#sorry im autistic do you still think im cute
Posting my own propaganda; I did NOT write a (soon to be) 100k fic about Lyf to let them die here
(Although a quick note before I dive in- reminder that if you can get a perfect 50/50 they can move together as a team!!!! Since this is the most votes any of the polls have as of now, I'll allow a tiiiiny bit of leeway in either direction as well)
Wider necessary context: The Mechanisms (in universe) are a group of space pirates who tell the stories they come across in the format of narration-song-narration-song-etc albums. These stories are always gruesome, over the top, and always always end in tragedy.
Your sister dies before your eyes after 40 years of being made to serve a role in a war you hate, with only a few seconds to live again before being cut down yourself. You win the war, but what else is there left behind?
You finally find the one thing needed to save your city from endless capitalistic destruction, and yet you die before you can share it with the world. Maybe they didn't deserve it anyway.
You work your whole life to bring together the two different tribes of your own world only to become disillusioned to the cold hatred of your people. You destroy everything because what else is there left that's even worth saving?
Time and time again, things end the same way. Death, destruction, and only a handful of survivors if you're lucky. These three aren't even the only examples, these are just the longer albums. Even the individual songs end this way, just on a smaller scale.
So when The Bifrost Incident begins, you already know how the story ends. But the characters don't.
It breaks the rules of the narrative right from the very first second. For the first time, a character in the story is narrating it, rather than a Mech as an outsider perspective. They are introduced as Lyfrassir Edda, investigating the disappearance of a train, and in this first narration they tell you exactly how it ends. No remains were found other than the engine room, and "a couple of warped skeletons." Every single person on that train dies.
The only thing Lyf can do is try to work out how it happened. They go through the remaining security recordings, keeping track of the characters and where they go. There's nothing they can do to prevent these events, they can only stand back and watch as they unfold.
Another Mech narrative device that is broken here is that every previous album took classic public domain melodies to use for their songs. The Bifrost Incident is the first (and as far as I'm aware, only) instance of them using purely original music. Even from the beginning everything feels...off.
Lyf eventually unlocks the secrets of the footage, past a point of no return. The passengers on the train, the ones they'd been watching this whole time, did not cause its destruction. The once simple murder mystery turns eldritch horror, and the usual narration-song-narration format is shattered as 5 high-energy songs in a row describe the fate of the train.
Everyone on that train is doomed. There are two full songs describing their demises, ones they cannot escape or prevent. Lyf can only watch as things get worse, until eventually the only remaining living passengers decide what they have to do: take advantage of the blood ritual keeping the train moving to delay its arrival to the station Lyf found it at.
"They cannot prevent what they have touched following them into our world, but they can delay it. Keep the train on the track as long as possible."
There is no stopping this. And Lyf then realizes what seeing this footage means. The train has arrived. It's even taken them a few days to review the footage. Every second that passes brings them, everyone they know and love, and their entire star system, closer to its inevitable destruction.
There isn't a single thing they can do in their narrative other than discover just how impossible it is to escape it. And they do try, they're the only character that ever learns of this, and they flee. It is unknown whether or not they survive.
Nobody else does. And despite all their efforts, there wasn't a single thing they could do to stop it.
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hershelchocolate · 1 year
(Very Brief) Mass Propaganda Post For @doomed-bythe-narrative !!!!!
1. Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
I am campaigning for her the hardest rn because yall she is going to lose this poll
Why is she doomed?: the narrative exists BECAUSE she is doomed. There is no narrative without her being doomed to suffer within it. Also, from what I've heard, she's ALSO doomed in the two other games in the series she's in!!! She CANNOT exist in this world without being doomed by the narrative no matter what you do to prevent it. She makes my brain explode
2. Mordred (High Noon Over Camelot)
The winner of the Mechs Poorest Little Meow Meow bracket :)
Why is he doomed?: He's a main character in a Mechs album. More specifically, the context of every Mechs album is that the band watched the stories happen and are now conveying that information to you through the albums. His story was over before it ever started, and his story is destined to crush his morals and leave him sad and alone as he dooms his entire world to burn. There was no avoiding this the second the Mechs started singing.
3. Lyfrassir Edda (The Bifrost Incident)
Why are they doomed?: They're a main character in a Mechs album. Okay but for real, their story was decided for them 80 years before the story even fucking starts. They're doomed from the second they start speaking and the only thing they can do in the narrative is learn just how fucked everything is about to get with absolutely no way to prevent it. Someone please help them
4. Ganondorf (Wind Waker)
That's my grandpa :)
Why is he doomed?: Ganon in every Zelda game is doomed to become the antagonist no matter what he does simply because that is the nature of the cycle they're all trapped in. Wind Waker Ganon feels (in my experience and the games I've played) the most regretful of how this cycle has ended up. He's tired, but he's not going to stop now. He knows his destiny is to die at the hero's hands, and he's going to fulfill it. But he's also not going down without a fight (though can you really say he's trying compared to some of the other Ganon fights in the series? He's almost easier than the boss gauntlet you do to get to him. He's so tired)
5. Porygon Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Why is it doomed?: because my bestie said so <3 and ey said so SO MUCH and ey are SO CORRECT, it was literally shadowbanned from Real Life for being in an episode of the anime with no warning for flashing lights, except it wasn't even Porygon that caused it. Literally got doomed from real life because of something it didn't do
6. Eden (In A Manor Of Speaking)
This one is a silly funny c: that's my besties OC everyone vote for her right now or I'll cry /j
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timegears-moved · 2 years
me 99% of the time: man the sun and moon series was so amazing. it's my comfort show because it's so feel-good and heartwarming.
