#sorry if this looks bad on mobile i'm doing this on desktop
pine-arten · 1 year
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i’ve been thinking how slugcats work a lot. my rambles will be under the cut
i’ve said before in other posts, but i hc there’s two types of slugcats (whether different species or just subspecies i’m unsure) and so they‘re showcased here. i’ve given them names to differentiate when talking about them.
Slugcat Felis is a more omnivorous and opportunistic slugcat. examples would be survivor, monk, and saint (a bit).
Felis slugcats have very short, and fine fur. it’s a lot more sparse. (like how the peterbald cat breed is) they have a longer muzzle in comparison to panthera slugcats, and have weaker jaw strength because of it. They also have oval pupils, not fully round but not slit either.
Slugcat Panthera is more carnivorous and predatory. ex, hunter and arti.
Panthera slugcats have a longer coat of fur, but it’s still generally short. More akin to how an actual short-haired cat is. They have a short muzzle, making their bite-force stronger. They also have slit pupils, although it becomes round when dilated. 
General slugcat traits include, -Eyes, nose, teeth, lips, and claws all being of similar colors. -Large thick tail for extra fat storage -Muzzle whiskers and eyebrow whiskers -Two fingers, one opposable thumb, and three toes
Spearmaster is a pretty special case, as they’re heavily modified. First of all, they have no lower jaw or upper digestive system. Their skull is also modified to be smoother where their mouth would be. Their torso and neck is skinny, causing them to weigh a lot less than others Spearmaster also has long pointy ears, as it would make their expressions a lot more obvious and clear. They have small rounded spikes of keratin all over, somewhat similar to scales in a way. Their skin is a lot thicker than other slugcats, as they have no fur to protect it. Their pupils are fully round, whether dilated or constricted.
Rivulet is also modified, but not as extremely. Large eyes and nictitating membrane help see underwater. Their pupils are larger than average, and are horizontally oval (but become round when not constricted). Riv’s external gills are attached to their head, rather than the neck or jaw. As this makes the bloodflow to the brain much quicker. They have small ears and a seal nose, modifications to prevent water going where it shouldn’t. Their fur is very short, but incredibly thick and oily. This helps them retain heat and prevent water sticking to them (like otters and seals!). In their blood, is hemocyanin, as well as hemoglobin. There is more hemoglobin than hemocyanin, as it’s more efficient in most scenarios. However, hemocyanin is more efficient than hemoglobin in cold underwater environments with low oxygen.
i would’ve included saint and gourmand, but i was tired after drawing rivulet so i didn’t include them. maybe in another post?
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i've got an obey me ask
imagine an mc that's just been plucked for the program being from the complete opposite end of the financial spectrum of our beloved cast of pixelated men.
an mc that grew up/was living paycheck to paycheck, barely able to make ends need and feed themselves. it'd be literally night to day with them. they'd gasp over price tags and shopping totals reading thousands of grimm, still stuck in the mindset of "that'll break the bank." a spreadsheet on their computer of their money spending and gaining (i can't remember the proper terms for that stuff, it's been a hot minute since i learned it all in middle school), a long list of things they think they could never stored somewhere.
sure, it'd be on their student file that that's what their life was back in the human world, but whether anyone knows or not besides them is up to you (id imagine lucifer would probably gloss over it completely in the rush of getting paperwork done so he can get to bed before 5am lol grumpy old man needs sleep). poor thing might break down if anyone knew..
sorry if this seems odd, i just feel that as someone who's right there in the pay-to-pay situation, i'd be in complete shock of being able to actually (and easily) afford things without having to debate whether i really needed it or earned it.
if anything in the text is broke, i blame tumblr desktop version. my phone isn't working the best so i had to move here from mobile ;-;
"You spent how much on....?" Is a question the mc repeats to every brother but with different things. Demonus, designer clothes, figurines, skincare products, food, books, ancient objects, new blankets and pillows etc. But no one really thinks too much of it, despite mc's shock every time.
It's not until Mammon complains one time about how broke he is, and mc turns to him, looking him dead in the face saying. "You could easily survive the week with that much." Then they proceed to write him up a budget with the minimal amount of Grimm in his account.
"...mc how did you do that?"
"Oh I'm a pro, I once lived off of five dollars and spite for a full week." Mammon, is casually bringing this up with Lucifer next time he sees him.
"You didn't mention mc was flat broke before comin' here."
"...that's because I wasn't aware." Lucifer is pulling up mc's student file, and there it is in big bold writing. Lucifer and Mammon both have a lightbulb moment, thinking about different occasions where the topic of money came up and mc was acting strange. "If I were you, I'd minimize mentions of your spending habits around mc."
"...yeah." Mammon feels so guilty. That not only does he stick to mc's budget, he always mentions to them when he's managed to save money rather than spend it. But he'll still be a devil on their shoulder encouraging them to splurge a little on themselves because they deserve it.
Lucifer, Satan and Asmodeus would be using this knowledge to let mc know they are providers. (Mammon would too. He would but his budget skills are bad so he's a sometimes provider!) They will always make sure mc is financially good, so feel free to spend (within reason - Lucifer would argue). (You deserve to be spoilt - Asmodeus, Satan)
Beelzebub and Leviathan, would just buy things for mc instead when the opportunity arises. Beel will always pay when inviting mc out for food, it's his treat. mc was talking about wanting to get a game? well they don't need to get because Levi had it express delivered to the front door. (Mammon would also do this when he has money lmao)
"If you want it just buy it." Belphegor is firmly in the middle ground, because he'll tiredly tell mc those words, when they've been debating aloud to get the thing in question. If they mention it's too expensive and talk themselves out of buying it. He just gets it for them.
