#sometimes things are so simple but she creates problems for herself. she is just like me actually
salsflore · 5 months
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i just got off the bus i'm at the mall & i'll go back immediately after eating i think ...
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mswyrr · 17 days
kanthony thoughts: wrestling with love and death
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The bee is such a perfect symbol for the love story of S2 - it symbolizes the duality of life. It is a symbol of fertility: bees are associated with spring, the act of pollination, and sex (e.g. "the birds and the bees"). But here it is also a symbol of death and trauma. It is what killed Papa Bridgerton, took Violet's true love, stole a father from the kids, and what (in this patriarchy) forced an 18 year old boy to become the "father" of the family, trapping him emotionally in time at that period of loss which Anthony never processed.
Through this duality, the bee embodies the themes and core struggle Kate and Anthony are confronted with. It is both Eros, sexual love and reproduction, and Thanatos, a representation of death. Both are interwoven throughout our lives. And we all end up in death's country eventually, some sooner than others. People like Kate and Anthony, who've met the heartbreak of the world very young, often see death and loss everywhere - because it is everywhere, but so too is life.
There is another fertility symbol that is also a death symbol: the pregnant Violet in flashbacks. The great love she and Edmund shared has brought beautiful children into the world - but the act of creating life can kill a mother. Violet herself has suicidal thoughts about wishing the act of giving life had killed her. It is an inescapable part, even with the best modern medicine, of procreation for someone who gives birth. Bringing life is also risking death.
This is the truth that Anthony and Kate both know and fear and have shaped themselves around. They fear living because they've both suffered losses young and known, from a young age, that death is always there. Uncertainty and loss are woven throughout all joy and love. Their solution to this problem has been simple: they will choose to not participate in living.
They both make statements to this effect. Anthony to Violet, saying he will be not happy but "content" without love.
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And Kate shares her similar plans for a miserable "contentment" without love:
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Anthony will make himself the image not even of his vibrant and loving father, but of something worse: an old man before his time. No joy, no pleasure, no love. Just duty and a rigid focus exclusively on the mind over the heart. Violet tells him - your father allowed himself to love. The truth is Anthony cannot be like him like this.
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Kate has a similar scene - she has made herself exiled from life by choosing to be a spinster. As she explains, she wants to be like Lady Danbury, but in the same way Anthony cannot be like Edmund without letting himself live, Lady Danbury tells her: you will *never* be like me if you go on like this. I had a life! I lived and now I enjoy my social games very much because I am satisfied that I have lived.
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These two young people, they're not even thirty yet, and both of them have buried themselves alive. They've done it in a futile effort to escape the pain, the loss, that comes along with the joy of living. We open ourselves to it when we open our hearts. And keeping our hearts shut is not an escape from death, it's giving our lives up to it before we've even had our measure of joy.
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In case we missed the point, Kate and Anthony's little sisters come in to drive it home: you think we respect you for the things you do, emptying your life of anything but duty, Daphne tells Anthony, knowing that he longs to be the respected and great figure their father was. We don't. We pity you. OUCH. Harsh but so so necessary - when someone has created a toxic and false narrative in their mind and they're giving all their energy to it, sacrificing everything to this... broken coping mechanism, sometimes a jolt is required. Daphne is letting him know that the thing he consoles himself with, the idea he is respected by his family for his dutiful sacrifice, is a lie.
He cannot be the man he wants to be if he won't let himself live, like Edmund did. Edmund spent every moment of the short time he got on earth living and loving deeply. And when he died, it broke so many hearts. But, as Violet tells Anthony later: I'd do it all over again, I'd suffer the pain again, just to have the time we got together. The love Edmund and I shared was worth all the pain.
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And Edwina, for her part, is brave enough to see the truth. She finally realizes that Kate has inadvertently been living vicariously through her - trying to give her little sister her own dreams, not realizing the problem with that. Edwina is a grown woman and she still doesn't actually know what she truly wants her life to be. Again, this is such an OUCH moment. Kate never would have intentionally done such a thing to her beloved little sister. But she needs to hear that she has!
The kind of repression Kate and Anthony engaged in - it comes from a place that makes sense, they even mean it lovingly, but it doesn't work. As Daphne said earlier: these kind of feelings will find a way out. Kate accidentally imposed her own dreams on her sister and thwarted Edwina's growth and choices.
Both younger sibs are courageous enough to demand more, for themselves, and for the elder siblings they love - even though they can be overbearing. Even though, in this moment, both of them need their younger sibs to give them some "tough love" to shock them out of the nonsense they've fallen into and dragged their families along with them.
The parallels are so gorgeous. And the power of these two fearful people, who have buried themselves alive, choosing risk and joy and love finally? Embracing life and all its pain for the joy it brings? Soaringly romantic and such a beautiful affirmation of life.
I adore this romance!
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antianakin · 6 months
An AU where Obi-Wan and Satine are somehow forced into an arranged marriage post-Civil War, like Satine can't become Duchess if she's not married because she's a woman or she's too young, or maybe she decides to join the Republic post-Civil War in order to give herself legitimacy as a leader and gain herself enough followers to effectively force a peace without causing another civil war, but the Republic is reluctant to let them in and Satine discovers a workaround where if she marries a Republic citizen or something as a world leader she can use that to gain entry into the Republic. She asks Obi-Wan to help her out and he leaves the Order for her because she has literally no other options available and this will hopefully bring peace to Mandalore and allow Satine the chance to change things for the better, even though it means he loses EVERYTHING and has to give up who he is, his family, his friends, his home, etc.
And the marriage goes terribly because Satine and Obi-Wan's "tension" or whatever was basically just a trauma bond combined with teenage hormones and while he respects her ambitions, she never truly understands what he's given up for her and she doesn't entirely respect the Jedi culture sometimes and so Obi-Wan is absolutely miserable among the Mandalorians. None of them accept him, hardly any of them even LIKE him, he doesn't have any real power politically because Satine is too worried about people thinking she's letting an outsider rule through her and wanting to establish herself as a competent leader on her own, and Mandalorian culture is just so vastly different from the Jedi. There's a lot he DOES like about it, obviously, every culture has its own beauty to it, but it's not HIS culture and there's a lot about it that goes vastly against what the Jedi believe in and teach that makes it really uncomfortable for him sometimes. Satine and Obi-Wan just end up in screaming arguments all the time and can barely stand each other just a few years into the marriage, but they can't get a divorce because Satine doesn't want to admit to that kind of weakness or mistake or seem like someone who just made a political marriage for her own agenda (even though that's effectively exactly what she did, as Obi-Wan points out).
There's other tensions that come up, as well, like the problem of heirs. Obi-Wan and Satine DO try, but it never seems to actually work, and Satine's worry that she'll have made all of these changes to make Mandalore peaceful only for it to fall into civil war again upon her death if she doesn't have an heir means that she keeps trying to insist on more attempts and getting upset with Obi-Wan when it inevitably doesn't work. They end up in separate bedrooms because of this, despite the gossip this inevitably creates about their relationship fracturing. Eventually, Bo-Katan shows up with the baby she had but refuses to keep and asks Satine to raise in her place, and Satine agrees so long as Bo-Katan allows Satine to name the baby her heir. Bo-Katan agrees, and Satine stops trying to create an heir of her own in favor of raising Korkie as her heir.
Obi-Wan also keeps trying to find work-arounds to Satine's reluctance to let him help her politically. He accepts that she doesn't want him in the room when she's holding council and he can't be ON the council, but even when he suggests something as simple as just discussing things together in the privacy of their own bedroom so he can try to help carry the burden with her, Satine refuses to do even that much just in case people start suspecting that she's taking advice from him and assume he is ruling through her. Obi-Wan ends up entirely cut off from all political work and decisions, Satine never tells him anything about what's going on at all and never wants his advice on how to lead Mandalore. She barely even allows him near Korkie to make sure no one ever questions Korkie's right to succeed her or his ability to lead Mandalore.
Obi-Wan attempts to stay in contact with some of the Jedi, but they're often busy and can't respond very quickly, if they respond at all, so those relationships start to fade. Only Qui-Gon keeps up any kind of regular communication and even that is still relatively sporadic depending on how his missions go. He tries to cling to the Jedi teachings he remembers as best he can rather than assimilating into Mandalorian culture, something that further alienates him from the Mandalorian people. Satine had given him formal clothing to wear and had told him that, as her spouse, he had to present himself a certain way, which meant he could not continue to wear Jedi or Jedi-style clothing. But he continues to meditate as best he can, at least once a day, reciting the meditation mantra he was taught as a child to ensure he never forgets it: there is no emotion, there is peace.
Satine hates that he seems generally uninterested in most Mandalorian customs, even though he knows them and has studied them as best he can. She sees his continued interest in practicing Jedi culture as a rejection of Mandalorian culture and doesn't really understand Obi-Wan when he says that they often feel diametrically opposed. He cannot do both, and she's asked him to give up enough of his Jedi heritage as it is, it feels cruel to ask him to give up what little is left to him for her own comfort. Satine points out that he wasn't BORN a Jedi, so it shouldn't really matter to let go of it. Obi-Wan doesn't speak to her for weeks after that, and while she does apologize for having hurt him, she still doesn't entirely understand, and Obi-Wan isn't interested in explaining anymore, something that just makes her angry all over again and the two of them have to agree to simply never discuss the topic again.
Obviously all of this creates irreparable damage to their relationship. Satine's youth when she took over Mandalore caused her to focus exclusively on what she believed needed to be done to solidify her position so she could do what was best for her people, regardless of what that meant for Obi-Wan. She doesn't INTEND to hurt him and abandon him, but she married him for political reasons even if she had feelings for him. Obi-Wan's desire to replace the purpose he'd had as a Jedi with some kind of purpose on Mandalore causes him to push Satine to give things in their relationship that she's unwilling to give, and her refusal to meet him halfway and his alienation from her life creates resentment in him. Even as they grow older and Satine could theoretically try to rectify some of these mistakes and allow him to help her more politically, there is a rift between them that neither one knows how to cross. So they don't; Satine continues to put all of her focus on politics and Obi-Wan keeps his distance. They just continue to grow further and further apart without any way to free themselves from the black hole that is their marriage.
The one time they manage to get along is when Obi-Wan gets word that Qui-Gon died on Naboo. Satine finds him in his room after he didn't show up for something and he's practically catatonic on the floor, the room in a state of disarray. She sits down next to him and just offers him her silent presence until eventually he reaches over to hold her hand and she grasps it back. The two of them sit on that floor for the entire night until she has to leave to go to a meeting in the morning. They never discuss it.
And then TCW comes around and we're just assuming canon went mostly as per usual somehow and so the war still starts and the Jedi are leading the clone army and Death Watch has been building over on Concordia and Ferus Olin shows up on Mandalore to figure out what's going on. Ferus tries to speak to Obi-Wan because he'd heard a lot about Obi-Wan from Siri even though they'd obviously never had a chance to meet and Siri had mostly fallen out of contact with Obi-Wan by the time she took on Ferus, but he has very little time to do much more than tell Obi-Wan who he is and pass on the news that Siri had died recently during the war.
