#so you just get the higher number for saves per level
thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
the ratgrinders' potential levels
cannot believe i was right about the xp reqs. the bad kids & the seven get 'special treatment' (milestone leveling and saving the world), while others have to work with xp. which tells you a lot about why people fled during prompocalypse.
ok getting into the algebra now: the rat grinders have gone into the far haven woods every day for the last two years, for 3 hours after school, and 9 hours/day on weekends. presumably they keep this up during the summer.
they have supposedly defeated 80,000 or more of three types of creatures: rats, spiders, and twig blights. there are some variations to what these could be, so here's a list of what this could encompass, assuming the ratgrinders are not facing creatures over CR 1.
giant rat: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of rats: CR 1/4, 50 XP
giant wolf spider: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of spiders: CR 1/2, 100 XP
giant flying spider: CR 1, 200 XP
giant spider: CR 1, 200 XP
ice spider: CR 1, 200 XP
twig blight: CR 1/8, 25 XP
needle blight: CR 1/4, 50 XP
thorn slinger: CR 1/2, 100 XP
vine blight: CR 1/2, 100 XP
razorvine blight: CR 1, 200 XP
thorny: CR 1: 200 XP
the full list is a little difficult to do calculations on, so let's condense it. assume a quarter of the 80000 creatures were CR 1/8, a quarter were CR 1/4, so on and so forth.
how much xp would they earn? how much would they level for the amount they ground? grinded? for?
critical assumption here: in the games i've played, we've always done milestone or zeroed out xp with each level, i.e. after earning 300 xp to get to level 2, you have to earn 900 xp to get to level 3, not 600. this analysis assumes that you have to earn the next levels xp reqs on top of your current total. i'm including the xp chart here to clarify:
level 1: 0 XP, +2, total 0 XP
level 2: 300 XP, +2, total 300 XP
level 3: 900 XP, +2, total 1200 XP
level 4: 2700 XP, +2, total 3900 XP
level 5: 6500 XP, +3, total 10400 XP
level 6: 14000 XP, +3, total 24400 XP
level 7: 23000 XP, +3, total 47400 XP
level 8: 34000 XP, +3, total 81400 XP
level 9: 48000 XP, +4, total 129400 XP
level 10: 64000 XP, +4, total 193400 XP
level 11: 85000 XP, +4, total 278400 XP
level 12: 100000 XP, +4, total 378400 XP
level 13: 120000 XP, +5, total 498400 XP
level 14: 140000 XP, +5, total 638400 XP
level 15: 165000 XP, +5, total 803400 XP
level 16: 195000 XP, +5, total 998400 XP
level 17: 225000 XP, +6, total 1223400 XP
level 18: 265000 XP, +6, total 1488400 XP
level 19: 305000 XP, +6, total 1793400 XP
level 20: 355000 XP, +6, total 2148400 XP
if we went cumulatively, based on the number of creatures the bad kids have defeated, they'd be getting up there in xp. we know they've had opportunities to defeat creatures outside of the quests that we've seen, given the oneshots. thus, i'm going with the second explanation, because otherwise the ratgrinders would be 19th level, and i don't think they are, because it would make any pvp setups super unbalanced, which are neither fun to play nor watch. this puts them on a little more even ground and emphasizes the amount of work it takes to xp grind to level against milestone leveling.
for the CR 1/8s: assuming roughly 20,000 creatures, they'd get 25 XP per, which means 500,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 13, on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 83,333.33, which is enough to get you to 10th level cumulatively and 8th non cumulatively.
this scales up to the 1/4s, 1/2s and the 1s since the xp gains double for each challenge rating rather than plateauing as they do at higher levels.
for the CR 1/4s: 1,000,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 16 on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 166,666.66, which is enough to get you to 15th level cumulatively and 9th non cumulatively.
for the CR 1/2s: 2,000,000 xp. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 333,333.33, which is enough to get you to 19th level cumulatively, and 11th level non cumulatively.
and for the 1s, 4,000,000 xp. well over what you'd need to get to level 20, on just the CR 1s. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 666,666.66, which is well over 20th level cumulatively, and 14th level non cumulatively.
using this estimate and adding all of this up, each member of the ratgrinders would have gathered enough xp to be level 20 cumulatively, and level 17 non cumulatively.
obviously the actual numbers would scale differently; initially, they would likely have to tackle these creatures as a party, but over time would take care of them individually. this is a bunch of kids doing the intro to class assignment for every assignment for two years straight.
level 20 seems extreme for the aguefort adventuring academy; let's scale it down a bit. the creatures specifically mentioned are probably giant rats, giant wolf spiders, and twig blights, based on the descriptions from jawbone.
all of these are CR 1/8, or 25 XP each. 80000 would give an xp total of 2,000,000, which would put each of the ratgrinders at around 11th level, a little higher level than the bad kids at the moment. however, since their fighting prowess scaled up, and they're probably going out in elmville and actively hindering the bad kids in some way, that level is very likely to increase.
what we saw in the episode
now the sticking point is mary ann rolling a 35. we know she got some kind of transmutation buff. a little tricky wording from brennan; fabian had enhance ability on, which is a transmutation spell. he did not say it was enhance ability.
mary ann is a barbarian, so she already gets advantage on athletics if she's raging, which i assume she was. the buff probably wouldn't be something that grants advantage.
assuming the lower estimate of 11th level, mary ann would get a +4 proficiency bonus, and i'm assuming she has 20 in strength, so +5 to her strength based skills, for a total of +9. at the high estimate of level 17, she would have a +6 to her proficiency bonus, which would give her a total of +11 to athletics. this is still not high enough to get a 35, even on a nat 20, which brennan would have declared if he had rolled one. she could conceivably accomplish this with the brawny feat, which allows for expertise in the athletics skill, which would give her a +17, meaning she could hit a 35 on a 18.
or, the buff was something like skill empowerment, which is a 5th level transmutation spell that gives the target expertise in a skill that they already have proficiency in. this spell is available to bards and wizards, among other classes, both of which we presume are in the ratgrinders. ruben could have cast skill empowerment on mary ann and given her bardic inspiration (lower estimate: d10, higher estimate: d12), both of which would have enabled that 35.
judging by the implication that she could not accomplish that feat without some kind of buff, i'm going with the latter explanation.
anyway i did too much math for this to not go in the stats series, or the school series. so this will be added to the spreadsheet later.
i hope this is useful.
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baronfulmen · 1 year
Holy shit Pathfinder 2e is even better than I was expecting you guys
Look I don't want to dump a long post on everyone but please click to read more. Come on. It's actually interesting.
Okay so I know Tumblr, here to get you interested is a fun fact: There's a specific god that will help you trans your gender.
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The rest is more about rules and gameplay but click anyway.
Having three totally interchangeable actions per turn is SO GOOD, and having actions worth doing means you don't end up just doing the same thing every turn like in 5e.
Anyone, regardless of class, can choose to use their turn to:
Move, move, and move again.
Attack, attack, and attack again (not actually a good strategy but it's nice to have the option).
Roll intimidation to make the enemy frightened, trip them (which is more likely to succeed now that they're frightened), and then hit them (which is more likely to work now that they're on the ground).
Move, shoot someone, then duck behind cover.
Cast multiple spells if you know spells (most often good spells cost two actions to cast, but some cost one so you could cast 2-3 spells in a single turn sometimes).
Cast a spell (if you know spells) that is the equivalent of a concentration spell in 5e, and then use an action to keep the one you cast last turn going too (then next turn you can use an action to sustain BOTH of them and also do a third thing).
Hit someone, step back out of their range without provoking an attack of opportunity (though wonderfully most people can't do those anyway which means people actually move around in combat thank god) and then raise a shield to get an AC boost.
Roll to recall what the thing you're fighting is weak against, attack it, and then (because that first action told you it has a gaze attack) avert your eyes.
That's without any feats or class features (I mean as noted above not everyone knows spells and stuff but you get what I mean) and there are other actions I didn't even mention. PLUS, it means spells can do different things for different numbers of actions!
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(Those little diamond shapes are actions, so you can see that this one spell can be cast for one, two, or three actions with different effects)
2. Degrees of success mean that things don't fail outright as much and you can get bonus effects from tons of things. Also it means that every little bit helps which encourages strategic gameplay (like the tripping and intimidating stuff mentioned above).
Rolling ten or more higher than your target is a critical success, and missing it by ten or more is a critical failure. Also, getting a nat 1 or nat 20 changes the degree of success by one level. So you can get a nat 20 on something way out of your league and have it bumped from a failure to a success, or you can roll so well that you crit succeed just because you got a 31 on a DC 20 save or something (numbers are bigger in Pathfinder because you add your level to almost everything, but it's all balanced out and is fine I promise).
Like, look at what tripping does:
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Or spells!
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See, it's not purely save-or-suck!
3. There are so many cool ways to customize your character!
Pathfinder 2e is built on feats, but unlike 5e they're actually balanced. You get skill feats! You get class feats! You get ancestry feats! A lot of them are minor by themselves but FUN and you get SO MANY that no two characters will ever be alike. You can also (optionally) take an Archetype that lets you kinda sorta multiclass into not only other classes or a medic or a special kind of whatever but also random shit like "guess you're a ghost now".
