#so she bruised herself and called the cops
actual-corpse · 3 months
Something my mom told me has been festering in my head most of the day...
After watching a video of someone using Swedish Fish to demonstrate how easy it is to slip something into someone's drink... Now I'm angry.
Some girl my uncle knew came out to my parent's house (where he lives bc legal issues) and gave my uncle a hamburger and drink....
The bitch drugged the drink. And I'm so fucking mad. He fucked up once upon a time but he went to rehab and got better for his kids.
He's currently in a legal battle with his ex, who just keeps trying to put him under the jail through dirty tactics and by lying under oath.
I'm willing to bet that bitch is trying to sabatoge him before another court date by getting him to fail a drug test... I wouldn't be surprised... This same lady has also stalked my mother and tried to intimidate the rest of my family.
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trans-axolotl · 7 months
have not left bed today + found out another friend got locked up + want to beat up every single adult that saw what was happening to me and looked away or actively made it worse
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lilbitdepressed27 · 1 month
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Jenna Ortega x Fem!CopReader
Summary: you are a cop and Jenna's girlfriend
Warnings: fluff, angst
WC: 2.8k
Author's note: hope y'all like it sorry for any mistakes:)
Jenna lived a very busy life. From her schedule going from barely busy to being offered rolls for every possible roll she could dream of. She knew accepting the roll of Wednesday was going to either make her or break her career. She knew accepting such a popular roll would bring her more attention. It had become rare when she had free time. From all the filming she'd have to do, to all the interviews and photo shoots. It had been so exhausting. Physically and mentally. There were moments where she'd cry herself in to a panic.
There had been only one person who could calm her down. And that was her girlfriend of two years and half. One call from her was enough to calm her down. Just to hear her girlfriend's voice was enough, even when she was thousands of miles away. She truly did love her job, there was nothing else she'd rather do. But there was moments where she wished it didn't take so much of a toll on her.
But the moment she was offered a moment of peace she'd hurry back to L.A. Like how she was right now, she was only a few minutes away from her shared home. Although she knew her girlfriend was still working. She couldn't wait to surprise you. You had no clue she was coming home today.
She'd never forget the first time she met you. The way you looked in your uniform was a sight that had her feeling like she was drooling. Seeing you in you uniform never got old. She remembers the day she first saw you like it had been yesterday.
The police had been called on to the set due to a fight breaking out between two crew members. She remembered the day clearly. How two cops had shown up, one being a tall white man. He had been an attractive man she won't deny it but nothing had prepared her for the tall woman that followed behind him. Never had she seen someone so attractive, so breath taking. The way your arms flexed when you had to physically restrain one of the crew members.
The moment her eyes connected with yours, it felt like it was love at first sight. Something she had never believed in before that was until she saw you. The small smile you had shot her way had her heart racing. She knew in that moment, you'd be someone special in her life.
And she wasn't wrong.
Upon arriving at your house, she saw that your truck was not parked in its usual spot. She had hopped that you'd be home by now, but now she could surprise you when you got home. Thanking her driver as she got her bags and headed to the front door.
She couldn't wait to surprise you, she could only hope that you weren't in any more danger. She had her updates on you by one of your coworkers that was of a sister to you.
It had been a long day at work. After you got attacked by a few guys, after a stop gone wrong. To being involved in a shot out. All that had happened in the first five hours of your shift. You were sore and bruised. And just so tired. It was good thing your captain gave you the next three days off. You loved being a cop. It had been your dream job since you were a kid. But getting shot at was something you'd never get used to.
"Go rest L/n, you earned it. The last thing we need is for your girlfriend to be angry at us like last time. Who knew she could be so scary." Your friend Aaron who was also police officer joked.
"Hey don't underestimate the short latinas now Aaron."
You chuckled at the newest rookie. Celina was such a great change into the department. You knew she'd be a great cop.
"I'll see you guys later." You bid your goodbyes with a laugh. You really couldn't wait to get home. To lay on your bed and sleep. Well after talking to your girlfriend of course. You missed her a lot, FaceTiming wasn't enough nowadays. But it was the only thing letting you see her beautiful face. She had been away filming for the new season of Wednesday. With her no longer being in Scream 7. She a had bit more free time.
So with that in mind you hurried your way home. With L.A traffic it had taken a bit longer for you to get back home. Feeling relief once getting to your house. You hated coming home to an empty house, the times Jenna would be at home you were quick to get used to her being there. Your home felt so alive when she was home. So the times she was gone, the house felt so empty without her.
Shutting the door behind you, you were only two steps in when you froze in your tracks when you saw the back door open. As a muscle memory you went for your gun that was on your hip. But came back empty seeing as you showered and changed back in the station. Your personal weapon was in a safe, in your room. That was upstairs.
With your training coming at you, you were quiet as you made your way further into the house. Clearing every room you passed. Hoping that your training officer Harper's hand to hand combat would come in handy. There was noise coming from your gaming room. Even with your job, you still had time to game for a few minutes.
But if someone was in your gaming room. You knew they were most likely stealing. You had expensive equipment in there. Equipment you bought and other things Jenna bought you. The lights in the room were off, the only light in the room was coming from the hall. Meaning you could only see the figure of the intruder.
Using the wall as cover. They seemed small, easy enough for you hopefully to intimate them and if they react you could take them down. That's if they had no weapons.
"Police freeze, don't do anything stupid." Using your police voice. One of authority. You had to turn on the lights. Make sure they didn't have any weapons before you could fully come out of your cover.
"Mmm what are you going to do with me Officer."
"Jenna?" You turned on the light, smiling when you realized in fact it was your girlfriend who you hadn't seen in person the past four months. You had her in your arms in seconds. Your arms wrapping around her waist, lifting her off her feet. Her squeal was like a blessing in your ears. Her own arms wrapping themselves around your shoulder. Returning your hug just as tight.
The kiss that followed was filled with some love and so much more. You couldn't believe she was here with you. You couldn't believe that after four months she was back in your arms. The pain and soreness from your day was completely ignored, and honestly forgotten.
"God I missed you so much." You pulled away resting your forehead onto hers. With her legs wrapping around your waist you led her to your shared room. Hearing laughter as you continued to kiss all over her face.
"Put me down. I know you're bruised. Angela called me. Let me see you."
You should have known. The woman you work with, the ones you looked up to, they were more like sisters. Angela, Lucy and Nyla. They had grown fond of Jenna and you knew your girlfriend had grown a bond with them. So it was no surprise they told her about what happened today. With a sigh you took of your shirt. Revealing all your bruises and scraps.
You heard her gasp at the bruises.
"Hey I'm okay. Nothing I can't handle."
But she stayed looking at your bruises. Her fingers hovered over the bruises afraid of hurting you. Once she had heard what happened from Angela. She had been quick to try and call you. It was no surprise that you didn't answer. When she couldn't reach you, she had gone straight to the internet. Seeing the short videos of you being attacked. The way you were brutally assaulted by those men. It scared her how often you came close to dangerous situations.
"It still scares me. I don't want anything to happen to you."
You pulled her closer to you, wanting to comfort her in any way you could. "Baby look at me." Taking her cheeks into your hands, pulling her gaze away from your body to your eyes. Offering a gente smile.
"I can't promise that nothing will happen to me but I can promise that I'll try my very best to come back to you." Lightly placing pecks on her lips till you felt her smile.
"I know but ugh why can't you just work for me as my bodyguard or something." She complained as looked up at you, her hands creasing your bare lower back.
With a laugh you lead Jenna towards your shared room. "How about you tell me how filming went?"
"No how about you use that police voice, officer. I've been very bad."
It was good thing you had the next few days off. Seeing as you didn't get any sleep, the ache and soreness of the day was completely forgotten at the sight of your beautiful girlfriend's body.
"Oh my god you look so cute!" Jenna had put on the documentary you had been in. The documentary had been about a once famous celebrity, he's rolls had dried up, leading him into making cult of the students he was teaching.
It was a whole thing.
You were in a seat in your dress blues, you honestly looked awkward. "No I don't! I look like I'm constipated." You protested you didn't want to do the documentary in the first place. But your captain had kinda forced you. Seeing as you were one of the first cops to arrive on the scene.
"No you don't. Such sexy cop and you're all mine."
Her arm that was wrapped around your waist tighten. Her head was that had been resting on your chest was lifted as she looked up at you. Her eyes full with so much love.
"All yours." The smile you got return had you feeling like you won the lottery. Her smile was like a light in a dark room.
Lightly kissing you before pulling away to watch the parts of documentary you were in.
"Why can't we watch Wednesday? I was getting to the good part." You played with her long wavy hair. Gently scratching her skull, feeling the way her body basically melted on top of yours. You could tell she was tired. The way her eyes were fighting the sleep. A part of you wanted to take up her offer of being her bodyguard. You knew she struggled to sleep when she was busy. At least if you were with her. You could make sure she actually rests and take care of herself.
But you also loved your job. You had worked hard to be in the position you were in now. Not to mention the family you had found. You couldn't just leave them.
"You know I hate seeing myself on screen." Her finger traced random shapes on your bare stomach. Making sure not to hurt your bruises. Being back in your arms was everything she had wanted for the past months.
"But I love seeing you in action I-" You let out a laugh at the sight of her raised eyebrow, the suggestive smile she shot your way. "Stop, get your dirty mind out of there." The actress only let out a laugh, her smile only growing, it was a sight you loved dearly.
Jenna laid her head back down on your chest. Looking back at the television seeing you answering questions with your 'police officer' look. It was a look she found attractive, you looked so serious, so professional.
"Officer Y/ln, you've been an officer for three years now. Was this your craziest experience?"
She watched as you let out a short laugh, "Not even close. But this was one goes down as probably one the weirdest."
"Oh what was the craziest?"
"Mmh I don't-Oh! Tell them about the time a party mistook you and Bradford as strippers!" Was heard from behind the camera.
You had prepared yourself for the full on belly laugh the actress let out. You had once told her about that incident. You had never been so mortified and embarrassed in your life. Hearing the filming crew laugh had you chuckling as you clearly saw the blush on your own cheeks.
"Oh my god I can't believe Lucy brought that up."
"Me neither. Tim was pretty embarrassed as well."
The rest of the day was spent with Jenna in your arms. Taking advantage of the free day you both had. You couldn't ask for anything more.
"Just be safe okay?"
You were now back at work. The days you had off had passed way too fast. Your lovely girlfriend was still at your house enjoying her own free time. You were working the night shift for the next few days, along side your partner. Leaving for work had never been so hard. A part of you didn't want to leave Jenna's side. You had been so comfy laying on the couch with her before you had to get up and leave for work.
"Y/LN! Let's go, we have to question victims of a drive by."
And with that you were of to do your job.
The sun set and it had become dark out. The street lights came on, the streets empty, as faint sounds of yelling and gun shots rang out. The two officers trying their best to escape the suspects of the drive by they had been called to investigate further. With the ammunition quickly running low and their radios down they had no other option but to run from the suspected killers. Running into an apartment complex hoping they'd find someone that could help.
Jenna sat back on the couch watching the documentary you were in once again. She couldn't get over how attractive you looked on tv. While she waited for you to get from work, she made herself busy, by cleaning the house(which she didn't have to do much. You're a clean person.)
She also texted you. You always texted back. Even if the text was short. Most of your night shifts were always quiet. So you'd respond to her in full length texts. And when you were actually busy a simple thumbs up emoji would settle her nerves. But the last text she sent you was thirty minutes ago. By this point she would have gotten a simple emoji. But she was yet to receive anything. You hadn't even opened the text.
She couldn't help but to worry, her gut was telling her something was wrong. So she called one of your coworkers. Angela. Hoping the older woman could settle her nerves.
More gun shots rang out, the two officers had tried their best. Doing everything they could possibly do with the little ammunition they had left. Yet at the end it had not been enough. They were still out numbered.
Cutting through an alley had not been the smartest decision on the officers part but yet they had no choice. The only sound they could hear was of the dogs barking aggressively, the sound of their boots hitting the wet hard pavement and their heavy breathing.
Those criminals were out for blood and it was the exact thing they were getting. As they drove in from the other side of the alley successfully shooting one of the officers.
The shooting stopped as one of the officers successfully put down the two criminals. Their moment of relief quickly came crashing down at the sight of their partner on the floor.
The cries, the begging for their partner to stay down, to remain calm felt like they echoed. The cries for help as their partner chocked on their blood before going limp. Completely unaware of the criminals sneaking behind.
The officer noticed a moment too late, not being quick enough to reach their gun before the gun fire rang out once again.
It was two hours after she got off the phone with Angela when there was a knock on the door. She had moved quickly to reach the door. Swinging it open when she saw that it was Angela on the security cameras.
Angela didn't have to say anything. The look on her face said it all.
"No. No. No."
The cry was filled with denial, pain, heartache. The older woman could try to comfort the short actress. Although there was absolutely nothing she could do.
You were dead.
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sunlightmurdock · 9 months
mav finding out about his daughter and bradley's affair in the worst way possible
hehehehe so I’m imagining it’s a night that she and Mav had a really big, really public argument. She was at the Hard Deck being fake flirty — fake it til you make it type confidence that Bradley can see straight through, but Mav can’t. Mav just thinks it’s dangerous.