the remaining 1% when i think about how dirty lana's primarina was done:
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#bwark#why do the writer always do this to my favourites!!!#like everything that happened as popplio was perfect. the characters were literally praising her just for existing#and i was like bitch me too the fuck#and i was so excited for it evolve!! i was so excited to see her develop further and get stronger#but it spent a grand total of 14 episodes as brionne with absolutely no training in between to show its progress#if she had just evolved into her middle stage earlier in the series like torracat did then this wouldn't have been an issue#and then after her first evolution she's not shown as much on screen anymore and is p much replaced by eevee as lana's cute mascot pokemon#like alolan marowak is more popular than turtonator but you still see both of them chilling with kiawe so literally what gives???#and then there's the fucking guzma battle. great fight to show how much of a threat guzma was but like#making primarina's last major moment in the series so fucking brutal and uncomfortable to watch was rlly upsetting#like it's just a repeat of dawn's ambipom bc they made ambipom lose her final contest before being booted off#except i don't think primarina's case is that bad because at least she's still hanging around but it's still bad#and i know this isn't abt lana's primarina or even abt sm but the jn episode about the blue enthusiasts was another salt in the wound#like brionne and primarina's major return for journeys.......was in a scene where a human dude fantisized abt brionne/primarina falling in#love with him. cool. thanks. i want to fucking die.#sorry this is so wordy and is probably a ridiculous thing to get mad about im just really autistic about these pokemon
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
HELLO LOVELY! I saw your tank top thingy and am now inclined to request this. Could you do a fem. s/o that wears nightgowns to bed for dazai, ranpo, and fyodor? bonus points if you add your favorite characters :)
Now im not talking about those skimpy, lacy, lingerie ones. nono, im talking about the long vintage ones. kinda like in peter pan, what wendy was wearing, but white. think cottage-core vibes.
you don't have to do this if you dont want to! but just remember, have fun! and stay hydrated! ❤️
GOOD DAY!! This is a very interesting req anon! I quite like it! I’d be lying if I said I never wanted one of these nightgowns that you’re referring to lmao. They’re just so graceful and pretty 💖💖 also you're very sweet thank you!
Reader who sleeps in a nightgown
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♡ pairing: Dazai Osamu, Ranpo Edogawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mykola Hohol, Edgar Allan Poe x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these boys react to a reader who wears a nightgown to sleep?
♡ cw: A couple of naughty words, suggestive behaviour (goddamnit Dazai and Fyodor specifically)
note: You said I could add faves so I threw Mykola and Poe in there for the funsies (was gonna put Oda too but I could not think of anything for this poor guy I'm sorry) 🌸 Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy :)
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At first he probably teases you and says you look like a curtain or a ghost or something T-T
But he's not a complete jerk. He does think you look like an angel and he tells you as much eventually (I feel like he would lowkey be into old-fashioned romantic stuff sometimes especially if it involves you wearing a pretty nightgown <3)
Constantly quizzing you on how you're able to comfortably wear something like this to sleep because to him it looks kind of uncomfortable? When you try to tell him that it's fine and you think it looks pretty he drops the subject but lowkey still worries about it
Plays with your sleeves or the skirt of the nightgown while he's lying next to you
From then on if you guys ever watch old fashioned movies ft. women who wear similar nightgowns, he always points it out. He's like 'That's like the one you have! You look better in it though'
He's a charmer for sure this guy
Though he does think you look lovely, he is still a bit of a pervert. It's rather possible Dazai might try to feel you up through the nightgown. Damnit Dazai
Ranpo is honestly probably a little confused at first. Like this is the 21st century, why are you wearing this?
THAT BEING SAID he is actually rather happy to sleep with you while you're wearing an old-fashioned nightgown. It's like being wrapped in your own little silky blanket!
He fiddles with it when he's bored and rubs his face against it just because he's kinda weird like that (lovingly)
Probably asks Yosano/Fukuzawa about it because let's be real, as smart as Ranpo is he doesn't understand why you would wanna cover yourself in so much fabric when you go to sleep (autistic things 2.0 <3)
Otherwise he does think you look very elegant. He also thinks it's cute that you care so much about always looking nice even if you're just hanging out in bed with him
But at the same time he's like 'Well how are you supposed to eat snacks in bed if you're wearing something that isn't supposed to get dirty??/??????????'
Actually does make an effort to not get any crumbs on you though because he knows that you care about your nightgowns <3
He already thinks of you as an angel- so why not look like one too?
Fyodor is relatively old fashioned (at least in my head), so he's happy with what you've chosen to wear. It's mature and modest, but it's also so ~pretty~ that he can't keep his hands off you
Somewhere in his fucked up little brain spouts a twinge of possessiveness because you're just so enchanting and you look so innocent! Why should anyone else get to see you in your undergarments (even though it's basically a dress)? They shouldn't, end of story
Tbh he probably gets turned on if he thinks about it too long -_-
Fyodor sometimes likes to fondly watch you while you're sleeping, so the nightgown really adds cuteness points for him
He's always praising you for looking beautiful even in your sleep- probably compares you to Sleeping Beauty because he's messed up like that <3
He always holds you gently while you two sleep and presses soft kisses to your neck because that's like the only part of you he can access lol
Overall he acts very calm but is lowkey just a little TOO into it
Mykola is so dramatic about it. He's like 'MY EYES HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY AN ETHEREAL BEAUTY FROM THE HEAVENS' or something else dumb like that
But the thing is, he actually means that. He's just very theatre kid-esque in his delivery which makes it seem like a mockery lol
He just thinks you look so cute! He spins you in his arms and pinches your cheeks
Asks you to give him a couple twirls in the same way that your mother does when you're trying on a new outfit
I believe that 'yangoliatka' is a term of endearment in Ukrainian that means 'angel'? If so then he would ABSOLUTELY call you that (I'm so sorry if that's wrong- I don't speak Ukrainian T-T)
Picks you up bridal style 'to practice' because you kinda do look vaguely like a bride. When you get shy he just laughs (menace behaviour)
You know those noir films with those really drawn out but trying-to-be-romantic sex scenes (where the girl inevitably wears one of those fancy nightgowns?) Yeah he'd try to recreate one of those because he thinks it's funny
Yeah uh. He was absolutely the one who bought it for you in the first place.
He's just an old-school romantic boy and thought you would look beautiful in a nightgown! (spoiler: he was right)
Poe thinks you are ethereal, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite, graceful, elegant, ravishing, all of the above
In short he's totally enamoured with you and lets you know how beautiful you look even though you are wearing pyjamas
He's a gentleman and asks if you're alright with him cuddling you in case he creases it or something (plus he's also very much content to just sit beside you and admire you)
His heart is beating so fast as he pulls you into his arms because in his head is probably some insane paranoia about how perfect you are and how unworthy he is or something
He probably starts spilling all this poetic prose about how you outshine all of the beautiful women in history (y'know like Aphrodite, Cleopatra, Helen, and also Annabel and Lenore duhh)
He will be buying you more of these in different colours and styles for sure
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Before anyone comes at me- yes I am doing the asks out of order. Sometimes ideas come to me much faster for one prompt than they do for the other, but I promise I am doing my best to complete all of them. Also imagine being Poe’s sugar baby awhhh maybe I should write it
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autismcultureis · 2 months
this is more of a personal thing but undiagnosed autism culture is at first thinking autism was all cute and fun and quirky so you looked more into it and labeled yourself with it for a while for the fun stuff, but still researching the topic and then slowly finding out that you do actually have autism and that’s why life is so miserable but you can’t get a diagnosis because “you don’t seem autistic” and have been probably misdiagnosed with adhd .
im sorry, anon
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duchezss · 5 months
My favorite details/moments from Trolls Band Together because I have a problem.
