#so she gave it to him for christmas
chrliebot · 9 months
by the way. saw fight club was playing on cable so my lil brother asked what it was even about. i told him its just about two guys who get in a fight club together and beat each other up. my dad across the room closed his eyes and looked so done lol. think he genuinely thinks i dont know what fight club is now
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adrift-in-thyme · 6 months
A Pre-Malink fluff of Link's first experience with Hylian holidays. I say pre-Malink since I imagine he still would have been a kid
Thanks for the prompt! This was fun to write
Something strange is happening at Lon Lon Ranch.
Link has been there more often than not this past year. But never has he seen anything like it. One moment, the cozy little home that Talon and Malon share is the same as it has always been. And the next, long strands of spruce have been draped over the doorways and mantel.
There are lights on them too that twinkle like fairies, and little things Malon calls “ornaments.”
(Link thinks they look a bit like miniature versions of the Spiritual Stones he fetched so long ago.)
The lights make their way onto the house and the barn, glittering on the piles of powdery snow. And today the strangest development of all has occurred.
There is a giant pine tree towering over the living room.
He stares up at it, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. How he hadn’t realized it was being constructed during the night, he hasn’t a clue. But here it is…a tree inside of a house.
Link understands a love of trees. After all, he had loved his father and he had been a great big tree. But to decide to stick one in the house…
“Oh fairy boy, how do ya like our Hylia Day tree?”
Malon comes up beside him, bouncing excitedly. He looks over at her, eyes narrowed.
“Hylia Day tree? What’s that?”
Malon tilts her head to gaze up at the tree. Link can’t help but notice how the lights adorning it make her eyes glitter.
“Well, Hylia Day is when we celebrate all the goddess has done for us. And we put up a tree to remember her love for her hero.” She grins at him. “Y’know cause of the green.”
“It’s also cause of the symbolism,” comes Talon’s voice from behind them. They both turn to see the man grinning, two steaming mugs in his hands. “The green is for the new growth Hylia and her hero made possible. The lights are for their sacred powers.”
He shrugs, good naturedly. “But no one really cared about all that anymore. Now it’s just a time for goodwill and celebrating with those you love.”
He sets the two mugs in Malon and Link’s hands.
“Speaking of, it’s a chilly mornin’. Thought you two could use something to warm you up.”
Link stares down into his cup, mouth watering at the scent of chocolate. He has only had this once before, while he was at the castle with Zelda. But he remembers loving it.
He takes a large gulp, then breaks out into a coughing fit as the scalding liquid burns his tongue and throat.
Oh, he’d forgotten about that part.
“You’re forgettin’ about the presents, Father,” Malon says, as she sends Link a sympathetic look. “Don’t drink that so fast, fairy boy! You’ll hurt yourself!”
He gives her a sheepish grin. “I think I already did. Can’t feel my tongue.”
Talon pats him on the back. “It’ll heal up fast, don’t you worry, son. Just take it slower from here on out.”
He turns to Malon, then, smiling. “Ah, yes, the presents. How on earth could I have forgotten? How about you explain that part to our little hero here?”
Malon’s eyes light up. “Alright! Every year around this time, we get each other something nice. We wrap it up all pretty and stick it beneath the tree. Then, on Hylia Day, we get to open our presents!”
Link gnaws his lip, contemplating that. He has received presents before — or what he supposes would count as them — and given them too. But he’s never heard of a day specifically for them.
Now that he thinks of it, though, it sounds promising. On one condition…
He frowns at Malon. “I don’t have to get everyone in Hyrule a present…do I?”
Malon laughs. “Of course not, silly! Just your friends and family.”
Link pauses to think that over, then nods, taking another sip of his cocoa. He can definitely work with that.
Now, to figure out the perfect presents.
December 25th rolls around far faster than Link had expected it to. The month has flown by, filled with an odd sort of energy and plenty of things to do. Cookie baking, caroling, wrapping the presents in tidy little packages – the tasks are nothing at all like the drudgery of shoveling snow outside (though he’s found that even that can be made enjoyable if you try). But nothing compares to helping Malon cut stars and wreaths out of soft dough or playing his ocarina while she sings.
(One of the best things about the holiday, he decides, is that Malon sings even more than usual. And though he didn’t think it was possible, her voice is even more beautiful when belted out beneath a sky of wintry blue and swirling clouds of pearly white snow.)