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undercoverpena · 7 months
Hey Jo, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this but I wondered how you deal with fic popularity (both having and watching others)?? I’m struggling with feeling bad and just wanting to quit. If this feels uncomfortable to answer don’t worry xx
hi anon! i'm sorry you're struggling a bit and feeling bad, just wanna give you a hug! i don't know if i'm the best person to ask this, but i'm gonna give this a little go.
as a concept, i try to remind myself not to get bogged down with numbers, because they're a fickle thing. they change with the wind, sun and the rain. because your worth isn't equated to your notes/followers/popularity.
it's important to remember that there are times fics will do really well because of the tropes, the pairing, the timing - and not the quality of your work. you can sometimes just write one thing and it gains traction, and another time write something in the same style, and it doesn't. the other thing is, some fics grow. they take time to bloom and find their audience, and that's okay too.
fandoms are also different sizes. so you can never compare numbers on numbers, because in one fandom the people reading/engaging may be different to another.
i think i did a post on this a while ago - but my tags are all wonky so i can't find it (watch me find it when this posts) so i can't link it.
but, i know it's super easy for me to say "don't get bogged with numbers", and "try to focus on how you felt writing it" but somedays, even i look at things and wonder to myself what i've done wrong. it's normal, natural - i'm sharing something, and i'm critical and i want to deliver good things to lovely people like you. however, i think you'd tell me that my worth is also not attached to my followers, my notes or my popularity. but it's easy to tell someone else that, than yourself.
and, more importantly, me delivering good things doesn't equate to notes. sometimes, what someone else loves and thinks is a 10/10 is going to be different to another.
because what makes fandom so cool and good, is that it's varied.
people want different things. people write different things. and i preach this far too much, but you just need to find your people - or if you have, give them time. some people are snowed under with tbr's and others are trying to bury their issues in writing (talking about myself here), and others are just trying to juggle too much that their tumblr is less active.
the main thing i hope you takeaway, other than your worth not being a number, is that you have to find and remember why you love what you do. and if you don't know or can't remember, remind yourself.
go back through your work and read it - preferably in a different browser or something (so it looks different to you) and enjoy your own writing. pick out quotes, bask in what you've created. you are your first fan, the person you should write for first. so, be a fan. celebrate yourself. give yourself a pat on the back or a high five, because look, it's fucking hard creating, and it's even harder sharing it. and on top of that, fighting imposter syndrome is hard, fighting dark clouds and rainy days is hard. it is. i can't pretend it isn't.
i can't pretend it doesn't hurt when you stare at your published piece and your brain begins to wonder what you went wrong (for whatever reason that is, whether it's numbers or just something else). because it's normal to look for validation that you did a great thing and it hurts when you don't get it. but, you have to curate your experience - you have to do the things above:
remind yourself you're worth is more than a number
love what you do first. i recommended to someone/people recently to copy some of their fave lines into a document when they're editing so they can be like "fuck yeah, i did that"
also @trulybetty pointed this out to me (and it's been a god send) but on mobile (and on desktop but it's messier) you can filter out your activity. on the top left there's "all activity" but if you click it, you can filter out likes, mentions etc. and for me, i've filtered out likes, which means i can see more of the comments, reblogs (with the hashtags) and mentions - so not only do i not miss anything, but also i'm seeing more of the things that make me smile. it's not a slight on likes, but sometimes it hides all the good things that get buried.
i hope in some small way some of this is nice, and it helps. but if not, just remember you're not alone, we're all human, and you deserve to be here, and pls, pls continue writing and don't quit.
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nerdynuala · 1 year
Hi!!! Your hcs are relaxing, could you ask for some of hange ofc about her normal daily life? Like... I once saw one about it being very canon that she would have an ipad with something like 10000 games.
Hello! Sorry I'm answering late to this, had a busy week.
Sooo I suppose this is about modern Hange's daily life! I haven't really thought of modern AU in general but this sounds fun, especially because now that you mention she would have loads of games on her iPad I have to mention the ONE headcanon I read about a while ago, that has stuck with me forever. That one headcanon is the absolute truth to me. I'm so sad I can't credit it properly because I don't remember who posted it, but that genius of a fellow Tumblr user pointed out Hange would have this song set as default tone for her mobile. And honestly, I can't unsee this lol
Anyway, this one wasn't mine, so have some of my own:
(using she/her pronouns since the ask uses these)
- Her laptop's desktop is a mess. She "loses" folders or documents once or twice a week. "Leviii I swear I did nothing! Nothing at all! They just keep disappearing, I didn't even click on anything"
- She goes to bed at ungodly hours, but despite the lack of sleep she does not have even the slightest hint of eyebags. Lucky one.
- Yes, iPad with 1000 games but only uses two or three. She still plays Fruit Ninja. One of her favorites is Among Us, especially when she gets impostor. She does get caught most of the times though, because she's too impatient and ends up being uhm not-so-stealthy.
- Oh and she definitely plays Pokemon Go. Opens it once a year really, but she never ever got rid of the app on her phone.
- Sings in the shower. She's definitely not a good singer, yells too much and is constantly out of tune.
- Do not ever look at her YouTube playlist. Most random videos on that. You can find silly songs such as Narwhal, Dewgong and Capibara, and then a bunch of random science videos. Has watched videos about how Romans pooped and Roman baths like a hundred times. Her favorite YouTube thing is still the llama Carl though.
- Has a lot of plants in the house but they're all dead or about to die. She has a little plant that somehow has managed to survive and sticks with her. She talks to the plant as if it was a pet.
- She will never admit it to Levi, but when she does not want to do the dishes, she eats straight out of the pan.
- Wouldn't be bad at cooking, but lacks the patience for elaborate dishes. Ends up cooking very quick things and eats a lot of pasta with different sauces because that's quick. She also has it al dente, not because she knows that's how it should be done, but because it's quicker.
- Can't stand when it's hot in summer and strolls around the house with just her panties on. The neighbors on the opposite building have seen her naked through the windows more than once. She just does not bother to pull the curtains.
- Sleeps on her back most of the times and snores a lot.
- Her natural time to wake up in the morning is around 11 am. Before that, she can wake up but feels extremely groggy.
- Owns plushies. But not teddy bears and common stuff. She has an axolotl plushie, a kiwi bird plushie, a dodo and a platypus.
- She has this thing to go the beach or the pool. She loves it.
