#so yes it's insane to watch this much of smth BUT it's actually not as insane as it might seem
orcelito · 2 years
Confronting the fact that I'm partway through episode 93 of critical role campaign 2 and theres only ("only") 140 ish episodes
I very realistically could end up watching the entirety of the second campaign of critical role. Holy shit lmfao
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my honest urge to give each family some fucked up abstract sacred symbolism bc i was obsessed over this game when i was 15
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neoraso · 6 months
riize when they're jealous
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is a little oblivious at first- for example: tries to make friends with the guy
then as the conversation drags on and taro realizes this guy is barely acknowledging him,, and is literally only talking to you he gets pretty uncomfortable
you are also getting uncomfortable and shotaro notices so he finds a way to quickly end the conversation (pretending you had somewhere else to be or smth)
he doesn't get too down about if afterwards and definitely doesn't blame you for anything he just tries to make jokes about how attractive you are "people just can't stay away from you! you're like the flower to a bee (⌒▽⌒)”
but honestly, it still irks him a bit. pls make sure to give him at least one kiss and remind him he's ur shining star
def not the type to be worried about you around his friends or your male friends.. but random guys actually hitting on you in real.
he would never admit to being jealous, he tries to tell himself he's just annoyed with the guy or like.. worried for your safety which- um ok wtv
that being said ,, when he does get this way he goes completely cold. hard frown, glaring eyes, clenched jaw etc. etc.
he's very confident in your relationship but something about the highly unrealistic possibility that you could be swayed to leave him ruffles his feathers to say the least
i hope no one would be bold enough to try to hit on you WHILE you're with him because he'd immediately get in front of you and confront the guy "who even are you? what do you need to talk to her for?"
oh dear lord.... it's not good. like he wont hurt anyone but sometimes wants to. like,,,
ok it depends if you were far away talking to a guy he would immediately come over and wrap his arm around you and goes "who's this." and ur like PLS don’t do anything embarrassing 😳
it’s to the point he does not want to hear about your past relationships (unless it was like a serious conversation) bc it makes his skin crawl thinking about another person touching his girl
he trusts his friends but it will take a bit of convincing to trust your friends. not bc he doesn’t have faith in you he would just get pissed at other people thinking they had a chance
i’m making him sound like a freak but he’s very open and vocal about how he feels and wants to work on it with you - but he’s always gonna be protective like a guard dog
he’s like ., quiet possessive (?) he's just like " ur only my baby right?" wants you all to himself, near him as much as possible
jokingly says you can’t watch other groups but is like ..half joking he lowkey doesn’t want you thinking other guys are cooler than him
it really just comes down to the fact that he doesn't want to lose you.
if there was a real situation where someone was like actually flirting with you, he would get soooo sulky. - like comes over to you and puts his hand on your back, smiling at you like everything is fine 🙂( 😐)
but when he hears you say "yes, this is my boyfriend i was telling you about." his chest puffs up and he’s like jumping for joy inside T_T needs extra kisses too afterwards
you are his baby and is very clear about it in public . always has his hands on you so it would be insane for someone to hit on you but if he walked away and someone approached u…
hhhhh lowkey gets an attitude … mostly with the other guy like tongue in cheek “is this guy serious…”
honestly kind of confrontational “can i help you? what do you need from my girlfriend?” can be intimidating when he wants to and makes sure people know he is NOT playing around
first makes sure you’re ok and then he’s like “wtf.. do i have to give you an ‘i ♡ my bf’ shirt or smth”
with his and your friends he doesn’t have a problem he trusts you all the way he just gets offended when people don’t get the hint that you’re taken
surprisingly, gets more jealous than you’d expect like sometimes ur like ???
he really just wants all your attention and if other guys try to take it he’s like . abt to start barking
that being said he trusts you 100% but when you notice his smile is like 10% less bright than usual and you ask what’s wrong he’s like “OHHH nothing -_- i just can’t believe i’m up against the whole city bc you’re so pretty. what am i to do ?”
ur just like 😭my sweet boy !! give him a kiss he’ll be cured and recovers pretty quickly
kind of is one that doesn’t really like you having male friends but he doesn’t want to control you so he’s doing deep breathing exercises if you’re really involved in a conversation with someone that isn’t him.
ohhh sweet sweet anton. honestly ! doesn’t get too jealous
like he gives u your space if you’re talking to another guy but if they start subtly hitting on you he’s like ?
will bring it up to you later when you’re sitting with him like stroking your arm and he’s like “sooooo that guy ..” and ur like oh 🙄that was so annoying. did it upset you? :( and he’s like “um . i mean… well not really it was just weird ..”
will appreciate your reassurance more than he shows you
might be one to be insecure with you around the members just because you would get so close to them he’s like ha…. what if they got even closer … but then he remembers none of you would ever do that then he just hugs you a little tighter
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star-girl69 · 4 months
i think aphrodite kid reader x clarisse is simply just better??? like the trope is just superior??? like, we have clarisse who is tough, and mean and one of the strongest people at camp, then we have reader who is kind and compassionate and really doesn’t care all that much about fighting. so naturally, clarisse is super protective and treats reader like a princess?? how could people dislike it 😔😔
no exactly and i actually must write about this - basically this is just all about the little things clarisse does for her perfect princess angel daughter of aphrodite gf (me!!!!!!)
okay as payment for my absence please accept some shitty headcanons I LOVE YOU ALL BYEEEE
she’s just always DOING THINGS FOR YOU
she’s so perceptive and she always knows exactly what you want and need even if you don’t know it yourself
like if you like wearing high heels one) clarisse genuinely wonders what is wrong w you
she sees no practicality in them bc there isn’t lol
but also she’s like omg???? MY GF feels safe enough around me to wear shoes she can’t run in???? WHAT JOY!!!!!!!!!
and you’ll come back to your cabin being all ugh omg my feet hurt so bad laying on the bed and putting your feet UP
and clarisse is like “well i could have told you that”
excuse me????
“don’t get me wrong baby you look gorgeous and i love you wearing heels but it’s your funeral”
she just laughs and takes your shoes off
she’ll continue to bully you as she’s literally massaging your feet like ok girl yeah we see you
clarisse is also a MENACE about making sure you eat
“did you eat today?”
“babe you SAW me at lunch”
“just making sure….”
you’re just so kind and amazing and clarisse loves you so much but you are not the best at fighting!
she is constantly stressed when you’re not by her side
bc no one loves you like her who will protect you 💔💔💔💔
when someone takes advantage of you she gets so PISSED OFF
bc it’s not like someone is beating you up it’ll be like someone is using you as their personal therapist or smth and you’re just like “pls go speak to an actual professional wtf 😭😭😭”
she’s not afraid to beat people up for you and actually enjoys it!
anyways, clarisse is also a koala bear
and an emotionally stunted caveman
she’s not good with her words so these actions are all she has to show you that she loves you
idk if y’all have noticed but clar rarely saying ily to y/n bc it’s my personal headcanon that she has such a hard time saying those words. she shows you she loves you but for some reason it’s just so hard to get the words out. (…BC SHE IS AN EMOTIONALLY STUNTED CAVEMAN)
so she quickly adapts to do all these little things
if you’re walking down a flight of stairs trust she is holding your hand
QUEEN of opening jars for you
if you’re not feeling well or you’re tired or just feeling lazy she’ll bully someone into doing your chores for you
also this bitch is NOT afraid to stand up for you and make sure you get what you deserve.
