#sorry these are so blurry I had to take these screenshots off my phone because my laptops charger is dead and I still have to get a new one
latestparis-style · 3 months
My sister and I made French toast from a recipe in a fanfiction. And we took a lot of pictures.
Welcome to the LatestParis_Kitchen.
For the last year or so, my sister and I have made a fun hobby of reading the most bizarre Phantom of the Opera fanfictions we can find. Out loud, tossing the phone back and forth to each other by chapter. Neither of us read it beforehand, and it's a 10/10 experience.
There's a POTO fanfic on Wattpad by the name "Angel In Hell". It's by user: momenttodebruh. Read the fic. It's the epitome of the perfect, unhinged Y/n fic. With loads of iconic lines. My sister and I quote this fic like it's a popular TV show. Seriously, it got to the point where my mother repeated one of lines because we said it so often. This fic is (intentionally or not) hilarious and a masterpiece.
In the fic, the protagonist, a Y/N my sister and I dubbed "Bitch", makes her "famous French toast™" to impress the manager into hiring her as a chef at the opera house.
The best part?
The recipe is followable with exact quantities given.
Here are screenshots from the fic:
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I refined it to this recipe:
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You know, just in case you're a freak who wants to try this.
My sister, Beth, and I have joked about "Bitch's famous French toast™" every time we make regular French toast, and today is the day we decide if her recipe would make us hire her.
Beth can make a mean French toast, so let's see how Bitch's famous recipe measures up.
Here's all the ingredients. We are following this shit as closely as possible, so no half batch. 6 eggs and all.
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We thought we would only need four slices of bread. God were we mistaken.
Just as a side note, Beth and I were doing this while our parents were out to dinner, so we're on a time crunch. Sorry for any blurriness in the photos!
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Here's the 6 eggs. This is the least gross looking photo I managed to take. Also, Beth is method acting, look at the Victorian lace on those sleeves.
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We added the vanilla extract here too, but I believe it didn't change much.
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Okay, so we used our four slices only to discover that there was half the batter left. Beth suggested we make it to freeze. She has much more hope in Bitch's Famous French Toast than I do, but I agreed. We were drenching these slices, so maybe you could get more out of this recipe.
haha, this is where shit hits the fan, or egg hits the pan? Anyway, the house started to get a little smoky. Our house has smoke detectors connected to the alarm system, so if they go off, the firetrucks are coming. We burnt about half the French toast, so I took the smoke detectors off the walls. Then the alarm started... beeping? It wasn't blaring, thank God, but I'd never heard it beep before, so Beth opened all the windows to air out the house, and I had to awkwardly call my dad like: "heh, we made French toast, so if you get a call, don't let the fire trucks come. oops."
Only after that did I realize that the alarm was beeping because I took the smoke detectors off the walls.
So I put those back on.
We were simultaneously laughing our asses off while flipping out about the possibility of firefighters coming to our house because of a fanfic. It was fun. Certainly intensified this experience.
And in the end we had...
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A strangely eggy, flavorless stack of "Bitch's Famous French Toast"
Some of them were very burnt, but that's down to Beth and me. Y/N doesn't hold any blame.
Look at all that toast (eight fucking slices) and keep in mind that Firmin canonically eats the entire stack. And, AND! It was so good, in the next chapter, he call for it to be served to the whole opera house.
Beth quote: "It really just tasted like eggs. The cinnamon didn't do much, but because the egg soaked into the bread so much, it had this strange, bizarre custardy quality?"
Her rating: 4/10
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I, as a person with celiac disease, had to make it on gluten-free bread. It's worse that way: 3/10
After eating, uh, some of the French toast and freezing the rest for a moment of hungry desperation, we sat on the couch to collect ourselves. I started typing up this post, when our upstairs TV miraculously turns on (it turns on with any change in the room's lights, and it's extremely annoying).
What is it playing?
Which, in fairness, we had been watching earlier. Gordon Ramsay was speaking to our souls while we sat on that couch.
Side note, please don't take this as us hating on this fic. It was our single biggest inspiration while writing "A Girl's Desire" and we genuinely adore it for all it's worth.
If the author sees this, I will be starstruck.
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courtpheasent · 3 years
Papyrus Undertale is in fact an Eldritch Abomination and I can prove it
OKAYOKAY this sounds weird and wrong but I have evidence.
Let’s start out with the basics. What is an Eldritch Abomination? An Eldritch abomination is a type of creature that originates within the works of H.P. Lovecraft. They are most popularly horrifying beyond reason, have some sort of slime or rot associated with them, and fucking HUGE. However, this is not always the case, and the popular stuff is NOT what we will be focusing on.
tvtropes.org defines an Eldritch Abomination as “The Eldritch Abomination is a type of creature defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them.” And “Physically, the Eldritch Abomination is only defined by seeming somehow seeming “off”, hinting at their incomprehensible nature. They can range from humanoid to animalistic to physically impossible to inconceivably bizarre.”
So basically, an Eldritch abomination is something that exists outside of the laws of reality and is noticeably just. Wrong.
Let’s look at Papyrus.
The man demonstrates powers outside of the game’s mechanics. Nobody else in the game does anything quite like he does.
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He can fly
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He moves in bizarre and nonsensical ways
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He makes odd predictions
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He seems to be able to see through phones.
(I couldn’t find a direct pic of this one in game, but I was able to find the dialogue in the Undertale Dialogue master post website)
Needless to say, “disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them” defines Papyrus to a TEE. He breaks the fabric of reality like one breaks an egg, which is to say often and without much care.
The next defining characteristic of an Eldritch abomination is their odd and offputting nature. Papyrus demonstrates this too.
People are constantly talking about how weird Papyrus is. And honestly? They’re right. He is pretty strange. That’s not a bad thing of course, as it makes him one of the most charming, lovable characters in the game. But it still is outside of the ordinary. The way he talks, the way he moves, hell, even his freaking text box, it’s all unusual.
And while this is less of an ingame observation, and more of a me thing, but Papyrus IS unnerving. The way he smiles while saying off putting things, his secretive nature, the fact that you CAN’T believe a word from his mouth because he’s a really good liar, it really freaks me out. Sometimes I stare into those blank sockets and can’t help but wonder what may be going on in there. And the fact that even after five years of this game being out, we STILL don’t know what his deal is????
Yeah it’s kinda scary.
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Anyway, TLDR: Papyrus fits the definition of an Eldritch Abomination to a Tee and that makes me feel emotions I don’t have a name for.
Eldrich Def: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination
Paps Flying and Spinning Gif: https://undertale.fandom.com/wiki/Papyrus
Phone Call Screen Shot One: https://youtu.be/voSXPqe2G_Q
Phone Call Screen Shot Two: https://hushbugger.github.io/dialogue/#Papyrus%20(call)
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violetlilysunshine · 2 years
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okay so I accidentally posted before I was ready and then I had to delete it and it was a whole mess so this is a screenshot from my email... I was typing on my phone and dropped it and hit the post button and there was no coming back from that... I'm just a walking mess over here :) (Sorry in advance if the photo is blurry!)
For anyone who needs it, it says "What about Chris whipping the tattoo gun out one night and tattooing a little C on your wedding ring finger" - asked by Anonymous
anyway, I changed it up a bit because that's dangerous and you should always have a professional do your tattoos!
Warnings: tattoos (obvi), needles, pet names [babe], talk of weddings and receptions
900 Celebration
You ran out of the reception with Chris; he led you to the car and opened your door before running around and hopping in the driver's side.
"Let's go! Let's go!" you cheered as he stepped on the gas.
"We are going, calm down," he laughed, linking one hand with yours.
"I'm just excited," you giggled, pulling his hand up to your lips and planting a few kisses on it.
He untangled your fingers and started turning your new wedding band around your finger gently, "I'm excited too," he smiled.
He pulled into the parking lot, rushing out to open your door again. He helped you gather up your train and head into the building. He opened the door for you with one hand, still holding the white fabric in the other.
"Hi, I believe we had a 9:30 with Matt?" he asked at the front desk.
"Yeah," the guy answered after looking at his computer, "come on back."
You went into the back room with Chris following behind you. You both sat, Chris hopping in the big chair first. You waited a little bit for Matt, tapping your toes and flitting about anxiously.
"What's got you on edge?" Chris laughed, "it'll be easy and over before you even know it started."
"I know, but people are going to start noticing that we're gone!"
"I told Scott to cause a diversion," he laughed, "Scott is great at occupying time, you know that."
Matt came in the door right after that: "so I understand we're on a bit of a time crunch," he laughs, "well, I know what we're doing and you've taken care of all the business already so let's get at it!"
He set up the supplies and put on the stencil, making meticulous marks. Before you knew it, Chris was out of the chair and you were in it.
Matt sterilized the equipment again, prepping it for you before making quick work at your new ink.
Once you were finished, you thanked him and raced out of the shop and back to the reception.
"Guess we'll be wearing these on our right hands," Chris laughed, handing you your ring from his pocket.
"For the time being at least," you laughed.
He shifted into reverse and started to pull out, but you stopped him quickly.
"Wait just a second," you said taking your phone from your purse, "show me."
He crossed his left hand over, placing it on the center console, "no hold it up, wanna see the car in the background."
He held it up as you insisted and you place your left hand next to his. You focused the camera to center on your first initials tattooed on the inside of each other's ring fingers.
"Can I post?"
"Sure, mine too," Chris answered, handing you his phone, "we can go now?"
"Yeah," you smiled, leaning over to peck his lips, "back to the party!"
As he drove you back to the party you posted the photo on both of your Instagrams captioning yours: "so we're still married when we have to take our rings off on set 😂," and asking what to caption his.
"Just the date, babe," he laughed.
"Fine, fine, be lame..." you whined, posting it and locking both of your phones as he pulled back into the reception hall.
"I love you," you said, leaning over to peck his cheek.
"I love you too," he answered, putting the car in park and pulling you in for a proper kiss.
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hockeyisit · 3 years
Auston missing Amelia on the road 😩✨
Hi! So I asked from prompts awhile ago and then got really busy with school. I got this one finished and I loved writing it! I hope that this is what you were hoping for! Let me know if you have any feedback or if there are any other prompt requests. 
Word Count: 2,674
Opening up Snapchat I see that I have something from Auston and quickly tap it open. It’s a photo of him laying in bed shirtless hugging a pillow to his chest with a pout and tired eyes. No caption. I smile lightly before taking a screenshot. He was currently on a week-long road trip and we were only three days in. I missed him so much I didn't know how I was going to handle the rest of the week.
I double tapped so that I could respond and leaned against Felix as I took a picture of the two of us laying in bed. I captioned it Felix misses you, before hitting send. I watched as he opened it right away before a Facetime call came through.
“Hi babe,” he says once the call comes through. Felix picks his head up in search of Auston after hearing his voice.
“Aww Felix is looking for you,” I said flipping the camera to show him. Auston smiles gently through the phone as he hugs his pillow closer to him.
“I’m right here buddy,” he called through the phone. I smiled as Felix kept looking before giving up in defeat.
“Where’s your roomie?” I ask him. Auston tries to call me as much as he can when he's on the road but he doesn't really like to talk when other people are in the room. It was a feeling that I could deeply understand seeing as we were both pretty private people and he still made the time to call me so I never minded. It was pretty surprising to be getting a call from him so early in the morning though.
“He’s showering. I figured I would give you a call. I miss you,” he whined as he closed his eyes a blush appearing on his face. He then shoved his face into his pillow. I giggled as I rested my head on Felix's body, treating him like a pillow. He turned his head to me and gave me a look of annoyance but made no move to get up.
“I miss you too,” I said gently.
“I haven't done anything except stayed cooped up in this apartment with Felix besides our walks,” I continued as I looked around. He laughed lightly while he pulled away from his pillow with a big smile.
“What a smile,” I teased when I could finally see his whole face. He laughed again as a blush coated his face. I smiled feeling happy that I was able to make him look like that.
“What have you got planned today babe?” he asked. I heard the sound of a door open as Auston glanced away from the camera for a moment before returning his attention back.
“Steph texted me. Said she wants to meet at the dog park so that?” I said as I relaxed further into the comfortable bed. He gave me a small smile before sitting up in bed.
“Sounds fun,” he said as the camera started to become blurry due to his walking. Once he made it to the bathroom he shut the door and set his phone down on the counter.
“Are you stripping Aus?” I asked as I stared at the screen showing the ceiling. I heard him let out a light laugh as he picked up the camera.
“I gotta shower,” he said pointing to the shower that was out of frame.
“Wish I was there,” I pouted. A small frown came across his face before he replaced it with a sad smile.
“Me too baby,” he gently whispered brokenly. I felt my heartbreak at that. Auston very rarely called me baby. He mostly stuck to babe or my name and when it was something else it usually was a tell that something was going on. I had learned pretty early on in our relationship that baby was a keyword for I miss you. It was his way of expressing that he was feeling clingy, cared for, and missed me.
“I’ll be seeing you soon though and when you get home we can lock ourselves in here until you have to leave for hockey,” I said with a bright grin as I pulled myself into a sitting position.
“Deal,” he grinned holding his fist up. I held mine up and pretended to hit his against the phone.
“I should probably shower,” he hesitantly said. I gave him a small nod before waving.
“I love you, Aus. Have a good game tonight,” I said knowing that I wouldn't be able to talk to him more on the phone with how busy his schedule was going to be today. He gave me a small smile before bringing the phone closer. All I could see was his mouth and mustache.
“Bye baby. I love and miss you,” he said gently before puckering his lips at the camera. I laughed lightly before bringing my phone closer to my face.
“I just miss him so much,” I told Steph as the two of us sat on a bench at the dog park. She leaned toward me and put a hand over mine.
“I get it. Trust me I get it,” she laughed lightly. I laughed as well.
“I think he misses me,” I said with a small smile. She scoffed and picked up my hand and pointed to my ring.
“I’m sure your fiance misses you,” she teased. I blushed lightly while pulling my hand away. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket before pulling it out. I had received a snap from Auston. I quickly thumbed it open. It was a photo of him sitting on a couch with his legs spread a bit. The caption read, wish I was between your legs. I blushed tapping it quickly so Steph wouldn't see what it said.
“Oh my God! What??” she asked, tugging on my phone. I giggled while I tapped back to respond. We both posed and I snapped the photo before writing the caption, I’m with Steph!
“He’s been snapping me more on this road trip than he ever had before,” I admitted after a moment of silence.
“Like, we’ve always snapped, called, and texted but it wasn’t always a lot because he would be busy getting ready for the games or with someone. He’s private so he doesn't like to call when he's by people but this time it’s just been a lot more,” I trailed not knowing how to describe it. I loved Auston so much but when we first started dating and he would leave for a game he was very bad at communication. I always felt like I was missing him more. But this time I could tell that it was seriously affecting him. I knew that it did before but I was surprised by how much he was showing it.
“Maybe he’s just not afraid to show how much he misses you,” she said happily. I glanced around looking for Felix before glancing back at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s always been the one taking the lead in everything in your relationship. He’s been uncertain a lot during it. He said I love you first and you didn't say it right away. He proposed and you ran away. He asked you to move in. When he’s away how often do you call first or tell him you miss him?” she asked. I thought back for a moment and realized she was right. I never called or texted Auston first when he was away. It was mostly because I didn’t want to be a bother.
“Do you call Mitch a lot?” I asked, she laughed lightly before nodding her head.
“I call him all the time. Sometimes he doesn't answer because he’s busy but most of the time he'll answer for a minute or so and listen to whatever crazy thing I’ve come up with,” she answered while calling over for Zeus. I stood up and called for Felix.
Once I got home I unhooked Felix from his leash and he took off into the apartment. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages. I had a few from Steph telling me about some crazy thing she saw on her way home, one from Auston’s mom, and another snap from Auston. I clicked on Auston’s first to see it was a photo of his legs and it looked like he was laying on a hotel bed. Gathering all of my courage I close out of the app and pull up facetime. I click on Auston’s name and wait for it to connect. After a few rings, the call finally goes through.
“Hey baby,” he said. He was leaning up against the headboard wearing his Maple Leafs sweatshirt.
“Hi,” I said softly as I made my way towards the bedroom.
“What's up?” he asked, shuffling further down into the bed.
“I just got back from the dog park,” I said, setting my phone down on the bathroom counter.
“I thought I’d call you because I miss you,” I continued gently. A small smile lit up his face before he reached up to rub his eye. I pulled my sweatshirt off before turning the water on.
“I miss you too,” he said sweetly.
“Your mom texted me she said that you haven't texted her back about the dates,” I told him picking my phone back up.
“Sorry I forgot to text her back. I've been tired I can text her right now,” he grunted.
“It’s okay I can text her back. We were still thinking next weekend right?” I asked clicking her contact open. He nodded his head before speaking.
“Yeah next weekend,” he agreed.
“Are they staying at a hotel or ours?” I asked, setting my phone down after I finished texting Ema.
“Hotel,” he said, glancing at someone behind the camera before mumbling something to them.
“Okay,” I said, pulling my pants off.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Getting ready to shower,” I responded with a laugh. He groaned lightly before standing up from his bead and going to the bathroom. Once he had the door shut he leaned against the door.
“Show me,” he asked with a hint of lust. I smiled before re-angling the phone on the counter to show me in my bra and underwear. His eyes filled with want as he stared at me. He bit his upper look as he took me in.
“God I wish I was home,” he whined. I grinned before reaching into the shower to feel the water. Just perfect. I turned around to face my phone again and picked it up.
“Aus. I’m going to shower now,” I pouted sadly at him. He did the same.
“Noo don't go,” he whined, I giggled before taking off the rest of my clothes.
“Bye Aus. I love you,” I told him with a soft smile. He gave me one back before waving.
“Love you too baby.”
I sighed as the call went to voicemail. I guess I will just have to try again later. I pushed myself up from my bed and walked over to my clothes and pulling on a Leafs sweatshirt and some sweats before throwing myself back on my bed.
“Stop moping dude you look pathetic,” Mitch said, throwing a pillow at me. The pillow hit my back before falling off the bed to the floor.
“Shut up you whine about how much you miss Steph every five minutes,” I accused, wrapping my arms around my pillow and burying my face into it. Mitch laughed before turning to face me.
“Seriously what's up?” Mitch asked once the silence went on. I huffed before turning away from my pillow to face him.
“Just miss Amelia,” I told him honestly. I knew that Micthy wouldn't judge me. He understood the feeling as well as me.
“What's wrong with that?” Mitch asked locking his phone and setting it down next to him.
“It’s just been hard to stop thinking about how much I miss her,” I whined reaching for my phone to see if she texted me. I always felt like I was asking her for so much but I so badly wanted to ask for more right now. I wanted her here with me I wanted her in my bed right now. I hate that there is nothing I can do about it.
“I miss Steph,” Mitch said. I nodded my head.
“I get what you mean is what I’m saying I wish she was here and I hate not having her here,” he continued.
“At least you already locked her up,” Mitch said after a moment of silence. I laughed before sitting up in my bed.
I pulled my phone back out before sending a text to Amelia, what are you wearing? She immediately texted back, lol wouldn’t you like to know you perv and then only your jersey and that blue lingerie you love. I laughed lightly before a huge grin took over my face.
I sat on the couch as I waited for Auston to get home. He was supposed to fly home after the game they had played tonight. I had missed him so much that I was going to stay up and wait for him to get home. I glanced at the clock reading the time ten-thirty. Felix was waiting by the door like he knew Auston would be coming home today.
The game had ended twenty minutes ago and I now had That 70s Show playing quietly in the background as I scrolled through Instagram. It was one of my favorite social media apps. I had a private account that I let all my friends follow. I scrolled through and came across a photo of some of the WAGs out at the bar for the game tonight. I had been invited but told the girls that I was busy and couldn't make it. Truthfully I was just getting so anxious to see Auston.
I turned towards the front door as I heard something crash and sighed as I took in the scene before me. Felix must have knocked over the coat rack we had in the corner of the room in his excitement of the door handle turning. He immediately started barking and jumping at Auston. He smiled down at Felix as he started petting him and pushing his way into the apartment.
“Baby I’m home,” he called as he set his keys down on the kitchen counter and his bag on the ground. He then reached down for the coat rack to pick it up.
“Fuck Felix. You broke it,” he sighed as he picked up the broken piece and set it on the counter as well. I shoved my blanket aside and quickly made my way over to him making a jump into his arms. He was quick to catch me after his moment of shock.
“Auston,” I whispered, kissing all over his face before pulling him into a romantic kiss. He relaxed into the kiss and tightened his arms around my waist. I tightened my arms around his neck starting to kiss him a bit rougher. As I tried to deepen the kiss he pulled his lips away. I whined gently reaching forward to try to keep kissing him.
“Your in my jersey,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. I grinned before pulling out of his arms and spreading my arms out and giving a twirl to show off the jersey. I sent him a wink once I was facing him again and he grinned back widely.
“Yeah baby. I missed you,” I told him and then I reached down to the bottom of the jersey and slowly started to pull the jersey off to reveal my blue lingerie which happened to be his favorite. His eyes hungrily took me in.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he said before pulling me into a rough kiss and leading me to the bedroom.
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rosy-cheekx · 4 years
“You’re such a dork.” for the emotional writing prompts! I don't know anything about critical role, really, so for TMA :)
I spy, with my little eye, Bryce’s attempts to shove her own interests into her fics. Anyways, I am an American in college so I was basing this on my own experiences oops. Enjoy!
Date night was Wednesday evenings. Jon and Martin both found it preferable for a variety of reasons; it was the most likely nights for happy hours at the pubs in town, guaranteeing a cheap drink, and keeping to a weekday night minimized the chance of Jon seeing one of his students out. He hated seeing his students. Not that he hated them of course, he really rather liked them…not that they would ever know that. Being a professor, of parapsychology of all things, was rather rewarding. He knew the content inside and out (it felt good, using the mark of The Eye to actively work against it, to pass along information instead of consuming). And they didn’t seem to mind him either.
That was the thing about university students. They really didn’t care about who he was or where he came from. The fact that he was a scrawny, scarred Englishman in a lecture hall in Scotland didn’t matter to them. In the classroom, all they cared was whether he taught the material well (he did) and was kind to those with late assignments (he was. He had been a university student once too; he remembered the anxiety and depression that took him and his mates in waves). He was a good professor; Jon knew that objectively in the marks his students received. But in the subjective? His student had decided they liked him.
This had dawned on him at the end of his first semester; when he was inundated with emails of sincere thank-you for a great semester, for being such a helpful teacher, for taking the time to help review, et cetera. Martin had grinned at him, poking a tongue out his mouth and making some remark about teacher’s pets coming full circle (Jon was never a teacher’s pet though. He had always asked too many questions. He welcomed those questions with open arms now, to be the teacher he hadn’t had.)
The next semester it had been more obvious that students liked him now that he knew where to look. It was in the open “good-mornings” and questions about his weekend plans, and in the fact that he had the best attendance records of his department. It was in the way they asked genuine questions about his material and the waitlists miles long to get into his sections. Later on, it was in the gentle ribbings about his looking tired and the grey hairs even as they celebrated his fortieth birthday with him, bringing in cupcakes and sneaking in between lectures to decorate his office and the sincere questions over his scars, his life, his relationship with Martin (his introductory lecture always featured Martin and Her Regency, their thick orange tabby). To make eight wonderful semesters short, he was familiar with his students, and they weren’t afraid to be familiar back. Which was wonderful in the classroom and all, but not when he was trying have a relaxing evening with his husband.
Which brings them back to Wednesdays. Wednesdays were the days least likely to have students out in town, he had learned from Dr. Kerrigan, the positive psych professor, because Thirsty Thursdays started off the weekend’s partying and drinking for the undergraduates. Wednesday was the day students, in theory, buckled down to finish homework and give themselves a free weekend.
So here they were, Martin in a collared shirt, printed with tiny flowers, and jeans, hair bleached white from the Lonely and curling softly at his temples; Jon in a slouchy ribbed turtleneck and high-waisted pants, his own thick curls half-piled atop his head. Jon was listening intently as Martin spoke animatedly, talking about his own day as a guidance counselor at the local primary school.
“…and I swear Jon, if it wasn’t bad enough that Kimmy has decided never to speak to Lawrence again, now Lawrence has confided in me that he is positively in love with her.”
“Did he say that verbatim? In love, I mean.”
“I mean, no, but he said he was willing to give her all his Squishmallows for a playdate. Squishmallows. That’s real eight-year-old commitment, right there.”
Jon barked out a laugh and put on a puppy-eyed expression, grinning all the while. “Martin Blackwood, do you hereby take Jonathan Sim’s stuffed animals, to have and to ho-”
A gentle swat to the knee with Martin’s shoe cut Jon off. “Oi! Respect my children. They may be fools but its not their faults their brains aren’t developed yet. And yes, I know, ‘they’re not developed ‘til twenty-five and you can argue that your students’ brains aren’t developed either.’ But it’s different. They’re babies.”
“And I’m the All-Knowing One,” Jon mused thoughtfully around a forkful of food, earning him another love-filled kick.
“Speaking of,” Martin pointed to Jon with his glass, eyeing him deliberately. “Midterms next week, yeah? How do you think it’ll go?”
Jon shrugged, scratching at the back of his neck. “Alright, I hope. First exam went well but could’ve been better. I’m worried about Avonni, honestly, he’s nodded off a few times in class and I’m not confident he has someone to get the material from.”
“He has you.” A pointed, snow-white eyebrow.
“Right, but sometimes students don’t want to ask for notes because they think I’ll say no. Maybe I should email him. Speaking of email! Did I tell you what Suzanne sent out?”
“Oh no, what?”
They carried on like this through their meal and into dessert, and not for the first time Jon was struck by the sheer normalcy of it all. His greatest concerns were Suzanne’s passive-aggressive emails and his students, not the inevitable destruction of reality as they knew it to be. They were scarred, inside and out, everyone who had escaped The Magnus Institute was, but they were safe and free and happy. In defiance of everything that had happened to and because of them.
“Dr. Sims!”
Uh oh. Spoke too soon.
Bite of lava cake halfway to his mouth, Jon squeezed his eyes shut, rolling his eyes back in his head and willing there to be another professor with the surname Sims in the restaurant. When he opened his eyes, Martin was valiantly trying to suppress a smile as he eyed something, someone, over his head. Jon twisted awkwardly in his seat to see—
“Parker. What a surprise.” His voice was warm but carefully measured, and the dark-skinned boy waved, shit-eating grin on his face. “I have told you that you can call me Jon.”
“Yeah, I know, but you earned that doctorate! And “Doctor Jon” sounds awful, like you should have your own show or something.”
He hadn’t earned that doctorate, actually, but Martin’s expertise in lying and the disastrous apocalypse that had left everyone disoriented meant it had been easy to exaggerate some of Jon’s CV and manufacture a fake diploma.
“I do have my own show. Monday and Wednesday mornings, where I teach a bunch of caffeinated undergrads parapsychology,” Jon replied easily. “You’re welcome to tune in.” He liked Parker; he was a bit of a class clown, liked to ask off-topic questions or pretend to sneak a look at Jon’s answer sheets, but he was sharp and knew his stuff. Jon respected that. He reminded Jon of someone he dearly missed.
But Parker had already turned his attention to Martin, who was watching the interaction with mirth in his eyes. “Hello sir! I’m Parker McMichael, Jon’s favorite student.” Martin shook the extended hand and nodded in mock seriousness.
“Of course. Pleasure to finally meet you. Are you the one with the essay on ESP or the one on psychokinesis?”
“Neither,” Parker shook his head proudly, short dreads swaying gently with the movement. “The Validity and Continuity of Near-Death Experiences,” he made a mock marquee with his hands, arching curved fingers to indicate the title hanging in the air. “Researching any consistencies in near-death experiences stories, whether they’re legitimate, and what they mean if they are. But-” Parker shook his head and turned his attention back to Jon. “That’s not why I’m interrupting.” He took his phone out of pocket idly as he spoke. “I’m afraid I’ve come to settle a dispute among the 11 a.m. section.”
Oh no.
The Ceaseless Watcher whispered to him, unbidden, the dispute in question. Jon generally knew how to suppress the powers, and they were weaker than they had been, once upon a time, but when he’s caught off guard with the desire to know, to Know, it could still overtake him.
“This you?” A blurry screenshot of a Youtube video is shoved under his nose, a part of a text chain titled Sim’s Spoopy Spirits, captioned by many text bubbles expressing disbelief and objections and a variety of emojis. Jon took the phone and examined it, the truth already sure in his chest. Yes, that was him, dressed in his Jonny d’Ville costume, eyeliner streaked and eyes closed, mid-ballad. God, he wished he could be rid of those Youtube videos.
Jon’s gaping silence must have been enough of an answer for Parker because he whooped a little too loudly for the restaurant they were in and pumped his fist to his chest before typing very quickly on his phone. “I knew it! Take that Sabina,” he was mumbling to himself, lost in his texts for a moment.
Martin took the opportunity to clear his throat. “Sorry, uh, no one’s asked so I will. How did you know to look for him-us-here?” Jon frowned, He hadn’t thought about that.
“Oh, a couple of my mates work here and mentioned seeing Dr. Sims and his husband here a lot on Wednesdays and I dunno about you so much, but Dr. Sims is pretty habitual. Figured it was as good a guess as any. Some things can’t wait til Monday.”
“..an email. Parker. You could’ve sent me an email.” Fingers ran over scarred face, as if he could wipe the irritation (and Martin’s poorly-hidden laugh) from existence.
“But then I couldn’t do this.” His phone was back up again, level with his own face and he twisted so both his own and Jon’s faces were in the shot. “I’m here at 7:02 pm on Wednesday the 26, here to make a very important announcement,” Parker spoke to the camera with confidence. “Dr. Sims just confirmed to me that he is the one, the only, Jonny d’Ville.” Parker held the camera to Jon’s voice. “Anything to say to your adoring fans?”
Jon sighed and tugged on an errant curl. “Don’t forget, reading due Monday.” He wasn’t genuinely upset with Parker, just filled with fond embarrassment.
Parker sent the video off and clapped the back of Jon’s chair. “Well, Dr. D’Ville, its been a pleasure. Everyone’s really excited to get a confirmation on your status of coolest teacher. Any plans for the evening?”
Jon sighed through his lower lip, stray curls framing his scalp flying upward in the sudden burst of wind. “Watching a documentary and trying to forget—wait. What?”
