#some vtubing stuff..
sunflowerpieivan · 6 months
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Well…I think it won’t do any harm to post this here. I thought that one my avatar is not good enough so I decided to draw something new, so here it is, little chibi (?) bear Ivan.
It looks so clean in comparison with my usual drawings :’)
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nerdynanny · 9 months
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I’m witty.
Also art by @zdoodlez who is literally my bestie and the most dope human being I know. Like GIRL YOU ARE SO DOPE YOUR ART IS DOPE I LOVE YOOOOOU.
My cute new OCs/Mascots Shiva and Shiba are a pair of brothers fated to always be crossing paths across timelines. Only one of each exists in the multiverse and they’re focal to one another. Yet they can never be in the same time.
Two brothers. Bound in a cosmic dance they only meet in dreams.
Oh and then there’s Reevee. Chaos incarnate. A 5th dimensional being the likes of Bat Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk. A bit on the wild side but with a heart of gold, Reevee navigates the multiverse, and is pretty fond of the ill-fated brothers.
Reevee is small— but mighty. In fact— one might say they were ADORABLE! Aww— aren’t you just the cutest— wait. Where am I?! Oh. Oh no. Nope.
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tearueful · 4 months
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Bitches aren't ready for Friday.
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faeblehaven · 1 year
Ya know what I have the urge to write? (Besides the supernatural brainrot I've succumb to) I want to do a Santa Clause fic like Bernard/OC pairing but the S/O is the spirit of Halloween. Like, she's this little fae creature that tends to the veil between worlds and magic starts going haywire in the north pole because she's not been invited up, and never shows up unless invited, so it's been centuries since it's been tended to. Bernard thinks she's going to be hell to deal with, thinking she's going to be like Jack, but surprise she's actually a joy to around and they become all smitten with each other while she's there. 🤭
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I know fuck all about 2d models and I'm also on mobile but that's really cool!!!! Oliver vtuber frfr- -🌟
sdjgkhdskgj ik it SAYS 2d model but really trust me: its literally just pngs basically
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arc-misadventures · 5 months
So for vtuber AU, several of the girls and/or boys from the academy have already made their debut in your entries. So I thought what if "Errantry" reacted to the recent re-debut of one of the members of the cabal, which is a short anime
the jepella rebelion
The VTuber: Maiden of the Cabal
Errant: Well, well, well. Look who’s back.
Errant smiled at the camera as he finished the video. He hadn’t expected an old acquaintance from his past to reemerge, it was certainly unexpected, but a welcome surprise nonetheless.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: Who is she?
FallenDesire: You know her?
Lucious: She’s pretty.
QueensGuard: Sounds like you know her.
Errant: That everyone is, FallenEmbers. No wait, Fall4Me, she goes by that now, that’s right. I knew her back when I used to play, The World of Remnant: Hunter’s and Monsters. It was this massive mmorpg that I played back in the day, it’s where I got the name, and design for my, VTuber avatar, The ErrantryPaladin. Fall4Me was, FallenEmbers back then. Hence my confusion.
Errant: It’s nice to see her coming back to the VTubing scene. I heard she was on before, but something happened. Oh, well I’m just happy she’s back, and hope she does well.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: So you do know her.
HellJumper1337: Were you friends?
Errant’s body fell back in his chair as a deep breath of air escaped trough his nose. He looked heavenlyward as he wistfully remembered the old days.
Errant: I did know her, we were friends… of sorts. I met her back when the, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters mmorpg was at its peak. I was still my lonely, Huntsman self while she was a, Huntress in the service of the, Cabal, the in game version. I never knew this when we first met, we just stumbled across one another, and did some missions together. Just because I played alone doesn’t mean I didn’t occasionally team up with other players. Little did I know she was trying to recruit me into the, Cabal.
Errant: Now, you have to understand something about how the, Acadimies, and the Cabal’s organizational structures work before I continue. You see to join a, Academy you as a player had to reach a minimum level of level ten to join an academy. This was to ensure that all new members were relatively skilled, no greenhorns, and the like. Basically, they wanted the new players to know the basic understanding of the game.
Errant: So once you joined a, Academy your characters bio gets the tag of: ‘Student of academy ‘X.’ And, once you reached level fifty you graduate from the academy, and become: ‘Hunter of ‘X’ academy.’ This was basic stuff to tell where people were from. You get different stats bonuses, and equipment based upon which academy you graduated from, not to mention players with certain individual characteristics tended to gravitate towards certain guilds. Giving each their own unique flavour to them all. The Cabal however, didn’t operate like that.
Errant: The Cabal recruited its members. Whether they be from, Atlas, or Shade Academy, it didn’t matter, their members would find you, scout you, and if you passed their tests they would offer up an invitation for you to join. While a graduated Hunter from, Mistral Academy would be said in their character profile, It wouldn’t say you were a member of the, Cabal. So its members could be anyone. This added a rather unique feature to the games overall gameplay. But, as I said; to join the, Cabal you had to display certain characteristics that the, Cabal would find desirable, and then they would invite you to join them. That’s how they did it to me, when FallenEmbers tried to recruit me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: Sounds like the beginning of a love story.