Now, the day is here – finally and yet all too soon. He awakens that morning with a tight, little wad of worry in his throat.
He’s never celebrated a holiday like this before. Will he even do it right?
Taking a deep breath, he slides out of the bed that in the past months has become his own. He grabs the package he had carefully stowed away in his pouch and peers down at it. The wrapping is not quite as nicely done as Talon’s or Malon’s. But he guesses it’s good enough. Out of his multiple tries, this one was the best.
So, he tucks it beneath his arm and heads into the living room.
Talon and Malon both greet him warmly with exclamations of “Happy Hylia Day!” Breakfast is already on the table – fresh eggs and milk and little buns that smell like cinnamon. Link breathes in the scent of it, mouth watering. But — he steels himself, shoulders squared, jaw tight, as though he is heading into battle (he’s nervous enough to be, that’s for certain) — before he can eat, before he can enjoy the hospitality this small family continues to bestow upon him there is something he must do.
He turns to Malon, awkwardly stretches out a present-laden hand in her direction.
She looks down at it, a small grin quirking her lips.
“Is that a present for me, fairy boy?”
His stomach somersaults. He nods.
“Well, we usually open presents after we eat, but…” she looks at Talon and he nods, smiling. “I suppose I can make an exception for my best friend.”
Link’s cheeks redden, the color only deepening as she takes the package from him. She inspects it, shaking it a bit to try and guess its contents. Then, she begins to unwrap it.
It seems an eternity before she finishes. Finally, she sets aside the paper and turns her attention to what was housed within it. It is a small bottle, in which floats is a purple flame.
She frowns. “Is this a…”
“It’s a poe,” Link says, quickly. He’s sure he is going to melt now. Maybe this wasn’t the best choice of a present. “The spirit of one, anyway. It gives you good luck if you keep it around. And if you’re ever in trouble, you can drink it and it’ll heal you.”
Malon hesitates a moment more, looking undecided. Then her face splits into a grin.
“I always have wanted to capture one of these little buggers.” She lunges forward, throwing her arms around Link. “Thanks, fairy boy. I love it.”
Hesitantly, Link returns the hug. His face is so hot he could easily imagine that he is back in the depths of Death Mountain.
“You’re sure?”
“You couldn’t have gotten me a better gift. Honest!”
Link relaxes with a sigh of relief. Maybe this holiday thing isn’t so hard after all.
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howdoyousleep3 · 1 year
the true definition of “felt cute might delete later” but…🥺🙈
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pastafossa · 1 year
Hi Pasta!! I have a question 🙃 What do you think Matt and Jane got each other for Christmas? I cant stop thinking about it. They’re so cute 🥹
BEHOLD. Like 1.1k so rest is behind a see more, but this was in my drafts for what their gifts would be. I didn't have time to get the whole scene done with everything, but I figured this would do!
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It didn’t take long for Matt to make use of some of his Christmas gifts, and you found yourself standing by the couch less than an hour later, staring down in amusement at the happy, melted puddle that was Matt Murdock beneath the glow of a Christmas tree.
He’d burrowed down into his new hoodie, his eyes closed and his nose tucked down into the velvet-soft alpaca wool that lined the inside—some of the softest wool you’d been able to find, and something you’d searched long and hard for. Wrapped around the rest of him was a rich, red alpaca wool blanket, thick and warm and equally soft. You had a feeling that, under the blanket, he’d likely also slipped into his new fleece-lined sweats and fleecy socks, ninety-five percent of his body now cradled in soothing, warm comfort. 
“So is that a yes on those?” you said softly, relieved now that it was obvious you’d chosen right when it came to this. It had been… a while, since you’d given anything for Christmas, much less given a gift to someone who meant as much to you as Matt did. Soft had seemed a good road to take, and you’d spent ages hunting for something that he’d be able to wear even when his senses ramped up to the point of pain. “Soft enough?”