“Oh yeah no, everyone thinks it’s badass. You’ve got a super nice voice and the stories you told were really interesting, if a little buckwild.”
Jon felt his cheeks flush and Martin grinned slyly at him from across the table. “Y-Yes. I guess we were rather good.”
Parker gave his farewells and Jon’s shoulders sagged (he had immediately righted his posture on seeing Parker, his grandmother’s voice in his ear reminding him of his manners), turning his full attention back to his husband. Martin had maintained that grin and was eyeing him intensely, like he expected Jon to say something.
“What, Martin?”
“God, you’re such a dork.” The words were soft, expression fond, and Jon could feel the radiation of unadulterated love Martin gave off in his smile, the one only ever used for Jon. “You really love your students, don’t you? You know how much they love you, right?”
Jon grumbled, but he couldn’t quite sweep the smile off his face either as their waiter made his way over with their check.
“No comment. But we are switching to Tuesday date nights.”
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hoodharlow · 4 years
Drunken Showers
AN: So the idea was requested at the very start of quarantine. Anon, hopefully you're still here. If not I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. Fun fact the idea for this was the first piece I had planned for El Novio. 
Requested?: Yes, "hi! your writing has been one of the only things keeping me sane during this quarentine. I love it all hehe. Could you do something about your friends not liking cal at first because he a big celebrity and they have like read bad stuff about him online. So you stand up for him and then when they meet him they love him. If you don't want to write it that's totally fine!"
Warnings: mentions of smut, mentions of past toxic relationships
Word count: 3.6k words
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Calum watched Damian walk by the kitchen for the fifth time from where he was sitting at the kitchen island. He stood in the walkaway looking at the cookies Claudia had decorated, but soon ran  outside again. She was too busy decorating cookies to notice the six year old. 
Calum and Claudia somehow ended up watching Damian while her family ran errands. Junior had come to drop off some tables, and Damian insisted on staying because he wanted to play with Duke and Panchito, Danny's dog. 
”Why isn’t Mali here?” Damian asked Calum. He pulled at the stool next to him and sat down. 
“She lives in London,” Calum said. He pulled out his phone. ”I'm going to text her and see if she can talk. Yeah?”
Damian nodded excitedly. He hopped off his stool and climbed onto Calum's lap, watching Calum text Mali. She responded seconds later with a smiley face, so Calum called her.
He let Damian hold his phone while Mali connected and reached over the tray of cookies he was eyeing earlier. He looked up and locked eyes with Claudia, earning a glare from her. Still he smiled at her as she rolled her eyes and went back to decorating cupcakes. Calum split the cookie and gave half to Damian.
”Hello Damian, how are you?” Mali said seconds later. 
The smile on Damian’s face grew bigger when he saw her through the phone screen. He dove into conversation with her. Summarising everything since Christmas. He told her that his lita and lito were planning babyshower for Medelyn and Danny because of the baby they were having. He went on about the brincolin Diego rented, and how he likes jumping and doing flips. He flipped the camera and showed her Claudia. She gave her a small wave and went back to the cupcakes. 
About fifteen minutes passed and Damian decided he was bored and wanted to go play with Duke and Panchito. He handed the phone back to Calum and slid off his lap. 
”Bye, tío Cal,” He said running to the backyard. 
Claudia's eyes widened at hearing Damian call Calum tío. Never in a million years did she think she was going to ever hear 'tío Cal' come out of his mouth. Though Calum was too focused on the screenshot he took while facetiming Mali to notice what the boy said. 
”Can I use your phone?” He asked Claudia.
Before she could get her phone, she felt Calum's hand on her back pocket, and he pulled it out. He held the phone for her to put her passcode. She typed 0-1-2-5 and pushed it back down. 
Calum wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled up Instagram. He looked for Felix and scrolled through his profile until he found a good picture of his left arm that was covered in tattoos. Calum put his phone next to hers and compared.
”That's his arm.” He stated.
Claudia leaned over and squinted. The screenshot he had taken was a bit blurry, but Felix' tattoos were very distinguishable.
 ”You can't really tell,” she began, remembering what Felix had told her. Him and Mali were casually going out but if things got serious between them they were telling Calum. ”Who knows who it is.”
Calum looked up and gave her a pensive look, unsure if she knew more than she said. 
”You're probably right.” He locked his phone and handed Claudia hers. His hand hovered over the cookie tray, wiggling his fingers as he decided which cookie to get.
”Grab another cookie and I'll call Ashton myself to tell him that y'all need a new bass player.” She warned him.
”Better my hand than my heart, Claudia.” He said kissing her temple.
”I hate you,” she said playfully. 
”Not what you said last night after you—”
”Here,” she shoved a cookie in his hand, ”ya vete.”
Her cheeks reddened, remembering what they were doing in the back of Diego’s truck when they were at the drive-in last night. 
”You’re lucky those Roger Corman films are full of actresses who scream all exaggerated because people would have heard you instead,” he whispered in her ear. 
She cleared her throat and went back to decorating the cupcakes. She slowly piped out little succulents with buttercream onto a small piece of wax paper before she transferred them on to the actual cupcakes. Her job was to make dozens of cookies, mini tarts, mini cheesecakes, and brownie cups. Fortunately, Marlene was making the gelatinas, arroz con leche cups and the candy goodie bags.
Duke and Panchito's growls sounded in the backyard. Calum quickly stood up and went outside. He scooped Duke in his arm and held Panchito's collar. 
A guy walked in the yard holding two trays covered in aluminum foil. Calum instantly recognised him. It was Claudia's ex. He knew he was going to meet him today. Just not this soon nor alone. Well, not really alone Damian was behind him, holding the frisbee.
He reached for Panchito's leash  that was on the table with other toys and clipped it to his harness. ”I'm going to put them in the garage.” Calum told Damian. ”Could you get Claudia?”
”Okay, tío.” Damian nodded. He left the frisbee on the table and went inside.
Without another word, Calum went to the garage. He was placing the dogs in their respective kennels when he heard the garage door close. Damian awkwardly stood in front of the door.
”Hi,” he said. 
”Can you make me a grilled cheese, please?” He asked, looking down at his untied shoes and then back up at Calum.
”Yeah. Lead the way.” 
They made their way to the kitchen and Damian helped Calum get ‘the good cheese tía Claudia uses.’ He sat in front of the stool and watched Calum build his sandwich. 
Calum looked over to the yard where Claudia was still talking to Paco. She had the most serious face he'd ever seen on her. Her eyes were expressionless and unreadable, the little glint she had was gone. Her ever present smile flattened into a tight line.
”I don't like him. He doesn't like playing with me and Diego and Paloma.” Damian said as he poked his straw into his juice box. He took a sip and looked over to Claudia. ”She always looks sad when he's here.”
Calum hummed and flipped their sandwiches. He grabbed two plates from the drying rack and placed their sandwiches on them. He cut them diagonally and slid a plate to Damian. 
Claudia came in and slammed the sliding door shut. She walked past them to the living room where her dad stores the good alcohol and brought it back to the kitchen. Damian and Calum watched as she poured herself a tall glass of tequila. 
”Everything okay?” Calum asked her.
Claudia held up her finger to him and in one huge gulp she downed the tequila. 
”Just peachy.”
This was the most drunk Calum had seen Claudia.
He held onto Claudia so she wouldn't fall off his lap as she did her shot with her cousins. Even in her drunk state she knew to cover his face when her cousins recorded themselves taking shots. She wore one of his flannels over her dress, so the sleeves were big enough for her to shield his face.
”Mede this one's for you, mamas.” Claudia stood up and shouted across the yard where she was with Danny and their friends. She held the shot glass and tossed the vodka back. She turned to her cousins and cheered. 
She reached for the bottle, but Calum was quicker and moved it out of her reach.
”No more vodka for you.”
”You're no fun.” She pouted. She poked his cheeks, “Be fun.”
”You guys would make such cute babies.” One of her cousins gasped. She pulled out her phone from her bag. ”Like fucking deadass, I have an app that morphs your faces and shows you your babies. I did it to see how my babies would look with Jaden Smith.”
With that her cousin went on talking about her love for Jaden since the Karate Kid came out. Claudia leaned against Calum's chest and listened to her. Minutes later Calum felt her breathing change, she had fallen asleep. He cursed to himself, knowing she was not going to like getting woken up.
”Claudia,” he nudged her. She huffed and nuzzled herself more into her chest. ”Let's get you to bed. Yeah?”
Claudia nodded and wobbled a bit, but Calum was quick to catch her. He motioned Diego that he was going to take her to her room, and Diego nodded, going back to talking to his compadres and brothers.
Calum guided Claudia to the kitchen. He sat her on a stool and poured her a glass of water. 
”Drink this.” He said, handing her the glass.
”This is a lot of vodka.” she gasped, amazed at the large glass. She took a long sip, downing the whole thing. She set the glass next to her. ”This vodka is so good. It's so good and smooth. Where did you get it?”
”From the Brita filter.”
”From the Brita filter,” she repeated to herself. 
”Let's go upstairs.”
”Cal, my whole family is here. I can't have them hear you fuck me.”
”That's— Where did you get that?” He asked her as she sipped her cantarito. ”I said no more drinking.”
”Nu-uh you said 'no more vodka for you,' this is tech-weela and Squirt,” she said matter of factly. Then she burst into a fit of giggles. ”Remembered when you made me squirt on Valentine's Day. I had fun that day. Thank you for taking me to Reptile Park. I liked seeing all the koalas.”
”Your welcome. Let's get you to bed.”
”Okay.” She obliged. 
Calum guided her up the steps and held onto her so she wouldn't miss a step. He reached in his pocket and unlocked her room, walking them in and closing the door behind them. He turned on the lights and sat her on the bed. He helped her out of her tall heels and set them back on the box she had on her desk chair. 
Claudia reached for his belt and unbuckled it. 
”No.” Calum said sternly, pushing her hands away. 
”Please,” she pouted. She sat back and spread her legs open to him. ”I'm not even wearing panties. You have easy access.” 
”Fucks sake,” he mumbled. He went to her underwear drawer and grabbed the first pair and slipped them on her. He rolled her onto her side. ”Get some sleep.”
”Can you stay for a little bit?” 
”Fine, but no funny business.”
Claudia nodded eagerly and made some space for him. She patted the mattress, so he kicked off his shoes and laid next to her. She pressed her whole body on his and wrapped her arms around his stomach.
”I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since breakfast.”
”Of course you haven't.” He said to himself. 
He waited a few minutes until she was fast asleep. He slowly lifted her arm off him and slid out of her bed, placing a pillow where he was. He twisted her hair as best he could into a braid and tied the ends of her hair. He set a timer on her phone to wake her up in an hour or her sleep schedule was going to go off the rails. Then he made his way back down and went to the taco line so Claudia had something to eat when she woke up. 
Calum was responding to a text Michael sent him about the change of plans for an upcoming event they had when he felt someone behind him.
Claudia's ex.
”We didn't get to greet each other earlier. I'm Francisco, but everyone calls me Paco.” He said, holding his hand out to him.
Calum shook his hand.
”Calum.” he said curtly.
”This must be weird. You being Claudia's new boyfriend and me being her ex.” 
”It's not awkward unless someone makes it awkward.” Calum said. 
It was his turn to order and asked for five asada, five lengua and five tripa. Paco ordered some in Spanish and laughed at something the taquero made.
Calum asked the lady putting the onions and cilantro if she could put it on a separate thing. She nodded and grabbed an extra piece of aluminum foil and placed it on top of the tacos. She pointed off to the other table that there's salsa containers of guacamole, three kinds of green salsa and red salsa along with three vitroleros of agua frescas.
He was pouring himself a cup of agua de jamaica when Paco approached him. 
”Can I give you some advice?” He asked Calum. Not waiting for his response, he dove in. ”Get out while you can. Claudia's great and all, but it's not worth it. You're famous. You have loads of experienced girls to choose from. Don't settle for Claudia. Because next thing you know three years pass, and all she's willing to do is suck your dick. Danny said you've been together for almost a year—”
”I'm going to stop you there.” Calum cut him off. ”I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what happened between you and Claudia, or rather the lack of it, as you implied.”
”Look man, I'm just tryna give you advice.”
”I wasn't asking for it. But what I am going to ask you is not to disrespect her in my presence.”
Calum took the plates and made his way back to the kitchen. He stored them in the fridge and pulled out his phone, finishing his response to Michael. He sipped his drink when a group of girls sat around him. They were Claudia's friends. He sighed remembering overhearing the redhead tell Claudia she didn’t approve of him because he was famous and didn’t want her to get hurt. But Claudia quickly shut her up and told her that she wasn’t looking for approval and that she didn’t care what they thought because she was in a good place with him.
”Now that you're alone, we want to have a little talk with you,” the redhead of the group said. 
There were four of them. They wore similar outfits: black jeans, black top and a denim jacket. They also carried matching Smirnoff lemonades, taking sips at the same time. 
”Mikayla, shut up.” one of them rolled her eyes at the red head. ”Look obviously, we weren't the nicest nor the most welcoming when Claudia introduced us. Like the breakup was hard on our friend group. When Claudia told us she was seeing someone, we judged you without even knowing you. Then we saw how you were around her. You literally took care of her drunk ass and stuff. So like overall we just want to apologize.”
”Oh,” it was all Calum could say. He nodded and took a sip of his drink. 
”Well, we're gonna go back out. If you wanna hang or whatever you know where to find us.”
They all got up and walked back to the rest of the group. He sighed and read some emails. A few minutes later someone else walked into the room. 
”Calum,” Diego called him, making him look up. ”Can we talk?”
”Um, yeah…” 
'Everyone is in a chatty mood,' he thought to himself.
”I overheard your talk with Paco, and I wanted to thank you for defending mi niña. No one wants to hear someone disrespect their daughter, especially by someone they once considered family.” Diego said. ”You're a good man, Calum.” 
”Thank you, Mr. Santos.”
”Diego,” he corrected Calum. 
”Right, Diego… um I'm sorry that you had to hear him talk about Claudia like that. No one deserves to hear that about their daughter, especially if she's as amazing as Claudia.”
Before Diego could say something, Paloma struggled with opening the sliding door, so he got up and opened it for her.
”Grandpa, Medelyn is opening the presents.” Paloma said excitedly. She looked over to Calum and shyly looked away. 
Diego motioned him to follow. He took a seat where Claudia's family was. Damian went up to him and sat on his lap to see Medelyn and Danny. He held the present bags while she pulled out clothes, bibs, stuffed animals, everything and other accessories. After opening them, they moved onto the bog boxes. The first few were boxes of diapers and wipes. 
”Don't rip the paper, I like it.” Medelyn told Danny. He carefully removed the tape and removed it from the box, revealing a stroller. It was the stroller Danny told Claudia he was saving up for. 
Calum was with Claudia when she was looking at the prices. She told him how she wanted to buy it for them, but since she turned into her grad school applications, she couldn't afford it.
”Cal, we can't accept this,” Medelyn said.
”Wasn't me,” Calum quickly said.
”You forgot to cover your name.” She pointed at the shipping label.
”Claudia used my address.” He lied. ”She said something about people in her street having their packages stolen.”
”Oh, that's so sweet of her.”
Calum lost track of Claudia when he got back from carrying a sleeping Damian in Junior’s car. An hour later she wandered back down as if she didn’t drink a bar and a half. The last time he saw her, she was in the yard talking to some of her friends while she ate the tacos he got for her. Now he spotted an angry Medelyn entering Claudia’s room, so he followed her.
“Let me get this straight. Your best friend tried to force Claudia to do something she wasn’t comfortable nor ready for, resulting in him cheating. And your initial response to that was ‘well maybe if you put out then he wouldn't have cheated.’” Calum heard Medelyn from the doorway.
“Your best mate cheated on your sister and you’re giving your sister shit?” Calum blurted out. He was livid. Claudia had only told him about the horrific shit he said to her when they broke up. The cheating was new to him. He saw Claudia's stricken face and entered the room, closing the door behind himself. 
"Cal, drop it." Claudia said softly.
"No. I've had enough of his shit." He sneered at Danny. "You let that guy drag Claudia's name through the mud. If anyone let out so much a peep about Mali, I would have shut it down because I know the kind of person my sister is. You know the kind of person Claudia is, so you know she doesn't deserve any of the shit he put her through."
Everyone stood quiet, unsure how to respond. The door opened, with Diego and Soni peaking through. 
"Why are you up here? Your friends are downstairs." Soni said. 
"We were just saying bye. Cal got a call, and he needs to be in LA in the morning. So we're leaving. Right?" Claudia asked Calum. 
"Yeah." He nodded, following along. "I'm going to get Duke."
Diego watched Calum leave and gave the three of them a skeptical look. 
"Okay. Do you want to take any leftovers?" Soni asked Claudia.
"Sure." She smiled and with that her parents left them. 
"I don't wanna hear it Danny." she sighed. "Just go." 
He  left without another word. 
"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything about the stroller." Medelyn began to ramble. "I should have just written you a thank note y ya."
"It's not your fault." Claudia reassured her. "This was bound to happen. I just didn't think it was going to happen now, you know. But it did. I'm sorry for ruining your babyshower."
"It was ruined the minute my parents came and plucked Melina without even saying hi to me." 
Claudia nodded, remembering how Medelyn's younger sister had come to the baby shower. She was the only member of Medelyn's family that came. Soni told Claudia that she called their mom and invited her. But the woman had declined it, saying that she only has one daughter. Then they showed up and didn't even acknowledge Medelyn. They just grabbed Melina and left.
"Are you ready?" Calum asked Claudia from the doorway. 
Calum took their bags and he went back to the car. Claudia and Medelyn made their way back down. They were in the kitchen, waiting for the leftovers Soni was packing. Calum and Claudia bid goodbye to her parents. 
Claudia turned to Medelyn. "Take care of him— well, not really… you know what I mean."
"I know. I'll text you so we can get lunch."
"Y Danny?" Soni asked.
"We already said what we needed to say to each other." Claudia told her. 
She gave her parents one last hug before joining Calum in the car. 
The car ride was silent. Claudia covered herself with Calum's jacket and curled up in a ball. She rested her head on the center console. Occasionally, Calum would run his fingers over her hair, making her sleepy. 
She woke up almost two hours later as Calum ordered In-N-Out at the drive thru a few miles from his house. He handed her their boxes and her vanilla shake, parking the car under a tree.
Uncapping the lid, Claudia dunked a fry in her shake and handed it to Duke. 
"Thank you," Claudia told Calum, once she was halfway through her cheeseburger.
"I knew you were gonna get hungry since you didn't eat much." He shrugged sipping his lemonade.
"I meant to say thank you for defending me. I didn't expect it."
"You're my girlfriend, of course I'm going to defend you. I know you, and that's why I won't tolerate anyone saying shit." 
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He leaned in and captured her lips. Claudia pushed herself up and pressed her hand on his thigh, as they deepened their kiss. 
Calum pulled away and looked down at her hand. "Claudia, you just smashed your burger on my leg." 
Taglist: @calpops @5-secondsofcolor @findingliam-o @cherryxwildflower @calumscalm @sexgodashton @another-lonely-heart @idontneedanyone @karajaynetoday @myloverboyash @spicycal
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puckinghell · 4 years
The Plus One Pact | William Nylander | Part 4
Summary: Your ex is getting married, and you don’t have a date, which means the unavoidable “why don’t you have a boyfriend” question is about to haunt you for the rest of eternity. But then there’s Will, who could be the answer to all your problems. A simple business pact, no feelings involved: that won’t be hard for you, because you really don’t like him anyways. Except pacts were made to be broken… or something. Right?
Note: This is part 4. Click here for part 1 | part 2 | part 3
You don’t know how it happens.
Okay, you kinda do.
One night, you get a text from Will that’s just a screenshot of a very strongly worded email to a certain balloon company, and then three crying-from-laughter emojis.
Still not funny!!! you text back, and you expect not to hear from Will again until the wedding.
You’re wrong. When he texts you again the next day, asking how you work was, you figure it would be rude not to answer, and then when the phone rings late one night, you worry something is wrong, so you answer that, too.
“What was your day like?” Will’s voice is quiet and timid when he asks, and you take it you’re not gonna talk about that awful game they just had, so you talk to him about your day for an hour until his voice is lighter and he’s laughing again.
It starts happening more and more, and before you really realize it, it’s weird when you haven’t heard from Willy in a day.
To be truthful, it turns out Zach was right; as he usually is, which you would rather die than tell him. 
But Will is different when it’s just you two, and your favorite moments with him are when he calls after games and his voice is laced with sleep and you can nearly hear the smile through his voice when he asks you about your day. Everything about him is muted, then, but it feels real, and important, somehow.
You even learn to appreciate how annoyingly chipper he is, because sometimes you really do need someone to just laugh at your bad mood until it goes away.
You also learn that, like you expected on the plane to Calgary, Will keeps his head high but it’s mostly a facade. Comments get to him, especially when they’re about his hockey – “that’s the only thing I was supposed to be good at” he jokes one time, and you wanna hit him over the head with his hockey stick until he understands that that’s not true – and he takes everything personal, although he tries not to show it.
Everything you didn’t like about him, you find out, is something you either got wrong about him or learned to appreciate.
And there’s so much more to like about him, too.
One night, after a really bad day at work, you have a fight with your sister about Noah’s stupid wedding. 
“Why are you so against coming?” your sister says, a little too aggressive. “Surely you aren’t still in love with him? He’s happy with Betty, Y/N.” 
Of course you’re not still in love with Noah, but it hurts that she can’t just accept that you don’t wanna go. That she can’t take your side in this, even if she doesn’t know the full story. She should trust that you’re not being difficult for no reason.
And you can’t help yourself; it’s late and you know Will just got done with his game, and he’s all the way in Carolina but you call him anyway.
He answers almost immediately.
“Y/N?” he asks, and he sounds surprised. It’s to be expected, because he’s almost always the one calling you, but it stings a little, nonetheless.
“Uhm, hi.” You pause. “Is it… okay that I called?”
“Of course. Always.” Will sounds truthful, so you decide to take his word for it.There’s no more extra space in your brain to worry about that, as well. 
“Congrats on the game.”
“Thanks.” You hear Willy’s grin. “I’ve told Zachy we’re both very proud of him for that OT winner.” There’s an indignant huff next to him that sounds a lot like Zach and you figure they’re still on the bus, where Willy usually sits with Kappy or Zach.
It’s quiet, then Willy’s voice, treading very carefully: “Is something wrong? You don’t sound too happy.” There’s some stumbling and you can almost see how Willy must be elbowing Zach away from the phone, because Zach is basically an overprotective dad whenever he hears anyone isn’t doing well.
But Willy… Willy isn’t like that, but he sounds worried anyway, and he sounds gentle like he’s trying to calm you down, and suddenly you’re telling him everything: about the day you’ve had and your job that sucks and that you’re worried about the wedding and why can’t your family just trust you, for once, and what if this all isn’t worth it just to keep your family happy?
When you’re done, Willy’s voice is soothing. The background noise has disappeared. Maybe the bus has stopped.
“It’s worth it,” is what he says. “You know it’s worth it.”
You sigh. It’s annoying still that he’s usually right.
“I just don’t want to deal with it anymore.”
“And tonight you don’t have to.” There’s a sudden noise and then Will cursing. “Fuck, sorry, hold on, I’m trying to open this stupid hotel door…” More crashing and banging, and then Willy’s voice reappears. “Tonight you don’t have to deal with anything, okay? We can FaceTime and watch a movie together.”
And that… That actually sounds really nice, and like it doesn’t require any brain power which is good because you have none of that left anyway.
“Hey, what’s your favorite take out food?”
It’s such a random question, out of the blue, and when you tell him that, the blurry FaceTime screen can’t hide his eye roll.
“It’s just something friends are supposed to know about each other, now tell me.”
“Sushi when I’m feeling fancy,” you say, “or pizza when I need comfort food.”
You can’t even pretend to be that surprised when a massive pizza shows up at your door 30 minutes later.
You hate that it nearly brings tears to your eyes, but after the day you’ve had…
“Thank you, Willy,” you mumble, and there’s something soft to his look when he smiles at you.
“What are friends for?” he asks, and you realize you don’t even mind that he’s declared himself your friend, now.
A few weeks ago, you would’ve disputed it. But now, you find yourself kinda wishing it could be more.
What are friends for is apparently your motto now, and it’s all a little strange as you get into the car, your fanciest, most beautiful dress and highest heels on.
“You look great,” Zach says. He’s wearing a suit and his hair is slicked back, the way it always is when he’s really trying.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you reply, a little grumpily. “I hate team events.”
“I never did understand why.” Zach starts the car and backs out of your driveway. You’ve been told Alannah is going to the venue straight from work, and Willy had an appointment and couldn’t come get you, which is why you’re in the car with Zach, now.
“Because I don’t fit in there.” It’s the honest answer, but it’s obviously not the whole story. The whole story is that those events are filled with beautiful women, and you never feel quite up to par; like you snuck into a place you’re not welcome, not supposed to be welcome, either. But Zach wouldn’t get that. Willy wouldn’t get that either.
And you just couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough, not when he said: “But Y/N, it’s for charity.”
It would not matter to the charity, of course, if you didn’t come. But Willy had looked so hopeful, and then he’d pulled out the final card: “It’s gonna be way more fun with you there by my side.”
And now you’re wearing a dress appropriate for a charity gala, which means you’ve never felt more uncomfortable in anything in your life, and your feet already hurt from your heels, and this was such a bad idea, God.
“You know,” Zach says, and his tone tells you this conversation is going somewhere you don’t want it to go. “Willy doesn’t like these events either. It means a lot to him that you’re coming for support.”
You nearly roll your eyes. “Willy charmed the socks off every person at my boss’ wedding, Zachy. He really doesn’t need my support for these kinda things.”
Zach’s face stays stoic. “Yeah, but nobody at that wedding knew him.”
“So?” you frown. “That should only be a disadvantage, considering he’s William Nylander.”
Zach laughs, then. “Still haven’t figured it out, then? I’m disappointed in you, Y/N. I thought you were good at reading people.”
“Hey!” you react, offended. You are good at reading people. It’s one of the things you pride yourself on. “If you know it all so well, why don’t you just tell me?”
Zach sighs. “Willy doesn’t like these events anymore because he is William Nylander, as you say it, and that’s not really a popular name in Leafs territory, right now.”
And, oh.
“I did realize he cares a lot more about what people think than I thought he did.” You pause. “More than he should, probably.”
“Definitely.” Zach’s face has that protective big brother vibe about it, again. You used to not understand, why he always looked like that when people were talking shit about Willy.
You get it, now.
“There’s always plenty more people telling him he’s great, than there are people sending him snarky looks,” Zach continues. “But he never really believes any compliments he gets, so that doesn’t help.”
Suddenly, you realize something.
You’ve never really… complimented Willy? Even when you realized he cared more than he let on, you still just assumed he knew how great he was. Sometimes, he kinda fishes for something – “Did you see my goal?” “How about my cooking abilities?” “I know how to pick a good movie, right?” – but you’d always laughed and chirped him for it.
“If your head gets any bigger, it’ll explode.”
And Willy is always complimenting you; he tells you you look great all the time, even when you decidedly dont’t, but he clearly remembered what you told him about Noah because that’s never the only thing he compliments you about.
He tells you how smart you are, “I like how good you are with animals”, how any food you make is the best thing he’s ever eaten, if only everyone was as lovely as you.
You feel guilty, now. If Willy is your friend, you’ve really not been doing such a good job at being his friend, too.
You’re fixing that tonight, you decide right then and there.
“I’ll make him believe it,” you tell Zach, and it comes out sounding vaguely threatening.
Zach laughs. “Thought you didn’t like him?”
“Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought he was,” you admit, and you don’t tell Zach how much you really, really do like Willy, but you think Zach kinda knows anyway. 
Will meets you at the door, where Alannah is also waiting for Zach. He smiles at you, eyes soft.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He quickly presses his lips to your temple, which is a new development that you don’t really know how to handle.
But Will is a tactile guy, anyway, so you’re sure you shouldn’t read too much into it.
You see Zach’s raised eyebrow, and suddenly remember – fine, maybe you’d forgotten your objective for a second because Will looks really hot in that suit, but you’re back on track now.
“You look beautiful too, Will.”
Willy’s eyes widen and a flush creeps up on his cheek, but before he can answer you grab his hand and pull him into the building.
It’s a fancy, really expensive hotel, where the gala is being held. It’s filled to the brim with people, a few of which you recognize, most of which you don’t.
“That chandelier must be worth more than our entire house,” Alannah mutters, and you’re glad to see it’s affecting her too, although she’s been to these events many times.
Zach laughs. “With a puppy in the house, aren’t you glad we don’t have any furniture that costs more than our mortgage?”
“Do you want a drink?” Will’s lips are close enough to your ear to hear him over the noise of the crowd and the music in the background, and also close enough to feel his hot breath against your neck. It takes everything in you not to shiver.
Maybe you do need a drink. Or ten.
Willy and Zach go to get the drinks and Alannah leads you to where some of the other WAGs are. Steph is the only one you know and she hugs you as soon as she sees you coming, then introduces you to the rest.
“So, you’re with Will, huh?” she asks, eyebrows waggling.
You were expecting that question, but maybe not so soon into the evening.
“Uhm,” you cough, “not really. Just his plus one for tonight.”
“Sure,” Steph says, and she looks like she doesn’t believe you at all.News always travels fast in the WAGs group, and Alannah is looking a little guilty.
You find you don’t mind so much, that they think that you’re together. Although you really don’t wanna think about why you don’t mind. 
When Willy finds you, Kappy and his girlfriend are with him, and the four of you make your rounds throughout the room, talking to any sponsor that seems interested in a conversation. Mostly you just stand there while Willy talks, his hand on your back as if he’s scared you’re gonna run off.
“I always thought this would be a lot of work,” you mumble in Willy’s ear, when you’re between conversation partners. “But I really only have to stand here and look pretty.”
Willy grins. “Seems like it comes natural to you.”
Right. You kinda forgot about the compliments again.
You shrug, lean a little closer until you’re basically pressed into his side. It feels a little too right, maybe, how quickly Will’s arm wraps around your waist.
“You’re really good at talking to these people.” You’re talking pretty loudly, but you’re pretty sure Will is the only one that can hear you over the noise. “The second you open your mouth, people are so charmed by you. I think you could make anyone love you.”
