#so i picked out nicknames for just about all pokemon
ranger-kellyn · 2 years
in lieu of diantha not really having any alternate pokemon here's some headcanon pokemon i have for her:
Hattrienne, Missy, who cannot be out at the same time as Gardevoir because it is On Sight with those two.
Galarian Rapidash, Cerise, nicknamed for her mane which tends to be more red hued
Obstagoon, Janis [Joplin], a pokemon she caught and kept if only to spite her mother during a "rebellious" teenage phase.
Nicknames for her main team:
Gardevoir - Sylvia
Hawlucha - Eleanora/Nora
Goodra - Sophie
Gourgeist - Sabine
Aurorus - Belle/Blue-Belle
Tyrantrum - Brutus
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Paldean Elite Four (+ Geeta) Headcanons
They've been on my mind recently bc of all the asks I got
Rika is the office gossip QUEEN. She knows everything about everyone, so if you need or want to know something you ask her. She knows a guy. She also desperately wants to figure out what Larry and Geeta's Deal (tm) is. They bicker constantly, are insanely passive aggressive, but despite their opposing attitudes agree on most fundamental issues. They look like they hate each other, but Larry constantly takes on new responsibilities for the League and Geeta constantly showers him with raises and promotions. Rika has taken to snooping thru their emails and prodding Hassel for info, but he doesn't know anything either. It’s driving her nuts
Paldea had a Region’s Sexiest Man contest. Rika won. Women Want her. Despite this however she can only pick up women accidentally. If she actively tries to flirt she will fuck it up spectacularly. Just the in-universe version of this
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Rika is actually on the payroll as the league receptionist and does that Elite Four thing as a side hustle for extra cash. She gets kind of embarrassed when you call her a receptionist during her Elite Four duties though because other regions often use her as an example of why the Paldean league is garbage (i.e. they're so understaffed even a receptionist can be on the E4. They must have grabbed the nearest person, etc etc). She puts on the vibe of someone chill but this in particular is a bit of a sore point for her
She hates dresses / skirts with a burning passion and refuses to wear them. If you give her a REALLY good reason it's a solid maybe, but good luck with that. She needs to stretch
Her Clodsire's name is Pancake :) I like to think all her pokemon are named after breakfast foods (which, btw, is her favorite meal of the day. She is easily bribed with good waffles)
She and Larry are drinking buddies. She does most of the drinking
Everyone in the league is very careful to alter their habits around Poppy. She’s small and cute and sweet and a little baby so the usual informal cursing (like Rika shouting that HR needs to “cut the bullshit”) or the smoke breaks on the roof (yes I think they all smoke) can’t happen when Poppy is around
The league spoils her rotten. Candy? Toys? Help with her kindergarten homework?? Anything for Poppy. Even Larry, who seems too strict or apathetic to care, has her drawings in his desk drawer and lets her decorate his ties. The toys in the lobby are also hers
Her parents are accountants who brought her to take your kid to work day and let her play with their Pokémon outside. Rika challenged her to a match as a joke because they had a cancellation and Geeta watched— but both were shocked that Poppy’s skill with her parents’ steel types and her own Tinkaton were unparalleled by anyone in the building. When another E4 member retired, the league decided to let Poppy battle under her parents’ names just to blow off some steam. Poppy gets to let out energy, her parents make extra money, and the elite 4 has a strong battler. Win win!
Poppy loves to braid and play with hair, so the other elite four members will often let her play with their hair and add clips while they work. Larry is Poppy’s favorite because he sits Very Very Still
If Poppy really likes the battle she had with you, she’ll give you a sticker. Geeta once walked into a meeting with a gold star directly on her forehead because Poppy stuck it there and she didn’t want to take it off where Poppy could see it, forgetting about it by the time she walked in. She later moved it to her jacket
She has nicknames for everyone except Rika, which drives Rika insane. Grandpa Hassel, Mister Larry, Miss Geeta (or Auntie sometimes) but Rika? It’s just Rika. It’s always Rika. When Hassel was babysitting her at his and Brassius’ home in Artazón, Poppy’s eyes went really wide and she asked if she had two grandpas now or if Brassius was just SUPER old. He found that insanely funny
I saw a fic that had Larry naming his pokemon after Excel commands and I cannot stop thinking about it. It's canon in my heart. Btw if anyone knows this fic / the name pls lmk I can’t find it again but I remember his Flamigo was named COUNTIF
Larry is actually pretty wealthy, partially because he's raking in cash from his three jobs and partially because he doesn't spend money on anything but food and pokemon products. Considering that the Treasure Eatery feeds him for free and the pokemon products are provided or subsidized by the League, that leaves him with a LOT of extra income, which he uses to help out his friends or gym challengers with financial issues or simply buying them dinner
Someone added this on another post of mine but every single one of Larry’s passwords is some variation on “password”. He’s many things but creative is none of them. Also these tags are canon to me
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In contrast to his outward grumpiness and seeming apathy, Larry is incredibly gentle with and good with kids. He is confident the future will be better because of them, and does what he can to encourage them. It's a big part of the reason Geeta picked him for the positions-- they have a pretty similar philosophy regarding children and the future
Geeta has been doing everything in her power to get him to quit his third job (which is not League-affiliated) because he does the best work of anyone around and his other boss is a complete and utter asshole. She's tried promoting him, telling him how valuable he is to the team, using raises, praise, and passive aggression, but nothing is working. At one point she even tried overloading him with hours so he'd be forced to quit something but that didn't work either. She's stumped. The man won't quit
That third job? I'm not actually sure what it is but I do have an AU where he's a hitman. Call that a business casuality ;)
He always keeps candy in his desk (and his coat pockets) because he's a teacher and wants to be prepared. It's the strawberry kind, yall know the ones. This came in handy when Poppy joined the league, so all the other members started doing it too
His family gets traditional tattoos all over, which Hassel likewise has. He'd never remove them, but still keeps them covered most of the time for modesty reasons. Brassius has filled in the gaps in the traditional dragon shapes with various flowers to show how Hassel has grown from but not forgotten his past. They look very cool and Rika is insanely jealous of that
This old man is way more fit than he appears. He's a sensitive sweetheart and prefers the arts to sports or battling, but he's still a dragon tamer and keeps up his workout regime quite meticulously. Peepaw’s fucking shredded
His favorite art medium is paint, and he loves it when the little kids have class so he can finger paint alongside them. His office in the League building is covered in art. Geeta thinks it's sweet how he remembers every piece and how emotional he gets talking about it
Hassel has a hard time turning off teacher mode, which makes his training sessions at the league insanely funny to watch. “Haxorus, we do not Guillotine our friends!”
He can, and frequently does, play classical Paldea guitar. Once his rock career fell flat, he started experimenting with the style of his new home region and fell in love. You can often find him giving impromptu concerts from his balcony in Artazon
As much as she micromanages others, she's more than willing to take any responsibilities herself if she can't find someone else to do them. Plumber cancelled and they need the sink fixed asap? Get her a hammer. Rika is out sick? She'll cover those emails. Part of the reason the league struggles to complain about her is that they know for all the work they're doing, she's doing double. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s GOOD at it but she’s doing it
I’m not sure how I want to explain it backstory wise but a lot of her skin is crystalline just like the AI professors. She’s got a LOT of connections to Area Zero and her top priority is making sure nothing goes in and nothing gets out. The professor hates her. The feeling is mutual
No one has ever seen her blink
She’s incredible at traditional Paldean dances. When Hassel plays classical guitar, she’ll dance along, and it’s magical to watch
That whole thing about not being able to hold back during battles? It’s a PR thing to make kids feel better. She’s not very good at battling. Geeta is just like (gestures at her Avalugg) I just think they're neat
A huge point of contention between her and her employees is that she takes everything literally and is terrible at reading tone. Her gym leaders are scared of her and try to drop hints about things because they think they’ll be punished if they’re too forward, but all those hints go right over Geeta’s head. The gym leaders then think Geeta is ignoring them on purpose but she’s none the wiser. Everyone is losing.