And where does she go after Maverick embarrasses her in front of everyone?? Bradley’s place.
It’s a night that he had stayed in, and she’s supposed to still be out, so he’s confused when the pounding on his front door is revealed to be her.
“He’s insane! He’s actually fucking insane! I was just playing pool and he came over yelling about being careful and respecting myself and..” Bradley just watches as she ducks under his arm, letting herself into his house and starting to pace furiously around his living room. She’s wearing a fitted dress, it’s cute, but short.
He doesn’t need to ask who has upset her, he already knows. Rooster just swings the door shut behind him and lets her rant.
“He didn’t ever care about being a parent when I was a kid, who does he think he is? — Acting like he gets to tell me what to do now.” She growls angrily.
Just wearing a pair of sweat shorts, Bradley sits on the arm of his couch and waits for you to be done. It takes a while, but he doesn’t mind listening.
The story finishes abruptly, mainly because she has been staring at his bare chest and shoulders for long enough that her anger has faded and been replaced with something else entirely.
It’s one of the reasons she loves Bradley. His ability to get her mind off of things. And how good he is in bed.
He makes her cum on his tongue, his fingers and then his cock. First on the couch, then against the wall in his hallway, finally in his bed. It’s wild. She knows that she’ll be left with bruises on her thighs in the morning and it just spurs her on.
She begs him for more as he fucks her hard, facedown onto his mattress, and he just complies. And then, when she’s a whimpering, trembling mess afterwards, he brings her a damp cloth and tells her to hang tight while he gets her some water.
Bradley passes by the front window as the pounding at the door starts. He makes brief eye contact with Maverick and knows he can’t pretend to already be in bed. He opens the door gingerly.
“She didn’t come home tonight!” Maverick pushes past Bradley without warning, starting to pace furiously around the living room. Bradley pales. “We had a big fight, and maybe I was out of line — I know she’s not stupid enough to fool around with any of those guys, but— fuck, she hasn’t come home and I’m out of my mind. Should we call the cops?”
Bradley tears his attention away from your dress poking out from between his couch cushions. Your heels discarded on the floor. Your panties by the hallway door.
“Cops? — No.” Bradley decides quickly. “She’s… probably just cooling off at a friend’s house.”
“But what if—“ Maverick stops talking as he catches sight of the heels on the floor. He looks up and examines Bradley’s dishevelled hair and love-bitten neck. “Oh. Oh, you have company. I’m sorry, I’m just so worried. Could I call her from your phone? — She won’t answer if she knows it’s me.”
Bradley swallows, then shakes his head. “Just give her some time to cool off, Mav. She’ll be fine.”
“How could you possibly promise that —“ Maverick catches sight of the dress and stops berating the Lieutenant for just a moment. He squints, trying to piece together the familiarity. He looks between the shoes and the dress.
Cut to Maverick absolutely tearing Bradley’s place apart looking for her, finding her hiding in his closes in one of his shirts and all hell breaking loose.
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love-islike-abomb · 2 months
Its all coming back to me now
Roman reigns x Emeline(OC)
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"There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow"
Warnings: smut, its sad but has a happy ending, I guess it's my way of working out how I feel about WM40, errors I may have missed.
Word count: 2,374
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @romanreignshairdresser @weirdgirl16355 @wrestlingprincess80
A heaviness came over her seeing him laying on the mat. Her heart dropped into her stomach, tears welling in her eyes. She dropped to the floor, her legs unable to hold her up anymore "Emeline!" She knew the voice but it wasn't his! With all her strength she forced herself to stand and as fast as her legs would carry her she ran. She didn't know where she was running to but she just wanted away from here.
The sound of the pouring rain filled her ears when she opened the door to the arena, numbing her senses. She ran out and slammed the door behind her. Running into the street, she hadn't payed attention to the cars that were driving by. A loud horn signaled the unthinkable. She'd been hit!
Laying on the ground, her legs broken and pain shooting through her all she cared about, still, was him. The person yelling at her was hazey. Their voice was muffled. Then she heard the sirens and everything went black.
Romans POV
I walked up the wrap to the wiseman and just broke. We shared a long hug "your wife is waiting for you my tribal chief!" He Said. I walked back stage and Dakota came running to me "Roman we can't find Emeline!" She said.
"what?" I asked "Paul just said she was waiting for me!"
"she ran out of the arena after the match! Hunter tried to stop her but she was in her own world! Her eyes were glossed over! And we heard a car honk!"
My blood ran cold "you didnt think to go fucking look?!" I yelled before running outside. When I saw the red and blue lights I knew in my gut she was hurt! I ran as fast as I could to the ambulance. The cop stopped me before I could cross "sir you can't go past here!"
"that's my wife!" I yelled, before he moved aside and let me pass "Emeline! Baby girl!" Her eyes were shut and her face was scraped up and bruised. I looked down and saw her legs were broken. This is all my fault! "Emeline, I'm so sorry!" I kissed her forehead.
"sir she's alive but we have to get her to the hospital! She's probably gonna need emergency surgery!" The EMT said.
"what happened?" I asked.
"someone who saw the whole thing said she ran out into the street and looked like she was distraught. She hadn't payed attention to the cars and..." He stopped, seeing my reaction. I grabbed her hand and held it to my face, all I could do was cry. This was all my fault. I let her down!
"Emeline please come back to me!" I sobbed, holding her hand in mine. My world stopped. I couldn't lose her! "Sir we have to put her in the ambulance. You can ride with her." The EMT said.
I let go of her hand so they could get her in the ambulance and hopped in beside her, grabbing her hand again, tears welling in my eyes. If it kills me I was gonna beat Cody's ass!!
When we got to the hospital, I called Seth, dwayne, Paul, jimmy, and hunter and let them know what happened. Hunter gave me some half assed apology about it and I nearly tore him a new one but Emeline wouldn't want me to do that so I just said "thanks!" And hung up.
Just as they wheeled her back into surgery Paul walked up to me hugged me "how is she?" He asked.
"they just wheeled her back into surgery!" I said "her legs are broken!"
"I'm so sorry!" Paul said "Dwayne's on his way along with the twins and solo!"
The realization of what happened finally hit me and I broke down "I can't lose her Paul!"
"it's gonna be ok! She's gonna be ok!" He said.
4 hours later
When the doctor finally came out I was trying to read his expression but he was blank and my heart sank.
"how is she?" I asked.
"She's stable but both her femurs were broken. She's gonna need physical therapy and that's just the emergency part of it. We don't know if she had any head trauma and we won't know until she wakes up." He said "your wife is a fighter!"
"Can I go see her?" I asked.
"Of course!"
"Thank you! Where is she?"
"Room 406"
I ran down the hall and when I found her room, I walked in and my heart broke. She was connected to so many tubes and machines. I hadn't even noticed the nurse checking on her "you must be her husband?" She asked.
"Yes!" I said "a few others are going to be coming as well."
"We can only have 2 visitors at a time in the room. Its to keep the room clear for staff!" She said.
"I understand!" I said, forcing a half smile "I wasn't there to protect her! This is all my fault!" I broke down in tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder "it's not your fault. Accidents happen." She smiled "your wife is a very lucky woman to have a man like you and she's a fighter!"
"No, I'm the one who's lucky! She's stood beside me when no one else did! She believed in me when no one else would! Without her I wouldn't be who I am today!" I smiled.
"it's late why don't you get some sleep? The chair is a pullout." She said "I can get you a pillow and a blanket if you'd like?"
"i'll probably lay down later. My mind isn't going to shut off anytime soon! Especially not seeing her like this!" I said, grabbing Emeline's hand.
"well if you need anything just let me know!" She smiled.
"thank you!" I smiled back.
The next morning
I woke up with my head on my arm, I don't know when I fell asleep but I still had Emeline's hand and in mine. She had started to stir when I woke up and when she opened her eyes I was so happy "Emeline! Baby girl! Thank the gods your ok!" I reached to give her a kiss but she pulled away from me "who are you?" She asked.
The sting I felt in my chest was like nothing I'd felt before. I remembered the doctor said we wouldn't know if she had any head trauma until she woke up but I wasn't expecting this! I pressed the call button for the nurse.
"Hello, is everything alright?" She asked.
"Emeline's awake!" I said, my voice starting to crack "but she doesn't remember me!"
"we'll be right there!" The nurse said.
"you still haven't answered my question!" Emeline said "who are you?"
I reached for my wallet and pulled out a picture of us at our wedding "Emeline, I'm your husband!" I said, trying to keep myself from crying.
The nurse came running in the room "hey I know you want her to remembe but that's not the way to do it! It has to be gradual and she has to do it herself. I cant imagine what you feel right now but it's gonna be ok. 90% of the time the amnesia is temporary!" The nurse said trying to comfort me but it didn't work.
"I need to get some air!" I said, walking out of the room. My wife didn't remember me! The love of my life, my best friend didn't know who I was. I leaned against the wall and slumped to the ground, putting my head.in my hands. Tears fell down my face. I couldnt be without her! She was my world!
"joe?" I heard a familiar voice say.
"dwayne!" I said standing up and hugging him "she's awake but she doesn't remember me!"
I heard him sigh "it's not her fault or yours. Don't blame yourself! She'll remember you. I know it hurts but you can't rush it!"
"people keep telling me that but no one is telling me how to help her!" I yelled "my wife doesn't fucking remember me!"
Emeline's POV
I heard him shouting out in the hallway his couldnt remember him and I didn't understand why he was so angry. I felt sorry for him but I wasn't his wife. The nurse came in and gave me some pain medicine and I felt better. My brain was so scrambled I didn't even know how to start trying to figure out who he was.
"where's the tv remote?" I asked.
The nurse picked up the call light and showed me how to use it. I started flipping through the channels and couldn't find anything. Nothing interested me. I still had my phone so I decided to listen to some music. I hit the shuffle button and the sound of a piano filled My ears. It was a familiar sound but I wasn't sure why I knew it.
"I finished crying in the instant that you left!" I started to remember last night. "I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me!"
My friends started flashing in my head Naomi, iyo, Bayley!
"and if you kiss me like this!" Joe? "Joe!!" I yelled.
My body wouldn't move! I could hear his voice but I couldn't move!! Was I dead? No I can't be dead! I can hear him yelling! What's going on then? I tried to push a button, make a noise, anything but nothing! And then darkness. Empty, cold darkness!
3 days later
Emeline had started to slowly show signs of improvement. The doctors had hope that the coma was her brains way of healing itself and when she woke up she'd remember. All they could do was hope. Joe never left her side! Beside himself with grief all he could do was wait.
Holding her hand he fell asleep next to her again, hoping it was all a nightmare and he would wake up and she would be fine. A soft groan woke him "joe?" Her voice was faint but he clearly heard her say his name "baby girl?" He said rubbing her hair.
"what happened?" She asked "why am I in the hospital?"
"you were in an accident" he said, trying to figure out how to tell her "you had to have surgery because you were hit by a car! Are you in pain?" He asked.
"a little!" She said, as he reached for the call button. The nurse came in "your awake!" She smiled.
"how long was I out for?" Emeline asked.
"4 days!" The nurse said "do your remember anything?"
"I remember joe freaking out that I didn't know who he was and-"
"Emeline you've been out this whole time!" The nurse said "it's not uncommon for coma patients to dream"
"it was so real though!" She said "no matter how hard I tried to wake up I couldn't!"
"it's ok baby girl! You're ok!" He smiled at her.
"I'm gonna go get the Dr!" The nurse said, leaving them alone. He smiled widely at her "I'm so glad you're awake! I was so worried!"
"I don't remember what happened!" She said.
"it's probably best you don't right now." He said "it could make things worse!"
The Dr came in a few moments later "Emeline! Its good to see you awake!" She smiled "your gonna need therapy for your legs, I'm gonna give you some very strong pain killers. You'll be in the hospital for. Few more days as long as things go well. You need to rest as much as possible!"
"can he stay with me?" She asked.
"of course he can!" The Dr smiled, noticing their hands intertwined.
A few months later
Emeline's legs were 70% better! They hadn't been able to be intimate since she got hurt and Both of them we're going crazy with want! When she woke up in their canopy bed, he was still next to her. It was still dark but the moonlight shinning in the room made his skin glow.
His gaze at her made that heat between her legs pool. His eyes darkened with lust when he pulled the blanket back, seeing her naked body. Her curves, her perky, beautiful breasts and her eyes lusting just as much as his "I need you baby girl!" He said leaning towards her, pulling her body as close to his as possible. Kissing down her shoulder he felt goosebumps form on her skin, his thick beard tickling her as he moved to her breasts, taking each nipple in his mouth.
She laid on her back, letting him crawl over her. Reaching his hand down, running it through her folds before bringing his fingers to his lips and licking them clean "delicious!" He groaned, running the tip of his thick cock through her essence "joe please!" She groaned. Her pleas were music to his ears. He lined himself up with her entrance and slowly slid in, both of them letting out deep groans of pleasure. It'd been so long since they:d felt each other, both of them nearly busting at the sensation.
"Uhn! Fuck baby girl! I've missed how this pussy suckles my cock! Fuck!" He groaned.
He gently wrapped her legs around him, before lifting them over his shoulders "uhn! So fucking tight!"