Then Satine goes to speak to Coruscant to convince them that she's NOT the one sending people to attack supply ships and she ends up bringing Obi-Wan with her. Obi-Wan isn't allowed to take part in the political dinner she has with Ferus and the other senators, so he wanders and ends up meeting Ferus's men, including Waxer, Boil, and Cody. Cody is initially more stiff and formal given Obi-Wan's assumed political position as Satine's spouse, but he warms up to Obi-Wan eventually, especially when Obi-Wan is able to sense the spider droids in the cargo area and proves himself a decent shot. Obi-Wan asks for stories of Ferus because he was fairly certain he wouldn't get a chance to really get to know him on this trip, but he'd been close with Ferus's old master and wanted to get to know the student Siri had trained in the only way available to him. Waxer and Boil are more than happy to tell him what stories they know and even Cody joins in eventually. A few other troopers switch out with Waxer and Boil later and Obi-Wan is able to get even more stories. This is the closest Obi-Wan has felt to a group of people in almost 20 years and he feels practically giddy about it.
When they arrive on Coruscant, Obi-Wan is told to stay in the apartments they're given, but when things go sideways for Satine, she has no one else she can call for help that she trusts except Obi-Wan, so he still comes in to help her with the assassins and manages to make his way into the Senate building to pass over the evidence she'd acquired to Padme, someone Satine believed to be trustworthy. It works, and Satine is able to be "neutral" in the war without having to leave the Republic. Before they leave, though, Satine tries to insist that Obi-Wan should go visit the Jedi Temple, try to see if any of his friends are currently there, just experience being there again, but he refuses. When she tries to push the issue, Obi-Wan snaps at her to drop it and insists that they just leave immediately. She does, and they leave without Obi-Wan being able to get anyone's contact information.
However, Satine is different after this. This was perhaps the first time in almost two decades that the two of them had actually worked TOGETHER on something and it reminded her of how they had used to be. It reminds her of the person Obi-Wan used to be, and the person he was supposed to become, the person he'd chosen to give up for her and her goals for Mandalore. And she hates the person she sees now, this defeated, jaded man she's helped create. So she goes back to him when they arrive on Mandalore and tries to talk to him again about why he didn't want to visit the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan isn't receptive initially, asking her why she cares and rolling his eyes at her when she claims that she cares because she cares about him. But eventually, her gentle nudging gets him to admit that it would've hurt more than he could bear to walk in his home again knowing he couldn't stay. And it would've been too painful to see his people caught in a war that was killing them, to know just how many of his friends were now dead, and be unable to do anything to help them. It felt almost like it would've been insulting for him to have done so. Satine tells him that she doesn't quite understand, obviously, she'll likely never entirely understand how he feels, but she knows now that she doesn't NEED to understand. She just needs to accept how he feels and be there for him. She asks if there's anything she can do to help, and Obi-Wan is silent for a moment, almost stunned by this changed version of his wife, before telling her that there's nothing she can do to help him with this, but he'll let her know if that changes.
Their relationship doesn't really MEND afterwards, but it becomes less actively hostile. Satine tells him about her day sometimes, including the political things she gets involved in. She asks him questions about his time as a Jedi and listens when he chooses to say something (and when he tells her he'd rather not discuss it). They occasionally take meals together now, although they're often awkward and uncomfortable. Satine starts very VERY quietly looking into the option of a divorce. She doesn't say anything to Obi-Wan in case she can't follow through on it, but she at least wants to know her options.
When Padme shows up, she invites Obi-Wan to dine with them and when they go visit the children's hospital. When the council meets, she invites both Padme AND Obi-Wan, and it's the first time Obi-Wan ever sits in on a meeting with the council. Padme still asks to speak, but Obi-Wan tries to stay as unobtrusive as possible. Even during the rest of Satine's hunt for the perpetrator of the poisoned drinks, he keeps to himself. Right up until she starts threatening the innocent dock worker if he doesn't blow up the warehouse. He steps in and defends the dock worker's insistence that the warehouse could have evidence in it that could actually lead them to who allowed this to happen and while he understands her anger at the situation, making a statement isn't worth losing valuable time and information. Satine almost snaps back at him before his words sink in and she recognizes them to be true and she allows the warehouse to stay, but orders that it be quarantined and blocked off from the public.
Satine still wants to call for Jedi assistance in looking into the issue and Quinlan Vos is sent to help her. Obi-Wan remembers him from before he left, they'd been friends and he remembers being attracted to Quinlan and thinking Quinlan might have similar feelings back, but neither had acted on it and they hadn't quite known each other well enough to keep in contact after he married Satine. Much to Obi-Wan's surprise, he's no less attracted to Quinlan now than he was as a teenager, but it's not something he can actually act on and Quinlan is here to do a job anyway. But Quinlan remembers Obi-Wan, too, and takes the opportunity to get to know him again. His laid-back attitude and sarcastic quips start pulling Obi-Wan out of his shell a little. Satine takes a step back on this one and allows Obi-Wan to be her primary "ambassador" between the government and the Jedi representative, which allows Obi-Wan to get out and do something more productive to actually help Mandalore finally and gives him more time to bond with Quinlan. They discover the Prime Minister's secret black market dealings. Because they're still within the Republic, their supply of goods isn't actually THAT impacted, Almec is just a greedy asshole.
When Quinlan leaves, he insists on leaving his contact information with Obi-Wan and while he does warn that, due to the nature of his work, he likely won't be able to immediately respond very often, he'll make sure to always respond once he's in a position to do so and Obi-Wan should feel free to just keep sending/leaving messages for him. Obi-Wan says he'll think about it, but he sends his first message the next day. The contact is still pretty sporadic, Quinlan sometimes doesn't respond for a week or two at a time, but true to his word, he DOES always respond eventually and always seems happy to have received Obi-Wan's communications.
And then Maul invades Mandalore with Death Watch. Obi-Wan tries to speak up again when Satine says the people have made their choice, he tries to convince her that this fight is hardly over and if she was able to bring together all of the warring clans and force them into a 20-year-peace, she can fight this and keep Death Watch from outplaying her. She points out that Death Watch is armed while most of her guards were killed when the criminals attacked, but she agrees to at least TRY to negotiate and win back the hearts and minds of the people. When she and Obi-Wan show up to negotiate, Pre Viszla isn't there, Maul is, and he immediately kills her. Obi-Wan is barely able to escape because his use of the Force to hold Maul back shocks him enough to give Obi-Wan an opening and Bo-Katan shows up at the last second and gets him to a ship.
Obi-Wan is devastated by the events, obviously, he never wanted Satine DEAD or Mandalore run by a Sith and they'd just started to fix things between them, but a guilty part of him is also relieved because he's finally free. He goes to Coruscant to request asylum from the Republic and and he ends up staying within the Jedi Temple in order to receive their protection. The Jedi set Obi-Wan up with a mind healer to help him through not just the trauma of Death Watch and Maul's attack on Mandalore, but the impact of the entire last few decades since he left the Order. Obi-Wan immediately sheds his formal Mandalorian clothing and starts wearing Jedi robes again, he spends a lot of time reading in the Archives and meditating in the gardens and just wandering around the Temple and sort-of soaking up the serenity that still exists there despite the war and its effect on the Jedi. It's painful to know how many of his old friends and mentors are already lost, still, but there are still many left alive and the Temple still stands. It's still a bastion of hope. Instead of the painful visit he anticipated the last time he was on Coruscant, he can feel himself beginning to heal the moment he steps foot back in the Temple.
He speaks to Yoda quite a lot and while Yoda does ask if Obi-Wan has considered rejoining the Order, Obi-Wan isn't really sure. He'd obviously be a particularly unorthodox case since he'd need to finish (restart really) his training at a very old age and his old Master is long dead. Yoda tells him that Obi-Wan definitely isn't ready yet, he needs to heal a little more, but he hasn't lost as much of his training as he thinks he has, and after the war, they'll need more good Jedi to help replenish their numbers. Yoda promises to take him on as his last student if he does choose to come back, but also promises him that none of them will think any less of him if he decides it's no longer the right path for him to walk. Obi-Wan agrees to think on it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan meets Quinlan again and the attraction they'd once had for each other as teenagers rekindles and combines with the friendship they'd begun developing the last time they met. Obi-Wan is uncertain about having sex given that his only experiences with it have been the disastrous attempts at creating an heir with Satine that were so emotionally draining and so damaging to their relationship, but Quinlan takes it slow and makes sure they both have a good time and doesn't just walk away afterwards, but stays until the morning. They spend time training together, with Obi-Wan trying to remember what he'd been taught before and Quinlan giving him pointers and offering to spar whenever he's up to it.
One day, Obi-Wan is wandering the halls, just looking at the artwork on the walls of the Temple, when he hears someone address him as "Your Grace" and he turns to see Cody standing nearby. Obi-Wan is exceedingly happy to have confirmation that Cody has survived the intervening time since they'd last seen each other and offers to show Cody around the Temple a little (Cody's been given a tour before, but he opts not to tell Obi-Wan that, besides it's a big place and he'll probably have different places to show Cody than Ferus had). They end up spending all day together at the Temple and agree to meet up again before Cody has to leave. This time, Obi-Wan makes sure to get Cody's contact information before he goes and they continue to keep in contact with each other as often as they can.
Bo-Katan eventually shows up at the Temple and demands that he help her fix and restore Mandalore after Maul and Death Watch's takeover because he may have been an outsider, but he was married to Satine for two decades, he has a responsibility to Mandalore, etc etc. And he refuses. He gave his entire life to Mandalore, he gave up everything to try to help Satine fix Mandalore and look where it led. Satine is dead now, he won't make the same mistake twice. If Bo-Katan wants to try to fix what she broke on her home planet, she can go through the proper channels and ask the Republic Senate for assistance. He owes Mandalore nothing. Bo-Katan asks if he ever even loved Satine at all. He looks her dead in the eye and says, "Did you?" Bo-Katan leaves.
Maybe at one point, he ends up running into Anakin in the Temple, like maybe Anakin sits at Obi-Wan's table for a meal or something and he's clearly agitated, so Obi-Wan tries to be polite and ask if he's okay and because Obi-Wan is a complete stranger, Anakin sort-of snaps and tells Obi-Wan things he likely shouldn't. He's probably sleep deprived and caught up in his head and barely thinking about the ramifications of what he's doing, he's just upset and needs to talk to SOMEONE. Maybe he's had an argument with Padme or thinks she's cheating on him or something to that effect, so he can't talk to Padme and he hasn't been able to make it to Palpatine yet, so he's stuck at the Temple and Obi-Wan kind-of just ends up caught in the crossfire, for better or worse, and figures out not only that Anakin is married to a sitting senator (from a planet that doesn't allow their senators to be married no less), but that he did SOME kind of horrible thing not too long ago that his secret wife is aware of and that definitely breaks the Jedi code. Obi-Wan does his best to navigate the minefield that is this conversation before Anakin just sort-of wanders off and then immediately decides to report what he's learned to the Council.