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mika-ayumi · 2 years
Ok so despite the fact my main tmnt oc is for leo. Donnie is my absolute favorite.
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He.Is.sweetheart. a nerdy.sarcastic.cold blooded. SWEETHEART!
Now hes not the biggest fan of pda. But he will hold your hand or have an arm around you.
He makes you so much stuff. Like you have drawer called "Donnies gifts" because hes made you so many that you are running out of room in your room! You love Them all BUT THERE IS SO MUCH!! He has made you a music box before and it sits on your desk
He helps you with homework. And will even tutor you if you want!!
He is a very good tutor and makes sure you understand the material to the full possibility! He is actually very patient when he tutors or helps you.
He has come to your school on multiple occasions. One to hang out with you. Two he wants to go to school. This started cause you texted him you lost your lost your favorite pen and he showed up with a new pen(purple ink ofc) and just stayed with you for the rest of the day.
You make sure he's going to bed at normal times and actually sleeping because you shouldn't be told by mikey donnie hasn't left the lab other then to get coffee in the past 3 days.
Shelldon? That is now your son. Im sorry but not my choice.(You hold him like misty from pokemon holds togapi)
Speaking of pokemon. You got him heavily into pokemon. He loves it, he owns the handbooks and all the games.
Video game competitions. Just. Video game competitions.
He will go on tech rants to you. Even if you have no idea whats hes saying he's just Happy you are willing to listen
Matching coffee mugs. Even if you don't drink coffee.
He usually calls you by name or shorten version of your name. But he does have nicknames he calls you. Some include " Honey, babe(most frequently used), and angel.
Scientific pick up lines. He doesn't use them often but he likes see the blush you get when he does use them.
Speaking of blushing. He blushes very easy. And when he does. He always trys to hide it as not ruin his "image"
You both will go on rooftops and just stargaze. He finds it peaceful and just loves your company
He is protective. Like if you get hurt? That person be fast runner. Because they will have angry purple turtle with tech bo about to beat their ass.
He cant always express how much he loves you. But trust me he really does love you
When he takes his battle shell off around you. He forever trusts you. Its also unspoken thing that you are allowed to touch his shell. Just be gentle
If you do steal his hoodies. He's not mad infact he thinks its adorable. But he will steal your oversized ones
If you have an animal? That thing is now his child. Its not allowed in his lab but he loves it. Especially cats I see him as a cat person. Has made it toys before.
He has playlist of your favorite songs and plays them when he misses you
If you have long hair he has spare hair ties(all in purple ofc)
He has taught you some things about tech and he was so happy to teach you.
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since prototype is not much of a gamer and from the 1930s. what video game does he try out?... for me (and know this game didn't exist yet during in this AU timeline but) Balatro. it's a poker-inspired roguelike deck builder all about creating powerful synergies and winning big. imagine the prototype being like "i used to play cards with my old friends, so be easy for me" and now it's been 20 hours since he pick up the game. Angel been calling for him/found him on his 30s run to 100% the game... help this old man.
You're SO correct actually. Any type of game that uses cards or deck-building is an instant "yes" for Proto! He saw Kickin and Bubba playing Yu-Gi-Oh, and after being taught he just murders all of his adversaries.
I think Prototype prefers watching rather than playing, but he avoids most shooters (except Splatoon, he loves the "kid squid game" (he knows what it's called he just thinks his nickname is better)). He tried playing Portal once but hated GLaDOS so much he quit. If we don't count anything that has cards, however, his favorites would be Pokemon and Harvest Moon (gets into Stardew Valley later), finding them to be very relaxing. Plays Minecraft if the toys annoy him for long enough, but he's always busy protecting them from the monsters.
Prototype is prohibited from touching Uno because he will destroy everyone else.
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
🖤⚡️alternative/punk!bf denki w/ his black gf
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(they are 3rd years)
◇loves to push her hair away from her neck and kiss it and her ears. loves to just touch her ears and neck randomly.
◇will grab her hair and make a makeshift ponytail while fucking doggy style, getting head, or kissing her neck.
◇wears black rings made of smooth, cold marble. found them at HT, along with an entire pack of over 100 rubber wristbands in all different colors with different sayings on them.
◇wears his hair back in a little ponytail sometimes (likes when she pulls it when he's giving her head❤️)
◇drives with his hand gripping the very bottom middle of the steering wheel. pretty ass hands with those rings and wrist bands👅
◇ is a total pokemon nerd. nicknames for each other : Pikachu and (fav Pokemon). played Pokémon Go religiously when it came out. plays all the games on his Switch. will definitely ask her to prom with a pokeball and roses. "I Choose You"
◇will finger her from the back with two fingers, rubbing his rings against her clit to get her super wet. pushes them insanely deep and cups her pussy with his palm.
◇has long thin fingers with prominent veins running alongside them. look pretty when wrapped around her neck or pushed to the hilt inside her pussy.
◇super supportive boyfriend. always hypes her up and does Tik Tok dances/trends with her.
◇makes sure she wears her bonnet before bed and will put it back on for her if it slips off during the night. 🥺
◇is interested in her hobbies/daily routines. will sit like a puppy and watch her apply makeup. never tells her she doesn't need it because if she wants to, she can and it just enhances her beauty anyway 💗
◇likes to play in her skincare products and then pouts when he gets told off
◇both are very afraid of the dark and he will panic despite having a quirk that can produce light.
◇gf hates horror movies and games, but plays horror games IN THE DARK then needs cuddles from her when they get too realistic and he can't sleep in his own room cuz he's scared.
◇gf will lay up with him all day while he plays video games with the boys. lays on his back, too and watches, even helps by letting him know where the enemies are that he can't see. watches his blind spots.
◇has definitely gotten head and then fucked her during game night with the mic on mute.
◇grabs her ass unconsciously out of pure habit. likes to press his crotch against it whenever theyre standing really close, especially while she's in her school skirt and no one is paying attention.
◇will put his hand up her skirt in the front or back when he wants some. pulls her to the locker room or utility closet.
◇loves to pick her up and have her legs wrap around him.
◇wears t-shirts, basketball shorts, socks, and athletic slides when relaxing.
◇dresses in mostly black and yellow. plaid, flannel, ripped jeans, cargo pants/shorts, platform Converse, Vans, studded belts, chokers, and bracelets. dangling earrings.
◇buys her cute jewelry and accessories (especially anklets, so he can watch them dangle by her ears when they're fucking). bought her one with his initials and a little lightning bolt on it.
◇has piercings; eyebrow, tongue, snakebites, tongue frenulum, septum, earlobes.
◇whispers in her ear "how do you want it?" before they start having sex. gentleman. 😌
◇sits in the nail shop with her and even helps choose colors/designs.
◇djs on the weekends as a side gig to make money and also works at Pizza Hut. she tags along to his gigs for moral support.
◇has definitely given her and her friends free pizza and will randomly show up at her house to give her pizza and other treats. made her a heart-shaped pizza on Valentine's Day and delivered it dressed as Cupid.
◇is very musically talented. can play bass guitar, keyboard, and drums. sings, raps, writes music, and of course dj's. can dj with old school turn tables. uses his MacBook to create his own mixes.
◇was actually very shy about approaching her at first. he flirts a lot but only to girls he doesn't really have a strong attraction to.
◇lets her paint his nails black. keeps them very neat and dies inside when they chip. immediately goes to her for a "fill-in".
