#sorry for lack of actual sims posts
dizziesims · 7 months
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
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Okay every time I read one of your celtophobia posts I am filled with immediate and incandescent rage, enough to propulse the responsible idiots into space but not to bring them back again. I'm really sorry about the """""lecturer"""""" you had to sit through this morning, and any other instances that happen. Hugs.
That said, I am very worried of doing the same thing and want to make my utmost sure I don't, so I thought it'd be okay to ask someone from a language that has to fight for space for politeness tricks. Apologies if this is not okay!
Context: I'm from continental Europe, which means English is my second language (I speak three languages and a half ish, the half is in process, because #languagenerd). I'm moving to Ireland come September, and I'm absolutely terrified of offending the good Irish people when I don't know how to pronounce their names, surnames, street names, or anything else; or, worse, try and end up butchering them in the manner of the British.
Dilemma: How can I ask for help when pronouncing things in a delicate way? I was thinking of signing up to Irish courses once I'm there, but for now I'm panicking about the actual move so I can't get a head start with that because my brain space is limited, and other than watching YouTube videos with the most common Irish names/words ahead of arriving, I honestly don't know. I want to be culturally sensitive and make sure they feel respected and not Colonised, Part Three Hundred, but also they shouldn't have to bear the weight of my lack of cultural knowledge and Teach Me? Idk. Just thoughts.
Good question! I suppose it's a two-part procedure:
Step 1: Learn a pronunciation guide. By that I just mean get to grips with the alphabet, common phonemes, etc and how those are said. With something like Welsh it's super easy (because phonetic), something like English it's super hard (because not phonetic); Irish is a bit more complex than Welsh, but still more phonetic than English. You might not be able to get to a "perfect every time" place, but you can get yourself to a "right most times" place.
Step 2: If you encounter a name you aren't 100% sure of, offer your best educated guess when asking. This shows that you have done the work, you are making a genuine attempt, but you still have the humility to ask to make sure.
When I say "best educated guess", I mean it's clear that you're guessing based on a working knowledge of the language rules in question. In Welsh, for example, if someone asks me how to pronounce "Cymru", there is a world of difference between someone saying "Sim-roo" (based on English pronunciation rules transposed onto Welsh) and "Kim-ree" (based on Welsh pronunciation rules, they just forgot which pronunciation of 'y' to use for the syllable it's in.) If someone says to me "How do you say that? Sim-roo?" then I know they haven't attempted any prior learning (though points for being interested enough to ask.) But if they say "Am I right in thinking it's Kim-ree?" then I know they've made the effort themselves, they've done the work, they just have a carry error that's skewed the answer.
Plus, you may well be right! And will be right more and more often the longer you're in Ireland.
If it helps, there's an Irish pronunciation guide here that's pretty good (or was back when I used it), and teanglann.ie is a pretty good resource for this, as it's a dictionary that lets you hear the words aloud and explains grammatical uses. (Irish people please feel free to add any other resources to the notes if you feel so inclined!)
As a final note, mind, given that you don't have time atm to dedicate brain space to this, speaking as a Welsh person I would be absolutely fine with someone saying to me "Sorry, I haven't had chance to learn yet, how do I say this?", or some variant thereof. Or, frankly, anything that's just... a polite request, and not laughing about it. I would take a thousand instances of "How do I say that? Sim-roo?" over even one "I don't know how to say that, haha" because the former is still caring enough to ask. So don't panic! A polite request will see you right.
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getvalentined · 8 days
I really love all your Vincent analysis, I get very excited whenever you post them. I was wondering something, Grimoire has always seemed a very distant figure in canon, (yet he affects so much) and it is very likely that his and Vincent's relationship wasn't the best. But I am curious as to what you think his reaction to the experiments Hojo and Lucretia put him through would be if he was informed? Especially given that Grimoire knew Lu well. (I know this is completely non-canon)
Believe it or not, way back in 2011 I posted a hastily-drawn Ask Vincent Valentine entry that addresses exactly this! It's been a really long time, and my opinion there hasn't really changed, but I'm more than happy to expand on the concept in more detail now.
We don't actually have a lot of information on Grimoire as a character, and even less on his relationship with Vincent, so most of my opinion here is definitely headcanon, and I'll be tagging this post accordingly. That said, we do know a few things, and establishing the details of their relationship as I understand it is pretty integral to my opinion of how Grimoire would handle Vincent's inclusion in Lucrecia's terrifying thesis project.
First, Grimoire and Vincent seem to have had some kind of falling out in the past. Although it's impossible to say what caused it or how recent this was, it's fairly clear based on Grimoire's last words being a request for Lucrecia to apologize to Vincent on his behalf, and Vincent being unaware of the circumstances of his father's death until finding his file open on Lucrecia's computer. (I've seen it argued that Vincent may not even have been aware that his father was dead until that point—I don't generally subscribe to that idea, but this may actually be the case.)
Secondly, although this is more up for interpretation, Vincent's feeling toward his father appear to be somewhat...harsh? I reach this conclusion based on the word he uses to refer to him in the original Japanese, which is 親父 (oyaji). While this is a term for "father," it's also colloquially used as equivalent to "old man," and is kind of a catch-all term for middle-aged men in general. It's pretty rough in comparison to other terms that could have been used here, and also seems fairly out of place for how Vincent speaks otherwise, making it seem to me that he uses this harsher term in order to indicate either a lack of formality or a lack of respect for his father.
In headcanon territory, my take on their relationship has always been that Grimoire is extremely disappointed in Vincent for failing to pursue a career in academia, opting instead for the Turks—a role in which he excelled to such a degree that the Turk Vincent sim battle in Dirge PlayOnline indicates the assessment and training records he set were still standing when the Crisis took place. We know that Vincent is intelligent and highly educated (there is a complex series of interconnected equations scrawled on the wall of the Shinra Manor basement in Rebirth that was canonically written by Vincent, he's obviously very smart), so he could certainly have pursued the same career path as his father, and for whatever reason he chose not to.
One thing that isn't up in the air is whether or not Grimoire loved his son. Vincent was the last thing on his mind, as Chaos ate away at his body and ripped him apart into pyreflies, the last thing that mattered was that Vincent know he was sorry. Grimoire loved Vincent, even if they didn't always get along.
But Grimoire was, unfortunately, a Shinra scientist. According to Dirge PlayOnline, Grimoire was the first Shinra scientist to theorize about using foreign energies and excavated materials in the creation of an otherwise human child, with the goal of creating a hybrid able to communicate with humankind with ease. Grimoire loved his son, but he was comfortable with the idea of turning someone else's into a monster in utero if it meant that science could progress. This hypothesis is probably one of the leading reasons that Lucrecia volunteered for her role in Project S; she loved her mentor very much, and what better way to honor his memory than to prove at least one part of his theory right?
At the end of the day, it's the expansion of human knowledge that mattered to Grimoire. He would have been thrilled to know that he was right—proven with Sephiroth, with Vincent, and eventually with Nero. The three of them exist, even if only in part, because of Grimoire's thirst to understand the world beyond humanity, and all three of them changed the face of scientific progress. Sephiroth and Vincent's projects both helped to facilitate the creation of SOLDIER, while Nero literally proved the existence of a secondary plane of reality which had only ever been considered theoretical—if not simply written off as a myth—prior to his birth. That's amazing. That's wonderful.
The only problem Grimoire would have with any of it is that it was his child in the tank. Also unfortunate is that the other two were technically his grandchildren—Nero is pretty much undeniably made from genetic material harvested from Vincent, and my headcanon for why Vincent was assigned to Nibelheim at all is that Gast also wanted some way to honor the memory of the late Professor Grimoire Valentine, and selected Vincent to be the "sire" to the main subject of Project S. Vincent was never meant to know, and Lucrecia was never meant to care. It did not work out that way.