Willy’s eyes flash to the floor, and they stay fixed there as he mumbles something that sounds a lot like another “uhm”.
His cheeks are flushed red, and you’re saved from having to deal with that as Auston appears, eyes wild and jaw tense.
“I’m being stalked,” he hisses. “This old white dude literally won’t leave me alone even for a second. He’s been following me around for an hour. Help.”
Willy bursts into giggles, which is probably not very helpful, and the betrayal on Auston’s face is enough to make you feel bad for him.
“Come on,” you say, grabbing his arm, “let’s go hide behind the bar.”
It’s easier than you thought it would be, to get through the evening. In fact, when Will asks you if you’re ready to go, you hadn’t even noticed it had become so late.
You say goodbye to the few people you know and gratefully accept Willy’s offer to drive you home.
The car ride is silent. It’s not awkward, but the air is heavy with something, and you curse yourself for all those times you wished Willy would just shut up, because now he has and you hate every second of it.
Did your compliments freak him out? Did he regret asking you to come?
“So,” Will finally says, as he stops in front of a traffic light. He’s not looking at you, keeping his gaze firmly on the road ahead of him. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Zach told me you don’t like these events,” you try, carefully. You’ve never had to pull something out of Will, force him to open up; he’s always just kinda done it, from the very moment you met him, shared parts of himself with you that you never had to search for.
For you, who’s never learned how to not keep something hidden, that was maybe the thing that unnerved you about him the most.
“I like doing things for charity,” Will answers, and you can tell he’s picking his words carefully. “But I don’t like people looking at me as if I’m some kinda disappointment who doesn’t belong there.”
“Have they ever said anything?”
“No.” Will smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes and there’s a hint of sadness laced in it. “Not to my face, anyway. But I’m not stupid, you know.”
No, he’s not stupid. For all the conflicting thoughts you’ve had about him, you never thought he was stupid.
And you never thought he was a bad contract, either. It seems imperative, suddenly, that he knows that.
“Willy,” you say softly, and although his eyes are still on the road, you know he’s paying attention. “You can’t seriously believe that you’re anything but an amazing hockey player. You’re worth that contract and you’re worth the effort Dubas put into keeping you here. You’re so smart, and I know people don’t always see it but you work so hard, and Matts was so happy when you got back on his line because he knew you would be magic together.”
Will’s cheeks are red but this time, he’s not mumbling when he says: “I know I haven’t been playing as well as I can.”
“Stop,” you tell him, softly but forcefully. “Stop deflecting, stop dodging. Just take the compliment and believe me when I say you’re great at what you do.”
“That’s very nice of you,” he says, his voice a bit shaky, and that’s a different kind of deflecting but it’s still deflecting, and it’s hurting your heart.
“William Nylander,” you scold, and then you do what you’ve been wanting to do this entire evening and let yourself reach out and put a hand on his knee. “Just accept the compliment.”
Willy carefully reaches down to grab your hand, intertwines your fingers together as he lets both your hands rest on his thigh. He’s holding the steering wheel with one hand, but he’s driving pretty slowly and the roads are deserted, so you’re not too worried.
You’re more worried about the fact that he just doesn’t believe you.
“You’re a great hockey player,” you repeat, stubbornly. “And a great person.”
Finally Willy allows himself to smile, this small, rueful thing that sticks somewhere deep inside your chest, folds up next to your heart like it’s gonna stay there forever.
“Thank you,” he says, and maybe he still doesn’t really believe it but this is as far as you’re gonna get tonight and maybe that’s okay.
You’ve got time.
The car has reached your flat and Will parks it in your driveway. It’s quiet, and he hasn’t let go of your hand, and you kinda don’t want him to.
The night is over, probably.
But there’s still one thing you need to tell him, though. “It doesn’t matter, Will,” you say softly. “What those people think. It doesn’t matter.”
“No,” Willy agrees, and for the first time you can tell he believes it. “But it matters what you think.”
He finally turns to look at you and there’s so many emotions swirling in the deep blue of his eyes, but you can’t really put your finger on any of them. All you know is your heart is beating in your throat, and you really want to kiss him.
But Willy still looks a little sad, and you have a feeling there’s something he’s not saying.
“I told you I think you’re great,“ you tell him, and it’s the truth.
“But you didn’t, before.” Will hesitates. “I told you I’m not stupid. I know when people find me annoying.” He shrugs. “I get it. I know I can be too much.”
And God, there’s so much hurt in that, so much pain and yet understanding, and you can tell he truly believes that, and you would do anything to take that away from him.
“I didn’t like you,” you admit, but when Will goes to pull back his hand, you simply hold on tighter. “I was wrong. I didn’t know you, and I was wrong. Now I know you. And I like you.” You inhale, pause. “I like you so much I don’t really know what to do with myself, sometimes.”
It’s quiet. You can nearly see the wheels turning in Willy’s head as he searches your face for something; something to tell him you’re not being truthful, maybe, that it doesn’t mean what he thinks it does.
If that’s what he’s looking for, he won’t find it. 
Then he drops your hand, jumps out of the car and slams the door.
Disappointment and hurt washes over you; you knew you had to try, had to put your heart out there, but it hurts that it’s smashed into pieces like that. Clearly you read it wrong, clearly you still don’t know how to tell what Willy’s feeling.
Except then your door opens, and Willy is holding out his hand.
“Come on,” he says, and his voice sounds… fond? You don’t know exactly what to think about it, but he doesn’t sound angry, or upset.
Against better judgement, you grab his hand and get out of the car.
“I have to tell you something,” Will says. And, there’s no way that he’s doing what you think he’s doing, but his hands are suddenly traveling up, one reaching to cup your cheek, the other settling on your waist. His eyes are staring into yours intently, and they’re twinkling but it’s not the same mischievous twinkle you’re used to seeing.
“I really like you, too,” Willy says, and he leans in and presses his lips against yours.
For a split second, you stand there, not quite knowing what just happened, but then his hand tightens on your hip and you realize that this is real, this is happening, and Will’s kissing you.
So you kiss back. You let your body lean heavy against the car, place your hands on his biceps and pull him closer, until his chest is flush against yours. The kiss deepens, and you swear you can feel your heartbeat synching up with his.
The night is dark, and quiet, and it rains a little, but you feel none of it.
All you feel is Will, surrounding you, and everything is beautiful and exactly the way it’s supposed to be.
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celestialmark · 4 years
Solitude - Part 5 (finale)
Characters: Mark Lee x reader, members of nct
Category: sniper! mark, mafia au
Word count: 15.8K
Warnings: cursing, mentions of death, blood, violence, drugs, guns. 
Navigation: preview | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue 
Author’s note: hello hi! it’s been soooooo long, how are you guys? I hope you’re well and healthy! so after how many months of working on this series, I am so happy to share to you the final part! I'm so sorry for the wait, life really does come at you full blast at times hahaha but I had so much fun writing this series as a whole and I just want to thank you for patiently waiting for each part to come out regardless of how long it took me to write it ;; thank you so much for journeying with me and the characters throughout the whole five parts! all that’s left is the epilogue now! I do hope you enjoy it! and once again, thank you all so much <3 ilysm!!! 
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“What happened?”
Mark is the first to come through the door that’s barely hanging off its hinge. He sees Taeil pacing back and forth the hallway, phone in his hand, his distraught eyes scanning all the furniture that’s broken to pieces and overthrown to the floor. Johnny and Jeno are the ones to follow after, walking past Mark and examining the damage behind Taeil.
“Mark!” Taeil exclaims. Mark can see his fingers shaking. “They, they took her. She’s gone.”
“Who took her?” Mark asks calmly just as Johnny and Jeno fall beside him. He’s trying to stay calm but on the inside, Mark is anything but calm knowing you were somewhere they didn’t know.
“I don’t know,” Taeil says weakly, his voice faltering. “I woke up and y/n wasn’t in her room anymore.”
Jeno looks upwards and scans the entirety of Taeil’s house. “Do you have CCTV around the house?”
Taeil is quick to nod, “I do. But they destroyed the cameras too. I’m not sure if there’s anything there.”
“Can we have a look?” Johnny asks.
Taeil leads Johnny and Jeno away while Mark makes a conscious decision to stay behind and look around the place a bit more. In his mind, he’s already pointing fingers to potential suspects but he knows he can’t act without solid evidence first. His thoughts drift to you as he steps over the remnants of the damage, feeling worried all of a sudden with the thought of you being scared.
Mark bends down when a shattered picture frame catches his attention. When he picks it up, carefully removing the broken shards of glass, you’re the first one he sees on the picture, along with Taeil who’s grinning widely beside you, an arm slung around your shoulder. There’s a date stamped on the bottom left corner and from what he recalls, it’s the date of your birthday. You look so happy in the photo, your smile travelling to reach your eyes and it saddens him that the last memory he has of you, was when you gave him a sad smile yesterday, both of you unknowing and unsure of what’s ahead.
“That was the last birthday she ever celebrated before her parents died,” Taeil pipes up from behind Mark when he sees him holding the photo. He bends down beside Mark, smiling somberly. “The last time I’ve seen her smile like that too.”
Mark’s heart clenches at the thought of you having to go through so much suffering in the absence of your only family. You had such a blinding smile in the photo, it literally pains him to think that even that, had been taken away from you.
“She’s been through so much,” he says quietly, feeling too helpless and clueless of where even to start.
“You know,” Taeil starts, averting his eyes from the photo and onto Mark. “Yesterday, she told me what happened I felt really relieved when she said she’d found her soulmate and that her soulmate was you.”
Mark looks at Taeil. “Taeil, I almost killed her.”
“But you didn’t,” Taeil corrects and he smiles. “Mark, do you know the exact percentage of the amount of people who get to meet their soulmate?”
Mark blinks.
“A little less than forty percent,” Taeil points out. “Even though we’re all pretty much born with one, with a mark on our skin, it doesn’t guarantee we get to meet them. Hell, I’ve never even met mine and I don’t think I’ll ever will.”
“But you…” Taeil pauses and claps a palm on Mark’s back. “You’ve found yours. You’ve found her,”
“And I find great comfort in that because there’s someone out there who will for sure look after her for the rest of her life.” Taeil stands and extends a hand out to Mark who takes it, pulling him up. 
“You’re the closest thing to family she has left, Mark.”
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On the return to the loft, Mark is the last to enter when Johnny and Jeno lead the way with Taeil trailing right behind them. Mark is about to enter the door when someone grabs a hold of his arm and pulls him backwards. What meets him next is a hard fist to his cheek causing his whole body to sway to the side, a groan coming from his throat. His head spins momentarily and when he regains his balance with much difficulty, he sees Donghyuck who’s in the middle of swinging another fist at him, this time landing on his other cheek, sending him flying to the opposite direction. Mark grunts lowly again, feeling his lower lip split open. His fingers fly up to examine the damage and it comes in contact with his blood, the stinging on either of his cheeks so raw and painful. It’s expected, Donghyuck had always been the strongest one when it came to physical fights.
Mark doesn’t get enough time to process the whole situation fully when Donghyuck grabs him by the collar of his shirt, hauling him until his face is mere inches away. “How dare you fucking betray Taeyong?” he hisses. “What’s gotten into you Mark Lee?”
Johnny rushes back outside when he hears the commotion, immediately breaking the two apart. “Hey quit it!” He blocks Donghyuck from Mark, who’s panting from the blows, still trying to recover from the impact of Donghyuck’s fists.
“You have no sense of loyalty whatsoever you traitor!” Donghyuck growls, trying to push past Johnny, pointing an accusing finger at Mark. “After all that Taeyong’s done for you!”
“Donghyuck stop it,” Johnny advises as politely as he can. Donghyuck may be strong, but Johnny was definitely stronger.
Donghyuck gasps for air, his screaming not ending soon, “And all for what? For a girl? For a pathetic girl who’s going to die anyway? Wake up Mark! She’s not worth—”
“Donghyuck she’s my soulmate,” Mark interferes quietly, eyes imploring his angry ones, hoping he would somehow understand, hoping that his best friend out of all people would console him.
But he doesn’t.
Donghyuck frowns and attempts to push past Johnny again but to no avail, “What the fuck? That’s the reason why you turned your back on Taeyong? That’s a lousy excuse. That doesn’t mean anything! She’s still supposed to die—”
Mark doesn’t hold back, walking up to Donghyuck and swatting Johnny’s arm away in the process. With Mark’s already balled fist, he swings back and lands a forceful blow on his face. Still, Mark isn’t content, giving Donghyuck another blow when Donghyuck stumbles backwards. Mark is about to swing again if it wasn’t for Johnny who has to use all his might to pull the younger back. Mark is fuming and Johnny can feel it in the way his chest rises and falls heavily along with the shaking of his shoulders.
“You don’t know shit Donghyuck!” Mark roars. “You can’t say shit about me or y/n when you have no fucking clue what’s happening!”
Donghyuck spits blood to the side, his eyes glowering as they fall on Mark. “Look how pitiful you’ve become Mark,” he gestures at his friend, scoffing at him as he rests his hands on either side of his hips. “You think saving a girl will make your life a whole lot better? What did you say? A soulmate? How fucking ridiculous.”
Jeno and Taeil emerge from the doorway and watch the scene unfold quietly. Donghyuck catches sight of Jeno and scoffs once more, shaking his head, “And you’ve gotten Jeno to join you in the dumb ordeal.”
Donghyuck turns around to leave, but not before sparing one last look at Mark and the rest,
“Good luck to you, bastard.”
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“Based on the footage caught in Taeil’s CCTV just moments before they destroyed it, it was definitely Kun’s doing,” Jeno announces, spreading out screenshots from the CCTV footage onto the coffee table minutes after the commotion outside settles.
Mark studies the pictures and frowns, “How do you know that? These guys are masked.” He switches from one picture to another until he comes across a blurry screenshot of an unmasked Kun in the middle of trying to make his way into Taeil’s house. 
“What do these people want from y/n?” Taeil, who’s sitting on the couch asks, frowning at the pictures.
“Revenge,” Jeno replies curtly.
A sudden lightbulb goes off in Mark’s head. “Taeil, y/n’s mentioned how she was nearly stabbed before, if it wasn’t for you. What happened that day?”
Taeil nods and shivers as he recalls the memory. “I was supposed to pick up something from her house when I found her front door open which was really unusual because she always made sure to extra lock her doors for safety ever since she began getting threats. I went in and found someone with a knife literally metres away from her. When the stranger realised I was there, he ran away but not before slashing me with his knife.” Taeil lifts the hem of his shirt until a scar located to the side of his lower abdomen comes into view for the three to see.
Johnny grimaces as Mark forms a fist.
“Can you remember what he looked like? What he was wearing?” Johnny questions.
Taeil taps his chin with his index finger, “He was wearing all black, really tall guy. We couldn’t see his face because he was wearing a hood too. But I did see a tattoo of a wolf all over his middle finger.”
Jeno frantically types away in his laptop the moment Taeil finishes talking and not even three seconds later, he’s already turning his laptop around so that the three can see his screen. “It was Lucas.” On the screen shows a picture of Lucas as well as the tattoo Taeil described on the said finger.
“Lucas is under Kun,” Johnny explains to Taeil. “Kun was the person behind the death threats.”
“For what reason?” Taeil questions.
“Y/n’s parents owed him a lot of money,” Jeno says, returning his laptop in its original position in front of him. “Same goes for Taeyong and the main reason why a lot of people are after her life.”
“So does that mean one of them is behind the murder of y/n’s parents?”
Mark shakes his head, “Not sure. It’s not Taeyong. And we don’t have evidence Kun did it.”
Jeno pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Wait. You said Yuta wanted y/n as well right? In exchange for the proposed deal?” Mark nods. “Did he give you a time limit or some sort?”
“A week.”
“From what Jeno has been telling me about this guy, I don’t think he’s the type to sit around and do nothing for a whole week,” Johnny suggest, crossing his arms just as his brows knit together in utter concentration. “You’re sure Kun’s behind y/n’s kidnapping?”
Jeno nods and firmly and gestures to the pictures, “Taeil’s CCTV says so.”
“And who is this Yuta guy?” Taeil asks, dumbfounded, scratching and tilting his head upwards.
“Some mafia guy from Japan who also happens to want y/n’s life,” Johnny replies with a frustrated sigh, nothing was adding up.
Taeil’s eyes widen, “Just exactly how many different people are after y/n?”
“Just the people we’ve mentioned,” Jeno answers and clucks his tongue after, “So far.”
Mark suddenly stands up from the couch and grabs his jacket in the process. Taeil and Jeno watch him and when he’s about to walk past Johnny, the elder stops him from going further by placing a hand across his chest.
“Woah, where are you going?”
“Kun’s,” Mark replies. “I want to see if she’s there.”
“Are you crazy? We don’t even know where they’ve kept her,” Johnny reasons, brows knitting together in the middle. “They wouldn’t keep her somewhere so obvious, Mark. Why don’t we do a little more research.”
“Johnny, I have to start somewhere,” Mark defends, eyes hard. “Every second that passes is making me worry so much it’s making me crazy.”
Johnny nods understandingly and drops his arm, “Okay but let’s not act so irrationally. We have to—“
“Johnny, I have to go,” Mark insists. “I have to know she’s okay.. I, I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her.”
Johnny sighs and nods after a few seconds of finally giving in, “Let me go with you at least.”
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You’re hungry, thirsty and beyond exhausted. You don’t even know what time of the day it is or where you are because of the blindfold that’s been covering your eyes the moment you were snatched out of your bed this morning. There’s fear running through your veins as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of your face, too helpless to do anything with your hands tied harshly to your back with a rope that feels painfully aggressive on your skin. You couldn’t even scream for help, the cloth tied around your head to cover your mouth, feels too bitter on your tongue. But what you do know is that you’re in a moving vehicle, in a corner of what you imagine to be a container van, the occasional bumps along the round making you sway in your seat. But more than fear, you’re preparing yourself for the worst, for the probability of the end because you’ve been running for as long as you can remember and at this point,
you just wanted it all to stop.
Someone grabs you by the shoulders when the van comes to a complete halt. There’s indistinct yelling in the distance but you don’t make out the words, the growing pains in your body you didn’t notice before, becoming too prominent it makes you groan involuntarily as you’re forced to stand. You’re led out the van and when your feet comes in contact with the ground, you hear multiple footsteps coming in all directions.
“Bring her to the back,” one of them says and your head immediately snaps to its direction before you’re being pulled away again. Whoever was clutching on to your arm, was definitely not the most gentle, their grip on you sure to leave marks on your skin later or maybe even bruises. The more you squirmed under their hold to signal how uncomfortable it’s becoming, the more they seemed to clutch you tighter.
You know you’ve reached your destination when the stranger shoves you away from them, finally letting you go. The sound of the door shutting rings in your ears and not long after, you hear the door being locked. With no concrete plan in mind, you walk around aimlessly, hoping to find at least something, or even just get a feel of where you are. Minutes of shuffling only bring you to a conclusion that you’re most likely in an empty desolate room with the lack of furniture you thought you were going to bump into, only ever coming in contact with walls in all directions you’ve possibly covered.
You heave a sigh, falling to the ground when the exhaustion catches up to you. You scoot blindly until your back comes in contact with the nearest wall, your shoulders drooping instantly when it relieves the pressure. You’re panting, the energy left in you becoming depleted with each passing second and you’re sure you’ll pass out soon, the subtle ache in your head beginning to pound against your skull.
The click of the lock becoming undone awakens your senses with the door emitting a screech as it opens following a second after. Your head is directed straight ahead and you vaguely estimate the door’s located to your right, judging from the footsteps that are coming from that direction and towards you.
You feel someone in front of you and they say nothing when they’re reaching for your mouth cover, pulling it down until it falls around your neck to set your mouth free.
“Who are you?” You demand, your throat dry and your voice hoarse from not having spoken all day. You know you’re not going to get an answer though and your futile attempts of trying to guess who’s behind all of this becomes tossed aside when they don’t speak to answer your question. Instead, you feel fingers graze your chin, tilting it upwards. You feel the tip of what you guess is a bottle touching your lips.
“Water,” they say, voice low and deep and you know it’s belonging to a man. You down the water straight after, the temporary hydration making you feel a little better. He lets go shortly after he’s sure you’ve had enough. You hear him move away from you then but you feel his lingering presence, eyes on your helpless state.
He says nothing more, the only sound getting lost in the suffocating air being the door shutting and locked.
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Almost everyone’s heads in the room follow where Mark is looking the moment he calls out the said person’s name. Renjun is there, standing awkwardly by the doorway, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he grows too conscious by everyone’s questioning eyes.
“H-hi,” Renjun utters quite lowly, a complete contrast to his usual demeanour that exuded confidence.
Mark tears his eyes off Renjun and shifts his attention to Jeno who had been staring at Renjun just a few moments ago before redirecting his focus to his laptop. “We could do with a bit of help,” Jeno mutters when he feels Mark’s eyes linger on him.
“Wow, you knew about this too?” Renjun asks when he sits beside Johnny. Johnny nods and ruffles the younger’s hair with a brotherly smile. Renjun’s eyes fall on the stranger sitting across him, “Renjun.”
“So I’m guessing Taeyong told you guys?” Mark asks cautiously, still pacing back and forth the floorboards in poor attempts to keep calm.
Renjun nods, “Yeah. He isn’t happy. Which is expected, I mean, nothing out of the ordinary.”
“What about the others?” Jeno questions.
Renjun shrugs, “Donghyuck stormed off to somewhere and Jaemin… I don’t know where he is. I tried to get him to come here.”
Johnny points at Mark, an unamused expression on his face, “Well, Donghyuck stormed here and punched Mark a few times.”
Renjun blinks, “Sounds like him.” He leans forward and laces his hands together as he rests his elbows on his thighs. “So what’s your plan?” he directs the question to Mark who takes a moment to stop his legs from taking further steps, contemplating Renjun’s question too hard.
“None yet,” Johnny answers when Mark doesn’t.
Renjun raises a brow, “None? That doesn’t sound like you,” he genuinely sounds confused, still directing his words to Mark. “You always have a plan.”
At a loss for words, the silence drags on for seconds, everyone now blinking up at Mark. Johnny and Jeno silently agree with Renjun, thinking back to all the times Mark had conjured up excellent plans even under pressure and even under lives were at stake. Mark knows Renjun is right and the lack of concrete plans even after hours of brainstorming proves how much he fears for your life; any wrong move, and it can cost everything he’s trying to protect.
And even when Mark doesn’t say anything, just excuses himself to get some fresh air, Renjun understands. And so does Johnny and Jeno when they see the confusion and dread in Mark’s eyes before he leaves. Renjun releases a sigh. In all the years he’s known Mark, never has he seen the member be so stuck in a predicament and now that he’s confronted with a Mark who appears so helpless, he isn’t so sure what he can do to help ease the burden on his shoulders. Renjun runs a hand through his hair in frustration before staring directly at Jeno.
“Okay, so what do we have so far?”
Jeno and Renjun are discussing amongst themselves with the occasional pitch in of ideas from Johnny and Taeil, their chatters resonating in Mark’s loft along with the tapping of Jeno on his keyboard. Johnny takes it upon himself to begin sketching helpful diagrams and notes they would find useful in the future while Renjun and Taeil analyse the situation over and over again while trying to think of potential events that could go wrong once they do try and attack.
All of this comes to a halt when someone, Jaemin, bursts through the door in a panic. Renjun can already tell Jaemin is going to bring nothing but bad news by the way he’s panting and from the distraught on his face.
“They have Donghyuck.”
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Kun is smirking when he sees his desired target sitting helplessly on the chair before him, hands tied to the back to render him powerless and defenceless. Donghyuck’s  face is dotted with bruises, glaring up at Kun the moment he was forcefully pushed down to take a seat. Kun’s smirk grows wider by the second, taking too much pleasure in the defeat of the enemy in front of him.
“We can do this the easy way,” Kun announces menacingly, “Or the hard way if you choose not to cooperate.”
Hendery, Lucas and Sicheng are standing behind Kun, watching the scene before them unfold. Hendery and Lucas are enjoying just as much as Kun is, having been the ones who had made all of this possible.
Donghyuck stays silent on the chair, the loathing in his orbs intensifying, his hands behind his back twitching and aching to land a fist to Kun’s face.
“Alright, let’s get started shall we?”
Kun circles Donghyuck’s chair once, an arm folded across his chest while he uses the other to tap a finger on his chin. “How much has Yuta offered Taeyong in exchange for that arms and drugs deal?”
Donghyuck doesn’t bat an eyelash nor does his features give way no matter how surprising it might have been for him for Kun to have some knowledge about their overseas affairs.
“Well?” Kun asks a moment after when silence ensues, bending down to meet Donghyuck’s eye level. Donghyuck’s eyes are seething and it only heightens Kun’s amusement. Kun doesn’t hesitate though, delivering a forceful blow on Donghyuck’s left cheek, making the hostage swing to the side.
“You asked for the hard way, you’re getting the hard way.” Kun straightens up briefly, rubbing his knuckles with his palm. “I’ll ask you again,” his voice rigid. “How much did Yuta offer?”
Donghyuck raises a brow and spits out blood pooling in his mouth from the punch before smirking up at Kun, “And how come you just can’t seem to ever mind your own business?”
Kun clenches his teeth and strikes at Donghyuck again, this time on his stomach, making him groan in agony yet still managing to smirk afterwards. No way was Donghyuck going to give Kun the satisfaction of seeing him suffer no matter how many blows he was going to get.
“What is it? Too incompetent to even get that info without needing to take one of us hostage?” Donghyuck challenges, as the corner of his lip begin to swell. A mocking laugh emits from his mouth after, “How pathetic,” he grins but his eyes piercing. “As usual.”
Kun is about to come for him again when he stops himself, realising how easily he’s been biting Donghyuck’s accusations. He takes a step back, a stoic expression finding appearing on his face as his brow arches upwards, “Alright, let me change the question.”
Donghyuck narrows his eyes at him.
Kun grins.
“How much did Yuta offer for y/n?”
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You don’t realise you’ve fallen asleep, for who knows how long, until you’re being jolt awake with the feeling of someone bumping into you. You gasp in horror as the stranger groans beside you, doubling over in pain after he’s thrown to the ground.
“Wait!” he yells rather loudly as he scrambles in his spot and what you hear next is the door being slammed shut again. You scoot away from him, suddenly feeling extremely cautious of the unknown man in the same room as you. Though you figure he’s being held captive just as you were.
“Y/n?” he calls out toward the direction you’re resting yourself against the wall which, apparently isn’t too far from where he is despite your efforts to move away. You jump in your spot slightly at the sound of your name being called. It’s a voice you’ve never heard before. It wasn’t Johnny and most definitely not Mark.
You listen as he scrambles again, trying to pull your hands apart in hopes of snapping the rope into two so that you could defend yourself for the danger you felt was about to come your way. Your efforts are in vain and before you know it, you feel his presence right next to you. You hold your breath as your heart hammers against your ribs, preparing yourself for the worst.
“One sec,” he mumbles and even when his voice comes across as reassuring, you don’t let go of the breath you’re holding. You feel him move even closer to you and you grow weary with the way you feel his breath tickle your skin. You feel him swerve away from your face and settle onto the side of your head as you stay completely still, too scared to even move an inch. But then it dawns on you what he’s doing when your blindfold is lifted away from your eyes, the faint light of the bulb above, too harsh on your eyesight for a few seconds.
A moment passes and you’re successful in readjusting your vision to your surroundings. That’s when your eyes land on the person in the same room as you, dropping your blindfold to the ground, that had been in between his teeth seconds prior. His hair is messy, strands sticking out in all directions and face mottled with bruises and cuts, hands tied to his back in the same way as you. He looks like he’s about to pass out anytime soon with the way he’s panting hard to catch his breath but he doesn’t, only stares at you.
“Shit, you really are alive,” he says, eyes growing wide.
You frown, trying to add bits and pieces together from his statement but nothing’s coming to mind, the possibility of who he might be, too wide. “W-who are you?”
The boy with brown hair opens his mouth but doesn’t speak and you know he’s hesitating. You have a small inkling that he knows you too well than you might have expected. “Donghyuck,” he answers not too long after.
You don’t even need more than a second to remember who he is. This guy is one of the people who wants you killed. No wonder he looked oddly familiar, you had caught a glimpse of him at the day of your shooting and he was the one beside Mark in that photo you came across. Instinctively, you move further away from him, the thought of what he could do to you right now drilling into your head despite the tie around his hands.
“You know who I am?” he asks carefully, eyes too gentle to even want to kill you at this moment.
You nod slowly, “You were there, when I was shot.”
Donghyuck blinks and confirms your answer with a nod of his head. You watch as he scans you from head to toe wearily and slowly. “Did, did they hurt you?”
You don’t remember criminals to be this concerned about their target’s wellbeing but then you remember how Mark and Jeno proved you wrong. Donghyuck sounds genuinely concerned and he doesn’t stop searching your body for any signs of injuries even when you eye him in suspicion, too doubtful of his kindness. “No, they didn’t.” You swear you see him sign in relief.
“Why are you here?” You ask, not really sure whether he heard you or not with how quiet your voice came out that originally intended. “And what happened to your face?”
Donghyuck grins mockingly, “Kun’s boys don’t exactly like me.”
“Wait, this is Kun’s doing?” you ask, finally getting an answer to what you’ve been pondering ever since your abduction.
Donghyuck nods, then raises a brow. “How do you know Kun?”
“Kun is after my life,” you reply curtly. “That’s why I’m here.”
Donghyuck raises a brow, “How did Kun find out you’re alive?”
You shrug your shoulders, “No idea. Jeno says it’s got something to do with Kun tailing you guys’ backs since day one.”
Donghyuck smirks again, “Well, we take pride in that.” The smirk disappears just as fast as it appears when he leans forward. “Wait, why does Kun want you killed?”
“Apparently my parents owe him money. It’s for the same reason as Taeyong. Revenge, they said.” He nods slowly then, letting all of it make sense in his head. “Donghyuck, what day is it?”
“Woah, okay I’ve been here for a day.”
“Yeah, I heard the guys are going crazy trying to figure out how to get you out of here,” Donghyuck points out, looking around the empty room.
“Johnny, Jeno and Mark.”
You think of Mark then, your heart clenching at the reminder of missing him.
Donghyuck smiles at you when he catches you blinking into nothing.
“No worries, y/n. We’re going to get out of here, I know how.”
