#someone gets stabbed
bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
OKAY SO LIKE. YOU KNOW HOW A LOT OF ANIMATED SHOWS AND STORIES EXIST. AND A LOT OF THEM ARE ABOUT CHILDHOOD AND COMING OF AGE RIGHT. AND THEY ALL HANDLE THIS GORGEOUSLY AND THEY ALSO HANDLE MATURE THEMES BEAUTIFULLY AND THINGS LIKE THE OWL HOUSE ARE INCREDIBLE FOR THAT. HOWEVER. SUCKS IN BREATH. AMPHIBIA. it's a classic fantasy story girl gets sucked into amphibian world where there are frogs and toads and salamanders and it is like. this big colorful fun escapist world and yet also class differences and this kid learning to be a better person and her friends learning to be better people (<- also the main character, anne, is thai which is one of the coolest things i've ever seen. more southeast asian people in art represent) and LIKE MANY children's shows it gets progressively darker as it goes on. but. it never loses its goofiness. and its love and earnestness and weirdness of when you are a kid in that middle school to high school transitional stage. and in the end the kids have to go home and grow up, and live their lives in the world they were trying to escape. and like. tater and i were talking privately about a bunch of stuff that happened during the peak pandemic era in regards to personal life & also kotlcblr as a whole and how much of a support system it was for us in the sense of like. it being this safe place for us to come and be silly and also have A Talk when we needed it and then how a lot of people kind of aged out for it and then i went OOF. OW. TATER. ISN'T THAT LIKE THE SHOW THAT I JUST FINISHED WATCHING AND U HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT FOREVER
I LOVE intertextuality and connection and recurring themes about the human condition and life and growing and how we tell the same stories through different lenses and the love that goes into it all.
2020 keepblr was such a retreat, this whole other world full of such enthusiasm and energy and companionship. for that brief window in time (it was like 2 years ish but compared to eternity) all of our lives crossed paths and we were all so present and important to each other. homework sucked and a lot of life sucked and we were learning who we were a lot of us (not that that's a process that ever stops, but early teen years especially have some shit going on) and had this place to go without fear of judgement--at least not the same as irl judgement. it was so supportive!! there was so much engagement with everything and everyone it was glorious
and it's so surreal to watch people move on. because like...that's what happens a lot of the time. we outgrow our younger interests as we age, we spend our time on different things. we cannot hold onto this moment forever and truly it would be unfair to ourselves to try, to keep us there. sometimes the point of something is for it to be impermanent.
i don't know if i'm making any sense but you get it! the themes! the past! the growing up!
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fmayyy · 3 months
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Some Human!Alastor attempts!
A totally normal well adjusted guy who enjoys typical things like jazz music, dancing, and the occasional violent murder spree 😎
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More random Nimona headcanons
Bal is one of those people who isn’t allergic to anything except one random medication that no one uses 
Ambrosius calls him a lucky bastard every time it’s brought up because he’s allergic to everything 
His allergy list is at least three pages long and he doesn’t remember a single thing on that list 
Whenever they go out to eat Bal has to remind him “No you can’t eat that it has olives” “Not that either love it’s got lemon” and so on 
Most of his allergic reactions are pretty tame so he’ll eat it anyway
And it gives Bal and Nimona so much fucking anxiety 
One time Bal walked in on Nimona chasing Ambrosius around the kitchen yelling “Spit out the carrots Nemesis you don’t even like them that much!!” 
Whenever he eats alone he refers to it as a game of Russian roulette 
Bal refers to it as the reason he has high blood pressure
Because Bal and Ambrosius grew up in the limelight (for very different reasons) there are a million pictures of them through the years 
And they use those videos to bully the hell out of each other 
Bal can quote the video from the beginning of the movie not because it was an important moment in his childhood 
But because Ambrosius will quote it at the most random times throughout the day
Bal will do something small like kill a bug or chase out an animal that Nimona brought in
And he’ll hear Ambrosius mumble “I’m here to slay monsters and protect our kingdom”
He was a little worried Nimona would react badly to this habit but he started joining in 
One time he killed a spider and Ambrosius asks “Are you slaying monsters moonbeam?” Nimona yells from the other room “I’m so proud of him he’s truly protecting our kingdom” 
There are a million photos of baby Ambrosius on the internet 
And Bal made a PowerPoint presentation ranking their cuteness factor out of 10 (100 was the lowest score he got and it was a picture of him with the ugliest bowl cut you’ve ever seen)
And made Ambrosius sit through it 
That was the most loved and mortified he had felt in a long time
Nimona uses low-quality pictures of them as reaction photos 
There have been times when Nimona asks “Can we eat out tonight” and Bal tells her no and she sends him this 
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He’ll text back “Is that my fucking wanted poster?!” 