Right now there are 3,983 feats. Yes really. This isn't as intimidating as it might sound; a lot are for specific classes, specific archetypes, specific ancestries, or for skills your particular character doesn't care about. Some are also restricted to higher levels, or have other requirements like having a certain skill at X rank or having some other earlier feat. Also at any given time you're looking for a particular type of feat, so your list will be smaller and totally manageable. It's 100% fine and easy to pick one. Like, when I was picking a level 2 class feat for my summoner these were my options:
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Not so many that it's overwhelming or anything, but because you (over time) select so many different kinds of feats it really lets you fine tune your character to be whatever you imagine.
4. There are specific rules for things you can do while wandering through a dungeon or the wilderness or whatever!
Yes, sure, in 5e you can say "uh, I'm gonna keep casting Guidance over and over as we walk" or something, but a lot of the things people ask to do are hard to rule on. Can they really be constantly ready in case combat breaks out? How do you give them an advantage for that sort of thing without it just being a free buff?
But in PF2e there's rules for that! If you think there's gonna be combat, you can take actions such as:
Scout! This means if a fight breaks out everyone gets a +1 to initiative!
Avoid Notice! This means if a fight breaks out you roll your stealth for initiative rather than perception (everyone is trained in perception and it's the default thing you roll for initiative, but theoretically the GM could have you roll anything, like if you were trying to act friendly and then surprise attack maybe you'd roll deception) and if you roll well you can start combat hidden!
Defend! This means if a fight breaks out you start with your shield already up, raising your AC!
And then there's non-combat focused stuff too, like searching and keeping detect magic up and all sorts of stuff. There's a whole page of activities.
5. Some of the magic items are really funny.
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A Collection of Homebrew Feats
Escape Artist
You’re an expert at avoiding and getting out of tight situations. If you are targeted by an attack that would grapple or restrain you, you add +2 to your Armor Class for that attack. When making skill checks or saving throws to escape or avoid being grappled or restrained, you add 1d4 to the roll.
You are an excellent and trained swimmer. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
You can survive while suffocating for 1 additional round.
When you make a ranged attack against a target while underwater, you do not have disadvantage while using a weapon’s normal range.
Outsize Strength
Prerequisite: Your size is Small Despite your small size, you have no difficulty wielding large weapons or carrying large objects. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You do not have disadvantage on attack rolls due to your size while wielding weapons with the Heavy property.
When determining how much weight you are carrying, heavy weapons weigh half as much for you.
Prone Fighter
Being prone has less of an effect on your fighting abilities. You gain the following benefits:
Crawling does not cost you extra movement.
You do not have disadvantage on attack rolls as a result of being prone.
You have a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while you are prone, as long as you do not move on your turn.
Scroll Adept
Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature You are especially adept at the use and creation of spell scrolls. You gain the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with the Arcana skill. If you are already proficient, you gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks.
The time and cost it takes for you to create a spell scroll is reduced by half.
You can use a spell scroll even if the spell contained in it does not appear on your spell list.
When you use a cantrip spell scroll, it is not destroyed, and can be reused. With higher level spell scrolls, roll 1d10. If the number you roll is the spell’s level or lower, the spell scroll is destroyed as normal, but if you roll higher than the spell’s level, it can be reused. A roll of 0 always destroys the scroll.
Instead of the spell save DC listed, you use your own spell save DC for spell scrolls, unless the DC on the scroll is higher.
Whip Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with whips You use a whip not just for offense, but for utility and defense. You gain the following benefits while you are wielding a whip:
You can use your whip in the same way that you would use a grappling hook, swinging from or climbing up anything you attach your whip to.
While you are within 5 feet of a creature and using a whip, you can attempt to use the whip to grapple it. While grappling a target in this way, it is restrained, but can escape the grapple as normal.
You can grab tiny objects not being worn or carried with your whip, bringing them to a free hand. In addition, when you attack a creature wielding a weapon with your whip, you can forgo any damage you would have dealt to force your opponent to drop an object it is holding in its hands (you choose the item). You may only do so once per turn.
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice: Beast IV L
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if anything's getting my icon blurred out, it's this one. anyways!
it's that time of the month once again, and this time I feel like an absolute beast. well, to be more accurate, y'all felt like getting an absolute beast. a beast (fgo definition) that summons beasts (D&D definition). I'm sure this won't be confusing at all.
as usual I highly doubt this build is even remotely balanced for actual PvE play, but beasts are supposed to be world ending threats, so that shouldn't be a surprise.
the build itself will be under the cut, because hoo boy there's a lot to go over.
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first up, beast IV can show up in her standard Koyanskaya form, which is the one primarily used when outside her lair. this is effectively a suped-up version of Koyanskaya of Dark, with access to unlimited weaponry and NFF-brand grenades, all of which work like standard "weapons of <x> slaying" do in D&D- they deal extra damage to humanoids, and can knock humanoids prone.
the big addition here aside from standard high-level-boss resistances is her Add to the Collection ability, where once per day she can try to forcibly plane shift a non-humanoid creature into a demiplane of her creation, basically putting them in suspended animation. this will be important for later.
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form two is effectively Koyanskaya's big shadowy fox form. I didn't make any hard and fast rules about how these forms connect to one another, but I would probably say her masked form can turn into this combat form once a day, probably for a couple minutes at a time.
the gimmick for this fight is her Seasonal Cycle, which both reduces the number of legendary actions she gets to actually attack people each round, but also gives her buffs. I tried to keep this close to her lostbelt-based buffs in her final fight, but I also changed the names to be less FGO-centric if you want to use this build in a game. there's not a ton to say about this one that isn't regurgitating the seasonal cycle, it's just Masked Form with a bigger focus on kicking humanoid ass.
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The big nipply form shown in the build picture has a lot of text, but I'll do what I can to break it down. This is Beast IV's final form, and it's the one that sets up the Tunguska Sanctuary in the first place, so there's a lot going on. Once again her humanoid-slaying effect grows larger, but she can only take this form in her lair, plus her speed is cranked wayyy down at this point. I just. cannot imagine that thing moving any faster than a crawl. if you need something done fast, that's what your lackeys are for.
speaking of lackeys, let's Reveal the Collection. this is a ten-minute ritual, which upon completion can summon copies of creatures that were stored by the Masked Form. The higher the CR of the creatures being made, the less you can make at a time, and the shorter your range is. there's also a lesser version of this you can do as a legendary action, and it's restricted to one creature at a time, of up to CR 10.
but of course, you need a place to put all those creatures! that's why she's got Regional Effects too! it's a whole lot of text, but it basically boils down to making a life zone and a death zone around her lair. half of your collection will tend towards the life zone, and half towards the other. in the life zone, the area is choked by plants, slowing down all humanoids in the area, and also healing effects targeting non-humanoids are more powerful. the death zone has extreme heat, and humanoids have disadvantage on saves against it. also, all summoned creatures in this region have double their normal perception distance when it comes to perceiving humanoids.
So overall, this build isn't a world-ending threat like Tiamat, or an orbital laser like Goetia, but she's not supposed to be a full-grown beast yet, so I'd cut her some slack. plus, if your party includes non-humanoid players you can make a dozen clones of them to fight the party which sounds like a really fun time. that being said, I do pity any DM who as to keep track of her seasonal buffs in a fight.
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roserysttrpggarden · 9 months
Homebrew Class design For Dummies: Part 2: Getting Started
Hi there~! Welcome to the second edition of homebrew class design for dummies, in case you haven't seen the first part of this. Welcome! This is a series of blogs where I go over how to make-what else, a homebrew class for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth-Edition. The previous post discussed the "planning" phase, going over the classes role in and out-of combat, their area and other minutia. This entry will cover the level 1-3 foundation, along with some other design concepts to help your class get off the grounds into becoming something amazing.
But First!
Before we get into making our class, there are a few key ideas you should keep in mind when designing a character option for 5e, some of this ties back into advice given in part 1, but bear repeating here.
Very basics
These things don't require much of an explanation, but just things to well...Keep in mind
Strong and weak saves: Each class has a strong (Constitution, Dexterity and Wisdom) and weak saving throw (Charisma, Intelligence and Strength) make sure to give one of each to your class.
Ribbon features: Ribbon features are like seasoning, while not adding much to the fully course, they enhance the classes flavor, a bad example of a ribbon feature is "Druidic" simply put unless your DM actively gives you a use for it, it is a completely useless feature. So make sure you're ribbon features actually come into affect when roleplaying the class.
Amount of features: Typically classes gain 2 features at these early levels, the only exception in official 5e is paladin at 2nd level, where you're given a fighting style, spellcasting and your divine smite, which all play form core pillars of how the paladin, use with caution.
Dead levels: Dead levels are those levels where you get nothing, nada, bupkis. Spellcasters have the most dead levels due to them getting cantrip enhancements + higher level spells as they level up, use them where appropriate. These are typically seen at later levels of a classes progression.