Lemme just get this out of the way and say the soundtrack is a certified banger oh my god.
When brozone tries and hits the perfect family harmony the first time the colors that they get outlined in are all separate, the three colors don't blend at all.
Just Floyd comforting Branch....😭 😭
Branch's little hops when him and Floyd were talking about the bunker WAHHHH.
The real emotions of Branch missing his brothers while simultaneously not wanting to see them like???
"There goes my back" when JD was throwing Branch LMAOO.
The entire design of Mount Rageous is so whimsical and gorgeous I'm in love.
When the whole screen shakes when JD hits the counter eh oh el.
"If there was a brother I'd do this for...I'd be Floyd" WAHHHH.
The old MTV style music video Watch Me Work has.
Floyd singing with the posters of brozone floating around 😭
"Tiny, Poppy, Branch, and this random dude" I SPIT OUT MY DRINK LMAO.
"Are you a narc?" OH I LOST IT IM SO DEAD.
All of Branch's old hairstyles being references to Justin Timberlake's real hairstyles.
"Poppy seed" awwwww.
Branch's little "yay" is so cute.
The ongoing ring pop joke is actually so funny I'm sorry.
The way Bruce and JD just throw Branch on command.
Bruce still being considered the heart throb even though he's got a dad bod, a wife, and children 😭
The amount of songs they fit into Brozone's back is actually impressive, and the way they mesh so well together??? Legitness.
"That's not an idea, those are shoulder pads" I just can't...
When Floyd's hair started turning white and he was going transparent....WAHHH 😭 😭 WHEN I GET YOU VELVET AND VEENER WHEN I GET YOU......(But also the details to show how fast his health was declining? Someone cooked)
Branch's iconic clue board.
Bruce holding tiny diamond since he's also a dad.
Branch trying to be brave and talk to the clown but as soon as Viva came at him he backed up. That's such a real response I love is so much??
Clay's hair being green? Which kinda hints that JD or someone made him dye his hair yellow when he was younger.
Viva calling Clay "Mr. Clay" is actually the cutest thing everrr
Clay and Bruce's handshake, I also kinda like that it implies that they were really close, kinda like how Branch and Floyd were close. I think it really separates JD from them.
Also everyone's reaction to JD being super cold while everyone fawns over Branch.
Clay's so smart 😭 (and autistic) I love him so much.
All the brothers cute dancing in It Takes Two ❤️
The very real response of Viva not wanting to talk about her trauma and also not wanting Poppy to leave.
"I don't wanna lose my brother either" I feel like no one talks about how brave Clay is. He's in the same boat as Viva, he thinks Bergens still attack trolls, and he's going out into the world for the first time in who knows how's long. Just because he wants to help save Floyd, like that's so sweet???
Floyd's dead face was way funnier than it should've been.
"I thought ghosts just floated away" the delivery on this line is unmatched.
Floyd speaking one younger brother to Veener was so 😭, especially cause you know he felt like Veener did when Brozone was still active (on a lesser degree ofc) I can't.
We don't talk enough about how fire all of the choreos are, like they got professional dancers to make these dances, AND YOU CAN TELL OML.
JD's need for perfection constantly getting in the way of the greatness they all could achieve.
Branch being the voice for all younger siblings out there who will never be respected by their families hit me. But I also think there's something to say about the JD's of the world. The older siblings they took charge because they felt they had to. All parties end up getting hurt.
Also Branch actually wanting them to be a family so sweet. It really embodies the naive hope of wanting to stay together that youngest children have, but it's not unattainable. You can still be close with your siblings into adulthood, no matter how much time has passed, and that's what this movie represents as it's core.
"I didn't think we'd both find ourselves tied up on this honeymoon" WHATTTTT.
BRANCH AND FLOYD HUGGING THROUGH THE GLASS WAHHHHHHHH. Also Floyd being the only brother to respect that's he's grown....I just love them so much 😭
The whole interaction of all the brothers reuniting while in the diamonds is so funny for no reason lol.
Viva understanding she was wrong and striving to do better for her sister >>>
"Actually I've got two really brave sisters" When the message of this movie is that found family and blood family are just as important as each other, and that no matter what you get to pick who your family is >>> 😭
When Clay falls hard while in the diamond, Bruce and JD immediately check on him, meanwhile he's just focused on Floyd. The older brotherism... 😭
The message of this movie also being that perfection isn't important, but rather balance, harmony, and communication are key. ❤️
The acapella opening of Better Place....just.....wow.....
Clay's adlibs eating everyone up??? Kid Cudi I was not familiar with your game hold on.....
When they hit the perfect family harmony all their colors start mixing, showing their respect for individualism and also for the group.
The way Floyd eyes light up when they're all singing is just 😭
Branch building the bunker for all of them 💔, Floyd remembering the waterslide, all of them hugging?? Just peak filmmaking idk.
"Jail it is" also apparently someone did the math and in our world the twins would get over 6 life sentences for their crimes hello???
All of the boyband references are so funny idc.
Clay being excited to get to know Branch 😭 also JD reading a book in the back that presumably Clay recommended him?? That's so cute? He's really trying y'all, they're all trying, and that just warms my heart 😭
*NSYNC making their first song in over 20 years for this movie is actually the craziest thing ever I'm obsessed. Also they all designed their little trolls which I think is so cute.
The last songs....just bangers....I can't even, I sound like a broken record, why is every song in this movie so good.
Fav adlibs speedrun (from the last two songs): Floyd little "yeah yeah", Clay's "dohhh, ohhh," one of the nsync members "show the wayyy", Bruce's "so excited", Branch's "ohh" & "ayeee"
The layering when they all sing together is too good. It sounds so gorgeous and if you listen closely you can hear each persons vocals.