HellJunper1337: Yeah, a tragic one.
Errant: So, whilst on a mission to find some rare metals to upgrade my gear I stumbled upon, Ember. Ahh, I liked to call her that, because it was quicker to say, and I’m lazy.
Errant: So, it turned out she was also looking for the same minerals that I was. And, since the area we were in is an a royal bitch to fight in we decided to team up, and we made a deal: She gets the first ore we find, then I get the next. Simple as that. We made off with a lot of ore that day… Anyway, after that we parted ways, but stayed in contact, we would occasionally join up on missions together, and generally had a blast. And, then she told me the truth, she was a member of the, Cabal, and wanted me to join.
Errant: Honestly I always had my suspicions about her. She always felt distant, and overly cautious around people. Anyway, I… I don’t remember what I said, but I remember arriving at the, Cabal’s headquarters in the, Grimm Lands, where she gave me a tour of the place. I learned how their operatives operated… ha… That sounds weird doesn’t it? ‘Operatives operated.’ Sounds like improper english, but no, it’s correct.
Errant: Uhhh… where was I…? Oh yeah! So, I learned the ins, and outs of how their operations worked, met some of their members… And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…
And, with those few words his chat exploded into a shower of startled, confused, and dare say, aroused comments.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
UWU_Knight: You did what?!
Lucious: Titan Class?!
RighteousPotato: Why would you do that?!
LRDirection: You betrayed them?
KinSlayer: Betraying an evil organization is one thing, but YOU betraying anyone is another thing entirely!
HellJunper1337: Evil, Errant confirmed!
RunnerDowner: Why?!
LouderDesires: Cue the sexy art!
PokéGirl69: Sexy evil smile~!
LitteDragon: You betrayed someone?
Errant looked at the last comments before he rolled his eyes, and continued on with his tale.
Errant: Now, before I go on about how I did it, first you must learn why I did it. So, the Cabal was mostly jokesters; nothing overly evil, evil, just general bullies who raided supply lines, and caused the occasional, Grimm attacks on an innocent village. It annoyed people, but they added spice to the game. However, that commonly held opinion changed when the, Apprentice Massacre happened…
Errant: For context, we called players who were below level ten apprentices; They’re not at a high enough level to become academy students since they’re still in training so we called them apprentices. So, the Apprentice Massacre was an infamous incident where a bunch of, Cabal members got together, and started hunting down, and killing apprentices for the hell of it. Now this may not sound that bad, but there was a game mechanic where every time you die you’d lose one level. It happens every ten levels; say you’re level twenty seven; and you die eight times, you won’t go down to level nineteen, you’ll stay at level twenty. So, need I explain what happened, when a bunch of, Cabal members started killing a whole lot of apprentices?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
RunnerDowner: No way?
SumPenny: They dropped them to level one?!
KinSlayer: That’s mean!
RighteousPotato: What did they do spawn-camp them?
LunarFlower: I heard about this!
HeadHunter: I was there when it happened, it was brutal.
Errant: Yeah, over a dozen, Cabal members who ranged from level thirty to forty started basically spawn camping, and killing apprentices in the starting area. There was about… seventy apprentices there, and they were completely outclassed by even the weakest members. So it was a slaughter, they tried to put up a fight, but what could they do?
Errant: However, fortunately for the apprentices, and unfortunately for the, Cabal members, I was there.
He smiled a wicked smile as he remembered that day, and more importantly what he did that day. It was the day that legends were born, and he was the start of them all.
Errant: I was in the area walking to the next area to do some quests I picked up, when I came across the, Massacre. I made a quick message to the Academies, and several, Hunter’s I was acquitted with for back up, and after that I went on a bloody slaughter. The Cabal members didn’t know what hit them! I mean, I was a solo player in my seventies, and it didn’t matter how many of them there were, I had soloed plenty of, Grimm hordes before so this was a cake walk for me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: I bet you looked really cool when you did that
Dragondeeznutz: Bet he looked hot too
VulpineRanger: He’s always hot.
GrimmKitty: But he can be hotter!
HolyNevil: True.
GermanLeopard: Good point
Errant: I looked cool, least that’s what people said I looked like, chat. Back to the story, it was much easier when other players came in, and started protecting the apprentices with me. But, to make a long story short we managed to beat them off, and save the apprentices. A whole lot of things changed in the community after that happened.
Errant: Mostly codes of conduct, recently Graduated Hunter’s now had to mentor, and protect apprentices until they become students. A right of passage if you will. And, people’s general hatred towards the, Cabal, and what they did. People went inquisition on their asses. Specifically the, Atlas Academy, they really went after them.
Errant: …
Errant: Which now that I think about it actually makes sense since it’s, Atlas. If you know the lore, you’d understand.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: What did they do?