Bounded Accuracy:
In laments terms, bounded accuracy is meant to keep DC's around a bounds the designer intends for (In 5e's case 0-30) this is why, not including magical items or feature such as the barbarians capstone, this applies to whether you're attempting to break down a door or stabbing a vampire. Bounded accuracy is also accompanied by 5e's horizontal progression system, meaning that rather than your numbers going up, you gain more features to make you better at certain tasks (Damage, healing, etc) rather than bonuses to hit, to damage, etc and such, there are some exceptions (Advantage, Bless) but
Keep an eye on these
Weather you're designing a spell, subclass or a new class in our case, there are a few things in game that you should keep in mind
Barbarian Rage
Bards Magical Secrets
Druids Wild Shape
Fighters Action Surge
Monks Stunning Strike
Paladins Divine Smite + Auras
Rogues Sneak attack
Sorccerers Metamagic (Quicken + Twinned spell)
Warlocks Eldritch Blast and Pact Magic
Wizards Spell Mastery
All of these features not only serve as foundations for their respective classes, but also grant the class a huge deal of power. And in a game where 5e's multiclassing system is a thing, keeping these features in mind is helpful, for an example, say your class allows you to easily get off weapon attacks as a reaction, which, while possibly mediocre on its lonesome can get out of hand when paired with a rouge multiclass, due to how sneak attack can trigger multiple times if using a reaction attack (Since it triggers once per turn, rather than once per round) it's fine if you want to have interesting synergies between classes, just make sure you don't break anything in doing so.
While not class features, some other character options also grant players with them a great deal of power by virtue of their existence.
Feats: Sharpshooter and Great Weapon Master
Spells: Aid, Booming/Green Flame Blade, Counterspell, Conjure animals/Woodland Beings, Pass without trace, Wish.
Laying the foundation
With all of that jargon out of the way, lets begin laying out the first three levels of a homebrew class.
Level 1:
Level 1 is effectively the rookie stage of your classes career, whether they trained at a mystical academy or bonded with sewer rats, the first level of your given class should lay the framework for your class going forward, to give some examples, barbarians at 1st-level are given rage as their core feature, alongside a complementary feature in unarmored movement, rogues get sneak attack and expertise, fleshing out their role as a sneaky skill-monkey archetype. spellcasters (Besides the paladin and ranger) also get their spellcasting at this level.
Level 2:
Level 2 is where your character is starting to get a grasp of their abilities, similar to level 1 many classes get some of their most defining features here at this level, such as Druids Wildshape, Rogues Cunning Action, Clerics Channel Divinity, the list goes on.
Level 3:
Level 3 is where your character has gotten the grasp of their abilities and now can truly be one of their own, this is where the fullcasters get their second levels spells and where the martials get their subclass of choice, speaking of subclasses:
Where do I put the subclass?
A likely question you'll have have when making your subclass is "Where do I put it" or "What level should they get it, while non of what i'll state is definitive, some general guidelines for 1-3rd level goes as follows:
A subclass at 1st-level is generally done because it is absolutely crucial to the classes fantasy, say for instance your class is about you harnessing the power of a curse (Ex: Ross leisers accursed) getting your subclass at first level would make the most sense, to use base game classes as an example sorccerers, warlocks and clerics get their subclass at 1st-level because said subclass defines the source of their magic. Warlocks for instance derive their magic from a pact, which grants them their magic, hence a subclass at first level.
A subclass at 2nd-level is (offically) only use for both druids and wizards, both representing you coming into your own, such as training in a specialized school of magic. But also on a mechanic level, its done because 3rd-level grants a massive power spike for full casters by granting them second level spells.
A subclass at 3rd-level is typical of many martial and half casters, narratively it has a similar beat to a subclass at 2nd-level, being your character coming into their own as that respective class. Though I assume martials get their subclass at third is to balance the power between martials and casters, due to the previously mentioned power spike.
Subclass Progression
Last thing in relation to subclass, while you can simply use the wizard, fighter or paladin subclass structure for your subclass, feel free to go out of the box (Within reason) with it, want your class to gain its final subclass feature at 20th level? Go ahead! Just keep in mind that subclasses only give you 4-5 features maximum. Though more can be done if you want to put more emphasis on the subclass as a part of their identity.
The Avatar
Now for the moment you've (Maybe) been waiting for, using the knowledge bestowed within this article I shall showcase the first three levels of the Avatar class.
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Divine Spark is your avatars subclass, determining the source of your divinity, similar to a cleric divine domain. While I haven't written down any features of their subclasses quite yet, I have four planned for the class so far (With more likely on the horizon) You also gain the Legendary strike ability, which not only increases your weapons damage dice by one, you also give temp hp to your allies when you score a critical hit.
Godly Conduit acts similarly to ki on the monk, you gain a number of conduit dice equal to half of your avatar level + your charisma modifier, which you can use to either leap a number of feet equal to 5 times the number rolled, or gain an expanded hit range with your weapons for a number of rounds equal to the number rolled. My favorite feature so far is the epithets, which are described bellow:
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I cannot wait to show off the epithets sometime in the future. I am super proud of how they're turning out as of now. My hope is that they not only allow for a customizable avatar, but also help redefine how you utilize weapons.
at 3rd-level you gain a ribbon feature, exceptional figure, which makes it so that you cannot suffer disadvantage on any strength-based ability checks you make. Alongside that, feasting now counts as light activity for you and your allies while resting, meant to emulate the giant appetite many heroes of myth have, and I love the idea of an avatar and their allies after a long fought battle just pigging out to their hearts content.
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You also gain another subclass feature at 3rd-level to for one last power spike in the starting levels.
To summarize everything covered within this entry, when laying the 1-3rd level foundation for your subclass, you should
Keep the basic rules of design in mind.
Create features that lay out what you want your class to be doing.
Give them a cool roleplay feature to help with your classes theme.
Determine where your classes subclass should go.
Get to Writing.
That's about all I got for this entry, next time we will go over features after 3rd level, going from 5th to 20th level, make sure to follow me if you're interested in that but until then. Thank you for reading, stay cool and go make some homebrew
Homebrew Class design For Dummies: Part 1:
Indestructoboys Homebrew Design Masterclass
Where to put my subclass by Indestructoboy
Two videos on Bounded Accuracy: 1 2
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centeris2 · 6 months
oh I just noticed SSO posted a news article two days ago about the Hollow Woods. so I'm gonna ramble about it. under the cut so folks don't have to read it
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uh of course glyph puzzles were being ignored. When 1 powder cost 50 light but only got you 10 (or 15?) light in return? It's way more cost effective to save up powders for satchels, or wait until the higher levels of glyph puzzles so the 1 powder investment is worth it. Not to mention the number of powders increases every single time so like... no? That's just not a cost effective way to spend powders. Still isn't, tbh. Now that I've unlocked the highest difficulty+reward I'll do each of the glyph puzzles once a day, maybe twice since they give more than the satchels do per powder.
but the fact that it takes until the hardest difficulty+reward (so a LOT of light invested into that path) to make it worth the light investment? Yeah no, that's not going to be one that people do right off the bat. Not to mention the issue where the fog doesn't actually reflect how big the area is, so I keep getting the "you left the area" message when I'm still standing in purple fog.
And of course the runecarving is popular, it went hand in hand with the firefly collection, you run around and then you go "oh hey thing on the ground/tree". And it didn't cost anything to do it, unlike the satchels and glyph puzzles. And chasing wisps can be difficult if your camera is finicky or if you are focused on other things and don't want to take off in a random direction.
It's also wild to me that this system of "chose whatever path you want!" is... idk. Pick Your Path except how dare you ignore these aspects of gameplay. But yes, making the other things feel rewarding as well is definitely a good idea to make them more appealing to people, because I do like the glyph hunt and I'd do it way more if it didn't cost me powders (or an ever increasing amount) and had a secret "you went too far" barrier that isn't the purple fog.
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What do you MEAN you were surprised?? Did you folks not set the costs? How were you shocked that people hungry for content would gobble it up in a few days? I found all 100 spiders in less than 24 hours because it was finally something to do and because I'm a completionist! If there is a thing to fill out I want to fill it out. Not to mention it was FUN! Put on music or a podcast and just run around exploring the new area for hours! It was great! The only reason I didn't do it this time around was because I was busy and spend my time on other things.
Anyway. I have chilled out and now am taking a much slower approach to things because I've unlocked most things I want. I already own the magic horses and pets so no rush. I have no wardrobe space so no rush to unlock the clothes or gear. I already got the hair and makeup unlocks. I still have to unlock the Pandoric cosmetics, but I know those cost light to buy so not really in a rush to spend 3,200 light to unlock and then more light to buy each one.
There are some horse XP unlocks still, but ehhh it's so easy to get horse XP now that there isn't a rush there either.
I do, however, really enjoy the overall ideas. And I love anything that gives more makeup and hairstyles! More exciting makeup colors and unnatural hair colors!!! Now if only long hair models actually worked on the larger player model instead of just disappearing into the back.... but thank god it was finally something that wasn't a new color on the short page cut hair that every single damn NPC has.
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hobgoblinart · 14 days
What is the hunger/thrist handled in pathfinder 2e
It's not really a big aspect of the game since pathfinder focuses more on being epic fantasy instead of gritty dungeon crawler. In the initial kit you buy when you start the game there's already food for 2 weeks and water, so most people just ignore it. (There are also spells that create food/water and races that don't even need to eat - like leshys who are little plant guys that just need to stay under the sun for some time)
In dire circumstances, these are the rules:
Typically characters eat and drink enough to survive comfortably. When they can’t, they’re fatigued until they do. After a number of days without water equal to a creature’s Constitution modifier + 1, the creature takes 1d4 damage each hour that can’t be healed until it quenches its thirst. After the same amount of time without food, it takes 1 damage each day that can’t be healed until it eats.
