#so ur not selling ur work but u get donations of it
gojos-nightmare-box · 2 years
Ya the one thing they got right was you don't want to make an enemy of out of me bc I'm not fucking stupid. But fortunately for u I don't engage in drama. I care about my image. I know what artist on artist beef ends up in. Everyone's a clown and it's a circus. I'm pissed they dragged me as far as I went tonight. I'm pissed i let myself be dragged. But it happened. And it's absolutely hilarious to me the change in tone between their dms to me and their public address. It's absolutely adorable like a dog with their tail between their legs and they know it. They know i did them a solid both getting them that "credit" they so dearly wanted. And they know i did them a solid not posting our dms. Ur pissed i revived ur post? You can't see that nobody gives af that ur artwork is a guassian blur?? A slander? A slander really?
It's absolutely hilarious finding out afterwards they had a kofi and made a chunk of change off it. Oof i wonder if people donated to it bc of ur bubbly personality but i kind of think it might be.....ur traced artwork. Bye.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
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hi everyone!! my name is syd and im a bi, nonbinary, disabled, neurodivergent medical student!! ive just finished my first year of medical school and im very excited to start my second in july, but surviving until then is presenting a small challenge. i dont get my fall semester loan money until the end of july and im running low on funds for groceries, rent, and the five prescription meds im on. im moving at the beginning of june and will have to pay fees for both my new place and the place im moving out of due to the timing.
please consider donating to me so that i can continue feeding, housing, and medicating myself until the end of july. ive worked for my entire life to get to medical school and i want to be able to continue down this path.
paypal is here, please DM for venmo or cashapp.
if u would like something in return, i can help with college/grad school applications, tutoring for a variety of subjects, essay writing, editing, or even fact check the medical accuracy of ur own writing. ill also sell pictures. if theres anything else u would want in return, just let me know!! please share and reblog!! thank u so much 💕
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suzukiblu · 2 months
bestie im sending this message bc im concerned for you! in regards to the crowfunding fic i mean,, and the ao3 rules. i hope you get all the money you need bc u deserve it!! but im unsure if ao3 allows you to do what you’re doing? and i dont want you to get in any trouble w ur account etc etc. like i know you cant have any link to any sort of donations or even allude to getting paid on the fic proper. but i dont think ive ever seen a crowfunding fic or any similar situation... have you researched the ao3 rules? maybe you can post the chapters here on tumblr or on patreon and then when it’s finished / the crowfunding is done you can post it all on ao3? i really dont know orz
Thank you, but I just don't talk about that kind of thing on AO3, obviously, and I'm technically trying to classify this goal-funding less as "commissioned writing" and more as "thank-you gifts for donations" anyway, since a) it IS being done through a donation platform and b) it's not like I'm writing custom pieces to order, I'm just doing more work on a story I came up with myself. But I HAVE done custom commissions and crowdfunded fic before, and either way the line there is thin enough that it might as well be gossamer.
Basically, I figure as long as I'm not asking for money through AO3 or specifically posting there ONLY to try to earn money somehow--and at this point, most of my fics I start posting on Tumblr and only put up on A03 later anyway, and I just about never post art there--it's ethically fine to me, and legally shouldn't present a problem that AO3 would have to deal with. Like, what I'm doing off their site is not something I'm involving them in or shoving in their faces, I'm just using them as an archive as god and the internet intended.
YMMV, but frankly it's kinda silly to me that fanart and even sometimes fancomics are considered "okay" to get paid for to the point that both mainstream and small-time artists can sell prints publicly and post fanart commissions on any site they like without worrying about it, but getting paid for fic is somehow the work of the devil? So I'm not gonna go around throwing the existence of fanfic commissions in AO3's face, but I do consider them to be as ethical as fanart commissions are and don't tend to worry about doing them past avoiding doing anything I think might make trouble for other people.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
I keep regurgitating my OC in your askbox but you must know that Ansi is a liar, a swindler, and a thief (because it's fun pulling on over on the rich). She is actively swindling all of her coworkers out of their money via phishing emails or just giving a sob story to those who are particularly generous with their funds. (Don't feel bad they're all selfish, entitled, and egotistical. The Alchemax of her world is mostly just rich people who think that they understand science kinda like someone we know irl cougheloncough. They have too much time on their hands and too many friends in power. Ethics laws are pretty much meaningless. They only give her money to make themselves look better. They make a big stink about how they're making a change for their community and blah blah blah. Anyways.) If she doesn't need the cash she'll most likely donate it.
What's really funny is that she attempted to do the same as soon as she arrived at HQ. Much to Miguel's dismay. She got some of the spiders who live in an older dimension. Unfortunately after a while Lyla had to teach them about internet safety.
Ansi ended up scoping the place out to see what she could steal to sell for parts back in her home world since her scams were no longer effective. However she was so mesmerized by all of the tech there that she ended up keeping most of her stolen goods for herself to tinker with. Her and Hobie usually find themselves in the same areas snatching stuff and exchanging potential ideas for what to do with the parts. Disco has caught them a number of times with their pockets stuffed to the brim sounding like they got pockets full of loose change before they just pop back into their respective dimensions.
(Who am I kidding Hobie probably stays and denies everything when asked. Ansi is too tired to lie from lugging her loot around so she just goes straight home.)
It would turn into like a whole operation cause game recognize game!!!! Disco would respect Ansi so much cause black spider-women gotta stick together and she lets Ansi get away with anything, sets aside parts for her cause she's like 'hell yeah fuck miguel he doesn't need it'
but with Hobie she's the OPPOSITE.