She asked Ambrosius if there was any ice cream left and he said no he expected her to call him and complain he didn’t expect this 
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He calls her yelling “When the fuck did that happen?!” 
And she hangs up immediately to let Bal deal with it
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Thank you. I'm sorry.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jin guangyao#lan wangij#jin ling#LWJ shifting into fight mode was so damn cool. He is always ready to start throwing hands.#It's in a way that befits someone with a bit more bloodlust that his calm demeanor lets on - but nearly always in defense of someone.#What a great synergy with his personal philosophies! see that he is a Genuinely Noble Guy time and time again!#Is is also way more hilarious and unhinged than most people give him credit for? Also yes.#Nothing and no one ever said he did not or would not rip off JGY's hat mid-fight. I think LWJ needs to snatch more wigs LITERALLY.#Yes I'm delaying the part where I have to address the emotional turmoil of Jin Ling stabbing wwx. It gutted me terribly.#What is worse that realizing that someone you respected has done horrible things#than discovering someone who did horrible things being a kind and trustworthy person?#What is more horrifying that realizing other people are extremely complex and cannot be categorized into black and white?#When people hurt us or our loved ones we very much want to make them out to be irredeemable monsters. But they are not.#It is not actually such a terrible fate to just be a person. To be forgiven and forgive is possible. To change is possible.#This lesson is hard. It is something you have to actively challenge yourself to do. Black and white is the innate path to go down.#And its *why* I love Jin Ling so much. He is the character who fights the longest and hardest to challenge social and personal beliefs#He gets a pass for stabbing wwx for being so deliciously conflicted and tormented by it.#And with wrists THAT limp I can't imagine the wound was particularly deep
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caelanglang · 1 year
when they started to fall, it never stopped : skk
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Text from each panel in order:
"Hello?? My order..?"
"I guess you all must-a been VERY happy that Pep went inside [the tower] scared instead of angry"
"What do you mean by this, little gnome man?"
"Oh! Just that he is-a good with weapons! Knives, butcher knives, you-a know; Kitchen things! Sharp things! Very glad no one was hurt!"
"little gnome man, I must head home. Good day to you."
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peeledstrawberry · 30 days
I can't find it, but there was a post where Danny described Jason's pit rage as the "terrible twos" and I'm obsessed with the concept.
Like yeah OF COURSE every fresh ghost goes through their flickering lights and floating silverware phase! Especially ones who died violently and were never avenged. It's even WORSE if their violent death was covered up.
Meanwhile there's Batman who refused to avenge Jason and covered up his death
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mysticsnoopy · 8 months
i will forever think about this panel and how it shows usagi's character
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tea-cat-arts · 4 months
A reoccurring thought I had for a while now-
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On one hand, I'd like to think someone gave him a hug at least once in those 800 years. On the other, idk who Xie Lian would let himself be vulnerable with
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poolpvrty · 1 month
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We're in love. We just want to be together. What's wrong with that?
Regulus and Lily
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
"how could charlie not have seen vaggie bleed angel blood in all the years they were together-"
please imagine vaggie getting between charlie and whatever was threatening / being mean to charlie in the blink of an eye
now imagine the princess of HELL looming from over her girlfriend's shoulder, making Very Intensely Friendly Eye Contact with whoever vaggie is facing off with
add that to vaggie's comment on not getting to really stab anyone for a long while, and i could picture her mainly protecting charlie by giving charlie someone specific to be ready to throw down for since charlie is not super great at doing that for herself :(
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Frank! fantasy flavor!
i really wanted to blend that monk-class inspiration w/ Frank's personal vibe... i like to think that i Succeeded!
i turned his tie into a sort of brooch since, yk. bowties aren't all that Fantastical. they miss the style. also i think they'd be more comfortable with something smaller since he's very active and needs a wide range of maneuverability
i bet Eddie or someone wheedled them into adding the leather shoulder pauldrons - leather to keep it a bit more flexy, and also. it just looks Cool!
figuring out what would replace his vest was tough. i didn't want them to be entirely unprotected, but i couldn't give him straight armor. though i will admit! a sort of tight-fitting crop top was Considered! but i landed on a gambeson vest as the best fit - comfortable, flexible, a Vest, while providing some level of protection! also, gambesons are quilted, which fits Frank's diamond-checkered vest!
