#so dark castle arc am I right?
lunarwednesday · 8 months
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Inktober Day 14
Castle - Demon King of Salvation
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shychick-52 · 9 months
Louie and Della's development (long post)
In honor of Louie and Della Day (which I'm a day late for), I thought I'd post my favorite scenes:
I always found it very interesting that in 'The Secret of Castle McDuck', Louie was the most upset and affected by Dewey keeping his investigation and findings about their mom a secret (and I love how it clearly sounds like he's holding back tears; fantastic reading by Bobby Moynihan).
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"You kept a secret about Mom."
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"That is not ok."
And when Della came back in 'Nothing Can Stop Della Duck', he thought it was way too good to be true, thinking it was "a trick, or a curse from Magica, or a parallel universe" (and it was perfect how the most street-smart and shifty triplet was immediately on his guard- because like he said in another episode, "You can't outcon a con"- and the thing is, his concerns were totally valid and not that farfetched after everything they've seen and experienced with Scrooge):
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And I love how he couldn't keep up his reservations for more than a few seconds before tearfully embracing her with his brothers:
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And... ngl, that's why I hate how Louie immediately goes back to being skeptical, reserved, and forcing himself to be emotionally distant throughout nearly the rest of the episode, even after Della spoke from the bottom of her heart (before she began trying to bond with them):
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"Boys, I don't know what to say. Except that I am so sorry I ever set foot on that rocket. I never meant to leave you... or miss your first steps... or potty-training..."
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"What I'm trying to say is... for a decade, I have fought to get back to this family. And I will fight every day to be a part of it, if you'll have me."
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Louie is still uncertain, and starts to say "I- I-" but the others eagerly embrace her and declare them to be a family again.
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It always bothers me that Dewey had to force Louie's hand on top of Della's.
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*Still speaking from her heart* "I missed you so much! You deserve to have the best mom and I'm going to be the best mom, starting right now!"
And YES, before anyone says it, I do get why Louie felt the way he did, especially being the most independent and cynical triplet:
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"Hey, look, don't get me wrong. Of course I'm happy to have Mom back. I don't know, it's probably my fault... I've gone so long without a mom, I guess I don't really know how to have one?"
His feelings are absolutely understandable and valid, and she was still basically a stranger to him at that point- I mean, Donald kept them in the dark about their mom and her legacy (their whole family legacy) all their lives, and it took finding out their brother was secretly investigating her for him and Huey to find out more about her and the Spear of Selene- but it still disappoints me after how upset he was about Dewey keeping secrets about her, how he was so quick to emotionally accept her right after being so instinctively skeptical at first, and after her emotional, earnest speech to them.
It bothers me that it took her risking her life to save Louie to prove herself to him, or to realize she truly does care. Like, not only is she a veteran adventurer, but she's their mom- ofc she'd do that without thinking twice about it!
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But I absolutely love her end speech and Louie's response. It didn't feel like a rehash of her speech from earlier in the episode, when you think about the conversation she overheard about them struggling to come to terms with having her in their lives (especially how Louie was the most skeptical):
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"Huey. Dewey. Louie. I know you're not used to having a mom. And I am not used to being one. But I'll figure it out as we go along."
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Louie: "We all will."
And I always get emotional during their conversation in the season 2 finale, "Moonvasion". It felt like not only a perfect conclusion to Louie's arc in that season, but the development of his and Della's relationship (including after all unfortunate drama starting in 'Timephoon') . Scared for their future because of the Moonvasion, Della is sadly humming her old lulaby as she looks at her drawing of her boys. Louie notices she's alone and apparently not doing so great, and actually feels comfortable enough to approach her about it:
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"Hey, Mom."
"I drew this back when I had to imagine what you boys looked like."
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"I think you really nailed Dewey."
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"On the moon, all I could think about was being your mom. The adventure, the fun. I wasn't prepared for... all this."
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Louie: "Look, I hate surprises. I like seeing every angle of a situation so I can take control of it. But you can't plan for everything... sometimes a robot boy uses you for a pinata."
Della: "I think I'm losing the thread here..."
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Louie: "But sometimes the mom you thought you lost comes back. And that's a surprise too. So, you deal with bad surprises because they may lead to a good one."
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"But what if Lunaris succeeds? What if I lose you again? What if-"
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"You know, when I'm terrified- which is often- I try to remember this old song:
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Face each new sun with eyes clear and true.
Unafraid of the unknown-"
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Della: -"Because I'll face it all with you."
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"I wrote that song before I got lost. How did you hear it?"
"Well, Uncle Donald used to sing it to us when we were little."
Not only does it beautifully fulfill the development in their relationship and allow them to move past the drama between them, not only does Louie reach incredible growth in his maturity, but it's Louie being the parent to Della... comforting her and offering her reassurance (and I love Louie showing a moment of weakness/vulnerability in admitting he often gets scared, which is not easy for him). A perfect way to conclude the second season, Louie's arc, and the development of Della's return to the family.
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jboy44 · 4 months
Rusted night maiden hunter
Team rwby and jnpr look to summer raven kali and  willow glowing eyes and to jaune betting juniper
Yang " so ozpin infinite man oir moms are the maidens and you made them abandon us?
He mods
Ruby " jaune time traveled and went to ever after he rusted knight?
Ozpin nods
Weiss cries " 😭😭😭😭 i am ideas play boy vs knight i choice player
Pyrtha " and you cursed jaunes line so arcs have to keep there word and as one promised his line would all ways serve you jaune is your slave 😡😡😡?
Ozpin nodds
Blake " you had jaune hold back all this time
Nora has hammer " and as jaune helped his sister in law get pregnant my leaders son my nephew is technically born a slave?
Ozpin nods
Ren " and killing you is pointless so nothing wr can do matters?
He mods
Willow summer raven and kali take therr daughter's hands " that brings us to this sweetie mommy and her friends took turns riding your friend jaune
Team rwby processing there moms the four maidens banged the rusted knight jaune arc
In the evernight castle
Salem: I must save my family from that despicable man
Suddenly a portal of radiating light and darkness appears and 2 figures fall out of it fallowed by a hooded figure
G O L: ow did you have to kick us
G O D: ya even after you beat us up
Hooded figure: yes, yes I did and you both know why
Light: yes because your nephew is being controlled by my mistake
He pulls off the hood to reveal uncle briar
Salem: briar please tell me you have good news
Briar: of course Salem these two said they will deal with the infinity man and my sister will get her grand babies so she’ll quit bugging me
Salem: ahem my grand babies too
Briar: ya ya what ever
Darkness: can we go now
Briar: not till you deal with that green jack ass
Light: fine
They leave to deal with ozpin
Briar: well I must go give my regards to the blacksmith she helped me find those two then off for more adventures
He leaves
Salem: that man scares the shit out of me
Ruby rolling around crying " 😭😭😭😭the boy i like did my mommy "
Weiss hitting head on wall " guy who i turned down did my mommy " pulling hair out
Yang crying eyes out " how could you vb? "
Blake fainted
Jaune " ...... I am not allowed to comment on this take it to ozpin."
Nora " fearless leader is milf hunter
Ren " magic milf hunter
Team milf " young lady get a hold of your self right now
Team rwby jump scared
In a flash a being of light and a being of darkness appears
Light: ya no more controlling of the arcs
He snaps his fingers and a green haze surrounds jaune only for it to shatter like glass
Jaune: hey I’m free.. fuck you old man
He punch ozpin in the face
Darkness: oh and you will no longer be a body snatching asshole
A light surrounded ozpin only for it to fade away
Ozpin: no but what about humanity
Light: oh we’ll be around and her kids magic
All the girls get magic
Darkness: and you boy, you shall be vary important for what is to come
Jaune: what is coming?
Light: our sister
Everyone: what????
Darkness: while I’m destruction and my brother is creation but our sister is sort of like light here she is life but more along the lines of creating it
Light: more like the goddess of lust and sex
Jaune: and that’s bad because???
Darkness: she’s a whore and will do bad things to your world so you young man need to sate her
Jaune: what I can’t do that
Light: according to these girls and your mother, your uncle , and your sister in law, you’ll do fine
Ruby: well looks like you need practice
All the girls look at jaune with hungry gazes
Jaune: he he I’m in danger
Jaune runs as the horde of women chase him around.
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everlastingdreams · 5 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 24
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: Warm As Fire
Notes: I'm so glad people like this story so far. I always post every chapter with a small fragile heart, ngl.
Warnings: Grief. Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. Spicy and smut parts. Slight redemption arc.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +190K
Chapter:  24/ It’s a secret.
The Ash Man had been quite determined to get away from the fort of the Brotherhood as fast as possible. Even if the wagon swayed from left to right a bit in the beginning, the horse seemed to show mercy to the inexperienced wagon rider.
But you had seen the nervous grimace on Lancelot’s face when he was trying to keep the wagon under control and found it quite amusing. The difference between the confident Weeping Monk in battle, and the fumbling Ash Man trying his best, was nice to see.
The rain had stopped an hour ago, thankfully so, it made it easier to see the roads in the night.
There was a bag of items and a chest present on the wagon, and your curiosity led you to search through it.
“Do you know where we are?” You asked while doing so.
“Near the sea.” He decided to jest.
You rolled your eyes and turned to look at him over your shoulder. “Please, tell me we aren’t lost in these woods.”
He looked back at you with a slight smile. “We are not. These are the roads I was hoping to avoid when we traveled to your home. Consider ourselves fortunate that we do not have to pass Uther’s castle anymore to reach your family. We are about a day away.”
“They must think I have left them without saying a word again…” You felt awful and sighed. “And Squirrel… gods.”
Lancelot gave some words of comfort, “You will be able to tell them what happened soon. I am certain they will be glad to have their daughter with them again.”
You picked up on the way he spoke of your parents. “You sound like you appreciate my parents.”
He admitted to it, “They seem like good people.”
You continued to snoop through the bag. “They are. I was glad to see that my cousin was doing so well with them, and he was impressed with our young Fey knight.”
‘Our?’… interesting choice of words.
In the bag were two ropes and some dirty linen, you had went through the whole bag of it in the hope of finding something more useful.
You wiped your hands on your trousers and went over to open the chest.
It was locked…
“What do you think is in here?” You asked and knocked on the chest.
He stopped the wagon and climbed into the back where you were.
It wasn’t what you had expected him to do, “Letting the horse rest?”
He gave a nod and knelt beside you in front of the chest. “I believe it has been pulling this wagon for a few hours before we took it, it is best we grant the horse rest.”
There was an attempt to break the lock with his sword, it did not budge.
It had almost slipped your mind. “Oh! Do you still have the hairpin?”
Lancelot had forgotten about it too it seemed, he searched his pockets. “I do.”
The ring was still in his pocket as well, he would avoid showing it to you. Any reminder of that monster was one too many.
He held up the hairpin for you to take, and you did.
The small rusted lock of the chest was a pain to pick at and some quiet curses flew out of your mouth.
It was unexpected to see him try not to chuckle at hearing them.
His eyes were fixed on your hands and how they worked the stubborn lock. The attention on you did not waver, it only shifted from one thing to another.
A concentrated frown creased your forehead… The way your lips pressed together as you tried not to let another curse get passed them… The scent of the sea mixed with the scent of you…
The lock clicked open and you let out a relieved little laugh. “Got ‘em!”
You handed him back the hairpin to hold.
Lancelot seemed to snap out of some deep thoughts before he helped lift the lid of the chest.
“That’s not food.” You sounded disappointed at the sight of the weapons in the chest.
He reached into the chest and plucked his swords and daggers from it, they had not been on their way to the Abbot yet after all. “I am sorry you are disappointed.”
You had heard that cheeky tone. “Well, you aren’t.”
He shook his head and immediately switched the sword he had been using for his own again. “There are some good swords in here.”
Lancelot searched through them, inspecting a few, and then he found one that was apparently better than the one at your side now.
You took it from his hands at his insistence, and proceed to inspect it for a moment as well. “I guess it does seem like a better sword.”
He had expected to hear it and a grin formed on his face. “It must be difficult to admit I am right about some matters.”
You scoffed at the obvious jest and played along. “Oh, please. You’re making it sound like I am the boastful one.”
The retort came fast. “I am not boastful.”
Your brow arched comically. “Gods, every time you get into a battle, you might as well say ‘look at me’ out loud because I know you’re always thinking it.”
Almost did he roll his eyes, they slid to the side instead.
Still, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “You read minds?”
You closed the chest again, “Would that frighten you? What little secrets are locked up in yours?”
Even in the darkness of the covered wagon, by the grace of the moon, you could see the spark in his eyes.
There was a change in his voice, a warm timbre took over, “My secrets are mine to keep.”
While you grew curious, he moved further away to the end at the back of the wagon.
“You should get some rest. I will remain awake.” He said.
You weren’t sure about that idea. “Doesn’t sound fair that I get to sleep while you have to stay awake.”
He turned to face you. “You have brought me back from the dead and healed me. I have enough energy in me and it is there because you gave me yours. Sleep.”
“In soaked clothes…” You pouted at the thought.
“Try.” He insisted.
You knew it was out of concern that he wanted you to rest, rightfully so, the only thing that had kept you going was the adrenaline running through your veins.
You took off your vest and began to undo your bodice, seeing the way the former Monk was quick to fix his eyes on the trees you stifled a giggle. “I’ll sleep in my shirt and trousers, and hope the rest dries. Fear not, Ash Man, your eyes are safe from sin.”
This time he did roll his eyes and looked up for a moment.
He wished he could be of help, “We can make a fire tomorrow. If I do so now, it could draw the attention of others.”
It was true. “I’ll use this bag as a pillow. There’s linen in there but believe me, you’ll prefer the soaked clothes over them.”
He agreed on that. “I can smell the dirt on them from here.”
And you were going to use it as a pillow…
“Great.” You mumbled and laid down to sleep. “Guess I’ll wake up reeking of it too.”
His quiet chuckling was the last thing you registered, the lack of energy and cost of your magic caught up with you only a few seconds after you had laid down.
The nightmare you were trapped in was build from memories that were created in that hellish fort.
The darkness of the dungeons, the murder of Lancelot and then the Reaper putting his hands on you.
The nightmare had enough oil to burn for a while. It felt so real. You were trying to defend yourself against the Brothers. Lashing out at them, hitting and kicking them. Growing more frantic the longer the nightmare lasted.
If only you had been awake to know that the Ash Man was trying to gently wake you…
The nightmare would not have ended with hitting his nose and believing it was a Brother you had struck.