Grimoire would initially be horrified to realize what Lucrecia had done—and then fall right into complete understanding, because she did it to her own child too. She experimented on Vincent, yes, but it was in an attempt to save him! Who could blame her for using what she learned in her thesis? Two birds with one stone, salvation and enlightenment both from a single questionable act. He might disagree with her methods, with her disorganization and her lack of foresight, but he couldn't blame her.
He'd be devastated to know how his theories had ruined his child in every possible respect—but only because it was his child, not because of what was actually done. He'd grieve the loss of those grandchildren that neither he nor Vincent ever had a chance to know—but only because they were Vincent's children, torn away before he ever got to know they existed at all.
And, deep down, Grimoire would feel the slightest swell of pride that the only subjects that worked, the only ones that survived and excelled, the few that could literally call themselves gods even if only for a short period of time, were part of his bloodline.
It turns out that Valentines are amazing at anything they do, whether they choose to do anything or not. Vincent rejected science, and science took him anyway, because science is what Valentines do. It's what all of them do, and they do it better than anyone. How could he not be proud of that?
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kissalopa · 3 months
Dropping this in multiple aks boxes. Who have been inspirational to you lately? #spreadsimblrlove 🫶
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Hi! 👋
Sorry it took me forever to answer this ask, but I am just very slow 😅
All of these simblrs inspire me (and a lot of others, but I got overwhelmed compiling this list)
@akitasimblr I love how many different gameplays Ana has, and she's dedicated to all of them! I am also a big fan of Le Chat!
@aleksa-sims tells her real life story, it's so brave! And her screenshots are amazing! She is also a very nice person.
@cinamun is an amazing storyteller! I am so invested in her Things Fall Apart, it makes me laugh, cry and think.
@cyazurai has many different gameplays and also posts other games too. It reminds me that I love all kind of games and should play them too, not only sims 😅
@daisydezem is not very active lately, but I love her RainbowSin challenge. Her BACC, Supersim and own playthrough of RainbowSin are so interesting!
@dustbon plays mostly on short lifespan and quickly progresses through legacies. I love it! I'd love to play a legacy on a short lifespan one day too.
@faeriefrolic plays Sims 3. Her sims are cute and wholesome.
@introvertedfox plays vanilla. It inspired me to play vanilla myself, but I always end up with defaults first, them some mods, then some blushes and then it's not vanilla anymore 😅
@llamabees her sims and posts are so colourful! I also love her reshade preset and templates!
@loveryss her sims are cute and her posts are cozy! She also makes great cc!
@oswanily has completed the 100 baby challenge! And Seven Wonders challenge which she created and inspired me to play it too. It's one of the few challenges that I actually completed!
@shmoodlet are an amazing person! They are very supportive and friendly. And their gameplays are always with a bit of a story, which my gameplays are always lack of.
@silwermoon-sims has the cutest sims ever! Her lookbooks and gameplay inspire me to be more creative with my sims!
@simspaghetti plays Sims 3. Her editing inspired me to try out different editing style myself. Her gameplay rules and Sims 3 guides really helped me get into the game. I plan on using some of her Sims 3 gameplay rules for my Sims 4 gameplays too.
@tipsy-clouds inspired me to play one of the Sims 4 scenarios! I haven't posted it yet, though. Her lookbooks and resources are very helpful!
@waaneco post the most cutest Sims 3 and Sims 4 posts! And their Stardew Valley pics and gifs inspire me to play that game!
I'm so sorry I didn't mention more people! There are a lot more simblrs who inspire me, but it wasn't easy coming up with this list. I know I missed some blogs that I wanted to add, but as I said I got overwhelmed. If I didn't mention you it doesn't mean you don't inspire me! If I follow your blog you can almost 100% be sure that you inspire me 💜 🥰
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madeofcc · 6 months
2023 Top ♥
Tagged by @someone-elsa and @shesthespinstersimmer ♥ Thanks a lot !
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I didn't remember doing all that this year !
Thanks a lot to everyone who's been following me through this journey. 2023 was one of the worst year of my life but also one of the best weirdly so let's hope 2024 will be better for everyone ♥
below the cut I'll put the link and explanations for each edit
1/ The Moonlight/Moonwood Tales concept : Based on the lore that came with the werewolves pack, I imagined a story that would explain everything between the werewolves, vampires and spellcasters. I actually prepared a plan for season 1 ... Maybe I'll post it next year ?
2/ The stories I planned for this year but so far, only Melodia is still going. DH3 will start next year sadly and Another Side has been cancelled because of lack of time and a bad computer.
3/ Aïssa in the city : a special photoshoot/lookbook with some items I love and also a small interview including infos about DH2 and 3. It's also a way for me to show more about Aïssa's modeling life. The title is also a reference to the upcoming spin-off about her ...
4/ The DH3 women and the DH3 gang because I want you to love them when the story will start !
5/ The EDGEWAVE fest organised by @aniraklova ♥ It surely was my favourite event this year ! What an awesome idea it was and a lot of people did amazing stuff during 2 weeks ! You saved our summer for sure ! I used Candy Bher as a reference to Another Side and MOON who's a character in DH3 ...
6/ Toxic Don ! A potential new Another Side story I've been thinking about years now ... It would be fun !
7/ The Ghostface DH3 edits : It's a reference to DH3 and Scream of course; the plot will be a tribute to Wes Craven actually !
8/ The Melodia musical video part : it actually was awesome and fun to create but it took me an entire month just for this little video. I decided to stick to a more boring regular way to post this story. I also don't have a lot of readers so far so I guess they will forgive me. I still see it as one of my biggest achievement here though so check it if you can ^^ I love how the episode turns into a musical movie
9/ @windbrook's Slashed Challenge : it was one of my favourite CAS challenge of all time ^^ I'm a huge slasher fan ! It was perfect for simblreen and people created awesome characters and stories !
10/ A makeover of the Three Sages that comes with Realm of Magic : Ana Mae is actually an original OCs, they all should appear in DH4 and 5 ... Morgyn should be very important in DH4 actually ...
11/ URBZ Mag DH3 edition ! Get the girls part here and the boys part there ♥ I love doing fake interviews and mag covers ! Sorry not sorry
12/ Valentines day ♥ My favourite is the one with the Destiny, Leïla and Aïssa because it's funny and feminist, what this trio is together ! They surely had a great night that day, it's also supposed to happen after Melodia so ...
13 / Franck and Madame Sophie : the first drag sims I create ! I wanted one for the Aïssa spin-off so I guess it will be them :)
14/ Recent edits I like : Maria Perron for @birdietrait's coven (I love her and I'd love to make a little story about her) / An other Another Side new idea focused on Venessa Jeong / Destiny's last portrait for the ocs associations
15/ My favourite gif coming from Another Side Episode 1 : I think it's the best ending for this episode as it shows all the plots and times together. Everytime I see it I want to get back to the story ...
Tagging @trippisimmies @badwoohoo @bobnewbie @uwutrait @frzr-bunny @windbrook @eslanes @budgie2budgie @nefarrilou @kashisun @birdietrait @castawavy @agena87 @fangs-trait @peonypyxels @barbieaiden @void-imp @ladybugsimblr @xldkx @nilonne @bakersimmer @whyhellosims @mangosimoothie @djservo @sea-cross @surely-sims @hufflepuff-sim @aniraklova @therichantsim @wolfavens @cinamun @alelelesimz @moontaart @pralinesims @cyberth0t @squea @helloavocadooo @cross-design @rebouks @crazy-lazy-elder-sims and anyone else who'd like to join ♥ feel free to tag me or ignore this as well ^^ (Also, check out these blogs, they're all great !)
