#sorry it got so long nonny hope you like my thoughts anyway tho
dykerica · 1 year
Could you please elaborate on either your transfem or lesbian Ethan Morgan headcanons? I love them!
(also these became more like serious gender things rather than silly goofy ones so if you want those instead hmu)
first! i hc ethan as autistic + lesbian basically 100% of the time, and i switch between transfem + transmasc depending on how i'm feeling tbh
for both of the gender hcs i stay with ethan never feeling a big connection with his birth gender growing up and also not really understanding the insanity surrounding feminine vs masculine gender roles / stereotypes / actions etc (this is where the autism hc gets relevance). so i think child ethan was extremely gender apathetic which leads to a "more masc" presentation in general because people tend to view neutral = masculine when it comes to things about gender.
i do think (going the transfem route) ethan realizing she's a girl/girl adjacent is like kinda chill almost? its probably a realization that happens closer to highschool if not during her freshman year, because while i don't think ethan would ever be presenting super feminine i do think she's always admired it / loved it from afar basically. i do think eventually it just kinda clicks for her, lots of relief about like no longer feeling the need to be a Macho Man but also some like "am i not girl enough bcus of all my stereotypical nerdy guy interests?" this is when ethan is introduced to the existence of the magic the gathering -> trans girl pipeline and it's def a process but i think the fact she's never really understood why certain things are gendered makes it a bit easier. she's a girl and she likes girls <3
i don't really see ethan ever presenting super feminine, like she'll grow her hair out and go on E but she's not really wearing skirts and dresses around town UNLESS she's playing dressup with jane bcus jane got SO EXCITED to play dressup with her big sister that ethan just couldn't say no. also i don't know if there's like an already existing widely spread transfem ethan name hc (?) but im fond of eve personally.
FOR THE TRANSMASC LESBIAN HC: i think ethan being aware he's transmasc is something on the outskirts of his mind since childhood, especially once Jane is born and there's a very stark difference between their behaviors as "little girls". However i don't think ethan was ever like "oh yeah im not a girl im a MAN" which leads to this weird like "okay im not a man but im super comfortable presenting more masculine and im not really a girl either but i still feel slightly connected to "girlhood" despite never really doing it quote unquote right". this is when ethan discovers the amazing concept of BUTCH LESBIANS, so he changes his name / pronouns and goes on T. like he's very girlboy, boygirl even, girl who is a boy who is a girl who is a lesbian. his first crush was on Thorn from the hexgirls, also Daphne, also Gwen from TDI. Benny and ethan have to promise each other to never like the same girl ever again bcus they almost killed each other in middle school over who got to ask her to a dance. Anyway boydyke lesbian Ethan is a grey area but its also very important to me i love him very much <3
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bardicious · 6 months
Hi friend do you have any Charles/Erik fic recommendations of a gentle variety? I watched the First Class era recently and am just….a lil broken up Re:: the pain of Charles losing his best friend and his sister at the same time… and then bottling up that pain for as long as he could until “you took her away and you left me!”
Okay, nonnie! I've got a few here that may interest you. Now, I'm a big fan of hurt/comfort fics, so I can't promise anything too gentle, unfortunately. 😅 (Most of my bookmarks are hella dark apparently) Anyway! Ill list you some I recently read, and mostly remember.
How Still My Love by Regann
"A mysterious sleeping disease, three loyal guardians, and a friend-turned-foe with unclear motives. It might sound like something out of a fairy tale but it's life after Cuba in the Xavier manor for what's left of the so-called X-Men. When Charles can no longer lead them, it's up to Hank, Alex and Sean to figure out a way to protect their mentor, especially once Erik comes seeking an audience. (Variously nicknamed "the Fairytale Fix-it," "Snow Charles and the Three Wishes," and "Alex feels via Charles/Erik." All three are pretty accurate.)"
This one I highly recommend, it's so cute, and the way the author played with fairy tales is fun. Fair warning tho, Erik doesn't stay at the end of this fic. But Charles' heart is a bit more mended.
Second Chances by justavagrant
This one is a time travel fic. Basically young child age Charles, Raven, and Erik replace their older counterparts. The kids build a close friendship real quick, and I believe it's ongoing.
Another Like Me by Ad_astrah
It's 1950, young Charles is getting his powers under control. He meets Erik, 19 years old, who's tracking down Nazis and killing them. They go on a little adventure together.
Elpis by garrideb
Cute protective Erik, injured Charles. This fic is a treat!
Not Yet by GenuineSnoof
"AU - No Beach Divorce and no bullet, but Erik still didn't stay at the school for good. They have an established "with benefits" relationship."
Cold Hands, Warm Heart by pinkoptics
Cherik fic set in Genosha!
Idiot Control Now by cygnaut
"Hank screws something up in the lab and everyone's powers increase tenfold. Not knowing how to control them like this, they all try to cope and not kill each other by mistake while Hank tries to find a way to reverse the effects. Charles has a particularly hard time of it."
Come Together by blarfkey
Series of fics, from Peter's point of view. Decent amounts of Cherik.
Peter's Stepdad by nzeedee
"Peter takes his time to observe and learn more about Erik as he works up the courage to make a family connection. Soon he realizes that Charles is a valuable asset in Erik's life and they may come as a unified pair."
AND some honorable mentions:
First Class Era:
5 Ways Logan Fixed Everything (Like a Boss) by Starlingthefool
Reverse Polarity by smilebackwards (powerswap fic, can't remember well tho)
What Not To Expect When You're Not Expecting It by thehoyden (mpreg, but if you're not into that, I'm not usually either, I think this one was done in a fun way)
A source of knowledge, a source of hope by redaurorarora
Post/Apocalypse: (these might be my favorite, I'm a sucker for comforting charles after apocalypse)
More by humanveil
things we lost in the fire by goodmorningbeloved (3799steps)
all the things i thought I knew (I'm learning again) by spacenarwhal
Hope you like these, nonnie! Sorry if they couldn't be more gentle! I do hope they're more satisfying than the end of FC. 💀 I know your pain.
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
hii tiny lil violet anon here :DD sadly i havent been able to work on rocket fic bc suddenly theres been a huge influx in work to do & i’ve been super tired ߹𖥦߹ i hope youre doing well though! just wanted to pop in and wish you a nice day ٩( ᐛ )و♡
(side note: out of curiosity, how did you get into guardians of the galaxy and rocket specifically?)
tiny lil violet nonnie, you are too sweet && this made my morning thank yoooou ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. i’m sorry your work has gotten in the way of you doing more enjoyable things, and im so sorry it has you so exhausted! i hope you get to rest soon ♡
i’ve always loved comics but i was not really a marvel kid — mostly a dc/image/mirage kid. i’ve also always loved comics adaptions (my dad and i had a complicated relationship to put it mildly BUT i think we saw every batman movie ever made together, before the dceu…. happened). so i fell very easily into the marvel movies when they started coming out (except the hulk movies. i don’t believe in those.)
anyway i honestly just saw gotg 1 because it was a comic book movie. i didn’t know much about it walking in. i actually didn’t love the first movie in my first viewing. i can’t remember why - maybe i already hated chris pratt lol. i know i thought starlord as a character was kinda…boring. but what saved the movie for me was groot (adored him) and rocket (the minute we saw that fuckin raccoon’s back i was like…wtf why isn’t this movie about him??).
and you know. there was the snark. the voice. all that. i was in denial but it was there. im just predisposed to love a grumpy wounded person desperately trying to hide a heart of gold
then gotg 2 came out and i loved it. it was probably in my top three favorite marvel movies. it was so good i think it made the first movie better??? we got to see so much more of not just rocket’s backstory but who he is. how he interacts with people he loves. how he self-sabotages. how he shows care. i just wanted to bundle him up and protect him. and aside from rocket, this is also where i fell in love with yondu. and i am a sucker for a sibling dynamic (startling no-one) so i loved the nebula & gamora arc too.
i probably started rewatching both movies at this point. not obsessively but they were definitely comfort rewatches. and partner has the marvel unlimited app so i was catching up on a lot of the comics
narrative structure is also really important to me and i have a rigorous list of what makes a “”good” trilogy (different t from what makes a “fun” trilogy) and gotg is like. one of two or three trilogies that make the cut.
