#so now here i am going hmm.. what quirk would i have ... hmm
lavenderjiang · 1 month
my boyfriend has helped me heal so much that im sat thinking about ocs for a show (that is really good actually) which stereotypically has the worst fandom and i feel like myself again :))
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suguru-getos · 9 months
| Yandere Gojo Satoru x F!Reader | Axphyxiation |
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A/N: The yandere in me has risen from the dead. Read this at your own discretion, Satoru is a manipulative, dangerous, abusive asshole here. Mentions of guilt-tripping, dub-con (doesn’t happen but mentions), belittling, comforting, gentle-talking.
Normally, on a normal day, you’d have the right to be livid, to scream out and throw a tantrum over Satoru’s antics whenever you wanted. It would usually go unnoticed, even catered to if he’s feeling nice. Not today…
“Being a little too bratty are we, Princess?” There was a greyish hue of rage in his sky blues. All, because of you. He would make sure you realize it. You’d cower in fear of him in times like these, breaking down into choking sobs and mumbling apologies for pissing off the ‘Honored one’.
“I swear, I didn’t—” You tried to defend yourself, before the glass window behind you cracked, breaking into shatters as you flinched. A reminder to not piss off Gojo Satoru right now. Your heart raced at the situation you were in. Kneeling in front of him like a guilty prisoner, not daring to look up. Anxiety being the only thing hugging you right now.
“Why did you think it would be nice to ask for Megumi’s phone?” Satoru spoke… almost dazed, still controlling the immense rage that he felt. At times like these, you, a mere non-sorcerer feels a pang of pressure in the atmosphere. As if it was hard to exist, as if it was hard to breathe. It was Satoru’s cursed energy going haywire.
“I wan-wanted to ask for, something.” You were slowly getting broken by this. Yes, you had asked Megumi to give his phone to you, a pathetic attempt to contact your friends. You couldn’t risk contacting your family or Satoru’s rage would pave way in a direction you’d dread more. You just missed them… you aren’t delusional enough to think they had the chance to rescue you after all.
“Ask for what, hmm?” Satoru tilted your chin up, your eyes meeting his harsh, unforgiving ones. He looked dramatically betrayed at your antics, while a choked sigh escaped you. “Just- just missed my friends, Toru.” You had been carefully calibrating this reply. Squeeze his nickname in with the truth. There— that’d make him… less dramatic. Or, that’s what you prayed & hoped for.
“Just- missed my friends, Toru.” He mocked you, mimicking your tone and his hand rested onto your neck, slightly choking. A grim reminder of what he can do to you but chooses not to. Tears well up in your eyes as you looked at him, silently praying for this to end.
“Am I not enough?” His voice rose, almost tediously high. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for what’s to come. “Please- Satoru.”
“I asked you a question, cupcake.” He chided you, as if he is shutting a brat up who was hell bent on throwing a tantrum. “I asked you something and I need an answer.”
You had to be really, really careful with this one. You mumbled, hands shivery and jittery. There have been times he’s locked you up, just so you miss him. Maybe decided to use your cunt with his fingers just so you’d embarrass yourself cumming over and over and he could taunt you for being a needy slut for him. You didn’t want that… “You are important.”
Your answer squinted Satoru’s eyes, thin ice….
“You are, enough. You are a friend to me, too. S’ just that sometimes I wish to know how they’re doin’ that’s it.” You were internally panicking. Satoru didn’t do anything to you until now but it was the ‘what he could do’ that made you nervous. Satoru wasn’t delusional, he knew you were being calculating and didn’t want to piss him off. However, he was fine as long as you tried to be in his good books. He liked feeling important.
“I see, then should’a just asked Daddy, eh?” He quirked a brow, another question for you to duck.
You decided to accept your mistake like his ‘good little girl’ nodding and looking down, looking oh-so-cute with the guilt laced on your features. “Sorry, Daddy.”
Oh it warms his heart up when his Princess tries to be good for him. Tries to win his heart & suppress his rage. “My baby’s apologetic?” He cooed, kissing your forehead softly, while you nodded like a bobble-head; almost reflexively.
“I see, I see… what’s my baby gonna do to make it up to Daddy?” A smug grin plastered over his features. You were so naive he had you exactly where he wanted you to be. Expressions all knowing & dreading the impending doom, you looked up at him and bit your lip. The bile rising in your throat with anxiety.
“Whatever- whatever you want.” You wanted to make this easy on yourself. Better to have him throw words at you and comply. Satoru… was more twisted than that. “Nuh uh… gonna have to see what you would do on your own to make it up to me.”
You bit your lip, knowing exactly the answer he wanted. “Daddy can make love to me.” You uttered brilliantly, his eyes growing more tender. Satoru never, ever, forced himself on you. It was somehow, you, always begging, crying apologetically even— tormented in situations which hugged you like spiderwebs, with no escape wherein you’d do nothing more than to surrender. That’s what Gojo Satoru does…
“Oh really?” He almost scoffed, clicking his tongue. “Daddy’ll make you feel good after you committed a mistake?” He would also make it seem like everything he does is for your pleasure— there are days you believe it, there are days you dread it.
“Sorry.” A stray tear escaped you, it was as if you were being pulled apart with no defenses. “Please, I just— if you want I won’t cum.” Aww— his pathetic, little, dumb, princess.
“Perfect.” Now he has you where he wants.
“Then gonna be my pretty, precious lil cocksleeve yeah?” Satoru asked you once more, feigning the opportunity for you to say no. You nodded, almost gracefully in defeat.
“That’s my good girl.”
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alltoowelltom · 3 months
What about fluffy morning routines with Oscar, like being all domestic and cute together!
thank you for requesting x
The third time the alarm goes off you've had enough.
Oscar is the sweetest boyfriend with almost no obnoxious habits - almost. The one quirk of his you absolutely cannot stand? The sheer number of times he will snooze his alarm in the morning and fall back to sleep.
'Why don't you just set it for later?' you've asked him countless times before. He always answered with a shrug, 'No, tomorrow I am going to get up first time it rings.'
"Oz." you hum sleepily, one arm coming up to push gently on his back. "Turn it off."
He makes a sound of acknowledgement, reaching over to his nightstand to grab his phone and switch off the sound.
"Sorry, love." he says, rolling over so he's laying on his side to face you, dropping his phone in the sheets. He pulls you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. He wouldn't admit it, but this moment right here is always his favorite part of the day. Just the two of you basking in each other's presence before the day begins.
"You're gonna fall asleep again." you say, prodding his chest gently.
Oscar grumbles into your hair, hand swatting around the sheets blindly for his phone. You pick it up, placing it in his hand. Both of you wince at the harsh light in the darkened room and he turns it off again as soon as he's seen the time.
"Shit, I'm late for training."
"Yeah, wonder how that happened?" you sass back, kissing his chest.
"D'you want to come with?" He asks, tracing the freckles on your arm. You shiver at the feeling of his nails that are slightly too long again, knowing you'll need to nag him about cutting them this afternoon.
"No," you giggle. "I'm gonna stay here and go back to sleep until you're back."
"Lucky thing," Oscar sighs, sitting up in bed. "I love you." He presses a kiss to your head as you repeat his words back.
Oscar's quiet as he gets dressed and brushes his teeth, clearly making an effort not to disrupt your sleep any more than he already has. You think he's left and let yourself drift back to sleep until you hear his trainers scuffing the hallway floor and he pops back into the bedroom.
"One last kiss." He giggles cheekily, giving you two on your cheek and picking up his phone from where it laid next to his pillow. You smile softly, in-and-out of sleep but you manage to squeeze his hand and hope that says enough.
By the time Oscar comes back from training you've gotten out of bed and showered.
"Awh, what?" Oscar pouts. "At least come sit with me while I get ready?"
With anyone else, you'd scoff at their clinginess but you can't help but melt at him. It had taken Oscar a little while to open up to you and become truly comfortable when you'd begun dating. He could be a little shy and tried to ensure he was independent and not needy at first, worried about scaring you off. Now, you sit on the bathroom counter, putting on some light makeup while he showers and tells you about his current training routine.
"Oh, and I got you one of those apple danishes on my way back," he calls out from behind the glass. "It's just in the kitchen."
"Hmm," you chuckle at his sweetness. "A pastry from Pastry."
When Oscar's out the shower and dressed you hand him your necklace silently and he positions himself behind you, carefully doing up the clasp the way he did every morning you were together - to the point where you'd begun to struggle latching the chain together on your own, having to twist it to the front so you could see what you were doing.
"All good?" He asks, trying to smooth your hair back into place.
"Yeah, thank you honey." you say, giving him a smile in the mirror. He returns it with a big Oscar-smile, the one with lots of teeth and crinkles by his eyes.
"Help me make the bed?" you ask, knowing Oscar would leave it a mess if you didn't remind him.
"We're just gonna get into it again tonight and make it messy again," he'd tried to reason in the past. "Why wouldn't we just save the effort and leave it?"
You each take a side of the duvet, pulling it up and fluffing the pillows, Oscar following your lead on the correct technique.
"If you bought less pillows, this would be so much quicker." He grumbles with a grin, tossing one of the many throw pillows at you gently. "I'm your pillow anyway, you don't use one of these."
"It's to make the room look pretty." you roll your eyes. Boys.
"The room already looks the prettiest, because you're in it." Oscar says sweetly, crawling over the bed and reaching out to you. Your heart swells at his (cheesy) words and you let him pull you down onto the bed.
"Let's nap for a bit, yeah?" He says softly, nuzzling into your neck. "See if you're a good pillow too."
thank you for reading x
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Make Me Yours
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: chaotic smut (I'm a slut for this man)
Summary: Daniel mentions something to Oscar and he takes a shot in the dark.
Warnings: KNIFE PLAY, blood, intensive aftercare, Max and Daniel being big brothers, Oscar is a dork and we love him for it, enemies to lovers if you squint, soft dom Oscar, Reader is a mess for Oscar and he loves it.
Notes: This was an anonymous request! I hope you like it!! Please remember to communicate and take care of yourselves if you engage in a kink like this!! Reader is a Redbull rookie which I know is ridiculous but it's fiction.
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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She wouldn't say her sex life is vanilla. Definitely the opposite, actually. Most people would look at Oscar and assume he is the most boring human on the planet.
They are all wrong.
Most the drivers, including herself, teased him about how he knows two positions maximum. He'd gotten fed up with it and showed her exactly why everyone is wrong.
Turns out pent up tension from being rivals from F3 and F2 leads to these situations. The situation being mind-blowing sex with the one guy who you didn't want to admit feelings for.
Formula 1 is an unforgiving world. She didn't need feelings getting in the way. Until Oscar came along and ruined it all.
Until that night, at least. Now they are stuck together like glue. It drives Max and Daniel insane with how much he's around the Redbul garage.
She tried to use the 'best friends' excuse until Daniel caught them in her driver's room.
"It's always the rookies."
That being said, her problem isn't the sex, or Oscar, or her relationship at all. The problem is how to bring up something she would like to try.
Both of them like trying new things and have been very clear on boundaries and keep open communication about the subject. He's never judged her for anything she's brought up. So why can't she just ask him?
"Something on your mind?" Daniel appears from thin air, and she slams her phone down out of view. She prays he didn't see the pictures of the silver blades and thinks she a psycho.
"Nope," she squeaks. A terrible recovery on her end.
"Watching porn? Looking at Mr. Piartri's nudes? Come one, you can tell me!"
Max pokes his head out from around the corner. "Are we talking about sex?" Here she thought the secluded space would be far away enough for them to come bother her. Then again, Daniel could help her out. He's good at talking to people.
"Pretty sure you and Charles talked about it last night." She quips without looking at him.
She's blushing and embarrassed. Her brain is yelling at her to run as far away as possible before she does something stupid-
"Hey Daniel, you know about sex stuff right?" Wow, that doesn't sound awkward at all.
"Yes?" He quirks his eyebrow at her. "But if you're looking for a threesome I'm going to have to decline. For now, at least," he winks.
She chokes at the notion. She's going to explode at this rate. Time to bail out. "Never mind, it's not that, but it's dumb."
Max appears fully in her line of sight. "You can't leave us hanging now! Oscar not performing well anymore?" His expression suddenly goes dark. "Or if he hurt you, I won't hesitate to send him into the barriers."
"No! no, it's not him it's me. I don't know how to ask him about something."
Both the males soften. It eases the anxiety a tiny bit, but she'd still rather not be here.
"Hmm, can I ask what it is?"
"A kink," she whispers away from him.
Daniel hears it anyway. "Yours or his?"
Daniel, now seeing he's not going to get anywhere like this, tries a new approach. "Look, this is a no judgment zone, right? Max talks about Charles and their sex life any chance he gets. I am an open book. No laughing or cringing, okay?"
It still feels weird having this conversation. But Daniel isn't going to let it sit now. Curse her impulsive mouth. "Knives. I want him to use a knife on me."
Oscar is sitting in wait around the Redbull motorhome. His girlfriend had said she'd meet him out here and he hasn't seen her all day, so he came early.
Media days are usually difficult for her. The journalists manage to find some new sexist thing to point out every race weekend. It drives all the drivers insane. They can't just let it go and move on to something new.
"Hiya mate!" Daniel appears around the corner and Oscar manages (just barely) to not jump out of his skin. "You waiting for your girl?"
"Yeah, I'm early though. Do I need to go?"
"Nah, you're fine." Daniel throws him a grin. "I'm curious how you keep the marks on her hidden. Been wondering for a while now."
Oscar blinks. His brain is trying to process the last Statement. "You mean... like a hickey?"
"No! The scars." Daniel looks like he's just said the most obvious thing. Oscar is still trying to remain neutral in what is definitely an odd conversation.
Scars? What scars is he talking about? "I-"
"Don't tell me you don't see it! That girl totally has some kind of knife kink."
Knife kink?! Where is this coming from? He tries to think back to any hint of it on her end. It's not like he's opposed to trying new things and he wouldn't be shocked if she felt weird about bringing it up.
"I'd ask her about it mate." Daniel winks and disappears into the crowd of people.
Oscar tries not to think too hard on it. It's just a weird comment made by Daniel in passing.
At least, that's what it started as.
Oscar then finds himself doing research on it. A deep rabbit hole that now occupies far too much space in his brain.
The idea of her permanently some kind of mark he puts there drives him wild. Which is odd, because it hasn't before. A visible hickey every now and then does the trick. Satisfies him when they go out places.
After the first 'I don't see your boyfriend,' he started putting one on her collar bone. Not visible unless she deems it so amd fresh enough to ward off any suspicious characters.
Curse Daniel for giving him this stupid idea. Something more permanent than a hickey sounds appealing.
If it were up to him, he'd keep her in his pocket. It's funny, really, how she thought he didn't know about her feelings. Oscar had played the game for two years. Then he couldn't take it anymore and he snapped.
Yes, she's snarky and moody, and as picky as Lando, until you get past the hard exterior and see she's all soft and squishy. Most of the time, anyway.