ive already mentioned that one of my favorite outfit things is Flowy Pants Tucked Into Boots, so... that choice wasn't very character driven. except the boots are a tall ankle wrap - for that extra stability and strength! their shoes are pretty flexible and are only a few steps away from being slippers.
and the half-skirt - open skirt? - thing (still don't know what its called) is purely some self indulgence. i think Frank looks great in skirts!! also imagining him Throwing Down w/ the added flair of the skirt... damn. it'd probably help confuse enemies too - what're they gonna do next? who knows! the skirt is in the way and adding extra Movement!
i like to think that his knife is either in a sheath attached to the back of the belt, or they have it on their thigh (under the skirt) like Wally's bag. he probably never uses it... punching is the way to go for Frank methinks. it's probably reserved for cutting ropes and fruit
speaking of punching.... wrist wraps! inspired by boxing gauze! pads his knuckles, keeps his wrist compressed, its the best choice for physical combat. though the wrapped knuckles probably always have blood showing through anyway... or no yeah it's mostly other people's blood...
as for scars - Frank probably has quite the collection! i imagine that they've been picking fights since a young age, and in such a dangerous world he probably got hit a Lot until they learned how to hit back. and hit back Well. still, i wanted to give him a cool face scar with a very lame backstory - a book with a crisp, sharp spine corner fell off a high shelf and bonked them in the face at juuuust the right angle <3 he probably stays very fucking quiet about it which makes everyone think there's some intense traumatic backstory behind it. there isn't. Frank's just embarrassed.
closing note: i imagine that Frank has zero magic. literally none. cannot wield it for shit cannot utilize it. he's just like Howdy fr
#im Very happy with this outfit ngl#they probably know a bunch of different fighting styles...#and then stitches them all together into a Frankenstyle#get it? frankenstein's monster + frank + style - yeah yeah i know im hilarious#he probably stresses everyone tf out with how gung-ho they are in a fight Without Much Protection#like yeah gambesons can cushion blows and depending on the quality can lessen or even stop arrows / stabs#but frank's is a Vest. yeah it covers his vital organ area but like. their face? arms? legs? its free target practice#everytime eddie sees frank throw himself at an enemy w/ magic or Much Bigger Than Frank#he has about 100 heart attacks#catch him sprinting to cover's franks ass. they need it#frank Will look at someone way above his pay grade and go 'yeah i can take em'#(and that's why they consistently end up under poppy's healing wing)#julie unfortunately is on the same bullshit as frank#so if frank takes on someone he cant handle - so will she. without blinking!#though when she (or anyone else) tries it that's when frank goes 'are you crazy?! dont fight them they'll kill you'#frank has common sense when it comes to other people <3 not themself <3#scribble salad#wh fantasy au#ah yes and the tiny knife... the glorified cheese knife...#even sally has a nice dagger and she's got some Powerful magic on her side#meanwhile frank is bringing fists to a gunfight smh#tryin ta think of a backstory for him for this au...#im thinking... he was either an orphan or his parents straight up Ditched him as a kid...#and he was taken in by a... fuck im missing the word. monastery? or something?#whatever it was it was run by somewhat spiritual people that raised & trained highly skilled/disciplined fighters#with the intent of 'you will fight for good blah blah blah'#maybe frank would sneak out and thats how he met julie? and he taught her some combat skills maybe...#& then he wound up running away w/ her or somethn#or he completed his training and went out to be a Soldier For Good but wound up following his own path & moral compass... idk
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krazieka2 · 6 months
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I did Huevember this year!! That's a lot of fire emblem.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Cannot Unsee. Cannot Unknow.
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papayafiles · 3 months
"i would love to create the story and finish the story and everything with mclaren. i really would love that."
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bonkalore · 6 months
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So there's this part in the Bleeding Magic AU where Jayce gets stabbed with an enchanted blade that is petrifying him and they have to go to a black market magic emergency tracker doctor in basically a sanitized basement bc they can't go to anything else with him like that. He ends up stuck in this form for a while as he heals. He can heal pretty rapidly with the Dread, but it def took a lot with a weapon like that.
He is on... SO many drugs rn lmao Also they are not dating at this point but are at least friends but not SUPER close yet. Lucy is not great with social interactions and dealing with something like this but she is trying her best.
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