#sorry I don’t make the rules he’s Jay’s mom now
ghost-bxrd · 14 days
So I've seen you post a lot about Dick and Calvin recently, and I wanted to know how you thought Calvin would react, in this Calvin gets adopted by Bruce kind of au, to:
1). Jason's death, in the assumption Calvin can't prevent it (And subsequently what he would do to Joker for it.)
2) Damian's early childhood.
3) Tim's Tim-ness.
4) How Calvin would react to the Batman Robin situation, when he finally learns about it.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to learn much about Calvin, but you have me interested, I'm a sucker for overly traumatized characters, and I am looking for the comics with him!
We can never have enough Calvin Rose content, that boy is so underrated 🥺💚
1. Pfpfpfpf you know for ONCE I wanted to go with “Jason doesn’t die in this Au” but you asked and I shall deliver hehehe.
Look, Calvin adores children. And it’s no different with Jason, whom he basically helped Bruce raise from the moment he came to the manor. (Bruce is a good dad here but emotions are not his forte. Calvin picks up the slack.)
So we’ve got a former Talon basically raising Jason, sharing a lot of his interests, teaching him fun escape techniques and pranking the others…
Only for Jason to die in Ethiopia. Beaten within an inch of his life and then blown up.
Because his birth mother sold him to the Joker.
Look, there’s very few things that make Calvin snap. Canonically it only happens when his loved ones are in danger/threatened, or children are being hurt.
And this one ticks off both boxes.
Calvin doesn’t kill if he can help it. Hasn’t done so since that one time with the Court, and that instance still haunts him in his sleep. But this?
Yeah. He’s not losing any sleep over killing Joker. He’d hunt the clown and put him down like a rabid animal. Cold, clean, and efficient. No drawing it out.
2. As mentioned before, Calvin adores kids. I don’t think they’d meet before Damian comes to the manor though, so no early early childhood shenanigans. But when Damian arrives, all entitled and clearly having been conditioned from a very young age, he gives Bruce a very deadpan “You do know you don’t get a discount for the amount of traumatized kids you take in, right?”
Damian is a stabby little shit that tries to kill Calvin at every turn. Dick thinks it’s hilarious. Damian becomes progressively more angry because Calvin doesn’t break a sweat side stepping each and every attempt. (Talon training pays off)
Calvin just lets Damian “burn off his excess energy” (“You do know he’s a kid and not a puppy, right?”) and uses the time the boy isn’t actively trying to murder him to child proof the manor again. Just to piss Damian off.
Having the kid try to poison him at dinner that day is so worth it.
Damian reluctantly warms up to Calvin over the next few weeks when the former Talon proves annoyingly helpful at setting up his room and helping him with training. (Although Damian turns his nose up every time Calvin obviously handles him with kiddie gloves. But the man point blank refuses to do anything else.)
3. Calvin spends a week around Tim and all his alarm bells for “neglected child” are going off like autotune in his brain.
Considering it’s still very close to Jason’s death tho it would take him some time to truly warm up to Tim.
Tim wishes Calvin remained as distant as he was the first year or so (no he doesn’t) because now Calvin has strictly limited his daily caffeine intake, is forcing him to eat at least three healthy meals a day, and actually set a bed time for him.
Tim is outraged (flustered) about being treated like a kid (like the kid he is).
4. Depending on who’s Robin when he finds out the reactions would vary greatly, but he still wouldn’t be happy that Bruce is taking kids out onto the streets at night to fight criminals either way. It remind him too much of the Court for comfort, grooming children into the percent assassin.
After a while though he’d realize that Bruce would love nothing more than for his Robin(s) to hang up the mantle and just live their lives to the fullest, and that they’re simply too stubborn and determined to fight crime with Batman to stay at home. With our without permission.
It helps that Bruce is clearly distressed and close to benching Robin whenever Dick/Jason comes back from patrol with a bruise. Never mind an actual injury.
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anti-romantico · 3 months
[casuality] enhypen heeseung
warnings: mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, cum swallowing, idk what else lmao
words: 3536
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After a rough week of finals, you thought you finally were going to go home and enjoy your mom’s delicious food. Well, that was the plan until your brother called to tell you they weren’t going to be home. 
— Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? You know mom loves you. — Sunwoo said, not wanting to get his backpack in his car.
— Leave, it’s not like I’ll be the only person on campus. — You pulled him for a hug and breath. — Go before I regret saying no.
Sunwoo gave you a kiss on the top of your head and got in the car. You watched him disappear and finally went back to your dorm. There were more people than you thought.
— [Y/N]! — A very familiar voice called you.
— Heeseung, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to spend your vacations with your girl. — You didn’t know much about his love life, but the whole campus knew about their relationship.
— Yeah, I don’t think I’m welcome in her house again. — He nervously scratched the back of his head.
— Please don’t tell me… — He nodded before you could finish the question. — Damn, I don’t know if I should say sorry.
— As if I didn’t know you never liked her. — He crossed his arms, starting to walk with you.
— But she was your girlfriend. — You looked at him from time to time.
— And I’m the one that called it quits. — You nodded and bit your lower lip. — What about you? You always go to your mom’s.
— My brother got reservations somewhere and took my mom with him. And I’m not mad about it, but I wished he would’ve called me before so I could make plans. 
— Well, if you're still looking for a plan and want some company, you can call me.
You stopped abruptly, making him frown. — You sound just fine for someone that just ended their long-term relationship. 
— I'm not saying I'm fine, but it was something that had to happen sooner or later. I preferred sooner.
— And are you sure you want me as your company this winter break? 
He shrugged and nodded. — We haven't talked in months. Pretty sure our last encounter was at that frat party. Why not?
— Fine, but if you need to be alone just tell me. 
The first week went smoothly, ordering take-out with other classmates and eating outside. There were still some security staff around, but they never seemed to be bothered by the constant yelling and loud music coming from some dorms.
In the second week, Yeji sneaked in alcohol and invited her close friends to her dorm. She was alone in her room, and even though there wasn't much space, 6 people fit in it.
— How did you sneak this? — You asked Yeji, she giggled.
— The security staff stopped checking our food after the second day, I just risked it and sent my cousin a message. It was easier than I expected.
Heeseung was sitting on a bed beside you, sipping on his plastic cup filled with tequila and soda. 
— Should we play truth or dare or Heeseung is going to tell us what's the tea between him and Yuri? — Jake asked, earning a slap on the head from you.
— How do you even know something happened? — Heeseung asked, finishing his drink.
— She made a whole ass announcement influencer-style on instagram about your now “complicated” relationship. — Yeji answered.
— She called it complicated? — Yeji nodded. — Well, far from being complicated; I broke up with her. 