Ansi's like 'yeah Discos cool with it ur fine' then one day she catches him and he's thinking 'oh it's the groupie girl i wink and im outta here'
until Disco is like
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"Is that Hobie Brown??? Is HOBIE BROWN over here STEALING???? That's crazy!"
Because Disco runs game in her own way and up until that very moment she was playing the airhead groupie card
Hobies like "????Surely ur taking the piss"
And she's like "You know what'd be crazy?? Me not having to pay cover at your show this weekend, rightttt? You know what'd be even crazier..me being VIP, rigghhttt?
cause for the first couple weeks of knowing her she let him get away with the wink and flirt thing cause she thought it was funny. but she works in a nightclub back home and she's NOT about to play that
Disco was raised by the Panthers so she knows how to collect and trade information like an informat. So she trades info and other stuff around HQ ALL the time.
She's the plug for anything - if you wanna hack ur watch she dont know how to do it but she knows someone he does, if u need to get into lylas systems for any reason she wont do that but she knows someone who will
but she doesnt accept cash cause she doesn't need it and she doesn't 'get into no mess'
(And this may sound unhinged but this is my favorite one jgkbdknbg)
My main HC is that the first time she does it to get into a show free but the next time she asks for his guitar pick cause she just wants it
she starts wearing it (which Jess HATES) but suddenly she realizes theres a couple girlies on campus telling her they'd do anything for one of Hobie's picks and then suddenly she's asking him for more
She starts giving groupies picks and getting information from every department and then like two weeks later the hobie brown fanclub is just a full on info network
Working with Jess and the club she collects all the underground info and shares the information with Hobie ON THE CONDITION that the club gets free entry into shows and he keeps giving her goddamn guitar picks
He'd try to get around it and be like "Diane, love - you're looking fit today :)) about that meeting with Jess and Miguel you were in-"
and she's just like "uh-huh-
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"Where's the pick? And don't say you ain't got it on you, I know you do." Cause one thing about Diane is you ain't playing her. And Hobie goes along with it because 1) Disco is actually really trustworthy, 2) it's damn good info about the society, and 3) he thinks it REALLY funny to see people walking around campus trading and collecting his picks for the sole fact it pisses Miguel off SO MUCH.
Suddenly people are talking in meetings and whispering about guitar picks and trying to get their hands on rare, unique ones cause Hobie etches his logo into every one
and one day Ansi's hanging with Hobie and Disco comes up to him and is like 'Pick, please'. And Ansi watches as he hands it over and she's like "?????? What's happening here"
I have to PHYSICALLY STOP MYSELF HERE I CAN GO ON AND ON IM SORRY THIS IS SOOOOO LONG BUT PLEASE!!! I love this please send more!! I love hearing about Ansi and Hobie and causing havok and an underground rebellion in the Society!!! And sorry I got so carried away I just love this idea, you can send any you have, I'm down! They would all get along so well lol
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slothgiirl · 1 year
the trashpile: dympna devers
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reader runs into dymphna while picking up some groceries. is cleaning out her dead alcoholic fathers place (who probs did drugs too,,mb?). she gets annoyed and snaps at him and he thinks its hot bc everyone else just does what he wants them too
reader takes a walk pretty late because shes sad that her dad died and even tho they had no relationship its like now theres no way he’ll get better and be a dad, hes just gone. dymphna pulls up in his car, tells her to get in, he’ll drive her back. she doesnt want to. he gets out of the car, leaving it running and talks her into taking a ride with her. (he was trying to be friendly in his own obnoxious grandiose way) they end up parking and drinking together and then they fuck. he complains shes prissy bc uni. reader comments uni is just fucking and going to class for exams. “maybe i shouldve gone to uni then?”
reader starts taking her dads stuff to donation centers. breaks apart the table and tries to figure out if she should just leave it on the curb or take it all the way there. takes a break outside, trying to work through the complicated emotions she has over his death. dymphna spots her and is like i can call arm to help u and shes all like oh why dont u just help urself, thinking hes sort of spoiled in the same way the posh girls at her boarding school were even though hes a pretty trashy wanna be gangster. hes all “id help with the right incentive” she tells him to fuck off but ends up blowing him (and getting him to help).
dymphna takes reader to bar. they play pool and he messes with her. reader notices ppl r looking at her and the way they treat him and she wasnt born yesterday like she knows what it means to be a devers but idk shes into his confident aggression. they have drinks and dymphna ditches arm to go fuck the reader back at his. readers like um dont ditch ur friend? but lets it go quick. wakes up alone and his sisters r like “u came out of nowhere” being bitchy and sussing reader out
reader runs into arm and his family. is not surprised his son is on the spectrum and offers to have her mom write a letter of recommendation so she can get the job at the school in Cork. “ur dymphna’s woman.” “hardly, think i'd remember agreeing to that” 
dymphna shows up at her house late at night and makes a fuss until she opens up. they fuck and he learns she handles customer complaints for some websites (compsci major) reader tries to make appointment to sell house but ends up delaying (still mourning her loss). dymphna takes her out for breakfast. 