then 3. ugh. once the first trailer came out and it was clearly focused on rocket, i stayed away from all gotg media. put a pause on reading the comics — everything. i wanted to go in with no preconceived notions. a few things had happened to me in the year or so prior to the movie coming out. i’ll skip explaining those because they require their own content warnings and this is already very long but suffice it to say i was predisposed to feel very strongly about this movie.
so. 3 broke my heart but it also put it back together. i think it might be the most realistically hopeful movie i’ve ever seen. from a narrative perspective, each character is so loved by gunn. they were each given the ending they needed and deserved. but also i felt like the message of the movie was this:
no matter how fucked up and ugly you think you or your past are, you deserve to allow yourself the possibility of joy & connection.
and i just. i needed that. as a mental health professional, i think almost all the clients ive ever worked with have needed that. i think a lot of the world needs that.
anyway that’s how i fell in love
starlord still bores me tho
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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kallikrein · 3 years
what inspired you to start your blog?
nonnie you freaking surprised me w this ngl 😭 /pos but i already thought of my response as soon as i saw jsdhjsjdf tysm for asking!! i love these kind of asks <3
anyway this blog was initially made for binge-reading jjk and aot fanfics but when i got into the tokrev fandom (and falling deeply in love with it that my sukuna brainrot was nothing compared to how i simp for almost every tokrev character now), i started to find blogs who write for, well, tokyo revengers.
it was when i came across @misschifuyu’s blog (she really inspired me tbh and i didn’t like the haitanis at first but she changed my ideals lol) and found similar writers, hence my favorite mfers @manjikkai & @sugokawata (i will always remind you of this – how lucky i am to be friends with you now, seeing how i was just a silent fan of yours back then) and @tokyo-fukushu!! that i thought of how amazing they already are despite their young age.
and that’s when i had a vibe, if you could call it that, to write something for chifuyu (he was a fave, still is, but yeah imaushi wakasa is top tier <3) so i did write for him and i even sent asks to ppl to criticize my first ever fanfic. aaaa so embarrassing lmao but it helped me okay? ;_; it was really hard starting a writing blog bcos i thought of it as an outlet from my ‘boring work life’ but ofc i didn’t get the recognition i wanted. it’s kinda harsh out here, let’s be real. so i told myself that i didn’t need any more pressure than i already do irl so imma just ~wing~ it out. if ppl love my works then they truly do djsjsk and that’s why i’m kinda proud of myself for overcoming that bumpy start. tho i rlly hope to grow more, learn more and especially on improving my writing style!! 🥰
aaaand i didn’t think it would be so long!! so sorry for ranting omg!! 😭
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c0ffeebee · 4 years
you got any rare kliego fic recs? i’ve probably read the first five pages of most kudos’d results but i know there are a ton that slip thru the cracks
ok, i'm sorry for replying so late, nonny, but i guess looking at the list you'll understand why ❤
i'll be honest with you once i've gotten into kliego i read through their entire tag of ao3 [at least those fics where i was ok with the tags and summary felt intriguing] so now i literally went through it again and picked those of the fics the names of which i remembered, and there's A LOT 😀 some of those are really popular, some not at all, but i remember loving those ❤
at first i thought i would tell you a bit about every fic on the list, but it would take me forever, so i will just give you titles/links, authors and summaries, hope it's fine ❤ look out for the tags tho, to know if you’re fine with everything! and some of those are benkliego ❤
i'm sure i forgot or missed something, but i did my best, trust me ❤
so without further ado i present to you: 
bee's big kliego rec list (in no particular order)
till you can breathe on your own by iwishii
Diego has never been more frightened than he is now, trying to help his brother reach the surface in time.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
practice makes perfect by iwishii
Klaus doesn't want to show up to parties totally inexperienced and virginal, so he asks Diego to help him get some practice in.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
master of my domain by achilleees
“You’re asking five 13-year-old boys not to jerk off for – it can’t be done,” Luther says. “Now that we’re older, it would be different, but back then –”
“Excuse me, I could do it,” Five says. “I could certainly outlast all of you.”
They all look at each other.
“Oh, no,” says Allison.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
the year that wasn't by achilleees
Diego turned to Five. “I’ve already, uh, lived today. This has already happened.”
Everyone went still.
“Ooh, that’s a mind-fuck,” said Klaus.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
The Weight of Himself by sarkywoman
If he could, Diego would unfurl his middle finger.
For the 'can only move the eyes' square at badthingshappenbingo. Reginald's experiments have devastating consequences on Diego, but both he and Klaus refuse to let that be the end.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
Laid Bare by MilenaDaniels
“So,” Five continued matter-of-factly, “you’re in a cramped, human sized box, in a graveyard where you can’t see light or hear sounds. What are the odds that you’re above ground?”
Diego blinked. He thought he’d been smelling the iron of his blood pooling and drying under his head but it was humid in here, and musty.
“Fuck,” Diego said.
Diego and Klaus are buried alive together.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
Flies in the Kitchen by yourfearlessleader
Klaus is sixteen and love is a rot.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
Before, During, and After by yourfearlessleader
Before the apocalypse, life was making the best of a bad situation, and Klaus found that he grew up to be very good at it.
During is, for lack of a better word, hard.
After they try to kill Vanya, after the apocalypse, after they jump through time to avoid it, after they survive and make up and a million and one other things, here they are.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
break it like you're breaking a code by findyourfortunefalling
"Are you planning to sit in a chair like a person today, or are we all eating our breakfast off of you this morning?"
"Kinky," Klaus purrs, but he rolls off the table anyway, and piles himself into a seat near the head of the table. Diego puts the plate of pancakes in front of him; he's put blueberries in them today. "Thank you, chef."
"Eat," says Diego. "Quietly."
Instead of replying, Klaus picks up a pancake with his fingers, stuffs the entire thing into his mouth at once, and chews noisily.
Diego sighs, and goes back to the stove. "Man, I remember a time when you were house trained."
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
two boys emerging from shadowed hallways by spikeymarshmallows
After Ben dies, Diego drags a broken Klaus out of the Academy. They're both determined to never return, to find their own way out in the world.
Things are not as easy as they would like.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
the things i can't say by  spikeymarshmallows
"Diego, wait!" Klaus shouted, clutching Diego's arm.
"You look like Antonio Banderas with long hair," he choked.
Five times Klaus doesn't say 'I love you'.
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
Into the Night by  spikeymarshmallows
"Hey," Klaus whispered, "hey, Diego, wake up." Diego grumbled, dragging his blanket higher up his body before settling again. "Hey." Klaus tried again, voice a little louder. "Hey, wake up." He poked at Diego's arm insistently.
The Hargreeves siblings go on late night adventure to get doughnuts
❤ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❤
all tangled close by spikeymarshmallows
They were all going to have to deal with the pheromones for however long Klaus' first heat lasted.
Diego was, in a word, screwed.
Five times Diego and Klaus have heat sex; and one time they don't.
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the kliego genderswap/sexswap by spikeymarshmallows
The name speaks for itself.
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The Fools' Journey by sweetstuff
After his release from prison on a manslaughter charge, Diego tries to leave behind the life he adapted to survive on the inside. He finds himself drawn to a beautiful and peculiar sex worker named Klaus in a local bar, and when danger strikes Diego makes a decision that will have them both running for their lives.
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and death i think is no parenthesis by laiqualaurelote
“You guys seem really chill about all this,” observed Ben. “By this point most people are running around screaming.”
“Occupational hazard,” said Klaus.
“I’ve lost a lot of blood,” said Diego. “I’m just accepting everything at face value right now.”
Allison is the best damn realtor in the business, and she is going to sell the Hargreeves Mansion if it kills her. Never mind that it’s packed to the rafters with the ghastly relics of grisly murders, or that there’s a vampire in the basement who looks like a 13-year-old, or that the medium she hired to exorcise its inhabitants keeps flirting with some of them, i.e. the one with the knives and the one with the tentacles. Or that if they all spend enough time together, they just might cause the apocalypse.