Everyone, except you, yelled at him, almost spilling their drinks.
— I thought you were going to get married! — Yuna placed her hand over her chest, feeling her heart beating fast. 
— Let's not overreact, everyone knew we had problems. 
— But you lasted, what?, 2 years? That's how long my parents dated before getting married. — Jay said, standing up from the floor and pouring a new drink for himself.
— Well, it's over. Now let's change topics.
— We can still play truth or dare. The only rule is not to go outside this building for the dares. — Yeji offered. Everyone agreed and sat down on the floor. Jay grabbed the only empty bottle and spinned it in the middle of the circle. It landed on Yuna.
— I knew it. Truth. — She brushed her hair with her fingers, moving it to one side.
— What happened with the blind date your mom set you? — You asked, making everyone laugh.
— Ugh, you know who appeared in the door of that expensive restaurant? Her neighbor’s son! The guy she never stopped talking about every time I visited her. I told him I wasn't interested, but at least we had a nice dinner. My mom didn't talk to me for a whole week when I told her she should stop.
— What was wrong with him? — Jake asked, grabbing the bottle.
— Aside from being a hardcore gamer? You can guess. 
— And he paid for the dinner? — You asked.
— I wish. He used his mom's money. I thanked her for the dinner, actually. 
Jake spinned the bottle and this time it landed on Jay. Jake smirked.
— I know that face, dare.
— I dare you to finish your drink in 15 seconds.
— You're an asshole, man! — Jay said laughing. 
Everyone started to count and cheered for him when he finished it even before the 15 seconds. 
— There must be water in the vending machine from the lobby. — Yeji said, feeling bad after watching Jay's reaction to the alcohol.
— I don't think he's going to make it to the hallway. I'll go. — You said, standing up.
— I'll go with you. We are all going to need water after finishing the alcohol. — Heeseung followed you behind, making everyone exchange glances.
Both got to the lobby and bought water for everyone. You weren't drunk, but your mind started to get dizzy. 
— Forget the water, if you want to sober up, go to the lobby and come back. — Heeseung said when you finally got to the room. Both were out of breath.
The game continued a few rounds before the dares started to escalate. Everyone ended up posting an instastory in someone's room without one piece of clothing. 
The bottle landed on Heeseung when Yuna spinned it.
— I don't have energy left to do another dare. Truth. — Heeseung said, laying his head on the bed that was behind him.
— Why did you break up with Yuri? 
Heeseung chuckled. — It took you this long? We just argued about the same topic over and over again, even after she said everything was clear, she kept bringing it up and I got tired. I was packing my things so we could go and she brought it up. It might be impulsive, but the moment she mentioned it I broke up with her. She didn't say anything, she just left. I guess that's why she's calling it a “complicated relationship”. 
— And what are you going to do when winter break ends? — Jay asked and he was about to grab the bottle, but Yeji beat him. — Hey! 
— Ignore her. I don't have anything to do with her. She can keep my hoodies. The less I'm in the same space as her, the better. 
You stood and ran to the bathroom, ignoring everyone's protests. When you were back, the bottle was pointing at your empty place.
— Right, what a coincidence. — You sat down and sighed. — Truth.
— Answer yes or no. — Yeji explained and you nodded. — Is it true that Hesseung's ex and you had a physical fight? 
— No! God, that rumor is so old and she started it. 
— Seriously? — Heeseung asked. 
— What happened was that she didn't like me being close to you and tried to threaten me. I told her she was being pathetic and she cried. That's all. 
— Boring. — Yuna said under her breath.
— As if I'm the kind of person to be violent with others. Can't believe y'all believed her.
— I didn't. — Jake said, earning a couple of pats on his head from you.
Jay yawned, causing almost everyone to also do it.
— How about we sleep for a while and then have dinner? — Yuna said, stretching her body.
— Please! I'm exhausted. — You said, laying your head on Heeseung’s shoulder. 
Jay helped Yeji to hide the rest of the alcohol and the empty bottles while everyone went to their dorms. You went to Heeseung's since it was the closest one.
— Do you have something I can wear to sleep in? I don’t like to sleep in the same clothes I had the whole day. — You said, walking in the room.
— I have some old pants and this shirt. — He took the clothes from his drawer, it wasn’t even packed.
— Were you going to get rid of it? — You grabbed it and placed it on the empty bed. He nodded. — Do you mind if I keep it?
— Sure. — He took a deep breath when you took your hoodie off. — I’ll change in the bathroom.
— Yup. — You didn’t notice how nervous he was. 
When you woke up, Heeseung wasn’t in the room, but the door was open. You thought he went to the bathroom when you heard him talk. He was just on the other side of the wall.
“I’m not judging the way you did it, that’s your problem, but I was clear when I said I was done with you”. He sounded mad. You just couldn’t stop yourself and stood up and walked quietly so he couldn’t hear you. “You were the one that decided to bring her up.” “I told you millions of times she was just a friend and even stopped talking to her when you told me she made you insecure”. What? “Because we were at the same party, I wasn't going to leave or ask her to leave”. “I’m enjoying my time without you just fine, Yuri”. “I’m not doing such a thing, and I don’t care if you make another statement to tell your followers we’re done”. “Well, that’s too bad because she’s also here”. “Goodbye, Yuri, don’t call me again”.
You didn’t find the strength to move from your place, so Heeseung found you the moment he walked in.
— What…
— Am I the reason you two broke up? — You didn’t know why it affected you, but it did.
— You weren’t supposed to hear that…
— Close the door next time, then. Now answer.
Heeseung tried to hold you, but you pushed his hands. — She started to feel insecure after spending too much time with this girl. She told her it was suspicious how “close” we were. She overanalyzed our interactions before she started asking every second of the day if I ever had feelings with you.
— Close? We only share classes. — You couldn't believe what he was telling you.
— She said her friend saw us being “clingy” at a party, but I honestly don't remember.
— You were too drunk, I was just making sure you didn't throw yourself to the pool. — You explained. Heeseung being in that state didn't even allow you to drink a single drop of alcohol, or anything. — I had to carry you, I guess her friend saw us hugging.
Heeseung threw his head back, not being able to remember anything. It was frustrating. — I'm sorry… god and after that I stopped talking to you.
— Well, at least now I know who started those rumors. — You tried to joke, but Heeseung didn’t laugh. — Let’s go for something to eat before going back with the rest. 
Heeseung sighed and nodded, following you around without saying a word. You wanted to cheer him up, but you knew it wouldn’t be easy. 
Once you were with your friends, they immediately knew something was wrong with him, but luckily didn’t make a comment about it. 