like that one meme
“UM… she said NO PICKLES… you fucking dumbasses…”
also like in “better than revenge” she loves to watch you do your makeup
finds it so fascinating that you can only get PRETTIER
like she’s okay at makeup but you can do that shit perfectly like standing on your head
you make it seem so effortless
she’s not a HUGE makeup girly but sometimes she’ll let you just go crazy
so you can sit on top of her….. that one sapphic meme yes…..
also she’s constantly bragging about you
“yeah… i have the prettiest gf in camp… y’all are just losers what can i say”
ofc if anyone were to agree w her she would go insane
“yeah y/n is so pretty”
“um ok yeah you don’t have to say it i say it enough….”
even if one of your siblings gives you a compliment she’s like HOLD THE FUCK ON- then she remembers THATS YOUR SIBLING ITS OK and she’s like oh this is so embarrassing.
will she stop? no ofc not
she’s constantly telling you how pretty you are. beautiful. gorgeous. exquisite. all the words
loves kissing you all over
anyways going back to the clarisse koala bear agenda that got away from me
she’s just always touching you
hand on the small of your hand guiding you somewhere
hand around your waist
no matter what type of hair you have she’s obsessed w it. if you have pin straight hair she’s so obsessed w the fact that you don’t need a huge curl routine like her, finds it fascinating
if you do have curls she loves doing a curl routine together
whatever whatever type of hair you have she’s obsessed with it and will wash it for you if you want
so soft and lovingly like a more of a scalp massage than a hair washing
will brush your hair for you, braid it for you, anything you like just OBSESSED
she loves when you like sit on top of a picnic table and then she gets to sit in between your legs on the bench thinks it’s so so fun and so so silly
she LOVESSSSS sleeping w you OBVI.
on top of you, you on top of her, she’s a koala bear. like entirely wrapped around you
partially bc she is as aforementioned a koala bear and partly bc she is overprotective even in her sleep
if you move in the middle of the night even just a little bit
she’s a super light sleeper i feel like
always on the guard fr ✊
a little bit better when you’re there tho
so if you move in the middle of the night she’ll just like caress your hair and kiss your cheek and try to shush you back to sleep
like bitch you’re still asleep have you never heard of ADJUSTING? MOVING? SHIFTING?
hope you’re not one of those people who has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night bc with clarisse that will stop
you can’t abandon her even for 2 minutes even for basic bodily functions like you just can’t it’s so inconsiderate to her… 💔
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
Chapter 2 The Bear & His Honey
Chapter Inspo: Quote - "The only heaven I’d be sent to, is one where I’m alone with you." Summary: (18+ ONLY FIC) Carmy gets heated in the kitchen, makes Winnie lunch, & Meets the famous Sugar. A/N: Heyooo!! I am so proud of myself for like not having writers block and actually continuing a fic I started LOL! I think this one is longer than the last, like 7k characters or smth. I can't make promises abt. when I'll post next, but I can try to make it this week! I hope you're all enjoying so far. Warnings: Swearing, Yelling, smut, alcohol, tad angsty if you can even call it that, and then just overall feminine yearning!! ***As per usual; Reblogs, Likes, Comments, & Constructive Critiques are not only welcomed, but much appreciated! Without further ado, here we go! Woooo!***
𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉!
Chapter 1 Here
I followed him in to the screaming, bustling pit that was his kitchen. “BEHIND!- Jesus Christ, Tina, watch it - I said Behind! Should I just drop this, huh Chef?!”  Someone cried out, the intensity of the atmosphere causing my chest to tighten as if clawed hands were achingly squeezing ever so slowly around my lungs. 
 “Gosh” I muttered, trying my best to take everything in, every sense of mind becoming slightly overwhelmed. Carmen briskly showed me to his small office, the insanity of his kitchen not even strumming a nerve for him it seemed. He showed me to a desk covered in too many papers in the corner, before thumbing through them until he found what he was rummaging for. “Ah! Yes. Here we go!! Alright. You look at this” he turned to me, handing it over. 
“With that big-booky-brain of yours, sure you could figure some changes to make the dishes sound extra special ‘mm?” He mused. I glanced over the piece of printer paper, nothing more than a piece of plain white paper adorned with dish names and descriptions of them followed by pricing. 
“Uhh…sure thing. ‘M not that smart, slutty books about muscley guys with wings and mind reading abilities only get you so far…” I said jokingly, my eyebrows furrowing as I my eyes glaze over the intricate ingredients I’d never heard of. 
“Alright, uhhh.. you’re gonna have to go more into detail about what you’re getting up to at the bookstore when I get back” he teased and closed the door to the office behind him as he headed to the kitchen. 
I continued reading over the ingredients, adding an appetizing verb here and there, hoping that was what he was looking for. I lean on my hand, looking over the other papers on the desk. Mostly food shipment orders, different labor receipts, jumping in my seat a bit when I hear a huge crash and what sounds like a bunch of aluminum clattering. 
“FUCK, JESUS! ” Carm yells, his voice booming through the kitchen and it was suddenly silent, as if every single thing stopped. “How many times have I told you guys, do, NOT leave empty FUCKING pans ON THE EDGE OF YOUR GOD DAMN STATION. Everyone look over your FUCKING station, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW - if there is an something that needs to be washed- it goes IN THE SINK. NOW. Move!” 
The only response is a chorus of “Yes Chef!” 
“Marcus get the fuck over here deal with this these fucking sheet pans!” He barks. I swallow the nervous lump in my throat, contemplating if I should just grab my purse and go. My eyes flick to the door when I hear the handle, and Carmen walks back in, his face a bit flushed from his outburst I’d assume. 
“Hey” he said casually and smiled a bit, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. He was holding a plate that honestly, looked amazing. “So, not chilli, so sorry, but- we do have Mac salad, and then this fire pork stew type deal, oh, and your onions, and a burger, and a hot dog- feelin frisky today, Winnie?” He puts the plate in front of me with a soft smile. 
All tension I was feeling vanished like sand between my fingers. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips and I look up at him. “And my ketchup?” I asked and he rolled his eyes, taking the ketchup and mustard bottles from his apron and setting them down in front of me. “Sorry, your majesty.” He teased.
I take the ketchup, squeezing a good amount over the top. “I guess… I am feeling frisky” I said, doing the same with the mustard. “Yea? You reading up on more winged muscle man porn while I was out there?” I laughed as I cut up the hot dog and burger on top, a real laugh. Not something someone could usually drag out of me since my brother. But for some reason, Carmen seemed to be very good at it. 
“Ohhh yeah. I was just all spread out here on top of your desk rubbing one out - the yelling you were doing really did it for me. Finished right before you came in.” I teased with a feline smirk, watching as his cheeks heated slightly. “Yeah- sorry about that” he rubs the back of his neck. “Uh- Marcus he just left all these fucking pans and Syd ran right in to them - keep tellen ‘em to put shit where it goes.” He sighed a bit. 
“No, no, no need to be sorry. A book store and a kitchen are 2 very different places to work, just glad everything’s alright” I took a bite, my eyes widening at the amazing flavor. It definitely wasn’t home, but that was okay. It was fucking amazing. I bring my hand up to my mouth to cover it as I speak, unable to wait another second to tell him. 
“That? Is Fuuucking heat dude. Wow.” I said swallowing and immediately going for more. “Really? You are…unbelievable” he chuckles, sitting back with a small smirk on his lips. “No you are unbelievable, Chef, great work. 5 stars on yelp” I giggle and he shakes his head rolling his eyes in amusement. 
