#so uh.... i might write some more of this
moonlit-imagines · 3 days
Broken Curse
Peter Parker x reader
a/n: idk this was supposed to be an entirely different fic when i started but now its very different
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Peter always held himself back. Everyone could see it. Everyone except him.
All those wasted opportunities because of those powers, but that’s all he thought he was good for now. He could have been so much more if he didn’t dedicate himself to Spider-Man. Right now he could be in college or working a job ehere he could make a real difference. But instead, he was living all on his lonesome in some run-down apartment, a ghost of his former self.
So now no one saw him. No one saw how much he held himself back because no one ever noticed him. In his new life, he kept to himself. No people to disappoint with his lost potential, no one noticed him anymore and maybe that was for the best.
You were in his thoughts, though. Mourned daily and nightly in regret of his mistakes. He sat there connecting all those things that went wrong. From becoming Spider-Man to an Avenger, trusting people he shouldn’t have, taking shortcuts and wasting precious time. He lost you and everyone he ever loved.
What hurt him most was seeing you from time to time, but as luck would have it, you’d managed to move into his building. A fate worse than death for Peter.
“Y/N?” He asked in the hallway without realizing. A stranger had just called to you.
“I…I’m sorry, do I know you?” You chuckled, which Peter knew was a nervous habit and you were a bit uncomfortable.
“N-No. Sorry.” He paused. “I was guessing. Not guessing your name, that’d be weird. The landlord told me about a new neighbor, I haven’t seen you yet so I was assuming that was you. Y/N, right?” Peter rambled out a reasonable lie to convince you he wasn’t a stalker. Maybe he was, he didn’t know if it counted when magic spells were involved.
“Oh. I guess that makes more sense.” You shrugged. “Yes, I’m y/n…and you are..?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” He gave an awkward introduction. “Apartment 20.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peter.” You told him. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to do some unpacking.” You began to walk away, but Peter was desperate to keep this going. He hadn’t spoken to you in months, and although you may not know who he is in this moment, he was the boy you fell in love with and he still loved you with all his heart.
“If, uh, you need some help moving anything, I’ll be here.” He timidly offered. You stopped in your tracks and took a moment to think.
“Actually, I could use some help with some furniture. The movers just left everything in my living room.” You explained and he smiled. “What?”
“You have a living room?” He laughed and you joined in, catching that his apartment was probably a bit smaller than your own. “I can definitely help you with all that, lead the way.” He was a bit disappointed you’d accept help from a stranger so easily, but he didn’t know that something felt familiar about him. You just felt he was trustworthy and genuine. That was it.
You’d initiated some small talk while moving the couch to the correct wall, the bed frame and mattress to the bedroom, and some shelves and tables wherever they might go, maneuvering around heaps of boxes labeled with all sorts of goofy writing. He liked the “BEDROOM BULLSHIT” box the most. But as he moved around your relatively nicer apartment, he noticed a stuffed animal that had fallen on the floor. A stuffed animal he had actually gotten for you several years ago. “Hey,” he picked the little bear up, “this was just laying on the floor. Cute.” Peter commented in some unsuspecting way.
“Oh, yeah, I can’t even remember where I got that thing. I’ve had it forever, can’t bring myself to get rid of it. It’s too cute to get rid of anyways, look at him.” You reached for the bear in his hand and when your hand connected with its soft fur, you felt an overwhelming sensation, this sickness inside as your head began spinning.
“Are you okay? Y/N?” Peter urgently asked, hesitant to make any startling movements. Your gaze jolted back to him and there was a much different look in your eyes than in the moments before. Softer.
“This can’t be real.” You mumbled. “It was you all along.”
“What?” He had no idea how to respond.
“Peter Benjamin Parker.” You spoke his full name. “I love you.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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wrioluvr · 23 hours
coming out to + confessing to belobog men. ⋆⋅♡⋅⋆
note: wanted to try my hand at writing more cute stuff <3 also there are like ZERO posts in the luka x male reader tag my baby deserves more. happy pride my beloved readers!!! i wrote this like 6 months ago and coincidentally just picked it back up in time for june! i don't even play hsr anymore... crying emoji content: male reader, fluff. luka, sampo, gepard
sampo (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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would 100% know before you even told him
"hey, [name]! heard you got something to tell me, don't worry, your good pal sampo's all ears."
