#son bbeg
cornedbread · 10 months
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she Baldi on my Basic until I Education’ing
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winterpeaksatnoon · 17 days
Cant wait to see how the BBEG in Senior year feel about Pok's death
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
No hate, but every now and then the Miraculous ladybug fandom will blow up with "OMG it's happening!!" posts, and I'll think "oh, so our protagonists have confessed their love and revealed their identities?" and no it'll just be that the dominant side of the love-square rotated 90-degrees.
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quarklynx · 1 year
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I finished a huge commission and am finally free to draw my Brain Blorbos once more!!! This is Nir, my sad little he/they. They don’t talk much but will kick anyone’s ass for their friends. anyone’s.
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Alone [Billy x Dave]
Audience: Teen and Up Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Injury Tags: Loneliness, Existential Dread, Breakup, Hurt no Comfort,Angst, Child Abuse + Injury, Implied Depression, Implied Suicidal Thoughts Relationships: Billy/Dave, Past Billy/An Old Friend Fandoms: Billy's Basic Educational Game, Dave's Fun Algebra Class
For most of his life; Billy was alone. And namely, he prefers it that way.
It doesn’t matter how much of a lingering ache he has in his chest, this loneliness that tears his body apart and consumes him over and over again. It doesn’t matter how he longs to have someone in his arms, or even vice versa, anything just to have tender closeness with someone without that care decaying over time. It doesn’t even matter how hard he tried to fill this gap, because eventually people leave him alone all over again, alone and aching.        
So when Billy meets Dave, he doesn’t expect the ache to go away. He assumes the ache will continue to consume him, through their introductions and simple pleasantries.  This self-inflicted solitude continues even as Dave talks about inviting him to his home, when they’ve had their fill of meetups with coffee and Dave wanting to introduce Billy to his son, Tristan. Billy lets his heart flutter with anxiousness as he leaves both of the children to venture to the dark cobblestone laboratory Dave stashes under his home. Dave has an array of impressive work hidden away from plain sight, the most interesting being some giant robot that he’s been working on for who knows how long, Dave admits.       
Billy still aches even as he becomes slowly more invested into Dave’s life work, watching him becoming increasingly fervent in what was what, and how that worked, and how beautiful he looked explaining it all. He still doesn’t expect the ache to lessen as they spend more time together, eventually the conversation of their lives and loves and losses coming up and swirling together in a bittersweet taste in their mouths. The alcohol does not help.
Most especially, he didn’t expect Dave to approach him with the promise of a sweet summertime date. He couldn’t see himself holding his hand, faces so close together as the heat of a campfire spurned them on. Holding onto each other, basking in warmth and dusk they simply sat together, with the assurance of finally having someone truly care about you.
And the ache was gone, and Billy finally, finally, finally felt so good in his life.
And Billy doesn’t care how attached he becomes to Dave. Things were going so good, and for once he forgets ever thinking about wanting to end it all or the overbearing emptiness that enveloped his being barely months prior.  He forgets his father, the ship, his childhood, instead he clings to Dave’s shoulders in a steady kiss and forgets it all.
He loves Dave, but in truth Billy loves someone more than he can possibly love anyone; his son.
His own image, his greatest creation, one of a kind and fragile like he is. He worries if his son will carry the disease that took his legs, most of his body. He braces himself for the day he gets word that his son is getting bullied like how he was. He dreads the time his son will eventually leave him for personal pursuits. He readies himself when his son can’t achieve his dreams, be it a rejection letter or job dismissal. He mourns the day his son's room will be empty, that he will be the one to empty it because his foolish decision to extend his lifespan with cyborg upgrades may cause him to outlive his own children. But the love smothers his fears when his son shows him a crayon drawing on a blueprint, or his latest Lego creation, or which pages of his many fictional books and machinery manuals are his favorite (usually the ones with pictures).
What he doesn’t love is the fact that Dave hits Tristan.
Already, the ripples of uncertainty are so gently tearing through him again, and it makes him want to cry. Dave spanks Tristan because the latter gets into trouble doing things he's not supposed to. He grew up under the same type of discipline, he shouldn't have any issues with it. But he does take issue and it unsettles him, seeing how Dave brushed off the physical violence like a mild inconvenience. It was only so long before images of Tristan became his own son and Billy wants to vomit with the guilt he feels in the pit of his stomach. But he’s too much of a coward to tell Tristan he’s sorry, because that’s all he is and all he will ever  be. Always running from everything, running on legs that have long since stopped carrying him. And he cries and cries and cries.
He ran out of tears when he confronted Dave. According to Tristan, he collected some gifts that were laying around Dave’s home one day too early for his birthday. Then he broke a second rule by using a vent key to escape from Dave through, assuming a vent system, only to find where Dave’s secret lair was. Apparently, Dave was furious at Tristan, and the two fought to the extent that now Tristan had a gaping wound covering most of his shoulder. 