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canon-fcdder · 7 months
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It's cool how you use font size to show how loud your muses are talking, though it makes it hard to read the dialogue sometimes. I feel bad about saying it, but I also want to be able to read the words you lovingly and carefully crafted together. ♡
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(( Yeeeeeah, unfortunately that's not really a ❛ Stylistic ❜ choice and more of a ❛ Tunglr really likes screwing with my text ❜ thing. dfjkfngdfkgd — I think it might have to do with the new editor, since I don't recall my replies sometimes being Wonky until it switched over. Then again, I don't know for sure. Because on My desktop and mobile, everything looks Normal-Sized ( i'll include a pic of how it's Meant to look under the cut ) but apparently it can get HELLISHLY small and sporadic for some of my writing partners?? ))
(( From now on, Imma go into HTML and see if I can manually fix dialogue before posting replies and pray it sticks, because Damn. I think the text gets fixed when a post is saved into drafts, but again— I'm not sure. But anyway, sorry about that and honestly thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. I really appreciate it and there's no need to apologize, because nah I'm with you— I am Not one for ridiculously small text and very much want all my things to be Readable. I only show how loud my muses are talking through descriptors ( and occasionally using Big Text ) not by trying to hide what is being said. lmao ))
(( Ex: How my shiz is Supposed to look rip fdjgndfg ))
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rhythmmortis · 5 months
Hi first i want to THANK you for your KH Masterpost. Literally a blessing.
Second I wanna ask if you have this photo it a bit better quality? I'm struggling to read it 🥲🥲 IF NOT ITS OK I WANTED TO ASK AND TY OP FOR THE ENTIRE POST ONCE AGAIN LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE
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hopefully this should be a bit better in quality!! im sorry if it isn't, my screen capture isn't working very well right now but i can always add alt text/image descriptions if there's anything that might be illegible! if you're on mobile, try clicking it and zooming in for better quality, if you don't click it then it shows the compressed version which sucks
and i also apologise for the overall quality of the images, a) they tend to look really bad on mobile for some reason and b) even their normal quality (as viewed on desktop) isn't the best, my main priority when doing it was the text of the book but the images are important too!! i should update them someday thank you for reminding me! the epub versions of the novels have the original quality so if this doesn't work i would recommend using those if you're able
and thank you!! im genuinely always incredibly happy to hear how much people enjoy the kh novels post, i'm so happy that effort was worth it and that more people are able to enjoy them!! i hope you have fun with them :)
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butimnotasexyrussian · 4 months
1, 2, 7, 13, 18, 27, and 30. :D
So it turns out that I can only access my inbox from mobile because when I log in through desktop, Tumblr still says I have no asks, which is so fucking annoying but we're making do.
From the unique writing asks post:
1. What themes would you like to write about that you feel don't get explored very often?
I think it's the nature of fanfic that most people that stumble across stuff I've written are looking for romantic pairings, which is great because if I've written for them, it means their dynamic makes me want to chew concrete and I love being able to share that with readers! But as someone on the ace/aro spectrum (we're still figuring this out), I think it would be really interesting to explore themes of asexuality and/or aromanticism through characters in a respectful and meaningful way. I don't think I'm at the point in my personal development where I can do that quite yet, but I'd love to some day.
2. What are some common elements of stories you are tired of seeing? What would you avoid writing about?
This one's a tough one because I'm genuinely pretty open to whatever. Like whenever I'm like, hmm don't think I like that, something will come up and inevitably prove me wrong. I didn't think I'd ever be into cheating, but then there's like every canon Roisa fic ever. Also Rose being Luisa's stepmother is still weird but hasn't stopped me.
Oh, one trope I do hate though is magic babies. I spend most of my time in wlw fics and while I'm fine with adoption fics, I hate it when someone in a wlw couple magically ends up pregnant and everyone's weirdly happy about this and no one is freaking out about it. It just doesn't do it for me. It's a huge commitment and the fact that a biological baby is like the "next step" to fulfillment in their relationship and doesn't strain it at all is so icky to me.
7. Favorite description in your wip?
I am literally so bad at descriptions but please enjoy this brief excerpt from my gap princess diaries 2 au I haven't updated in a year lol.
Mon fidgets for a bit before Sam takes off her suit coat and drapes it around her shoulders.
"Oh," Mon says. Sam's wearing suspenders and that distracts her. It takes her a while to remember to say, "Thank you."
"You looked cold."
She was not cold. It's actually a pretty mild night. Mon does not mention this as she pulls the coat tighter around herself. It smells fresh, vaguely like saltwater air.
13. What traits do you share with your original characters or what traits do you wish you shared with them?
I think whenever I do end up writing original characters, they're always like plucky sidekicks who are only there to give the protagonists a kick in the ass. I'd like to be able to not overthink as much and just see the situation clearly and tell it to people as bluntly as my OC's seem to.
18. What writers have inspired you with their use of language? What are some of your favorite quotes?
It's been so long since I've read anything so my mind is blanking right now, but I'm always amazed by how much feeling poets can put into their words. I remember sobbing throughout Ocean Vuong's On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. The older I get, the more I identify with everything Mary Oliver has written ever. My mentally ill boy Kafka is always a mood. I wish I could remember anything any of these people have ever written but I have nothing but dryer fluff in my head. I'm sorry.
27. Do you have playlists for your wip? What are some of the songs in it?
Sorry, I usually don't have playlists for writing! I should actually start though because it has gotten me over writer's block a couple times, but for the most part, I just play whatever song I'm currently obsessed with. My ADHD means that I tune the lyrics out and I'm just vibing with the beat, although if I loop a song enough times while writing, every time I hear that song afterwards, I'll always associate it with the process of writing that fic, which is pretty cool. I don't think I've written anything over the past twelve months, but my current song on repeat is Animal by VEAUX if you wanna check it out!
30. What is some of the best writing advice you've read or received? Why does it work for you?
The thing about advice for me is that I'm always seeking it out and hoarding it like wow, I bet this would work for me and then...not doing anything to implement it. One thing I did end up using though, is from a Tumblr post that was like, "order everything in your sentences the way a movie scene would play out so the emotional punch comes at the end, like she came into the kitchen, saw the creeping puddle of blood, and discovered her brother's body." I'm paraphrasing obviously because no one can find anything on this hellsite, but this really made me realize that I kinda just threw everything together and hoped it made sense (once again, probably due a little bit to the ADHD). I'm not sure if anyone's even noticed, but I like to think it's made my writing a bit more coherent and easier to follow.