◇dated Ibara Shiozaki and Reiko Yanagi from class B (not at the same time). neither relationship lasted long.
◇HAS BRACES. they're black. embarrassed of them, but all the girls in class say they make him look cute. gf adores them. punched a dude in the face for calling him Braceface.
◇plays music while gf sings. these sessions are usually late at night and are very therapeutic for them.
◇is sweet, kind, hard-working, loves his gf and spoils her and she him.
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transmascutena · 6 months
the current ideas i have for character teams in my utena pokemon au:
general thoughts i put into making these:
1. i tried to give the characters pokemon i think they'd genuinely be fond of and want to use, and less so pokemon that are symbolic of things about said character (to an extent. nanami's are kind of questionable. but i did avoid color-coding) the exceptions to this rule are akio and half of anthy's team, because i think it makes sense for them.
2. it did not start out as something i did on purpose but anthy and akio are the only two with a full team of six while everyone else has three, and i think that works well.
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i put a cubone on here originally but i thought that was a bid morbid. anyway yeah kirlia from the ralts dios/akio gave her, dewott for sword-fighting (shell-fighting?) and scorbunny because it's a little soccer player and would love playing sports with her :)
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the first three are the pokemon she's "supposed" to have. the rose bride pokemon if you will. the last three are her silly little guys. one i unfortunately did not have room to add is a torchic nicknamed nanami, but i think anthy does have more pokemon than just the ones on her team (like the rest of her twenty goomy hiding in the pencil box)
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okay so mega gallade is literally just dios as a pokemon so i had to give it to him. i'm thinking that it can't mega evolve anymore as part of akio losing the power he once had and all that. there is something in the lore about a strong bond being required for mega evolution too, so my headcanon for why, is that his gallade just fucking hates his guts because he sucks. coballion is a legendary pokemon, the leader of the swords of justice trio and another of dios' pokemon. minior is a meteor to go with his whole "i like space" facade and the last three are the evolved forms of anthy's pokemon
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kind of a joke team, i just put pokemon based on various animals that torment her. and egg
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some cute normal types for wakaba is maybe a little on the nose but it fits. wooloo is a reference to her sheep mugs. i saw fanart of wakaba with a chikorita once (i think i have reblogged it) and it's really so perfect. i wanted her to have a grass type for the whole onion thing anyway. there are honestly so many pokemon that fit wakaba it was hard to pick just three
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love-toxin · 1 year
ellie we literally can't talk abt pokemon without talking about miss rika,, i love her
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Like. Effortlessly cool. Canon nickname-giver. I was going buckwild during her battle and I'm not even sorry about it. I could NOT stop thinking very unwholesome thoughts during her interview segment either......like......you can't put a woman in a suit at a desk across from me and not expect me to lose my damn MIND!!! I wanna piss her off just so she makes me pay for it, and dearly. I'M GONNA GO OFF UNDER THIS CUT AND I CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!
Bear with me on this train of thought here: imagine being a repeat challenger of the Championship Challenge. Your pokemon aren't bad (you don't think, anyways) and you've trained for hours and days on end to try and beat the Elite League, to the point of even begging the gym leaders for rematches to try and improve your skill or pick up some tip you didn't notice before. But without fail, every single time you try, you never end up getting past Rika--the first of the Elite Four, the easiest one to beat, is somehow so hard of a challenge that you stay awake at night wracking your brain for some strategy to beat her. Even worse is that you're older than half the kids that challenge the whole circuit, and you hate the feeling of all these ten year olds beating out your grown adult ass as they fly by each challenge while you're left crawling.
You can't just build a whole new team to counter her alone, or else you'll just get crushed by the others. You can't build a new team period unless you wanna put off claiming that Champion title until you're geriatric, so you're kinda screwed from both angles. And the worst part? The main reason why you keep failing is because every time you get a new strategy--have your pokemon learn new moves, train them up, swap out one pokemon for another--she somehow one ups you the next time you go to challenge her again. Like she has some kind of insane bug planted in your cellphone or something where she can hear everything you say, because how in the world does she keep coming up with new counters every time you try? Sometimes she even has new pokemon altogether, which from the accounts of other people who have tried it, is almost unheard of for the Elite Four to switch up their teams so often. Or at all!
The answer comes when you finally hit a wall. You're sure you've come up with the best counter to her moves, that your pokemon are all well-equipped to withstand whatever she decides to throw at you this time--and despite all that, you lose again. Badly, this time.
So for the first time, you ask her outright. How do you keep beating me? And although she puts on that lazy tone as she chuckles back "You just aren't paying enough attention, sweetheart" when she's met with a cold stare, her lips finally seem to loosen as she flashes you a smirk.
She admits that she likes watching you squirm. She saw that look on your face the first time--the only time she's legitimately beat you--and she couldn't believe how satisfying it was. Maybe she just doesn't best nearly as many trainers as her tougher counterparts, but something about the slump of your particular shoulders and the pout on your perfect lips is the reason why she refuses to budge and let you slip by. Really, it's not as sinister of a reason that you expected--she just made very careful decisions about each change she made, and followed your trail of logic to make sure she stayed one step ahead of you, and you in particular. In fact, there's probably been more people than ever that have gotten past her since she first battled you, since she's paid all her attention to blocking you alone. And as shocking as it is to hear her freely admit that, you still have some residual frustration from being bested again that you can only work up the smallest, crudest words as an answer.
"You're mean." You huff, pouting once more and shoving your arms across your chest. You'd stomp your foot if you didn't know she'd tease you for it, cause you'd look like even more of a petulant child than you already do, but you really are that mad. Isn't that against League rules, or something?!
"Poor baby...I'd feel worse if you didn't look so cute, honestly. My bad, bunny." Nooooo, no, you can not fold under that cheesy smile and the softness twinging that nickname. She will not, you repeat, not use those charming good looks and that undeniable tension you've felt between you two to seduce you....even though you've kinda dreamed of that. You didn't exactly spend all those restless nights just thinking about her battling style, after all...."You want Rika to make you feel better, honey bunny?"
You're not even sure how she got so close, how her hand is on your arm now, stroking her leather-clad fingers up and down your skin while she maneuvers herself to slide in behind you. She's still gentle, careful, touch light enough that you could brush it off if you wanted--but you instead find yourself slowly leaning into it, nuzzling into her lips as she presses kisses to your temple and coos at your sweetness, how you feel so soft and warm against her. Angelic, more like, you're as precious as an angel aren't you? You hate that you squirm at that compliment, looking up towards the ceiling to try and wipe that giddy, small smile that's creeping across your lips away. It doesn't hold though, you can't keep the charade up forever--eventually you're wiggling a little more into her, teasing at the possibility of her getting a little more unprofessional than she already has been in secret. And finally, you get what you want out of it. You get her low, smooth voice in your ear, a slight rasp to her last few words as she grips your hips hard enough to hear the leather stretch.
"I'll take my gloves off for this 'match', kay? And let's find somewhere a little more private....I think you'll enjoy it more if you can go all out, honey."
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lettermanjack · 10 months
Anyway so I've been thinking about this all day here have what little pokemon friends II characters would have. (not teams cause if I had to choose 6 I'd die)
I only got the 2 polycules and the brothers done so far lol.
Tissues: Cubchoo and Komala. Sleepy babies. Enough said.
Trophy: Scraggy/Scrafty and Cutiefly. Idk I feel like Scraggy or Scrafty would be a good work out vibing buddy and Cutiefly would act as like a little drone for sky photos. Most people in the hotel don't even know Cutiefly is Trophy's they just see her flying around the hotel sometimes and assume it's one of the girl's. (Also Cutiefly would sleep in his cup because yes.)
Cheesy: Alolan Rattata and Lechonk. Alolan Rattata because Cheesy is the type of bitch to name it "Luigi" and Lechonk because that name is funny as hell and Cheesy thinks so too.
