#sobbing and crying and throwing up
smilesrobotlover · 1 month
Idk if this is too hard, could you should draw the dads when they were younger- like teenagers or something?
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This added like ten years to my lifespan anon
Anyways didn’t want to draw all of them but I have wanted to try out drawing the dads as teenagers, specifically Rusl so thanks for this :)
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I love the sanji and Usopp childhood best friends AU but let me one up this a bit. Robin being usopp's not so legal guardian.
She's in her early 20s she's still on the run and hiding from the government. She runs into the red hair pirates. They hide her on their ship for a while running away from the Marines as well. They really don't know what to do with her at this age she's really not up to being a pirate. Especially on a boat full of men she just met a week ago, they don't know what to do. They're planning on dropping her off at any random village but yasopp had a better idea.
Her name is not Robin. Her name is Ruth, She cut her hair. Maybe dyed it a different color She looks like a completely different person. (They also fake her death. They blew up a navy vessel. They could have executed the plan a little bit better) He takes her to his home and gives her the key.
This is a kind act. A little too kind.......What's the catch? Of course the catch is she has to look after his son. Yasopp has recently been bereaved losing his wife while he was at sea leaving his 7-year-old basically alone for the time being.
(Since yasopp knows that his wife has passed, I'm pretty sure he got Merry or someone in the village to check up on him while he tries to come up with something in the meantime.)
Yasopp: He needs someone to look after him.
Robin: and why isn't it you?
Yasopp: with my bounty? No, not a chance...... Folks recognize me you know my face and once they know It's off to jail for me but you... Ms "Ruth" they don't know you... Which means you can roam around without any worry.
Yasopp: I know this isn't your ideal situation but this is the best we could do. Okay? Look you got a nice house. You can have the master bedroom.... Some of my wife's clothes are still there food, water, Shelter You're set....... All you have to do is just keep Usopp safe..... Say hi buddy don't be scared she's here to watch you..... Come on let go of Daddy's leg..... Say hi to her usopp....
Usopp: no!... I don't wanna.
Yasopp: *sigh* come here upsy daisy.....God either you're getting heavy or I'm getting old.....*sigh*.....he's a good kid really. Honestly he's very low maintenance just feed him and bathe him and put him to bed at 8.
Robin:........... (Staring)
Usopp:........ (Staring back)
Robin:... Alright...... I'll do it.... I'm truly grateful for this really.
No, but I absolutely love this. Robin and Usopp bond after a while of Usopp being a bit shy and scared of her. She's like a big sister of some sort, too. He tells her all his stories and speaks about his mom! And Robin also tells him her mom was an incredible person too but also died :( She takes care of him in such a gentle, and loving way. And Usopp is protective of her. Like. A lot. He keeps saying that if anybody dares to come around her he'll just stop them with his powerful slingshot because Captain Usopp will be there to save his dear archeologist! (dude, is this Au just Usopp stealing crew members from Luffy because he found them first? Maybe yes). She tells him her real name and the real reason she's there once he grows up a little bit, and Usopp promises to keep the secret if she stays with him because he really can't lose somebody else. Robin tells him they'll be together for as long as he lets her. She's the most,,, Precious thing. She loves Kaya, too! They spend sooo much time together with Usopp.
And then the whole drama comes because Sanji appears. It's not like Robin is going to fight somebody now that she's safe, but the way the kid speaks when he starts staying over with them (while the crew fixes the ship yadda yadda what I say in the original post) is a bit worrisome,, Sanji grows so fond of her too. He loves her! She reminds him a lot of his mom and finds so much comfort in her. Now, there's this layer of angst because, despite loving each other and having so so much fun together, the three of them can't stay like this forever because Sanji has to go. And Usopp, of course, says no because he's both scared and not ready to do this. But,, But also, he doesn't want to do this to Robin. She's been taking care of him for a long time! And she can't come with them! It'll be dangerous! And Usopp can't leave without her because she promised his dad she'll protect him, and he doesn't want her to get into any trouble. Usopp doesn't tell Sanji, though, he doesn't want to blame Robin for this and make her feel guilty. So he keeps that to himself and watches Sanji go, hoping to reunite someday.
I am guessing that once they meet Luffy, Robin joins them at the same time. If Usopp is going, she's going too. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is, if Usopp wants to fulfill his dream, she doesn't mind a bit of danger. They'll be alright. Then they meet Sanji and everything is pretty much the same except that Robin is there from the start? Her low appreciation for her life is still there, don't worry, Water 7 happens anyway. It's just angstier because Usopp wants to leave and Sanji doesn't want to lose him again, and Enies Lobby is even more dramatic because it's Usopp the one to burn down the flag for his dear Robin! Not to mention that it adds more significance to the Robin/Sanji Wano scene!!
And also, just think about Robin knowing these two teenagers have the biggest crush on each other. It's just so cute.
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maraudersmary · 4 months
a house in nebraska by ethel cain is destroying me
i have never felt so impacted by a song in my life
also i feel like it could apply to literally every marauders ship and friendship so that’s fun 🤣
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hematomes · 1 year
i want them both. carnally
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raetreaderarts · 3 months
hi I just finished psycho-pass season 1 and I am completely inconsolable! what the fuck!
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berryblu-soda · 2 years
Lloyd and garmadons dynamic over the years, I am ill orz
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new-austin · 2 years
"I had a son... He passed away"
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The rate at which you're going you might become tumblr famous (don't)
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
damn... here i am crying again over tallstar's revenge......
the "you wouldn't be happy with me?" bit always hits me HARD
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
Actual image of me after taking the stray kitty off my lap so I could go inside and sleep
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miothle · 1 month
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Farewell, Kakavasha.
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bertybum · 3 months
I don't really have anything to add to this, just please listen to this album
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nessieartss · 1 month
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Itafushi The Last of Us AU
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cygnusxxii · 11 months
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effervescentwolf · 1 year
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k9wa · 1 year
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STOP ur theme is so cutesy + i just binge read all ur tr stuff and was kicking my feet and giggling like an idiot oh my god
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