Thanks for asking! I'm love you!
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ncteez · 11 months
hihi hon happy 6k! for the sleepover, i loved the idea of a personal playlist so if it wouldn’t be too much work for u i’d love one :3 on another note hi! we don’t interact that much but i just wanna say i loooove ur works i read them earlier on ao3 not realizing they were urs and i was blown away!
hi omg, thank you so much! i think we very recently became moots but i've seen you around and i'm glad you're here to support me and interact with me via this event at least, :o also, the fact that you've read my stuff on ao3 before realizing it was me? *gasp* they don't know im ncteez on tumblr dot com
anyway! I'm basing your playlist off of your desktop visuals and most recent post vibes. Pls check under the cut for your lil playlist (five songs) and I hope you enjoy it!
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join the sleepover!
first off, ur mobile theme is much softer compared to the desktop theme, so i hope this playlist matters just as much even if you or others don't see your desktop theme as often!
vibes i'm getting: darker/more sensual, deep bass, red led lit bedrooms, fr this is giving fuck-music vibes. let's go.
(mind you, some of these are fitting the vibe in terms of sound, and others are in terms of lyrics, it's up to you to decide which you prefer)
spider - hoshi obv bc hoshi is right there in ur pinned and he deserves the best head to his own song like a villain - bad omens immediately from the other photos in ur pinned post, i thought of this song. blow - jackson wang the gritty kind of vibe, like ur entire desktop blog just oozes angsty sex (im sorry?? maybe??) oh my god - g-idle do i really need to explain why this is here? busted - woodz ok first of all this is one of my fave songs rn but idk it just sounds like the perfect amount of desperate that ur probably into
anyway! sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for in terms of vibe, unfortunately u do have urself to blame for this desktop theme as well as the assault with alt boy hoshi, and that fucking minghao and dino ask u got.
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sucktacular · 10 months
Let me give you an ask I know you'll love. Top 5 moments from death note, any version including light novels is 👌🏼
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OKay this is SO late because I wasn't using my desktop for a hot second and mobile doesn't like to tell me about inbox messages, but I also didn't check so that's my bad! <3 But both of y'all asking about top 5 death note momence has me so <3 <3 <3 ; w ;
Okay so I will preface this with: it has been a very hot minute since I read LABB so as much as I'm obsessed with it entirely, I probably forgot some very good moments. u_u These are gonna be silly moments cuz I like the funnies.
Starting at number 5 and going to my favorite moment:
5. The entire time Light is under house surveillance. From the weirdly conservative and leisurely skimming of lingerie mags to look like an average, regular teen (not believable). To the famous "I'll take a potato chip... heh... AND EAT IT!" scene. Classic.
4. I think it's like 1 week max since Light had got the Death Note. Lind L. Taylor shows up on tv and Light is like ??. He introduces himself as "L", says I have a pretty good idea of why you're doing this, but "what you are doing... is evil!". And Light IMMEDIATELY is like oh FUCK this guys ENTIRE life. DIE! Which also outs his location like entirely, LOL. Idk it's just very funny to me. Anti-kira? CANCELLED... LIVE!!!
3. Light and L's fist fight(s). Love watching these homophobic gays fight each other with their bare hands and get knocked around because they're chained together. They clearly love it too and I wish they'd get their hands dirty a bit more often instead of just always using their massive brains to have dirty brain sex.
2. From the LABB Murder Cases, Chapter 5, Page 117-119: A very close second favorite part of mine is when Naomi comes up from the kitchen at a crime scene with some coffee on a tray for her and Rue Ryuzaki (private detective and Freak). She opens the door and askes if he found any more clues and then notices he's just laying in the middle of the room, flat on his back, arms and legs sprawled out like a star fish. She's frozen looking at this dude and then repeats the question and is kinda worried he's gonna start crawling around with his back arched like in some horror movie (ps. For context: she found this guy at a crime scene when she looked under the bed and he crawled out from under it (hes a seasoned on-all-fours crawler), and ate a jar of jam with his bare hands for lunch. amongst... other things. so she's already going THROUGH it with this dude). He doesn't respond and shes like uhm? and he says "I'm a corpse." "Hunh??" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead." She's bewildered but just accepts it and ponders how to get around this dude so she can put the coffee tray down. She eventually goes to jump over him but completely fucks it and steps, in boots, right on his gut. In an attempt to catch her balance and not spill the hot coffee on him and everywhere she puts her entire weight on him." "Gah!" said the corpse." "S-sorry!" she remarks and then they carry on. I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall with these two.
From the LABB Murder Cases, Chapter 2, Page 55-56: My favorite part of the book (tho honestly there are so many so don't quote me on that lol) is when Naomi goes into the bathroom to speak to L on the phone about the case at hand. She reports that a strange private detective is there helping her. To which L asks point blank: "Is he cool?" and shes like.... what? and he repeats the question and she's still unsure how to answer such a question, but lays it on THICK. She's dead honest and is like this guy SUCKS, he's quite honestly a PATHETIC FREAK and a WEIRDO "and I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself yet". I'm crying! She said that!! There is silence and L changes the subject back to the case. BUT the best part is she leaves the bathroom to go back to investigating and the "freak" in question (Rue Ryuzaki) is standing right there and was most likely eaves dropping on the whole conversation she just had. The whole scene has me hollering entirely and I think about this art done by @/ekmeko everyday. Link
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
⚞Aquarious Appreciation Askn't💀♒⚟™ (Shift 3)
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Hello once again, Aqua. Aside from the usual love and appreciation, i wanded to actually ask you something.
Revolutionary, i know, but: how did you come up with your pfp? I'm curious.
Anyways, see you on Wednesday.