He asks her about it after Silverstone. He's coming down off his high and drunk on the adrenaline paired with a shot of success. The confidence boost is really what he needs to put the idea out there. As outrageous as it seems, Daniel might have a point.
"I was thinking about something." He starts off with. She flops onto her bed. Not his since Lando manages to get into his room at the worst times.
"Something good I hope?"
"Depends." Oscar adjusts their position so he can cradle her. The way she snuggles into him like an affectionate cat makes him melt. "It's kinky."
"The best kind of thoughts to have!" She taps his nose with her index finger to accentuate each word.
Oscar steels himself for the possible outcomes. "What if we tried knives."
There is an unmatched look of pure shock on her face. Oscar is prepared to reassure that she doesn't have to, until he notices the glint.
"Yes! I mean - yeah, we should give it a try."
Huh, so Daniel was right. Oscar will have to thank him later for the tip. "We need to talk about it first. I'm thinking either talk now and do it or we save it for a later date."
"How about we talk now, then see?"
"Sounds lovely."
The more Oscar talks, the more she wants it. It's ridiculous what he does to her with merely his voice. Or maybe it's the constant regard for her wants, needs, and safety.
Yeah, it's true what they say: consent really is sexy.
"Love? Did you hear what I was saying?" His voice has they soft mellowness about it that calms the raging see of her emotions.
"Stay with me, yeah? I'll put this off if you aren't coherent enough to truly consent to anything." Yep, sexy. No doubt about it.
"I'm here, promise! Just got distracting... thinking."
She waits a beat to see if he's willing g to drop it. He makes no indication he'll be moving on, however, making her forced to answer. "Your voice..."
She is going to combust at this rate. It's embarrassing how wrecked she is already. Oscar hasn't even touched her, but the sight of him with the glinting silver blade in his hands has her going feral. The crazy eyed, drooling kind that makes her seem like she should be locked up.
The fact Oscar spent over two hours in discussion and has research to back up every point her makes drivers her wild. She would happily spend the rest of her life with him even after a measly two years together.
He's ruined her. Oscar has made it so she will never be able to leave. So what if she's dramatic? Can you really blame her when she has Oscar Piastri standing in front of her looking ready to devour her?
Oscar takes his time. It's slow and gentle kisses, nimble fingers finding their way around the canvas he knows so well. "Fucking hell you're gorgeous."
She takes a mental note of the way she's in no clothes and he's got all his own. It's unfair and she tugs at his sleeve to signal she wants it off. Oscar complies and pulls the fabric off.
He goes back to licking his way around the inside of her mouth. Her hands relax around his body, taking comfort in the warmth and closeness of the skin-on-skin contact.
His fingers slip through her folds and like muscle memory locate her clit. It's pathetic the sounds he's getting her to make. Specifically, while holding the pocketknife, unopened, in his free hand.
"So pretty for me love. I would cut you up and put you in my pocket if I could. Carry your cute ass around with me like a good luck charm."
She's so far down the rabbit hole of her favorite headspace. Oscar's words are just swimming around her, until the sound of the black clicking open pulls her back into reality.
He presses the flat part of the blade against her arm. The cold of the metal sends a shiver running down her spine.
Oscar is looking deep in the eyes, mapping out every emotion and physical reaction she's having to the sensation. "Color?"
"Green, very green, the brightest of greens-" Oscar shuts her up with a kiss to her temple. It's gentle and meaningful. Enough to turn her right into a blushing mess.
Oscar checks in frequently every time the blade moves. The masochist is jumping for joy when the tip barely rests against her shoulder blade. "Are you ready? Want me to mark you? Shall I make you bleed for me?"
"Please," She whines.
"Keep your eyes on me yeah? You say red and I stop."
She signals that she understands and would like to continue. Oscar traces the line he wants to make.
She hisses when the knife presses downwards. Oscar panics, but he watches her eyes roll back and knows to continue. "Eyes on me, love. I want to see how pretty you look."
The cold stinging sensation makes her whimper in pain and moan in ecstasy all at the same time. He's still talking to her. Voice still calm and gentle. He's watching her intently, tracking every shift until he's done.
He keeps a hand on her to let her know he's still present as he tucks the, now closed knife, safely onto the bedside table. Despite looking so composed to everyone else, she notices the small thing about Oscar's shift in demeanor. Like how his pupils are staring at her, just the slightest bit tinged with the desire tor take her in the next ten seconds.
He resists and makes sure she is ready for that first. "Color?"
She slurs through an ungodly number of praises and words resembling 'green'. Oscar basks in it. He sits and caresses her skin as he watches the cut to make sure he really did go light enough.
Small beads of red appear at the surface, but not enough that he's concerned with first aid at the Moment. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"Osc? Are you still green?"
Oscar softens again. "Yeah, I'm green, just taking in the sight and - happy I didn't stab you." He's breathless and panting. His jeans straining and her hands aching to get her hands on him.
There is so much love and kindness leading up to him finally getting inside of her. The towel underneath her shoulder catches the run-off red. It falls away with every thrust of his hips and rock of her body.
They hit the edge to quickly. Falling over it in white hot pleasure and moans of joy.
"You're such a good girl for me. You did such a good job." Oscar whispers in her ear as he wipes the cut with disinfectant.
Oscar carries her blissed out body to the bathroom and lets her look at the wound before bandaging it. A perfect heart now rests on the peak of her shoulder. Not massive, but enough to be seen without looking to close.
"I love it."
"Yeah? You ready to bandage it?"
"Do we have to?"
She doesn't get her way. Oscar bandages the heart and gets them cleaned up. Then it's water and snacks in bed.
"I never thought you'd be into it."
"I wasn't until Daniel brought it up."
Her entire being stills. Maybe even goes pale and Oscar looks at her in confused worry.
"I might have asked him for advice on how to ask you... about this."
Once again, his face softens. "You know you never have to be afraid of asking me." A gentle smile appears on his face. "I do think we'll have to thank him for this later."
"You're just going to inflate his ego."
"Maybe it's worth it if he keeps giving me advice." Oscar winks at her and smirks.
Yeah, maybe Daniel's pestering isn't to bad.
Oscar stands waiting for the drivers parade the next race weekend with all the other drivers. He's waiting patiently for his favorite rookie to come and join him.
Instead, he is once again jumping out of his skin because Danile is grabbing his shoulders from out of nowhere. "Could you not, like, scare me? Please?"
"But this is more fun! Certainly not as much fun as you had, I'm sure. I saw the scar." Daniel wiggles his eyebrows.
Oscar is blushing, he can feel it in his face. The words he wants to say are not coming out like he intends. "yep, I - um... thanks."
"Let me know if you need any other advice." Daniel smirks and claps him on the shoulder, Leaving Oscar a mess.
This is why I get teased; he thinks.
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 months
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me getting into a new character: how neurodivergent am i allowed to go
cw: fluff + a few mild horny thoughts
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Rafayel has this little quirk where he's practically incapable of acting like a normal boyfriend. Or a normal person, honestly. Where other people would just take your hand walking down the street, he holds it out with a too-happy, beaming grin so that he can see you take it yourself. Where other people would just sit down at a fancy restaurant, he makes mock offended noises if you try to sit before he can make a big show of pulling your chair out for you.
Where other people would kiss you, he likes biting.
"I'm thinking," he muses, nibbling on your earlobe, "what about a diamond necklace?"
You sigh, burrowing yourself further into him, back against his chest. You're quite comfortable, and you could even fall asleep if it wasn't for his constant yammering. "No."
"Come on," he complains, sinking his teeth into your cheek this time. You let out a brief sound of exasperation, trying to bat at him, but he remains steadfast, tongue poking out to soothe the minor indent he leaves into your skin. "How'm I supposed to prove myself if you won't let me?"
"How would you buying me a diamond necklace prove anything?"
One of his hands slips under your shirt, resting right under your chest. His fingers knead whatever they get in contact with—it's not painful, actually it feels pretty good, not that you'd ever admit it to him. Though you suppose, turning around in his hold and silently indicating to him to pull you closer may just be admitting exactly that.
"It'd prove I'm not cheap, for one thing. I'd be able to tell everyone, whatever my girlfriend wants, she gets! You're so strange, not wanting anything. Do you even know how rich I am?"
"Tell you what," you mumble, burying your face in his neck and completely melting in his arms as soon as his comforting scent fills your senses, "you buy me a quesadilla tomorrow and I'll tell everyone you're practically my sugar daddy."
Rafayel scoffs. "Like anyone would ever believe you were a sugar baby. You don't have the constitution for it."
That might be a new lead in the top ten strangest insults you've ever heard from him. Shooting a small glare up his way, you bite back, "Are you going to let me sleep or are you gonna keep talking?"
"Keep talking," he answers without hesitation, then barrels forward before you can protest. "Hmm, maybe I should just fill my place up with amenities for you. Cheese plates in the kitchen. Exfoliators in the bathroom. A butler to take your coat."
The ridiculous idea of him hiring a butler just so someone could occasionally take your coat from you when you come over makes you laugh, which in turn puts a pleased smile on his face and accidentally encourages him to continue.
"What's that kids' movie you like? Twelve Dancing Princesses? What if I just repaint this room with the floor design from that?"
Now hang on. This one actually interests you, the idea of playing out your childhood fantasies out by dancing around in Rafayel's room. If you asked, you're sure he'd hire someone to replicate the same dress the main character from that movie wears too. "Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Anyone who comes here would see it."
"Yeah, something tells Thomas won't care. And if anyone else does come here, they'll probably write a boringly long article meant to flatter me. Renowned artist is super nice and generous to his childish girlfriend—"
"Says the guy who cried during Island Princess," you fire back, "also, it's nice to know you're only trying to spoil me for acclaim."
"Hello? Did you miss the part where I said boringly long? I'm trying to spoil you because I want you to spend my money."
"Why? It turns you on or something?"
"Maybe," he grins, pretending to lean in to kiss you, then sinking his teeth into your cheek once more the second you purse your lips to meet him halfway. With a quiet growl, you kick at his feet, and he only laughs against your skin. "Come oooon, I'm serious. Tell me at least one expensive thing I can get you."
Finally, you open your eyes, looking up at him with all your sincerest conviction. "Raf. If you wanna ruin your reputation and renovate your floor into the Twelve Dancing Princesses one just to prove a point, go for it. But I'm warning you, I'm gonna have to give you the best head of your life if you do that."
Rafayel groans, the hand that's not up your shirt tangling into your hair. "Don't tell me that, you're gonna force me to be selfless and turn it down. This isn't transactional. I give you my card and tell you to go wild, and then you just do it. Nothing in return."
Ah, yes, the Raf classic. Say the sweetest possible thing in the most irritating way he possibly can. Well, two can play at that game.
"If you give me your card and expect nothing in return, I'm going to strictly buy paint supplies in all your favorite brands, all your favorite colors—"
"I don't have favorite colors—"
Clamping a hand over his mouth, you press on. "And your weak attempt to spoil me will fall flat because not only will I only buy things you like, but I'll wire you the entire amount of what I spend the next day."
He lets out a dramatic half-whine, shaking you a little. "Man, you're so embarrassing!" Tugging you closer, he drowns out your complaints with his own protests. "So clingy, stop getting so close to me! Oh my god," he moans, holding your hand tighter the more you try to fight him and pull back, "get away from me, stalker. Let go!"
"Holy shit, you're so annoying—"
"And you're so obsessed with me, it's concerning."
For once, you're the one pouting at him. "I'm trying to sleep. You're really warm. Can you please push my limits later?"
An affectionate smile lights up his face. "Yeah, okay. As long as you agree tomebuyingyouapradabag."
Rafayel snorts, tucking his face into your hair. "And you think you could handle being a sugar baby."
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
“Harry, wait, you’ve—your bloody jacket,” stopped him at the doorway with a roll of his eyes, this long-suffering look that failed to hide a smile. “Getting a little forgetful in our old age?”
“Shut up,” Harry laughed, deliriously fond. “I wouldn’t have to rush out if someone didn’t take so long in the bathroom.”
“Did you believe all this happens naturally?” shaking his long, lovely hair in emphasis. Harry, who’d seen this trick a thousand times before, drank the sight hungrily: Harry, who’d seen Draco when he just woke up this morning, knew the statement for the rubbish it was.
“Cute. You’re stalling, and I’m going to be late.”
Draco quirked an eyebrow. “Not exactly holding you here by the tie, am I.”
Disappointedly: “Hmm. I suppose not.” Rectifying immediately with a step closer, arms wrapping around Draco; inhaling deep the sharp smell of his aftershave, of his fancy face cream Harry still occasionally had to lick.
“Now who’s stalling,” but his voice was soft, punctuated with tiny kisses to his jaw. “Harry. You’ll be late. And you’ve got that lecture today, the one you kept droning on and on about.”
While he had one arm around Harry’s shoulders, a hand threading through his hair. “It’s only, I’m a little entangled here. See, I’ve got this partner who keeps insisting he’s not clingy.”
“Surely he’s not. Did you consider the fact you’re extremely touchable? And besides that he’s maybe a bit gone for you, and cannot be blamed. Not so early in the morning. What? Stop looking at me like that, you started it, and I wouldn’t take so long to wake up if you hadn’t insisted on staying up late last night, with your,” stopped to laugh, croaky and loud in Harry’s ear, to shake his head with his eyes all grey.
A burst of it in his chest, star-bright. “You love me,” Harry said, stupidly, helplessly happy.
“Shock and awe.”
“You love me,” grinning like a fool, crushing Draco closer by the hips, peppering his face with kisses: “you really do.”
“Every bloody morning,” but he was laughing too. “You’re a ridiculous man, Harry Potter.”
“And you still love me.”
Draco, in his arms, dramatic and fidgety. “And yet I somehow still do.”
“Darling,” giddy with it, rubbing his nose against Draco’s cold one. “You’re freezing. You should get back inside, get some sleep.”
“I would, only there’s this brute who won’t let me go.”
The thought of him back in bed, wrapped under a warm duvet was slightly devastating. Trying for a brave smile, “Well, did you consider you’re very touchable.”
“Am I? That’s news to me.”
A huff, and affection tearing through him, impossibly tight: “Right, okay,” forcing his hands away, his legs a step back. “I really have to go.”
“Wait,” Draco said, forehead crinkling, “aren’t you forgetting something?”
“You already brought me my jacket.”
“Fuck your jacket. Something actually important.”
“Oh!” sweeping him in his arms once again, delighting in the way his head tilted up, expectantly, for a kiss. In delivering one at a time, deliberate. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Draco allowed this for a moment longer, then pushed Harry away, flushed and awfully dear. “All right, off you go. Did you know you’re an utter sap.”
“Only for you.”
The long-suffering look. “Oh, the things one is willing to put up with.” But he stayed there, bracing a bare shoulder against the doorway, and it was morning-cold outside, and he couldn’t really hide the smile.
“Yes, poor you,” Harry said, and kissed him again just because.  
(Flufftober day 3. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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bluerose5 · 4 months
Zevran & Astarion Banter Pt. 20/?