Fatigued is a condition that gives you -1 to AC and saving throws. You also can't use exploration activities (like avoid being noticed while traveling, or scouting for enemies).
I will assume this question was because of the dungeon meshi posts. If this is the case I will talk a bit more about cooking stuff below. If this is not the case, you can stop here if you want.
There are rules to cook/eat but they focus on getting better stuff to eat and get in better shape than normal while exploring instead of simply avoiding hunger.
Campside meals
When you set up a camp for you and your group you get the opportunity to make some food for everyone instead of just eating your rations.
You can find the rules to set up a camp here:
When you make food you can make a basic meal or a special meal. In both cases you roll a check (either survival or cooking lore - cooking lore always has a lower DC)
No matter the choice, in a failure you simply make something edible, but not special and everybody eat as normal.
Basic meal
On a success everyone gets a bonus to their saving throws until you finish camping (which can help if a monster attacks the group).
On a critical success (pass the DC by 10+) characters also recover double the hp they would normally get by sleeping on top of the save
On a critical failure (fail by 10+) everyone gets a tummy ache and are sickened 1 (-1 to everything and can't voluntarily ingest things, like potions) until they pass the day.
Special Meal
There's a lot of special meals and they go from fish on a stick (that makes you able to be awake for more time without becoming fatigued) to black linnorm stew that grants a big permanent bonus against poisons and curses and, if cooked really well, the next time you are damaged you get fast healing 10 (automatically recover 10 hp every turn) for 1 minute.
Every special meal consumes basic ingredients and higher level meals often require special ingredients (like the meat of a black linnorm to make the black linnorm stew). You also need to know the recipe of that special meal, but if you don't know the recipe you can experiment with the ingredients until you manage to learn it by yourself (instead of needing to find someone who knows the recipe)
[edit] Ah, I forgot, you can also select one of the special meals as your "favorite meal". When you eat your favorite meal you get an extra bonus on top of the normal ones
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Survivor Archetype (a DND 5e Homebrewed Rogue subclass inspired by @comicaurora)
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3rd level: Love Being Hunted For Sport 
Due to living as an outcast for so long, you know how to behave in order to survive a hunt after you. When you and your party have to make a group Stealth check, your allies can use your bonus to Stealth instead of their own.
In addition, if an attack deals damage equal to double your remaining hit points or more, you are considered resistant to its damage, and critical hits only deal you one death saving throw failure.
3rd level: Stow the Crisis and Think It Through
Necessity has taught you how to be effective with what little you have through sheer determination. You can now deal Sneak Attack damage with any weapon, as long as it does not have the heavy, versatile, or special properties.
9th level: Wanna Make This About You?
As a result of the years you’ve spent being constantly hunted, you’ve learned how to disable enemies . Starting at 9th level, when you deal Sneak Attack damage to a hostile creature, you may choose to forgo three of your Sneak Attack dice. 
If you do so, you gain the following actions, in function of the nature of the attack targeting you:
Ranged weapon attack: Roll 3d6. As a reaction, you can move up to a number of feet equal to the number you just rolled right before the attack fires off. If you end this movement behind half-cover, it becomes three-quarters cover for this attack only.
Melee weapon attack: On your next turn, you can use your Cunning Action to make a melee attack. If the initial attack failed, you have advantage on all attack rolls against your attacker until the end of your turn.
Spell: As a reaction, you can disrupt the casting of your enemy. Roll 3d6. The caster must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 or the number rolled, whichever is higher). On a failure, the spell fails, the caster wastes their action, but not any resource used in the casting of the spell, and you can move up to half your speed in their direction.
13th level: Obviously Very Good At Making Friends 
At 13th level, your focus on survival lets you keep your allies from getting hurt. When you and one ally within 10 ft of you are hit by an attack or damaging area of effect, you can use your reaction to give them the benefits of your Uncanny Dodge or Evasion features.
In addition, you can use your Cunning Action to give one ally within 5 feet of you advantage on a saving throw of your choice. You must call what ability the saving throw will use on your turn.
17th level: Someone Has To Be Tactical About This
At 17th level, your vigilance is at its peak. You gain a second reaction per round. This second reaction can only be used for another feature from this archetype.
Additionally, if you start the round surprised, you can use one of your reactions to act normally.
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jambeast · 1 year
I'm curious about your thoughts on that. I haven't tried 2E yet but I heard it was vastly simplified and I was wondering what the advantages were.
Alright so a big difference is that the system was built from the ground up rather than being a decade of content heaped upon a hack of a system that was built with rather weird design intentions.
1) Actions work differently - instead of a confusing array of Standard, Swift, Move and Full actions, which typically had the effect of forcing you to stand still every turn if you wanted to be useful (especially if you were a higher level, a monk or a dextrous dual-wielder focused on making a billion attacks where you move 5 feet per turn or else do an eighth of the damage), actions are just actions - you have 3 actions, to do with as you wish. 
You can attack twice and move, or attack and cast a spell (which typically cost 2 actions), or attack three times, or use a special ability that costs 3 actions, etc. Spells like Haste just give you an extra action to play with, Slow makes you lose one, etc etc. There’s an increasing penalty to your attacks (that is lessened with certain class features and by using light weapons) if you’ve already made attacks this turn that makes each successive attack less valuable than the first, so there’s more of an incentive to Do Other Stuff with your actions.
Makes for a much better game because of the variety of stuff you can do with your turn - martials always felt incredibly stifled if they weren’t standing still just delivering a billion attacks and nothing else. It pairs nicely with some other things - for example, monks, instead of their special ability being that they can make way more attacks than anyone else so long as they stand still, their ability is that they get to make two attacks in one action - they feasibly could make a ton of attacks if they stood still, but the penalty for multiple attacks means you’re better off making your two attacks and using your other two actions to do sick kickflips and so on.
2) Oh also it has this crit system - instead of Critical Threats and Confirmation Rolls, if you beat the DC by 10, you get a critical success (and if you fail it by 10, you get a critical failure (also a nat 20 or nat 1 increases or decreases the degree of success by one. It’s fun, and makes your numbers a bit more interesting (having a big number doesn’t just mean you auto succeed all the time, making competent PCs more predictable and boring.) 
This is extended beyond just attack rolls into every other type of roll - like if you cast a spell to paralyse someone, if they Crit succeed their save, nothing happens, if they regularly succeed, they maybe lose an action on their next turn, if they regularly fail, they’re paralysed for maybe a round, if they critically fail, they’re paralysed for a while. Etc etc. So a wizard doesn’t have a 60% chance of accomplishing absolutely nothing on their turn. Gives every other mechanic a lot more texture.
3) Feat Design - alright, this is a big one - they got rid of all the feats that like... give you a +2 bonus to x. There’s no Weapon Focus, or Power Attack (well, there is a feat -called- power attack but it’s completely different). Pretty much all the feats you get, like... *do things*. Like it gives you a Thing you can do, like a special attack that costs an action. Makes playing as a martial vastly less lame - you’ve got, like, choices, to make on your turn, rather than just in character creation.
4) Class Structure - Also feats are split up into Class Feats, Ancestry Feats, General Feats and Skill Feats - Class Feats are sort of like... rogue talents, or rage powers, but every class gets them. And every other level, you unlock a new, higher tier of class feats.
The problem I had with feats in pf1e and in WotR especially was that, since all the feats are pretty much available from level 1, is that you spend the first few levels desperately trying to grab the feats that you *need* for your build to function (like needing a feat to add Dex to attack), then you can spend a while picking up decent feats that sound cool and going down the feat chains, and then you *run out*, and at the later levels there’s just nothing to spend your feats on so you’re just hoovering up the shitty boring ones that weren’t worth it compared to the ones you picked up earlier. Like you have nothing else to get so you might as well get... I dunno, Iron Will. Whatever. Because there’s nothing else left.
In 2e, every level you get access to new, cooler, fancier feats that you couldn’t access before (and are balanced around not being available to lower levels so they’re way more powerful)
Also, primarily noncombat feats are shuffled into Skill Feats - a separate category that isn’t competing for resources with your combat-focused Class Feats, meaning you can be good at studying lore or pickpocketing or learn more languages without being worse at the game for it. (Though a downside with skill feats is that they’re very frequently kinda underwhelming, but it’s definitely an improvement)
5) Stat balancing - enemies are built from the top down - the devs identify what statistics they want for the NPC to work properly, and they just give them those statistics, rather than building them from the ground up stacking Hit Die and monster templates and listing out the Iron Will and Power Attack and Weapon Focus (claws) feats in a big stack that are needed to build the NPC 'organically’.
In 2e, the monster just has the stats it needs, and it makes things vastly more balanced. Monsters don’t *need* to have 30 Spell Resistance (no longer a feature), immunity to 5 random damage types and start every combat with Mirror Image and Blur to stand a chance. They just have, like, an appropriate amount of AC and HP and Saves and it works because PCs don’t scale so wackily and uncontrollably. Makes encounters are vastly easier to balance.