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like geeeezzz, u dont have to do all that for meee 😳😳 (–///// ^ /////–) ♡
So at first it was just cutie Aether bc i wanted ppl to just be blessed by cutie Aether just peeking over at you like
"hey, its me, babygirl aether. just checkin in, i made another post, arent i cute? whatcha doin over there? ♡"
But then we had an aesthetic overhaul this week bc my desktop was UNREADABLE, scroll a few posts down/non genshin writings
Bc someone was nice enough to tell me the issue (and bc im on mobile most of the time/even my laptop just shows my mobile site)
I didnt realize it was that bad- 💀
So Aether rlly started to stand out by the time everything else darkened down
So i was gonna edit him just pure Black and white at first, but then i was like, u know
Hes so blonde and his hair is glowing already, and my accent/only color now is yellow, plus
I think we all tend to see each others PFPs as how we all "look" to each other, and i thought itd be badass to be an all grayed out character, and it tied into the theme of "dead aquarius" like thats what my theme is
A dying star/dead constellation vibes-
(Reminds me too of Gaster's Followers from Undertale if u know what im talking abt)
So yeah, TLDR
he needed to fit in more,
I wanna be able to have a cool persona to draw
I gotta fit the theme of "dead aquarius" and nothing screamed "im a dying star" than that edit ver. I made of Aether, at least to me,
Oh! One last thing, sorry I ramble u prob didnt need all this-
I thought it was too late/didnt wanna lose anybody if my pfp changed content (NOT aether peeking over) and then they dont recognize me!
Thanks for asking.. 🥺 👉👈
Safe Travels Chief,
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bigshot · 1 year
I had a question sorry for the randomness but how did you do your icons for spamton
Im wanting to do him for a muse on my rp blog but I can't do much on mobile and was curious
// No problem, I'm always happy to help folks!!
I used Pixlr.com for a lot of his icons, but mostly desktop. I just gave its mobile editor a shot and this is how it came out looking!
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If you go with pixlr, use the instant photo editor (the purple one) on mobile! The cropping and resizing isn't bad! I usually go with 100x100, my border is just pasted on top
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wooahaes · 2 years
Hi Daisy! (I'm so sorry, I don't know if it's weird for me to call you that, I can stop!) How are you? I'm new to Tumblr, so I don't actually know if I've done this right. Sorry if I haven't! In your questionnaire, I said that I was too scared to message you, but I've finally done it! I wanted to say I love your work, it's so comforting and I find it immersive. Sorry if this is a stupid question, should I be reblogging fics that I like? I feel bad for not doing it, but I don't know what it is.
omg its 100% fine to call me daisy?? its not my real name but i think a lot of ppl would guess that skdfhsdf pls know that if u see this (literally anyone who follows me) its 100% ok to call me daisy!! i wouldnt have it on my blog if it wasn't <3
i'm good! tummy hurtin a lil and im feeling the lack of sleep (rewatching shinee world iv was worth it tho), but it's all good <3 welcome to tumblr u will never leave /j
also omg hi!! ur message was super sweet and im proud of u for stepping out of ur comfort zone!! pls know i don't bite (unless ppl bite first) and i'm always happy to talk to anons <3 also i'm glad i can provide comfort to you!! ur super sweet aw
absolutely not a stupid question at all tho!! a lot of writers and other cc's will say a resounding "yes" and while i do think that people should reblog fics they like, if its initially like... super daunting to do so, i think its okay to like? getting used to tumblr can be kinda hard in the beginning, but i do highly recommend reblogging fics--even if you don't have any followers btw, the engagement still means a lot to ppl!! even if ppl don't put tags or anything, it says "i like this and i want other people to see it" since likes aren't public the way they are on other websites (or at all, if you turn them off)
please don't feel bad for not doing it since you're new!! literally i think most people don't understand how tumblr functions but that's pretty normal for joining a website haha
i'll explain things under the readmore and you can let me know in another ask if you have any questions!!
so full disclosure: i'm working on desktop and things are usually pretty similar on mobile, but there's a few differences that i can try to explain if you're on mobile!! but for reblogging:
at the bottom of a post, you'll see a couple things. they're in the same place pretty much for both desktop and mobile. if a post has been interacted with (through a reply (the little bubble icon), a reblog (the arrows), or liked (heart)), it'll have notes! you can nowadays see what other people write in their replies/reblogs by clicking on the notes key and looking through the different tabs there, but some people limit their replies (the bubble will be grayed out as a result) or turn off reblogs (reblog arrows will be grayed out).
excuse the extra buttons on mine: im on desktop and i have an extension called xkit active <3 (it allows me to block posts + do quick tags when i post fics)
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as you can see: this post i made (which is dk uts skdfhds its the first thing i have thats not my pinned post) 48 notes, followed by a series of buttons. ignore the first two (they're from xkit), the rest are what you'll typically see on a post.
in order:
the single arrow can be used to share the post. either you an send it to other tumblrs (not all people have DMs open, and i'd honestly say ask before you DM someone if you don't know them well), or you can copy the link, share it on twitter/facebook, or do other things w the "more" button like send stuff via text n whatnot. its very possible to send things from a sideblog, if you ever have one and want to do it that way
on mobile your main blog will be at the top of the page with a little down arrow next to it: all you gotta do is click it and decide what blog you wanna send it from. on desktop:
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you can see the bubble next to "your message here" isn't my icon since the message would be coming from my main. all you gotta do is click that little bubble (of your own icon) and you can send things from different blogs <3
the little speech bubble is the button for replies. tapping/clicking it will just open up the replies tab.
reblog on both desktop and mobile will open up the tab to reblog something. if you're on mobile, though, and wanna reblog something quickly, you can press and hold. i have sideblogs so i can't confirm if only having one blog will just auto-reblog it, but with sideblogs it'll pop up 2-3 of your recently used blogs (if you have more than 3).
on desktop:
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this is what reblogs will look like! it's similar to posts, but the difference is just the blue "reblog" button compared to a blue "post" button. important distinction: the #tags is for tagging stuff (or, yknow, posting thoughts if you want lmao the tagging system on tumblr is kinda broken). if a post asks for something "in the tags" then you type in the tags as opposed to the main body <3
anyway, that lil heart outline is the like button <3 it just says that you like a post :) they don't get broadcast onto other people's feeds the way they do on other websites, but you can have them public or private through messing w settings
i hope this was helpful!! pls feel free to let me know if you have any questions <3
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aspenmissing · 11 months
𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
An insistent knocking awakens Dean. He realizes that he is on the floor of the motel room; the motel manager, who had been knocking, opens the door.
"Hey. It's past your checkout" Dean gets up, very groggy and walks over to the manager.
"What?" He asks.
