#so when i watched all the movies for the first time recently i felt absolutely insane
trippinsorrows · 2 days
with me + part ten
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authors note: none
song inspo: “with me” by destiny’s child
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive themes, angst
words: 5.8k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
You’ve never been a person who was big on holidays. 
Never saw the massive appeal. Easter was annoying cause everyone and they mama showed up to church just to show off their kids silk press and frilly dresses. Halloween was too dark. Valentine’s Day was always a toss up, depending on where you and Amir were at the moment. And 4th of July….fuck America. 
But Christmas…..in recent years, it’s starting to become a holiday you really enjoy. You owe a lot of that to Callie and her pure joy and excitement at the "most wonderful time of the year," for gifts, yes, but she loved celebrating “baby Jesus” birthday just as much.
And you couldn't deny that your town was most beautiful this time of year. Stunningly decorated, there wasn’t a non-resident building in town that wasn’t dressed down in HGTV worthy Christmas decor. Walking through town really felt like walking on the set of a Hallmark Christmas movie. 
And the activities were endless, especially for kids. 
Hence your current whereabouts, sitting on a bench with your mom as Callie partakes with a group of other kids in a workshop with some of ‘Santa’s elves’. Your eyes land on her more often than not, knowing you live in a safe area but never wanting to take any chances. You also notice how talkative she is at the table she’s seated at with another little girl. You smile. Seeing her interact with other kids always makes you happy. Once she gets past her initial shyness, you definitely see sprinkles of your extroverted personality in her. 
Checking your phone from a text from Joe, you can’t avoid the pout when met with empty notifications. 
Your mom, forever perceptive, notices this. “When does he come in?”
“Tomorrow,” you answer, unable to contain the smile on your face. You’re not sure who’s more excited about Joe’s return: you or Callie. Probably her, but you’re not that far behind. 
And not even just for sexual reasons. Yes, that’s definitely up there, but also expected. Because one thing about sex with Joe: it’s addictive. 
Having him like that for the first time in years awakened things in you that you forgot existed. No one could make you come like he could, and he knew it, hence his smug disposition during sex. One thing you were starting to realize was that Joe fucked like Roman, but he made love like Joe, and it was a deadly combination. 
You woke up alone the morning after the date, but you knew that was the case because this man literally flew out for one night just to take you out. And dick you down. 
But Joe being Joe, left you a note, like something out of one of those corny but sweet, romantic indie movies. It was thoughtful, but he’s always been thoughtful. 
That shouldn’t have surprised you. 
Just like you shouldn’t have been surprised to be woken up by Callie jumping on your bed, happy to see you and wanting to catch you up on her fun sleepover with Alexis. Alexis, who made sure that the first thing that she checked was the nightstand where that Plan B absolutely was nowhere to be found. 
Used and discarded in your waste bin. That’s where it was. 
The smirk she sent your way, you just knew she was gonna have a million and one questions. And clearly waiting for Callie to not be present to have that conversation was too much waiting, hence your phone buzzing with texts while you watched Wish with Callie.
Alexis: You dirty whore! I wanna know everything.
You: What’s there to tell? You don’t see the box anymore, do you?
Alexis: Bitch, you know what I mean. It was good, wasn’t it?
You: Girl…..good ain’t the word for it. 😩 I’m so tired and sore right now. He wore my ass out. Had me up all night.
You: I stopped counting after 4.
Alexis: 😖 You have no idea how much I love this for you.
Alexis: I’m also gonna take a wild guess that since you took the plan b, ya’ll didn’t use protection? He came in you, didn’t he? 👀
You: Every.single.time.
Alexis: Oh, he down baddddd. 
Alexis: Shit, do I need to get you some pregnancy tests?
You: NO. It was just last night…..I may have to get on BC because that can’t be a regular thing.
Alexis: Well….don’t you want more kids anyway? 
You: We’re not even dating, and you want me to get knocked up by this man?
Alexis: Bitch, you already have one child. Give her a sibling. 
Alexis: And what do you mean you’re not dating? That is your man. Just own it. 
It was a fun exchange, as are most things with Alexis, and it brought up a valid point. Joe was gonna have to either wrap it up or you were going to need to get back on the pill. 
And you knew better than to tell her that this man literally asked you if you were on the pill and said good when you told him you weren’t. You haven’t given yourself time to process that….later date and time. 
But Joe’s definitely been the subject of several dreams that left you waking up feeling aroused. Hence you counting down the days until his return, yes for Callie, but also because you desperately need your insides rearranged in a way only he can fulfill. 
And you also just miss him. 
Plain and simple.  
“I take it things are going well between ya’ll.” Your mom gives you that all-knowing look that all moms possess. You roll your eyes, and she playfully nudges your shoulder. “I’m happy for you, sweetie. You deserve to be happy. You and Callie.”
“We’re just….I don’t know what we’re doing exactly, but….it is going well.” It seems a bit silly to not acknowledge that you and Joe are dating again, but until he confirms as such, you lean on the side of caution. Granted, you know he’s not fucking anyone else, and you damn sure aren’t either. You speak to each other as often as you can, and there’s seldom a conversation that occurs without one or both of you hinting at the mindblowing sex you’ll have once he returns.
Nope….not dating at all.
“Well, he’s divorced now, isn’t he?” You’d eventually caught your mom up on that important update, knowing that she would never really approve if his wife was still in the picture. She wouldn’t outright say anything, but her demeanor would be telling enough. 
“Yes, but—”
“And he’s obviously very interested in being with you. I don’t need to ask if you’re interested in being with him, and Callie would do well in a healthy two-parent household.”
At that, you stop walking, arm in front of your mom. “Mama….you did amazing raising me all on your own. I owe you so much that it’d be impossible for me to ever repay you.” And it’s the truth. Definitely age and becoming a single mother yourself showed you just how much your mom sacrificed to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. Your mom truly is your hero.
She smiles warmly, placing her gloved hand over yours. “I appreciate that, baby. But, if you don’t have to struggle, why should you? Joseph seems keen on being in Callie’s life and yours as well. What’s holding you back?”
You chuckle at her final question. “That’s more or less the same thing Alexis said.” Only gone for a couple days, you're starting to miss her too. She's been a great source of support the past couple weeks.
“I always did like that girl. A bit on the wild side, but I like her.” Oh, if your mom knew the extent of what that wildness looked like. Not just for Alexis but yourself. You’re certain your mom would have a heart attack if she knew you were a regular at the strip club in college. So much so that the owner knew you by name and often propositioned you for a job.
You’d be lying if you tried to say you didn’t consider it from time to time. 
“Maybe it’s how we got together,” you guess aloud, sitting back against the bench. “I think I still have some guilt about doing that to his wife.” 
It’s a take you’ve found yourself thinking about more and more over the past couple weeks. She may be out of the picture now, but she wasn’t when you first started messing with Joe. She was still his wife the first time you let him take you to bed, and that’s left a stain on your conscience you’re not entirely sure how to rid yourself of.
“I understand that entirely.” Hearing the change in your mom’s tone has you wondering if it’s truly wise to have this conversation with her. Is it still a sensitive subject? “But it seems they divorced before you even came back in the picture. Do you know why they finally went their separate ways?”
Shaking your head, you inform, “no, and a part of me wants to ask, but when he told me about it, I could see it was difficult for him. He had this….sadness in his eyes. And I don’t think it was because of the divorce itself but….something else.” 
A part of you wants to ask him again, feels like it’s information you should know. But, another part of you doesn’t want to pry too much. If it’s a sensitive subject, you don’t want to reopen any open wounds. 
“Well, if this continues to progress, it may be a discussion that needs to happen. Even if it just gives you a peace of mind.” You know she’s right. It’s just not something you’re ecstatic about having to do. “And you probably should also start thinking about what changes you may have to make for this to continue to work.”
Confused, you ask, “what do you mean?”
“He can’t keep flying in and out sporadically just to see his child. Or you. That’s not fair to any of ya’ll and not sustainable. You’re gonna have to relocate to wherever he lives.”
That….that is not something you’ve thought about until this very moment. You know Joe bends over backwards to make these visits work, but it hadn't occurred to you how long this dynamic could continue. 
Your mom must see the wheels in your head turning, adding, “and think about Callie, once she finds out that’s her daddy, she’s gonna wanna be around him as much as possible. It could be easier if you’re a bit closer.”
You don’t know how true or untrue your mom’s take is, but it’s also another conversation that will have to happen between you and Joe. He’s always on the road in general. Will moving really do anything to help with his visits? Relocating is something you’ve never ever thought about. This is your home. You grew up here. Callie was growing up here. You always saw her growing up here.
But, that was also a version where Joe wasn’t in her life. Now he is. So, of course, some things would change.
You just didn’t imagine that is what would change.
Even if your mom’s guidance now has you wondering what it would be like to have a house together, the three of you, Callie, with an actual backyard she can run around in. Not just limited to the space of your apartment. 
“I’m gonna go say hi to Gloria.” She taps your leg, gesturing to her friend’s store. “I’ll be right back.”
Nodding, you sit there, focusing on Callie instead of the nuggets of wisdom your mom just dropped on you. 
“Long time no see, stranger.”
And just like that, you’re regretting ever agreeing to leave your place. You should have just done something at the apartment with Callie. Invited your mom over. Baked some cookies and shit. 
Crossing your arms, you refuse to look his way. “Amir, it’s the happiest time of the year. Please leave me alone, and let me stay in my happy place.”
“You’re still upset with me?” He seems genuinely surprised at this, like you cussing him out in front of your daughter’s preschool wasn’t a good indicator of how upset you were. “Gotta let that shit go.”
“I don’t have to do anything but live, be black, and love my child.” Scooting to your edge of the bench, you tell him again. “Now go away.”
“We clearly need to talk this out—”
“No, we don’t need to do anything because there is no we.” You catch Callie’s eyes and remind yourself that you don’t need a part two of the last time. “I told you before. That’s done and over with. In all areas. You’ll never see my name pop up on your phone ever again.”
And that’s a promise.
“You’re so fuckin’ dramatic.” He’s growing annoyed. If only you cared. “Stop playing. What you doing tomorrow?”
“Sitting on my man’s face.”
Your answer seems to take him back. “He still around?” You don’t say anything. “You’re not stupid enough to be fucking him again, are you?”
“Amir, the only reason I was ever fucking you was because he wasn’t around, but he’s here now, and he’s not going anywhere. And without hurting your feelings before Christmas, I can promise you, dick is not something I will ever want or need from anyone else ever again.”
He scoffs, just looking at you with disgust. “Mariah was right. That nigga really does have you acting different.”
At that, your head snaps in his direction. “What did you just say?” Instantly, you see it. The regret in his face in realizing he’s fucked up. “Why were you talking to Mariah?” Your best friend couldn’t take your calls or texts, but she had time to fill your ex in on your private life? “When?”
He looks off, trying to hide the guilty expression you’ve already clocked. “We ran into each other at the store the other day.”
Scoffing, you lean back against the bench. And you laugh. All you can do is laugh because never in a million years would you have put these pieces together, but it makes so much sense. 
“Yeah, you can get the fuck away from me. Now.” Seeing him about to open his mouth again, you decide to separate yourself. “Fine. I’ll leave.” 
And you do just that, moving to another available bench where you can still keep a close eye on Callie. It seems they’re nearing the end of the activity. One glance over to your previous seat, you see that Amir is gone. 
Pulling out your phone, you send a simple text. 
You: If you were too busy riding Amir’s average dick to message me back, you could have just said so.
There’s barely any time for you to slide your phone back into your purse when it beeps.
Mariah: ??????
It actually takes a lot in you not to call and cuss her out right then and there. You’ve been trying to get in contact with her for weeks and the minute you send her that, she remembers how to reply?
You’re grateful for Callie’s distraction. Smile on your face, you see she’s approached you with not only the little girl at her table but a man also wearing a friendly expression.
“This is my new friend! Her name is Taylor!” Taylor appears to be the same or around the same age as Callie, box braids styled into two space buns, and she and Callie share giggles like they’ve been friends for years. In a weird sort of way, she reminds you a lot of Callie. 
“It seems the girls have connected,” the man speaks with a chuckle. He offers his hand. “I’m Darius. Taylor’s dad.”
Your phone goes off and you quickly glance, hoping it’s Joe.
Mariah: Can we talk?
Instantly, you reorient yourself to the conversation at hand. 
“It appears they have,” you agree, offering your name and asking, “are you from around here?”
“Naw. Just visiting some family. Me and my wife.” He looks around. “She should be somewhere around here. Her parents only live about an hour out, so they came to meet us.”
“Oh, cool.” Glancing at the girls, you recognize that plotting look on Callie’s face and wait patiently. Coyly, you share with Darius, “I believe a request is coming.”
“Oh, most definitely.” 
Sure enough, Callie is holding onto your leg, face peering up at you. “Mommy, can we see the fireworks tomorrow?” That’s certainly not what you expected to hear her ask. Callie has never been too big on fireworks. When she was younger, you’d have to lay in bed with her and soothe her to sleep because they made her nervous. Now she wants to go to an actual show? “Taylor is going too, right Taylor?”
Taylor nods happily. “And my mommy and grandma and grandpa.”
It's like the mentioning of additional parties triggers something for her, Callie offering suddenly, “Joe can come too!” 
That gives you a pause. Joe’s never gone out in public with the two of you, outside of the hospital, but that doesn’t necessarily count. It was an emergency, not happy hour.
There’s a bit of anxiety, even though you know your town is the perfect place to do so. You’d put your head on the chopping board that less than five people would actually approach him, asking for autographs and such. They might recognize him, but they’d never approach. 
It’ll also be the first time Callie can refer to him as her father instead of just Joe.
Finally deciding, you answer, “if you want to, baby.” 
You and Darius share a laugh as the girls rejoice together. He pulls out his phone and offers, “why don’t I give you my wife’s number? You two can communicate regarding the meetup and whatnot.”
“Yeah, of course.” Exchanging information, you program Bianca Johnson into your phone, sending her a text after Darius says he’s already messaged her regarding Taylors new best friend. 
It’s in programming the number though that you see an incoming call from Mariah. It’s an immediate decline. 
Mariah: Would you pick up the damn phone, please?
Navigating to her thread, you put her on mute. It’s almost Christmas. You refuse to allow her or anyone else to ruing this for you or Callie. 
Personally, you believe that there should be a mandatory set time for Children to wake up on Christmas. Preferably, any time after 10am. 12pm would be even better but highly unlikely given most kids go to bed extra early on Christmas Eve. Callie is no different. You and Joe get her down by 6:30pm which should have given you ample time to bake cookies, finish wrapping her gifts, the whole nine yards.
If only you two had a better sense of self-control, because the minute you were confident Callie was out for the night, he had you bent over the kitchen island. And that was….that was fine, because you’d been thinking about him being inside you from the moment he stepped foot in your place. Hell, from the moment he left. 