The ending of this one, though. 💀
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Astarion: Did I hear right? You claim that you are from another universe.
Zevran: I do not just "claim" it, my toothy friend. I know it. I am not from this Faerûn of yours or any of your other realms.
Astarion: So you say...
Zevran: You need not believe me for it to be true.
Astarion: Fair enough. My opinion hardly matters if that's the case, but then surely you wouldn't mind sharing more about this so-called Thedas of yours, would you?
Zevran: Not at all! If you don't mind listening to me lament about how I miss my homeland.
Astarion: I guess that is to be expected. What was your country called again? Antiva?
Zevran, already wistful: Ah, yes, beautiful Antiva!
Astarion: Tell me about it.
Zevran: Where should I even start? I come from the glorious Antiva City, the nation's capital, home to our royal palace! A flourishing, coastal city. Truly, I could talk about it all day, but it is more so something you have to experience for yourself to appreciate in full. A deadly yet beautiful place, much like its residents, I suppose.
Astarion, staring pointedly at him: You don't say.
Zevran: Heh. I once told my friend —the Warden— how there's this saying that it rains often in Antiva, but the flowers are always in bloom. Trade is our bread and butter. We deal in everything from leathers and silks to coffee and wine. You're just as likely to happen across someone being assassinated at a party as you are to find some whore plowing their trade in a back alley.
Astarion: Ha! Well, when you put it like that, perhaps you will feel a little at home in Baldur's Gate.
Zevran: We shall see! I am nothing, if not optimistic!
Astarion: Anything else noteworthy you feel like sharing?
Zevran: Hmm... Let's see, let's see. Aha! Now that you mention it, there is this one quirk about Thedas in general that appears to be much different than here.
Astarion: Really? And that is?
Zevran: That anyone with even a hint of magical ability is to be locked up and imprisoned in what we call "Circles" to protect everyone else from the danger that magic poses. That's what is said to justify the system in place, at least.
Astarion: ...
Zevran: ...
Astarion: Haha! Very funny. You really had me going for a second there.
Zevran: *raises an eyebrow at him*
Astarion: Uh, Zevran, why are you not laughing at the blatantly funny joke? This definitely can't be real, right?
[Zevran walks off without a word, whistling all too innocently.]
Astarion: Right?! Zevran! Oh, wait until Gale hears about this! He's going to lose his shit.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Play - A Javi Gutierrez Story
javi g x f!reader
it's not that kind of play, honey.
warnings | 18+ smut and nothing but(t)
a/n | I'm back with another addition to the Peg that Middle Aged Man Campaign! If you don't know what I'm talking about, where the hell have you been? Just kidding, but fr, go check out the work of @beskarandblasters @wannab-urs @jksprincess10 and @serenaxpedro they've all got some awesome fics out for this campaign!
“This play, it is a very strange one, no? Oh! Is it one of those– what is it called– interactive performances?” Is this guy for real? It would be amusing if it wasn’t messing up her flow of clients, having to deal with this bright-eyed man with the softest hair she’s ever seen, who has clearly walked into Pandora’s with no clue of what the club is.
“Hon, I’m not sure where you got that idea. But this isn’t a play.” His brow furrows at that, perfect confusion at what she says.
“But the sign outside? I tell you, I enjoy a good pun. If this isn’t a play, what is it?” It clicks in her mind all at once. Pandora’s: Come in and play a while. She has to let out a laugh when she realizes exactly where the man got the idea from.
“Oh, honey. It’s not that kind of play. This is a BDSM club.”
“Oh, oh.” His whole face goes slack with realization, sun-kissed skin going a pretty shade of pink as he swallows harshly.
“I am so sorry. I am, ah, feeling a bit foolish, I have to admit. But I will get out of your hair now, I– my apologies.” So sweet, so polite, and so flustered, she can’t help herself when she brings a hand to his shoulder to keep him from turning and hurrying out the door.
“You could do that, or I could show you just what kind of play we offer here at Pandora’s.” The man opens and closes his mouth a few times, cheeks tinging from pink to a furious flush, and she knows right then that she’s got him for the night. 
“Why don’t you follow me, honey? I’ll show you the ropes, and then you can decide if you’d like to leave. Sound good?” He nods, a quick jerky thing that makes his lovely curls bounce.
“Is there– are there going to be actual ropes?” 
“There can be– if you ask nicely, of course.”
Tilting her head over his shoulder, she smiles, getting to see his name for the first time, signed on the dotted line of the club’s waiver.
“Hmm, it’s nice to officially meet you, Javi. You can call me Molly, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” She takes the paperwork from his hands, making a point of letting her hands brush his, reveling in the way his throat dips and bobs with the contact. So responsive, this is going to be fun. Setting the paperwork down on the chest of drawers, she gets to work collecting the tools she needs for the night, speaking to him over her shoulder as she does.
“Though I’ll be the one in power, you’re the client, honey, which means you have the real control. I’m gonna need you to use your words with me, tell me what feels good and what doesn’t, do you understand?” 
“Yes, miss, I understand.” She feels her brow quirk at his choice of words, now standing in front of him with her arms full of goods.
“Miss, I like that, honey. It’s cute. Now, will you get undressed for me, Javi? I’d love to see a bit more of you.” He nods, a lopsided smile on his face as he starts to work through the buttons of his shirt while she lays her toys out on the bed next to him. Quick and eager, he’s left in his briefs in no time flat, a bit breathless under her gaze. He’s pretty, golden skin, strong thighs, and an adorably soft belly that she’d like to sink her teeth into.
“Could I see more of you as well, please?” 
“Well since you asked so politely, why don’t you do it for me, darling?” She steps between his thighs, his eyes widening, lips parted as she guides his hands to her hips. Tentatively, he moves one hand up to her cleavage, where the zipper running down her dress lies, slowly tugging it down to reveal her body to him. 
“You are– a very beautiful woman.” He says it so solemnly, his eyes raking over her body once she’s slipped her dress entirely off, and she can’t help but laugh at the very serious look on his face, tucking her fingers under his chin to tilt his gaze up to hers.
“That’s sweet of you to say, darling, thank you. Are you ready to lay back for me so we can get started?” He’s very compliant, she’ll give him that, humming an mmhmm as he shifts back onto the sheets, laying out for her as she starts to unravel her set of silk ties. 
“Now remember, Javi. I need you speaking to me, telling me what you like and what you don’t. What you say goes, honey.” His eyes are trained on her hands as she holds the tie out between them, giving it a few snaps as she comes to kneel between his thighs on the bed.
“I will do my best to, as you say, tell you what I am liking and what I am not. Though if it is you who is doing it, I imagine I will like most things.” The flush in his cheeks has creeped down to bloom over his chest, a smile that could only be described as bashful crinkling his eyes as he looks at her, a vision that she can’t help but want to corrupt, just a little. She crawls further up the bed, shifting into a straddle at his hips, hovering over the very obvious bulge in his briefs as she leans over him, tie in hands.
“Do you still want this, Javi?” She trails the end of the silk tie over his chest, letting it drag against his nipples, his inhale catching at the sensation.
“Yes, miss, I– I would like what we discussed.” She grins, bringing the tie to settle flat over his eyes, quietly directing him to lift his head up so she can tie it in the back, smoothing her fingers over it once he settles back down, blindfolded and sighing.
“I saw this in a movie once. I thought it to be very intriguing. But I have not had a chance to try it myself until now.” There it is again, that sweet smile of his, and an amusing wag of his eyebrows as she sits back in his lap to take in the sight of him.
“Well in that case, honey, I expect a full report when I’m done with you.” She makes quick work with the other two ties, pressing a kiss to each of his wrists once she’s bound them to the posts of the bed, his pulse jumping against her lips. Moving again to kneel between his spread thighs, she has to pause for a moment, he’s such a vision, his arms framed overhead, black silk blinding his eyes, lips parted in silent puffs of breath. And then, she gets to work.
She starts light, a barely there graze of her fingernails down his chest, over the swell of his belly, grinning at the way his muscles clench and jump at the sensation, before letting her fingers hook under the waistband of his briefs.
“I’m going to take these off, darling. Is that ok?” Back and forth, back and forth, she lets her nails graze along the soft skin hidden beneath his briefs, waiting for his answer.
“Yes, miss– I would, um, like that very much.” She rewards him with a kiss, just below his navel and he responds in kind with a sharp inhale, biting his lip as she finally tugs his briefs down and off his legs. 
“Oh, honey, you’re pretty all over, aren’t you?” She likes the laugh that draws out of him, a nervous little thing that fizzles out in his throat when she skates her fingers over the underside of his flushed cock, the muscles in his thighs tensing. She rests her palm over his belly, drawing reassuring circles there as her other hand dips down to cup his balls.
“Just relax, Javi. I’m going to make you feel very, very good.” A broken sound cracks in his chest when she lets her breath fan over his cock, warbling into a groan when she darts her tongue out to lap at his leaking tip. She takes him into the heat of her mouth only once, slipping him down until the head of his cock grazes the back of her throat before promptly popping off of him and pulling away entirely, his wrists tugging petulantly at his restraints in response.
“Patience, darling, the waiting is what makes it so good.” She presses an open mouth kiss to the jut of his hip, lips dragging over his pelvis, just shy of his throbbing length as she lets her teeth nip at the soft pudge of his tummy, enjoying the breathy yelp he lets out when she bites down just a touch harder. He’s getting more impatient as she continues to tease him, her lips pressing everywhere except for where he really wants her, letting out little huffs with each new kiss, each new bite.
“You are a little bit evil, but I think I like it, patrona.” She finds herself smiling against the inside of his thigh where she had just laid another nip, taking in his words with pride.
“Patrona, what does that mean?” 
“It is like a boss. That is what you are, no? The boss of this establishment, and of men, I think.” 
“Mm, you got that right, honey.” Always a sucker for flattery, she decides that he’s had enough teasing, licking a hot stripe up his cock with little preamble, his thighs going rigid as he lets out a hiss between his teeth. 
“Oh, that is– hah– that is very good.” She finds an easy rhythm, bobbing up and down his length, pulling off in between to lick at the head of his cock, one hand cupping and rolling his balls, getting him nice and pliant under her touch. Pleased with the slackened state she’s worked him into, moans rolling through his chest, muscles loose and melting into the sheets, she pulls away to grab her bottle of lube, snickering at the way his head lifts off the pillow like he’s trying to see why she stopped.
“Don’t worry, honey, just gonna start getting you ready for me.” With a smear of lube warmed up in her palms, she gets her hands back on him, slicking down the length of his cock, over his balls, and letting her fingers slip lower as his hips buck up at the new sensation.
“Fuck, I like that– feels so different, so good, patrona.” She spreads him open on her finger, gently pumping in and out as he keens into her touch, a long sigh thrumming in his throat when she adds another finger.
“Look at you, pretty boy, doing so so good for me.” Oh, he likes that, his neck arching with a moan as she continues to fuck him on her fingers, her other hand sliding up and down his cock, thumb passing over his leaking slit each time.
“Aye, patrona, por favor. I– I want more, please.” He tugs limply at his restraints, the muscles in his arms flexing and bulging with the movement, his brow furrowed somewhere between pleasure and prayer.
“Are you sure you’re ready for that, darling?” She punctuates her question with another flick of her wrist over his cock and a thrust of her fingers, making him let out a whine that she’d like to hear more of.
“Sí, sí, patrona, I want it very badly. I’m ready, I swear.” She shushes his pleas with a kiss to his belly, his hips jolting when she removes both her hands from him, slipping off the bed to put on her strap.
“May I– I would like to see you for this part, patrona.” She has to smile at that, tightening the harness around her hips before crawling back onto the bed, happy to shrug Javi out of his blindfold, a shy smile on his lips when his eyes meet hers. He didn’t ask for it, but she undoes his wrists as well, and he sighs in relief, flexing his hands a few times as she settles between his thighs, coaxing his knees to bend around her.
“Need your hips up just a little bit, honey, there you go. Gonna give it to you nice and gentle.” She does just that, one hand planted in the sheets, the other guiding her strap forward as she presses into him, slow and smooth. 
“Fuck, you are wonderful, patrona. I–I feel so good.” She’s been called many things by her clients, but this might be a first for wonderful, the praise coaxing her hips into a faster, deeper rhythm that makes him writhe beneath her. His eyes don’t leave her body, trailing from the arc of her hips to the bounce of her breasts with each thrust, up to her face, surprising her with the delicate way he brings his hand to cup her cheek. It’s just a bit too tender for her taste, and she’s quick to throw him off his game, bringing her hand to stroke his cock as she starts to fuck him harder, rendering him speechless and slack beneath her.
“That’s it, Javi, just let it feel good. Are you gonna come for me, darling? Gonna let me have it?” 
“Sí, mami, por favor.” She doesn’t have to ask for a translation to know what that means. A few more fluid strokes of her hips is all it takes to unravel him, his come smearing over her fist as she strokes him through it. When he starts to whimper at the sensation, she finally pulls away, jumping into aftercare mode as she grabs him a towel and a bottle of water in one hand, and her handy credit-card reader in the other.
“Here you go, darling, take your time getting cleaned up.” She coaxes him to sit up, getting a few sips of water out of him as he catches his breath, though there’s a weird look in his eyes that she can’t quite place.
“You are an amazing woman.” Oh boy. She smiles, trying to laugh off the intensity of his compliment, though he does that same move again, cupping her cheek, his eyes painfully earnest when she looks at him.
“I would like to buy you an island.” The laugh she lets out at that is genuine, though it fizzles out when she realizes he is dead serious, eyes wide and seeking, his lips quirked in that little dopey smile of his.
“No islands necessary, hot stuff. Just the flat fee of three hundred for the hour will do.” She holds out the card reader between them to make her point, his eyes glancing at it, though he seems unconvinced.
“After the way you just made me feel, it would be an insult to repay you with mere money. Tell me what you want, patrona, and it is yours, I swear it.” She must have gotten him good and fucked out for him to be talking like this, his pupils still blown out as he speaks, cock softening against his thigh.
“Oh, honey, you’re sweet, really. But it’s all just in a night’s work. I want my clients satisfied and my sessions paid for, that’s all.” 
“Can I pay to have you for the rest of the night at least, por favor?” That’s more like it.
“Now that is something we could make work. Cash or credit, darling?” 
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 months
I might go a bit silent for some time after this post because I've been neglecting my real life lately in a way that's seriously about to bite my arse, but. I'm here to say something that I fervently wish the 9-1-1 fandom, and the queer audiences, or fans of queer fiction in general... will hear and embrace. It's this:
This is the time to let your freak flag fly!!!!
Don't you DARE hold yourself back!!!
Let that freak flag fly!!!
I say that because we need that enthusiasm for our survival. We need that enthusiasm NOW.
Who is this we? It's us!! Fans of the show. Fans of queer fiction. Queers! Allies! People who believe in love! Queer representation in media!!
Because do you even realize what this show just did when it gave us a canonized bisexual Buck, kissing a man on screen, for the first time, in season 7 of the show?