NotSiblings!AU that is basically The Umbrella Academy as American Horror Story: Murder House, though you need not have seen any AHS to read this.
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i got troubles (they won't let me be) by antipathy
“I don’t understand why you’re hung up on this.” Five didn’t bother to mask his scowl. “Let me spell it out for you: either you two fuck, or we all die.”
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Eye Of The Storm by shadowhive
Diego decides to surprises Klaus by taking them on a weekend trip, but it doesn’t go as planned.
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Mine, All Mine by Electra_XT
“No!” Klaus said. “Move the other way.”
“What are you trying to get a good look at, exactly?” Diego said.
Klaus blinked at him. His eyes were wide and kohl-rimmed, as fetching and alluring as the rest of him. “Why, your ass,” he said. “That thing is fine.”
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On Sight by Electra_XT
“Oh,” Klaus said, stopping in his tracks with his hand on the mouse.
Ben leaned over his shoulder. “‘Cute Latino camboy gives a show’?”
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Practice Makes Perfect Sense by punk_rock_yuppie
“Practice… kissing?” Diego asks.
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Aftershocks by punk_rock_yuppie
Saving the world is hard work, is Klaus’ last thought before succumbing to the heat of the puppy pile he and his other siblings have formed.
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Passenger by Cunninglinguist
“And you’re sure that’s okay?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s fine with me. All we have to do is ask Diego.”
“And you think he’ll be...cool with it?”
“Dunno.” Klaus shrugs and stirs his smoothie with his straw. “But I’m on board with it, and he usually gets on board with whatever I’m on board with, so. I’d say it’s at least worth an ask.”
Klaus feels Ben’s eyes burning into him as he sips his beverage. Sure, the idea of Ben possessing him had initially been about as appealing as a coffee enema, and the first few times in practice had been more than slightly traumatizing. But once they’d established ground rules and worked to get more in tune with one another, Klaus had come to find the experience to be...interesting. It could be pleasant, almost zen—there is no sensation in the world quite like being a passenger in one's own body. And to be privy to both his own sensations as well as Ben’s? Well, that’s something else entirely.
Which is why the idea of Ben possessing his body during sex both freaks him out and turns him on in equal measure.
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i am a dark and wicked thing by Cunninglinguist
Klaus is staring at Diego with hollow eyes, straw still perched between his lips. No reaction, not even a spark of joy or schadenfreude as he watches Diego disrupt breakfast. Diego shifts. He’s seen corpses before, and were Klaus not sitting close enough to touch, chest rising and falling visibly with his breath, Diego could easily mistake him for one.
Vampire!Klaus AU
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The Diamond Sinners by Cunninglinguist
Another drink and a half later, he’s finally back on the right side of numb. The house lights dim and a new dancer is announced. He’s gazing across the club, eyeing the buffet with semi-tipsy hunger, thinking that it’s probably time to call it a night, when suddenly, his heart stops dead in his chest.
There, onstage, rolling his lithe body sensuously against the pole like he was summoned out of one of Diego’s wet dreams, is Klaus.
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Broken Like Me by Starrstruck_64
“This s-s-stuff will kill you,” he says plucking the cigarette out of Klaus’ fingers, delighting slightly in the fact that he’d only partially stumbled through the sentence.
Klaus smirks and it’s such a far cry from his fun loving brother he had two weeks ago that Diego nearly flinches.
“Ever stop and think that’s the plan,” Klaus says moving to stand and reaching to snag the cigarette back.
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sing it out, hard as you can by plingo_kat
The first time it happens, Klaus doesn’t notice.
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Soft by Dirty_Corza
Sometimes, between the boxing matches and vigilante business, Diego likes to be soft.
Klaus and Ben surprise him by liking the softer side of him, too.
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Wait for it by nishiki
A mission gone wrong, a dream shattered.
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all that i have to lose by UnrememberedSkies
Diego does some good, and Klaus pays the price. 
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wasp by Chelseylovesllamas
Diego is scared of bugs, Klaus saves the day.
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Friday at Four by Kliegology
Diego's life takes a nosedive when he's forced out of work and into an art therapy class. He's clinging to his last shred of normality when he meets Klaus, who takes one look at him and threatens to tear it away.
“I think you’ll find you have a lot in common with the other people there,” The Therapist said, watching him shrewdly.
Diego was vividly reminded of the jittery, barefoot man in the pink fluffy cardigan. He snorted. “I don’t think so.”
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glazelilyy · 3 years
Olympic Anon!
Also, whilst I am tempted to change to Angst Anon, Olympic Anon just has that nostalgia attached to it, you know?
Besides that, I promised Headcanons (read: World Building, I became obsessed. help) and I shall deliver. Sorry for taking so long!!!
I actually had to redraft this ask multiple times because it got too rambly so please ask me to clarify if I leave something out!
So first up: Diluc, though it takes a bit for everything to peak like this, becomes a shut-in. Which seems odd because the Diluc we know probably wouldn’t do that because, spoilers for his story by the way, goes on a trip after Crepus died.
But that quickly explains itself because he went on that trip to figure out what caused his fathers death. He was still operating on the ‘justice or whatever’ belief his father had, so he couldn’t waste time being sad, right?
BUT! He accidentally killed Kaeya! So it's hypocritical of him to be all Justice after killing an innocent.
He’d probably be so messed up after this thing because… murder. And so with the knowledge that he failed horribly in trying to protect the people, he’s just gonna disappear. For a few years.
And that also leads into a separate idea, what everyone thought caused the Ragnavirs to just blip out of existence. Crepus? Passed away. Kaeya? Also dead. And Diluc pulling away from the outside world probably didn’t help the rumors about someone that was out to get the family. So everyone kinda just assumes the worst and after a bit, and keeps it moving. This is a surprise tool that will assist us later, in phase 2.
So anyway Aether comes along, briefly sees Venti, and after briefly forgetting that he need to head to Mondstat, climbs up the nearest mountain, which is important because this allows him to see the Dawn Winery in the distance, and delays- or possibly even cancels- the meeting with Amber.
I’m leaning on cancelling it so I can avoid the Knights as much as possible, haha… who knew killing off a character could have ✨consequences✨
Anyway, Aether gets into town, learns a bit about everything, etc… After determining that he’ll need to dig a bit deeper into Mondstat later to figure out the next steps, he finally decides to explore a bit, remembering about the Dawn Winery.
Takes a bit to get there, but does standard ‘Ooo new area’ things: Exploring the area, learning new things… then he talks to one of the maids there. Finds a bit about Diluc, and how none of the maids have seen him in a few years- specifically, after Kaeya’s funeral. Said maid realizes they said too much, and peace’s out.
Even more curious about what they meant, he looks around a bit, and I think I’ve already rambled enough, so the short version is: He finds Diluc’s room, finds it’s not locked, and peeks his head in, Diluc is asleep (Aether assumes) so Aether leaves.
Anyways, a bit more exploring and finding Mora in a few chests, Aether goes back to Mondstat to notice a Glider on sale (Totally not conveniently placed or anything ahaha). With a quick explanation from Paimon about what it is, he buys it with the found money.
And, conveniently, Stormterror decides to tear it up. So anyways-
I have a lot more, but I feel really bad for taking nineteen days to give this to you aaaaaaaaa
Buuuut, do feel free to ask for the other parts because I have this split in three phases. I actually have a meme that quickly explains phase 3 If you want it because I know I will take three years to get back to you on it shdhhkshs
hey olympic nonnie! sorry i took forever to answer your ask (motivation go brrrr) but i'm here now and i've read this a lot of times!!)