RangerFang: We went ham on them
BunnyDownUnder: Witch hunt baby!
LunaFlower: They hold grudges.
WinterBitch: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch.
Errant: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch. I’m not spiteful, no I’m not spiteful at all chat.
Errant: I am however… very, very… Vindictive~! Ah~hahaha~!
Errant gave off a roguish smile that as he chuckled as he remembered all the incidents he scored his revenge against those that wronged him. His dark chuckle, and devilish smile brought an explosion of heart emojis throughout his chat feed.
Errant: Ahhhh… Good times.
Errant: Anyway, so I had a grudge against the, Cabal because I thought that what they did was cruel. People may tease, or prank apprentices , but what they did pushed the line. So, when FallenEmbers showed me to the, Cabal base I knew what I wanted to do. You see, the Cabal headquarters was located in the, Grimm Lands. And, there is a whole mess of, Grimm there: From Beowulf, Apathy, Beringals, Chimera Grimm. Delta to Alpha Class. And lastly, Titan Class.
Errant: Now, you may be asking: How does the, Cabal operate in the Grimm lands without getting attacked? Simple: They get covered in a Grimm repellent that prevents, Grimm from attacking you. The Grimm will attack you if you don’t attack them. So… I went over to one the nesting, Titan Grimm’s, and I… woke it up.
Errant: Titan Class Grimm tend to… incubate until they reach a certain… No, no that doesn’t really make sense… How do I explain this…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Corgimorgi: Waiting for the butterfly to hatch from its cocoon?
Errant: Yeah, that’s works, thanks, Corgimorgi. It slowly grows in its cocoon until it hatches, and marches off to one of the kingdoms, and unleashes all hell upon them. If rumours arise that one of these were sighted, and, all available, Hunter’s is tasked to go out, and confirm if there is one. Everyone is terrified of these things, the first one that was ever encountered levelled, Shade Academy. It took them months irl to rebuild the academy, and it took them a year to reclaim all the land, Vacuo lost to a surge of, Grimm attacks.
Errant: At the time of the attack, Vacuo had a strength over nearly seven hundred members, and they barely, barely manage to defeat it. They had to call for help from other academies to kill the damn thing! So… How do you think the, Cabal managed to deal with a, Titan Class Grimm with barely two hundred members?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: A bloody slaughter.
Gundam#UWU: They most likely got curb stomped!
HellJumper1337: I almost feel sorry for them.
KinSlayer: Did you stay to fight it?
Errant: Nope! I got the hell out of there after it started attacking their headquarters. I let them burn! It took them days, like a week to kill it too. I know because I poked the bear, and I got Exp from when it died! Went up three levels because of that. I basically crippled the, Cabal for months after this! They couldn’t do a damn thing to anyone, they were so busy trying to rebuild they couldn’t be bothered with messing with anyone else.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Likelyaghost: So you destroyed the, Cabal all on your own?
Errant: No… I crippled the, Cabal all on my own. The Scorpion Incident… That, that killed the, Cabal…
Errant went quiet as he remembered a rather uncomfortable event that had transpired years ago. He took a deep sigh to calm his nerves before he continued to tell his tale of years gone bye.
Errant: So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why; Did she know I was the cause of the attack? Maybe that’s why she never contacted me… Probably called me a traitor for betraying her trust, and our friendship…
He stared off into the distance as he pondered these questions in his mind. He sighed another deep sigh before he shook his head, and readdressed his stream.
Errant: It matters not… What’s done is done. For that was then, this is now. So chat, to welcome back an old… acquaintance. We’re gonna raid her! Send her my well wishes, and welcome her into the fold chat!
Errant pressed the button, and sent his chat onward towards, Fall4Me’s stream with a smile on his face, and a roguish smile on his face. Thinking of all the good times they had together, and he couldn’t help but wonder, where did is long lost friend disappear to? But, most important of all:
Why is her model wearing an eyepatch?
Fall4Me’s Stream
Fall4Me: Hello everyone, I am Fall4Me, and welcome to my stream.
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Fall4Me: I am a, Huntress in the service of the, Grimm Cabal. And, I hope you enjoy watching me as we plunge the, World of Remnant into absolute chaos~!
Fall4Me: Here we will have discussions about very things: Music, video games, and various other things that… Hmm? What the?
The howl of a Beowulf echoed throughout the stream to signal a notification. One that she had not expected on her debut stream.
Fall4Me: I’m being raided? By who…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Hi, Ember!
GrimmKitty: She’s pretty
BunnyDownUnder: Love the eye
FallenDersires: Errant sends his regards!
Dragondeeznutz: Whoo raiding!
Fall4Me: Ember? Wait, how do you know that na… Wait… Errant? ErranrtyPaladin! H-He sent you?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Yeah, he told us all about you
Corgimorgi: It was a cool story
SummerDaysNightmare: Were you friends, he didn’t sound certain about it?