There are lots of other smaller features that I think are Just Better, like scaling spells to spell-slot level rather than caster level so a 5th level fireball is roughly in-line with other 5th level spells. I like how it handles equipment more, I like how it’s far less strict about Manoeuvres, which are now pretty much available to everyone rather than being prohibitively awful until you’ve invested a significant amount of your characters build into it. It’s got the ancestry feats which are nice flavour (and importantly don’t compete with other feats). Generally there’s some good build variety; you can do a bit of bows and a bit of melee without feeling like one is gonna be totally extraneous. The general design uses less vague natural language and new content just slots in a lot easier.
I might complain a bit that at times it feels a bit *too* balanced, like they were overcompensating for the unbalanced mess that was the previous edition and don’t want to let things be too powerful, though for the most part it’s not that big a problem.
It’s just good! 
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buckybarneslibrary · 9 months
I’m going to say something slightly controversial.
Stop posting/reading your fics on HERE and instead go post them on Archive Of Our Own or Wattpad.
In my opinion, AO3 and Wattpad was always superior for Bucky fics. Not only is it easier to find what you are looking for and not only is it easier for your work to be seen, but you get more feedback even if it’s a little. But here’s the issue- I still think more people post here over those two places and I think readers choose to find stories here over those two places, and I think that’s where the issue lies.
What do I mean?
Tumblr has NO organized way to find a specific fic you are looking for and to find it again one day. Unless you are blessed by the fucking gods of superior luck and you get 500 plus notes on your first week causing it to go on the popular page, the odds of someone running into it here are 1/120000. The 1 person is happy with the attention theirs got, readers will see the number of notes, also go into it and like it, but the other 1199 are a needle in a haystack. BUT, even though there are more readers here, the feedback is terrible because if tumblr’s lay out and the algorithm like I said before. You’ll get 500 notes, but 491 of those are likes. 7 are reblogs, two are actual feedback. So it sucks.
Meanwhile in AO3 and Wattpad, you get more interaction. You got kudos, more comments (often times, sometimes it takes time), and more friendships. It’s better for feedback. As a reader, it’s easier to find what you want to read and it’s easier to save your stories to go back to. You can even download them onto your phone.
But the issue there, too? There are two in this fandom with A.
Even though tumblr is a lot less feedback, the 500 number of notes (or even 30) gives them a higher endorphin level than seeing 5 comments on AO3, even though in AO3 it’s actual feedback. My opinion? More fics should be posted on AO3 more instead of HERE. It’s an adjustment, but it will help. Tumblr Readers need to go there. Writers, as well.
Most Bucky readers only read fics here. They need to migrate.
AO3 is better for your work and for finding what you want to read.
For some reason some writers avoid this place like the plague, but if you are looking for feedback and interactions, I encourage it. Put your pride aside (tough love here, I’m a writer myself lol) and go post there. There you will get one comment PER sentence you write. The demographic is often younger, but you’ll see people actually reading and loving your work.
To sum up: The issue has always been where Bucky readers go to read (here on tumblr and tumblr only) and where some writers write.
No offense to tumblr but I’m 100 percent sure if people started posting their Bucky fics on those two platforms now instead of here, and if readers went there instead, a big issue would be solved in terms of feeling seen.
I LOVE this. And I actually agree. If everyone moved to one or two platforms from here to one where it’s easier to find what you want to read and easier for readers to find your work, I do think it would help. I also don’t understand why more people don’t go read on AO3. It’s so easy to use, and there’s a lot of content. Just for Bucky there are almost 160k fics.
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mmeveronica · 2 years
The wheather is getting colder in the northern hemisphere, so may I introduce you to my new homebrew druid circle. Wheather you're looking for a powerful crowd controller or just a druid full of icy power, this new circle is for you!
❄The Circle of Winter❄
Druids of this circle recognise the power winter holds in making equals of all of nature, that the mightiest bear and the tiniest mouse both hide from a winter breeze. They see the greatest might of winter is making everything slow down and the build up of ice and snow across the land.
They've learned to channel this power and can summon a spirit of winter's wind to aid them in combat.
❄Circle Spells
When you choose this circle, you gain access to certain spells at certain levels listed below. These spells all count as druid spells for you and you always have them prepared, though they don't count against the number of spells you can prepare.
Additionally you learn the Gust cantrip. If you already know it you learn another druid cantrip instead. Gust doesn't count against the number of druid cantrips you can know.
Druid Level | Spells
2nd | Armour of Agythys, Healing Word
3rd | Rime's Binding Ice, Gust of Wind, Gentle Repose
5th | Sleet Storm, Gaseous Form
7th | Ice storm, Death Ward
9th | Cone of Cold, Control Wind
❄Spirit of Winter
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you can expend a use of your wild shape to summon an intangible spirit up to 60ft away that takes the form of a winter's breeze as a bonus action. It covers a 20ft radius sphere. Inside this sphere snowflakes blow around, if it is under water or in another liquid, frozen bits of the liquid flow around. On your turn you can mentally command it to move up to 30ft (no action required).
Enemies that start their turn inside the range of the Spirit of Winter have all their movement speeds reduced by 10ft until the start of their next turn. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals cold damage you can cause each enemy inside it's range to take cold damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Additionally whenever you cast a spell that restores hit points to a creature you can cause each ally inside it's range to heal a number of hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
The spirit lasts for one hour before dissappearing. You can only activate the additional cold damage or healing a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
At 6th level, the power of winter infuses your wind magic. Whenever you cast a spell with "wind" in it's name you can choose to cause it to deal extra cold damage. This extra cold damage is a number of d8 equal to half the level of the spell slot used to cast the spell, rounded down (minimum of 1).
If the spell already causes creatures to make a saving throw each turn the spell is active, creatures take the extra cold damage when they fail this saving throw or half as much on a success. If the spell doesn't, they make a constitution saving throw at the start of each turn they're in the spells area of effect, taking the cold damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
Additionally when you cast the Gust cantrip you can choose to make it deal additional cold damage on a failed saving throw. The cold damage is 1d8 when you gain this feature but increases to 2d8 at 14th level.
❄Winter Wonderland
At 10th you gain the ability to cast the Wall of Ice spell once per short rest or long rest without expending a spell slot with this feature with a few changes.
The initial damage is halved and the lingering fog from broken sections is removed.
The spell's duration is 1 minute without concentration.
You can only create 5 10ft square sections instead of the normal 10 or the dome or the hemisphere.
❄Brittle Prison
Additionally, you become resistant to cold damage.
At 11th level Wall of Ice is added to the Druid spell list for you.
At 14th you can target a creature within 60ft of you to encase in brittle ice once per short or long rest as an action. The target must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or become restrained and incapacitated. If it is within the range of your Spirit of Winter it has disadvantage on this saving throw. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of it's turns ending the effect on a success.
When a creature you can see that is restrained by your Brittle Prison takes bludgeoning damage you can use your reaction and double that bludgeoning damage. After you use this effect the creature is no longer restrained or incapacitated.
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anakenway · 2 years
Obey Me! Tips, hints and info I wish I knew sooner (with screenshots and tutorials)!
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         Let me start off with a quick disclaimer: I am definitely not a pro Obey Me player. I have been playing for less than a full year, and am only on lesson 24. But it is precisely because of that I am still relatively new, that I can offer some useful tips I think would be best to know early in the game. Even if you are a seasoned veteran player, stick around and, who knows, maybe you’ll find out something new! So without further ado, let’s hear it:
1) Save your demon vouchers and devil points!
    Demon vouchers (DV) are your main resource for getting cards through Nightmare. Nigthmare is a luck-based system (often reffered to as Gacha) that gives you a random set of cards. If you perhaps play Genshin Impact, then you know what I’m reffering to. You spend 1 or 10 Demon Vouchers and get 1 or 10 cards. The rarity of those cards is random. The highest rarity, UR, is hardest to get. If you have luck, you can get it on your first 10-pull. I suggest saving DVs as much as possible. The vouchers are not so easy to obtain. How do you decide when to pull for cards then? That is up to you. I like to wish for the cards of characters that I love and are my favorites, but only if I like the design of the card as well. You can also wish if the card has a Sin attribute that you need. Sometimes, you’ll want to wish on Nightmares that give cheat cards for the upcoming events. Cheat cards make it so you get more points and can get higher rewards in an event. But if you are new, chances are you won’t have your cards high enough level and enough resources to competitively compete in the events. And you don’t really need to! It’s up to you how you want to play the game, but I personally started doing some events after a good 4-5 months of playing. So spend DV for cards you like aestethically, or to progress faster through events. And don’t worry about “missing out” either. Events that you didn’t play will be added to Lonely Devil, a system where you can replay old events and still obtain rewards. The nightmares also return periodically, just like re-run banners in Genshin. 
   Okay, that was about Demon Vouchers. What about Devil Points (DP)? They are a very very veeeeery important resource. With these, you can buy energy, more battles, all kinds of sales, demon vouchers, Lonely Devil tickets, glowsticks, items to give to characters and so on. Luckily, DPs are obtained much easier than DVs. You can get them by doing daily tasks. Complete a certain number of daily tasks each day, and you get 18DPs per day. There was even a period when I didn’t have enough time to play Obey Me, so I just did the dailies every day and then exit the game. And before I knew it, I had 1500 DPs. From the intel I could gather so far, their primary purpose is to buy more battles (if you run out of D-Energy, explained later) and restore AP (the energy system of this game). I don’t recommend using them to buy DVs because it’s too expensive and there are better alternatives to getting DVs, through certain sales, mentioned further down the list. 