"sampo... uh.....i like... guys...."
"oh, is that it? i thought it was obvious..."
"i meant- thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. your secret's safe with me, hehe." placing his hand over his heart in a dramatic gesture, he promises sincerely. despite his initial reaction, he really is touched. not many people trust him, so your willingness to share something so personal made him feel special.
"oh, and one more thing....."
"what is it? you got a secret boyfriend you didn't tell me about?" he asks teasingly, not expecting the bomb you're about to drop on him.
"...i like you."
his eyes go wide. "now that's a surprise."
even though he'd scam people without a second thought, some calling him cruel, he can't bring himself to be indifferent to you. here you were, pouring your heart out, with such a nervous expression on your face, how could he maintain his usual sly demeanour? in all seriousness, he knows he's a bit scummy, so he would be a bit hesitant about getting into a relationship for your sake. he's always running about, chased by the authorities, he doesn't want you to be involved into all that. but if you're willing to accept him and his slippery ways, he'll be sure to put an equal amount of effort. he hates owing favours, after all.
"oh, how could i refuse such a an enticing offer? of course i'll be your boyfriend, [name]." he can't help the grin that appears on his face at your expression, simultaneously shocked and overjoyed. "seriously, you're too precious.... c'mon, let's go on a date!" throwing an arm around you, he squeezes your shoulder excitedly.
"wha- like right now?? and you accepted my confession just like that???" you're at loss of words as he drags you along to who knows where.
"what are you waiting for? let's go, pal! wait- should i call you pal now that we're dating? how about buddy? hmm... still too friendly. how do you feel about sweetheart?"
every time he appears at your door, giving you a sheepish grin as he explains how he needs to lay low for a bit, it always comes with a kiss, or several, along with a heart-shaped box of your favourite chocolates. he might go missing for a few days at a time on "business" (probably some illegal trading), but he always makes sure to update you on his whereabouts so you don't worry, sending a bunch of heart pom-pom stickers to let you know he misses you. if anyone were to ever make some snide comments about your sexuality, his first instinct would be to drop every job he's doing and comfort you, followed by using his various contacts to deal with that person swiftly. natasha and seele can't believe he actually got someone to like him, much less get into a serious relationship, but nevertheless, they make sure to look out for you to ensure he doesn't break your heart. he vows not to ever hurt you though, it's the last thing he'd ever want. his promises are often fickle with his clients, but with you, they're always sincere.
luka (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
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would definitely being overenthusiastic about being an ally
"[name], hey! you wanted to tell me something? i hope it's about training with me...."
"sorry, luka, it's not about that.... i.... i just wanted to let you know that i'm gay."
"oh! like seele and bronya!"
"i mean- i guess....?" your nervousness was immediately replaced by a comical surprise at his response, you had to suppress your laughter. he was so genuine, it was endearing.
"don't worry! if any thugs give you shit for it, just tell me. i'll deal with them right away... i've been itching for a fight anyway." he immediately gets into a fighting stance, throwing a few punches in the air to get his point across. he ended his little show with a wink, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies. you decided to tell him then and there.
"and uh, luka. i like you."
"aw, thanks! i like you too. you're a great friend, [name]."
"like, in the romantic way..."
"that works too! that way, i can protect you easier." without missing a beat, he flashes you a grin and a thumbs up, seemingly unfazed by your sudden confession. but the slight dust of red on his cheeks let you know your words did have an effect.
"wait... you know this means we'll be boyfriends?" your head's reeling at how easily he accepted your feelings. did this man really not think about anything but training and beating up thugs??? not that you were complaining, his drive was one of his charming points, but still.