That believe ended when the hold of sleep stopped and you saw Lancelot hold his nose and wincing in pain as he knelt beside you.
You blinked the sleep from your eyes and realized who you had hit upon jolting awake.
A shocked gasp fell from out of your mouth and you reached for him. “Did I… gods… I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
He put a hand on your shoulder, while still holding his nose with the other.
You waited for him say something, sensing that he needed a moment to let that surge of pain pass.
But he did not have to be in pain, not with your ability.
You reached for his arm and he grasped your hand immediately.
He had guessed the intent. “Do not use your magic. I am alright.”
Blood had run from his nose, that didn’t look alright to you.
“But-” You began to protest.
“No.” He spoke sternly. “I know the price it costs you. Do not pay it for me.”
You tried to pull your hand free. “I’m the one who caused your nose to bleed! It’s only fair that I solve the problem I have created.”
Lancelot simply refused to let you help him.
He wiped the blood from his nose with his sleeve. “I have encountered worse. Your hit was not strong enough to cause real injuries.”
Your feeling of guilt faded. “Are you seriously going to jest about it already?! You’re unbelievable.”
He grinned, until he felt it increase the soreness in his nose. “I am merely trying to make you remember that I was raised for battle. A punch to the nose will not kill me. Not even if it is given by a feisty Fey girl.”
Your eyes squinted at him. “Don’t make it so tempting to proof you wrong.”
A chuckle fell from him and he moved to climb out of the wagon.
You called out after him, “You could tell I was having a nightmare, huh?”
He waited for you outside the wagon, beckoning you over.
You were tossing and turning whilst asleep. It were the quiet whimpers that had convinced him to wake you.
Because he could not stand to hear you suffer, even if it was in a dream.
He would not embarrass you by telling you how he could tell. “I could.”
You collected your bodice and vest, then climbed out of the wagon as well and noticed he almost subconsciously folded his hands behind his back, like he wished to avoid the accident of last night happening again.
A small bonfire was burning not far from the wagon.
You realized he had stopped next to a river, a wise choice, because one look at his clothing was enough of a reason to understand why.
The sight of all the blood, his blood, covering him brought back the awful memory of seeing him lifeless.
That plunge in the sea had washed some of it out, still…
He noticed the sudden change in you when looking at the state of his clothing. “I have made a fire to dry our clothes, together with this morning sun it shouldn’t take long.”
The sun was warm indeed, as if it wanted to apologize for the night’s previous weather.
You draped your bodice and vest on the grass near the fire. Some blood was still staining your trousers from having knelt in it, it would have to wait until you were home again, you couldn’t wait to put on some fresh clothes.
Your eyes fell on the amount of blood on Lancelot again, they snapped to the grass when he caught you looking.
This time he commented on it while taking off his cloak, “Can you not stand the sight of blood?”
You kept your eyes away and answered that teasing tone with your own. “Asked the person who made me heal dozens of bloodied paladins.”
He had hanged his cloak on a branch to dry in the sun and took of his aketon next. “None off them bled this much.”
Well, that was true. The amount of blood in his clothes was there because he had bled out, you couldn’t really compare it to the injuries the paladins had.
“Nor were they dead. And I can stand the sight of blood-” You turned and saw him pull his shirt off over his head. “There’s just…”
Your thoughts took another route so fast that you snapped your eyes away from him again.
The sudden silence made him look over at you, “Just ‘what’?”
A mouse must have been louder than you were. “There is just a little much of it on your clothes.”
Lancelot walked the small distance to the river bank. “I am going to try and wash some of it out.”
You were nodding a bit too long and just decided to go and sit by the fire until he was done.
That was the plan at least, but what he said next pulled your thoughts right back to him.
“Dying felt like suffocating at first.” He said, seeing the water of the river color red with his blood. “I never felt so cold in my life as I did then.”
It was difficult to hear how he had experienced it.
“How were you so calm?” You quietly asked.
He tried to get a stain out of his shirt by rubbing a small rock against it, it took him a moment before he answered. “I did not want your last memory of me to be one of fear.”
The last thing on his mind while dying had been what memories you would have of him?
You approached him and stopped a few steps away. “Everyone is afraid sometimes, and you were dying.”
Another silence passed before he spoke again. “I remember the darkness I was in until your magic pulled me out. God’s garden…” He scoffed.
The struggle with the religion he had served was visible, you worried for him, “Are you disappointed?”
He rinsed the shirt in the water, sounding firm. “No. It has made me understand that I do not want to live my life hoping for a better one after death. When I woke, I was grateful to be given another chance on life, because I realized something.”
You waited for him to continue speaking and watched him squeeze the water out of the shirt.
He stood up and walked past you to hang the shirt on a branch, next to the one that held his cloak. “I cannot run from what I was and I do not want to run from what I am, not anymore. If I do so, I would be doing the Fey a disservice. The Green Knight was right, our people need people who can fight and I cannot fight for the Fey if I hide from them.”
Lancelot came over to you and stopped only a step away. “I will give your parents the ring of the Reaper, and if your father still wishes to see me rot in a dungeon, so be it.”
The last encounter between them was still fresh in your memories. “Lancelot-”
He wouldn’t let you talk the plan out of his head, his mind was set. “I will fight for the Fey, but I will fight for you and the boy first. Always.”
The Ash Man took his aketon to the river next, leaving you stand alone speechless.
Minutes passed and he scrubbed the blood out of his aketon as much as possible, not a word was shared between you.
It worried you that he was so determined of his plan, but so was your father and that was were things would go wrong.
You knew what it was like to be trapped in a dungeon, never truly knowing if you would see freedom again or die in darkness, forgotten.
You stomped over to him as he knelt by the river, then snatched the aketon from his hands. “You will spend the rest of your days in a dungeon if you do not succeed in convincing my father, is that what you want?! I promised you I would meet you with Squirrel in the forest on the second day of winter. There is no reason for you to risk imprisonment!”
He rose, visibly disagreeing, “No reason?” His jaw was tense as he looked at the river’s stream. “You will go home, to your family, to Percival. And I…”
You gripped the aketon in your hand firmer, waiting to hear what he had to say.
His eyes locked on your face, hoping you would understand, “…I leave behind all I have.”
You had thought he would say something accusing, instead what he said caused a lump in your throat.
He would be alone…
When he had made it seem that he was alright with that fact, he had been hiding the truth. It was hurting him in the worst way. Dragging the truth out of the Ash Man was not simple, he always buried the pain.
You knelt down next to the water, the saltwater of the sea had been helpful on getting the worst stains on the aketon to lessen, you put it in the water to let it soak a little.
He stood motionless, watching it happen.
It was to distract yourself before your voice would betray the way his words had affected you.
Your eyes did not leave the river. “I will try to speak to my father. I cannot promise anything but I will fight for you.”
The Ash Man took an audible breath behind you, the rustling of the grass warned of his movement.
He knelt down beside you, letting the silence say what he couldn’t put in words.
There was only one man your father truly hated and that man had met his end at the hands of the Ash Man, that had to count for something.
It was not easy to try and make the world around you see the good in the man beside you, and it had to be even harder for Lancelot himself to deal with that fact.
You saw some of the dried blood lift from the aketon and pushed it down into the shallow river water more. “I hope Squirrel does not think we just left him.”
He knew the boy was certainly upset about the two of you vanishing from his life without a word of warning, “We should be wary, the knife you gave him was very sharp.”
You reminded him who was responsible for that, “You’re the one who sharpened it.”
It seemed like it had broken the tense air that had hanged between you, and he gave a guilty smile.
Lancelot reached into the water and plucked the aketon out of it.
“There’s still blood on there.” You stated.
He stood up and walked away with it. “I’m hanging it up to dry before the sun hides itself again.”
You took a moment by the river to wash your face, cleaning the dried blood of your nose, it had stopped bleeding.
The faint voices of the Hidden danced around your ears.
“Can you hear them now?” You called out to Lancelot while using your sleeves to dry your face.
He had returned with his cloak and let it soak in the water like you had done with the aketon, “What do you think they want?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess they are just glad we get along, we are their summoners after all.”
“Let us keep the gods pleased then.” He picked up a fallen branch and began to sort of stir his cloak in the river.
You barely held a laugh. “What on earth are you doing? You’re not stirring a soup.”
He moved the branch out of the water and poked your arm with it. “Let me wash my cloak in peace.”
You swatted it away and got up from the ground. “Fine. Have fun stirring your blood soup.”
The look of mischief in his eyes made you wonder if he was thinking about tossing you into the river too, you did not wait to find out and walked back to the bonfire where your clothes were almost dry.
You took off your boots to let them dry and air in the sun as well, then laid down in the grass to allow yourself some sunlight too.
The cheerful song of birds sounded through the trees and your heart felt peaceful.
The grass between your fingers smelled fresh from the midnight rain.
A few minutes passed where you just laid there with your eyes closed and listening to the birds.
You heard the sound of water splattering and knew he had gotten his cloak out from the river.
His footsteps moved around the area for a moment, then towards you.
The heat of the sunlight vanished from your skin when the Ash Man’s shadow took it’s place.
“You’re in my light.” You grumbled.
He had done it on purpose. “We can enjoy the sun while searching for something to eat as well.”
You opened your eyes and saw he had put the shirt on again, “Do you use your heightened sense of smell to find things to eat?”
The genuine curiosity in the question was a little unexpected to him.
Father had once asked many similar questions but it had only been to find out what would serve the Church best.
He sounded a bit shy about it. “Sometimes. Uhm… with ripe fruit for example. I can smell apples nearby.”
It was quite interesting to learn details about his ability.
You got up from the grass, teasing him with it a little, “Did the smell of them waken your appetite?”
That was a correct assumption.
He said it so matter-of-factually, “I was dead not long ago, I want to remind my stomach it is still alive.”
Your smile fell a little but you caught yourself. “Let’s get those apples for you then.”
“For us.” He corrected, and watched as you began to walk next to him.
You were reluctant to stray too far from the wagon, “What if what is left from the Brotherhood is looking for us?”
He brought a hand to the swords at his hip. “We cannot let fear starve us. Come.”
It was the fearless attitude of the Ash Man that put your mind at ease.
While walking him, you got to experience how he used his ability so discreetly that you almost couldn’t tell he was using his sense of smell to guide him.
After so many years, it should not have come as such a surprise that he was good at hiding his Fey abilities from others.
You couldn’t help but look at him curiously.
He didn’t notice at first, but he must have felt your eyes on him after a while.
Lancelot turned his attention to you, “What is it?”
“Nothing.” You shrugged your shoulders.
And you were still looking at him… It was making him strangely nervous.
He walked a bit faster, towards the scent that had gotten much stronger. “They’re over here somewhere.”
It wasn’t necessary to help look, he found the apple trees a moment later and plucked an apple.
You managed to catch it when he carefully threw it in your direction. “Thank you!”
The apple smelled sweet indeed and you couldn’t resist biting it, the juice of it was godly.
Lancelot took five more apples of the tree and returned to your side. “This should help us until we arrive at our destination.”
You took two to carry so he could eat his apple comfortably too. He walked back into the direction of the wagon, and you followed him.
After some bites of the apple, he asked, “What was your nightmare about?”
You gave vague details. “Everything really. The paladins, the Brothers, Soran…”
What bothered you most was how you had woken from it. “I’m sorry, again, for hitting you. I want you to know that I really didn’t know what I was doing, and that I wouldn’t have hit you if I had a choice in the matter.”
He was rather pleased to hear that. “Next time, I will just poke you with my sword from afar until you wake.”
Your mouth fell agape and a half-insulted laugh escaped. “Oh, for goodness sake!” The clock house of your finished apple hit his back after you threw it at him. “If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already.”
An arrogant smirk tugged at his mouth, “With your sword skill?”
The Ash Man was trying to push your buttons, and successfully so.
You made him eat his words. “My father, a former knight of the Fey, will be interested to hear of your doubt in his ability to teach me how to wield a sword. Besides, remember how I cut your arm?”
Oh, he remembered alright. “I remember. The wound grew infected, I did not expect to be healed by the same person who caused it. And now you can even bring others back from the dead.”
You still couldn’t fully believe it had happened, and part of you wanted to ignore the fact. “I only brought you back, the Hidden probably only allowed it because you’re Fey and because you’re special.”
“I’m special?” He cheekily asked with a charming grin.
You tempered his ego. “To them.”
He shook his head a bit, the grin grew from ear to ear. “I see.”
Was he seriously trying to get you flustered and make you trip over your words?
You turned the tables on him. “You are the Hidden’s special Ash Folk summoner, I bet they waited a long time for you.”
He took a bite from his apple and hoped he wouldn’t choke on it when he’d laugh, “I don’t know what use I am to them.”
You snorted a laugh, looking at him incredulous. “Says the Fey who can’t be burned and has fire as a friend.”
Alright, it might be what had the interest of the Hidden…
He did not want you to think you weren’t special either, “They waited for you as well, finally they have their Dawn Folk summoner.”
You confessed it to him, “I don’t want to be able to bring people back from the dead. I only agreed to be their summoner so they would help me bring you back.”
A promise made to gods, an exchange to save his life…
The sudden change in his eyes made you worry he might think you regretted it.
“Don’t get me wrong. I am happy you are alive, it was worth the deal I made.” You blurted out.
He believed you. “I know. I could tell when I opened that cell door.”
The moment you had seen him alive again, you had shared an embrace that neither of you had talked about since. Just like the kiss you’d given his cheek when saying your ‘goodbyes’ in the forest.
And you just sensed that he was not used to being given this sort of attention. Neither were you. Still, he had reciprocated the embrace in a way that you could not forget.
This was a former monk, and enemy, who had stood between you and peril more than once. It was difficult not to grow fond of the person he truly was.
It was easy to forget he was still getting used to the life outside the clergy.
You hoped your reaction had not been too much and too soon for him. “Hey, uhm, I apologize if I reacted a bit strong when I saw you alive again. I know you were raised with certain rules to follow. I was just so relieved to see you, my friend, alive and well.”
The Ash Man had a gentle look in his eyes, appreciative of the consideration. “There is no need for an apology. If anything, I cherish the reaction.”
Your eyes widened a bit and avoided looking into his. “That’s good…”
He took another bite and filled the silence that fell between you.
The only thing heard until you reached the wagon, was your footsteps.
When you arrived at the wagon again, Lancelot freed the horse from the burden of the wagon and tied the reins to a tree.
You frowned a bit, “Why are you doing that?”