No, it wasn't fan service. It wasn't the show folding to an obsessive queer audience.
No, this was planned, from the very beginning. Anyone who pays any attention and watches the show with open eyes can see it was.
They wanted to create a closeted bisexual character who would stay in the closet for a good while. And they did.
Yes, I am being 100% serious, yes, I absolutely believe this to be true.
These characters we follow, these storylines we watch... Do you really think these characters are just the result of random keysmashing, the writers just going
"Hmm I don't really have a plan here, let's just call this guy "Buck" and release him into the world! ... What do you mean, who is he?
I don't fucking know, he's Buck, let's just decide what to do with him later! I'm going to lunch now, who's coming with me?"
No. These characters are designed. They are planned. They are crafted out by teams of writers, who brainstorm and discuss, and pitch plans, and figure them out:
Which quirk makes them interesting, what secret are they hiding, what are their flaws, what's their backstory, why do they behave like they do...
What to do with them, what kind of story to build with them, whom to match them with for future romances... And so on.
The end result is thought out, because they want the characters to be complex, and human... yet consistent...
And to serve a purpose: to help the storytellers create meaningful stories, and illuminate important issues.
And this character design process nowadays? It definitely includes figuring out what the character's sexuality is - way before you release them into the world!!!
Because the writers know they need to know, and understand the character, to operate them in a way that makes sense, and sexuality is an important part of the "design".
Because that's how you ensure consistent behavior, how you establish a personality!!! I'm being serious, this is just basic characterization, and worldbuilding, and these writers are professionals.
Sexuality is a trait that real people are fairly consistent about, and good fiction imitates real life. For example... If my dad just out of the blue got busy with another man, I would be quite stunned because I've spotted no signs that he might be closeted. Ever.
So if you want to create a closeted bisexual character, and not have people go "there were literally zero signs of this"... You plan. From the start.
And not just to avoid pissing off the straight audience!!! We queers don't appreciate half-assed queer characters any more than they do!!! That's ignorant and lazy, a casual middle finger to the queer audience.
But Buck's closeted bisexuality... It WAS definitely planned. It was CLEARLY planned. In a way that would make justice to the real bisexuals watching.
"Oooh but you're delusional, he's a womanizer, he's been a womanizer!!!"
Exactly. Because guess what? That isn't unrealistic at all. That is real life illustrated into fiction.
This is actually fairly common behavior for bisexuals, this era of almost hypersexual interest in the "opposite sex".
It is both genuine interest, and a front. It is genuine because it's not a lie. These closeted bisexual "womanizers" (or if it's a woman, "man-eaters")... Of course they are truly into these people they so eagerly court, why wouldn't they be. Buck sought out women, because he is into women.
And as said, it is also a front. Because it is often triggered by underlying insecurity. You think you're straight, or desperately want to be straight... But something just feels off. Maybe you notice someone who you "shouldn't" be drawn to, maybe you find that your eyes linger on odd things. Maybe you get turned on by something you "shouldn't".
And that freaks you out. So you try to drown these strange feelings by clinging into what you know. You know you like the "opposite" sex. This means you are straight!! You definitely are. Look at me, doing straight things, like a regular straight person!
It's kinda... A state of desperation, and denial is the engine. You became almost this parody of a straight person. A womanizer. A man-eater. 100% straight, look at me woo! It's about self-deception, and it's about bi erasure (not really even believing that bisexuality is a valid sexuality), and it's about fear of someone figuring you out.
And sometimes it's really just... About being oblivious, and lacking self-awareness. I mean... I am bi, just like Buck. Guess what clued me in? The unplanned flirting. Brainless, outrageous, oblivious flirting.
I am a woman and I did that with women. I had no idea I was flirting. I thought I was joking. Teasing. Bantering. Being friendly. Bonding. Being funny.
I am fairly outspoken and impulsive (now diagnosed with ADHD btw) so often I just leap before I think. So I just... interacted. And then one day, in the middle of a conversation with a female friend... I just got this really, really weird feeling. Like slowly waking up from sleep walking. Where am I, what am I doing? Why am I standing so close to her? Why does this feel so intense? And I just took in the moment, rewinded it, analyzed it, took notice of how oddly jittery I was. And went...
What the fuck. I am FLIRTING. I am totally flirting. I have been flirting! For a good while now! This is me, trying to provoke a very specific reaction! This is me, being excited because she's noticing me, and flirting back! (She was bi too btw, and out, so even though this never went anywhere, I am fairly sure that I wasn't wrong. We were both flirting.)
Anyway, this ramble was about Buck being a womanizer, and an oblivious flirt with men, and closeted, and not even realising the closet...
And it all making perfect sense!!! This happens! It happened to me! Some people don't realise their bisexuality until it practically smacks them in the face.
This is perfectly realistic story-telling. This is a valid portrayal of a closeted adult bisexual.
And Buck does flirt with men, on screen, since season fucking one!!! That emergency, in season one, the guy with the tape worm? That's him, being an oblivious outrageous flirt, starting to hit on a male patient mid emergency!!
Bobby actually has to cut it off because Buck is being super unprofessional there.
That was written, acted, filmed, aired. And as said, these characters are designed.
And that's not all. There are so many other instances of Buck flirting with a man, crushing on a man, being unable to shut up about men.
Go see Eddie's and Buck's meeting - the ridiculously homoerotic first introduction of Eddie. The way Buck absolutely must impress Eddie. The way he jumps to the idea that Eddie won the spot on the "hot firefighter calendar", the way he gets super flustered when Eddie compliments him and tells Buck he can have Eddie's back anyway.
The way he assumes Maddie is surely talking about Eddie instead of Chimney when she says "he's so cute". The way he is seen prattling about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, and Maddie then asks about this "boy crush".
Go watch the entire storyline with Veronica/Albert/Buck/Taylor. It tells us very clearly that Buck sees Albert in a towel, and then can't stop rambling about him. This chronic inability to shut up about Albert is shown on several occasions.
Buck's date, Taylor, even walks out mid their double date due to that. Taylor takes in the clusterfuck she's been invited to, makes it very clear that she's heard A LOT about Albert as Buck keeps talking about ALBERT, and leaves.
Anyway - my point here is. The writing team wanted to write a closeted adult bisexual character, and figured... How do we make them realise that Buck really was bi all along?
Well, by showing him, being bi. Showing him in genuine relationships with women, and also showing him flirt with men. So that when he finally comes out, people have material to examine, and realise...
It was always there. He was always bi.
And they did because they wanted to bring awareness, to write a story of an adult closeted bisexual. The closeted part is important, btw. Because making him come out on screen is like simulating someone coming out to you in real life. They're making you ask;
Did you see the signs?
Or did you see signs... And dismiss them?
These stories are important because bisexual erasure is real. Many people don't even believe, or know that we exist!! And there is so much ignorance about what bisexuality is, what it can look like. "Oh, surely not a womanizer like Buck! Can't be. Ridiculous!"
But guess what? It isn't ridiculous. It isn't bad, or half-assed writing. You just don't understand the realities here.
Let me tell you some facts about bisexuality. I challenge you to verify them yourself, look up studies, and see that I'm not writing fiction now.
We bisexuals cling to our closets, desperately. Often well into adulthood. Btw, I'm closeted too actually, to my family. And yeah, I may sound like I'm 14. I am not.
And no, we aren't fine in our closets. We don't have it easy. We aren't doing well. We bisexuals are actually... Alarmingly, clearly, unwell.
And not just compared to straight people. No. We are pretty much, fairly clearly, either the top or near the top.. highest ranking mental cases among the queer community!! ... So. Yay?
Don't believe me? Look up studies about bisexuals. Though... There aren't that many, actually. Turns out, if you try looking up scientific research about bisexuals? Well, there isn't much. Compared to other groups of people, we are basically unstudied. Because hey, we're a bit meh. Why fund that research? Unimportant, those bisexuals! They're doing fine!
So... This is why I love this storyline, and Buck coming out. Because it's a high profile main character. And because they worked to get this right, to establish Buck's interest in women, as well as men.
You know, because that's what usually happens when a closeted character, or a real bisexual person comes out.
"Oh. He's gay now?"
Yeah. Bisexual erasure, it never stops winning. 🙄
Anyway, my post turned essay about letting the freak flag fly....?
That's how you support shows like these, writers like these, storylines like these.
By being an enthusiastic fan, and letting everyone know about it.
This is free PROMO for the show, our rambling, our freaking out.
Even if you personally have no legal means to watch the show, you can still support it by loving it. Talking about it. Letting your imagination fly. Indulging in your CRAZIEST fan theories!!!
And tagging it, reblogging it.
Please do that.
Don't listen to anyone trying to make you shut up,
Trying to get you to be rational,
Trying to organize a freaking "moment of silence" from shipping,
Trying to shame you and get you to "respect Buck's coming out arc" by focusing on it instead shipping characters....
Don't listen to anyone trying to make you hate a "problematic character".
"Problematic" characters are good writing!!!! Real people have flaws!
Guess what - trying to create and write perfect characters... If you do that? You end up looking at Teletubbies. Do you like Teletubbies? Do you?!!
Don't even listen to me if I try to argue for something because I "spot a problem' and want to whine about it.
No, ignore it, be confident, be a freak, let your freak flag fly!!
Because this is an important time in the history of the show, of queer media.
People are looking at how the show does after a queer twist like this one.
And they look at numbers.
At viewership. How many people the show lost.
How many it gained.
These numbers do not tell them which viewer ships whom.
Shipping is fucking irrelevant.
Shipping wars don't matter here!!
Because even if you ship Athena and a table lamp,
but post about it, it is still promo and viewership!!!!
How "sensitive" you are, and how overwhelmed the story arc made you...
does not matter here.
How disappointed you are that you did not get Buddie, yet, doesn't matter.
You being offended that people focus on some characters over others.... Does not matter.
It doesn't translate to the most important number, which is viewership.
And the best way to get decent viewership, and reward this incredible story arc, and love this show...
Is to let your freak flag fly!!!!!!!!!!
It's not to sit in silence because people are shaming you about continuing to freak out about your particular focus on the show.
That shame and "respect" just creates silence. That erases our voice. That mutes the fandom, the free promo, and tanks viewership.
Silence? That could kill this show, and OTHER shows that may consider doing something like this.
Going on mute now will only hinder incredible writers like these, wanting to create future shows and storylines like these.
You know... Because this scene about "let 'em fire us" underneath??
It is hilarious, yes. But it is also heart-breaking.
Because this is very likely META writing.
The writers, the show... scared, yet brave, wondering how the audience will react to Buck's coming out.
If this pays off. If they still have a job in the industry after this leap.
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So see what a gift these writers are.
Reward it by making noise.
By being absolutely unhinged about it.
Really, fuck this moment of silence to "Buck's bi growth".... Ship whoever, NOW, - Ravi and Buck and Athena together, if it tickles your brain!!!
Be problematic. Be a freak. Let it show.
Let your freak flag fly. That's how you love the show.
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intheticklecloset · 3 months
hiiii i just found your blog and love your writing! for lemonades event, may i pls request 🫐 & 🏖️ with dazai and atsushi (platonic)? thank youuuu!
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
It came as no surprise to Astushi that Dazai refused to remove his bandages even at the beach.
To his credit, the man at least wore a plain white t-shirt and shorts, but the bandages remained stubbornly in place. Atsushi had never given much thought to them – chalking it up to yet another of the brunette’s bizarre quirks – but at this point even he had to wonder what was under them.
“You’re not getting in the water, Atsushi?” Dazai asked him now, standing over him with a knowing smile as Atsushi lounged under an umbrella, taking in the warmth of the sand beneath and the sun above.
“I’m not a fan of water, really,” Atsushi replied.
“But you can swim, can’t you?”
“You dove into that river to rescue me when we first met, after all.”
Atsushi blushed and glanced away. “Those were different circumstances.”
Dazai hummed and sat down beside him, seemingly uncaring of the fact there was no towel in the spot he chose to place his rear end. “So many beautiful women here. I wonder if any of them would—”
“Don’t even think about it, Dazai,” Atsushi groaned, unable to muster up the energy to snap at him like he normally would have. “This is a public beach, meant for relaxing and having fun. Don’t ruin it.”
The brunette gave him a wicked smirk. “Why, I was only going to muse about whether any of them would want to have a drink with me at the tiki bar~”
Atsushi was 100% certain that wasn’t what his boss had been about to say, but he let it go. “Well, go find one to ask and let me relax in peace.”
“Oh? Am I bothering you, Atsushi?”
The instant he felt fingers scribbling into his unfortunately very exposed tummy, Atsushi knew he’d made a mistake. He yelped and curled in on himself, giggling and giving his friend a wide-eyed, pleading look. “Nohoho, wait—”
“Does this bother you? Huh? How about this?” Dazai chuckled, easily keeping up with his squirming as Atsushi rolled onto his side and then began flailing, hysterical giggles pouring out of him unfiltered. Then one of his tickling fingers slipped into his belly button, and Atsushi shrieked, and the brunette teased, “Oooh, how about this? Does this spot bother you, Atsushi?”
“Dahahahahahahahazai!” Atsushi pleaded, desperately trying to cover his tummy with his arms, sand raining down on them both as he kicked and writhed. “Plehehehehehehease! No fahahahahahahair!”
“I’m just relaxing and having fun, Atsushi~ Isn’t that what you said one does at the beach? Hmm?” Dazai grinned playfully, grabbing one of his flailing arms and skittering his fingernails into his ribs instead.
Atsushi squealed and cried, “Plehehehehehehehease! No mohohohohohohohore!”
Finally Dazai let him be, ruffling his hair before getting to his feet. Atsushi let out a few leftover giggles and grinned up at him as he dusted himself off as best he could, eyes scanning the beach. “Let’s see now…ooh! Maybe that redheaded beauty would be a good place to start!”
With a wave, Dazai took off toward his intended target of affection. Atsushi pitied the poor individual, but not enough to get up and try to stop him. With a smile, he lay back down and closed his eyes. He was already feeling warmer both inside and out.
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wandafiction · 3 months
The Question - Just Us Chapter 25
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2986
Series List | Chapter 24 | Chapter 26
"Here is your bill y/n, it's all gone through. So you two have a wonderful evening." Hela leans down to whisper in my ear. "And get your shit sorted out and ask her to be your girlfriend already. I see the way she looks at you, she is infatuated by you." 
I swat Hela away from me rolling my eyes at her, as well as giving her a very strong middle finger. All she does in return is hit my hand away and flick me on my forehead. Bitch. Hela turns to walk away as I hear a giggle come from Wanda, turning my head to look at her. She is shaking her head lightly at me as she mimics mine and Hela's actions like an absolute child.
"You ready to go princess?"
"I am dorogoy. Are we walking from here or are we taking the car." I feel her excitement vibrate through her as she mentions the car.