    In conclusion, think before you spend anything. I always regret wasting precious resources when I am still a noob, in just about any game.
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2) Save your D-Energy!
    Wait, you’re new, you don’t even know what D-Energy is you say? Same here, I didn’t know it even existed for quite some time into the game. Have you ever noticed that battles in hard mode lessons and events, have a certain amount you can finish? Usually you can repeat each battle 3 times. Now, what if you need to finish a battle more than 3 times? Maybe you are farming for a resource that a battle drops, or maybe you need to farm more event-specific points and, therefore, need to do more of the event battles? Well, D-Energy lets you repeat a battle an extra 3 times per D-Energy. When you use one D-Energy drink, you get 3 more repeats for your chosen battle. It is actually an important resource when farming for events and birthdays. Usually, if you’re aiming for higher rewards, like UR cards, finishing all the battles just 3 times each day won’t give you enough points to redeem your desired reward. That’s when you should use D-Energy. There are online calculators which tell you how much D-Energy, AP and DPs you’ll need to obtain your rewards. For example, something like this:
   So don’t waste D-Energy for just anything. Oh let me also add one more thing: you don’t even need D-Energy to restore battle chances. Yeah, you read that right. Then why save them?! Because if you don’t use D-Energy to restore battles, your only other option is using DPs. Which are used for so much other stuff. And should be saved and used sparingly. If you already have D-Energy, the game does not even give you an option to use DP instead. Now, how to get D-Energy? I have no clue. I just checked one day and saw I had 43 of them. Never noticed how I got them, since I didn’t even know what they are. But, I do know that events usually have them as rewards. Anything else besides that, sadly I do not know.
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3) Buy the sales!  
    Remember when at point 1) I said you should save your devil points? Well this is one of the things you will be saving them up for. There are quite a lot of different sales going on in this game, but most of them are an easy skip. BUT, there are some which are extremly good deals and should always be bought. Don’t be like me, who was skipping them until I read somewhere that they are the best deals in the game T_T 
   One of the best sales is the Congratulatory sale, which gives you 5 DVs for 99 DPs. It is considered one of the best deals out there. It appears after every 3, or rather 5 levels, depending on your player level. I don’t know all the details of this sale, but there is more info about it somewhere online, I forgot where (try the Obey Me Reddit). Besides that one, there is Solomon’s Sale, which should also be bought whenever possible. Besides these, there is also a summoning flash sale. It appears sometimes after you wish in Nightmare (it can happen on any Nightmare, even Chapters A, M and G I believe). The Congratulatory is a much better deal than this one, but if you REALLY want DVs, then go ahead and get this one. For players on higher levels, where the Congratulatory sale is rare, I also think this is a nice alternative. The AP Flash Sale is really good, but I don’t think you should buy it whenever it pops up. This one appears when you spend all your AP and can happen once every 12 hours. Now, if you’re just playing lessons and going through the story, there is no point in spending precious DP for this. But, for events, when you lack AP to finish all your battles for that day, then this sale is the best deal out there. It restores 200AP for the cost of 10DP. Absolutely buy it.
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4) Always have 10 Demon Vouchers ready for your birthday
    I haven’t experienced this myself yet, but there is a special event on the day of your birthday. Amongst many other things, you get to pull 10 cards in the Chapter A Nightmare. You will be using your own DVs, but with a twist: you are absolutely guaranteed to get a UR card amongst those 10 cards! That’s why all players always stack those 10 DVs for their special day. Quite a nice touch from the developers, if you ask me, to commemorate your birthday this way.
5) Get ready for character birthdays in advance!
    Okay, we covered your birthday. But, all the characters also have their birthdays and they are celebrated a bit differently than yours. All the characters get a special event for their birthday. The event offers many rewards, but the main one you’ll be going for is their new UR card. To get it, you need to unlock all battles (preferably on the first day) and then proceed to do all the battles for each day of the event. The birthday events usually last 5-7 days I believe. During this time, you will be spending quite a lot of AP and some D-Energy. If you don’t have enough of those, you will need DP to buy more of them. The online calculator given in point 2) can also be used when the birthdays come, to tell you how much of each resource you will need. So plan ahead accordingly. Besides the playable event, there is also a new Nightmare that has the birthday boy featured. Meaning, if you want to get a card of some specific character, wishing on their Birthday-Nightmare is your safest bet.  These events happen only once per yer for each character and if you miss out on the card, you can’t get it afterwards. At least, that’s how it used to be. Now, they also added the older birthday events into the mix: they start earlier than this year’s event and have a shorter duration than the regular birthday. So if you missed out, don’t panic, you can get it next year. The progress you got will also be saved, so next year you won’t have to start all over again. Which brings us to the next point. But before that, quick little tutorial on how to check when is a certain character’s birthday. Go to Majolish, switch to the desired character and in the top right, click on “Profile”. This opens their Student ID with some more information about a character, along with their birthday. This way you can plan for which character birthdays to save.
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5) Progress on events is saved when the event re-runs/is added to Lonely Devil
     Pretty straightforward, all the progress you achieved on active events is saved, even after they finish. In case those events get a rerun (like the birthdays) or when they get added to Lonely Devil (LD), you will be able to pick up where you left off. LD is a system that allows you to replay old events. To access them, you will need to buy a ticket. One ticket costs 10 DPs. With this ticket, you can play the event for a limited time, usually, the duration is 4 days per ticket. This way, you don’t have to go all out on active events or spend cash to get the rewards in time. You can wait for the event to finish, and after a certain period of time (not sure how long, I think it’s about few months?) it will be added to LD. In the screenshot below, you can see that I have progress of 62% in the event “Dark”, even though I never joined this tour (0 times). Meaning, the progress I achieved while the event was live, was saved and transfered to LD.
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6) Character clothes are actually easy to get! 
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    When I first started playing and saw in Majolish that we can dress up the characters, for some reason I thought it’s some mega-giga-exclusive feature that costs a lot of time/money/effort. And sure, some outfits are harder to get and only were avaialble for a limited amount of time. BUT! That is not the case for all outfits. There are actually quite a few you can obtain from leveling up Devil Trees of SR and SSR cards. Leveling an SR card costs much less in Grimm and other resources than your typical UR card, so getting the outfits this way is actually really easy! Tutorial: the way you can check if you already own a card that has an outfit in it, is to go to majolish, go through each character and click on each of their outfits. They will show through which card the clothes are obtainable. You might find it that you already have some cards in your posession. Or that the cards are easy to get in Lonely Devil and require a low amount of points. Also, a nice little suprise for me was when I got my first outfit, Arabian Clothes for Mammon, and went to battle. After the battle finished, Mammon was the surprise guest and I saw him wear the new outfit I got him. I was in awe. I thought that they wore them only on your home screen. 
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7) Set up a Transfer Password!
   This isn’t a gameplay related tip, but nonetheless, it is quite important! Preventing data loss might not sound so big when you start, but later into the game, it can be a huge deal. What this does, it lets you keep your data and progress in case your device stops working. If that happens, you can say goodbye to all your cards and Grimm and DVs, DPs, you name it. That’s why securing your data is of huge importance! Setting up the Transfer code and password, or conneting the game with Facebook is easy and takes just a few mintues. But it’s a life saver if unfortunate and unseen circuimstances occur. In case you lose access to your original device, you can just install Obey Me! on a new device, and choose the option “Transfer Data” from the starting screen, enter your code and password or connect to Facebook, and you’re ready to continue playing with ALL of you progress and cards saved! How cool is that?!    Quick tutorial on how to set all this up: click on the Cogwheel button in the top right corner of your in-game home screen. This opens the Options menu. Select Transfer Data. You can now set up a Transfer password or connect your game to Facebook. That’s it, you’re done. Also, feel free to contact me if you need help and assistance with setting this up.
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8) What even are UR+ Cards that have moving pictures?!
    Here, I do not mean the cards that have Animation. I refer to the cards that can have a moving picture and have a little play arrow on the card. I didn’t quite understand what these moving pictures meant. Regardless, the cards had such beautiful style, I fell for them on first sight! I got three so far, “The Perfect Poker Face” Barbatos, “A Roll of the Dice” Lucifer and “Mammon’s Fortune” Mammon. Just after unlocking the moving pictures in the Devil Tree, did I understand what they are. These are not shown in battle. They are instead used as backgrounds for your specific character in Majolish. Example, you have a Barbatos Moving Picture card, you unlock the Moving Picture, then in Majolish you go to Barbatos and in the middle section, right next to the backgrounds tab, pick that moving picture. What this does, it gets rid of your character on screen, and instead shows the moving picture. The picture talks to you, just like any regular character on the home screen. It comes with new voice lines as well. I was surprised when I discovered this. I was so used to having my faves on the home screen, poking them and teasing them. I still prefer to have that over the moving pictures, but sometimes it’s a nice change.
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     Whew! If you made it to here, congrats! This was really fun to write.I had the idea of writing this for so long, I am really glad it’s finally come to fruition. Thank you for sticking through the post with me. I hope you learned something new, or if you already knew it all, I salute you! You are a true professional Obey Me player!      This is my very first serious blog post here on tumblr. I would love to hear your thoughts! If you have any suggestions, advice, questions, corrections, please do not hesitate to tell me! I wish you all to have lots of fun playing and exploring the wonderful world of Obey Me!
