#sorry to anyone reading this in advance
krenia · 1 year
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double hit means double the oversharing @johndoe-r @officialmisterrose
- absolutely obsessed with roguelikes/lites and anything that has randomly generated ("repayable") elements most notably tboi and Hades
- my username is a name I made up for a story about elves and dragons when I was like 8, it's now stuck to me like a parasite and I can't call myself anything else online even if I try
- one day decided I'm a completionist and now every game I play is played with the intent of 100%'ing it yeah it it clashes with the roguelikes part yeah
- had an embarrassingly long warrior cats phase, yet still can't draw furries
- I have really bad social anxiety (but still for some reason cannot shut up) so sometimes it takes me like, literal 2 hours of psyching myself up to socialize in the smallest of ways
- "hates pink" to "owns pink cat ears headphones" pipeline (came with egirl fashion sense for some ungodly reason,,)
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Steve and Robin have been working at the plant nursery for months. It was the only job that would hire them both, and it's honestly been the best job they've had.
Steve loves taking care of the plants, loves the way the outdoor plants wave at him in the wind and sparkle in the sunlight after he's watered them. No one gives him weird looks when he talks to the plants because everyone that comes in understands, they're all plant people too, they know talking to plants is hard to resist. Steve loves that they are very good listeners, especially the ferns in the back corner of the nursery. They brush their long arms against Steve's cheek and make him feel so much better after he's finished dumping all his problems on the poor plant.
And then they get a new employee, a guy with long curly hair and too many tattoos and piercings for Steve to count. His name is Eddie. And he does not have a green thumb. Not at all.
Steve can't understand why the nursery hired this guy! He's hopeless!
Steve watches in horror from behind his beloved ferns as Eddie accidentally chops the head off one of the gorgeous rose blooms while pruning and then tries to hide the evidence. He walks away from the rose bush with the poor chopped off bloom clenched tightly in his fist and then he dumps it in the compost bin.
Steve spends the rest of the afternoon glaring at the new guy while talking to the poor rose bush. Eddie flushes a shade of red similar to the rose he murdered any time Steve looks at him, and Steve hates how pretty he looks, hates that it causes a small smile to pull at his lips.
And then Eddie drops a watering can on a peace lily, a peace lily that Steve spent weeks nurturing back to life and the spell Eddie put on him with his flushed cheeks and big, brown eyes is broken.
Robin pities the poor new guy, she can see he's struggling, so she just makes him do all the heavy lifting with her. She doesn't want him anywhere near Steve's precious plants. She saw Steve reach for his giant pruning shears a few days ago when Eddie went near his ferns.
"You know he's terrified of you." Robin says to Steve on their joint lunch break. They're sitting on a stack of soil bags watching Eddie potter around and show people the plants they're looking for. Steve will give him that, he's good with people. Really good.
"Why? I'm nice." Steve takes a bite of his sandwich and avoids Robin's stare. He knows she's giving him the 'don't bullshit me' stare and if he looks, he'll crumble and do something ridiculous like admit he has been kinda mean to the new guy and that he should have just helped him out from the start instead of threatening to chop his fingers off every time he touched Steve's plants.
Steve sighs. "OK, fine. I've been a dick." Robin nods and steals the last bite of Steve's sandwich.
"Now, make it right and play nice with the pretty boy."
"He's not pretty."
"That's not what you said to your precious ferns yesterday. I think you said –" Steve walks off before she can finish and ignores her laughter as he stalks over to where Eddie is crouched in front of the baby succulents.
Steve clears his throat to get his attention and the poor guy jumps in fright and nearly smacks a succulent off the stand. "Steve! Hi! I was just talking to them. I promise."
Steve stifles a laugh and sits down on the floor in front of the low plant stand. He gently pulls a dead leaf off one plant before offering Eddie a smile, a truce. "That's good. They like it when you talk to them. I actually sing to them when I'm here alone." His sudden gentleness must spook Eddie because he just blinks at Steve, his mouth open slightly as he stares in disbelief that Steve actually just spoke to him.
"You can sing?" Eddie sits down next to him and mirrors Steve's actions; gently pulling dead leaves off and checking the soil.
"No, I can't." He laughs. "But the plants don't seem to mind."
They sit in silence for a minute before Steve gathers up his small pile of dead leaves and stands up, Eddie follows suit. "I'm sorry I've been such a dick." Steve rushes out before he loses the courage to admit it. "It's just... you're awful with plants."
Eddie laughs, the sound catches Steve off guard and echoes around the nursery, and Steve realises in that moment that he's never heard Eddie laugh before. It's loud and beautiful and Steve wants to hear it again. Every day.