“Why thank you, your review is valued” he gets up and leans in. I swear I feel my heart stutter in my chest when his chain brushes my temple as he reaches around me and grabs the menu I had been scribbling notes on for him. I could smell the musk of his cologne, a bit of tobacco from his cigarette, and a tinge of salty sweat from being in such a hot kitchen all morning. It was intoxicating. I wanted to bury my nose in his chest and just inhale, I could get drunk off the scent.  “Sorry” he said softly, sitting back down and looking at the menu. 
My cheeks had to be on fire, and I’m sure if his chain grazed my face again, its icy touch would sizzle at the contact. I swallow the bite I had forgotten about in my mouth when he was so close and look over at him. He was still looking over the menu, eyebrows raised slightly, “mm, like that” he mutters, rubbing his chin in contemplation. 
“Wow, look at what your slutty books taught you, ‘opulence to the core in your mouth’ hmm? What were they describing?” He smirks, his eyes meeting mine. I swear I could burst into flames and be left as nothing but a pile of ashes. I can’t remember a time that I’d been so melted by the attention of a man. 
“Uh-“ I stutter, clearing my throat, trying to rack my now empty brain (other then that pesky vision buried deep, of him rage fucking me over his desk. Sending waves of soaking warmth to my core, so strong I’m more petrified of the vision of me getting up and his chair being wet with my arousal) “Oh, you know…” I trail off with a shrug, my gaze finding my plate again and taking another bite to avoid embarrassing myself any further. 
“Well, I just may have you edit these more often little miss vocabulary” he continues reading over. “I like this, exactly what I wanted. Thank you” he smiled softly, setting the paper down on the desk. Our hands brush, and goosebumps immediately rose everywhere from my shins to my jaw. 
I look over at him, to find him looking right back at me. “This is…like so good” I said to take my mind off the ache growing between my thighs and he grinned. “Glad you like it. Swing by anytime I’ll make one for you, on the house of course. Gotta make sure we treat our official menu editor well” he rested his hands on the top of his curls with locked fingers. His biceps looked much more pronounced this way, the tattoos I hadn’t been able to see on the back of his arms making an appearance. 
He looked as if he was a fucking statue, a Greek god carved from the masterful hands of Myron. He is beautiful. He has such a strong nose, a muscular jaw and neck, god his fucking neck. Those veins, I can imagine when he gets all fired up they protrude powerfully. I trail back up to his nose, god that fucking nose. My core clenches around nothing at the sudden dirty image of messily riding his face comes to the front of my mind, his beautiful blue eyes darkened in lust due to his blown out pupils, his beautiful sexy nose nuzzling my bundle of nerves, my arousal dripping down his neck and chest as he drinks up all he can. Flushed at the Hollywood porno in my mind, I quickly shut it out like slamming a door and my eyes flick to his beautiful blues, a satisfied smirk on his blush pink lips. 
“What?” I questioned, my cheeks growing hotter. “Mm. Nothin’. Enjoying the view or somethin’?” He questioned and I look at my plate. “No- I mean, well” I stuttered, picking up another bite and putting it in my mouth to avoid the confrontation as it had worked for me shortly before. 
He playfully smacks a hand over his heart “wow!” He said earning a giggle from me “here I am, slavin’ over the stove like a damn housewife for you to make your- whatever the hell - and you have the gaul to insult me!! In my own restaurant at that!”  He feigned offense, a real smile adorning his features, eyes crinkled, dimples on proud display. 
“You’re cute! There. Is that what you wanted, Carmen? Your ego stroked a little? Awww, Carm, you’re such a handsome little boy” I laughed, leaning in and pinching his cheek playfully. He rolled his eyes, swatting my hand away with a grin. “So you only go out with guys with wings, that it?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“Wow!! Look at you, big player!” I gently kick his clog with my boot “you askin’ me out?” I asked, my heart picking up speed once more. “No, I just asked if your preference is a buff dude with wings. But since you mention it, sure, I’d love to go out with you. Thanks for the offer” he teased, a pesky smirk on his lips. 
“Wooow!” I drew out and laughed. “Wow!! Big sexy muscle man can’t ask a girl out, hmm? Need to trick her in to asking you?” I took a sip from the water bottle I’d brought in my bag. His cheeks heat, raising his eyebrows he says “well I’m no big sexy muscle man, I’m just ahh…how did you put it?” He asked. 
I leaned in, gently adjusting the pendant of his chain to face front and center again before resting my hand on his chest, palm flat, and feel the heavy thump of his heart when I speak again “a very handsome little boy” I said softly, my eyes flicker to his lips as he gently tugged his bottom one between his teeth. “Mm” he hummed, I felt the vibration under my hand. “That was it. Yeah” he said just above a whisper, his voice richer, deeper, like the dark chocolate cake described on the dessert menu. 
The door flies open and I jump back in my seat, resuming eating as naturally as I could manage. “Bear! There you are, Jesus Christ. Since when do you take breaks? The fuckin’ glassware company left three boxes of cocktail glasses off- three Carm!” A very loud blonde storms in, dropping her large purse in a slump at my feet and kicking it under the desk like I wasn’t even there. 
“Sorry,” she gives me a sympathetic smile “just restaurant shit.” She looks back at him “who did the order?” He asks. “Syd!! I told you, Carmen, you are putting too much on her plate right now! Stop being such a jagoff” she pushes his arm gently “and fucking divide the work!! Fuckin- fuckin’ teach Manny how to order!! I don’t know!” She said exasperated and frustrated. 
“Sugar I’ll call them, I’ll fix it, I fucked up.” He admitted with a sigh and rubs his face. “Yes. You did. And you better fix it. Or else how in the fuck are we gonna do your stupid little house cocktail on family night in three days?!” She asked, holding up 3 fingers and waving them in front of his face as he shook his head. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know.” He muttered and ran his fingers through his curls. “Sorry should I-“ I grabbed my purse from the back of the chair and motioned to the door “ahh fuck. Ye’ I’m so sorry I-“ he blinks hard, thinking. 
“What time do you get off?” He asks “5:15 usually” I said and got up, my plate of food mostly gone. “Shit…uhh..” he rubs his chin in contemplation. “Can you swing by at like- 10? If not, it's totally fine, we- we can have a drink? If you want..” he offered. I nod, a soft smile gracing my features. “Sure thing, I’m a night owl anyway. See you at ten, Chef, thanks again for lunch, it was great”. But before I leave the office, I lean in and whisper in his ear. 
“Be a good, handsome little boy while I’m gone. No more yelling over dropped trays, mm?” I rub my hand over his bicep giving a gentle squeeze and my eyes flicker to his lips, watching as his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows thickly, bright red flushing his cheeks.  “S-see you at ten” he stuttered in reply. I shut the door behind me, giggling quietly to myself as I hear who I now knew as ‘Sugar’ saying “Where’d you meet that pretty thing?”
Read Chapter 3 Here!