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commander-frostii · 2 years
Some general notes about Doll advancement, from what I’ve been seeing so far in just poking at Neural Cloud’s systems:
Dolls can advance in both level and rarity. “Rare” dolls start at 3-star rarity, but every doll advances to 5 stars with enough investment.
You raise your doll’s level by spending XP on them, which you accumulate like a currency as drops from missions rather than actually gaining experience in combat. It’s a little like FGO and Arknights’ leveling system but without the silly intermediate items you have to farm and use up.
A doll’s level is capped, starting at level 10, and the cap can be raised in a “breakthrough” which costs “breakthrough widgets”. These are class-specific items that you can pick up from resource collection farming missions.
Subsequent breakthroughs cost more advanced versions of these widgets, as one would expect.
You raise a doll’s rarity through “Neural Expansion”, which primarily costs Neural Fragments - which are not a shared currency, but instead are specific for each doll, like Arknights’ potential tokens, but thankfully farmable. I’ve seen two potential methods to get neural fragments so far.
The first is to buy them from the in-game shop using “neural kits”, which you earn every time you obtain a duplicate doll from summoning. Each fragment costs 5 kits and you get 5 kits for summoning dupe 1-stars, 60 kits from summoning duplicate 2-stars, and it should hopefully come as no surprise that I haven’t summoned any duplicate 3-stars yet. If you’re summoning regularly, you should have a slow but steady stream of these coming in, so getting to 5 stars by just saving up and slowly buying fragments as necessary is entirely possible.
The second way has to do with raising your intimacy level with your dolls (that’s... a very specific term for that mica...); I can’t find the UI i saw in the tutorial earlier but it seemed to imply there were missions you could do to farm them, and you unlocked more efficient missions the higher the doll’s intimacy level was - but you were only allowed to do them a certain number of times per day. 
Rarity increments in half-stars. So there are actually 10 rarity levels, not 5, with dolls starting at level 1, 3, or 5 depending on their “starting” rarity.
Obviously, neural fragment cost increases dramatically as the doll’s rarity increases. Going from 1 to 1.5 costs 5 fragments; going from 2 to 2.5 costs 25, and going from 3 to 3.5 costs 60.
All dolls start with a passive skill and an active skill, but the “ultimate” skill (I’m calling them Limit Breaks because of the way they work) is only available once the doll in question is 3 star rarity or higher. Raising rarity also increases your stats, improves your existing skills’ performance, and at higher levels gives you upgraded art and (sometimes) live2d for the dolls in question. Maxing a doll’s rarity gives you an icon for that doll which I think is a very cute touch.
Dolls’ passive and auto skills can also be improved using specific resources - no surprise to anyone that’s played these games - but I’m not far enough in to have unlocked that yet. It looks like ultimate skills are an exception and improve automatically as you increase the doll’s rarity.
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obeymemctrash · 1 year
AP farming for ObeyMe
All the info is for sure out there but I still want to make a guild myself. The Obey Me Wiki has all the information you'll ever need, and it's better than the Fandom wiki.
Using this guide you can potentially earn 498 AP per day, +400 AP from flash sales by spending Devil Points (DP)
Here are all the ways you can gain AP for free and for a discount.
AP regeneration
MAX AP is 100 and 120 for VIP and the regeneration rate is 1 AP every 5 minutes. Everyone can generate 288 AP per day, Even if you're a new player and your max AP is low. Just make sure you use your AP on tasks when it's full at the latest so it's always regenerating and you waste as little time as possible. If you want as much AP as possible and you're actively playing DO NOT HOARD AP. Trust, you earn more by regeneration than by trying to save it.
Fridge Missions
Twice a day at 12:00 - 14:00 and 18:00 - 20:00 Beelzebub raids the fridge and if you stop him you get 30 AP and 60 AP for VIP, for a total of 60 AP OR 120 AP respectively. You have the whole 2 hours to log in, complete the mission (which is just clicking "check" in the fridge missions tab on the left when you enter the to do app) and collect your free AP.
There are 3 missions in the to do app that give you 10 AP each that you can do everyday for an extra 30 AP a day. Meet with 3 surprise guests, send AP to friend(s) 3 times, and complete 3 orders in Akuber.
Everyday you may be able to receive a max of 50 AP from your friends. You gain 1 extra friend slot eveytime you level up so if you're new or just at a lower level the number of friends you have can be lower than 50. Just keep grinding I believe in you. Its better to have more active friends so that you get as much AP as possible everyday. You can add the people who ranked in the last pop quiz as they're likely very active players. Make sure you send AP to your friends as well.
You can also add me 2283481831 <3
Surprise Guests
When you Battle there's a chance to get a surprise guest and if you get perfect interactions with the boys there are 6 gifts you will receive. 2 of these gifts are 10 AP for a total of 20 AP from surprise guests. To find out what combinations will give you perfect interactions consult the Obey Me wiki.
AP Recovery Set Flash Sale
Every 12 hours when you run out of AP it will trigger a flash sale where you can get 5 000 Grim and 200 AP for 10 Devil Points (DP). 10 AP usually costs 1 DP, so you're getting 200 AP half off, plus some grim. I usually do this once a day only when I need to, like when an event has 3 - 4 lessons so I can be sure to finish.
When you run out of AP you'll get the option to watch an ad for 10 AP. You can do this 5 times per day for an extra 50 AP per day. You must not have enough AP to complete a task to get the ad option.
Login Bonuses/Gifts/Ranking Rewards
There will be login events that may give you AP on top of the normal daily login, so make sure to log in everyday. You can also receive AP as a gift from the current event, it may expire after a day or it may have no expiration date. If it has no expiration date feel free to hold onto it until you need it. Lastly the higher you rank in an event the better rewards you get, AP is usually included, so try your best :)
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lucasttrpg · 2 years
I always found the 2e spell mechanics to be the best of all editions, it has changes in the core rules, it doesn't follow a pattern, some are unbalanced with chaotic effects and on top of that they are very well written. Despite being mini mechanics often foreign to the d20 roll system (yeah I know that 2e has THAC0, roll under skills etc), in very little texts the rules/mechanics are well explained, some obviously have excessive crunchiness/complications, but who am I to judge?
In this blog post I made a small text compilation of these spells and I will try to suggest examples on how I would use these mechanics in my own games.
I dedicated a few hours to this research, which is not very in-depth, and therefore I am completely open to suggestions and contributions. Also the mechanics I will explore and expand on here may or may not be used in some future game, but either way this can be used by anyone.
I won't compile all the spell text just the highlights, anyway the texts are easily found in a simple google search.
So without further ado, let's check it out:
Remove Curse
“The reverse of the spell is not permanent; the bestow curse lasts for one turn for every experience level of the wizard casting the spell. It causes one of the following effects (roll percentile dice):
Between 1 and 50 bestow curse lowers one ability of the subject to 3 (the DM determines which by random selection)
Between 51 and 75 bestow curse worsens the subject's attack rolls and saving throws by -4
Between 76 and 00 bestow curse makes the subject 50% likely per turn to drop whatever it is holding (or simply do nothing, in the case of creatures not using tools)
It is possible for a wizard to devise his own curse, and it should be similar in power to those given (the DM has final say).”
This is one of the simplest ones, but it is quite illustrative. I'm using the reverse spell system, here as an example, but a d% roll is not the logical thing to use in a d20 system, plus randomness (on a higher result of it  causes the target to drop an object WTF? ) I actually love it!
Let’s picture a minimalist game based on curses with effects on an expanded table of d%, with random and dangerous effects, but which over time become controllable, generating some autonomy to the curser, for example per level they can choose two effects numerically above or below of the result in this %(100) table.
“When a wizard wishes to gain supernatural guidance, he casts a vision spell, calling upon whatever power he desires aid from and asking a question that will be answered with a vision. Two six-sided dice are rolled. If they total 2 to 6, the power is annoyed and refuses to answer the question; instead, the power causes the wizard to perform some service (by an ultrapowerful geas or quest). If the dice total 7 to 9, the power is indifferent and gives some minor vision, though it may be unrelated to the question. If the dice total 10 or better, the power grants the vision.
The material component of the spell is the sacrifice of something valued by the spellcaster or by the power supplicated. The more precious the sacrifice, the better the chance of spell success. A very precious item grants a bonus of +1 to the dice roll, an extremely precious item adds +2, and a priceless item adds +3.”
This is the mother fucker PBTA’s core rule!!!
I guess it doesn't need more explanation, if you ever played PBTA games you will get it, I don’t know if Vicent was already thinking about this, but the resemblance is very clear, and I don't think he was wrong if it is really an inspiration. After all, this post is exactly about this.
Death spell
“When a death spell is cast, it snuffs out the life forces of creatures in the area of effect instantly and irrevocably. Such creatures cannot be raised or resurrected, but an individual slain in this manner might be brought back via a wish. The number of creatures that can be slain is a function of their Hit Dice. (See book for table ).