Fall4Me: We are… were friends of sorts. But, tell me chat, what did he say about me?
There was an eagerness, and an honest desire to know about how her long lost friend felt about her, and she hoped her new found audience could answer her questions.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
DungeonSiver18: Why listen to us when you can watch him talk about you?
QueensGuard: Yeah, watch his vod!
Fall4Me: Hmmm~? Now doesn’t that sound like a novel idea~! Alright chat, let us see what our beloved, ErrantryPaladin thinks of us~!
Fall4Me: Ahh, I remember that day, I was looking for, Gundrite. It’s a rare metal used for upgrading a, Hunters gear. I was looking for the ore to upgrade my weapons; I had a pair of twin swords that I could stick together to use as a bow. I wanted to increase my damage output, and then I stumbled across, Errant doing the same thing. Just as we found our first piece of, Gundrite.
Fall4Me: I thought we were about to have a fight over who got the ore. But, he said I found it first, and it was mine to take. It was… surprising really. I often tend to get into fights against players while looking for rare resources. It surprised me more so that he recommended that we team up to gather more resources together. And, it worked very well. I got more then enough ore. It’s not a surprise really, a level thirty, Huntress, and a level forty, Huntsmen such as ourselves is a very powerful duo to face against.
Errant: ‘And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…’
Fall4Me: HE WHAT?! He sent that damn, Grimm after us?!
Her eye ignited in flames as she looked on his smiling face as he unapologetically admitted his crime.
Fall4Me: It took the entire, Cabal nearly two weeks to kill the damned thing!
Fall4Me: It levelled our training grounds, obliterated the landing pads, decimated the hospital, and spawn camped the entire, Cabal for weeks! Seriously it’s aoe attacks were so strong that a player would die, then respawn, and then be killed by its next aoe attack! There wasn’t a single one of us whose level wasn’t reduced to a tenth!
Fall4Me: Then we all got branded as, Titan slayers, and everyone knew that a Titan awoke in the, Grimm lands meaning we were easily marked out as cabal members because of that! We couldn’t go into the field because of that!
Fall4Me: We were crippled for months, and we never made it back to half of our original strength. It was hell!
Fall4Me: But, why?! Why would my sweet, noble, Wolf do this to us? Why…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
BunnyDownUnder: She said ‘my wolf’
FallenDesire: Another one?
LRDirection: But why is he a wolf?
Lixxen: Guy knows what the ladies like
QueensBeedom: It’s his roguish charm
Fall4Me: Lets continue the video, perhaps he’ll explain why he did this…
Fall4Me: Oh…
Fall4Me: The Apprentice Massacre. That most certainly explains things…
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Gundam#UWU: Were you a part of it?
Dippernipper: We know you’re evil, but are you that evil?
Beowulf#38k: She’s evil, but will she stay hot evil?
She laughed a whimsical laugh as she read her chat feed. Relishing in delight at their innocence.
Fall4Me: Oh chat, I am always hot; More often than not its metaphorically, but often at times its quite… Literal~!
Fall4Me gave the camera a sultry gaze before holding up her hand as she flexed her fingers as it was enveloped in flames. She held a blazing fist before setting it out, and resuming with his vod.
Fall4Me: But, no I wasn’t involved in the, Apprentice Massacre. Yes I was a member of the, Cabal, but I was off doing other things irl when it happened. Even then I wouldn’t have partaken in such an action. Because the headache they caused us because of that was an ungodly amount of work to fix.
Fall4Me: Well, we mostly went into hiding, and laid low for a while. I eventually went again to see if I could recruit, Errant to our side. He was a loner, and outcast I thought he would easily join the group. I thought he was genuinely interested in joining us. But, he appears more interested in how to destroy us. And, good gods did he ever manage to do so…
Errant: ‘So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why…’
She looked away nervously for a moment before readdressing her chat as she saw them flood her chat with the similar question of why she talk to her precious wolf after the attack.
And, why did she call him, ‘Her Wolf?’
Fall4Me: Oh… I was just too busy rebuilding the, Cabal to contact, Errant. Besides, I thought he would be upset if I tried to wrangle him into helping fix the mess the, Titan Class Grimm caused. Or, asking him to fix his mess as it were.
Fall4Me: Then the whole, ‘Scorpion Incident’ happened, and the, Cabal was done for. There was no chance of rebuilding the guild since members left; they all left, right, left, and centre. To the point it was only a, Cabal of one. No big battle, no final stand, it just slowly burned out, and poof! It was gone.
Fall4Me: I need to talk to, Errant again, explain some things, ask him how things are going. Reconnect with my friend for old times sake. Would you like to see that, chat?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: Yeah! That sounds cool!
HellJumper1337: Friends reunite!
BunnyDownUnder: Lets see where she stands
Beowulf#38k: Idk these two seem like a good pair
Lixxen: Old war stories sounds fun.
Helsreach: I bet he’d like to talk to you too.