Alcohol made an act of presence once everyone was comfortable, drinks getting stronger and stronger. You weren't drunk, but you weren't sober. Heeseung at your side was laughing at Jake making a weird dance as a dare. He spinned the bottle again, landing on you. 
— Well, about time. — He teasingly said.
— As if you know what I'm going to choose. — You said, finishing your drink. 
— Oh come on, don't be boring, we’re all having fun. — Heeseung exclaimed. 
You laughed. — Fine! Dare.
Jake made an expression of thinking, but you knew he already had your dare in mind. — We all are gonna close our eyes and you are going to give a small kiss on the lips to whoever you want.
— It’s ok, babe, you can give us the kiss to get away with it. — Yeji said, hugging Yuna from the neck, making her whine when she pulled her close.
— Nah nah nah, she has to be honest. C’mon, no one’s going to watch. No cheating. — Jake said as he covered his eyes with his hands.
— Whoever cheats has to run around the building naked. — Yuna said, imitating Jake.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of all of your friends with their eyes covered, Heeseung included. You didn’t think about it for too long, knowing perfectly at least one was going to check what was taking you so long. You leaned towards Heeseung, moving his hands apart from his face. He smirked when he saw you so close. None of you said anything, you gave him a small kiss and he went back to cover his face.
— It’s done. — You said.
Jake bit his lower lip and leaned his body. — How was it, Hee? — Heeseung didn’t answer, he just chugged his drink, lifting one eyebrow.
After a few minutes, the bottle landed on Heeseung, Yeji speaking up before anyone else. — I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven in Yuna's room with whoever you want.
— Nice, let’s go. — Jay joked, standing with Heeseung who only pushed him aside. 
— You wish, man. — Heeseung extended his hand towards you, causing a howling mess in the room. 
You laughed so loud and still grabbed his hand, letting him guide you to Yuna’s room. 
The air changed the moment you closed the door. Heeseung gently pushed you against the door, caressing your cheek. 
— Do you think they’ll come to check us in 7 minutes? — He asked, slightly brushing his lips with yours.
— We both know they won’t. — You whispered and locked the door. — But just in case.
Heeseung nodded and finally kissed you. Hard, immediately sucking on your tongue and squeezing your butt. You didn’t know how, but both were on the floor, him over you, still hungrily kissing. He was trying to get you naked so you let him. His hands were all over you and you were really getting into it when he pushed you down on your stomach and pulled your shorts off.
He took his time pulling your panties off too and then you felt his hand between your legs. You were wet already from him kissing you and he knew it. He rubbed his fingers up and down your pussy a few times before he slipped them inside you. It felt really good, making you moan. 
He slid his fingers out of you and put them in your mouth. — Taste yourself. — He said.
You sucked on his fingers and tasted your own juices. He did this again and you sucked each finger clean. You looked up at him and smiled.
Heeseung kissed you hard and put his tongue in your mouth. You couldn't believe how hot this made you feel. You wanted to touch him and kiss him more. He pulled his shirt off and threw it across the room. Then he unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. You stared at his dick for a minute. It was beautiful and big. You reached out and touched it, wrapping your hand around it and stroked it slowly. Heeseung groaned and leaned forward, taking your head in his hands. He kissed you harder and you ran my tongue over his lips. You wanted to taste his cock.
You kissed down his neck and chest and then you opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around the tip of his dick. He gasped and you closed my eyes and sucked on him. You swirled your tongue around the tip and then took as much of him as you could in your mouth. He tasted so good. 
You started moving your mouth up and down his shaft, making sure to slightly moan when you felt him touch your throat.
He moaned — Take it all, baby, I know you can do it. — You did as he told and then moved your head up and down faster. 
You could hear him breathing hard and you loved that sound. You kept sucking him and he kept thrusting into your mouth. You felt his body tense and then he shot his load in your mouth. You swallowed it all and kept sucking him until he pulled away. 
You sat up and wiped your mouth. He pulled your face again and kissed you, sucking in on your tongue as if he wanted to taste his own cum. 
You gently pushed his chest so he could sit down on the floor and you straddled him. You rubbed your pussy against his dick and he groaned. Lowering yourself onto him, you felt so full, he was so thick. 
Heeseung held your hips and you started to ride him. He put his arms under your thighs and held you still while you fucked him. You rode him fast and hard and then slowed down and picked up the pace again.
You felt so close to coming you didn't want to stop. You bounced up and down on him and then he grabbed your hips and held you. He kissed you and then he pushed you down to the floor and started fucking you, much harder that before. You came so hard and he kept going until he came inside you.
Heeseung collapsed on top of you and you just stayed there like that for a while. You were both breathing hard and covered in sweat.
He kissed you and then rolled off of you, laying next to you on the floor. You lay there like that for a long time and then he kissed you again. You could feel his dick getting hard again and you knew he wanted more. And so did you. You needed him more. 
You got on your knees and took his dick back in your mouth.
— I love your mouth, baby. Fuck! — Heeseung groaned when you moaned around him and kept sucking.
You felt him push your head away so you pulled out and got in all four. He got behind you and rubbed his dick against your wet pussy and slid right in. 
He was so deep and you loved how full you felt. He started fucking you so hard and you were moaning loudly, combining to the skin slapping. 
He grabbed your hips and started thrusting harder and faster. You felt yourself getting closer to another orgasm and cried out. He kept fucking you and you came so hard feeling your juices running down your legs. He kept thrusting until he came too.
Your knees protested when you tried to stand up. Heeseung helped you, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
— Are you ok? — He said against your ear.
— Amazing. — Your voice came out so low, almost like a whisper, moving your head to give him more access to keep kissing you.
You sighed when you felt his teeth nibble your skin. — I promise next time we’ll be on a more comfortable surface. — He said, making you feel tingles on your stomach at the thought of this happening again.
— Do you want to go back there? — You asked once you had enough strength on your legs again, taking your clothes from the floor.
— I don’t know if I want to deal with the million questions they’ll make — Heeseung dressed up too. 
Once both were ready, you opened the door, you still needed to go to Yeji’s room to get your phone.
— Here. — Jay handed your phones, not letting you go in.
— Jay, c’mon, man, at least let us help to clean. — Heeseung said, grabbing the phones.
— We can handle it, don’t worry! — Yeji yelled from the inside of the room.
— Keep having fun! — This time it was Yuna who yelled. 
You laughed and pulled Heeseung’s shirt. There was no way in hell they'd let you in.
Back in Heeseung’s room, you finally laid down on the same bed, enjoying your time alone.
— So… — He asked, afraid of your answer.
— What? — Your head was over his chest, listening to his heartbeats.
— Does this mean something now?