"yeah, i don't mind. with someone like you by my side, i'm sure i could take on any enemy. thank you for giving me this opportunity."
even though he puts on a strong front, secretly, he's deathly afraid of becoming a burden, especially to you. one of his favourite pastimes is training and working out with you, or he'd be content for you to just watch him train and cheer for him as well. as long as he has the reassurance that you know he's getting stronger, allowing him to shield you from the dangers of the underworld. if he ever gets injured, a simple persuasion won't work, you'll have to physically hold him in place so that you can treat his cuts and bruises - no matter how much he protests and insists he's fine, he does appreciate it. a lot. he enjoys the little things, the way you run your fingers along the cool metal of his arm as you ramble about your day, or the enthusiastic whoop you give every time he knocks an opponent out at the fight club, or the scent of the freshly cleaned towel you bring him to dry his sweat. you help him realise that there's time to relax, his self-imposed training schedule being so intense and demanding. getting him to not be so hard on himself would be a treat. if you ever get derogatory comments about your sexuality... trust, he'll personally teach them a lesson, and ask natasha not to treat them once he's done. after all, you give him another reason to continue training to be the strongest. he has to be there for you.
gepard ( •̀ - •́ )
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dense cutie... wouldn't get your hints until you told him explicitly
"my apologies for being late, [name]... you had something you wanted to tell me?"
"no problem, gepard... i just wanted to tell you that-" taking a deep breath, you prepare youself for his reaction. "-i like guys."
"oh? me too, i'm quite fond of the guards under my care."
"i mean that i'm gay..."
"oh, that's what you meant. are you telling me this because you've faced some form of discrimination lately? don't worry, belobog has strict laws in place to prevent-"
"no, gepard- i'm telling this because i like you..."
congratulations, you've courted the sweetest man in all of belobog! initially, he was slightly worried that your newfound relationship would interfere with his duties as protector of the people, but much to his surprise, making time for you is easy. or more so, it's because you always make the effort to stop by whenever he's out patrolling, so you end up spending a lot of time together anyway. his face might get red when you blow him a kiss behind the rest of the silvermane guards' backs, but he always makes sure to let you know how much he appreciates your guidance. he's a little self-conscious about his lack of romantic experience, so be gentle with him! don't tease him too much. while he is fully devoted to his duty, he's not above slipping away for a few minutes when you text him to meet in a back alley, to gift him some flowers you may or may not have stolen from belobog's florist. the next day, he would return the favour by holding out a bunch of your favourite flowers, home grown (an attempt was made) in his very own garden. hey, even if they're slightly wilted, it's the thought that counts, right? don't look at him with that affectionate gaze! he's embarrassed. it would be quite funny if you had criminal tendencies, gepard would be absolutely torn between lecturing you and turning a blind eye simply because his lovely boyfriend had made lunch for him earlier in the day. especially if you're friends with sampo, the little shit would threaten to snitch to you everytime gepard almost catches him. or.... perhaps.... he let you off the hook because of that one time you pinned him against some alley wall (when he was supposed to be patrolling! blasphemous.) and kissed him so hard his legs gave out. you've become one of his weaknesses, but he doesn't mind it. at all.
pic credits to dailysampo, dailygepard and dailylukaa on twt!
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transmascaraa · 2 days
Hello it's me again ;33, the one who requested to bsd, and seriously, i LOVED it, it almost made my cry 'cause i'm trying my best to get better, but anyways!! Can i ask more for bsd?? I saw that your requests are open, soo..... Can i ask Dazai and/or Chuuya having a partner that literally HATES alcohool and alcohoolics/drunk people? Like idk i think that it would be a very interesting think (most to Dazai cause Chuu isn't an alcohoolic he just get drunk easily but i think you understood), so pretty please?? (Thinking abt req for dgr too btw hehe >u<)
multiple characters headcannons!
characters: dazai, chuuya x gn!reader
author's note: OKAY SO i don't like alcoholics and alcoholism as a whole bffr that shit is fucked up but i don't think this will be hard to write due to having witnessed some pretty bad experiences happen to the people in my neighborhood and i think it is really bad(my dad is a part of that even tho it's VERY rare and it doesn't impact him TOO much) lmao BUT i do love chuuya so why not write it smh i hope you enjoy! (also i'm glad you liked the last one^^)
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-uh so
-this man.
-it might be a LITTLE hard for you guys to get along in the first place
-especially when he comes home late at night, drunk as fuck and you have to help him go to sleep and rest(drink water first ofc)
-so you'll definitely try to help him or something i meannnn
-sometimes it's his failed attempt at killing himself but yk he doesn't really attempt after getting with you in a relationship
-you'll definitely try to confront him multiple times and tell him how bad and unhealthy it is.
-wether it's because of religion or just that you don't like it, he will not drink IN YOUR PRESENCE.
