic it was that resolved That squick -> A Chance Encounter, followed by Point Made)
2014-2016 big into ca:wa stucky + various previously mentioned, Giles/Spike, some other smaller ships. My ✨Marvel✨ Era (high school). Also. Uhm. Yes, I was really into Check Please! and hockey/hockey rpf. 😌
I think I occasionally read Smith/Wesson? Maybe.
2016-2019 no fandoms, busy with college/family stuff/etc. semi ran a aesthetic blog.
Nov 2020 . The day. That it Happened. little old me reblogging pictures of like, art museums and flowers when Everyone started talking about The Moment. started reading posts for the Drama, rewatched s1, got into the gencest side of Tumblr; mostly the blogs brotherwives and mr-smith-wesson (bc I'm sorry, destiel really doesn't Do It for me Like That 👨‍👨‍👦).
2021 reading the E dark fics wincest, so soulless!sam, pwp, etc. idk if thats really Shipping™️ or just.. porn. EVENTUALLY Gen (+porn) -> Weirdchesters (+porn) -> Wincest (+wincest sexy times and ❤️ Feels❤️)
Started writing/drawing.
2022 bibro nonshipper to deangirl sometimes wincest shipper conversion complete. Added deanjohn and various other characters I'd like to see bend Dean over a table 🥰 (thank you writinginthesecrettrees & kansaskissedlips)
2023 ????
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wanderingnork · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
soft tag from @edda-grenade :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
288 (good fucking lord when did that happen)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment, it's Baldur's Gate 3 and Dragon Age. There are plenty of others scattered around as the inspiration strikes, though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Protector, in which I fused the Protestant Reformation with Dishonored
Everything Important in a Suitcase (Fantastic Beasts)
a better mirror (Fantastic Beasts)
Going Home, in which everyone survives the Battle of Five Armies and Thorin and Bilbo figure their relationship out
i am stretched on your grave, in which Loki doesn't fucking die at the kickoff of Infinity War and ends up breaking the timeline
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As many as I can! Sometimes I don't have the spoons. But fandom is based in relationships with other fans, so...I do my best to foster those.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably blood and a black sword, a fic for the Elric of Melnibone series. Elric tries to kill himself and fails, and while the ending is somewhat hopeful...the last line is his evil sword Stormbringer, which will eventually kill him and everyone he loves, being satisfied that he lived to fulfill his fate. It's pretty grim.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a fair amount of postive-ending fics. Gonna give this one to "Are You a Boy or a Girl?" a wizard101 fic about my nonbinary wizard dealing with gender norms in the Spiral and finding their own place.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. And if I did, I'd mute and block and move on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do! What I write when left to my own devices tends toward the...unhingedly kinky? It's not safe, it's not sane, but it's always consensual! Which is also buckwild to me because I'm about as asexual as they (ha) come.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh this HAS to go to Task Force Winchester, a crossover between Supernatural and Suicide Squad. I have a few others that are right up there, but I don't write many.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! One of my FB fics, The Protector, and one of my SPN fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES!!! During my time in the FB fandom I did several, and now with Dragon Age I've collaborated on an entire au featuring my Inquisitor and Saar, @edda-grenade's Inquisitor. As well as a delightful merfolk au with the same cast and co-writer. :3
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It's gotta go to Dean and Cas. Like, that was formative in many ways, but also...it just works. I love it. Always will. I was "out of the fandom" when it became "canon" and I still ran in circles shrieking with excitement, and promptly wrote a fic about it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There are several unpublished AUs floating around on my computer. The big one is a Pacific Rim/Crimson Peak one. I poke it every time I watch one of the movies.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding, writing quickly, and "show don't tell" in regard to emotions, specifically. I went an entire 30k fic without saying the word "happy" or "sad" and got no complaints from my beta about it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Spacial comprehension, where human limbs go and how far they can reach and/or bend, using ten words when one would do.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Please provide a translation. I've got some of this going on with the githyanki language in my Baldur's Gate fic, and I ALWAYS have some kind of in-text translation or a translation in the author's note. It's a fictional language, people don't speak it. Make it easy on the reader.