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
heaven sent
See my full list of works here
It's finally here! A chaotic piece brought about by this post that somehow turned into another love story between Loki and the reader. Whoops.
Summary: The guys try a bunch of angel-themed pick up lines on you to see which one makes you fold.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: none. this is fluff.
Things to be aware of: cheesy pick up lines
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"These are terrible. Who actually thinks that these work?" you heard Natasha groaning from the common room. "Because I was praying so hard? Really?" 
"The one about taking off your shirt so he could see your wings made me want to put them in a death grip," Wanda chimed in. "Although something tells me they might actually like it if I do, so I'll have to blast one of their appendages off, I suppose."
"Alright, what has you two in a quest to chop off limbs? Again?" you asked as you walked in to the common room, Wanda immediately scooting over so you could sit between her and Nat. 
"The guys here are trying to see if they could get us to fold with cheesy angel-themed pick-up lines. Tony's convinced that it's all in the delivery. So far he's not proving his theory right." Nat looked like she'd rather endure getting her teeth pulled out than having to receive another line, so you decided to relieve your friends. 
"Alright boys, these two look jaded and ready to cut your throats out, so consider me their reliever. Gimme your worst." You pointed at the direction of the guys with a 'come at me bro' motion. 
"I wanna try, Miss Y/N." 
"Go ahead, spiderling, but pro tip? If you wanna pick a girl up, let's start by not calling her Miss. Makes us feel older than we are." Peter grew red at the advice but nodded and stood up, straightening his shirt and shoving his hands in his pockets. 
"Will you tell me about your home, Y/N? I wanna know what Heaven's like." 
You nodded your head slowly, as if you were grading his line. "Your delivery lacks confidence, sweetie. You're gonna need some more time mentoring with Stark if you want his swagger to rub off on you."
"My turn," Wilson boomed, standing and doing a comical swagger type walk, clearly taking this entire exercise as a joke. Just like you were. "Y/N, does it hurt to always spend Christmases sitting on top of a tree?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Why would I be—"
"Because we always put the angels on the top of the tree," he finished with a move to smoothen his brows that had you bursting out in cackles. 
"Well I can't say anything about the trees but I do like spending my Christmases, and any other time of the year really, on top," you answered with a saucy raise of your eyebrow that had majority of the men in the room either doing a spit take or choking on their drink. 
You heard your friends cheering you on from the railing at the top of the stairs. "That's our bitch right there!" Nat hollered. 
"Alright I'll have a go at jellybean over here," Tony announced, standing from his seat and walking over to you with his signature 'Yeah I know I'm hot shit' walk. "I gotta make some training simulations just in case we ever have to face off against angels. You never know. You mind if I use you as the reference?"
You did three slow claps. "I will give you points for creativity, Stark. You still can't get a woman to fold with that line, though. Sorry." 
"I still want to get you scanned for that training sim, though. I’m not kidding, jellybean." 
"Just say when, Tony."
"May I have an attempt?" Your body felt like it froze on the spot at the sound of Loki's voice floating across the common room. Tony and Sam threw you knowing smirks before the former retook his old seat. Asshats. The two were the worst offenders when it came to giving you shit about your crush on the raven-haired Asgardian. 
"Uhm…sure, Mischief. Knock yourself out." You straightened your stance and fought to keep your composure as he took slow, purposeful strides towards you. "Although I'm pretty sure you'll get any woman to fold because fuck it that voice should be a registered weapon," you quipped as he crossed the distance to you. 
He chuckled. "You flatter me, little mortal." He tucked his fingers under your chin, making you look up at him, into his eyes. Focus, Y/N. Don't fold, don't fold, don't you fucking fold. "My mother used to tell me of a legend, that the Norns had crafted an individual for each of us so perfectly, so exquisitely, that when we meet them the only thought that will come to mind is 'There you are. Finally. I've waited centuries to reach you.' I once believed those tales to be pure works of fiction, to give one hope in a hopeless world. But upon meeting you, darling Y/N…"
"Mischief, this doesn't sound like a pickup line," you whispered frantically as he placed his thumb on your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth to form a pout, and used his free hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
He leaned in until your noses were touching, and then he spoke again. "There you are. Finally. I've waited centuries to reach you." 
"Fucking hell, I fold," you breathed out, staring at him with wide eyes, your heart thumping so loudly in your chest you could swear that Nat and Wanda could hear it from the second floor. "You win, Mischief." 
You saw his expression drop just a fraction as he released you, backing away by the slightest. 
"You're gonna need to teach us that, Reindeer Games," Tony quipped from his seat. "So…you win, pick your prize." 
"I didn't know you guys were playing for a prize," you said, turning to face the others, not even so much as daring to look at Loki after…what ever just happened.
"Well earlier the prize was just to not get kicked in the nuts by Romanoff," Tony answered. "Tell you what, Rock of Ages, you go think what you want as your prize and then just text Y/N. Game's over, boys. Let's pack it up." 
You looked up towards Nat and Wanda who were now frantically motioning for you to come upstairs and meet them, and you took that as your cue to run out of the common room. "I'm not even into him but I have to say that would've had me fold, too," the Russian spy commented as you stepped into their arms with a frantic wide-eyed look on your face. 
"Y/N, my friend, that…that didn't sound like he was playing." 
You took a deep, steadying breath. "What're you talking about, Wan? Of course he was," you mumbled. "I'm gonna go out for lunch today, you two wanna come with?" 
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You received a text in the middle of lunch that nearly made your heart start sprinting and almost made you choke on the sandwich you were trying to chew.
I meant it. Every word. Come to me when you're ready. I'll be in my chambers.
"Y/N, you look like you've seen a ghost," Wanda prodded, her tone laced with concern. "What's wrong, dear one?" You showed her the text. "Fucking finally." 
"Fucking finally what?" Nat asked as she got back to the table. You showed her the text. "Oh. That. Well it's about damn time." 
"Excuse you two?? Something you wanna share with the class?" you all but shrieked in the middle of the deli. 
"You might wanna put the mozzarella stick down until after we're done telling you," Nat advised and you stopped yourself from taking a bite. "Mischief's had the hots for you. For months. You've been too busy having the hots for him and making sure that he doesn't figure that out, to even notice. We were hoping that he'd finally fess up when he asked if he could have a shot at the game earlier, and look at that, it finally happened. Hence, fucking finally." 
"So we should finish our lunch, go find you a cute outfit, so that you can be ready for him," Wanda said, wiggling her eyebrows at you, making you throw the mozzarella stick at her face. 
Two hours later, you were back in the tower, wearing a black sundress that fell midway down your thighs, and a gold belt around your waist, making your way to Loki's room. You took a deep breath as you rapped on the door before you could change your mind.
Almost immediately, the door opened to reveal the god in loungewear set in his signature green. He looked at you with a softness in his eyes as he reached for your hand. "Come in, darling." 
As soon as the door closed behind you, you started, "What did you mean--"
Before you could get another word out, he gently pushed you against the closed door and laid his lips on yours. The shock of his actions admittedly caught you off guard, but you quickly shook that off and placed your hand behind his neck, returning his kiss and weaving your fingers through his hair. 
"I know what I want," he murmured against your lips as he lifted you into his arms, making you wrap your legs around him, effectively trapping you between him and the door. 