"I know. I don't have a green thumb at all, but this is the only job that would take me. I think the plants want me to quit."
Steve wanted him to quit. He'd grumbled to Robin about it nearly every day. Eddie knew that and he still stayed. He smiles at Steve in a way that says he doesn't mind, he's just teasing.
But Steve still feels like a total asshole.
"I could teach you how to look after them properly." Steve offers. "I should have offered to help weeks ago." He adds on quietly as they walk through the rows and rows of plants. Steve touches all of them gently, he grazes his fingers along their leaves in a friendly greeting.
"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." Eddie says with a smile so bright it could rival the sun and cause all of the flowers to bloom.
They spend nearly every day at work together after that. Steve helps Eddie learn all the plants' names, their technical names and the secret names Steve's given them all. Steve shows him how to prune and shape the baby hedges and tries not to blush when their fingers touch while passing over the shears. Eddie is a fast learner. He absorbs everything Steve says and then executes it perfectly. He looks over at Steve and smiles excitedly after he successfully prunes the rose bush without chopping a single bloom off.
The more time they spend together, the more Steve becomes aware of the feeling blooming in his chest. It tickles his ribs and causes him to blush and bump shoulders with Eddie more often, causes him to tuck a stray piece of hair behind Eddie's ear and brush his hand along Eddie’s back whenever he passes him.
The new bloom in his heart causes him to kiss Eddie in the back corner of the nursery behind the ferns.
Turns out Eddie has a green thumb after all because there is something so beautiful blooming between them, and so far only the ferns know about it.
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hoofpeet · 5 months
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I'd probably have to read the printed version and web version back to back at some point to note all the differences but... ough
#sorry i'm going to be excited about this comic for the next month#nofna#okay having finished this now--#and sorry if this doesn't make sense to anyone who's completely unfamiliar with this comic in advance-#the 'popcorn ending' (printed version) is nice to see but i think the web version hits harder. if that makes sense#so i'm kinda tied on which ending i 'prefer'- i think both are good though#also considering i've read the web version a good 4-5 times and the printed version only once- i probably can't make that judgement yet#easy answer- i do like Nutsedge :] so it's nice to see the ending where nothing bad happens to her#but also- NT suddenly becoming a greenie-esque villain out of nowhere felt a little jarring#as well as SV suddenly turning a corner and becoming a 'good guy' (arguable)- considering the first three books are about#/him being too stubborn to change or accept any outside worldviews . Him suddenly coming to his senses felt out of place#<- probably biased because i like characters being bitter to the end and ultimately destroyed by their own hubris#the web version is probably‚ objectively‚ a bit better#but -#(spoilers- if you're planning to drop ~70 bucks on getting these books)#the conceit of SV actually perfecting his style‚ using it once‚ and then immediately getting tooth-brained- was pretty cool#assuming it's meant to parallel him spending months tormented by trying to perfect it while something's still missing-#and then dying before he can narrate it to the audience‚ so that we never know what he figured out.#hard to articulate these thoughts but tl;dr- popcorn ending also had a lot to think about
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bloodysparklez · 1 year
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so i started reading a new novel,
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bugsinshoes · 2 months
What are your gravity falls characters headcanons?
gender and sexuality hcs:
dipper: trans guy, he/they, asexual, demiromantic/cupioromantic (IM ON THE FENCE SOOO lets just say hes arospec. maybe aroflux?)
mabel: either transfem or genderqueer (i love both), bisexual, she/her but im not opposed to the thought she uses neos/xenos
stan: transitioned to male but later found out hes genderfluid, bisexual, also arospec, he/him
ford: transitioned to male but later found out hes agender, asexual, demiromantic, and gay. as for pronouns he/him, but probably has a bunch of cool alien neos he picked up during his 30 years travelling. but mostly uses he/him for simplicity's sake
ford loves mabel juice. when ford came back dipper and him binged watched all of the star wars movies he missed. ford LOVES cats and i mean LOVES them (mabel is ecstatic when she finds out). dipper played guitar for probably like a month before giving it up completely. fiddleford gave ford his iconic coat during their college years. also the pines are all somewhere on the autism/adhd spectrums
theres like a BUNCH others i cant all put on one post + i cant remember atm sooo i hope these will suffice :D
BUT here are a couple links to some REALLY good character analyses that really resonated with me that you guys should totally check out (if you haven't already)
Why Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls is Autistic and Why it Matters
Gravity Falls and LGBTQ+ subtext: Decoding the Queercoding | A Video Essay
anyways, this was long. wow.