Lancelot inspected the saddle. “We will continue without the wagon, it will be faster and draw less attention. And if they are searching for us, they will be searching for a wagon.”
And it would be easier to escape on horseback than on a wagon in case of a chase too…
“Do you think Goliath is alright?” You asked when he began to stroke a hand along the horse’s neck.
His voice carried worry, “I hope so. He is strong… and clever.”
The change in his expression betrayed him.
You hoped your words would comfort him. “You’ll reunite with him, everything will be alright.”
He nodded, a little lost in thought and went to retrieve the cloak and aketon he had put up to dry. “Put your boots back on, we will be leaving soon. It’s not safe for us to stay here for long.”
You had been able to rest, but he hadn’t done so yet. “Are you sure you don’t want to get some sleep first? I can keep watch.”
Lancelot put the aketon back on. “I will rest tonight. We should arrive at your home by midday come morrow when all goes well.”
With his determination to stay awake, you hoped he was not too tired to continue the journey on horse, “Are you sure?”
He gave a quick nod, then gestured to your boots that stood abandoned at the fire.
After checking to see if they were dry, you put your boots back on.
Meanwhile, he was closing the belts on his aketon.
You kicked soil on the bonfire until it was out.
Lancelot poured out the dirty linen that was in the sack on the wagon, then put two of the moderate looking swords from the chest into it, followed by the apples and some of the rope.
You helped him attach the sack to the back of the horse’s saddle with a piece of rope, holding it up until he secured it there.
He untied the reins from the tree and beckoned for you to come closer. “After you.”
The little comical bow of his head made you smile. “How gallant.”
You put your foot in the stirrup, gripped the gullet, and pulled yourself into the saddle.
He was patting the spot in the front of it
“I know, I know…” You made room for him.
The speed at which he mounted showed that there was still energy burning through him. Had your magic offered him so much?
The horse began to walk in a slow pace right away, eager to stretch it’s legs without having a wagon to pull along.
Now that you sat on the horse with him, Lancelot seemed to see it as an excellent opportunity.
“I have a question.” He began and waited for acknowledgment.
That tone he used warned you that he was going to ask something that might annoy you.
You let out a little sigh. “Ask.”
He cleared his throat first, “Do you feel safe with me?”
That wasn’t what you thought he’d ask.
Had you done something that made him believe differently?
“I do.” You assured him of it. “I wouldn’t be climbing on a horse with you otherwise. Why do you ask?”
When he stayed quiet, you reached back and tapped his arm a few times playfully. “Spit it out, Ash Man.”
His answer carried a certain gentleness that you didn’t hear often, “I just needed to hear you say it.”
You looked back at him over your shoulder. “To me you are not the Weeping Monk anymore. You’re Lancelot. I see no reason to fear you now that I know you.”
He blinked a couple of times and watched you turn your head away again.
The warmth of him radiated through his sleeve and unto your arms, it had been a while since you had felt so comfortable. “What was life like for you, when you weren’t out doing what Father Carden asked off you?”
He gave the most expected answer, “I practiced the sword.”
If you wanted to learn more, you’d have to pry it out of him. “Besides that.”
Lancelot was not aware until now that you were trying to get to know more about him. “I uh… enjoyed reading.”
You pried further, “What books?”
His answers came quicker. “Anything.”
You fired another question, “What else?”
A light chuckle filled your ears. “I often spend time alone in the forest, it helped me to calm down when matters got difficult.”
“That is the Fey in you.” You deduced.
His own curiosity shined through, “Are you calmer among nature?”
It was an undeniable fact. “I am. I love to see the moon’s light between the trees above my head. The sound of an owl filling the air, a breeze swaying the branches and dancing shadows on the ground below.”
The daydream of your favorite things was softly interrupted by his hand being placed on your upper arm.
But it was the silence of the Ash Man that had your heart change it’s pace.
“Uhm…” You quietly uttered.
He leaned in close to your ear and teased you for your daydreaming. “Fey.”
A shiver went up your neck and you rolled your shoulders to hide it, what you could not hide was the soft giggle at his playfulness.
The hand stayed for a moment longer, and brushed along your arm when it left.
You distracted yourself from it by talking about Squirrel, “I hope Squirrel is doing alright. I know my parents can be stern, but they will look after him well. Maybe he’s playing with Ciro now…”
He kept his hands on the reins now. “Do you worry how your father will react to Percival’s mischief?”
You shook your head. “No. My father raised me, Squirrel’s shenanigans will be nothing new to him.”
A grin tugged at his mouth, “I thought you once told me that you were well-behaved as a child?”
You were biting your lip and mumbled, “Most of the time.”
Lancelot hummed.
Silently guessing that the rest of the time was spend on mischief that had your parents pull the hairs out of their heads at times.
You looked at him and squinted your eyes a little. “I just know you didn’t always do as told either.”
It was true, he had gotten into trouble more than once.
His hands moved closer to your stomach to rest. “If I did, neither of us would be here now.”
You slowly nodded, smiling at him, “What is life without a little mischief?”
He hummed with approval this time.
Your eyes fell on his hands and how close they were now, had he placed them so just because it was more comfortable to hold the reins and ride like this?
It was still strange to share a horse, even when you were little your parents insisted you learned to ride on your own as quickly as possible in case of trouble. The only other person you had shared a horse with was Squirrel.
By riding with the Ash Man, you could easily see the change that had occurred between you.
He was not as timid, one could even say he was comfortable near you.
For you it was something that did not come as natural yet, being close to others was difficult for Dawn Folk.
But for him you had made an exception.
It was safe.
After riding for a few hours and walking for another few, it was the Ash Man’s yawn along with the setting sun that alerted you that it was time to find a place to set camp for the night.
“Should we make a fire over there?” You pointed to a spot next to the river you were walking by.
He seemed determined to reach your home early. “There is still time to walk further.”
You knew he was pushing himself too hard. “Lancelot, you need rest. You’ve been yawning my ears off for the past hour.”
What reached your ears now, was a scoff.
Before he could protest again, you made the decision alone. “We are stopping there for the night.”
His stubbornness surrendered. “Very well. But no fire, we should remain discreet if we do not wish to be found.”
You agreed and stole the reins of the horse from his hand. “Alright.”
He glanced at you, aware that you had taken away the reins just to make sure he’d really stop at the place you had chosen.
Setting up camp wasn’t difficult, all you did was tie the reins to a tree near the river and plop your rear down on the grass.
Lancelot took an apple out of the sack and offered one to you as well, you declined it.
You sat and watched how he kept finding things to distract himself from resting.
“Gods! Just sit down already, will you?” You blurted out.
His eyes snapped away from the river and to you. Almost timidly he did as you asked, and sat down against the tree in front of you.
You let out a peaceful breath, “Much better. It’s not a crime to rest, you know?”
“I know.” He sighed a bit. “I can still feel your magic running through me.”
The results of your magic were often enough for someone to think they could climb a mountain. “I believe you, but if you don’t rest and the energy wears off…”
Chances were high he would fall asleep at the worst time.
“You weren’t allowed to rest much, were you?” It was a guess based on how he struggled to do so.
“You will consider me mad.” He warned.
You couldn’t hold in the jest. “I already do. So tell me.”
His brow arched at you, but he choose to let it slide. “Since leaving the Church, even while being hunted, resting is easier for me.”
That was nice to hear, you pried a little, “Your conscience is no longer keeping you awake?”
He leaned his head back against the bark and watched the darkening sky. “Not as much as it once did. It helps to be around someone who forgave me.” His eyes dropped down from the heavens and landed on yours. “You forgave me.”
It was like he still couldn’t fully believe it, he swallowed thickly and lifted his eyes to the sky again.
The whispers of the Hidden sounded in your ears. Just when you looked at him to see if he’d notice their presence too, his eyes fell down to yours with the answer.
Not a word was said, your eyes did not leave each other as you listened to the whispers.
The voices he was taught to forsake, to ignore, he tried to understand them now. Because deep down, he knew they were speaking off you to him. And it made him more than a little curious as to what they wished to tell you about him too.
“It sounds like the Hidden doesn’t want us to get some sleep.” You broke the strange silence that was growing.
His head tilted to the side a little. “I am curious.”
“About what?” You asked.
The Ash Man was open about how he experienced them, “I cannot understand what they say, but I feel what their intention is. Do you feel it?”
You had your suspicion. “I think…”
It felt a bit embarrassing to voice it, what if you were wrong?
“Yes?” He urged you to share your thoughts.
Blurting it out was easier. “They are binding us together.”
To your relief, Lancelot gave a nod. “Do you think it is because we are summoners?”
Why did it feel like he thought there was another reason for it?
You cleared your dry throat, “Probably. What other reason would there be?”
He broke eye-contact by looking at the river and swallowed the answer to the question.
An answer never came…
You saw him try to hide another yawn. “You can sleep. My turn to keep watch.”
With a shallow nod, he let his eyes fall shut and sank back against the tree. That surging energy that had run through him came to a halt. It was common knowledge to the Dawn Folk that so much given energy always came to a sudden stop, not to the Ash Man who fell into a deep sleep seconds after he closed his eyes.
The moon had taken it’s place in the night sky when you decided to stretch your legs by the river a bit. You were tossing some small pebbles and saw them hop on the water, it became a way to entertain yourself and see how far you could get them to hop. It helped to stay focused and awake. While watching one of these rocks travel across the river, you heard Lancelot speak your name.
You looked over at him and saw that he was still vast asleep. Just to be sure, you quietly spoke his name as well and waited to see if he would reply to it.
No, he was definitely asleep.
Your curiosity was growing as you tiptoed closer to him and sat down against the tree next to the one he had chosen as a pillow. Why were you suddenly interested to know what he was dreaming off? It felt irresistible not to listen in to his sleep mumbling, and it was a nice way to keep yourself focused on the task of keeping watch as he slept. A few minutes past before he mumbled your name again.
The smile on your lips grew from the slight pleasant tremble that went through your chest.
Oh, how you wished to wake him and ask what it was he was dreaming about. You’d imagine he would be a bit embarrassed about it. Maybe you were tormenting him in his dream, as you once had done in reality. Or maybe it was a pleasant dream.
You hoped it was the later, he deserved something good.
After listening for a bit longer, you stood up again and returned to the river to watch the moonlight reflect in it. The sound of horses nearing pulled your attention away. Seconds later you were kneeling next to Lancelot and waking him up.
“Lancelot! Someone’s coming!” You shook him carefully.
The interrupted deep sleep made him jolt awake and grab hold of your arm.
“Someone is coming.” You said again.
He got to his feet clumsily and pulled you up with him. “The horse-”
Just as he had said it, a group of Uther’s soldiers emerged from the trees on horseback.
They must have been traveling back to the castle, and they were as surprised to see you there as you were to see them. The group of four came to a halt close to the horse you needed to flee.
One of them assessed the situation they had run into. “By order of the King, state your business in his woods!”
If they saw who Lancelot was… you’d be in far greater trouble than if they knew you were Fey.
The Church hunted your kind, Uther did not care for what happened and elected to ignore the existence of the Fey most of the time. To these soldiers, a Fey wasn’t worth the time, but the former Weeping Monk was.
Lancelot flexed his hand as it moved to the swords at his hip.
You stepped in front of him, whispering, “Stay here. Keep your hood on and your cloak closed.”
They couldn’t get closer to him, or the Ash Man risked his markings to be seen. The shadows offered him some protection from their view. Hopefully they could not see what the vague dark stains on his clothes or yours were.
You removed Lancelot’s hand from your wrist when he tried to keep you at his side, and walked up to the soldiers.
Telling the truth would spare you the time to think of a lie. “We are traveling North to see family, and we are taking some time to rest before continuing our journey.”
The one who had asked dismounted, and walked up to you while gesturing to Lancelot, “Your husband?”
It almost took you too long to answer. “Yes.”
The soldier stopped in front of you while the others kept a watchful eye.
“Newly wed?” He made a guess.
You nodded.
He turned to his comrades with a knowing look. “Just a couple of newly weds ‘resting’ in the forest.”
They chuckled at the allusion.
Your face began to burn at the implication the soldier had made, you could only imagine Lancelot’s response.
“Where did the blood on your trousers come from?” The soldier gestured to it.
Dammit… you hadn’t had the chance to wash them.
“I did not expect to bleed so early this month, and took no precautions.” You said with confidence, hoping it made him believe it was true and he was being rude to even ask about it.
The blood was on your knees mostly, but making this situation uncomfortable would make it harder for the soldier to ask further.
“Oh.” The soldier was visibly regretting it.
The soldier’s expression changed and you felt a hand touch your back.
You were under such stress that you’d almost turned and struck the poor Ash Man who came to play the part. Lancelot’s hood was far over his face when he brought his arm around your waist, his cloak hid the remainder of the large stain across his chest.
He did not look at them, it wasn’t necessary, they understood the message he was silently transmitting. They were not wanted or welcome.
The soldier cleared his throat, feeling the atmosphere grow more uncomfortable, and took a step back because of it. “I wish you safe travels.”
You watched him return to his horse and leave with the group who laughed at the situation. The Ash Man must have played his part quite convincing for them to leave without further questioning.
He withdrew his arm from you. “I-”
Words flew rapidly out of your mouth whilst you walked back to the river. “Go back to sleep. I’ll wake you at dawn.”
Lancelot was a bit stunned by the response, it took him a moment to follow your advice. He sat down by the tree again and watched as you tried to keep your attention on the river. You could feel his eyes burn in your back. You weren’t the kind of person to get flustered easily, but what the soldiers had laughed about and then Lancelot’s response had caused just that. He used to be a monk, for goodness sake…
You pushed the possibility away that there was something changing between you, it was simple ridiculous. Gods, it might even send him running for the hills if he knew that you sometimes thought he saw you as anything other than a friend.
Turning on your heels, you went over to him and sat down against the other side of the tree, your shoulder touching his. “That was uncomfortable.”
He didn’t have to guess what you were speaking off, “What the soldiers assumed?”
You nodded and sank back against the tree.
There was a positive thing for him, “I was impressed with how calm you were. I thought you would strike him.”
“I wanted to.” You admitted.
His mouth curved at the corner. “So did I.”
Lancelot leaned his head against the tree, his nose in your direction.
“Don’t sniff me.” You tried not to grin.
He did not turn his head away, “Concerned that you reek?”
It was too tempting not to use it against him. “Not as concerned as you should be.”
With the back of his hand covering his mouth, he tried to hide how close to laughing it had gotten him. It took a few seconds for him to recover from the false insult.