Like their love, the blood on Tristan’s shoulder blooms feverishly and unhindered, no matter how much Billy presses the torn tissues. Tristan only sobs and hiccups at the pain, and Billy too is in pain knowing that no matter how bad fights get between Tristan and Dave, that Tristan is always going to love Dave as a father. Tristan will never think badly of his dad, for his heart had already been steeled against Dave’s outbursts of frustration, more often than not. And Billy then comes to the realization that if Dave truly couldn’t handle his temper around his own son, then what about Billy’s child? What of his Junior, who often did make mistakes and had minor streaks of rebellion as any other normal kid did? He doubts he is going to forget Tristan leaning on  his passenger side car door, heaving and curling into a defensive ball as the pain sears itself through his body and into everlasting trauma. Billy closes his eyes, and has to make a choice.
What Dave did was not exactly forgivable. 
He was at first quiet when Dave expressed grief over his decision. He moves up close to Billy, grabbing onto his hands as if they were a rosary in desperate prayer. He lets Dave grab onto him, his arms, reaching those beautiful hands to his face. He cries and begs Billy not to leave him, leaving behind everything they built together, literally or emotionally. But Billy turns away and Dave’s grief gives way to anger. “So you’re going to leave me? Was I not good enough for you? Is nobody good enough for you?! You pretentious piece of shit! COME BACK–”
Dave’s voice is shut out when Billy leaves his home. He promised Tristan that he’ll visit in the hospital, but right now he doesn’t even know he could keep that promise. Dave most likely doesn’t want him anywhere near his son, let alone him. He decides to drive home instead.
When Billy gets home, his son is safe reading on their couch, quiet as always and no blood to seep through the layers of his small wool vest. He looks up at his dad, blankly.
“Hey Dad”
Billy only could offer a half hearted hum, refusing to let his verbal dam break now. 
“Tristan called. He, um, wants to know if he can come over?”
Billy looks on incredulously, but realizes that there’s certainly a phone at the hospital that Tristan must have asked to use. On the brink of exhaustion, he simply nods. At least Junior looked happy about that, offering a small side smile before returning to his book. If Billy tilts his head right, he sees that Junior is reading a fantasy book this time.
He simply drags his wheels into his workshop, semi-sound proofed for the sake of his son’s ears in the dead of night. He sits down in a beaten office chair, folds his arms on his scratched workbench, and lays his head down. Billy feels even more guilt, knowing that he may not wake up anytime soon. He knows Junior has quickly developed methods of sustaining himself, making himself sandwiches or a cup of noodles when Billy overslept far past dinner. And he wants to vomit, because he really does feel like a piece of shit father, piece of shit lover, piece of shit friend. 
Billy is alone and aching again.
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lucius-the-sinful · 9 months
im doing very important work like writing zafir's epilogue for the campaign that just ended and drawing concepts for the next one
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righteousruin · 1 year
Just for the record, I love and default to Bane doing his best to be better like he is in GK and S6, but if you ever want or need him as a straight up villain for a thread or a plot, or you just want a generally antagonistic relationship with him, just lmk! We can arrange that.
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subatomicoz · 2 years
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My current DND campaign, which is a sequel of this group's previous game, is gonna have my old character come in as an NPC for plot reasons soon, so I took it as an excuse to draw her again.
Meet Ceceilia Barrowman! My Drow Wizard/Sorcerer with daddy issues and a dead king in her head! That sorta stuff happens when you get bred as a sacrificial lamb for an evil cult, though. She's a baby and I love her.
[Image Description: A digital illustration of a purple dark elf with white, shoulder length hair and round glasses, wearing a black button up shirt and green cardigan. /end ID.]
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chaoschenoo · 1 year
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Former PC turned BBEG:
Saturday Father Architect, Voice of the Akkadian Gestalt, Will of the Unity, "It's only a warcrime if you lose" Lafayette
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nicestpamkale · 2 years
Villain #1
The Dark Sun God, Borys
His hair is clay-coloured, short and curling around his eyes in the front and trailing his neck in the back.
Accompanying this are his bronze horns, coming out of his skull at the templesand travelling the curls of his hair with their own wavy shape. These are decorated with golden fixings.
His face itself is fine, with a thin, pointed nose and a sharp jawline. His ears are long and pointed, and his neck has bronze scales that poke out of his clothing and would travel down from his neck over the front of his torso and about halfway down his back.
Painted onto his face are lines in an ochre tone, going down from his forehead to his eyes, which end at his jaw. One half of his face is also painted with a golden sun and eight bronze stars.
His eyes are lined and winged with this paint, to accent his glowing copper eyes.