Knife: Pancham and Purrserker. Pancham because they have the same vibe and Purrserker because lmao little knife cat man.
Pickel: Treecko and Charjabug. Cause if anyone is gonna have a starter Pokemon it's gonna be the resident video game nerd Pickle. And Charjabug because I think Pickle would think it's cute and Charjabug acts as his personal charger for his phone + switch.
Microphone: Chatot and Liepard. Chatot because colorful song bird that mimics people and Liepard cause Mic would be the type of bitch to keep a large semi feral cat around the house if given the chance and you cannot convince me otherwise. (Liepard and Purrserker cuddle a lot because they're both big ol cats lol)
Mephone4: Minun and Rotom. Minun because I feel like all of the Meeple devices should have Pikachu clones and Mephone would be twinning with 4S and Rotom because if anyone is gonna have a pokemon that can become a fridge and an oven it's gonna be Mephone c'mon.
Mephone4S: Plusle, Sylveon, and Krookodile. I picked three because I physically couldn't narrow it down. Plusle to match with Mephone because they're the brothers fr. Sylveon because he definitely nicknamed her "Kitty" after "Hello Kitty" and Krookodile because.... literally look at it. Krookodile is just 4S as a pokemon. The fact Ash's Krookodile in the anime wears sunglasses doesn't help.
ANYWAY I have no idea if anyone cares about this at all. Probably not but I thought it was cute lol. 12 year old me would be so happy. Good for her BSBDBD. I'm also definitely drawing these later but it's 2am so that's happening tomorrow l.
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cheemken · 5 months
Same anon who sent the ask about Drayton having a fear of ice types/the cold, I gave you angst but now I bring fluff
Crispin might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he’s definitely picked up on how Drayton is around ice types/the cold even if drayton denies it, EVERYONE knows what happened in opelucid city, Crispin would be more surprised if Drayton wasn’t traumatized from that experience so Crispin often distracts Drayton whenever Crispin visits the polar biome! He also lets his Pokemon out “to get a breath of fresh crisp air” but really it’s to warm Drayton up since they just radiate heat and spook off any ice types, he himself also isn’t shy about just hugging Drayton when he can (fire type trainers also run hot fr) so he’s got toasty hugs!!! Crispin does try to be subtle about his distractions and warming up Drayton as he doesn’t want Drayton to push him away and keep his fears even more locked up! He wants to support his friend!!!
He also may or may not have gifted Drayton a torchic once Drayton becomes more comfortable w/ sharing his fears, friend shaped heat warmer :) ~Drayton Angst anon 💛
Drayton/Crispin friendship my beloved😭😭😭
Your honour you do not understand how trash I am w platonic pairings I fucking love this so so much chdmbxj
You're so right, he'd so give him a Torchic ;w;
Would also be sweet if Drayton names the Torchic after Crispin or like a similar name bc ofc he'd be soft like that but he won't ever tell anyone bc that'd be uncool. Imagine if it slips one day tho, Crispin asks him abt he Torchic and Drayton says it's doing okay, calling the Torchic by the lil nickname he gave him, and he just suddenly stops, red faced, and Crispin has like stars in his eyes going >:0!!! Hahahah
Like he'd be so so hyped fr, hugging Drayton going, "aww you do love him! And even me!!" And Dray's just trying to be so cool abt it, and just pats Crispin's back going yeah yeah he does care all that. Bet he loves Crispin's hugs too, he will never admit it tho, but whenever Crispin sees him, he'd immediately run up and hug him. Everyone's like, surprised, even their friends, bc wow Drayton's suddenly letting someone hug him. But it's just soft your honour, that Drayton opens up to Crispin more than anyone, even Iris was happy he has someone who he can share his secrets w, and even invite over the house, it's always nice to see her brother vibing w his friends
Your honour Drayton would be so soft w him, a special soft spot for him like how Iris is w Hilbert bc they're also besties your honour. Lmfao imagine them fighting who has the better best friend bc I know they would they're siblings of fucking course they would
Just "my best bro's cool, he makes me food"
"yeah, well, my own bestie is cool too, he's a champion like me"
"you always say that"
"because it's true, he's the best"
"you both jumped from Village Bridge one time"
"Hilda said if we did a Swanna dive it'd hurt less and we were fourteen that time what did you expect—"
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2017 Ducktales as pokemon trainers an their Teams
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Here’s the next, are currently final, Disney cartoon on my list for makings characters into pokemon trainers. After this I will move over to doing other shows on Cartoon network. I did not get into this show when it was airing, and that was my bad. Once I did watch it it quickly became on of my favorites, and inspired me to look up older cartoons surrounding Donald, and his family as well. Its a good show an seems to be (rightly) held up as one of the best done reboots. Hopefully it still has some fans going back to its fan base, who will check this out.
I am going to do this list a bit differently than my other though. In previous lists I have either given all the characters full teams of 6, or given main characters teams of 6 and secondary characters teams of 3-4 pokemon. For 2017 Ducktales though, since it has such a large cast and they all always go on adventures in groups, I am not giving anyone 6 pokemon. Because then there would really be to many characters to fit in the plane, much less the show. Considering the group sizes I have decided to give the child characters 2 pokemon each, adult members of the duck family (by both blood and heart) get three each. This way the three triplets, or Webby, and her friends would all have six in total. Same with Duo’s like Donald and Della, or Scrooge and Beakley. I am also only giving villain or antagonist characters two, because that’s about the mass number villains ever had at one time in the show.
Kid characters are all on this list, adults will be my next list
Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck
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Huey Duck
Pansear: Its the red one in a red, blue, and green trio. It’s to represent his bonds with his two younger brothers
Snover: I wanted to give him a woodland grass-type, since in the 2017 version he is the boy scout of the trio and loves camping/the wilderness. What makes Snover work even better for him is that it is also an ice-type pokemon. Huey having both a fire and an ice pokemon represents his need to keep balance in his life, both externally and internally.
Small note I know he’s the “Smarter than the Smarties” brother, but the smartest pokemon I know is Slowking, and its first two evolutions are dumb. So for Huey I went with his other traits.
Dewey Duck
Panpour: It’s the blue one in a red, blue, green trio. It’s to represent his bonds with his older and younger brother.
Rufflet: Dewey was the hardest to pick a second pokemon for. He is the “tougher than the toughies” brother, so he needed a tough, scrappy, pokemon for his second. He also wants to become a daring adventure pilot, like his mom and launchpad, so I had to pick a flying pokemon. Since he is only just starting out I decided to look for a smaller flying type pokemon, that would one day evolve into a more massive bird, so it could kinda grow with him. It would also need to be super cute because, you know he would post lots of pictures of him and his pokemon to garnish media attention. My search led me to Rufflet, who was all that and blue too. Perfection
Louie Duck
Pansage: It’s the green one in a red, blue, green trio. It’s to represent his bonds with his older brothers.
Meowth: Louie is the “Sharper than the Sharpies” brother, and Meowth has a pretty mean fury swipe. It also loves money and can be kinda lazy. Louie and a meowth is an easy match
Webby,Lena, and Violet
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Webby Vandraquack
 Webby is the warrior of both her groups, so I decided that both her pokemon would be fighting types.
Medicham: Not gonna lie a lot of the reason I picked this pokemon was that it is pink, which is Webby’s trade mark color (and one of Lena’s nicknames for her). But it also works because its a very patient and studied fighter, like Webby. Its also the only pokemon I have given to a child character that has evolved. Let’s be real Webby would easily be the first of her group to evolve a pokemon, and its potential to mega evolve means she could still go farther with it
Machop: for Webby’s second pokemon I bounced a few around and kept going back to Machop. Its gray coloring fits her ascetic, much like Medicham. But it also fits her in that it is a tough, brawny fighter, that is trained in multiple types of martial arts, just like Webby. Machop never tires of training/working out. Webby never tires of adventure.