He defended himself, “My smell must not bother you if you choose to sit with me.”
You turned your head to say something and realized he was close, you turned away quickly again at the close proximity. “I’m just pulling your leg, you don’t reek.”
“Neither do you.” He exclaimed fast, then scratched his neck, realizing that it betrayed that he had been ‘sniffing’ you after all.
You saw him ignore the look you send him for it. “Sleep, Ash Man. Dawn is nearing and I need you-”
The cheeky bastard interrupted, “You need me?”
A half-nervous laugh escaped you. “I… Gods! I will toss you in the river! I wanted to say that I need you to rest!”
The joy he had in hearing you trip over your words was worth the playful slap to his arm. His ears welcomed your soft laughter, and his heart swelled at the sound.
He leaned his head back against the bark, closing his eyes, unable to hide the amusement in his voice, “Then rest I will, if you so insist.”
You resisted the urge to threaten to drag him home by tying him to the horse with rope if he fell asleep whilst riding. “Good.”
A comfortable silence fell between you, and you looked at the river again, doing your best to be quiet so he could fall asleep. You could hear his breathing slowly change, then felt his shoulder lean against yours more.
After a few minutes you knew he had fallen asleep, and by having his shoulder against yours, there was no way for you to leave his side without waking him.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace @​​katjusja @isla-bell-blog @beebeerockknot
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onewomancitadel · 4 months
A smattering of general updates:
I played Tears of the Kingdom. I didn't really enjoy it. I understand why it was popular though; I'm just not the demographic for these types of video games anymore. I didn't find it creatively rewarding and after a time I sat there thinking 'I would rather be writing right now', and since then I have learnt that writing is made easier by doing things which are not writing, because it makes me miss it. My dad also doesn't really like it but for some reason has played hundreds of hours in it. I don't know either - I think he will take anything called Zelda at this point.
I spectated the Doctor Who David Tennant Special and watched some clips of the new season. I'm not a fan of RTD, and not a DW fan anymore (not for a long time), but it was an interesting study in how studios try to attract old and new fans.
I read a lot of books, and that lie people tell you about all books being good for you is a lie, because a cyberpunk anthology of short stories made me so angry I got heartburn. I think people who say that are saying so because they wish that they could read a lot, in which case I say, yes I think reading is a gift and we should engage with it, however, sometimes I get so physically angry from something stupid/bad I've read because bad writers exist that it gives me actual pain. I am reading Howl's Moving Castle right now and it's very joyful; I am very surprised by the liberties the animated film took! However so far I do think both experiences are worthwhile, and if you enjoyed the Ghibli film, I very much recommend checking out the original book if you want to revisit that world again. The prose is straightforward but a little whimsical, and Howl is very, very funny. I have laughed aloud a few times.
Well, you know I rewatched Dark, and it's funny that during my exile I said 'this is like if RWBY got the ending it deserves' and then, er, I found out it's not renewed yet, and that's still up in the air, which for the entirety of RWBY I have only had one true moment of doubt of such a thing, and that was a while ago.
On that topic, yes, I still ship Jaune/Cinder, believe Cinder's redemption is likely, etc., although there are some more external concerns I would wager now than before. Before I thought it very possible to do without any commercial influence, and it depends what compromises they do or don't end up making or having already made. My analysis of Jaune's arc in V9 may not hold water as much (e.g. if you lean towards the view there were rewrites to cater to growing the audience, or perhaps it's two ideas married? I'm not sure) so I'm going to think about it more, and there always has been a tension in RWBY between what is being expected/baited and what is foreshadowed/said/actually happens.
I figured out how to write again and what was blocking me, so there's that. To talk about it a bit more, since my break I have worked every single day on writing. My key takeaways are that you need a delicate balance of delusion and self-doubt to get anything done - you don't know you can do something until you actually do it - and every excuse I invented for not writing was not the reason I was not writing. I can write with a migraine beginning to set in on an uncomfortable desk where I can't even rest my elbows properly on the end of a bed with no back support without aircon in the middle of summer before I've even taken my hair out from bedtime plaits in my pyjamas. I didn't even expect to get my fic done right before midnight, actually I was like 'well lol that's not going to happen, I'll write anyway though, fuck New Year's' because I wasn't doing anything, and then I finished and looked at the time and was like ooooh. I actually completed my goal! So I'm very proud of that. Anyway writing is breathing, to me, I go crazy if I don't do it, no matter what it is, and every single piece of nonsense advice of productivity was not helpful, ever, but I did figure it out. Also admittedly I got a fire burning under me again because I found out I was actually right about Raven, in which case I took that as a sign from heaven I was on the right track. One should hope.
I am excited about Dune Part Two, yes, although I am trying to avoid Villeneuve talking about the film because I know all the marketing is basically directed at people who aren't Dune fans, and I have to see it for myself to see what it's worth. I enjoyed the first film, and Villeneuve seems excited to direct Dune Messiah, in which case I am willing to do whatever possible to make that happen. Because that's about as complete a story you're going to get in a major motion picture adaptation and it would be So Fucking Good.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 7 months
The Big Picture
Vio & Shadow-focused Four Swords Manga Adaptation | Rated G
Chapter 4: Quest Updated
“Can you hear me?” asks the voice of Ganon, projected from some kind of unreachable void. Shadow isn’t exactly sure how Ganon’s remote oversight works. All he knows is that Ganon created him, Ganon’s will is truth, and Ganon will appear to him only when the time is right.
Not that Shadow cares, or anything.
“We can hear you,” sighs Vaati.
“I can’t hear you.”
Read the chapter (and very informative author's note!!) on ao3 or under the cut:
Author's Note: Finally, I’m working on this project again! I encourage you to re-read the previous chapters, because I just did a pretty significant amount of revision. The most notable change is the decision to not use manga dialogue verbatim—I’m still heavily referencing the transcription, but changing some language and phrasing to blend with my own style. Also important to note is the change of Vio, Shadow, Green, Blue, Red, Zelda, and Link Prime’s age, which is now 16 instead of 19. Working so closely with the manga, I’ve concluded that it makes the most sense for them to be around that age—mature enough to resonate with adults and potentially develop complex feelings, but young enough where it’s still believable that they would speak/act in line with the manga. To me, the True Manga Canon Links are 14-16 in the same way that, like, Katara, Sokka, Princess Azula, and Prince Zuko are ages 14-16. They’re not living in a world like ours, attending high school or something equivalent; they have very adult responsibilities, while simultaneously coping with teenage angst and the challenge of developing their own identities. And while Vio and Shadow stand out as the characters least believable as any age younger than 14, I do think the others—while silly in an cartoonish way—are not as a whole believable as preteens either. Like, Mabel and Dipper Pines are written as unusually clever preteens, and even they still seem younger than Red. Side note: cartoons are not my only frame of reference for media interpretation, but I am writing this specific thing like it’s a cartoon. Ultimately, I think that while I personally prefer writing a more mature interpretation, these characters can only be teenagers in something meant to complement and supplement canon. That said, I still fully intend to expand on the queer subtext between Vio and Shadow. Their canon arc reminds me a lot of the confusing, codependent, and ultimately life-altering relationships queer teenagers often find themselves in. This adaptation will explore Vio and Shadow’s journeys of queer discovery, both literally and allegorically, because that’s how I personally interpret the manga. Even if you’re not big on shipping these specific characters, I sincerely hope you can respect my interpretation and still find something that resonates. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this very belated update :)
Pure light transports the heroes to a chamber beneath Hyrule Castle. Link has been here before—very recently, in fact—but to Vio it somehow feels new.
“Are you well, heroes?” asks a soft female voice. Vio looks towards the center of the chamber, where a young woman floats trapped inside a magically crystal. She clasps her hands in front of her chest as if to pray.
“The Blue Maiden!” Red exclaims, his eyes wide.
“Did you save us?” asks Green.
“Link,” says the maiden, “something awful has begun. A terrible ordeal. Darkness once again covers Hyrule, just as in times of legend.”
Tell me something I don’t know, Vio wants to mutter, but decides not to antagonize the minor deity who probably just saved his life. .
“The shadow that took us was a phantom hero,” the maiden continues, “created by an evil demon.”
Vio perks up at that. The more he learns about that freak, the easier it will be to defeat him.
“It is a ‘Shadow Link. A dark reflection of you, but more powerful than any mere shadow.”
Vio attempts to process this. How exactly had Shadow Link been created? It couldn’t have been a similar process to himself. Vio is a fractured piece of a person, while Shadow Link is a dark reflection of a whole. No wonder he’s more powerful than the four of them—although combined, maybe the heroes could still stand a chance.
The maiden sighs, recapturing Vio’s attention. “It took all my might to send even that small light through the barrier. His power is not yet at its peak. You must stop him before that happens.”
“We’re no match for him now,” says Red in a defeated slump. “How can we ever beat him?”
Blue draws his sword. “We’ve gotta smash that barrier first!”
“That isn’t possible right now,” says the Blue Maiden. “The Four Sword has been cursed by Vaati. You must re-energize it, fill it with Life Force and the curse will be lifted. Then you can defeat the darkness for good.”
The four exchange uneasy glances. Finally, Green speaks up.
“Blue Maiden,” he says, “where is Princess Zelda?”
“I don’t know,” admits the maiden. “Weak as I am, I can’t sense clearly. But I can faintly sense her spirit… far, far away.”
Green nods, determined. “She’s alive. That’s enough.” It brings Vio relief, too, that this could all still be undone.
“Hold on, Blue Maiden,” says Green. “We’ll be back to save you soon.”
“Be careful, my four heroes.” The maiden closes her eyes tight, as if channeling the little power she has left. “Travel towards the Eastern Sea. I sense another Maiden within the Eastern Temple.”
Vio finds himself nodding, too.
They exit the castle through the dungeons, careful to remain undetected by Shadow Link’s army of monsters. Eventually they reach a path, which according to the sign leads directly from Castle Town to the Eastern Sea. Vio assumes that it’s meant to be followed by traveling merchants, over the course of days.
Red sighs loudly.
“Losing confidence?” Vio asks, almost playfully,.
“Yeah,” says Red, “how’d you know?”
“Because I am you.”
Green stares into the distance, filled with determination. “If Dark Link is our shadow,” he says, “we need to be better to beat him. Be more like father.”
“Yeah,” Vio smirks. “Right now, I’d give us a 50/50 chance.”
“But if we restore the sword we’ll get stronger!” says Red. “And if we can learn some teamwork—”
Blue scoffs, cutting him off. “I don’t care what it takes, we’re doing it.”
Green’s eyes sparkle in the daylight as he addresses his teammates. Vio can’t help but feel a little inspired. “Then it’s decided,” their leader announces. “Let’s go!”
“You’re late,” Vaati tells Shadow as he shuts the door behind him. The one-eyed demon waits at the far end of the conference table, as usual, scrutinizing the shade as he plops down into his own seat.
Steadying his heart, Shadow rolls his eyes. Reclines slightly, enough to slam his boots onto the table. Shoots Vaati a self-satisfied grin. “Sorry, I was busy. Doing things, in my body.”
Vaati’s eye narrows. The Wind Mage may now be free in the world of light, but he still lacks a corporeal form.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Shadow adds. “For breaking the seal.”
“Don’t congratulate yourself just yet.”
The air in the dark room begins to crackle, an occurrence Shadow immediately recognizes. He removes his boots from the table and stiffens his posture.
“Can you hear me?” asks the voice of Ganon, projected from some kind of unreachable void. Shadow isn’t exactly sure how Ganon’s remote oversight works. All he knows is that Ganon created him, Ganon’s will is truth, and Ganon will appear to him only when the time is right.
Not that Shadow cares, or anything.
“We can hear you,” sighs Vaati.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Do you have us on mute?” Shadow asks, helpfully.
Vaati scoffs. “He just said he can’t hear you.” Shadow just shrugs.
“I think I have you on mute,” says Ganon. “Hold on, this is—ah. Yes, I see.”
Vaati and Shadow lock eyes, unsure who should speak first.
“I still can’t hear you,” Ganon repeats, frustrated.
“Lord Ganon,” Vaati finally says, “we are both here.”
“There you are. Excellent.”
Shadow preens under his approval. “My Lord, I have good news. The Wind Mage has been successfully freed, and the Four Sword drawn. Princess Zelda is in our clutches. Hyrule Castle has been overtaken by our forces.”
“Our clutches? Our forces?”
Shadow winces. “Yours, My Lord.”
Ganon pauses for a moment. Shadow grips the edge of the table. “It seems you are serving your purpose, Shadow Link.”
Shadow grins. “You should have seen it, Link’s father was so fooled. And the four heroes—”
“Are dead?” interrupts Ganon, and Shadow’s heart falls.
“Not… as such.”
“Explain yourself, Shadow Link.”
Shadow deliberates each word before it leaves his mouth. “They had assistance, my Lord. The Blue Maiden, while contained, used her remaining light magic to repel my presence and transport them to safety.”
“I see.”
Shadow braces himself for his creator’s disapproval.
“Because the heroes survive,” Ganon says, “they pose a great danger to you.”
Shadow hangs his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t control how I—”
“You are not the perfect being I sought to create, Shadow Link. You are inherently flawed, weak to the light.”
And now the heroes know it too, Shadow realizes, ashamed. Despite all of his prior gleeful theatrics, he hadn’t even considered acting unbothered by the light. Not when it scared him so much, not when it caught his so off-guard. Pathetic.
“However,” continues Ganon, “your failure is not in your weakness.”
Shadow’s breath hitches. “It isn’t?”
“Your failure is in your admittance of defeat. You have the power of darkness at your disposal—use it wisely.”
Shadow takes a deep breath and nods. “Yes, my Lord.”
“You will need to travel in darkness to defeat them,” Ganon instructs. “Do not attempt to approach the heroes during the daytime.”
“But then how am I supposed to—”
“Have patience. Observe. Prevent the four heroes from gaining power, but do not make yourself vulnerable again.”
Shadow’s palms itch. He’s not a delegator, and patience is not one of his virtues. There’s no place for theatricality in this mission. It doesn’t sound fun.
“I won’t disappoint you,” Shadow reassures his creator, already plotting ways to disrupt the heroes’ journey. He could still make this fun. He could succeed, despite his weakness. He isn’t a perfect creation, but he can still be the next best thing.
Or would he be the next worst thing, considering the evil of it all?