He has caramel-toned skin, with freckles that dot his face, shoulders and are a glowing orange colour.
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Clothing Vibe (Image Credit) AliExpress
Yes a Genshin Zhongli Cosplay Outfit Was The Closest Thing I Could Find To His Outfit Vibe
He's flippant about all manner of things. Your father was killed by his people? Well, okay then. You need water in your town to survive? Well, he's not the God of that.
He's also the head of state of a whole chunk of land, though he barely cares to properly rule it so it's governmental system is an ornament at most.
He actively wishes to set the world on fire so that all of the planet will be his domain, as it'll be a sun.
If you give him anything, he will kick you down all the same afterwards, knowing you can't do anything to stop him.
His generosity is at excess if he grants you a piece of his land to control, and even then that's to get it off his hands.
Simply wants to beat people and things up and have all the money and power enough to do so without revolt.
In-World Relations;
Osius, his adoptive father. - He isn't really well-liked by Osius.
His adopted brother Kamir, the ex-God of Swords. - Also not a big fan of Borys, though moreso because he sent him forward in time and then proceeded to bully him and his wife until he realized it wasn't fun. (His wife was better at hiding them than he was at finding them.)
The Old God of time. - A God of time he fairly dulled for the ability to send people forwards and backwards in time. They're on neutral ground, even after he won.
Laylian, his girlfriend/wife. - A woman he took advantage of and convinced of his path in life, promising she would be his queen should he succeed.
Clove, his right hand. - A necromancer obsessed with his own wife, Hope. Borys promised him godhood and intends to follow through.
Lotevi, the near-God. - Not actually a goddess yet, though he's promised her the floral abilities of his aunt Cytronsyra after they kill her. Lotevi despises him because he sent her best friend to a war front where he got captured.
Stan, the pryonic lich. - A fire-based lich that is best friends with Lotevi. Enjoys Borys because he allows him to set things on fire.
Altalas, the lonely girl. - An orphan hobgoblin that follows his teachings fairly closely, though at Lotevi's guidance she has her doubts. Petrifies people so that she can control them as stone golems and not be alone.
Etzawahl, a thundering lich. - Lich of lightning and thunder, isn't a big fan of Borys but enjoys the terror he inflicts on others vicariously.
Linarho, the lunar God. - Another small-form God that is trying to gain his favour to turn on him.
The Three Diamonds of Wildia. - A throuple that works underneath him to gain money and supplies to try and fix the eyesight of one of them.
Dragon Wings; sprout from his back, bronze and gold. Allows him to fly.
Linear Time; Can send someone forward or backwards in time. Always sends them to a point where they are two days' travel away from where they would need to be in order to communicate with or see their past selves. Can only do this in daylight.
Advanced Sword-Wielding; Can and will wield any sword handed to him at an advanced-master level.
Radiant Healing; In the sun or when hit with radiant damage, heals.
Fire Immunity; Might as well put 'lava immunity' there aswell.
Fire Breath; has a fire breath attack, as per having a draconic heritage.
Stupid; He's, uh, kinda stupid. Stupid enough that he can take psychic damage and is weak to it.
The Cold; If things start getting chilly, he starts to die, slowly. Slowly.
The Night; Can't cast a majority of his strongest spells at night, and requires assistants to keep him safe at that time.
His World Crimes;
His name used to be asshole mcgee. I was kind enough to use 'Borys' on him and he's been a real dick about it.
In his mortal life, he was a human noble who felt like his people never made him enough, and often would abuse anyone low enough he felt he could get away with it.
He would send families into poverty to do this.
When his 'father' and patron god Osius, of fire and crafting, granted him and one other a chance to redeem themselves, he took it without thanks. He performed the bare minimum and Osius only let him remain because he technically reformed with his tasks and didn't expect him to live long.
He was made into a lesser god- Osius made his domain the sun and his friend who also reformed into a god of swords. Osius wasn't happy with his domain and not only tore off the wings of his 'friend', but also took away his domain, making him mortal and weak.
He also sent him centuries into the future so that he would be stronger than his friend by the time he had to confront this act.
He made an immortal druid forced to follow his regime by convincing her best friend of his message and almost killing her younger brother. (Technically a three-parter..)
Sent her best friend into a warfront so that he'd be imprisoned so that she could no longer see him.
Assisted three men in the genocide of religious folk who followed the teachings of the goddess of love, whom they killed so that no god would touch that land so that their enemies- a race of orcs who were made to protect humans- would have to stay out of it to get god-given assistance.
When his father got a wife, he killed her because he was envious of him having a wife.
Decided that sun powers were not enough, and that he would 'turn the world into a sun' so that he could rule it all.