Lena (De Spell) Saberwing
Just as Webby had fighting types I decided that Lena, being the living shadow of a sorceress, should have dark types. More specifically Heroic dark types
Absol: Same reason I gave one to (TOH)’s Hunter. It has associations with bad things happening, and many believe it to be a bad pokemon. But once you get close you learn that Absol is not really bad underneath it all. It wants to help people and pokemon a like stay safe when disaster falls.
Also both it and Medicham can mega evolve. So power couple Weblena can go together to find their stones, and then show the younger generation how strong their Pokemons mega forms are.
Zorua: Another easy choice for Lena. A shadowy fox, with has illusion based magic powers, that it will use when it gets scared or defensive. Zoura discriptions honestly  make it sound like it is a pokemon version of Lena. I could see it, Absol, and Lena making a really strong and supportive team/family for each other.
Violet Saberwing
So unlike the other two girls, I am not going to link Violet to one particular type of pokemon. Looking at her character I think she would prefer to catch and train different types of pokemon.
Anorith: First things first violet absolutely has to have a fossil pokemon. When asked by Scrooge if she liked history the girl out right said “It is my life”, so there’s no way she would not have one. I picked Anorith for couple reasons. 1. Is that even if we never saw it in the show, I 100% believe that Violet is the type of child who is absolutely fascinated with bugs and insects. 2. She is not ready yet, but when she did eventually evolve it, it would be way cool to see this stone faced, brainiac, goth girl with a big, armored, dinosaur.
Vulpix: I also really wanted to give her a fire type pokemon, since two of her best scenes in the show (building herself a hang glider to get over a lava pit in the senior woodchuck race, and downing those ultra spices without breaking a sweat) involve being around extreme heat. Vulpix and its evolved form Ninetales have some really interesting lore and connections to Japaneses mythology. Once again I could see Violet being very fascinated with it.
Also giving her a Vilpix would mean that both her and Lena would have mystical fox pokemon, which could reference the sisterly bond they eventually develop.
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer
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I wanted to give her two pokemon for the two parental figures in her life.
Klefki: This one is for her grandfather. Klefki is a magic set of keys that can help its trainer enter into new places for adventure. This represents Dr. Waddlemeyer and what he originally wanted with the Ramrod.
Rowlet: For her connection to Drake Mallard an the dark wing trio (Drake, Launchpad, and Gosalyn) I at first wanted to give all of them bat pokemon, but even after spending days going over each and every bat pokemon I could only really make one work for Launchpad. Then I read that Darkwing is supposed to be more of a general superhero based parody, rather than a batman specific parody. I also  thought about how Drake isn’t even the original Darkwing duck, but a fan emulating what the story meant to him. So I switched the connection between the three to being nocturnal pokemon, and it worked so much better.
After the switch Rowlet became a clear pick for Gosalyn’s second pokemon. It is scrappy, able to give powerful kicks. It is sharp and will one day evolve into a skilled archer, a weapon Gosalyn showed interest in learning to use. It also would be interesting to see it interact with Dewey’s Rufflet, given how Dewey and Gosalyn become good friends in her introduction episode, and how it would be easy for Dewey to come with Launchpad to visit Gosalyn and Drake.
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Because B.O.Y.D is a sentient, artificial boy, who was created in a lab; I decided to give him sentient, artificial, pokemon, that were also created in a lab.
Porygon: Because of course he would get a porygon. It’s the original artificial pokemon. Both an anomaly and a wonder. It is also decently powerful, can safely go into many environments, and even moving freely in cyberspace.
Castform: I picked this as B.O.Y.D’s second pokemon because it is adorable and can change its forum depending on its environment. Both Castform and B.O.Y.D have the opportunity to chose who they want to be.
Doofus Drake
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I did not want to do him, but if I can give pokemon to Gideon Gleeful I should be able to give them to Doofus too. One qualification I am looking for is “must be powerful enough to beat his butt if he does not treat them well”
Abra: Okay so I do not really fully remember what reasons I had for choosing this one for him. Its powerful, kinda creepy, and can appear very suddenly, just like Doofus. It likes to hang out in tree tops, which Doofus does too. Also its a pretty calm, blank faced pokemon. In Doofus’s supposed “Birthday (I doubt it was his actual birthday) episode” he said blank stares are soothing to him. So it is feasable he may actually like Abra. If not again it could easily send him flying and teleport away,
Cubone: Its a lonely pokemon that misses its deceased mother badly. When I try to look at things from Doofus’s eyes his grandmother was to quote him “the only parent I have ever known”. There are some subtle hints that maybe his mom and dad weren’t really interested in being parents at first. The family lives off Gummeemama’s money, and presumably did when she was alive. Gummeemama likely could not cut them off without losing access to Doofus, and if she was the one raising him she could have feared his neglect if his parents took him with them. This would give some explanation as to why she willed all her money to her grandchild instead of his parents.
After her death Doofus forced his parents to take employment from him to be able to keep up their lifestyle, and threatened to fire them if they did not spend time with him the way his grandmother used to. But even they are not enough to fill the void her death left in him, and he really wants a close connection like that to someone again. Kid Gammeemama is gone, and nothing you can do will change that. You need grief support, and maybe Cubone could give that to you. Once again if he treats Cuey badly, at least it could take out its bone and defend itself.
May and June
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So originally they, and their sister April, are supposed to be Daisy’s nieces and female versions of the three boys. In the 2017 series May and June are Webby (formerly April)’s clone sisters, and at the end of season 3 the pair are implied to be adopted by Donald, and eventually Daisy too. The show was canceled one season early, and as a result we never got to see much of the two girls or their personalities (Seems like May (the yellow one) is a bit more protective/confrontational, while June (the blue one) is more curios and silly) so I originally was not going to have them on this list. But they are part of the Duck family, and it seemed wrong not to give them at least one pokemon each.
At first I was just gonna have them each get the same pokemon, and I went through eevee (I feel like I may use its line to much as it is), dito (doesn’t have yellow form and in this case felt like a cop out), and Pichu (closer, but still not right). Finally I decided that they would probably have water pokemon since thy would have to catch them while sailing with Donald and Daisy (Since Bradford hates adventure so much, I headcannon he would probably also hate pokemon and would have not allowed the girls to have them at Fowl). So I went back and looked over water pokemon, particularly ones Misty had, for some that would be easy enough for a bargainers to train but still pretty powerful.
Then once again wanting to Match their pokemon to their trade mark colors (I did it for Webby and the boys) I decided May has a Staryu and June has an Azurill.
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kimium · 11 months
Sleepover time at NRC!!!! What did each Night Raven College Housewarden have as a favourite stuffed toy when they were little?
Oh! A fun question! I'm looking forward to answering this because I really love stuffed toys in general. I'm also going to limit myself to stuffed animals because I feel other stuffed items (such as food or plants) should be a separate list.
NRC Housewarden's favourite stuffed animal when they were children
Riddle: Rabbit
Yeah, I know not an original choice considering: A) It's an obvious Alice in Wonderland reference B) Riddle is pretty much a proxy of Ciel and we see Ciel with rabbits in Kuroshitsuji and C) They seem to be more of Deuce's thing (based on what I know of the event running on the JP server). But I don't care. I absolutely love stuffed rabbits. For Riddle I'm thinking of the JellyCat ones, which are an absolute delight, come in multiple colours + patterns, and are super soft.