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asteroidzzzn · 10 months
more than just a dream - spark, 004
pairing: college!ellie x reader
synopsis: you transfer to a new school where you only know one person; your childhood best friend. he invited you to a beginning of the year party to meet some new people, but one person, in particular, catches your eye... his other best friend.
a/n: dina bonding time!
genre: social media au, fluff
series masterlist -- previous chapter -- next chapter
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bria 🧚
dina 💋
hi whats up? :)
bria 🧚
im bored and everyone else went out but i dont feel like drinking rn..
can i come over?
i know the two of us arent super close but this could be our chance to bond outside the group 🤞🤞
dina 💋
omg ofc!! i was feeling the same i just wanted to chill and stay in today 😭 but ya come over whenever
bria 🧚 ❤️ a message
we can watch mission impossible if ur into that!
only if u bring snacks...
bria 🧚
U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IVE BEEN WANTING TO SEE THATTTT OK im omw now ill put the best i have in a bag 🙏 cya!!
dina 💋 ❤️ a message
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bria 🧚
hey dina, sorry i had to leave right away
i have to study for the first unit test later today
wish i didn't, this is so boring
how are u?
dina 💋
im fine
im good im great actually
but i really think we should talk about it
what happened last night
bria 🧚
later, ok?
i need to go right now stepping into class
dina 💋
oh ok, bye :)
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dina woodward
hi y/n im literally going insane r u free to talk
omfg 😭 whats going on
dina woodward
you'll never believe what happened last night
ughhh i wish i was there! sorry i wanted to stay in to get some sleep, i have a test next period
dina woodward
oh no worries i actually stayed in too so this isnt ab the outing
do u know who bria volentas is?
yeah i do!
shes really nice ill sit next to her in history in a few minutes actually
dina woodward
oh 😭😭😭 i wanted to talk to u ab this bc i thought u were the only one in the group that didnt really know her
can u keep a secret? just need to get this off my chest
u can trust me :)
dina woodward
sooo... ive had a crush on her since the dawn of time
y/n !! a message
and we hung out last night alone!!
!!AWEEE yall will be so cute together i can see it now
dina woodward ❤️ a message
also im so glad u said that bc i wasnt ab to be the one to com eout first 😭😭
dina woodward !! a message
dina woodward
YOUW AHT?!?!?!?!?!?
i didnt wanna assume but i secretly knew.........
y/n haha a message
dina woodward
we were watching mission impossible bc ellie ditched me (i wont forget) and she goes 'im cold' so bc shes the actual loml i let her under my blanket
dina woodward
then our feet kinda touched then our hands kinda touched and we were getting rlly close... then we fucked
that went from 0 to 100 sO FAST
dina woodward
dina woodward
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this is the average wlw experience i say while dry heaving and crawling onto the roof and howling
y/n ❤️ a message
LMFAOOO it literally is tho we have it so difficult
dina woodward
i said i wanted to talk ab last night and she was so avoidant so she BETTER say something rn
yall rn
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lurking in chat.....
dina woodward
i need to be distracted rn
eye starts twitching
tell me smth thats going on w u
ok u trusted me w ur crush so i can trust u w mine right..
dina woodward
ofc ofc
so u know her actually like really well from what i know
is ellie williams gay..
dina woodward
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take a look at her what do u think
y/n ❤️ a message
angels harmonize and descend from heaven
yes i like her... i think. its been hard to like anyone since my last relationship but im feeling rlly hopeful about us
im heavily delusional tho she was prob just being friendly when we hung out
dina woodward
she recently broke up w her ex too, and shes been kinda staying away from relationships :(
ur amazing tho youd be so good for her
if she acts like a bitch to u ONCE run
damn jesse warned me ab her too 😭 what happened with her and her ex? if u know or if ur ok with telling me
i know its not really my business
i just wanna know what lines i cant cross
dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
yeah i totally get it
i actually dont know all the details
i think she only told jesse bc theyre way closer than me and her
if u want to know everything, id ask him or get it from ellie herself
just get closer with her and she'll tell u everything, and u can decide what to do from there
ok , thats a good idea
ill just use my amazing charm and incredible beauty to captivate her in chemistry
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dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
speaking of,, she sucks at chemistry. u could get closer to her by tutoring her if youd be up for that?? shed appreciate it sooo much
#1 wingman award is presented toooooo dina woodward!
dina woodward ❤️ a message
ill def talk to her ab that ill be like heyyy u need help 💋
shit gtg now, test time!
dina woodward
good luck!! with the test and ellie🙏
y/n ❤️ a message
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a/n: a lot longer than the last chapter!! but i had a lot to say in this one :D love in the future for my girl dina!!! love to see it
hope u enjoyed as always (✿◠‿◠)
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude @fireflyels @trulygnomed @deluluwh-0-re @toesorhoes @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @emluvselandabs @ariianelle @jokerpokimoon @lonelyfooryouonly @lil-elliesgf @yuaaa05 @ourautumn86
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frownyalfred · 1 year
I present to you; the one dc movie quote that will absolutely never leave my brain
"You're not just a mask, you're a man; the best man I've ever known." - Dick Grayson (Batman: Bad Blood)
(Spoilers in case u haven't seen it or smth)
I was reading the post abt how they respect and admire each other soooo much and I was like??? Instantly this popped into my head bc even tho the entire movie Dick acts like he would rather have absolutely nothing to do with Bruce/Batman, he still pulls this absolute banger out of nowhere. And the part that hurts the most is that when Bruce is really trying so hard to fight against hurting Dick by using his most hated weapon, a gun??? It really hit hard when he lifted it to his chin, showing he'd rather kill himself than kill his son. And while, yes, reasonably, he could have aimed for a spot that wouldn't particularly be fatal, he still chose to risk his own life to protect his son. And Dick's whole speech about how good of a person Bruce is is just 🤌🤌 and the Bruce apologizes to him with the little "I'm sorry" just drove it home for me. Sorry guys, if u think b wayne is a bad father then ur actually delusional.
Video in case anyone wants to watch it: https://youtu.be/-FW9LlefnzM
I 100% agree — this scene has always gotten me choked up! The dynamics being flipped between them! Bruce using a gun! Ugh, it’s so perfect.
Also, how hilarious is this scene outside of the obvious trauma? We’ve got Nightwing breaking his arm/shoulder for the millionth time, Talia with her tits out saying “we’ll make more😏” and Kate with the brutal girl power punch. Damian is there.
But yes. Bruce losing control of his mind and then blaming it on himself? That man shot a sword out of Talia’s hand! Do you know how insane that is?
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amarguerite · 6 months
i am so c o n f u s e d
ive been seeing u reblogging/talking abt the gilded age among a couple others of ppl I follow/talk abt JA and like............ITS LOOKS PRETTY. SEEEMS LIKE ITS A VICTORIAN ERA THING WHICH IS NICE. but but would it be as inapp as bridgerton?? I can just skip through fucking scenes so I can look at the prett dresses but if theres outright fucking itd be age inapp BUT I need smth to watch while crocheting and this seems like the perfect kinda trashy show to watch
so so as a person whos seen it like should i watch it or not? 😭😭
It’s set in 1882 in the first season and 1883 in the second! It’s very mild, in terms of sexual content. Clothed making out between George and Bertha Russell and then in the second season their son has an ill-advised fling with an older woman that results in them making out while fully clothed and a scene of them chatting in bed while under the covers. I think the most you see is Laura Benanti’s bare leg. ETA: there is a scene in the first season where one character tries to seduce another by being naked in his bed but he gets real mad and immediately makes her get dressed and leave.