"You mean out of the game or out of life?" you breathed out, letting out whimpered moans as he pressed kisses from your jawline to your neck. 
"Both, darling," he breathed against your neck. "Out of life? I want you to become mine." He pressed another kiss and groaned against your skin. "But the game, my precious mortal…" he trailed off, kissing a path from your neck to your ear. "I will need your answer before I tell you that."
"My answer to what?" you gasped as he lightly nipped at your ear. 
"Will you be mine?" He punctuated his question by kissing the skin below your ear and then proceeding to softly suck on the spot, making you all but moan your answer. 
"Well then…" He trailed a path of kisses back to your lips. "As my prize, I want you—"
"You have me, Loki. I'm yours—"
"On top." 
Your eyes snapped to his, the air leaving you as you saw the devious smirk on his face. Oh. 
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A/N: Fun fact…the working title for this story while I was writing it was "lines from the corn factory". That is all.
Here's a little bonus gif for everyone who reads 'til the end:
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Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts
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I can’t remember if Max and Oscar kissed in So Brittle it Shakes or not??? so ❤️ for them but if they did 💙 or 💜
they did NOT kiss anon, you're so right for remembering that.
i have always know where and when their first kiss would be, which means this is NOT a snippet it's a 1.3k scene lmao but... it's friday, baby, why not post a mini fic?!
Max chooses the other park near his house, the one he didn’t spend three weeks one summer drinking cider and disappearing into the bushes to get blowjobs from a girl who was a cousin of one of Theo’s mates.
Oscar brings the Pepperamis, and two big bottles of water, the kind that’s always 2 for £4.50 in the petrol station, whatever the oil lords at BP have decided to stick some money off this week. Highland Spring, thank god. Max might’ve been sick if it was Evian. Too French, for the occasion. 
“Whatever they’d done to the rear wing was a mess, I binned the car first corner and all the engineers did was shake their heads? As if I’d choose to do that or something.”
Max nods along to Oscar’s story about his factory day. It’s years since he’s been in a proper sim, one not hooked up to iRacing or the F1 game. The kind where you can feel every vibration, every grain of the imaginary track you’re driving. Once, Max had closed his eyes on a cool down lap, and if it wasn’t for the lack of wind and the stale smell of the factory, he’d have almost believed he was there, cruising up Raidillon. 
“You supposed to be telling me this?” Max asks, when Oscar finally takes a pause. He thinks Oscar might be a bit nervous, the kind of rambling story Max knows he only tells himself when he’s trying to impress someone. “What if I sell your secrets? Might still have an in at Alpine.”
Oscar snorts.
“Yeah, right. They delete your number before you’re even out the door, mate.”
Max closes his eyes briefly, pretending the sun is making him squint, holding a hand over his eyes.
He knows Oscar means it like, figuratively, or whatever. Borrowing from his own experiences at the hellscape diamond. Max can’t look a Clio in the eye, feels his skin crawl when he spots a Zoe. Stupid name for a car that. 
“Sorry,” Oscar says awkward, foot up on the trunk of a tree. He’s like a cross between boy and man, hanging off a branch like it’s a monkey bars with his shorts tight around his hairy things. It’s making Max feel like a bit of a nonce. “I meant me. Not exactly on Mia’s Christmas card list these days.”
”Shame that, always thought the French chocolate was pretty fit.”
Oscar hums, and pulls himself up into the tree properly, stupid McLaren brand K-Swiss catching on a knot in the wood to propel him up. Classic Oscar, Max thinks, retreating from the situation. 
Still, he hadn’t, had he? Last night.
Max has had a lot of time to ponder, to reflect, the way his therapist is always telling him to. This morning he’d stayed under the duvet, drinking cups of tea, until he was certain he couldn’t feel the ghost of Oscar’s hand on his cock anymore. Every time he let his mind wander back to the car, he’d feel himself chubbing up, which is a bit awkward when your Mum’s hovering, trying to ask how your birthday drinks were.
“You were back late,” she’d asked, using that airy voice she puts on when she’s acting like she doesn’t care, but actually really wants to know. “Who was the mate then? A girl?”
“Jesus, Mum,” he’d said, felt his cheeks get warm, a shivering sweat on the back of his neck, because she wasn’t wrong about why he was late back. It was exactly what she’s implying just… with Oscar. With a guy. “It wasn’t like that.”
“D’you remember,” Max starts, leaning back against the trunk, glancing into the branches and nearly getting an up skirt off of Oscar, his shorts billowing now he’s not straining to climb. “That time they made us fly out of fucking Luton to get to Barcelona? Put us on a fucking minibus from Enstone and Zhou puked ‘cos it smelt so bad?”
Oscar sticks his head out the tree, his stupid flop of a fringe falling over his eyes.
Max should’ve kissed him, last night. He’s been thinking about it all day, thumbing the corner of his mouth and wondering how Oscar’s bunny teeth might feel against his tongue. 
“Yeah?” Oscar asks, and Max forgot that his story was supposed to have a point, he’d just wanted to say something really, anything. 
“Fucking worst airport in the UK, Luton,” Max continues, and now he’s the one rambling, suddenly nervous ‘cos he’s leaning against a fucking tree in a secluded corner of a park, trying desperately to give off the vibes that he’s interested in a snog, even if their mouths do taste of curry flavouring. “Man’s might as well be flying from a train station, and not like King’s Cross or summin’, I mean like, fucking Henley station.”
Oscar lands on the ground next to him with a thump, standing up tall and throwing his head back, hair flicking like he’s a Disney prince, and Max doesn’t often think about fancying guys, beyond knowing he likes a rough palm on his dick, but Oscar.
Yeah, he fancies him. 
“Stansted’s pretty shit too, I reckon.”
Oscar’s breath ghosts over Max’s face as he starts comparing the pros and cons of “London’s” worst airports. Max hadn’t realised quite how close they’d ended up when Oscar had jumped out the tree. He’s stood with this strong stance, legs either side of Max’s crossed ones, and if he leant in, he could box him up against the trunk. His skin tingles with it.
“Are you going to kiss me then, or are we just chatting?” 
Max cringes a bit at his own voice. He doesn’t sound as confident as he wants to, and Oscar looks a bit startled, tripping over his complaint about the security scanners. It’s all a bit vulnerable, really, saying this kind of shit.
“Only, I’ve not got all evening, have I?”
It’s a lie, he’s got all week. All year.
Oscar doesn’t crowd into him like he thinks he might, like Max would if he was putting the moves on someone shorter than him. He rests a hand gently on the bark, and the other slides onto Max’s jaw, tilting his head up as Oscar leans in, a soft press of dry lips. When he pulls back, Max licks his, trying to make up for the snags, and then Oscar goes for it. Slips his tongue into Max’s parted mouth, and the hands Max had left hanging awkwardly at his sides take on a life of their own, sliding up the back of Oscar’s t-shirt, over the strong muscles that make his thighs weak. Across the park, there are noises of people going about their day, children screaming in the play area, dogs barking, the thwack of a football on the messy grass of the pitches. None of them know, Max thinks madly, about what’s happening so close by.
“Alright?” Oscar asks, pulling back, his eyes a bit wide, and Max remembers suddenly, all that shit Oscar had said about fancying him for years. It’s overwhelming, when you get something you want that much. Max remembers the first show run in the Renault, Christian and him bouncing off the walls, shitting themselves they’d fuck it on the roundabout. In the car, it had all melted away in the adrenaline, and it was only afterwards Max realised he hadn’t taken time to really appreciate how it felt.
He doesn’t want Oscar to feel like that.