-otherwise, when he's not with you, he still drinks.
-and scold him please—
-he deserves it.
♡ Chuuya
-so ofc as any decent human being you're gonna try and help him and stop him from drinking alcohol completely
-and with chuuya it might even work even tho the chances aren't all that high
-he understands that you hate it and just despise it when he comes back home at 4am drunk, then having you making him rest and all just isn't his thing at all.
-if you scold him, he'll always irritatedly reply with something like:
-"yeah, whatever, i know, i'm trying. mind your own business. i know."
-gonna be a bit of a challenge but at least it's possible.
-throw away any alcohol you have at home so it doesn't remind him of the taste or something (whereas dazai, if you threw it away, would buy it again without you knowing)
-ngl would be really understanding with this subject/topic, he'll do his best.
-if he fails know that he's still trying, especially with having you to distract him from it
so yes
i like this one
love your reqs btw!!
| @mariaace <3
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OK SO UHH I said I wanted to join the whump community and get better about sharing my writing, so. I AM, I guess.
Have an excerpt from a thing about a modern fantasy adventuring party's healer maybe accidentally letting a wound get infected due to overworking!
I MIGHT regret posting this and delete it later depending on how my social anxiety feels!
CW: Infected wound, graphic description of infected wound, graphic pain imagery/description of pain
[7 paragraphs, 3rd person POV, OC/non fandom]
It's already so much worse than yesterday. The tight, hot skin around the wound pulses as though it's alive with pain. The cloth being used to cleanse it comes away stained yellow and russet, just like the bandages. Ira had prayed for the salve he'd been using to ease the infection, but it's done nothing.
It burns, and the hurt radiates through his side with every throb. He clenches his jaw and pushes through, knowing he has to clean the wound, but it's so overwhelming in tandem with the exhaustion that he can barely focus. His hands are shaking, his vision is blurring with tears, and his legs feel so weak and unsteady that he lurches forward to clutch the bathroom counter.
He can't do this. There's still so much left to do, and he can't. A choked sob escapes his mouth, and more follow, and his head pounds like the edges of the wound. He shifts just enough to reach over and pull open the bathroom door, weakly calling, “Six, I need help.”
Sixten, who’d been lounging on one of the motel beds, darts over immediately. “What is it? What’s wrong?” 
Ira turns to show him the hideous injury on his side, so inflamed it looks like the stitches could almost burst. “I can’t clean it. I need to sit down,” he responds, speech fast and breathless.
“Okay, okay. I've got it, baby, it's okay. Uh-” Six struggles to hide the panic in his voice as he looks over the open first aid kit on the counter.
Ira stumbles back and slides to the floor against the wall, taking a moment to compose himself so he can talk. “Take one of those cloths. Get the- get the blue bottle from the kit- put some on it, clean the wound,” he manages, clenching his teeth and desperately trying to pace his breathing.
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prince-liest · 3 days
im late to the party but i just wanted to say that i came across your lucifer fic, take two and leave a voicemail!, and it was i think one of the best HH fic ive read so far, like it might be one of my favorite fics full stop. I read your other lucifer fics as well because you just get him and his voice so right!!! ive started reading once bitten back for more (not up to date yet!) and ive been really enjoying that too and it had me wondering, do you think youll ever have any dead-doving in store for lucifer ;p ? or really, any more lucifer fics! though i cant complain, ive still got so much more radiostatic to read, lucifer is just my bias ;-) anyway wanted to thank you for writing so much and of such good quality, its very inspirational. hope youre having a nice day!
Thank you so much! I REALLY enjoyed writing that fic and it's one of the pieces of my own work that I've gone back to reread a couple of times, so it makes me really happy that you enjoyed it!
I do have more Lucifer fics in the works (active WIPs include a 4+1 fic of him taking care of the hotel's sinners and vice versa, and then maybe an Angel/Lucifer sequel), though none are dead dove unless the, uh, wing removal fic percolating in the back of my mind grows more motivation, haha.
To be perfectly honest, I love Lucifer a LOT as a character and I enjoy writing his POV immensely, but I haven't been writing him anymore recently because 1) got bitten very aggressively by the radiostatic bug and 2) I.......... need to get over myself about some aspects of fandom having put me off his character jdjsjhd.