A quiet sigh, almost a moan, was his response, followed by a glutted “Mhm,” before he lazily lifted his arms out from under the blanket, opening them to you. You quickly took up the invitation, climbing into his lap and letting him wind his arms around you. You dropped your head against his shoulder, reaching over to run your palm across the velvet-soft fabric covering his chest. His reaction was instant, arching up into your hand as he purred and melted further into the couch at the sensation of the fabric sliding on his skin, his head lolling back when you nuzzled in past the collar of the hoodie so you could press your lips gently to his pulse. Briefly, you passed over the new necklace chain he wore, the little braille pendant reading ‘Always Loved’ hidden somewhere beneath the fabric, its color a match for the key around your neck. That, at least, you knew was a success, but the rest...   
“You really do like the clothes, don’t you?” you asked him, relaxing a little, curling your fingers to scratch a little as you ran them up and down his chest. “I had a good feeling on the necklace, but for these… I wasn’t sure.” “Why not?” he asked sleepily, fumbling one hand up until he could slip it up under the back of your shirt, palming the line of your spine like you were stroking his chest. You weren’t surprised; he always tried to reciprocate, or maybe he just... liked having an excuse to touch you back. “These are probably the softest things I own now. They’re perfect. They feel amazing.”  
“I was worried it was too… I don’t know. Impersonal.” You drummed your fingers a little against his chest, tucking your legs up until you were more comfortable. “But you shouldn’t have to wear things that hurt on your bad days, or at all really, so I-I guess I just—”
“The hoodie smells like you,” he murmured, tipping his head to lay it atop yours. You went quiet, still and unmoving as he continued, “I can tell that you wore it for me a little after washing it, and that it made you happy to do it, because your scent’s different when you’re happy and when you love someone. And every time I move, nothing scratches. Nothing hurts. All of these feel soft and gentle, like how you touch me when I’m bleeding, and when I need you most.” His chest expanded and then dipped on a contented sigh, and then he reached up, brushing his thumb over your cheek, his thumb coming away wet. His voice dropped to something even softer, low and tender. “So much of my life is pain, sweetheart. How could the way you touch me, the way you want to take away some of that pain from me, be impersonal?”   
You wound yourself a little tighter around him, hiding your face against his neck as you let out a shaky breath, and he pulled you in tighter with a soothing noise. You’d been so… so terrified you’d fuck this up, that you’d do this wrong after so many years of dodging it, of being alone, of being forced to avoid anything like a holiday, anything like friends or love. The idea that you’d gotten it right on your first try… 
And you weren’t the only one. 
You leaned away from him just far enough to pick up one of the two photo frames on the coffee table where it had been set atop a massive pile of books you’d wanted to read for years, years in which you’d been forced to pass them by, story by story, cover by cover until Matt hunted down those stories and placed them back into your hands. You laid back against his chest again after you’d brushed your fingers fondly over the books, and instead, you focused once more on the photo inside the elegant black frame. 
Foggy had taken it at Josie’s at some point—a candid of you and Matt crammed into a booth, his arm draped around your shoulders as you leaned into him, a bright grin on his face, your head tipped back as you laughed at something he’d said. The warmth in your eyes and his smile was obvious as you stared fondly up at him beneath the dull glow of the bar, at the very same table Foggy had once worked at to ensure your friendship with Matt was mended. There was no disguising what this was. And… 
“I can’t believe I can put this on my desk now,” you whispered, tracing your fingers over the frame. 
And you didn’t… have to disguise it, did you? There was no need to hide, not anymore. You could have his picture on your desk, could hold his hand as he walked you home, could kiss him when he came to see you at your office or you at his or when you were both out in the rain. And he could do the same with the second picture, one destined for his own desk, all so that he could proudly gesture towards it whenever you came up. 
A… a real life. 
He lifted one arm and you sniffled, crawling back around to wrap your arms around him in return, burying your face against his neck as he held you close. Held you here at home—a home for you both, for your tree, for your books, for an actual life, lived fully and completely and wholly for the first time.
“I love you, so much,” he whispered. "Merry Christmas."
“Love you, too. Merry Christmas.”
There was no bigger gift he could give you.  