RunnerDowner: Do eeet!
Fall4Me: Alright then chat. Let’s go see what my noble, Wolf is there~!
Ahhh… This took days to finish… I just couldn’t finish it. But, it’s done!
I like doing these lore posts, it’s fun to let the mind make stories like these.
Do you guys enjoy these kind of posts, or are they just a bore to you? That’s just something I’ve been curious about.
Till later then.
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rumunstelle · 1 month
Manager of my Heart
Warnings : None
Summary : As the manager of Luxiem, you were responsible with managing these boys. Who would've know these bkys would develop... An interest in you..?
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(In this fanfic, NIJISANJI is an ACTUAL office, where all the liver's go to, to stream :PP)
In the bustling heart of NIJISANJI EN's headquarters, there was a palpable sense of excitement as Luxiem prepared for their upcoming anniversary stream. The members being Luca, Shu, Ike, Mysta, and Vox
They were well-known for their charisma and charm, but behind the scenes, they shared a common, unspoken distraction. Their interest for you, their manager
You were the definition of efficiency, your head always buried in your planner, phone pressed to your ear as you coordinated events, sponsorships, and media appearances. Your obliviousness to anything not but your schedule was almost comical at most
As they gathered in the conference room to discuss the stream's logistics, the members exchanged knowing looks. Each harbored a gentle admiration for you, appreciating your dedication and often, your unintentional neglect of their not-so-subtle hints of affection
Shu, more reserved, showed his affection through helping you when your in need. Like, helping you with the technical issues. Your not the brightest when it comes to technical stuff, but luckily Shu was there to happily lend you a helping hand!
Ike, the dear novelist, attempted to engage in deep conversations about books and art, hoping to catch your interest. Even though, you always engaged, you were to caught up with work to notice the deeper intentions behind his words
Luca, threw flirtatious comments your way. But, in a very dorky way “(Y/n), if I had a stream for every time you crossed my mind, I’d never be offline" You chuckled, scribbling notes without missing a beat. “Make sure those streams are scheduled properly, Luca. We wouldn’t want your fans missing out on any of that charm”
Mysta, helping out with anything he can, just to help you with your work, and not stressing us much about your work, yet sometimes his 'help' makes more problems for you. Yet, you still really appreciate him trying to help as best as he can!
Vox, definitely more protective of you when you guys are out. Whether you like it or not, he'll definitely accompany you when your out and about. He doesn't want any creeps to go near you
And despite their efforts, you remained blissfully unaware of there hints of affection. To you, these were just endearing quirks of your talented team, nothing more, nothing less
The anniversary stream was a roaring success, filled with laughter, games, and an outpouring of support from fans
As the night drew to a close, you gathered them together, your eyes sparkling with how proud you are of them!
“You all did wonderfully tonight!” You beamed, your genuine appreciation warming their hearts. “I don’t know what I’d do without such a dedicated team!"
As they all shared a celebratory toast, the members exchanged glances once more. Perhaps it was better this way, their feelings a quiet undercurrent that strengthened their bond rather than complicating it
After all, in the whirlwind world of vtubing, some secrets were best kept just between the lines of a planner and the quiet moments before the stream went live
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analiavs · 2 months
Goon Squad if they were streamers
Irl Streamer. Shows off his horse school, livestreams his centaurs competitions. Some educational videos about farming and animal care.
Lots of sponsorships, merch plugs. Most wholesome content
Vtuber. Specifically middle aged man pretending to be an anime girl vtuber. Actually ends up with a massive audience and diehard stans. Merch deals and sponsorships start rolling in.
One day his rig fails and when he realizes, literally cries himself to sleep. Thinks he’s lost everything.
But he still has some loving (middle aged) stans that are willing to love him for who he is. Slowly starts phasing out the vtube and starts being himself. Then his fans see he’s a shit person and leave him anyways.
Alternatively ends up being “groomed” into being someone’s discord kitten.
Archetypal goon squad crafter. Thirst traps, sexually suggestive content abound. Somehow never gets banned.
Sells his bathwater, full nine yards.
Eventually his love of the attention leads him to cam sites. Little does he know his biggest stan is watching from his closet
No cam, no mic streamer. Uses it as a stress release. Plays farm games and sims games, but very intensely.
Very controlling of his games. Fully maxxed perfect farms and 100s of generations of sims. Is so domineering may be giving himself more stress.
If he plays a multiplayer game with his audience, they can expect to be worked to the bone. Despite this, his audience is loyal and his icon gets lots of fan art.
Gambles on stream. Poker, online casinos, sports betting... not in a right wing streamer brainwashing their preteen audience kind of way, but in a someone please call the hotline kind of way.
Unfortunately he's in too deep to quit. Remy's just happy to see him working extra shifts.
Like Remy his online presence is surprisingly purehearted in intention
Runs 24/7 livestreams of the oceans directed at showing off wildlife. Unfortunately, deviant activities involving mermaids keep getting him banned.