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Jaemin and Renjun are busy trying to develop a plan on how to get you and Donghyuck back with Jeno and Taeil in the living room while Mark has excused himself out of their sight to give himself time and space to think and re-evaluate the whole situation. Nothing is making sense and it’s making his head ache, the pounding of his brain against his skull only worsening with the mere thought of your life in danger. He doesn’t remember ever feeling this worried nor determined to save someone else’s life, not even the guys. It’s an unusual feeling for him, foreign almost, to put someone else’s safety and life before his own. All Mark remembers ever feeling is the sheer conviction of staying alive from all the other times he’s been so close to actually losing his life. 
He figures he’s fought greatly up until now so he could save yours. 
Mark lower his head from staring up at the sky in his conservatory when he feels a presence step in his space. He finds Johnny beside him, an ice pack held out in his hand. “Gotta look after yourself too before you can save y/n.” 
Mark musters a small smile as he takes the ice pack from Johnny, thoughts of you making him momentarily forget about the hard blows he received earlier in the day. When the cold finally sinks in his skin, he feels relief wash over him for the first time ever since you were gone and it soothes the pain on his cheeks he didn’t even notice until now. 
“She must really mean a whole lot to you, huh,” Johnny says, looking straight out the window. 
Mark snaps his head to the side and finds Johnny smiling slightly, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. Mark redirects his gaze ahead when he repeats his words in his head a few times to grasp what they mean. “I.. I guess.” 
“I don’t think I've ever seen you this worked up about anything, anyone before,” Johnny adds, his tone friendly and coated with ease, an utter contrast to how Mark has been all day. “It’s... good to see.” 
Mark raises a brow but lets out a scoff, “Y/n being in danger isn’t good to see, Johnny.” 
Johnny finds the strength to laugh, trying his best to lift the younger’s mood, knowing painfully well just what he's feeling. “I meant seeing you care for someone else this much is good to see.” 
Mark lowers the ice pack from his face and purses his lips as he dips his head low, his eyes now meeting the floor. Johnny’s right. Mark felt it. The short span of time he isn’t around you is enough proof of that. And he knows it’s not just because you’re his soulmate, though it’s somewhat a big part of the reason. 
“Y/n... I don’t know,” Mark begins although unsure of what to say next. “Just, I just, I feel the need to protect her you know? No, I want to protect her. And it’s not just because I’m the reason why she’s in this mess, even though that’s a part of it too. I just, I,” Mark stops to catch a breath when he feels the words getting caught in is throat. He lifts his head upwards before exhaling, “I just, want to keep her safe. By all means. Even if it costs my life. And I can’t think about anything else but her, and getting her out of there.” 
Mark shakes his head after he utters his final sentence, wondering just when he began to feel this way. “Is this what soulmates do to you?” 
Johnny chuckles with a shrug of his shoulders. “Maybe.” 
Mark rolls his eyes and nudges Johnny’s side with his elbow. “Thanks for the advice.” 
Johnny falls silent, his thoughts taking him to Ari, a sudden gush of longing overtaking him. He smiles fondly to himself at the thought of her, at the realisation of seeing himself in Mark when he was once put in a similar situation some time back. He remembers how good it felt, how exhilarating everything had become and how everything appeared a lot more colourful somehow whenever Ari was around. 
“I think,” Johnny smiles wider at the memory of Ari smiling at him blissfully, “It doesn’t take much for you to eventually feel like you’ve lost all control. One day, you’re living your life normally like you always do, and then the next, it all changes, everything you thought you knew, you’re suddenly questioning.” 
Johnny turns to Mark who’s now staring at him with curious eyes, “We’re all born with a soulmate and beyond our reasoning and understanding, it just... happens, loving them becomes second nature even before we know it.” 
Mark half smiles, his thoughts drifting to you as Johnny speaks, feeling the words fit all too well. “I think it’s crazy how the universe works sometimes.. How can it just know, how can it just know Y/n is the one for me from the beginning.” 
“There will always be things we will never understand and sometimes, I think, not knowing is better,” Johnny smiles again, “We just gotta be thankful.. To be given someone in this lifetime you feel in your bones you will love for the rest of your life.” 
Mark runs a hand through his hair and lets out another chuckle, “I don’t even know if she feels the same. She probably hates me right now after all that’s happened.”
“So you love her?” 
Mark blinks. 
Then he turns to Johnny again, a frown now evident on his face, “Do soulmates guarantee.. that the other feels the same?” 
Johnny laughs, feeling all too relieved to lift Mark’s spirits up briefly during such a challenging time. “There’s only one way to find out Mark.” 
Mark’s shoulders droop almost instantly at the reminder of your absence and at the reminder of the impending danger if he didn’t act soon. Johnny sees it and senses the younger’s anxiety shoot up even more. He claps a palm to Mark’s back, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. 
“We’ll save her, alright?” Johnny reassures, earning a small smile from Mark. 
There was no way Johnny was going to let Mark experience what he did. 
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You watch in awe as Donghyuck frees himself from the rope that once held his wrists together. You’re not too sure how he’s done it, only ever seeing him wriggle here and there for what seemed like a few short minutes before he’s moving over to you to get rid of your restraints. You heave a huge sigh of relief when your wrists finally become free, your fingers immediately flying to rub the now burning skin. Donghyuck takes both of your hands to haul you up on your feet, dusting off your dirty clothes when you find your balance.
Donghyuck surveys the empty room, its dirty white washed walls not really giving much option for an escape. He examines all four corners, until his eyes stop on the rectangular glass windows lining up a portion of the far wall, opposite the door. Donghyuck walks closer to it and draws a conclusion this room must be basement from being able to make out the ground through the blur of the dirt of the panes. The windows look too small for two people to escape through, the height of it seemingly a bit too high with a width that’s almost too narrow, meeting the ceiling and Donghyuck isn’t too sure either where this route will lead to nor is it guaranteed there is no one keeping watch on the other side.
But they’ve got to try. And they’ve got to try quick.
“Step back y/n,” he warns lowly, mentally calculating the mechanics of what he’s about to do. You don’t say anything when you follow as Donghyuck says, secretly growing weary of the dark glint in his eyes you didn’t see before.
Donghyuck takes two steps backwards before he’s charging forward, his right arm drawn back fully with his hand forming a firm fist. His fist meets the glass in less than second when he pulls his arm forward, the momentum he’s gained from his short jog adding to the strength in which his arms could muster. You wince in your spot when you hear a bang, the mere sight of Donghyuck trying to dismantle the glass making you feel the pain on your own wrist. You turn around to look away when Donghyuck charges again, the glass merely deflecting his efforts the first time around.
The glass cracks the second time and on the third, Donghyuck uses all his might to finally break it, shards of glass falling to the ground, some falling outwards on the ground. Donghyuck hisses when his fist begins to bleed, small pieces of glass digging into skin. He’s shaking his right palm as blood trickles down his fingers at an alarming rate.
“Donghyuck!” you exclaim as you run up to him and study the damage on his hand. Bright red blood gushes in more than one spot on his bruised skin and you’re extra careful when you gently pick at the shards that had sunk into his skin. Donghyuck stays still and lets you do what you’re doing as he continues to investigate the gap he’s made. It’s dark outside and the lack of light coming from outside makes Donghyuck hopeful that no one is out there to guard.
When Donghyuck looks back down, there’s a cloth wrapped around his knuckles and he realises it’s the blindfold he once took off your eyes. “Donghyuck we have to wash it,” you absentmindedly say when you finish tying a knot to keep it in place.
“Y/n, that’s the least of our worries right now,” Donghyuck says sternly. “We have to get out of here.”
He pulls you towards the window then and your eyes widen with the idea that’s now beginning to unfold in your mind. “I’ll go up first so I can help you from up there,” Donghyuck is already moving before you can even process his words.
Donghyuck climbs with ease, stealthily sliding himself through the gap, broken glass dropping to the floor when he does. In no time, he’s successfully made it outside and stays lying on his stomach with his hands outstretched to you. “Come on,” he urges. “Run towards me and jump and I’ll catch you.”
You nod in determination, wanting to get out desperately and feeling the need not to disappoint Donghyuck. You do as Donghyuck says and when you jump, he catches your hands as promised. Donghyuck uses his incredible strength to haul you upwards and you begin to worry when you see his knuckles bleed through the thin cloth. You purse your lips together as you use your feet to scramble against the wall just as Donghyuck grits his teeth hard to pull you out.
But you’re screaming the next second when you feel being aggressively pulled from the wall, strong arms wrapped around your body until your hands are no longer grasping Donghyuck’s. You’re thrashing around, kicking your legs into the air to try and rid of the body that’s keeping you from leaving, but they’re way stronger than you and already carrying you out through the door you didn’t notice had become opened during your attempt at escaping.
“Keep still,” the man carrying you growls into your ear and you recognise him as the same man who had given you water yesterday.
You catch a glimpse of Donghyuck when you look back and he nods firmly at you before he’s getting up on his feet to make a run.
Donghyuck won’t let you down. His eyes said so.
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Donghyuck runs frantically for his life, his legs having no sense of direction with the only focus of escaping to bring help to you before the worst can happen. He’s relieved when he comes across no one in his path, but skeptical with the lack of people guarding the opponent’s headquarters. Nonetheless, he sets that thought aside and exerts his remaining energy in seeking refuge.
Donghyuck falls back on the ground when his body collides with someone else’s after a sharp turn. He groans inwardly, his head spinning as he lands on his injured hand, feeling a new gush of blood seeping out the cracks of his skin. Donghyuck can only see a silhouette when he looks up, eyes squinting to adjust to the light behind the stranger after having ran in the dark for so long.
He recognises that voice anywhere.
“God— ow, that hurt like a bitch,” Donghyuck curses under his breath, letting his guard down completely when Mark helps him up off the ground. “Watch where you’re going idiot!”
Mark rolls his eyes, “I should be the one saying that to you.”
Behind Mark, Johnny emerges who is now staring at Donghyuck. “What happened to your face?” Johnny asks, eyeing the younger from head to toe. “You look horrible.”
Donghyuck swipes the back of his hand across his swollen lower lip, “Kun happened.”
“Jaemin said they caught you,” Mark says, blinking rapidly, trying to make sense of the situation. “What happened?”
Donghyuck shrugs, “They took me on the way home from yours earlier. You know, Lucas, Xiaojun and Sicheng?” Mark and Johnny nod. ���Yeah, them lot. Thought they’d just taken me for the fun of it, since you know, they hate our guts. Turns out they wanted information from me.”
“Information?” Johnny asks.
Donghyuck rests his palms on either side of his hips. “Yeah, about Nakamoto. Didn’t budge though, that’s why they beat me up.”
“Wait, they know about Yuta?” Johnny questions, the pieces of the puzzle seemingly not adding up to make up a picture that makes sense.
Donghyuck nods, “Y/n’s in there too, Mark. I tried to get her out with me but Xiaojun caught her just in time.”
At the mention of your name, Mark’s hands balls into fists, chills covering every inch of his skin at the thought of you hurting under their mercy. Mark purses his lips in sheer anger, mentally promising to get rid of anyone who dared lay a finger on you.
“What are you guys doing here anyway?” Donghyuck inquires.
“We came as soon as we got the news about you,” Johnny answers. “And because we had our suspicions they had y/n too. We were going to get you both out.”
Mark doesn’t hear a word Johnny says when he pushes past Donghyuck, the thought of saving you the only thing running in his mind, the hours of structuring a plan flying out the window. Every moment that passes where he’s unsure about your safety, the more impulsive he becomes into compromising his life just to save yours.
Donghyuck is quick to get in Mark’s way, succeeding in stopping him in his tracks. “Mark, going in there isn’t a good idea.”
“What do you mean! She’s in there Hyuck— I have to save her.”
Donghyuck firmly stops Mark again with a palm to his best friend’s chest. “Stop,” he calls out and looks at Mark straight in the eye. The desperation in his friend’s eye is devastating because it spoke of just how much he was willing to give up just to save you. “I need you to listen to me. And I need you to listen well.”
Johnny steps in beside Mark to make sure he doesn’t move an inch. When Donghyuck is sure he’s gotten all of Mark’s attention, he begins but not before drawing in a deep breath, “When I was in there, Kun asked me about everything I knew about Yuta and Taeyong’s proposed deal. Mark, they know about our shit. Somehow they’ve found out. Now is the time to be careful and not take any careless chances.”
“Hyuck what are you trying to say—“
“Kun asked me how much Yuta offered in exchange for y/n,” Donghyuck’s voice suddenly lowers, as if to save the remaining intact parts of Mark to refrain them from shattering.
“Mark, I think they’re giving y/n to Yuta for money.”
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“It’s happening tomorrow, Kun’s boys are leaving their headquarters one by one to secure the the port they’re meeting at tomorrow,” Jeno announces, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“We have to get to them before they can even meet Yuta,” Mark insists, his hands clasped tightly together, sitting on the centre of the counter table, the rest of the boys sitting on either sides in front of him.
Johnny leans forward into the table and shakes his head, “They’re on high alert Mark, they know as much as we do, how dangerous of a person Yuta is. Going in there to snatch someone they could get millions for is basically a death wish.”
“But wouldn’t it be more dangerous if we go in there at a later time?” Renjun points out, tapping is chin. “Intervening when Kun and Yuta’s guys is the biggest death wish to me. We’d be outnumbered,” Renjun pauses and glances at everyone around the table. “By a lot.”
“And knowing Kun’s boys and how much they hate us, they definitely wouldn’t hesitate to kill, especially if there’s a lot of money on the line,” Donghyuck adds, his bruised and wounded face now all patched up thanks to Johnny.
There’s silence for a while, everyone getting lost in their own thoughts. As much as Mark hated to admit it, everything his comrades had said was right and as much as he wanted to save you, he didn’t want to put anyone’s lives in danger like that, even though his job literally meant risking his life every day. He wanted as little casualties on his end as possible. It was the least he owed his friends for being in on this despite it being against their will and against Taeyong.
“Jeno is there any way we can meet Yuta before tomorrow?” Mark asks lowly, his eyes hard and directed at Jeno.
Jeno blinks once before he’s typing away again, all eyes now on him, “He’s supposed to be arriving sometime tomorrow in the morning and according to my sources, he’s supposed to be leaving the day after. I think we can possibly meet him if get in contact with him now.”
“And can we do that?”
Jeno nods and cranes his neck towards Renjun, “Renjun and I will trace his contact.”
Mark nods gratefully. “Thanks.”
“What do you plan on telling him?” Johnny asks, looking up from where he sits on the couch.
Mark draws in a breath, “I don’t know yet. I just have to talk to him before they do.”
“You don’t want to get through to Kun first?” Jaemin asks curiously.
Mark spares a glance in Donghyuck’s direction, guilt seeping in him to see his friend in such a state. Mark shakes his head firmly, “No. He has his eyes set on Yuta. He’s never gonna settle for anything less than what Yuta would have offered him, and I’m guessing it’s a lot.”
Jaemin nods slowly, realising how much Mark must have thought this through in his head.
“But I’m going to need eyes on Kun,” Mark continues, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. “Just so I know they’re not harming her while I negotiate with Yuta.”
Johnny volunteers as he nods, “I’ll do that.” He turns to Taeil beside him, “Taeil will help me.”
Taeil blinks unsurely at the mention of his name but nods after a good five seconds when Johnny’s words finally sink in. “Yeah, we’ll keep an eye.”
And no one sleeps for the rest of the night. Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin study the blueprint of the port Jeno has somehow managed to get his hands on, locating potential hideouts to put themselves in until they can execute their plan. Johnny and Donghyuck are in a corner teaching Taeil some of basic self defence, knowing he’s never fought anyone in his life ever while Mark is busy readying his guns for tomorrow, a sick feeling coating the pit of his stomach when he realises he’s in the room you came across that day you realised he was the one who had shot you. He sets his sniper down and turns to find your picture still pinned on the board. He takes it and examines the picture in a way he has never before. It’s a random photo of you he had gotten off the internet, but taking a closer look now, it’s one of you smiling, your smile reaching your eyes. You looked beautiful, he thinks and the guilt of putting you in more danger than you already were in seeps in stronger than ever. Mark swears he’d never be able to forgive himself if there was anything to happen to you.
Mark continues to long for you as he keeps gazing at your photo, he doesn’t notice Donghyuck sliding in the room until he’s beside him and craning his neck to look at where Mark’s attention is focused on.
“H-Hyuck,” Mark calls out as he clears his throat, setting the picture aside.
Donghyuck throws him a knowing look before picking up a small gun previously laid on the table, “Miss her already?”
Mark is about to shrug Donghyuck’s question off knowing he wasn’t usually the one to talk about these things, but Mark feels it’s okay to be vulnerable tonight, especially to the friend who knows him the best. “Yeah, I do,” he finally admits, dropping his head low.
Donghyuck smiles a little, satisfied Mark trusts him with this side of him, a rare side one would never think he possessed because with what Mark did for a living, there was almost always no room for emotions or second guesses.
“We’ll save her, okay?” Donghyuck attempts to console his friend, the feeling unfamiliar to him for the mere fact they’ve never been put in this situation before. “We really will.”
Mark smiles gratefully as he glances at Donghyuck. “Hyuck, what really happened today? How did Kun catch you like that?”
Donghyuck disassembles the gun he’s been holding with ease before he turns to Mark, an already apologetic glint in his eyes. “I, when I left after screaming at your face earlier, I thought about what you said. And Kun’s boys aren’t exactly the discrete type of people so I found out about them having y/n earlier. and,” Donghyuck sighs, “I realised just how important she was to you.. you know after you punched me like that because you’d never do that. You’d never do that to any of us. Never. So I knew I had to do something.. I, I don’t want what happened to Ari happen again.”
“So I went in there, without a plan in mind, just the thought of needing to do something. And I thought I had it, I thought I had her. Turns out Kun needed me for other reasons too and made their job of abducting me a whole lot easier for them,” Donghyuck stifles a laugh.
“You were there to save y/n?”
Donghyuck nods. “Not sure what I was thinking, it was really irrational. But.”
“I realised she might just be what you have left..” Donghyuck trails off. “I mean you have us, you’re always going to have us. But, soulmates are different I guess, even though I literally said they meant nothing earlier. I guess I needed you to punch me a few times before I could finally understand.”
Donghyuck sighs and turns to Mark, “Look, I’m sorry for what I did to you earlier and for all the things I said. I guess, I was just too angry at the thought of betraying Taeyong and keeping everything from us but after thinking about it now, I think I understand better why you did what you did.”
Mark breaks out into a small smile. “I’m sorry for punching you too.”
Donghyuck grins, “Nah, I deserved it.”
The two chuckle together, bruised cheeks lifting into smiles.
“She’s gonna be okay. We’ll make sure of that.” 
And Mark believes and holds onto his best friend’s words. 
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Mark kicks at the ground outside his parked car just when the sun is about to peek from behind the horizon. The air is cold and crisp, the occasional breeze blowing towards his direction making him ball his fists deeper into the pockets of his jeans. The sound of the water hitting against the shore echoes into the stillness of the air and it offers Mark some sort of comfort, his mind unconsciously bringing him back to the time he confessed to you, to that morning he explained just why he had tried so hard to save you. And just when his mind is about to completely become filled by thoughts of you, his chest tightening at how much he just wants to see you, the sounds of cars pulling up in the distance snapping him out of his trance. Mark instinctively straightens his back and pulls himself from against his car, twisting his body to greet the oncoming cars coming his direction. He lifts his wrist to view, the time on his watch reading seven forty in the morning, the exact estimated time Jeno and Renjun had predicted in the earlier hours of dawn during the planning process.
Mark steps in the middle of the road when the series of cars drive nearer to him until they eventually come to a stop when he impedes their path. Mark lifts his chin up in full confidence, inhaling a breath of hair to prepare himself of what’s to come. Securing a meeting with Yuta was impossible despite Jeno’s skills and so interfering like this to buy even five minutes of his time had to do.
The driver of the first car opens the door of the van and steps outside, eyes trained on Mark with a frown. Mark spots the gun tucked underneath his belt but doesn’t cower. “Who are you?” the stranger, a big man, inquires, coming forward but far enough from Mark as a precaution.
“I need to talk to your boss,” Mark replies calmly. “I know he’s in the car behind yours.”
“My boss doesn’t see just anyone,” the man replies sternly, crossing his arms across his chest just as another man, who had been sitting on the passenger seat, exit the vehicle also. “And it really isn’t a good idea for you to be out here either.”
Mark scoffs and tears his eyes off the two men momentarily, darting them to the ground before looking back up at them again. “Is that a threat?” Mark was going to do anything to spare a few minutes of Yuta’s time but it didn’t mean he was going to submit to them so hastily, knowing all too well how quickly they’d be in control of the situation if he lets them.
“You decide,” the second man replies, slightly smaller in build than the other. “The fact that you know who we are, should be enough for you to decide.”
Mark makes sure the two sees him roll his eyes, to ensure they know he’s clearly mocking them. “I think I’ll decide once I’ve gotten a word with your boss.”
“And how many times to we have to remind you it’s not possible?”
Mark mirrors the man’s actions by crossing his arms across his chest. “Tell him it’s Mark Lee. Either you do that right now or we stay here like this all day.” Mark’s voice shift in an instant, his tone lowering and deepening just as his eyes darken in the same way. “And I'm sure neither of you,” Mark leans to his side and eyes the cars lined up before standing straight again, “Or everyone else here has the time.”
The two exchange unsure glances until one of them eventually walks away to make his way to what Mark can make out to be car behind the one in his view. Mark taps his foot at the ground as he waits impatiently, the man left behind watching him closely.
It isn’t long before Mark hears another car door opening and shutting in the near distance and another moment that passes further before Nakamoto Yuta comes into view, a small smirk already playing at his lips. He walks forward, two of his men following closely behind him.
“Ah, Mark Lee,” Yuta greets with a sinister smile when he stops in his steps, a metre away from Mark. “I haven’t heard from you since.”
Mark shrugs his shoulders, “We couldn’t get through you for some reason.” The only reason why Yuta severed ties was only because he knew you were in someone else’s hands now, shifting his focus completely to whoever had a hold of you, despite attempts of making negotiations with Mark first during the initial encounter in Japan, a fact that Mark knew very well, getting a good grasp of who this Nakamoto Yuta really was.
Yuta breathes a laugh, “I’m a busy man. I must have missed you,” he tries to shrug off even though he knows Mark isn’t buying it. He shakes his head a raises both of his brows, “Well, what brings you here today?”
“I’m here to propose a deal,” Mark replies instantly, refusing to beat around the bush.
“A deal?”
Mark nods firmly. “Double of what Taeyong initially proposed you.”
Yuta arches a brow, the corner of his lips turning upwards. “That’s quite a deal Mark. Does Taeyong know about this?”
Mark ignores the question and keeps his eyes trained on Yuta. “Are you going to take it?”
Yuta lands his palms on either side of his hips and swipes his tongue across his lower lips. “In exchange of what?”
Mark looks at Yuta directly in the eye and without missing a beat, he replies,
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“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
All heads turn in an instant, Donghyuck’s mouth hanging open in the process. Mark tightens his grip around the duffle bag hanging in his hands as he lets go of the door he has just locked. Johnny and Jeno exchange weary looks towards one another while Renjun, Jaemin and Taeil blink at the uninvited guest.
“To get y/n.” Mark breaks the silence that seemed to stretch on forever.
Taeyong smirks mockingly and kicks at the ground mindlessly, his gaze shifting to somewhere else in the distance before returning it to Mark. “With this amount of people? With what reinforcements exactly?”
Johnny raises a brow, “What are you doing here anyway?” His tone of voice rigid, his jaw taught, an unpleasant taste in his mouth at the sight of Taeyong.
Taeyong stuffs both of his balled fists in the pockets of his jeans and shrugs his shoulders, “Trying to stop you all from getting killed.”
Johnny laughs, but he isn’t amused. Renjun cowers at the sound that leaves Johnny’s lips, knowing that whatever was about to come out of it next won’t be anything good. “Brave of you to talk about preventing ourselves from getting killed when killing has been the only thing you’ve been doing all your life.” There’s a menacing glint in Johnny’s orbs as he speaks, his eyes directed straight at Taeyong, making sure every single word jabs at him directly.
Taeyong inhales a sharp breath as he shuts his eyes for a few seconds, already expecting this hostility from his once best friend. He tries to compose himself in the silence in dire attempts of looking for the right words to say to convince them of his genuine intentions to help.
Mark watches the scene unravel and when it appears that the current situation wasn’t going to improve anytime soon, especially not when Johnny and Taeyong are around one another, he takes it upon himself to get moving first, walking past Taeyong without saying a word as the younger ones follow behind him.
Jaemin and Donghyuck glance at Taeyong sadly just when they’re about to pass him and Taeyong catches it, nodding at them both reassuringly before they’re out of his sight, following Mark to his van. Taeyong also catches sight of Johnny’s glare when he’s the last to walk away from him, his anger clearly indicated in the way he purposely bumps his shoulder against his.
When Taeyong hears the doors of the van slide open behind him, he inhales another big breath, clenching his fists tighter than ever, still contemplating if the words he’s about to say are the right ones.
“I want to help.”
The six halt in their tracks again, Taeil’s leg hanging in the air just as he’s about to get into the van first. Mark sees Johnny frown from where he stands on the opposite side of the van, eyes hard trained on the roof of the van. Mark looks past Johnny and sees Taeyong still standing there, his back facing them.
Before Mark can even speak, Johnny beats him to it, “The last time you offered to help, you killed Ari.”
A loud sigh gets lost in the wind when Taeyong finally turns around at the same time Johnny does. Taeyong looks furious now as he storms towards Johnny, steps heavy and desperate.
“How many times do I have to keep telling you that wasn’t meant to happen,” Taeyong almost yells, his shoulders now heaving with anger. “How many times do I have to fucking apologise for that one fucking mistake!”
The raise in Taeyong’s voice only aggravate Johnny further and the rest of the boys are quick to divide themselves between Taeyong and Johnny in order to prevent an impending fist fight that’s waiting to happen.
“Why are you the one all worked up?!” Johnny practically yells even though Taeyong is a mere two meters away from him. “You’re not the one who lost her!”
“Because you’re being unreasonable!” Taeyong retaliates as Renjun and Donghyuck stand closely beside him, hands on either sides of his shoulders to stop him from trying to advance. “Because no matter how much I apologise to you, no matter how much I try to make up for it, you still act like I wanted it to happen!”
“Hell you have no idea how much—“
“Of course I have no idea!” Taeyong exclaims exasperatedly, throwing his hands in the air in utter frustration. “I’ve never been in your shoes before! I can only fucking imagine how much it must have hurt but shit, how many times do I have to tell you I’m sorry until you finally—“
“Until it no longer fucking hurts!”
Taeyong stares at Johnny, shoulders drooping low when he sees the hurt in his eyes that have now brimmed with tears. The boys switch gazes between the two helplessly, despair and disappointment running through their veins when they watch the two people, who were once the best of brothers, go at each other’s throat.
“Until... I forget it ever happened,” Johnny’s voice is cracking but he’s gritting his teeth in futile attempts not to crumble. “Until I get the image of Ari dying right before my own eyes, out of my head.. because, that’s all I see before I sleep, all I think about when I remember her..”
Taeyong drops his head low, the sight of a broken Johnny for the first time ever in all the years he’s known him, too much for him to see. He feels his heart breaking, knowing all too well the immense damage he’s caused because of that incident, yet not fully realising how much it has ruined his friend all these years. Johnny was a friend, he always has been, in fact, one of the closest Taeyong ever holds close, and man did it hurt to see strong friends like that crumble.
“I.. I really am so sorry, John,” Taeyong breathes, his eyes sad and hurt as he looks up again. “I’m sorry.”
Johnny’s eyes are blank as he gazes towards Taeyong,
“Me too.”
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Mark has never seen Johnny this quiet before but he knows he’s following well even when it appears as if his eyes are blank and staring into nothing. Taeyong speaks fluidly, the steps in executing his proposed plans flowing out one after the other with so much ease, as if he’s already mulled the situation over a million times before, having even constructed alternative plans in the event that something does go wrong.
The younger ones keep silent, letting Taeyong do all the talking, only ever nodding when the elder clarifies if they’ve been keeping up with everything he had just said. Renjun and Jaemin are too stiff in Mark’s eyes, and he figures it’s gotten something to do with how Taeyong initially exploded when he found out about him saving and hiding you, too afraid and too cautious to say or do something that might upset the alpha who hasn’t stopped talking ever since he sat down on the couch, drawing everyone’s attnetion to various maps and blueprints of buildings with the help of resourceful Jeno.
“You know it would really help if I got some feedback from all of you,” Taeyong suddenly says, pausing midway his evacuation plan when he notices everyone avoiding his eyes.
Taeil purses his lips as he fiddles with the loose threads of his ripped jeans, Taeyong’s presence still sending chills down his spine, remembering he’s the one who was after his best friend’s life in the first place. He feels the hairs on his skin stand when Taeyong cranes his neck to look towards his direction and when he meets his eyes briefly, Taeil’s heart drops, the sensation alone making him turn his head somewhere else in less than a second. Taeyong’s eyes were too much, too intense, and too scary, no wonder everyone in the room fell silent when he spoke.
Mark, who’s standing by the edge of the table, overseeing every plan spread out on the coffee table, crosses his arms across his chest and raises a hand to grasp his chin as he envisions the plan coming to life. When he’s about to speak, Renjun beats him to it unconsciously, “The plans sound good. Better than the ones we’ve come up with honestly,” he glances towards Mark wearily who only nods at him encouragingly, silently agreeing with him. “But those plans involve a lot of manpower. We only have, like, what? Eight of us?”
“You’re not the only ones in this mafia, are you?” Taeyong asks lowly.
Donghyuck raises a brow inquisitively, “Wait, what? You mean-”
“I’ve already told everyone else. All transactions and activities are on hold right now to focus on this. We have way more manpower than we need.”
“Everyone?” Jaemin clarifies.
“Everyone.” Taeyong confirms.
Jaemin, Renjun and Donghyuck smirk amongst themselves, already feeling the success of their plans, knowing all too well how brilliant Taeyong’s people were when put altogether. Taeil nods silently, relief washing over him, the thought of you coming back to safety seeming more and more possible.