“Your supervision is appreciated,” Ganon tells Vaati. “And Shadow Link—”
“I am… proud of what you have accomplished. I look forward to your future successes.”
Shadow breaks out into an almost childish smile. “Thank you, my Lord!”
Ganon doesn’t respond, but his presence still lingers. Vaati and Shadow exchange a tired glance.
“You have to end the call,” sighs the Wind Mage. “Sir.”
“Right,” says Ganon, admitting no fault of his own. “Meeting adjourned.”
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Jaune Got Isekai’d
Jaune burst through the door, weapon held at the ready as he levelled it towards the Demon Queen who sat high upon her throne.
Jaune: Defend yourself foul, Demon Queen! For I am, Jaune Arc! The summoned hero brought to this world a year ago to save it from your vile villainy! So I may return home to my family, and loved ones! Now, prepare for the coming reconning!
: Return to your loved ones…? How funny… For that is exactly why I seek to destroy this world, and avenge my beloved!
She rose frm the throne before, Jaune, allowing him to her in all her radiance, as she prepared to duel to the death, the summoned hero.
Tumblr media
: I am the Demon Queen, Griselda! I have waged a bloody war to avenge the death of my beloved! And, none shall stop for avenging his departed soul! Prepare do die foolish hero! In the Name of my beloved, Ivan Caliphate! Perish you foolish hero!!!
Jaune: …
Jaune: I’m sorry, what did you say his name was?
Griselda: Ivan, Ivan Caliphate.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Did this guy have a more athletic build, and was about say… 6ft tall?
Griselda: Yes, he did… My dearly beloved, oh I miss you so…
Jaune: Okay… Umm… Did he have a chiseled jaw, sharp nose, hawkish deep green eyes, with black hair. And most importantly, did he have a sort of roguish smile that for some inexplicable reason seemed to make his teeth sparkle, on command…?
Griselda: Y-Yes he did? Wait… do you know him…? Does he live, is he well?! Tell me! I beg of thee, tell me!
Jaune: One l-last question… W-When did you meet him…?
Griselda: I thought I had lost him five years ago… But, with your news I may finally be able to reunite with my beloved!
Jaune: (Sharp inhale!) oh fuck…
Griselda: What is wrong…? Did something happen to him…?
Jaune: Well… Uhh… I’m not really sure how to…?!
Griselda: Grrrr!!! Quit stalling for time, and tell me foolish boy!!!
Jaune: I met him, and his wife about four months ago, at his son’s birthday party…
Griselda: W-Wait…? He’s married?! And, he has a son?!
Jaune: Technically he has two sons, and two daughters, of which the oldest of whom is eight years old…
Grisleda: He was married, and with kids when I met him?! A married man cheated on me?! ME?!
Jaune: Technically, he cheated on his wife, with you. B-But, that’s just a semantic argument; A cheater is a cheater, right…?
Griselda: Wait?! Did he fake his death… J-Just because the little bastard didn’t want to dump me in person?! Face-to-face?!
Jaune: Yes…?
Griselda: That gutless coward! He shall pay! He shall pay for his insolence towards me, The Demon Queen! That whoring bastard shall pay!!! Or, the world shall pay!!!
The Demon Queen rose up, dark purple flames burst from her raven wings, as the pointed towards the sky, a huge plume of fire surrounded her body as ig shot into the sky blasting a whole straight through her castle lightening the night in its purplish hues.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh fuck…
Jaune: So after… that happened… Griselda, attacked, Ivan’s home, told the whole story to his wife, who filed for a divorce then on the spot! Of which after the king heard what his nephew had done, and he was furious with him. So he agreed to the annulment, so Ivan, was disowned, disinherited, and cast out from practically everything! And, then a peace summit was held, and a white peace was made, where the only thing, Griselda wanted was, Ivan, which the Kingdom agreed to, so she took him, and created a special demon to torment the cheating bastard for all of eternity. And, after that, there was this party…I dra k too much wine, I honestly have no idea what happened… Then the Demon Queen kindly sent me back Here, and you guys showed up, and asked me if I have been up to anything. And, that’s it.
Pyrrha: …?!
Ren: …?!
Nora: That sounds so awesome!!! Did you get me anything, did you, did you?!
Jaune: I’m sorry, Nora, I tried, but I couldn’t bring anything back with me.
Nora: Naww… I never get anything fun…
Jaune: Maybe next time.
Pyrrha: J-Jaune?
Jaune: Yes?
Pyrrha: W-We’ve been gone for an hour…?
Jaune: Yeah, so?
Ren: You said you were there for over a year?!
Jaune: Yeah, time flows differently here, and there. But, I’m still here! So, what did you three do, it’s been so long since we last spoke.
Pyrrha: Jaune, again, we’ve been gone for an hour.
Jaune: True, however, I haven’t see you in over a year, so you can forgive me for forgetting what ever it was you were doing.
Nora: We we’re getting chocolate!
Jaune: Ohh~! Did you get me anything?
Ren: Jaune?! You haven’t gone anywhere! You’ve been here the whole time!
Jaune: Pfft! Says you…
Ren: Jaune?! There is no way you left the building, the travker on your scroll says you’ve been here the whole time!
Jaune: Oh that’s just because I forgot to take my scroll with me. I left it in Its charger on my desk, see?
Pyrrha: Okay… I think we should take you to the doctor, you need a check up.
Jaune: I’m fine you guys! Perfectly fine!
Ren: Jaune, you’re talking about how you went to this magical fantasy land for over the space of a year, while we went to get some chocolate. Nothing like that could have possibly happened in the space of an hour.
Jaune: Gods! You’re such a kill joy, Ren! Is he always like this, Nora?
Nora: Yes, he is. I think its that green sludge that he likes to drink, it does something to his mind. Something sinister, and dark…
Jaune: We should get that checked out.
Ren: Grr! Jaune! There is no way anything happened to you, while we were gone!
Jaune: Says you, you buzz kill…
Nora: yeah, buzz kill!
Ren: Hey!
Pyrrha: But, this is all a little far fetched don’t you guys think? I mean this couldn’t possibly have hap…?!!
(Bathroom door opens)
Griselda: Okay, just finished up in there. I have to learn how the pumping works, it is just…?! Oh? Hello!
Jaune: Pixy, You’re here, sit down please.
Nora: Pixy?!
Jaune: It’s just a… It’s just a nickname…
Griselda: Oh… I thought it was my pet name~?
Nora: Nice!
Jaune: So… These are my friend I was talking about, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora. Guys, this is, Pi… Griselda, The Demon Queen.
Griselda: Hello, everyone! Jaune, has told me so much about all of, I’m so pleased to finally meet you!
Nora: Wow! Nice wings!
Griselda: Oh, why thank you~!
Nora: So, what’s the, Queen of the Demons doing in a dump like this?
Griselda: Oh, I just need a vacation. After all the problems with my ex… Haa… I needed a break from it all, and Jaune so kindly offered that I could stay with him for a spell~!
Jaune: It was just an offer, I didn’t think you’d actually take it…
Griselda: Well, it was a nice offer, besides I could spend some time with my new… Lover~!
Pyrrha: L-Lover…?
Jaune: W-What?! Since when?!
Griselda: Since you beded me on the day of your departure~! Twas quite unexpected night, but I was more then willing to accept your blade into my sheath~!
Jaune: W-W-What?!
Nora: Whoo! You got some Fearless-Leader, great job!!!
Nora: And… Pyrrha fainted… oh boy…
Jaune: J-Just one moment, Pixy!
Griselda: Take your time, Love~!
Jaune: So umm… Do you now believe me that I was isekai’d now, Ren? Does this look like a lie to you?! DOES IT?!
Ren: …
Jaune: Ren…? Hello, Remnant to, Ren?
Ren: …
Jaune: Uhh… Nora…?
Nora: …
Nora: He’s dead, Jaune.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Those damn smoothies!!! I knew they were deadly!
Nora: I can’t even gloat about it…
Jaune: So why didn’t you take the shortcut like I told you?
Nora: They wouldn’t let me!
Jaune: Those fools! Will they never learn?!
Nora: Probably not.
Jaune: Curses upon their ancestors!
Nora: Curses!
Griselda: I can do that if you want?
Nora: REALLY?!
Jaune: Oh no…
I know its Mercy from, Overwatch, I just like that picture/Skin.
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chungledown-bimothy · 3 months
1 and 13 for the choose violence ask game! (D20 themed unless you have fun answers for something else)
<3 <3 <3 because i've already answered 1 for d20 and have a much better answer for 13, i'm gonna go with kingdom hearts. (i'm sorry if this is completely unintelligible idk if you're a kh guy or not lol)
1- the character everyone gets wrong
terra. there's this widespread belief that he's stupid, but he's really, really not.
that opinion comes from the player having knowledge and genre-awareness that he doesn't. he has a trusting heart, but that's not mutually exclusive with intelligence.
he's in his late teens/early 20s, of course he's gonna trust xehanort, his teacher and mentor of ostensibly years, and it makes sense that he trusts maleficient at first, too. he's new onto the world, why the fuck would he not trust the person he meets right outside the castle with confident insider knowledge?
xehanort's been playing the game and pulling strings for decades (maybe centuries? the kh timeline is a goddamn disaster), as maleficent is also a master manipulator.
riku doesn't get shit for being manipulated by maleficent, terra shouldn't either.
and then there's the mental fortitude he displays. lingering will is a goddamn terrifying opponent, and you can't tell me it doesn't take a sharp mind to hold on to his sense of self for years as the dark figure bound to ansem sod (oh to be bound to billy zane) enough to see and seize the opportunity he gets in 3 to break free and save his friends, to make things right.
tldr terra's not stupid he's just got a big heart and was taken advantage of, and the english voice actor didn't do him any favors.
13- worst blorboficiation.
i say this as someone who is, in fact, extremely unwell about him, but axel gets blorbofied to hell.
yeah he's got a Tragic Backstory, but he did also very much commit completely cold-blooded assassinations (while having his whole Oh Wait I Can Feel Things? arc so it's not like the "Nobodies can't feel things" excuse applies)
yeah vexen he had to kill to keep his cover, and frankly he kinda had it coming, but zexion didn't need to die. certainly didn't deserve "you just found out too much" *snap* poof he's gone.
axel was being honest in his threats to hurt namine to get to marluxia. the man's consistently demonstrated a willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals, and he changes sides all the goddamn time. (which is funny bc of his whole abandonment issues thing but that's a whole other rant)
even after he's a guardian of light, he very much has "as a gentle reminder i am choosing kindness, which means that i am willing to explore other options if i feel the kindness is not working out" energy.
he's a cunt and has a massive violent streak, and that is something that often gets erased in the blorbofication.
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ohifonlyx33 · 11 months
sorry i just had to get this out of my system
even though i've made a poste like this before, I am still struck by the depth and poetry of Ryan O'Neal's songs
Keep your chin up, as you untangle God From cold blood and bruises We are X-rays of something broken
Wrists get tired rewriting futures Our bodies beg us to be creatures of habit
"Fast-forward motion Will gracefully show The flickering story That all of our sketches unfold."
When we were young Our words were innocent Whiter than snow, Awkward and slow.
Now when we speak, We risk an avalanche. But that's not enough now To reroute our plans.
Change is slow, but I feel it taking shape Folding over us like waves On origami ocean tides, we sway Like blueprints constantly being rearranged
So we wrestle with it all The concept of grace And the faithful concrete As it breaks our fall.
Like firewood, Burning bright In the dead of winter, By only a flicker We cling to this life.
We study our story arcs: Inherently good, Or were we broken right from the start?
Our hesitant fingerprints Trace every mountain, Lace every valley Until we're convinced That we know it all by heart Every blade of grass Bears our mark, In the name of being brave, Though it's just another word for being afraid.
While collecting the stars, I connected the dots: I don't know who I am, but now I know who I'm not I'm just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit
No one can unring this bell Unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new God knows, I am dissonance Waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune
We'll build new traditions in place of the old Cause life without revision will silence our souls
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy
Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
I had the most vivid dream My feet had left the ground I was floating to heaven But I could only look down My mind was heavy Running ragged With worst-case scenarios Emergency exits And the distance below I woke up so worried that the angels let go
Bodies fashioned out of dirt and dust For a moment, we get to be glorious Ice sculptures, adorned in light Sand castles built tall, in between the tides I'm stuck swimming in shadows down here It's been forever since I came up for air Flashlight in hand, determined to find Authenticity only poetry could even begin To try to describe
It is the calm water In the middle of an anxious sea Where heavy clouds part and the sunrise starts A fire in the deepest part of me So I let go and in this moment I can breathe
Where there is light, a shadow appears The cause and effect when life interferes The same rule applies to goodness and grief For in our great sorrow, we learn what joy means
It all spills out Reckless but honest words leave out my mouth Like kerosene on a flame of doubt I couldn't make it right Alarms will sound But it's too late for holy water now Sooner or later the fire dies down I'll open up my eyes again And I'll try and find the image of God In mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke
She drew in her first breath, I learned what love meant And my heart, reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest
You begged and begged for some kind of change Maybe they'd wake up tomorrow and regret the pain That they've passed down to you like DNA But no luck, no luck It seems only by the hand of God or death Will they truly change their silhouettes For a miracle or a consequence You wait and wait
"You're alive, quit acting like you're dead" Like a mirror, it spoke so clear "Don't you recognize the reason why you're here? To be enchanted."
A bright sunrise through shattered glass A fountain of youth slipping through the cracks I drag my feet through perfect sand Toward a future I no longer understand
In the water, we remember That nothing, even death Lasts forever I want to swim, I want to swim, I want to try To trust in the mercy of the merciless tide My mother taught me all will be reconciled God, what a gift to be my mother's child
Just a little longer Everything will make sense Broken things will be remade But what about the meantime? How do I ignore the signs that one day Everything I love will fade? I'm too tired to fight In a civil war of faith
There's some kind of Heaven Just around the corner And all this pain will be replaced With unimaginable grace
I am the sail, the plank The mast that breaks and gets replaced I am remade, repaired, reshaped But somehow, still the same Even after every cell in my body changed I know my name
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tam-shade-song · 10 months
I watched TDP season 5 (Spoilers ahead)
I enjoyed it, so here's a list of my general thoughts.
If Rayla's bow was STRUNG and kept in that freaking cave for TWO YEARS there is no way in hell it would have been able to shoot. What moon-shadow magic/plot armor is this???
Rayla didn't even unstring it or check the damages. She SLEPT NEXT TO IT.