Also I just need to talk about the music production and mixing for a second. This movie has three version of Better Place, all of which are unique. The main one is the NSYNC version, which is notable for it's little rap section. The Family Harmony version use's the intro/pre-chorus as the main part of the song. It also lets the song slowly built, and adds instrumentals as the song progresses. The Reunion version doesn't use the intro/pre-chorus, but rather mainly focuses on the chorus. It also uses the bridge from the main song as the post-chorus/refrain. Just a very creative use of the song tbh. Also the instrumental differences between Watch Me Work and Mount Rageous? Like it's the same song, but the way they add more classical elements and more layers to build the tension and the song as a whole?? I have no words. Perfection.
Obsessed with this movie. If you haven't seen it pls go watch it.
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wolflyndraws · 1 month
ok this is 1. late and 2. Very specific but with the mer au specifically I like how dream is (basically, idk many green saltwater fish) a trout in the ocean. or just generic river fish in ocean its very cute :3 unless manatees are freshwater too and dream Is a freshwater fish then thats a first to me!!!! ive always seen saltwater mers so its nice to see freshwater mers :) and how its not just human and slap a fish tail on them theres Variety. along with how George is more. roughed up ig? dreams is more soft and theres more algae and George looks more like a betta fish (salt. water? maybe? im like 99% sure its freshwater and its domesticated :D!!!) bc of how his gills look (betta fish are also called siamese fighting fish) just realized this sounds kind of autistic Sorry im. a marine biology lover. future fish scientist if you will
Actually! Dream was a saltwater mer that moved to live in the mangroves (mangroves are usually 50/50 salt and fresh water! Dream just adapted to the environment since he moved when he was young) he’s not really based on any fish cause In my mer headcanons mermaids aren’t based on a certain fish, they just look similar from living in similar habitats altho I DO get inspo from real fish sometimes!)
And thank you! I love adding details in the skin as well as the tail cause idk I just think the features should be all over the whole body not separated by tail? Idk that just makes sense to me haha
George is actually a fun case cause he WAS inspired by bettas in the old design but the more recent ones are inspired by bream! (You can see the silver-ish scales and the fin!) but yes the tail and ear fins are still reminiscent of the betta fish inspo
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And thank you sm!!! I also love it when people point out the very funny tone difference of algae moss covered cute water puppy happy mer!dream and I will bite you if you touch my man mer!george GKAJFKA it is intentional for sure as mer!gnf’s story is waayyy more angstier than mer!Dream haha
Mer Dream is mostly inspired by leafy sea dragons but most of it is just based on what if mermaids lived in kelp forests / mangroves? But if I had to choose an inspo it’d be this guy
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I’m also a marine biology lover it’s been my long long hyperfix for most of my life haha
Also another fun fact my alien Gnf is also based on underwater creatures too! But mostly the deep sea ones haha
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aroace-confessions · 3 months
I’ve known for a while that im aroace, but I didn’t know specifically what label so I just say im on the aroace spectrum. But recently I’ve realized that I think I’m fully aromantic. But I’ve never met anyone or seen anyone talk about romance the way I’ve dealt with and seen romance. I’m autistic, and I have never really known what love feels like or what romance truly is. I’ve had talks about this to close friends before when I was younger and we talked about how weird it was and how we don’t understand it, but now we’ve grown up and I still don’t understand it and it seems everyone else has had their own experiences with romance and came to understand it. The first relationship I have ever been in was forced. This friend of mine had a crush on me, and he came out directly about it and told me about it. I said I’d think about it, then avoided him for months on end. This was like. Middle school, I did NOT want to say no to this guy to his face. Then one day he got me alone at lunch in school and wanted a response. I couldn’t just come out and say “no” because I was a huge push over. For some reason, my difficulty giving him an answer got every single one of my friends involved, and they all took turns telling me about how cute they think we’d look together and how I should “go for it”. I got EXTREMELY overwhelmed and asked them to stop talking about it. Then they didn’t. So I had a mental breakdown and ran into the gym to be by myself away from all of them. Long story short, I ended up with a boyfriend that I didn’t want and who didn’t understand my gender identity at all. This is the only experience I had with romance before getting into the current relationship I am in now. We ended up meeting through a discord server and a gc we were both in, and we hit it off immediately. We both kind of knew that we liked each other, and very early off started saying I love you. We only started dating after a couple weeks of knowing each other. We’ve made promise after promise and are both very attached to each other. But the thing is. I don’t think I love him. I don’t think I love him in the same way he likes me, at least. I don’t know if I’ve ever loved him the same way. I really don’t know if I’ve ever loved him at all. I feel trapped. But I don’t want to hurt him. But I need time to figure myself out, but to do that would take a long time, I know that for a fact. I think no matter what I do, I’m going to hurt him. Does this make me a bad person? I feel awful about it. I don’t want to do this to him but. I already have. I dont know a way to bring this up in way that wont hurt him more. Erm. Sorry for the long message, feel free to delete this is you want. Writing this out had really really helped me figure myself out more
Submitted 28/02/24
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desb3ar · 3 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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rainbowsky · 10 months
Ok I am the turtle who asked about the breakup cpn, with the kadien and things. I have been told that is rude and hurtful and im sorry Mr Rbs, I do not want to cause you stress. I follow cuz I am autistic and I like that you are too but autistics still rub each others fur the wrong way sometimes just like anybody so im sorry if I did that. Have a great day and stay healthy and may YiZhan stay happily married and one day get to safely come out if they want!
I don't even know what to say to this.
Who told you that it was 'rude' and 'hurtful'? It certainly wasn't me. I don't have a problem with people asking me honest questions that are in good faith. I answer all kinds of asks, regardless of my reaction to them.
I'm sure whoever said that to you meant well, but I don't want anyone putting words in my mouth. Whatever they said to you, that was their own perspective.
As for your ask, it actually did annoy me a bit, but not because there was anything rude or hurtful about it. I was annoyed because it contained things that are long-standing sources of annoyance for me (which isn't your fault).
First of all, you said "I know you don't believe kadian" which - honestly I've heard people say this before and I find it frustrating. I literally have a whole post that is prominently placed on my masterlist post, where I state pretty clearly that kadian is real. So when people say things like this it feels like they aren't paying any attention and are just making assumptions about me, or else they have poor reading comprehension.
I'm going to be really clear about this:
Being skeptical is not the same thing as being dismissive.