“Should be me asking you that, shouldn’t it?” Max sees the way Oscar blinks, and he has a flash of discomfort in his stomach because oh, Oscar’s asking that because he thinks… the gay thing. Right.
Max doesn’t know how to say it, how to explain he’s done this before, and he’s wondered before, but he’s never looked at a boy like he’s looking at Oscar, calloused thumb against his jaw. A dawn of something new, like entering a new world in a game, stepping through a portal blinking at the light flooding the screen.
“Yeah, mate,” Max says, and when he looks inside himself, he’s surprised to find so little anxiety, for once. “I’m alright.”
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haven-flare · 12 days
Wanted to give my two cents on the whole wuwa character design. The person saying that having distinct facial feature is not aspiring or interesting needs to watch their wording especially towards POCs.
Most game always suffer from same face syndrome. This is mostly prominent with the females. No matter what a distinct a character looks like with their hair color or eyes. You plaster them on another character they practically identical. Genshin Impact and League of Legends suffer this big time.
Genshin Impact
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(Link to where I got the first 4 images: https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/11600510)
League of Legends
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Besides their face ornaments you would believe these are all the same characters right? Nope! They are all different characters.
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This is just for a skinline. When compared with the other female characters og skinline they still have all the same faces.
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As far as I know the males have distinct facial features.
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Same person has point out that Taoqi is a thicker than most of the female girls and I agree. Look at the comparison.
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Small things like these make the game interesting and unique. Ethnic features and facial differences are important to everyone because it makes the character feel unique and we can relate them physical.
Not everyone is going to have the same eye shape, lips, nose, and mouth. But society excepts us to have the same feature and shuns/discriminates those who lack them or chose to embrace their features.
Which is why character creation games like Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring, Sims 4, and Cyberpunk allows players to adjust and modify their character to look like them so they won't feel like they need look a certain way.
Sorry for the rant. That post really trigger me.
First of all, thanks for sharing your thoughts. A rant it may be, but it was really interesting! Mainly because I didn't think about it from this angle before, but now that you mention it, it's so obvious :9
As a person of color myself, it is a little disheartening when non-white characters look the same but with a different shade of skin, lmao.
I don't play LoL, and haven't actually seen anything about it at all, so I hadn't seen this, though it doesn't surprise me. It's a common joke that women have less variety in their designs than men, and it gets pointed out a lot.
It's mostly modern anime poisoning or something, it's in the water I swear. Where it's just the same character but different colors and personality...
About the Genshin vs Wuwa thing, I agree that the comment of "faces" not being enough seems almost... insensitive? I don't know how to describe it, but I get it. They are so focused in the intricate clothing of Genshin and the large amount of accessories and at the same time disregard what actually matters when it comes to uniqueness, lol.
(In my eyes, clothing in character design, doesn't have to be incredibly decorated, it can be either way as long as it portrays accurately the character that's wearing them. So that whole argument is moot to me, since it's just a matter of stylistic choices and how you wish to portray an environment, etc, etc.)
Meanwhile, the fact that Genshin only uses like two bases for their characters feels like they've streamlined their design production to pull out 'bangers' each time. Just dressing up the same doll each time, changing out the wig and repainting their faces. I still like some designs from them, but it's clear they don't put much effort in the actual body of the character LMAO, they just let the fancy colors and accessories do the talking.
Anyways, hopefully we get more characters with more unique traits instead of some outfit change, both in Wuthering Waves, and in other franchises.
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
Goodbye? I don't think so. I hope not. A very, very long rant about storage (🙄), simblr and whatever the fuck else I go on about for a few paragraphs. Skip to the end at the gold text for a more.... "definitive" answer. Especially if you want to skip the nitty gritty and sappy wappy.
i dont know what to do anymore, I freed up 18 GBs of space it all managed to go down the drain in literally an hour, Im moving my blender things to my external HDD, because that alone is 20 GBs (because of Scene sizes), I just hate to free up the space because I dont want it to go right back down. This all sucks cuz I really really enjoy being on Simblr, but sims 4 just continues to be a nuisance, whether its actual problems or its storage problems, it just always finds a way, every year, to get me to suddenly decide that im retiring until my next bout of Sims 4 hyperfixation. I love all of you guys and I love seeing how you all enjoy my work, and what I do, and I love seeing your stuff, you all make such amazing creations, granted if I stopped playing TS4, it wouldnt mean I have to stop interacting on simblr, it just wouldnt be the same. A pattern I notice anytime I start a social media platform, is that something always finds its way into completely demotivating me from posting, whether it's just literal lack of motivation, depression, realizing a project is too vast for me, storage problems, it's always something and it's always when I finally get comfortable or happy on a platform, especially after making friends, not that im saying my friends are one of the reasons I leave, thats far from it. I REALLY dont wanna take a break from Sims 4, I really really genuinely wanna start posting my story (W.A.S), but I'm not like a Sims 4 youtuber, I can't remain dedicated to one game, I play other games, I wanna play the Witcher games (or at least try to play them, I kinda suck rn), I wanna finish Detroit become human, I want to 100% Beyond two souls (and DBH), I wanna finish Disco elysium (started and never fucking finished 💀), I want to play Baldur's Gate 3, I mean, I purchased it at full price and I can't even play the game??... 😮‍💨 You get the point. At this point I wouldn't consider this a "goodbye," note, not... necessarily? I just get so frustrated having no storage, not to mention the fact that I need storage to literally do the stuff I do, like make edits, make poses, make renders, so the fact that I can't even do that, is just like... what's the point of even having Sims 4 anymore at that point? But I don't wanna leave simblr, I don't want to stop creating. It's funny, as I write this, I continue to give myself more and more of a reason to leave, the only real thing that's stopping me is just the fact that there's so many nice people here, I know that if I stopped playing the sims 4, I'd probably move onto another game (BG3................,,,,,..) and leave tumblr, or, at least leave Simblr. Which as I (think) said before, that's sad, I'd be sad, I'd miss people like Lori (groovetrys) and Lauren (miralure), June (circusjuney), Jade (gamyrmaiden), Anna (holocene-sims), butter (buttertrait), Fae (acuar-io), Verco (vercosims) and god, so many others, and sorry to break the atmosphere suddenly, but as I'm writing this, I'm listening to "In another life," from Everything everywhere all at once and it's making this very emotional for me, so if it gets sappy I apologize.
And I guess to be... insanely honest, as much as I want to release my story (trust me, I REALLY want to), I'm slowly beginning to realize more and more how not-easy it's gonna be to make scenes, writing it is fine for me, its just setting up the scenes feels like i'm forbidden to a life of staring at a bunch of words (pose names) trying to figure out what's what, where is what, what to do, where is where, who is who, who is what, how is what, how and why, need I continue. Storytelling is so insanely important to me, I believe that despite how little I read and despite how terrible of a student I have been, and despite how poor my literature skills are, that storytelling is still so important, fuck it, poetry has been such an inspiration for me, but I don't fucking know how to write poetry?? I can barely understand poetry at times, but it's still all so beautiful to me, the concept and the fact that people use metaphors so meticulously to create an allegory for something beautiful, or traumatic or sad, like in not so berry, the concept of an ocean being alexanders "love," and cataleya drowning in it, and her realizing she's drowning in his "love," but when she wants to leave, she really wonders if she actually wants to leave, to conceptualize and create this awful relationship in the means of an ocean is so... well, not beautiful in a reality sense, but in a technical/literary sense, it's beautiful, it's expression, and THATS what im passionate about. Remember what I said about getting sappy? Yea, sorry about that. After a while, I wonder what good repeating myself does, I've said about 5 or 6 times that I don't want to leave, yet here I am, with the mouse over the uninstall button like an idiot about to press the big "DON'T TOUCH" button, perhaps it's the idea that after repeating myself over and over again, that maybe I'll make up my mind, do I do a coin flip? I never listen anyways, I always continue to flip until it lands on what I like. So... why am I still writing? To be honest, I should've stopped by now, but you can only stop a dam so much before it all comes out. I do this with my friends, when I'm sad, I pour my heart out until it's a repetitive and overcooked version of "I'm sad." I write paragraph after paragraph and I literally could've just said "I don't have storage. Considering leaving simblr," and the same message would've gotten across, and I apologize, if you're still reading this, for making such a lengthy post, but I couldn't quite help spilling a bit of water everywhere, although I guess now my little puddle of water has become a flood. I use metaphors a lot, I apologize... again.