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flamingredanon · 8 months
*slams down from the void with a short fic*
Randomly thought about the idea of Henry choosing the test subject option instead of stealing the diamond and that leading him to working with the CCC, and then my hand slipped.
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
I hope everyone's having a nice Sunday, and if not, I hope I can make it more less terrible with the third chapter for my fic let me down slowly, now on AO3 ✨
again, huge thanks to anyone who's been reading this 🥺 the final chapter will be up at some point next week
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r0semultiverse · 8 months
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This is my updated version of my TADC OC. I didn’t check my color palette beforehand. - submitted by @nostalgic-woodwind
Love them!!! You did really great on this OC! Ngl really inspiring me to make my own! 💜 ^w^
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erythriina · 3 months
music chain! list 5 songs that give off this vibe: partners in crime
send this to the last 5 people who were active in ur notes (+ anyone you want) with a vibe of your choice (as vague or specific as you want)
LOVE a music ask game!!! 😍 Playlists are my specialty so I really wanted to do this justice; I tried to strike a good balance between ‘this song is about a bond between people’ and ‘this song is about getting into trouble’, lol
1. Chains : Radical Face
2. Bullets : Tunng
3. Spring / Sun / Winter / Dread : Everything Everything
4. Go to Sleep Kimberly : Superet
5. Maya the Psychic : Gerard Way
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
Once I get approved to post on ao3 it's over for you bitches
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fieldsofbone · 1 year
i’m so burnt out this quarter and my students are killing me... i just had a meeting with a student who was unhappy with his paper grade (C-) and thought he deserved more and i explained why he received the grade that he did and his defense was that he misunderstood me in class and didn’t understand what he was supposed to do and i literally was like. yeah misunderstandings happen but you had the prompt, the professor talked about it at length in multiple lectures, i made a six page paper guide for all of you breaking down each question on the prompt and giving guiding questions to tell you exactly what we want to see and providing writing and organization tips, i talked about it across three class sessions and made it clear i was always available via email and in office hours, so there’s really no excuse for not knowing exactly what we wanted. if you would have used the resources available to you then you certainly would have gotten a grade closer to what you wanted. and he was like oh. yeah ok 
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whypolar · 9 months
The people of twitter are loving the early preview of the Riddhe diagram
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
hiii i finished the character page :-)
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spinningerster · 1 year
back with more sad al + benji, now in fanfic form
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astrxealis · 1 year
i am so exhausted i barely have anything to do for the rest of the school year as in. just a few more projects. and then done. but i'm already Finished af. anyway i hope you all are okay, take care okay <3
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#RAGHHHHhhhhhh ..... i have napped an abnormal amount (personally) the last few days#the exhaustion of. everything ig is getting to me. sobs#uh... i'll finish this one hw and then my parts for this group task and then the test is. ??#notes to myself sorry but i won't even look back to this ik but yeah.#so. message group mates tomorrow for those two tasks. one in the morning b4 class one during free period#i have to deal w the thesis presentation stuff too wtvr the fuck's going on i hope everything will be alright#after this one hw and then my parts for that ... recheck them ofc but afterwards.#nah i should sleep after that... at T__T anyway my goal is to finish basically everything that i can do by tomorrow. which is doable i think#should fix my sleep sched esp b4 june... review for june... follow daily routine everyday properly...#okay. finish this one task finish parts for that one other task. and recheck both.#sleep and message groupmates in the morning. present. message and discuss with other groupmates during free period.#by then i only have... two tasks left for the whole school year + one quiz later. but i gotta fix up thesis stuff w group#alr. okay. i got that.#and i'll work on as much as i can tomorrow (and if i need to. lay off a bit/rest. until sunday)#hopefully hang out with friend on monday. concert on thursday. last day friday#i won't think about reviewing just yet until i finish my#priorities but i need to make sure im at my fucking best then and in advance#anyway hi ... i dont think anyone will read this which idm at all bcs why would you#but if u did uhm hi. hello. have a good day LMFAO i hope everyone has a good day or night or whatever aaa i go now..... sobs#i am very exhausted i think esp since i dont think ive had a proper rest in Ages. and by ages i really mean ages#i dont like napping i dont like wasting time i try to wake at a certain time but often fail but still distrupt sleep#uh i let myself rest on sundays only when going out but it's Going Out and not. just relaxing and doing literally nothing. never#negative thoughts begone!! i refuse to entertain them for now lmfao#there's a lot i want to get to and a lot i need to do but i'll focus on what i need to
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transgaysex · 1 year
im going to sleep here in a bit but i just like. started thinking about outer wilds
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