You sat down and looked at him. — I don’t know, it’s you who just got out of a relationship. — You reminded him.
— Is it… bad? — Heeseung also sat down and held your hand. — Do you.. want something to happen between us? 
You glazed at your hands and then at him. — I don’t think I’d have fucked you if I didn’t.
Heeseung chuckled. — Maybe we can keep it on the low while I take you on dates and propose appropriately.
— What? You coming inside me wasn’t appropriate? 
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scaryscarecrows · 29 days
Here I Lay (Still and Breathless)
AN: Follow-up to ‘Can You Sew Them Shut?’ You will be lost and confused without that, so. Y’know. Definitely go check it out. Title from Deftones’ ‘Passenger’.
* * *
Jason shudders in the restraints, the cold blooming inside him like he’s swallowed an ice cube whole. He can’t focus on anything apart from thread thread thread; even trying his usual techniques, like the Fives rule, only ever gets him stuck in a loop of thread. It feels like he’s suffocating, struggling to get enough air through his nose, and God, God help him, he has to get out of here, he can’t…
The cart is just visible out of the corner of his eye and he’s trying, desperately, not to look at it. Trying just makes his eyes go over there all the more.
The doors swing open. Crane steps in first, briefcase in hand, looking like he’s on his way to work. Which, Jason guesses, he is.
“Perfect stitches, Kitty.” He nudges the cart over, out of Jason’s view, and leans closer. “Let me just…”
He frowns, jabs Jason’s top lip, and nods at the involuntary flinch.
“Local’s worn off. Wonderful.”
Richardson hums. She’s fiddling with a camcorder and all Jason can hear, suddenly, is his voice.
“Did ya get that, Bats? Kid’s not yours anymore.”
There’s a sharp, sudden pain, a quick pinch against his wrist, and Joker shuts up.
“I need you present, Hood,” Crane warns. Jason would love to tell him to fuck off, but he can’t he can’t he can’t. “Don’t wander off, now.”
They both laugh. Richardson snags her stool, sets the camcorder on it, and comes over to check the restraints again. Crane pulls a vital monitor over and Jason wonders, through the haze of panic, where they even are. They have a lot of equipment they usually don’t a-a-and–
Beep. Beep. Beep.
“All right…restraints secure…are we loosening the vise before or after?”
“After. This one’s spiteful.”
“Whatever you say, Doctor Crane.” There’s the sound of buttons. “Camera is…on. Ready when you are.”
“Thank you, Nurse.” Tip-tap. “Patient will be receiving three milliliters of formula nine-z-s-eight-two-zero. He will be the fourth such subject to do so. Patient has experienced prior exposure on…” Crane pauses, counting under his breath. “Nine known occasions to date, though six of those were in conjunction with other drugs and cannot be counted as inoculations.” Crane smiles down at him. “Deep breaths, child. Only a little pinch.”
Fear toxin hurts going in. It’s thick and it burns, sluicing through the vein like toxic sludge. Jason breathes through his nose and tries, desperately, to focus. He can’t scream. No matter what he sees, or hears, or anything, he can’t scream.
Dimly, he’s aware of the vise being taken off. The sudden release of the pressure on his teeth is a fleeting moment of relief, but the sudden slackness pulls warningly at his lips and he tightens back up as much as he can.
Keep it together, Jay. 
Breathe in, breathe out. Eyes closed–eyes lie. Focus on what he knows is real; the sound of his pained breaths, the sticky, slightly sweaty vinyl seating under him, the. The thread in his lips. Maybe especially that last one, for motivation. He can do this. Just got to ride it out. He’s made it through fear toxin before and sure, it’s nasty, but he can do this.
Oh, God, no, please.
He squeezes his eyes shut until weird spots dance behind his eyelids. He doesn’t want to see this, see whatever monstrosity Mom’s become because she’s dead he knows that he knows he should’ve stayed with her that night but he didn’t and–
“I’m sorry Jay, please don’t be upset.” A frigid hand rests on his shoulder, thumb moving in little circles. “Please talk to me, kiddo.”
He bites back a frantic, Mom please don’t be sorry it’s all my fault only because it pulls. That’s right. She’s not here. She can’t be here.
Pained breaths. The thread in his lips. The hard, chipped tiles under his body, leaching the heat from him. Those are real. Mom’s not. The damp, medicinal reek is not.
“Jason.” Her voice is thick, like she’s going to start to cry. “At least look at me, baby. Please?”
He can’t. He can’t face her.
There’s a soft sniffling and he clings to the feeling of thread, even though he’s wondering if I just try not to move my lips, I could maybe still–
Her face presses into his hair, warm tears seeping through it, and he chokes, throat swelling up and threatening to force out something. If he could just pick his hand up, at least, that would be enough to show her he’s not mad, if anything, she should be mad at him–
He tries. He does. But it won’t move. He settles for trying to lean his head towards her instead, hoping it’ll be enough.
There’s a sudden shriek and he feels her being pulled away, hears the clang! of her skull striking the cart followed by crack! of it hitting the tiles.
“Whoops!” Joker cackles. “Don’t know my own strength sometimes!”
His eyes fly open without his consent. Mom’s lying facedown on the tiles, blood slowly pooling under her head, but she’s still breathing, he can see that. Joker stands over her, twirling a crowbar, but when he makes eye contact with Jason, his smile manages to grow even wider.
“There you are, Todders! I keep telling your mother, spare the rod and spoil the child.” He shakes his head. “You should have done what you were told. Now look at what I have to do!” He gestures vaguely with the crowbar. “You’ll be the one cleaning this mess. It’s the only way you’ll learn anything.”
He raises the crowbar. Brings it down.
Raises it up.
Brings it down.
“Stop it!” There’s a terrible tearing and pain and he spits blood, has no idea where it came from. “Stop it, please!”
Joker does stop. He looks up, flicks bits of blood and bone and brain matter from the end of the crowbar. Jason’s shaking, hot blood streaming down his chin and onto his neck and dripping towards his chest.
“Please,” he whispers. “Please don’t.”
For a second, that’s not Joker. That’s Scarecrow’s mask, gazing passively at him as worms wriggle through the burlap. Then the stitches curve into a smile and Joker’s back where he was.
Regardless of Jason’s desperate screams, he doesn’t stop.
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gaym0m · 1 year
Something people find very interesting about me and my likes, is that I find jawline, necks and collarbones very very very attractive. Like literally makes my knees week and my— ya know.
Anyway, because if this I’m so sad no one has done this so imma do it.
Not smut. Like at all, but definitely suggestive. I don’t think I could write coherent smut.
Just Ellie for now since I owe her one.
One more not before I start, the way you can see her whole neck AND the drool im—
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Okay okay sorry. Back to the one shot.