So what does all this bullshit that I typed out mean?
I don't know. I wonder the same myself, I'm fighting a battle more fierce than the one I had with my period last week, "Do I uninstall Sims 4 so I can have more freedom, and enjoy more content? or do I continue this rigorous battle of needing storage for the sake of a tumblr page, my enjoyment for writing and other shit I do in the sims 4?" I cannot say I will take a hiatus, because I will procrastinate, and I will forget completely about posting, and tumblr in general. I do still, at the very least, want to release my Official Teaser for my story, whether it be my last post or not, and at the very least, I want to introduce you to the characters, whether it be my last post(s) or not. Not to mention the fact that I want to continue sharing about Roo even if it's not about sims 4 anymore, I mean hell, I haven't even finished off the Leo and Roo part of his timeline.
For an INCREDIBLY watered down answer on whether or not this is goodbye, I say to you, not in this moment, not definitive enough for you yeah? Well, that's the thing, I don't have a definitive answer, you could fucking tear apart this entire college essay mat-pat style, and still not have a definitive fucking answer, and that's because I don't, sorry to all the people who don't want to listen to me rant or who want a clear answer, but I just don't have one. I've been known to make impulsive and on the whim (when I'm really emotional) decisions, and this is a situation where I don't want to do that, because I care about what I have here with ya'll.
If this ends up being one of my last posts, I bid you all adieu, I love you all, and I thank you so so so much for the laughs, and for the mutual connection we may or may not have had, I do not know if I'll make any actual posts for the next few days as I consider my decision, I will float around of course and continue reblogging this and that, and commenting and liking, etc etc. There's also a chance I may wake up tomorrow and look at this and think I was just being overly emotional about this stuff, and that now I look like an idiot, which is the case 9 times out of 10.
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radical-popcorn · 3 months
Why I'm Obsessed with Sammy Sundog.
Most of you in the Sims 2 community know me as @sammysundog's Ban Evader/Stalkerish person. I came to explain to you why I am so obsessed with Sam and why I bothered other people here on Tumblr and offer a formal apology because you all deserve the truth, and you all deserve an apology.
A lot of obsessions and parasocial relationships are a mental thing that stems from loneliness and abandonment. Hence, they attach themselves to a celebrity or a fictional character for comfort and to cope with their personal struggles,
It's not a voluntary thing that we do (no mental disorder is), it's just something that develops. One thing for sure is that I did not do it to be creepy, I'm all alone and have no one to turn to, so I want to be a part of Sam's community just so I won't be alone anymore or feel abandoned. None of this was done out of malice. I know I admitted to being in love WITH Sam, and that Sam was my bi-sexual awakening, but I, am in no way, delusional enough to think that we will ever meet in real life and be a couple, or even friends, I am sort of interested in being friends online but that's it, we don't even live in the same state. I just want a safe space to belong in.
I wasn't even trying to be creepy, hateful, or rude. I just come off that way due to a lack of social skills.
The reason I keep going after people in the Sims 2 community is because I was responding to people who responded to the post that Sam made back in December, the only reason I was angry at that post is because Sam made me look like an evil person when I just only lost my mind from being banned.
I tried to move on but everyone kept talking about me and that caused me to come out of hiding and respond.
I only bothered Sam a lot after I was banned because I really wanted to return to the community, I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable or creeped out. I'm not good at reading social cues because of my autism and I'm sorry about that. I also wanted to tell my side of what happened in May when I sent graphic imagery. I only sent it because I'm deranged and I was heartbroken so I did it, and I still regret it. It was not done out of hate, but that still doesn't make it right.
I also wanted to address the claims Sam made about me, I didn't do any of those things out of hatred either, I get angry and I blow up and say things I don't mean, I hate myself for it and I'm getting help.
Yeah, I admit, I said hateful and horrible things in the past, but that's different than actually being hateful. I regret every horrible thing I said to Sam, and I regret the things I said on Twitter before I discovered Sam.
Here is a link to another document I made explaining how I discovered Sams channel, and what exactly happened between us, if you are interested:
I'm sorry, everyone.
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yeoldecorprusarium · 4 months
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It's that time of the year again.
Sorry for the lack of sims posts, I need to clean and sort the new cc into collections before I can actually start decorating or I'll lose my mind.
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adreamingofguns · 14 days
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: tell me what you love about Saw
Takes your hands. We are going on a journey. I'm probably doing the reverse unpopular opinion thing wrong but ❤️ it's 5 am by me. we deal.
Personally I like that some of the traps are done with practical effects, much to the detriment of the VERY ENTHUSIASTIC cast who are surprisingly chill with almost drowning IRL and/or having to suffer through wearing 30+ lbs of jagged steel while having the flu and/or actually being stuck in the shackle prop because there was a malfunction while everybody else goes for lunch and/or requesting real glass for the stunt scenes and insisting on throwing real punches in the stunt fights because they're a masochistic freak of an actor (the masochism isn't the bad part, the EVERYTHING ELSE about him sucks) Some of the worst traps and effects are when they use cgi. Looks bad, tom.
I also appreciate that the through-line of the movie is not only justice (and the malformations of it) but also love. Love is what drives the characters to do what they do!! At least three of the apprentices/jigsawers do what they do because they are doing it for love of another person!! And not even romantic love for most of them. I love that the fandom has led me to more friendships and sparked more creativity in me that was lacking for a while. I love that the cast list is just random b-c list actors and also Greg Bryk is there and every time I see him I get jumpscared. I love that it gave me an idea for a tattoo (original idea do not steal!!!) where it'll say "do you like how brutality feels?" but in the shape of a spiral and I kinda wanna get it on the inside of my forearm.
As the adage goes, one must cultivate their online experience because there are some WEIRD ASS headcanons out there. That being said, I love and appreciate the people who are normal about the fat characters. I love that people banded together against an artist who was very adamant and weird about drawing fat characters (which there are a few) like twinks. I wish they kept that energy going. I LOVE that seeing a specific fat character and the way he's built/the way people draw him voluptuously (😂) gives me so much gender euphoria. I love when people acknowledge this character as an erudite and well-dressed man with an art degree and a secret passion for home remodeling (this is canon) who also happens to be a fat man. Like fat people are real three dimensional human beings or something. He's also super deranged and mows down like 70+ people at once in a spree that ends in him stuck and trapped, possibly killed and possibly just held captive by a cunty evil doctor in the basement of his own home like how in the Sims game where you make somebody live in the basement and paint constantly so you can make money selling the paintings.
I love how a few months ago on Twitter the fandom came together to mourn as the bot that goes through the script line by line came to a particularly devastating part and that stupid image of the cat puppet from the OLD Dr Who
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(this image) was the only thing keeping me sane while I was in the trenches of crying in school over stupid bullshit.