But then you somehow ended up riding him on the living room floor, his back propped up against the sofa as you bounced on his dick, surrounded by the toys you should have been wrapping for your daughter. And while you eventually did get the gifts wrapped and cookies baked, you weren’t even able to change from out of your towel and into pajamas when this man propped you on your bathroom counter, spread your legs, and ate you out like he’d been fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. 
It wasn’t entirely surprising. Joe’s always had a big appetite for sex, for you. Not that you were any better. And the fact of the matter was that having a kid meant you had to take advantage of the little free time you had, which you clearly did. 
But it was now coming to bite you in the ass, because it’s goddamn 9 o’clock in the morning, and Callie is jumping up and down on your bed when all you want to do is sleep for another ten hours.
“Mommy! Joe! Santa came!”
It’s nearly impossible to hold in your groan, so you suppress it by turning over and pressing yourself into Joe. Of course, he’s already got his arm around you, holding you against his body. He’s also still knocked out. 
Finding the strength, you shove on his chest. “Wake up.” It’s a bit incoherent, sleep still heavy in you and hindering your speech. Blinking your eyes open to allow the sun shining from the open curtains (courtesy of Callie) to motivate you to get your ass up, you punch him in his stomach. “Joe.”
He grunts, and you smile. “She’s up.” 
Pleased with the fulfillment of her alarm clock duties, she jumps off the bed, yelling, “come on!”
At that, you sit up from the mattress, scolding her, “Calista Manaia Anoa’i, you got one more time to jump off this bed, sis!” Looking back to see Joe still trying to wake up, you shove him again. “You better get your daughter before she gets punished on Christmas.”
This helps to stir him as he lays on his back, hand on his forehead. “Leave her alone.” It takes a minute for you to refocus. His voice in general is sexy as hell, but that morning voice is something dangerous. 
“Her ass is always trying to jump on and off shit.” Kicking off the blankets, you stretch and make your way into the bathroom to do your hygiene routine. Joe is not too far behind, coming in a few minutes later, slapping your ass as you’re bent over the sink spitting out your toothpaste. “Behave,” you warn. The two of you share the sink and counter space to get ready with you finishing first. 
Back in the room, you make up the bed and check your phone, sending out a few, quick Merry Christmas texts, Bianca included. Even though you’ve only texted since yesterday, she seems pretty chill and you have a couple of things in common, kids around the same age, both working as teachers. It’s just unfortunate that she lives further down South. You’re not sure how you’re gonna break that to Callie, but that’s a task for another day. 
Today is an exciting, happy occasion, and you’re not gonna let anything or anyone ruin it. 
Joe is suddenly behind you, arms around your waist and mouth on the side of your neck. 
“Merry Christmas, baby” he murmurs, pressing kisses against your skin. 
Chewing down on your bottom lip, you turn around and lean up to kiss him. “Merry Christmas.” Hands on his chest, you ask, “You ready?”
He looks at you, clearly thinking about what you’re asking. This is what he’d been building up to, but you’re certain there’s some level of anxiety. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” he finally answers. You’re not certain if he’s speaking more to you or himself. 
“She’s gonna be happy, Joe. I promise.” Stealing one more kiss, you take his hand. “Come on. She’s gonna start getting impa—”
“Come on!” She shouts from the living room, and you give him a look. 
“That’s your child.” His chuckle follows you out of the bedroom and into the living room where Callie is literally bouncing on the heels of her feet near the Christmas tree. You’re not entirely certain, but you could have sworn there weren’t as many gifts there when you left for your shower and eventually bed. 
“It’s Christmas!” Running over to Joe who swoops her up and kisses her cheek as she tells him Merry Christmas, you patiently wait for your turn, giving her a kiss and hug too before she’s pulling the both of you over to the tree. 
Using your phone, you snap photos and record intermittent videos of her opening her gifts. And in doing so, you’re certain Joe added a couple more when you were in the shower. He’s definitely that dad who doesn’t see an issue with spoiling the shit out of his kid. And as long as Callie remains kind and respectful, you won’t stop him. He’ll definitely hear about it tonight, but you won’t actually interfere.
Alexa playing Christmas songs in the background helps to set the tone as well. Mostly Mariah Carey because it’s literal law that one must listen to All I Want for Christmas is You on Christmas day. Really, starting the day after Halloween. 
You don’t make the rules. 
Literal fucking law. 
Callie suddenly pulls a gift, small and rectangular shaped, that you definitely don’t remember wrapping. “Mommy, it’s for you!” Thinking it’s something she made for you, you put your phone down and take it only to recognize that the writing is clearly too nice to be written by a child, not to mention that it has your name instead of mommy. 
Your eyes land on him. “Joe….what is this?”
“Open it,” he encourages, waiting patiently.
Still in somewhat belief he would actually get you something, you rip off the packaging and gasp. You almost drop it reading the brand name written in gold calligraphy. “Chanel? Thee Chanel?”
“Who’s Chanel, mommy?” 
“It’s a brand, baby,” you answer, distracted because you’re still stuck on the fact that you’re actually holding in your hand something that had to cost at least a thousand dollars. If not a couple thousand. 
“Open it, mommy,” Callie presses. This girl is both nosy but also loves to see people receive gifts. 
And so, you open it, gasping louder this time.
“Joe…..” It’s absolutely stunning, the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen. Gold. An intricately decorated ‘C’ pendant with a diamond in the middle. C for Chanel for most people. C for your heartbeat for you. “It’s beautiful….” 
He moves over to you, helping to remove it from the box. As your hair is already up in a messy bun, he has no difficulty placing it around you, as Callie exclaims happily, “it’s a C!.”
“C for Callie,” you answer her, cupping her cheek before turning to Joe. “Thank you…..” Pulling him in for a hug, there’s something so emotional about this moment, something pure. You’ve never felt so cared for by anyone.
Never felt so loved. 
He kisses your temple. “You never have to thank me for anything I do for you.” 
Hating the fact that tears are brimming your eyes, you punch his shoulder, needing to not be so emotional. “You should have told me you got me something. Now I feel bad because I didn’t get you anything.” 
Thumb caressing your cheek, he answers, softly. “You already did.” Confused, his eyes discreetly focus on Callie who’s back trying to figure out which toy she wants to play with first.
That….that does something to you. 
You look at him, ready to say something, when you see it. See it in his eyes. A deep level of appreciation that indicates a story, a reason as to why this means the world to him. There’s something there. Something more he’s not saying, but you know it’s neither the time nor the place. 
Now….now is the time for something else. 
“Baby.” It’s surprisingly easy to catch Callie’s attention, so you pat the space in between the two of you. “Come here. We need to talk to you about something.” 
Wordlessly, she plops right between ya’ll with that naturally inquisitive expression. 
“Callie….” Joe feeling a bit nervous made sense to you, and you expected as such. But you never thought about your own trepidation in this moment. It’s difficult, but you do your best to push it away. “Do you….do you remember when you asked me about your dad?” She nods. “And why…..why you didn’t have one?”
She nods again, Joe this time grabbing her attention. “Callie, do you know why I came back in your mom’s life?”
She thinks about his question, answering tentatively, “because you missed mommy?”
He chuckles. “That’s true. I did miss her. A lot.” You try not to think too much about his words, to not make this moment about you or you and him. It’s about Callie. “But, I mostly came back because I wanted to meet you.”
Her eyes light up. “Really?”
He nods, “Calista, you are the sweetest, kindest, and smartest kid that I have ever met. And I love every second that I get to spend with you.” Joe brings his hand to gently palm her face. “And I especially love being your dad.” 
You’re not quite sure if you’re breathing or even fully present in the few seconds it takes for Callie to process what he’s just said. But then, you see it, a smile that could light up times square. “Really?” She snaps her head in your direction, looking for confirmation. “Mommy, is Joe really my daddy?”
Sniffling, you wipe at your eyes. Damn feelings. You’ve been way too emotional lately. “He sure is, baby.” 
Squealing, she literally throws herself against him, hugging him tightly. “It’s the best Christmas ever!”
“I love you, Callie.” Joe shuts his eyes, taking in this moment, kissing the top of her head. “And I’ll always be here for you.”
“I love you too, daddy!” If you could capture this moment, capture those words leaving her mouth, forever keep them as a keepsake to be preserved for all time, you would. Because it’s everything you’ve ever wanted for her. To know she’s wanted and loved by both her parents. And finally, that moment is no longer a hope but a reality. 
“Wait!” She suddenly pulls away, grabbing the picture she’d drawn for Joe and given to him as a Christmas gift. “I’ll be back!”
He looks over at you. “What is she—” 
“Your guess is as good as mine,” you answer with a murmur, still partially overcome with emotion. 
However, Callie is back in a matter of minutes with that beautiful smile on her face. Flipping it over, she exclaims, “I fixed it.” 
Your eyes immediately land on what she “fixed,” and your heart swells. She’s crossed out Joe’s name with a black marker and instead written above it “daddy.”
“I love it.” His voice is thick with emotion, and you move closer to him, laying against his side. Wanting to be with him in this precious moment. 
Callie wasn’t lying.
This truly is the best Christmas. 
“Come on! We’re gonna be late!” 
Callie’s animated voice somehow travels to you and Joe despite all of the hustle and bustle occurring around you, the sea of bodies waiting for the fireworks show to begin. There’s not much distance between the two of you and her, enough for Joe to grab her if need be. 
You walk close with him, you hands locked around his bicep.
His discomfort is obvious, so you assure, “relax. You’re not the tribal chief around here.” He glances at you. “They may notice you, but they’ll leave you alone. Especially since it’s Christmas.”
This seems to relieve him as she explains, “tonight is about her. I just don’t want to take away from that.”
“And you won’t, I promise. Just….just be present in this moment.” He takes your hand in his, giving a gentle squeeze. Continuing to walk with him, your eyes land on Taylor, Darius, and a woman who, even from a distance, looks vaguely familiar. 
Callie rushes over to her new best friend, and the two embrace. You almost wish you had your phone out to take a picture. The woman wears a friendly smile, but instantly, something feels off. She approaches you, asking, “Y/N?”
Nodding, you’re shocked when she pulls you in for a hug and then apologizes. “I'm sorry. I’m a hugger, and I just feel like I know you already.” 
Callie takes this moment to jump back in the conversation, rushing over to Joe and introducing, “this is my daddy!”
That settles some of your anxiety. You’re not certain you’ll ever get tired of hearing her refer to him as such, and you know he won’t either.
“Man, uhh, hi, nice–nice to meet you.” Immediately, you know that Darius most definitely recognizes Joe. “Big fan.”
“Thanks, man.” Joe, understandably, keeps it simple, and you clear your throat. 
“Thank you for arranging this with us. Callie seems to really like Taylor.”
“Taylor too,” Bianca expresses with a smile, as you realize she also has dimples. It’s a little thing, stupid, but as much as you try, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. “I swear, you would think they’ve known each other for years.”
Joe chuckles. “They’ve hit it off pretty well.”
“I’m sorry.” You hate being so off-putting and direct, especially given all of your text exchanges with this woman have gone so well, but you have to ask, “have we m—-”
A woman’s voice calls out, interrupting your conversation. 
She looks past you and smiles, waving whoever it is over. “My parents,” she informs. “Over here!”
Callie and Taylor are immersed in a conversation, as you make eye-contact with Joe who gives you that ‘what’s wrong?’ expression. Answering truthfully, you shrug and murmur, “I don’t know.”
The presence of Taylor’s grandparents snatches her attention from Callie. “Grandpa!”
Turning around, you manage a small, inauthentic smile to introduce yourself when you see it. And everything is suddenly ten ways wrong. 
There’s a brief second where you question yourself, question your vision, question your entire existence. But as he smiles, holding and kissing his grandchild on the cheek, you just know, know that you’re not wrong.
“Dad,” Bianca speaks, but you’re someplace else, someplace much different. “This is Y/N and…..”
She’s talking, but you’ve completely dissociated. You can’t say anything, paralyzed with shock and an overwhelming feeling of heartache. 
That’s why she looked so familiar. You saw her that day at the precinct, coming into his office to inform him of her sibling’s misbehavior. This is his daughter.
This is your sister. 
The daughter he picked over you. 
And this is your father. 
You’re going to be sick.
Partially aware of Joe’s suddenly cautious gaze on you, you place one hand over your stomach. “Excuse….excuse me….I—” You feel like you’re going to pass out, like four walls surround and are gradually closing in on you. Your throat is about to close up. “I have to go.” And you run, you run as far as your legs can take you, away from that situation, away from that visceral blast from the past, away from the overwhelming emotions that are threatening to overcome you. 
And you don’t stop.
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kotaka-kun · 27 days
am i crazy or. would erik absolutely love twilight. unironically. calls it a romance for the ages. owns maybe an unhealthy amount of merch at some point.
because like 1.) erik is a dracula fanboy, it wouldnt be a stretch to say that it could extend to all vampires, and thats how it gets on his radar to begin with 2.) he would absolutely identify with edwards whole "im a monster" vibe (not to mention the killer part) 3.) there is no universe in which he doesnt yearn to be wanted as much as bella wants edward. to be pursued, wanted, loved, despite what he is... what could he wish for more than that?
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Hermione Baddeley (Brighton Rock, Passport to Pimlico, Mary Poppins)— An absolute mainstay of British films from this period. She’s an icon who never takes shit from anyone in any of her movies, dresses for the occasion, and has the best line delivery! Also she started out in silent movies, and was a close friend of Noel Coward. In a desperate attempt to appeal to a large tumblr fandom, I will also point out that her first husband and one of her children were both called David Tennant. You like that name, don’t you tumblr??
Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
This is round 1 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns propaganda:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1jUEA03mYTk
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d_qG9i054U
Court Jester (seducing the king): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-GuqFYElKg
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
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Hermione Baddeley propaganda:
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Propaganda for both Hermione and Glynis:
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❥ remus lupin x fem!reader
❥ summary; you and remus can't be left alone.
❥ warnings; celebrity!au & soc. media!au
❥ a/n; inspired by taylor swift's "slut!". this is short af and it sucks, i'm sorry. but i wanted to finish it so badly......... hope u enjoy it anyway, ily yallll
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the sun shone bright, its rays gently falling on your wet skin as you watched him swimming in your pool.
it was the first time remus came to visit you to los angeles as you've been in london thousand of times and wanted to show him the beauty your state has to offer. he seemed to like it so far, taking some rest from rainy england in sunny california.
the golden liquid you poured into two wine glasses almost matched the color of his hair as he swam from one end of the pool to another — to you. you handed him one of the glasses and he took it from you with a smile on his face. your fingers brushed with his, sending electricity through your entire body.
"to being young," said remus.
you nodded. "to being young."
clink, clink.
all you needed was him.
later that day, remus took you out for dinner. you believed you've been in every single restaurant in l.a. but your boyfriend proved you wrong.
the moment you walked in, you felt almost everyone's eyes on you. anxiety rushed through your body. almost as if remus could feel it, he gave you a reassuring squeeze and the weight on your shoulders suddenly dropped.
he lead you to an empty table by the window and pulled out your chair. you sent him a smile before sitting down and he took a seat opposite to you.
that was when you made the mistake to look around, locking eyes with numerous people who weren't very excited to see you and remus together.