(DISCLAIMER: these are just my opinions and you are totally allowed to disagree!)
recluse diluc actually makes a lot of sense if he were to accidentally kill kaeya (oh god i hope that NEVER canonly happens :<) people deal with grief in many different ways, healthy or not, but from what we've observed with diluc he's quick to go and seek answers for everything himself. but in the story you described, the answer to his grief isn't on some adventure hunting down fatui, it's in kaeya's invisible blood that he can't wash off of his hands no matter what (like lady macbeth :P)
so with that, the idea of him becoming a recluse in this timeline makes perfect sense given that he'd be stuck in a single moment reliving it forever and ever and letting the guilt eat away at him. if there's one thing we know about pryo users, its that they express their emotions vividly and openly. diluc doesn't exactly express his emotions outwardly like say benny or yoimiya but his emotions seem to manifest in the form of inner thoughts (and given that he accidentally killed kaeya, he might have intrusive thoughts about the matter)
don't apologize (i mean hey i took even longer to answer :'>), i liked reading about this!! (even if it broke my heart eeee :'>) if you want i'd love to hear the rest!! (totally up to you tho, no pressure!)
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scarletbluebird13 · 4 years
hii! I was searching through the masquerade kiss tag and saw you're new,so I guess I wanted to somewhat welcome you!?I'm a bit of a lurker tho,so I'm doing it as an anon oop,and as for requests,maybe something fluffy for kazuomi x mc?the general theme doesn't really matter that much but they lack that kind of content. thank you for your time!
Care to Dance with Me?
*•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° *•° Title: Masquerade Kiss
Pairing: Kazuomi x MC 
Tags: Fluff 
Word count: 1048
A/N: Hiya nonnie!  Thanks for the welcome! :D *internally screams in bliss that the tags are working* also oh my god i copy + pasted the fic on here, and when i did the format of your ask got all screwed up, so i hope when I post it’s not that screwed up?? still learning aha  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I welcome you to lurk to your heart’s content (as time passes, I hope to keep uploading stuffs xx)! god knows lurking was all i did my first year on tumblr oop- Yess, I can definitely understand the lack of fluff content for that particular title 😳Thank you for the ask, and sorry this took a bit long! Hope it’s to your liking :)  : 
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          Sleep’s gentle song slowly wore off. Every second of it is slipping away - like the grains of sand slipping down an hourglass - and I can do nothing to stop it. I’ll try to get back to sleep. Never know when my next mission will be -- and how often do I get a full night’s rest anyway? That turned out to be a fleeting, hopeless thought. As it happened, when I tried to move my arms, I felt a strong weight preventing me from doing so. 
Crap! What’s that?!
A sudden burst of energy fills my body and my instincts as an agent taking over; I jerk my head to look around, to which I find the culprit, arms. 
That’s when I remembered where I was, and my body relaxed once more. Raven Resort Tokyo. Kazuomi’s living room - annnd it’s date night.
To the left, the tv glares. The movie Kazuomi and I were watching is still playing - I must’ve fallen asleep at some point. 
            The scene changes and now the two main characters are in a ballroom illuminated by some golden light - the dancing scene, my favorite. The actress’s dress is beautiful - it flatters her figure, a simple, pretty design covers it, but does not dominate: it’s clear she is wearing the dress, the dress is not wearing her. 
            I love this movie - I’ve wanted to see it with Kazuomi too, afterall, Tom Cruise is in this movie, it’s the one he made his debut in. Eager for my fictional love to enter the frame, I hear a little chuckle overhead. 
“Finally wake up?” 
A bit startled but not surprised by the voice, I see Kazuomi smirking above me. 
“You were knocked out for at least 40 minutes. You must be tired after that mission. I thought of turning off the movie, but I figured you’d take my head if I stopped watching the movie the only other man you love happens to co-star in.”
“You’re not wrong.” I reply to Kazuomi’s snarky reply.
“Do you like this scene?” He asks, after momentarily chuckling and fixing himself so that he protects me from the battering cold air in his living room, hugging me to his chest.
“It’s a cute one.” No way am I going to admit to Kazuomi that I like this sort of cheesy stuff - especially not that I savor this particular scene and treasure this movie, it being the only one in Tom Cruise’s carrier where he takes on such a cheesy role. 
“I bet you know it by heart.” He smirks.
“Shut up. Tom just came on screen.” 
“You heard what I said.”
“Have you ever met him? If you haven’t then you can’t be on a first-name basis with him.”
He knows damn well I haven’t met Tom Cruise. Deciding to let him suffer in my silence, and thoroughly annoyed he was beginning to talk over Tom’s lines, I watch the screen before us. 
Kazuomi suddenly gets up - groaning as he does so - nearly letting me fall. Stripped from his comforting heat, I felt the numbing coolness of the room, tiny goosebumps littering my arms.
“What?” I ask, looking at him now standing in front of me, holding out one hand. 
“M’lady. Care to dance with me?” He asks, gazing tenderly at me. He’s a couple lines behind Tom. He’s trying to follow the script. 
“I’d be honored.” I say, failing to fight the smile tugging at my lips. I reach out and place my hand in his, grateful to be feeling the warmth of his palm. Gently pulling me to my feet, he wraps his free arm around my waist, pulling me close. 
“You look….stunning.” His arms are around me, we’re close. Nearly eye to eye. I’ve seen this scene so many times I know the choreography by heart - and what we’re doing now isn’t part of the choreography. 
Kazuomi’s pulling a different kind of dance right now. A waltz. 
Does he think I can’t keep up with him? I’m an agent - I have to be prepared for every situation, remember?
He smirks a bit - the bastard. 
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I reply, with that same smirk smudging his otherwise perfect face. 
All the same, I’m truly grateful for this moment. 
            Kazuomi may be a cunning, arrogant, charismatic, dangerous idiot most of the time, but he’s also soft, gentle, and adorable. It’s evident in this very moment - 
            Just now, he let me sleep when he knew I was exhausted, letting me use him as my pillow, and wrapping his arms around me - tight enough to protect me against anything in the world; he supported me and kept me warm when I sat up; he’s watching this movie with me because he knows my favorite actor is in it; his touch around my waist is excruciatingly tender, and he’s got a warm, glowing look in his eyes - it’s like I’m all he sees right now and I’m all he’ll ever see. 
“I’ll be your Tom Cruise.” He whispers, his voice soft. Saying this at a barely audible level, as if saying it any louder would soil its purpose - evidently, sealing the promise’s failure, securing my fate. A blind little wish. A wish I could never have - and that’s okay. Because if I had to choose between having Tom Cruise and Kazuomi Shido...I’d pick Kazuomi a thousand times over. 
“But you’re already my target.” Hoping he gets the meaning behind those words, I stare him right back in the eye, doing my best to show him I genuinely mean it.
“There’s nobody else I’d rather have on my case.” I had thought it was impossible for his eyes to get any softer, for him to look any cuter, for my love for him to exceed that belonging to Tom Cruise - yet here we are. And here I hope we’ll stay here forever. 
            There we sway, softly, side-to-side, holding each other, and looking into one another’s eyes - in the dead of night, tucked away in Raven Resort Tokyo, inside Kazuomi’s living room. Benevolently dancing to the song playing in the movie, illuminated by its soft golden and blue hues, whispering promises back and forth, stretching this fleeting moment of serenity and pure love for as long as we dare to hope.
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ionfusionpunk · 3 years
Starset anon, back again with... Mostly Foxiyo songs tbh
Here's to Us by Kevin Rudolf for all of them but I always imagine Wooley singing it idk why
Heroes Tonight by Janji for Fives or Echo
And you've probably already gotten this one but Soldiers by Otherwise for all of them
Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons for Rex
In Our Bedroom After the War by Stars, Heavenly Day by Patty Griffin, Heaven Knows by Five For Fighting, Honeybee by The Head and the Heart AND I Wouldn't Mind by He Is We are Foxiyo songs lol
Also Can't Help Falling in Love with You by Haley Reinhart as a Foxiyo song
And Good Day For Marrying You by Dave Barnes
...I did say they were mostly all Foxiyo lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Heyo Nonnie! I'm sorry it took so long to respond 😩 This week is my finals week, so I've been crazy busy tryna keep up with everything (I'm behind anyways, lol). Foxiyo is good. I finally started planning out the sequel to my project (the one I haven't started yet lmaooo), and Foxiyo plays a much bigger role than I was expecting. So this will be fantastic 🙃
Ooh, I like this one a lot. Definitely for all them. I think Wooley is just precious, yanno? He seems to be a bit more optimistic about everything than others :)
... Oof. Any thought of those boys hurts me. I've said it before, I'll say it again: the Domino Twins are such a beautiful tragedy.