I did my final in my religion in film class about Saw and used the following image. My professor and classmates were wowed.
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Sadly the accompanying paper sucked major ass (I wrote it in the span of an hour and it's ADHD core topic jumping like HELL) but it got me an A and the respect of my asshole professor 😂
I kinda rambled a bit sorry 😂 here's a gif of Peepaw Jigsaw himself zooted off his ass and staring at a fishtank in his ex-boyfriend's office.
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Where Heart Doth Hop
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In which you help three of four boys practice a certain Shakespearean performance.
Apologies once again for no posts. It's raining a lot here and the only internet I have is my hotspot and my data gets really slow when it rains. Finally finished reinstalling Windows 10 but now I have to reinstall Word with my slow ass internet >.> since my masterlist is a page and can only be accessed for editing on web (and since my internet is an actual ass), this one might not be there for a bit, but that's why we make master tags lol.
Like I said before, originally written for my Beatles dr but I honestly liked it too much to not post it. This isn't a direct manuscript of this performance, but it's pretty damn close. The audio on that performance (or at least the upload I've seen) was kinda bad, and the audience was super loud (understandably so) so some lines are directly from the original play or just referenced from an outside POV. I watched the performance and read the scene from the play several times while writing this to make it as accurate as possible. It's never explicitly stated where John is (I think at one point, I decided in my head, he was on a date or something), so you can choose your own adventure on that.
Proofed in UK English (probably). Checked with a random TTS website to triple-check for typos and me forgetting to change the person. Sorry I'm posting this at 3 AM, I procrastinated by sleeping all day (it was raining, I couldn't help it!) and then playing the Sims Medieval for an ungodly amount of time. Please excuse my sorry excuse for a name for this one, it's my favorite line and I couldn't come up with anything better. Enjoy!
“Y/N, can you help me with this?” Paul asks when he comes into the sitting room.
“Of course, love, what is it?” you reply.
“Well, we’re supposed to perform this Shakespeare thing and the lads and I wanna run through it, but, well…” He gestures toward George and Rich, noting the lack of John.
“Oh, I can do John’s lines,” you volunteer. “Which character?”
“Okay, you’ll be Thisbe.” He hands you what you assume is John’s copy of the script. “I guess we’ll pretend the coffee table is Wall.”
George and Rich stand back, Paul guiding you to do the same.
“O, I fear my Thisbe’s promise is forgot!” he begins. “And thou, o wall, o sweet and lovely wall, that stands between her father’s ground and mine! Thou, o wall, o sweet and lovely wall, show me thy chink, to blink through with mine eye— But what see I? No Thisbe do I see! O wicked wall, cursed be thy stones for deceiving me!”
He pretends to beat up whatever poor soul plays Wall before addressing the audience about Thisbe’s cue.
You walk to the table and clear your throat. “O wall, full often hast thou heard my moans for parting my fair Pyramus and me! My cherry lips have often kissed thy stones—”
As you continue your line, Paul addresses the audience again before standing across from you. “Thisbe!” he sings. “Thisbe!”
“What?!” you reply in fake annoyance. “My love thou art, my love I think.”
“Meet me at Ninny’s tomb straightaway.”
“Ninny’s tomb; is that still open?” You're trying your hardest not to laugh at the line as you both step back, allowing George and Rich to take their places in front.
“You ladies,” starts Rich. “You who fears the smallest monstrous mouse that walks the floor may now perchance both quake and tremble here, when lion rough in wildest rage doth roar!”
You and Paul nearly dissolve into giggles at Ritchie’s tiny roar before he continues, “And know that I one Ringo the drummer am, for if I was really a lion, I wouldn’t be makin’ all the money I am today, would I?”
He steps back, leaving George alone. You can tell George is having trouble with not having the hecklers' lines practiced, because he’s pure frustrated by the time he gets to, “Look, you, all I have to say is to tell you that this lantern is the moon, you see. I’m the man in the moon. This thorn bush here is my thorn bush, and this doggy-woggy here is my dog.”
You step forward. “So, this is old Ninny’s tomb. George, do you need something to hold in place of a lantern?”
George, with his arm suspended above your head, answers, “It’s fine. Keep goin'.”
“Right.” You feign knocking on the door before opening it. “But where is my love?”
Ritchie pops up in front of you with another roar; you scream, and he begins chasing you round the room before you end in what would be the background.
According to the script, you're—or rather John is—meant to drop a mantle, so you drop your handkerchief on the way back.
“Sweet moon,” says Paul, “I thank thee for thy sunny beams.”
As he begins another sentence, George shakes his head and gestures toward your fallen handkerchief.
“Hello, hello, hello, what’s this?” He begins his line as he picks up the fabric. “Eyes, do you see; how can it be? What dreadful dole is here! Thy mantle good, all covered in blood—” his accent makes the words rhyme, “—o dainty duck, o dear! Come, tears, confound! Out, sword, and wound—” he pulls an imaginary sword from its hilt “—the pap of Pyramus; that left pap where heart doth hop!”
You stare at him in adoration as he speaks, though you don’t think he notices, as he continues, “Thus die I, thus, thus, thus. Now am I dead, now am I fled. Oh, well, you can’t win ‘em all. Tongue, lose thy light, Moon, take thy flight. See ya, George.”
George exits the “stage” as Paul begins fake stabbing himself. “Now, die, die, die, die, die!”
You skip in, humming a tune, and kneel next to him. “Asleep, my love?”
“Die, die, die!” he continues, still stabbing.
“What, dead, my dove?” You begin shaking him as you continue, “Pyramus, arise! O, speak, speak! Quite dumb. Dead, a tomb must cover thy sweet eyes. Those lily lips, his cherry nose, those yellow cowslip cheeks are gone, are gone. Lovers, make moan. His eyes were green as leeks.”
Paul is trying not to laugh as you say, “Tongue, not a word, not a word. Shut up!” You move to sit instead of kneeling. “Not a word. Come, trusty sword. Come, blade, my breast imbrue.”
You stab yourself with Paul’s imaginary blade before saying, “And, farewell, friends; thus Thisbe ends. Adieu, adieu, adieu!”
You and Paul take hands and lie backwards together as he says the line with you.
You're both laughing by the time you stand up.
“Right, I think that was good. Lads?” Paul looks to the other two for confirmation.
They both nod and Rich says, “I like her better than John. She takes the role seriously.”
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 6 months
Wondering if the reason people make the thieves out as uncaring after 11/20 is because the game itself moves on too quickly from it? Not saying I haven't kind of fallen into that take myself, though not like harshly, just felt they didn't act like they cared *enough* as in it should have been shown more. Because of the way the game's social sim works, you don't get the thieves checking in on/visiting Akira whilst he recovered like you might see in a fic and it can just go straight back into the confidant ranks of helping people with their problems, with no special dialogue or anything to ask how he's doing beforehand; so I feel like that contributes to the takes a lot, especially when one hasn't replayed in a while (sorry your post gave me thoughts on how people get to that take in the fandom, like I think the plan sucked for other reasons such as "Surely someone would notice the lack of a body?" but that's a bit besides the point)
Yeah I think you're absolutely right about that. The structure of the game doesn't let the Thieves care about Akira afterwards. There's also a bit of dialogue during the plan explanation when Akira says "I'm just glad I didn't die" and no one responds to it, which is...kind of baffling. But that doesn't mean the Thieves don't care about him, it means the writers at Atlus made a weird choice. And we know that because we see in that same scene that all of them were very worried for their leader's safety, and like I mentioned before, Makoto herself says she's glad he made it out safe.