"We are walking. It's only 10 minutes to the park, and there are plenty of benches or late night performers around the area." As Wanda stands from her chair I grab her jacket helping her slide it on her arms before making sure it is sat on her shoulders properly, then I put my own black fur overcoat on and my scarf. "You look beautiful by the way."
"I know, you've already told me like 100 times tonight. But thank you, the complement is always appreciated. You look sexy, beautiful of course, but the tight black pants and white dinner shirt with this overcoat. Just wow. It shows of your power in my eyes." I quirk an eyebrow at her as my hand rests on her back gently guiding her out of the restaurant giving one last wave to Hela, and a middle finger for good measure. 
"Thank you baby girl. Your dress looks amazing on you, well everything looks good on you but you should definitely wear this dress more." I move my arm to wrap around Wanda's as I walk on the left of her as we head towards the park. She pulls my arm slightly so I am forced to lean down, so she can plant kisses on my cheek.
"Thank you for dinner Y/n." I kiss the top of her head as I pull her arm to bring her closer to me.
"You're very welcome Wanda. Sorry about Hela, she can be very forward sometimes, well actually most of the time." Wanda gently shakes her head.
"It's okay, it was nice to see you genuinely laugh and relax. Especially when she whispered whatever she whispered in your ear. Do I get to know?" 
"No you don't." 
"Why?" Wanda whines a small pout playing on her lips as she sways her body side to side slightly. I would assume if her arm was not looped with mine she would have them crossed and would look like a very grumpy toddler.
"You just can't, not yet anyway." She juts out her bottom lip extenuating her pout, so I stop my movements bringing her face to mine giving her lips pecks between my next words. "She. Told. Me. To. Get. My. Shit. Sorted. Out." 
"What shit?" Wanda's pout breaks into a smile, as we continue to walk.
"Just my shit." I shrug.
"Your shit I'm not allowed to know about yet?"
"You're annoying."
"Oh I know." I laugh out as we stop to cross the street to get to the park. "Do you want to find a bench or walk for a bit?"
"Hmm, let's walk for a bit."
We make it to the park, heading straight to the path at the edge of the water. It looks beautiful right now as the sun is very low in the sky creating this beautiful glow all around us. The light dancing on the water, different colors merging all in one, small refractions of light becoming visible in rainbow mist when the wind takes some of the water with it. The evening air getting cooler as the sun begins to hide from New York, but the tiny bit that is left on the horizon settles a gentle warm on all the faces of people it touches. 
I feel Wanda shiver a little next to me, so I stop us from walking, moving in front of Wanda, doing her jacket up for her. I take gloves out of my pocket, holding up the opening so Wanda can easily slide her hands in, then I unwrap the scarf that is around my neck transferring it onto Wanda. She uses her hand to bring some of the fabric to her mouth and nose, I see her inhale deeply a satisfied sigh leaving her lips. 
"Smell nice?" A question jokingly.
"Yes it does because it smells like you." Wanda states half seriously, rubbing her lips together. "My lips are cold, is there a solution for that?" 
"Let me think." I rub my hands together to warm them up before placing them on the sides of Wanda's face, rubbing my thumbs across her slightly red cheeks: not sure whether it's from the cool evening air or my actions.
 I would hope for the latter. 
I bend down at the same time as tilting Wanda's face up as I bring her lips together softly. Our lips dance together, not in desperation or a battle of control just enjoying the feeling of our lips against one another. I move my attention to her bottom lip giving it a small suck before nibbling at it, I feel Wanda sigh against my lips so I move my attention to her top lip pulling the same action. Wanda's hands fly to my face pulling my lips harder against hers, keeping them together as long as possible. When air becomes an issue I move my lips from hers but peck up to her left cheek, up to her temple moving my pecks across her forehead before moving down her face to her right cheek. I bring my lips away from her face so I can peck her nose a couple times until it scrunches up and her eyes almost close, as she has the biggest toothy smile I've seen on her. 
I move my face away from hers as she completely relaxes a small breath leaving her nose, her face relaxing as her eyes flutter open and her nose stops scrunching. But this, this is a new look. She still has a toothy smile on her, not as big but it makes me feel like it shows me all I need to know. Her eyes seem to light up more as the sun illuminates them for the last time today, her nose has the tiniest (almost invisible) scrunch to it. The only way I could describe this look is a fuzzy smile, well a fuzzy look altogether but the fuzzy smile is the part I'm concentrating on mostly. I haven't had someone look at me like this in years, I know what the look means and I know for a fact I have the same exact look on me. 
Me and Wanda are both snapped out of our trance when the sun dips behind the horizon, waiting for our moment to be over before it leaves us under a darkening sky and the cooler night air. Wanda decides she doesn't want to walk anymore as she takes herself to the railing leaning over slightly to look into the calm water. She rests her arms on the railing, leaning her head down to rest her chin on the back of her hands. I slowly stand next to her, not wanting to startle her to my presence, wrapping a relaxed arm over her back as she stays with her head and arms on the railing. 
Wanda slowly turns her head to look at me, her left cheek resting on her hands, a small smile pulls at the corner of her lips as she looks up at me, her eyes moving to look up at my face, down my body and back towards the water, before making their way back to my face. She presses her lips together, closing her eyes as she takes in a deep breath holding it for a few seconds. As she releases the long breath her lips part slightly and her eyes flutter open staring right into mine.
"I have to ask you something y/n."  "Ask me anything." 
Wanda moves to stand directly in front of me, her body turning around so she is no longer leaning on the railing or facing the water. She has a tense stance about her as she looks down to fiddle with the few rings on her fingers, not meeting my gaze. Whatever she needs to ask is really bothering her. 
"Can you look at me Wanda?" Her head moves up slightly, her eyes darting to look at me before looking back down at her hands. "What's got you so nervous?" 
"I just. This. This question." She takes a shaky breath as one of her hands moves to rub at her eyebrows. 
"Hey." I move my hand to her chin tilting her head up to try and get her to look at me, but her eyes still do not meet my face. "Look at me Wanda." 
I say it with an unwavering calmness to my voice, my hands back on her face as I stroke her cheeks, I bring my lips to her forehead leaving a few gentle pecks on the center of it. She stops fiddling with her fingers as her hands grab onto the lapels of my coat, brushing her hands down them before moving to the top of them and gripping onto them. Her eyes slowly move from looking at our feet, up to where her hands are gripping tightly onto my coat. They stop for a second, unsure whether she can meet my eyes. But she does. Slowly, but surely her eyes meet mine and I smile softly at her like she is a wild animal and I'm scared she will run away if I make any other face. 
"Y/n. I...We...I." 
"Take a breath. Collect your thoughts. Breath out. Then ask me your question." I continue rubbing my thumbs over her cheek, not having stopped since I started just so she has something to ground her if she needs it. She copies my actions once I finish my sentence, her eyes still not wavering from mine and I make sure mine don't waver from hers. 
"Dorogoy." She starts her voice still a little uncertain but more confident than before. "This question I've been wanting to ask since girls night if I am being really honest with you, and it's sort of scary how quickly this is all happening but I am so certain this is what I want. This right here. Me and you. I want you if you will have me. What I'm trying to say is. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" 
It's like time stands still, everything around us just sort of disappears and all I can look at is her. The uncertainty in her eyes seems to grow when I don't say anything, but I can't because the words are stuck in my throat. But not because I can't say the words, or don't want to say the words but I'm just so lost in the moment I don't realise I haven't actually said anything. I heard myself say yes, but I mustn't have said the words because Wanda's smile drop her eyes choosing that moment to find the floor the most interesting thing in Brooklyn. 
"Yes." It was so quiet I barely heard myself say it, but Wanda's head whips up her eyes meeting mine again, her smile growing once again. Her eyes moving left to right looking at mine individually.
"Yes?" Wanda matches my tone.
"Yes Wanda, yes, yes and yes. I will be your girlfriend." She bounces excitedly on her feet as she tiptoes to try and match my height as much as possible as her hands fly to my face and pull my face down quickly smashing her lips against mine. 
Our lips dance together for what feels like forever, until air becomes a necessity and I rest my forehead against hers. Our breath mixes and is visible in the cool evening air. Wanda's nose scrunches as she smiles so brightly it's like the sun never left, her hands stroking at my cheeks as I move mine to rest on her waist. She huffs out a laugh as her eyes look at mine, into my soul.
"You worried me a second there dorogoy. You didn't say anything and I thought that you weren't ready for the next step." 
"Oh I was and am ready for the next step but I was waiting for you to make the move."
"Well I made the move and you froze up on me." She smacks my arm gently as I laugh.
"I'm sorry, it just took me by surprise. Like I said all I was waiting on was you because I didn't want to rush this and scare you away."
"Well now you're stuck with me. Can't scare me away, but why didn't you ask me. Why did I have to ask you?" Wanda moves her head away from mine tilting her head in question.
"Because we are doing this at your pace. This is all new to you, so as I have been saying from the beginning. Your pace."
"What if my pace is too fast for you." 
"Then I will let you know. But just so you know I've wanted to ask you since the night I told you about my drawings." I inform her as I grab her wrists as her hands still rest on my face 
"Oh so you knew the day before."
"Oh yeah." I say raising my eyebrows playfully and she brings my face back towards her to kiss me. 
"Thank you for a lovely evening dorogoy. Can we continue our walk?"
"Let's go princess. I want to show you something."
I pull her to my side wrapping my arm around her shoulders to keep her close to me, the smiles never leaving our faces. We walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before the silence is filled with the beautiful and relaxing sound of the violinist who is playing by the waters edge. I'm not sure what he is playing but whatever it is, it is beautiful. I place Wanda in front of me, her back pressed to my front, her head resting against my chest as she watches the man play the slow tune. I wrap my arms around her waist bringing my hands together on her stomach, my fingers between one another. Wanda brings her hands to wrap around mine, pressing her body more against mine, closing her eyes to just take in the music. 
I bring my lips to the crown of her head leaving a few kisses on them, before resting my chin gently on the top of her head. 
"Thank you for going at my pace." Wanda's voice is quiet like she isn't quite sure she wants me to hear.
"Of course princess. You being comfortable with what is happening between us is most important to me." 
"So with the going at my pace, I think when you meet the boys I might introduce you as a friend because, well, because. It's just, I haven't brought anyone home to them like at all. Vision is all the only person they have known to be with me. I'm sorry that I'm saying this right after making this official,  but I wanted to let you know how I was feeling with the whole twins situation." She sounds almost ashamed at the confesion. 
"There's nothing to be ashamed of Wanda. If you want to introduce me as a new friend first, then that's what we do."
"I don't want to hide you from them, but I think we need to get to a certain point before I officially introduce you as my girlfriend." She bows her head, so I lift it up from behind and give her a spiderman kiss, her eyes fluttering shut. When she opens them she lets out a small gasp as she meets nothing but understanding and adoration in mine.
"You want to make sure we are really going to work, before introducing someone new just for that someone to disappear if you don't work out."
"Exactly, and I'm sorry that I feel this way about this." 
"Please do not apologise for your feelings because that makes them invalid and whatever you're feeling, whatever it is, is always valid. So we wait to introduce me to the boys as your girlfriend." Wanda's smile grows at my words. "So for now I'm just a friend when it comes to your boys. So that's what we will tell them when I meet them at the cookout Friday, if you still want me to come?"
"Of course I do, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with not being in the open with them, not just yet." 
"Take as much time as you need Wanda. I know we are both happy to dive right in with each other, but these are your boys you have to think about what is best for them and if that is taking it slow with them then that's what we do."
"Okay so you're happy to not tell the boys. I feel like I'm hiding you from them." 
"Wanda, you are not hiding me from anyone. Let's see how Friday goes as me as your friend and we can just go from there. One step at a time."
"One step at a time."
"I think I'm ready to go home." 
"Okay. Yours or mine?"
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mollymagician · 1 year
Okay, there’s an hour left of Valentines Day. I wanted to post a present, because I am so grateful to this fandom. You got me drawing again. You got me WRITING again. After YEARS.
I love you. Have some fic.
If you asked Hob what he loved most about living, he could easily give you as many different answers as there were days contained in his 600 years of life. But there was one that he always came back to, again and again (and not just because he was a teacher now and felt obligated)- you just never run out of new things to learn.
Today, for instance, on his meandering walk home from campus, Hob discovered he’d finally learned how not to jump clear out of his skin every time Dream appeared next to him out of thin bloody air.
Dream’s boot hit the ground in perfect step with Hob straight out of the ether, as though they’d been strolling together for an hour.  Dream quirked one of his small smiles, hands tucked in his pockets. And there it was. Another thing Hob had learned over the years. That certain…was it even a look? It was more of an aura, if anything. The aura that surrounded Dream of the Endless when he was attempting to look innocent.
“Hullo, love,” Hob said, and quirked an eyebrow. “Wasn’t expecting this pleasure today.”
Dream slanted him an amused look. “I found myself with unexpected free time”
“Did you now?”
“Yes. And unexpectedly…inspired.” The smile grew, just enough to crinkle the corner of his eyes. (Oh, some sort of shenanigans were obviously afoot.) He gestured at the extra load Hob was bogged down with. “Do you need assistance carrying any of…this?”
Hob laughed, the kind of laugh that would have come with a compulsive ear tug if he hadn’t been trying hard to break the habit for the past decade or so. Aside from the usual satchel loaded with laptop and papers and other academic debris, he was hauling a bag filled with what looked like half the candy aisle of Tesco, along with at least one bunch of flowers, a small balloon on a stick that read #1 TEACHER and some sort of furry stuffed creature. “Valentines day, “He huffed. “The kids are sweethearts, really. But I have no idea how I’m going to eat all of this. Probably going to have to leave half of it in the break room at the Inn, get everyone else as sugared up as I am.”
He barely heard Dream’s soft, rumbled laughter. “They appreciate you.” Hob grinned down at his shoes and Dream shifted to brush their shoulders just the smallest bit. A quiet moment, and then, very very softly, “You are very…easy to appreciate.”
Goddammit. Hobs breath streamed out in the snappy air as he opened his mouth, shut it, cleared his throat. If his face hadn’t already been red from the chill, it damn well would be now.
Dream went on. “Your student’s appreciation was very sweet. And. In some cases, very loud. Today.” He tipped back his chin to look at the clouds scudding by.
“Aha.” Hobs grin bloomed. “Inspiration, you said. I see. You were…appreciating how inspiring my student’s appreciation was.”
“Perhaps.” Innocent.
Hob felt a wave of something familiar and impossible to smother, a kind of unbearable fondness, well up from the core of himself. Acting on impulse, he thrust his hand into the sack propped against his hip and came up with a…heart-shaped lolly. Of course. Swirled in shades of blue and orange that looked like it would give you some kind of radioactive superpower if this was a comic. Lucky for him it wasn’t. He grinned and handed it over with a wink. “Well, I’d appreciate if you’d help me eat some of this. Seeing as how you’re here.”
Dream took it with an unreadable expression.
“It won’t irradiate you,” Hob said. “Er…probably.”
“Hmm.” Dream stated at it. He twirled it between his fingers. Then he tugged the wrapper off and, with great deliberation, slid it into his mouth.