"It's past checkout, and I've got a couple here needs your room" Dean turns his head to see an embarrassed businessman with a hooker.
"Yeah, I'll bet they do. What time is it?"
"The guy and woman who was with me, have you seen them?"
"Yeah, they left before dawn in your car, he was carrying her, said she drank a bit much. You should have gone with them, because now I'm gonna have to charge you extra"
"Oh, son of a..." Dean mutters.
"It's just policy, sir"
"I need to use your computer" Dean says.
"Now, why would I let you use my computer?" Later, the Manager is counting a stack if cash, as Dean talks on the phone behind him, in front of a desktop computer.
"Hi, uh, sorry to bother you, but uh, my son and daughter snuck out of the house last night and, uh, went to a Justin Timberlake concert" There is a small pause "What? Yeah. No, Justin is quite the triple threat. Uh, anyway, they're not back yet, and, and I'm just, I'm just starting to worry" There is a small pause "Right. Yeah, kids will be kids. But see, Sammy is uh, uh, uh, a diabetic, and Y/N has uh, has asthma attacks and she didn't bring her inhaler, I just, I have to find them. Please, I'm begging you. Yeah, no, no, no, I'm on the website right now, I just need to activate the GPS in their cell phones" Dean enters a password; his GPS screen shows the name 'Dean J. Mahogoff', mobile phone number 785-555-2804 "Yeah, right there. Duluth, Minnesota. Yeah, that is a long way to go for a concert. I appreciate your help"
Jo is scrubbing the bar and saying goodnight to some customers.
"Good night, thank you" she says. Sam enters and clears his throat.
"Sorry, we're closing up" Jo says, her back turned to him.
"How about just one for the road?" Jo turns to face him, not looking welcoming.
"Well, you're about the last person I'd expect to see"
"Well, I guess I'm full of surprised. So can I get a beer?"
"Sure. One beer" Jo brings a bottle of beer over and sets it down on the bar firmly, then turns away, bustling over cleaning up the bar “So how'd you find me?"
"Well, uh, it's kind of what we do, you know?"
"Speaking of 'we', where's Dean and Y/N?" She asks.
"They couldn't make it"
"So, what're you doing here Sam? I mean we didn't exactly part on the best of terms. Well, me and Y/N, but not us"
"Right. Um, well, that's why I'm here" Sam takes off his jacket "I kinda -- I wanted to see if we could square things, you know?" As Sam takes off his jacket, Jo notices a circular burn mark with a short line through it on Sam's forearm.
"That looks like it hurts"
"No. Nah, just, just had a run-in with a hot stove"
"So, you were saying something about squaring things?"
"Yeah. Um ... Look, I know how you feel about my dad. And I can't say I blame you. He was obsessed -- consumed with hunting. And he didn't care who got caught in the cross-fire. And I guess that included your dad. But that was my father. That's not me"
"What about Dean and Y/N?"
"Well according to Dean, Y/N was more like my mom, but Dean. Dean's more like my father than I am, but h-..." Sam sees Jo's off look and laughs a little "Boy. You're really carrying a torch for him, aren't you?" Jo scoffs, uncomfortably "I'll take that as a yes. It's too bad" Sam is smiling tightly "'Cause see, Dean, he likes you, sure, but not in the way you'd want. I mean, maybe as kind of a . . . a little sister, just how Y/N thinks of you, you know? But -- romance, that's just out of the question, he --" Sam laughs "he kind of thinks you're a schoolgirl, you know? And Y/N, she thinks you need to be babied and that you’re not strong enough to hunt" There is a small pause "I'm not trying to hurt you, Jo, I -- I'm telling you 'cause I care"
"That's real kind of you, Sam" Jo says sarcastically.
"I mean it" Sam places a hand over hers on the bar, suggestively, possessively "I care about you a lot"
"Sam, what's going on?" She asks. She tries to pull her hand away but he holds it and won't let go.
"I can be more to you, Jo"
"Maybe you should leave"
"Okay" Sam shoves her hand away and stands to leave; Jo turns to face the bar, leaning on it heavily. Suddenly Sam reappears, grabbing her from behind and manhandling her.
"Sam, get off me! Sam! Get off me! Let go!" She closes her right hand on a beer bottle, but before she can hit him with it, he grabs her wrist and slams it onto the bar, shattering the bottle.
"Jo, Jo, Jo" She shoves her around until she faces the bar and pins her there, left hand over her wrist, right hand stroking her hair.
"Sam, no! No! Please! Please!" She screams. He slams her forehead into the bar; she is knocked out, and he lifts her carefully to lie on the bar, stroking her hair in a disturbingly gentle manner.
"It didn't have to be this way. Maybe it did" He gives her an evil grin. He picks her back up and ties her to a wide wooden post. He goes outside to the Impala and opens the shotgun door. He chuckles as he hears a noise in the backseat and opens the door, seeing Y/N against the door on the other side. "Come on big sister. You said it yourself; you don't need to be scared of me" He grabs her ankles and pulls her towards him. He manhandles her back to the bar lays her down on the bar.
"Sammy" She says sluggishly "Please, stop" He goes over to a rack and finds a belt. He walks back over to Y/N and puts in in her mouth. He walks around the bar to find a First Aid and puts it next to her head, which is lulling side to side, her eyes slightly open and skin pale from blood loss. Sam takes out bandages, tweezers, needle and thread, gauze and scissors.
"Sorry big sister, but this is gonna hurt. A lot. But this bullet needs to come out before it closes up" Sam says, smirking. He uses the scissors to cut her shirt a little from the bottom, revealing her bloody wound. He pours some alcohol onto her wound and he arches her back and bits down on the belt. Sam pushes her back down forcefully. And without any warning he sticks the tweezers into her wound in search of the bullet. She thrashes in pain until Sam, having enough, knocks her out. He digs deep until he feels the bullet, pulling it out slowly and just throws it down on the floor. He grabs the needle and threat and saws her wound up before placing the gauze over and bandages. He strokes her cheek with an evil grin "There. Now that wasn't so hard"
A jukebox starts playing The Doors' "Crystal Ship". Nearby, Sam is tying a groggy Y/N to another wide wooden post just as Jo slowly wakes up and looks around.