I am skeptical about a lot of candy and CPN, but that doesn't mean I don't buy candy and CPN. It just means that the candy and CPN I do buy is stuff I genuinely believe in - not because it's cute or makes me feel good (nothing wrong with that, but it's not what gets me excited), but rather because I've evaluated it and I feel (based on my own criteria) that it's well substantiated and real.
Contrary to another popular myth about me that also frustrates me (the ridiculous idea that I don't buy CPN and candy) - a huge percentage of my blog is devoted to CPN and candy, and in fact I think CPN and candy are pretty critical to turtledom.
I say this all the time and I hope it will sink in: it's never wise to paint with too broad a brush. Nuance, people. Not everything is black and white. Most things are grey. Just because I seem like a doubter on a lot of things, doesn't mean I don't have my own CPN, and doesn't mean I don't hold a lot of candy close to my heart, much of which I think is important and unwashable.
It seems like some people see a personality trait in someone and then try to extrapolate it across everything about them. Not only is it inaccurate, frankly it betrays a certain level of intellectual laziness. "Oh, here's the funny guy, everything's a joke to him." "Oh, here's the serious guy, he has no sense of humor." "Oh, here's the cutesy girl, she won't like this scary movie."
People are complex and often contradictory creatures. We shouldn't assume we have a read on someone just because we've picked up on a few of their character traits.
As for kadian - in my post about kadian I went to some pains to show that kadian is real, so I don't get why there's anyone out there who would think I don't 'believe' in it. In reality I think people who don't 'believe' in kadian as a concept are uninformed and out of touch. 'Not believing' in kadian would be like 'not believing' in slang acronyms like LOL and OMG.
Back to that 'broad brush' thing I just said - just because kadian is real, that doesn't mean a particular perceived kadian is real and intentionally placed. These things have to be examined in context in order to be properly evaluated.
You can refer back to my kadian post for all that.
On to the other, bigger reason your ask frustrated me.
Just Say No To The Turtle Binary
Your ask was about a 'kadian' you thought you saw in DD's post about being sick, and you felt it was evidence of a breakup.
Without realizing it, you stepped into something that bugs me about the fandom.
If you've been following me for any amount of time at all, you will know that one of my absolute pet peeves in this fandom is when turtles take everything GG and DD say or do as being deeply significant to their relationship. As I've said before -
👉🏻 almost nothing from or about GG or DD will actually be a candy. 👈🏻
I think the key to respecting and honoring their humanity is to love them as individuals first and foremost, and as a couple second. When we fixate entirely on their relationship we end up accidentally dehumanizing them and failing to recognize, respect and celebrate their individual achievements.
There are a lot of turtles in this fandom who take every single thing GG and DD do as either proof they are together, or else proof they are not together. And frankly, that doesn't make any rational sense.
If you've ever been in a long term relationship - or a relationship of any kind, whether family or friends - you should already know that almost nothing in our daily lives is about that relationship. Our day-to-day lives tend to revolve around work, school, hobbies and interests, other social interests and obligations. Almost nothing we do in our day to day lives is about any one particular relationship.
Just look at my own blog here. How often do I mention my partner? Almost never. But we've been married for years, and he's the most important person in my life. Why don't I mention him more? Because my life doesn't revolve around him.
GG and DD are no different. They are real, non-fictional human beings with busy lives and successful careers, and they have a ton of obligations and focuses and pursuits in their daily lives. Almost none of it is about each other. Why, then, would people be so ready to think that every post, every gesture, every clothing option, every decision, every goal is about each other?
Not only is that absurd just on the face of it, it's also absurd when you consider that the vast majority of things that ARE related to their relationship will never be made public for you and I to see.
Their lives are almost entirely focused on their careers. They work hard, they have packed schedules. They no doubt spend a lot of time connected to each other behind the scenes, via texts, video chat, etc. but most of their time will be taken up with their work, and with meetings and discussions with various handlers and brands and management and other career-related contacts.
It's going to be rare for us to catch a glimpse of something related to each other, because such things are going to be rare in their daily lives and in most cases shared privately.
So I am deeply dismayed when DD can't even call in sick without people assuming a break-up. It's not right. My god, let the man be sick for a day.
When it comes to kadian we need to remember that the context is actually more important than the numbers. What is the likelihood that any particular message is about something to do with their relationship? What is the likelihood that something important is going to be discussed or disclosed in that particular venue or format? What is the likelihood that GG and DD are going to send out key messages about their personal and private relationship in the timing of a Head and Shoulders ad?
DD is in the middle of promoting his new film, which - at the time - was just days away from being released. Can you honestly believe for one hot second that he's going to pick that time - of all the times in the world - to dicker around with cryptic, deeply consequential messages about his relationship? Consider his priorities, here. Consider the context and venue.
And have some empathy for the sick guy who was just trying to quell rumors that were flying about him.
When we evaluate anything they are saying or doing, we should be kind and empathetic about it, and on their side.
There were a lot of anti messages going around when he called in sick that day. People had all sorts of nasty theories about why he called in sick, including a theory that he was trying to generate sympathy to boost ticket sales.
Imagine that. Imagine if calling in sick to work made that big of an impact on your life and reputation? NO PRESSURE.
Like, woah. No wonder the guy never takes any time off anymore. No wonder he pushes through when he's got a sprained ankle or is practically falling over from exhaustion. The man can't take a day off without all hell breaking loose.
I expect that kind of thing from antis, but not from turtles. It's very disappointing.
A final note:
Another important thing I want people to fully understand and accept:
My failure to answer an ask is no commentary whatsoever on what I thought about that ask or about that person.
Anyone who has been following me for any amount of time at all should know that. I answer as many asks that annoy me as I do ones that make me laugh, smile or reflect.
In reality, if I don't answer your ask it's 99.9% of the time for one of these reasons:
I don't have time - I've been incredibly busy lately and have had very little time on Tumblr. Most of that time is spent scrambling to keep up with the content GG and DD and turtles have been releasing/discussing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is pretty much always the reason I haven't answered an ask.
It's something I have already thoroughly covered, which can be found easily by doing even the barest search of my blog or browsing through my masterlist post. Given how little time I have for Tumblr, I'm not likely to spend much of it repeating myself.
It's a complicated question that will take a lot of time to answer, so the question ended up in my drafts folder as I pick away at it over weeks and months. My drafts folder is almost as backlogged as my inbox.