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katyahina · 1 year
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me: I want to make Valentine’s Day cards, but I can’t make up flirty lines! I am not an eloquent person in the slightest!
me: I have an idea,
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ourcwnside · 3 months
{ trying to plan a trip up to visit my best friend in April but it depends on if his mother wants to do something for her birthday that month and I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't be surprised if she plans some sort of family thing specifically to keep me from being able to see him }
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hellhoundlair · 9 months
venting sorry. i get emotional thinking of the media both me and my dad loved growing up and the father daughter bonds that were the highlights of those movies and tv shows to him and i feel like i failed
#my dad and i used to watch adventure time together and my dad LOVED simon and marcy and he learnt daddy why did you eat my fries on the#guitar and i used to sing it with him. and one time when i was 14 ish and severely depressed and anxious we had people over#and my dad was talking about adventure time lmao and was getting his guitar and wanted me to sing it with him and i just said NO.#because i was mad at him. and embarassed. and we never sung it together ever again. its been too long now. that window has closed.#but i wish we could#my relationships with my dad never really recovered after my teen years and its hard to talk to him.#i wish i could talk to him. we are really similar. in the bad ways too#vent#SORRY GUYS i need to find a therapist#my family just never talks abt their feelings. or when they do its when theyre angry. i dont feel like i can bring this up to them.#i just hate knowing i rejected my dad like that. he probably saw me not wanting to sing w him as very personal. not that hed ever say it#AND FUCKIN INTERSTELLAR me and my dad both loved interstellar at a time when i was -again- severely depressed and locking myself in my room#and the father and daughter go have scenes that feel very similar to things that were going on in my house at the time. where shes#baracading the door and not letting people in. it rly hit home is what im saying#and my dad loved the movie i loved it too but the family relationships in the movie were never discussed whenever we talked abt it#but for christmas one year my dad gave me a watch. like the one fuckin matthew mcconoughey give his daughter in the movie#and i wear it all the time. it makes me fuckin cry sometimes that stupid fucking watch. but it means so much.#i just wish hed talk abt his fucking feelings so i wouldnt need a watch to know my dad still loves me#also this post is about transitioning and my dad feeling like he lost that father daughter bond with me but we wont get into all that
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
I love drawing in charcoal because when you're in the beginning of a work, instead of looking like something reasonable it's perfectly acceptable and natural for them to look like this
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#does that look like anybody you know#tales from diana#(c'est moi)#i was trying to redraw brian protheroe (the same pic of him as edward iv i sketched roughly--and p badly--last month)#in charcoal. bc my mom got me charcoal PENCILS for christmas instead of sticks of vine#which were what i really needed. i dont like to use pencils hardly at all#it was an utter failure. i started off by just trying to do the basic contours of his face + neck + the crown#and then after about 20-30 minutes when i had an ok start i was like ill take a break to refresh my head#went away from it for like an hour. and was like why dont i just try it w the vine#i thought i would improve it. and i suppose i could've if i had REALLY tried#but i was exaggerating the proportions and making the worse while trying to fix them. everything got larger#and i was essentially erasing EVERYTHING i started with while i was trying to even them out#so i just gave up. lol#a girl has learned to quit while she's ahead. and she learned the hard way.#but i wasn't happy to just leave off that drawing a failure wo any plans to do something else#so i went looking through my photos on my phone and found a pic from nov. 2022 that i was going to use#as a reference pic for a figure drawing assignment that i was going to use. but my professor allowed me to draw#my grandmother instead of myself. so i never did that dramatic self-portrait assignment. i did a dramatic grandmother portrait#but i did like the dramatic-lighting picture i took of myself well enough and figured i would draw it someday#im just leaving this as a started picture for now. this wasnt much work at all maybe like 15 minutes#it's an ok start.#bc of the fucked up nature of forming a charcoal drawing i have to admit i usually like my progress pictures more than my final works. lol#like they just have a sort of monstruous edge to them. lol
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At the movie theater and nearly falling asleep, but I snore really bad so I can't risk it, but I am so fucking exhausted it might just happen.
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glitchtricks94 · 5 months
There is nothing like playing pokemon at 6 in the morning!
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
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every christmas movie i watched in 2022 - 12 Gifts of Christmas (2015)
Is there anything special that you want for Christmas? Honestly? I just want the whole family to be together for Christmas.
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cryptidhyrst · 2 years
Working on some Sandman stuff and I realized that Dream loves so deeply (like throws his whole being into a romance that literally just started days ago; the type of guy who'd most definitely say "I love you" in a week, and the type of guy who'd try to make a paramour the regent to the Dreaming in less than a year).