Tries to do day in the life streams, to engage with young voters. Unfortunately everytime something embarrassing happens. At first it was typical stuff like spilling his coffee or ripping his pants but eventually it turns into people trying to get clout by interrupting his streams
Eventually just gives up. The election is rigged anyway.
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symskellet · 2 months
the vtubing setup is starting to bloom , still need to fix some stuff but Its getting there
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freyalise · 3 months
I'm geniunely out of the loop on the mori calliope stuff, so uh what happened to make her sining ending theme a bad thing?
I'm not in the loop with vtubing because it's not my scene but my music tastes means that spotify constantly tries to insert her awful music into my playlists
But I have seen people talking about her posting and saying some absurdly racist shit. Some of my followers may know more specifics
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as8bakwthesage · 2 months
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I gave Tem Souldancer a proper reference for their civilian self and their Magical Boy/Enbie transformation!
So a couple of notes:
Tem Souldancer is 16 years old when they meet the Turtles. They use they/them pronouns. They are also a self-insert who I ship with Donnie.*
Tem is short for Artemisia, a name that they adopted after moving to NYC. Their "real" name is Crow, but they did keep their surname out of respect for their family's culture and history. So they went from Crow Souldancer to Artemisia Souldancer, but everyone calls them Tem for short.
Tem is Two-Spirit, and is on Testosterone. Their gender is "your worst nightmare." They are also ace-spec.
Tem was diagnosed with ASD as a child. Their special interests lie in the complexities of magic and systems of the mystic arts. They study magic almost like it's a science. And also crows. They have a huge thing for crows. Duh no shit
They are very silly
Tem's Backstory and Powers...
Tem's Backstory:
Headcanon time! The magic in ROTTMNT stems from two sources - from the Spirits of the Earth or from the Krang/Onni. The magic that comes from the Earth and its Spirits acts like veins, and ties all living creatures together. The veins are in all kinds of colours, depending on the life force of the person a single vein is connected to. For obvious reasons, Raph's is red, Leo's is blue, Donnie's is purple, Mikey's is orange, April's is yellow, etc. However, most people cannot see the Veins, including the Hamatos.
Tem, and by extension their family, can see these Veins, alongside some other stuff. This is because many centuries ago, a young woman was given these abilities by one of the more powerful Spirits in order to protect the Earth from the Demons who would try to destroy it (the Krang.) This woman adopted the title Souldancer because it felt like she was dancing among the souls of the living. This would become the surname for Tem's family.
Souldancer children are born with a small crystal on their body, varying in shape, colour, and location. These are called Soul Crystals, and they help the Souldancers use their powers. However, they only appear on firstborn children. Any other children born after do not get a crystal. The secondborn are taught how to do magic for reasons that will become apparent in the next paragraph.
The firstborn child would be trained in the mystic arts and in the ability to see and manipulate the Veins. The secondborn child would be responsible for producing the next generation of firstborn and secondborn children, so that the Souldancer line never died out. The firstborns are not allowed to have relationships or develop attachments to others. (Kind of like the Jedi Order in the Star Wars prequels, and the reasons why are the exact same.) The firstborn are called Guardians, and the secondborn are called Carriers.
Tem is a very weird case because they and their brother Rook are the firstborn together. They are twins, and they both have crystals. Rook's is green while Tem's fluctuates between white, shades of grey, and black (I'll come back to why that's weird later!) But Souldancer twins have never been born before this, so Tem's parents had to figure out what to do. Because Tem was born a few minutes after Rook, their parents decided that Rook would be the next Guardian because he was older. Tem would be the next Carrier. They were supposed to marry a man who was nine years older than them when they turned 16.
They tried to smile and continue living. But they've always loved using their magic and protecting and helping others, and they don't want to give up that part of themselves. So when they turned 15, they ran away from home and moved out to NYC, where they knew an entrance to the Hidden City was. They figured that being closer to the Hidden City would mask their Soul Crystal from their parents' detection.
Tem set up shop and began working as a waiter, while also doing VTubing on the side (which they are slowly but surely getting more views and money from.) They also use the nights to their advantage to not only fight crime and help out injured people using their powers, but also to fight any and all remnants of the Demons' armies. Tem is also trying to destroy any and all remaining Krang weapons (one of which being the Dark Armor.)
Tem meets the Turtles in season 1 of ROTTMNT. They get very insecure about having to share a spotlight with any other heroes. Tem has lived in their brother's shadow for years and wants to escape it and make something of themselves independent from their family. They project hard on the Turtle brothers as a result. However, they soon become friends with the brothers, and develop a rivalry/friendship with Donnie (which eventually turns into a romance, but that's a very slow burn.)
Tem's Powers:
Remember how I mentioned above that Tem's Soul Crystal being greyscale is weird? Well, here's why! All Souldancer firstborns are born with a Crystal, and they all come in different shapes and colours. However, no child has ever been born with a Crystal like Tem's before.