The Council calls Anakin in and interrogates him about this and they speak to Padme to try to get to the bottom of it. Both of them deny it, but it turns out that the Jedi interrogating Anakin and Padme about it spurs one of Padme's handmaidens into finally bringing the evidence she's been collecting to the attention of the Naboo government. She has evidence of Padme being secretly married to a Jedi, evidence that Padme has used her relationship with Anakin to ensure he prioritizes Naboo, evidence that Padme has ditched her responsibilities as a senator to spend time with Anakin. And while Padme had no issue lying to the Jedi Council, especially when all they had was hearsay from one witness, she can't lie to her own government when it's her own handmaiden who is presenting all of this evidence against her. She HAS to confess and her confession inevitably brings down Anakin, too.
The Council offer Anakin the opportunity to make a different choice, to terminate his marriage with Padme and re-commit to the Order. He'd have to be removed from his position as a General in the GAR and grounded to the Temple to speak to a mind healer until the Council decided his commitment was genuine. Anakin initially refuses, but when he tries to go back to Padme, she turns him away. She chose to admit to having covered up Anakin's massacre of the Tuskens as well and that admission turned the accusations from something fairly simple to something much more heinous. Neither Naboo nor the Republic care about the Tuskens, but they do care about one of the Jedi charged with protecting them having massacred a village down to the last child and a sitting senator not reporting him for it. Palpatine has already laid the groundwork for the people of the galaxy to fear the Jedi, so this new information about Anakin is seen as proof that the Jedi could turn on anybody if sufficiently pushed. Padme is going to face serious consequences for covering it up, but the Queen steps in and promises Padme her protection if she agrees to terminate the relationship and promise she'll never see Anakin again. Padme agrees.
Anakin goes back to the Jedi before Palpatine can get to him and agrees to their terms. The relationship is over with Padme, he'll accept the demotion and the mind healing sessions in order to remain a Jedi because it's all he has left. Palpatine can't really speak to him because Anakin's basically under seclusion in the Temple. He's not really speaking to anybody. He does ultimately figure out that it was Obi-Wan who snitched to the Council about him and hates Obi-Wan for it and never wants to speak to him again. Obi-Wan has no problems with that, but he hopes Anakin figures out how to get better, that much anger can't be good for anyone. Ultimately, the mind healing starts to work. Anakin starts being just a little more mindful and starts accepting certain things about Palpatine so that when the Council offers him a job speaking to Palpatine and basically spying on him for the Council, he accepts in order to earn back their trust. Palpatine still tries to manipulate him, pulls out every trick in the book, but this time, Anakin has just enough of a buffer to keep from falling right back into Palpatine's orbit. He figures out Palpatine's a Sith, informs the Council, and ends up invited along when they go to arrest him. Palpatine doesn't survive.
And after that, it's just a matter of everyone settling into a happy fix-it AU. Anakin leaves the Jedi on amicable terms and goes off to do whatever, who cares. Padme stays on Naboo to reconnect with her family. The war ends, the Separatists probably have to realize how little of their government actually functioned and maybe gain a few clues about the atrocities done in their name. Some of them ultimately rejoin the Republic in the wake of these revelations, others refuse and try to continue their own government together, but this time they're actually able to make a treaty with the Republic. The clones are able to stand up for themselves and refuse to continue to be an army for a Republic no longer at war and the Senate votes to demilitarize. The Jedi's work doesn't end with the war, peacekeeping involves a lot more than just fighting after all and this is the part of the job all of them have been hoping to make it back to.
Obi-Wan decides to take Yoda up on his offer and rejoins the Jedi Order as Yoda's last Padawan to finish the journey he started so long ago.
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nanasdumbworld · 1 year
Head Over Heels (pt.1)
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₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗ Miguel O'Hara x Spider! fem!Reader
Summary ; Miguel and (Y/N) realize that they are head over heels for each other.
Warnings ; Mention of child loss, panic attack. Hurt/Confort. Jealousy!Miguel. Non-consent kiss.
It was a Friday of paperwork. (Y/N) Drew was doing yesterday's mission report, which had not gone quite well since the anomaly, a variant of the green goblin, had been able to escape. Miguel wasn't entirely happy with the result, but let it go. (Y/N) thought he was going to scold her as usual, but that didn't happen. He simply told her that the problem was easy to fix and told to prepare herself so she could catch him on the next mission.
She and Miguel had years of friendship, along with Jess and Peter. She was one of the first recruits and she was one of the strongest. (Y/N)'s past wasn't unknown to anyone, she was from earth 1610-B. A reality where she was a female clone of Peter Parker, created by Doc Ock and the Ben Reily of that dimension.
Since he met her for the first time, Miguel knew that she was a person to trust, which is why their bond was so strong. You could say they were "best friends". Although, for (Y/N), Miguel wasn't just a simple friend, the small details and gestures of him made her fall in love with him. One of the key moments of their friendship, was that time (Y/N) found Miguel having a panic attack in his office.
On a mission, he failed to save a variant of his little daughter from the lizard's clutches. The image of his daughter's body was repeated over and over again in his head.
"I couldn't save her, I couldn't protect my baby" He yelled, throwing one of the monitors. (Y/N) cautiously approached when he calmed down and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Can I sit next to you?" She asked with a sweet tone of voice, to which he denied, shaking his head, without turning to look at her. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked again. Miguel didn't answer. "Do you want me to retire?" Miguel denied.
"Stay." It was the only thing he could say in a small voice.
For a long time, she was standing a few meters from him, until he let her get closer. (Y/N) knelt in front of him.
"Would you like to talk about what-" She was interrupted by a hug, which she responded by hugging him back. Miguel buried his face in her neck, letting out many more tears. Gently, she stroked his hair. (Y/N) realized that his breathing was back to normal. Miguel raised his face and looked into her eyes as she wiped away his tears. A weak 'thank you' came out of his mouth.
That had happened a few months ago. Thanks to that their friendship became even stronger, they had helped each other hundreds of times. He healed her wounds, she listened to him when he opened up about his private life. Sometimes they would go out to eat in their free time or stay up late to review the reports of the other spider people, which Miguel loved. He also comforted her when she didn't feel good about herself, since thanks to her origin, she questioned who she really was, a simple clone or "cheap copy of Spiderman" as J.J. Jameson called her. It was inevitable that she didn't fall in love with him, she knew the real Miguel. Deep inside that shell, Miguel was a huge nerd with a heart of gold who was passionate about genetics.
"(Y/N)? Are you picking up?" Miguel got her attention by snapping his fingers near her face.
"Yeah, yeah" She shook her head, clearing her mind. She turned her head to the left, looking at him. "What were you saying?"
Miguel rolled his eyes, grumbling. "I was saying what you can do to capture the anomaly. Take this antidote to sedate him. This will bring Norman Osborn back to himself." He handed her a small vial with a green liquid. "You have to inject it into his neck as quickly as possible, understand?"
"Yes, Sir"
Many hours later, she finished writing the report. She got up from her seat and stretched. "I'm going to sleep now, try to do it too" (Y/N) said putting her hands on her waist.
"No te prometo nada, I still have reports to review" (I can't promise you nothing) he replied without turning around. He was reading Hobie's report. "This is the most incompetent, worthless report I've ever read in my life" he passed his hand over his face as a sign of despair.
"Do you want me to help you?" (Y/N) clasped her hands behind her back and cocked her head.
"No, you go rest. You need to be fine for tomorrow's mission." she sighed. The truth was that he was sleepy, but Miguel was never going to finish reading the hundreds of reports that he still had left. "Ni lo pienses" (Don't you think about it)
He moved closer to her and raised an eyebrow. "Tomorrow you have a very important mission, you need to rest" (Y/N) got even closer. "What are you going to do to me if I don't and I stay?" They could feel each other's breaths on their faces.
Miguel looked down, remaining lost in the brunette's lips. Obviously, (Y/N) noticed and did the same. They were inches from kissing, when Lyla's voice fortunately (unfortunately) abruptly separated them.
"Am I interrupting something?" She said laughing, to which they both flatly denied.
"Claro que no. Para nada" (No, of course not) Miguel mentioned completely flushed.
"Nah" (Y/N) looked up at the ceiling, while whistling. What were they about to do? Were they going to kiss?
"Whatever you say" Lyla shrugged her shoulders in confusion. A screen appeared in front of them. In the image, they could see the green goblin in what appeared to be a gala. "Norman Osborn on earth 1610-B, he is in a charity dinner for the orphanage of the city" Lyla continued saying. "I fear that his intentions are not good, I detected that he bring three bombs with him"
(Y/N) turned to look at Miguel with a smile. "The night will be long, my dear friend"
They were already at the evening. Not being able to enter with their respective Spidey costumes, they opted to dress up. (Y/N) wore a wine-colored dress and Miguel in a suit. They both thought they looked amazing, but they weren't able to tell each other.
They were dancing to go unnoticed. At that moment, the song "Fooled Around and Fell In Love" by Elvin Bishop was playing. They danced slowly, with an awkward distance. They looked everywhere with the excuse of finding Norman, but it was also because they couldn't look at each other's faces without blushing.
Despite their best efforts, they couldn't help it. Both were lost in each other's gaze. Longing to give each other even a kiss. The uncomfortable distance was shortening, they felt their breath getting closer.
"Can I kiss you?" They said at the same time. They were about to finally give each other the much-needed kiss, but a raspy voice interrupted them, causing them to turn around. it was none other than Norman Osborn himself. "Excuse me, gentleman. Could you steal the lady for a moment? I'd like to have a dance with her. Sure, if she wants it that way."
They both looked at each other and nodded. "Sure, no problem" Miguel replied with a small smile and left, sitting at one of the tables that were nearby.
Now the song that was playing was "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Morten Harket. "What a mainstream song" Miguel thought as he watched (Y/N) dance with him. (Y/N)'s plan was to have him close enough to inject him with the serum. So they were extremely close. Which made Miguel's blood boil. How he grabbed her by the waist, how he whispered things in her ear that he didn't want to imagine. (Y/N) just smiled awkwardly, reaching for the vial that was in her pocket.
Norman thought that she wanted to kiss him, seeing that he was getting closer little by little to his face, so he didn't miss an opportunity. "How quickly you fall in love, doll" He said and without further ado he kissed her. Miguel froze. (Y/N) Seeing that Norman was distracted, he injected the serum into his neck.
A Miguel se lo estaba llevando la chingada.(Miguel was really pissed) Seeing (Y/N) kissing with that anomaly made his head ache. Since when was he this jealous? All he wanted to do was just push him away from her, but he couldn't. The serum had to take effect.