“So let me get this straight,” Johnny says abruptly, leaning over the table, too lost in his own thoughts all this while as the others conversed amongsth themselves. Taeyong directs his gaze at him, a hint of comfort bubbling inside of him after years of being invisible to Johnny’s eyes. Johnny meets Taeyong’s eyes when he looks up from the table and he sees Taeong with expectant eyes, his eyebrows arched upwards to urge him to talk. It feels foreign, Johnny thinks, to be speaking to someone he considered gone for years.
“You want to propose another deal to Yuta in exchange for y/n?”
Taeyong nods.
“And what makes you think he’d agree?”
Mark knows Johnny isn’t mocking Taeyong, though his tone of voice and the blank expression on his face could easily make anyone else think so.
Taeyong doesn’t sway though, deciding that he’d put up with anything Johnny decided to throw at him if it meant earning his forgiveness.
“Because it’s a deal he won’t be able to make with anyone else,” Taeyong answers confidently, straightening his back. “We’re the strongest mafia in Korea. That, combined with what I’m about to offer him is something only an idiot would decide to pass on.”
Johnny falls silent, the conviction in Taeyong’s eyes and words enough to tell him he means it.
“This deal...” Jeno starts carefully. “What kind of a deal is it?”
Taeyong pauses before answering, “Remember that time you went to Japan? Remember what we initially offered him?”
Renjun, Jaemin, Donghyuck nod as Mark raises a brow.
“Triple that price. More drugs. More arms. A formal alliance between us and them.”
Mark frowns while the three widen their eyes. Johnny looks up from the floor and up at Taeyong. He doesn’t know the actual price or the amount, but knowing Taeyong, anything that was double or triple anything was a lot.
“Taeyong, that’s a lot you’re putting on the line,” Mark points out. Even though he wanted to so badly save you, he was unsure Taeyong risking his livelihood for someone he barely even knew, would be something that would benefit not just him, but the entirety of his mafia in the longrun. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Taeyong nods firmly with no hesitation whatsoever.
“We can always think of other plans, we can come up with other deals,” Mark reasons, knowing hell would literally come upon them if they made permanent alliances with someone as manipulative as Yuta.
Taeyong breaks into a small smile, appreciating what Mark was doing. “He's rejected your proposal already, Mark. There’s nothing else as good as this one that Yuta would even consider thinking about. It’s the best we can offer.”
“Mark, I’ve made up my mind. There’s no changing it.”
Mark’s shoulders droop in defeat, knowing that it was completely useless arguing with Taeyong once he made up his mind.
“Are you sure?”
Taeyong glances at Johnny for a second. And then he looks back at Mark.
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The sun is up high in the sky when Taeyong’s troop arrives at the agreed meeting place; a deserted factory by the docks at the edge of the town neighbouring theirs. As planned, Taeyong, Donghyuck and Jaemin are the only ones who appear in the open while the rest set up camp in isolation on either sides of the factory, in order to position themselves in their designated locations. Taeyong rolls down the window of the van a soon as he hits the brakes when he’s stopped by Yuta’s men just outside the gates of the meeting place. Taeyong doesn’t speak, even when two big men scrutinise his face for a good two minutes and even when one of them stick their head in through the window. Donghyuck fakes a salute with a smirk on the passenger seat while Jaemin raises a brow to feign confidence.
The stranger nods at the other men impeding the entrance and they eventually part from each other, the gate sliding open, the bars separating from each other from the middle. Taeyong rolls the window back up and drives straight through.
“We’re in,” Donghyuck speaks into his mic that’s concealed very well, no one would suspect it ever existed, just like the others’. “Taeil, status?”
“We’re in position,” Taeil’s voice rings in their earpieces. “Not sure about the other side though, we can’t see them from where we are yet.”
“Renjun?” Donghyuck calls out just as Taeyong comes to a halt when he finishes parking. “You guys good on the other side?”
“Yup,” Renjun replies. “We see them now.”
Taeyong unbuckles his seatbelt but doesn’t exit the van. He ducks his head between the gap of the steering wheel and the windshield to inspect the location, a tall, rundown building with cracked windows greeting him. It’s exactly like Jeno’s blueprint, he thinks.
“Mark, I need a visual,” Taeyong inquires.
Mark, who has the highest point of visual due to the mere fact he’s situated on the rooftop on the building next to the factory, aligns the viewer of his sniper left and right. “They’re preparing to leave. They’re packing up as we speak.”
“Right,” Taeyong answers. “Alright everyone, the goal is to prevent them from leaving. I need all potential exit points secure and as soon as anyone gets a visual on y/n, report immediately. Do not shoot unless extremely needed.”
Taeyong, Jaemin and Donghyuck begin to set out from the van and into the building after having their identity confirmed by the men manning the main entrance into the factory. Once in, they’re escorted by another five, who surround them as they lead through the corridors and walls of the place. Donghyuck and Jaemin play dumb even when they know this place like the back of their hand, having made many transactions here in the past with Taeyong. Taeyong does the same, mindlessly following the man in front of him until they come to a complete stop in what he remembers to be what used to be the main packaging area of the old factory.
Taeyong sees Yuta in the middle of the room, examining the last remaining boxes that are being packed by his men, of contents he presumes to be from Kun. Yuta turns around when he feels company enter the room and he greets Taeyong with a smile for show.
“Taeyong,” Yuta’s voice echoes as he walks up to them to meet them halfway. “Your guys sure are persistent.”
Taeyong lets out a breathy laugh and tips his head forward slightly. “We don’t stop unless we get what we want.”
Yuta smirks, “And that’s a vital quality in our world, isn’t it? Persistence.”
Taeyong shrugs, “Depends if it gets you what you want in the end.”
Yuta laughs and it booms through the empty room. Once he’s gotten a hold of himself he holds his palms out and gestures over to the three. “So what can I do for you today?”
“A deal.”
Yuta arches a brow. “Another one? Mark proposed one to me yesterday as you may know.”
Taeyong nods, unfazed. “A better one.”
Yuta holds a hand up to stop Taeyong from going further. “So let me get things straight. Mark wasn’t able to settle a deal with me yesterday, so now Lee Taeyong, the alpha of the group is stepping up to try and seal another one?” Yuta grins and rubs the palms of his hands together, a dark glint coating his orbs. “Well this should be one heck of a deal then.”
From the corner of Jaemin’s eye, he sees Taeyong clench his fists and he knows Taeyong is about to submit himself into something that’s potentially going to be the cause of their downfall as a mafia.
“Triple the price of what we initially offered. Triple the amount of arms. Triple the amount of drugs. And a formal alliance between you and me.”
Taeyong doesn't skip a beat nor does he breathe as he speaks his words and everyone else listening on the line are holding their breaths, already preparing themselves for what’s to come in the near future once the deal does go ahead.
Donghyuck shifts uncomfortably in his spot when silence follows. Yuta’s expression doesn’t change as he continues to eye Taeyong who doesn’t cower away either. Yuta presses his lips into a thin line and exhales a breath before asking the next question.
“And in exchange for what?”
And Taeyong doesn’t hesitate.
Yuta breaks out into a smile immediately, his teeth coming to full view. He shuffles in his spot until he’s comfortable and rests both of his hands on either sides of his hips. “Wow,” he exclaims sarcastically. “What the fuck does y/n have for her to be in such high demand?”
Taeyong remains stoic and Jaemin and Donghyuck behind him remain quiet.
“First, it was Kun, yesterday, Mark and now you? Lee Taeyong? Lee Taeyong, also known as the strongest and most powerful mafia leader in the country, willing to basically give his life away for some damsel in distress?” Yuta taunts with so much hostility dripping from his words. He steps forward and keeps going until he’s a mere inches apart from Taeyong’s face. “Tell me, what does this girl have for you to go this far? Surely, it’s more than just money, more than what her net worth is.”
Taeyong can feel Yuta’s breath against his skin and if it were another day, he would’ve already punched him once or twice for invading his personal space. But today was different because your life was on the line and he had to do everything in his power to behave, even if it meant letting go of something as small as this.
“Like you said, she's worth millions,” Taeyong calmly replies, meeting Yuta’s eyes. “A person worth that much doesn’t appear very often.”
“But you tried to kill her,” Yuta questions.
“Her parents owed me money. They died before I could kill them so I opted for her instead.”
“And what made you change your mind?”
“For the same reasons you want her. Money.”
If there was one thing Taeyong took pride in, it would be his lying skills, something he's mastered overtime for having been involved in businesses like this for years. It’s a skill no one questions and one that his peers usually are confident in, but knowing how notorious Yuta was, and how his skills may just be on par with Taeyong’s, he’s suddenly questioning whether Yuta can see through his lies no matter how hard he’s tried to conceal the truth.
Yuta shrugs and steps away for what feels like decades. “I have to thank you then, for not killing her completely in the first place. Otherwise, you would’ve left me with no choice but to come for you.”
“Are you threatening me?”
Yuta laughs again and shakes his head, his hair swaying along with the motions of his head. “No, I’m not,” he smiles. “But it is my way of politely saying no to your deal.”
Taeyong frowns.
“The deal is off Taeyong.”
Taeyong is about to retaliate when a gunshot is heard in the distance, making everyone in the room jolt in their spots. Two of the men behind Jaemin and Donghyuck leave the room immediately while the remaining three are quick to grab a hold of them each.
“Fucking hell, some bastard just tried to shoot me,” Johnny speaks into the earpieces.
Yuta curses under his breath and signals for his men to drag Taeyong, Jaemin and Donghyuck away and before they know it, they’re already being pulled from the room. Taeyong grits his teeth together, his jaw becoming taught.
“Johnny, people are coming over to where you are now,” Mark points out. “Ready yourselves, and we’ll send backup. Renjun?”
“We’re on it,” Renjun answers and orders half of his guys with him to head onto Johnny’s location.
“Taeyong? Status?” Mark calls out.
When Taeyong, Jaemin and Donghyuck are some place quieter, along a corridor that appears to be deserted, Taeyong is the first to fight by pulling himself away from the man who had been holding him, elbowing him squarely on the face, catching him off guard and leaving him no time to recover as he stumbles backwards with a groan. Once the other two men let go of Jaemin and Donghyuck to assist their comrade, Taeyong has already pulled the man’s gun from his stow, shooting him in no less than a second, followed by the other two, knocking the three down in a glimpse.
“We’re good, but that won’t be the case for long,” Taeyong answers. “Alright, Jaemin and Donghyuck I need you both to search the entire area and find where they’re keeping y/n,” he instructs just as the two finish taking the abandoned guns from the two unconscious men. The two nod before they’re out of Taeyong’s sight in search for you.
It’s not long before a series of gunshots resonate in the distance and Taeyong runs in the opposite direction in hopes of finding you. Mark from where he’s located on the rooftop, try to block incoming enemies heading towards Johnny’s direction by shooting at them one by one, not missing a single target. Johnny and his troop do a good job of securing their hideout by defending and while all the attention is drawn on to them, the rest of Renjun’s troops that were previously left behind to man their area, move in slowly to infiltrate and secure the inside of the factory while it remains unguarded.
“Movement by the South,” Jeno speaks. “They’re heading for the factory.”
“We’re moving in,” Johnny declares when he takes the last man down. “Any signs of y/n yet?”
“None yet,” Donghyuck breathes into his earpiece. “We have two more locations to check, she should be in one of those, but I think we’re going to need backup, that place is probably guarded too.”
“Coming Hyuck, I need a location,” Johnny says.
“Basement. There’s a room by the clearing after the second corridor, we’re keeping watch here. A lot of them are evacuating to see what the commotion is outside. Be careful on your way in.”
“Mark and Jeno, stop anyone from coming in the factory, I need Renjun’s troops to come in easily,” Taeyong commands as he shoots a stranger in his path.
Mark and Jeno do as they’re told and switch their target to those incoming the factory. Mark shoots the first of the lot coming in from the gates and when the rest of them try to figure out where the bullet is coming from, Jeno takes advantage of that time to begin his shooting spree with an eighty percent success rate.
“Jeno, we’ve checked everywhere in the basement, she’s not here,” Jaemin admits when two minutes pass. “Is there anywhere else we could have missed?”
“There’s nothing on the first floor,” Taeyong adds.
There’s silence on the line as Jeno racks his brain and tries to recall even the most minute detail of the blueprint he’s studied for four hours straight. “Unless they’ve taken her out of there already.”
“Shit,” Taeyong hisses.
“Secure all exit points guys, we cannot, and I repeat, we cannot let them leave,” Mark announces loudly and firmly so make sure everyone hears.
Taeyong ducks down immediately when he hears a gunshot in his vicinity and judging by the way the bullet penetrates the wall beside him, that it was intended for him. Taeyong shuffles behind the said wall as he huffs, “Renjun and Johnny, I need backup on the first floor.”
“Got it.”
“I have a visual on Yuta coming out of the factory from the back,” Jeno confirms.
Mark squints his eyes and attempts to get a visual through his viewer towards the back, “I see y/n with him.”
One of the other groups within the area are quick to act on their feet and begin shooting once localising Yuta’s whereabouts, taking down the men guarding him in one blink. This prompts Yuta to head back into the shelter of the factory, aggressively dragging you with him.
“They’re headed back inside,” Mark warns. “Johnny and Renjun, keep a lookout. Jaemin and Donghyuck I need you both to come back up the first floor and help Taeyong and the rest. The rest of you all, stay on guard outside and intervene as appropriate.”
Once Mark and Jeno secure the outside and see no unusual movements, they both pack up to leave the rooftop and set down to infiltrate the factory themselves. Meanwhile Taeyong keeps hiding behind the wall, knowing all too well he’s outnumbered by the enemies who are gradually coming closer to him. He scans his surroundings and in all directions, is a dead end, leaving him no option but to stay put for the meantime.
Johnny and Renjun are just in time when they come across the crowd trying to target Taeyong, shooting at them relentlessly and succeeding with major ease as their troop falls behind them in assistance. Taeyong emerges from behind the wall when the gunshots cease in less than twenty seconds. He nods at Johnny as a token of gratitude but falls to the ground straight after when a bullet penetrates his body. Taeyong’s world spins in the process, meeting the ground so harshly in a blur.
Renjun and Johnny immediately shift their focus to the right and there stands Yuta with you held as hostage, his gun now pointing dangerously close to your temple. Taeil, who had been hiding behind another wall, as per Johnny’s instructions, see everything happen and retreat behind his shelter to report. “Taeyong is down, I repeat Taeyong is down. Yuta is here and y/n is with him. First floor, main hall.”
Taeyong at this point is struggling to breathe, the bullet in his neck making blood gush out faster than anything else. He finds the strength to lift his hand in attempts of stopping the gush, using a piece of clothing he’s teared off from his shirt as a makeshift gauze.
“Put your guns down or she dies,” Yuta taunts, eyes glowering, an arm wrapped tightly across your neck. “Down!” He growls when no one does as they’re told.
Renjun and Johnny are the first follow his commands, slowly lowering to the ground and putting their weapons on the ground and raising their arms in the air shortly after as the others behind them follow suit. Johnny keeps a close eye on Taeyong on the ground and sees that Taeyong is by now, barely moving, the colour of his skin becoming drained of colour at an alarming rate.
Your hands are clasped on Yuta’s arm, tears brimming down your face at the sight of Taeyong struggling to keep his eyes open. There’s a piece of cloth covering your mouth and any noise you make comes out in inaudible muffles. You try to break free from Yuta’s grip, tugging down at his arm every now and again but his strength only seems to grow with each passing minute. Johnny is the only familiar face in the crowd but even seeing him, doesn’t give you much comfort.
When Mark and Jeno enter the scene from different ends of the room, they immediately position themselves in a secluded corner to prepare for what’s to come. Mark sets up his sniper on the ground, his eyes locked on you the moment he catches sight of you. His heart breaks when he studies you, even as he crouches down to align his sight to his viewer. You looked exhausted, your hair disheveled and sticking up in various places, your body looking as weak as ever as you desperately try to cling onto Yuta just to hold yourself up, your sunken features evident as ever behind your tears. Your clothes are dirty and splattered with dirt and when Mark takes a closer look, he can see blood stains on your shirt.
Jaemin and Donghyuck arrive at the scene and just when Donghyuck is about to run over to Taeyong to help him, Jaemin stops him by holding him back when he sees Yuta in the middle of the room.
“Yuta we don’t have to do this,” Johnny warns lowly, inching a little closer to Yuta in the most subtle way possible.
“You all started this,” Yuta spits and tightens his grip around you even more, making you tilt your head further up just as to not restrict your airway. “If you had taken my no for an answer, we wouldn't have gotten to this.” He gestures at Taeyong with a nod of his head.
Mark aligns his viewer to Yuta, who now has his back facing him, still oblivious to his presence.
A gunshot is fired and it’s followed by a scream.
You let out a muffled scream when you see the person beside Johnny crouch down in pain when Yuta’s bullet penetrates his leg. “Renjun!” Jaemin exclaims and flies out of his spot to help the his friend. 
Yuta fires his gun up in the air once again and it startles you so much the shaking of your limbs don't stop. “I said no one fucking move!” 
Renjun groans in pain as Jaemin presses his palm to his wound to stop the bleeding. “Somebody help Taeyong!” Donghyuck screams when he looks to see Taeyong suffering by himself, a pool of blood beside him becoming bigger with each second that passes.
“One more person move and I'm killing y/n!” Yuta screams, his gun now pointing back at you. “I mean it! I’m serious! No one fucking move!”
“Taeyong needs help now,” Donghyuck snarls under his breath loud enough for Johnny to hear. Mark hears this over the line and aims for the back of Yuta’s head stealthily.
“Johnny, help Taeyong,” Mark speaks in his mic quietly while Johnny listens without moving an inch. “If Yuta shoots, Jeno and I have visuals. We’re right here with you. Everybody else, be on guard your surroundings, there may be some of Yuta’s men left.”
Not withstanding the sight of two injured people right before your eyes any longer, you gather the last remaining bit of your strength your body can muster and lift up your leg only for you to stomp in on top of Yuta’s foot forcefully. Yuta groans in pain and that’s when you take your chance to elbow him in the gut, making him let go of you momentarily as Johnny uses this opportunity to dart to Taeyong who’s just on the verge of passing out.
Donghyuck holds his breath when Yuta grabs a hold of you again and that’s when you come into full view in Mark’s direction, your whole face appearing in his viewer, his target now becoming you as Yuta keeps a hold of you again across the neck, ready to pull the trigger. You yelp loudly, the cloth falling off your mouth after having the chance of tearing it apart from your mouth in the short seconds that passed. Mark’s skin grows cold as he shuffles to slightly shift his sniper to Yuta who’s face is dangerously close to yours, making it almost impossible to penetrate through him without harming you.
“Shit,” Mark curses under his breath.
You continue to struggle under Yuta’s hold and you’re sure he’s going to shoot you when you hear the faint sound of the trigger clicking. Jaemin’s attention shifts to the group when the remainder of Yuta’s men flood in, everyone suddenly shooting in different directions to get rid of them.
And it all happens in no less than a second.
Half a second is all it takes for Mark to make his shot, heart racing and sweat running profusely down the side of his face, the feeling of nerves flooding in like waves just like that time he had tried to shoot you for the first time as he lets go of the trigger he’s been trying to hard save for the right moment. Half a second is all it takes to make get his target. All the successful critical shots he’s fired before didn’t matter to him anymore because all that mattered now was if this one saved your life. 
Either he succeeds by taking down Yuta or blames himself for the rest of his life for killing you instead. 
You drop to the floor, your knees landing first, your ears ringing, your head pounding against your skull. You’re sure you saw the bullet whizz past you and you’re not quite sure if you’re the one hit. But Yuta falls right next to you, his whole body collapsing to the ground, face first, blood streaming out of his head like a waterfall. 
Mark just killed the person responsible for your parents’ death. 
Your shaking hands are trying to block out all the gunshots that don’t stop even when Yuta falls, every single one causing you to jolt. And when you realise what had just happened, you croak out a weak sob, the utter fear and exhaustion getting the best of you.
Someone’s yelling in the distance, but you can't make out what they’re saying when the ringing in your ears don’t stop. And through the blur of your tears, someone’s running over to you, the sun that’s shining in your eyes making it impossible for you to decipher who it is when the person’s silhouette is the only thing you see.
But then he holds you. And that’s when you know who it is.
“Y/n! Y/n!” Mark’s exclaims, his hands grabbing a hold of either of your shoulders, lightly shaking you to bring you back to life. Your eyes finally refocus and that’s when you see him, Mark Lee is there, eyes so worried and features still as perfect as you remember them to be. “Y/n! Are you okay?”
You don’t say anything, too overwhelmed from having missed him so much, from having wondered days on end if you’d ever get to see him, from having been so incredibly scared for you life. So when your words betray you, your waterworks take over. You lower your head down, too ashamed and embarrassed for Mark to see you in this state. But when the gunshots die down until they completely halt, Mark moves closer to you and uses his index finger to gently lift your chin upwards. “Hey look at me,” he says quietly, his features softening. And you do, you look at him even when your tears are making it difficult to do so. “You’re okay now. You’re safe,” he comforts you, pulling you into his embrace. 
“I am so sorry for being so late.”
And you break down in his arms, for so many reasons.
But the biggest one being that,
It was all finally over.
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rhinoswriting · 4 years
A Life On The Road - Part 1 (A Luke Hemmings FanFic)
Overview: Elizabeth and Calum have been best friends since they were 15/14 respectively. Elizabeth is from and lives in the UK, but her family lived in Sydney for a brief 2 year period which is how the two met. 
With Calum’s band, 5SOS, embarking on their biggest and most ambitious world tour to date, he has invited Elizabeth along to work as a photographer/content creator for their social media. This is in the hopes that travelling with them and getting to explore so many new cities will help Elizabeth achieve her dream of becoming a full-time travel writer.
Elizabeth is acquainted with the rest of 5SOS but doesn’t know them tremendously well. Obviously that changes as they are all forced to be in one another’s company for the duration of the tour. As the tour progresses and new friendships blossom, Elizabeth feels the connection between her and Luke grow more and more.
A/N: This chapter is a lot of story set-up and introduces you to the protagonist.
I lent my upper back against one of the work kitchen walls and peered out of the window beside me. Any other day, the grey curtain of drizzle would have perfectly matched my work mood. But today was not a normal work day for me. Today was my last day in this hell hole. I was finally getting out of here to pursue my dream of becoming a travel writer. I hugged my mug of coffee closer, content in the knowledge that nothing was going to step on my good mood today.
“I cannot believe you are leaving me with these people.” Drew complained as he walked over and lent some of his weight onto my shoulder while cradling his own steaming mug.
“I am sorry that I’ll be leaving you here. I truly am.” I told him, and I meant it, “But you know as well as I do how much this place can drag a person’s mental health down. So when a best friend offers to let you piggyback off their career to help launch you own, you take it and make the sacrifice of abandoning your work husband.”
“I hate that you have a famous best friend.”
“Don’t be a bitter bitch,” I laughed nudging him in the side with my elbow.
Drew and I chatted for a minute or two more before making our way back to our desks at opposite ends of the office. When I got to mine I noticed that someone (probably my manager or Josie, the company busy body) had taken my second coffee break of the morning as an opportunity to place an envelope and small gift bag by my keyboard. As I placed my coffee down I noticed that the people on my bank of desks had swivelled their chairs, and thus their attention, in my direction. I also heard the tell-tale sound of high heels on cheap carpet tiles that indicated Josie was making her way over.
“Elizabeth,” Josie cooed in her usual fake friendliness, “I can’t believe it’s your last day here already! We did a small collection for you in order to say goodbye and give you something to remember us by. It’s been such a great three years and eight months working with you. We’re all sad to see you go.”
“Thanks, Josie. I certainly will miss how precise you are with details.” I said trying not to make my sarcasm too obvious.
I rummaged in the tissue paper hoping to bring this moment in the spotlight to an end as soon as possible. First I pulled out a small, sleek rectangle. Through the plastic window of the box I spied a matte black fountain pen -it was a genuinely lovely pen which surprised me. Next I pulled out a small bottle of Kraken rum -my go to with Coke on work nights out- which was followed by a second, identical bottle. The fourth and final leaving gift was a new 10 shot pack of film for my Instax Mini camera.
“Thanks guys...” I awkwardly addressed the room, “These are all really thoughtful and nice. I love the pen. Uhh, yeah, thanks again. Stay cool and all that cliche stuff.”
I promptly sat down and unlocked my PC to indicate that the show was over and I should now be left the fuck alone.
The company’s internal IM program was flashing at me in orange, indicating I had an unread message.
[Drew Clarke - 10:47 am]  I am so sorry they are putting you through this. You look so awkward. I can see you blushing from here.  It is hilarious though :’D I made such a big deal about the stupid pen they wanted to get you having to be matte black Also my leaving gift to you is that I have done everything in my power to ensure Josie knows nothing about your leaving drinks tonight
I responded with a simple gif of some character I didn’t know mouthing ‘thank you’ to acknowledge his last message and then went back to work trying to complete as much of my remaining work as possible.
The rest of the day dragged on as it would any other day of the week. The only difference was that I had the occasional desk visit from a colleague to wish me luck or let me know they’d be at the leaving drinks Drew had arranged for me that evening. 
And then Drew was at my desk before the clock had even hit 5 pm,
“Start packing your shit up then. We’ve got a bar to get to.”
My leaving drinks were actually surprisingly fun. Which was as much of a good thing as it was a bad thing. 
It was good because who doesn’t love people buying them either shots or rum and cokes? Plus Drew and I had had a beautiful drunken moment where we gushed over how much we treasured each other’s friendship and would definitely, definitely stay in touch always, and who doesn’t love those moments? 
It was bad because I got in at 3:30 am, set an alarm for 6 am and left my house for the train station at 7 am with a hangover headache already brewing.
My morning then got worse when I remembered I had to change trains at Sheffield. Non-direct train journeys are enough of a pain without a hangover, rucksack, camera bag and 2-wheeled large carry-on suitcase to slow you down.
When I finally, and ungracefully, settled myself on the platform at Sheffield I glanced around to locate where I could get myself a coffee and some form of breakfast. I had a 50 minute wait until my next train so there was plenty of time to try and nurse my hangover with coffee and carbs before getting crammed into another train and eventually reuniting with Cal in Edinburgh.
I spotted a place on the next platform over with indoor seating and made my way to it. Once inside the warmth of the glass rectangle I grabbed a twin pack of almond biscuits from the counter display and ordered a large cappuccino as well as a breakfast bagel. I then went and dumped all my luggage (promptly followed by myself) down at the nearest table and waited for my name to be called over the mellow jazz music.
Once I had returned to my table with my breakfast order, I opened my phone to check my messages and view the photographic damage from the night before. As I sipped my coffee I opened my photos app and was pleased when nothing embarrassing immediately jumped out at me from the 50+ square icons of photos and boomerangs that I had very little memory of taking. Most of the photos were blurry and every single boomerang was a fail, so I deleted them to save storage space on my phone. There was a super cute selfie of Drew and I, with his fiance, Adam, photo-bombing us in the background. It made me smile so much that I set it as the lock screen on my phone.
Next I moved on to my messages. There we unread messages awaiting me from Drew, Cal, my mum and weirdly my now ex-manager.
Manager Si: Didd u mange t geet home ok?/?. Gd luk w everythin
Work Hubby: I miss you already. Hope you got home safe! Text me by midday so I know you’re still alive x
Mum: Good luck on this big new adventure of yours! Do not forget to call us when time zones allow. Your Dad and I will always b here to support you and cannot wait to see you succeed. Say hi to Calum for us. Mum & Dad Xx
Cal: Hey, hey! So stoked to see you later and have you come oN FREAKING TOUR WITH ME!!! See ya in Edinburgh! X
I responded first to my mum, because I was raised right. I flat out ignored my old manager’s drunk text. I assured Drew that I was still alive because if I was dead it wouldn’t feel like there was a gremlin hammering away inside my skull. I followed that up with a screenshot of my new lock screen. Finally, I replied to Calum:
Morning :) Feeling rough after my leaving drinks last night. Have I already begun my new rock n’ roll lifestyle?! So fucking excited to see you again!! You are not prepared for the hug you’re gonna get! X
With everyone replied to (or ignored in Si’s case) I put my phone face down on the table and tucked into my breakfast bagel. Then as I still had 20 minutes to kill I thought what better place to slap some make-up on than the middle of a train station coffee shop?
Looking and feeling more human, I made my way from the coffee shop to platform 4 as they announced my train was about to arrive. 
I hopped on carriage L, placed my luggage in the overhead rack and settled into my seat for the next 3+ hours. I quickly shot a text to my parents and Cal, letting them know I was on my last train. Then I pulled my noise cancelling headphones on, opened up a relaxing Spotify playlist and promptly fell asleep.
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forwhycas · 4 years
Oh What a World (part 2)
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So this part is wayyyyy longer than the first part, but it super cute and we find out a bit more about Charlie, super fluffy and swearing since who doesn't love a beautiful girl who swears like a trucker! This picture of Joe gives me life (even thought its blurry, if anyone has a better quality version, please send it to me) I hope you enjoy:)
When you got home you immediately hung up the clock and put the matching towels out as well. You snapped a picture and sent it to Joe.
 Charlie: Be jealous!
Joey: I’m not, but I’m glad you like it. I have a lot of pictures from today, did you want me to send them?
Charlie: Yes please!
 20 pictures later, and your favorite one was Joe holding you from behind your arms up pretending to be jack and rose from the titanic on the red steps. You zoomed in on somebodies face you noticed in the background, this woman’s face looked so annoyed, you screenshotted it and sent it to Joe.
 Charlie: This woman’s face is how I’m going to feel waking up in the morning, because my shift starts at 8 L
Joey: So call out, I’m sure wherever you work can handle a day without you.
Charlie: Well, I wish they could but I work at a group home, so if their one person down the place kind of runs awkwardly. Which can cause some pretty pissed off kids.
Joey: You work at a group home?
Charlie: Yea it’s part time, and definitely the most interesting job I’ve had. I might see if someone can cover for me though, I can feel myself already struggling to get out of bed tomorrow morning.
 You txt your coworker Emily, reminding her that she owed you.
 Charlie: Remember when I covered your shift that week you went on vacation with your friends?
Emily: Yes, do you need me to cover you this week?
Charlie: Yes please, final exams start next and I’m stressing L
Emily: I got you, I’ll txt Eric to let him know what’s going on.
Charlie: Thank you!