Mild salt ahead: There's just so much radioapple absolutely everywhere, and while I'm not actually opposed to the ship itself (I reblog it plenty and read it sometimes, I'm just picky), I don't vibe very well with the characterization it tends to give both Lucifer and Alastor specifically when it's being used as the "this is the nonproblematic Hot Men" ship, especially in combination with frequently questionable portrayals of Alastor's orientation. Also, it's kind of annoying to be a fan of radiostatic and staticmoth and see those two ships tagged in so many works where radioapple is the actual ship of focus. This isn't a problem with the ship itself, but it's just kinda what happens when a ship is THE most popular ship in a massive fandom.
Anyway, hopefully once I finish Once Bitten, Back For More then I'll dig up my enthusiasm for Lucifer again and knock out that 4+1 fic, hahaha!
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Pairing: holland!Peter Parker / reader
(no pronouns used for reader as far as I know)
Warnings: brief mention of bullying (and a shitty ending cause I suck at writing those)
General Plot: You are on a quest to befriend your awkward schoolmate and find that you might become something a little more
Genre:                fluff
Words:               1.2k
A/N: Honestly, I just wanted to try posting on here for the first time so I put together a little fanfic, so it might not be the most well written and thought out story, so please excuse all the plot holes and poor writing.
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A new schoolyear had begun and like every year you had devoted yourself to making a new friend. Having been the quiet kid with no friends you had decided to overcome your fear of talking to new people and after finding a great group of friends you started to look for new additions to said group every year.
At the end of last school year, you had noticed a small duo, a cute brunette and his best friend, you’d never see one without the other. But recently you had picked up on the near constant flow of bullying directed at the two by a kid named flash.
Truth be told you always were the kind of person to search for the good in someone even if they were being an asshole and it’s not like you thought Flash was the scum of the earth or something like that he just had the sort of personality most people perceived as arrogant, annoying and overall disgusting, their words not yours, although you had to agree. He was by no means an evil person per se he just seemed to lack basic human decency in its entirety.
So when you became aware of the two victims of Flash’s idiocy and their almost unbothered attitude towards him, you decided to get to know them a bit better in hopes of befriending them.
It was Monday where you had an irregular lunch break at a time no one else did, when you saw your opportunity.
“Hey… is this seat taken?”, you smiled down at the completely surprised brunette.
“Uh…yeah… I mean no… I mean you can sit…if you want obviously”, he stuttered out, stumbling over his words and trying his best to keep his voice from completely giving out.
You giggled and sat down:
“Thanks, I was worried I wouldn’t find a good seat anymore, I’m Y/N btw”
“I’m Peter”, a soft blush adorned his cheeks.
Peter looked around in the mostly empty cafeteria and his brows furrowed slightly:
“Uhm, you know there are like a lot of free tables. Not that I want you to leave but… you know?”, he hesitantly brought up.
You looked up at him a smile tugging at the corners of your lips and answered:
“Yeah, but it’s not a good lunch seat when you sit alone isn’t it?”
“…I guess…yeah”
There was a bit of comfortable silence between you before you spoke up again.
“You’re not usually alone here right? I think every time I’ve seen you he was right next to you”, you chuckled
He seemed a bit caught off guard by you breaking the silence but recovered fast.
“Yeah, Ned wasn’t feeling all too well today, so he stayed home and left me alone here.”, Peter said jokingly.
“Oh, tell him I hope he feels better soon then, he seems like a nice dude when he’s not abandoning you.”
Talking about his friend came easier to Peter than small talk and the conversation flowed seamlessly from how Ned had ‘abandoned’ him to what things they got up to recently.
In turn you shared some stories from you and your friends taking the opportunity to invite him and Ned to come along with you to the arcade at the end of the week.
Although hesitant at first, with a bit of convincing he agreed to meet the following Friday.
Your talk with Peter in the cafeteria had not been the last time the two of you had interacted and every conversation with him made you more excited for the next.
Peter really was such a sweet soul and hanging out with him always felt comfortable.
Friday rolled around and you were waiting on your friends and Peter in front of the arcade. It was a common occurrence for them to be late so when a out of breath Peter ran up to you and started to apologize profusely you just smiled and reassured him that he was fine.