reader wakes up at his house. this time dymphna is there and reader complains about the mold in the bathroom. they all give her shit for it and dymphna tells arm to figure that out but readers all no dont- charlie asks if its true she went to uni and reader says yeah, it was a bitch but i finished as dymphna pulls her onto his lap to watch tv. she means to get up and leave but feels comfortable and realizes she has a lot of feelings for him
theres a party at the devers and reader and charlie find a corner and nurse a beer while charlie wonders if she might go to uni. reader goes to get another drink and sees dymphna and his uncle doing coke. reader passes on the coke (not stupid). dymphna makes introductions and his uncle comments its probably best she doesnt do coke (look at ursula) reader snaps that its not anyones fault and his uncle is like uve got lip (control ur woman) and dymphna tells her to shut the fuck up yeah babe? reader gets annoyed and goes to bed (when she should just leave) 
reluctantly cleans the bathroom bc fuck shes not using anything when she can see mold and grime built up (scale i think its called on tile?). complains to dymphna that hes a big fish small pond but still takes his uncles shit and dymphna yells at her getting pissed off that she doesnt understand how business is done. throw things at each other and fuck. after he talks about family and stuff (heavy implication he wants her to be his wife) ill take care of u. reader: i make 80k i dont need anyone
theres some party where ppl get pissed drunk. reader doesnt like dymphna getting high and drunk. it reminds her of her father only her dad got comatose and dymphna gets short tempered and somehow even more wild. charlie and reader hide out in her room. charlie mentions sooner or later he’ll come looking for her and readers like ill kick his arse. charlie laughs and asks if reader will help her with her schoolwork. totally. charlie: i thought u were leaving tho reader: idk anymore. finnigan stumbles in and reader tells charlie to go and throws a bottle at the man but misses. he pins her down on the bed but she manages to grab the lamp and smash it on his head. reader is shaking when dymphna comes in to see what the fuck is going on. reader is like “help me take care of this” he agrees. (shes way more hardcore and cool than he is)
reader has arm and dymphna make it look like finnigan was drunk and drove himself off a cliff. arm drives them back into town. dymphna holds reader close. “we take care of each other” “yeah” 
notes: charlie goes to uni and breaks the cycle. reader and dymphna have their weird toxic codependent relationship and reader eventually takes over the family business
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ftm-helper · 1 year
tips for dealing w dysphoria!!
this might not help everyone, but these are some tips n tricks that have helped me w dysphoria! 1. clothes!! if u can't get gender affirming clothes, try ur best to get gender neutral clothes!! if you're ftm like me, i suggest wearing your trousers quite low, even if they're not designed to be low waisted, it helps hide any hip curves!! n baggy shirts help me too, to hide anything my binder doesnt. i go to a support group for trans kids, and they have a free clothes rack, you can donate clothes or take clothes and they won't tell ur family or anything. even charity shops/thrift stores are good! if you dont like the clothes there or can't afford them, dont be afraid to ask your friends! the worst thing they can do is say no, unless you're not out to them
2. binding/tucking/packing,, i've found that binding and packing are some of the best ways to feel more at home in my body, but binders can be expensive, and cheap ones arent usually very good for you. i'd suggest body tape for my trans boys blessed with small chests, it doesnt really bind, but it holds things in place! u can watch tutorials on youtube but i'll link one just for u right here! the actual tutorial starts at around 1:36. https://youtu.be/Itzspq5K0z8
as for packing, you can buy an actual packer, or just use a balled up pair of socks! it might not make much difference but honestly just knowing i have that bulge has helped me a lot! i used to use socks, and it's quite easy to use, but remember they're there when you use the toilet,, ive dropped mine in countless times. i use a packer now and i love it so much, it adds the perfect bulge for me, and i wear boxers with a sort of pocket at the front to hold it in place!
when it comes to tucking i dont have any experience, but if you do a bit of research im sure you can find something!! just whatever you do....DONT USE DUCT TAPE!!!!!! that applies to all of u honestly. with stuffing a bra or something, you can buy adhesive silicone bra fillers from basically any store that sells female clothes! they'll add at least a little bit of cup size and if you have a bra, it'll make your chest look perkier and help fill it out a bit! plus once again, socks work for that! you can fold them, roll them, whatever you find works best!
3. friends!!!!!!!!! GET URSELF GOOD AND CONFIDENT FRIENDS!!! if ur out to people irl, and you get misgendered in public with friends, it can be so so uncomfortable to correct people! if you have confident friends/partners, you should ask that they correct people for you! you shouldnt have to go through any of it alone <3
more about friends !! find friends who are similar to you, but opposite! as a trans boy, i have quite a few mtf friends, and i've given my old clothes/bras etc to them, and they've given me boxers, shirts, and colognes!!
i really hope this has helped a bit!! dont stress yourself out, im here for anything you need and i'm always willing to help <3
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boag · 1 year
How exactly do you know paz de la huerta?
This is a pretty long story but I’m gonna do my best to answer ur question.
So when I was 16, I made a post on instagram in support of Paz. I knew a bit about what was going on with her, mostly about her allegations against Harvey Weinstein and how she was working on her sobriety at the time. As a fan who saw that she was struggling, I wanted to write a bit about her to get the word out and help her get the support she needed. At that time, she had a public instagram account and was selling her art and taking donations so that she could pay for lawyer fees and try to start her career back up. So I directed my followers to her account so they could help if they were compelled to. I was never expecting her to get into contact with me about that post. Her account was deleted and she couldn’t be found anywhere online. I thought about her sometimes and hoped she was doing alright, but i did not know her personally at all. On Christmas 2021, almost 2 years after I made the post, I got a message from someone claiming to be friends with Paz. She said that Paz had seen my post from back then and thought it was very sweet, and that she wanted to invite me to her Telegram group chat. I didn’t know what to think but I figured like “I might as well join, worst case scenario is it’s not her and I leave the chat.”