"ignore them, dove," remus spoke, reading the menu. "they're just jealous of how beautiful you look tonight."
you knew that wasn't the truth but you appreciated him trying enough not to say anything about it anymore. you nodded and picked up the menu and did your best to ignore the glares.
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@celebrityupdates well, who would've thought! actress y/n y/l/n and "the marauders" bassist remus lupin were spotted together yesterday on a date and then left together hand in hand.
@user6346873 wasn't she literally dating sirius black like a week ago? bffr girl 💀
-> @siriusblack no, you bffr, she wasn't.
@remuslupinsgf NOO REMUS WHY. she'll cheat on you like she did on everyone else.
               -> @user2578584 name one person she cheated and give me a proof
                   -> @remuslupinsgf whatever. her movies suck anyway
@user742795853 slut.
okay, maybe reading the comments of this post wasn't the best idea, you thought to yourself as if it wasn't completely obvious.
it was the morning after your date with remus and you couldn't understand how these pictures were up already. doesn't the media have better things to do instead of not respecting your privacy and talking about whos hand you're holding?
what also made you angry was that none of the comments seemed to be mentioming the fact that remus recently broke up with someone. you, on the other hand, hadn't been in a relationship for six months.
not that you wanted everyone to attack your boyfriend but you'll be the one to pay the price for the things you two have been doing together. it wasn't fair.
"what got you upset like that?" you jumped at the sound of remus's deep voice from his spot beside you. you glanced at him, your eyes softening at how beautiful he looked lying in your bed with his hair all messy.
"nothing," you mumbled, turned off your phone and placed it at your bedside table. you sighed and got up from the warmth of your covers (and remus's body) before saying, "i'm gonna go grocery shopping. there's absolutely nothing in here. you want something?"
"i'll go with you." 
"i'd rather go alone. i'll be right back." 
and then you left him there, in your bedroom with confusion written all over his pretty features.
there was no point in keeping your relationship a secret. everyone knew. the picture of your and remus's faces were plastered on the front page of every magazine in north america and united kingdom (remus's friend james said so). still, you tried your best to spend as little time as possible with your boyfriend in public.
unfortunately, as soon as you left the gates of your property to meet remus, you were blinded by the harsh flashes of the cameras. it took your brain a second to register what was going on. remus was waiting there. his two bodyguards were trying to keep the paparazzi away from the two of you.
"y/n! over here!"
"y/n, what's your message to the haters?"
"y/n, did you hear—"
"i'm sorry," remus spoke loudly so you could hear him well through the voices of the yelling men. "they followed me all the way from hollywood boulevard to here," he reached for your hand and interlinked his fingers with yours. "we couldn't shake them off."
before you could even open your mouth to reply, you were interrupted.
"remus! there's a rumour y/n has been hooking up with sirius black. what do you have to say to that? is it true?"
he completely ignored the question. he knew it wasn't true. you knew he knew.
remus got the door of the car for you and waited for you to get in before shutting it close. when he took a seat next to you and kissed you a "hello" before saying, "you look beautiful tonight", it was easy to forget all about the reality.
you both were invited to the met gala which took place the very next week. the theme this year was victorian england so you were wearing a pink-white dress with poofy skirt, holding an umbrella of the same colors in your right hand and remus's hand in your left. your eyes were practically glued to him. he looked so handsome in his white shirt, which he had a vest suit over, and dark grey pants. everyone seemed to think so.
while posing for photos on the stairs, remus suddenly turned into you. his face was, out of the blue, too close to yours. you could see it in his eyes, feeling like you could read his mind.
"it's a big mistake," you said, though your smile said otherwise. "it might blow up in your pretty face."
the voice in your head was screaming at him.
do it anyway!
and he's going to.
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glitterjay · 8 months
jay hard thought: dating jay and having sex for the first time after constantly teasing him for months. you guys decided to take it slow but recently you’ve been trying to hint that you’re ready by wearing barely anything to bed, squirming around in his lap during movie night with all ur friends, and bending over 24/7 on purpose. you’re convinced he’s gonna be sweet and soft. but you’ve pushed his buttons and caused him to snap so he fucks you rough and calls you a slut who needs to stop being so bratty. he cream pies you multiple times and then the next morning he eats your pussy for hours as a sorry 🤭
yall are something and i want some of that something too
warnings: 18+ content, MDI! jay x afab!reader, unprotected sex, cream pie lmk if i miss something
author’s note: wow. i have been so busy with uni and work that it feels like i completely forgot how to write. im sorry in advance if this is shitty
it had become a constant thing and ー to jay’s dismay ー a habit of yours to constantly tease him. a new fresh relationship had started for the both of you, and despite the very noticeable sexual tension in the air, you both agreed to take it slow and steady. was this part of a plan? absolutely. who were you to deny that seeing jay contain himself didnt turn you on? the way he bit his lip, or how he would excuse himself sometimes while you hung out with friends became an addiction for you. and here you were once again, only wearing one of his white t shirts to bed and just that. nothing else. the rest of the boys were spread around the house, in the guest room and living room, and you knew that if you only wore one of jay’s shirt, he would go nuts. and he did.
“what the hell is wrong with you!? just wearing one of my shirts with a house full of boys? are you crazy!?”
you were disappointed that he didnt do much other than scolding you, but oh were you so wrong. accepting your failure, you closed your eyes and gave your back to him. you kept the shirt, but the only condition was that you could not walk out of the room in just that. closing your eyes and getting ready to doze of, you felt a tingling sensation on your thighs. ignoring it, you kept trying to go to your dreamland, but the sensation started making its way up your legs. you opened one eye to see your boyfriend’s hands making circles on your skin. it was not new for jay to give you sweet caresses before sleeping, but they felt different this time.
in one sudden movement, a gasp left your mouth as his cold hand found your core. you tried to push him away, eyes now wide open, but it was impossible. his other hand held your body against the bed, and he was strong enough to not budge an inch. “you should’ve thought about the consequences of not wearing anything to bed.” his voice was way raspier than usual, and you could sense a different feeling from his eyes. it made you excited, but you also knew that jay was a softie inside.
your train of thoughts had stopped when something slammed into you. you screamed at the pain, quickly putting your hand over your mouth. he was balls deep in you, not moving, just standing there staring down at you. once again, he had thrusted into you harshly, still no preparation at all. the stinging made your eyes water, but it soon started melting with the pleasure of every thrust. you had never seen this side of your boyfriends but god were you loving it.
soon enough you started watching stars around the room. jay kept a fast, harsh, and steady pace, already making you come undone various times. but him? he had enough self control to hold his own release for a long time. just as you were about to reach your fourth high, you felt something warm inside of you. it felt like a whole hose had been turned on and warm water came out of it rapidly. the feeling was enough for you to release your own orgasm, making the juices mix and drip out of your pussy.
“this is what slutty and petty girls get when they tease their boyfriends”
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vetteltea · 6 months
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Carlos Sainz and Hot Cocoa and Warm Hands [no warnings]
Day 5 of the Vetteltea Advent Calendar
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Note: There’s nobody I’d ever want to dedicate a Carlos Drabble to more than his actual WAG, @silverstonesainz. Dani, not only are you such a creative, kind, beautiful and talented creator, you’re also one of the greatest friends I could ever ask for. I could not be more thankful that we crossed paths and that our stupid love of Spanish men brought us together. I love you so much, sweetpea. 
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It’s blistering cold in central Madrid, something you hadn’t witnessed since moving to the city with your boyfriend. 
It wasn’t entirely your fault for not climbatising; after all, three days after settling into his home, the two of you had been whisked away to Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi, your body so overwhelmed from the Jet Lag that you had done nothing but sleep and watch with wide eyes as Carlos drove the SF-23 to the absolute best of his ability. 
‘Only one more race,’ you had reminded him, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek when he had clambered out of the car, wanting nothing more than for this season to be over. He was fairly certain the entire team felt the same. Every team felt the same, if you took away Red Bull.
No, what Carlos was excited for was to take a step away from the track, the bright lights and shades of red he was dressed in each weekend. The man had actually passed on the farewell party in Abu Dhabi; he had already said his farewells to the drivers and wanted to get back on the plane and take you home. After all, this would be the first time you could be together in your new home for more than three days. 
The man would have been content to leave his suitcase in the walkway, lift you into his toned arms and bury the two of you underneath the blankets on his bed, silent from the outside world. However, as the days move by, Christmas begins to draw close enough for the two of you to put up decorations, bake cookies and watch movies. He’s never been this domesticated, not with any of his other girlfriends. He didn’t feel comfortable; Carlos has always been seen as a strong male, built with golf, gym and driving. 
And yet…with you, he could relax. He could smile as you wiped flour on his tanned cheek, kissing you whilst another Hallmark movie played from the television system. Carlos remembered his father’s gruff voice, insisting that when he found the right woman, everything would change. Now, as his fingers laced with yours, dressed in his long winter jacket that you had insisted went well with your outfit, he finally understood.
The two of you had left your blissful home and Piñon for long enough to meet his family in the city. It wasn’t your first time meeting the Sainz’s, but Blanca had recently taken a new position in the city, whilst his mother had insisted they needed a reunion now you had moved in with her son. 
Of course, you were all too excited to see them, unlacing your fingers from your boyfriend and dashing over to be scooped into the warm arms of your (one day,) Mother, Father and Sister’s in law, kisses pressed to your rosy cheeks and stories spread whilst you linked arms with Ana. Carlos stepped in line with his father, the elder man patting his son on the back. 
“Ha sido bueno desde que se mudó aquí, ¿no?” He asks if everything has worked out since you had moved in; the grin on Carlos’ face answers the question. 
“Perfecto.” He answers, springing into a spiral of how each moment, something as simple as waking up or making the bed was now romanticized, simply because you were there to share the moment with him. 
Eventually, the group of you stop by the central grand-stand, traditional Christmas Music being played to everybody in the city. Your boyfriend takes the moment to slip an arm around your shoulder, his taller frame pulling you into his chest and a soft kiss pressed against your temple, beaming at having you in his touch. His brows tighten when he laces his fingers back into his palm, pulling away as if he had been violently shocked. 
You’re confused, watching him mumble to both of his sisters, his mother, before tapping his father on the shoulder, the two Sainz men stepping away from the group. Curiosity willed you to keep your eyes trained, until Reyes cooed in delight, drawing your attention back to the stage as a group of children stepped on, ready to sing carols to the festive crowd. 
The performance has you in such a trance that you don’t recognise your boyfriend’s return until you feel a hand on your lower back, turning in his touch, eyes widening when you see the deep red takeaway cup, filled with a rich, dark chocolate liquid. Your heart softens as he hands you the cup, seeing each of the women had been given an identical cup, letting the warmth spread across your fingers as you take a sip.
It’s heavenly; you’re almost certain you’ll be dragging the poor boy back into the city at any given moment simply so you could try this drink again. He wouldn’t mind, he would happily replay this moment in his mind for an eternity, so long as it was always with you. 
The cup is lifted to his own lips, your own eyebrows raising as you wordlessly offer him a sip of the drink. Ana and Blanca are intensely focused on the interaction, their younger brother taking a sip of the drink and beaming at you, passing the hot drink between one another until the cup is empty. 
“Are your hands a little warmer now, Cariño?” He’s concerned; although there’s a delight in being here with you, he doesn't want you to get too cold. Before you can answer his question, he simply takes your two hands into his own, cupping them in his larger palms and pulling them upwards to his lips, leaving soft kisses against your skin. 
“You’re so cheesy.” You tease, taking delight in how he laughs like a schoolchild, pulling you into his chest and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
“Only for you.” 
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (part 7)
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A/N; Alright, fristly, thank you all so much for the love you're giving this fic. Seriously it warms my heart. This tag list is huge and it makes me want to cry. Also, i couldn't tag on the post cuz i had reached the word limit TT0TT I hope it works anyway
I'm getting more and more anxious to fail you guys, i just hope i'm not gonna fuck this up...
Again thank you for all your ideas and headcanons you guys are amazing!
Warnings: cursing?
The first month. You were in denial. You spent it overworking yourself, avoiding anything that could remind you of him. You had even put his stupid plush in his room, closing the door and keeping it closed. Laswell kept a close eye on you, you knew that. 
You'd spend most of your time on base, only going home to sleep. And then. You were put on time off. Forcefully. 
Laswell asked you to take a week off and to stay home. You had strongly fought over it but to no avail. So around the first week to the second month, your time off began. You thought you might go insane. But you received visits from your new neighbor who you learnt was named Peter. Peter was a nice guy, a bit shy. He'd pass by sometimes to drop one of your packages. You'd have small talk or conversations. 
It made you feel less alone. Because not only did you miss… Simon. You also missed the rest of the squad. The house felt dead..during that week, your mind had started going downhill. By Thursday you had gone back to his room to fetch the little reaper. Now you'd spend your days on your couch, cuddling the damn thing. 
Laswell had ordered you to work from home for the rest of the month. She passed by often. To check on you. She'd get in, not bothering to knock because you couldn't care anymore. 
Once she walked in on you, sitting on the bathroom floor in front of the washing machine, eating chips, watching the plush inside spin around. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Reaper is taking a bath." You had answered with very little emotion. 
During that month, Peter had spent a bit more time with you. He'd pass by to share some food, or to watch a movie. He seemed to have taken pity on you. Even though he picked up Reaper once and you had thrown him a murderous glare. 
And then Laswell had passed by. A serious look on her face. 
"The mission isn't going as planned. They're not coming home yet." 
You had felt yourself break a bit more. 
"Are they ok?" 
"From our intel, they're ok." 
You had sighed with relief. This was the third month they'd been gone. You didn't think you'd ever feel this type of sadness in your life. There was no point denying it. In such little time, Simon had managed to get his way through your heart and nest there. 
Your recent coping mechanism was putting on his hoodie, and sleeping in his bed with Reaper. He'd be so pissed if he knew. You were hoping he'd come back so he could be pissed with you. At least he'd be here. 
You'd spend your days at the base, this time your schedule was closely being watched by Laswell, and then you'd go home, absolutely hating it, trying not to cry. 
A heart wrenching thought kept stammering your brain. What if he never came back… the last things you would have said to each other would have been said in anger. You didn't think you could live through that. 
When the 4th month started, you had become unbearable for Laswell. You wanted to know everything about the mission. She kept refusing, reminding you it was a highly classified mission, as you replied you couldn't give a shit about classified or not. 
You wanted squad 141 back. Or as you had almost screamed once 'your team'. You had seen Laswell wanting to correct you that it wasn't your team but she refrained, understanding how you were feeling. 
She couldn't tell you about the mission but she made sure to keep you updated. They're fine. They've managed to get to the location. They've been ambushed but made it out. 