A deep growls escaped him as he felt her pussy squeeze him even more "that's it baby! Give it to me! Let me feel you cum!" He growled. His words sending her over the edge, her walls spasming around him "oh fuck! That's my good girl! Milk my cock!" He growled throwing his head back, his own orgasm rocking his body, her walls milking him dry.
When he stilled inside her, they were both still spasming, neither one wanting to leave the other "I could stay like this all night!" She smiled.
He smiled back "I could to! I could make love to you all night long!"
"What's stopping you?" She smirked.
He smirked back "I love you baby girl!"
"I love you to!" She smiled. The rest of the night he showed her how much he's missed her, making her scream his name.
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dulcesiabits · 11 months
like a flash in the night.
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summary: your relationship with bai yi is purely transactional... or she'd like you to believe.
notes: 1.5k words, fic, a commission for @mh8 (who I have to thank for giving me a chance to write about miss bai yi <3), descriptions of violence + lightest suggestive content
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Bai Yi was taking advantage of you.
You would be a fool not to realize it; the only time she ever called you was when she needed a favor or a place to crash. You had learned to temper your expectations when your phone rang and Bai Yi’s silky voice was on the other line, when she flirted or wheedled or made another empty promise to treat you to a nice meal (a meal you would, inevitably, end up footing the bill for).
But when she showed up on your doorstep, bruised and cheerful, you still ran to see her, heart pounding.
“You’re an angel!” Bai Yi exclaimed, clasping her hands together dramatically when you swung open the door. “I know you wouldn’t let me down, hm?”
You could slam the door in her face for once, you thought. Tell her to go somewhere else, or to come back when she finally planned on paying back the money she borrowed from you.
But you only sighed at her theatrics, and gestured impatiently for her to come inside. “You can’t keep doing this, Bai. I have a life, and I can’t drop everything to help you every time you run into trouble. What is it this time? Debt collectors? Syndicate gangsters?”
Bai Yi had the decency to slip off her heels before she entered your apartment properly, throwing them carelessly at the doorway. You paused to line them up at the entrance, toes pointing towards the door, as she ambled down the hall as if she owned the place.
“Can’t I come just because I miss you, angel?”
You flushed at the sound of the nickname. “I don’t believe that.”
“Bai,” you said firmly. “What did you do?”
“I may have borrowed some money and promised to pay it back last week…”
“Oh my god.”
“But, ah, I had some emergency expenses to finance, so all of the cash I was going to put towards my loans? Gone! Just like that!”
You doubted she actually had any money to pay the loans back with; more likely than not, she had spent it all on some shady business venture investment and lost all her cash in the process. You followed the sound of her carefree voice down the hall, only to end up in front of your bedroom. Bai Yi was circling your bed, running a finger along the duvet.
“Bai Yi,” you said. “You’re on the run from loan sharks? Again?”
She shrugged, before diving onto your bed. “Yup! K.K. will get it all sorted out, though, so don’t even worry about it.”
“I’m tired from being on the run. Angel, could you please close the door for me?”
You watched as Bai Yi pulled your comforter over herself, head sinking into the pillows you had fluffed just that morning. 
“At least take off your street clothes!” you said, exasperated. 
“Sorry, angel. If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to try harder.”
You shut your bedroom door irritably. It looked like it would be another night sleeping on the couch for you.
“Bai Yi, I swear to god, if you make me lose my apartment, I am going to toss you to MBCC myself!”
“Angel, don’t be so hasty! Don’t things always work out for us?”
You growled, biting back a string of curses as Bai Yi’s motorcycle cut around a corner so sharply your head almost touched the warm asphalt. The breeze whipped away her laughter; even in a situation where the two of you were on the run from Syndicate loan sharks, Bai Yi couldn’t take a single second of it seriously.
“Fuck!” you yelled as the motorcycle jostled over a pothole and swerved around a pedestrian, who screamed bloody curses after you two.
“You have to hold onto me tighter,” Bai Yi instructed, eyes still glued to the road. “Try not to cop a feel.”
“You’re disgusting. I’m not–” Another sharp turn, another close brush with the pavement where your head almost cracked like an egg, and you decided you could save the witty remarks before your brains ended scrambled up all over the streets of Syndicate. 
Reluctantly, you looped your arms around Bai Yi’s waist, so tightly you could feel her muscles tensing under her skin, feel the rumble of her laughter echo straight into your heart as she sped through narrow roads and dark alleyways. You rested your head against her back, squeezing your eyes shut as you nuzzled against her jacket. She smelled like sun-warmed leather, and cheap alcohol, and something you couldn’t quite place– it was the smell of the city itself, of cracked pavements and the faint tang of blood.
She had always promised to take you out for a spin on her bike, but you never imagined she would fulfill under such strenuous circumstances. 
You couldn’t help but smile a little into her jacket. As unreliable as Bai Yi was, she had always shown you a good time.
You had never seen that expression on Bai Yi’s face before. 
She was always ready with an easy smile or an over-dramatic frown to flash at you. Sometimes you forget just how strong she really was. It was strange to see her mouth so thin, her gaze cold and calculating, a barely-contained anger edging all of her words. She was like a predator, ready to strike at the first sign of weakness, power and tension rolling under her skin.
“They have nothing to do with this,” she said slowly. “Let them go.”
The gangster holding a knife at your throat barked out a wheezy laugh. “Listen, Bai Yi. They–” He yanked you closer to the knife, metal scraping your throat, and Bai Yi’s eyes tracked him “--got involved as soon as they met you.”
Her hand twitched on the handle of her swords, and the gangster hissed, pressing the blade into the skin of your neck, just enough for you to gasp at the sudden pain as a trickle of blood trailed onto your collarbone.
That must have been the final straw for Bai Yi. She snarled, and in the space between one blink and the next, the gangster’s head was lying on the floor, his face still frozen in a haughty grimace.
You couldn’t even call it a fight; it was a one-sided slaughter. Everytime you blinked, there was another head rolling on the floor, another body crumpling like a broken doll. In under a minute, Bai Yi was calmly wiping the blood off her swords with a coat ripped off a nearby corpse, before sheathing them into their scaboards. 
That strange, intense expression still hadn’t faded off her face as she strode towards you, anger still vibrating in every inch of her body.
“Are you okay?” she said. Her fingers drifted towards your face, as if she wanted to touch you; but they only hovered over your skin as complicated emotions warred across her face, each flashing by too fast for you to gauge what they were. 
You shook your head; you were still trying to process what just happened, but the shock must have caught up to you, because your legs gave way. Bai Yi easily caught you before you could fall. Her grip was surprisingly strong but gentle, and her arm curled protectively around you, pulling you closer towards her body.
“Let’s go home,” she said softly. “You need some rest.”
“Bai, I–”
“Don’t say anything,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry. I should have known better than to bring trouble to your door.”
You nodded, and the two of you simply stood like that for a while. When you moved to step away, her hands lingered, as if she wanted to hold you close to her forever.
“Next time,” you said slowly, as Bai Yi led you towards her motorcycle, “You have to treat me to dinner at a restaurant. A nice one.”
“Are you asking me on a date?” she said.
“No. You’re going to be the one to ask me,” you replied. You thought she might have smiled, but you couldn’t be sure.
Che folded his arms as he surveyed the apartment building across from the alley he, K.K. and Bai Yi were lurking in. “So you want me to stake out this place?”
“Just for the next few weeks,” Bai Yi said. “Make sure the, ah, person I told you about doesn’t meet with any trouble.”
“Why this place, Bai Yi?” K.K. said curiously. “Don’t tell me you borrowed from another loan shark.”
Che rolled his eyes. “It’s not like that, K.K. This is where the boss’s secret lover lives.”
“Her what?” K.K. hissed.
“We’re not in that kind of relationship,” Bai Yi said lightly.
Che appraised her, raising one eyebrow. “You sure?”
“I don’t get attached. You know that, Che. Come on! It would be sad for all the gorgeous women in Syndicate if I settled down so easily, don’t you think?”
Don’t get attached, my ass. Why do you look at them like that, then? Che bit back his words; Bai Yi knew her feelings best, and if she didn’t have a reason for revealing them, then neither did he.
The trio gave one last glance at the apartment complex, Bai Yi’s lingering on a particular window on the third floor, before they vanished into the night.
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Antonio Dawson (ft Kim Burgess): Bruise 
This came from brain rot and the wish of being on Antonio’s lap. Another one that I wrote for myself and was completely indulgent.  
The first time you saw it you hadn’t thought much of it. It was completely normal for you to have random bruises. You were clumsy and you never really felt them until after you saw them fully formed. But you swore this one on your inner thigh never seemed to completely go away. Just when you think it was fully healed it would bloom a new blue to black shade. It was starting to worry you a little, but all your other bruises and injuries were healing up fine. So you didn’t think it was medically related. 
It was driving you crazy not knowing. 
You’re in Molly’s bathroom with your shorts pushed slightly up to glare at the bruise. Kim Burgess comes out of one of the stalls and looks down at your thigh for a moment. You roll your shorts back down. “That's a pretty big bruise.” 
“Yeah, and I have no idea where it came from.” You could hear the irritation in your own voice. Kim smiles to herself as she washes her hands.  
“No?” Her tone is playful and teasing. You turn to look at her furrowing your eyebrows. “You really have no clue how you could have got it?” You pause to think about it but come up empty and shake your head. Kim presses her lips together into a line as she tilts her head encouraging you to continue thinking. You pause again before shaking your head again. Kim laughs and grabs a handful of paper towels to dry her hands.  
“Kim!” You weren’t super close to the female cop. You had only met her a few times. You knew she worked off and on with the Intelligence Unit and had Antonio’s respect. That was honestly enough for you. You found that your boyfriend was a good judge of character, and you didn’t often disagree with his judgment calls. The two of you had been keeping your relationship quiet.  
She stopped at the door throwing the towel in the trash. She turned and gave you a smile. “You know I used to get a bruise in a similar spot, upper left thigh when I was with Adam- from his gun. Just saying.” She winked knowingly and left you with your racing thoughts. 
Over the next few weeks, you became hyper-aware of it. Antonio’s gun was like an extension of his body. He was always carrying. You were pretty sure he didn’t even notice it anymore. Your left thigh, on the other hand, was well acquitted with it. 
You and Antonio are kissing your way through the living room. His hands slide down your thighs and he hoists you up securing your legs around his waist. He sits on the couch with you on his lap never breaking your kiss. You can’t help but smile against his lips as you feel the holster of his gun press more firmly against your inner thigh.
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lexasxempire · 3 months
LOVER || Frank Castle x Fem!Reader
Plot: Frank decided to not tell Sam (reader) he was okay after his night out hunting people down.
WARNINGS: mostly smut, smut with some plot, slight dirty talk, slight choking, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys) etc
18+ only!! MDNI🚫
It had been a long day for both Sam and Frank, she spent the day tracking down a gang of men for him to kill. He spent the day killing said men. Sam didn’t really care for the men he killed, they were bad guys. Murders, rapists, thieves, predators. She never felt anything towards how brutal Frank was to them.
As of right now though, Sam was pissed to say the least. After she had told Frank where the men were hiding, he never returned any of her texts asking if he was okay. She didn’t know if he was dead or being tortured, if he was hurt and couldn’t call for help, she didn’t know anything. It was agonizing.
All she could do was wait. And hate every second of it, I mean it’s not like she could call the cops right?
Oh um officer! The punisher is missing! Please help me find him!
Pfft! As if anyone could find the “dead” man. He was gonna be a dead man the next time she seen him. She planned to let him have all her nasty words for making her worry so damn much.
Hours had passed, the sun set and the morning rose again since she last heard from him. Still nothing. Not a single peep.
Sam didn’t get a wink of sleep it felt like. She should be used to him doing this but she just never was. She cursed him for keeping her up so late when she had work the next day. Speaking of which, is hell at the moment, it’s like everyone in the damn city is getting hurt at the same time and coming to the same place, the hospital.
It was now passed 12, she was heading home now and still nothing from the man. She was too tired to put out a flyer. Too tired to even care about the strangers she walked passed in the night.
Once she got to her apartment door, walking inside after unlocking it, she dropped her bag to the floor and hung her keys before making her way towards her bedroom. That’s when she seen him, Frank, laying on her couch all bruised and bloody. She wanted so badly to be mad at him, to scream till he woke just to scream at him more. To hit him for scaring her so bad. But she didn’t. Instead she grabbed her first aid kit and got to work cleaning his open wounds. Most of the blood on him wasn’t his own but it didn’t bother Sam. What surprised her was he didn’t wake up the entire time, if anything, he fell deeper into his sleep.
When she finished, she cleaned up her mess before heading to bed herself. Although she backtracked to lay a blanket over Frank. She even placed a glass of water and ibuprofen out on the coffee table for him. Then she finally went to sleep, she was just happy to finally close her eyes and not worry anymore.
Morning came quicker then she liked, Sam wanted to stay in bed longer but she heard Frank’s footsteps outside her door. See they had a rule, a boundary like rule. She’d leave her door open for him most of the time but if it were closed, he couldn’t come it. It was an unspoken rule but sometimes he’d break it just to check on her. Although the times she locked her door, like today, made him anxious. He couldn’t check on her. How ironic.