The scale of White to Black shades in magic is reserved for those with a LOT of power, typically Spirits. White magic was typically more focused and could allow a person to utilise any kind of magic they wanted to. Black magic, on the other hand, was harder to control and was more prone to instability. However, it was also the culmination of all colours, so it could also do crazy powerful stuff. The shades of Greys in magic are a combination of both of these aspects. The darker the shade, the more magical energy a person had, but that magic was unstable and difficult to control.
Tem's Crystal changes colour depending on how upset they are. If they feel a very strong emotion such as hatred or terror or even love, their Crystal gets darker. However, Tem's appearance while transformed is a mix of different shades of greys mostly because it is a reflection of their experiences with their magic and emotions. The colour of their Crystal only changes whenever Tem overexerts themselves.
Tem's powers are more specific however. They can see the Veins, but they can also interact with them. If they spend enough time, Tem could find anybody in the world using the Veins. They can even siphon magical energy from a large network of sources to heal others. Think of it like the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Typically, minor injuries like cuts or bruises or even sprains don't take too much magic or effort. Wounds, stabs, broken bones are trickier but also not too difficult to heal. Near-death injuries are harder, but not impossible. However, when someone dies, it is basically impossible to heal from that.
Tem also can drain the life force and magical energy from others. Very similar deal to the Healing magic. Draining magic is easier when it's in smaller quantities. Typically draining small amounts of magic from someone will make them tired or weaker. In larger quantities, it could bring someone to near death or even kill someone. However, removing so much magic from someone as to practically take their soul would absolutely be way too much Black magic for one person to handle and it could possibly kill them.
Alongside that, Tem can also mimic the powers of the Turtles, mostly whenever they are in close proximity to them. So the closer Tem is to a brother, the easier it is for Tem to mimic their powers. Their crystal and clothes even have the colour of the corresponding brother added to them, which disappears when Tem is no longer using their powers. It's also important to note that the more Tem uses one of the Turtles' magical abilities, they also tend to feel whatever it is the brother in question is feeling. They can only use one power at a time, and if they try to do multiple at once, it is too much.
In their Corvid form (as they like to call their transformed black and white self), they can glide, jump farther, run faster than any ordinary human. They also have a significantly higher pain tolerance and much faster reflexes.
*I have been a TMNT fan since 2012, and I was 16/17 when Rise was announced/released. Tem is an abridged version of myself in 2017/2018, which is when the events of the first season start. I'm adult now, so any and all content from me about teen Tem and teen Donnie will be strictly SFW. This is kind of a grey zone for me in terms of self-shipping because it's retroactive and Tem's experiences differ from my own drastically.
Why I'm retroactively self-shipping is very personal to me, but it boils down to healing my inner child/teenager. I grew up with these characters and I'd like to pay homage to my younger self and give them some love and support from healthy places. This is very much a love letter to teenage Aso.
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canmom · 8 days
no animation night yesterday - apologies for the lack of announcement, I had @footsteps-on-the-dance-floor visiting from a long way away, and wanted to make the most of having her there <3 we won't be back until after the Annecy festival - but to briefly state the plans for the future of Animation Night...
I am planning to get back into the regular swing of things. the whole 'end on number 200' plan? forget that. what I needed wasn't a final one to count down to, it was a break. and i took that break (we managed about 24 animation nights in the year since the last Annecy, which is better going than I thought). but now i don't want to wrap it up anymore! I wanna bring it back! we'll still do an Eva marathon to hit End of Eva on #200 tho, that sounds like a good time.
we'll continue with the general mix of reruns and new content. there are plenty of great animated films we haven't screened yet, but equally there's so much good stuff I showed in the earlier years which would be great to revisit with a new audience. I also will continue to do 'mixed' ones where I'll show something we saw before along with a new instalment.
now and then I learn some crazy cool new thing about a film I thought I knew about, largely thanks to the amazing work of Animation Obsessive on substack who have been absolutely on fire recently. for example did you know that a lot of the direction for Ghost in the Shell, such as the realist style, was by the request of UK distributor Manga Entertainment, who wanted a film that would help spread anime in the west? that's gotta be one of the greatest called shots in history lol. or did you know that Otomo's short film Construction Cancellation Order was pretty much where he learned animation from people like Rintaro, taking inspiration from early Miyazaki? or that Mamoru Oshii was originally going to have a short on Memories? they also have this ongoing discussion on montage, space and stillness in animation which is absolutely fascinating.
so that's the kind of stuff I want to bring in if we revisit some of those films we watched before! there's always more to find out! I also want to mix in some 'Toku Tuesday' style content - there are some films like Godzilla Minus One or Takashi Miike's new film Lumberjack the Monster which I'd love to watch with friends, and while running two film nights a week is definitely beyond what I can do at the moment, switching in an occasional live action night would be pretty fun I think. unfortunately it can't be on Tuesday anymore.