I was 100% rooting for Viren to get a redemption arc. There was a lot of magic dream-induced therapy. I approve.
A lot of therapy for everyone, really.
I got really excited for a one-bed-trope at the inn. Alas, they cut to Claudia.
That nova-sword and that body-spell thing are going to be really important, aren't they?
I KNEW they were going to hide in the book drop!
I would have thought dragon hide would be stronger than a bear's teeth.
Did Luxoria have a bear infestation before Viren and Aravos came?
Showing the dragon queen's power right before having her get bitten realllly show how much it would suck if she got shadow-possessed.
Why didn't they tell Tide Pool Tina that Ezran was a literal king? Or why they were searching for the water mage. I think that would have been helpful, and avoided the murder attempts.
When Rayla got the boat I really thought she paid for it with one of her coin-parents.
I liked Scum City. It was neat.
Why didn't Ezran tell the pirate he was king? I would think his credit score would be pretty good.
The return of the pirate guy and Nyx!
Callum got tortured!!! He wasn't even going to reveal the information until Rayla was in danger! He also punched a guy!!!!
I didn't even realize he did dark magic until I saw the tic-tok edits.
DAMN this season got dark
Why did they take the prison? it seems easier to break into the king's castle (the moon-shadow elves did it easy enough) than to go to the bottom of the ocean, especially since Claudia couldn't find it.
Viren has been wearing the same dress/prisoner garb/corpse clothes for like two seasons. Claudia and Terry don't look flithy, but that dress does. Get him a better one, Claudia.
Fingers crossed Viren actually dies and nothing gets in the way.
I am terrified for next season. :)
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amchara · 2 years
Not the distance that scares me (1/2)
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn (Kit/Ty)
Wordcount: 1,542
Post-TWP, Kit finds he has a choice in what he does next.
It makes me sad to think of it. Kit is a good kid who deserves a good, ordinary life. I know that’s what Jem and Tessa want for him, more than anything, after the chaos that was his growing up. But I am not sure he will have a choice in the matter. Fae may not let him choose. - Magnus to Alec (Secrets of Blackthorn Hall) 
(This is me, defying Magnus and Cassie's whole arc for Kit, or at least twisting it, so he gets his happy ending. Er- so there's still angst but look, part two will be happier- happiness through angst, mmkay? 😅
This story fits into my London Files 'verse but no need to have knowledge of them to read this story. But if you're wondering where Ellie comes from)
When he woke up, Ty was beside him. Time must’ve passed from the battle because his face was no longer a blood-stained, desperate ricus; the last image Kit had seen before he passed out. 
There was a softness in Ty’s sharp angles, despite purple shadows highlighting his left cheek; there was a release in his jaw, which had been constantly tense since Livvy had passed on in Thule. A lightness in his storm-grey eyes that told Kit it was all going to be okay.  
“We won.” It wasn’t a question. 
Ty nodded. “But…”
Kit had already known what was missing. The power that had thrummed in his chest, the heaviness of pure energy that he had worn like a mantle for the past few years, the electricity in his veins. It was all gone. 
He closed his eyes. “I know.” 
Ash let out a sigh- and Dru tightened her hold on his hand, providing moral support. 
“I am forever indebte-”
“Shut up,” Kit said amiably. “You would’ve done the same thing for me.”
There was silence between the three of them. Maybe it was true. Maybe it wasn’t. Didn’t matter.
“Plus- I never wanted any of this-” Kit waved his hand around the Seelie Court, decorated to the brim with riotously-coloured flowers and filled with partying Fae. “Have fun playing King of the Castle. You’re much better suited to it.”
Ash rolled his eyes. “The prophecy never mentioned which one of us had to take the actual responsibility for ruling. It’s not too late- you sure you don’t want to rock-paper-scissor for it?” 
Dru snorted lightly as Kit grinned and held up his hands, declining. “King Kit would’ve been too on the nose,” she said. 
“Exactly - plus kinda think you need magic to be a faerie king,” He sketched a full bow he had learned from Kieran, appropriate for a Queen Consort, wondering if she would pick up on it. 
She narrowed her eyes and Kit was delighted at her suspicious look. 
Then he turned serious for a moment. “But- I do have a few loose ends that I might need to tie up.” The folk in the forest, and Juno and the others who had helped him during his brief reign. To be exiled forever from Faerie– Ash was within his right to do so. Or at least, heavily restrict Kit’s access, given his Nephilim blood. But he was banking on some good will being carried over from his First Heir heritage. 
Ash held out his hand. “You are always welcome here, my brother.” A pendant flashed in his hand- a similar trinket to Cristina and Jaime’s eternidads.
Kit accepted it with quiet thanks, beating down a brief pang of jealousy at Ash’s ease and fluidity of summoning it.   
Alec raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t normally work like this, Kit.” But his face wasn’t unsympathetic, and Kit was fairly sure he was going to get his way.
“You would’ve lost me to the Faerie Courts, if things hadn’t turned out differently,” Kit said, trying to keep from crossing his arms, remain relaxed. “Also consider - it works for the Amish. They have like- an 80% return rate for their rumspringa. Consider it something like that for me.” He didn’t want to be adversarial with Alec. He wasn’t sure what the future held but he didn’t want this door closed forever. 
“Are you coming back?” Alec asked, his blue eyes grave below dark eyebrows. 
Kit shrugged. “I might not. That’s the risk you have to take. But if you say no, it’s not exactly endearing me to Shadowhunter life, is it?” he countered.
Alec sighed. “No, not at all. But you have to understand- usually when people leave, it’s permanent. They can’t return. It’s the law.”
“So change it,” Kit countered. “It’s a bad law. You’re the Consul- that’s within your power.”
A hint of a smile crossed Alec’s face. “You’ve been spending too much time with the Blackthorns.” 
Despite Kit’s attempt to keep a steady countenance, something must’ve slipped through, as Alec sighed. “All right- I’ll see what I can do.”
“And don’t make it an exception just because it’s me,” Kit pressed. “Really- you should let all Shadowhunter kids have that choice.”
“I know.” Alec’s voice was firm. “Now, get out of my office and stop telling me how to do my job.” But he smiled too. “Enjoy your mundane year.”
Kit left the Gard feeling like a second invisible burden had lifted like wings off his shoulders.   
“Not fair! You’re abandoning me just when I’m about to get my training wheels taken off,” Ellie complained, her voice sharp on the phone. “I haven’t shown you my wicked demon-slaying prowess yet.”
“Not sure that you’re gonna get to do that much demon-slaying in upstate New York,” Kit said. “Apparently the second last stop before Boringtown. Or that’s what Magnus keeps insisting is  the case.”  
“Hey! We’ve definitely seen a couple of raveners around. But more importantly, second years get more privileges to visit the local town, which is very Hogsmeade of them,” Ellie admitted. “Okay… but you’ll be back for my Ascension ceremony, right?”
Kit smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” But he suddenly shivered, as if a cold wind had blown through the room. 
“Am I the last one?” 
“To say good-bye to?” Kit felt rooted to the spot. He hated this. He wanted to go to Ty, who was standing behind his chair, as if to shield himself from Kit. His eyes kept sliding past Kit’s to the gold and green paneling behind. 
“Yeah,” Kit said. “I said good-bye to Tessa and Jem and Mina, and then asked Tessa to make me Portal to Blackthorn Hall.” 
“Hmmm.” Ty put down his tools, letting one of his long, elegant hands smooth over what looked like one of his Sensors. It was calm and deliberate, and if Kit hadn’t spent months with Ty, relearning every little tic, studying every small movement as if he could etch it on his heart, he would’ve thought Ty didn’t care. 
“Ty- you understand why I have to go, right?” Some of the misery must have bled through in his voice, given how sharply Ty had looked up, his hands fluttering briefly before calming. 
Their eyes met across the room, and Kit clenched his fists, willing himself not to move. He wished. Slowly, Ty walked towards him. Kit could feel his heart beating wildly and he didn’t stop his traitorous hands from reaching out, wrapping Ty in a tight embrace. 
“Kit. I need you,” Ty’s voice was barely above a whisper, said into Kit’s ear. He took a deep breath. And then another. And another. Kit breathed in sync with him. “I know,” Kit said. “I do too,” he admitted. 
They held one another, as close as they had in the caves of faerie. As they had in the safehouses of Thule. As they had in the ruins of Edom. 
Kit wondered why this was the hardest embrace to break. Perhaps it was because this time, they had a choice what they did next, rather than a destiny to fulfil. Perhaps it was because he was still choosing to walk away from it all. 
But it’s different this time, he tried to remind himself.   
Ty pulled back. “But you need to go,” he said. “I also need you to go.”
“Hey,” Kit tried to keep it light, despite the fierce ache in his chest. “I thought we stopped saying that kind of stuff to one another after Thule.”
Ty smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re the one going away again. I thought this time I could at least have a say.”
Kit winced and Ty’s face crumpled. “Sorry. That’s not what I meant to say,” Ty said. He muttered something under his breath that Kit couldn’t quite hear. 
He looked directly at Kit. “You’re going because you want to figure out who you are, outside of your lineage,” he said softly. He reached up to trace Kit's jawline, sending a shiver down Kit’s spine. “And you can’t do that here in the Shadow World.” 
Kit nodded.
Ty dropped his hand. “The glamour is very subtle but you do look different. I expect that’s part of it.”
Kit sighed. “Yeah, I asked Tessa and Catarina to put on their strongest spells, so that I’m disguised completely as a mundane.”
“That’s smart,” Ty’s gaze was looking at his neck, wrists, forearms- all now completely devoid of Marks, including his very first rune, the voyance one given to him by Ty.  
“Will you be okay here?” Kit hated how wistful his voice sounded. 
“I will be,” Ty said, and he was already looking back at his sensor. 
Kit wasn’t offended. He knew that Ty had his work as a Centurion, Anush, Irene… he had his family- who were all helping him heal from Livvy’s passing. Kit wasn’t his whole world. And that was a good thing. 
But just as quickly, Ty was back watching him. He looked steadily at Kit. Unlike others, he didn’t ask if Kit would come back. 
Instead he said: “I’ll be here.” 
And Kit, with his eyes starting to blur with tears, leaned forward. He kissed Ty and then left. 
(part two will hopefully be up tomorrow/Friday)
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duck-kmt · 1 year
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I watched Kimetsu in theaters 😭💞 it was sooooo good, i'm so excited for the next season. Here's my Impressions so don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.
They give a booklet at the entrance containing a short lore recap, staff commentary, keyframes of the Upper Moons and a Setsubun postcard ("Demons out! Fortune in!" ... why is Zenitsu playing the demon when Nezuko is right here??? Well I guess I wouldn't have the heart to throw her beans either... but....)
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It started with a short recap of season 1 with Gurenge playing in the back, then Mugen Train with Akeboshi, then a recap of season 2 until the last two episodes that were screened again in their entirety.
I think rewatching them on the big screen made me appreciate them more - I watched it a lot of time already, but I cried again at Gyuu and Daki's last moments. I love how the lightwork is done in this scene, Ume always in the light but ultimately joining Gyuutarou in the dark... it's beautiful 😭
Then after Zankyou Sanka played, finally Swordsmith Village arc started!!
Episode 1 is one hour long.
It starts with the Upper Moon meeting and WOW ... Infinity Castle is BEAUTIFUL and extremely stylish. I was impressed with the camera work- usually I am not a huge fan of 3D and 2D mixed together but this was so well done, I was really in awe. Especially I have in mind a shot of Akaza with the camera panning up, it looked so smooth! Maybe it's evil of me lol but I had in mind Chainsaw Man anime which tried and, most often failed at incorporating 2D characters into 3D environments... Ufotable gave us a lesson in how to do it masterfully IMO.
(They are still not forgiven for the ugly Enmu tentacles in Mugen Train. But I Almost forgive them because Infinity Castle looked that amazing. Makes me look forward to the final arc...!)
The whole scene had that pressuring, stressful feeling to it- you can Feel how dreadful Muzan is even to the Upper Moons and I really liked that. The weird camera work due to Infinity Castle's messed gravity added to that uncomfortable atmosphere.
Mamoru Miyano as Douma is ... well... what you'd expect of Mamo lol- and I feel this character enables him to perform in that over-the-topness that fits him so well, so him and Douma are a match made in heavens.
Kousuke Toriumi is Gyokko, I felt odd about it but it works, he's gross and gives me kimochi warui feelings so it's a success lol. Seeing the mouths and eyes animated adds to the grossness.
Toshio Furukawa is Hantengu!!!!! I'm so excited!!! I'm sorry but I have a huge Furukawa bias, especially lately, so I'm glad he took on a new role... in Kimetsu no less...! And again it might be my bias lol but his acting breathed a lot of life into a character I never paid much attention to. It's exciting! IDK if he'll dub all the Hantengus or just the tiny wrinkled one... I hope he gets to play them all and show off in a cool role again 😤
Marina Inoue is Nakime. And well... we don't hear her much. But actually hearing the Biwa really adds to the unsettling feeling of the scene.
And finally Okiayu Ryoutarou is Kokushibou. FINE! I believed Koku would be dubbed by Tsudaken to the very end...😭 But Okiayu's Koku had that terrifying air of greatness to him, I love how he performs the signature slow speech, so I approve of him 😤 (who cares about my approval really.)
Anyways, Upper Moon meeting was a huge flex all around- the music, the animation, the camera work, the lights, the characters - it makes the Infinity Castle, And Muzan, as huge and terrifying as they should be. And IMO it will make the last arc much clearer to understand.
(i think during the commentary Shimono and Kitou had said something about demons showing up and getting lost in there because it's so huge😂)
Then the focus switches to Tanjirou's dream of Sumiyoshi and Yoriichi. The way Yoriichi appears mirrors the way Kokushibou is introduced - focusing on his back, his hair color, his earrings, and finally his face. Kokushibou looking absolutely terrifying with loud orchestra music in the back, Yoriichi appearing calm and (apparently) serene in a quiet dream. This was very well done, and effectively tricked my anime-only friend who watched with me into thinking they are the same person 😂 Well done!
IIRC Sumiyoshi wasn't dubbed by Hanae? I'm not too sure. But otherwise looked the exact same as Tanjirou down to the color palette.
Tanjirou wakes up and events unfold just like in the manga. A bit more of focus on Gotou, and Kanao is really cute in that scene, it's good hearing her raise her voice.
We see Inosuke departing on a new mission, and Zenitsu who has already left to one. Of course he's crying and complaining, but he's wearing a cute scarf with a pattern reminiscing of Chuntarou. Cute!