Riddle's rabbit is either a soft grey or a nice charcoal black. Not white because his mother said white is "hard to clean" and not any fun colours because she believes "those aren't accurate". What a sad, boring lady :/
Leona: Hippo
I picked this because while Leona's stuffie is Absolutely Effing Adorable, Leona would take great glee in telling other children that "hippos are actually very dangerous animals and they can and will murder you in seconds" just to watch their conceptions of hippos forever be shattered. The power of media fooling us VS the cruel hard facts of reality.
This impact may be slightly lessened by the sheer adorableness of his stuffed hippo, but I think the hippo facts Leona spent two days memorizing just to terrorize his younger cousins + other kids (who are all annoying according to him) outweighs this fact.
Azul: Jellyfish + Two stuffed eels
Okay, hear me out. Before Azul met Jade and Floyd he loved his stuffed jellyfish (named Jelly) because it was shimmery like a pearl and under the right light it would reflect many different colours. Then, he met Jade and Floyd who were instantly jealous of Jelly but knew they couldn't just Get Rid of Jelly less Azul be mad. So, they made him (poorly) two stuffed eels that represented them. Azul teased them about it but he also still has those eels so...
Kalim: Alpaca
You know those ones... the ones you see at anime conventions? The ones in multiple colours and sometimes come with accessories? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I think they're so cute and they can be rather large, which makes them perfect for hugging. Kalim also 100% named all his stuffed animals and when getting into fights with Jamil he'd say things like:
Kalim: Sir Eliot the III wouldn't treat me like this! He says you're being mean!
Kalim, holding the Alpaca and changing his voice, moving it along as if it's speaking: Yeah, Jamil! You're being mean!
Jamil: He's a stuffed alpaca. He's not saying those things!
Kalim: "He" has a name! Use it properly!
Vil: The Classic (TM) Teddy Bear
You know the one I'm talking about. I'm talking about an adorable brown bear that has the cutest features ever + a red bow as an accessory. I bet Vil loved changing the bows on his bear frequently and had a small collection of ribbons dedicated to his bear.
Idia: Pokemon. Multiple of them.
Yes, I am making the assumption Pokemon exists in Twisted Wonderland. Look me in the eyes and tell me Idia didn't want every single Pokemon plush out there, regardless of size or generation. He wanted them all and collected his favourites. I won't say which are his favourite because I think that's a rocky road + I haven't kept up with all the newer generations. What I do think is as an adult Idia still has Pokemon plushies and has a giant Snorlax and Spheal in his room.
Idia also calls his Pokemon by nickname so he could be asking Ortho to grab him "Eggy Boi" and it's like his stuffed Chansey.
Malleus: A stuffed bird (like a very chonky, very round one)
I'm imagining a very spherical, hefty boi that has adorable wings, beak, tail, eyes, and is so round it's almost like a ball. I think the bird has to be light in colour, like a nice pastel yellow-green, and is very huggable and squishy. Malleus just strikes me as someone who likes birds and thus this giant bird stuffie is so big he could lie on it like an oversized cushion.
And there you have it! I hope you like my picks! Please let me know which ones you'd pick for the Housewardens and maybe next time we can talk other stuffed items! Or do one of the Vice Housewardens!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
9, 14, 27
uouoauhg... explodes of Quemstions(tm)
9- tell a story about your childhood this one is . really funny actually bc i thought abt several stories and Most of them revolve around pokemon in one way or another .. there Have been several different times i was directly responsible for a boom in pkmn card popularity in my school, subsequently causing them to get banned. one of those times, there was a kid who just. he just fucking sucked man. id bring stacks of my cards in my backpack bc i loved sharing and trading them, and he just. apparently snuck in and stole like half of them? at some point? and i Knew, because my favorite card was one of em, and it had been out of print for Years at that point, and when i confronted him, he said he 'got it at walmart.' which was obviously fucking bullshit but i was too much of a pansy to confront him about it. iwas still solidly in the Polite School Kid thing, yknow? and at some point one of my friends from a lower grade went 'hey. check this out.' and pulls out a fucking wad of cards he stole back from the guy??? INCLUDING all of my missing favorites. im honestly still kinda baffled to this day about it, but it doesnt matter bc my beloved is safe at home with me even to this day and i wouldnt trade her for the world. <33 (if youre curious. 2006 salamence ex delta species. her name is sally :])
14- what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do? roleplay. i used to spend hours and hours and Hours rping literally everywhere at any chance i got, and for some reason i just... stopped? ive tried again a few times, but its never really managed t pick itself back up again... ''> > im. unfortunately Very picky about my own writing, and even more picky than that about the way im perceived, which doesnt really mix well... and then theres the active rping communities which are so alien and... weirdly strict? i always end up pushing myself too hard and exploding about it. metaphorically. outwardly its more like i just fucken disappear off th face of the earth KJNGKJD;; itried picking up an old forum acc i had about two or three weeks ago, and um. well... bbbbad timing on my part iguess... = = storytelling is still one of my biggest loves though, and i know im still deeply passionate about it, its just. ouhhhhh the struggles. oh and also cosplaying in public. id love to do that too one day, if i manage to find some friends willing within a country's radius maybe. i used to Love videos of people hanging out semi-incharacter in cosplay and just being dorks... idont really see those too often lately though :< sad..
27- any nicknames? a couple! most of them are variants of my normal name, like pika or piko or pikkles or smthn. nobodys called me those in a long time though.. my names already short n shrimple, so there hasnt rly been much need for it isuppose. a personal favorite of mine is 19, though. i used t be in a discord server w a loooot of people, and we started a joke of a 'number cult,' in which we would all call each other by numbers and kept a list of who claimed what. mine was 19 :] (since 9 was taken already.) that... lasted well over a year actually, im still 19 to a lot of people out there ithink. kind of a comforting thought.
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spikemuth-post · 1 year
12 Baby Toxels: Late bloomer
This was sitting in my drafts and I thought it was cute so I decided to finish it and post it for you guys.
"It's alright, little one," Piers mumbled, snuggling up to the irritated little Toxel. Number 11 evolved today, leaving Groose the last baby in the bunch. The proud new owner of a full-grown Toxitricity was ecstatic, jumping up and down as she gave you a hug. "You'll evolve soon... surely."
"Would you like to give him a nickname?" You asked the trainer. She thought about it and quickly gave him one, putting her new Toxitricity in a Pokeball. It was bitter-sweet to lose all the Toxel's but they had to go some time. You weren't equipped to keep all of them forever.
When the trainer left it was you 3 left: You, piers, and little Groose. Piers kept snuggling with him but his mood was unyielding.
"...He ain't happy."
"He's just a little later than the others. I mean, there was always going to be one who evolved last."
"I know but... All his brothers and sisters are gone. He's jealous."
"He'll evolve... I have some candies for him in the drawer. Give him one, see if that helps." You offered. That made the Toxel perk up, squealing happily and gripping Pier's hair. Your boyfriend winced but walked just as calmly as ever to the kitchen drawer.
There were quite a few candies in there, which made the baby's eyes light up. Piers opened one, handing it to the little sticky fingers.
"There you go little one. Me and Mama have something to talk about." He sat the Toxel on the counter and it started munching away at the candy. Piers pulled you to the side, glancing every so often at the baby. "Babe... What if we keep him?"
"We have Toxitricities, Piers-"
"Come on, Babe. He's always been a little bit of a crybaby. He needs us."
"We are going to find him a trainer, Piers. End of discussion."
"Please?" He continued to plead, taking his eye off the baby. The baby looked down at the drawer of candies, his eyes sparkling as he threw himself right in. You continued your argument as the baby chowed down, unaware your collection of rare candies was dwindling. "He loves us. We raised him."
"He'll love his new trainer, too. Piers, that's final."
"Can we raise more?"