Warnings: mentions of Jay, of course suggestive stuff. Uhhh I dunno Beth being a little shit lol.
Soft lips gently pressed along the knuckles the tattoo artist, the kids with their auntie meant you two had all the time and space in the world to enjoy of each other, mind, body and soul.
Emphasis on body.
Ellie couldn’t help but chuckle at you’re actions, the kiss on certain body parts she wasn’t sure had ever been kissed. At first she found it cheesy, but after months of dating she didn’t know if she could be without it.
Just like she was no longer sure if she could live without the gentle kisses you would place on her cheekbones, or even her jaw.
She wasn’t sure she could live without your arms squeezing her waist or how you would nuzzle again the area where she shoulder and neck meet.
Ellie didn’t know what she would do without your playful kisses that started on her lips and lead down her jaw to her chest.
Or the ones that started at her knuckles and followed up her tattooed arms till giggles bursted from her lips. (Although she’s sure you had gotten that one from the Addams family).
Jay was a lot of things, he was a good husband while it lasted and a great dad but he could never compare to the next door neighbor that stepped in when she crumbled.
He would never compare to you, the one that immediately had everyone (even Beth and herself) wrapped around your finger with your kind nature and over all loving attitude towards the family.
Her ex would also never compare to you, from the way you sensually ran your fingers through her hair. The gentle tug when you wanted to break a long kiss just to aim for her jaw.
Then from her jaw, to her neck and her collarbones.
She didn’t understand your fascination with that area, but she appreciated the restraint you showed the first few times when she still had her ‘no marking’ rule. (She wasn’t ready to explain to the kids that the much you get neighbor who helped them and babysat them every once in a while was also her. . . Lover?).
Eventually they figured it out, from shy smiles and “hidden” kisses when you two were too caught up in eachother to see that Bridge had entered the kitchen for a soda. . . Poor kid didn’t get a soda but she was happy her mom seemed happy.
Of course, Ellie sometimes still got a little (not really) upset when you’d loose control. Then again those were also the more fun she had on bad days.
Those were the nights when your teeth grazed her jaw, her neck, her chest. The nights where she almost couldn’t look down at you, her body too strung up in pure white pleasure that her head was stuck thrown back.
Sometimes those where nights where she was stressed out, and you took every second to appreciate every inch of her. Your jaw sore, same as your arm but that didn’t stop you. Nothing really did stop you until Ellie unraveled beneath your touch, with a silent mantra of your name and twitching legs.
Other nights, you had a rough day. Of course you would never take it out on her, but she would still notice. And she would tell you a story of a day filled with struggles for her, because while she wasn’t a fan of lying, she knew just how relax you felt after you carried her to the edge and back.
Those nights where slightly different, with you hands gripping her hips enough to leave pretty bruises (which she sometimes wanted to outline and tattoo on herself). The same nights where you’d leave a few more marks while laying out a roadmap of the love and adoration you held for her.
Those nights, her fingers were sore from gripping the bed or at your hair while she remembered to cut her nails next time as she felt the skin of your back warm up after she raked her fingers down the soft skin.
Every night was a pleasurable ride with you, but those nights left her legs weak even the day after. And marks which lasted more than a few days.
Those were the nights that would cause her to flush as red as her hair when remembering.
She could still remember the smirk on Beth’s face the day after one of those nights, they were meeting up for lunch after Beth dropped off the kids at school. Ellie’s legs were still slightly trembling and her voice still hoarse.
“Not. A. Word. Betty-Boo.”
“Hey I wasn’t the one getting ra—“
“I said not a word!”
“Okay okay! I would ask how it was but clearly it was good.”
“I hate you.”
“Yes I’m aware.”
As much as the teasing annoyed her, she did find it slightly amusing just how much of a mess you made her (and her pants).
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miksterrr · 2 years
Sincerely, your only child.
hyper fixations rule my life.
another ninjago fic.
cross-posted on ao3
TW: TW: Strong language (a bunch of f-bombs, sorry) Talk about not getting a childhood, mentions of abuse and bullying, talking about abandonment, mommy issues, letting down. Extreme misako bashing. (I think that's it- uh please let me know if there's anything else! also prolly cringey and a bunch of dialogue so)
like 1.8k words i think.
“Lloyd!” Cole’s voice was heard throughout the bounty, “Your mom’s here!”
Today was one of those rare days where Sensei Wu let them off with just morning training. Which, in retrospect means that training will be worse tomorrow, but for now the team enjoyed the day off, all relaxing in their own ways. Zane’s reading up on new recipes to try, while Jay and Kai are playing video games. Nya’s working on upgrading the bounty even more, and Cole’s cleaning up the deck of the bounty, because well, someone had to, and surprisingly enough, he didn’t mind cleaning all that much. Meanwhile, Lloyd was laying down in his bed, just finished with his shower, and ready for a midday nap.
Lloyd immediately perked up. He jumped up from his bed and rushed out of the shared room, almost tripping over his borrowed (stolen from Nya… listen, she’s very muscular,) grey sweats in his hurry. Nonetheless, the blond made it to the deck in one piece, a grin stretching over his face. “Mom!”
“Hello, Lloyd.” Misako smiled, arms raised for a hug. Which Lloyd all but crashed into, relishing in the rare affection given by his mom. She gave him one squeeze before letting go. “How have you been, son?”
“Good!” Lloyd beamed, bouncing on the heels of his feet. “I have so many things to tell you!” It’s been a few months since Misako's last visit. During that time, the ninja defeated the usual baddie or helped out at some charity event. Nothing too big, which was surprising, in a way, but the team wasn’t taking it for granted, enjoying the easy time before the new villain of the month showed up.
Misako gave her son a tight smile, though she was glancing around the deck of the bounty, not looking at Lloyd, at all. “That’s very good, hon.” She sighs when she can’t find whatever she was looking for. “Do you know where your Uncle is? I have to talk to him about some of my findings.”
“Oh.” Lloyd murmured. He bit the inside of his cheek and crossed his arms. “I haven’t seen him since this morning.” He responded, looking down… and wow there were a lot of chips and cracks on the floor. One too many fights or training incidents.
Misako let out a breath through her nose.“Of course.” She clicks her tongue, glancing around the bounty deck one last time. “Looks like we’ll have to go find him.”
“You said you had so much to tell me!” Misako smiled, turning towards the door that led to the underbelly of the Bounty, where most of their living space is. “You can walk and talk, right Lloyd?” It wasn’t a question. Misako started walking away before Lloyd could answer.
Lloyd stared after her for a second.“Wait- Mom!” Lloyd called, jogging to catch up with his mom, Nya’s sweats still too long for him, almost making him fall flat on his face, again.