We get good panoramic shots of the Swordsmith Village which...makes me want to travel frankly. I need to go to a hot springs soon haha. Some added scenes I think of Tanjirou watching the Swordsmiths at work, praising their skills and showing gratitude.
Mitsuri is still introduced through the onsen scene- but this time we get a butt shot and a front shot panning up from her crotch to her face. Nice. (important commentary)
Mitsuri is like, a role made for Kana Hanazawa lol, she just sounded really cute in every scene, but also serious when needed. Her complaining about Genya ignoring her then quickly changing her mood when dinner is mentioned was cute. The 'Kanroji Mitsuri supports the Kamado siblings!' line was really good as well. I think special care was put into the scenes where she interacts with Nezuko, I like the way their hands were animated, and the focus put on them in the scene where Mitsuri mentions her own siblings. I'm glad Nezuko has someone giving her affection that isn't Tanjirou. As Kitou said she's always surrounded by boys so this was really cute and heartwarming.
When Mitsuri runs to Tanjirou and he yells 'Watch out! Your chest is going to show!', he catches her and fixed her kimono so her boobs are tucked in again. Tanjirou is such a good boy ... what a cute scene lol. I also liked the way she whispers into his ear and he tries to keep silent through his nosebleed. A Good Boy indeed.
Then Tanjirou finds a tooth in the bath...
Finallly... At last.... Genya!!!! 😭💞 I got so excited seeing him at last!!! I was so worried because on every piece of promo art he has been so far, he's drawn so weird, I guess to match his appearance from the manga, but I'm really glad it was updated as well to match his design from this arc in the manga... He looks so good, so handsome, I'm sorry I have a Genya bias, he's one of my favourite so my heart leaped when I saw him 😭
The timing of the scene was fast paced, but well done! Tanjirou reminisces the boy he met at Final Selection, shouts his full name, and strips- this is where the eyecatch is (the eyecatch's illustration is a naked Tanjirou with his crotch covered by a crow lol.)
And of course he is told 'Die!' immediately as his head is pushed into the water... Even if it pains me because Genya is always compared to Bakugou and it's dumb and I Hate It, I Have faith in Nobuhiko Okamoto to deliver us a good Genya! He didn't say much but I liked it! A very genya like 死ねえ!!! Thank you!
I want to watch it again, it was fast so I didn't get to look at how Genya's body is drawn enough...😤 it sounds weird but, I wanted to take a good look at his scars...
Anyways, the episode ends with Tanjirou looking for the mysterious weapon Mitsuri mentioned and stumbling upon Muichirou, Kotetsu (dubbed by Ayumu Murase I think?), and the Yoriichi doll, which only the back can be seen, making Tanjirou (and the anime-only viewer. rubbing my hands together evilly at my friend who went Ooohhh!!!! next to me in the theater.) mistake it for an actual person. There's focus on the earring of course, and it's a great way to end the episode, tying the doll's cliffhanger appearance with Kokushibou's introduction and Yoriichi's appearance in Tanjirou's dream, tricking you into thinking they are all the same person... Well done ufotable well done...
Finally, the opening plays - by Man with a Mission (one of my favourite bands!!! wowie!!) and Milet. I don't have much to say because it was so fast paced lol, but it was good! They do the thing again where Tanjirou + the hashira of the arc, here Mui and Mitsuri, look together in the same direction. A slight spoiler right? Rengoku san....😭😭😭
Right, also about the opening! I wish Genya showed up more. Did we see his gun? I don't remember. He gets a short sequence and is seen again in the end in a group shot of the cast. (shut up about Genya. shut up about Genya.)
After that there was the cast commentary and appearance of the cute Kamaboko chibi mascots, them all together making a little ceremony celebrating officially the beginning of Kimetsu World Tour😌
And that was it!
I'm so excited I'm going to die. I almost want to go again LOL i want to tattoo every frame Genya appears in my brain 😤😤😤
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
My thoughts so far (mainly the arc from Retrace XXXVI to Retrace XLII—trio investigates Sablier arc?)
1] Glen Baskerville: so, we get a face reveal for the ‘evil mastermind’ behind the Tragedy of Sablier. But before we talk about the meeting between Glen and Oz, I want to talk about Lottie’s bits of memories from the Tragedy.
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—out of all the events shown to us through Cheshire’s dimensions and even at Sablier itself, I can only trust these bits of Lottie’s memories (surprise!)—why? Because, for one, she has no reason to lie about her treasured master; and two, she is still alive. Alice from 100 years ago is long dead and the chain Alice has no memories of her past. She is just like us, readers, clueless of the actual events. And whatever memories we do see, I can’t trust them, being all shaky, distorted and twisted and traumatized.
Anyway, I felt something was off about the three panels even during my first read but I couldn’t place what exactly. I simply assumed it was because Glen’s face was shrouded in darkness and mystery, looking all cruel and villainous.
But I think I know what rubbed me wrong about the panels. It’s the urgency in his behavior. Why is he so agitated here? If the plan was made to sink Sablier into the Abyss to appease(?) the Will, then he should sit back and enjoy the game, no? Like, say, Father from FMA, who had a similar masterplan and motive to sink Amestris and make a Philosopher’s Stone out of all the souls. Not to mention, why did he give the order to Lottie and Co. to kill all the people? They might have been sacrificed to the Will, dead or alive, right?
Here we get the answer from Glen himself—
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The Will of the Abyss didn’t exist in the beginning. The Abyss itself was probably some sort of an energy source before it was granted a vessel. I am not yet sure of the exact details but what I strongly believe is that the White-Haired Alice is in reality a human and the actual twin sister of our Alice who was kept trapped inside Rapunzel's castle. But that raises a ton of other questions like—who placed her inside the Abyss? If it were the Baskervilles, did they believe she won’t have a ‘will’ of her own? Did they really think she would simply be a robot for them to use? And again, who is ‘Alice’? And how is she special to make them think she could act as a vessel for the Abyss?
Okay, well, that aside, Glen’s logic here actually makes sense to me? (or maybe I just listen better to dark-haired emo guys ahem so don’t take this seriously lol I am not trying to condone his actions or anything just trying to understand both sides of the argument) It’s similar to what Break said in Retrace IX. The power of the Abyss is malfunctioning, has pervaded the human world, currently disrupting it—the only way to set it right is by obtaining the Intention of the Abyss. Well, how Oz calculates into his equation or why he is called a Key is not yet clear but this—
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—seems important. It appears before Oz existed, only the Baskervilles, the servants of the Abyss, could access it but after Oz’s ‘birth’, everyone can do so.
Soooo, taking away all that ominous shading from around Glen, that’s what he too is saying, right? I am almost starting to believe that Glen was actually trying to set right the accident—not planning for it—because that way I get the answer to another one of my questions: why did he give the order to kill all the people in Sablier? Why could the people not have been sacrificed alive to the Intention, if sacrifice of so many people was to be the end outcome anyway?
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Honestly, from his agitation and his overall urgency and his apparent hurry to even pause to answer his subordinates’ very valid question, it felt less like a planned affair and more like a last-minute rush hour, more like he was running out of time. Why was he running out of time if this Tragedy was planned in advance?
On the other hand, if–if he didn’t know this Tragedy was gonna take place, and if the Intention suddenly started to pull down the capital, his reaction would make sense. I think, so I ask, was he trying to save the people of Sablier from a Fate worse than Death, as they say? Anything that gets dragged into the Abyss gets converted into Chains or something worse (see: Vincent shot down Phillipe’s dad before he got dragged into the Abyss?), I think Glen gave the urgent yet baffling order to kill the people so that they ‘die’ before they get dragged into the Abyss.
[Well, I think I am wrong anyway; somehow none of my guesses are working for this story lol. Two faults I can easily pick on in my theory: 1] Lottie and co. were alive and well in spite of being dragged into the Abyss and 2] the people could have been evacuated from Sablier, no? or perhaps it was too late for even that?]
Next, this—
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Glen is not a memory, is he? He is actually talking to Oz. At first, he wrongly assumed that Oz was Jack and addressed him so; but then he realized his mistake.
And then, comes the familiar line—the Baskervilles said this, his dad said this and now, Glen too—
Your sin is your very existence.
—let me tell you I didn’t take this line seriously until now. Eh, it’s some line that is being repeated to make a Tragic Hero with a Tragic Backstory out of Oz—is what I thought. But now, a guy who has no connection to Oz whatsoever repeats the same line, out of nowhere, without any outside influence or knowledge, merely by looking ‘inside’ the boy; and I am suddenly being forced to wonder what it means (perhaps in a literal sense)
Oz should not have existed.
Alternatively, Oz shouldn’t have been born.
Xai Vessalius said the same thing too. Pretty sure this has something to do with Oz being the Key to access the Abyss, but what exactly he can do is unclear to me.
(Oh, an additional complaint (of sorts?): uh, I didn’t like Jack’s attitude toward Lottie and co., they were merely asking for an answer from him (they were even quite casually polite unlike their usual attitude towards the others); while the answer he gives them is: 1) he is trying to protect his friend’s reputation (before his own subordinates?? Please. The Baskervilles seem too loyal to their master. Even if the truth is too hard and too cruel to digest, they would have accepted it as one of their master’s orders anyway.) and 2) that Lottie won’t stand a chance before the B-Rabbit’s power… which okay? Doesn’t answer their question though? Honestly, feels like he is trying to scare them away from the truth more than anything else. And if my theory is right, and Glen was actually trying to save the people, then why would he (or the Baskervilles) want to bring about another Tragedy of Sablier? *shrugs in idek anything at this point*)
Moving on,
2] Vincent, Gil and the Will of the Abyss: (or, as I believe the girl talking so rudely to Gil and Vincent. I won’t have it that it’s our sweet Alice being the one mocking him about his eyes but if it is so, then well…)
Anyway, she is the one that tells Vincent about Glen and five chains that exist within his body: Jabberwock (the one Glen had in the scene with Oz), Raven (Gil’s), Dodo, Owl, Griffon (Xai’s chain) (all creatures from Alice in Wonderland). Also, that Glen is an undead spirit that keeps changing bodies (like atla!avatar), that he rules over the Baskervilles, that Gil would be the next Baskerville head and so unless Vincent stops the ceremony to transfer Raven into Gil’s body, Gil will die. Why would Gil die if he is meant to be the next heir; it makes no sense. Pretty sure the Will was simply lying to make Vincent open the Door.
The solution—open the Gates of the Abyss (real reason: so the Abyss could creep into the human world, huh?) which Vincent believed and did anyway… kickstarting the Tragedy of Sablier. (So, that’s all Vincent remembers? I hoped we could learn more from him; but the next thing he was seeing after opening the Gate was the massacre in Sablier.)
So, in the present, Vincent desires the Will of the Abyss so he can reverse time and make it so that the Tragedy never happened in the first place. yk, this is one rare situation where I actually wish Time could be reversed and the past could be restored because Vincent was only a little child at the time. He just desperately wanted to protect his brother (and prove that he is not a curse or burden to his brother) but the adults around him used this vulnerability to manipulate him into committing acts beyond his full comprehension. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing indeed. Even then, and taking Break’s case as an example, even if he manages to reverse the Tragedy, something even bigger and more tragic must happen.
Also, about Raven: apparently, transferring this chain to Gil was the first step to make Gil the next heir to the Baskervilles. Vincent was against this 100 years ago yet he willingly shows Raven to Gil in the present (ten years ago i.e.). Why? Is this some part of his plan? To try and make Gil remember his past? Or, so they find an irreplaceable position in the Nightray household? Or, considering his calculations to change the past, this contract won’t matter anyway—is what he thinks?
I am worried about Gil, too. What is the ‘kill him, kill him,’ saying going on inside his head? Break correctly points out that those thoughts aren’t his own. I can’t explain why but I feel like it’s Raven that’s feeding him these thoughts. Or, it could also be the B-Rabbit chain that is under his control or something. Uhhh, idk what’s going on with Gil, nothing good obviously.
About Gil, Jack and Glen: I thought Gil was Jack’s servant in the past, that’s why he feels so bonded to Oz but turns out this is not so. Although strange why—
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Even in Cheshire’s domain, Gil is the one that ran into Jack first. I wonder…
Another thing: Gil obviously doesn’t remember anything from his past, but did he know Glen? There must have been some communication between Glen and Gil 100 years ago if he was chosen to be the next heir and all. Was Glen Gil's master, if not Jack?
Either way, it’s sad—the two brothers’ relationship. In spite of all their hardships, they clearly cared for each other even if the thought seemed to have entered Gil’s mind several times to just up and leave Vincent behind (which he thankfully didn’t. He is his only relative, after all.) Vincent too cares a lot for Gil, if not for anyone else. And was ready to listen to the words of some strange lady in strange robes (kids, never accept candy advice from strangers, okay?) to help his big bro.
3] Miranda Burma:
Ah, this lady.
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And this lady:
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are the same, right?
This bitch lady was the one manipulating the hell out of a little child. She has played an important role in the Tragedy by getting to open the Gate to the Abyss. Perhaps, as a member of one of the noble houses, she was granted entry to the Baskerville Mansion, and she decided to misuse this trust to bite the hand of her own host.
Anyway, her existence in the story makes me all the more certain that the Tragedy came onto the Baskervilles as suddenly as Vincent opening the Gate to the Abyss. And that the four Dukedoms each have something or the other to do with this Tragedy. Perhaps, they were jealous of the power the Baskervilles held, that they alone could act as the Servants of the Abyss and wanted the Doors to the Abyss for themselves?
Oooh, could it be that Jack Vessalius too is part of the plot? What a twist it would make yum! Did he betray his best friend’s trust in him to plot with the other Dukedoms against him? After the Baskervilles were defeated, he must have been declared the ‘Hero’ by the other Dukedoms for all his help, eh? Perhaps, there is some truth to Lottie’s accusation, after all? Jack didn’t defend himself then—simply scared her off with the B-Rabbit’s power.
Also, very interesting that four of the five chains that originally belonged to Glen were shared between the Dukedoms like spoils of the war.