It’s a lot of fun, but admittedly it’s fun for me for some very specific reasons. If any of these resonate with you, I’d give it a shot:
1) great costuming
2) nearly every contemporary Broadway star is there to chew on scenery, be witty, and wear hats
3) ridiculous gilded age nonsense where ultra-rich robber barons and “old money” New Yorkers fight over who gets invited to what party. The overarching plot of the second season is about the construction of the Metropolitan Opera House
4) neat subplots featuring genuinely cool female historical figures who accomplished an incredible amount given the societal constraints under which they existed. Last season there was a long subplot about Clara Barton founding the Red Cross and this season there’s a subplot about the female engineer who was actually responsible for constructing the Brooklyn Bridge instead of her husband
5) fantastic scenery
6) a look at the Black elite of New York at the time— a group I didn’t know much about until this show
7) Nathan Lane giving one of the strangest and funniest performances of his long and varied career.
8) on location shooting at big Gilded Age mansions in New York State and in Newport, Rhode Island. The house belonging to the character played by one of my fave Broadway prima donnas, Kelli O’Hara, is actually Lyndhurst House, the actual Gothic Revival mansion of actual Gilded Age robber baron Jay Gould.
9) an insanely high props budget that they use to buy such outlandishly delightful things as penny-farthing bicycles and magic lanterns
Is it a good show? Honestly, I don’t know if I can answer that question.
Is it great if you’re a musical theatre fan who enjoys being able to say, “oh my god that’s Douglas Sills from The Scarlet Pimpernel and Little Shop of Horrors playing the Russell’s chef!” Yes.
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aroace-poly-show · 3 months
I couldn't stop thinking since your post about wxs parents, or more specifically the tenma parents, bc they actually interest me a lot
Because like, the tenma mom DOES actually come up sometimes in saki and tsukasa's side stories and an area conversation. And not just the fact she taught them to play piano, i mean more familial situations. She even appears by herself and it's usually when they're at the house and she seems really sweet and caring actually
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And also whenever Tsukasa brings her up (which he seems to do more often than Saki? Or at least from the stories I've read, i might be wrong) he speaks of her in a way that seems quite fond and might imply that she is around at the house at least usually
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In contrast, though, the tenma dad almost NEVER comes up. Like the only time I remember him being mentioned (that is NOT about tsukasa bringing up That Show they watched as kids or the family visiting saki at the hospital bc that's obvious they're there) was once in the hinamatsuri event about how he bought the doll stand and some helmet when they were little? smth about how he impulse buys things
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And that was it. He didnt even appear
He's never actually appeared by himself at the house or any side story to my knowledge (do correct me if I'm wrong) and he doesn't SEEM to be around the house on a daily basis at all
Even in the past when tsukasa stayed at home alone it was tenmama he got calls from, at least the one they showed us
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Tenpapa's job is also never mentioned unlike tenmama's. And like tenmas are implied to be at least somehow recognisable or respected of a family, or at the very least by people like the Aoyagis since they are always stated to hold them in such regard, but is it just about tenmama playing the piano? Or maybe there's smth more about the dad that we don't know?
He's just. Such an enigma. We barely have any crumbs. Even in that image of baby tenmas seeing a show for the first time from the beginning of wxs main story shows a little bit of tenmama, like we can see her hair and all, but we can only see tenpapa's hand
It's just... where is he?? At work? What does he do?? Why don't they talk about him that much??? Why won't they show him in side stories??? Am I reading too much into it???
He makes me so mad pls Sega tell me more about the tenma family im insane about them
ANYWAY sorry for writing almost an entire post in your asks it was supposed to be shorter but I accidentally spiralled deeper
Anyway tsukasa and saki definitely love their parents and at the very least the mom seems like a rly caring and overall present person in their lives. They never say anything bad about the dad either if they ever do. They seem like good parents overall. The whole tsks neglect thing, yes, of course it wasn't a good decision to leave him alone at home, but it doesn't make them bad. Tsukasa never even mentioned anything that could imply he holds it against them and ik he is stupidly forgiving sometimes and sometimes forgets about himself but still. You get me. Besides we don't really know the extent of it all so shsuhd
We just need more tenma lore dammit
do not apologize for long asks they make me very happy to read :3
i didn’t know all that abt tenmamom though!!! i practically never read side stories so. yeah no wonder i missed her fjbsjdbajdn
sega please give us more tenmadad content. or any at all really…..
and yeah!!! i can understand wanting angst but the tenmas are genuinely a happy family and they make me happy :3 i don’t think of his parents as bad even with tsukasa’s childhood bc like, it wasn’t something they wanted to do yk. doesn’t mean what happened with tsukasa wasn’t Bad ofc. either way i love the tenmas. sega can we get more tenma lore. please
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kierancaz · 5 months
The way I’m literally about to fight and bring the facts to this TikTok comment section because people can have their ships but also can y’all realize that certain characters have certain functions and they may not be big functions that’s ok. Cause like someone posted a video of Miles and Margo of their 30 second interaction with like pieces of the script layered over it and like yah you can see the vibe between these two but ALSO Margo has two functions 1) make Gwen jealous the way Hobie makes Miles jealous and 2) don’t hit the button on the machine and let Miles go back to his own dimension.
“I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER SO BAD !!!!” Why? Literally why? Margo has no character, has had a total of like 1 minutes screen time, and 1 scene with Miles.
People trying to use the spider-resonating as something to prove they should be together when that happens to everyone when they meet another spider-person?? Someone commented that in a book or smth it says Margo finds Miles cute which I think in her short screen time they get across really well.
But it just baffles me because like, Gwen and Miles are set up so perfectly. To me they’re on the list of ships I could never break for anyone else and that’s like two other ships. What is it that you see in Margo and Miles besides them idk looking cute together??
Scrolling through these comments is making me actually insane someone said that they were mad at Gwen for pulling Miles away like she owns him and said “and then you have ppl on tiktok acting like it wasn’t weird” ???? GIRL THEY ARE IN A RUSH TO GO MEET MIGUEL ?? GWEN IS CLEARLY STRESSING LIKE THIS WHOLE WALK ???
And then literally the creator of the og tiktok replied to them and said “the whole fandom likes to think Gwen owns Miles- I know the reason, but that’s for another discussion” and then when someone called them out for making everything about race they said they didn’t and that the person calling them out was making it about race like ?? You know don’t actually have to say the words “race” or “black” or “white” to make something about race? Your insinuation was clear as fucking day.
And also, because I did comment what I said earlier about Margo being to Gwen what Hobie is to Miles, someone replied saying that Hobie and Gwen see each other as friends and it’s obviously not the case with Margo and Miles and that they have a connection that will probably be explained in btsv.
I’m sorry. But I think you’re wrong. Hobie is super interesting and layered and I love him for that but he also serves two main functions (the creators just decided to give him much more depth with his five minutes of screen time, which I’m sure they would’ve done with Margo too if she had 5 minutes of screen time). Those functions are 1) make Miles jealous and 2) make the watch for Gwen so that when she gets booted back to her world by Miguel she can still travel dimensions.
Yes we know Hobie and Gwen see each other as friends but Miles does not. What Miles knows is that Gwen for the last however many months she has been in the spider society has been hanging out with some guy called Hobie that she thinks is super cool and he lets her crash in his dimension. What Miles knows is that Hobie is actually super cool and despite not wanting to like him because of Hobie’s relationship he does because he’s just that cool. He knows that Gwen took his shoes and left her sweater at his place and her toothbrush. He knows they’ve been on a couple dozen missions together. He knows that Hobie calls Gwen “Gwendy” and “my drummer” which while we may not have picked that up in a romantic context Miles in his little tiny jealous teen brain could have.