I actually don't have this one already, but I recognize it hard. Which really just means it probably came on the radio while I was driving within the last few months. Thank you for suggesting it! I made a mental note to look it up when I got home then promptly forgot haha.
Ready, Aim, Fire for Rex is just - *chef's kiss*. Again, tragic. Heart hurt. (This actually made me think of Not Today by BTS so I added that to my 'Everybody' playlist :))
Aaahhhh so sweet! Five for Fighting has been a long-time love of mine, so I was excited to see this song ^^ Honeybee made me think of Chasing Cars by Snowpatrol, so I added that my Foxiyo list while I was at it. All of these tho were so soft. I got all mushy inside listening to them :')
I actually grew up on the version of I Can't Help Falling in Love With You done by UB40. I liked this one you suggested, but - UB40 I think will always be my favorite haha.
Lol this song made me picture Fox and Riyo getting harassed by their friends asking when they'll finally officially get together or something haha. Thorn and Thire and Stone and Hound just - hovering around Fox after he gets back from guarding Riyo at a conference or something, Padme and Bail teasing Riyo - hnn. So cute.
These were all lovely! Thank you so much for these! As always, if you think of more... 😊
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hi! Can I just say that the thing I'm most thankful for today is you and your blog. It's literally the onlu tumblr I check every single day without fail & especially in times of turmoil your positivity just brings this peace. I'll be the 1st to admit that I'm not a fan of CAM, to say that I've disliked her since TVD is putting it mildly, but I just came from another blog and saw all these posts listing her faults. I know she's not perfect and I don't even like her but those posts weighed me down
2 so I just went back to your blog to reread all your positive response and I just wanted to say thank you. I didn't even expect to feel bad bec of criticism of CAM bec they were very valid points. But hammering it out after all these time is just heavy om the heart. I feel like what we need to do now is to move forward and heal and put her behind us. So I'm looking forward to any positive feeling or thoughts you'll be willing to share with us. You are a force of good and I'm sending you love
Goodness, I’ve received so much love yesterday, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed that this continues. 😳Your message made me smile tho, and I thank you for your kind words, nonnie! It makes me happy to know that my blog brings you some comfort. ❤️❤️❤️
Ngl, we’ve had a bit of a rough year. First the S1 finale debacle, then a very long hiatus that left the fandom fractured, followed by a rather underwhelming season 2 - it’s no surprise that there’s currently a lot of bitterness being voiced, especially since CAM contributed in different, and sometimes quite significant ways to what’s upset people. Believe me, I too am still bitter about quite a few things.
But I don’t want to let that bitterness consume me, I don’t want to dwell on it, especially now, when there’s a clean cut and a somewhat promising future on the horizon. 
For my own peace of mind, I want to focus on positivity, the possibilities, and all the things I LOVE about the show and its characters. Because there’s still so much I love about RNM (the reason why I’m still here, even tho I didn’t watch S2). S3 won’t be on our screens for another year, and I’d rather try and enjoy the time as much as I can (I don’t want another hellatus...).
I got a lot of asks the night when news broke that she’d leave the show (more than 50 👀), and quite a few of them pointed out negative things about her, listed rumors about her behavior (some dating back to times prior to RNM), mentioned rude comments she’s made, stuff like that. And I’m okay with people sending me these kinds of asks (I get it, sometimes it just feels good to blow off steam). 
I didn’t publish them tho, bc like you, the negativity tends to weigh me down, and I don’t want to amplify it.
Tbh, I’m just really tired of being weighed down by negativity. The show did that to me for the longest time (especially the last couple of months), and CAM definitely did play her part in that. But she’s gone now, and I’m more than ready to move on. 
There’s nothing we can change about the past 2 seasons, none of the mistakes or writing choices that were made can be undone. Canon is what it is (minus that scene, I refuse to acknowledge its existence), and I more than understand that not everyone’s ready to move on yet, that some of that bitterness has to get out first, be discussed and maybe rehashed a couple more times - all in order to eventually let it go. 
I want to focus on the good things from now on tho. I want to fangirl, read fic,  write fic (haha, as if my muse would let me 😒DEAR MUSE, I HAVE A BIG BANG TO WRITE, PLS DON’T MAKE IT SO HARD FOR ME), make gifs, perhaps rewatch some S1 scenes. I want to swoon over Tyler, laugh at Vlamis, slowly get excited about S3 around the time they return to Santa Fe - just nurture the little seed of hope that things will be better next season.
I really do feel a lot more hopeful now. I’m not as anxious anymore, I don’t dread thinking about the future of the show like I used to. I’m well aware that even with a new show runner things can go sideways. Chris Hollier isn’t some savior who’s gonna magically fix all past mistakes and will never make any of his own.
He just seems a little less unpredictable, a little less “vindictive”, and a lot less thriving on misery, all things I appreciate. He’s also not constantly on social media to either “spy” on what fans are talking about, or barging in to “correct” us when we supposedly focus on the “wrong” things.
We may have lost the hot wire connection to the show runner, but imo that can be an advantage. I’m sure regardless of him not monitoring fan activity on Twitter and Tumblr 24/7, Chris is well aware of how important Malex are to fans, and he knows how important they are to Tyler and Vlamis. I believe he also knows about all the grievances fans have regarding making PoC the villains, mistreating Maria, sidelining characters, and so on.
He doesn’t have to be on social media to be aware of these things (many of the RNM writers are on social media, it would be a miracle if they didn’t talk about stuff like that in the writers room), and I hope he’s gonna fix some of the more glaring issues, and hopefully he’ll refrain from fucking up Malex (I believe they are in good hands with him tho).
Anyway, this got long and super rambly. Sorry, must’ve been something in the water this morning xD 
Here’s to a mostly enjoyable hiatus, what I can do to make it a little more silly and fun, I’ll do. ✨💚👽
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one-abuse-survivor · 4 years
Tired is when you're sick of life, or feel weighed down by the stuff around you. Sleepy is when you want to go to bed. That's how me and my friend do it, anyhow. At this point, I'm fucking exhausted to the point where I feel too tired to let it out but im gonna anyways. There's bits in here that I can't tell my friend, or anyone, so i'm hoping bc this is anonymous i can let it out. Right, intro done lol. Onto the story. Last night, i have no idea what time, maybe five or six, (all i know is this
thing ended at 7pm), my mom storms out of the room and comes back holding a bottle of water and her bag. She proceeds to tell my dad she found the bottle at the bottom of my bed, (basically im not supposed to have anything at the bottom of my bead bc asian tradition believes that youre on top of it and thats dirty or whatever). Then she pulls out my school photo, puts it on the table and tells my dad to look at it. Starts ranting about how I never listen, i look horrible, worst photo i've ever taken. 
Basically, I go to a private school, and they think I should look good, and then they spent some time lecturing me about how i was supposed to look right when i was in the school, I look like a boy, i act like a boy, my hair's a mop, I look like a hooligan. Start talking about when i dress to go to school, how my shoes aren't polished and one of them has laces that show the white inner. How my hair's messy at the back, if i saw someone in jeans and someone in a suit in the street, who would i think was respectful? They told me they shouldn't have let me into the school, they loved me too much, that's why, they should have let me go to this public school that has a reputation for being a mess, that i belong there, waste of money, they regret letting me go here, thought i was a respectable girl. 
Dad asked me again, who wouldd i think was respectful, the jeans or the suit, and I told him I don't know. We'll get to that later, but at that moment he sneered and snorted and looked at my mom. 'says she doesnt know' he jeers. I'd meant it as in 'i have no idea, please help me'. He took it as 'she doesn't know, and doesn't give a fuck'. I don't know how to look proper. they never taught me. they tell me that something looks good so i wear it. mom still buys my clothes for me. I have no fucking clue what looks proper and what doesn't. 