All because his own parents never gave him love and affection. You can't exactly have your own ideal of what a healthy (romantic and familial) relationship looks like when your parents had a bunch of kids, but called quits on their relationship immediately after and can't stand to be in each other's presence. You also can't have the basis of what a healthy relationship looks like when your father has blatant favoritism toward your elder brother. And your mom? Somehow worse, in the regard that she heavily favors Dream and isn't bothered to keep up with her other children, much less remember the smallest details about them.
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clueless1995 · 9 months
called my MUMMY and she was NICE TO ME. the world is beautiful once more
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volinare · 1 year
All the stuffies I have
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#the bear is the only one I have left from my actual childhood#All the rest got lost in moves or I gave them to my little siblings#I had a velvet rabbit from my mom.... another rabbit#A duck. A small cat that my memaw made from a pattern on the back of a stuffing back (saddest about that one)#A sheep thats like those old fashioned bottle holders your apparently not supposed to use (i dont think they ever actually used it to hold#my bottles)#and a build a bear rabbit that my dad got for me when my parents sent me to visit my cusins for a week while getting divorced#BUT these are the ones I have now! plus a whole bunch of crocheted#Not pictured: a bunch of mini crochet nightmare before christmas dolls my grandma made#I took a picture with them in it but they arnt showing up#zero (who i keep wanting to call pluto for some fucking reason) is in my car#The bear my dad gave me. idk when. when i was like 7 or so? i think?#the fish my dad gave me.... I think for my 13th? it may have been my 14th or 15th.#The triceratops my ex got for himself but i asked him if i could have it when we broke up and he said 'sure'#the penguin was when my grandma first started her crocheting endeavors and messed up the pattern#it was originally for my sister but she was really little and it scared her so i adopted him#his name is herbert (the rest dont really have names... whoops)#The small dinosaur also plays music and like sways a little when you wind it up. i got it at good will abecause it fucking called to me#like it was not an option to not buy that little fucker#The dragon is weighted and my ex got it for me because he had a dragon by the same company and one of our alters was like. obsessed with it#and the the non-crocheted penguin i got today. from a sort of fuck buddy to fwb situation#I was giving him my old phone because his broke so i think he felt bad? and so he gave me the penguin#It like. freaked me out a little#and i guess he could tell because he was like ' hes cute. he's a nice guy'#and thats my entire stuffed animal history#edit: oh i guess the picture did have my night mare before christmas ones. arnt they cool!!! she makes a lot of little dolls like this.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Ah yes, my favourite time of year: the time when we figure out what the hell to get my grandma for her birthday
#it isn’t until august but it requires careful planning in advance#the woman is.. particular. about her tastes. and she is VERY vocal if she doesn’t like something#yes even if it’s a gift#she can legit be so rude.. she told the sales assistant in a car dealership ‘i don’t like coffee from these places’#like ma’am what the hell does that MEAN#but she’s also the only reason i have any level of financial security. she helps me out a lot and i do love her even though she’s ridiculous#so we (me and my mom) have got to figure out what to get for her. especially since my uncle (only other descendant) is useless#he is going to give her a card and some random item someone gave him that he doesn’t want. guaranteed.#best case scenario is that it might be edible. worst case scenario it’s a repeat of the ugly bird clock incident of 2020#(my granddad got rid of that thing by giving it to a recently bereaved neighbour. as if they didn’t already have enough problems)#anyway. so my usual go-to is to buy her jewellery of some kind but i’ve sort of bought myself into a hole with that#because she absolutely loves the bee necklace i bought her for mother’s day last year and hasn’t stopped wearing it since#and she also keeps wearing the opal earrings from christmas. so i’m a bit like.. what do i do now#my mom suggests ‘book’ but my grandma reads more than anybody and neither of us volunteer at the library anymore#so we can’t find out What she’s reading without committing a comedy heist or possibly bribing my old supervisor#i’m in favour of picking a random slightly lesser-known murder mystery author; or maybe buying her the new ruth ware since we know for sure#she’s never read ruth ware & she’d probably like her & also she can’t physically have read a book that’s not out yet#so. that. and probably some dark chocolates from her favourite chocolate shop#and i might knit her a case for her glasses since she really liked the one i made for mine and was making a huge fuss of it. idk though#i just want to do right by her since my uncle is an idiot and also she’s literally just bought me a trip to america. so.#i’ll think on it#personal
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jasonsthunderthighs · 2 years
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Tobin (my dad) and I are funny at times.
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