Hob swallowed. “I, uhh-“
And was cut off by a loud crunch.
Dream removed the stick from his mouth, completely devoid of lolly. He crunched a few more times, thoughtful. “That was….not terrible.”
A laugh burst loose from Hobs chest, only slightly breathless. “Bloody hell, you’re one of those lunatics who just crushes it right off, aren’t you? That wins first place for best new fact I’ve learned today.” At dreams blank look, he elaborated, “Sweets. You’re a cruncher. Heh, you know, that’s something I wouldn’t have thought, love, considering how you….uh…”
Dream said, “Hob.”
“Home!” Hob clapped his hands together, brightly. “Right! Lets go home! I’m freezing.”
“That is,” Dream intoned, “an inspired idea.”
“What the hell flavor is that, anyway?” Hob asked. Dream looked down at the empty stick, thoughtful. “I honestly don’t know.” He raised his gaze back to Hob, eyes so very bright. And, oh, the crinkle was back. “Perhaps you can tell me.”
When their mouths came together it was nearly hard enough to upset the bag all over the sidewalk.
Later that night-
“Dream, love, what are you doing, digging through all that?”
“I….nothing.” Innocent.
“Heh. Okay, fine. Let’s dump it, I’m sure there’s another one in there somewhere.”
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hwabang · 11 months
Cake🎂- Yang Jungwon
Genre: fluff + very slightly suggestive (?)
Warnings: fem!reader, idol!Jungwon + idol!reader, older!reader only by a year, slightly suggestive = mentions of dancing sensually together, use of the word Noona, friends to lovers, Jungwon is obsessed with reader
Author’s Note: Y'all remember how in my first Jungwon imagine I wrote in the author's note that he's not even one of my enha biases but I wrote for him before writing for Jay and Heeseung?... Yeah, well, guess who has 3 biases in ENHYPEN now🤭
For reference here's KARD's 'Cake' Dance Practice
(gif not mine!)
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"Collab with me."
Jungwon raised his eyebrows as he sipped his lemonade. "When you asked to meet me I was not expecting that."
Deciding to take a sip of your iced coffee, you quirked an eyebrow at him. "What were you expecting then?"
"For you to accept my confession."
You playfully scoffed. "Keep dreaming lover boy."
Jungwon smirked at you. "Always am baby. Why do you wanna collab with me?"
"Well, my members and I did a live the other day and at one point we asked our fans what they wanna see for our 2nd anniversary coming up. The staff prepared some options and the most popular one was doing a cover with another idol. Our team said we get to choose the idol, concept, and type of cover. So yeah. Collab with me."
"Well I gotta say I'm flattered." Jungwon picked up some of his cake with his fork and brought it in front of your mouth. "Say ah."
You followed his command and hummed once you tried the cake. "Wow, that's good. So what do you say?"
"What song do you wanna cover?"
"'Cake' by KARD."
Jungwon smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Is this your way of getting close to me? Because if so then just know all you had to do was say the word and I'd touch you."
Flustered, you took more sips of your drink, hoping Jungwon wouldn't notice the blush on your face. "N-no, that's not it... I– the song has been stuck in my head since it came out and once I saw the dance I knew I wanted to cover it, and now I got the chance to do it so I asked you."
"Hypothetically," Jungwon started, crossing his arms and leaning on them on the table. "If I say no, who will you ask?"
You shrugged. "I'm sure Jake would do it with me."
Jungwon poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and scoffed. "Oh yeah?"
"Mhm! Maybe even Jay. Oh, I know Heeseung would LOVE to–"
"Yah," he whined. "Stop it I get it; you're hot and desired by many including my members."
You wore a proud smile on your face, loving how easy it was to rile him up. "So you'll do it?"
Jungwon looked at you as if you're crazy. "Of course I'll do it. Why would I give up any opportunity to be close to you?"
You ignored the butterflies in your stomach. "Great! So our team will contact yours and then I'm thinking you can come to my company every day for like 2-3 hours and we can start–"
"On one condition."
You sighed and nodded. "Okay, what is it?"
"After the release of our cover, you go on a date with me."
You were quite taken aback, but quickly gathered your composition. "Jungwon I told you–"
"Yeah yeah, we're both idols and you don't date younger guys." Jungwon closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh, opening them back to give you eyes filled with hope. "I've heard it numerous times Y/N."
"Th-then you should stop pursuing me.." Your voice was quiet as you fiddled with the fork on your dessert plate. You said it so easily, sure but did you really want that?
It was almost as if Jungwon could read your thoughts. "See but you don't really want that do you baby." Your silence made Jungwon let out another frustrated sigh as he took your hand gently in his. "Tell me, what are you so afraid of, hmm? And don't say fans, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to do such a suggestive dance with you."
"Jungwon you're just younger and I don't–"
"I'm a year younger than you Y/N. What's so bad about me being younger anyways?"
"I-I don't know... I guess I'm just..."
Jungwon rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb, trying to coax it out of you. His eyes had a hint of worry in them. "Tell me baby," he said softly. 
You sighed before finally letting your real feelings out. "I want us to work, and I guess I'm just afraid that it won't and I'll be left here all hurt and all alone in the end. So I'm saving myself from that I guess... that's it."
Jungwon pouted before leaning closer to the table, taking your other hand in his free one. "Y/N.. why do you think we won't work out?"
"There's just so much that could go wrong and–"
"And how can you be so sure that'll happen with us? We both will try our best to make our relationship work yeah? So why not just give it a chance? We both want it Y/N, let it happen."
You contemplated a bit as Jungwon kept caressing your hands with his, patiently waiting for a response. "A-after our cover is released?"
Jungwon smirked. "Or we can go on one tomorrow too."
idk man i'm OBSESSED with the thought of jungwon being absolutely INFATUATED with a slightly older reader, like 🥵 anyways, hope this little drabble(?) was okay! love y'alll <3
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty | Chapter 6
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary:  A Sleeping Beauty inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking, and a female elf living in Mirkwood under the care of Radagast, who is actually the 'lost' daughter of the late High King Gil-Galad. Taglist: @hufflepuff1700​​​​​​ @jinlizz-dragondrama​​​​​​ @firelightinferno​​​​​​ @bubbleyukismile @coopsgirl​​​​​​ @achromaticerebus​​​​ @sleepyamygdala​​​​​   @smalltownbigheart​​​​​ @qmabailor​​​​
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When word reached Thranduil about the Enchantress once more being discovered in the forest by a group of elves on patrol, he had immediately left the council meeting he was in and exited the halls, his guards in tow. He had a letter sent by raven to Radagast this time, as the Enchantress had been seen on the opposite side of the wood from the previous week.
When he finally reached the area she had been contained in, she was standing much as she had previously. Studying her wooden sceptre and completely ignoring the elves of the patrol group in the trees around her with their arrows trained upon her.
Thranduil knew that it was her own decision to stay and wait for him. If not, she would have done what she had done before and disappear in a cloud of smoke as was her usual dramatic way. The king found her theatrics more than irritating.
He brought his elk to a stop and frowned down at her from atop the animal. The elk stamped its foot, glaring at the Enchantress in its own way. She didn’t move but she had an amused glint in her eye as Thranduil pinned her with a look of derision.
“I am more than certain I made you well aware of just how unwanted your presence is here, witch.” He told her, breaking the silence first and watching as she finally turned an amused gaze upon him.
“Hmm.” She merely shrugged in response, staring at him for a long moment. Her expression was calm enough to the eye but in her gaze Thranduil saw a storm.
A part of him he had thought to have long since left behind suddenly felt something. It took Thranduil a very long moment to place it. Fear. He almost did not even recognise it.
Thranduil had very carefully tucked every memory of that day in Lindon away into a metaphorical box in the very back of his mind. Locked it away until he no longer needed to spend an excessive amount of energy and attention in doing so, and the box simply stayed shut of its own accord. Until the memories no longer plagued his every waking second. Even when his father had fallen in Dagorlad, and the stress of being thrust onto the throne enveloped him, Thranduil found that box did not even crack open a little.
Not until this witch had made her reappearance and Radagast had spoken so of the past. Why now? Thranduil did not understand it. What did the Enchantress have to gain from being here, in all of Middle Earth? It could not simply be to taunt him, for he refused to believe she truly had nothing better to do with her time. Wherever she tended to pop up, a curse was often left behind, and he could not see why she would single him and his forest out after all these long years. She would have descended upon him sooner. What was she up to?
“Must we go through this again and again?” Thranduil said, showing his irritation but concealing any of the other feelings that had overtaken him. “I tire of it.” His voice was hard as he stared back at her. He was in no mood for games.
The Enchantress blinked back at him, her expression barely changing but her lips quirked just slightly into what could only be described as a mocking smirk.
Feren, to the king’s left just slightly behind, wanted to loose his arrow right into her throat at the sight but of course his self control won out and the only sign of his anger was the slightest narrowing of his eyes.
Thranduil was getting more and more irritated by the silence. She was trying to get a reaction, he knew this, and he was loath to give her one but he was concerned that if she dragged this out much longer he might just lose it.
“I have had enough.” He said finally. “You have-”
“Yes, yes.” Finally her voice came, brushing off his words with a dismissive wave of her hand and a condescending tone. “I have five seconds to leave before your soldiers loose their arrows and... what?” She tilted her head at him. “They will waste their arrows hitting thin air, for I will be long gone.”
Thranduil thought back to their last meeting, the thick smoke that had shrouded her, vanishing her away before even the elvish arrows hit their mark.
“What is it that you seek in this forest?” Thranduil snapped a little then, beyond done with this dance. “Speak, woman, for I have not the time nor the patience for these games.”
The Enchantress smiled sweetly back at him, the only remaining hardness to her face in her unblinking gaze. Seeing his frustration only brought her joy. Though she was not so foolish to believe that Thranduil Oropherion was harmless. No, on the contrary. She knew she had to tread carefully enough around him, especially if she was to be poking around in his beloved Wood. She would push him... but not so far, not yet.
“I seek nothing.” She told him, though her mind was fixed upon the elleth whom she had sought after for thousands of years. She could not be certain she was in this very forest but until she had searched high and low, she would not leave here. Her mind danced with visions of that day in Lindon and, much unlike Thranduil, the remembrance brought her great joy.
A long moment passed in silence before the Elvenking narrowed his eyes. “You speak and yet nothing is said.” Thranduil said impatiently, having been done with this entire conversation since it began.
This time, he issued no verbal command. Just the slightest, near-imperceptible, movement of his head was enough to have the elven soldiers in the trees loose their arrows within a second.
Still, they were not fast enough to outmanoeuvre the Enchantress, who once more was vanished within a thick plume of black smoke.
A noise akin to a growl of frustration sounded in the back of Thranduil’s throat as he pulled the reins of his elk and wordlessly rode back through the forest to his halls, once more left with nothing but anger, disappointment and bad memories.
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“Is something the matter?” You asked from the other side of the room, where you had been enjoying your day at home lounging with a book. However, Radagast had been sitting as if in a complete trance for the past half hour and it was beginning to unnerve you just a little. As used to his oddities as you were, even picking up some of the strangeness, sometimes even you had to wonder.
He gave you no indication that he had heard you and so, after another five minutes, you stood and walked over to him.
“Uncle?” You prodded gently, coming to a stop in front of where he sat with a hedgehog on his lap and peering down at him.
Frowning, your gaze moved to the scrap of parchment held between his dirt-stained fingers. You reached out for it and, as your own fingers brushed its edges, Radagast finally moved.
He fisted his hand and pulled his arm towards his chest in the same moment, scrunching the paper up in his palm in the process, his eyes blinking as he looked at you like he was finally seeing you again. “That is private.”
You had jumped back a little at the abruptness of his movements considering he’d barely so much as blinked in the past thirty five minutes.
“What was wrong with you?!” You exclaimed then, not overly suspicious about the parchment right now. You shouldn’t have tried to snoop, you supposed. “If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought you had died where you sat!”
Radagast blinked again, his gaze softening a little. “I am sorry, my dear.” He said, reaching down with his other hand to gently ease the little hedgehog off his knee and onto the table beside him, where it moved to start eating from the bowl of forest fruits that were beginning to brown.
You sighed then, turning to go back to your book, though now you felt quite restless. “Well?” You asked a moment later, when the wizard still had not provided you with an explanation. “Are you alright?”
Radagast, now standing peering out of one of the crooked little windows, turned back to you with questioning eyes. A second later, he seemed to understand your meaning and nodded, waving his hand a little in the air. “Yes, yes, I’m fine!”
He moved again, making for the door, where he grabbed his staff from its place and opened the door. “I have to go tend to the eastern glade.” He said, sounding distracted, but you did not question him. He often went out to tend to the forest. He had always done so, but especially now with the way things had slowly started to change in places, to darken somewhat.
“Alright...” You murmured in reply, fixing him with a funny little look as you tried to figure him out. Your uncle was a little odd most of the time but today he seemed sort of... especially so. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something he was not telling you.
Radagast turned to give you a last look as he fixed his hat upon his head. “Stay inside.” He told you, receiving a roll of your eyes in return but you nodded all the same. Satisfied, he turned and left the cottage, hurrying away through the trees.
He made his way North, not East, and hoped you had not watched from the window. Still, he could not spend much time worrying. He had received the Elvenking’s letter by raven (indeed, this was the piece of paper you had reached for) and he had been wracked with worry ever since.
She had returned.
It did not make sense that she should be here... unless she knew something. Radagast told himself not to be so paranoid. She could not know. It was impossible, was it not? They had been so careful in smuggling you out of Lindon as an elfling. They had been so careful that only he, Gil-Galad himself, and two of the High King’s most trusted advisors had known. The Enchantress could know nothing, of that he was certain.
Then what was she doing here?
He hadn’t meant to worry you by retreating into his mind as he had. However, he couldn’t sit idly by while great danger to you lurked within this forest. He had promised to keep you safe and safe was what you would be. He had sent his mind travelling, following the Elvenking’s spirit as he confronted the Enchantress. However, she had flickered away and Radagast had lost track of her. Now, he wanted to speak to Thranduil.
After moving like a madmad through the forest for Eru only knows how long, Radagast came to a screeching halt, his robes billowing around his ankles. His eyes narrowed as he thrust his staff out in front of him.
She stood there before him. The Enchantress herself. Dressed all in black, her dark hair falling in a long braid down her back. She looked, as always, like a Queen of Men. Powerful but beautiful. Bewitching. However, he could see the wolf beneath the disguise and he did not loosen his grip on his staff.
“My dear Radagast.” Her voice came then, soft as silk, but the wizard was as unfooled as the Elvenking. “How long has it been?”
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lucienarcheron · 11 months
Unexpected Surprises [ Elucien ]
Prompt: Lucien has been trying to plan the perfect proposal for his mate for months. Things do not go as expected. 
Elain’s dress | Ring 1 | Ring 2
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The room was silent enough that you could hear a pin drop.