Sam didn’t leave her room yet though, she showered before and she took her time as well. She wanted him to suffer. So after she stepped out of the shower and dried off, she pulled on a large t-shirt, one of his, and a pair of black lace panties. She kept her wet hair down, wetting the top of the shirt. Once satisfied, she finally walked to her door, unlocking it and walking out. She forced herself to not let her eyes look for him, not to meet his eyes. Even when he stood from the couch with a small grunt. She knew he was watching her. He knew that she was angry at him.
None of them said a word as she poured herself a cup of hot coffee that Frank a made. Truthfully, she wanted to ignore the coffee all together because he made it, she was petty. But it was coffee, she needed her coffee.
“Sam.” He spoke first, his voice sending shivers up her back. She missed him so much.
But she ignored him still. She carried on with making herself breakfast, not caring how much noise she was making with the pans she was about to use. As she started making her breakfast, she heard Frank come closer to the kitchen, which wasn’t far from the couch. Subconsciously, Sam held her breath, waiting for him to get closer. She wanted him too. She hated how much control he had over her.
“Sam please.” His voice was just above a whisper, he wanted to hear her voice, for her to yell at him, curse at him, hit him, anything. He needed that from her. He missed her.
“I’m busy.” Was all she gave him, not a glance his way or even an attitude in her tone. His heart clenched, he knew he messed up this time.
He brought his hand up to her elbow gently, feeling her twitch under his touch. She was having a mental war with herself, she wanted to lean into his touch but she also wanted to rip herself from it.
He waited for her to pull away, to react, to do something. She didn’t. So he spoke again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m an asshole for not calling, for not letting you know I was okay. Sam I’m sorry.” He didn’t stop the emotion in his voice, he was completely and utterly open with her, vulnerable to only her. “I’m so fucking sorry baby.”
She almost broke then and there. Oh how she wanted too. To wrap her arms around him, take in his cologne, feel the rough callouses on his hands. But she didn’t, she felt her pettiness wasn’t enough just yet.
“At least you know you’re an asshole.” Sam pulled her arm away and stepped away from him, moving back to her cooking. But Frank? He wore a grin, he knew she wasn’t mad at him anymore, she was just being a little cruel to him now. He deserved it but he could also handle it. As long as she was speaking to him, it was good enough for him.
“I can make it up to you.” He hummed, gently moving her away from the stove to take over. The gesture annoyed her which amused him. “Sit, relax I know you had a long shift.”
“Oh do you now?” There was that attitude. He missed that. He only smirked to himself as he continued to cook her breakfast.
“I know your schedule, Sammie.” The woman rolled her eyes, mumbling under her breath. “What was that?”
“You’re a creep.” Sam grumbled into her cup as she sipped her coffee, loving the burning down her throat. “An asshole creep.”
“Is that my new nickname?”
He chuckled as he plated her food, sliding it in front of her, pressing a kiss to her temple, keeping his lips there for a few seconds.
“Thank you for stitching me up, taking care of me.” He whispers, his hand squeezing her knee gently. She subconsciously leans into his kiss, letting out a soft breath.
“Who else would do it? Not like they’ll welcome you to the ER.” 
“I’m quite comfortable to be here.”
“I bet you are you freeloader.”
Frank snorts, squeezing her thigh with a bit pressure to tease her.
“Easy, you’re the one who leaves your door and window open for me.” His whisper against her hair sent her skin tingling at each word. She quickly started to eat just to distract herself.
“I just forget to lock them.” She hums, shifting in her seat.
“That so?” Frank smirks, gently brushing her hair over her shoulder as his hand moves higher on her thigh. He only received a small hum from her. He didn’t like that. “You have to use your words, sweetheart.” Squeezing his hand tight on her upper thigh.
“And if I don’t?” Sam practically squeaked out, her face was heating up quickly, as was between her legs.
“I’ll have to make you.” He smirks, pressing a kiss to her jawline gently. “And we both know I can.” He whispers to her as he moves his hand up further, letting his hand push up the shirt she was wearing, his shirt. His hand was stopped by hers laying over his.
“Frank.” She whispers, almost a gasp coming from her as she finally looks at him, their eyes meeting for the first time since she left her room.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” He whispered back, his nose brushing against hers as he struggled with the urge to kiss her.
Sam lets out a breath, biting her bottom lip as she shakes her head slowly, spreading her legs open further for him. Her hand squeezed his, giving him the green light to continue. But he wanted more.
“I told you to use your words, sweetheart.” Brushing his fingers against her covered heat, he felt her jolt under him.
“I- Frank, I don’t want you to sto-stop.” She panted out slightly, trying to roll her hips against his fingers for more. She needed more. She needed him.
“There you go.” He smirks, pushing his fingers against her more, rubbing her through her panties slowly. “Let me take care of you now baby, it’s my turn to take care of you.” He whispers as he pushes her panties aside, letting his fingers feel her wetness.
Sam couldn’t control the soft moan that fell from her lips as she felt his fingers. Her own gripped onto his shoulder, her other still holding his hand. “Frank.” She panted out.
“Shh shh shh, I got you baby, relax for me.” His words were soothing to her as she felt his fingers slip into her slowly, clenching around them greedily. “Fuck sweetheart.”
Grunting out a moan, she moved her hips against his hand. He pulled another gasp out of her as his callused palm rubbed against her clit.
“Ahh Frank!” Her nails dug into his shoulder as his fingers went deeper, quickening his pace of sliding in and out of her. He loved hearing her cry out for him.
“Atta girl, I got you.” He presses a kiss to her throat as he quickens his hand, curling his fingers in her slightly. She let out another cry of pleasure. “Oh you like that huh? You miss me baby? Mm?”
Sam nodded quickly, panting as she parts her lips when another moan comes from her.
“Yes! Ye-yes yes I missed you.” She was so close to coming as she locked eyes with him, her hand coming up to grip the hair at the nip of his neck. She didn’t care how hard she pulled, she wanted him to know what she felt.
“I’m here baby, I’m here.” He nods, keeping his pace as he kisses up her face. “Come for me, sweetheart.”
She cried out with a loud moan, pushing her forehead against his as she came. Panting quickly as she rides her high. “Fuck Frank.”
“That what you want?” Frank smirked before he quickly picks her up without letting her say a word. “I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
Sam lets out a squeal as he picks her up, seeing he was taking her to her bedroom, her cheeks still flushed.
“Franky.” She whispers against his ear, nipping at the lobe, knowing it would drive him crazy. “I want you to fuck me.” She smirked against his ear as he practically sprinted to her room.
Sam laughed out as he tossed her onto the bed, his hands immediately working on his belt as he eyed her down. With a small hum, Sam slowly slides off her panties from her hips and down her thighs, wiggling her hips as she does. She smiled at the hungry look in his eyes as she slowly opened her legs for him, inviting him in. That only drove him to work faster, ripping off his shirt and dropping his pants to his ankles as well as his boxers.
“God you are beautiful.” He grunts as he moves to her, grabbing and pulling her leg closer to him, kissing her roughly. He was so desperate for her lips, her taste.
Moaning against his lips, she rocked her hips against his. Gripping his short hair, she flips them, sinking onto his cock slowly as she straddles his hips. She loved his grunts of pleasure. They mixed so well with her own.
“Shit. You’re perfect baby.” He pants, his large hands covering her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples as she bounces on his dick. “Look so beautiful riding me.”
“Ahh!” Her moans were almost screams, moving her hips to ride him faster, his hands gripping onto his shoulders tightly. “Fr-Franky!”
Grunting out, moaning against her neck as he messily kisses her skin. He felt the growing heat building in the pit of his stomach as he left his marks on her skin.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me come, sweetheart.” He pants out, his hand coming up her back to grip the back of her wet hair. “Agh you take me so well-“
Sam’s moans cut him short, sinking her hips as far as they can go onto his cock. She could feel her second orgasm coming on quickly. “Mmm make me come Franky, fuck.” She slowed her hips, leaning down to kiss him, cupping his cheeks.
Returning her kiss greedily, he lets go of her hair, moving it to her throat and squeezing, driving his hips up into her quickly. His grunts filling her mouth.
“Ahh! I’m- I’m coming Frank!” Her walls clenched tightly against his cock, pulling ruthlessly as she comes. His moans follow closely after, the clench and warmth of her sending him over the edge, coming inside her.
They both pant against each other’s lips, a small laugh coming from Frank as Sam breaks a smile, kissing him softly.
She gently hits his chest. “You ever do some stupid shit like that again, you’re sleeping outside.” She whispers playfully. Frank chuckles.
“As long as I get to hear your voice, I’ll do whatever you say, sweetheart.” His whisper was soft as he kisses up her face gently, earning her soft giggles.
The end.
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I hope you enjoyed this😋and no I’m not gonna edit it or reread it for typos, I’m to tired too, goodnight peeps!
Also this was my first smutty fic! And first one shot! Pls be nice😪
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invisibleraven · 24 days
"did you eat today?" for Ray & anyone?
Ray found himself with more time to himself than he wanted now a days. Sure he had his work to keep him busy, but he wasn't made to sit at a chair editing between shoots, and he was comfortable enough that he could be picky about those.
He also had his family, but Julie was more out of the house than in it between school, her band, and her part time job at the local library. Carlos had his baseball and his own teen dramas to deal with, no time for his old dad anymore.
Tori had tried to set him up a few dates, but he didn't feel ready to move on from Rose. Even if she had been gone several years now, it felt like a betrayal to see other women. He was sure Rose herself would be encouraging him to get out there, but he was content enough alone.
So he decided to take up gardening.
He had always had a bit of a green thumb, helping the various plants Rose insisted on filling the house with thrive and flourish. After she passed he moved them out to her studio-more light and a chance for quiet solitude when he watered them.
Today though, when he went out to grab his pruning shears and give the ferns a good going over, he found someone there. A boy, probably around Julie's age sleeping on the worn leather couch there.
He looked rather rough, in ripped jeans and a flannel that had seen better days. Dirt smeared his face and there was a scent that spoke of a lack of access to soap. Probably a runaway who had stumbled upon the unlocked garage and figures it was better than sleeping rough.
Ray shook the boy gently who startled, shrinking into himself, holding up his arms as if expecting an attack.
"I'm sorry! I just needed somewhere to stay and the nice girl at the library said I could come here and I didn't take anything I swear!"
Ray softened, though he was definitely going to talk to Julie about offering up their property to strays after she asked him first.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you or call the cops," Ray assured him. "I just wanted to figure out what was going on. Julie-the girl who sent you here is my daughter. I'm Ray."
"Reggie," the boy whimpered, oh so slowly lowering his arms and Ray inwardly hissed at the black eye and obvious bruising covering the boy's face. God who would-or even could do that to a child?
"Well Reggie it's nice to meet you," Ray said, sitting in the chair opposite him. "Do you have someone you want me to call for you?"
Reggie shook his head. "Ain't got nobody."
Ray very much doubted that, but didn't push the issue. "Well how about you come in and use the facilities? I can toss your stuff in the wash, get you something new to wear in the meantime. Did you eat today?"
Reggie's stomach grumbled, almost as if in response. "What day is it?' he asked sheepishly.
"Then no."
"Well we can fix that," Ray surmised. "How do you feel about spicy food?"
Later, when Julie got home, she found her dad and Reggie getting on like the best of friends, and she sighed in relief. She was sure that she was in for a lecture, but she couldn't just let Reggie try to catch a nap in the study corrals when she had a plethora of couches for him.
Plus she knew that her dad was secretly a little lonely, and figured this would help. He did always have a thing for strays.
It wasn't long before Reggie was all but a member of the family. And a few years later, when she, Luke, and Reggie decided to marry? He became one in every other way that mattered-right down to his name.
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thefantasticreader · 10 months
We are here to help (Carlisle x 16 year old reader)
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Summary: Y/n is best friends with the Cullens, but unfortunately for her she's been going through some hard times. After a month of not attending school and hurting herself she tries to end everything when it gets too much. but her plan is stopped when the cops are called. This time, Doctor Cullen Aka Carlisle catches her in a weak moment and agrees to help make sure she stays out of trouble after hurting herself.
Warnings: mentions of suicide, self harm, depression, the sad stuff guys, don't read if you don't like it or are triggered by it. And remember that there is a way out and there is always help you can get if you ever feel like the only way out.
Y/n swung her feet as she sat on the small table in the corner of the hospital room, the cop above her had a hand stuffed into his pocket and one hand on the gun holster. "Are the cuffs necessary?" Y/n asked from the spot as doors opened all around her. "Yes." He said sternly not daring to move his eyes from his post. "But I'm fine now. And I told you I slipped" This time he turned to her and sighed. "You slipped off the top of a building, you fell onto a fire fighter mattress (DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THESE ARE ACTUALLY CALLED?!) witnesses say you jumped, you're lucky you fell onto that and not your death. until we know you're not suicidal, then I will, so for now they have to stay on."