Killed a child that followed his religion so that he could track them in the afterlife and then ripped them out of it using a technicality, then giving that child's wing-mask to his son so that he could fly.
When a woman was tired and alone and needed someone, anyone to support her, he groomed her into being his perfect wife and turned her against her best friend.
When his old friend finally arrived, he approached him and began to beat him up and mock him for being weak, only stopping when his wife realized that his old friend was dating her best friend and figuring that they could work something out way crueller later. Which he agreed to.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 4 months
(Rogue missed a session and is getting a recap, which ends with the BBEG having kidnapped Cleric's wife and 12 year-old son)
Warlock: So are you ready to kill the Duke of the 1st house of Hell? Cause that's coming up.
Rogue: You had me at kill! Not letting Cleric's wife and kid die yet.
Warlock: YET?!
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cornedbread · 4 months
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Playing with hairclips :^)
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Zauchka and fucked up “I drew with my left hand, I am not left-handed” Zauchka
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genericpuff · 3 months
What are some plotlines that you hated in LO that are definitely not going to be in rekindled
Few off the top of my head:
The SA scene/plotline and everything attached to it by extension
The Hades x Hera plotline
Eris' inclusion as the reason for Persephone's wrath
The Athena x Hestia romance plotline
The BBEG Kronos plotline
The whole "Thetis manipulating Minthe" plotline
The Eros x Psyche plotline (I feel like it would be better tackled as a standalone oneshot story later down the road)
The father-son plotline between Hades and Thanatos
Not necessarily removed but TGOEM is no longer a "virgins only" club, rather a support group for women.
I think that's pretty much it? That doesn't include all the other smaller things that we're removing and changing, but those are the biggest ones that were the most pressing for me to want to rewrite going into it (especially the Eris thing, holy crap I was pissed at that LOL). Hoping that gives y'all some comfort in knowing what stuff we're definitely NOT doing while also not spoiling the good stuff that's coming ;)
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justaboot · 3 months
The post about Donald and Della’s early life before living with Scrooge headcanons has got me thinking.
What are your headcanons on how Della had HDL?
I personally juggle between three different HC depending on the mood, either Della liked to sleep around and ended up pregnant without knowing who the bio father is, Della became pregnant during an adventure due to some curse or magical item, or Della was in a relationship with Daffy Duck that ultimately ended with the two of them breaking up either before or after Della discovering that she was pregnant.
TRAUMATIZED at the idea of D***y thank you for the NIGHTMARES
I’m of course always a sucker for accidentally hooking up/getting baited by the bad guy before you know he’s the bad guy. I think she’d be such an easy pawn, and if you got her you’d get Scrooge and Donald onboard. HC she got drawn in by a swaggering charming heroic guy, and the four of them chase down the BBEG of the season, only for the reveal at the end. Cue “I’m the best of you sons of bitches” speech before they fucking annihilate his ass.
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kaezerdoodles · 5 months
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Phantom Rivals is a fic I’ve wanted to write since the idea hit me one morning at work- what if Danny had a proper antihero rival and who better to fill that roll than another half ghost?! Specifically the son of Vlad Masters- Marcus Masters aka Alucard Plasmius.
The fic is meant to be a retelling of the first 2 seasons with the addition of Marc/Aluc and his family and how they- as a family of half ghosts- interact with Danny. I’m still in the outline phase- cherry-picking episodes that either have Vlad in them or would be entertaining if Marc was there to cause problems as well as devising new “episodes” just for the two of them. There will be an overarching plot centered on Vlad as the final BBEG.
If you have questions or episode suggestions please drop them in the comments or my ask box!
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lukaherehelp · 7 months
I cant wait to meet prom today seriously
Neither do I! There's something about him...
First of all, is sweetheart Shell Thankrit, whom we already saw in Bed Friend as Boom, the guy that almost broke his neck looking at Uea in Ep1 and then tried to give him flowers but took rejection like a champ in Ep9, and we later also met him as Jeng's friend in Step By Step.
did y'all now he used to be a volleyball player? put this man doing a cameo in twins, please!
But second, is the setting for the character:
Eldest son of a wealthy family, really important father (maybe another politician? really rwrb of promnont), graduated in Business and Administration... Why the fuck do you need to be working in Playboyy if not just for the thrill of it?
I know we are set on Porche, his younger brother, to be the culprit. The show wanted us to think is Captain but we saw through the veil and choose petty queen Porche, however... The ToddBlackification of PromNont could be the plot twist of this show.
Because imagine Nont actually trusting Prom, thinking he really didn't have anything to do with Nant's "disappearance" (I truly believe he's dead at this point), getting so comfortable with him to the point of investigating as he's with him...
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... For him to then be the big villain, our BBEG. Because there's something in those eyes that doesn't make me trust him. I don't trust neither of the siblings.
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