 You sighed with relief, while yes finals were next week, you were fully prepared! You just really haven’t had a day off from work in a long time, and you mine as well use the favor. You smiled at the fact that you could hang out with Joe tomorrow, he was easy to be yourself around and it was refreshing. Your phone vibrated.
 Joey: So?
Charlie: A whole week covered, and this week my classes are online because finals are next week, so basically all I have to do is a bunch of practice quizzes.
Joey: So what are you going to do with your new found freedom?
 You had so many ideas but the first one was to cover the tattoo you had on the side of your arm that had your exes initials. You facetimed Joe. When he picked up he was in bed looking super cozy, you kind of wished you were still with him, laying on his couch.
 “Sorry to interrupt, but I have the best idea! See this tattoo right here?” He nodded. “I want to get this covered up tomorrow.”
 “Who’s initials are those?”
 “My ex’es.”
 “Ah, well then I’m all for that.”
 “Want to come with me?” He yawned and nodded. “Awesome, do you have any tattoos that need covering?” He snorted.
 “I don’t have any tattoos Charlie.” He yawned again.
 “Well I have…” You started to count on your free hand. “10? No 14! Yea 14, catch up! Anyways go to bed grandpa! Meet me at mine for 11, I’m on the 5th floor, my last name is on the door. Do you even know my last name?” He nodded.
 “Everleigh? Right?” You nodded and said goodnight, he waved then hung up. You hopped in the shower and towel dried your hair the best you could before falling asleep. You awoke to pounding on your door. You checked your phone and you had 3 txt’s from Joe.
 Joey: I’m up, and heading over with coffee.
Joey: Warning I’m out of breath and I’ve only walked up two flights of stairs.
Joey: Your still asleep!
 The last txt was 10 minutes ago. You sprung up out of bed, realizing you slept in just underwear you grabbed your bath robe and wrapped it around you. You unlocked the door, and Joe was holding a tray with two coffees, an annoyed look on his face. You smiled, “Morning sunshine!” his face softened when you spoke, he pushed past you, you could feel the coldness radiating off of him.
 “Good morning, glad you got some extra sleep.” He smiled and slumped down onto your couch. Placing the tray of coffee on your end table. You sat down next to him and reached over him to grab one, placing it in his hand and then grabbing the other one.
 “Sorry, I guess I forgot to set an alarm. Thanks for the coffee, do you want something to eat?” You got up and went to your cabinets, you remembered the muffins you bought from the bakery down the block 2 days ago. “I have blueberry muffins!” You turned around to look at him. “I’m trying to cure your morning grumpiness with delicious muffins and you look like you want to kill me, has this friendship already run its course?” He chuckled. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He got up and came over to you.
 “You have a piece of hair sticking up the opposite way…there.” He was so close to you, not moving. “Also yes, I’ll take a muffin please.” You reached up to grab the container and put them on the counter, you got a pan and started to melt some butter on it. Joe was leaning against your counter on his phone.
 “Do you want a whole one, or a half one?”
 “I’ll split one with you, I’m not super into eating this early.” He nodded then went back to his phone. “There’s a really good tattoo shop called village tattoo, it’s by Washington Park. I went there with my friend Sebastian once, they do some good work. What are you getting to cover that up anyways?”
 “I think I’m gonna get some daisy’s and roses, It’ April’s and June’s birth month flower.” You cut the muffin half and through them on the pan, it sizzled slightly. You took a sip of coffee.
 “Who’s birthday is it in April and June?”
 “Well my dad’s birthday was April 17th, and mine is June 16th.” You grabbed some plates and grabbed one half of the muffin handing the plate with the muffin on it to Joe. You grabbed yours as well. “Try it.” You smiled weakly at him. You took a bite and you moaned. “Oh fuck this is good…” Joe took a dramatic bite, and his eyes rolled back into his head. “See it’s delicious! Your welcome for warming it up for you!” You nudged him in the side. “Right while you make love to that muffin I’m gonna get dressed. Make yourself at home.” You winked at him and walked across the living room to your door, you left it slightly open. You went through your closet and found a NYU long sleeve, you contemplated putting on a bra but did so anyways, you then contemplated putting on actual pants, you did that as well. Joe was walking around yourliving room, looking at all the paintings, mostly landscapes, and the family photos of you and your dad.
 “Are you an only child?” Joe yelled.
 “Yup!” You yelled with a mouth full of tooth paste. “You?” You spit it out and rinsed with some mouthwash. You washed your face and moisturized. Joe yelled another question.
 “A brother and a sister! Just you and your dad?”
 You took a deep breath and walked out of your room. “My mom dipped when I was about 10, I don’t remember much of her.” You walked over to your shoe tray and started to tie your nikes. “How far is this tattoo shop? Also is it grossly cold outside?” Joe put his still cold hands on the sides of your face. “Yea it’s grossly cold outside.” You pushed his hands away and wrapped the purple scarf you bought the day before, and the matching gloves. “Wallet!” You went to your cabinet above your fridge, where you always put it. Joe gave you a weird look. “The dead lock on this door sucks so I figure if someone’s going to break in the last place they would look for money is above the fridge.” You shrugged.
 “I have never seen a woman get ready so fast in my life.” You were zipping up your jacket and putting your wallet in your inside breast pocket. “Impressive, really.” You smiled at him and grabbed your coffee from the counter, grabbing your keys from the hook next to the door.
 Joe convinced you to take the subway for once. You just hated confined spaces. Which you expressed to him, but he told you that you had to get over your fear eventually. You sat so close to him your thighs touched. “Are you for real right now?” You turned your head towards him, not realizing how close you guys really were. You glanced at his lips for a split second. Then darted up to his eyes.
 “Yes, I’m claustrophobic, and I’m not just saying that.” He rolled his eyes and he put his hand out on his thigh, motioning for you to grab it. You hesitated and decided to just rest your head on his shoulder instead. Closing your eyes, taking a deep breath. He ended up grabbing your hand anyways. “Ugh Joe! Why are your hands so sweaty!”
 “Because it’s hot in here, I can’t help it!” He let go of your hand, wiped his hand on your jeans, then grabbed your hand again. “Better?” You snorted and gave him a disgusted look.
 “Yes, now that I have all of these Joe germs on my leg. Much better, thank you.” He rolled his eyes at you and reached in his pocket for his phone, he was scrolling through Instagram, you looked over his shoulder being snoopy. “I forgot to tell you, I started to watch Dear Sidewalk the other night with Dean.” You paused.
 “And?” He stopped scrolling and he looked at you from the side since your head was still on his shoulder.
 “Your very cute as a mailman…” Joe shook his head and continued scrolling.
 “Wait till you get to the end…”
 “I will say it’s odd having an actor as a friend, because while I’m watching Gardner going through all of this lovey dovey shit, all I can think about is you snorting orange juice out of your nose the other day at breakfast…”
 “Just when I thought you forgot…”
 “I wish I got it on video, I’d show it to every news outlet, make so much bank!” You chuckled to yourself, Joe turned towards you fully. “I’m joking!” You rolled your eyes and rested your head back on his shoulder, you grabbed your phone out of your jacket pocket and started to scroll through your Instagram as well.
 “So you do have social media…”
 “You’ve probably been spelling my last name wrong, I don’t know how though since it’s on my apartment door…” You grabbed his phone from his hands and looked up your Instagram account everleigh.charliee93, you followed it for him.
  “Do me a favor and stalk me later though.”
 “Who says I’ll stalk your Instagram?”
 “It’s human nature to be curious, I’m a psych major remember?” The train stopped and your breath hitched, squeezing his hand in the process.
 “Relax, this is our stop anyways.” He got up, putting his phone back in his pocket, his hands still attached to yours. You let it go once when you got back onto the streets, you saw the tattoo shop sign a few minutes later and squealed with excitement! Once inside you took your gloves off and waited at the front desk. A girl came out from the back with bright pink hair and gave you guys a cute smile.
 “What can I do for you guys today?”
 “I’m looking to get some letting covered up with some floral creation.” You stripped off your jacket and put it over Joe’s shoulder, then pulled up your sleeve, she took a look and asked what you were thinking for flowers. You told her your idea and she nodded and went to go get another artist.
 “This is Nick, he loves a good floral piece. Nick this is…”
 “Charlie! Nice to meet you.” You gave him a warm smile and he smiled back. Joe noticed how he wasn’t the only one who was effected by your smile. Nick’s face almost dropped when your face lit up.
 “So what kind of flowers are we talking about?”
 “Roses and daisies, just enough to cover this, not too much.” You motioned to the side of your left forearm.
 “I think I’ll keep it black and white for now.”
 “Right let me take a few pictures and then size up the area and then I can get you a price range.” After doing so the damage was 200$
 “Yea that sounds about right! Do you have time for it today?”
 “I have the whole afternoon open, give me about 45 minutes to do a few sketches, then we can get going on it! Have a seat and I’ll come grab you when I’m ready. Rider can grab a copy of your ID and have you sign a few things in the mean-time.” You pulled out your wallet and started the process. You finally sat down on their huge couch in their waiting area, putting your legs over Joe’s lap.
 “What do tattoo’s feel like anyways?” Joe asked as he rested his hands on your legs.
 “The only way I can describe it is like a sunburn jabbing into your skin over and over again. Some places hurt a lot, others don’t. It also depends on a person’s pain tolerance, I have a pretty good tolerance for pain, so it doesn’t bother me too much.” You looked back down on your phone, smiling a little as you txted a potential date. “Is a paint and sip a good idea for a date?”
 “I would enjoy that, I have no artistic ability what so ever, but I’m sure someone would enjoy that. Why?”
 “I think I’m gonna ask this guy from my stats class out to do a paint and sip next weekend after finals are over.” Joe appeared great from the outside but in all actuality he was annoyed.
 “Friday or Saturday night?”
 “Ummmm, Friday night.” Joe was actually annoyed now, he had asked you to go out with him and his friend that night.
 “I thought you were coming out with me and my friend that night?” He tried not to outwardly appear pissed.
 “Well the paint and sip is at 6, I’m not meeting you guys till 9, right?” You looked up at him from your phone still smiling giddily.
 “True, but I wanted to pre-game with you!” He frowned like a child.
 “Well, pretend I’m their in spirit, I’ll be pre gaming with wine, so I’ll be showing up slightly buzzed.” You looked back down at your phone, and giggled when he said yes. “Ha, he said yes!”
 “You make it look so easy!” Joe crossed his arms, turning to face you.
 “That’s because it is…” You rolled your eyes, then felt bad for being bratty. “Look if I can casually ask someone out, anyone can! Who are you interested in right now?” You, he thought. He was shocked that he thought that, but then realized it was probably just because you were new in his life, he was fixated on you. He was blushing though.
 “Nobody? Yea no one.”
 “Nobody? Everybody is interested in someone.”
 “I mean, one person, I think?”
 “You think?” He shrugged.
 “Alright Charlie, let’s get you started!” Nick came out and he motioned for you follow him. Joe was relieved he was saved from the conversation going any further. You sprung up and grabbed Joe by the arm. Rider was right Nick enjoyed a good floral tattoo. He came up with 4 solid layouts in just under an hour. You loved all of them but went with the third choice as it flowed better with the shape of your arm. “So who’s initials are these anyways? I love getting a good story from new clients.” He was shaving the peach fuzz away as you got comfy in his chair.
 “My ex-fiance’. Quinten.”
 “Wow, well he fucked up!”
 “I see you have some other tattoo’s, but I always like to break a tattoo session in half, give the client a break for a smoke or some food. Where did you get your other tattoos from?”
 “I’m from the cape, so mostly black pearl and coastline. I like to keep it local.”
 “I love the cape actually, I’ve been to black pearl, where’s coastline?”
 “Provincetown, all the way at the tip of Mass.” He put the stencil on and gripped it with his hand.
 “I’ll have to check it out! So about the flowers, just your favorite flowers or?”
 “Oh, well my dad passed about 6 years now, and his birth month flower are daisies, and mine are roses, so I figured I’d cover up this assholes initials with something meaningful.” You shrugged. Joe didn’t know this but had a hunch since there weren’t many recent pictures of you with your dad back at your apartment.
 “Well I’m sure he would love it, my dad passed away a while back as well. Fuck cancer.” Nick frowned.
 “I’m so sorry, your right fuck cancer!”
 “How did your dad pass, if you don’t mind me asking?” There was always something about opening up to a tattoo artist, they made it so easy, they were like your therapist.
 “Early on set dementia. Very early…” You frowned but gave him a faint smile.
 “Oh god, I’m so sorry. Fuck Dementia!” You chuckled.
 “Fuck dementia!” You responded and looked over at Joe, who looked like his whole world had crashed and burned. He was thinking about you being sad and it made his heart sink. He just wanted to wrap you in his arms and tell you how sorry he was. But instead he said ‘fuck dementia’.
 “Alright darlin, gonna start off with some outlines, then we’ll break and do some shading! Sound good.” Nick questioned.
 “Yes sir!” After an hour of outlining and he got to one spot where it just felt like shit, your free hand grabbed Joe’s thigh, you bit your lip. “Wow that’s a tender spot.” Joe was brought out of his day dreaming session when your hand collided with his thigh. He was a year into your Instagram, you were right stalking someone else’s social media was just human nature. His free hand grabbed yours and he gave it a squeeze and a reassuring smile as he continued scrolling, he hit the post where you posted about your engagement. He didn’t even realize you had started to talk to him. “Earth to Joe?”
 “I’m sorry what?” He looked up from his phone fast.
 “I said you should get me some McDonald’s when Nick here is done with the outline. Pretty please.” You gave him the cutest smile ever, squinting your eyes together.
 “Well I can’t say no to that face, you’re lucky your cute when you do that.”
 “Oh my god, was that a compliment? Did I hear cute come out of that mouth?”
 “Yes, it was, don’t get used to it. What do you want?”
 “Everything off of the menu! Just kidding, I have to be stoned for that. Maybe just some McChickens and a large fry.” Joe was learning so much about you today.
 “Right, well I’m make sure not to go on a McDick’s run for you when your stoned then.” Nick was finished and wrapped your arm up. You stretched and let out a squeal, then yawned. Another thing to add to the list of cute things you do, he thought. You gave him your card, and he fought with you about how it was just McDonalds. “Well maybe Nick want’s something?”
 “I could go for a happy meal, mostly for the toy, my daughter loves those!”
 “See Nick’s kid wants a cute toy, take the plastic square!” You waved it in front of his face, he was un-amused. “Do it for the kid Joe, unless you hate kids!”
 “Definitely don’t hate kids, kids are great.” He zipped up his jacket, and left. Nick already had a cigarette between his lips and was gearing up to go out to have a smoke. It’s been months since you had one and just looking at it you already knew you were gonna ask to bum one off of him.
 “Nick can I trouble you for one of those bad boys?” he nodded and handed you one.
 “Didn’t think you would be the type, but yea kid here ya go.” You got your jacket on and headed outside with him, you sat on the bench that was right outside of the shops window, and sat down with him, he lit it for you and you guys got to talking about each-others dads and laughing about funny times you’ve had with them. Joe was walking back towards you and he crinkled his nose when he saw you take a drag. Not cute when you smoked, but it was somehow hot when you did. He was annoyed with himself for thinking that you looked hot when you did that and he finally approached you guys. 4 bags in one hand.
 “Alright so we got not one but two happy meals, because kids are great,” he glared at you “four McChikens, 3 large fries and a big mac.” He was staring at your lips as they curved around the cig and then blew out the smoke.
 “Thanks Joe!”
 “Thanks man! I can’t wait to see what toys these things have.” Nick put out his cig and you did to and you guys all chowed down before going back inside again. The shading seemed to go by faster and before you knew it, it was done. You got up to look at it in the mirror, you could cry, it was so pretty. You just nodded your head and hugged Nick. He blushed when you did so, catching him off guard with such a personal gesture. He took a few pictures and Joe took some for you on your phone.
 “Alright 150$.”
 “You said 200 before?”
 “Yes but your cool and sat so nicely for me, also your friend here got me some food. So 150$.”
You pulled out your card and paid and then slid him a 20$. He thanked you and you and Joe said goodbye to him and Rider.
 “So what now? It’s almost 4…”
 “I don’t know about you but I really could for a good nap.” You shoved your hands in your jacket pockets.
 “I’m always ready for a nap.” Joe smiled at you. You convinced him again to walk since you had enough of the subway. “If were gonna walk can we nap at my place, it’s closer and my legs hurt from walking yesterday.” You nodded and 20 minutes later you were in his kitchen cracking open a beer, annoyed that he was still deciding what to watch.
 “Joe! You’ve been searching for something for ages, just pick something, I’m really not picky, I’ll watch anything.” He ignored you and he kept searching. “Family guy?” he nodded. “Finally!” You yelled from the kitchen. He was laying on the couch. And you couldn’t help it, you snuggled up next to him, he didn’t mind at all. “This is fine right? Because I wanted to lay down first but your long ass legs took my spot first…” he rolled his eyes at you.
 “When you fall asleep don’t drool, this is a new sweater.” You rolled your eyes this time. Family guy was playing in the background and you closed your eyes. Between Joe’s laughing and the rising and falling of his chest you passed out quick. When you woke up Joe was wrapped around you, one of his arms draped over your waist, the other wrapped around your shoulder, your head resting on his bicep. He smelled delicious, his sweater heating you up, his bicep soft and comforting on the side of your face. You could stay like this forever, you shut your eyes again and tried to fall back asleep.
 When Joe awoke he realized he completely attached himself to you, but you looked so warm and cozy to him, one of your arms was underneath the pillow his head rested under and the other over his chest clutching at his sweater, he stretched his free arm and watched as you shivered so he grabbed the blanket that was draped over the side of his couch, he gingerly moved a piece of hair away from your face and watched you snuggled back into his arm, he could feel your soft breaths tickle it. He wrapped his arm back around your waist and fell back asleep.
 You awoke to the smell of coffee and something greasy. You had the blanket still wrapped around you and it smelled like Joe, you smiled and got up to stretch. “So did I drool on you?” Joe jumped a little as you entered his kitchen.
 “Nope! Much appreciated.” Joe was in sweatpants and a hoodie, which reminded you of the sweatpants you bought the other day.
 “MY SWEATPANTS!” You ran to the bathroom and put them on, along with washing your tattoo and finding some lotion on the top shelf of his medicine cabinet. You walked out and smiled while hopping up onto his counter. “I feel so much better, sleeping in those jeans was the worst! Also falling asleep in a bra is disgustingly annoying as well.”
 “Is that what was digging into my rib cage all night?”
 “You think it was digging into your rib cage all night! I have marks from the underwire!”
 “Well I’m making pancakes, so hopefully that’ll cheer you up.”
 “I fucking love pancakes! My dad always used to put m&m’s in them for me!” You smiled at him.
 “Sadly I don’t have any, but I’ll make a mental note for next time.” After breakfast you continued to watch some more family guy, before you started to get ready to leave.
 “Alright I guess I should head out, I’m already pre stressing for finals next week, make sure to txt me every once and a while to make sure I’m alive.” He chuckled.
 “I don’t miss college, but I will try to remember to shoot you a ‘are you still breathing’ txt.”
 “You’re the best! Alright wish me luck I’m gonna take the subway.”
 “Wow, all on your own! They grow up so fast!” He wiped away a fake tear.
 “Shut up!” You gave him a quick hug and you were on your way home. Subway wasn’t too bad, although you missed your stop twice, so it took you an extra 30 minutes to get home.
 Charlie: Finally home, I missed my stop twice! But I did it! Also I’ve finally taken off my bra and my boobs feel ten times happier!
Joey: So proud, glad your boobs aren’t angry anymore.
 You chuckled and took a long shower, right when you got out someone was knocking on your door. It was either Dean or your neighbor asking for something. Dean lived on the third floor and always came knocking for something. And your instincts were right, an out of breath Dean in half drag was standing there, hands on his knees.
 “I need to borrow some hair spray and hair gel to lay these edges, help!” You pulled him by the arm and sat him down on your toilet as you helped him style his edges.
 “Where have you been! I’ve been txting you for like 2 days and nothing!” He was using your mascara and a few other of your scarce beauty supplies.
 “Oh I was with Joe! He took me on a tour of the city on Friday and then yesterday we went to get a tattoo, I just got home a few hours actually.” Dean smirked at you. “What!”
 “You like him! You were with him for two days straight? Don’t answer me, or anybody in the group chat. You totally like him!”
 “I do not! He’s just a new friend and he helps me navigate the city, still a newby remember!”
 “Have you slept with him?”
 “What! No! Don’t get any craze ideas either, nothing is going on between us.” He was still giving you that same look. “Stop it! Finish up or you’ll be late!”
 “Charlie if you haven’t noticed, you have an effect on guys. You bat those long eye lashes of yours or give that cute cheesin smile and they are hooked.” You looked at him baffled.
 “I don’t know what youre talking about.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
 “Your fucking gorgeous and you don’t realize it, it’s a tragedy.” He was shaking his head and gave you a kiss on the cheek before he put your makeup bag away and started off for the front door. “Joe is gonna fall in love with you I can already tell…” he pulled you in for a hug. “Don’t forget to txt me tomorrow around 3 so we can take that online practice quiz together!” You nodded as he started to gingerly walk down the stairs in his glittery red go-go boots.
 “Please be careful in those shoes! Have fun tonight!”
 “You know it girl! Dinner is on me tomorrow night!” You chuckled and closed and locked your door again. Doing your nightly routine, and finally passing out around 3am, shortly after Dean sent you a ‘I’m alive and home safe’ txt. When you woke up it was 1pm, and you were scrolling through Instagram. You decided to post the picture of your new tattoo, ‘daisies and roses and permanent ink, oh my!’. You finally got out of bed a half hour later and txted Dean to make sure he would be up in time to take the practice quiz in time with you.
 Charlie: Your bitch ass better be up! T-1 hour till practice quiz.
Queen Dean: My bitch ass is up and doing a facial, counting my cash, I’m thinking Chinese food for dinner?
Charlie: I’ve been eating like shit lately so I mine as well keep the trend going!
Queen Dean: That’s my girl! Order it now by the time it get’s here I’ll be over, make sure to get extra egg rolls!
Charlie: Of course!
 Dean came barreling in 20 minutes later, green face mask on and everything.
 “I brought a sheet mask for you, and some undereye treatment, because those under eye circles are DARK! Don’t worry this will help though chica!” You chuckled at him and shuffled over on your couch.
 “I lit some candles, put your fave musical on and I have tissues just in case we cry, I think were set for this practice quiz.”
 “Your like my mom, stop it! But thank you, you know I have that test anxiety, I wish I could take all of my exams with you, you definitely know how to calm down a hysterical gay man.” He kissed your cheek, and set up his computer on your coffee table, your phone buzzed.
 Joey: good luck on your practice exam!
 You smiled and put your phone down. Dean of course picking up on your classic wide eyed smile. “Are you sure you don’t like him just a little bit?” He cocked his head to the side.
 “Dean I’m sure, he’s just wishing me luck on my practice exam, simple gesture, calm down.” Just then someone started to knock on your door. “FOOD!” Dean laughed at your excitement and got up to pay, all singles. “I see you had a goodnight.”
 “I’m convinced it’s because of the new fishnets you bought me, so thank you, now please shove these crab ragoons into your stomach, I can hear it yelling at me from here.” He placed all the food out on your coffee table and you two counted down the minutes till the exam. It took you an hour and a half out of the 2 it gave you. After demolishing all the food you were exhausted. Dean was already asleep in your bed but you were wired, and also too full to function. You decided to txt Joe.
 Charlie: While Dean is passed out after that hour and half torture, I’m over here in a food coma ready to do 5 more exams, any tips to tire me out?
Joey: Tea? A nice run? Sex?
 You snorted when you read that last one.
 Charlie: I do have tea, I’m in no shape to run, and sex? Well, I have no one to really do that with at the moment, sadly.
Joey: Well what about Dean?
Charlie: Dean is very much gay.
Joey: Did not know that. Well what about tinder? Isn’t that what every young person uses these days?
Charlie: Joe you do realize you are also young, right?
Joey: Well yes, but 33 years old’s on tinder is weird, for you though it’ll be easy.
Charlie: Maybe I should call up Bradley from my stats class, I mean I was gonna wait till the paint and sip to try to get some action, but…
Joey: You’re going to fuck a guy named Brad?
Charlie: BRADLEY! Also sex is sex, who cares what the person’s name is, you’re the one who suggested it!
Joey: I mean you’re right.
Charlie: Alright I’m done talking sex with you, I think I’m just gonna stick with tea for now, Bradley can wait till Friday!
 After a week of practice quizzes and a lot of fast food courtesy of Dean, you had come down with a nasty cold, probably due to stress, just in time for actual finals. You had to not only cancel your date but also going out with Joe and his friend.
 Charlie: I have a cold, I just had to cancel on Bradley:(
Joey: Well there goes your opportunity to get laid! Are you cancelling on me and Chase as well?
Charlie: If I didn’t have finals next week, I would push myself to go out, but I can’t. I’m sorry Joe L
Joey: Hey it’s ok, I think I might just cancel on him and reschedule to when you’re feeling better, I saw him last night anyways.
Charlie: I was looking forward to getting properly fuck up with you and him, but yea it’s gonna have to wait till next year.
Joey: Next year?
Charlie: Yea after finals, I’m out of here and I’ll be home for 2 weeks. Which reminds me, I got you a gift!
Joey: Oh did you?
Charlie: Nothing big, just a little something.
Joey: Well now I have to go get you something epic.
Charlie: You really don’t need to, I just saw it and I was like ‘Joe would like this’ so I got it.
Joey: Yea I’m gonna get you something now.
Charlie: I wanna see you before I leave though, maybe a movie night?
Joey: Sounds good to me, when were you thinking?
Charlie: Well I’m taking all my finals on Tuesday and Wednesday, so Thursday?
Joey: Sounds good, I’ll see you then.
Charlie: Remember to check up on me to see if I’m still alive, because I’m gonna need all the luck I can get!
Joey: Don’t be so dramatic, but I promise I will.
 You laughed, as you made your way to your kitchen to make some tea. After a long couple of days and a lot of cold medicine by Wednesday your cold was almost gone, just in time for your stats exam, the one you were nervous for the most.
 Charlie: I’m about to take my stats of psych exam, if I don’t txt you by at least 7, I’m dead on the floor.
Joey: lol, you’ll do just fine.
 You chugged some water and took a caffeine pill to keep you alert. 3 hours later you were half asleep on your couch and your phone chimed.
 Joey: It’s 7, are you dead?
Charlie: Nope, but I feel it, I’m actually tired and ready to fall asleep at a normal time, this is odd.
Joey: Go to bed then, I’ll see you tomorrow night. My place or yours?
Charlie: Mine, I don’t want to leave this apartment till I have to drive home Friday night.
Joey: Alright, so I’ll see you tomorrow night around 7. Also why did you drive into the city, it’s going to be a nightmare for you to get out of here with all the tourists!
Charlie: Yea 7 is good, also I didn’t feel like shipping all of my stuff from Mass to here, so I stuffed my car with all of my shit, and I’m an aggressive driver so it’ll be fine. I’m gonna drink some tea and pass the fuck out, see you tomorrow night Joey!
Joey: Ugh. Stop with Joey, goodnight Charlie.
 It was 1 in the afternoon when you awoke, you checked your phone and there were 5 txts from Dean.
 Queen Dean: Charlie, I need to borrow those sequined tights you have.
Queen Dean: Is your bitch ass still asleep?
Queen Dean: It’s noon, you never sleep this late, have exams really killed you?
Queen Dean: I miss you!
Queen Dean: Come out with me and the gang tonight!
 You smiled, and finally opened your eyes enough to txt him back.
 Charlie: Me and Joe are doing a movie night, so I can’t, when I get back though I promise I’ll go out with everyone.
Queen Dean: Ughhhhhhhh, I’m coming down for those tights, so put clothes on.
 You groaned and wrapped your robe around you, you unlocked the door for him and made your way to the kitchen to start making some food. Dean came in a few minutes later with a plate of pancakes and bacon. You moaned when he sat them down in front of you.
 “Ed just woke up too, so he made a plate for you. Where’s those tights!” You shoved some food in your mouth and got up to go to your dresser pulling them out for him.
 “Please don’t rip them, I haven’t worn them yet!” Dean was about the same build as you, just much taller. So he borrowed a lot of your basic essential wardrobe.
 “I promise! Enjoy that food, I gotta do a dry run of my outfit for tonight. Speaking of tonight, you and Joe?” He wiggled his eye brows.
 “Me and Joe hang out all the time just us two. Although last time I did fall asleep on him…” You thought back to his arms wrapped around you and you started to blush.
 “Oh my god! You did not tell me about this, how was that? He does have some nice arms.”
 “Well I told you about how he took me to that tattoo shop, after that we went back to his and watched some family guy and I fell asleep on top of him and when I woke up I was gonna skip out but his arms were around me so I stayed. And your right his arms are quite nice…”
 “Oh my god you do like him!”
 “Nope, but he’s nice looking I’m not gonna deny that.”
 “Would you sleep with him?”
 “Jesus Dean!”
 “I bet you he’s lar…”
 “I really don’t want to think about Joe’s dick! He’s my friend, just like you’re my friend, nothing more!”
 “Well that’s too bad you would look cute next to him, sure he’s a little bit older but you two would be cute together!”
 “I’m not really looking to be in a relationship with anybody for a while, last one really fucked me up.”
 “Well don’t date him then, just fuck and be friends.” Dean shrugged.
 “Not really into casual sex these days.”
 “Ugh! Your lame sometimes, I’m gonna leave you to eat your food, have fun with Joe, tell him I said hi!” He left with your tights and you devoured the pancakes. You ended up falling asleep again, and woke up around 6:30. You checked your phone, and you had a txt from Joe.
 Joey: Heading over now, I picked up some snacks.
 Shit! You hopped in the shower and just as you were getting out you heard a knock on your door. You quickly wrapped a towel around your head and secured your robe around your body. You opened the door and Joe looked so cozy in his sweatpants and Yankees hoodie.
 “Sorry I fell asleep again, but I’m up!” You moved aside so he could come in. Joe tried his hardest not to eye you up and down, since your robe was way too short. “Make yourself at home, I’m gonna put some clothes on.” You closed the door behind him and made your way back to your bathroom. You got on your usual attire and tied up your hair in a bun.