The door to the room opened and Y/n's eyes widened, Carlisle was looking at his chart and hadn't looked up from it yet. "So, a little accident, or a possibly suicide, how is the patient officer Carper?" "Minor scrapes, fell onto the mattress, couple bruises. possible broken bone, not sure. Witness said the girl jumped but she keeps saying she slipped." He nodded still looking down. Y/n shuffled in her spot to the point where she was halfway behind the cop, more so that her face was covered. Mentally she prepared herself for her testimony against the eldest member of the Cullen family, who unfortunately knew her like the back of her hand.
As Carlisle looked up from his clipboard he was shocked at who he had seen. If it wasn't for him already being dead he probably would have lost the ability to breathe properly. Letting out a small groan he stepped forwards to the girl sitting there uncomfortably while holding her arm that was in pain. "Alright y/n let's get that arm checked out. Officer you're released for now." he nodded and informed him he would wait in the hall. "So, the weather's nice." Y/n said after a long moment of silence. Carlisle nodded, "It is," he gently took the girls arm in his cold hands.
The cold felt comforting to the girl as he moved it about, little winces came and went as he moved it in certain ways. "By the looks of it this is a bad sprain but I'd like to get some x-rays just to be sure. Would you like to tell me what happened?" Y/n looked down at her feet. His voice grew low as he looked up at her slightly scarred face. "Did you jump?" her gulp was all that he had to hear to know his answer. "Why?" She shrugged a little. "I don't really know... I just...." her eyes glassed over and she sighed a little. "Come see me next time please. I'll do my best to get you out of this." Y/n smiled a little and thanked him as she sniffled. He patted her shoulder and moved towards the door.
The incoherent conversation on the other side of the door made the girl panic, but after a few minutes the cop finally came over and removed the cuffs. "Please be careful next time miss." he said as he left with Y/n nodding. Carlisle was stood outside the door waiting for her, "Let's go get that scan now." she followed him to the x-ray room.
After getting her arm set she was put in a cast and had her minor scrapes cleaned and a few of the bigger ones cleaned up and cared for. Carlisle offered to drive her home after his shift since she wouldn't be able to drive and she agreed since she wasn't about to call her mom or dad to come get her. When his shift ended the air had gone rather cold and he helped walk her to the car as she climbed in. He shut the door behind her and buckled up, "Do you want me to take you to my place. Or go home? I'm sure your parents are worried." Y/n nodded at the pale man beside her but asked to go to his house.
She had known what they were for a little while now, but of course the concept was new to her, so things were still being put together here and there almost like a puzzle she was left to finish. When he pulled in he was greeted by his adopted children and his wife who helped open the door for Y/n.
Alice hugged her tightly, "Next time, come to us, we can help." she walked her inside. "You can stay in my room. It's cleaned up for you, and everything is put in place for you." Alice announced as you sat down on the couch. "Thank you, that wasn't necessary." Alice and the others shook their heads. "We are always happy to help." Esme said calmly.
After a few hours of watching movies and relaxing you thanked them for their help and went to bed.
Safe to say Carlisle will be watching over you the next few days as will the other Cullens to make sure you don't do what you did again. Throughout the whole thing they will always remind you that there is a way out and that everything will be ok and that they're there for you.
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Cat and Mouse
A/N: Hey! This is a Peter Parker x Fem!reader this one is based on the 2018 video game version of SpiderMan, cause I had finished the game not too long ago, and I decided to make this. Also I’m not really good at writing out fighting scenes! Hopefully, you still like it! ❤️💙
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!villain!reader
Imagine: (Y/N) is working alone, but like the other villains in the New York, desperately wanting Devils Breath for herself.
“Hey, Pete.”
“Oh, hey (Y/N). I’m kind of in the middle of something..”
“Looking for this?” (Y/N) asked holding up the red vial of GR-27 or commonly known as ‘Devils Breath.’
“Uh, maybe? Can you hand it over then I’ll tell you?” Peter asked nervously, as she tiptoed towards the edge of the building.
“Come on, you know I’m not going to give it up that easily.” She laughed, as she kept backing up. “You’re gonna have to…”
“Don’t do it..” Peter said almost like a parent scolding their child.
“..Catch me first.” She grins securing the vial on my suit then fall backwards off the edge.
“Aaand she did it.” Peter sighs quickly web-slinging after her. “Come on, (Y/N)! Let’s talk about this!”
“Less talking more swinging, Spider.” She exclaimed, and flew higher up in the sky.
“I need the Devil’s Breath, (Y/N)! That can infect so many people! Just hand it over!”
“You talk way too much.” She says blasting holes in the sides of a couple building, causing chunks of rubble and glass to fall atop of the people below.
Peter quickly swooped in to get move the people out of the way, and it caused him to almost lost sight of (Y/N).
He quickly catches up to her, “This is your final chance! Hand it over or I’m gonna have to get physical!”
“Oh please, you won’t do a thing, but lull someone to sleep with those lame ass one-liners.”
“Hey! Some people really like my one-liners.”
She groans and tries throwing something Pete’s way, but misses and Peter finds an opening. He tackles (Y/N) to the roof of a building and the Devils Breath falls a little ways away, from the both of them.
“Y’know you never were one to play nice.” He says and she rolled her eyes. She pushed Peter off her before bolting for the vial. Peter being quicker shot his web at it and brought it to his hand.
“It’s over, give it up (Y/N).”
“It’s not over, till I say it’s over.” She kicks him in the stomach, causing Peter to drop the vial. She started punching, but Peter swiftly dodges her oncoming punches.
“Come on, you know I can’t hit a lady.” Peter states, “Perfect, then you’ll make sure perfect punching bag.” Peter bobs and weaves, dodging a couple of the hits, but some of the hits to his face and stomach area do land and leave marks and bruises.
Peter then begins to shoot webs at (Y/N)’s hands to hold them down, but she manages to blast through it and stand back up.
They continue to fight, before Pete’s being forced away with a blast from (Y/N). His back hits the railing on the rooftop, causing pain to shoot from his lower back to all different parts of his back.
“Okay, time out. Time out. Maybe we can call a truce, yeah?” Pete says as he slowly gets up. “Maybe we can discuss this over dinner, I make a mean chicken curry..” He says, before realizing that (Y/N) and the Devils Breath are no where to be seen.
‘Damn it.’ Peter holds onto his back as he sits on the edge with his chest against the railing, and his phone started to ring.
“Hey, Yuri.” He said trying not to let Yuri hear that he was clearly in pain. “Did you obtain the GR-27?”
“Spider-Cop has had many, many difficult missions over the years, and this one was no diff-.”
“You could just say, that you lost it.”
“I was getting to that, but when you put it that way. It’s not very fun, is it, Yuri?” Pete replies, before hearing Yuri groan and hang up on him, leaving him badly bruised and dateless.
‘That wasn’t so bad right? At least, I know who has it just gotta find out where she went in one of the most busiest cities. Ever.’
‘No pressure right?’
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krikeymate · 8 months
Fictober 2023: Day 20: “This better be good.” - Kirby gets a call at 3am. Fandom: Scream Rating: T Warnings: None.
Kirby gets the call at 2.37am.
In her line of work, she’s no stranger to being called in at all hours of the night, it comes with the job. Every second of lost sleep is worth it to keep the streets safe from creeps and monsters.
Besides, better the demons on the streets than the nightmare in her head that haunts her at night.
Needless to say, she’s used to it, reaching over to grab her phone off the nightstand and answer it without even opening her eyes. A familiar routine.
Less familiar is the voice on the other end of the line.
“Hello? Is this… Kirby Reed?”
Jesus, why is a child calling her. He has the cracking voice of a teenager. But hey, could be worse. At least it wasn’t Ghostface this time.
“Detective Kirby Reed, FBI. Who is this?”
“It’s uhm- I’m Officer Parker, NYPD.”
She waits a beat, becoming irritated when he doesn’t continue.
“It’s 3 in the morning, I have to be in work at 6, and you just woke me up. This better be good. What. Do. You. Want?!”
God she just wants to-
“There’s, uhm. There’s two girls here, suspects. They wanted me- requested you.”
-murder him.
Murder them.
Two girls.
She doesn’t even bother asking for clarification
Who else could it be?
She hits the end call button with more force than necessary, and wonders if it’s worth it.
Glancing to the side, she stares at the framed picture on her bedside – Sam, smirking, with an arm resting on Kirby’s head. Tara, plastered to her side and planting a kiss on her cheek. A birthday gift, poorly wrapped and made with love, in her hands.
She gets out of bed and suffers through getting dressed.
She might as well get an early start on the day. Who needs sleep anyway?
It only takes her 20 minutes to reach the station. The Officer Parker, third on her shitlist, looks about as old as he sounds.
Jesus, she’s turning into Gale.
Her second worst nightmare.
(Her first is waking up and realising she’s alone again.)
Kirby stands tall and puts on her work face as she tries to get some answers.
“Why am I here?”
“Because I call–”
“Why are they here?”
Were the police always this incompetent?
The thought makes her mind flash to Woodsboro. Never mind.
The question seems to rally the Officer as he becomes serious.
“They’re suspects in a murder enquiry, Detective.”
Kirby sighs. When are they not?
“Who is it th- who is it?”
“The victim is Christina Carpenter.”
She listens with one ear as he explains the situation. Kirby takes the opportunity to stare into the interview room.
Neither girl looks fazed.
Nor do they look upset.
Given what she knows about their mother, she guesses she shouldn’t be surprised. It’s hardly a death worth crying over.
She doesn’t give herself a chance to feel guilty at the thought, cutting off Officer Peter Pan by shouldering the door open.
“Thought I told you two to stay out of trouble,” she says, announcing herself and waving away the Officer as he tries to follow her in.
“Trouble finds us,” Sam answers cooly. She does a good job of appearing unaffected, but Kirby can hear the relief in her voice.
“Weren’t sure you were coming,” she continues.
Ah, that’s why.
“And leave you to get into even more trouble when you try to punch a cop? Mmm, I’ll pass on that paperwork.”
Sam scoffs. “I’ve never punched any cops… Recently.”
It almost makes Kirby smile. Sam’s so different than who she used to be, and yet, still the same troublemaker she was drawn to back in high school.
She turns to Tara, eyeing the bruising around her neck and splattered across her cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Got jumped. Didn’t see who it was,” she answers smoothly and without emotion. The way one might if it was a preprepared lie.
Inside Kirby a war rages. The detective inside her demands an investigation, begs to involve herself, to find out more and unravel the truth. There’s reasonable suspicion, they have motive, they certainly have the means.
The part that loves them says let it go, that some things are more important.
Some things are more important.
“C’mon,” she sighs. “I’ll take you home.”
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Outside the Bar
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(Unedited) (Young Adult!Johnny, Soft!Johnny, Johnny went into underground fighting, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Violence, Drunk Bar Fight, Reader hitting someone. Kissing & Making out.)
Her hand hurt more then it probably should.
She couldn't deny the fact that the injury was from the way she punched the guy out side of the club. Their hand throbbing now with pain, she could practically feel her own heartbeat through it. The digits shook and twitched from both pain and adrenalin. Twitching ever other minute making shocks go up her wrist.
Tears welled in her eyes threatening to spill down her cheeks at any moment. But she sucked it up. She brought this on herself for acting out over something so little, something so stupid now that that she looked back on it.
“What your little karate boyfriend isn't here to save you, sweet cheeks? Did he dump your sorry fat ass for some skinny bimbo? Knew it.”
That's what set her off into punching the asshole prick outside the bar that night. Now she wished that she would have just ignored it. Her half-buzzed brain said otherwise. The amount of liquid she had inside the bar that night was just enough to make her not think twice about hitting the guy.
Multiple times in the face.
Everything Johnny had taught her flew out the window the minute she balled up her firsts. The first punch was fine but by the second and third one, she couldn't think straight. Every hit got harder and harder. After that all she remembered was being thrown off by someone from behind. Her fists raw and bloody.
She couldn't even tell his blood it was, her own or the guy she hit. The minute she heard yells and “Call the cops!” she ran off. Feet taking over and getting her as far away from the scene as possible.
Now here she was sitting in front of her boyfriend's apartment door. The shitty lap lights overhead flickered and buzzed. The sound of dogs and muffled people arguing surrounded the courtyard of the apartment complex. Even in her drunken state, the bad area freaked her out a little bit.
She knocked on the door with her good hand. For a moment she thought he was still put for the night. She left him alone that evening because she knew he had a fight lined up at the local arena. The only way Johnny was making money these days was between daylight labor or nighttime fights at a shooty fighting ring downtown.
She didn't want to bother him after a long night of fist-fighting. For a split second she wanted to leave. Just walk home and never tell Johnny what happened.
The loud sounds of heavy footsteps from inside the apartment snapped her out of her own head.
The door opened with a loud blank making her jump a little. Her eyes met Johnny’s, dark pools of blue that stared her down. He wore a ratty old t-shirt and some old shorts. His hair was half dry but half wet to like he had just gotten out of the shower. His eyes softened a little as he looked down at her.
“Hey what's up- what the fuck happened to your hand?!” he almost yelled as he at the have ate was cradling. It was still covered in a layer of blood that was starting to crust over a little on her skin. He was quick to pull her into the apartment and slam the door close.
Thanks to some effort early that week his apartment wasn't as nasty as it usually was. The apartment was clean besides a new set of sweaty clothes that were thrown on the old couch in the living room. Johnny ushered her into the bathroom where he then dug around his cabinets trying to find some bandages.