The headache grew stronger when she saw him going to the bathroom, between kisses. He followed them and entered the women's bathroom. He walked checking the cubicles, until a blow stopped him dead. He went to where the blow came from and saw that it was (Y/N) with a completely unconscious Norman. "How was the drool exchange?" he asked the brunette, earning himself an elbow in the stomach. "You would have done it, idiot."
Already in the HQ, they locked Norman in a cell.
"What a night" Miguel exclaimed, taking off his tie.
"Don't even tell me" (Y/N) grumbled as she took off her hairstyle. "I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow" She turned around and opened a portal to her house.
"(Y/N)" Miguel caught her attention making her turn back to him. Come on, Miguel. Tell her. Tell her you love her.
"Have a nice night." It was all he said. He felt disappointed in himself.
And she felt that way too. She didn't just want to say a simple "I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow" she wanted to fill him with kisses and hug him as much as she couldn't.
But neither of them had the courage to say it and do it.
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shyvioletcat · 9 months
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~ Aelin and Hawk Rowan ~
Just something silly and sweet for our beloved otp
The world passed by in a blur, Kasida’s stride eating up distance over the grassy plain. Each hoof beat resounded through Aelin’s body, the fast paced rhythm creating a symphony that only added to the thrill of the ride. Aelin trusted her steed completely, knowing she had the care for both their safety and avoiding unsteady ground. And they were not alone.  
Rowan swooped, his wing brushing her cheek. As much as she loved the gesture, it was distracting, and Aelin almost missed the turn onto the forest path. Bastard, he was trying to distract her. Kasida slowed just a little, her sure footing not faltering as the path was swarmed with vegetation. Aelin assumed Rowan flew above the trees to avoid entanglement in the branches. Their little race was almost over and she hoped she could rely on the thick, overlapping boughs to help her win. 
An obligation free morning had presented itself and tired of courtly nonsense stealing her away from him, Rowan had insisted they flee the palace. And he always complained about her affinity for dramatics when at times he was equally so. He had told her to dress for riding and meet him at the stables while he would sort out the rest. 
Aelin had taken the time to brush and saddle Kasida herself, basking in the simple and ordinary task. Sometimes it was nice to pretend that she didn’t have the weight of an entire kingdom on her shoulders. It had barely been a year since the war had ended, her country was still rebuilding and there was so much to do. Still, she needed to take time for herself or she might go insane. Aelin had Kasida fully tacked when Rowan appeared, a pack on his shoulder and a wide grin on his face. Then he’d told her to meet him by the stream and shifted. 
To get out of the city Aelin had used a small gate built into the outer wall, only for secret royal usage. Rowan had circled above her while she warmed up her steed, the mare impatient to run. When she was ready, Aelin turned Kasida to follow the edge of the Oakwald. And then they were off, Rowan’s screech of approval echoing. He understood her intention, this would be a race.
He gave another such call now, letting Aelin know he was still wth her. She was almost at the stream. With the thick foliage overhead she might just win. It would be hard for him to find a way through without risk to himself. Her fae senses picked up the sound of the stream, the scent of the damp soil. A few more moments and she’d be there. The trees parted, the stream was in view, and then there was a bright flash of light that had the over excited horse shying in surprise. Rowan stood there, leaning against a tree like he hadn’t a care in the world. 
“I win,” he had the gall to say. 
Aelin was nearly panting as she dismounted. Flames simmered at her fingers, the thrill of the ride and the indignation over what her mate had said only adding to the fire. 
“I was here first,” she protested.
Rowan just smirked at her. “I would say otherwise.”
“Of course you would.”
“Because I won,” Rowan reiterated. 
Aelin groaned in frustration, quickly tending to Kasida so she could graze but not wonder off. Then she was storming over to her husband, embers flying in her wake. 
“You cheated,” she accused. “You tried to distract me.”
Rowan dropped the pack to the grassy floor, standing a little straighter, no longer using the tree to take his ease. “I did no such thing.”
This time Aelin growled at him, baring her pointed canines. Rowan just continued to smirk at her. The insufferable, cheating bastard.
“Fireheart, it was only a little race.” All his words did was antagonise her further.
“It’s never just a little race.”
Rowan chuckled softly. “My apologies, milady. I must have forgotten how competitive you are.”
Aelin was right in front of him now, nearly chest to chest. “Memory problems tend to persist in old age.”
Before Aelin could even think of a new argument, Rowan had reached for her shoulders, and spun them so that her back was against the tree. His body crowded around hers, but Aelin was not ready to give in. She just kept looking up at him, defiance all over her face. 
Her mate ignored every ounce of malice she was sending his way, and lent in closer.  “Are you going to waste our alone time talking?”
There was a hand on her waist, and Aelin couldn’t help but arch into the touch. As it rose higher her breathing quickened at it had nothing to do with the exertion from the ride. Rowan moved closer, his nose brushing against Aelin’s in a teasing gesture. She was about to demand he do something more when he finally kissed her. She surrendered to it, loving the privilege of having Rowan so close. They saw each other every day, but finding time to truly be with each other was hard to find some days. 
She couldn’t help herself though, that fire of mischief still burned. Aelin broke the kiss, taking joy in the annoyance that entered Rowan’s green eyes. “And another thing—“
It seemed Rowan had had enough of her antics because he tugged her against him for another kiss, smothering her laughter. They stayed like that until they were both breathless and the only reason they broke apart was to catch it. Rowan’s hands weren’t idle though, they worked on untucking her shirt from her pants, touching the bare skin on her waist. That let Rowan recover and his breathing evened out, but with each insistent sweep across Aelin’s body her breath was hitching. Especially when those hands moved higher.
“Once upon a time I promised the first time I would take you wouldn’t be against a tree,” Rowan murmured onto the skin of her neck. Then he pulled back, watching Aelin’s face as he pressed into her firmer, so she could feel every hard line of his body. “It’s not the first time, is it?”
Aelin shook her head furiously, anticipation getting the better of her. They kept eye contact as she looped her arms around her neck and Rowan's hands slid down to her thighs. Cheating or not, Rowan had a point. She could argue this again later when they had more time. 
Aelin arched into him, inviting him to take more. “I’m waiting, buzzard.”
Rowan laughed and kissed her again, and this time they didn’t stop until they had both unraveled completely.  
Hope you enjoyed this little bit of canon silliness
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the-roo-too · 9 months
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maybe! -> 0.3 the bluebeard’s wife
-you’re really stuck with the coven, no matter how you look at it. and that one witch seems to hate your guts. or does she?
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this mana print doesn’t appear noticeable to you, no matter how much you look yourself over. you don’t get to question chaewon nor eunchae about the matter as both witches don’t appear until later in the night.
before they do though, you get to meet a couple more exciting individuals. the first one of them quite literally falls on you as she appears just a couple centimetres above the couch you’re occupying. with a loud shriek, she lands on you, knocking you over with her. she rants something about some spell and sneezing and mentions some other names you don’t recognise, before actually acknowledging your presence.
“oh, you’re the potato’s pick! eunchae said he was really excited you know? last time he was so happy to bring someone over was when that neighbour got a mouse and-“
“uh, i’m y/n. it’s nice to meet you…?” you interrupt her another rant, which she doesn’t seem to mind. her face brightens and she introduced herself too.
“i’m sakura! although it’s mostly kkura around here. oh god, i feel on you!” she only now realises. “i’m so sorry! i was trying that stupid teleportation spell again. you know how simple it is? even eunchae does it freely! god, it’s embarrassing. if my mother saw this back in the day…”
“oh, i get you. sometimes simple things appear really hard.”
“yeah, exactly! that spell is like, the easiest thing after creating light? simple as quantum entanglement.”
“quantum what now?”
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“mana print? yeah, it’s normal in this area.” eunchae is the one to finally talk to you after you met sakura. she at first looks taken aback by your lack on knowledge on that matter, but explains it nonetheless.
“it’s the ley lines. we live in a powerful area, you know? to recharge and all.” although the explanation seems acceptable, you still can’t understand why chaewon said it was dangerous for you to leave.
“uh, i don’t know if you got that part, but most of the people aren’t the biggest fans of supernaturals- especially witches for some reason? and priests make those weird campaigns like in medieval europe, go hunt and burn us cause apparently god says so?”
“okay, but i’m not a witch?”
“but you stepped into a area influenced by our presence. the power from ley lines gets kinda twisted here and it sticks to you. we know how to hide it, otherwise the local priests would dump holy water on us- i hear it works like salt on snails- or something equally terrifying.”
the idea of people chasing you with holy water isn’t that bad, but the medieval witch methods don’t seem as applying to you. you ask eunchae if they can just mask your print, cause it shouldn’t be that much of a problem, right?
“no, you got me all wrong. only you are able to hide your mana print.”
to sum it up, you are fucked. apparently hiding the mana print is a thing witches are born with. the first spell that they don’t have to learn.
but you’re no witch.
“well… if you think about it, you brought this upon yourself by helping potato?”
“you’re not helping, eunchae.”
“i know, sorry.” the younger girl lowers her head and ponders for a bit. “i’ll look for the books i had when i was younger. maybe i’ll get something there.”
and she disappears with the cat, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
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somewhere in between thinking about your current situation and scoffing at how stupid it is, you fall asleep. a couple times you get woken up by someone speaking, but you don’t stay awake long enough to find out who it is. only the last time, you can make out what the voices are saying.
“should i apologise to her?”
“for bringing her in or being mean.”
“…oh shut up.”
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you’re not surprised when eunchae doesn’t bring you good news about the mana print. no matter how you look at it, you’re stuck with the coven. and with the kinda mean witch, chaewon.
she seems to hate your presence, for a reason you can’t really comprehend. first you though she just doesn’t like humans. heck, there are no other humans at their house!
but now… you just don’t know. you got a cozy place on the couch, where potato loves to sleep. every time you wake up, chaewon is giving food to potato and when her eyes find yours, she frowns.
then again, she’s a witch. maybe you’re not meant to understand her.
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“my unnie likes you.” you almost snort out water with your nose at the phrase. as you start coughing, eunchae pats your back reassuringly. “i know, i know. she doesn’t want to admit it herself.”
“then… how do you know that?” it’s not that you want chaewon to like you, you’re just curious (keep telling yourself that).
“unnie talks a lot in her sleep.” the younger girl shrugs, as if it was obvious.
“…what am supposed to do with this information?”
“ask her out? duh, i didn’t take you for the slow type..”
and that’s how you find yourself standing above poor sleeping chaewon a couple hours later. eunchae is standing by your side and keeps smiling encouragingly.
“just do it!”
“it’s embarrassing if you’re here to see it!” eunchae rolls her eyes at your whines, yet backs away obediently soon and disappears from the room with a small wink. you almost get a heart attack when she teleports away (damned witches).
you’re alone with the older girl again. looking at her sleeping face. it kinda makes you a creep, doesn’t it?
you lift up your hand to gently touch her shoulder when she starts murmuring in her sleep.