“What is Lloyd?” Misako’s pace didn’t slow.
The blond stammered. “Uh, well… I just…” Lloyd sighs, rubbing his face, gnawing on his already cracked lips. He played with the strings of his hoodie. (the hoodie used to be cole’s.)
“Spit it out Lloyd. I don’t have that much time.” Misako huffed, glancing into every room they passed, and so far, every room has been empty. No sight of the old man. Misako’s mouth was set in a hard line. Clearly getting annoyed at both Lloyd and not being able to find Wu.
“I just thought…” Lloyd trailed off, glancing at the greying woman, he hesitated, before sighing. “Last time you were here you promised that the next time you were here- this time, you said we could spend all this time together.”
Misako paused, before groaning, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Sorry kiddo, you know how my work is, I don’t get a lot of time off.” She sighs, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. Her nose scrunching when she realized his hair was damp from a recent shower, wiping her hand off on her beige pants. “Surely, you get that.”
“I do, but-”
“Where is your Uncle?! I swear his old age is making him more elusive.” Misako interrupted.
“Mom!” Lloyd stomped his foot, the noise echoed through the cabins. Misako’s thin eyebrows furrowed. She turned to look at her son, hazel eyes hard. She gave Lloyd an expectant look. Lloyd only groaned, trying to get his words together. “I- well- ugh!”
“Lloyd, stop wasting my time. I need to find your Uncle.” Misako huffed, turning back to start looking for Wu again.
“Then stop wasting mine!”
“Lloyd!” She glared at her son, a warning.
Lloyd only scoffed. “You always only come back for Uncle Wu! Not me!”
Misako rolled her eyes. “You’re not a kid, Lloyd. You shouldn’t need your mother.” She reprimanded, crossing her arms.
“Wow.” Lloyd snorted. “Bold of you to call yourself my mother.”
“Lloyd Montgomery!” Misako nagged.
“It’s true!” Lloyd gave a low laugh, shaking his head. “You abandoned me, mom.”
Misako huffs, grabbing Lloyd’s wrist in a bruising grip and pushing him into the closest room. Lloyd yelps, stumbling. He takes a second to regain his balance before turning around to see Misako closing the door behind her. “What the hell?!”
“That is no way to talk to your mother, Lloyd.” Misako growls.
“Really?” Lloyd rolls his eyes.
“I am your mother!” Misako gapes.
“You’re really not.”
“I gave you life!” Misako retorted.
“You gave me half your DNA!” Lloyd shot back. “Nothing else. I don’t have your personality, or your style, and certainly not your morals.”
“Lloyd Montgomery-” Misako bites out, nose flaring.
“What, mom?” Lloyd asked, toneless. He was done with Misako. “You abandoned me. You left me at Darkley’s, and never looked back.”
“You know I had to! I couldn’t carry a child around with my work.”
“You just didn’t want to care for me.” Lloyd sniffed. “You aren’t worth my effort anymore, I don’t know why I miss you when all you do when I see is make me wish you were still away.”
“That is hardly fair, son.” Misako huffed, crossing her arms. She stared down at the blond, almost accusingly.
“Is it?” Lloyd scoffed. “You were once the god that kept me standing, mom. But it turns out it was just the idea of a loving mother that kept me standing, not you.”
Misako’s hazel eyes widened, mouth open and closing, as she tried to form a response. “Lloyd, honey… I-” She sighs. “I have no words.”
“Like always.” Lloyd scoffs.
“Son. I wish I could’ve taken you but-”
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “Just stop mom.” He closes his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. “We’ve been through this, time and time again.” He huffs, trying to move towards the door. “In a few days, you’re just going to leave again with empty promises of returning and spending time with just me.”
Misako's eyes widened, moving to grab Lloyd’s wrist. “That’s hardly true- you’re being unreasonable Lloyd.”
“What’s ‘unreasonable,’ mom, is that I don’t know my own birthday!” Lloyd mocked, trying to get his wrist out of Misako’s unusually strong grip. Misako stayed silent, her eyes were wide and she was mouthing something to herself. Lloyd raised a brow, his movements stilled, coming to a realization; “Fuck mom.” He breathed. “You really have no idea, either. Do you?”
Misako stammered, grip weak. “W-well… the labor was very long, and with everything that was happening with your dad, time just got warped, and well-”
“Do I even ‘legally,’ exist, mom?” Lloyd asked, his jaw tightening as he stared down Misako. “Do I have a birth certificate, mom?”
Misako sputtered, “I uh… I’m sure… somewhere you have one.”
“Holy shit.” Lloyd whispered, breaking his mom’s grasp. His hands came up behind his head, gripping his hair. “I don’t exist.” He blinked, breathing coming out in gasps. “Well- obviously I exist, but not legally, huh?” Lloyd started pacing back and forth, a low laugh escaping him. “The government has no record of Lloyd Garmadon.” He swallowed, face going blank. “I am every criminal's dream.”
Misako let out a small giggle. “I suppose so.”
Lloyd made no sign of hearing her. His brows furrowed, his forehead creased, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to formulate his thoughts. “That’s why you left me at Darkley’s.”
“W-What… no, Lloyd, hunny. I-”
“You what mom?” Lloyd scoffed. “Everywhere else would’ve given me a birth certificate. But all Darkley needed to hear was that I was a Garmadon.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “Uncle Wu would’ve questioned you… that’s why you never told him.”
“I was trying to save you!”
“From what?!” Lloyd cried. “I was a child! I didn’t need saving! I needed protection!”
“Stop being overdramatic.” Misako huffed. “I was saving you from-”
“From yourself?” Lloyd interrupted. “Because honestly, that makes sense, mom.” Lloyd sniffed, rubbing his face. “You hated me before you even knew me.”
Lloyd turned, looking Misako up and down. “Fine?”
“I abandoned you, you’re right.” Misako nodded. “You know, babies are born with blue eyes, and then over time it changes.”
“What does that have to do with anything-”
“You were born with red eyes, Lloyd.”
Lloyd gaped. “I was kidding before.” He murmured. “About you hating me before you even knew me. I-” He licks his lips. “I was right.”
“I wouldn’t say that I hated you-” Misako tried.
“You left me because I had red eyes. Because of genetics.”
“I thought the great devour’s venom affected you too.” Misako tries to defend herself.
“I was a baby!” He growled, fists clenched at his sides.
“And I was scared.” Misako sighs.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “I thought all parents are scared of their first child.”
“I wasn’t ready to be a single mom. Especially-”
“Especially with your job, I know.” Lloyd rolled his eyes, “Try getting better excuses, mom.”
“I am not your son.”
