#HELPPP SOMEONE HELPPP MEEEE that was a lot of writing
pine-arten · 1 year
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i’ve been thinking how slugcats work a lot. my rambles will be under the cut
i’ve said before in other posts, but i hc there’s two types of slugcats (whether different species or just subspecies i’m unsure) and so they‘re showcased here. i’ve given them names to differentiate when talking about them.
Slugcat Felis is a more omnivorous and opportunistic slugcat. examples would be survivor, monk, and saint (a bit).
Felis slugcats have very short, and fine fur. it’s a lot more sparse. (like how the peterbald cat breed is) they have a longer muzzle in comparison to panthera slugcats, and have weaker jaw strength because of it. They also have oval pupils, not fully round but not slit either.
Slugcat Panthera is more carnivorous and predatory. ex, hunter and arti.
Panthera slugcats have a longer coat of fur, but it’s still generally short. More akin to how an actual short-haired cat is. They have a short muzzle, making their bite-force stronger. They also have slit pupils, although it becomes round when dilated. 
General slugcat traits include, -Eyes, nose, teeth, lips, and claws all being of similar colors. -Large thick tail for extra fat storage -Muzzle whiskers and eyebrow whiskers -Two fingers, one opposable thumb, and three toes
Spearmaster is a pretty special case, as they’re heavily modified. First of all, they have no lower jaw or upper digestive system. Their skull is also modified to be smoother where their mouth would be. Their torso and neck is skinny, causing them to weigh a lot less than others Spearmaster also has long pointy ears, as it would make their expressions a lot more obvious and clear. They have small rounded spikes of keratin all over, somewhat similar to scales in a way. Their skin is a lot thicker than other slugcats, as they have no fur to protect it. Their pupils are fully round, whether dilated or constricted.
Rivulet is also modified, but not as extremely. Large eyes and nictitating membrane help see underwater. Their pupils are larger than average, and are horizontally oval (but become round when not constricted). Riv’s external gills are attached to their head, rather than the neck or jaw. As this makes the bloodflow to the brain much quicker. They have small ears and a seal nose, modifications to prevent water going where it shouldn’t. Their fur is very short, but incredibly thick and oily. This helps them retain heat and prevent water sticking to them (like otters and seals!). In their blood, is hemocyanin, as well as hemoglobin. There is more hemoglobin than hemocyanin, as it’s more efficient in most scenarios. However, hemocyanin is more efficient than hemoglobin in cold underwater environments with low oxygen.
i would’ve included saint and gourmand, but i was tired after drawing rivulet so i didn’t include them. maybe in another post?
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