Once I was in the group chat, I introduced myself and Paz immediately began talking to me. Right from the jump I was like “wait I think this is actually her…” bc I had followed Paz on all her social media since I was 14 and I knew how to spot her typing style and way of speaking. I kept talking to her and the other ppl in the chat and the longer I interacted, the more sure I was that it was really her. She ended up sending a lot of recent pics of herself in that chat, pics that didn’t exist anywhere on the internet. By the time I had been in the gc for about a week, I was certain it was real. After some time passed, me and Paz and everyone else had gotten pretty close. I had learned so much more about what actually had gone down throughout Paz’s life, stuff no one in the general public knew about if they weren’t in contact with her personally. Her story goes so much deeper than Weinstein or drugs. There are people in this world who literally would rather she end up dead than make her way back into the public eye bc of what they’ve done to her and what she knows about them… rich and powerful people who have hurt her in unimaginable ways. Eventually, she shared her private instagram account’s username with me. It was top secret at the time. She didn’t want it shared with anyone. I followed her and she followed me back. It was full of pics and videos and captions that kinda filled in the blanks about what had gone on since she had “disappeared.”
Over time, the telegram group chat died out, instagram became the platform where I keep in contact with her, and slowly but surely, things have gotten better and safer for her. I never stop learning more about her and what she has overcome, and I’m so lucky to call her my friend (although she calls us her “babies” or her “angels”… she wants to create a chosen family environment for everyone who needs that sort of love.) She spends most of her time dealing with lawyers, writing her book, creating all kinds of art, reuniting with old friends and making new friends, and just living her life the way she wants to live it, instead of living it in fear and in hiding. She’s not completely ready to go public, but she is doing interviews and creative projects and letting more fans follow her. She has so much in the works right now, and a lot that she’s already put out in the world recently. I am so proud of her and so glad I answered that dm back in 2021.
Lmk if u have any more questions and I’ll try not to write a full on novel about it LOL ❤️
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menalez · 11 months
hi! i’m actually nervous to be typing this because i’m always afraid of what people think of me being in feminist spaces (weird i know), but anyway i had an online argument today in a space where i have frequented for a few years. this space has a good amount of LGBT people within, but mainly TIMs. this online space is actually one of things that made me peak as of recent.
the argument started on how one of the TIMs says a twitch stream with someone in a dog cage getting some donations, and they claimed they wanted to do it too. one person mentioned how being humiliated for pennies doesn’t seem right, and i agreed. i said maybe instead of selling your body for less, you could work at somewhere like mcds because even most OF workers only make ~$150 a month, which is barely anything. a lot of people got mad and livid. “it’s my choice. so what if i want to sell pics and stuff?!” i tried to explain why the act of selling your body for barely anything isn’t worth it (even if i didn’t want them to sell their body at all because SW is exploitation), and many got mad again. even though they were a TIM and probably wouldn’t understand where i was coming from (spoiler : they didn’t), the main thing i was trying to combat was the idea that choices are made freely with no influence, only based on the person’s (i used women actually) wants. after arguing for an hour, where people probably thought i was annoying, the argument finished. i didn’t get through that TIM and probably many of the others because i still had people making jokes about me afterwards, but i’m glad i got to say what i believed in and maybe someone was reading/lurking and will think about it some more?
i say all this to say that while i might not be a rad-fem (because i’m OSA with a male partner), i hope to combat and empower women. since i work in a school, maybe i could make some kind of club one day where it’s all about girl’s understanding what they can do and more. for now, i think i’ll read more literature.
p.s., this space is mainly males (ofc), so i felt kinda pressured to shut up, but i didn’t. a lot of them couldn’t understand my experience, so i was just “preaching” to emptiness. that’s okay with me, but it shows me even progressive men will laugh at a woman fighting to be heard.
good on u for speaking up and standing ur ground! many of those people try to use bullying and intimidation, so im not surprised they did that to you but its awesome that youre taking these opportunities to try to enact some kind of small change <3
youre right about progressive men. unfortunately most of them are all talk
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whizpurr · 8 months
No thats ok! thanks. I just wanna let u know that i wasnt saying youre doing wrong or judging u i was just wondering if i could use the photos u editted.. to profit off of it? is that bad? idk whats ur thoughts and opinions? i think u should profit on it as well!! much love
Aw I appreciate that. This is gonna be long. And i dont feel like adding kaomoji! (๑•́o•̀๑)
I'm not sure how you could profit? I suppose you could make collages with images i have shared, as I have done, and properly credit the artists or brand etc of the edits within the collage...but even then I am against the selling of collage art like that since the artists within it don't ever properly get paid for their contributions. I think collages are fun to make and pretty to look at and share for free use but shouldnt be sold...but plenty of people do it on etsy and other art websites, heck people have made galleries with these types of collages. I dont think its right though. I post my collages for free as well and would never sell them. Other things people do with pngs of others works for profit that I find wrong is make knockoff physical stickers or products with the images on them and sell them. I have joked about taking my pngs and printing off your own sandylion stickers since people sell them on ebay for wayyyy too much but that suggestion is for your own personal use and not for selling or profiting. Selling them would once again be wrong in my opinion, but again, people do it, there are entire websites that do this.
That all being said, like I've said before, I can't stop anyone from using these edits however they want so you can do you but I dont condone profiting by selling others works which I will not do and have not done.