one thing I'm kinda considering is, once I'm vtubed up, whether to combine that with Animation Night a little - e.g. popping up in between films to give a little intro speech or something. I'm not sure about this - I like the purity of films, title cards and text - but it would also be a neat thing to fold into the whole 'act' right? like come to her post-apoc bunker to watch some cool films from the world before or smth. and it would make it idk a liiiitle more 'transformative' as a project.
aaaaanywaaaaaay - beloved audience, was there something we watched on animation nights past that you thought was a great time? or that you wish you'd seen and would love to see again? is Sunday still the best day, or would you like to see it move back to Thursdays? let me know, sometime now or later ^^
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askzloyxp · 1 year
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Some PNGs I made for my streams. Sucks that my CPU can't handle Vtubing much, but at least I can just swoop in and draw my own stuff without learning how to rig for now
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so in the Ruby vtuber stream thing with the cruchyroll girl, Ruby casually drops that she's "more of a platonic person" which kind of implies she Aro (not specifically aro/ace like the post on this i saw says, but Aro)
but i don't see this as a "real" confirmation, it feels like (to me at least) the kind of language you'd use to avoid explicitly confirming anything. it's also an off the cuff statement in con-canon sims 4 Vtubing stream so might be just meaningless as like Weiss being very clearly into Ruby in some of the manga, or Cinder being implied as Bisexual in RWBY chibi. (both those characters should be Bi in canon BTW)
it really reminds me of that time people were saying Ruby was "confirmed" as autistic when she just saying "everyone's brains are little different, including you and me!" while she was talking to an autistic person. (it was like a Q&A Vtubing thing) which as an autistic person just isn't enough for me to say she 100% is, which sucks.
absolutely no shade towards anyone who wants these to be canon or have these as headcanons, i fall under both those camps, i just really wish RT would explicitly confirm stuff like this.
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iraprince · 2 years
hey I might be blind but I remember you made a post about vtubing/pngtubing with some tips and stuff I thin?? and I wanna be a png tuber but I don't know where to start could u maybe link me tht post? i can't find it on your blog. (or im having fever dreams and imagined it lol then ignore this) have a good day ♥
no problem! here's the stuff i've posted so far:
a really really rough overview on getting started with pngtubing (programs you can use to create a model)
a really really rough explanation of OBS/stream overlays (this means what your stream looks like to your viewers, besides just the actual capture of whatever you're doing on your computer)
little example of what my streaming setup looks like
i also have two tutorial streams recorded on my twitch! one is a long-form, real time workalong of me making a pngtuber for honk (the program i use for my own model) start to finish; i cover how to separate out moving parts, layer organization and grouping, and how to import and "rig" in honk (rig is in quotes bc it's really very simple, "assemble" would probably be more accurate.) it's literally like 6 hours long tho so i recommend you speed it up or just have it on in the background while u do other stuff and scrub back thru it if u found anything helpful or interesting, something like that; i also have a much faster/less serious version with a different model if that's more useful for you (way less info but it's 2.5 hours instead.)
w/ these pls keep in mind that, like all my social media, my twitch recordings and streams are 18+ only and also i am stoned a lot of the time
there's also tons of resources online when u search like "pngtuber tutorial" on youtube etc, or if you follow some vtubers on twitter a lot of times we share tutorials and most ppl are happy to answer questions. when i post more stuff on here it will go into my #vtubing help tag, or at least it will whenever i can remember to tag it that
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fictionfixations · 2 months
was watching someone put in a joke submission for the nijisanji en vtuber thingy (where they were asking ppl to apply) and. i have to ask. if they so clearly want someones whos like. successful, or good at being a streamer/content creator
then like. at that point. why do you even need to go the company way for vtubing?? cuz imo ppl tend to go towards companies for 1. being able to start with a good fanbase (as in the company advertises you and you get those fans coming over to see your content) and i guess if they're a good one, 2. guidance and all that jazz on wtf to do, and basically having outside help to manage stuff
but like. at that point if you have your own stuff, whats the appeal of applying to another company to do it there instead when they own kinda everything you'll ever do when there???
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these ones you can kind of excuse as asking if you have any experience, and then they can plan accordingly if they decide to take you on, but..
(goes on to ask your follower counts to stuff if you have them?? which. i really doubt theyd go so in-depth if they didnt care)
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but like backtracking a bit i have a few comments to make
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Last I checked their managers don't tend to be too great at English, though. I think they're required to know at least some, but some does not equal to being able to properly communicate between the liver and them accurately.
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Again, if they want experienced people, then what entices those people to leave behind what they've done so far to join them?? I honestly don't get it. Or is it a case of they're good at what they do but don't have a big audience???
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so assumedly you'd have to have something you've done that you feel performed well. maybe its just me but that seems very vague. i mean i guess its a way to find hidden gems and learn a lot about the person applying based on that. but i feel that still pushes the idea that this person needs to have done something, have some sort of experience and so and so but i could be wrong
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