You were torn in between hating her updates and feeling relieved. To keep you busy and from having a nervous breakdown she put you up on a mission. Some drug lord that used the dark web to sell and buy his merchandise. You were definitely not into it. But if you could pass your anger on that asshole you would. 
You had easily infiltrated his little circle, managed to dismantle various locations, though he kept slipping through your fingers. 
You had gone back home that night, around the middle of the fourth month, absolutely frustrated from everything. 
"It's so fucking frustrating you know? It's like he's always a tiny step away." 
You explained as you were unpacking your food order. 
"He seems to know there's someone after his ass and I can't fucking get to him." You continued. "And Laswell is not letting me get onto the file for the mission the boys are on. GOD I could just … throw something on fire!" 
You groaned looking straight in the eyes of your friend. The plush looked at you without moving. 
You sighed. "I've been talking to an inanimate object." You said, putting your face in your hands. You dropped them on the table again.
"No offense Reaper." You apologized, turning your attention back to the food, the TV in the background filling up the silence a bit. 
You kept munching on your food. 
After you were done, you grabbed Reaper and sat on the couch, a blanket over you. You squished the fluffy death spawn in your hands. You missed him. You FUCKING missed him. 
You didn't even know how you'd react when he'd be back. You were still furious at him. Deeply hurt. But you were also so worried, and so sad. 
You groaned. You wanted him to be back. Even if it was to yell at him that he was an asshole.
A knock at the door was heard. You rolled your eyes. You got up, Reaper still in your arms as you went to open the door. 
You stared at Peter. 
"Hi Peter." You replied without a single emotion on your face. 
"Ah… bad day?" 
"Bad existence." 
He laughed. You walked inside, knowing he'd follow you. 
"I came to check to see if you wanted to watch a movie." 
You let yourself fall back down on the couch. 
"Not really into it tonight. Sorry." 
"Nah no problem I get it." He said sitting at the other end of the couch. "Is there something I can do to cheer you up?" . 
You looked at him for a little minute. You shook your head. "Alright. Want a beer?" 
"I hate beer." 
"Fine. A shot of vodka?" He proposed. 
You nodded. 
That guy was a lightweight. 5 shots of vodka and he couldn't properly form a sentence. You had walked him back to his apartment, making sure he was in bed and locking his door. You were a bit drunk too but not enough to erase your thoughts. 
You sighed. Walking into the hallway you stopped, looking right and left. You wanted to sleep in his bed again… you shouldn't. But you wanted to. You walked into the room looking at the bed. You remembered waking up in it, his body warm against yours. His morning voice was deeper. You liked it. You closed your eyes for a second before turning around and walking into your room. 
The alcohol helped as you closed your eyes, you fell fast asleep.
The day after had been the same. And the day after as well. But the next was a bit different. You were concerned by something during your work. It seemed that the drug lord had also a hacker in his ranks. And not a bad one. You could probably outsmart him or her but you had been neglectful. Your mind had been more worried about another mission that wasn't yours. 
You headed home after the day. You were exhausted. The fourth month was coming to an end. You didn't feel like eating. You didn't feel like anything. As you got home, you showered, drying your hair afterwards, slipping into one of Simon's black hoodies. You took Reaper with you, slipping under the covers of your bed. This time, you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You hugged the round fluffy thing against you, wishing he was there instead. 
And it was with the tears that the Sandman took you away. 
Around 6 am, your phone rang. You blinked your eyes open. Without checking, which had become a habit, you answered. 
"Hello..?" You answered. 
"Laswell ? Kate… it's 6 am." 
"We have news from squad 141." 
You sat up in your bed. 
"What is it…" 
"They've completed their mission. The extraction was successful."
You closed your eyes, a shaky breath leaving your lips. 
"They'll be back in a little over 24h." 
"Thank you… really." 
"No problem. Go back to sleep." 
You chuckled. She hung up. You let yourself fall back into bed. They were ok. He was ok… you looked up at the ceiling. Now that you knew he was coming back, that he was safe. The worry, the anxiety had vanished. Pain and anger taking their place. How was he going to react? Will you be strangers? How will you react? One thing was for sure. You wouldn't be the one to give in. You wanted to… god you wanted to. You wanted to feel him near you. To hug him. But the way he left was printed in your memory. The way you felt when you got home, in an empty house. With not a single word from him. 
Pushed by a rise of determination, you got out of bed, grabbing each hoodie you could find that was his. You took off the one you were wearing, and walked to the bathroom, throwing them all in the washing machine. You put it to wash. He wants his hoodies back? Fine. He'll have them. Brand New. Without any trace that you wore them. 
And with that thought in mind you climbed back into bed. 
You had flung yourself back into work the next day, trying to suppress the new anxiety that grew in you. You were still trying to figure out who the hacker working for the drug lord was. He seemed to be good at cleaning any trace of himself. You didn't want to go home. You glanced at your phone. 2 am. You were still at the base. You were surprised Laswell hadn't come to drag you home herself as she sat not too far from you.
You had been sitting here for the entire day, trying to figure out your little con's next move. It was infuriating. Driving you insane. You blinked. 
Hi birdie. 
You froze. What? No. It was a coincidence. You checked that your location or anything that could be used to track you down was locked away and secure. 
You kept browsing the website deep in the dark web, shaking the odd feeling away. But this time, it was a whole sentence that made you frown. 
On a little branch was a little bird. The little sparrow, unaware of the cat lurking by, sang its heart away. 
You were sure. It was meant for you. That Goddamn hacker was taunting you. 
"Laswell." You called. 
"Yes?" She answered, stepping towards you. 
You pointed at the screen, highlighting the little text with your mouse. 
"Shit." She cursed. "what does it mean?" 
You shrugged. 
"It can mean various things. Obviously they know it's the Sparrow they are facing. But I've made sure my real identity was safe so I don't think they have that. My location is safe too, there was no hack attempt. These are just little messages scattered around the websites we're checking for their little trades." You explained. 
"So what? They're threatening you?" 
"I don't think so. It seems like they're trying to get on my nerves. Probably to distract me from something. Just got to find out what." You said with a sigh. 
"Alright. If you have anything new, call me. Now go home." She said a little tap on your back. 
You eyed the screen in front of you. This was interesting. If they truly were trying to distract you, it was a bit silly. You took a mental note to be more careful from now on. 
You had scanned all the little messages around the web sites, trying to find something that would link them. Clearly, they were all aimed at you. Whoever it was kept calling you birdie. And it was highly annoying. You were growing tired yet you felt so giddy. You felt nervous. You closed your eyes, sighing. It was time to head home.
The night had been short. You were exhausted. You rolled around in bed. You closed your eyes. Silence. 
Silence… and a laugh? You frowned. 
You got up, taking Reaper in your arms. You slowly opened the door, peeking out. There were definitely voices whispering. You opened the door wider, stepping out and tip-toeing your way to the end of the hallway. 
You looked around the corner and froze. 
"God fucking damn it!" You cursed out loud. 
You fully came into view now taking in the sight before you. 
The man jumped, running to you and swaying you in his arms. 
"God soap! You're squishing me and Reaper!" You complained. 
"Who?" Gaz asked. 
After putting you down you looked at soap, extending your arms to his face so he could be eye to eye with the plush. 
"Oh. Alright. Sorry Reaper." He said with a wide smile. 
You smiled jumping on him this time. They were back. They were safe!
"Hahaha!" He laughed. 
He put you down again. Stepping aside to let you greet the rest of the team.
You hugged gaz. Then Price took you in his arms, staying like that for a little moment. 
"Missed you dad" you whispered jokingly. 
"Missed you sweety." He whispered in the same tone. 
And then came his turn. Standing in front of each other, eye to eye. You wanted to run and hug him. Fuck you wanted to touch him to make sure this was real. Unfortunately for the both of you, the pain was deeper than anything else. He didn't move, no expression. Did he regret? Did he care? Had he already put aside anything feeling or affection you had towards each other? With a lump in your throat you spoke first. 
"Lieutenant." You greeted. 
He frowned. 
"Sparrow." He answered. 
Nothing else was said. It broke your heart. You could feel it. You turned around looking at the guys again, clearly sensing their discomfort.
"You were supposed to arrive a bit later, what happened?" You asked sitting down on the couch, the boys mimicking you. Ghost remained up, glancing at you from afar. 
"We managed to wrap it up and we jumped on the plane back. We've been told someone has been worried about us." Gaz answered, sending you a knowing look. 
"Really? Wonder who could it be…" you feigned innocence.
"Yes, it's odd, Laswell said she was pestered for weeks. " Price added. 
"Truly curious." You added an innocent look and batted your lashes, making the men laugh. 
"What about you? How's it going?" Soap asked. 
"I'm fine." You lied. 
"You look tired." Price noted. 
Suddenly you felt watched.. Everyone was staring at you. Ghost looked more tense than the others. 
"I've been working on a mission and it's been a bit complicated. I stayed at the base until pretty late- with Laswell." You looked at Price.
He smirked. 
"What's complicated about it?" Gaz asked. 
"It's… it was easy at first. But it seems that I'm facing someone like me…" you tried to explain without giving any details as the mission was confidential. "And he, or she, seems to always be a step ahead. And… mostly. It's been acting weird." 
You frowned, losing yourself a bit in your own mind.
"Hey, Sparrow" soap called. 
You looked at him. 
"You got this." 
You smiled at him. Nodding off. 
"We brought breakfast. Ghost said you like muffins!" Price chimed.
You glanced at the man again, still glancing at you. If he thought it'd be that easy he was wrong. 
You ate breakfast with the team, so thrilled to have them back. You felt as if life had been brought back into the apartment. The only thing that took away some of that happiness was the tension between you and Ghost. 
After helping you clean out they offered to take you to base, and you accepted. You excused yourself to go get dressed quickly. Once you were ready, you opened your door falling face to face with a skull mask. 
You stared at each other. You did your best to show an emotionless facade. 
"You washed the hoodies." 
"And you put them in my room." 
"Are you giving them back?"
"Fuck…" he cursed frowning. "Y/N-"
"Sparrow." You corrected. 
He looked hurt for a second. 
"Why?" He asked. 
"A beg your pardon?" You asked frowning too. 
"Why are you doing this?" He questioned. You could feel the frustration. 
"Doing what? Isn't this what you wanted, Lieutenant? You wanted to erase everything and you wanted your hoodies back." 
"Stop what?" 
He didn't answer. Your heart was beating so fast. It was torture not giving in. But this time you wouldn't let him get away with it. He couldn't just play with your feelings like this. He sighed, straightening up. He looked… embarrassed? For a second. 
"Did… did you have to wash them?" He asked. 
First you were confused. And then you remembered what he had said once. 
"Everytime I take back one of my hoodies there's your scent on it…" 
"What? I smell bad?" You laughed. 
"Quite the opposite…" 
You smirked.  Walking out of your room slowly and closing your door behind you. You looked up at him. 
"I wouldn't give you the pleasure of leaving my scent on it. You've lost that privilege." You finished with an innocent smile before turning away and walking away from him. 
You very distinctly heard him curse. You smirked. If he wanted you back, he'd have to fight for it. And if he didn't… then you'd be settled on his feelings. 
You had driven to the base with the squad. After getting out of the cars, you had all gathered. 
"It feels good to be back! See Sparrow? We're all good! We can come back to annoy you in your apartment!" Soap joked. 
"Don't you dare." Ghost had growled. 
"It will be my pleasure." You countered, sending a side glance to Ghost as he frowned again. Soap was thrilled. 
It was on a light note that you separated, the boys going their way to meet and start on the mission report, as you went back to your drug dealer. 
Walking in the big room, you sat down at one of the tables facing an enormous screen. Various setups with their own screens were scattered around the room, where people worked. You greeted everyone. You received smiles and little good mornings. 
You opened your laptop freezing on the spot. You blinked and gasped at the black screen. 'encrypted'. 
Laswell had immediately come to you. 
"What's wrong?" 
"My laptop is encrypted. Fuck!" You checked your phone. Also encrypted. 
"What does it mean?" 
"It means. Someone tried to get in. As a defense mechanism it encrypts itself, and the rest of the devices linked to it. It blocks anything or anyone from touching the data." 
You tried to explain, already trying to decrypt your device. 
"When did it happen?" 
"I don't know, recently. My phone was fine 20 mins ago." You explained. 
"Guys!" You called, gaining everyone's attention. "Any attack? Anything?" 
"No ma'am. We did find three other sentences on websites that were not on our radar. We managed to find 3 domains where the trades were active." The boy explained. 
"What…?" You were confused now. 
"He flagged these websites? He literally showed them to us?" Laswell interrogated.
You looked at your screen as it slowly booted back into your home screen. 
"Sparrow. What's going on." 
You were still in shock. The words written in a small window opened on the home's screen seemed to laugh at you. 
"Sparrow?" Laswell called again. 
You turned the screen to her. She frowned. 
"He served us these tips on a silver platter. And it wasn't to make a diversion on something big.  Because he's not working with the drug lord. Not anymore." 
You couldn't believe you were once again in this situation. Laswell sighed. 
"It's official. You're his target." 
You turned back to the screen, taking a deep breath rereading the words one last time. 
You're mine birdie.
Laswell had driven you home that evening. She had walked you to your door and walked you inside. There she was again. The mama bear. 
You sighed, dropping your bag on the floor, not even shocked to see the whole squad in the living room. You glared at soap. 
"Put down Reaper." You ordered. 
He immediately put it back on the couch, noticing your awful mood. Price had noted too, and had mostly noticed how Laswell was tense. 
"What's going on?" He asked, turning to Laswell. 
Before she could answer you chimed in, as you walked to grab a glass of water. 
"A mission going south. Nothing unusual in our field." You said, throwing a knowing look at Laswell.  
She looked pissed for a moment but brushed it off. 
"Y/N." She said seriously. You choked on the water. She had just spoken your real name in front of everyone. Everyone went silent looking at you and Kate. 
"You are not allowed to leave the base." She started. 
"I'm already not allowed to leave the base." You protested. 
"You are to be accompanied by someone each time you leave your apartment." 
You opened your mouth in shock, wait. This was going too far. The boys had turned serious. 
"You'll be closely watched by squad 141." 
"Oh come on! They've just come back from a mission!" You debated again. 
"No arguing." She ordered. 
"You are overreacting Kate." You answered in the same tone. 
"Hey hey. Intel." Price interupted, standing up. 
"No! No. Absolutely not." You snapped. "You are overreacting Kate. It wasn't even a threat. I'll get to him before he can even guess the continent I'm in." You started. 
"This isn't the first time Y/N! I'm not taking any chances." She tried to explain. 
"There's no need to take a chance. I'm literally at the base. I go nowhere else. I haven't gone into a civilian zone since… I don't even remember!" You debated. 
She crossed her arms. 
"Kate. Do you think I'm unsafe here, at the base?" You asked. 
"No." She was forced to admit. 
"Then no problem. No close security, no babysitters." You asked. 
She seemed to ponder. Then she sighed, relaxing a bit. 