IT WAS NOT A QUESTION. I get quite a few of these. I've said this many times - my inbox is for questions.
Of course, anti BS, hate asks, etc. don't see the light of day, either, but that goes without saying.
If you've asked a question in good faith and it's not been answered, it's for one of the top 3 reasons on the list.
So, Anon, I found your ask frustrating, but I didn't find it 'rude' or 'hurtful'. And even though I found it frustrating, I didn't hold it against you because I know that approach is common among turtles. It's just a fairly standard part of the fandom that - while frustrating - I've more or less accepted as 'the way things are'.
So, no hard feelings. You didn't do anything wrong AFAIAC. I think you might want to do a bit more critical thinking than seems evident based on what you sent me, but you weren't rude or hurtful.
And to be clear, Anon: most of what I'm saying in this post isn't aimed at you. Like I said, I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about a couple of things, and you were unfortunate enough to accidentally stumble across it. I definitely don't hold anything against you.
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onlyplatonicirl · 11 months
i have so many error hcs because he is the silliest billiest guy to ever exist
this is more so just a hc i have about like every glitched skeledude and that is they function a lot similar to like computers/robots if you get what i mean? like they are very strict about their logic and any deviation can cause them to break down, i.e. crash and reboot
since they can peer into the code they can also use it to their advantage, whip out a command terminal and ask it all the questions youve ever wanted too such as why is my ex wifeboy such an annoying bitch?
error is a glitch he lives outside the code, code is often translated in binary, if he lives outside that he is then nonbinary, although i like to think he throws the idea of gender completely out the window, agender error real and true
he can speak both english, spanish and french, spanish because he felt he needed to watch his novellas in the og language (subs not dubs) to properly understand them, and french because he was paranoid ink was insulting him to his fave whenever he spoke in french in front of him
my guy has no senses, his eyesight, more like eyeshite, taste? nope, bro eats tin cans for breakfast, hearing? also poor, try having a million people screaming in your head day in day out, common sense? certainly not
he does however have a heightened tactile sense, all errors/glitches do, in a meta sense i suppose you could say his hurtbox is slightly too big because he'll flinch and pull away if you get a bit too close to him
on that note, autism, all skeletons originate from sans and that man is autistic
he will burn anything containing he doesnt like so if you wanna get him some nice clothes for his birthday, which he does not at all recall the day it was (he choose 4/04 because it was funny), you better make sure it isnt crush velvet or sherpa
he gets very easily overstumulated because hes spent years in the antivoid which is a blank white void that is always silent and nothing ever changes, i swear to god cq this man is so autistic was this intentional??
needs glasses, refuses to wear them
cant really feel temperature differences, he'll rock his stylish socks and sandals in -10°C (im sorry im british)
a lot of his old memories from his life before he became a glitch are gone, or are incredibly fuzzy, it also doesnt help that he's lived for so long since that there are plenty of more memories he can pull from, so for error a lot of things are new to him, the first time ink showed him a bath bro was flabbergasted, stayed in there for 6 hours didnt even care the water was cold
he had a cat but yknow the anitvoid is uhhh a big open, endlessly infinite void of white nothingness so he kinda lost it, he cried for 7 weeks straight and still does everytime hes reminded
error starts with negative friendship points with everyone, doesnt matter if youve done nothing untoward him, he hates your guts
as much as he hates to admit it, hes picked up a lot of inks traits, and he tries desperately to do the opposite of everything ink does because god no he cant be like him hes annoying and weird and silly and kinda funny and cute?
i like error 😐👍
BUT THE CAT ONE...... OUGH...... AUGH........... THATS SO SAD................ waAAAAAAAAAA
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princeofcyberpunk · 4 months
just finished a watch of a playthrough of NEO: Twewy
i think i enjoyed this even more than the first game, though thats probably because i could relate to the characters more jkahfkjdshfkajfh
although i skipped like 70% of each part cuz the person who uploaded it didnt edit out a single fight (even the unimportant ones) and when you arent the one playing the battles are just a mess of characters yelling and explosions lmao not enjoyable for this autistic no thank you
the story was a little weaker imo (but i still enjoyed it) and the amount of backtracking w/ rindo's time ability was annoying as fuck and i wasnt even the one playing safjahskjfhaskfh.
character breakdown:
Rindo: LOVE THIS BOY his drip confuses me (the way his hoods are layered doesnt make any sense lmao) but i love him so much
Fret: MY FAVORITE MY FAVORITE NOTHING GOING ON UP THERE NOT A SINGLE BRAINCELL i always kinda go :/ when they reveal that the funny stupid guy character has a secret intelligent side or whatever but they kept Fret stupid but still capable of doing cool things and i love that :3c
Nagi: im sorry im a hater she did not strike a cord with me and was very annoying kasjhfkjahfjkajfsh if shes ur blorbo i respect you but she is NAWT mine. her dynamic with fret at the end was cute tho
Shoka: tbh she didn't really do it for me either but i love her design so much! love the grim reaper cat ear hoodie cape thing. i dont rlly ship her and rindo but their dynamic was cute ig
Hazuki: I expected him to be way more important but he was literally there for two seconds wtf 😭 who is this man and why does he look like if emperor from coroika was a human
what the fuck did they do to Joshua's voice wtf why does he sound like that why he sounds like nagito komeda why
neku and shiki reuniting was so cute omfg the duo ever
and best of all
that scene in the beginning of fret and rindo spamming emotes at each other to get Legally Distinct From Line We Swear to work literally made me fucking lose it oh my god
some of the "hip gen z teen"isms were really cringe but that one fucking got me omfg
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snarky-art · 1 year
Alrighty I’ve finally finished season 5
I hate how obvious it is they’re trying to tone the show down completely to even lower audience demographic. The first 3 seasons were for kids but there was actual peril and darker concepts and stuff that were much more interesting damn you Nickelodeon and your desperate attempt to keep the most squeaky clean image ever not only does it not work it’s costing stories and plot
I REFUSE to believe Stella would be a bad fashion designer with how much she loves fashion (I know it was a joke in s1 too but I still refuse). Plus, avant-garde is a thing and she would serve
That boat that was sent from Andros was def made exclusively for the winx there is NO WAY that style exists anywhere else on that planet for land related peoples with all of its hard lines and industrial style architecture with its limited color palettes
The nautical themed outfits are cute but Bloom’s looks SO overdone to me and Stella,, my sweet babygorl,, wtf did you do to your own fit?? Aisha’s poodle puff braid ftw also
Harmonix was totally useless BUT I still like the flower petal aesthetic vibe (even tho only Flora is a nature floral lady) and some of the color combos. Bloom in pink is still a no tho, which is something I mainly hate because of how obvious it is they started integrating it into her more to make her more marketable for toy lines and shit
Where did the gems that were already on the starfish thing for sirenix come from?