You noticed Ned wasn’t with him and when asked about it, Peter explained that he still wasn’t feeling better.
Slowly but surely the rest of the group came by as well and soon enough everyone was present.
The entire afternoon went by in a haze filled with laughter, everyone enjoying themselves and even though Peter was a bit shy at first, he fit right in, and everyone welcomed him with open arms.
Even without really noticing or intending on it, you and Peter stayed close and stole innocent touches here and there along with soft looks.
Unbeknownst to you your friends had noticed the fact that you and Peter seemed joined at the hip and shared smiles about the clear interest both of you displayed for the other.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and were met with one of your closest friends MJ, who led you away from the group.
“Can you two go on a date without us? It’s getting a bit pathetic with the way he’s looking at you.”, she deadpanned, catching you off guard. Your mouth dropped open and blood rushed to your face.
“What?”, a confused chuckle escaped your throat.
“Come on Y/N, you two are clearly interested in each other. Everyone has noticed at this point. So just tell him and get on with it!”
MJ never was the kind of best friend who talked to you about relationships unprompted, you loved to tell her about crushes and troubles simply because of her objective and brutally honest advice and comments, but she never started these types of conversations so this was new.
“MJ, he’s sweet sure but I’ve only known him for a week and yeah of course I like him but calling it a crush would be a bit rushed don’t you think?”, you smiled at her.
“Obviously, but I’m just saying, you two have been smiling at each other so much even I felt giddy” MJ shuddered overdramatically
You laughed and hugged her. “Oh MJ, I love you so so much”
MJ scrunched up her face and awkwardly hugged you back, never having been much of a physical touch kind of person but tolerating it for you.
The two of you returned to the group and the afternoon continued without another hitch although you were more and more aware of the shy smiles shared between you and Peter.
At first the two of you were shy and awkward on dates but once you got more comfortable with eachother you shared inside jokes and and started teasing eaxhother playfully.  
A few months after the arcade meet up which were filled with almost daily texts and constant talking, Peter awkwardly asked:
“ So… are we…are you…I mean, am I your…”
His stressed expression and the more and more panicked waving of his hands had you chuckling slightly once you realized what exactly he was trying to ask of you.
“I think we are and I am and you are. If you want to that is”, you answered with a soft smile, your hand ever so slightly reaching for his.
Relief washed over Peter and you thought to yourself, how bad he was at hiding his true feelings, it felt like you could read him like an open book, like he couldn’t possibly have secrets that you didn’t know about with how open he seemed.
“Thank god!”, Peter exclaimed and engulfed your hand in his, tugging you along to his home for the movie night you had planned.
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hailsatanacab · 11 months
Wip Wednesday babeeyy
eyy I've finally remembered that wip wednesday exists!! here's some proof that i'm working on something, and that something is the follower milestone gift i said i was going to do and i promise i'm doing it! i'm doing it it's happening i promise! so here's a little taster!!!! and here's Part One if you want a refresher!
And then the kid just vanishes.
In the blink of an eye, in the time it takes for him to look down, screw his face up because this is all confusing as fuck, and look back up, he’s just gone. There’s nowhere to hide, there’s nowhere to go, Jason can see everywhere around him—but he can’t see Danny.
“Well… shit."
“What, what happened?” Dickybird hisses in his ear, the unsaid, exasperated “now” very clear in his voice. 
As much as he loathes to admit it, Jason is feeling very much the same way right now. What was meant to be a simple case of “investigate the potential child abuse and put an end to it” has instead become something… less simple. When is it ever simple in his life?
Still. If working with supers, metas, vigilantes, whatever, has taught Jason anything, it’s that just because you can’t see someone doesn’t mean they’re not there.
“Hey, kid… Danny. Listen, I’m not here to hurt you and if you’re still here, if you can still hear me, then, I don’t know, do you want to get a bite to eat or something? I just want to talk. I just want to figure out what’s happening.”
Jason doesn’t hold his breath. 
Okay, no, that’s a lie. Jason holds his breath, but he swears he’s holding it so he can more accurately hear if Danny is still around. That’s all it is, he’s not attached to this kid already. He’s not.