Which brings me to the next point of me "profiting", which tbh I dont deserve for editing and sharing images. I originally said I won't ever enable tips as I dont believe its right as its not my art, and I still somewhat believe this, also tumblrs tip system is shady... but I have broken my rule and linked my paypal before since I have become a sahm and also shared my child's baby registry. I removed paypal and never got a donation anyway but still I felt guilty even sharing it for voluntary tips bc of my personal reasoning before but I have returned my child's wishlist, because I would be using any donations for him anyway, and before he was born a couple people were so kind on his registry and he still loves his little fox toy and goodnight moon book gifted to him by kind people here and I realized if people want to continue to share their kindness with my family as I have shared images I like with them I will happily accept that and how is it different from me sharing his registry with friends and family for gifting? Is it bad I've used the reach this blog gave me to accept a present for my baby from kind people with similar interests? To put in perspective I have 11,600 followers and 3 have gifted me(all my sons baby registry before he was born) in 6 years. I'm not beg posting for donations or demanding payment for pngs bc again this blog is for fun and a scrapbook collection to share with others.
I realized plenty of other tumblr bloggers ask for tips and donations for posting others art, or just running a blog where they reblog other people, post memes they didn't make, tweets they didn't make, pinterest links, weheartit links, Spotify music, etc. You could easily profit that way, you could just reblog or repost my posts you like the most and enable tipping on your blog or ask for donations and profit. People on here run art "curation" blogs, scan artbooks, share others Flickr posts, share snippets from old magazines or newspapers, share eBay or etsy links to listings or crafts that aren't theirs, or make tv/movie/videogame/anime gifs and then have tip and donation buttons just for sharing others works, products or resharing things from the met art museum or fashion history websites etc etc. And there's even the good handful of meme blogs and viral animal video and image blogs who blatantly spam links to Chinese knockoff overpriced items/stores in between memes and animal posts who get a cut for selling and advertising these storefronts.
I realized why shouldn't I just have my sons registry available if anyone wants to voluntarily gift? Everyone else has no problem asking for more when they also have blogs dedicated to posting others works. Is this profiting? Maybe??? Thats all the potential profit I will allow from this blog though and I dont consider it profit as much as people just being nice? Maybe I'm wrong and hypocritical for that but I dont really think so when I have seen people ask for actual money and donations on tumblr simply for existing. I'm not here selling stolen art, I don't claim the original work is mine, and anyone who wants to contribute $1 to a copy of chicka chicka boom boom for my baby isn't being held at gunpoint or guilted or told they have to in exchange for transparent images.
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meanya · 1 year
I got a dollar raise with my promotion this semester... $13 an hour is nice but still isn't contributing a whole lot to my college savings :(
My boss said I'm getting another quarter for a raise, "may even be in the check you get today" he said... I feel like I'm being strung along. I also feel like I'm being greedy. I hate feeling this way.
I ought to look around, but i feel so busy... I hear they might offer $14 an hour starting pay at some of the other on campus jobs. Maybe an off-campus job would be worth the cost of gasoline... Should I look into a new one? Even though I worked my way up to a lil junior managerial position?
I like my job but it's just... taking a lot of time and even mental wellbeing... and may not even be giving me what I could get as a starting pay somewhere else!
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webmedus · 10 months
hii, i saw ur gap the series textpost and i very much agree! i..guess i don’t quite understand for those who spent money / got gifts for FB…wasn’t it out of love/care and not because you wanted something from them???? because that’s all i see…and it seems..very unfair to FB esp considering they never asked for any of the gifts/donations?? and yeah u could argue they didn’t reject the gifts either (but in a big public spotlight..they were absolutely not going to reject them either??). i feel for the fans i so but some of it seems so much like entitlement.
Hi!! thank you for your response to my heart cry)
if you give something to someone out of love/care - you accept the person as he/she is without any conditions.. if you demand the gift back because you cannot accept a person as he/she is - you are just a small child who doesn't know how to accept reality as it is.. something like "give me back my toys and don't pee in my potty-chair" (lol)
if you give a gift and wait for something in return, this is no longer a gift - this is trade, commerce, business.. isn't it? in this case, the exchange must be honest - you must clearly say what you want in exchange for your gift.. i doubt that the girls would accept gifts if there was a condition that they should be in a romantic relationship in exchange..
promotion of film/series is always a continuation of the story on the screen - actors retain some part of their roles during promotion, continue to play their heroes out of screen.. if you don't understand it, then you need to grow up.. if you do not like the film/series/actors - postpone it and do what you are pleased with.. if you can't do it, you're not old enough emotionally and you need to learn how to deal with negative emotions and get rid of them without compromising others..
saying that fanservice is bad is also wrong - showbusiness is built on fanservice: to create content that fans will like and make money from selling that content - this is the basis of the showbusiness's basics.. if you don't understand that in the series, during a photo shoot or on stage (events, meeting with fans, etc) you are presented for the most part with invented content, then this is your fault, but not the content creators.. you are looking for a fairy tale, you are given it (more often, it is sold to you, it's business).. you are looking for a product - they sell it to you.. no one is obliged to do it for free.. and no one is obliged in real life to correspond to the fairy tale that you want..
all this shitstorm is extremely unfair to the girls and to freen in the first of all.. they're working as hell almost without day off.. fb did nothing wrong to any of the fans.. and i don't see what the idf in front of the fans could be to blame - they're just trying to return the money they invested in the series, which they provided for free and worldwide viewing.. it's just business..
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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itsforexposure · 4 years
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“It’s for church! Next!”
Transcript of two very long Facebook messenger posts follows:
Client: Hi. I saw that u posted on marketplace
Client: I thought y not get a cute portrait
Artist: Oh yes! I’m open for commissions!
Artist: What do you have in mind?
Client: I would like a traditional painting. A big one. Something like 48x60 inches?