Also...make sure it works for the fic and the character. Random interjections (just according to keikaku/keikaku means plan) are awkward. If a character speckles their dialogue with interjections in another language, go for it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maximum Ride! Unpublished, all of it, but I have SO MUCH FIC laying around. Some of it is pretty decent.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Overgrown. It combines horror, romance, worldbuilding, and one of my favorite pairings with some of the best, prettiest prose I've ever written.
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my tags : a+varying letter of the alphabet
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Moving Mountains
[A Pacific Rim AU]
by tiamatv
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Cesar Cuevas/Jesse Cuevas            
Tags: Alternate Universe - Pacific Rim Fusion, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, Drift Compatibility, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Giant Robots, Kaiju, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Mind Meld, Smart Dean Winchester, Hurt Castiel, Intimacy, Frottage, Missions Gone Wrong, Self-Sacrifice, Happy Ending, Knitter Castiel, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, John Winchester's A+ Parenting
Marshall Robert Singer has one hand resting on his hip, the other gripping the discarded practice pole. Castiel thinks he looks tired. That said, with how the kaiju have been crawling with increasing frequency out of the Breach with every passing week and decimating the cities lining the Pacific, no one can blame the man for that.
Castiel knows there aren't enough Jaegers or Jaeger pilots left to defend the coastline against the monsters—but with his history, he's not getting back into harness. He's never joining his mind with anyone else's. Not again.
“Congratulations. You boys done dancing yet?” Singer demands, thumping the butt of the staff on the ground with blunt, percussive force. “We got work to do.”
“Work?” Castiel asks, frowning.
“Congratulations?” Dean finishes.
“Well, yeah.” The Marshall of North America's last battle-center looks back and forth between them, clearly questioning their intelligence. His lip curls just slightly under his beard—no doubt at their blank expressions. “You’re obviously Drift-compatible, ya idjits.”
[read on Ao3]
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Tiamatv’s and mine Reverse Bang entry for the DCRB2022 event, by @deancasreversebang!
The Pacific Rim universe is one of the very first AUs I look for in every fandom I get into. And I was sad to see that deatiel has so few. So the Reverse BB was an amazing opportunity to change that XD
I’m beyond grateful for tiamatv amazing story! I love every moment of it, am still in awe at the depth and length of it! Thank you so much for working with me! I enjoyed all of it! This is exactly what I wanted and so much more!
Drawing that armor definitely was an experience. I’m so happy how it turned out!
[More Art]
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qtepasacalabaza · 4 months
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The suits are here!!! Still working on the jaegers tho
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entropic-saudade · 1 year
Recent fics and updates:
1) Update to “our love is shown in the letting go,” my Lambden MCD grief fic
2) SPN fic, post-canon Dean/Cas and Sam, coda to Prophet and Loss
3) Short update to Lullabies and other magic series (the magical!Jaskier series)
4) SPN fic, Dean/Cas; TFW watches Paddington and Dean is inspired to make marmalade for Cas.
5) SPN fics, a new multi chapter WIP, Pacific Rim AU fic inspired by the Atomic Heart trailer. Eventual Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, and Claire/Kaia.
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c-kaeru · 3 years
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DTIYS by Madikats_Vision ! It’s a Pacific Rim AU hehehe 
This was a good anatomy practice lmao
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The Official Trope List!
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This is the SPN Trope Round Robin’s official list of tropes! All of these will be available to select from every round – these are the same tropes used in Rounds 1 and 2! Missed out on your favorite trope last round? Grab it for Round 3! (The full list is repeated in plain text below the cut.)