The structure of the game kind of fucks over Akira and makes the Thieves look like worse friends in general, too. He helps them throughout the confidants, and then they "stop hanging out" after that, once they all say they want to start helping him out like he helped them. So we don't ever get to see their friendships become reciprocal. But like, that doesn't mean they actually stopped hanging out in-universe. It's a limitation of the play style.
That all said, I do think there is a valid interpretation you can come to which is that the Thieves don't know Akira was traumatized, or the extent of the danger, because he never talks about it. He's overly selfless and doesn't ever talk about his issues, so I could totally see that happening, and it's my personal interpretation. But that doesn't mean the Thieves are terrible friends for failing to read between the lines like that. It's on Akira for refusing to communicate.
And you can even say that they should have been more concerned for him afterwards, and that they put him on too high of a pedestal and think of him as utterly infallible, especially after he escapes with his life. They're kids, and Akira did just survive the impossible.
Or maybe they try not to bring it up on purpose because they don't want hurt him by talking about it, but letting it fester just hurts Akira more and makes him feel like they don't care.
Point is, there's lots of ways to take this strangeness in the game and make it into interesting fic content to explore. There's absolutely a discrepancy going on and exploring that is super valid and interesting. But turning it into "the Thieves are ambivalent and selfish and completely blind to their leader's suffering" takes that way too far. And like...why do people want to do that? Well, at least in the cases I've seen, the answer is twofold.
First of all, there's a section of the fan base that really hates Makoto. This is mostly common among Akechi fans from what I've seen. I think it's a combination of misogyny and the fact that Makoto can be obnoxious sometimes with her defense of the police, which is especially egregious in this situation. Like, the police beat up her best friend, and she still wants to join them. That can read as callous...if you don't understand her as a character, but I digress. (Someday I should write a Makoto defense post bc yeah. People are very stupid about her.) Point is these people like making up reasons to dislike her even more, which is where I think the whole "the plan was her idea and just an ego trip" thing comes from.
And the other reason is that there are a lot of shuake shippers who really, really want Akechi to be Akira's only "true" friend who "really" understands him. Which like...is true to a certain extent, they do have a special bond and Akechi is the only confidant that doesn't ask Akira to fix something for him, etc etc. But them having a special bond DOES NOT EQUAL all of Akira's other friends being terrible friends who suck and DON'T understand him. There's room for nuance here! You can like the toxic ship between rivals without making it less toxic because actually he's the only one who REALLY respects and loves Akira.
Like, he shot him in the head, guys. Let's not delude ourselves here.
But yeah. I'm pretty sure these two sections of the fanbase are specifically Akechi stans, and so they twist actual parts of the game to make Akechi look better and the Thieves worse. They almost like, take Akechi's perspective to a certain extent? Akechi doesn't like Makoto, and Akechi thinks the Thieves are bad friends (maybe, presumably, we don't really know, but he definitely doesn't really like them all that much and he definitely thinks they idolize Joker too much), and these Akechi stans agree with him. Which is baffling to me. Maybe he has half a point, sure, but Akechi is also REALLY stupid and frequently wrong.
And like, to be clear in case anyone who doesn't know me sees this, I say all this as an Akechi stan (look at my username) and shuake shipper.
In conclusion, I do think there is something to be said about how the confidants are written to be unequal, the Thieves don't check in on Akira enough, and the idolization they very much do have for their leader! These are real things that could make for really interesting conflict in fic. But it can happen without villainizing the Thieves or saying they just straight up don't care about their leader. Which is an obvious lie.
I think most people do agree with me nowadays, I've seen a pattern of recent fic and fandom people talking about how this villainization is stupid and going out of their way to make it clear the Thieves do care, so that's good. It was mostly a thing in early fandom that disliked how Akira was treated by canon (valid), wanted to give him conflict in fic (very valid, I love Akira angst), and wanted to make Akechi the "better friend" (???) who understands Akira better than the others (technically true, but it's complicated).
(As for the body thing, Sae said she made sure no one would check the morgue, so you're not supposed to think about it I guess. Makes me wonder about the people who would have taken his body to the morgue, though. Like, did they not report the missing body to anyone? Idk, maybe Sae paid them off too, lol.)
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paulkitty · 2 years
i made a few dynastid eyeset recolors! i love maxis-match cc and i was really excited to have an eyeset that i could easily make a decent-looking recolor with. all of these should be compatible with the addon set made by @squea and can be used with each other without any editing needed. however the order might get messed up with other addon sets as i ordered them right after squea's addon set. this is easily fixed in sims 4 studio by editing the secondary display index values to your preferred order. 
downloads here (free/no adfly, mediafire) more info below the cut
🔔 @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @squea 
to make these i repeatedly cloned swatches from the original addon set (using “add swatch” so the IDs are not the same), so they should have all the same settings and the same specular.
SET ONE ("AF"): i was using aoifae's recolors of @plumbheadsims' delicate eyes, so i tried to remake those swatches. they aren’t 100% accurate to the delicate eye colors because i was lazy and just eyedropped the swatches. the natural and hazel swatches are from @missrubybird's aqua trigger eyes and the bright and unnatural swatches are original to @aoifae. (1, 2) (if you like delicate here are some occults too) SWATCH COUNT: 83 COLORS: mostly natural colors. there are some natural hazels and some bright unnatural colors. i also included the default colors of delicate as nondefault swatches!
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SET TWO ("SR"): i was also using a sorbets remix recolor of delicate eyes, so i made a set for those too. when i started making this post though, i went to @noodlessorbets to see if there was a tag i should use and discovered immediately that someone else made a much more extensive set with other palettes as well and even created a heterochromia set! you can find @kissalopa's recolors here! it looks like we colored them differently, mine is a little more saturated, so i’ll still include mine in case you prefer them. you should be able to use both at the same time as i used a different secondary swatch color. (and if you don’t use my first set, you can use this one and her sorbets with no editing needed as mine will be ordered after hers) SWATCH COUNT: 76 COLORS: rainbow
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SET THREE ("HS"): hs stands for homestuck. this set features all of the canon troll blood colors, from the extended zodiac signs, as well as black and candy red (for juvenile or mutant trolls.) it has the option for white sclera and yellow sclera, in case you are making humanified trolls or actual trolls. the yellow sclera may not be 100% canon accurate (may appear too light) but it's the right hue and it should look fine during gameplay. also at the end there are jade and black swatches with a brighter yellow sclera for any rainbowdrinkers :) SWATCH COUNT: 30 COLORS: palette + black and bright/candy red. the "AF” set i made also includes a black swatch, but i made sure to make one lighter than the other.
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SET FOUR ("FUN"): as i was recoloring sometimes i would get off track and make random colors. then when i had finished my plans i decided to just make some Fun Interesting colors. these are all pretty bright or unnatural looking, and some of them look strange. they don't follow any particular palette. they are also not sorted by color and are roughly in the order i made them. SWATCH COUNT: 36 COLORS: unnatural, bright
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i contemplated remaking these +v1 and went as far as drawing a new heart catchlight and making 32 out of 90 swatches (16 colors) but then i felt like that was just too many swatches, so i stopped. this is what it would have looked like below (i had heart and normal versions) but im not sure anyone would want or use these. if you do lemme know i guess
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sorry that this post lacks complete previews and is sort of strange! i have kind of never made a tumblr post before. if anything is wrong with the eyes like the textures are weird or something let me know! i thought perhaps they looked a bit artifacted in my game but i compared them to the original dynastid set and they looked like the same quality to me. 
edit: i just found out tagging people below the cut sends them a notification. sorry to everyone who was pinged omg
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