Tears welled in Reader’s eyes again and this time they actually fell. Streaming down her cheeks as she tried to clean her messed-up hand. Red filled the sink as she tried to lightly scrub the crusty blood off.
The water carried the mess down the drain. Her fingers were left sore and raw and definitely bruised. She bit her lip as she got the last off it off. Trying her best to be as quiet as possible so Johnny wouldn't hear her
But he did.
He pulled her up onto the countertop of the sink. Grabbing a nearby clean towel he did his best to gently dry off her hand. He could see the raw parts of her fingers, irritated and already starting to swell. Her hand shook in his as he patted her hang dry.
“What the hell happened, who the fuck did this to you?”
She was silent as she let him work. Silently refusing to tell him what happened.
He scoffed once she didn't answer the question. He threw the dirty towel on the floor as he grabbed the roll of tape and bandages. He held her hand gently as he started to wrap it. Hoping to help set her joints which were clearly messed up. He didn't see or feel anything broken.
It was quiet as he worked.
It felt like forever before one of them said something.
“I-I puncher some guy outside of the bar. I ran off as soon as the cop came...”
Johnny didn't say anything for a long moment. Waiting to see if she wanted to say anything else, add on to her statement. When she said nothing else he sighed loudly.
“Me hitting some random guy outside the club yeah, but you? Out of all people just decking someone randomly? No. Something else happened to make you rage out and hit someone. What happened.”
She was quiet before saying with her head down “Some guy, one of the regulars was outside the bar and saw me alone. He... He called me a fat ass and said you probably left me for some skinny bimbo.... I just saw red and punched him... A few times.”
Johnny finished tapping her hand before looking up at her. His eyes are soft as he gazes into her eyes. His large hand cradled her smaller and softer one. He was careful not to put too much pressure on it. He ran a thumb over the palm of her hand. A long pause filled the room.
“You know I would never do that right? I would never leave you for some skinny rando. I... Love you for you. The fact you actually hit someone over that is kinda hot though. Next time I should come and watch~” Johnny chuckled making Reader crack a smile. A small laugh left her lips as the tears started to dry. Johnny was quick to kiss her warm cheeks. His rough lips lightly smashed over her skin.
He never let go of her hand as he started kissing her roughly. Lips smashing together in a heated kiss. His tongue ran over her bottom lip as she moaned. Slowly slipping in and playing with hers. Her free hand found the back of his neck as things got more heated. She whimpered as he pushed her back into the bathroom mirror.
Maybe next time she wouldn't show mercy if Johnny was there.
Backing her up.
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The Terrifying Ordeal of Falling in Love with Leon Kennedy
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader (female reader)
Series Warnings: Minor injuries, Leon teases reader a lot, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Drinking, Drinking followed by driving, DO NOT DO THAT THIS IS FICTION, Anxiety, Leon S. Kennedy has PTSD, Leon has an anxiety attack, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy has Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Probably incorrect medical talk, Strangulation in one tiny little scene, Reader's brother was a cop who was KIA, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Grief/Mourning, Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Arguing, Love Confessions, Looking for Alaska is mentioned, Inconvenient Love Confessions, Penis In Vagina Sex, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Leon loves eating Pussy change my mind, Shower Makeout, romantic smut, Desperate Leon S. Kennedy, They are both desperate for each other tbh, They say I love you as they come, Scar Kissing, Enthusiastic Consent, Always pee after sex, UTI PREVENTION, POV First Person, No use of Y/N
Words: 2.2K
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July 2004
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she do just turns me on
Even if my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on
-Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, The Police
The tin of the light music in the background makes me smile, but Natalie’s god awful singing and her attempt at dancing while 7 months pregnant? Now that makes me laugh. And not just any laugh. A full, abdomen hurting, cheeks pinching howl that brings tears to my eyes.
“Love, you’re going to hurt yourself,” James calls from the couch, hands folded over his waist as he watches his wife with stars in his eyes.
“No I won’t, you big baby!” She yelps, hands finding mine to spin me around in a giggle filled twirl, her bright emerald eyes swirling with the childish energy she carried with her into adulthood. Her cocoa colored hair was tied up 10 minutes ago, but now the strands fall out, flyaways sprouting from every direction.
“Did you want to play rummy, Nat?” James suggests, standing from the couch to tower over the both of us, frame not quite as muscular as Leon, but definitely enough that he could throw two women of our size around easily. She squeals happily rushing to the dining table as quickly as her little waddle will allow, resounding laughs coming from James and I as we follow her. James’ caramel locks flow back, especially more so as he runs his fingers through it, and he smiles at his wife still dancing lightly to the quiet music as he adjusts his glasses on his nose, sitting down and shuffling the deck. The scent of the soup in the crockpot wafting toward us.
“Okay, I swear, I need you at my house every single day to cook cause that shit smells delicious,” she practically moans the words, leaning back in her chair with her hands resting on the table. James starts throwing cards down, dealing us all the cards we need before Natalie gets too carried away with her antics. Three rounds pass, muttered ‘fuck you’s and ‘damnit’s flying around like birds in the sky. James starts dealing cards once more, hitting 7 cards in each pile when I hear the lock click, immediately pulling my attention, confusing Natalie and James for a brief moment. The door opens.
“Leon!” I shout, launching out of my chair toward him. He drops his duffel bag to the ground, completely adjusted to the excited greeting he gets whenever he gets home - if I’m awake, that is. Leon opens his arms, welcoming the hug by wrapping forearms around my waist. It’s hard not to smile and release a tiny snort at my feet being lifted off the ground.
“Hey you.” He sounds drained as he sets me back down, soles landing back on the hardwood floors. I quickly give him a once over, not noticing any outstanding injuries besides a small bruise on the left side of his jaw. “I’m good. Just tired.”
“Hi!” Natalie shouts, standing herself with a huge grin that screams ‘who’s the hunk and why is he in your apartment?’, the sound finally catching Leon’s attention, and he slowly removes his hands from my waist, almost as if he’s self-conscious. I then notice James’ confused glare. That may be why he pulled away.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t realize you had friends over,” he utters, glancing back at me before keeping his eyes trained on James and Natalie.
“I didn’t know you were gonna be home tonight, otherwise I would have planned for them to come another night.”
“To be fair, I didn’t know I was gonna be home tonight.” Natalie clears her throat dramatically and I shoot her an irritated glance.
“So are we gonna get an introduction or…?” She giggles, dopey grin still plastered on her face. I hesitate before speaking, talking to Leon now.
“Are you up for some intros, or do you need some time?”
“I can meet some of your friends, then I really need to-”
“Take your post-mission shower?” I tease and he rolls his eyes in response.
“Hi, I’m Leon.” His hand comes up, offering it to Natalie which she takes surprisingly calm, given her usual excitement. Despite being a chaotic jumble of limbs most of the time, I’m grateful that Natalie can read a room, sensing the man’s energy levels and acting accordingly.
“This is Natalie, my little sister,” I explain and watch as Leon’s eyes light up with recognition.
“Ah, sorry. You look different than the picture we have up.” He gestures to it with his arm. She chuckles.
“It may be my hair,” she suggests sarcastically, hands landing on her baby bump.
“Well, sweetheart, I think I figured out where you learned your sass.” The comment isn’t lost on me and I place a smack against his arm. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice James’ eyes narrow, particularly on the ‘sweetheart’ before he stands. He’s only slightly taller than Leon, but suddenly the testosterone in the room becomes thick enough to choke me.
“Leon, was it?” He asks, and I can practically hear Natalie’s ‘what the hell?’.
“Yeah. You must be Natalie’s husband,” he infers, not taking his eyes off of James.
“James,” he supplies. “And you are?”
“James, he just told you-” But I am cut off.
“Oh, I’m not asking his name.” Oh not this overprotective bullshit again, James.
“James, she’s talked about her roommate before.” Natalie to the fucking rescue. She steps forward, placing a hand on his chest. He deflates a little at her touch, finally breaking the staring contest him and Leon had going on to look at her. The atmosphere calms in an instant as if Natalie had some kind of magical powers. James’ huffs a quick breath before turning back to Leon.
“Sorry man,” he apologizes, offering his hand, which the agent takes gratefully, his own shoulders dropping in relaxation. “I worry about this one,” he adds, gesturing to me with his chin. I roll my eyes at the notion but it’s quickly overshadowed as Leon chuckles.
“Yeah, me too. No big deal.” He worries about me? “I’m gonna take a shower and then probably turn in, it was nice to meet you bo-”
“Do you wanna have dinner with us? I made plenty.” I don’t want him to feel like he has to hide away just cause I have people here.
“I don’t wanna intrude, sweetheart.”
“Nonsense. According to Squish, you’re practically family.” Natalie’s arm slings over my shoulders - almost knocking me off balance - before my cheeks burn hot at the use of the nickname.
“Squish?” Leon questions, eyes landing on me with a quizzical smirk.
“Come eat with us, and I’ll tell you the story,” she offers, that small victorious smile still decorating her small face.
“Sure, just let me take that shower.” His back turns then, heading to his room, presumably for clothes and I walk into the kitchen to check on dinner. Nat comes in shortly after, smirk plastered on her lips, as if she knows some huge secret that I’m not aware of.
“What?” I ask, refusing to face her.
“You like him.” My eyes snap to her before changing my expression to say ‘duh’.
“I live with him. Yeah I like him.” If she knows, she’ll lord it over me for however long she can.
“No, you like like him.” Damn her and how well she knows me. I fake a laugh as I face her, leaning back against the counter, blush spreading across my cheeks unconsciously.
“It’d be a little awkward if I had a crush on my roommate, wouldn’t it?”
“Oh my god,” she starts again, jaw practically hitting the floor. “You love him.” The second sentence is whispered, and before I can even argue, she jacks the radio up, ‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic’ fading in as she begs me to dance with her with grabby hands in my direction, and I scoff a laugh before taking her hands, joining her in her weird movements that she calls ‘dancing’ in the middle of my kitchen, with the radio blasting, the smell of soup leaking from the crockpot, and a silly little grin on my lips. We quickly take to bobbing our heads to the beat while jumping around, yelling the lyrics a little louder than what is probably acceptable at this hour.
Both so absorbed in the dancing, we don’t notice the men looking at us with amused glances until James let’s out a snigger and I immediately freeze, eyes locked on Leon, seeing something in his gaze that I don’t think I’ve ever seen. Fondness? Admiration? Lo- No. Don’t go there. James moves forward, pulling Nat into a hug and a tender kiss, and I look on, making gagging noises behind them, until Natalie flips me the bird.
“Hey,” Leon says, deterring my attention. His arms open up, and the instinct to let them fold around me is too strong, and I rush forward, pressing my ear to his chest as he envelopes my small frame. His heart is beating faster than usual. “I missed you,” he mumbles into my hair and I find myself looking up at him, chin resting on his pecs, and it takes me a second to realize how close our faces are. The silence stretches on, seemingly like waiting on the other to do something. Anything. I could just lean in…
“I missed you too,” I admit before burying my burning cheeks back into the soft cotton of his tee shirt. “You sure you’re okay?” I mumble into his shirt. Even though it’s a clean shirt, it smells like him, pine mixed with a freshness that reminds me of citrus. He nods against my head, nose pressing into my scalp gently.
“I’m good. This one was alright,” he remarks, before silently adding, “Physically.” I lean up again, getting closer to his ear to whisper.
“Do you wanna sleep next to me tonight?” He chews on the inside of his cheek for a second before nodding, resting his head on my shoulder, arms still wrapped tightly around my shoulders. This moment feels more than intimate, arms wrapped around each other, him breathing me in while I do the same to him, but that intimacy is shattered as my sister clears her throat, a knowing grin spread across her lips as we separate, and I have to silently plead to her to keep her trap shut.
“Food’s done, cuddle bugs.” Bitch.
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After a painstaking game of Settlers of Catan, which James won - due to Natalie giving him the win - James steps outside onto the balcony with Leon for a glass of whiskey and his one daily cigarette (he’s quitting) while Natalie and I perch on the couch to watch a rerun of Jeopardy. After 15 minutes or so, I head into the kitchen for glasses of sparkling cider for Natalie and myself. While pouring, I notice the porch door is open, screen closed to keep out the bugs, but their conversation is clearly audible.
“I am sorry about earlier, man.” James’ voice floats across the room. I don’t mean to eavesdrop.
“No, it’s okay. You’re protective of her. I get it.”
“Her brother was my partner. I was there when he died.” He pauses, presumably to take a drink or puff his cigarette. “He died in my arms.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I kinda feel responsible for these girls, you know? Keegan set me up with Nat long before his death, but… It’s hard to not be worried about Squish.”
“You gonna explain that nickname?”
“She sat on a caterpillar once when they spent all day looking for them. She sobbed when she realized its guts were all over her ass, and Keeg started calling her Squish shortly after that.” They laugh, and I feel my heart do a flip at the sound.
“Why can I see that perfectly in my head?” Leon snorts, tone light and teasing. I frown to myself.
“She’s got a good heart. Bit too prone to offer help when it’s not needed but, you know.”