"I still want to know." Price asked again. 
You rolled your eyes. You felt like you were being scolded by your parents. And God knows it hadn't happened in a very very long while. 
"I'm working on a mission. I had a target and it was being helped by a skillful fucker. Turns out, that fucker betrayed the target and seems a lot more interested in me." 
"Did he threaten you?" Soap asked. You had never seen him this serious. 
"Yes." Laswell interrupted. You rolled your eyes. 
"Not. Really." You added. Glancing at Laswell. "It was some cryptic message. But he did try to hack me personally." You finally said sitting down at the counter. You sighed. You had to make sure to find him before Laswell and now, by the looks of it, Price, had a nervous breakdown. 
"No need for the squad." 
A shiver ran down your spine. You slowly turned to look at Simon. 
"I'm not going anywhere."
You wanted to throw something at his face.  
This bitch. You had looked at him in utter shock and disapproval. You were pacing around in your room. This was all too much. Your mind was a mix of so many things, emotions, thoughts. A soup. Your mind was soup. Wait. What?
You closed your eyes. You were going to go insane. 
A knock on the door was heard. You rolled your eyes for what seemed to be the hundredth time today. 
You had that funny feeling again as you saw him walk into your room, closing the door behind him. 
Does he have any idea the hold he had on you? You glanced at his hand. You wanted to smile but bit your lip to avoid it. He had one of his hoodies in his hand. 
"Do you want it?" 
"You want me to wear it now? " You ask. 
"Never said you couldn't. Just want them back." 
"No thank you." You answered with a fake forced smile because clearly he was so cute. 
He looked away with what seemed to be a smirk under his mask. 
"Are you going to be mad forever?" 
He asked. 
The question made your blood boil, turning your mood back to something very sour.  
"Why? This what you wanted no? Didn't think about the consequences when you'd be back?" You asked, stepping closer to him. "You put a single thought into what would happen if you'd be back? Or maybe you just thought I'd jump into your arms as if you hadn't broke me and stepped all over my FUCKING heart?" You finished, a few inches from him. 
You blushed slightly. Your lips had moved faster than your brain. But you had been honest with him. He looked hurt for a second. Like he had the right to. 
"Y/N. I'm sorry…" he said. 
You bit your lip. No. Not so easily. 
"Simon. Sorry isn't going to fix this…" you answered. 
"What is then? Tell me." His voice lowered. 
"You're going to have to make up your mind Simon. Do you want me in your life or not? I can't keep being hurt each time you feel like pushing me away." You said honestly. 
He frowned. His fingers lifting up to your waist. The touch gave you goosebumps. You hadn't felt his touch since he arrived. And you craved it. For some reason, while looking into his eyes, you knew he did too. He just seemed afraid to scare you away. He leant down letting his forehead touch yours. The mask felt cold against your skin. His other hand joined your waist this time, more confidently. He wrapped his arms more tightly around you pulling you flushed against him. Your breath had quickened. 
"Simon…" you whispered. 
"I've been wanting to hold you since I arrived…" he growled. 
"S-simon…" you tried, softly pushing on his chest with your hands. 
"To touch you … fuck… you smell so good…"
"Is this what you really wanted… to hold me so your shirt smells like me…" you smirked. 
He chuckled. 
"Are you going to wear my hoodies…?" 
"No…" you whispered. 
He held you tighter. 
You felt so warm, god you had missed him. There was still something in the back of your mind just repeating to you that he hurt you. 
"You're not going to make it that easily Simon… you need to make up your mind.." you broke. 
He stared into your eyes, so God damn close to you. 
Knock knock knock. 
"Hey guys! We're leaving, come say bye bye!" 
You laughed at Soap's voice. 
You separated with a curse. 
"God damn it johnny…" Ghost said. 
You cleared your throat. 
"Seems like we have places to be." You said.
He grabbed your wrist, marking you look into his eyes.
"I'll apologize properly. I promise."
"Try to figure out what you want first..." you said, a heavy weight on your heart.
Once in the living room you hugged everyone goodbye. Laswell and Price were the first to leave. A bit later you and Ghost walked gaz and soap to the door. 
"See you tomorrow then!" Soap cheered. 
"Absolutely not." Ghost answered. 
"It'll be lovely Soap." You countered. "Get home safely." 
"Lose yourself on the way." Ghost added. 
You smiled and rolled your eyes. 
Behind Soap, a silhouette appeared. 
"Hey Sparrow! Got you some-" 
The squad turned to stare at the new arrival. You smirked, feeling Ghost lean closer to you. 
"Hey Peter." You greeted. 
"Hum…hi… so… you want the muffins?"
"We have muffins." You heard Ghost next to you. 
"It will be lovely Peter, thank you." You smiled as you walked to him, grabbing the bag. He smiled at you sheepishly. 
"Let me present to you the squad" you said, turning back to them. 
"Ah… i-its not necessary… squad 141 is famous… especially… Humm.." 
"Me." Ghost said. His voice had gotten darker.
You noticed how Peter seemed to be scared of Ghost.  
"So… hum, which one is your roommate?" He asked, turning to you with a smile. 
You smiled apologetically to him. 
"Me." Ghost said again, this time grabbing the back of your pants and pulling you back closer to him. You gasped. What the…? (t
Soap and Gaz were trying not to laugh and Peter… had changed expression. 
"Oh, Nice. Hum, I'm gonna go guys. Nice seeing you, Sparrow." He smiled at you. 
Then he glanced up. If it wasn't for a tiny second you would have missed it. The cold and dark gaze Ghost and Peter sent each other. 
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astrobei · 4 months
hi i love your fics and I was wondering if you had any byler fic recs
hello there! in all honesty, i have not had the time to read a lot of byler fic as of late, but it’s been a while since i posted some recs so i’ll drop a few that i’ve enjoyed recently! as always, i do endorse every fic in my bookmarks to the highest possible degree, so always feel free to look through those for new reading as well <3
say it with your hands by pseudologia (@hellfiremike) — will is a new employee at the movie theater mike works at, and mike starts thirsting over will’s hands to a degree that’s downright detrimental to his employment status
GOD. this fic. i gushed in their dms immediately after finishing it because this might be my favorite modern will characterization of all time, and this is coming from someone who has a million and one takes on modern era will byers. this fic just checked all of my boxes — from the summertime romance to mike’s painfully in-character teenage angsting to will being a frequenter of star wars reddit threads and an enjoyer of sufjan stevens. and the TENSION. oh god the tension. i’ve read all their fics probably three times over each, and i also highly recommend like i am home again, a college au set during a halloween party which made me stare at my phone refreshing ao3 hourly until it updated, and can this be a real thing (can it?) wherein mike and will reunite in a gay bar. enough said
landslide by chamb3rs — the party’s senior year of high school
i don’t often reach for chaptered fics since i usually have such limited reading time, but i’m sooo so so happy i stumbled across this one. there have just been very few fics that have touched me like this one did. i blew through this in one sitting a few weekends ago and subsequently experienced the full range of human emotions (and then some) all in the span of a few hours. everything about this was perfect — the will pov, the weird liminality of transitional periods, the party and byhop family dynamics, down to my favorite portrayal of theeeee jennifer hayes in any fic ever. on top of all of that, this fic perfectly captures the heartbreaking euphoria of being in love with your best friend, and all the ups and downs that come with it. i crawled out of the ao3 tab covered in blood and my chest was hurting and i was shaking and i had damn near chewed my own arm off — and then i sent the link to my friend 10 minutes later and watched her experience the same exact thing like a train wreck in slow-mo HAHAHA
what a time to be alive by passerine_in_jade (@newlesbianprideflag) — will disappears and haunts mike from the upside down
i’m forever a total sucker for a good haunting metaphor, so it’s absolutely not a surprise that this fic is appearing on this list. the premise for this was so so so cool and interesting, and it’s another chaptered fic i’m glad i had a little extra time to read. the way the author had me rooting for mike and will the whole time even though half of the pairing was offscreen for a large majority of the fic is a highly commendable feat. mike’s unyielding loyalty to will and will’s constant faith in him felt so true to their canon selves, and there were so many moments that were so quiet and intimate and tender that i really felt like i was intruding on something. good good stuff
that’s what you get for falling in love by harriet_vane — will gets his first boyfriend in college, and mike, ever the ally, has very normal feelings about it
i want to preface this by saying that this fic is rated m, mostly just for mentions/allusions to sex, and one largely non-explicit portion of a scene in the last chapter. if that’s not your cup of tea, it’s easy to tell when it’s coming up and to skip past it without detracting from the plot, but i think it would be a greater detriment to not rec this fic at all, because it has quickly made the list of my favorite byler fics of all time. something about this take on jealous mike especially resonated with me — his inner monologue is simultaneously hilarious and depressing, and his obliviousness regarding his feelings for will feels so true to life without being overdone or cartoonish. you can tell just how much they really care for each other, and the conflict in this actually made me start crying because it felt so visceral and so fundamentally them. you can tell this author really understands their characters, and the love put into this fic is soooo palpable. it’s the kind of fic where you want to bonk their heads together to knock some sense into them, but you are helpless to do anything but hold on as you’re swung along for the ride.
finally, i try not to just rec fics written by my friends, but my recent reading list would be incomplete without these two wonderful additions:
the way you love me by strangeswift (@strangeswift) — byler exes (absolutely heartwrenching edition)
i’ve been hearing abby talk about her ideas for this fic for the better part of a year as she worked on it, and she actually edited and posted the first two chapters while i was visiting her! and by god is this world a better place with her byler exes concept in it, because if you want angst, you’ll never have to look further than her ao3 page. something about the way she writes will in this fic just makes my heart shrivel up and die in my chest — his quiet resignation, the bitterness (always love a good bitter will byers moment) and the Longing that never quite went away. mike’s characterization is also top notch, and you can really feel the chemistry between them during every interaction. at the time of me posting this list, chapter 4 is not yet up, but trust me when i tell you guys it’s going to soooooo be worth it. :-)
the end is here by bookinit (@bookinit02) — a speculative byler-centric season 5
if you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that haven’s canon rewrite series is hands-down my favorite series across any pairing and fandom. her creativity with her season 5 concepts never fails to astound me — from the scripts she’s been working on as an alternative to the episodes she rewrote for s1-4, to her ideas for possible plot lines, and just incredible writing all around. i’ve had the privilege of reading through her scripts before she posts them to her blog (definitely go check them out) but special privilege bias aside, it takes soooo much skill to create such a visually powerful story in a medium that allows for such little narration, and the corresponding chapters just totally pushes it over the edge. pre-s5 required reading for every byler, and 100000% my new canon if the show doesn’t pan out
this definitely is not an exhaustive list because i have a million and one fics on my to-read, and one day i will get around to reading them all, but i hope there is something on this list that strikes your fancy!!
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starrvsn · 4 months
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𝟒𝟏𝟏. some of the ficitonal characters from the boys in the boat, reactions to you giving them flowers :)
STAR LEFT A MESSAGE! hi friends! i know i haven't posted in a while but i just recently watched the boys in the boat and i absolutely loved it! especially the cast, full of fine talented men- so here's a little something about them with more to come! if you have any requests or ideas about them please let me know!
INCLUDES ⠆joe rantz, don hume, bobby mach, george hunt and chuck day (just some of the characters im partially attached to…)
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after their first win of the season, you greet bobby with a bouquet of flowers themed after the school's colors— immediately giving him praise and compliments about their win today. you knew he had a rough past season with the last crew, now seeing him with a new crew he trusted, something he was so passionate about. you were excited for him!
when he asks where this all came from, you shrug the gesture off as if it was nothing. stating that the flowers just reminded you of him and just had to give them to him. a wide smile tugs on his lips as he accepts them, his hand caressing yours gently. he appreciated them more than you knew. pulling you close, he presses a kiss on the crown of your head. caring less about his damp uniform or the loud crowd around you, just you and him.
“thank you lovely, these are beautiful.”
he's absolutely speechless, it wasn't everyday a man would recieve flowers and don didn't think he would be one of them. his eyebrows jump to his hairline when he sees you at the entrance of the shell house with a bouquet of flowers in your hands. his breath hitches as he asks where you got them from and you reply kindly that they're for him, giving him a sweet smile which he returns. you wanted to congratulate him for making the team, it wasn't easy and all the effort he put in finally paid off. a faint blush falls on his cheeks as he takes them, a beautiful arrangement of daisy's and poppy's held by a piece of brown parchment. he takes your hand tugging you into a hug, squeezing you appreciatively. there weren’t enough words to describe how much he loved them,
"this bouquet might be just as pretty as you." now you blush, playfully slapping this arm as you continue to hold him close. he wanted to keep them alive for as long as he can and maybe get you a bouquet in return. later (few months) when he sneaks you into the dorms he see's the bouquet in a glass still thriving well, making your heart swell.
he's gotten several bouquets from several girls after winning gold in the olympics. he's received a many of gifts from different people but none of them felt as special as yours. when he saw you for the first time since their win in germany, you had planned to go out on a date to celebrate so when he comes to pick you up with his own bouquet in hand. imagine his surprise and delight when he sees you walk out of the building with your own bouquet in hand. he lets out a soft laugh in disbelief watching as you. a proud smile on your lips, almost skipping towards him.
"ever so original rantz?" you jokingly say, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. holding the flowers to him— they're almost identical to his except, he has your favorite flower in the bunch making your heart swell.
"i didn't know you were gonna get me flowers." he replies, ever so charming smile gracing his lips. you tell him you wanted to surprise him— a token of your appreciation for all that he's done, all the hard work he and all the other boys put in. he thanks you greatly, exchanging your bouquets. he presses a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips before interlocking hands and walking to your date destination.
george didn't really take mind to trivial things of interest like that, what his favorite flower was but he made a great deal to what yours were and he never missed the chance to give you flowers when he could— after any occasion he would give them to you. if you passed your exam or got into a fight, he'd get flowers to make it up to you. he didn't really expect to get his own flowers, as it really wasn't a thing.
so one day when practice was particularly grueling and draining, the last thing your boyfriend had expected was seeing you; with a small bouquet of flowers in your hands waiting outside the crews dorm. you were speaking with roger, keeping you company. "who are those for?" george announces himself, now standing between the two of you. you chuckle bidding roger goodbye as he leaves, now alone with your boyfriend— a timid smile forming.
"pretty flowers for a pretty boy." you proclaimed, holding out the bouquet to him. he huffs a laugh taking them carefully, admiring them. he raises a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek— caressing it gently.
"these a perfect darling, just like you."
“a new admirer giving you flowers? giving me a run for my money?” chuck eyes the bouquet in your hands, noticing that there was none of your favorite flowers in them— what kind of admirer were they? you let out a soft giggle that sounds like music to his ears. he won't lie, a slight pang of jealousy hits him at the thought of another man giving you flowers but he'd ask you another day.