Lucien and Nesta stared at each other, seated across the table at The House of Wind. Lucien with a quirked brow and Nesta narrowed eyes. 
The two hadn’t always seen eye to eye. In fact, Nesta’s scowl seemed to deepen, and Lucien’s own glare intensified every time they were in the same space. But the two had found common ground. They had even, dare say, gotten along here and there. 
But Lucien needed something from Nesta and Nesta...well, she liked being annoying.
“What do I get in return?”
Lucien rolled his eyes. “Your sister’s happiness? My undying gratitude.”
“Hmm, your gratitude sounds awfully sarcastic.”
“That’s the only appropriate response to your question.“
Nesta tsked. “Now, now Lucien. Don’t be a toad. I would like you to politely ask me.”
Lucien gave a long-suffering sigh and Nesta smirked. “Nesta, would you please tell me where you hid the ring I want to propose to Elain with?”
Nesta snorted. “You trusted me so much with it, yet you question me as if I’d lose it?” she said and then shrugged her shoulders. “Say I lost it. What does it matter what ring you get her? You’re mates anyway. You’re in love. It’s not like she’s going to say no.”
They both knew why it had to be this particular ring but again, Nesta really enjoyed getting on Lucien’s nerves. 
He scowled. “Well, what do you want from me then? What is it going to take for you to give it back to me?” 
“Hmm. What do I want?”
Lucien braced himself. He knew she could ask him to do something humiliating. Nesta always had an eye for it. Granted, he was a total dick about it right back, but it was why their very childish relationship worked. They were great assholes to each other. 
He rolled his eyes when she finally smiled at him. That stupid sinister smile.
“You are so annoying.” he muttered, and she barked a laugh. 
“Oh, you’ll know the proper meaning of annoying once I’m done with you.” she cooed and stood. “Come back to me after three days. I’ll tell you what I want.” 
“Three days?!”
“I can make it four.” she immediately replied with a smirk. “Or five or six days.”
Lucien glared and huffed. “Fine. Three days. If you don’t tell me, I’m going tell Elain exactly how unhelpful you were and that you stole the ring that I only gave you because I panicked she was going to wear my jacket then make sure you won’t be there for the actual proposal.”
Nesta snorted. “As if you’d dare.” 
“Oh, I dare.” 
The two smiled at each then, terribly mean smiles.
“Are you testing me, cockroach?” Nesta asked quietly.
“Oh, I am, demon.” Lucien confirmed.
In a strange way, the two of them were the very best of friends. 
“Three days, you weasel.”
“I’d say I look forward to seeing you then, but that would be a lie, you witch.” 
Nesta chuckled and then blew him a kiss to which Lucien’s immediate response was to gag audibly. 
Three days passed as Lucien planned and planned and planned. Each plan was more extravagant than the other, but he still needed a base to compare — just in case — the idiot human had actually done something memorable. Most importantly, he needed his fucken ring.
When Lucien finally had Cassian bring him up to The House of Wind again, Nesta showed up on the evening of day three with such a sweet smile that Lucien knew he was fucked.
“Well?” he drawled. 
“It turns out I accidentally left it with a special friend. You will need to spend the night with said friend and then you may return with the ring.” Nesta said simply. “Then, and only then will I give you my blessings.”
Lucien snorted. “Who said I wanted your blessings?”
“Forgive me but I must be mistaken,” Nesta said with raised brows. “Did you really think you would have a blissful time planning a wedding for my sister dearest without my involvement? I didn’t think you were this big of a moron, you red-haired buffoon.”
Lucien leaned his head back and let out a groan of frustration. Nesta only smiled.
He glared at her. “Is this revenge for the time I accidentally set your reading nook on fire?”
“You say accidentally, I say planned assault.”
“I was drunk!”
“And somehow knew how to find your way to my reading nook.” 
Lucien pursed his lips, his glare intensified as she smirked at him. What did that evil witch have in store for him? 
“You have a magic house that gets you any books you want and yet, I have to suffer for an accidental mistake.” he snapped. “You’re sabotaging my proposal!”
The House seemed to flutter at its mention. Nesta only smiled that annoying smile.
“I’m making your proposal more worthwhile.” she said sweetly. “It’s now a grand gesture.”
Lucien scowled and then took a deep breath before glaring at her again.
“Fine. Fine.” he finally said. This was all for Elain. He would be fine. He could do it. Whatever it is. “Who is this friend, why do I have to spend the night, and why do they have my ring in the first place?”
Like a storyteller weaving you a nightmare, Nesta explained slowly, “Deep in the wonderful House of Wind, there is a magical library. And even deeper into that magical library, you will find one of the most fascinating creatures I’ve encountered. This creature terrifies some and is a darling pet to others.” she paused and smiled wickedly as the color drained from Lucien’s face. “Naturally, I am the latter.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“Oh, but I’m not.” she said with a grin. “Bryaxis dear has your precious ring. In return for holding on to it, it requested some company. You will spend the night with it to keep it company. The next morning you will return with your ring, and I will be more than delighted to assist you with any and all proposal preparations. 
Lucien shot out of his seat in outrage. “It could eat me!”
“That would be the hope, wouldn’t it?” Nesta muttered and Lucien glared at her. “But no, it won’t. I’ve made a bargain. All it wants is tales of far-off lands and adventures. You’ve had those. Make use of them.”
Lucien’s glare intensified before he closed his eyes and took another deep breath. He thought of Elain again. He thought back to when both Feyre and Rhys as well as Nesta and Cassian finally had small intimate weddings, and Lucien had watched Elain’s face and the way her eyes lit up in happiness and glee at the ceremony of her sister’s happiness.  Lucien had also seen the flicker of sadness on her face when she thought no one was looking.
All of it would be for Elain. This was something she would want. It would make her happy, so Lucien was going to propose. He was going to propose in the most ridiculous way possible and let her plan the wedding of her dreams, outdoing both of her sisters. He would do anything to make her happy.  She would be his mate and wife.
And he sure loved the sound of the word wife. 
But first, get through this trial of doom.
“You’re just delighted by this, aren’t you?”
“Over the moon.” Nesta replied with a wave of her hand. 
“Fine, you fiend,” he replied with a disgruntled noise. “I can’t wait for the day when I return the favor.”
Nesta cackled. “I have no doubt you’ll only plan the best revenge for me.” 
With a final glare, Lucien sighed then took off, knowing he’d have to prepare and somehow explain to Elain he’d be spending the night elsewhere. 
Nesta had the audacity to walk Lucien down to the area where Bryaxis stayed after permission was granted by the priestess for him to pass through. The smug smile on her face dulled any fear from Lucien because all he could do was picture himself throttling her.
“Here we are.” she said in a sweet singsong voice. “Bryaxis will find you so just wait here.”
Lucien took one look at the dark hallway and sighed then glared at Nesta. “Just so you know, when I get back, I’m going to choke the life out of you.”
Nesta only laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “Not if Bryaxis doesn’t snuff the life out of you first.”
Lucien scowled at her back, still shaking with laughter. “What a wench.” he mumbled, then with a sigh, turned towards the darkness that filled the hall. He hadn’t even been granted a weapon. But no matter, he was a weapon.
He took a few steps forward, deeper into the dark hall, and lit very soft flames at his fingertips as he glanced around. Lucien waited, wondering if the wicked beast had the mind to torture him by making him wait as Nesta probably wished it. 
But then a soft voice broke the silence, “Are you my esteemed guest?”
Lucien whirled towards the voice, his hands lighting just a small space ahead of him. His heart was thundering, but his voice was clear as he answered, “Yes. I am Lucien. Where would you like me to sit, friend?”
“Are we? Friends?”
“Promise you won’t eat me and I’ll be an even better friend than the witch who sent me here.” he said with a shaky chuckle.
A dark chuckle replied. “She is very nice to me. Reads to me many stories of adventures while I look out my window.” It said, “Tell me future high lord, what stories and adventures do you have for me?”
Lucien’s brows lifted. The beast seemed to know more about him than he expected. “I’ve traveled to many places. Tell me a place you’re curious about and I’ll be happy to oblige.” 
The soft voice spoke again. “I would recommend you douse your fire. You might see more than you bargained for with me.”
A shudder ran through Lucien’s body, and he thought of Elain. This whole thing was so unnecessary but for Elain, he would do it all.
With a sigh, Lucien’s fire flickered out and made his way to the edge of the wall, sliding down into the darkness. 
“Is this a good spot for you?” he asked dully, and that dark chuckle returned.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you weren’t too happy to be here.” 
“I’m not. That demon made me. Apparently, you have the love of my life’s ring and I’m going to need that to propose.” 
The darkness seemed to halt for a moment. “You’re going to propose with this ring?”
“Yes, of course. What did Nesta tell you I wanted to do with it? Shove it up my ass?” Lucien said with a snort and the darkness laughed with him.
“She made no mention of the significance of the ring. Just that you needed to be punished for ruining her books.” 
Lucien rolled his eyes, any fear of Bryaxis gone at this point. He seemed only a tedious pet.
“It was an accident but if there’s anyone who holds a grudge worse than Rhys, it’s Nesta.” 
“Ah, the High Lord wasn’t too happy when I disappeared for a while.” It said. “The High Lady is the nicer one to me.”
Lucien snorted. “Sounds about right.” he said then sighed, shifting so his back rubbed against the wall. “Tell me friend, what stories would you like me to share?”
“Tell me about your mate.” 
Lucien tensed. “And why would I do that?”
“All you did was speak of her in passing a few moments ago but I felt the warmth.” It said. “I would like to feel more.”
Lucien narrowed his eyes. Surely Nesta wouldn’t send him to spend time with a creature that could potentially hurt Elain.
“I am bound to this place now, future high lord. I mean no harm. I am merely curious.”
“You could sell information to the highest bidder if you wanted to.”
“Surely you don’t think I’d be left alive if I had any ill will.” It said and Lucien could’ve sworn he felt the beast chortled. “The Goddess of Death and our lovely High Lady wouldn’t leave a dust particular of me.”
“Neither would I.” Lucien promised quietly. “And I have enough fire and light in me to blaze a whole continent should you decide to play games. Your darkness wouldn’t last a second.”
Bryaxis seemed to halt at this and then skitter around Lucien. “You’re so brave. All this for your love?”
“I will give my everything for my mate.” 
“Then tell me about your love.”
Lucien paused again, but this time instead of being suspicious, he felt the creature’s curiosity. “I thought you wanted stories of adventures?”
“What is love but an endless adventure?” the soft voice said. 
Surprise colored Lucien’s face then he let out a soft laugh. “I didn’t take a creature so terrifying to be such a romantic.”
“You aren’t terrified of me.” It challenged. 
“You lost your edge after I got to know Nesta on a more personal level.” Lucien said with a snort. “Plus, you haven’t seen Elain screaming at Rhys for ruining her gardenias.” 
Bryaxis chuckled, then his darkness seemed to curl around Lucien. “Tell me then. I want to hear all about your love adventure. Start with why you picked this ring.”
Lucien paused, thinking exactly how he had come to choose this ring. It took him a moment but then he smiled softly into the darkness and said, “Pearls.”
He felt the creature tilt around him. “Pearls?” It repeated.
“I first noticed it when she wore that filthy human’s ring.” he said, his lips frowning for a moment. “But then as time went on, she seemed to have a preference for them.”
Lucien blinked into the darkness as he continued. “She would wear these lovely dresses that were always adorned with pearls, and it would make every nerve in my body burn. Then she’d wear hair clips that made her seem like she was glowing, an angel with a halo.” he said and chuckled. “I gifted her pearl earrings, then a necklace and bracelet to match. Naturally, a ring seemed next.”
“Why haven’t you given it to her yet?”
Lucien paused him and licked his lips once again, smiling slightly as he felt Byraxis twist around him. “Well, have you ever heard the story of the Seer that could see all except her way home?”
“What about the lost prince who wandered in every place trying to find home?”
“I have not.”
“Well, you’ll be pleased to know that the two intertwine.” Lucien said quietly and the creature seemed to hold its breath. “Two lost souls, tied by a thread, pulled together by the most unlikely circumstances.”
“The story of the Fox and the Fawn.” Bryaxis said with a level of excitement Lucien wasn’t expecting. “The Kingslayer and the Son of Day.” 
He laughed softly. “You seem to know where I’m going with this.”
“Maybe so.” the creature said and Lucien felt it wrap around him closer. “But your warmth...tell me the story.”
Lucien smiled and then did exactly that. In fact, Lucien spent all night, telling Bryaxis exactly how the Fox and the Fawn came to be. How the thread between them went cold for two years. How the choke of disappointment threatened to ruin everything — how resentment started to build. How much avoidance there was.
But then he also told him of the day the Fawn called to the Fox. The day it all changed. 
Where Elain had unknowingly summoned him by the intensity of her distress alone and when Lucien barreled into the Night Court ready to kill, she had only walked up to him with silver lining her eyes and said as firmly as he’d ever heard her speak, “Take me away from here.” 
“And so, I did.” he said softly and a small smile graced his face. “She was wearing the pearl earrings I had given her for the first time. I could suddenly see her in nothing else.” 
“Pearls can be a symbol of perfection.” the creature said, and Lucien almost felt it’s smile.
“You can see why I find it so fitting for Elain.” he said with a chuckle. “The ring...suits her. It’s beautiful, elegant, and perfect. Just like she is.”
“But surely things were far from perfect.”
“Oh, they were.” Lucien said with a snort. “She may look demure, but my love can be quite mean.” 
And Lucien continues to weave the tale of the tense awkwardness of being in the same space away from everyone who had ever interfered between them. The way they had to orbit around each other while desperately trying to ignore the pull between them.
He told Bryaxis of their fights, of their conversations, of their first kiss, and how the fire in his veins liquified when her lips touched his. 
And slowly, without realizing it, Lucien started to glow as he spoke. It only made him smile as he continued to describe the feeling of holding her in his arms for the first time. Of sharing a night together. Of hearing her confess her love to him. Of saying I love you to her right back.
Lucien glowed like the dawn of a new morning as he continued all through the night, describing the adventures of the Fox and the Fawn exploring their love and the world around them together. 
When the new day finally came to be, Lucien's faint glow had settled and even Bryaxis hadn’t shuddered away, kept warm by the eternal glow of his guest’s happiness. 
“So here I am…waiting for the right moment.” Lucien finished with a sigh. “Good enough adventure tales for you?”
“For now.” It said with a chuckle and the corner of Lucien’s lips ticked up. “Your ring is in your pocket.”
Lucien’s hands immediately went to his pant pockets and let out a laugh. “It’s been there all night, hasn’t it?”
A dark chuckle was the response. “She wanted to see how long it would take until you started screaming.” 
Lucien snorted and slowly stood, stretching with a groan. “She seems to forget how much older I am than she is and how much more horrors I’ve seen.”
The creature wrapped itself around Lucien in a soft, almost embrace-like way. “Say hello to Elain for me. I hope to hear more about your adventures, Son of Day.” 