And also. When Miles hears any of that information is it very clear that he is NOT happy about it. It’s very obvious that he is jealous of Hobie. What Margo does is that same exact thing for Gwen but in a much shorter span of time and with much less build up because that’s all they really have to work with. And they get that Miles and Margo have chemistry across great.
But over all, there is no real reason to ship them. Because Margo has almost no character depth and almost no scenes and no real relationship with Miles in like any way. I’m not even sure you could call them acquaintances at this point. It feels like the only reason people ship them is because they’re two black characters.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk ig.
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jayflrt · 7 months
hi im back i swear i could talk ab iland for hours fr ...
smth i wanna talk ab is their friendships on the show and moments that i think ab A LOTTT
- heeseung and jungwon!! i think they grew close very early on esp bc they were in iland together from the start and u could see how sad hee was when jungwon almost got emiminated. like boy was in tears SOBBING when jungwon came back from that dam egg and i felt in that moment u could rlly see how much jungwon meant to him and he couldnt lose him
- JAY AND NIKI like when jay came back to iland and cried that niki didnt make it 😭 they were THAT DUO™️ in the ground stressing out teaching everyone fire. i think they were the perfecr pair to lead bc they both had an insane amount of passion and determination like niki was one of the only ones that understood why jay wanted them to keep practicing and not fall behind bc they both knew how much was on the line. they were also on the same team multiple times which caused them to grow close and the fact that jay was one of the ones who could speak japanese so niki definitely clung onto him and jay would help him out a lot :')
- SUNOO AND JAEBEOM. one of the most purest friendships on the show i swear. they experienced ground and iland together and in the behind cams THEY LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE GOSSIPING ALL THE TIME IT WAS SO CUTE. and the fact that sunoo used one of his calls to call jaebeom omg 😭 theyre probably still friends til this day since sunoo cherishes all of his friendships i rlly need them to vlog tgth or smth i miss them sm
- sunoo and taki 😭 when sunoo said he wanted taki as a real little brother I SOBBED. i think another anon talked ab them so i wont get into it much but im so happy theyre still close and we see them interact a lot
- enha 02z omg. iland is where jakehoon rlly took off and it was so endearing to witness their friendship blossom on the show. and jayhoon ☹️☹️☹️ i love every jay duo in enha but jayhoon (and heejay) takes the cake for me. when sunghoon worried more about taking jays place during the dance unit over winning it showed how much their friendship means to him. and when jay says the iconic line "my one and only unit" LIKE THEY ENTERED ILAND TOGETHER AND DEBUTED TOGETHER IT CANT BE MORE PERFECT THAN THAT. and during pt. 2 i loved how in the behind cams we got to see all 3 of them get closer and become the iconic 02z trio we know and love today (im just so happy they all got to debut together it was seriously fate)
- jay and k. so yes, k was really bad on the show and his competitiveness got the best of him. it was sad to watch how he treated other ppl sometimes and i'll say hes grown from it and is in &team now and takes care of the members well. (i watched &audition and his character development was crazy so good for him) but in iland u can tell how much jay really values k as an older brother. jay was one of the older contestants so he probably felt like he had to shoulder a lot and be a leader but when k is around i feel like he got to relax a little more yk? and as we know enha and esp jay dont really have many friends outside of the group (besides sunoo) and im glad theyre still very close til this day.
sorry this was so long u fr opened the floodgates for me skdjs
HELLO !! feel free to 🤝 i love talking about iland (i am hyperfixated)
omg yes there were so many cute friendships that i wish mnet covered more !! :( jungwon and heeseung were so meant to be friends like 🥹🥹 omg in the ghost episode when jungwon slept in heeseung's bed was the first time i realized that he rlly lets himself be a kid around hee 🥰 NO YEAH MY HEART BROKE THAT EPISODE 😭 heeseung's sobbing actually hurt me holy shit i hate mnet for what they put those boys through
omg i felt so sad when jay went up without riki and started crying into k's shoulder 😭 ALSO WHEN JAY DID HIS MASSAGES FOR EVERYONE LOLL i definitely feel like jay jake riki and sunoo (and daniel) grew a lot closer in ground but i was so soft for jayki:') 💘💘 OMG YES SUNOO AND JAEBEOM WERE SO CUTE i just feel like they matched each other's energy so well !! i wish iland showed more interactions because jaebeom clearly had gotten close with more ilanders (sunghoon nominating him for parts, them using sunoo's call to call jaebeom) but i think mnet just focused on the drama + training + a few select friendships
that part where taki was crying on his way to ground and sunoo held his hand and walked him to the building ☹️☹️ they were too cute!!! but yes i remember their pictures together from hanging out n im so happy they're still close 🥰 omg "my one and only unit" changed the trajectory of my life forever like it's been my bio for two years now because of how insane of a hold it has over me 😵‍💫 02z were so so cute :')) part of the reason why i was so sad that ej got eliminated in pt 1 but we got so many cute jaykehoon moments 🥹💖 the entire ghost episode made me ADOREEE them like jake and sunghoon going everywhere together and pranking jay in the bathroom,, then their little dispute "i'll walk you to your room and then we'll walk to mine" "you cant even walk to your room by yourself??" and then jake getting all riled up and saying he could only to run back to sunghoon 😭😭 AND JAY AND JAKE SAYING THEYD SHOWER TOGETHER BC THEY WERE SO SCARED 😭🤚
omg yes jay was so cute around k he let himself be a little brother 🥹🥹 i think he needed that person he could go to and be vulnerable because he tried to put up a strong front a lot of the time and was under so much pressure 🤧 literally cried at the part of him writing all of those letters with his mosquito bitten hands :(( omg yeah i wanna know if enha have more idol friends HAHHA i know heeseung's friends with jeongin, beomgyu, and lim jimin and i know a few members are friends with tnx members OH and shotaro and riki are friends 🥰🥰💖💖
HAHAH no need to apologize i feel insane over iland friendships too 😵
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i--luv--you · 2 months
Adam catches Ari watching one of his fanedits AND WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT
val has a photoalbum called “ mi pájaro cantor (My songbird) ❤️ ” and its full of pictures of them
ari once got so mad at adam for not doing his chores she threw her shoe at him and it almost hit him in the face "I won't miss next time." "Yes ma'am......"
when Ari starts speaking in Urdu/Arabic EVERYONE steps back and braces for the worst
Adam writes a love song for her and sings it to her alone
Mammon secretly incoperates some of Blakes favourite colours/designs/ect in his merch and he doesn't even notice
Mammon perfers gift giving and Blake will end up with a new geode and because of them-
Mammon has started collecting shiny things
Valentino can't sit still unless its bright light and has to wear perscription glasses which he got custom made to look like his heart shaped glasses
mammon is probably autistic or smth
adam has add and ari has adhd so
ari thought lute and adm were dating until she told her that she was a lesbian
the one time blake and ari bring home lucifer for a project he found out adam had a crush on ari and WOULD NOT STOP HITTING ON HER
lucky for adam, ari is actually densely stupid so she didn't even notice
ari and ray are probably the adam and lute of the group
adam and val cant do horror games or anything
mammon doesn't flinch at horror movie nights
ari and lute had a one night fling
lucifer took all of adam's ex gfs
lucifer and adam both study politics and law and they go head to head in class so much its insane
adam has a cult of groupies
adam brings back girls that look like ari and becomes more intimate, more kissing and hand holding during those times
he hates it when th girls leave
ari thought he was pretty cute at first and he opened his mouth and she thought 'nvm'
blake and mammon were love at first sight
@blake-lovesmany @ray-simphouse
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love-toxin · 2 years
Hiya! Was wondering if you could do Xv: “we shouldn’t be seen together” and xxxviii: "I'll never hurt you like that again." With a kinda toxic steve? Like say you’re not very popular or pretty and he doesn’t want people to know you’re dating still p far into your relationship, even though behind closed doors he is devoted to you. But with a happy ending where he realises he loves you more than his title of king of Hawkins high or smth
okay but this idea drove me INSANE you're so hot for this anon 😩
ellie's sentence starter prompts
xv - "We shouldn't be seen together."
xxxviii - "I'll never hurt you like that again."