Artist: Wow that’s big
Artist: I’m not sure if I even have canvas that big. It would also take me a long time to do. Maybe 3 weeks?
Artist: A portrait of what though? Of yourself?
Client: No. I would like one of my dog in a mariachi outfit.
Artist: Ok. For that size I can do it for $300. I would need to go buy a canvas that size and I’m giving you a discount for my time. 
Client. Doesn’t seem like much of a discount to me. 
Client. You are not a professional, u don’t need to charge hourly...
Artist: Well I’m trying to make a career out of this and I need to charge based on my experience, cost of supplies, and my time. I’m honestly charging you less than minimum wage based on what material costs. 
[Screenshot showing that a canvas of the appropriate size costs $109.99 at Michael’s]
Artist: This is the price of a canvas that size and that doesn’t include the price of the paint. 
Client: Not to be mean but ur wasting your time by wanting to be an artist. No wonder u were sleeping in ur car. That’s what u get for choosing a worthless career.
Client: If you joined our church we would pray for you. We would illuminate ur future w our prayers.
Client: Tell you what
Client: Do a painting for our church, and we will pray for you.
Client: I know u did a painting about a year ago for our sister [redacted]. Why can’t you do one for us and get saved while u can
Artist: Are you asking me to do a painting for free?
Client: Not free
Client: u know each member pays 20% of their paycheck to church each month. This will be kind of your initiation to our great community
Client: I think u really need it
Client: u are being punished because u keep rejecting Jesus into your life
Client: u need salvation and a new meaning to your life.
Client: u are and will always be a starving artist. Look at u now. Do you want this forever?
Artist: If art wasn’t valuable as you say. How come you sold [redacted]’s painting that you only paid like $30 for like $12000? You bullied her into painting it for church. If art was that worthless why did you pocket that much money?
Artist: I’m not joining your cult
Client: I don’t need to give explanations to a no church member. You have no idea what u are talking about
Artist: Right. You have never had to work in your life. You inherited multiple millions of dollars from your husband, and you are trying to get free artwork from someone who actually wants to work hard for a better future? $300 wouldn’t make a dent in your bank acc. Please stop wasting my time. I’m not joining your cult.
Client: I was blessed to have found a rich husband and blessed to have lived the life I have. You are being punished and will be punished for the rest of your life for rejecting Jesus. I think people like you are better off just disappearing off earth. Such a waste of space. You would have better luck becoming a prostitute instead of selling your shitty art work. I will be praying for you to fail. I have powerful connections, I will send this conversation to all of them. I can’t wait to see you coming back for my help.
Artist: So very Christian of you.
Client: Get out of my messages satan. I can feel your dark energy. ur paintings are also diabolic.
[second screenshot]
Client: I asked [redacted] to ask u for a refund. She told me you told her no? I think you need to come up with the money somehow. Everybody that I’ve shown the screenshots and your art agrees that it’s not worth that much. u have this very dark aura around you and you refuse to get helped. Give up on art. You will never be successful.
Client: I can still help you if you make the portrait
Client: Why don’t you do one of my cat too and I’ll talk to some of my friends and maybe you’ll get any commissions from them too
Client: But you can’t charge that much. What are you even going to do with $300? Make it donation based or a flat fee of $100 for the size I asked.
Client: Being greedy is not going to take you anywhere
Client: You already know what u have to do
Artist: You are nuts. I’m posting this on reddit.
Client: What’s reddit?
Client: You don’t have my consent to do share this conversation. U HEAR ME??
Client: Oh I ready looked that site up. u belong there. Full of sinful and weird people like you. I feel sorry... What are they going to do for u? Look at ur posts on instagram you barely even have likes. I still don’t want you posting this conversation. It will do more damage to ur already failed art business 
[three missed video calls in a row, presumably after the artist posted this to r/choosingbeggars]
Client: Answer my calls I know ur online
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magicbonesjones · 2 years
The people harassing u clearly have no knowledge of how poverty in america works and I'm sorry these idiots have latched onto ur blog instead of doing something useful with themselves.i am not sure how they see u actively selling things and running a business and act like ur begging for free monwh
I'm honestly not sure because I don't ask for donations (even though there's nothing wrong with asking for donations). I sell tarot, pendulum readings, and have a shop full of jewelry, spells, and my partner's art. I'm not sure how these people are assuming we're not taking care of our kids when that's literally where the majority of our money goes aside from bills. The problem is, they want us to get a "real job" aka: socially acceptable public work, which we can't do because my partner and I are both disabled and have been exempt from labor work by our doctors because how how badly our last jobs hurt us. I was barely able to walk, my legs were almost bursting because of how much they filled with water, my spine is now crooked, and my hips and knees barely work now. I was diagnosed with a disease that literally makes my muscles stop working and it happens even when I'm just standing in the kitchen cooking dinner, yet people want me to go work fast food where they don't even let you sit and pay below minimum wage. I make more with my business then what is make at the fast food chains here because in our tiny town there's nothing hiring but high labor jobs (farms) and fast food.
Not to mention, who's gonna pay for child care if we get jobs away from home?? We don't have friends or family here and we can't leave the kids home alone. So do they want us to take care of our kids or neglect them? Their math isn't mathing. They genuinely just want me to feel bad for being poor because they feel guilty for some reason.