The amount of times the girls all gasp or ooo or ahh and go like “wow!” “so cool!” “amazing!”,, I will kill I feel like I’m watching a 1990s or early 2000s anime dub I hate it I hate it I hate it
Icy would NOT simp like this (shoutout to her leaving Valtor when he got ugly and telling him that’s why she’s leaving him)
The relationship drama was just as stupid and hamfisted as I thought it was from an outside skim of the season based off of secondhand knowledge ie posts and gifs. Also, Krystal did nothing wrong, she’s just autistic and Helia would NOT introduce Flora as anything other than the love of his life.
Timmy and Tecna also have one of the healthiest relationships why tf is everyone trying to give them advice like this they’ve all been dating for YEARS why are all of y’all so insecure like this? The writers really said fuck everyone’s character development even more than they already had
I continue to not give a shit about skoom also this was just exhausting I can’t do it
Also that is NOT Luna and Radius. That “he wouldn’t say that!” meme is ME SOOOO MUCH during this season at so many people but I actually started YELLING about Luna being some sort of soft gorl while Radius is this prideful ignoramus
Sirenix giving Aisha that blonde hair while knowing about the insane white washing to come in the future is something I Think About
The sirenix song does bop also, although I’m so sorry to say I don’t think I’m as big of a fan of it as a lot of people are but maybe that’ll change as I hear it more please forgive me
Also, Musa’s little coffee grinder move during her sirenix transformation? So cute, wish we actually got to see it more than like 2 times. Damn you shortened sirenix transformarion sequence
Im convinced Tecna doesn’t actually know karate, she just thinks it looks cool so she mimics it. Same with Flora and her ballet/lyrical looking poses she does during her sirenix transformation sequence. She doesn’t actually know those styles of dance, she just thinks they looks neat and tries to copy it.
Dark sirenix, you’re slaying thank you for your service
Bloom, you can’t insult Diaspro and remind her you’re a princess in that fucking dress while she’s serving cunt like that
The combat is soooo slow compared to previous seasons I hate it
The rigging throughout this season was a MESS
They should go after the handful of companies that are actually responsible for the majority of pollution and destroy them and their ceos a la Flora season 1 core
Where did they put all of that trash they got out of the ocean? They went to the pacific trash island and cleaned it up. Where did it go? I’m so curious
All of the kings are so STUPID too the whole meetup thing was so dumb like just fucking,, help each other you know it makes more sense
AND PUT SOME MF RESPECT ON THE WINX’S NAMES, ALL OF THEM. They are GUARDIAN FARIES who have saved the magical world HOW MANY TIMES NOW??? Bites the writers bites the writers bites the writers
Their little dance workout outfits? Hatred. I miss the old ones so much. All of these outfits from this season,, it’s so clear cishet people were the main ones designing the clothes I hate it so much it’s not the same kind of tacky and camp that the first 3 seasons had. The only good things I can say about the dance outfits is that Flora’s purple leg warmers were cute, Aisha’s color palette was nice, and Bloom’s was very Bloom core
Icy: you guys are helping me??
Darcy and Stormy: I mean, yeah, we aren’t talking to you rn, but you’re still out sister
Me: OUGH🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
I forgot Roy existed🥲
Daphne being brought back like this still seems so bleh to me knowing how they don’t really do shit with it and about how it was done only because they retconned all the og stuff from canon and to continue to milk the franchise until it’s teats are dry and chapped BUT I’m glad she does a little spinny at the end of the season with Bloom so at least I got that
that’s all I got for now
Shout out to @charmixpower for suffering through this all with me.
We watched the first half of the series in like 2 or 3 sittings that took place months apart, and then did the last half in one 8 hour sitting
I couldn’t have gotten through it without yelling at each other and making shitty jokes.
The psychic damage you inflicted on me throughout this was awful but I would do it all again in a heartbeat (but not really because good lird this was EXCRUCIATING sorry bestie💕💕💕)
Anyway onto season 6 now I GUESS
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minecraftgender · 6 months
sorry for being autistic in your dms do you still think im cute
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hello! take your time with doing this, just thought it'd be fun to figure out which (pjo/mean girls) character you'd ship me with<3
I'm fem presenting, she/they, pansexual. i have really wavy (and sometimes frizzy) dark brown hair that goes down to my back (it's pretty curly after washing though) and i also have brown eyes! im the brown triad because my skin, too, is infact brown lmao (desi)
also have glasses! normal half moon shape if that matters?
i generally have a bit of a resting bitch face (I DONT MEAN IT I PROMISE) and mostly only smile a lot when I'm talking to people I like. unfortunately that makes people NOT COME UP TO ME !!!! DKDKFK :(
i imprint on people really soon (bpd) and like. absolutely if someone is nice to me for a minute I'll try my best to be their friend forever, but also it doesn't often show how enthusiastic I am for a friendship
very autistic so I need clear cut statements or I'll overthink to the point of having a THESIS about how much someone hates me
im kind of hyper. very very VERY hyper, and my love language is physical touch + words of appreciation.
bit of a mom friend - like. im also the therapist friend and i appreciate it <33
personality tests describe me as like, creative and analytic and shit? im fatally realistic but still a romantic to a point. also an absolute NERD, YES! also very protective. I've punched people for hurting my friends before yes
I'm not very active, my hobbies include reading and literary analysis and also, eating lmao.
idk if I should include anything else? sorry if this isn't enough for you 😭😭 um. if it helps I'm a daughter of hecate from like two quizzes, a daughter of venus from three !