Body horror
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Character Related
Angelic Soul seeing/ touching
Boyking sam
Camp Counselor
Cas Loves Bees
Castiel’s trueform
Character Death
Demon Dean
Human Cas
John Winchester’s A+ parenting
Magical healing cock
Mistaken Identity
MOC dean
Original Character(s)
Cock of Death (Sam)
Secret Identity
Soulless Sam
Touch Starved
Almost Kiss
Courtship Rituals
Enemies /rivals to lovers
Everyone thinks they’re doing it
Fake Dating /Marriage
Forbidden Love
Friends to lovers
Friends with Benefits
Mutual pining
Raised Apart
Role Reversal
Secret Siblings
Team Free Will  
Unrelated Winchesters
Crossdressing/Panty Kink
First Time
Magic made them do it / sex magic / fuck or die / sex pollen
Sex work
Voyeurism/ Exhibitionism
Accidental Baby Acquisition
Aging Up
Bed Sharing
Blind Date
Dimension Hopping
Disaster Survival
High School Reunion
Huddling for Warmth
Pen Pal
Prank War/Chicken
Retirement from hunting
Telepathy/mind reading
Woke Up in Bed Together
Time periods
Stanford era
Canon Compliant
Creature fic
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Episode Tag / coda / missing scene
Alternate Universe - No Supernatural
Canon Divergence AU
Canonical AU (other)
Carnival/Circus/Fair AU
Celebrity/entertainer AU
Coffeeshop/Bakery AU
College AU
Crime (organized)/ Mafia/Gang AU
Dystopia AU
Everybody Lives
Fantasy/Folklore/Myth AU
Fix-it fic
French Mistake AU
High School AU
Historical AU
Law Enforcement AU
Magic School AU
Military/war AU
Non-coffeeshop workplace AU
Prison AU
Purgatory AU
Royalty AU
Sci-fi AU
Soulbond/Soulsharing AU (Sense8, Pacific Rim, Symbiotes, His Dark Materials)
Serial killer AU
It’s a Terrible Life AU
Sports AU
Spy/Secret Agent/Assassin/Hitman AU
Superhero/Villain AU
Western AU
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (23-29 Jan 2022)
Tumblr media
😍 Gaudy Night (Lord Peter Wimsey #12) (Dorothy L Sayers, author; Ian Carmichael, narrator)
😍 So Wise We Grow (Deastar) - 81K, Spirk - sudden child acquisition, great Jim/Bones friendship, fantastic execution of the 'italicized "oh"' moment
😍 Busman's Honeymoon (Lord Peter Wimsey #13) (Dorothy L Sayers, author; Ian Carmichael, narrator)
🙂 To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most Of All (perfect_plan) - 118K, no powers AU, comic artist Steve & veteran Bucky
🥰 Striding Folly (Lord Peter Wimsey #14) (Dorothy L Sayers, author; Ian Carmichael, narrator)
💖💖 +406K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out to these I really loved💖💖
Creatures Such As We (seapigeon, author; buckysnowangel, artist) - MCU: Stucky, 21K - great alternate post-TFA where Bucky fuses with the Space stone
Reconstruction Site (disco_vendetta (brinn)) - Pacific Rim: Raleigh/Mako, 8K - reread, my fave post-movie fic
Midlife (spqr) - The Mandalorian: DinLuke, 6K - Din goes to visit Grogu & then he & Luke so some crime, as a treat
Applied Astrobiology (RogueTranslator) - SPN: Destiel, 11K - the first of two excellent consentacles fics I read this week
The Fist of HYDRA (HaniTrash, ixalit, kocuria-visuals (kocuria)) - MCU: Stucky, 7K - the second excellent consentacles fic I read this week
Queens of Mystery - s2, e5-6
Hotel Transylvania: Transformania
Frasier - s1, e3-5
The Mummy
Lore - Episode 190: All That Glitters
You're Dead To Me - Disability in the Ancient World (with comedian Rosie Jones and historian Dr Jane Draycott)
Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities - Get a Grip
Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities - Handiwork
You're Wrong About - Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch w. Willa Paskin
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Chopin’s Heart
Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities - Strike a Pose
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - City Museum
Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities - Clumpy
Song Exploder - Franz Ferdinand "Take Me Out"
99% Invisible #474 - The Punisher Skull
Ologies with Alie Ward - Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE COOKING) with Mariah Gladstone of Indigikitchen
Word of Mouth - It's language, Jim, but not as we know it
Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics - Helen of Troy
Shedunnit - The Tichborne Claimant
Hit Parade - Rock ’n Soul, Part 1 & 2
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Gorgeous Grotesques with the Places Team
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Musk Ox Farm
You're Dead To Me - Boudica
'80s Soft Pop
Carly Rae Jepsen
Hairbrush Karaoke
Power Ballads Forever
Pop Duets
The Hits: '50s
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