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heung-mins · 2 years
Omg please tell me about the Spotlas scheme
ok so... this is just jokes and speculation:
eric is one of the co-founders of a company called spotlas. why it exists i don't know (well actually i do have some thoughts about its existence, more about this later) as it's like yelp and instagram's bastard child? basically, it's an app where ppl post reviews about their fave spots (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs etc.).
what separates this from platforms such as google reviews and yelp? well, i guess it's the fact that spotlas allows u to be part of a network; u can follow ur family and friends and see their fave spots. one anon said that they really liked spotlas, but i don't get it.....? like can't u just follow ur family and friends on yelp? or google reviews or whatever? or just ask them irl (to me this seems like way less work than downloading an app, creating a new user and following everyone u know).
spotlas did some kind of crowdfunding thing earlier this year and @secondhalfhattrick was like 'lol what if this is just some kind of scheme where rich ppl can donate money and write it off their taxes?' and i was like wait i think u are onto something... and that is how we became The Spotlas Whistleblowers.
i'm convinced spotlas is unable to compete against similar, much bigger and established platforms. to me it seems like this is one of those apps that make money by selling user data. idk it's just so random to me i don't understand how this app is supposed to like, be a real Thing that ppl other than dierists, spurs fans, and the friends and family of the owners are going to use.
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advernia · 4 years
moved this over to a text post, hope u don’t mind anon! ( ᐛ )و
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ANYWAY EEEEEE THANK YOU AND I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHARE!!!! o(*≧□≦)o tbh this headcanon is me 100% refusing to accept that post-route!alice just stays in red/black army hq as a… uh, maid??? cook??? cheerleader??? idk lmao but imo alice has a lot of potential with her canon profession lolol! okay so maybe they did her justice in kyle’s route bc she ends up as his assistant but as for other routes fight me cybird (ง •̀_•́)ง
context side a
i got the idea after reading fenrir’s dramatic end, where alice gets a job in cradle’s best confectionery (like wow lmao if only getting a job was that fast irl). anyway!!! i’d like to dream that alice does this for all routes + a month after the route events (sans kyle’s). you’d think she doesn’t need to get a job especially if her ikeman’s part of the red army, but she does this bc she wants to. and to feel less like a freeloader lmao. since the situation’s different with the neutrals, this isn’t much of an issue.
so, yay! she feels better about passing time productively + having her own lin to spend but tbh she doesn’t really buy much stuff???? eventually she saves up quite the amount that it becomes a problem - what could/should she do with that much cash????
tbh the idea to start her own business came from her boss lol…. it started from his objective assessment that she was good enough to open her own shop… eventually she starts entertaining the idea…. then she gets second opinions from friends + ikeman…. and she actually does it after much consideration?!??! her boss is shook, but he wishes her well anyway! he gets a free slice of cake whenever he visits the cafe lol!
so alice ends up with a cafe! since confectioneries were more on selling than service + she’s on her own now & has a lot of stuff to handle on her own, she becomes pretty busy and takes some time to adjust, but eventually she gets by! it’s tiring, but she enjoys her every day!
any of her extra profits she chooses to donate to various causes + she eventually ends up becoming some sort of sponsor to the armies with all her donations HELLA RAD ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
context side b
alternatively, in a common route scenario where amon still gets his ass kicked + alice stays in cradle but doesn’t fall in love with that one ikeman (no one falls in love…. not yet LMAO), she lives with the black/red army + works in a confectionery until she has enough to buy a home of her own. blanc + oliver + mousse have been secretly helping her scout around for a good place. it’s only when everything’s ready that she talks to the black/red army about her intentions.
get this - her general explanation goes this way: she starts off by saying that she’s very thankful that everyone has accommodated her and she’ll always be in their debt, but now that she’s living as an actual resident of cradle and no longer just a guest, she’d hate to impose on them any further. to boot, she’s not even an official part of the army + a soldier, so it may look odd that she’s still staying within army hq. stuff about reputation and pride, something like that.
the black army (see: seth) is sad about this, but they understand her sentiments and let her go. after a three-day long party. aaaaand of course, they’re more than willing to do any heavy lifting for her move + just anything in general - all she needed to do was ask!
the red army respects her decision as well, and they’re… more subtle in expressing their disappointment (how is jonah’s blatant frown even subtle lol). like the black army, they let her go + remind her that she can always ask them for help. 
so alice lives alone for a couple of months.... then the armies hear that she’s planning to open a cafe from blanc.... ha.... the black army totally helps her out with general recontrustion + repairs. she does not take no for an answer when she pays them for their work lmao. plus, they totally helped her out by giving her tours around the stalls on the central quarter market that give the best bargains + freshest produce! the flowers alice put up for decoration + plant outside her yard are always sponsored by canis major..... and seth drops by regularly to talk about trending aesthetics alice could adapt in the cafe!
the red army’s idea of helping her out with her cafe is to send her furniture + kitchen appliances + sets of tableware.... they’re gorgeous + simple but UMMMM????? alice literally panics about the kitchen, especially about the stove + oven bc it be so fine.... and expensive-looking.... but negotiating with lancelot + jonah is like talking to a brick + diamond wall so edgar + kyle + zero convince her to just take it lmao - it isn’t much, but lancelot gets a free drink & jonah a free mille-feuille each time they visit!
again: she donates to various causes + sends the black/red army a fair amount of her extra profits each month! she’d give more to the red army bc she still can’t get over their....... generous gifts and how much they probably cost lmao....... edgar stops her there though bc honestly..... do u think the red army needs more money??????????
the cafe
so why in central of all places? actually, it does make sense to set up a business there since it’s like the country’s central business district. but if i’d base it from alice’s general personality, i think she’d choose central bc that’s where every citizen of cradle; whether they be from red, black, or neutral territory, all gather together. in central, she can see every side living side cradle, not just red or black - and in a simple establishment like a cafe, something simple like food can bring all those different sides together.