Anyways, somehow they moved onto uni, and my current work, and how I pull all-nighters and how dad thought i was smart but nopw he has no hope, how he sees me get up in the morning and know i'm going to fail the assessment, how i get distracted, how i take too long to shower, how i never learn, how i never help them around the house, they do everything for me and if he was in my shoes then he would work until 'smoke came out' (vietnamese saying), how he would be so grateful but i'm not and they're going to leave me (which is a normal threat for them lol) and how they're going to die (another normal threat, dad has a lifelong illness and mom has been struggling with leukaemia for years) and they're not going to pay for uni if i get a stupid degree, only if i get a good degree like they want which will actually help me (law), if i want to become an engineer (something im considering) then i can pay for it myself, then again it's not like i'm even going to get into uni, when they look at me, they have to think of the girl i was when i was five because if they think about me now they feel sad, they won't look at me because I make them sad, they had so much hope for me, now down the drain, no, down to the sewers, look at my cousins going out, one of them had piercings and infections and almost got tattoos and is a nurse in a prison with a husband who stressed her out so much she passed out at work, do i want that, that's what i will get if i dont work, basd job, assisstants have to buy pads for their bosses, horrible child, this will end one of two ways, one i listen to them and come back years later to thank them or i'll look up at the stars and wish that i'd listened to them and they regret having me and caring for me, if only they'd been better parents, they'd been too lenient, but i don't care do i because if i cared it'd show in my working to please them and i haven't done that so that means i don;t care about them.
Dad told me it was too late to change, then switches to tell me it's not too late, they ramble on about my internet use, (i have to ask them for internet) and i'm not acutlalyu doping work on it, i'm just fucking around, they kjnow, they know, i can lie all i want nbut it's true. Horrible child, they'll die, they'll die, That's the end of the conversation, we're not going to talk about it anymore. No, stop talking. I'm going to tell you this until i die. I'm going to keep saying it, beccause it's better that i say it and you not listen than i dont say it and regret not saying it. (okay, i can;t currently remember anything else of what they said lol.). By the way, you wanna know abt
[asks didn’t arrive and I asked for the last bit again]
ok lets hope to god this sends then. i think i know where i was up to - 'do you want to know about what was wrong with the photo' i think was meant to be that. anyways, yeah. guess what was wrong with it. i had a fucking splinge. like my hair was parted and a bit of the part was split. that's all i can see that's wrong with it. maybe my hair looked oily? idk but that's all i noticed. also said something after that about do u remember when dad asked me abt who did i think looked better the suit.
also can i add something i just remembered which is that one of them put folders on my shelf and mom told me she knew i put them there to hide what i was looking at on my laptop from her when i??? didnt??? put them??? there??? in the first place???? (the layout of my room allows the folders to block the view of someone from the door basically) i put new folders there after i think my dad put them there but i didnt originally put them there??? sorry it was a full ask rant and i have no idea what the freak i typed and what i didnt lol. but u get the gist i think. big fat lecture.
i am tired. my eyes were puffy and there was like this pool of snot floating on top of this pool of tears if you did get the ask sorry u had to read that twice. :(. i mean even tho u didnt see it i was able to let it all out. not sure if it made me feel better about anything but being able to do it at all is rlly nice. Thank you for that.
No wonder you’re tired, nonnie... I’m really glad you could get all of this off your chest, and really sorry that you have to hear those awful things about yourself coming from your parents.
I’m a white European, so I don’t share many of your experiences and I don’t know how it is to live in a Vietnamese family, but I hope it’s okay to compare it a little bit with my experiences in my (very Christian) family--if not, you can absolutely skip the next paragraph! 
I have had a bunch of conversations with my therapist about traditions, religion, and misogyny, because since I cut my mother off, my grandfather has lectured me many times about how I am a bad daughter for looking out for myself and putting my life first instead of being devoted to my mother’s wants and needs. He told me that she’s sick and I’m horrible for not caring about that and abandoning her, and that if she doesn’t love me, I just have to work harder until I "crack her walls”. (As if I haven’t tried already, and as if she didn’t use her very mental illness as an excuse to abuse me). My therapist basically told me that sometimes, being the Disney villain in some people’s stories means you’re doing something right, because their vision of what’s right and what’s wrong (especially when it comes to daughters and women in general) is designed to hurt you, to make you put your family before yourself. That it’s never wrong to put yourself and your needs first, and that kids don’t owe their parents anything just because the parents brought them into this world--that was the parents’ choice, not the kid’s, and therefore it’s the parents’ responsibility to care for their kid, whoever that kid turns out to be; and not the kid’s responsibility to be the model child that the parents had in mind or to care for them.
Your parents belittling you for things you have little to no control over and accusing you of being responsible for their future deaths, for not knowing things that haven’t been explained to you, for not living up to their expectations without even giving you a chance to try, and for not “working for them as hard as they would in your place”, are all red flags of emotional abuse. Accusing you of things you don’t do and constantly drilling into your mind that they “know” you’re a horrible person who doesn’t want to learn or change is a red flag too, and probably an excuse to take the guilt off their shoulders for not taking the time to guide you in life and to explain anything to you before accusing you of not knowing it already. “It’s too late” puts the blame on you, but what it actually means is probably something along the lines of “It’s easier to scream at you than to put realistic expectations on you and then help you achieve them while respecting your boundaries and allowing you to make mistakes, but I don’t want to feel guilty about it, so let’s pretend you’re a lost cause, yeah?”
I used to go to a private school too, and my mother repeatedly told me that was the reason she struggled economically and that I had ruined her life. It wasn’t until I talked about it in therapy that I realised that I never had a choice in what school I went to. Same as I never had a choice in anything my mother decided for me. So how could I be to blame for the consequences of those decisions? And how can you? If they buy you certain clothes, then they have no right to criticise how you look in them. If they chose to put you in a private school, then the money spent is on them, not you. You shouldn’t have to “prove” you’re worth their decisions for you or their basic care for you--they chose to give you that unconditionally the moment they decided to have you in the first place, and if they refuse to give it or threaten to take it away, it’s becuase they’re neglectful and/or abusive, not because something intrinsic about you justifies it. You’re not a bad kid; you’re just a normal kid with very bad parents. And I’m really sorry that you have to put up with them. You deserve better 😔
I’m here if you need to vent again in the future, nonnie. Sending a virtual hug ❤
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flogan enemies to lovers college roommates au tho
I am so sorry that it’s taken me so long to get to this prompt, nonny! I was very excited to tackle it. Mwahaha. Have some stupid pining idiots below the cut, this time in college together!
Not everyone got along well with their college roommate, it was true. That was why, hopefully, you only had to put up with them for a year, or even just one semester depending on how much you bribed the student housing office. But few roommates had clashed so instantly and spectacularly as Wyatt Logan and Garcia Flynn.
Wyatt was from a relatively small town in Texas, and was only in college to follow his girlfriend, Jess, who wanted to be an investigative reporter. He was white, cocky, and thought James Bond was the height of cinema. Flynn was an international student from the newly-formed Croatia, had already fought in a war, and possessed the opinion that if men learned to shut up every once in a while, the world would probably benefit.
The fact that both he and Wyatt had been forced to grow up too early, too soon, had both had complicated relationships with fathers who were now dead, and both were World War II nerds (Flynn because of his father, Wyatt because of Ian Fleming) didn’t seem to matter to them. The entire dorm knew when Wyatt and Flynn were at hammer and tongs, because Wyatt and Flynn both lacked volume control.
“Would it fucking kill you to clean up your shit!? When was the last time you did laundry!?”
“It’s all on my side of the room, dipshit, so I don’t see why you’re complaining.”
“If you blast your fucking country music while I’m trying to study, I will ram this book on the history of the Bolshevik Wars down your throat.”
“That’s pretty fucking rich coming from the guy who practices his debate points out loud at two in the goddamn morning...”
On, and on, and on. The freshman RA had been asked several times to try and intervene, but Flynn was 6′4″ and looked like he murdered people in his spare time as a stress-reliever before exams, so it was rather hard to talk to him about anything. Wyatt, meanwhile, would just go bright red and mutter that it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t start this, so really, it was a lost cause to try and intervene.
Then Jess broke up with Wyatt over Thanksgiving break, and things got really bad.