"What the hell is going on? What are you doing? What the hell have you done to Y/N?" She asks, looking to Y/N.
"So, what exactly did your mom tell you about how your dad died?"
"You're not Sam."
"Don't be so sure about that. Answer the question," Jo says nothing; Sam sighs heavily and goes around to the other side; he sits in front of her, leaning in, his expression shifting to one of open concern. He pulls out a large knife and strokes her face with it. "Come on. It's me. You can tell me anything, you know that. Answer. The question."
"Our dads were in California: Devil's Gate Reservoir. They were setting a trap for some kind of hellspawn. John was hiding, waiting, and my dad was bait," Sam laughs.
"That's just like John. Oh, I'll bet he dangled Bill like meat on a hook. Then what?" He gets up and goes around to stand behind her.
"The thing showed up. John got too eager, jumped out too soon, got my dad exposed, out in the open. The thing turned around...and killed him." Sam leans in from behind Jo.
"Hmm. Not quite."
"Sam... don’t," Y/N says sluggishly.
"What?" Jo asks.
"What? Oh. See, it hurt him. It didn't kill him. You really don't know the truth, do you? I bet your mom doesn't either." Sam sits facing her again and leans in close.
"Know what?"
"You see, Bill...was all clawed up. Was holding his insides in his hands. He was gurgling and... praying to see you and Ellen one more time. So, my dad...killed him. Put him out of his misery like a sick dog."
"Leave her the hell alone!" Y/N shouts.
"You're lying. Right?" Jo says, sobbing and looks to Y/N.
"I'm not. It's true," Sam says in a quite singsong. "My daddy shot your daddy in the head..."
"How could you know that?" Sam stands up.
"I hear things." He stands and stabs the knife into the pillar, just above head level.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Like Daddy like daughter. You're bait. Open up." Sam shoves a knotted rag in her mouth and ties it around her neck. "That's a girl." Sam walks over to Y/N and lifts her head up before wrapping another rag around her mouth and tying it around her neck. The door then bursts open and Dean enters, gun out.
"Sam! Y/N!" Sam grabs the knife from the pillar, his calm expression shifting to one of desperate panic, and places the knife at Jo's throat.
"I begged you to stop me, Dean. You too Y/N," Sam yells, sounding more like Sam again.
"Put the knife down, dammit."
"I told you I can't fight it! My head feels like it's on fire, all right?! Dean. Kill me, or I'm going to kill her. Please. You'd be doing me a favour! Shoot me." Sam turns to face Dean, arms spread. "Shoot me!" Y/N shrugs the rag from around her mouth.
"Sammy. Please just, stop," she says. Dean stares, gun steady and looks at Jo and Y/N out of the corner of his eyes.
"No, Sammy, come on," Dean turns away, lowering the gun.
"What the hell's wrong with you, Dean? Are you that scared of being alone that you'd rather let Jo die?" Dean turns suddenly, flinging water from a flask at Sam; the water hisses and steams as it strikes.
"That's holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!" Sam raises his head; his eyes are the solid black of a demon's. Dean flings more holy water at him; Sam growls, turns and runs, bursting through a window and fleeing. Dean takes the knife and cuts Y/N free then Jo and she pulls the gag out of her knife as Dean and Y/N runs towards the shattered window.
"He was possessed?!" Dean turns and stares at her for a moment, then leaps through the window followed by Y/N. "Dean! Y/N!"
Dean, Y/N, and Possessed-Sam stalk each other through a dim, crowded warehouse, the three have handguns. During the following they never see each other directly, instead hiding stealthily behind piles and boxes and shouting at each other.
"So, who are you?" Y/N asks.
"I got lots of names."
"You've been in Sam since he disappeared, haven't you?"
"You shoulda seen your faces when you thought he murdered that guy. Pathetic."
"Why didn't you kill us? You had a dozen chances."
"Nah, that would have been too easy. Where's the fun in that? You see, this was a test. Wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste Sam. Should've known you wouldn't have the sack. Anyway. Fun's over now."
"Well, I hope you got your kicks. 'Cause you're gonna pay hell for this, I'm gonna make sure of that."
"How? You can't hurt me. Not without hurting your little brother." Dean and Y/N are putting their guns away, pulling out the flask of holy water. "See, I think you two are gonna die, Dean, Y/N. You and every other hunter I can find. One look as Sam's dewey, sensitive eyes? They'll let me right in their door." Possessed-Sam gets up, heading outside; Dean and Y/N follow. They are on an open-air dock. Once Dean and Y/N are out in the open, looking around at the water, Sam steps out, takes aim, and shoots Dean, hitting him in the shoulder. Dean is knocked into the water with a splash. Y/N jumps in after him; Sam stalks to the edge and peers over where Dean fell and Y/N jumped; not seeing Dean or Y/N in the water, he smiles.
Jo is walking quickly through the docks, a flashlight in one hand and her cell phone in the other; she's calling Dean, and his voicemail picks up.
"This is Dean. Leave a message." Jo goes to ring Y/N, but her voicemail also picks up.
"Sorry I'm not here. Please leave a message." Jo hangs up the phone with a sigh of frustration and continues searching. Moments later she calls Dean again, and this time hears Dean's ringtone coming from below her, by the water. She runs down to where he is lying unconscious at the bottom of a ramp. Y/N is next to him, also unconscious.
"Dean! Y/N!" They wake with a groan, coughing; they're completely wet. "Take it easy."
"Where's Sam?" Dean asks, shuddering and groaning in pain.
"I don't know, I've been looking for you two. Come on, get up." Y/N stands and helps Jo to help Dean stand up. He leans on them heavily, groaning, clutching his shoulder, as they walk back to the bar. Later, Dean and Y/N have changed into warmer clothes. Dean is seated at a table, gripping the edge with his right hand, his left-hand holding Y/N's as Jo digs the bullet out of his left shoulder. He's groaning loudly.
"Don't be a baby!" Jo says.
"Almost. All right, got it. Got it." She drops the bloodstained bullet in a glass of clear alcohol. Dean takes a few healthy swigs from a bottle of whiskey.
"If you search around here, you'll find my bullet," Y/N says, grabbing the bottle from Dean and taking a sip.