she set up her cafe in central with the thought of helping in the efforts of bridging the gap between the armies + to have an actual experience of how it is to live as a citizen of cradle. technically she is one already, but sometimes living in cradle is really so different from living in london. it makes her feel displaced sometimes.
her cafe is probably somewhere close to blanc’s house or smth and u bet that blanc is very happy to have a pretty lady living close by/around his neighborhood lmao! but if you want to be serious about it, this is intentional on blanc’s part bc her safety isn’t exactly assured after the magic tower fiasco - disciple stragglers might come back for her, and since the whole of cradle already knows that she’s the alice the second, there may be other people/groups lurking around that are interested in her power......
in comparison to most cafes in central, alice’s place is relatively small - she doesn’t mind though, since she’s running the place on her own. the thought of expanding makes her doubt her capability of providing + distributing the same quality of service + attention she usually gives to a small crowd.
alice changes the cafe decors + scents according to each season!!! in general, she wants her cafe to have a homey, relaxing feel, doing her best to impart a feel of london + her hometown in her cafe. you’d think that seasonal redecorating would be a hassle, but magic makes that process very easy... once she learns about cradle’s unique holidays + festivals, she also redecorates + tweaks her menu in tune to the special day!
a variety of sandwiches + light meals such as pastas are on the menu now and then, but her cafe is well-known for the desserts. like the decor, the food + drink selection adjusts accordingly to the season.
her edge among her competitors is the fact that she’s from the land of reason - her techniques + use/handling of ingredients + and other assorted methods are quite different from that practiced in cradle since they have the advantage of magic. tastes, colors, textures, and even presentation end up differently. plus, she knows how to make various foods + sweets unfamiliar to cradle, so some of the stuff she makes are seen as novelty to the locals!
she does pay attention to what tastes of london are positively + negatively recepted in cradle though - from there she experiments or improvises her recipes, and seeks out feedback immediately.
following context side b, i’m all in for the romance with her ikeman developing here instead OH YEAAAH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it’s a lot more hectic tho since it’s an open playground and there are the.... common interferences..... coughsethcoughlokicough LMAO
also!!! following all the not-so-spoilery content of her + seth, i’ve recently been digging the idea of nojisha / rapunzel (localization ain’t being subtle anymore lol) working + possibly living in alice’s cafe too bc god knows that alice needs an actual girl friend among all that testosterone lmao!
rapunzel’s more of a waitress but is totally into designing whatever cakes + drinks + pastries alice has on the menu and on display… takes dibs in writing out the menu on the chalkboard as her chance to practice some pretty lettering… and also actively helps out alice in picking seasonal decors + packaging for the cafe!
on the sidelines rapunzel also keeps a close eye on alice bc… heh… them odd folks coming in for the foods but staying longer for the girl(s)… those red army officers dropping by more often even if they’re on patrol…. dudes from the civic center + other colorful characters talking so familiarly to alice…. yaaa~n! pick up the pace, onii-chan!!! lmao
depending on who’s the ikeman out for alice, rapunzel can and will cockblock, omfg...... she’ll totally stop if she sees that alice has mutual feelings for the guy but sometimes rapunzel really has impeccable, unintentional timing haha... seth hyde, what have u been teaching ur little sister smh (ಡ艸ಡ)
opening time: 6AM, closing: 7PM. accepts orders of wedding + birthday cakes, does not handle catering. for any inquiries, pls call....... (^ц^ )
alice’s cafe develops different reputations depending on who she ends up with LMAO........ local newspapers + cradle’s grapevine love her cafe and totally not bc they can get a glimpse of the red/black army chosen if they get their timing right haHA..... here’s a couple of examples:
if she’s with mousse, her cafe has quite the interesting reputation! while there’s a good selection of the local teas/coffees in her menu, there’s also a fair share of exotic blends with brief details about the country where the blend is from + how the beverage is prepared + possible tastes, written by no other than mousse himself! sometimes alice showcases some limited edition sweets + pastries made from an interesting mix of local and foreign ingredients + spices too......
if she ends up with a king, novels/tales + plays + songs/poems about royalty/nobility falling for the common worker (lancelot) or adventures of a hero and a maiden (ray) suddenly become a thing™….. the boom is especially huge in black/red territory, be it from nobles to commoners.... another common point??? there’s always a cafe referenced in there, a rendezvous point some way or another in the story… and it sounds veeeeery familiar, even if they switch the setting into a tavern/inn, hmmmm....
did you know that one cafe in central quarter is owned by alice the second, the woman who’s rumored to be the lover of cradle’s most notorious criminal + strongest wizard???? no???? are they really a thing??? do you think the stuff she sells in her cafe is fit is for consumption???? does she make those cakes herself or does she ask the wizard to make it through dark magic or are those smuggled goods??????? man, those cakes are damn good though!!!!!
newspaper headlines: students of cradle’s local boarding school promptly create a literal lake of tears in the central quarter after spending time and meeting a kind cafe owner who happens to really be their terror professor’s lover (side note: this article was removed upon the request of a certain mr. d.)
the sole exemption i have for this hc is kyle’s alice! she has her hands full + committing herself to being a doctor’s assistant so opening a cafe doesn’t cross her mind, but that doesn’t stop her from making treats now and then for their patients… in fact, becomes a thing among the children of cradle that if you be a good boy/girl who takes their medicine + shots from the redhead doctor without complaining, the pretty assistant lady will give you a tasty treat for being so well-behaved! (*≧▽≦)
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