Your Fandom Ship(s): Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls) and Clarisse La Rue (PJO, luckyyyy)
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OK, the main reason I ship you with Gretchen out of all the mean girls characters is I think you could be really helpful to her as a nice person and I think that maybe at first she thought you were a bit intimidating because we are resting bitch face, but eventually got over it and realized you were really nice person and especially after Regina she needs a lot of people that she can count on and a lot of truly kind souls which I feel like is a place that you could fulfill because you seem like a kind person and I feel like when you get on deeper terms of a relationship, you guys would actually be really well together and helping solve some of your Own personal issues and just have a really beneficial relationship. I thinkA as autism. She would be a bit confused, but once she got the hang of it, she would be pretty good at giving you clear and cut instructions at least the best of her abilities.
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OK, you guys would be like an insanely cute couple. I just see kind of like enemies to lovers tension here but I mean honestly I just love the idea of you too together. I think that it would be funny for her to meet you because she would definitely think you’re kind of tough because you’re resting bitch face and then once she gets past that and sees that you’re really nice person I feel like you would kind of melt her heart a little bit and I mean, give me wrong. She would absolutely go rough on you at first, but I mean once she realizes your limitations. She would respect those and I just feel like you guys would be a really good couple together. She would know all your autism and boundaries solidly into the relationship, and yeah, just be super awesome and supportive and again the enemies lovers tension. I feel like it’s kind of rare in her life to have someone who really has her back and I feel like she thought it was super hot. The first time you punched someone for making fun of how muscular she was for a girl or something like that, and I don’t know I just feel like she feels like you really have her back and you guys have a nice stable relationship. 
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linabirb · 18 days
Hi for the milgram asks
1, 8, and 9 for general questions
1 and 2 for both trials for trial questions
3 for Fuuta, Shidou, Amane, Kotoko, and 5 for Muu for prisoner questions
hi hi thank you sm for the questions!!
"Which Milgram character is your favourite, and why?"
my top faves are mappi, yuno and amane! i really like characters who are like. basically very cute and sweet on the outside but have Something Wrong with them. and these three feel like a very refreshing take on this trope bc mahiru is like. she's not a yandere (even though i do love yanderes..), she's just such a loving person that she doesn't know when to stop and. and i can rely to that a lot 😔 and yuno isn't like, "secretly evil", she's just very cold and empty on the inside and that's all. amane is more similar to characters that i usually tend to like and i love how at the same time she's a very traumatized child, but also i do believe that she committed her murder for the sake of her faith and not.. idk.. self-defense?.. i also like haruka and muu but i also get second-hand embarrassment from them sometimes bc these mentally ill teenagers remind me of myself when i was a mentally ill teenager a bit too much /lh
"Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why?"
honestly i really don't think i would get along with any of them irl 😭 i'd be too terrified.. i think it would most likely be haruka or muu bc long story short i had my experience with people who got a bit too attached to me. did not like that. but also bc i'd just see them as really annoying irl, i'm sorry..
"Which prisoner's signature colour do you like the most?"
yuno's! pink 💞💕💘💝💖💗💓
"Which trial (number) verdict do you agree with the most?"
for trial 1.. i think fuuta? fuuta's crime is something that personally. um. i don't wanna say disgusts me but it's an emotion close to that. sorry to all fuuta fans i really don't care much about him feeling sorry about it and possibly changing, he's a grown man and he should've known better.
for trial 2, im gonna say it. i do agree with haruka's verdict the most. i honestly hate the way fandom treats him as a cute little baby and a pure cinnamon roll and constantly goes "oh okay if you voted him guilty you just hate autistic people", there is something very wrong with haruka and his murder and him killing animals is something that is very. hm. how do i say this. makes me want to punch him or something. i don't care how supportive people say they are, treat him like a normal human being and accept his flaws and accept that he's a murderer just like the others and that his possible disability can explain his actions but doesn't excuse them.
"Which trial (number) verdict do you disagree with the most?"
for trial 1. yeah i think muu should've been voted guilty back then tbh. sure maybe after pain does look sad and make her look like a victim out of context but then you listen to her vd and you're like. the red flags were always there 😭😭 this is not me denying that she was bullied, she definitely was, but it doesn't mean that i can still forgive her that easily AND i say that as someone who was horribly bullied for a huge part of my life.
for trial 2. i look around. i make sure nobody can hear me. i say kazui and refuse to elaborate and leave.
SHSJSKSKKS listen i don't care about kazui. like. at all. he's not my type of character sorry. but i think i'd be more interested in him if the fandom wasn't so focused on his sexuality and ignored other parts of his character. honestly i don't even know if there are any other parts of his character anymore. but i still can't forgive him for what he's done tbh. BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING most people are extremely homophobic and transphobic where i live, so i understand his situation perfectly (IF most theories about him really are true), but something about him just. i cannot trust this man. i feel too sorry for hinako honestly. i can talk about this more but i won't because he's this fandom's beloved old man so i'll shut up.
"What do you think of (name)'s verdict/s?"
fuuta: again, he deserved the t1 guilty and i did vote him inno during the second trial because i felt sorry for him, but i wouldn't be surprised if he did something that changed my opinion and made me vote him guilty during the third trial.
shidou: i am so sorry i don't care about milgram guys at all, haruka is like the only exception 😭 i guess his verdicts are. fine? i did vote him inno during the second trial though i'd probably vote him guilty if i got into milgram earlier. just like with fuuta, i will not hesitate to vote him guilty in the future if something happens.
amane: milgram fandom hates children especially traumatized ones that's all im gonna say. yes i can be a bit mean to haruka and muu, but amane is a huge comfort character to me and her experiences are very similar to my own, so seeing the fandom prioritize characters like shidou over A LITERAL CHILD is. hm. hey guys are you normal about children with religious trauma. oh also forgot to add, children with religious trauma who don't act like perfect victims and who can snap and act out and who refuse to accept that they were abused? i'm happy that she finally got an inno verdict (I WAS FIGHTING FOR HER ALMOST FOR THE ENTIRETY OF HER TRIAL..) but i do wish the percentage was bigger. it makes me sad every time i see it.
kotoko: i actually was kinda surprised when i found out she was voted inno in s1?.. like idk when i saw her for the first time, i was like "okay i do not like where this is going"? ig the fandom just went "yesssss you go girlboss" and that's it shsjskks. but anyway congrats on your t2 verdict guilty queen ✨✨
"What do you think of (name)'s song/s?"
muu: i like them! like them a lot! though i don't really vibe with her version of otome kaibou, like it just doesn't sound right to me.. but i do like her mkdr/dscf cover a lot! my fav muu song is probably still after pain, i think inmf is fun, but it's a bit too short for me and it feels kinda incomplete.
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