(cws: mildly toxic steve, angst to fluff, crying, implied bullying, happy ending)
"We shouldn't be seen together."
If you had thought your boyfriend would ever say something like that to your face, you wouldn't have risked saying yes to a date with him in the first place. You thought Steve was different, that he was the nice one out of the popular crowd, that he could look past your unpopularity that borderlines on social exclusion for the sake of love. That he wouldn't even care about that at all, because he loves you so much and is so devoted to you.
But that one sentence, hurried out as he walked away from you when you had been quietly arguing at his locker, just shattered that whole façade you had built up. He hadn't even looked at you, already turning his eyes away as the bell rang and he walked off towards his second class of the day. And as much as you've never wanted to be the person that would cry in the bathroom stalls over a boy, that's exactly what you had done for most of second period until the bell had rang, and you considered eating your lunch there too. Just so you wouldn't have to deal with looking at Steve from across the cafeteria as you ate in silence.
But with one foot in front of the other, you slowly make your way out the door and towards the mirror over the sink. Splash your face with cold water, dry your tears, fix your hair and your crumpled clothes from hunching over yourself for so long. Maybe you should break up with him. That's a thought you've been struggling with, but it's so big you don't know how to even start, if that's even what you want to do. You don't want to be unhappy--you rummage through your backpack to look for your drink--but being alone is just as scary. The sip from your water bottle clears your throat but not your head, and by the time you throw it back in, zip it up, and move out the door and down the hall towards the cafeteria you're really wondering if you actually want to see Steve at all. Maybe you don't.
But as soon as you step through the doors, you do. And he's not surrounded by Tommy H. and Carol and Nancy as usual, not chatting them up and being loud and talking with his mouth full. You watch for a second as he sits quietly at a table he's never sat at before, looking around with his hands clasped like he's searching for someone in the crowd. Alone, nervous, his lunch sitting uneaten and untouched in front of him. If you were stronger, you would walk right past him and take a seat anywhere else.
But you're not. You head towards him like he's a neon light, a sign flashing in the dark that reads "come here". His brown eyes light up like one as soon as he catches yours, and they glimmer in little pools of honey and chocolate as you draw closer and closer until you're standing over the bench opposite to him.
"Hey," The breath he was holding doesn't seem to come out until you're completely committed to taking a seat, your backpack dropped on the table as you tentatively put one leg over the bench, then the other. You shouldn't be anxious about sitting across from your boyfriend in public, but it does draw out those questions that you're sure you don't want to face the answers to. Even though he's smiling, and even though he's looking at you with a tenderness he doesn't usually spare in public.
"I, uh, got you this." He picks up a carton of chocolate milk from his tray--you didn't even notice he had two--and sets it down in front of you. "Had to schmooze up the lunchlady a bit to get it. Didn't know how feisty she was." Steve chuckles at the joke, but it obviously cuts his lightheartedness when you look on at him with that deer-in-the-headlights gaze.
"You said you didn't wanna be seen with me."
It hangs there. Heavy. Steve blinks once, twice, like he can't believe his own words coming out of your mouth, but he's reaching across the table before he can pull his arm away.
"Baby, I didn't mean it like that." That head tilts as he speaks, his voice soft and intentionally sweet. He knows how to draw you in.
"Yes you did." Your chest keeps tightening, your throat cinches closed, your eyes sting--all the telltale signs that you're about to cry again, about to release all those tears you had to muffle whenever someone else came into the bathroom last period. "If you don't want to be with me, then just say it out loud. You can show all your friends how cool you are for dumping the biggest loser in Hawkins," You sniffle, hands immediately pulling at your hoodie--which is Steve's old hoodie, actually--to try and hide the tears that are already starting to pool in your eyes. Struggling to keep your voice together has already started drawing attention, and if not for that sad, puppy-dog expression on Steve's face, you would be running away to go hide already. Damn him. Damn him to hell for making you fall in love with him.
You know he's gonna walk away, gonna get up and pretend nothing happened, go back to his friends and act like everything's normal. You're so sure of it that his palm thudding against the table startles you, and him pushing his tray aside and getting up to his feet even more so. You can only watch in shock as Steve climbs up the bench, and takes a step on to the table to stand there above everybody, his voice ringing louder than the chatter and hubbub of your fellow class body as he starts speaking out to all of them.
"If I can have everyone's attention-"
"Steve!" You whisper, glancing around and feeling dread spike through your chest at everyone's eyes on him, and on you. He ignores you, though, and part of you is thinking of ditching your backpack and just running, because this can't be good. Your life is over.
"-This person right here," He extends his hand out to you, and you balk at all the faces staring back at you, whether with blank curiosity or grinning malice. "They are....everything to me."
He pauses for a second, and your heart drops at the whispers and giggles exchanged among the crowd. Whatever he's doing...what is he doing? "And I've been a huge a-hole to them for a while, now. Looking back, I can't believe they've stayed with me, because I seriously don't deserve it. I don't deserve them." Steve finally turns to face you, his sneakers shuffling against the varnished top of the table and his hands held out towards you, so there's absolutely no doubt as to who he's addressing. "But I wanna tell you I'm sorry. I'll never hurt you like that again. And everyone in this room can hold me to that."
He kneels in front of you, hands pulling at yours to hold them in each one, and your wide eyes look from your lap to meet his gaze that feels like it pierces you straight through. These are things Steve would only say in the dark in his bedroom or the quiet of his car, in the privacy of a place where nobody else's ears would be privy to the things he whispers to you and smile he shoots your way.
"I love you, baby."
To your shock, a semi-collective "aww" arises primarily from a group of girls across the cafeteria, while the rest keep quiet and shocked at the revelation--the king of Hawkins High denouncing his kingliness to stoop to your level. It will be laughable to most after the fact, when he walks down the hallways and gets jeered at and playfully teased for his little stunt, even moreso if people catch wind of you holding hands or him kissing you at your locker. Things he's wanted to do but was too scared to. But as if he cares--that's obvious when he's focused completely on the softest "I-I love you too," that finally comes out of you, and relaxes that tension in his shoulders that you didn't realize was pulling him so taut. There's only one thing that could interrupt this moment you never thought would come.
"Baaaaarf!" The voice of Eddie Munson is the only one that rises above the murmur of the crowd, hands cupped around his mouth for it to echo and his grin as close to shit-eating as it can get when Steve's head and yours and everyone's swivel to see the source.