When no answer comes—not even a whisper of a breath or the scuff of a sneaker on the pavement—he suppresses a frustrated growl and opts instead to breathe deeply and pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So…” Tim begins, drawing out the word.
The urge to growl—hell, the urge to pull out his comms and smash them on the floor—grows.
“The kid’s a meta, then. Potential powers including but not limited to: invisibility or teleportation. You think he’s still there?” There’s no reason for the kid to still be around, not at all. If it was Jason, he’d have scattered as soon as he realised the stranger impersonating his dad wasn’t the guy he thought was impersonating his dad, and honestly, wasn’t that extra fucked up? That someone impersonates people in this town often enough that it’s not a surprise? The way Danny spoke about him… What was his name?
Amorpho. Amorphous. Without shape. 
A shapeshifter?
Whatever. It’s a mystery for another time, because there’s still a more pressing mystery in front of him.
Or,. rather, not in front of him.
Yes, there’s no reason for Danny to still be here, but…
Jason sighs. 
“I’m going to Bat—Nasty Burger. Really? Is that the best burger joint here? Nasty Burger? Whatever, I’m going to get some fucking fries.”
Jason feels fucking stupid talking the air like this. He must look fucking stupid, too, but the thing is… There’s a prickling on the back of his neck, a rolling taste of green on his tongue when he glances through his peripheral, the vague weight of an unseen eyes on him. 
Call it wishful thinking, call it a hunch, call it something else, but Danny’s still here.
“There’ll be a burger waiting for you, too, if you want it. My treat.” Jason turns in a full circle, examining everything in his surroundings. Nothing seems out of place, nothing screams wrong to him. “I just want to talk.”
He waits for a full minute with no success, which makes Jason feel even more stupid, before clicking his tongue and making his way to the, hopefully ironically named, Nasty Burger.
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ahit-oc-corner · 2 months
HI Okay guys this is so random is also so crazy BUT STICK WITH ME! SO CONTEXT i am planning on opening Ko-fi commissions this weekend and i had an insane late night thought and wanted to see thoughts on the matter on the poll
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tswwwit · 2 years
Here, take this snippet from the 'Bill in Other Universe' sidestory of Bill vs Bill:
“That’s not-” Bill starts, but Mabel lunges forward, smacking his front with a cheerful, “Bwomp!”. Kinda like a high five, except sticky. 
As she steps back, Bill rolls his eye. Always friggin' enthusistic. Even when - he glances down at his surface -
“Oh for-” A small, bright, rainbow thing is glued to his lower left corner. Scraping at it with his fingers doesn’t work. Neither does the knife, or the paint stripper, of fire for that matter - it’s not coming off - and he reels on this human with a glare. “Where did you get stickers in the post-apocalypse?” 
No response. She’s giggling too much, hands cupped to her cheeks.
I also I wrote a scene that I might end up cutting - it messes with flow - but I like a couple of the gags, so here it is for posterity.
Gideon Gleeful puffs out his meager chest, ego bloating under the attention.. “I see the lie you’re building here, Bill Cipher.”
“Sure, I lie all the time! But not about this!” Bill says, with sincerity that surprises even himself. He points right back. "What are you on about?"
“You’re not married.” Gleeful continues. As pleased as if he spotted a trick in Bill’s wording - even though there wasn’t one. “You just said ‘date night’.”
Bill blinks. Then starts laughing. 
“Wow, and I thought my dimension’s Gleeful was a moron.” He flicks a spark into that pompadour, and watches Gideon squeal, smacking at his head. “Even when someone pities you enough to date you, they'll still end up disappointed!"
Gleeful splutters for a moment. Covering smoldering hair, and coming up with another protest- Until Question Mark sets a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
“Ahem,” Question Mark coughs into his fist, and declares with solemn dignity. “Dating even after marriage helps keep the spark of romance alive.” He waves a hand in the air, like it would leave a rainbow trailing behind - and nods. “It makes total sense, dude.”
“See? Question Mark gets it!” Bill darts over, and pats this squishy man-baby on the back. “Now this is why you’re happily married in most dimensions.”
“I am? Wait…” Soos narrows his eyes, tapping his chin in thought. “I’m not married.”
“Sucks to be you, then, huh?” 
“Aw,” Question Mark slumps, and Bill gleams. Yep, he has it great.
