#soon 😈
forafcrtnight · 4 months
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"OH, I KNOW. it's absolutely beautiful, isn't it? i'm a lucky girl." flashing off the ring that now sat on her finger and.. well, to say that donna was smug? it would have been saying little. why would she not be, she wondered? she had everything. finally and after everything that she had been through in order to get it all, she was finally here and yes, this was precisely what she had always wanted. was she assuming that everyone or mostly everyone had tuned in and watched her get proposed to on live tv? MAYBE. the best thing about it? doctor pederson's appearance to say how much he approved of it. "and apparently, it's a family heirloom. passed onto me and.. what can i say? doctor pederson has indeed become like a father to me. anyways.. would you care for a drink? i'm celebrating and i'd LOVE the company?" @walstarterblog
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ghoulphile · 1 month
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what's this: a filled drabble request for @tearueful 😘?? more likely than you think!
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cloverlilies · 1 month
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Two Black Clover chapters dropping soon 😭🙏
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hyenaa-euphoria · 2 months
red giant art drop from twitter because my tumblr is acting up and i cant put it on separate posts
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the-brucest-fan · 23 days
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Here you have the full pics of the drawings I did for this redraw ⚫🔵🔴🟡
Drawing Knuckles from that angle is always a challenge for me, so I'm happy with the final result 💖
And I like how the way I draw Shadow has improved, now I can't stop drawing him 🖤
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I Don't Mind
💞doodle and a drabble💞
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Ghost x Reader
Ghost didn't think you'd like his scars...
SFW, Fluff, light Hurt & Comfort, First Kiss, Soft!Ghost, Drabble, Intimacy, Tooth-rotting sweetness, just a stupid little thing :v
Scarcely Proofread 😏
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He thought the scars would bother you. He wouldn't blame you if they had. They were ugly and jagged and numerous in all its unwanted glory, telling tales which taste more bitter on the Brit's tongue each time he retold them. The few times he has.
For awhile he hadn't wanted you to see them. Simon's never been a self-concious man, though your opinion had been held so highly that the slightest look of disdain could truly ruin his day. He hadn't been ashamed to say he feared your reaction. How your eyes would move or what your lips would tell him after. If it would turn you loose or change your view of him entirely, twisting into something fragile or ugly.
If he could avoid the entire thing altogether he would; Simon's always been content with the little gestures as is, having lived off them for so long. He knew not to push his luck and beg for more than his life seemed fit for.
All the small things had been enough. That faint sensation of you against his arm when you sat beside him during briefings. The smile you'd give him at the end of a long day. Your hands which delicately took his in your lap the first chance you ever could gather the courage to do it. He enjoyed every bit of you in every way. But your lips have been the furthest thing from him for too long now, and he knew once this step was made, the rest would be easier.
He just needed to take that step.
You stood before him, hands rested gently at the corners of his masks, as his tentative grasp clasped over your wrist as though to safeguard you. Keeping you just out of reach.
"Don't want to spook ya, love," he jests, often finding small comforts in his humor. It helped to soften the blow. "Just felt I should warn you first... about the scars I mean..."
He looks away from you, his brown eyes more fixated on his shoes than your gaze. You merely smiled, letting your body step closer to his, until the man had no choice but to bring his back to you.
Rather than answer him, you pinch the ends of his mask and slowly lift the fabric, letting it pass the stubble on his chin, and then his lips as well, before the tip of his nose has revealed itself to you, your fingers letting the mask rest there for now. Baby steps.
Simon watches you observe him, your eyes noticing the scars he figured you would first. The big ones. The ugly ones. He kept his expression still and his eyes focused the entire time, as to not reveal to you how nerve-wracking your final verdict had been to him.
A smirk then curves on your lips. "I like them."
Simon can't help but huff out a little chuckle at that. "You like them?"
You nod. "It gives character. And I think they make you look hot."
Now you've gone and made the man laugh entirely. No doubt there had been more truth to your statement than on the surface; it had been immediately relieving to hear, all the same.
"Now your just takin' the piss," he said.
You pout and begin to protest. "Am not."
You feel Simon's hands slowly wrap over your waist, his thumb resting comfortably at the grooves of your hips like handles. He uses them to pull you closer, until he's felt your body brush up against his and your breath tickle the skin against his neck. With his blond lashes looking down at you sultry like, he's already thought of all the different ways to take your mouth with his and truly make it his own. He hadn't realized how long he'd been waiting for this.
"You truly don't mind?" he asked.
"I don't mind at all."
Simon smiles. And, no longer able to keep himself back, the man leans in, until he's felt the tip of his nose brush your own. Your lashes feather his cheeks lightly, your soft lips only a breath away. With his tone low, rumbling through the air to you in a husky way, he says, "Lucky me."
He kisses you slowly, making sure that each second meant something more to him every time it's passed. As his lips familiarize the shape of yours, tasting you and growing used to his own mouth being used so delicately, Simon felt like a fool for waiting so long to do so in the first place.
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scrunkalicious · 4 months
ERM new banger drawing idea: Draw you and your F/O as a hot couple on a magazine cover!! Get them Vogue vibez up!!!!!!!
(If anyone does this,,,, reblog this post w/ it and/or tag me PELASE I am begging)
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 3 months
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weekend activities
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stubbyartist · 2 months
izutade <3 <3 <3 i love your art
THANK U!!!! ^_^
Here’s a doodle of timeskip izutade … Izutsumi is a hunter (she usually works for laios but picks up smaller jobs too) and Tade is a tattoo artist!! I think she deserves to break free from shuro’s entourage and do something for herself for once 🩷
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non4ry · 10 months
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I love you deeply troubled teen girl character in a horror game
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felsicveins · 4 months
I just wanted to say that I love your art style! Your use of color is really pretty and I love the way you draw blushing. Also, I'm curious about JD's other ex Barley I think was his name. If you don't mind, could you tell us more about him? Like did he and JD end on good terms?
Oo, yes! I've been meaning to do more with Barley!
Barley and JD met while Barley was herding the lonesome flats buffalo critters and JD was passing through the prairie. They set up camp in the same area and got to talking and found they really enjoyed each other's company. JD followed on the same trail for a couple of days, doing his own thing with Rhonda and then at night they would camp together, sing songs and share a drink and a meal.
But JD was on his way somewhere so when the trail split off they went their separate ways. For a while JD would go back to that area around Lonesome Flats and see if he could find Barley again but he had no luck for a while. Next time he ran into Barley he made note of the migration pattern of the buffalo so that he could "happen upon" his friend again. So they would spend a couple of weeks together on the trail every 3 months or so and you know..... Maybe they fell in love a little bit but their lives weren't conducive to a relationship at that point so they just appreciated the companionship 💚🧡
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distortednightmare · 22 days
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Leaving Chicago. I’m not gonna lie I’m ready to move here yall.
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sir-fluffbutts · 11 months
muffin plush real when?
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actually more sooner then you think
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nocturnalazure · 2 months
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franklyimissparis · 1 month
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jet skis on the moat
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mr schwartz
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chuckyray · 4 months
captainspaulding -> chuckyray
mutuals can like if seen
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