"Shut it, Munson!" Your boyfriend calls back with the most miniscule amount of malice, more amused than annoyed as he finally hops off the table next to you. And the moment passes, the tension has been broken by Hellfire's leader, and the cafeteria goes back to normalcy and a bubbling chatter that fills the retreating silence. Your backpack is pushed even further aside as Steve cozies up closer to your side than he's ever been comfortable with before, and pulls his lunch tray over to dig into his food like he didn't just confess his love to you in front of practically the whole school.
And you? You hold for a moment or two, wondering if maybe this is all a dream you've brewed up to protect your own feelings. But eventually, your fingers graze the carton of milk sitting in front of you, and you pick it up, still cold against your palms as you pinch the top and push it open to take a sip. And for once, you smile as you drink, knowing the arm that slides around you won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I don’t want to ask stupid questions or anything but is there SA/RP/NCON stuff between ur wars and ur cia? Ik its a popular LU headcannon for wars, and it feels very implied in some of your fics (one of the FH9 spin offs, I think) but I also don’t wanna read too deep into this or say something’s there when it isn’t. If this is a major plot point or smth you can’t answer bcuz if spoilers just don’t reply and I’ll figure it out :p
It’s not a stupid question at all, and the short answer is yes.
The severity of the situation and also like, the circumstances are very different depending on which series it is. For example in FH9 Wars and Cia were actually together as a couple for a bit where in some of the other things I’ve written they do not even know each other and have met like twice. For the most part I try to keep it as more of an implied thing because, with the exception of FH9, the interactions between them are never super relevant to the plot, but it is there, and that’s how I meant it to be read.
I know it’s a bit of a sensitive topic for a lot of people, so even though it’s only been implied and not outright stated, I try to post trigger warnings at the start of the chapters/fics that imply it, and also (unless it’s super plot relevant) I try to write it in a way where if you don’t want to read into that, you can kinda skip over it or imagine they’re talking about something else. I know a good portion of this fandom is on the younger side and because most of my fics are rated T, I feel like if I wrote anything more than just heavily implying what happened I should move the rating up, if that makes sense…?
One thing really important to me is representation in writing, being able to read a book or watch a show and see someone who’s gone through something similar to you and be able to feel seen through that character. Male SA survivors are something I rarely see in media, and without talking too much about my private life, I personally would’ve loved to have seen more characters healing from traumas growing up, I think it would’ve really helped me when I was younger. I tend to write a lot about my own experiences and traumas, it’s really helpful actually- And this is just another thing I’ve kinda thrown unto Wars, although this one has a lot more canon ‘backing’ than a lot of my other headcanons and I know this is a headcanon a lot of other people have as well
The whole canon situation between those two was honestly a bit insane for a nintendo game, like just the wiki thing about her that shows up on google is kinda crazy. Like I’m not sure what the hell nintendo meant their whole dynamic to be but playing the game it made me uncomfortable as hell
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So yeah, I have this headcanon too, I’m not sure if I’ll ever write a detailed fic about it, that would be a lot for me mentally I think. The most I’ll ever get into it is probably having him say the words ‘I was assaulted’, but nothing more than that.
Full disclosure I wrote this out in my car twenty minutes before class starts so sorry if parts of this make no sense but TL;DR: Yes in my fics Wars was assaulted, I don’t wanna trigger people because I know that’s a bit of a darker headcanon, I think Male SA survivor rep is important, and yeah I think that summarizes everything 👍
(sorry for spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words i am dyslexic-)
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quodekash · 10 months
im exhausted and also sick but ive got tea to drink and hidden agenda to watch, SO LET'S DO IT
(ive seen minor spoilers and im so freaking excited for jengpok holy hell)
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also: adrienette-core
also also: boyfriend behaviour
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pfft no lmao, his cousin is sharing a room with his own boyfriend
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ow my hands hurt, I clapped really hard at that
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im okay im okay im okay im okay FRICK IM NOT OKAY IM ABOUT TO CRY
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bro if you dont want to keep bonking your head then like... idk, make out with joke or smth (PLEASE I JUST WANT THEM TO KISS)
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gaydars be going insane rn
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the brothers (cousins?? still have no clue) bickering and their boyfriends off to the side grinning and laughing
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ive been resisting saying it too much this episode but I can't help it, bOYFRIEND BEHAVIOUR
unpopular opinion: I think they should kiss
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(they just can't get my nose right)
(sorry, it's not the time for quoting tangled)
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the new and improved teletubbie sun baby
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his pure confusion is so valid here lmao
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...I want to say I smell merch but im too taken aback by the sunflower thing
they- are they- so joongdunk's characters will always be My Sunflower Boys??
im definitely not about to cry about this. frick.
can they please just kiss
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H A N D S.
im so lacking in words rn, my brain is broken
all I can say is HANDS
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oh ew
freakin straight football guys
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I think it's unfair how beautiful joong's singing is
also they should kiss
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I can only imagine what's going through joke's mind right now holy hell HOLY HELL
prepare for a lot of boyfriend behaviour next episode holy hell
okay, well. that was a journey. um.
im not fine. im not okay. im surprised more tears weren't shed. frick.
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houseofchalamet · 2 years
Being friends with young!Henry Creel would be like:
Him: “I will not accept defeat. I either win or I die.”
You: “ok, dude, calm down.”
He could talk about spiders for hours at a time and you let him; not because you care all that much, but because you know he just needs someone to listen.
Him: “I’m different. How am I supposed to live in this mundane, tedious world?”
You: “idk, don’t you have like… a hobby or smth. A pet? A fave food, maybe?”
Kids at school think he’s weird and ignore him. When you become friends with him, they start ignoring you and looking at you funny too, but you don’t care what they think.
“You wanna do WHAT to your parents?? Henry, that’s illegal in most countries.”
He loves to go out for ice cream, but he only gets ever vanilla. Even when you get a crazy flavor and let him try it and he says he likes it, he never orders it for himself. Only vanilla.
*You had the bright idea to cut your own hair; Henry is supportive. You’re sitting in front of the bathroom mirror with scissors in your hand, your tongue stuck between your lips as you focus on finding precisely the right spot to cut. He’s sitting on the lid of the toilet, watching.* “I think I’m gonna give myself bangs.”
“That looks nice.”
“Want me to cut yours?”
“Absolutely not.”
He’s INSANELY good at board games. Sometimes he lets you win.
You occasionally commit arson together🥺
You give each other book suggestions and sometimes read to each other. He likes horror, but knows you get scared easily so he skips over the really gory parts for you.
He hates his birthday, but he NEVER forgets yours. He always gets you a present, and it’s always something really thoughtful.
“You wanna come over and summon demons with me?”
You do homework together and he helps you with subjects you’re not so good at (he’s extremely smart).
When he finally tells you about his powers, he thinks you’ll be freaked out. He’s surprised when you’re actually amazed.
“Aren’t you afraid?”
“Of you? Never.”
A few weeks’ worth of you annoying him by asking him to make everything float, but he complies every time.
Then… an idea strikes you.
“Can you make me float?”
“I can try.”
It works.
You decide to see how high he can lift you into the air. You both go into an empty field and try it.
You get about sixty feet in the air when he loses control of you and you come plummeting back down.
Somehow, you make it out with only a broken arm. You tell your parents you fell out of a tree. Henry is scared you’ll be mad at him, but you’re absolutely not. He’s the only person you’ll let sign your cast. It’s like an inside joke between the two of you.
And of course, when the cast comes off, you wanna try again, but he says no:(
You’re the only person who doesn’t treat him like he’s different. You feel like a bridge between him and the rest of the world. You make him feel normal. You make him feel accepted.
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