"Someone is forgetting how crazy our life has been for the past year." You chuckled, You turned back to the baby but your head was still facing piers as you went to pick him up... but not for long. "You have to let go. They couldn't stay foreve- Holy Shit!" You shrieked, seeing your candy drawer was full of wrappers with a happy Toxel cheering. He began to glow and you just threw your arms up. As you lamented the loss of your candy, Piers was tearing up.
"Look at him."
"I'm looking at an empty drawer."
"Aw, come on. Our little boy is growing up." As the light faded a fully grown toxel was sitting in a drawer, very confused and possibly stuck. He mewed happily and you sighed. "...I'm so proud of him."
"Piers, it took us a long time to accumulate that much Rare candy-"
"We'll figure it out... Why don't we take him out? Spend some quality time with him." Piers continued to beg, taking the Toxitricity's side and hugging him. The pokemon just smiled, still very confused. "Get some dinner, just be a family. THEN we can work on adoptin' him out... Please?"
"....Ugh, Fine." You threw your hands and the boys immediately celebrated. "Piers, I'm worried you're a little too attached to Groose-"
"Race ya to the front door." Piers pat the Toxitricity once and they were in a mad dash out of the room. The pokemon stumbled, falling out of the drawers and smacking his face on the floor. Not that he minded. He ran out anyway.
Shopping. Eating. Battling. It was a full day of fun. It ended at home with Piers strumming his guitar with both his Toxitricity and Groose lounging on the couch. You watched on in the door frame, hurt just from taking in the scene.
"...You can keep him." You relented, surprising your boyfriend. He stopped playing on a dime and his Toxitricity raise it's head when the music stopped, groggy and confused.
"...What brought this on?"
"I think it'll break your heart if we give him to anyone else... so... we can keep him." Piers couldn't help but be excited and though they didn't know what was going on both pokemon were also jazzed. "BUT... You are going to have to replace all the candy by yourself-"
"FUCKIN' DEAL! You hear that boys!?" It was adorable to see the man so excited. You shook your head and left the three of them to their bliss. This was fine.
You came home from an expedition match, calling to your boyfriend as you walked around the flat. Nothing. You raised a brow, eventually finding him in the living room, covering his mouth and staring at the couch. Before you could walk around to see what it was, he addressed you.
"Babe, you're home early."
"...No I'm not?"
"Oh... Musta... lost track of time."
"...Piers, are you okay?" You took one more step forward and Piers walked up, stopping you and trying to walk you out of the room. "What is going on?"
"Babe uh... so... Uh..." He couldn't find the words. He sighed. "...So Groose... was a girl."
"...Wait really? How did we fuck that up?" You asked, earning a shrug in return. "So you don't want him anymore... I mean, her?"
"Uh...No, that's not it...but her..." He lead you back to the front of the couch and finally it was revealed to you. Five Eggs. You were at a loss, no breath left in you. "...Her and my Toxitricity got it on-"
"Oh... fuck-"
"Yeah, that's what they did-"
"Right, Right!" He scratched the back of his head, trying so hard to take in a full breath. "Uh... We're parents again?"
"I want to strangle you right now, Piers, you have no idea." The inconvenience of doing this again was racing through your mind... though more pleasant memories did drown it out. Piers was trying to think of a way out, missing that you had formed a soft smile.
"...Okay... I'll uh... I get to the pokemon center in town and-"
"What do you say, Piers?" Your tone was more optimistic than it was a minute ago, confusing the man. You hugged him, a light blush taking over his face. "...Are you ready to do this again?"
"...We're keeping them?"
"Well... who's better at raising multiple Toxels at once besides us?" He seemed to like that and the two of you looked down at the clutch of eggs. With a deep, nearly synchronized breath, you and Piers joined hands. "...Well... Let's get the crib out of storage."
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levelzeo · 11 months
Level Zeo’s Brilliant Diamond Nuzlocke - Part 1
I’m going to do a Nuzlocke of Brilliant Diamond.  I never played the gen 4 games growing up, and even now I have never finished a playthrough of one (not for lack of wanting to, it's a long story), so this is going to be semi-blind.  I also like Nuzlockes a lot as a storytelling device, so as I play I like coming up with headcanons for my Pokemon and their personalities, and I thought it would be cool to share those alongside the factual info of what happens in the run.
What are my rules?  Well, I am pretty bad at video games.  But I’m also better than the pure damage move spammer I was as a child, so I’m going somewhere in between casual and hardcore.  Rules are as follows:
Pokemon faints, Pokemon dead.
I can only catch the first Pokemon I find on each Route/Area.
Nicknames for everybody!
No duplicates!  If my first encounter is a duplicate I am forced to try again until I get something new.
Level Caps.  Nobody is allowed to level past the next Gym Leader’s Ace.
Items.  I will allow myself to use healing items in battle, but no battle items.  If I find it too easy, I might put a limit on the number of heals I can use in one fight.
I will be playing in Switch Mode.  As I said, I am bad at video games.  I’m going to be losing a lot of Pokemon to stupidity and cockiness already, so I don’t need the extra challenge of Set Mode.
Okay then.  Let’s begin.
I start up the game, pick the base female avatar, name her Zeo, and name my rival Melvin.  Entering the game world proper, Melvin drags me to Lake Verity where we steal borrow some Pokemon from a briefcase to protect ourselves from getting mauled by wild animals.  I pull a d6 from my pocket and roll it into the tall grass to decide which one I will pick, and I end up going with the middle Pokeball, Chimchar.  Do I even need to say how this fight goes?  We all know what happens here.
My new Chimchar has a Careful nature, and a characteristic of being Very Finicky.  That makes me feel as though he is a very nervous creature.  Cautious of everything, even to a fault.  Perhaps he is right to worry so much, since on the way to Sandgem Town, he gets Crit TWICE by random encounters, forcing me to go home and heal each time.  Poor fella.
I finally make it to Sandgem, and can finally give the Chimchar a nickname.  I decided to go with Simmer, since he doesn’t seem like one to turn up the heat right out the gate.  I get my Pokedex from my second favorite Professor, and the adventure can truly begin.  First things first, I buy some Pokeballs so I can get an encounter from Route 201.
I end up with a lvl 2 Starly as my first encounter on the route.  Don’t ask me why, but the Starly line has always reminded me of the seagulls I would always see on the coast.  Because of that, I name this Starly after the food those winged rats would always steal from me.  Chips.  He has a Jolly nature, and is Strongly Defiant.  These traits make me think that this virtual bird would try to steal my food just like the real ones.  A hungry and energetic little gremlin.  I imagine that he would quickly get on Simmer’s nerves.
After 201, I head north to Route 202.  There, I ended up with the encounter I knew I was going to have going into a Sinnoh game.  Bidoof.  She has a Brave nature and Likes to Thrash About.  I probably could have picked a name that goes better with those traits, but since I only get to know them after the nickname, her name is Boof.
This is where I make the stupid mistake of not going back to heal.  Because of this, I almost have a complete wipe against my very first trainer fight in the entire game.  Luckily, newcomer Boof is able to pull through and win the day with a sliver of hp remaining, and nobody dead.  A Brave soul indeed.  I hope this close call is not an omen of things to come.
Next stop is Jubilife.  Pros of Jubilife: the music.  Cons of Jubilife: the clowns.  I get the Poketech before heading north again for more encounters.  Between Route 204 and The Ravaged Path, I gain two new friends.  Doc the Zubat, who is Hasty and Finicky.  And Petard the Geodude who is Jolly and Somewhat of a Clown.  