“no… unnie, i don’t like her… no, she’s potato’s!” you stifle a chuckle at the monologue. then your hand makes contact with her shoulder.
the witch’s eyes fly open and she almost twists your wrist with how fast she grabs it. “oh. y/n?”
her grip on your hand loosens a little. “yeah, it’s me.”
“what are you doing here?”
your eyes meet hers and you hold her gaze. “do you like me?”
“do you?”
she looks lost in thought for a second. her gaze falls to the floor and as much as she’s sleepy, she’s also thinking hard.
“…yes.” you weren’t expecting her to actually say it.
“can i kiss you?” she doesn’t wait for your response, her lips landing on your softly.
maybe (just maybe), you can get used to living with the witches.
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Mocha! Sometimes I feel like I'm just being too paranoid and this whole story is gonna be one big misunderstanding after another with no real antagonist. Sometimes I feel like disaster is waiting just around the corner and everybody is going to befall a terrible fate in just a few posts. Is that... good?
Would you rather I make a big bad who's just evil for the sake of it? Kill off characters just because? That's not the story I'm trying to convey. I love mlp, but one of it's main themes was as we all know, "Friendship is Magic" I'm exploring what happens when Friendship isn't the magic cure all to every problem? Life was simple for Twilight 1,000 years ago, she was with her friends, she loved her friends, and when a threat appeared all she had to do was make a big speech or realization about how "my friends are my magic!" And everything was solved.
I'm not writing essentially a Shonen protagonist story. There is no clear antagonist character, but there IS an antagonist that isn't going to go away with some magical rainbow blast . It's the current state of Equestria, it's Twilights grief, it's Cinna's struggle and fear of being herself, it's Sagi's constant battle with his instinct to cause harm and fear wherever he goes and dealing with the guilt of going too far, it's Sanori's battle with his ptsd and anxiety and separation from his loved ones, and what's being slowly introduced, his terrible ways of coping with it. The antagonist is life in this world that everyone is used to being sunshine and rainbows until the next big disaster.
Yes I'm keeping you on edge, feeling like at any point, if something goes wrong, it's going to be disaster for our protagonists. But that's what I'm going for! I love buildups that end in, "Oh, well that wasn't actually so bad". I love seeing characters that seem evil but turn out to be confused and misguided.
All of you were so convinced that Sagi would be some heartless reincarnation of the og king sombra, the guy who destroyed the tree of harmony and almost took over Equestria. Only to find out he's just a young man trying to find a way to live in a society where he's the last of his kind, and the only reason he's allowed to stay is because his mother is part unicorn, so he is too. Imagine how ot feels to live in a society where the main people who live there eradicated your entire species because they didn't understand them. Having to work for the woman who essentially killed your father and vanquished him to the shadows. (Multiple times) and that's just ONE of the characters I've made to subvert your expectations.
And you're dealing with a chaotic goddess here. On a whim, I could totally create an impossible monster for everyone to face. But it's not time yet, and that's lazy writing! Lucky for you all, I don't do things that lack effort. I put 200% into everything I like, including this blog. If my story is becoming too much for you, I apologize. I just really love making things for other people and having them enjoy them. (And, half the story is being co-written by another person who works half the time and focuses on other life things sometimes, so I have to fill the dry space with something, like twisting storylines or sudden twists because I can't move forward without them)
But, there is a character I'm planning to subvert your expectations with again. But I'm warning you this time, so maybe you'll be better prepared. If you have an issue with following the blog, or the story is becoming too much, I won't blame you for leaving. I know it's alot, and I'd be sad to see you go, but I understand.
If you do stay around, please be patient with me, I'm doing my best to make an enjoyable story to stick around for.
-Mod Mocha 🍫
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gacha-incels · 2 months
Hi, sorry for sending this, I'm trying to gather information on Shift UP's ideological verification of its employees, and the CEO's stance on feminism. would you happen to have sources and articles on the subject?
Thank you in advance.
sorry this is a bit late, I’ve been ill recently so I’ve had to spend my free time sleeping lol 😭
article regarding SHIFT-UP removing an artist’s work from their gacha game “Destiny Child” after she said there shouldn’t be a problem being a feminist and voiced support for the VA, Kim Jayeon, that Nexon fired for taking a photo of herself wearing a shirt that said “Girls Do Not Need A Prince”. The shirt was part of a fundraiser to help victims of domestic violence (see the npr article linked below) , the rates of which are especially high for women living in South Korea. You can note here that literally anything vaguely feminist is met with “are you megal?” (referring to the defunct website megalia) and it doesn’t even matter how she responds. This woman made some simple statements and is smeared as some feminist terrorist. tbh sometimes it’s an uphill battle trying to explain to anyone, especially on the western internet, that these women aren’t making some evil dogwhistle to the feminist illuminati when they make basic feminist statements. I’ve gotten called “terf/terf sympathizer” (???) for trying to explain that the artist Vellmori was being smeared on the western web with the term “terf” as a targeted campaign by Korean incels who know that term puts a target on your back and nothing else about it. I am of course not saying megalia was a totally unproblematic site with no ideological problems but none of these women being smeared are saying anything like “yeah the homophobia was great” they’re literally advocating for basic women’s rights. I’m also not saying “basic” in a condescending way, on the contrary I think these women are brave for speaking out and have created complex feminist ideologies and movements. “Basic” and “simple” are meant to show the absurdity in the reaction (extreme male anger, firing, censorship, etc) in relation to the original statement (molka is bad, it’s fine to be a feminist, etc).
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this is an article in English regarding the VA who wore the shirt:
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SHIFT-UP’s gacha game “Nikke” recently engaging in 🤏 male freakouts
article in Korean regarding this, I’ll add it but idk how “peripheral” you want to get since i don’t think it’s directly SHIFT-UP (?)
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as far as more opinion pieces go, there’s this article written by an artist who was a victim of feminist ideological verification that talks about SHIFT-UP’s gacha “Nikke”
Edit- the actual post seems to have been deleted, I screenshotted and pasted the entire thing on the linked post above but idk how using this would come across since the original post is gone.
I posted some images and MTL on this post
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this is a paper that goes over just some of the basics of megalia’s mirroring tactics and how it got started
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If anyone has anything else specific lmk and I’ll update this post too, I hope what I’ve posted so far can be helpful
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shadowmaat · 10 months
Good Omens s2: criticisms
Look, folks, I thoroughly enjoyed S2 and am not implying that the whole thing is bad or that it doesn't deserve a third season, I'm just an old-school nerd who believes it's possible to criticize and find fault with something you love. So, spoilers ahead.
My biggest problem remains the Gabriel/Beelzebub story. It doesn't make sense within the context of what we know of the characters. I just can't wrap my head around sanctimonious, rules-obsessed Gabriel falling so hard and so fast for Beelzebub. And that Beelzebub would feel the same way. It took millennia for Aziraphale and Crowley to reach a point where "love" was even a question, never mind deciding on an answer. I'm sorry, but you can't speed run a slow burn.
Sure, you can wave your hand and talk about how "sometimes it just happens like that" but that doesn't feel like it should apply to these two.
If we'd seen more evidence of it being something that has gone on for millennia as the two of them are forced into communication over and over again due to "bureaucratic reasons" it might work a little better. As it is, though, it just feels false. About the only way I can think of to resolve it is to have the two of them pop in again during a pivotal catastrophic moment in S3 and reveal that, surprise! They were never in love (ew) and it was all part of Someone's plan to get them out of the picture so they could work on creating something to stop Armageddon 2 without anyone being the wiser. But I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think we're meant to believe they really did fall in love.
It felt very cliché, and without any of the clever twists or lampshading I'd have expected. It does, however, do a good job of showing what could be possible if angels and demons set aside their differences to work together (and maybe even grow closer). And yes, as a sped-up reflection of Aziraphale and Crowley's own relationship, the parallels are pretty clear. Except for the bit where we actually saw how A&C worked together and influenced each other into becoming better entities, and with G&B we just have to take it, ha, on faith.
Where G&B's relationship was bizarre, the stuff between Maggie & Nina was... uncomfortable. They are, again, a watered-down reflection of Aziraphale & Crowley (more on that in a sec), but this time with the added interference of A&C trying to interfere to make them happen as a couple.
Nina herself called them out on that manipulative bullshit, and she was very right. You can't force people to be together, even if they would be a good match and like each other.
I'm also going to put a big red X next to Neil's name if he was, in fact, responsible for implementing one of my most-loathed clichés: giving a character an absolute dick of a partner in order to A) keep the preferred pair from getting together and B) showing how much better the potential partner is in comparison to the absolute dick. It's bad storytelling. More than that, it does a disservice to Maggie. If she is, as we're meant to believe, a genuinely good person and someone who would be a kind and caring match for Nina, then that should be enough. If you have to compare her to someone else to prove how much better she is then you're lacking confidence in the character.
To circle back to our human duo being a reflection of our ineffable ones, I find it a little weird to see Aziraphale & Crowley's relationship become a focus that's reflected in so many unsubtle ways. That isn't, to me, what Good Omens is supposed to be about. Their complicated (and yet simple) relationship is supposed to be background noise, in much the same way as they themselves are meant to be background characters who are simply bumbling around the main plot. I'm not sure I can properly express why it bothers me beyond that. It just does.
I'm also going to say the most wildly unpopular thing I could possibly say about the second season: I didn't like the kiss. I'm SORRY. I know how important and validating it was for 99% of the audience. I know how many people pumped their fists and cheered. And I 100% understand Crowley's utter desperation in doing it and Aziraphale's "I forgive you" auto-response. I'm not in any way trying to piss on anyone's enjoyment of it. I remember what a huge and hate-fueled debacle it was when the last season ended without any formal physical declarations of love. I just... was a tiny bit disappointed.
One of the things I loved most about Aziraphale & Crowley's relationship was that there was no physical intimacy. In a world where we're constantly inundated in every form of media (and advertising, and politics, and so on) that sex/physical romance is the ONLY way to prove you love someone, it was such a profound relief to see one example where that wasn't true. I know I'm in the extreme minority in my preferences, and I wouldn't expect the show to cater to my individual needs at the expense of a broader, more socially-acceptable message, I'm just sorry to have lost that.
Anyway, it was a bit of a thematically weird season, but there was still a lot to love and I hope we get to see how things turn out in season 3.
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sluggydrabbles · 4 months
“So I just put the wet sheet on my face?” The dead girl who was sometimes called Gideon and sometimes called Kiriona was skeptical.
“Yes, it's not that hard.” Ianthe sounded only slightly exasperated. She demonstrated, holding the sheet over her face. The eye and mouth holes looked disconcerting, like Ianthe had flayed the face off of a person made of cloth. Knowing her, that was part of the appeal.