In other words, from the 4d20 roll subtract the number of creatures of less than 2 Hit Dice (these creatures die). If there are any remaining points from the 4d20 roll, subtract 2 for each creature of 2 to 4 Hit Dice (these creatures also die). If this still doesn't use up all the 4d20 roll, subtract 10 for each creature of 4+1 to 6+3 Hit Dice, and so on. Stop when all the creatures are dead, all the 4d20 roll is used up, or the remainder is less than half the CF of any remaining creatures. (If the remainder is one-half or more of the CF of a creature, that creature dies.)
For example, a mixed group of 20 goblins, eight gnolls, and four ogres, led by a hill giant, are caught in the area of a death spell. The 4d20 roll gives a total of 53 points; 20 of this eliminates the goblins (20 x 1 CF), 16 kills the gnolls (8 x 2 CF), and the remaining 17 kills two ogres (10 points to kill one ogre, and the remaining 7 points are enough to kill one more ogre). The other two ogres and the hill giant are unharmed.”
This one is almost completely compiled. First of all: “or the remainder is less than half the CF of any remaining creatures. (If the remainder is one-half or more of the CF of a creature, that creature dies.)” is garbage, a mistake, let’s ignore it. But how about this for a hit point system or even for a mass combat rule, with little short change this can be done. On example: 
The PC has a pool of vitality, resisting light, medium and severe damage. Light damage would have a degree of soak 1:1, medium 2:1 and severe 3:1. Where the blow "landed" a table of consequences, obviously with different degrees of severity, is rolled. If all the points from the pool are over the PC is obviously dead. Example of the example: The PC has a pool of 6 light, 3 medium and 2 severe wounds. One hit deals 15 points of damage. All light wounds are exhausted (1:1, 15-6=9), 9 points remain; 6 points are absorbed by medium wounds (the 3X2=6 and 9-6=3), leaving 3 points. These 3 points cost a major wound (1:3), a major wound table must be rolled.
This can all be further extrapolated to mass combat, where units would have different absorb proportions and even dice damage/attack rolls. If anyone wants me to exemplify better, just comment that I could do it.
“The liveoak spell can be cast upon a healthy tree of small, medium, or large size, according to desire and availability. A triggering phrase of up to maximum of one word per level of the spellcaster is then placed upon the targeted oak. For instance, "Attack any persons who come near without first saying sacred mistletoe" is an 11-word trigger phrase that could be used by a caster of 11th level or higher casting the spell.”
Imo, this is the best one! How about a one word per level magic system? Genius! Choose wisely the words, cautious negotiation with GM and mainly very dangerous consequences at low levels. What I’m thinking about is an almost free form system where the magic user chooses a power (or several) such as an elemental power as “fire”, and then has one word to describe the effect per level. 
These are examples and some points highlighted in the post. A close friend is intent on reading more spells together and theorizing about, I'm excited, so more related posts may come. As always and as previously mentioned, I am completely open to suggestions and contributions, I already advance that this is just the beginning and that there is still a lot of material there to be explored.
Thanks for reading this far!
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Unit Teambuilding - Summer Liza
If I had a nickel for every time Celesteela was given to the first alt of a favorite gym leader, I’d have two nickels.  Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
General Overview Flying is a cursed type in Masters.  I like Flying well enough, but generally speaking, this type is run by lunatics.  So many Flying type damage dealers come packing an awkward gimmick, like Lysandre’s healing or P!Elesa’s Fly and Metronome, or are just weirdly limited in favor of unusual utility, like how Anni Steven sucks at damage in exchange for being Gaugemaster Supreme.  It’s so bad that in a lot of ways, one of the prevailing “I am just here to deal nuke damage” options was Kahili, who is a Striker with a tank set that burns.  Flying is maddening in this way, and it’s so bad that the best Flying-type DPS in the game for the last two and a half years...was Leon.  A Fire type with Flying coverage outperformed everyone in the type.
Until today.  Liza comes in swinging as a standard Flying Striker, with Flying Shift Giga Impact.  Her setup is two turns, one to use Iron Defense, then her trainer move to give attack buffs equal to her current defense buffs, capped crit, and +1 accuracy.  Her main benefit is Free Moves Next after - and this part is critical - “using a status move.”  Specifically, it does not need to “succeed.”  So you can throw out Iron Defense at any time to get a free move in.  Her grid doubles down on a lot of her best offensive traits, including four sync damage tiles, Towering Force, Tough Cookie, and the absolute insanity that is +3 physical moves up next on Protect, and a node that, I can’t believe I’m reading this right, gives +2 physical moves up next with every single status move used.  Again, used, not succeeds.  So that free moves trick to save on gauges?  You might think that sharply cuts your damage, but given the 80% boost to the next shot, you’re effectively at 90% damage per turn, which is still well above most other damage dealers in the type.
The oddity is, a lot of people identified her as the weakest option of this month. Which is perhaps fair given what she’s up against, but still. Isn’t this the same playerbase shitting on every support and praising every mindless DPS unit? I will admit, Liza is ripe for being outclassed. When all you really have is damage numbers, it’s easier to be outdone than it is for something like SS Ethan’s spread damage or Lysandre’s healing. But is Lance bad because SS Serena is slightly stronger? Hyper Beam/Giga Impact damage is literally always in style, and unlike NY!Lisia, Summer Liza actually works wonderfully with her Zone setter, and has an ideal F2P partner that nearly everyone invests in. Liza’s in a great position with very, very little drawback at present, so it’s surprising to see her be so overlooked.
EX and Move Level? As her damage is single-target, Liza would appreciate the EX.  It’s a cleaner KO for CS.  But also, her damage output is going to be good enough on-type that there’s not much concern over it.  Move level is a bit tougher.  Like most Hyper Beam/Giga Impact units, on-type shouldn’t be too bad even 1/5.  3/5 is embellishment, getting full investment into sync, and much higher power on move damage.
Team 1: Summer Liza, Skyla, Colress/Tech Farfetch’d So okay, let’s recap quick.  Liza is a strong physical attacker whose setup requires defense buffs to boost her attack, and whose main notable flaw is speed control.  If only there were an F2P pair that literally everyone invests in that could solve for that, and had matched theme skills.  OH WAIT.  Yeah, Skyla absolutely RULES with Summer Liza.  This is like the ideal partnership with F2P, it’s so good.  Tech Farfetch’d offers the Leer support and potential flinch while giving more theme skills, while Colress is just way more effective at Screeching.  He’s so good at it guys.
Team 2: Summer Liza, Anni Skyla, Drake/Blue Okay hear me out.  Anni Skyla actually works very well with Liza, thanks to her speed boosts and recovery.  This gives Liza pretty much all the conditions she needs.  Moreover, Skyla is a halfway decent tank, and can be used in place of a support if you want to pursue a dual-strike comp.  If going for a support, I’m opting for Drake for some other theme skills and bulk for her trainer move, as well as general survival.  If dual strike, I’m putting in Blue, who needs first sync, and got a lot better at it this month after expansion, while also packing respectable self-setup that includes even more speed buffs.  Fun fact: Liza’s pure DPS build actually does wreck shop with up to +5 stacks of moves up next, so like...she’ll get it done even if she does drop sync.
Team 3: Summer Liza, Anni Steven, H!Caitlin What’s that you say?!  A physically offensive sync pair that can cap its own crit rate but maybe needs speed and attack?  Sounds like someone’s in for a Caitlin-ing!  Yes, Halloween Caitlin continues to be perfect, no one is surprised.  What may be surprising is that I’m actually talking about Anni Steven.  Anni Steven gets shit on a lot, but one thing he’s legitimately fantastic for is gauge control.  The man has a lot of speed factored in, double MGRs, and serves as the opposite end of the dual-strike spectrum from Blue, in that he’s all DPS no sync, freeing Liza to take her sync grid for a quick CS clear.  Because Liza can pivot as needed to a status move for free moves and moves up next, the team keeps momentum for sync very well, without sacrificing much on DPS.  +80% damage offsets a lot of the damage lost from missing a turn of Giga Impacting.  And if that turn is Protect with +3 moves up?  Well congrats on dealing 50% more damage per turn.
Team 4: Summer Liza, Summer Tate, Roxanne “But Summer Liza and Summer Tate have no cohesion!”  Not with that attitude.  Someone on Reddit asked which of the two was better, and got the usual coward response of “They’re entirely different pairs, you can’t compare on bluh blah blurgh.”  Boundless cowardice.  Have them fight in the same team, off-type, and see who contributes more.  Roxanne enables both: X Def All allows Liza to max setup in two turns, while her trainer move caps off Tate.  Thanks to her bulk and speed buffs, everyone’s pretty sturdy and able to throw around their DPS just fine.  This will allows us to once and for all determine the weakest child.
Final Thoughts I actually very much love this alt.  Liza is kind of a low-key favorite.  I think her Center conversations are adorable, I loved the old story event she got with Guzma, she was a fun general pool to use in the early days of the game that sadly didn’t get the top tier grid she deserved, and having my second favorite Ultra Beast feels like a personal apology for the grid thing.  The fact that she’s both really strong, and physically offensive for some reason, is hilarious.  And like Tate, it’s just nice that a seasonal event focused on lower favorites.  Like, I wanted a Liza alt, I just never really thought to ask about it because it seemed impossible.  But here we are, and yeah, it’s not Roxanne, but it gives me hope for Roxanne.  I like when this happens.  I want to see more of it.
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