"no silly, they're for you." you reply, standing from the bench to give them to him. he lets out a small breath of relief, practically melting at the gesture. he takes a hand that was stuffed in his pocket to take the flowers from you, eyeing them carefully. you tell him that some of the flowers had meaning— like the red tulips and daisy's meaning love. his gaze softens as you continue to explain, a loving smile gracing his lips as he admires your face and the bouquet. lovingly, he plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear
"you're so sweet you know that." his hand running down your arm, grasping your hand gently rubbing your knuckles. you almost swoon— tilting your head in admiration "well you deserve the best, i hope you know." he knows, with you around it's hard to forget.
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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shayyprasad · 4 months
faults | peter parker
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summary: peter's a nice guy, you liked him. key word being liked.
warning: non-con, slut-shaming (no nsfw/smut)
pairing: dark!peter x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k+ words (i've never done dark!peter before, just playing around with the idea)
check out my masterlist!
this can technically be read as either a 2nd part to this, or a stand-alone!
if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
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(first person)
loud music drummed in my ears as narrowly avoided people. if i'm being honest, i'm not quite sure why i agreed to this in the first place.
aliyah, my best friend of seven years, was dead-set on planning a party for me. what type of person would i be to let her down like that? so naturally, i agreed, right?
only now was i regretting this.
the thing is, when she said "party", i thought she meant a couple people. maybe some school friends. i thought that spencer, this guy i just recently started going out with would be there too, but he's just ghosted me. like completely.
i haven't heard from him or anything, sucks, kinda.
...peter. he'd was coming, too.
i wasn't sure what was going on between us. it was subtle flirting, and i thought it was platonic. don't get me wrong, i really did like him at first, but now i'm not sure.
yeah, he's hot. but also not my type. granted, i don't really have a type, though i do think we'd be better off as friends. also, he wasn't the same as he used to be. and i know something's changed, even if i can't pinpoint what it is.
but lately, i'm not sure if we're on the same page about that. everyone thinks we're dating, because apparently you can't be just friends with a guy.
i'm genuinely unsure how to break that to him.
we did try one date, if you could even call it that. peter took me to the movies, but he never quite clarified what it was.
technically, i was a minor at that time, so maybe it was a friendly thing.
it didn't matter though, i told him that i wasn't interested in him. also... spencer, right?
spencer was a guy i'd been talking to, and i won't lie, he's pretty cute. 
i don't know. i try not to think about it because it makes my brain hurt. so, uh, yeah. that's that.
lost in my ever loving train of thoughts, i wasn't watching where i was going, and i ran into someone.
not just someone.
peter, of all people. the one guy i was trying to avoid.
lovely. absolutely lovely.
"heyyy, birthday girl! how's the party?"
"uh. yeah, it's... awesome," i winced.
"not your scene? okay, but, like, bright side?" he paused, as if he were waiting for me to say something, but when i didn't, he continued. "you're a legal adult! not a minor anymore, right?"
he had this unusual twinkle in his eye, like there was more to unpack. peter pulled me close to him, chugging wherever it was in the red solo cup he had in his hand.
pete's hand... was lower than comfortable, but i figured it was best not to say anything.
it was obvious he was totally out of it, and i inhaled sharply at the sharp stench of alcohol.
"wanna get out of here?" he asked, gripping me harder.
"um..." i wasn't sure what he was implying, because he literally could. not. take me anywhere.
"wait, i—"
too late. i was already being dragged out the door. pete brought me out in front of his car... well, his old truck.
"no, no, no. you're way too drunk to drive, peter. you aren't taking me anywhere."
he groaned, rolling his eyes. "buzzkill."
i inhaled sharply, stopping myself from getting upset. he wouldn't normally do something like this... right?
"all right, fine, fine," he slurred. "h-how about... ooh! let's go to my place!"
i hesitated, unsure of how comfortable i felt with that. especially since he'd been so weird, with all the touching. i knew that he didn't live in a dorm and—
wait, what?
no, no. peter and i were friends, and i could trust him, right? it could have been the alcohol that was making the edges of my brain turn fuzzy, but i finally agreed.
"um, okay."
"mm. it's like..." pete hiccuped, and mentally facepalmed. "somewhere here."
"you're lucky i know the way, dummy." i said, smacking his head. he did nothing but grin back at me.
we walked in silence, or i did really, while he babbled on about the most random things. i didn't mind it, considering he was drunk.
it was chilly outside, and the cold air nipped at my skin, making me shiver. peter must have noticed this, because he swung a hand over my shoulders, lazily pulling me close.
i thought it best not to say anything, and also, he was warm. so, i guess i wasn't complaining all that much.
eventually, we got to his place. he fumbled with the keys, trying to shove it into the lock. unsuccessfully, might i add.
getting tired, i took them from him, unlocking the door.
"there we go." i pushed him inside, shutting the door behind me. "how about we get you come water?" peter didn't argue as i pulled open a cabinet, grabbing a cup. i filled it up with water for him and handed it over.
"drink it. all of it."
"yes, mom."
it seemed like that helped him sober up slightly, and i flopped down on the couch. that party had exhausted me altogether. peter was quiet as he sat down next to me, rubbing his eyes.
he looked over at me, but i kept my eyes fixed at the tv in front. i was flipping though channels, trying to find something good.
"look at me," he whispered.
i sucked in a breath, turning my head to do so, "yeah?"
and then, that's when it happened. so quickly and roughly, i didn't even register it. because one second we were face to face, and the next, he was grabbing my face, kissing me.
instantly, i pulled away, looking at him in horror. "what the fuck, peter? you can't— you can't do that!"
"do what?" he stared dumbly.
i just blinked at him, confused. "i..."
he kissed me, without consent. that wasn't okay, right? peter just looked at me, raising an eyebrow. was this because he was drunk?
"well, i- you just kissed me?"
"so? i thought you were chill. besides, you were basically asking for this."
what did he mean? asking for it? i wasn't asking for anything. i didn't even like him like that, and i thought he knew that. well, i mean, i was pretty sure. kind of. 
"b-but i wasn't." i was trying to make my voice more firm, but it probably (most likely) sounded very pathetic. clearing my throat, i tried again, "peter, i don't like you that way. as a friend, of course, but not... not more than that. this one time it's okay, since i guess it's also on me for not making that clear."
"don't like me that way? are you serious?"
"you come around, to my house, dressed in that, and you expect me to think we're just friends? i did you the favor of waiting until you were 'of legal age' and all that crap, so what the fuck are you on about?"
"you've literally been sleazing around like a slut, practically begging for attention."
no, he was reading this wrong. i met him at the cafe i worked at, and we hit it off. as friends. besides, he was older than me. well, not by much, but still. and what did he mean by "slut"? it was my birthday party! that i didn't even want to be at! peter was the one who invited me here, right?
"and, on top of that, you've been leading me on. now that's fucked up."
"leading-? yes, okay, maybe a little. and- and i'm really sorry about that, but-" i backed up into the couch, trying to move away from him.
"i love you, y/n/n. and," he scoffed, "and i can treat you way better then any of these other guys."
love? he loves me? how- we've only known each other for a couple months. 
i thought, if anything, this was platonic flirting. was this really my fault?
"i think i should go, peter, we can talk later." i was uncomfortable now. no, past that.
i was scared. 
peter was scaring me.
"i'm not into you, and i'm-"
"seeing that other guy?" he finished. "what was his name, again? spencer? ever wonder what happened to him?" there was a dangerous look in his eye, and that's all it took for me to understand.
"oh my god, what did you do?"
"what i needed to," peter pinned my hands above the wall, "i was gonna wait, and do this the nice way, but you've left me with no choice."
"no, please, peter," i choked out, tears streaming down my face. 
"this is your fault, y/n."
and it must have been. i hurt him, so this was only fair. 
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calumance · 1 year
The Interview
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: cussing, it got angsty for a millisecond, talking about throwing up, doesn’t actually happen, slight mention of panic attacks
Summary: She is an actor who is embarrassingly and openly obsessed with Pedro Pascal, but when she gets invited to be a guest on the same talk show as him, it doesn’t go the way she planned.
A/N: holy moly, I haven’t written in FOREVER so I apologize now if this is absolutely horrible. And this is also the first time I have ever written anything for Pedro Pascal so go easy on me!
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This was not the first time she was asked to be on a late night talk show; she had been on a couple for her smaller roles. But this was the first time that she knew absolutely nothing about what was going on. No one was telling her who the other guests were, when she was to go onto the stage, where she was supposed to sit, what they were going to talk to her about, nothing. It was all kept a secret from her. So when she showed up to the studio, she felt like she was running blind.
“They’re just going to ask me about my movie that is coming out soon, right?” She asked her brother, Jeremy, who was standing behind her through the mirror.
He was the one who set this whole thing up, and he was being the most secretive. “Yeah, sure, something like that.” His phone started to ring and he left the room while putting it to his ear.
“What the hell does that even mean?” She mumbled to herself while she finished the final touches on her makeup.
Jeremy didn’t come back any time soon, in fact, no one had come and talked to her since the moment she arrived. Out of boredom, she pulled her phone out and started to scroll through her twitter. She read her latest tweet to herself: “Watched the most recent episode of #TheLastOfUs; is anyone else obsessed with Pedro Pascal? Just me? Okay.” The tweet had thousands of likes and retweets, and so did the other handful of tweets where she gushed about how obsessed with Pedro Pascal she was.
It was true, he was, IS, a brilliant actor, funny, the most respectful and charismatic man in Hollywood, and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. She was wrapped around his finger, embarrassingly so, and, as far as she could tell, he had absolutely no idea who she was. And she was absolutely fine with that, especially with her tweets about him. “I need to stop tweeting my innermost thoughts.” She said to herself before tossing her phone to the side.
It was a couple minutes later when there was a knock at the door and one of the stage crew members stuck their head through the door, “They’re about ready for you on stage, are you ready?” She nodded as she stood up, running her hands down the skirt of her dress to flatten it out.
No one talked to her as she followed behind the crew member to the stage. This was getting weird, and it made her stomach sink into her ass. What the hell was she about to walk into?
Her hands shook slightly as she waited for the host to finish introducing her, talking about her new movie and the release date. She relaxed a bit, maybe they were just talking about the movie, and this show just happens to not communicate with anyone. The door opened up for her to walk through and she waved at the cheering crowd and made her way to the couches next to the host. The second she caught sight of the other guests, her heart stopped.
Holy shit, he’s right there.
She continued to smile and make her way to the couch, Pedro Pascal and Helen Mirren standing and clapping for her.
You’re a fucking actor, ACT like you’re not having a panic attack.
Helen gave her a tender hug, and a soft kiss to the cheek. Pedro pulled her in for a hug as well, could he tell how badly she was trembling? She moved to sit on the other side of Helen, away from Pedro, when the host stopped her, “Oh no, no, there’s a spot and a drink for you right in between Pedro and Helen there.”
Dear god, this is why it was all a secret. I’ve been set up.
She smiled and switched to sit in between them, but she leaned towards Helen.
Can they tell I’m about to vomit? Holy shit, DO NOT vomit.
They started off by asking her about her new movie. It was her first big role and she was more than happy to talk about it and answer the few questions they did ask her. When they switched the focus to Pedro and his absolutely bombshell success of his shows, she tried her hardest to keep a happy face, but oh god did she want to run screaming.
The host began talking about the attention Pedro has been getting from the success of his shows and if he liked it or not. He bashfully answered that he did. “The internet sure loves you.” The host said, and she felt her heart fall into the empty pit of her stomach. “This tweet here says ‘I need to stop referring to Pedro Pascal as daddy, it’s becoming a problem.’” Everyone laughed, including her, trying to act like she wasn’t about to pass out.
But then she saw it on the screen, the username was blurred out, but it was absolutely her tweet. She knew it was based on the emoji’s she put at the end; and even though the username was blurred, it wasn’t blurred that well. She took a staggered breath that hopefully no one noticed. “This one here says ‘Just caught up on The Last of Us…should I be concerned that watching Pedro Pascal kill that many people turned me on?’”
Please don’t reveal who tweeted that. Maybe I’ll make it off this stage alive.
Pedro laughed, and before he got a chance to comment on it, the host directed his attention back to her, “Are you alright there? You look a little flustered?” The smirk on his face told her everything. They were absolutely going to reveal who tweeted that.
“I’m great.” She said with a smile, but as sarcastically as she possibly could. She was sweating profusely.
“Good! Because, I felt like I recognized the username on this tweet,” The screen with the screenshot of the tweet suddenly unblurred the username and revealed her twitter handle, “Oh my god, that was your tweet!” That was it, she was going in hiding after this interview.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end. They showed three more of her thirst tweets for the man sitting right next to her. After the second she leaned forward and placed her hands on her face just so that her fingers were covering her mouth as she told herself over and over to not cry.
Perhaps Pedro could tell how uncomfortable she was starting to feel because he quickly spoke up with a chuckle, “I mean, you should see some of the things I’ve tweeted. I barely even know how to work twitter.”
She felt a wave of relief when the attention was finally not on her and her absolutely embarrassing obsession with Pedro. However, the feeling of wanting to simultaneously vomit and cry still lingered. But, she put on a brave face and acted as if the entire interview didn’t even faze her.
Once the show ended and she politely said goodbye to everyone around her, she made her way to her dressing room. It wasn’t until she heard the click of the door shutting that she finally broke into tears. She ended up in a squatting position while trying to pull herself together, but the tears just kept coming. Jeremy walked through the door with a huge shit eating grin on his face until he saw his sister nearly in the fetal position on the ground. Before he got a chance to say a single word, she stood up and poked a finger in his direction, “You did this, didn’t you? You were the one who set up this interview, you were the one who told me over and over again how good it would be for my career for me to come on the show. You set this whole thing up, didn’t you?”
“Why are you upset with me? If you didn’t want something like this to happen, maybe keep your thirst in a diary, not on the internet where everyone can see it.” Jeremy pointed a finger back at her.
The worst part was that he was right. She couldn’t even argue his point, because he was fucking right. Maybe it was time to delete her twitter and go into hiding after her movie came out. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around herself and let out a sigh, “Can you just go out there and tell me when everyone is gone? I want to be the last one to leave.”
Jeremy huffed as he walked out the door. She turned to look at herself in the mirror and started to clean the makeup that had run down her face. It was as she threw the final makeup wipe into the trash when she heard the knock on her door. It couldn’t be Jeremy, the dude never knocked once in his life. The feeling of wanting to throw up suddenly came rushing back.
When she opened the door, she had to swallow her heart. Pedro was standing there, a soft smile on his lips. “May I come in?” He asked softly.