They were in Ianthe’s bedroom on the Cohort flagship, having a ‘slumber party’, as Ianthe called it. So far it had involved Ianthe demanding a truly obscene number of pillows be brought to the room and creating a comfortable nest on the large bed. Gideon’s—Kiriona’s hair was pushed out of her face by a soft headband and Ianthe declared it was time to finally address her ‘moisturization problem’.
Kiriona had always thought that her face was too oily, but when she said that, Ianthe had given her a look that made her feel like an idiot, so she stopped protesting.
“Just lay it on and smooth it over your face like this.” Ianthe said, oddly eager. She was uncharacteristically enthusiastic about this whole thing.
Gid—Kiriona couldn’t help but laugh at Ianthe’s mask-covered face. “You look ridiculous.”
To her surprise, Ianthe smiled. “You’re so stupid.” For once there was no bite in the words, only a wistful sort of affection. Kiriona’s heart felt warm. She could get used to nice Ianthe.
She put the cold, slimy cloth against her face. It smelled floral, which made the whole experience more pleasant.
“No, no.” Ianthe said, grabbing her wrist as she tried to smooth out the mask. “Like this.” Ianthe’s cold finger—a flesh one—ran along Kiriona's jaw and under her eyes, smoothing the cloth. It felt nice to be touched like this, even if it was Ianthe. Her dead skin wasn’t as sensitive as it should be, but it still felt good.
“Thanks.” She mumbled as Ianthe took her hands away.
“Corona always wanted me to put the mask on her.” Ianthe said by way of explanation.
Oh. It should have been obvious. That was why Ianthe seemed different. She was a replacement for her precious sister.
Her conflicted emotions churned in her stomach. She didn’t like Ianthe but she had been happy that Ianthe had wanted to spend time with her. Knowing she was just a replacement should have made her feel worse, but the idea that Ianthe had considered her to be a good enough candidate to replace her sister was gratifying. Even if Ianthe didn’t want her around for herself, she still wanted her around in some capacity.
“Why did you two even need to do this?” She asked as Ianthe laid against the mass of pillows, her eyes closed.
“Hmm?” She asked, not opening her eyes.
“Couldn’t you just…” She waved a hand. “Flesh it up to make your skin softer?”
Ianthe’s eyes opened. “‘Flesh it up’?”
If Kiriona could, she would blush. “Yeah. Why use the masks? Unless there’s necromancy in them.” Maybe they were made of flayed skin.
Ianthe rolled her eyes. “Your simple mind astounds me.” Once again, the words were said more gently than their contents would imply. “It’s not about the skin, not really. Well, in the case of you, you need all the help you can get. I don’t think necromancy alone could solve your break outs.”
Kiriona frowned, but Ianthe continued before she could protest the likely accurate statement.
“It’s about the relaxation. You put the mask on, close your eyes, and relax.” She demonstrated by laying back down on the pillows. “So fucking relax, okay?”
Kiriona felt silly as she lay back down. She had the strangest feeling like she wasn’t doing it right. “Like this?”
“Do you really need my help to figure out how to lay down and close your eyes? Is that what you’re asking me right now?” Her eyebrow raised and moved the top of the eyeholes of the mask up, making the expression look more exaggerated.
Maybe not being able to blush was a good thing. She closed her eyes and breathed in.
This was kind of nice. The mask smelled good, and it had stopped feeling so slimy and cold. It felt wet, but pleasantly so. It felt indulgent. She was starting to see the point.
She wondered if she would like it. She could use some relaxation after all. Maybe Kiriona could—
She shook her head. Nope, not thinking about that.
“This was a good idea,” she said, to distract herself from her thoughts. She was laying in a comfortable bed with a girl—because despite her flaws, Ianthe was a girl and Kiriona did like that about her—experiencing luxury for the first time in her life. She should focus on that.
“Of course it is. All my ideas are good.” Ianthe said smugly, reaching for Kiriona’s hand and intertwining their fingers—dead flesh against gilded bone.
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello, hello! Guess who finally found the courage and time to try the Hazbin Hotel's match up? I'm sorry if I make any mistake, I'm French and a little tired right now ^^". I take this opportunity to say that I really like your writing and I feel like your interpretation of the characters is so accurate. I wish you the best for your future works!
You can call me Lily, and my pronouns are she/her. I'm 20+ years-old. I have a strong preference for women and would prefer to be paired with one, please. Men actually make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe because of past experiences.
If it can help with getting my personality, I'm an INFP and an Aquarius. I tend to be seen as the mom friend or the big sister figure. I'm very patient and always here to listen to others, offer them some pieces of advice and support them through everything. Paradoxically, I don't really talk about my own problems (mostly because this girl has a problem of self-esteem and has the bad habit of seeing herself as less important than others).
I have ADHD. The bad aspects are how much I struggle to stay still and how much of a airhead I am, turning around in my appartment to find something that was actually in my hand. But the good aspect is how I love to try new things and so know how to do a lot of things (drawing, fixing, crafting, cooking, playing various sports...). I also have PTSD and can have dissociative episodes when triggered, even if it calmed down lately.
My friends describe me as someone with "golden retriever energy", mostly because as soon as I spot them, I have a big smile on my face and can't stand still, bouncing happily (but that might be ADHD too...). I always fear to be too much for others because of that. But I'm usually a calm person, I just love my friends so much. But I'm loosing my track, it's not the subject...
I'm soft spoken, so it can be surprising how I can be honest and sometimes even blunt with people, but always politely and gently. But if gentle does not work, I will be a little more frontal if needed. I'm a pacifist, but if I need to verbally put someone back in their place, I will.
In a partner, I can get along and be attracted by anyone, from bubbly to reserved. But the most important trait I seek is safety. I need to feel safe (and even protected) with people, and especially with a potential lover.
My love languages are physical touch and acts of service. When I feel comfortable with someone and that I know they are okay with it, I will seek the physical contact, such as leaning against their shoulder when m'y social battery is down and holding their sleeve, hand or arm to not lose them in a crowd. And since I like to feel useful and to make people smile, if I can do something to help or support them, I will. I would love to receive these love languages back. And from experience, I can tell that when I receive the acts of service, I'm emotional because I'm so not used to be the receiving hand of it rather than the other way around, it touches me a lot.
For the appearence, I'm 157cm tall. I wear glasses. I love wearing original earrings (and I plan to learn how to create homemade ones). Style-wise, I wear simple yet feminine clothes, always with a touch of colors. I like to style my hair, but I'm not that good at it so it often ends up in a ponytail. I have a really expressive face, I'm basically an open book on that side.
Likes : Plushies, music, sweets, animals, listening to people talking about their own hobbies. My biggest interest is Dreamcatcher (a girlgroup known as "the face of rock in K-pop").
Dislikes : Loud noises (if it's too repetitive and loud, it can even bring tears to my eyes and I can't focus anymore), being treated like a child, lies, tomatoes, alcohol.
I feel like I ended up writing a lot and made that really long... I'm sorry about that! Thank you in advance for this match up. I hope you're having a good day. And don't forget to take care of yourself! Drink water, it's important!
hey hey!! after some thought, i decided to pair you with…
Charlie !!
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You both are the ultimate sunshine duo, let’s be real, but you manage to bring her back down to reality when she needs it XD
Genuinely does try to make you feel safe, and she sure as hell would protect you, as she knows those are a couple things that you value in a partner
I can also see Charlie being big on acts of service and physical affection as well so she definitely hops onto that immediately XD
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc just booping Odon randomly +rad classmates reacting to it like they just come up to him with a serious face and just boop him then go on about their day or mc just booping everyone
This is a very nice idea, reading it honestly cheered me up a bit, which I needed because yesterday I received some news that shook me a bit😥so I hope that, by writing this, not only I'll satisfy your request, but that it will also manage to distract me🙈I tried to write both scenarios, I hope that's okay, I did my best✨:
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Initially she would be slightly surprised to see such an interaction between Odon and MC, but soon she would find that quite funny and in a way she would see herself in such acts, since sometimes she happens to climb on Odon's back to reach high objects, to see things in the distance or simply to receive a nice piggyback ride. However it's likely that she would like to receive a similar treatment from MC too, so she might get sulky if MC doesn't pay enough attention to her
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Although he's aware of the fact that Odon isn't hostile and in general very chill and gentle despite being a demon, Domnra believes that MC has either a lot of courage or a total lack of sense of self-preservation to undertake such an action towards Odon, especially because no one would dare get so close to them because of their old reputation. Mobim, on the other hand, would be curious about MC's gesture and would try to replicate it on Domnra to understand how it works
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He would find such action hilarious and honestly he would wonder how he never thought of doing such a thing too, not only to Odon, but also to others, because he has little restraint and decidedly little restraint, therefore not even people like Lucifer or Lord Diavolo would be safe from one of his new favorite pastimes. However, being friends with Odon, Azul would love to join MC in the art of booping
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Knowing Odon, Zuri would imagine that they would appreciate MC's gesture, even though they usually don't allow many people to approach their face, for a matter of safety, however she would find quite ridiculous the fact that an ancient and feared demon like Odon, let a human boop their nose, however she wouldn't voice her opinion, since it's none of her business
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They would have no idea of what exactly MC is doing in the beginning, they might even think it's some kind of traditional human greeting that they have missed over the centuries or somehow forgotten about, yet Odon would find the gesture nice and being the only one to receive it would make them feel special, something they're not used to
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She would be happy to receive such a demonstration of attention and affection from her mate, in fact she would let herself be pampered without making a fuss. Demya would probably reciprocate MC's gesture either by booping them in return or with affectionate kisses and little chomps, with her it's not uncommon to end up playing fight after all
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MC could boop Mobim without any problem, the little curse would be pleasantly surprised and would try to reciprocate MC's affectionate gesture, however Domnra would die of embarrassment if his partner did the same thing to him, especially in public. In private he might be persuaded to receive such treatment, but his face would wear a embarrassed pout
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MC would involuntarily create a booping monster and from a simple nice gesture the situation would turn into some kind of competition to see who is better and more creative in affectionately reciprocating the gesture. In Azul's case, he would have an advantage over his lovely star though, being able to walk through walls like a ghost as well
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Normally Zuri wouldn't appreciate such a childish gesture towards her, considering it almost a lack of respect, but since this case is about her beloved, she would let it go and just reply with an exasperated but affectionate sigh. In moments of greater domesticity and tranquility in private, she might be tempted to boop MC back
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They would be confused and honestly it would be one of the few times they got caught off guard, but one of the reasons Odon appreciates their dear friend MC is because they're full of surprises, so in the end they would appreciate the gesture. It's also likely that the eye-like creatures have seen MC booping other people around Devildom, so Odon would be happy to have been included in such ritual, however they would be hesitant to reciprocate, because they wouldn't want to overstep or disrespect MC's boundaries
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
9 Anti LO Asks
1. I know nothing about this, I just stumbled onto your blog and started reading, but I saw a post where (presumably) the author said that Aphrodite and Persephone... weren't skinny? They're tiny??? Wtf
2. I love long-haired men so much I never thought I would consider a long-haired man ugly. But goddamn, Hades still looks ugly even with long hair, even to me. That's impressive... are you, like, alive, btw?