Between the name and traits, I think of Doc as a bit of a mad scientist archetype.  Cackling maniacally as he swoops in and out of combat, scoffing at anyone who dares question his intelligence (despite not actually being as smart as he thinks he is).  Simmer and Boof definitely aren’t buying the act, but Chips is all for it.  I imagine Chips sees this as an opportunity to make a friend (and also to mooch food off of him), while Doc sees this as obtaining a new minion.  Mwahahaha.  Since they’re both flying types it saddens me that I will need to box one of them eventually, since I probably won’t need two fliers most of the time.
Being Jolly and a bit of Clown would normally make a Pokemon a bit of a prankster in my mind, but something about Petard being a Geodude wants me to go in a different direction.  I’m picturing just a very chill and laid-back kinda guy, always trying to lighten the mood and crack a joke.  Maybe even a bit of a “stoner” (cue rimshot and/or gunshot from the audience).  Him and Boof would get along great due to them both being tanky and willing to roll with the punches.  He is also willing to let Chips perch on his head, which is very cool of him.
I feel like I’m forgetting something else about my Geodude… oh right!  I named him Petard after a type of bomb.  In poor taste?  Maybe.  Does this mean I will be keeping and/or using self destruct when he learns it?
No comment.
Something I notice is that Simmer doesn’t really have anyone he can connect with.  Chips definitely thinks their friends, not realizing how much his antics and gremlin energy annoys the Chimchar.  Meanwhile Boof/Petard try to keep Simmer included, but his nerves and caution to most situations cause them to do so less and less.  Doc just laughs and calls him a pitiful cowardly wretch of a fire type.
Poor Simmer.  His loneliness is somewhat of his own making, but you can’t force yourself to be around people you don’t vibe with.  As the Starter he is in a “Team Leader” role by default, and he’s definitely the powerhouse of the team, but is he confident enough in his abilities to be the leader they need right now?  Probably not.
Enough characterization for now!  Let’s get back to the game.
Since northwards is a dead end as of now, I go back to Jubilife.  Popping into the trainer’s school, I have a vague memory of losing all of my Pokémon to the two Charge Beam Abras in there the first time I tried playing this game.  Luckily Petard is immune to anything they do and he is easily able to slowly beat them into the dirt.
After that I head east onto Route 203, where I am immediately jumped by Melvin who challenges me to a Rival Battle.
It’s not a hard battle.  Petard is tanky enough to not be hurt by anything the Starly can do, though I do switch to Boof to finish them off after the bird used Growl enough times to make the fight annoyingly slow.  My decision that these two should be friends solidifies.
I have discovered in retrospect that Piplup has no water moves at this point, but at the time I didn’t know, so I sent in Chips instead of Simmer, who probably could have done it faster.  I choose to believe I was just role-playing my starter’s careful nature.  Chips is probably excited to prove himself though, and he certainly does.  It’s a close battle, but I prove that my bird is superior and win the day (probably also stealing Melvin's lunch in the process).
I thought about continuing after that fight, but decided this was enough for a first update.  If you read this far I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing in!  Again, I think Nuzlockes are a fascinating medium for storytelling, and I hope the personalities I gave my Pokémon are fun to think about.  I know that I like them.  Next time I update I hope to at least get to the first Gym.  Hope to see you then!
(PS, I am not an artist.  I am bad at art.  But for some reason I wanted to draw my Pokémon children.  They aren’t good, but here they are.  Let’s hope none of them die on me.)
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torchiiko · 1 year
questions i dont mind being asked a bunch x3
but that i wrote so other ppl could steal if they wanted :) feel free 2 rb or just copy paste the ones that suit ur needs! send in an emoji (or the question itself) n ill answer!
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general questions
these can apply to anyone! they arent themed or tailored to anything unlike the next 2 categories
💭 whats your current or most recent thought?
☁ whats the weather like rn? how do you feel about it?
🎮 whats the most recent game youve played?
🎶 what song or lyric is stuck in your head?
🎓 whats a random fact you know?
💙 whats your favorite (blank)? (askers choice)
😊 whats smth that makes you happy? :3
💢 whats a pet peeve/smth that makes you angy?
😱 whats the scariest thing youve seen recently/smth that freaks you out?
🃏 whats smth dumb that makes you laugh?
🎲 a random fact abt you!
🍽 is there a food youre craving rn?
⏰ what time did you wake up/go to bed?
⏩ whats smth you wanna do in the future?
🐻 do you have any plushies? do you have a favorite?
📖 is there anything you collect/want to collect?
🎁 whats a gift or item you rlly want?
📦 a favorite thing you already own?
💻 how/why did you pick your current username?
📸 show a screenshot from your drafts!
💾 show a random image you have saved!
❓ free space! askers choice to ask whatever they want :3
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simp questions
these were made w my current bf spamton & other selfshippers in mind :3 anyone w any number of f/os should be able 2 use these!
😳 name a trait/feature makes you go awooga!
🍷what kind of date would you take your f/o on? what date would they take you on?
💌 how might you confess to your f/o? how might they confess to you?
💝 whats a gift you would give your f/o?
📝 do you have a ship name?
💬 what pet names/nicknames would you like them to call you? what would you call them?
🥄 whos the big spoon?
🎧 any songs that remind you of your f/o?
💘 whats your fav part of them/smth you rlly admire abt them?
😘 how would your f/o flirt pre-relationship? how would you?
👤 whats a character you are/have been attracted to but not focused on atm?
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misc questions
theses were made w myself in mind but if they apply 2 anyone else then by all means use them all you like :3
🎨 whats a drawing youre proud of?
📌 an idea you havent gotten to draw yet?
🎉 whats a fun fact abt one of your ocs/sonas?
🔴 whats your favorite pokemon/shiny?
✨ whats your most recent shiny?
💖 whats a shiny on your wishlist?
🐾 show off a creature from a petsite you play!
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neoyi · 2 years
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Some musings about Pokemon Violet so far, kept under the "Keep Reading" bar in case some folks wanna go into the game completely blind.
As I was assing around the tutorial portion of the game, getting used to the familiar setup every main Pokemon game has done since time eternal, I was equally surprised by the leap in quality of life improvements.
*All enemy Pokemon are out and about in the field, so you can either head into battle against them or easily avoid them. Additionally, you can send your Pokemon out to combat any on the field while you run ahead, letting you gain EXP without the tedious JRPG menu-clicking battles. *Picking up random items does not pause your character as you're forced to read whatever the fuck you picked up. Now they just grab and go, with a text at the bottom telling you what you've obtained. *Thank God, you can change your Pokemon's nickname anytime you want instead of a ride-or-die name that'll stick with them for the rest of their lives, regardless of how regrettable you feel about that moniker hours into the game.
That's what I've seen so far, but they're immensely convenient to the overall gaming experience.
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Other little amusements: *What kind of HOA-ridden neighborhood did my character and her mom stumble unto? Your neighbor's manor probably spies on nearby homes from their rich person balcony and criticizes you if your garage door is a slight shade of cream when they specifically asked for eggshells.
*I love how impulsive Nemona is that she gives you five Poke balls for your journey, watch you battle and defeat a Lechonk, feel sorry for you that you didn't capture it, and then decide afterward to give you... ten more poke balls. Which feels kinda patronizing, to be honest.
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*This is mildly frustrating because you aren't allow to pass the motorcycle Pokemon. Most games that have this still lets your character run around freely until the NPCs catch up, but you literally cannot pass this motherfucker. The player character will either walk when she's nearby or just plain stop at times. Like you can actually wander off a bit and the game will still create this invisible barrier to keep her pinned in because Akira's Bike over there refuse to come any faster than 10mph. It's so goddamn weird.
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*"Oh, this Pokemon looks injured, what should I do?" *plops out a dang sandwich*
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Jesus Christ, who did you piss off to be cursed with that, Diglett?!
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Hey! Heeeeey! Take your damn GiR references to Hot Topic. This is a Professor Membrane Appreciation Blog only.
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