"Your bullet?" Dean asks.
"Oh yeah, Sam or the thing possessing him shot me in the motel room. It was my own fault. I should have never wrestled him knowing he had a cocked gun." Dean forces her to stand; He lifts it up, revealing bloody bandages and a gauze.
"Did he take it out?" Jo asks.
"Yeah. Hurt like a bitch but eventually he knocked me out." Jo continues to treat Dean's wound and he flinches in pain.
"God, you're a butcher."
"You're welcome," Jo says sarcastically.
"All right, are we done?"
"Would you give me two minutes to patch you up? You can't help Sam if you're bleeding to death." Dean takes another swig from the bottle as Jo continues layering gauze and tape over the wound. "So, how did you two know? That he was possessed?"
"Uh, we didn't, we just knew that it couldn't have been him."
"Hey, guys."
"Yeah?" They ask in unison.
"I know demons lie, but...do they ever tell the truth too?"
"Um, um, yeah, sometimes, I guess. Especially if they know it'll mess with your head." Dean takes another swig. "Why do you ask?"
"Nothing. Doesn't matter." Y/N looks to Jo with a sad expression. "So do you two have any idea where he's headed to next?"
"Well, so far he's been going after the nearest hunter, so...closest one I know lives in South Dakota," Dean says.
"Okay good, I'm done. Let's go."
"Yeah." Dean stands up. "You're not coming."
"The hell I'm not. I'm a part of this now."
"I can't say it plainer than this. You try to follow us and I'll tie you right back to that post and leave you here. This is our fight. We're not getting your blood on our hands. That's just how it's gonna be." Dean and Y/N turn to leave.
"Wait." They turn back and she throws Dean out a prescription pill bottle. "Here. Take these, they'll help with the pain." Y/N nods and smiles.
"Thanks. We'll call you later, okay?" Dean says and they leave.
"No, you won't," Jo says to herself after the twins leave. It's raining as Dean and Y/N drive down a dark stretch of road; Y/N dials a number on her cell. Elsewhere, a phone rings several times, until Sam cuts the phone line running outside the house with a knife. Y/N looks at her phone and sighs.
"Dammit," she says.
0 notes
elaichoi · 11 months
okkkk video editing phase is shorterrr. i mainly used videostar (mobile) (i did purchase a lot of diff packs i think theyre called idk i forgot basically editing features n fx) but i did use other apps alongside just as extra effects or whatever for individual clips, and sometimes cutecut/cutecut pro. but videostar was the main platform and just where i started all my video projects. videostar (vs) was the real g when it came to video editing, bc all vs editors wanted to be after effects (ae) style editors so bad (me included), and vs made it possible to achieve similar results, but maybe not as smooth, high quality, detailed, etc.
i downloaded a bootleg sony vegas pro (desktop) and i tried sooo hard to learn how to use it but 1. it was hard and i gave up despite watching guides n tutorials over n over 2. it was a bootleg so it was kinda laggy and weird idk i deleted it.
i miss video editing esp in video star bc its advanced so much more since the last time i used to and appearance wise it can look kinda intimidating complex but i strangely *kinda* wanna learn bc although i did make progress n growth when it came to my video editing style, compared to my experience in photo editing, my video edits r also very noob esque in comparison. so i still kinda wanna learn..
except when capcut launched, i stopped wanting to learn bc capcut made video editing easier and all of a sudden everybody is video editing so now i don't wanna do it anymore bc everything has a shortcut now. idk how to explain it, its just kinda similar vibes to how writers feel abt ai, im turned off by capcut in a similar way. i dont have anything against capcut or anyone who uses it or anything btw,, i just ,,,, choose not to lmao
btw, im v v v sorry i have a very bad habit of oversharing + rambling i genuinely have a hard time differentiating when im oversharing pls forgive me T^T i also do not enjoy proofreading hence why these asks r so ugly n messy
i would love to hear ur story w editing (only if u want!!), just like the same things u asked me ^^ i'm curious as to how u got into it and just your progress and experience as a whole!!
no gooood god i remember the vs rage so much bc the whole wannabe ae editor fever was real for EVERYONE and bro everyone and their mother was on alight motion and cute cut pro to learn the effects and mirroring and the transitions bro I cannot remember the times i used to watch the transition tuts for am and cute cut pro and cry when I couldn't do it maybe that's why I never became a full fledged video editor. also spending money on any of my hobby was like,, nope im like born stingy (desi genes.)
bro the Sony Vegas PRO I WANTED IT TO SBAD bc like before ae all the cool editors who used to edit movies and those kpop crack mv used to use that and i wanted it sooo bad but like as we've established before i was such an wuss to install bootleg version so i never even tried editing on my desktop lmao but you strike me as such a cool person like you literally march forward to whatever your vision is and just go at it as much as you can until you lose the interest it's so fuckin cool to me bc I'm the kind of person that just latches onto something and it's hard for me to let go too ( haha if you don't mind me asking what are you cognitive functions)
my editing journey began and ended with kinemaster like I tried to do those cool edits of a certain idol before i realised i really don't have the will power not the brain power to make the idol the star of the edit bc i tend to focus more on the story or the song aspect so i did a few edits of idols on songs but then most of my editing was just based on,,, you guess it,, themes lmao! i used to so many multi fanfom edits based on songs like, finding bunch of purple and pink shots on kpop mvs and editing them on sunmi's pporapipam to make it seem like it's a linear storyline or like heartbreak in kpop mvs, or like gemini shots in kpop ( bunch of kpop scenes in mvs that reeked like gemini to me). i basically just focused on the song and found scenes from mvs that fit them i do still kinda miss it tbh so maybe I'll go back to it one day tbh i get what you mean by capcut but that's just like everything now you even got chatgpt where u don't even have to research on net for hours you can just shoot the ai a question,, we gonna be one handicapped generation bro.
omg this was so fun please anon id love to talk to you on so much more shit i feel like we'd really REALLY match on the wavelength you're literally so freaking cool!!!
0 notes
farharbour · 5 years
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it's... my birthday today.
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priceofreedom · 4 years
i love spending time making various gifsets just for tumblr to refuse to show a single one of them in the goddamn tags :-)
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