 “I got skittles, pop-corn, chocolate covered almonds, and m&m’s!” Joe yelled from your living room. You smiled as you rubbed your moisturizer into your face. You came out and plopped onto your couch next to him.
 “You know I’ve gained a whole 7 pounds since I started to hang out with you.” You said as you grabbed the bag of m&m’s.
 “Hey I just like good food, you’re the one who always eats whatever I get.” He stuck his hand in the bag and devoured whole hand full of m&m’s.
 “So I’m thinking Wizard of Oz, it’s my favorite, but I will cry when Dorothy says goodbye to everyone in Oz, so fair warning on that.” You grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and through it over you and Joe.
 “I mean that is a very sad part, I’ll probably cry as well.” You turned the t.v on and started the movie up, you couldn’t help but sing along with Judy Garland as she sang somewhere over the rainbow. Jo stared at you in disbelief, he didn’t know you could sing. Another thing to add to the list of cute things he thought. “Oh wow.” He was looking at you.
 “What, I can’t not sing along.” You shrugged.
 “Yea but you can sing, like good! Is there anything you can’t do?”
 “Run, I cannot run to save my life.” You laughed.
 “Ha! I can run, so I have one thing over you, that and my height!” He had a smug look on his face.
 “Well congrats on being a giraffe.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag of kettle corn, and through some pieces of it at his head. “Don’t you dare throw any at my hair, it’ll get lost!”
 “So you can throw food at me but I can’t throw food at you? That seems very unfair.”
 “Life’s unfair!” You shoved some of it in your mouth and then snuggled up next to him. He welcomed you with open arms. As the movie went on and it got to when Dorothy was saying goodbye to everyone in Oz, you tried your hardest not to cry, but the tears poured out. You looked up at Joe to see if he was crying as well, he wasn’t but he did look super sad, he caught you staring and you smiled at him as tears ran down your face.
 “Jesus Charlie you weren’t kidding.” His free hand reached for the side of your face and wiped them away, his hand lingered just a little bit too long and you began to blush at the contact, it was sweet and you almost melted into his touch. When his hand moved away you turned to look at the tv again. “Any other movies that make you cry?”
“Marley and Me, Pride and Prejudice, Titanic, The Persuit of Happyness, My Girl, Awkenings, The Green Mile, ummmmm oh and Finding Neverland!” You looked up at him, eyes still glossy.
 “Right well, let’s not ever watch any of those! Although those are all great movies, don’t feel like seeing you cry anymore.” You got up from leaning into his side and reached for the remote.
 “Here, you pick something.” You handed him the remote then assumed your position next to him.
 “Your like a cat, you know that?” He motioned to the way you were curled up next to him.
 “You should see me when I go home to my dog, he get’s annoyed so fast when I make him sleep in my bed and I’m all up in his personal bubble.”
 “What kind of dog?”
 “Jacks a Chocolate lab, he’s 4, and he is the absolute love of my life, I’m so excited to go home to see him.” Joe looked down at you and you had that wide smile on your face, the one you make when you talk about something that makes your extremely happy.
 “Who takes care of him when your gone?”
 “My Aunt Sherry, she lives a town over, which means when I pick him up he’s going to be even more excited to see me because I’m taking him on a car ride, and those are his favorite!” Joe was in awe of how happy you were right now, and his heart was racing just imagining how cute you would look sleeping in bed with your dog next to you. “If I remember I’ll facetime you when I get home Friday night so you can see how fucking crazy he get’s when he’s in my car.” Joe nodded at you and finally decided on Dunkirk. “Oh this is the one with Harry Styles in it! He’s so pretty, I’m pumped now.”
 “Harry Styles?”
 “Yea he was in one direction? You know that song what makes you beautiful?” He looked down at you with his eye brows furrowed. “Ugh I keep forgetting your older than me, hold please.” You reached for your phone and looked up all the members for him. “This ringing a bell?”
 “They’re all English right?”
 “Yup! And Harry was always my favorite, so I am pumped! Even though it’s a sad movie I’m ready to see this man’s perfect face.” A few minutes in and their he was. “Ahhhhhh look at him, that’s my man!”
 “So your into older English men?”
“Well fist of all, I’m the same age as him and second of all I don’t have a type. But you’re going to look at me in the eyes and tell me he’s not an attractive person?” He looked at the screen again and paused it.
 “I mean he’s not ugly.” He shrugged.
 “You should here him sing, he’s a fucking angel!” Joe pushed play and the movie continued. You ended up falling asleep an hour in, per usual. Joe nudged you and you buried your face further into his side.
 “Well hello, you were so excited to see Harry that you fell asleep and missed the ending.”
 “He didn’t die did he?” You yawned and slowly sat up straight.
 “No, you missed so many good parts though, promise me you’ll re-watch it when you get home.”
 “Promise.” You yawned again and stretched your arms up, Joe got up and headed for your door, he started to tie his shoes, you gathered all the leftover snacks for him.
 “No keep them, eat them on your way home tomorrow, think of it as a filler Christmas gift, because I’m still figuring out what to get you.” You wrapped your arms around him going on your tippy toes, he wrapped his arms loosely around your waist and buried his face into your neck. You pulled away slightly, your arms loosening their grip, however his arms were pulling you closer. You could hear your heart pounding through your ears, he glanced at your lips and you found yourself moving closer to his. His breath fanned onto your lips and you closed your eyes, you’d suddenly forgotten how to breathe.
 “Charlie!” your eyes snapped open and both you and Joe jumped away from each other. You leaned your head out of your doorway to see a drunk Dean staggering towards you. “Shit was I interrupting something?”
 “No!” You and Joe stated at the same time. “Um no, were just saying goodbye.” You smiled shyly at Joe. Dean was clearly drunk.
 “Hey Dean! Fun night?” Joe was blushing and thank god Dean was too drunk to pick up on anything.
 “Yea! You guys should have been their!” Dean smiled at Joe and you.
 “Well next time I’ll gladly go out with you guys. Promise…I’m gonna head out, you guys enjoy your winter break! Bye Charlie.” He gave you both a small wave and you watched him head down the stairs. You let out a sigh, and turned your attention to Dean, you helped him to his apartment and then went to bed thinking about Joe.
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Tangled Webs (Part 2)
Fandom: The Flash
Rating: G
Summary: When Ralph confronts the youngest Team Flash member about the powers she’s been hiding, Parker has to confess she’s been moonlighting despite the ever-present danger of DeVoe. (Ralph’s POV)
A/N: Here’s part 2 of Tangled Webs. A lot of parts, especially towards the end, are the same, but it’s the same discussion, just from Ralph’s POV. I do have other ideas for this, including a training scene. Because it’s going to be hard to train an energetic spider-kid in the basement of Star Labs.
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              “-still have a couple of hours of clean up to do and you have that history test tomorrow.” Ralph looked up as he and Cisco walked into the Cortex from training. Parker was shoving her homework in her backpack as Barry offered to run her home. Her eyes shifted to the clock on the screen briefly then shook her head.
           “Nah, I’ve got band practice. Jo said they would meet me at Jitters. Thanks anyway.” The team seemed to agree with the statement, but Ralph looked at her with suspicion. Parker told him she’d quit the band because the pressure to keep up her grades was too much. He only remembered because he offered to help her with her history. She’d taken him up on it and came to him whenever she needed it.
           Why was she lying about a school activity she’d dropped?
           “At least let me run you there,” Barry insisted, pulling Ralph from his thoughts. Parker agreed on that and waved as she left on Barry’s footsteps.
           Leaning against the wall, he let the others provide a backdrop as they bounced around ideas to stop DeVoe as he thought over Parker. Ever since he’d gotten to know the kid, he’d known she was a good kid. Good student, funny sense of humor, compassionate, and still somehow managed to have an innocence with how dark the world could be.
          But the past couple of months, Parker had become…shifty. At first, he figured it was because she was a teenager. Teenagers were shifty and did stupid shit. Several of his P.I. cases had been going after missing teens, only to find them two counties over, getting in over their head. Skipping school, drinking, and keeping secrets was what a lot of teenagers did. He was willing to let Parker be a little shifty and let Joe know if he thought she was getting in over her head.
          When Parker’s shiftiness took on a pattern, he took notice.
           First, it was remembering Black Bison when he’d been hypnotized. He’d also remembered a teenage girl failing to sneak on board the bus. At the time, she seemed frantic enough that he took pity and came up with a bullshit story of her being his niece and taking her to school. He added her fee to his IOU and made her take the seat next to the window.
           Then Parker started leaving the Cortex at four-thirty nearly every afternoon. She cited band practice, study group, library trip, other “good kid” excuses that everyone – including him - fell for. It didn’t take long for her to start looking exhausted and overwhelmed. She struggled with her grades. He once spotted a bruise covering an eighth of her back and ribs, but she waved it off as running into the door. One morning she came in, rolling her shoulders as though she was sore from running track.
           She wasn’t in track.
           “She quit the band,” he mumbled around his thumbnail, not realizing he was thinking out loud.
           “What was that, Ralph?” Ralph’s head snapped up so fast, he felt his neck stretch oddly. Grimacing, he set his neck back to a normal position and found the team staring at him expectantly.
           “What was what?” he asked.
           “What did you say?” Barry repeated, having run back from dropping off Parker a while ago. Ralph glanced at the clock on the screen: 3:30 pm. Parker had been gone for thirty minutes.
           “Sorry, zoned out thinking about a case,” he said truthfully.
           Just then, an alarm sounded in the Cortex. “Robbery in progress at 31st and Collins,” Iris reported. Before even Barry could do anything, the alarms stopped and Iris was staring at the screen, confused.
           “What is it?” Barry asked, leaning over her shoulder. Ralph moved to look over Cisco’s as he pulled up the camera in front of a pawn shop. Everyone watched as a black and white hooded figure swung into the scene and webbed the two would-be robbers. The meta was small and agile, easily lifting the robbers and carrying them off the CCPD.
           “Local spider-meta got there first,” Cisco said, impressed.
           “Still can’t get a beat on them?” Barry asked. Cisco shook his head.
           “Nothing. I scoured the records of all the metas that popped up on my alerts since the accelerator explosion. None of them have Spider-Man capabilities.”
           “Maybe they came in from a different city?” Caitlin asked, but Cisco was already shaking his head again.
           “Nope. I extended my search to meta DNA as far as New York and Arizona. Nothing.” He gestured to the screen. “This kid just came out of nowhere and started doing small-time hero stuff.”
           Ralph blinked and straightened. “You mean this meta hasn’t been around before?” he asked. The others turned toward him, looking mildly shocked that he asked.
           “No,” Caitlin said softly. “They only showed up a month or so after the bus accident.” She looked at Cisco. “Maybe another bus meta?” Cisco shook his head.
           “Only nine people were on that bus. Unless…”
           “Unless there was a tenth person we missed on that bus,” Harry finished. “We need to go over the bus footage and records again.”
           Ralph stared at the blurry screenshot of a familiar white and black suit, accent with a gray hooded jacket. His mind whirled as he arranged and pieced together his thoughts. The teenager on that bus…Parker being shifty…leaving the Cortex at a certain time…the spider-meta showing up in cameras thirty minutes later…Parker coming in with bruises and exhausted the next day…Parker lying about band practice…
           As everything clicked into place, ice-cold panic flooded Ralph’s veins. Straightening up too quickly, he tripped over his feet and stretched to catch himself on the floor. Cisco reached to help him, but he brushed it off and stretched his arm to grab his jacket.
           “Ralph, what’s wrong? You okay?” Barry asked.
           “Yeah, yeah,” Ralph waved off as he backed towards the door. “Just might’ve figured out something with my case and I need to hit up a couple of contacts. I’ll check in later. Bye!”  
           Forgoing the elevator, he found the stairs and stretched himself up to the level needed for the parking lot. Once he made it to his car, he pulled out his phone to check the time. It was 3:40 pm. He needed to track down Parker, but first, he needed to make sure he was right.
           Or in this case, hope he was wrong.
           Ralph stared up in awe at the partially constructed skyscraper. Pulling off his mask and shielding his eyes from the setting sun, he could see what looked like a hammock of some sort constructed between two steel support beams, swinging gently in the breeze.
           It turned out he was right after all. While it took him an hour to track down some shady contacts who came across the spider-meta, it took a far shorter time to figure out where Parker had gone. All he had to do after was follow the trail of webbing she made. Okay, so it wasn’t that easy, he amended to himself as he began to stretch himself onto the skyscraper. He did run into a lot of old webbing in alleyways and over buildings. It was still terrifying how easily he could track her down.
           It would take DeVoe only minutes.
           Shaking that thought from his head, he instead focused on the teenager he was confronting. Barry would go for a lecture, Harry would start yelling, and Joe would be disappointed. Parker would shut down at every single turn and continue moonlighting. He would have to handle this his way.
           At least she had good taste in scenic landscapes for heart-to-hearts.
           “Gotta say, you found yourself a pretty great view, kiddo.” Parker’s shadow moved as she tried to find the source of his voice. Both knew it was him; he was the only person Parker allowed to call her “kiddo”. Forcing himself to not look down, he stretched himself up onto the support platform next to her hammock. “Take it you’re not afraid of heights?”
           “Never,” Parker admitted softly. “How much trouble am I in?”
           "Depends." He gestured towards the web hammock and she nodded. He stretched himself slowly onto the hammock, making sure it would hold both their weights. Parker didn’t seem worried, but he’d flipped too many hammocks to be cautious. "Does the team know you were on that bus?" he asked, settling himself on the other side. She picked at a stray thread on her jacket.
          "No," she whispered. Ralph watched as guilt and shame filled her. He didn’t have to be a psychic to know she knew with DeVoe looking for the bus metas, she should’ve told the team. She risked a glance at him, then looked away, unable to keep eye contact for long.
         "What were you doing on that bus that morning?" he asked gently.
          "That was the morning everyone was trying to get Barry out of the Speedforce." She glanced at Ralph again, who nodded for her to continue. "I wanted to be there, but Joe made me go to school, nonetheless. Said it was better if I just went to keep my mind off what was going on. But I couldn't stop thinking of being able to see Barry again, so after homeroom, I kinda..."
          "Ditched?" Ralph supplied. Parker nodded. "And hoofed it to the nearest bus stop and tried to sneak on?"
          "I forgot my money pouch at home." She caught his eye for a moment and smiled crookedly. Ralph smirked as she recalled the memory.  "I still owe you three dollars, huh?"
         "Buy me a coffee and we're even," he joked. "And the powers?"
         "There was a spider crawling on your bag when you were dozing. I meant to get it off, but the bus jerked and the spider bit me just as dark matter flooded in."
          "Whaaaat?" Ralph gasped. "You mean you actually got bit by a radioactive spider?" Parker giggled and nodded. "Oooh, I'm so jealous! Wait, what happened to the spider?" Parker cringed.
          "Accidentally squished it." Ralph's lips curled up, disgusted for a moment. "How did you find me?"
           "When Barry and Iris had me hypnotized, I remembered you a little more clearly," he explained. "At first, I thought you were being a teenager about school and quitting the band, but your routine became a little too predictable" he pulled out his phone and pulled up a YouTube clip of the mystery spider meta swinging past and waving. Parker noted it was taken a couple of months ago, shortly after her powers manifested. "Coupled with the routine of that mysterious spider meta swinging around, it didn’t take long to put it together." Parker handed him back his phone.
          "That doesn't explain how you found me." Ralph gestured at the webbing to the building.
         "You leave a trail, kiddo." She blushed and picked at her backpack again. He nudged her to get her to look up. His expression was worried, bordering on panic. "An extremely easy one too. If I could follow you halfway across Central City, what makes you think Devoe couldn't either? The man had a flying chair and is now taking over metas. It would be terrifyingly easy for him and we wouldn't know until it was too late."
           Parker fell silent, tears threatening to fall as she sat up to look at the bay. Ralph gave her some space to think and get her words together. When she wiped her nose on her sleeve, he sat up and waited for her to talk.
           "I'm sorry," she whispered. “Even though I knew lying about being on the bus would have disappointed everyone, I thought that if I could prove how good of a superhero I am, they wouldn't yell at me." She scrubbed at the tears that kept falling. "By the time we knew Devoe's intentions, I was in too deep. I just wanted to ignore the danger and keep doing what I was doing."
         With a heavy sigh, Ralph reached up and wrapped an arm around the teen's shoulders in a hug. "I get it. I know what it's like to feel you live in someone’s shadow and want to prove yourself." He rested his chin on top of her head and sighed. "And the thing is, you have. I've seen the footage. You help people and relate to them. They love you, way more than Elongated Man." Parker looked up, surprised to hear the bitterness in his voice.
        "People think you're cool too, Ralph," she insisted. "I think it's cool how you can stretch and stuff." Ralph grinned, looking both surprised and pleased at the compliment. She sighed, staring at the sunset. "They’re going to be pretty pissed, huh?"
        "Oh, no doubt.” At the dejected slump of her shoulders, he hugged her again. "But I withheld crucial bus meta information too. I'll take on some of that anger for you." She looked up, surprised.
         "Really. I can take it. Besides, we're a team now, right? I'll stand beside you." Parker grinned and hugged Ralph tightly around the middle. He laughed softly. Noting the sun was pretty much set, he pulled back. "Come on, break down this webbing and we'll pick up some Big Belly Burger to sweeten their tempers."
        "Are we going to drive there?" she asked, packing up her stuff. Ralph scoffed and put his mask back on.
        "When we have a faster mode of travel? There's a Big Belly on the corner of 31st and Park. Race ya there?"
         She grinned wider and pulled her mask down and hood up. "Best swinger pays for dinner?" she asked, spider-crawling up the metal framework. Ralph grimaced, pulling his own mask back over his eyes. Parker didn’t quite understand the double innuendo as she found the right jump-off point. Once tempers cooled, he and Cisco would have to work on some more appropriate Web-Slinger terminology.
           "Yeah, I could go with that. Ready...set..."
             "You're not just my teammate. You're my big brother too."
           Ralph blinked, feeling like the air had been punched from his chest. His lungs felt like they were squeezed as a long-forgotten emotion bubbled up inside him. It had been a long time since he felt like he belonged somewhere. Clearing his throat, he nodded, not trusting his voice for a moment. “You might soon regret giving me that title, kiddo,” he finally said.
           He chuckled when she lifted her mask enough to stick her tongue out at him. “You gotta catch me first. Ready…set…GO!”
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wellntruly · 6 years
Hey sorry if it's already been asked, but I wonder about your recap technique! How many times do you watch a single episode? Do you really watch only once, and then just like, fast-forward to the bits that stood out to you? Do you take notes while watching, and if so, is it on paper, phone, voice recording? Also where do you take the pics from, some website or you watch on a computer and screenshot it? It's a lot of work!
Oh my god, oh I will gladly explain MY PROCESS. Come behind the scenes of Wellntruly Dot Com and learn how I spend all my time during a recap season!!!
I already know this is gonna get lengthy, but I always find hearing how other people write FASCINATING, and as you will see, you caught me on an open day—I got the time.
Alright, so there are basically three flavors of TV writing that I do. One are what I normally call “watch notes”, e.g. the semi-elaborate (semi-coherent…) live blogging for Deep Space Nine or The Good Place. Another are like, a paragraph or two of summary narrative/review, which I think I only did for some Star Trek TOS episodes, but extremely enjoyed and fully believe to be probably the best writing I’ve done.
And the third are full blown recaps, the most extensive AND time intensive by a mile. How does that process go? Well, you asked!! We’ll talk Legion because that’s what’s going on right now.
A new episode of Legion airs on FX. I have never had a cable subscription in my life, but I DO have my parents’ satellite TV login, so as long as I’m willing to wait until the next day, and I am, I can watch this on FX’s site once they release it online Wednesday.
I watch the new episode of Legion! First half of this season this was on my own, now it’s usually with my bff Jen on the phone so we can pretend we still live together and watch our fave shows communally. This is supposed to be a real proper watch, with hardly any pausing, so that I can experience the show’s timing as the creators intended. Usually what this actually means is that I only pause a handful of times to type some sentence fragment in one of my trusty TextEdit docs. With Jen, we pause maybe ONCE because a tangent Must Be Followed, but the only material I’ll be coming out with will be from whenever I remember to scribble down parts of our commentary with good ol’ pen and paper, and my THOUGHTS.
Then I let it rest. I sleep. Because the marathon is about to begin.
Probably at some point on a break at work I will write a paragraph or two of recap material, because there’s an Idea I want to talk about (see above re: THOUGHTS). Maybe this will go in the intro. Probably it will end up substantially revised.
After work, it’s REWATCHIN’ TIME. I watch the episode again (u are welcome for all the ad views I’m giving FX and keeping this show on the air), only this time, with pauses galore (the next Bond Girl). The system I’ve gradually developed over years of doing this is to try to watch a whole scene through—although a single scene of Legion, which has rather long ones compared to Stranger Things, for instance, will surely get a few pauses mixed in there—and just sorta note down what happened in that same Text Edit doc from earlier. Sometimes it’s just brief dry summaries I can turn it into narrative later, sometimes it’s sorta like notes to Myself The Writer, sometimes it’s transcribed dialogue, and sometimes entire runs of sentences might come to me that will end up the final recap untouched.
On this round I also take screenshots of images I think I’m gonna want, although I’ll certainly end up coming back to take more later once the recap starts taking shape. This is why my shots are always of fairly blurry quality: I’m just taking them off FX’s video player. I so wish they were clear and high res and beautiful….but this is what I have.
Anyway, all told this process takes a good few hours, so that’s gonna be it for the night.
Using my notes, I start writing the actual recap. This takes all evening.
And most of this day too.
Ideally I’ve finished writing the first draft around lunchtime, and then can take a word break to take care of the screencaps. I find all the “[pic]”s I’ve written in my recap, determine if I have that shot yet, dump the ones I don’t need (…into the “Pretty rejects” folder on my desktop because I don’t have the heart to completely delete them), reload the episode on FX’s website for the THIRD time, and just skip around to where I need shots. The state of things at this point is something like this. Then I clean them up in my barebones copy of Photoshop ~Elements~, picking the best of the nearly identical ones (where do Aubrey Plaza’s eyes look the most uncanny, A, or B? A? B). I number the finalists, pray it’s between 20 and 30, and sweep them off into a folder. This is probably 2-3 podcasts’ worth of time.
Time for Edit Pass 1, where some real good changes happen! Whole new passages are sometimes taken out, and new ones added. I take a word count, pray it’s between 3500 and 5000, and sweep it off into a Tumblr draft. I add pictures and links and correct any wonky formatting from the copying.
Mini break, clear the head. Then: Edit Pass 2, Now With The Images There, in which I am always VERY grateful I took this pass because there will be numerous things that I’ve finally figured out how to say!
And then I post it. It’s evening now. I eat dinner. This was a good week; I’m gonna have Sunday free.
Anyway, my Patreon….thank u
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nana-of-light · 6 years
It begins (finally!)
You guys asked, so here we are. Updates on Nana of Light can be found here.
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Sorry I don’t really have any screenshots! We didn’t get much done, but it was a big day for her at least. The above is her character though. She did a good job! :]
It took a few days, but we got the game running and she has entered Eorzea. Since she couldn’t join the server my boyfriend and i play normally, we decided to make new characters to play with her. We wanted to pick classes that would start wherever she did, so we waited for her to create a character before doing our own. Sometime during the wait for the download, I asked her what race she was going to be. She mentioned that she had tried making one on the “test”, which is what she calls the benchmark (btw, she told me her “machine was smoking”, in the good way, when i asked how well it ran). From what she could recall, her character was “an elf with a tail”. 
Me: “an elf with a tail..? did she have horns?”
N: “no, i remember doing her hair and there were no horns”
Me: “.. i see!”
N: “yeah, she looked like Rikku. you remember her?”
Me: “Yeah, I do. From 10″
N: “that’s probably the last one i’ve played”
My phone then vibrates and i look over to find a text message from her with a blurry photo of her tailed elf. It was a red haired female seeker miqote.
So we go through the character creation, which she is very careful with all her choices, making sure she was doing everything correctly. I suggest some of the easier classes to play like an archer or arcanist (thinking of summoners because i figured she’d love the carbuncles since she loves rabbits). Fortunately, she says she picked archer. Great! So, we make our characters and wait around in Gridania for her, but then i get another text message from her with a picture of the starting cutscene with the chocobo carriage. “omg!” it says, being zoomed in on the birds. She must recognize them. I never told her we had them in the game. We have a chuckle about that then another text comes in. “ul’dah”
Me: “...uldah?”
BF: “wait, did she not pick archer?”
Me: “..oh no. is she a tank?”
I ask her what class she picked, but don’t get a reply. She’s probably watching her cutscenes still, so i search up the name she gave me and find she’s a thm. We quickly remake our characters and restart in uldah and wait for her. When we don’t see her for awhile, I search her name again and see she’s on the map with us, but not in the Quicksand, so i dart up and down the streets trying to find her. 
N: “ok i don’t know what cursor to use. how do i move?” (text)
I explain the keyboard controls to her, and by this point, start to notice she doesn’t seem to like being on the phone and prefers to text me. I called her for a bit to check on her, but she seemed eager to get better at moving her character, on a mission to learn all the things, and quickly hangs up. So, I wait about a half hour and we still don’t see her.
Me: “do you need help?” (text)
N: “im getting used to moving her around but i had to go up and get Papa settled in. so im registered in the town and i’m looking for what to do next” 
I explain what the gold icons above npc’s heads are and how they are marked on the map, as well as how to open it. More time passes, and i don’t want to bug her, so I watch something while waiting. Not long after, she shows up! \o/
Me: “oh, she’s here! ..... and there .. she goes?”
She darts off, running into a wall and makes her way out of the quicksand. We end up just following her. Every now and then, she stops and suddenly goes off in another direction, probably looking around the city. Eventually, she heads in the direction the starting quest wants you to go, to the uldah aetheryte. When she gets close, she stops at the npc’s. then keeps going down the street, passing the grand company, then goes back again to the npc’s. We watch her for a bit go back and forth.
N: “where’s emerald ave?”
BF: “this is emerald ave. it wants you to touch the big crystal. follow me”
Some time passes as she’s walking around the npc’s.
Me: “I marked him for you. come this way” *BF now has a big + on his head*
It takes us awhile, but we manage to get her to follow us halfway down the ramp to our destination ... until a male miqote approaches her and emotes giving her a cookie before running off. She suddenly runs off in the direction he went. 
*insert me shouting at the ceiling*
We follow after her and try to tell her it was back the other way, and she says “ok”, and continues to explore, talk to npc’s, touch all the little crystals, and look around at things, while we continue to follow her, letting her do her thing. 
After watching her do maybe 5 laps around Uldah, I get another text.
N: “how do i save the game?”
Me: “there is no saving in this game. you won’t lose your progress”
N: “oh okay, that’s good because i’m getting tired. you guys go on and play your other game you play. i wrote down what i’m supposed to do” (by other game, she means our main server)
Me: “okay, you can log off anytime when you need to. Esc will bring you to where “log out” and “ext game” are”
*5 min later*
N: “where is esc?”
Me: “should be at the top left of your keyboard”
N: “lol”
N: “good night. thank you. TTYL”
Me: “good night! let us know when you decide to play again!”
We watch her do a few more laps around Uldah before she logs off. 
Nana is now level 2.
i’m going to see about switching her over to gamepad to make it easier on her.
After seeing how she needs to get used to everything, I’ve decided to not disclose the server or character name for now to let her not get too overwhelmed so early. While many people have offered to help or make characters to play with us, I think it’d be best to let her do her own thing for the time being. She really likes the game so far, as confusing as it is, and I feel it wouldn’t be fair for me to give out that information. I really want her to enjoy herself. I hope you guys understand, and i apologize to those who expressed interest in doing things with us. I feel bad.... ;__; We’ll see how things progress though as she gets more comfortable! She still has a ways to go.