“Are you ever going to get out of bed?” Flynn mused. “Or are you going to lie there until you slowly die?”
“Like you’d care,” Wyatt huffed back. So what if he’d been in bed for the last three days?
Jess was all he had. The only good thing about his hometown, and his only friend here at college. He’d come here for her, and she’d had the audacity to break up with him!?
“I’ll care when your corpse starts to stink,” Flynn noted.
Wyatt didn’t even bother to flip him off. Flynn was a pain in his fucking ass but at least, he supposed, Flynn paid attention to him. Texas A&M was big, and it was easy to get lost in the crowd. He wasn’t sure his professors would even notice if he didn’t show up for class.
He did end up staying in bed for three days. Not that it was a big deal. The post-Thanksgiving classes were a joke, anyway. Everyone was too busy cramming for exams before winter break.
...winter break, where he now had nowhere to go. He’d been planning to go home to Jess’s house with her, but... yeah. He’d probably just stay on campus. Great.
On the third day, he was woken up by Flynn dumping a box on his chest. “What the fuck!?”
“Eat,” Flynn growled, and then he walked back out of the room.
Wyatt examined the box. It was a takeout box from the campus dining hall, and the food did smell good...
Ugh, fine, okay. He’d eat it.
Flynn returned about five hours later, dumped another box on his lap, took away the first one, and then did homework silently. Wyatt glared at Flynn’s back, but if Flynn noticed, he didn’t say anything.
This process was repeated the next day, only with the addition of a bottle of water.
Wyatt watched, suspicious, as Flynn worked on his essay. “Are you fattening me up for slaughter?”
“Nonsense, you know I stick to a strict diet of children,” Flynn replied.
Wyatt told himself the sarcasm wasn’t funny.
Sometime that night, Wyatt woke up to find Flynn still working at his desk. That wasn’t unusual, but Wyatt could’ve sworn the book that Flynn was using as a reference was a biology book, and Flynn wasn’t taking biology. Wyatt was, as one of his mandatory science credits.
He rolled over and went back to sleep.
On the fifth day of this, Wyatt woke up because Flynn was dragging him out of bed by the ankles. “What the fuck!?”
“You stink,” Flynn replied, letting go of Wyatt’s ankles only to grab him by the wrist and haul him to his feet. “You’re taking a shower.”
“I am doing jack shit--hey!” Wyatt yelped as Flynn proceeded to hook his arms under Wyatt’s and then bodily haul him down the hallway, then throw him into the bathroom. Shampoo, conditioner, and soap were tossed in after him.
Wyatt noted that these were not his shampoo, conditioner, and soap. He actually didn’t know where those were. He took a shower, since he suspected marching back into his room to yell at Flynn would only result in Flynn hauling him back into the shower, and the guy was really fucking strong, so. Path of least resistance and all that.
He smelled like Flynn when he got out of the shower, which he told himself was not a good thing, even though it did something weird to his stomach. The odd behavior didn’t stop there, either--when he got back, he saw that his bed had been stripped down and his side of the room had been cleaned up.
“Where’s my stuff?” he asked, squinting at Flynn, who was reading a book on the golden age of piracy and looking far too pleased with himself.
“Put away, where it’s supposed to be. Your bedsheets are in the laundry.”
Wyatt’s face heated up. “I didn’t ask for your help, you know.”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.” Flynn’s accent got a little thicker when he was pissed, and Wyatt would die before admitting he liked it. Flynn snapped his book shut. “Whether you asked for it or not, genius, you needed it.”
“Oh, I needed it. Right. Like a guy can’t take a few days off.”
“You weren’t eating, you weren’t showering, you were lying in bed.” Flynn’s voice had a dangerous edge to it, one that Wyatt had never heard before. “That’s not taking a few days off, Wyatt, that’s depression.”
“I’m not depressed.”
“If it honks like a duck and walks like a duck and...”
“Is that some kind of Croatian saying?”
“Oh, fuck you.” Flynn stood up, tossing the book aside. “Excuse me for trying to save your fucking life.”
“Maybe I didn’t want my life saved!” Wyatt snapped back, and oh, oh that was a little more real than he’d meant it to be.
Flynn didn’t look away, just kept those intense eyes on him, Flynn was always so intense and Wyatt could never really handle it, he always had to look away, except this time he couldn’t.
“My mom got like that,” Flynn said at last. “After my dad died. I... I didn’t know how to handle it. His death, or her. So I did something... stupid, I lied about my age and I signed up for the war.”
He huffed out a sardonic chuckle. “That snapped her out of it, all right. But not the way I’d hoped. I always told myself if I got another chance, I’d do better. I’d help the person the right way.”
Wyatt felt something inside of him crack open, like someone was finally looking at him and understood. “I don’t have anyone,” he admitted. “Other than Jess. I don’t... I’ve got no one. No plan. Nothing I want. Nothing I care about.”
“We’ll find you something,” Flynn said.
“Yeah, sure.” Wyatt snorted.
“We will,” Flynn repeated, and he sounded so annoyingly decided about it, that Wyatt kind of believed him.
They didn’t really talk further about... all that, not until a week later when they were both on the tail end of an all-nighter. Flynn had, as Wyatt suspected, been doing Wyatt’s homework for him while Wyatt was down for the count, but Flynn had taken pains to hide it so Wyatt didn’t thank him. He suspected Flynn didn’t want to be thanked.
That night, though, he was a bit buzzed from the caffeine and lack of sleep, and there’d been a thought annoying him at the back of his brain for a while. “Y’know something that’s... it shouldn’t annoy me but it does?”
“Hmm?” Flynn replied. They were sitting on Flynn’s bed, Flynn opposite him, their legs stretched out so that Wyatt’s feet were kind of in Flynn’s lap and vice versa. Flynn put down his book and made a go on gesture.
“Jess said a lot of shit, and I’m starting to think she was right.” Wyatt put his notebook and pencil aside. “Yeah, I thought about myself and not her, I never listened, I’ve got some shit to work out, but...” This was so fucking embarrassing. “She said I was bad in bed, and for some fucking reason that’s what I keep focusing on.”
Flynn stared at him. “That’s what...”
“Yeah, I know it’s stupid, you don’t have to tell me.”
Flynn cocked his head a little, and did that thing when he was thinking where he’d run his tongue over his bottom lip. It made Wyatt feel oddly hot and achey when Flynn did that. “I think I know why.”
“Oh, great, what, were you spying on us or something...”
“No, moron, I just know you.”
“Fine, then what’s the problem? If you’re such an expert on me.” Wyatt felt like he was stepping out onto thin ice and daring Flynn to do it with him, trying to get them both to plunge into icy water.
Flynn opened his mouth, paused, then said, “Kiss me.”
Wyatt could feel his eyes going wide. “What!?” It came out strangled, and there was no explanation for the way his stomach swooped.
Flynn rolled his eyes. “It’s better if I just show you, okay? C’mon, prove Jess wrong.”
“But...” I’m not gay.
The thought of kissing Flynn, though, had him hot all over, just like when he’d thought about kissing Jess. He’d been horny and fidgety all day when he’d taken a shower with Flynn’s stuff and smelled like him, smelled Flynn on him all day, and that... that wasn’t how you were about guys you didn’t...
“Nobody knows about this, okay?” Wyatt huffed, obligingly crawling across the bed. “Or you’re dead.”
“You think I want everyone knowing about this?” Flynn snapped back. “God made you all pretty and no brains, fucking hell.”
You think I’m pretty? Wyatt thought, but like fuck was he gonna say that out loud, so he just kissed Flynn before he could dig himself an even bigger hole.
Flynn almost immediately made a knowing, displeased noise, and slid his hand around the back of Wyatt’s head to fist in his hair. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said, and Wyatt was about to demand what the hell that meant, except Flynn kissed him again. And this time, Flynn was in control.
Wyatt found himself pushed back until he was flat on his back on the bed, grabbing onto Flynn’s shoulders to keep himself steady as Flynn sealed his mouth over Wyatt’s. Jesus Christ, he’d always kind of assumed that Flynn had never done anything since Flynn’s schedule consisted of class, homework, and annoying Wyatt, but at some point Flynn had obviously gotten some action because the man knew what the fuck he was doing.