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the-one-who-lambs · 7 months
The Risen/Fallen chapter lineup so far...
Inspiration hit me like a fucking truck today, so I might have Chapter 2 up tomorrow or the next day, much more quickly than I anticipated for a brand-new chapter!
Anyway, my plotting document for this series revival is an absolute monster right now. I'll share the current list of chapters I have planned out. New chapters with new content are bolded.
How Narinder Takes His Tea (posted on Tuesday)
Not Quite Paradise
How to Be a God For Dummies
The Apple Murder Case
Satisfying ASMR: Cat Purring to Help You Fall Asleep
A Friend and a Catnap
I'm Jelly Baby
Ordinary Happiness Is Not Enough
Dice-Roll Observation
Until You Wake Up
With You
To the Endless Blue Sky
Our Love Song
I'm pretty sure I'll keep it to twenty, but with a plethora of details/character interactions/a couple subplots I want to add, we'll see. Once I have a chapter posted, how quickly I post the next chapter will heavily depend on whether or not it's a rewrite of a chapter I wrote for the first publication of this series. Newer chapters will obviously take more time. Though there's much more I want to add to existing chapters, the rewritten ones will probably come out more quickly.
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truecorvid · 13 days
i didn't think the leopards would eat my face!!!!!!!!!!!! (all of my professors cancelling classes in solidarity with the student union strike)
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
the epic highs and lows of trying to read an ongoing shounen manga
#for me it uh. tends to have more epic lows than epic highs. im very unlucky with shounen#occasionally a few years after something i start reading it'll turn out to be good#but any time i follow something from the beginning it starts getting. worse#is it me? am i doing this? dont tell me to read your favourite shounen i'll turn it bad#did i ever mention that one manga. the moon is beautiful but first die#a mouthful of a title. it started kinda goofy but i really adored the main character for some reason#im still a bit attached to him. he cleans so well that he got the magic power to see real good. and now he can matrix bullet time#hes just like me for reeeeeeeaaaal hflkanjvdkfljfds but yeah that manga was. weird but fun BUT THEN#it got so wack you guys you dont understand. the first like one or two volumes? fun#everything else? god knows JHKFDJFDK i still read it all tho. i was invested in my guy with seeing real good powers#and im sorry to say. unfortunately it seems. a certain manga with a big tv adaptation that is pronounced oh she no co#my curse. its started. although that ones very much a epic high and epic low situation like itll be so so wack one minute#and suddenly get good again and then plummet back down HFKJDSBHJds we will see how it goes on#i started getting annoyed with the writing after the stageplay arc because they kept like. time skipping over so much#which i thought was a bit of a waste because there was a lot of interesting potential in a lot of the showbiz storylines. but we shall see#thats not shounen tho thats seinen but my curse applies to some seinen too LOL but most seinen i read is already finished#and shoujosei is spared from my curse. i think just because most i have the opportunity to read in english just tends to not#be drawn out or have weird scheduling things messing with the pacing. are there any weekly shoujosei magazines out there#i dont think weekly manga is good. for a lot of reasons mostly the mangakas health but also i find more weekly stuff i read#that isnt like. 4koma stuff suffers in its pacing a LOT. but again that might be my curse. the second i lay my eyes on it. the curse#(sorry ive been catching up on a lot of manga recently LOL ur getting my manga thoughts now)
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planet4546b · 2 years
list of fucked up places that are the same to me and are also my best friends:
the zone roadside picnic
area x annihilation
the black hole interstellar
the beach at the end of contact (book, ive never seen the movie)
piranesi’s imaginary prisons
the pale disco elysium
most of the cities in invisible cities italo calvino
the zero kentucky route zero
constant's new babylon
the forest at the end of outer wilds
the titular mar internum in mar internum
the cave in caver ted
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ofcowardiceandkings · 7 months
im gonna go play a shitty merge game for a moment so i can calm down my angry political brain and sleep
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melonisopod · 8 months
I'm reluctant to post my writing because I'm in this weird middle ground between "self-shippy bullshit" and "obsessively attempts to get as accurate a character reading as I possibly can" and the side effect of this is wanting to develop my OC and build on my AU...but backwards lmao.
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fstbmp-a · 8 months
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@scumbag-the-hedgehog sent: A Scourge For You
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