Misako rolls her eyes. “Lloyd Garmadon-”
“I’m not a Garmadon, either.” Lloyd rose a brow, challenging his mom to realize what was going on.
“No. If I was a Garmadon I would’ve been raised by you, mom. Or I would’ve been raised by dad.” Lloyd nods to himself, “You know who raised me, when you were too scared?” He stares his mom in the eyes, cold green meeting guilty hazel. “Kai Smith. Nya Smith. Cole Brookstone. Zane Julien. Jay Walker.” He announced each name, slow and sure, voice strong. “They raised me. They taught me that blood doesn’t mean family, mom.” He spat, ‘mom.’ “They taught me everything. They taught me how to live, mom. Where were you?”
Lloyd shook his head, lips pursed. “I am not your kiddo. I am not a Garmadon. If anything, at all, I am a Smith-Brookstone-Julien-Walker.” The blond nodded sure of himself. “And now, I know that you aren’t worth my time.” Lloyd moves to leave, stepping past his mother.
Misako tried to grab at Lloyd’s wrist. “Lloyd, please-”
Lloyd all but side-stepped her. “I’m done.” He sounded numb, apathetic to her sadness even if he was swallowing down his own sobs. Lloyd moved to the door, hand on the handle, he pulled it open, and before he left and closed it completely, he gave his mom one last glance. “Goodbye, Misako.”
Uh, if you liked it I hope you enjoyed, if you didn't well, okay. still getting the grasp on short stories again... i'm a poet, y'all understand? sorry for weird formating and all that, thanks for reading :)
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srjlvr · 2 years
YOURS, CLASS PREZ !! // all alone.
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After finishing your last class you quickly hugged ningning and hikaru and paved your way to find Jay, ignoring all the greetings from other students that were heard on the way.
You had to be there before Jungwon, why? Because you wanted to take your seat right next to the driver’s seat. Sure, it sounds like you’re a literal kid, but it was worth knowing that Jungwon will probably get pissed off by that.
You finally arrived outside, walking to your regular place when you’re waiting for Jay. After minutes of waiting you called him.
“Where are you? I’m waiting at the spot” You said, clearly not trying to sound annoyed. “Oh, I picked Jungwon up since he doesn’t know the spot, we’ve been waiting for you, we’re coming to the spot right now” He hang up.
Your blood was boiling, why would he choose Jungwon over you? It’s a childish act of yours to get so angry, but what can you do? Jay, your own brother, chose your worst enemy before you, even if it’s just by picking him up first. The thought about not taking your regular seat has already left your mind and all u could feel was confusion and anger.
You decided to keep it to yourself, not wanting to sound childish and annoying. When you got into the car you kept your mouth shut, you knew when you’ll open it up, it won’t end so well.
When you arrived home, your mother popped up and greeted Jungwon, “Oh! You’re yn’s new boyfriend?” She cheerly jumped. You and Jungwon choked on air you shot a glare to Jay, knowing that he’s the one who probably told her. “No mom, he’s here to work on a project with me and he’ll leave asap.” You rolled your eyes and lead him to your room.
“This is my room i guess, don’t touch anything, breathe next to anything and you’re dead, sit on this chair and don’t move” You crossed your hands while watching him putting his bag down and sitting on that chair.
“I don’t care what you’re planning to do, just do whatever you need to do and update me so i’ll tell the teacher, don’t even talk unless its necessary” You added, a tiny feeling of guilt appeared after speaking so rudely and you quickly shot it away, it’s Yang Jungwon after all.
“Can you not fucking tell me what to do? I get it, it’s your house your rules but you act like a fucking kid, it’s disgusting” There it goes, that guilt feeling turned into anger, “Can you shut the fuck up? I really don’t want to hear your voice” You scoffed.
“Whatever, you think you’re good in everything but honestly you just suck” He fired back. That’s it, you thought. “You know what, get the fuck out of my room and go work at Jay’s room or wherever else i don’t fucking care, i really don’t know why i let you in this room” You pointed at the door, waiting patiently for him to leave.
He teasingly smirked, “No, or i’ll tell the teacher you kicked me out and refuse to let me do anything”
“You’re so fucking annoying” you groaned.
“Told you i’ll make you live in a nightmare” He chuckled. You put on your earphones to block everything that’s happening around you, hearing Jungwon’s voice is the last thing you want to do right now.
After half an hour, you got a text from haruto,
📱: Haruto - “Open the door mf i’m outside here to save the day”
You giggled, putting your earphones down and going down the stairs to open the door for haruto.
While you’re gone, Jungwon confusedly looked around the room, Where did she go? He thought. At the same time, i’m in yn’s room, He smirked, All alone.
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NOTES: i did NOT expect this to be that long but it is what it is, next chap is probably gonna be written too im sorry!! what do y’all think gonna happen next though?
TAGLIST: @enhacolor @luvryuj1n @deafeningballoonnacho @lovienikitty @notrosemary @fairycheol @harperwasstaken1 @icywhatim @lil-iva @love-4-keum @anotherimaginesaccount @i4cho @nakolvr @tlnyjoong @hiqhkey @theboyzrightherex @pr0dbeomgyu @randomness7198 @shyugahh @wonamore @jayeonnature (if your tag is bold it means i couldn’t tag you, im sorry): )
SYNOPSIS: In which the school’s top students, also known as the biggest class presidents of their own class and rivals, has to work on a huge project for their school and compete in a national competition……all together?!?
☆ ★ // previous — m.list — next
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sl-newsie · 11 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter)- Ch. 8: Sneaking Out
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Later that night I sneak down the hall to meet up with the new students. So while I might be a good witch, breaking some rules is ok sometimes, right? I mean who goes to bed at 8 anyway?
“And where are you creeping off to?”
I freeze and slowly turn around. “Binx, people here think the highest level of fun is going to a tea party. For once I’ve met others who are actually fun!”
“They’re the kids of villains,” the black cat warns in a mocking voice.
“I know that. This is… me trying to help them fit in and feel welcomed.”
“You like Carlos, don’t you?” Binx says with a pointed look.
“I can’t help it! His cute face is sprinkled with freckles, and he punched Chad for me.”
Binx stays quiet- never a good sign.
“Magica… Have you learned about your siren magic?”
My-? Oh. Uh-oh.
My hand flies to my mouth. “Oh my God- Binx, what if I spelled him to like me, to- to love me? I didn’t mean to, I- I wouldn’t know if I did. I’ve never actually used it, I just know I have it from my mother. How will I know if he actually likes me or is just spelled to like me?”
Binx shakes his head. “I don’t know. I’m sorry, Magica. You shouldn’t have to deal with this. Why don’t you ask Fairy Godmother?”