As badly as she wanted to tell him no and slam the door in his face, she didn’t. Instead, she nodded and silently opened the door further to allow him to walk past her. She shut the door behind him and before he got a chance to say anything, she started spewing her thoughts, “Pedro, I’m so sorry if I embarrassed you. I promise I am going to delete all of the tweets, probably even my entire twitter account. I didn’t know any of this was going to happen, I didn’t even know you were a guest. Literally the entire thing had been kept a secret to me and I am so, so sorry if this damages or, or puts a hiccup, or whatever in your career. You are entirely an amazing actor and you deserve to be treated better than that, and-”
“No, no, no,” he softly cut her off and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her arms. “I came here to ask if you were okay; to tell you that you deserve to be treated better.” She didn’t even know how to respond to that, so she just stared at him. “Interviewers can be brutal and I, even though I promise I had nothing to do with this, wanted to apologize to you.” He looked deep into her eyes and slightly shook his head, “I’m sorry they upset you enough to make you cry.” Dear god, was it that obvious? She looked away from him and he dropped his arms back to his sides. “I’d like to make it up to you by taking you to dinner tomorrow night”
Excuse me, what?
“What?” She whispered the question.
A small smile graced his lips as he looked down at the ground, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. ”I should’ve said something a while ago,” He started before looking back up at her, “I’ve been following your career for a few years now. All the tweets they showed today? I’ve already seen them. I’ve followed you on twitter for at least a year now.”
How had she never noticed he followed her? She was too stunned to speak, so Pedro continued, “I feel like if I had had the guts to talk to you sooner, then none of this would’ve happened. Which is why I would like to take you out to dinner tomorrow, I’m just sorry that I’m asking you after what just happened.”
Her heart was beating so hard she was sure it was about to jump out of her chest. The blood was rushing through her ears so fiercely, she wasn’t even sure she heard him correctly. Her mind was reeling and it took him letting out a soft chuckle for her to realize she was staring at him like a deer in the headlights. She shook her head to stop her mind from spinning and let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, “Yes, yes, I’d like that.”
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zaraquinn · 9 months
i wish you love.
chapter i | from the start.
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summary: you and Robert’s relationship is strictly professional—working as his assistant and all, your relationship can’t get any farther than that. But you never expected your boss, Robert Fischer to be there for you at your absolute lowest; and now this relationship is as impossible as it gets.
tw: mentions of domestic abuse, manipulation and a toxic relationship
word count: 2.2k
female!reader x robert fischer (inception)
requested by: my dumbass
author’s notes and additional notes: because i recently watched oppenheimer when it premiered and since then, cillian murphy has a chokehold on me that proceeded with me watching the batman trilogy and inception just for him (screaming, crying, moaning). Also, seeing and reading everything i can find that has robert fischer on tumblr, they all inspired me to write something for him too! So, for the first time in a while, i’m back to writing/posting something here and making a story that does not include following the plot of a movie (i realize i tend to do that a lot—which halters me to write in general because i have to follow the movie/tv show. Exhibit A is my wattpad lmao). This is also somewhat of a slow burn, so whoever isn’t interested in that, you probably wanna skip this one. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy this
masterlist !
series masterpost: coming soon !
Your metal water bottle reached the floor with a loud thud, while water splashed out of it, making its way into the cracks of the floorboards. You stopped suddenly at the sight before you, and your body froze. Every inch of you went cold and your heart felt like it was torn to shreds right in your chest at the very sight. Tears flooded your vision in an instant and free fell onto your cheeks.
The tight grasp on the front doorknob on one hand was the only thing keeping you afloat. And with one smooth motion, all sounds and voices around you muffled as you turned around and shut the door as quickly as you opened it. Slumping onto your front porch, your gaze found itself stuck onto the floor and your shoes. The rain downpoured onto you mercilessly, but you couldn't care less. Quickly tucking your legs to your chest, the cold rain mixed with your warm tears and you sobbed.
That was until a familiar voice broke through the muffled world around you and you lifted your head from your chest—seeing him.
Three subtle knocks broke Robert out of his concentration. The papers were soon turning into a big blob of printed ink and he was secretly glad that he was interrupted before going on much longer. And with those three subtle knocks, he knew who it was to always rescue him from his thoughts.
It was you, his personal assistant, Y/N L/N. you worked for the million-dollar company for a few years now and worked your way up from secretary assistant to now the highest position in your field—as Robert Fischer’s personal assistant. Your skills were very impressive, even for someone as young as your age who can juggle dates, organize events and handle tasks; even when things piled up and got overwhelming. It was show-stopping really, as your skills made your role almost to the highest position. Robert was beyond impressed, and with countless late nights spent in his office working on endless papers and contracts, he was glad to have someone like you by his side.
Since you started working for Robert, he has been pining on you since you started but he knew it would be near-impossible and also very unprofessional. With his father and the company taking over every part of his life, he wished just once that someone up in the clouds could throw him a bone and not have Fischer-Morrow take whatever personal happiness he had left. Of course, that was never an option, so he opted to keep everything strictly professional and hidden. But those late nights of sneaking glances at the way your brows furrowed in concentration while reading, or the way you twirled the pen between your fingers while reading documents, or the way your lashes perfectly framed your beautiful eyes, Robert took what he got. Even if it was just spending time with you while his heart yearned for more.
“Come in.” He said softly, leaning back into his leather chair as you stepped in ever so gracefully. My god, did he think you were beautiful. “Mr. Fischer, I brought these for you.” You said leaning over and handing Robert a folder with important documents. Your voice was music to his ears and you were the only thing that could make him smile on these long days at work. A small smile brushed his lips as he took the folder from you. “Thank you, Y/N.” you returned with a grateful smile as you returned to your calendar in your hands. “Also, please don’t forget your meeting with your uncle in an hour. He wants to discuss the future of the company but has been booked up until the evening. So you only have an hour with him, unfortunately.”
Your eyes were downcast at the mention of his father and Robert’s smile dropped. Every mention of “the future of the company” really meant what happens after his father’s passing. He looked back up at you and gave a sad smile. “Thank you for reminding me, Y/N.” You gave another polite nod before turning around to exit. “Wait.” You turned around at Robert’s voice and looked at him with wide doe eyes. “Yes, Mr. Fischer?” Robert felt a small brush of heat dust his cheeks as he looked over at you. “Will you be there?” He swallowed; his voice now a softer tone than when you came in. “No.” You said and Robert could feel his embarrassment rise. “But I can be.” You offered with a reassuring smile to your boss. His shoulders dropped and he let out a small chuckle and sigh to release any worries he had in that very moment. “Thank you.” “Of course.” And with that, you turned around and exited his office.
There was always an unspoken friendship between the two of you. It was always kept clean and professional, but nowadays after the countdown started for his father, you realized just how much he needed you. Not only were you his personal assistant, but his friend. A real friend and a real connection he had both inside and outside of work. Not everything was about work, and hell, you both knew a fair bit of each other beyond Fischer-Morrow. Staying late with him in his office completing countless documents, agreements and booking meetings slipped through pockets of Robert’s personal life. Mostly during coffee breaks. You learned about him and how he grew up as the countdown continued.
You could tell that he leaned on you for support through these hard times. You knew the way the way his hands fidgeted when he was anxious or nervous during a meeting, or when his jaw clenched when people mentioned his father’s health state. You knew that look and the bob of his adam’s apple when he was in deep thought and could do nothing but swallow his worry. Every small detail about his habits you caught on and it comforted him to know that he has someone like you looking out for him, while in the workforce, he was looking after everything else.
Truth be told, you were glad that Robert was those bosses with humanity and feeling left in them. He treated you like a friend, not a subordinate below him and often showed you kindness and compassion through his professional facade. Although you don’t disclose many details, he also took note of things you liked and didn’t, and even made a promise to always make up your over-time at the company with him. Either by getting a coffee and snack for you the next morning or paying for you during lunch while out with another man for another boring meeting. It was the least he could do.
Along with your friendship with him, you started to yearn for another life—another life with him in it, and you can feel yourself starting to develop feelings for him. But you pushed it away because of how unprofessional it is, and your home life.
Work and seeing Robert was your only escape from paradise from a rather upsetting personal life. As the home you came back to wasn’t a home at all. It was a persistent struggle with a man you know who is starting to no longer love you. You have your suspicions, but it was a turbulent relationship that made you question whether he even loved you or not. Night after night you were met with something empty, or angry, or a switch of a teasing nobody. It was pathetic really. You knew it was a situation that could turn ugly real bad after a few glasses that shattered to the wall behind you, and you were ready in a fleeting moment to run off to a hotel for a few nights while you find another house for yourself.
That’s why you chose to spend your nights late at the company, with someone who doesn’t—no; who would never treat you the same as he did. You chose to spend your late nights escaping from your home with Robert, and you were so thankful.
The meeting with Robert and Peter finally came by, and you accompanied Robert as you both headed to the restaurant that Peter had chosen. Robert opened the car door for you and you nodded as you slipped in, Robert following closely behind.
Shutting the car behind him, the drive began. Opening your organizer, the ride had gotten a bit bumpy, considering the endless construction in the city, a few loose papers and notes had fallen on the floor of the car. They scattered to even Robert’s side of the car and he immediately helped you pick up the loose notes. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Fischer.” You swiftly repeated. He was able to collect most of the notes quicker than you did as you shoved your organizer to the empty seat between the two of you. As you were about the reach for the last loose note, Robert’s fingers took it in his own. “Don’t apologize. It’s okay.” He softly said, sitting upright on the seat and handing the note to you. His hands brushed against yours and he quickly noticed the slight purple bruising on your hands and knuckles. His face turned to worry as he reached for your hand with a gentle touch. A flash of a fight with your boyfriend a few nights back reminded you of your bruised knuckles as you quickly took the note from his hands; giving him an apologetic smile and retreating your hands behind your organizer.
“Thank you, Mr. Fischer.” You took the rest of the notes collected on your lap and organized them accordingly. “Is everything alright at home Y/N?” The car was coming to a slow stop and they were slowly pulling into the entrance of the restaurant. You looked down and gathered the notes back where they once were and cleared your throat. Looking up at Robert, you gave a small, but false smile in his direction. “Yeah. Everything is fine.” You looked down at your lap once more, avoiding his concerned gaze. His eyes linger on you a little bit longer, his hand slowly reaching your wrist once more. The valet opened the door on Robert’s side, greeting the both of you and stepping aside for the both of you to get out of the car.
You followed Robert as he walked into the restaurant. But instead of walking behind him like you usually do, he lightly guides you with his hand ghosting your waist beside him. His hands make it back to his sides and he flashes you a small comforting smile as you both are led by the waitress to Peter on the rooftop area of the restaurant.
Peter puts down his glass and papers on the table after he sees his godchild at the doorway and smiles at their arrival. Robert looks at you for a swift moment, for some semblance of comfort and you return one, just as he has done so for you in the car.
The two of you approached Peter as he shook your hand first, before putting a comforting hand on his godchild’s shoulder as he led him down to his seat. Robert takes a glance behind him, checking on your presence as you take a seat behind him. Whether it was for himself or your sake, it was needed for the both of you.
The meeting had gone on as expected. The two men talk about the what are the next steps for the company, and although hard for Robert, he continues; seemingly empty or uninterested in it all. You notice this immediately, as the notes you write down quickly are all from Peter than your boss himself. You look up to see the two now get into a deeper conversation, and it's not about the business anymore.
“The clock is ticking Robert. We have to think of the future now.” “I know Uncle Peter, but—” Peter puts a hand on Robert’s shoulders. “I know it’s hard son, believe me, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But this is what we have to do.” Robert looks up at him once then back down to the documents in front of him on the table. He lets out a defeated sigh and sits back in his chair. “Alright.”
The night had rolled around and everyone slowly had retired for the day and you had finished your tasks. Rising from your chair, you packed all your things and turned off your desk lamp, walking towards the elevator of the large building.
The elevator opens and you walk inside, about to press the ground floor when you instinctively stop and glance at the fifth floor, where Robert’s office was. Thinking he probably left, it wouldn’t hurt to check just in case, right? Quickly glancing at your watch, you decided it would only take a few minutes, and let your finger press the delicate button. It lights up, and you ascend.
The doors let you go with a ding and they close. Stepping onto the main waiting area, you walked through the floor; through the waiting and meeting rooms and to a hall—the path led by shiny wooden floors. You make your way to the end of the hallway to the door of Robert’s office. His name is in bold, black letters embossed on a golden plaque.
You take a breath and lean closer to the door, the three soft knocks that announce your presence.
hope you guys love the first instalment! if you wish to be added to a taglist (i might be starting) please let me know in the comments! :3
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! series masterpost !
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip:
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope):
Court Jester (seducing the king):
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist.
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suckingsugu · 10 months
Oh please, can I request the first time s/o rubs her nose against tecchou’s nose?
You don’t have an idea how I love tecchou’s fluff, like, everyone agrees he’s the most affectionate guy😭how I love my baby
AAHFSHSHSVSV I LOVE TECCHOU SM THIS IS SO CUTE. i had a pretty bad mental health week recently so i’m sorry for not finishing this earlier!!
nose to nose–
tecchou suehiro x gn! reader
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a/n – this ask was too cute and i actually sobbed bc i love tecchou more than words can describe 🫶🏼
content – tecchou fluff, fem! reader, really just cute relationship type stuff, tecchou calls reader ‘sweetheart’ and ‘ my love ’ ,added backstory for absolutely no reason,i think that’s it! lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis – cute lil nose bumps with tecchou :)
when tecchou had first met you, he didn’t understand why his stomach felt so queasy. was it the soy sauce he’d put in his coffee? no. it couldn’t be that– he’d drank it many times before, so what was different about today?
you–a new addition to the hunting dogs– you were the only new thing about today. his daily rituals of working out during meetings, going on his own little adventures after getting a mission done a little too quickly; all of that would now be thrown off balance because you were here.
this feeling in his stomach would go away sooner or later
or– that’s what he’d thought.
even then; two months after you’d arrived into their little group of strangely strong super freaks, the weird queasiness never subsided within tecchous stomach.
the way you smiled at jouno made his stomach churn in a way that could only be described as anger, but why would he get upset over two of his coworkers just chatting? he wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, so he went to the one member of the hunting dogs who hadn’t been so wrapped up in their space; tachihara.
tecchou went up to the fake ginger and asked him simply about why his stomach burned every time you were around him, yet it also burned with anger when you talked to anyone that wasn’t him.
“i dunno man, sounds like you like her to me-”the other male shrugged. which led to tecchou realizing that he did, in fact, like you.
and that’s what led to now, three months after tecchou had so bravely walked up to you the same day he’d found out that he actually liked you and asked you for “the honor of being his girlfriend” and who were you to tell the (arguably) cutest hunting dog no?
the two of you were sat on your couch, watching another stupid movie that tecchou had picked out. he refused to watch any high tense hostage or action movies; insisting that he “hated people getting tortured for no reason”
you’d been staring at your boyfriend for the past two minutes, trying to telepathically tell him that you absolutely did not want to watch this movie anymore, but he obviously couldn’t get your wavelengths.
the male kept shoving his face full of his buttered popcorn mixed with mustard– something that had his breath smelling disgusting and you avoiding every kiss he’d tried giving you.