“Oh, I do. First time we met was in January and she pressed me for answers to questions I wasn’t quite ready to deal with.”
“Sounds like Squish.” They go quiet, and for a moment, I debate booking it back into the living room, but then James speaks again and my cheeks flush at his words.
“She really cares about you, you know that?” Silence. I wish I knew if it was because of some unspoken conversation or if Leon truly just doesn’t know what to say. “She loves hard. Friendships, romance, family. Doesn’t seem to matter to her. If she loves you, she really loves you.”
“I know.” What? “God, don’t I know it. She’s one of the few things in this fucked up world that actually makes me think it’s worth it.”
“I saw you, man. I saw the way you looked at her.”
That’s my cue to leave. I stumble out into the living room, trying to rid the conversation from my mind. The boys come back in after 30ish minutes, Natalie and I dozing on the couch comfortably. Bidding them goodbye with hugs and smiles, I watch as they head out the front door before Leon clears his throat, tilting his head toward the bedrooms.
We fall asleep the same way we did the first time I let him into my bed, arms holding me against his front, his breath on my neck, and for a split second, despite his light snoring behind me, I swear his hands cup my stomach the same way James’ held Natalie’s.
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22 @akiramoon8088
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 months
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The Simpsons' friends remembered the couple as being so much fun, frequently hosting parties, including annual Easter dinners and Fourth of July bashes where everyone's kids swam and ate and had a blast. They remained very close to Nicole's parents and they and her sisters were usually at all the family-friendly parties, too.
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"The truth is, no one really knew her during her marriage," a friend who said she had known Nicole since their early 20s told the LA Times after she was killed. "She was never free to be herself or have friends. She wasn't available for that kind of intimacy." Nicole was also prone to abruptly canceling plans or not showing up when both she and O.J. were expected somewhere, the friend added, recalling that O.J. would regularly claim that his wife was in bed with menstrual cramps.
"She was the type of person who would not say to me what her problems were," added Maria Bauer, who told the Times she often heard the couple loudly fighting in Simpson's home office. "She wouldn't talk."
In 1988, Nicole turned up driving a new Ferrari, which she would say was O.J.'s version of an "I'm sorry."
The word on O.J. and Nicole's marriage and the almost seven years that they lived together beforehand was that it was explosive, that they looked blissfully happy at times but would also have intense fights. Seemingly everyone they knew socially was well aware of the volatility. Only in hindsight, after Nicole was killed, did it click into place.
Friends of Nicole would say that she fought back with words when she could. "He'd cheat. She'd find out. She'd get angry. She'd confront him," one told the Times. "She's a strong girl and she'd confront him. And they would fight."
Mark Fuhrman, the LAPD detective who played a pivotal role in O.J.'s defense strategy at the murder trial, wrote in a 1989 memo (during an internal look at how many times Nicole had called the cops on O.J.) that he responded to a call at the Rockingham house in the fall/winter of 1985. He arrived to find a woman crying and a Mercedes-Benz with the windshield smashed in; she told Fuhrman that Simpson had smashed it with a bat.
Denise Brown testified that, while out to dinner one night with her sister and brother-in-law in 1987, "O.J. grabbed Nicole's crotch and said, 'This is where babies come from and this belongs to me.' And Nicole just sort of wrote it off as if it was nothing, like - you know, like she was used to that kind of treatment and he was like - I thought it was really humiliating, if you ask me."
Also on the stand, Denise recalled telling O.J. sometime in the mid-80's that he was taking Nicole for granted, after which he flew into a rage.
"He ran upstairs, got clothes, started flying down the stairs and grabbed Nicole, told her to get out of his house, wanted us all out of his house, picked her up, threw her against the wall, picked her up, threw her out of the house," Denise said tearfully. "She ended up on her - she ended up falling. She ended up on her elbows and on her butt...we were all sitting there screaming and crying, and then he grabbed me and threw me out of the house."
Nicole would go home to her parents occasionally after such blowups, but O.J. would always call and emotionally apologize, and she would go back.
Nicole confided in friend Kris Jenner that O.J. was cheating and that he would get physically rough during fights, but that "she never came out and said, 'I'm being abused by O.J.' I wished I would have asked her for specifics. But I didn't want to cross a line if she didn't want to talk about something, which would become one of my biggest regrets. All she told me was, 'I want to leave him and I do not know how. I don't know if I can stay. He's really hard to live with.'"
A close-up photo of her bruised face was found after her death in a safety-deposit box.
"She said she wanted to show me some things and talk about what was in her safe," Kris said. "And so now unfortunately it all makes sense that that's probably what she wanted to reveal to me that next day, which broke my heart because I will always feel horrible that I didn't pay enough attention."
"I only attended junior college for a very short time, because [Simpson] wanted me to be available to travel with him whenever his career required him to go to a new location, even if it was for a short period of time," Nicole would later state in an affidavit petitioning for spousal and child support during their 1992 divorce proceedings. "I have no other college education, and I hold no degrees...I am not currently employed and spend my time caring for my two young children."
When Nicole filed for divorce, O.J. was by then dating model Paula Barbieri. O.J. and Nicole settled their divorce in 1992 with O.J. agreeing to pay Nicole a lump sum of $433,750, plus $10,000 a month in child support. Nicole also retained the deed on a rental property in San Francisco. All told, Nicole relished being a full-time mom. She even reconnected with her friends.
"She became Nicole Brown, her own person," Cora Fischman, a friend and neighbor from Rockingham, told the LA Times. "She started all over again."
A call, played in court less than two years later, was 13 1/2 minutes long. Simpson could be heard vaguely in the background, but at one point came through clearly, when Nicole told him the kids were sleeping. He said, "You didn't give a s*** about the kids when you were sucking his d**k in the living room. They were here. Didn't care about the kids then."
Nicole told the dispatcher her ex was referring to something that happened "a long time ago." (Simpson had seen her through the front window having a sexual encounter with a boyfriend in 1992).
A couple who were her next-door neighbors on Gretna Green also testified that they would sometimes see O.J. standing outside her house, looking at it from the sidewalk.
On the morning of June 13, 1994, the children, Sydney and Justin, who were then 8 and 5, were ushered out of the house through a back door by police with no idea what had happened. Sydney called the house phone from the police station, leaving a message asking her mom why she and Justin were there. "Mommy, please call me back. I want to know what happened last night...Please answer, Mommy!"
Nicole's funeral would be two days later.
Meanwhile, O.J. bombed a lie detector test.
During the his murder trial, Italian shoemaker Bruno Magli got some free publicity when a bloody print at the murder scene was matched to a size-12 Bruno Magli Lorenzo boot.
O.J. denied owning a pair and said later in a deposition for the civil trial that he'd never wear "those ugly ass shoes," but photos were dug up much later showing him wearing the brand on two separate occasions.
For the murder trial, defense attorney Carl Douglas told Dateline that his team switched up some of the decor in O.J.'s Rockingham Avenue home before the jury toured it to make it seem as if the tarnished football hero, who famously stated, "I'm not black, I'm O.J." was more in touch with his cultural roots than he really was. Out went a half-naked picture of girlfriend Paula Barbieri, and in came African art.
While Marcia Clark, a part of the L.A. County District Attorney's Office's special trials unit since 1989, was trying to prosecute O.J. for murder, she was also constantly put on the defensive. Her style was criticized, so she got a new hairdo and was criticized for that. Her ex-husband sued her for primary custody of their two sons during the trial, alleging she was working too much to properly take care of them. The National Enquirer published old topless photos of her taken on a vacation with her then-husband. Even a potential juror, a woman, when asked if there was anything she might hold against the prosecution, told Clark, "I think your skirts are too short, how about that?"
She was dismissed. But not before Judge Ito cracked, "I was wondering when someone was going to mention that."
But the families of the victims she was trying to get justice for had the utmost confidence in her heading into the trial.
"She seems always to be concerned with our family, how we're doing, and at the same time there's never a doubt in my mind she's working 25 hours a day, 10 days a week, on this case," Fred Goldman, Ron's father, told the New York Times. "On a scale from 1 to 100, she easily gets 110."
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five-bi-five-mind · 2 years
In Her Arms
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
Words: 4.2k+
Genre: Angst & Smut
Summary: Takes place right after episode 4x03, the one where the cult took Emily and Reid hostage. Emily comes back immediately after everything was wrapped up from the whole ordeal in Colorado. Neither of you expected this trip to go the way it did and when she’s finally back in your arms, all you can do is focus on her injuries and the fact that you almost lost her this time. You do all you can to take care of her and Emily does all she can to ease your mind. 
Warnings: Oral (r giving), fingering (r giving and Emily giving), Emily is still very much a top in this though oops. Mentions of injures and a lil violence (nothing graphic at all). Vague mentions of a cult (it’s part of the episode).
A/N: You don’t necessarily need to remember the episode to read this. I cover all the important details in it and it’s not really about the episode, as much as it is about Emily and R’s relationship. I basically just got inspiration from the episode and ran with it lol
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When the situation went south your heart sank. When the news leaked that an undercover FBI agent was trapped in the midst of a shootout between the cops and a cult, panic set in. You were all the way in Virginia while she was trapped in Colorado. You knew almost immediately, that if it came to it, she’d out herself to protect others. And when you got a call with an update from JJ you learned that that was exactly what she did.
It felt like your world was breaking at that moment. Beaten, but alive, that’s what JJ promised you. The woman you love was being beaten and held against her will in order to protect others, but at least she was still breathing.
When she left your shared apartment that morning, she promised this wouldn’t be dangerous. All she was doing was checking on a call about a child in danger. She wasn’t even taking the whole team, it was just supposed to be her and Reid. There was nothing to indicate that it would turn out how it did. You didn’t get out of bed to say goodbye, because you took her word for it. When she had a case you’d usually walk her to the door, she’d give you a long, gentle kiss goodbye, and you’d memorize every detail of your last moment together before she walked away. You didn’t do that this time, she left with a gentle kiss to your forehead and you almost immediately fell back asleep, barely taking in her face through sleep hazed eyes as she whispered her goodbye. That was your biggest regret with the whole situation.
Luckily for you, the situation ended with Emily alive, but you couldn’t exactly say she was well. You watched and waited for the plane to land, nervously clutching Garcia’s hand as your eyes stayed glued to the door you were waiting for her to walk through. She was just as eager to see them as you were, both of you knowing you were seconds away from losing Emily and Reid, and it was clear Garcia feared for them almost as much as you did. Your grip on her hand was nothing compared to the hold she had on yours, you could tell she needed the comfort too.
When Emily walked through the door, or more like limped, the wave of emotions you were holding back finally hit. You dropped Garcia’s hand to pull your girlfriend into your arms. She grunted at the impact of you practically rushing her.
When your hands went around her sides and you squeezed her close, she winced. Hard. That’s when you pulled back and really took her in. A black eye, a bruised jaw, eyes sunken and exhausted. You bet if you looked under her shirt you’d see bruises to match those on her face. It was later that you learned she even had a couple cracked ribs from the beatings she took.
You didn’t need to say a word when you took in her face, she could read you so easily. “I’ve had worse,” she whispered to you, trying to ease your mind. It didn’t work like she hoped. You tried to back up, but her arms wrapped around you and held you still. Pain or not, she didn’t care. You weren’t the only one thinking you’d never see each other again. As she sat stuck in the midst of that cult, all she thought about was how worried you must be. She was kicking herself for not kissing your lips before she left, for not fully waking you up like you usually prefered her to. She needed you close to her just as much as you did right now.
Your nails dug into Emily’s shoulders as she held you close to her body. Her face immediately buried into the side of your neck as she held you and she inhaled deep. Taking in every aspect of you that she missed and thought she’d never see again.
You were trying to be strong, you were trying so damn hard, but tears brimmed your eyes as you thought about how close you had come to not having her anymore. She was the love of your life and you almost lost her. There was no way you wanted to cry at the BAU in front of the whole team, so instead you just buried your head in her shoulder and shut your eyes tight.
Garcia, however, was way ahead of you. Openly crying as she held onto Reid, who, as you peaked from where your head was buried in Emily’s shoulder, looked slightly uncomfortable and very stunned.
When Emily finally pulled you from her, one hand immediately went to press against your cheek while the other slipped into your hand. “Are you ready to go home?” She asked, giving you a soft, sympathetic smile. You simply nodded and Emily let go of you to get things from her office. With the state of her body, however, you could see the pain in every step.
You followed closely, only to be stopped with a hand placed on your shoulder from behind. You turned slowly, already knowing who to expect as Emily walked on.
“I- I’m…” Spencer stuttered trying to find the right words. “Emily, she-“
“I know.” You cut him off, extending your hand for him to take. He stared for a moment before slipping his hand in your own. “I’m glad you’re okay too, Spencer.” And you were, when JJ told you the severity of the situation you cried for both of them. Spencer was more than just your girlfriend’s coworker, they all were your friends, your family, he was your brother. To lose Emily would devastate you, to lose them both would break you.
You knew that Emily did what she did to protect him, you knew she would do it all over again. It wasn’t that you blamed her or him for the terror you felt throughout the situation. No, you blamed the cult and the disgusting man who ran it, but that didn’t stop you from wishing Emily didn’t have to run into danger, even when not called. It was part of who she was and you’d never ask her to change that.