The odd thing was, Wyatt... liked this. Not just kissing Flynn, although that was, um, a hell of a something, but the fact that Flynn was the one calling the shots. He coaxed Wyatt into whatever it was he wanted Wyatt to do, he chose when to pull away and to plunge back in, and he forcibly held Wyatt in place when he decided to kiss along Wyatt’s neck and jaw instead, forcing Wyatt to shake and whine because it felt so fucking good and he couldn’t do anything about it.
“See,” Flynn rumbled at last, when Wyatt was a wreck and felt like his brain was leaking out his ears. “You keep trying to be in control and just do whatever you want. And it doesn’t sit right, does it? You like it better when the other person’s the one in charge.”
Every inhale felt like fire in his lungs. Wyatt just nodded dumbly, words kind of out of the question.
“Feels like you’re in charge because that’s how it’s supposed to be, right?” Flynn went on. He shifted slightly and Wyatt could feel the weight of him and he nearly lost his entire mind. “Not because that’s actually how you want it to be. If you’d let Jess be in charge, more, I bet you both would’ve liked it better. You can’t do something properly if you’re not really enjoying it.”
Wyatt had to admit, showing him had been the better option. If Flynn had said all this before the making out, Wyatt would’ve gotten angry and refused to listen to him.
Flynn started to pull away, which dragged his body against Wyatt’s, and Wyatt whimpered helplessly. A voice that sounded very much like his dad’s was screaming at him that this was disgusting, wrong, perverted, but at the same time it felt so good, Flynn felt good, and Wyatt didn’t want Flynn to stop.
Besides, he was safe with Flynn. Flynn took care of him.
“You should show me other stuff,” Wyatt blurted out, before he lost his courage. “Y’know, I mean, only if you really want.”
Flynn’s eyes bore into him, hot and searching, and for the first time Wyatt wasn’t afraid to stare right back, match Flynn’s gaze.
After an agonizing moment, Flynn moved forward again, putting all of his weight down on Wyatt this time, settling between Wyatt’s legs, and oh fuck, Wyatt could feel Flynn, hard and hot, up against where Wyatt himself was pretty damn compromised.
“If I really want,” Flynn echoed, sarcasm lacing his voice.
Wyatt nodded. He got daring, spreading his legs a little farther, arching up a bit.
Flynn’s eyes looked black.
Flynn kissed him again, and this time, they didn’t come up for air.
The rest of the dorm still got to know when Wyatt and Flynn were at it, just for an entirely different reason. Because Wyatt still lacked volume control.
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maldduni · 4 years
I want to hear more about Emry, how did you create them?
Hi nonny! OK so Emry is my only original story. Pretty much all of my characters are original (Ophelia has origins in a Marvel character but isn’t exactly the same so) because I really like coming up with characters. I usually use not so original stories cause I daydream about whatever I’m obsessed with at the time.
Anyways, I don’t remember much about Emry’s creation itself, tbh. Her story is inspired by It and a part in the later Hunger Games books. I know I came up with her way too late at night and immediately wrote down the plot of the story on the notes app of my phone, which I’ve done before but she’s the only one of my originals who’s really become a para.
Also this is a horror story, so if that doesn’t float your boat you may wanna stop reading? Then again this is just a description and I don’t think it’s that creepy so read at your discretion.
The basic plot is this: Emry is a teenager whose life has been haunted both by madness and death. Her best friend died when she was 7, her psychiatrist died when she was 12, and her dad died when she was 15. Right before her psychiatrist died, she had diagnosed her with schizophrenia (I don’t know a lot about schizophrenia so I’m sorry if any of this is innacurate or offensive (please let me know!) if I was writing a story on it I would’ve researched a lot more but since this is in my head I didn’t). She experiences a lot of paranoia and hallucinations, both visual and auditory. This was only exacerbated by the fact that she believed every time someone she was close to died, she would hear a whispery voice calling her name before hand. This happened with her friend, her doctor, and her dad, but people just told her it was part of her mental illness.
Before her dad died her mom and dad had actually been filing for a divorce. They got into a huge argument over her and her dad walked out to go for a drive to clear his head and ended up crashing his car. She blames herself for a lot of things and that’s a huge one of them. She basically blamed herself for their entire divorce too cause she viewed herself as a problem child but they had already had problems, it would’ve probably happened either way.
Anyways, this is rly long so ima shorten the rest a bit. The story is framed like a movie because she’s actually a character one of my other paras (who’s an actress) plays. The movie starts with a bunch of kids visiting this old women who’s one of their grandmothers and sneaking up into the attic to look at all the stuff up there. There’s where they find an old dirty journal and the writing of the journal dictates the main story.
The main story is that it’s the summer before Emry’s senior year and her mom wanted to have some mother daughter bonding time (also cause Emry doesn’t have any friends and has been in her room basically all summer) so she decided they’re going on a cruise trip to somewhere north and Emry reluctantly goes with her. On the third night of the trip Emry is awake on her phone in bed when she hears a sound. She grabs this short metal pole she had snuck in her suitcase cause you know, paranoia, and goes to check on her mom but she can’t find her and the door to the communal hallway is open. She goes searching for her and ends up finding a bunch of kids instead, all of which are younger than her to some degree and all of which are also missing their parents. They kind of assert her as leader even though she doesn’t want to be and they go looking for their parents, though they soon find out there’s a monster on the ship. They keep hearing it call Emry’s name and Emry thinks it’s a hallucination even though everyone keeps telling her they hear it too. She’s been told so long that it’s fake she’s not ready to believe it’s real. Also that might mean her mom is about to die.
They go through the ship looking for their parents, eventually Emry agrees that the monster is real, just because it chased them down a hallway and that means that they kind of saw it. Emry is still having a hard time deciding what’s real and what’s not though cause the high stress situation is giving her hallucinations so they end up with a system where she asks “real or not real?” and the kids answer her, hence the title. This doesn’t always work cause sometimes she’s too quick to react and once she almost hits one of the kids with her pole cause she thought she saw a monster there, but everyone’s pretty much ok.
They’re trying to get to the deck now to send an sos or a flare or something. They find a door but it’s locked. Something reminds her of titanic, however, and she remembers that scene where they use the bench to ram open the door. So they do that and they get on the deck and head to the control room to send an SOS except the control room has a big window and door directly to the deck and as they’re trying to send the signal, Emry sees her mom on the opposite edge of the boat. It’s a hallucination, but Emry doesn’t realize that as she rushes forward to grab her and almost slips off, ending up holding onto the edge and dangling off. She’s able to start climbing back up but just then the monster appears in the door of the control room, trapping the kids there. Emry by now has worked out that the monster has some sort of fixation on her so she calls out to it and, in order to get it away from the kids, falls off th e edge of the deck and into the water.
It runs after her and on its way back up holding her, the kids are ready and use the pipe to smash its head in basically. They call for an SOS, rescue comes, some of their parents are found locked in the boiler rooms, some of their parents bodies were found around the ship, all except Emry’s mom. The kids who are orphaned get adopted by the remaining parents, including Emry, until her moms body is found in a fishing net a couple weeks later. Emry sort of breaks and ends up needing to live in a mental hospital, but all of the families stay close to her their entire lives and the kids who are reading this end up actually having known Emry as basically an aunt except they had to visit her in a mental hospital. She was the oldest so she died a little while ago of old age, but they still remembered her. Just as they’re reaching the end of the story, their grandmother comes in and shoos them off. When they ask if it’s real she says no, that Aunt Emry was mentally ill and that she wrote down some of her hallucinations especially as she got older. But after they leave the grandmother takes the journal to her room and sets it in a drawer beneath some socks and just as she leaves and closes the door, behind the bedroom door, the camera focuses on the rusted metal pole from the ship all those years ago.
I’m sorry that was so long! I hope you liked it tho, I just really like my characters. If you wanna know any more about her or any other character, please ask! I also have songs for Emry and a character description and stuff but this is already way too long. <3
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