“Next time, I won’t need to lose a ring to visit. I’ll come to plan terrors with you.”
Bryaxis’ laugh followed Lucien as he made his way back towards the open halls, squinting slightly against the light, and he was pleased to find a scowling Nesta waiting for him. She crossed her arms as he smirked, adjusting his shirt.
“Well. You survived.”
Lucien laughed. “Turns out your beastly friend is a big softie. It took one mention of Elain for it to like me.”
Nesta scoffed even as a small smile graced her face. “Speaking of Elain, she’s been annoyingly asking about you all morning. As if she doesn’t trust me not to maim you.”
“No, you’ll just send me to my potential death instead.” 
Nesta sniggered, then handed him a note that instantly had Lucien perk up, as it smelled of Elain. “This is for you. Cassian is ready to throw you off the balcony to take you home.”
 Lucien waved her off to walk ahead as he opened the note.
My love. I’ve missed you all night and I hope you enjoyed helping Nesta (I know you didn’t).
His head shot up. “Helping you? She thought I let her sleep alone to help you?”
Nesta grinned over her shoulder. “What was I going to tell her? You lost her ring and I wanted to torture you?”
“I didn’t lose it! You stole it!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Lucien rolled his eyes then looked back to the letter. 
Please go home, rest, eat well, and I’ll see you in the evening. I have a special surprise for you and I can’t WAIT to see you. I even picked an outfit to compliment mine ;) I love you.
He smiled. He couldn’t wait to see her either. 
Lucien blinked rapidly, trying his best to quell down the dangerously high range of emotions he was feeling. 
Per Elain’s instructions, he had eaten, rested, and when he woke, he washed up and dressed in the dress shirt and pants she had insisted he wear. He very securely pocketed Elain’s ring.
The moment he had stepped out of his home in the early evening, Cassian had very nearly tackled him with a blindfold and only said, “It is my mission to bring you to your surprise and I can’t let you see anything.”
Lucien allowed it and allowed the quick flight without complaining even though he desperately wanted to — his heart had been hammering in his chest and he was too excited to see Elain. He allowed Cassian to rip off the blindfold and very roughly attempt to fix his hair before casually shoving him toward his surprise.
And this was where Lucien had been frozen for the last few minutes.
Because they were now standing in the Day Court on a flower-lined path, leading to a beautifully decorated gazebo where the love of his life was standing, in a beautiful baby blue dress beaming at him. 
His eyes briefly scanned the area around him, and Lucien almost choked on the fact that his parents stood there smiling, Eris gave him a wave, and alongside them stood Rhys holding Nyx with Feyre, Nesta, and Cassian grinning obnoxiously. 
“Are you going to leave me standing here, my love? I’ve missed you.” Elain called out and only then did Lucien move. Faster than Elain expected, Lucien had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a kiss so heated, it earned a few hoots.
Elain laughed as she pulled away and smiled up at him. “Hello to you too.”
“What — what is all this?” he asked, looking around. 
“Well…” Elain began and pulled away. She turned and Lucien watched as Nesta moved forward, handing Elain a small box and smirking at him. 
All thoughts left Lucien’s head when Elain slowly turned back to him and opened the box with a smile so bright, he was sure Bryaxis could feel it back at the Night Court. 
She only shrugged with a small laugh. “I had to have Nesta keep you distracted so I can finish setting this up.”
“She could’ve done that without having me spend the night with Bryaxis.” he said with a snort.
“She did what?” Elain said and her head snapped to glare at her older sister, but Nesta only smirked back. 
"You said you wanted him out of the way for a while."
"That could've been permanent." Elain snarled and Nesta laughed as Lucien gently brought a hand to turn her face back towards him.
“Next time, send me to Feyre.” he said, scrunching his nose with a small laugh and Elain sighed, then shrugged sheepishly.
“Too late now.” 
Lucien licked his lips and dipped his head, a soft laugh escaping him. He took a look at the lights, the flowers, and then the people sharing this happy moment with them. His eyes drifted back to Elain’s beautiful face and he brought a hand to his own pocket, finally pulled out the ring he had held on to for months.
“You stole my thunder, dove.” he said and opened his small box. “I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment.”
Elain’s expression softened as her eyes drifted to the ring then back up at him. “Every moment is the perfect moment with you, my love.” she said, and Lucien’s own face softened.
“I had so many plans.” he whispered. “I wanted to give you the perfect proposal.”
But Elain shook her with a smile. “I knew you were trying to do something like this but... I wanted to plan this for you. I wanted to make this moment unforgettable because you’re my love, my mate, and the only partner I want to have.” she said, and Lucien shuddered under her touch. “You deserve the most wonderful proposal because you’re the most wonderful person I’ve been blessed to meet. I want you to be wooed.”
“Elain —”
“I love you. I love you for everything that you are and all that you will be.” she whispered. “And I will love you until my final breath. You’ve given me a home, a life, and a love I only dreamed about. You make me bloom. You are my brightest sun and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I didn’t want to wait anymore.” she said with flushed cheeks and a wide smile then slowly, dropped down to one knee, dress and all. “Will you marry me, Lucien Vanserra?”
Lucien grinned, dropping down to one knee as well. “Only if you’ll marry me too, Elain Archeron.”
“Disgusting.” came Nesta’s mumble.
“Fuck off, Nesta.” Lucien only said with a smile, his eyes only on his mate.
“Are you sure about this, Elain? It’s never too late to back out now.” 
“Fuck off, Eris.” was Elain’s response, grinning widely, her eyes only on her mate.
“Language.” tutted Rhys. “We have a child in attendance.” 
Unanimously and without dropping their gaze from each other, Elain and Lucien only said, “Fuck off, Rhys.”
“Now, now.” Lady Autumn chided, her own hand interlaced tightly in her mate’s and Helion’s glow as bright as the sun. “Answer the questions!”
Elain shot Lucien a coy smile and held out his ring to slide on his finger. “What do you say, mate? Are you willing to be my husband too?” she teased, and Lucien gave her a devilish grin.
“Only if you’re willing to be my wife too.” he replied with a wink.
“Then my answer is yes. A thousand times, yes.” she breathed, as he slid the pearl ring on her finger.
“And my answer will only ever be yes. Through a thousand lifetimes, you will always be a yes.”  
“Good because when we leave here, I’m going to do so many naughty things I’ve wanted to do with my husband.” she whispered.
“Then it’s great you’re going to be my wife because I definitely have so many naughty things I would only do with my wife.” he whispered right back. 
With a giddy giggle, Elain leaned in, cupping Lucien’s face, and kissed him fiercely as Lucien pulled her into his arms and stood. Elain’s right leg curled up as they deepened the kiss, cheers erupting behind them, but Lucien only dipped her back, making up for the moments they’d been apart.
“Son, save some for the private room I reserved for you.” Helion called out with a snort. “Let us celebrate!”
Finally pulling away, Lucien grinned down at his mate, his love, and soon-to-be wife. “I’m going to give you the wedding of your dreams, miss. No stealing the show this time.”
Elain’s head tilted back as she laughed. “What if I want to give you the wedding of your dreams?”
“It will be as long as you’re the bride.” 
“Enough with the romance!” hollered Cassian. “I want to eat!”
Lucien scowled, his head snapping to where Cassian stood patting his stomach obnoxiously but before Lucien could smite him, Feyre stepped into view with a grin.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for years!” she said. “I want the first hug!”
And so, the story of the Fox and the Fawn started a new chapter, full of light, love, and much more happiness to come. 
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affectionatelyrs · 5 months
2023 Writing Roundup
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Thank you to @anincompletelist @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @littlemisskittentoes @rockyroadkylers @songliili and @xthelastknownsurvivorx for the tags
*Taps mic* is this thing on? Yeah? Great. Allow me to be somewhat sappy for a moment then.
I started writing in August of this year. As in, I haven't written fic/majorly creatively ever before this, and it's something that I never thought I would do. Until I did. And my goodness... I'm so insanely grateful that I decided to start. Writing has given me so much purpose - It's something I genuinely adore; it makes me incredibly happy that I get to share my words with all of y'all, and the people I've met have been so incredibly lovely. So, without further ado, here's what I've written in 2023! :)
January through July
Nothing, I was just an avid reader
Far too Enamored to be Content Now | M | 2k | One Shot
"You've been rather quiet all evening, H," Alex muses, trailing one long finger up the expanse of Henry's neck, higher, higher, high, until it lingers over his bottom lip. Taps it with the pad a few times. "Why don't you use that pretty mouth of yours to tell me what you want then, hmm?" Alex is expecting Henry's lips to pucker, their typical automatic response to this action. What he is not expecting, however, is the way Henry's lips slightly part before taking his finger slowly into his mouth and sucking, never once breaking eye-contact. - Henry is bloody starving.
You Came Out of Nowhere (And You Cut through All the Noise) | E | 10.9k | One Shot (with a bonus chapter)
Alex starts to feel worse about how he reacted to the man earlier — he’s usually all bark and no bite, but how is the bartender supposed to know that? Alex can be snarky, but he’s never cruel. Allowing his lips to quirk up into a small smile, he replies “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you, really.” “Well,” he says with a smirk, “in the event that you are lying to me simply to placate our earlier interaction, my shift ends in 15 minutes. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to stick around to chat with a perfect stranger?” Alex’s brain stutters for a moment at his facade being so transparent that it's all he can do to stutter out a “Yeah—um, yeah. Okay, sure.” Maybe he also gets stuck on the words perfect stranger, and the immediate thought of mmmm, perfect indeed that pops up in his brain as a result. He chooses to ignore that as well. - Or, Alex is feeling insecure after a bad date - Henry shows him that he doesn't have to be
All of This Silence and Patience (Pining and Anticipation) | T | 5.1k | One Shot
“I didn’t know that you were—” he cuts himself off, sliding a hand over his face. “I, um. Shit, sorry. I just meant, uh… Christ—” Alex saves Henry some breath by cutting him off. “Bi? Sure am.” “Since when?” Is Henry’s only response. Apparently, being in dangerously close proximity to pretty boys makes him a bit dim. Whatever. He’ll have time to reflect on this and feel utterly mortified later. Alex does the following in slow succession: smirks, cocks an eyebrow, looks Henry up and down once, and shrugs a shoulder. “I dunno. Suppose that’s a bit hard to pin down, sweetheart.” - Or, Alex (flirty) and Henry (flustered) are both hiding in a closet at a party for different reasons
Baby, You're Gonna Lose Your Own Game | E | 4k | One Shot
Alex thinks he understands why people get stupid, impulsive tattoos like their ex’s name now if the sudden urge to etch the word darling onto his hip in permanent ink is anything to go by. So, yeah, Alex supposes. Henry may still be maddening, but his mouth? His voice? Maybe it was always hot, actually, and the irritation he previously felt was just thinly veiled complete and utter attraction. That would check out. Hate has always been a multifaceted word, after all. - Or, Alex decides that he wants to fuck the British out of Henry while watching him speak at a gala
King of My Heart | E | 8.5k | One Shot
Alex, as always, is utterly captivating. He accepts his crown with grace and a crooked grin; it’s a duality that only he can pull off. Alex’s megawatt smile is brighter than the hundreds of multicolored shards of light reflecting off the mirrorball in the center of the room. Henry knows that Alex looks good on stage, he knows that Alex knows that he looks good on stage, and apparently, everyone else knows it as well. Henry thinks he sees a girl faint at the sight out of the corner of his eye. And yet, no one knows about Alex and him. Everyone in the crowd wants Alex, but it’s a losing battle — Henry already won that fight a couple of weeks ago. - Or, When Alex wins Prom King, Henry sneaks him away for a moment alone and realizes that his feelings may run deeper than their clandestine hookups suggest
Help Me Hold On to You | T | 3.2k | One Shot
“I can’t do this all the time, Alex,” Henry huffs out, arms crossed from the opposite end of the couch. “I’ve been more than happy to help, and I’ve been doing so as much as I can, but we need to talk about it. It’s been…a lot for me.” Too much. Henry doesn’t say it directly, but it’s the undercurrent of his words. Two words that Alex has heard many times in his life, over and over again until they became permanently pressed into his eyelids like a brand, reminding him of his state of being every time he so much as blinks. - Or, Henry isn't always able to give Alex the help he needs, which sends Alex into a spiral, but they'll always find a way to work things out together
Save a Horse, Ride a Princess | E | 8.6k | One Shot
“I have to say, this is all quite literal, don’t you think?” Alex wouldn’t know literal right now if it hit him in the head. “Huh?” Henry points at Alex: “Pillow Princess,” and then to himself: “Cowboy. Ready to ride and all that.” Alex nods dumbly. “Right.” - Or, Alex and Henry dress up as the ultimate couples costume for Halloween — themselves — and they both feel some kind of way about it
Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What’s on My Mind) | E | 11.3k | Two Shot
Alex hums, turning around to pull open the freezer drawer. “You want anything?” But Henry barely registers his question. Not when Alex is slightly bent over, allowing Henry a perfect view of his perfect ass. Each individual ridge of his spine is visible due to his lack of shirt. All of these things combined would normally be a large enough issue in itself to render Henry dumbstruck, except— Except, that’s not the only thing that Henry’s faced with. Right there, clear as day: blue lace, delicately peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. Henry’s hand immediately flies up to his cheek. The skin is hot to the touch, and he feels the imprint of where the material once lay like a brand. - Or, With the help of a white elephant gift, Henry learns that maybe the whole being-in-love-with-his-roommate thing isn’t as one-sided as he thought
Coming Soon
Double shot - my first ever multichap! :) Featuring sexting, falling in love in a coffee shop, and learning a lot about oneself - I'm incredibly excited for this one
Walk and Talk - a long one shot - College AU, irl epistolary, the literal act of walking and talking out of class and getting to know someone - this has been in the works for months
Henry is a painting (untitled) - Magical realism - Alex has a painting of a prince in his bedroom and one day it talks - a series of their conversations at night time in Alex's room, introspection, discussions of mental health, and falling in love
A secret birthday fic for @happiness-of-the-pursuit
A valentines day fic - Magical realism, Henry can see other people's future love lives and sets up shop on campus - Alex visits one day and Henry see's something he's never been able to see in his visions... himself
Coming... Eventually
Soulmate AU, beach at night, 5+1 love confession through non-verbal cues, companion fic to AOTSAP, and more
THANK U SO MUCH TO EVERYONE AGAIN. I genuinely couldn't do this without you. Fic and RWRB and all of y'all mean so fucking much to me. Thank you for an amazing year, and I'm so excited for what's to come
Tagging other ppl and literally anyone whose fics have ever inspired me bc y'all are so important - @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @read-and-write- @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @smc-27 @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @tintagel-or-cockleshells @iboatedhere @indomitable-love @orchidscript @onward--upward @sparklepocalypse @dumbpeachjuice @dustratcentral @dustratcentral @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @leaves-of-laurelin @lizzie-bennetdarcy @cultofsappho @cricketnationrise @nocoastposts @myheartalivewrites @matherines and @rmd-writes
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