Spencer’s eyes showed relief as you stood with him, squeezing his hand in reassurance. Words weren’t needed, he knew you didn’t blame him, no matter how much he blamed himself. But seeing the soft smile you gave him eased his guilt just enough.
“Ready?” Emily’s soft voice came from behind you. Spencer slipped his hand out of yours and smiled at the two of you as you turned and nodded. You were more than ready to go home. All you wanted was to slide into bed with your girlfriend and feel her arms around you.
—----------------------------------------------- The two of you spent the car ride in a comfortable silence. Emily’s hand seemed to always have some sort of contact with you since the minute you both exited the BAU and you honestly didn’t mind. It felt grounding. It kept your mind from the “what if” scenarios that you found yourself starting to slip into when you were waiting for Emily’s return. And you definitely didn’t need to focus on those right now. No, right now you needed to bask in the knowledge that she made it home in mostly one piece. If you focused too much on what might have happened it would be that much harder for you to let her walk out the door for her next case and you had a feeling after this one, it was already going to be heartbreaking and terrifying to watch her go back to work. Knowing her, she won’t even wait to be fully healed before doing that too. In that moment, you made a silent promise to care for all her needs while her body healed, whether she liked it or not. Maybe then she’d heal faster, maybe it would make her safer when she inevitably goes back to work too soon.
Walking into your shared apartment, the weight of the past few days hung heavy in the air. You stripped off your jacket fast before quickly stepping behind Emily and gently peeling hers off as well. She didn’t say anything as you did so, but as you walked past her and further into the apartment she gave you a knowing look. She followed you silently as you two both walked back to the bedroom.
Emily was still in the work clothes she left in, blood stained from the beatings she took. You weren’ sure who wanted those clothes out of sight more, Emily who’s been trapped in them a little too long or you who couldn’t stand to have extra reminders that she almost didn’t make it home. Your hand slipped back into hers as you crossed the threshold and you guided her to sit on the bed. When you stood over Emily, she looked up at you with compassion in her eyes. You pressed your forehead to hers for a moment, your hands resting on her shoulders and you both stayed like that for a moment. Words weren’t needed for either of you to know that in this moment you were both immensely grateful to be back home together.
After a moment, your hands began to move, gliding slowly to the lapels of Emily’s jacket before sliding it off her body. She let you undress her, silently nodding her approval when your shaking fingers went to the buttons of her blouse. She knew that you needed this, knew that you needed to take care of her right now, to have that extra reassurance that she was home safe with you. Emily was always good at understanding what you needed. You were never sure if it was because she was good at her job or because she just knew you and how to love you the way you needed to be loved. But tonight, you decided, was about her. It was about caring for her, nursing her back to health, letting her know that she was safe in your arms. She was never one to seem fragile, but tonight as she returned to you bruised and battered, you felt the need to treat her as if she could break at any moment.
Except, for Emily, tonight was the opposite. While you promised yourself you’d make tonight what she needed to heal, she made a promise as well. Silently guilt ridden from the fear she put you through, she promised to give you anything you wanted. She’d do anything to take the terror that she could still see behind your beautiful eyes. To others your brave face may have been impenetrable, but Emily could read you like a book and all she wanted now was to take all your worries away. So if you needed to feel like you could care for her, then she wouldn’t stop you.
Trembling fingers moved from one button to the other, slowly undoing her shirt until you suddenly halted, a gasp escaping your lips before you could restrain your reaction. Once you had gotten half way done you saw them. Your fingers picked up the pace, wanting to pull off the shirt like a bandaid so you could see the damage done. You pushed her shirt back as it hung open on her torso and you pulled back slightly. Her ribs were littered with deep purple, angry bruising. Emily didn’t need to read your face to know why you paused. She knew when you saw the damage done it would affect you. Unfortunately, there was no way she could hide that from you.
When Emily finally dared to look at your face, the concern in your eyes told her exactly how you were feeling. There was fear, anger, and heartache written across your face as your hands hesitantly reached out again towards her body. With the lightest touch, your fingers brushed along the angry marks that littered her ribs. She didn’t even flinch when you thought you pressed a little too hard with your fingers. Emily’s eyes just stayed fixed on yours as you took in the state of her body.
“I’m okay,” Emily’s voice broke the silence. “I’ll heal.” You knew she would, but that still didn’t ease your mind. Next time could be worse. The thought made you shudder, not because of the possibility of worse injuries, but because you had a feeling there would be a next time. Many next times, even. You didn’t want to think about that anymore. In fact, you didn’t want to think about much of anything anymore. What you should be doing is filling your mind with what you do have right now. Your girlfriend was sitting in front of you, she was looking at you with so much love. It wasn’t the time to spiral into what might happen in the future. No, right now you just wanted to drown in all the wonderful things that came with loving Emily Prentiss.
So that’s exactly what you did. Slowly, you knelt down and leaned forward, your lips pressing to a bruise that painted her abdomen. Emily knew immediately what you were doing and needed the moment you moved to kneel in front of her. Her hands went gently to your hair, fingers running through slowly as your lips pressed on each patch of bruised skin.
Your lips trailed down her body, barely brushing over her skin, yet the feeling still made her shiver. When you reached the hem of her pants, your fingers slipped to the button, tracing it as your eyes peaked up at hers. She gave you a nod and a soft smile, her fingers moving from your hair to brush gently against your cheek before you looked back down and undid the button. Lifting her hips, Emily helped you take her pants and underwear off, going slowly as you knew her body still felt sore from all she had been through.
Taking her pants off revealed even more bruising, a few below her knees and some splashed across her thighs. With hands placed on either of her knees, you ran them up to her thighs with a feather light touch, taking in the feeling of her heated skin on the palms of your hands. Even littered with bruises, she still looked stunning. Your lips returned to her body, starting at the bruises you found just below her knees, kissing them as gently as you possibly could, before moving to the ones found on her thighs. When you had kissed each mark, you pulled back just for a moment to look back up at Emily. She looked back at you with pupils blown, her chest rising and falling a bit faster. The feeling of your lips on her bare thighs mixed with the need to feel you close after fearing she might never come home to you again was almost too much at this point. But just as she could read you easily, you could read her too and you knew what she wanted. It’s what you both probably needed at this moment.
Your head dipped back down to her thighs, with hands on either of her knees again, you pushed gently as a silent request and she spread her legs for you. This time your lips pressed kisses on various parts of her inner thighs, enjoying the slight way her body would tense when you kissed her in particularly sensitive spots. You knew you wanted to go slow, to enjoy the feeling of your girlfriend surrounding you and all your senses, so you took your time, letting your lips trail up and down the soft inner parts of her thighs a few times until you felt her hand place itself gingerly on the top of your head, very slightly starting to guide you to where she wanted you most.
With a feather light touch, your tongue ghosted over her slit just barely. Yet, it was enough for her to let out a long sigh as her hand continued to rest atop your head. You didn’t mind though, the feeling of her hand in your hair while you were surrounded by her scent and had the taste of her on the tip of your tongue was overwhelming in the best way. You didn’t know how much you needed this until you felt her hand gently push again, urging for you to do more. Without hesitation, you obliged, this time your tongue parting her folds as you took a long, slow taste of her. Both of you groaned in that moment, her from the feeling of your tongue running fully over her clit and you from the intoxicating taste of her. A taste that you’d never get tired of, that you always craved.
Your tongue began to circle her clit in slow, lazy motions and you felt her hand tighten in her hair. You knew she wanted more of you, but you also knew to take it slow. Her body was still hurting and, despite whatever protest she may have, you didn’t want to push it any farther. That, and you wanted to take your time with her. All you wanted was to savor this moment, where your senses were drowning in Emily.
However, there was only so much of this Emily could take before getting impatient. As if reading her mind, though, your tongue began to lap firmly at her clit, your hands holding onto her thighs as your head bobbed with each stroke of your tongue. It was a gorgeous sight, Emily thought, and the image alone was making her that much more wet as she lost herself in the feeling of your tongue between her legs. Without much thought, her hips moved slightly into your face in rhythm with your tongue.
“I love seeing you like this,” She whispered as her hands went back to stroking your hair. You hummed in response, pleased at the reactions you were pulling out of her. Your lips wrapped around her clit and as you began to suck you peaked up to see Emily’s hooded eyes locked on you. Something in Emily broke at the sight of you looking up, with your clit in her mouth. A swell of emotions flooded through her, seeing you like that. Despite the protest of her body, she felt the need to take what she wanted from you and she needed to do it now. She knew she wanted to give you what you wanted, but she also just wanted you. She knew you needed to feel her close, just as she did.
Emily’s hand moved from your hair to cup your chin and pull you back from between her legs. You gave her a curious look, wondering if you did something wrong, if you possibly hurt her. But she eased your mind with one simple phrase. “Take your clothes off.” Her voice was barely even a whisper, but it still held so much command. Doing exactly as she asked, you stood and stripped as fast as possible without tripping over yourself.
When you stood bare in front of her, she reached for you, pulling you towards her and motioning for you to straddle her lap. You hesitated, knowing that if you did you could hurt her, but she tugged on you again, giving you a nod to ease your mind and you did what she wanted. Your hands immediately moved to her shoulders as she practically pulled you on top of her when you finally gave in. Steadying yourself on her, you felt the overwhelming heat of her body as bare skin pressed against bare skin. It was intoxicating and exactly what you needed to feel. Emily had one arm wrapped around your waist to hold you steady on top of her, while the other reached up so that she could cup your chin in the palm of her and bring your lips to meet hers.
You melted into the kiss, which, while heated, was still tender and filled you with all the love Emily had for you. Your hands tightened on her shoulders and, as her tongue danced along your own, you couldn’t help the slight grind of your hips against her own as you sat on top of her. The hand that held your face let go, snaking down your body until they reached between your legs and you felt her fingers press against your clit. Gasping against her lips, you felt the arm around your waist tighten as she continued to kiss you. Your hips picked up their pace, you couldn’t stop yourself from moving in rhythm with Emily’s fingers. The both of you never broke the kiss, but as she continued to play with your clit, the kiss grew more heated. Small gasps fell from your lips as Emily’s fingers continued their motion and with each sound you made against her lips, you felt Emily’s body rock against yours as well.
Suddenly, the hand that was between your legs stopped and pulled back. You couldn’t stop the whine that escaped you at the loss of contact, but Emily was quick to explain herself. With the hand that was once between your legs, she took one of your hands that still rested on her shoulders. “I want you to keep touching me too,” she breathed, her lips still ghosting against yours as she spoke. She didn’t wait for a response before pulling your hand down between both of your bodies. When she let go of your hand you moved the rest of the way, your fingers brushing against her clit, causing her body to shudder against you.
She returned her hand back between your legs too, this time passing your clit to circle your entrance. When you felt her fingers press into you, you moved your head to bury itself in her shoulder and muffle your groan. Her hips bucked up into your body as you felt her fingers begin a slow drag out of you before pushing back in. That’s when you remembered to move your fingers as well, sliding down between her folds to press them into her as well. In your position it was more awkward for you to be able to move them inside her, but as she began to pump her fingers back into you, the movement of that mixed with the gentle rock of her hips helped her to feel good. Your fingers curled inside her as you let her grind herself into your hand. With your head buried into the crook of her neck, you couldn’t stop the soft moans that fell from your lips as you felt two of her fingers move in and out of you. The way her fingers felt inside you, the sounds she was making as her free hand held your body tightly against hers, and the feeling of how wet she was on your own fingers was almost too much to take. You felt drunk with the sensations of Emily Prentiss inside and around your body. You tried to pump your fingers as best you could into her as her body rocked up harder into your own.
Emily’s fingers managed to press on the spot that drove you wild and you couldn’t stop yourself from pulling her body tight against yours with your free hand, causing her to let out a hiss. You couldn’t tell if it was a sound of pain, your body freezing for a moment to assess her reaction. Only, Emily didn’t want to give you a moment, picking up the pace and pumping her fingers into you faster, her hips moving in time with her hand, causing her to fuck herself harder with your own. You felt her face bury in your hair, both of you becoming moaning, panting messes as you kept moving in rhythm with each other. You felt Emily tighten around your fingers and she felt the same. She desperately wanted to cum at the same time as you, to see you fall over the edge with her. Pressing the palm of her hand against your clit, she pushed her fingers into you harder and faster and when you let out a low moan, she felt you cum against her fingers and followed soon.
You both stayed there for a moment. Your hand was cramped in the awkward position it had been in between the two of your bodies. It wasn’t like you minded though. The what ifs had finally fled your brain and all your thoughts were filled with how much you loved the woman who was currently holding you close to her chest. Emily’s fingers slipped out of you and yours did the same. Both of her arms went to wrap around your body and when Emily leaned back she brought you with her to lay there on the bed. Your arms went around her waist, careful not to press on any of the bruises she had.
That night she held you tighter than she ever had, not once letting go of you, even in her sleep. You didn’t mind, however. You needed to feel her like this too. To know that she was home safe with you and the nightmare that was the past few days was finally over. With your head buried in her chest, you felt yourself drift to sleep with the rise and fall of Emily’s breathing and the sound of her heartbeat. Signs that she was alive and for the most part well, at least for now.
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