“ ‘hiroooo ” you whined out towards your boyfriend, which made him finally turn his attention towards you, popcorn crumbs and mustard stained over his mouth and somehow even on his nose. you could never understand how your boyfriend got so messy while eating; it was a true mystery.
“ yes, my love? ” he’d chirped out, titling his hair so his fluffy hair that you could play with for hours upon hours. “can we change it? this is so boring!”you sighed, leaning closer to him, trying to take the remote that was placed on his lap.
“but i like this–”the males words stopped short when you got closer to him. try as he might, tecchou suehiro was the type of man to basically malfunction whenever you got closer to him. his hands found their way to your waist, moving the remote off his lap, causing you to let out a groan. you were so close and of course your puppy of a boyfriend couldn’t realize what you were doing!
the male moved you onto his lap with a ease, looking up at you as you stared down at him,“ you’re so pretty, y/n.”he leaned up, going to kiss you. and even though you loved your boyfriend, you weren’t going to kiss his popcorn and mustard filled mouth.
you slightly turned, shaking your head before putting your forehead on his, rubbing your nose against his. and let me tell you, tecchou was gobsmacked.
he looked up at you with a small frown, still staying close to you,“my love, do you not want to kiss me?” he asked as you let out a laugh. “you’re breath stinks, ‘hiro. ”
tecchou was never the type to complain, so he’d take the smallest of nose rubs from you, even if it confused him for the first six seconds it had happened.
“ if i go brush my teeth, can i kiss you?” he asked softly
you never did end up getting that remote.
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the ending kinda sucked, i’m sorry! but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, thank you!!
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hearted-anon · 2 months
Hello, I know you had like a lot of lee!changbin fics but I think you could create like a lee!Minho and ler!bangchan. Maybe Lee know could get a lee mood that progressively gets worse. And then goes to chan and like acts bratty to get like a punishment. I don't know honestly. I've never written so idk how hard it is. Good luck.
Here kitty kitty~
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Words: 2k Note: AHH my first inbox! Sorry this took so long.. and lee know always looks so done with Chan.. cuties T/w: Use of tools, restraints, begging Lee: know Ler: Channie
Lee Know absolutely hated this feeling. The feeling of butterflies swarming his tummy, the way he would stamp his feet and giggle like a female high-schooler in those retro movies when he watched clips of him being tickled, seeing his bright smile that he was always quick to hide, he hated it.
And to say he absolutely despised lee moods were an understatement.
It started off as a weird tingling feeling on his body, not enough to hinder his performance but enough to make itself known. Then it progressively made its way basically everywhere, including his soul. It was tearing him apart, mentally and physically, jumping at every small touch his members would give, and scowling right after before storming off.
Worried the members tried their very best to reach out to no avail, only earning very harsh words that spewed from the bunny's mouth, telling them that it wasn't their business. It wasn't, but concerned frowns were all over their faces as Lee Know grew more secluded and solemn, as if he had made a cat den in his room at that point.
He scoured through the internet in his best attempts to find what kept him so flustered and so up at night, tired of ignoring his members as he didn't want to be so open about this weird new experience, and his eyes finally landed on exactly what he wanted. His heart dropped and his eyes widened, refreshing the page over and over again to clear his doubts as the words stared right back at him.
A lee mood..? Wanting to be tickled? That was ridiculous!
His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking on his door, making him groan to his absolute dismay. Flinging open the door in his frustration, he was met with none other than Chan, who wore concern as if it was his clothing around him, a bag of something in his hands. He looked him up and done as if a judge, before letting the leader inside with no questions asked. The kangaroo gave a small but warm smile, melting the bunny's interior in less than a second.
"What's wrong? You've been quite moody recently..." The older started off hesitantly, waddling towards the dancer to cuddle him when he noticed that Minho curled towards himself in bed with a very obvious pout. The younger let out a shriek of surprise, only heightening his mood more as an more obvious flush than his pout made its way to his face.
When the bunny didn't respond, Chan only spiralled deeper into worry, searching his bag to pull out what looked like a cat toy. It had a feather attached at the end, making Minho wonder in confusion, and more of the other one where it made his mind turn to mush.
"I heard this is good for gentle therapy, or something, but please?" The oldest pleaded with what could be considered the cutest little puppy face Lee Know had ever seen, making him babble in protest before ultimately giving in, by that it meant lasting for ten seconds. He was too cute; and it was a terrifying weapon towards the members at times, most likely also not knowing what he was even talking about.
With consent finally in place, the younger shuddered when he felt the fluffy item run gently under his chin, making him bit his lip to hold down his giggles. He must've made quite the scene, as Chan soon enough let up when it barely hit the minute mark, staring at the dancer's cheeks in mischievousness that bloomed behind his worried expression.
"Lee Minho, does it perhaps...tickle to you?" Chan chuckled lowly, the Australian accent prominent through his soft laughter as his fingers that once wrapped the younger in a comforting embrace curled into his side, the other hand toying with the feather item right in front of his eyes. The oldest finally caught the gist of what was happening, and was going to finally lure the cat out of its den.
"S-Shut up, old man." Minho internally cursed himself for stammering, squeaking when he felt fingers press into his side. He curled himself into the leader, wanting to crawl back into his den after just gaining a sliver of hope dangled above him that his stupid mood would finally be solved. But when it was someone that teasing, someone who was going to do this to him? He would rather dig his own grave.
"Nah ah~ Not how you talk to your elders, and I think you need a little lesson, hm?" Chan tutted at the dancer's predicament, giggling along with him when he noticed the flustered smile plastered on his face when he brought the toy closer. Of course he never touched the dancer, he wanted him to beg, beg for his reward that wasn't going to come unfairly to him.
"That's why you're so old." The cat hissed, his scowl returning to hide the swarms of butterflies that made his tummy feel like he was going to ascend. The leader might've been his only hyung, but he was really going to risk it all before admitting that he wanted to be tickled silly. Unfortunately or fortunately, Chan took it as his last straw, pinning the bunny's wrists high above his head and tying it down with his belt, the leather surface against his wrists so it wouldn't hurt.
The cat, now forced to leave its shelter had his eyes widened, crumbling before Bangchan's eyes while his knees were turning to jelly. He tugged and pulled at the belt that restrained his arm, finally realising the consequences of his bratty behaviour. No matter to Chan, he was going to make him pay with laughter soon enough. The younger squealed again when the same cat toy made its comeback down his arms, curse himself for wearing a tank top today in courtesy of his mood.
He clamped down his lips hard enough to bleed, whimpering when the feather went a little bit too close to his armpit before trailing back up, shaking his head in the light, ticklish torture that he was forced to endure.
"Here kitty kitty~ Are you going to tell me what you want?" The older cooed sweetly, earning a not so very nice snap of insults through held back giggles from the dancer. The leader heaved a disappointed sigh, when would Minho realise that it wasn't wrong to feel this way? It'll be fine, he'll ensure that that's the only thing he'll remember by the end of this.
"ARGH! Hyuhuhung stop it!" Minho shrieked when his other arm was tortured with Chan's nails, manicured to perfection that trailed down his smooth skin slowly and delicately, making it tickle much more than it should've. Out came no response, only the soft trailing of the feather and his nails that always went to dip near his armpits just to leave. Eventually the older got bored, although the younger was practically writhing in agony of anticipation, he wanted more.
Lifting up the dancer's shirt, the trailed the toy around his belly button, his nails now drawing tiny hearts around the area with a knowing smirk on his face, awaiting the crack he was wanting the dancer to finally have.
"NO! P-Plehehease not this!" Minho begs, just wanting the stupid toy to finally dip into his navel, but nothing happened, and neither did Chan say anything. He just continued lazily tracing around his navel, leaving Lee Know to suffer in the anticipation that he brought upon himself.
"Fine! I'll beheheg! T...Tickle mehehe!" He finally caves, unable to take the gentle tracing anymore when they neared too close to his ribs, then down to his hips, then around his sides, but all of it was futile when his hands refused to move anywhere near the certain area, only focusing back onto his stomach eventually.
"The cat finally comes out of its den, how cute~" Chan taunts relentlessly, before putting the cat toy aside to rummage through his bag again. He came out with what looked like a hair brush, with the softest bristles ever. Minho gulped, he was so dead, he hoped his members had prepared his coffin in advance as the brush hovered over his tummy.
"I was going to brush your hair with this, but maybe I could give that stomach a cute little hairdo!" Obviously he was joking, it'd be another world if his tummy could grow hair. Lee Know shook his head, stamping his feet onto the bed as if it would save him from the leader's fingers. He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing in advance for the brush to finally torture his waist.
However, he was met with his throat tearing out a squeal when he felt lips attach to his stomach, blowing a long and loud raspberry onto it. There was no sign of the brush, only those torturous nails scribbling gently all over his bare armpits that drove him up the wall. How dare Chan trick the cat? What a bad person Minho thought, well through his cackles.
"GAHAHAH! NOHOHO!" He squealed out, pulling at his arms that didn't want to come down with the belt holding them up, his face starting to heat up if it wasn't red enough already. Again, silence, but only because the leader was busy with giving all the raspberries to that tummy, his hands switching to kneading right into the middle of his armpits, making Minho shriek and cackle with laughter that bounced off the walls.
"PLEHEHEHEASE! MERCY!" He pleads to no avail, only earning a low giggle that vibrated against his stomach, only tickling him more. He babbles for mercy when everything suddenly stops, only for the older to pull down his pants slightly to reveal his v-line that was staring back at Chan hungrily. Well maybe that brush wasn't going to be used, but he was dead.
"Minho, I'm hungry, would you care to make me food?" Chan asks mischievously, giving a chance for the younger to breathe, which he was grateful for as he sucked in as much air as he could.
"Y-Yes! Anything you want, just pleAHAHAHA HYUHUHUNG!" The moment the bunny nodded, thinking he would be finally let off the hook Chan went right for the exposed sliver of skin, nibbling and giving raspberries as rough as he could, his fingers kneading and vibrating into his inner thighs.
He was sent into another bout of loud hysterics, he felt so content, so overwhelmed but happy with the electrifying sensations that coursed through his body, digging his heels into the bed from the intense torture as he thrashed around in his grip. Arching his back, he couldn't do anything but that, crashing back into the bed soon after.
"Nah ah ah~ You wanted this, where do you think you're going?" The leader smiles innocently, as if he's not tearing the cat into pieces in this very moment. Silent laughter made his way down the dancer's cheeks, shaking his head as he felt like he was going to ascend, trying to close his legs shut together to no avail when the fingers didn't let up.
Tears soaked the pillow case, he had no idea how long it had been succumbing to the torture before he was let up, trembling in exhaustion and totally not with a side of happiness. His arms were released, but it felt like he was paralysed, every muscle in his body was not cooperating with him right now. He couldn't feel his legs, nor his arms, just take his whole body as a living lump that he couldn't feel anything anymore. What he could feel was a certain pair of arms embracing him though, pulling him in for a real cuddle this time.
"You're so....bahahad." Minho grumbled, pouting when the giggles wouldn't stop getting the best of him. Chan simply smiled, melting the dancer's heart when those eyes crinkled and his dimple showed through, making him forgive the leader in an instant. He felt his eyes droop when the brush that never got its chance to shine went through his hair, feeling his heart finally lift from its chains of being embarrassed.
Maybe next time he wouldn't be so embarrassed, as Chan pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
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ave09 · 1 year
wake up
indiana jones x wife!reader
note: the chokehold this man has on me. i watched all of the movies recently for the first time and i’m obsessed. and i’m also going through lots of personal issues and what better way to escape then to write about my new comfort character? and i will most likely write a whole heck of a lot more about my main man indy, also; this is set during temple of doom.
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anxiety clawed at you.
this couldn’t be happening. it just couldn’t. 
the thugees had stripped you of everything. they’d taken away your freedom, the boy who was like a son to you, and your husband. 
your indy. 
this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. you, indiana, and short round were to go on this adventure, retrieve the sankara stone, and return to shang hai. 
and yet here you were, about to be sacrificed to a god who went by the name of kali. 
clad in a white gown, you were wheeled off, where your untimely death would await.
imagine your surprise when you spotted your husband, standing tall alongside the thugees. your eyes widened at the sight. 
indiana’s shirt had been removed, his back littered with wounds, no doubt from a lashing. but instead of his normal self, where he always seemed to have something up his sleeve, he seemed calm.
too calm.
what had they done to him?
“indy!” you shouted. at any sign of his wife’s distress, he’d have leapt into action immediately, taking out anyone who got in his way. 
but he did nothing. absolutely nothing. 
“indiana!” you were silenced by a deadly glare sent by mola ram. he was quite the scary man, and you wished to delay your death for as long as possible. the evil
man then gestured to indiana, a grin upon his face.
you froze, panic taking over.
you watched in horror as your husband obeyed, moving towards you, almost lifelessly. “indiana..” he didn’t acknowledge you, but he now stood before you, mindlessly chanting as he made sure the chains wrapped around your wrists were secure.
“indiana, wake up. wake up!” you begged, trying to keep the tears from spilling. you felt so helpless, you should be trying to save him, not be tied up. 
“look at me, i am your wife. your wife! i need you to wake up now!” 
and yet there was no emotion, absolutely nothing. 
“indiana! please! indy! henry! junior!” you tried everything, anything to get him to respond but to no avail.
you couldn’t help the tears that slid down your cheeks. “please.. wake up.” the man before you lifted a large hand, placing it upon the side of your face. you felt a calloused thumb caress the tears away, and for a moment you wondered if he was somehow still there. 
his hand became slack, falling to his side. he then moved away and rejoined the thugees. 
panic seized you as you felt the care you were trapped in began to rise. “no! no no, please!” but it was too late.
it had begun.
you were suspended in the air, facing the floor as it opened, revealing a pit of lava. this was it. you were really going to die. you’d had so many close calls in the past, but never had you thought of this being the way you went out. 
“oh God, please forgive me.” you muttered, the heat of the lava burning your skin the lower you sank. “watch over shorty, let him live.” you pleaded, squeezing your eyes shut.
but then suddenly, you stopped. you only assumed that something had happened up top. the only sound you could hear was the loud crackling of the fire below. 
you could only hope that something good was happening up there.
it felt like ages had passed before you started to rise. a wave of relief washed over you. it wasn’t long before you were out, never feeling more relieved in your life. you glanced at indiana, who was waiting, short round beside him. 
“indy? is it really you?” you asked as the man quickly unchained you, not hesitating to pull you into a tight embrace, “it’s me.” he whispered breathlessly, pecking your cheek lightly before placing a kiss to your lips, “don’t ever call me junior again.” he scolded before turning to shorty, “thanks for everything kid.” 
of course it was shorty who had saved indiana. “your welcome dr. jones. i had to save you or the missus would be very upset.” 
“damn right, shorty.” you replied with a grin. “now, as much i love reunions, we gotta get out of here, all of us.” indiana said. you nodded in agreement as your husband placed shorty’s hat upon his head, “let’s go dr. jones and missus!”
and off you all went, determined to escape this temple of doom. 
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