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astrofireworks · 6 years
okay so the ex that will Not Leave me Alone texted me yet again and my sister got pissed and edited this photo of youngbin into this and said “make it your display picture right now so he thinks you’re dating someone and stops texting you” and i just: a binu version 
so bin broke up with his ex about a year ago 
and it’s been a year, you’d think his ex would Get Over It Already but 
text received from [binandme] 2:27am: “hey wanna meet up? it's been a while haha“
apparently not
bin sending a screenshot to rocky bc heck how is his ex’s username still ‘binandme’ that’s just lowkey embarrassing
rocko: “oh god when !! will he stop !!!!”
rocko: “listen buddy you gotta do something”
bin: ??????
rocko: “pretend ?? you have another boyfriend already”
bin: “okay listen that’s cute and all but i don’t have another boyf-”
cue rocky scowling because jesus bin, all you have to do is pretend 
rocky going on instagram and bumming around on their university location tag until he finds a picture of someone cute 
rocky checking out his profile and deciding that hey, not a bad choice 
all he needs to do is maybe edit out a couple things but this guy looks hella Boyfriend
and their university’s big enough that they’ll literally never run into each other so this eunwoo guy will never know !!!!! 
rocky’s brain, pleased: good concept, rocky! 
and so Real Friend Rocky gets to work 
after i told her about it my roommate had a dream she pushed my ex off a building i cried laughing
image received from [reliablerock] 2:53am
bin: “what”
bin: “w ho”
bin: “who is that”
rocko: “your new boyfriend”
and so bin sets it as his display picture because hey, why not? if it works, it works and he’ll never have to get another message from his ex again
also this guy is really cute, what with his sparkling eyes and the way he looks like he’s holding bin’s hand so he doesn’t really mind
im not saying that picture still makes me cry but 
and then bin forgets all about it and goes about his life 
until one day he’s at dance practice 
one of the guys asking for his username on kkt so they can set up a good extra practice time that works for the both of them 
bin tossing his phone over so that jinjin can add him on kkt
jinjin texting bin later that night 
jinjin squinting at bin’s display picture on his own phone and huh, that guy looks really familiar
hey that’s,,,,,, that’s his roommate,
jinjin, looking over his shoulder at where eunwoo’s typing away at his homework: “hey, how do you know moonbin?”
eunwoo: “bin???? who??”
jinjin: “you’re set as his display picture on kkt, don’t you know him??”
evidently not
text received from [chxeunwoo] 8.48pm: “hey, is there a reason why my face is your display picture”
wait this is too long i’m shuffling it under a read more
cue bin falling out of his chair
because !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow he was Unprepared for this shit 
bin: o shit, 
bin: “my ex keeps contacting me so my best friend thought it’d be a good idea to edit a photo of someone he found off the internet so i could set it as my display picture to pretend he’s my boyfriend?”
bin: “but also i’ll take it down rn if you don’t like it i don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything”
eunwoo frowning and considering it carefully
also eunwoo going on jinjin’s facebook profile to go stalk around and see if he can find a photo of bin 
ooooooh bOy did he find a photo of bin 
jinjin squinting suspiciously at where his roommate is suddenly blushing and choking 
but listen eunwoo is a man who knows his opportunities and he is a man who knows how to grab them
eunwoo: “so would u like 2 meet up and take Actual Boyfriend Pictures”
eunwoo: “just for pretence of course”
not at all because he thinks bin is cute (!!!) or anything 
not at all 
eunwoo: “i mean, if you keep one picture of your ‘boyfriend’ all the time without updating it and it doesn’t even have your face in it how believable is it going to be?”
bin: dammit bit c h you right !!
eunwoo: :~)))))))
and so bin and eunwoo set up a date meeting to take ‘couple’ photos 
and bc it’s near christmas and everything so they meet up at this holiday market thing in a nearby park
and it’s real cute !! with all the string lights everywhere and lil shops selling trinkets and stuff 
bin standing by where they agreed to meet and just looking around 
until he turns around and comes face to face with ???????? an angel
at first he wants to laugh bc wow christmas market taking this a lil too far, hiring extra angels just to make it more festive??
but he knows that face too well he’s been staring at it as his display picture for the past couple weeks
eunwoo choking because wow if he thought jinjin’s dance buddy was cute before
it’s nothign compared to this !!!!!!!!!!
with the soft light from the christmas lights overhead and his eyes sparkling  
and he’s sayign something and eunwoo’s not catching any of it bc he’s too busy staring o shit what how shi !
eunwoo: “sorry could u repeat that again i was uh,,,,,”
bin already slightly embarrassed bc it wasn’t important it was just him blurting out an “o my god u look great”
but he really does, bin thinks
he’s in a soft white turtleneck and bin thinks that whoever invented turtlenecks and said it was okay to put it on this man was Hella Right Wrong 
but also 
bin’s brain: error 404 not found what is this guy’s voice let bin know please !!!!!!! what kind of beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/10 wouldn’t mind real dating
and it’s only when someone coughs and brushes past eunwoo that they both realise that they’re blocking a pathway 
bin flushing and grabbing eunwoo’s hand and tugging him aside 
eunwoo: !!!!
the both of them exploring the market together bc hey, if you wanna take cute pics u gotta have props right
cue them getting churros to share
bin getting disproportionally excited bc !!!!!!!!! LOOK
THE B O M B !!!!!!!!
eunwoo laughing bc he’s never seen someone so excited over food before what a heckin cutie 
binnie’s eyes are bright and his lips are curved into a smile and !!!!!! he just looks so happy and soft and beautiful lookin at his churros
@ fantagio bring back eatbin pls & thanks 
eunwoo can’t help it, he takes his phone out and snaps a picture bc this boy just looks so content with his food 
and it’s a p good picture, if eunwoo says so himself, with bin looking down at his churros and the shops blurry in the background and bin’s face softly illuminated by the lights overhead
bin looking up and blinking bc ??? they’re meant to be taking photos of eunwoo or at the very least eunwoo and him together 
but also bin looking down at his churros bc hey they’re taking up a bit more of his brain processing unit rn, sue him
cue binu standing in a corner of the park and sharing churros,,,,
bin nearly forgetting the whole point of the meeting bc heck these churros are real good!!!
eunwoo quietly snapping another picture and laughing bc bin looks like a lil chipmunk what a cutie!!!!!
bin snapping out of his churro daze and blushing bc hey !!! a cute guy taking a picture of him how can he Not be Self-conscious 
they’re not even supposed to be taking photos of him anyway
bin pushing the churro box into eunwoo’s hands and pulling out his own phone
and his first ever photo of eunwoo is slightly blurry and a little underexposed and eunwoo’s glasses have fairy lights reflecting off them and eunwoo’s eyes are slightly wide like a deer in the headlights, but it’s cute, bin thinks
eunwoo’s real cute
and he’s about to lower his phone when there’s suddenly a churro thrusted into his face and eunwoo’s looking at him and smiling all expectantly and bin’s heart is beating very quick indeed wow what a smile
bin: “wha-”
eunwoo: “take a picture, quick, it looks like i’m feeding u”
bin flushing bc right yes pictures,,
eunwoo mumbling then tugging bin over to his side 
eunwoo: “change it to the front camera”
and suddenly bin feels eunwoo’s cheek alarmingly close to his 
bin: ?????/ 
and he sees on screen eunwoo's nose nearly brushing his cheek and eunwoo holding a churro to his mouth and his heart goes wOOWEEWOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!
but he also snaps a picture bc heck that’s cute
heart thumpingly cute
heart achingly cute 
bin hearing eunwoo say faintly: “my turn” and feeling eunwoo grab his phone from him
bin blinking until he realises eunwoo wants him to feed eunwoo a churro too and him flushing 
very boyfriend
which is the point of the whole thing, obviously, but 
very Boyfriend ! rip bin’s heart 2k17
bin holding up a churro to eunwoo’s mouth and looking over at eunwoo and his side profile
and heck 
heckity !!!!!!!!!!
he doesn’t know how rocko found this angel on instagram but all his photos and the edited photo that rocko sent him has in No Way prepared him for the length of this guy’s eyelashes
and it’s only when eunwoo looks over at him that he realises the picture’s done bc he doesn’t even hear the shutter go off
bin blinking 
eunwoo staring bc wow bin rly isn’t moving away and his face is really close 2 eunwoo’s and if he reaches a lil forward he could beep boop bin’s nose with his own 
bin realising that ! this isn’t a socially acceptable violation of personal space and moving away from eunwoo
eunwoo isn’t disappointed at all mmhmm nope not at all no 
bin, faintly: “uh yes thank u for agreeing to meet up with me to take those photos”
eunwoo remembering that yes indeed this is not a first date dammit ugh 
it’s just for fake photos
could be true boyfriend photos but he isn’t sure about bin’s ! position wrt this 
eunwoo smiling graciously and going: “yes of course, i’ll send them 2 u asap”
them picking at the churros and just sitting there in the park talking 
bin learning about how eunwoo’s a psych major and how he’s thinking of going into law 
eunwoo learning about how bin joined jinjin’s dance crew by accidentally stumbling into a dance practice
generally binu having a good time !!!! under cute lights !!!!! with the holiday market buzzing in the background !!!!!!
binu eventually finishing the churros and eunwoo turning to leave to find a dustbin when he hears bin calling out his name again 
eunwoo: ???????
bin, swallowing hard: “uh”
bin: “when can i meet u again?”
bin: o shit he doesn’t want to meet me again he was just doing me a favour this time round i’m asking too much by asking for a second meeting i messed up now he’ll never speak to me again i’m 
eunwoo: “hmm i’m free day after! do you want to grab coffee then?”
bin: :D 
bin later that night flicking through the photos he and eunwoo took and choosing the one of him feeding eunwoo 
bc eunwoo looks so beautiful in that one heck !!! with his hair nearly brushing his eyes and his silver rimmed glasses glinting and reflecting tiny dots of light 
but also bc his eyes are curved up into a smile and it’s the most heart stopping thing bin has ever seen 
bin’s heart is aching it truly is 
also bc when he finally tears his eyes away from eunwoo he looks at himself and !! he’s looking at eunwoo with so much adoration it’s embarrassing 
bin @ bin: stOP IT you literally just met him jlafdkjdsksf
bin back @ bin:  but he’s also so sweet and helpful and kind and his smile makes ur heart beat real fast what’re u gon do about it 
bin cringing back @ bin 
but also bin setting that as his new profile picture 
his ex can go choke on a small dick !! look at bin with his beautiful new ‘boyfriend’ now hA !
although he isn’t really dating him but pragmatics am i right 
half a minute later:
text received from [reliablerock] 8:25pm: dude wtf where are these pictures from 
bin: “ah yeah i met him today we took a couple pics”
rocky: “a little miFFED YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT WAS GOING TO BE TODAY but ok this is a rly cute pic good job buddy yall rly actually look like you’re dating it’s adorable”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:34pm: “CONGRATS U & UR BOYFRIEND ARE ADORABLE WTF”
text received from [m.hyung] 8:35pm: “although not as cute as me & jinjin xoxo”
bin: jhlkjsdfhkgjsd what 
text received from [jinjak] 8:35pm: “dude mj says ur dating my roommate what he said he didn’t know u like 3 days ago and now yall have pictures together?????”
bin checking eunwoo’s profile bc heck how did he know they had pictures plural 
and he sees eunwoo’s profile picture changed up to the one where he’s feeding bin a churro 
bin flushign !!!!!!! bc his hear t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but before he can react and send a text to eunwoo his phone pings again
bin, faintly: oh
fast forward 2 them meeting bc i’m terrible at this transition thing 
bin stepping into the lil cafe
and it’s cute, he’ll admit
he’s more of a grab and go guy than a sit down in a coffeeshop with a book and a croissant kind of guy but if eunwoo’s one of those he’s willing to sit down and have a pastry too
as long as it involves food and eunwoo he’s down for it
and instantly he sees eunwoo, with his silver glasses perched on his nose and his long fingers flipping through a book, hair falling in his eyes and sunlight falling on him at just the right angle and bin’s breath catches in his throat 
eunwoo looking up at the sound of the bell on the door tinkling and smiling at bin and closing his book
bc look !! a cute binnie in a cute coat 
bin blushing and pulling out the chair opposite eunwoo’s 
them talking over lattes and just !!!!! getting to know each other 
i mean, their profile photos are set as each other so 
might as well be friends, at least 
speaking of photos
bin: “ah yeah so about the photos haha funny story” 
bin: “so a couple of people think we’re actually dating???”
eunwoo: “wait isn’t that the point”
bin, floundering slightly: “right yeah on my end but you ? also set your profile picture to one with me, so i was wondering??”
eunwoo: ?????????
bin, sheepishly: “people keep asking me if you’re my boyfriend and i ? didn’t reply bc i wasn’t sure about what you would be comfortable with me saying about us bc obv this isn’t like a real thing so uhhhh”
eunwoo looking at bin over the rim of his coffee cup and willing his heart to calm the heckity down bc this is it this is his chance to be real s m o o t h 
eunwoo, fast mumbling: “whntmktrlthng”
bin: “what”
eunwoo flushing and repeating: “why not make it a real thing?”
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emperor-lover · 7 years
hi omg i love your minhyun scenarios so much!! cld u do one where you're both idols dating secretly but the public finds out and ships it? make it long please😘😘😘😘tyty
hi, thank you kind anon!! haha I tried making it long, and i’m sorry about the long wait! This will be in the same setting as the WGM!AU, so please read that if you haven’t yet! Enjoy!!!! xx
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soooo Minhyun and you have been dating secretly ever since the WGM break up 
But one day you get a casting call to be the 2nd female lead in an upcoming drama
you’re really excited and you tell Minhyun about it
and he’s like wait, is this for this drama??
and you’re like yeah! wait how did you know?
And he’s like, I was going to tell you tonight but I got cast as the 2nd male lead!
and you’re both like omg
you’re going to be working together
what’s great is that even the public are like omfg my faves from wgm are going to be reunited on this drama
and everyone’s so excited because it’s been a couple of years since youve publicly interacted
and you know everyone kinda goes crazy when former wgm couples even so much as walk past each other or make eye contact
so the fact you’re both going to be acting together as a couple is a big deal
your managers are wary but they trust that you’ll be good at concealing it seeing as it’s already been a couple of years and no one has found out yet
also because you two have been really good at keeping your relationship a secret ever since wgm finished
like you’d never do anything that would cause suspicion
so you’d never wear couple items out when you went to the airport in case they’d get photographed
there was only one instance where both of you had promoted albums at the same time, but even then you’d make sure to only go to each other’s waiting rooms when there would be no cameras around
the time you two had gone on a date outside you had been so very careful, and had succeeding blending into the crowd like any other couple would
luckily both of you are homebodies, so lounging around at each others dorms was fine for both of you
which is why the two of you are actually so close because you literally tell each other everything
if a day has been tough for you, Minhyun just opens his arms up and you just melt into his embrace while he sings something sweet in your ear
on days that Minhyun happens to be feeling more tired than usual, you’ll bring over some homemade comfort food and some classic movies to watch until he falls asleep
you both kinda baby each other when someone is tired or under the weather, like Minhyun will tuck you into bed if you’re the one who falls asleep first and vice versa
also both of you have A++++ cuddling skills 
every couple of months on your days off, sometimes you’d go on long drives together to the countryside, where there wasn’t as many people
you’d go on walks along the coastline and find a nice area to sit and have a lil picnic
Because of how careful the two of you were though, you weren’t too sure what to do now that you’d be acting together
So on the day of the first table reading of the script, both of you just acted as if you hadn’t seen each other since wgm
Minhyun being the crap liar he is, had been attempting to to strike up a weird conversation at one point but it was so forced both of you were trying so hard not to laugh at each other
because it was being filmed, you were slightly nervous but after the video came out, you were pleasantly surprised about the majority of comments from knetz 
oh my god, look at this it’s my fave wgm couple’s reunion
aren’t they so cute, i can’t wait to see their scenes together in the drama
even at a table reading they’re perfect for each other
i wish they were dating for real ;;;;
Shooting went smoothly, especially because the chemistry between the two of you was very very real
The way that Minhyun had been looking at you was as if honey was dripping out of his eyes
“Either he’s a natural born actor, or he’s seriously in love with Y/N”
It was the same for you though, being around Minhyun all the time at work made it easy to become very casual around him
You’d playfully hit his arm if he messed up a take, or pull a silly face at him across the room before he had to act a serious scene
Fans were becoming more and more suspicious but played it off as if you two were just super close friends (which you are)
There were also a few kiss scenes, and they were all so damn natural
Even the director was like ???
Done in one-take?? Usually it takes a few more for people who don’t have much experience with kiss scenes
but nope, “you two are just so natural, it’s almost as if you’ve done this before??”
*cue nervous laughter*
so one night you’re hanging out at Minhyun’s dorm after a long day of filming and one of the pds calls you because there’s an extra scene that they need to add in to the upcoming episode and you’re needed
At the same time, Minhyun’s phone rings and it’s another pd who is also letting him know that he’s needed for said scene
And he’s like “yes, i’ll go there right away!” 
and the pd on the phone to you pauses slightly before asking…
“Why are you and Hwang Minhyun still together at 2AM?” 
So that’s how the staff found out about your relationship
Like it was obvious to people who worked with both of you closely that the two of you liked each other, but no one wanted to assume anything
Everyone was giving you knowing smiles when you went into work and you just sighed because you knew the staffs were never going to stop teasing
Literally the littlest thing they’d squeal over
“Y/N, why don’t you sit next to Minhyun for lunch break?”
“Aw did you see Minhyun gave Y/N his jacket because it was cold!”
They drink the same juice!!! That’s so cute, what do we do? Young love must be nice
Minhyun was having a concert and some of the cast decided to go to support
so you took this opportunity to go along too
Minhyun didn’t know you were going so you were planning on surprising him
and it was such a happy night, everyone bundled in backstage congratulating him on a successful concert
And you tried to sneak past to your manager who was holding onto the flowers you were planning on giving him
but Minhyun can recognise your silhouette anywhere so he immediately knew it was you bundled up in a black hoodie trying to squeeze away from the crowd
You had just about reached your manager when you felt Minhyun’s hand wrap round your wrist gently, pulling you round to face him
“Y/N!!! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming!”
His smile was practically blinding, you had to blink a few times to snap our of your daze
and you’re a stuttering mess, gesturing to the flowers and then to him and you don’t know what to say because you’re just so freaking proud of Minhyun
and he just laughs and pulls you into a hug and everyone is like OoOOOOoOOO ;))))
And you get one of the staff to take a photo of the two of you, and you both set it as your lockscreen for good luck
Usually you were both quite sweet to each other in behind the scenes videos
for example, there was a clip where you’d been playing with Minhyun’s hand, something that you tend do without thinking which was obviously the case here because you had been staring off into space
and Minhyun had just smiled at you before flicking your forehead gently
which snapped you out of your little bubble, so you scowled up at him 
and he had just giggled before tweaking your nose
so it became this little war going on of you swatting away his hands and him trying to flick your forehead or squeeze your cheeks
That though wasn’t the key player in the reveal of your relationship
What gave it away to the rest of the world was literally the smallest detail
But of course the detective fans had managed to spot something
The stylists had been fixing up Minhyun’s hair and makeup, when one of the staff had asked what the time was
And Minhyun had checked his phone
Someone had screenshotted and zoomed in on his phone until it was a blurry af image of the lockscreen
with more detective skills, fans discovered from the clothes that the people in the pic are wearing are the clothes that you were wearing to Minhyun’s concert
so surprise surprise, big reveal everyone deducts that the two of you are dating
and your company and pledis don’t deny or confirm anything straight away
also because at that time you had been preparing for a comeback with your group
and you were so worried about it affecting the comeback and also the drama negatively
You don’t even know how to react because your phone has exploded with messages
it’s just crazy overwhelming, and it’s the same for Minhyun
and you give him a call and he’s full of apologies
“Y/N, are you ok? i’m so sorry, I didn’t realise my phone lockscreen would be seen in that shot;;”
Just listening to his voice calms you down, and you try to reassure him that it isn’t his fault
“there’s no way you could have imagined that anyone would have seen that in the shot Minhyun, it’s ok!”
“I don’t know what the company is planning on doing, but all I know is that we’ll make it through this, together.”
Minhyun tells you to go to sleep early and wait to see what your companies statements will be in regards to your relationship in the morning
you’re scared to log on to check the news and you decide to avoid it completely
but your group member comes rushing into your room with a big smile on her face
“Y/N! Read this!!” shoving her phone into your face
You take the phone hesitantly but your eyes widen when you read it
Literally pages of comments praising your relationship and how happy they are that it’s real 
Everyone ships it.
Most of your friends were surprised that you were able to keep it hidden for so long
And the two of you still try to keep it super lowkey because no one likes it when couples are super PDA
BUT at the end of the year, you attended the big awards ceremony with Minhyun and everyone was just so amazed
because damn you guys are like so hot, wtf it’s really not fair
Minhyun is wearing this reallllly nice tuxedo that does so much justice for his broad shoulders and long legs
it’s like how is it possible that these two people who have great personalities, and are such talented visuals, exist??
Life isn’t fair, where are all the other people in the world who are perfect like you guys?
So of course, it was no surprise when they announced you and Minhyun as the winners of the best couple award for the drama you were in
And Minhyun’s such a gentleman, offering you his hand when you’re going up and down the steps to collect the award
and his eyes never leave your face during your thank you speech
and both of you are just so thankful that everything is just so perfect and meant to beeeee
like wow love really does exist, don’t lose hope y’all i say as I type out these scenarios and cry because it’s so unrealistic, you can only dream
lol the ending im sorry ;;;; anyways, thanks always for reading!! 
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
Basic Reputation Management for Better Customer Service
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/basic-reputation-management-for-better-customer-service/
Basic Reputation Management for Better Customer Service
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The Internet can be a great connector, but sometimes, it acts as a barrier.
Your local business receives a negative review, and the slate-colored words on the bland white screen can seem so cold, remote. You respond, but the whole interaction feels stilted, formal, devoid of face-to-face human feelings, like this:
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At least when a complaint occurs via phone, the tone of a customer’s voice tells you a bit more and you can strive to respond with an appropriate vocal pitch, further questions, soothing, helping, maybe resolving. Still, if you’re working off a formal script, the human connection can be missed:
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Image credit: News Oresund, Elvert Barnes
It’s a win when a customer complains in person to your staff, but only if those employees have been empowered to use their own initiative to solve problems. Employees who’ve been tasked with face-to-face interactions but lack permission to act fully human when customers complain will miss opportunity after opportunity to earn the loyalty your brand would give almost anything to amass. Two people can be looking one another in the eye, but if one has to act corporate instead of human, too much formality ensures forgettable experiences:
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Image credit: Jan-Willem Boot, Amancay Blank
What you really want as a local business owner is to have the power to turn those chilly black-and-white words on a review profile into a living color interaction. You want to turn one-way messaging into front porch conversation, with the potential for further details, vital learnings, resolution, and deeply informal human connection with a neighbor, like this:
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Image Credit: Christian Gries
The great barrier: reviews
Seventeen years into my journey as a local SEO, I’ve come to realize that my favorite businesses — the ones I’ve come to patronize with devotion — are the ones with owners and staff who treat me with the least formality. They’ve creatively established an environment in which I felt liked, heard, regarded, trusted, and appreciated, and I’ve responded with loyalty. It’s really a beautiful thing, when you step back and think about it.
For me, it’s small local farmers who epitomize informal neighborliness in business. They:
Do their best to grow high quality food
Know me by name
Know my dietary preferences
Let me roam around their properties for enjoyment’s sake
Trust me to pay via an honor system
Ask me if there’s additional produce I’d like them to grow
Want to know how I’m cooking their produce
Tell me other ways I might prepare their produce
Have nice conversations with me about a variety of topics
Am I describing a business here, or a friend? The line is blurry. I’ve hugged some farmers. Prayed for a few when they’ve had hard times. I may have first met them for monetary transactions, but we’ve built human relationships, and the entire way I relate to this sector is defined by how the farmers go about their business.
With a few exceptions, most local brands can work at building less formality and more neighborliness into their in-person customer service. Think about it. In most settings, your customers would enjoy being treated with the respectful interest and kindness that invites camaraderie.
But we hit a strange barrier when the medium is online reviews. If we learned to read and write in a formal school setting, we may unconsciously ascribe a certain stiffness to textual exchanges. We’re worried about getting lower marks for making a mistake, and we’re aware of being in front of a public audience in writing review responses. We’re missing vital communicative cues, like the facial expression of the customer, their tone of voice, and their body language.
On our side of the equation, we can’t shake hands, or physically demonstrate our willingness to help, or even signal our approachability with a smile.
To tell the truth, reviews aren’t a great substitute for in-person communication, but they are here to stay, and there’s a certain amount of fear on both sides of many transactions that builds up the layers of the barrier, like this:
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What can be done to bring the two parties closer together, so that they are at least leaning over the same fence to talk?
Create a workflow for spotting single and aggregate review cues
The easiest way I know of to get started with a workflow surrounding reviews is via a very intuitive product like Moz Local. Basic components are built into the dashboard, offering a simple jumping off point into the complex world of reputation management.
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The screenshot above shows a portion of the functions Moz Local offers for review management. The organization of the various data widgets create a bridge for getting closer to customers and engaging in real, meaningful dialogue with them in an atmosphere of goodwill, rather than fear. Let’s break it down by tasks.
1. Seek cues in single reviews with ongoing alerts
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To enter into a conversation, you have to know when it starts. The right-side column of the Moz Local dashboard keeps a running feed of your incoming reviews on a variety of platforms, as well as incoming Google Q&A questions. On a daily basis, you can see who is starting a conversation about your business, and you can tell whether customers most recent customers were having a good or bad experience by looking at the star rating.
Make it your practice to click first on any review in this feed if it’s received a 3-star rating or less, and see how much information a customer has shared about the reason for their less-than-perfect rating, as in this fictitious example:.
Because the reviews are timestamped, you may have the ability to connect a customer’s poor experience with something that happened at your place of business on a specific day, like being understaffed, having an equipment failure, or another problem.
In fact, a second view in the dashboard makes it immediately obvious if the reviews you received on a particular day had lower star ratings than you’d like to see:
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If you know a customer’s complaints can be tied to an issue, this gives you something more and better to say than just “I’m sorry,” when you respond. For example, broken equipment leading to a cold meal is something you can explain in asking the customer to let you make it up to them.
2. Seek cues in aggregated sentiment
Knowing whether you have just one customer with a single complaint or multiple customers with the same complaint is vital quality control intelligence. Very often, Google reviews are particularly brief in comparison to reviews on other platforms, and you need to be able to take a large body of them to see if there are shared topical themes. The Review Analysis widget in the Moz Local dashboard does exactly this for you:
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In this view, you can see up to 100 of the most common words your customers are using when they review you, the percentage of the reviews containing each word, and the star rating associated with reviews using each word. You can toggle the data for each column.
In our fictitious example, the business owner could see that when food is served cold, it’s yielding very poor review ratings, but that, fortunately, this is a complaint contained in only 1.7% of total reviews. Meanwhile, the business owner could notice that 2% of reviews with a 3.8 star rating (only a moderately good experience) are revolving around the phrase “service”. The owner can click on each word to be shown a list of the reviews containing that term to help them identify what it is about the service that’s diminishing customer satisfaction.
The figures in the above screenshot are all pretty low, and likely represent only mild concerns for the business. If, however, the business owner saw something like this, that would change the narrative:
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Here, 12.2% of the reviews mentioning the restaurant’s veggie burgers are associated with a very poor 2.0 rating. The owner would need to dive into this list of reviews and see just what it is customers don’t like about this dish. For example, if many of these reviews mentioned that the burgers lacked flavor, had bland condiments, or buns that fell apart, these would be cues that could lead to changing a recipe. Again, this would give the owner something genuine to say in response to dissatisfied customers. Ideally, it would lead to the customer being invited to come again for something like a free taste test of the new recipe.
Whatever details the review sentiment analysis function yields for your business, use it with the intention of having a two sided conversation with your customers. They complain, in aggregate, about X, you research and implement a solution, and finally, you invite them to experience the solution in hopes of retaining that customer, which is typically far less costly than replacing them.
3. Grade your business at a glance
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These two views in the Moz Local dashboard allow you to analyze two key, related aspects of your business at a glance.
The Average Rating view is the fastest way to grade yourself on aggregate customer satisfaction. This example shows a business with little to fear, with 96% of customers rating the business at 4-or-more stars and only 4% having a three-stars-or-less experience. In terms of having happy customers, this fictitious company is doing a great job.
However, the Reviews Reply rate needs some work. They’re only replying to 1% of their overall reviews, 0% of their 2-to-5-star reviews, and only 21% of their 1-star reviews. The business is doing an excellent job offline, but unless they improve their online responsiveness, their average review rating could begin to decrease over time.
In sum, a workflow which investigates reviews singly and in aggregate tells the story or customer satisfaction across time, and gives the business owner a clearer narrative to tap into and write from in responding.
Make optimal response rates and two-way conversation your goal
As a local business owner, you have many demands on your time. That being said, my pro tip for you is to respond to every review you possibly can. There’s no scenario in which it’s smart to ignore a conversation any customer starts, whether positive or negative. Just as you wouldn’t ignore a percentage of your incoming calls or customers walking around your business, you shouldn’t ignore them online.
If thinking of reviews as a two-way conversation is a bit of new concept to you, consider that most review platforms enable people to edit their reviews for a reason: many of your customers think of the reviews they write as living documents, and are willing to update them to journal subsequent interactions that made a scenario better or worse. My own research has shown this to be true, and multiple studies have reached the conclusion that the majority of customers will continue doing business with brands that resolve their complaints.
This means that local businesses can manage a customer journey that follow this pattern for negative reviews, much of the time:
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In black-and-white review land, this might look like this:
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Or, when a customer is happy to begin with, offering extra incentives to come again while thanking the customer for taking the time to write their review could look like this:
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Here, a conversation starter about salsa has been turned into a two-way dialog guaranteed to make the customer feel heard and valued. They’ve been invited back, their opinion has been solicited, and both the existing customer and all potential future customers reading Mary’s response can see that this is a restaurant with a lively, on-going relationship with its diners.
Takeaway: don’t just say “thanks” to every customer who positively reviews your business. Seek cues in their words that show what they care about and tie it to what you care about. Find common ground to further engage them and bring them back again.
How big of a priority are reviews, really?
I’ve consulted with so many local business owners over the years — everybody from beekeepers to bookkeepers. It’s a plain fact that all small business owners are extremely busy, and not all of them instantly take a shine to the idea of having a lot of little two-way conversations going on with their customers in their review profiles.
Statistics can change minds on this, when it comes to figuring out how much of a priority review analysis and management should be. Consider these findings from the Moz State of the Local SEO Industry survey of over 1,400 people involved in the marketing of local businesses:
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Respondents placed aspects of Google reviews (count, sentiment, owner responses, etc.) as having the second greatest impact on Google’s local rankings.
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90% of respondents agree that the impact of reviews on local pack rankings is real.
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Nearly 14% of those marketing the largest local enterprises realize that more resources need to be devoted to review management. Yet, in another section of the survey, agency workers placed review management in a lowly 11th place in terms of something they are requested to help their clients with. Learn more about these trends by downloading the free State of the Local SEO Industry Report for 2020.
Statistics like these indicate that there is a maturing awareness of the vital role reviews play in running a successful local business. Management of all aspects of reviews deserves priority time.
Make a habit of reading reviews between the lines
Moz Local software will ensure you know whenever single reviews come in, and help you slice and dice review data in ways that tell customer service narratives in aggregate. If you’re already using this software, your first steps of reputation management are just waiting to be taken with ease and simplicity.
But to get the most of any review management product, you’ll need to bring a human talent to the dashboard: your ability to read between the lines of review text that can be brief, vague, sharp, and sometimes unfair.
With the exception of spam, there’s a real person on the other side of each text snippet, and for the most part, their shared desire is to be treated well by your business. Even if a review stems from a customer you can’t identify or one who communicates disappointment rudely, you can take the high road by making a mental image of yourself standing face-to-face with someone you highly value who is voicing a problem. Respond from that good place, with the conscious intention of improved neighborly communication and you may be pleasantly surprised by your ability to transform even the most dissatisfied person into a happier, more loyal customer.
I’ll close today with an excerpt of a very long real-world review which I’ve truncated. I’ve underlined the cues and the rewards I’m hoping you’ll spot and see as you strengthen your commitment to review management as a key component of your customer service strategy.
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The new Moz Local plans — Lite, Preferred, and Elite — are designed to offer more features and flexibility to better meet the needs of local businesses and their marketers. Customers on any of the new plans can now monitor reviews via alerts, and depending on the plan, respond to reviews and take advantage of social posting. It’s never been more important to actively engage and listen to the needs and concerns of your current customers — and potential customers will take notice.
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