“No!” My face twists in horror. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m the cruel, manipulative monster my mother was, especially Carlos! I’ll just… Try to keep things friendly and professional.”
Before Binx can respond I confidently strut towards the VKs room before someone catches me.
“Knock knock. It’s Magica.”
The door opens and Jay’s face pops out. “Evening, trixie! Come on in!”
I groan. “Will you stop calling me that?”
“I’m telling you, new hair!” Evie exclaims as I walk in. “New hair to match her new clothes.” She turns and sees me. “Oh! Magica! We were just talking about you! Mal?”
“Yup, hold on a sec!” Mal flips through a tattered book that almost resembles the one hidden in my skirt.
“Hey! That almost looks like-!” I stop, remembering that I have to keep mom’s spellbook a secret. “Never mind.”
Mal ignores me and finds the page she’s looking for. “Beware, forswear, replace the old with wicked hair,” Mal chants from the book.
Out of the corner of my eye I see my hair change.
“Wait- What-?” I frantically lift the now fuschia-colored locks in front of my face and look at Mal with my jaw hanging. “What did you do?”
She smirks. “I just helped make you look like a true witch, trixie. No need to thank me.”
“Huh?!” Now I’m panicking and trying to cover it up. “Mal, are you nuts?! I’m trying to keep a low profile as it is, not walk around parading my magic to the whole school!”
But the VKs don’t hear me.
“Oh, I love the color!” Evie gushes as she examines my new look. “Goes well with the dress, and the boots match perfectly!”
“Gotta say,” Jay nods approvingly. “That’s some rad look you’re pulling, trixie!”
Carlos goes to say something, but appears to be speechless as he can’t take his eyes off of me.
God I hope it’s not siren magic!
“Um, Earth-to-Carlos?” Jay waves a hand in front of his face.
Carlos blinks. “Huh, what?”
Mal rolls her eyes. “I know, I know, Magica’s hot now. Get over it and let’s get on with the plan, Carlos!”
Evie agrees. “I will say that Magica’s new fashion style is rather catching, but Mal’s right. We’ve got work to do.”
“What’s that? I thought you wanted me here to pull pranks.”
All the VKs give each other uneasy looks.
“We were, uh- thinking of checking out the Museum of Cultural History,” Mal says with a shrug. The others nod in agreement.
“How is that a prank?”
Evie shifts her eyes back and forth between me and Mal. “It’s… after hours, so it’s still against the rules.”
I give them all an annoyed stare. “Really? Sneaking out after curfew? I’m doing that now! I thought you guys were gonna do some actual pranks, heck a five-year-old could do better!”
“Guess you’ll have to stick around to see us get to the big pranks,” Mal baits me. “C’mon guys, let’s go over the plan.”
“Just let me pack my stuff,” Jay says as he assembles some suspicious-looking items onto a cloth.
“Or you could just leave all this stuff here and pick it up when we take over the world!” Mal states with a pointed smile.
“You sound just like your mom!” Evie remarks.
Mal puts a hand to her chest. “Aw, thank you!”
Jay just shrugs. “You do your way, and I’ll do mine.”
“It’s not good to steal, Jay,” I warn with a scolding finger. “And Mal, I can tell you all want to make your parents proud, but does taking over the world have to be in your agenda?”
“So what, trixie? We’re VKs, we make mischief. It’s what we do,” Jay chuckles darkly.
I bite my lip. “But-”
“Jay! Come check this thing out, man! It’s awesome!” Carlos calls from the TV.
I smirk at the tv. “Haven’t played video games before, huh?”
Carlos shakes his head. “Nah. No internet on the Isle. What about you?”
My eyes widen slightly and I try to phrase my backstory carefully. “No, I was raised in Sherwood Forest so there was very little service. In fact I had my first-ever car ride just a few days ago!”
“Really?” Carlos asks in disbelief. “I knew you were different from the others. What’s it like living in the woods in isolation?”
I tilt my head and think. “Well, it’s… quiet, a good place to practice magic, lots of plants and animals…”
Carlos gets stiff. “Are there dogs?” He asks in a nervous voice.
My brow furrows. “Why would that matter-?”
“Guys!” Mal calls from across the room. “We do not have time for small talk. Do I need to remind you what we’re all here for?”
“Fairy Godmother, blah blah blah-” Jay starts to ramble about something but Mal comes over and slaps a hand over his mouth. She looks over at me with narrowed eyes, then back at the VK group.
“We should discuss this somewhere else.”
Jay tilts his head. “Why? She’s not gonna tell, right trixie?”
I frown. “Tell who about what?”
“Um, tell anyone about our trip to the museum. Right Jay?” She hisses in his ear.
“Ok ok! Just let go!”
Mal’s eyes narrow as she analyzes me, almost from the inside-out. After what seems like eternity she finally gives me a head jerk. “Fine, you’re in. You seem like you could be one of us.”
My face freezes as I try to keep my cool. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’ve got the potential to be part of… let’s call it our villain gang. You’re not like all the other stuck-up prissy princesses here.” She walks up and gets closer, causing me to lean back a bit. “There’s something about you that I don’t get, but don’t worry. I always find out.”
I pray to God you never find out.
“Um, ok? When are we going?”
Mal gets up from the bed. “Right now. Get your stuff, guys.” I hold the door open for all the VKs to exit.
“So you’re Ben’s advisor?” Mal says with a new-found interest. “That’s cool.”
I nod. “Yeah, especially since a student like me with magic usually doesn’t get to be in such a high position.”
Carlos frowns as he sets the gaming consoles down. “Why not someone like you?”
In my head I panic as I try to find an explanation that won’t give anything away.
“I’m… new to Auradon, so people thought it didn’t make sense for someone who’s grown up in the woods their whole life to be made Royal Advisor. But Ben and I have been friends since we were kids, so he trusts me.”
Carlos gives me a smile. “I can see why. If I were king, I’d want someone like you to help out.”
“Why? I’m not the smartest, or the most organized-”
“But you’re actually nice. You listen to people and put others before yourself. Ben’s lucky to have you as his advisor.”
“Carlos!” Mal hisses from outside.
“Coming!” Carlos grabs his jacket and follows us down the dim hallway.
So, does he actually mean that, or is it just the siren magic talking?
Carlos’ POV
Now that Magica has different hair, she’s definitely starting to fit in with us. But I do feel bad though, ‘cause I know her intention is to help us fit in here. I do have to admit that I feel myself liking her more for being so nice to us, but I also notice she’s still acting strange around me. Did I do something wrong? I won’t back down though, ‘cause I’m determined to prove to Magica that Carlos de Vil doesn’t give up easily.
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