3. You know, in the new currently fast pass chapter... Kronos takes over Hades and makes him say stuff to Thanatos? Right, but then he goes, "What's wrong, don't want Persephone to be your new mommy?" Which is terrible writing enough on it's own but then you HAVE to consider that PERSEPHONE HERSELF IS YOUNGER THAN THANATOS, SOMEONES WHOSE MEANT TO BE HADES' SURROGATE SON (who he treats like shit). Like, Hades is more than old enough to be a father but Persephone only JUST turned old enough to maybe be a mother! Which really makes you realize, Hades isn't old enough to be her dad, he's old enough to be her grandpa. Disgusting. Like, there can't be any defense for this 💀
4. tbh i think eris is a shit character and a hamfisted plot device. she could have been added so much better.
5. My personal criticism with LO has mostly to do with the art style. Like yes the writings kinda trashy but trashy can still be good if its coupled with great visuals and characters. The problem is that the arts just pathetically inconsistent. You can't even blame webtoon for it since she has a few assistants. I'm an artist myself and even tho I don't draw for a living, I know it's fairly easy to create simple character charts and reference sheets. Some people say it's not that bad but god the inconsistency in the characters appearances can ruin chapters for me.
For example, the fact that Persephone sometimes has siren eyes, doe eyes, full lips, no lips, extra body fat, less body fat, a button nose, or a longer nose is ridiculous. It drives me nuts when people call the art amazing, because it's just not. And it seems like all of her aesthetic details (IE wardrobe and colors) are all very surface level, aside from Minthe/Persephone and Hades contrasts.
Demeter being green and purple makes some sense, but then her daughter being neon pink ONLY is weird. Hades being blue and winter-esq makes some sense since there's no sun in the underworld, but the ENTIRE underworld being the same blue and black is just ugly. Zeus being a royal purple? Makes sense. Hera being gold? That too. They're the only color pallets that actually correspond with personality, yet they're wasted with basic wardrobes and character development.   Ares being gold makes sense GENETICALLY, but not in practicality. Same with Hermes being red. Plus, she seems to assign colors to characters at random without even seeing how they build off of each other, let alone their own personalities.
I don't think people really get how important color and wardrobe are in stories, especially visual ones. You should be able to look at a character and immediately understand what they're about, even if it's subconsciously. But Persephone is often in bright happy colors and tight clothing even in times of stress or depression. Artemis is always in workout gear or her uniform. Minthe is more in "sexy" clothing, which is fine, but her colors don't change with her mental state.
Another problem I have is again with Persephone. Her wardrobe isn't even picked out by her, it's always by others/magic. She never really gets to visually tell us how she feels other than her glaringly obvious vines and eyes. Like, I could deal with a visual crutch if the writing was good or vise versa, but when they're both lacking it just sucks.
I see a lot of people say the same things I wanted to, like how creepy Perse and Hades are, how Apollo wasn't handled well, yada yada yada. Anyway Hades is creepy and Hera, Minthe, and Demeter deserve the world ✌🏼
6. It's really funny bc I've been reading some of the scenes of Hades' problematic action (esp the latest fast pass) and he literally talks like my abusive dad and my ex groomer. Like hm maybe your male lead having the same verbal manipulation tactics as actual abusers isn't the best. But oh my bad Hades is still a perfect man /s
7. something that makes me angry about demeter is that we are supposed to see her as an abusive or controlling mother ( i know that controlling mothers is an obviously bad thing ) but all her reasons are a good part of the time valid?
She doesn't want her child dating a 40y + man who she knows for like 11 days +++ someone who was literally a horrible person with her until the point she cried .
And lets not forget about the slaver owner thing 🥺 demeter knows hades more time  than persephone, obviously. It's not something bad if you dont want your TEENAGER daughter next to a grown old man who the only thing he thinks about its her "small petite thicc pink body" 😁
8. i just wanted to say that i really love your blog, like whenever i look at it i feel better. idk if thats kinda weird since its an anti blog but it just kinda brings me euphoria. ty!
From OP: Thank you so much! I’m glad my blog can be beneficial for you. /pos
-----FP Spoiler-----
9. 220 spoiler: full fuckin disrespect, we all know Kronos wants Persephone rather than Hera as his “golden traitor”, because fuck every other god/goddess, the only ones that matter are Hades and Persephone!!
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
Before i start this Michigan realization post finished in a jopper, jancy, lumax analysis, like i wrote very long paragraphs.
Why is make america great again so popular ? Simple, it’s an obvious het ships who the GA ,who just watch the show casually, doesn't take time to realize the flaws of the relationship. But like, Hardcore minecraft shipper, how do you not see the problem in the relationship of mike and eleven. As a byler i watch multiple times scenes when they are together, do you not do the same? And if you do it are you, not to be insulting, sleeping. A lot of My Little pony call us media illiterate for analyzing the show. But do you even do it; The only proof you peeps need is “Well mike is dating El,so Mileven endgame”. It doesn’t work that way. When a ship is as great as you claim it is you can explain why they are made for one another and why their relationship works. Sometimes, even with ships i dislike/or neutral about the reasoning that two characters are made for one another make me understand the ship better, even if i don’t really like it. I can explain many ships in stranger things and why they can work.
Jancy: Nancy and Jonathan met trough the disappearance of a loved one. The y worked together to find them back. Then they realizing that they have more in common than they thought. They have similar traumas:,parents who aren't in love difficult family life; societal pressure. They start to bond about it together. In a way Jonathan gave Nancy what Nancy didn’t have with Steve, an actual bond outside of society standards. Stancy was mostly a teenage romance who was mostly physical, true Steve loved Nancy but their relationship wasn’t based on an strong bond with one another. Nancy and Steve at the time at least was completely incompatible, Nancy was in a way creating another empty marriage like her parents did. While stancy is an average teenage romance from the 80′s made from conventionally attractive people with little in common with one another, Jancy was everything that stancy wasn’t. Jonathan is poor,  a nerd, and from a pretty polarizing family in town while Steve is a jock , popular with girls; from a wealthy family. But it’s also inverse in term of actual love, Jonathan love Nancy and Nancy love Jonathan, they may not be the perfect couple, they have issues but that’s realistic.Also little point, Jancy has complimentary dream jobs( journalist/photograph), really care for each other passions and hobbies, and love each other pleasemattandroosdufferpleasedontbreakthemupibegofyou. Jancy is all about the society choice for your life and your choice for controlling your own. The logical choice for Nancy is to go with Steve, just like her mother did. To not choose her heart but her head. Steve is the better choice for Nancy to have a “normal”, conventional life just like her mom chose. But Nancy isn’t her mom, Nancy is herself. She won’t do the same mistakes as her parents not after she endured because of their loveless marriage. She gonna choose the choice that make her truly free and happy. And that is the unconditional love and freedom that loving Jonathan can give her. Or like she dumps Jonathan but like be a girlboss but don’t leave this malewife alone, well he still has argyle soo.
Jopper: Ah jopper, one of the longest slow burn in the show only second to byler. What make jopper works? Simple! Just like jancy they have a lot in common, but i will say that they have way more than jancy. Joyce and hopper are both divorced parents(rip Sarah), who have a multitude of unresolved trauma from their past life. Joyce is single mother of two boys, she love them dearly more than anythings in this worlds. But life isn’t easy for her, she’s forced to work late for gaining money for her children to have a good life. The Byers are poor i must remind you.She is still in a complicated relationship with her ex husband who abused her and her children. But i think one of Joyce biggest issues is solitude. Every time Joyce ask for help, fight for a cause nobody trust, everyone thinks she crazy. “oh it’s just Joyce being insane like always, she really a disgrace to this town, no wonder her children are just like her”. She never helped by anyone, and every time someone she care about someone, somethings bad happen to them.Joyce is alone, alone fighting for her children well being. Hopper is a cop, a alcoholic drug addicted cop, since the death of his daughter and the divorce with his wife it’s like is whole life lost it’s purpose.Even thought he the sheriff off hawking you can see he’s kind of not that liked( not that he tries to be). Hopper is clearly depressed. But in end there no chance of him healing in this condition. Hopper is alone, incapable of healing and depressed. They are both broken people from a world which isn’t kind to them. They knew each other from high school i suppose. We can see that they was always attraction between each other. Guys their literally old friend to lovers. Together jopper gets what the other needed. Love. They can finally live and love after all this years of stress and pain and grow together while seeing their kids grow too. They both lost people they care about. That’s why jopper  is beautiful, it’s all about second chance and continuing loving after the loss of people we love, its about  the continuing growth that someone can have in they life. It’s all about moving on mainly living on after the death of someone we cherished, because they might be gone but they would want you to carry on and live, live for them.
Lumax: Now we are coming into best ship territories. As you may know Lumax is in my eyes the current best cannon ship in stranger things. I lovee byler but god damm lumax really is the most developed, realistic, healthy and fantastic ship in the series. But why is that? Just like any ships that works, lumax as a lot in common. their the sassy, don’t talk no shit to me, leader type of a group. Max is more of a loner, tomboyish , sassy, brutally honest type of person. She has a rough exterior who covers her true feelings, it can be hard to see the true max. Lucas is a geek , sassy, always saying his opinion, dork. Like a mega dork. He’s like a sunshine. But i would say, while most ships have a trope that make them works, lumax trope is true love. They don’t need long love confessions or long make out sequence. The way we know they love each other isn't words, it’s actions. It’s the look in the other eyes,the shine in the eyes, the care, the immediate bright shining smile, it’s just the electricity. When they are together they still act like themselves, it is still Lucas and Max they act just like they normally are. They have their own interest and can totally live without each other, their not codependent. For teenagers i would say that they are way more mature than other kids their age. Just like Caleb said lumax love is mature, they slowly grew together learned to care for each other, love each other. Their love wasn’t instant. Against all odd, and difficulties, lumax sails up right now.             Lumax is a tale of true love, i would say a tragic one, understanding, fights and sadly pain in the end. The reason Lumax works so well compared to other ships is the realism of it all. Their relationship feels authentic. I would say that the scene of lucas with max in his arms is the scene that made me wanna kill Vecna the most, seeing his scream and tears give me the urge to punch my wall so bad. Compared to other ship it’s much more difficult to explain by words but you just know when you look at them. You feel it. They both bring best in one another and are at their brightest in each other company. So that’s why MAX BETTER LIVE OR I WILL SUE THE SUFFER BROTHER.
Why is Melvin so bad you would say, many reasons. The lack of communication the misunderstanding of each other personality, the lies, the very weird family parallel and more. But i think one of the main reason Machinegun doesn’t works is simple. It literally doesn't fit the core theme of stranger things Stranger things is all about the oddities and weirdness that make us unique and beautiful. The show is always following outcast of society. Every and i mean every relationship in stranger things is in a way weird or uncommon. Jopper? Two divorced middle aged parents. Jancy? Independent journalist from a good family and local weirdo boy from a badly renowned family. Lumax? Interracial couple. Rockie? no explanation needed i think. Duzie? Unusual genius girl with bright boy with facial differences( still a handsome boy but you know society sucks). Even the non cannon ships follow the theme. But Magnet is just..... stereotypical self insert bullshit for teenager shows. “Oh boy meet girl, girl weird and as super PoWers, people dislike girl because girl WEird, but boy only one who think girl cooL. Time passes and Girl develops crush on boy and become JEalous of another girl because boy hang out with her. But in the end girl is sooooo cool and fantastic and amazing and the part left of boy initial characterization is is love for girl. He is crazy obsessed with girl and it’s starting to get so toxic. Girl is just a local girlboss blank slates to be the deus ex machina of the show and is nothing other than that. When girl do something real bad she never get punished because girl is so perfect. And IN THE END boy and girl and boy love save the world or something and they still stay together even so their probably the worst option of the show.” I saw so many ships like this and it screams not only self insert to young girls who are in love with the male actor but also a very easy routes for a show named stranger things. Stranger broke the norms of how to do a “horror” show and it gave us amazing rep (even if the didn’t handle all of it that well). It’s extremely rare in current media to see a show centered around a gay man who is not stereotyped in any way. And it’s amazing! Will is my favorite character and not just because of his sexuality, he has so many layers and complexities that make me love him even more. Of course my second place go to Lucas and Eleven cause their my children but so you know. 
Back to the main topic. Making mike and el finish together is probably the easiest and stupidest choice, not only would it go against the entire logic of the to make the most plain relationship in the show and probably one the more toxic relationship we currently have as cannon but what message would this give. “Look at them they have nothing in common but you gotta ship it cause it contains the protagonist of the show, to be happy eleven gotta be with a man that so feminist of us. Oh and mike? Who give a shit about him, not like he destroyed most of his relationships to be with a girl he doesn’t even comprehend. Oh your angry because the traumatized abused gay kid never got a happy ending and that’s a “very bad message”. No one give a shit about your opinion, we hate will so much that we created an entire plot line of him falling in love with his best friend for him to be miserable. Buy our byler merch!”
Well i mean this is still my opinion so it doesn’t mean much, i’m just a random person passionate about a show, but really Melvin cannon would destroy my liking in the show. I prefer byler not endgame but melvin is separated than a melvin ending.
But anyway it wouldn't be worse than stancy endgame.
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cometblaster2070 · 2 years
*cracks spine* okay, let’s go, i’ve put this off for about a year now, and im really sorry, and im not going to put it off any longer.
(please forgive me @feline17ff)
this is the first post in this weird series; please dont mind me, i am a nuisance.
Destiny 2.0
we have previously discussed a few characters and the tragedies that befall them because of their story, but due to the nature of this fucked up franchise; we’re going to be talking about a few others.
Cedar Wood is someone who is not real. You might think she is. She’s just like a person isn’t she? She thinks, she feels, she loves just like someone who is real
but she isn’t
she’s just a puppet, right?
someone who is cursed to tell the truth. who cannot do anything but. who is sometimes forced to tell the truth against her will simply for some cruel person’s amusement. someone who is sometimes kept at a distance by her friends because they are afraid of telling her secrets that may be accidently divulged later.
Cedar Wood is real. she is no less a person than anyone else is. and while she may not always be able to express what she is able to say, she paints her emotions away; trying to explain what words cannot.
Cedar Wood is eager to follow her father’s destiny because she wishes, she hopes to be free of her curse and someday become a real girl.
there is something so inexplicably sad about wanting to feel real so badly.
hunter huntsman. despite his name (which is horrific, but i digress), there is nothing of a hunter in this boy.
he’s a vegetarian. he’s someone who sabotages the traps his father sets out for the animals. he’s on the cheer squad. he’s sweet and kind and sincere and he loves ashlynn ella with all of his heart.
hunter’s ‘destiny’ destiny isnt too big of a deal for him. he’s a part of two stories and honestly, i think he’s pretty happy in both of them; after all, he’s no villain. in snow white’s tale, he refuses to kill her, and warns her of the queen’s ill intentions, while in red riding hood, he’s the hero who saves the day.
but the thing is, there is something hunter’s destiny does not entail
or rather, someone: ashlynn ella.
as destiny dictates, someone like hunter, a simple commoner; cannot be with someone like ashlynn, a princess, a royal, someone with a big role to play.
why does it matter? why can’t they just be happy? why does hunter have to be molded into what they think will fit best for his story? why cant he just be with the girl he loves?
why are they so cruel to a child?
there’s a story we’ve all heard before. 
a story about a brother and a sister who were left in the woods by their father after there was nothing more for them to eat at home. how they found a house made of candy and were lured and trapped by the cannibal witch to whom it belonged. and how they finally bested her and escaped to warn the world of her evil.
what an utterly absurd lie created by two horrible children.
and yes, while the candy witch herself rather enjoys the controversy caused by her horrific tale, there is someone who does not.
ginger breadhouse. such a kind young girl, whose only desire is to bake and make people happy.
yet ginger is feared and rebuffed time and time again for what people assume her to be: a cannibal. a vicious, cruel monster who represents the worst in all of us. someone who uses her gifts simply to exploit others.
ginger cooks and bakes because she simply wants to; it is her passion. she just wants to share her treats with others and to just let them be happy. she doesn’t want to be the cannibal witch. she doesnt want to poison people. she just wants to be a pastry chef.  
it just isnt fair.
duchess swan is a royal through and through, and if anyone has a problem with that, then they could go fuck themselves.
it is no secret that duchess doesnt get a ‘happily ever after’ like most princesses, and yes, if you tend to remind her of that, you may get kicked in some very sensitive places by ballet shoes.
but duchess swan does not see herself as a coward. yes, she may be bitter about her story. yes, she may be envious of others such as the ever so perfect apple white, or ashlynn fucking ella.
yes, she may desperately want out of this fate. yes, she may be terrified knowing that what happened to her mother will happen to her. yes, she may try to swap stories with other princesses just to get a happier ending and to make sure that her story ends without her true love inadvertently betraying her.
but duchess is not a coward. and by whatever god there is in their fucked up world, duchess swan refuses to act like those ‘rebels’ and go against her destiny.
even though she might die. even though she’ll be stuck a swan forever. even though she might be the villain of her story.
duchess is a child who has been fed this horrific future from birth.
and apple white. god. what is there to say about apple white?
the perfect heir to the throne of ever after high? the girl who has it all? the one who is so effortlessly perfect? who has people fawning over her every move? who is the prettiest, smartest, and most popular girl in school? the girl with the ‘best’ story? the girl who is going to end up with everything, just like destiny intended for her?
her perfect happily ever after.
except, that isnt true, is it?
apple is not perfect. her hair is blonde instead of ‘as black as coal’. she hides the fact that she wears glasses and is nearly blind without them, because that is an ‘imperfection’. she is supposed to be the most popular, but is instead beaten by a rebel like raven queen. 
her prince isnt even a prince, for crying out loud. the ever so perfect daring charming is not her prince, rather, his sister, darling charming, the white knight, is apple’s true love.
all her life, the expectations set upon apple white have suffocated her and distorted her vision of what life she has and wants. she has been fed lies after lies about what she has to be, and what her ‘perfect’ future has to be like.
she is afraid of messing up. she is afraid of not being perfect. she is afraid from straying from the comfortable bubble of her destiny. she is afraid of deviating from her ‘happily ever after’ because she is literally terrified that she will die.
apple white, for all her bravado, is simply a scared child who doesnt know what to do.
and the truth is, the rest of them are like that as well.
they’re just kids.
and they’re afraid of what’s going to happen to them in the future.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 6 months
Im curious, what originally inspired you to create your OC Ariel for Dragon Age?
Hi there and thanks for the ask.
Before I begin, I'd like to say that there is a subset of fandom (not just in Dragon Age, but generally) that would not consider Ariel an OC of any kind. A character that exists or is named in some way in the story, as all Dragon Age player-characters are, are not what they would consider original. Similarly, some might argue that player-characters tend to be self-inserts, and to some degree that may be true (Dragon Age is an RPG, after all) but that isn't always the case.
I think both of these arguments have merit. I do, however, consider player-characters as OCs because the interpretations of said characters vary by individual. Particularly with the Warden and Inquisitor, we were given a rough starting point (and even then, some forego that entirely) while the rest is ambiguous enough to be left to the player's imagination.
Ariel was originally thought up following a complete playthrough of Origins, in which I immediately went on to Inquisition. She started out as a simple idea: I wanted the Warden at Skyhold following Here Lies the Abyss, with the Wardens recruited into the Inquisition, and having been a victim of Corypheus' false Calling herself.
I was missing my Warden in Inquisition and didn't like that they were handwaved away and exploring "the lands beyond Thedas." The letter the HoF sends to Skyhold was generic (can't really fault Bioware for that) and didn't sound like her. The way I played this Warden in Origins was such that she would have been horrified at what the Order had done, and be aware enough that she could use the Inquisition's resources to her benefit.
TLDR: I had a "What If" idea and ran with it.
I suppose this technically answers the question, but there's a bit more and this is getting a bit long so more under the cut.
She was also initially meant to be somewhat secondary to another problem I had with Inquisition, which was that Leliana went through a lot and I didn't feel like it was properly explored. You could argue this is understandable given her position and history, that she'd be more walled off and guarded. This is why Griffonheart is from her POV. (Griffonheart my beloved absolute trashfire.) But specifically, this was a romanced Leliana and I wanted to explore the conflicts of that as well.
However, given the absolute mess that is Leliana's canon writing, I sometimes feel like it would have been better if Bioware had introduced another character in Leliana's place. But alas, the stage was set from Leliana's Song and DA2's Exiled Prince.
Anyway, from there Ariel became more in-depth with her inner conflicts and struggles. I started thinking about what she would be like given how I set her up for Griffonheart (which was started before Broken Bird). For example, her brother, Eran, initially existed only to justify Ariel's existence, because I wanted a very specific world state that is not possible due to gameplay/story limitations of Origins. I thought about the City Elf origin, how that might change with siblings both recruited by Duncan, and all the little things about a Tabris playthrough that I felt could be expanded on.
I started thinking about her life in the alienage, made mountains out of molehills of the alienage's arranged marriages (internalized homophobia), racism/classism between elves and humans, and how a running theme (in my opinion) across the Origin's companions is loss and mourning.
Eventually, I ended up with a flawed and traumatized elf.
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