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This scene is a red herring, yes? Glen’s Evil Smirk TM is supposed to be taken as—ah, obviously he is in cahoots with her and the Plan, but that seems too obvious to me; I rather feel like she was someone he trusted a lot and was simply smiling in acknowledgement, not knowing of the secret betrayal going on around him. I have read too many detective novels to fall for something this obvious hahaha.
side note: she is totally a manipulative bitch but her hair is beautiful lol
4] Xai Vessalius: oh yeah, and what about the Vessalius' household head? The one who hates his ‘son’ so much that he is ready to personally cast him as far as possible into the Abyss to maintain some distance lol. The Burma Dukedom was clearly ‘in’ the Tragedy, but seeing that Xai Vessalius and Duke Nightray are working together (at least in some capacity, for the Duke vouched for Xai’s alibi while the latter was def in the Coming-of-age ceremony) makes me wonder (once again)—who is on whose side? Who is telling the truth? What are they hiding? The truth behind the Tragedy of Sablier?
Plus, Rufus Barma reads out (from a book that no one but he can read which in itself is suspicious lol) that Jack sacrificed his body to stop Glen (the spirit) from resurrection but… that might also be because the four Dukedoms don’t want Glen to awaken (otherwise the truth might come out).
Not to mention, there is this and idk what to make of it—
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The more I continue with this story, the more it feels like Oz came into existence from very dubious sources just like the Intention of the Abyss.
And what about sweet Uncle Oscar? Is he as good-natured and jovial as he appears? In spite of Gil repeatedly telling him that Xai was the mastermind of the Incident at the Coming-of-Age ceremony, he simply brushes his statement off. Are both brothers (and Duke Nightray) in this together?
But Xai also seems to be acting with the Baskervilles. Maybe, in his own faceless (lol why is his face not revealed already?) methods, he too is simply trying to uncover the truth from 100 years ago and really, nobody knows anything?
5] Alice and Jack (and Lacie): Well, I didn’t learn anything new about these two except for that the eerie tune we’ve been hearing right from the first chapter and the grave belongs to ‘Lacie’. She was someone very beloved to Glen and had to be made into a sacrifice for the Abyss. (Well, that’s a lot of things to unpack but for now I am not gonna make wild assumptions bc i am gonna be wrong anyway.)
only thing: if my theory that “the Tragedy of Sablier was orchestrated by the four dukedoms to get hands on the Doors to the Abyss and get rid of the Baskervilles who were caught right in the middle of a crossfire when Vincent opened the Gate” is wrong, then the other theory could be something like: Glen sacrificed the people of Sablier to the Abyss as a cost to get back Lacie or something. (yk, the trope of the villain ready to throw away the world for the sake of one ‘beloved’ person)
6] Human Experimentation: arrgghhh I was right about this and now I am sad I was right, bc Phillipe is gonna be used for these experiments, right? The so-called facility to take in kids whose parents were illegal contractors seems above board and done in a good cause and all (or so our main trio and Leo-Eliot believe; Leo is esp. good with the kids) so the author can hit them (and me) hard when they find out that the kids have been used in experimentation and never gonna return. ‘Endless supply of human guinea pigs’ are you kidding me?!! I already had a hunch that the organization of Pandora was shady af and now I have proof.
7] Eliot Nightray: I don’t know what to make of this boy yet; but I am warming up to him anw because he is such a tsundere lmao. He clearly wants to react positively whenever Oz loudly offers to be friends, instead he is having this ‘stoned’ expression on his face ///>^<///
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(lol he is so funny; He is literally the anime single-canine-in-mouth-when-mad catboy in this whole dark affair lmao)
or has a constant nerve popping on his face somewhere lol
Another curious thing: he claims he wrote the song Lacie (the same song Glen wrote) so...... what does it mean? Is he destined to be the next host for Glen? Does he share his memories? And he even has the nightmare of burning buildings and people dying (Tragedy of Sablier, right?) Eliot as the next Glen is something I’d definitely want to see. He’d look so cool with all those layers of robes.
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okay he looks really handsome here; had I read PH 10 years ago, I might have crushed on him so hard hehehe
8] Baskerville clan: now that Zwei and the one who cast Oz into the Abyss, Xai are both revealed to be /not/ Baskervilles, I believe only Lottie, Fang and the other guy are the only remaining Baskervilles. Oh, and the new young girl who appeared from the Gate still in possession of the Baskervilles–Lily.
I am actually warming up to this little ragtag group of mass murderers. They might be villains to this story (or not from their pov) but they are still family—Lottie being the older sister,
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Fang gives off Tired DILF of FourTM energy (how did I not notice him before? I am in love with the way he talks &lt;;3),
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Lily is the little sister.
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Lottie came across as super weird in the beginning but I feel like that’s all just a cover to hide her hurt feelings at her own helplessness and their inability to find their master’s body and give him peace.
The scene where she is consoling Lily and recounting her own experiences:
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She looks so sad here :((
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And, just like that, I am down for the villains once again lol
9] Oz and Alice: lol I am not even trying to understand what’s going on with Oz anymore. That he is able to use B-Rabbit's power on his own is one thing, but why is he wielding the scythe as well all of a sudden? Does the power of the B-Rabbit keep transferring to Oz’s body the more he uses it? What will happen to Alice then? Will her soul disappear? Because as I understand, B-Rabbit merely assumes the form of Alice bc it is harder to maintain the whole form,, but Alice was already dead 100 years ago. So, what is in the B-Rabbit chain must be more or less a small fragment of her soul. If the B-Rabbit finds a stronger host, is it automatically transferring to it? Maybe then, Alice can finally rest in peace ;-;? I just hope she finds the whole truth of her life before she passes for good this time. This girl is becoming lonelier and more lost as the story proceeds. And even her chipper and boisterous attitude is more forced these recent chapters unlike the first few chapters. Oh, I can’t even remember the last time she was hungry for meat TT~TT
To end this long essay on a funny note, have a panel of Alice ‘kissing’ Oz in the end—I am laughing at the shape of Oz’s cheek at the end of the ‘kiss’
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card-queen · 8 months
I wanna ask all the questions on that ask game haha but how about: 5, 6, 36, and 39?
5. COSTUME - How much research have you done for your WIP?
Enough research to dazzle and bewilder others, I'd say.
I wanted to make religions for my world, so I spent weeks watching videos on all kinds of religions and what they mean. I wanted to create a language or two for my world, so I learned about all the sounds made and in what languages they're found in so that I could draft up the sounds I liked for the languages I imaged based on how they'd sound. Then I started putting the languages together (3 now) based on SVO, SOV, and VSO structures.
Basically, anytime I got mildly curious about an aspect of the world I wanted to develop, I dove headfirst into everything I could find and filled my head with the basics, ideas of where I could take things and how I might use them! I never really finished school, so I've always had this mentality that I'm behind and I'll have to work 5x harder just to keep up with everyone else!
6. COURAGE - What's the last word you had to google the definition of?
Antechamber. I remember this. For some reason, I really wanted to get persnickety with describing the castle interior instead of calling it an entrance hall. I use OneLook for all my thesaurus needs and it kind of doubles as a dictionary too.
36. PAST - How much do you foreshadow a plot twist?
I try and aim for a decent amount of foreshadowing. I tend to take an Overcooked type of approach where there's so much going on here and there that you might let things slip from your mind as you focus on something else, or you might hold onto certain details as important and be proven correct later. Too many people seem desperate to pull some 'gotcha' with their audience, depriving them of their natural right to say 'I KNEW IT!!' I lay my cards out and I say focus on what you like, I won't hide things from you.... but I may disguise them or they may gain greater meaning later, so be on your toes ;)
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
I answer this one, but I shall copy my response:
Legally, I am not allowed to say. But I am salivating at certain scenes for the future that involve certain characters. I will just say there are three that I am REALLY looking forward to: "Chain Blade Man" "The Witch" "Jovial Schemer"
To twist the question and answer something you didn't ask, which of my characters would make the best villain if they had a villainous, dark arc...
I'd say... Gwynnen. If he lost everything and no longer believe that justice was real, he could really snap and become a tyrant. He's really tightly wound and if I was a man creator, I could put this man through utter Hell just to break him. I have no intentions of doing that though. ;)
...for now, anyways.
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howlingday · 1 year
Heyo, I saw you’re taking requests on RWBY AU stuff so I’m gonna take a gamble on an idea that I’m also working on myself.
Seeing that I’m a huge MCU-nerd and the MCU is getting darker with the past and first special presentation; an RWBY/MCU Crossover AU where Ruby meets Jack Russell aka Werewolf By Night.
I can see this happening for three reasons; One; they would get along very well and have an interesting dynamic. Two; Ruby would fit in with the supernatural side of the MCU as a huntress and given what she went through post Vol 8, I really think she can have someone to help her out. And three; (probably the most important) Jack fits well into Ruby’s character inspiration but plays a twist in it as well. (Basically if the wolf was good and grew a connection)
Have fun! (Side Note; I can see Ruby also geeking out like she usually would with semblances about Jack being a werewolf.)
"Oh, excuse me!" Ruby apologized after she gathered her books. The comic book shop was normally empty, so she usually put her headphones on and moved as she liked. Stopping in place, wildly moving around corners, sliding up to counters. Here, she was wild and free. Usually.
"It's no problem." The older gentleman said, helping her pick up her books. He hold one in particular and stared at it. The cover was a wolfman with black fur and red eyes, holding a woman with long, blonde hair. He smirked at the image. "Werewolves, huh?" He said, handing the book to her.
She blushed and quickly took the book. "Yeah, it's just something I saw and I thought might be good for a laugh." Ruby chuckled anxiously.
"Well, I'm not one to judge." He shrugged, then extended his hand. "Jack Russel."
"Ruby Rose." She nodded, taking his hand and shaking it. "And sorry, I'm usually the only one in here."
Jack nodded. "Kind of the queen of the castle here, right?"
"No, no!" Ruby waved her hands after setting the books on the counter. "I mean, I don't own the place, so I wouldn't say I'm the queen, but-"
"Easy." Jack held up a hand. "I was just joking. Honestly, I'm only in here because I got bored waiting for my friend. He was supposed to meet me across the street, but he's running late. Thought I'd check out this comic shop."
"Oh, uh, okay." Ruby scratched her cheek.
His pocket buzzed, and he pulled out a scroll. "Oh, speak of the Grimm." He chuckled. "Well, I guess I better going. My buddy is wondering where I am. It was nice meeting you, Ruby."
"And you, too." Ruby nodded.
"Oh, and uh, be careful, Ruby." He said turning to the door. "I hear the moon will be full tonight, and you know what they say about full moons and werewolves."
Ruby flushed at the statement. "Uh, y-yeah, I will!" She then sighed and looked to the romance comic on the counter, embarrassed by the whole topic. She wished it never happened, but there were a lot of things she never wished.
Still, if it turned out to be the worst thing that happened tonight, then all the better, right?
When Ruby turned the corner, the scent of iron hit her first, almost making her throw up. The walls were stained crimson under the pale, full moon. Scattered about the alley walls were the torn bodies of one of Roman Torchwick's gang. Armed with only guns and clubs, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the ill-equipped criminals.
From the shadows, crawling on all fours, the monster made itsself known. Red ichor dripping from it's dark maw, it growled as it approached Ruby. She withdrew Crescent Rose and readied herself to fight.
In a blink, the beast was above her! She rolled forward, to escape it's landing, cornering herself in the process. It charged forward, sweeping a wide arc with it's stained claws, spraying drops of blood across the stones of the alleyway. Ruby jumped away, then lunged forward on landing, sweeping her own bladed arc with her scythe. The beast lept over, and dove for her. She dodged with a Petal Burst under the monster, towards the opening of the alleyway. On her landing, she turned and fired on the beast. It grazed it's shoulder, making it roar in pain.
As she reloaded, shifting the stock lever back and forth, the wolfman jumped onto the wall, then fell upon the girl. Surprised by his speed, Ruby fell back and kept the weapon between herself and the monster. The stench of blood and death nauseated her, and fear gripped her heart as her baby was tossed away. It leaned in close, and for the first time in many years, Ruby was certain she was about to die. Tears welled as she whimpered.
It made a great inhale as it drew closer, and then... it backed away. It crawled back, keeping it's eyes on her. It's blue eyes. It then lept onto a wall, then on the opposite, and then lept to the roof. It gazed down at her again, before disappearing into the night.
Soon, the wail of sirens brought Ruby back to reality, and she darted for her weapon. As she stored it behind her, so many thoughts ran through her mind. What was that thing? Why did it attack Roman Torchwick's gang? Were there more of them in this city? Why did it leave her alive? And why did it's eyes feel so familiar?
Shaking her head, she refocused on leaving the questions for another time. Tonight was a full moon, and you know what they say about full moons and werewolves.
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The Big Picture
The Four Swords manga, adapted/retold using both canon and additional scenes, with a focus on Vio and Shadow's individual characters and ambiguous relationship.
Chapter One: Who Am I?.
He crosses his arms and turns up his nose, looking from face to face to face. There are three of them—three of him—only one of whom resembles the him he thought he was, but now he’s not so sure. Why had he ever chosen to wear that green outfit? It’s clearly not his color.
Read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
Shadow Link is having so much fun right now.
He rises from the sacred altar in the fallen maidens’ place, a low chuckle in his throat. Here he is, after a month of preparation—a shadow in the world of light.
The hero Link watches him in shock, already drawing his sword. “A demon!” he exclaims, while the Princess gasps daintily behind him.
Purple smoke clears to fully reveal Shadow’s form. He fixes his face in a slight grin, just as he’d practiced in front of the mirror. He’s going for a mysterious, vaguely threatening vibe—kind of like Ganon’s, except he’s actually here in person.
The hero’s eyes widen as he takes in Shadow’s appearance. “Wh…who are you?”
“Me?” Shadow asks, his grin creeping upwards ever so slightly, “I’m the hero… Link.”
The hero Link just stares. “What?”
Kind of slow, Shadow thinks, until he isn’t. Link rushes him, slashing his sword in a horizontal arc. Shadow is almost surprised—he didn’t expect the good guy to so quickly go in for the kill. It’s a lovely surprise, as is Shadow’s sudden translucence as the sword swipes through the air.
Link draws back slightly. “My sword went right through him!”
Oh, this’ll really creep him out. Shadow floats up to his face, too close for comfort, and unfocuses his eyes just enough that it’s uncanny. Well, uncannier. After holding that pose for a second, he rushes Link right back, grabbing the Princess by the shoulder with a firm hand.
Distantly, he realizes this is the first person he’s ever touched. She’s… warmer than he’d expected.
“Link!” Zelda calls out, gloved hand outstretched. Shadow would love to tell her not to worry, that he is Link, but that would be untrue on both accounts.
“Princess Zelda!” cries Link, reaching back. And for perhaps the first time in his pathetic light-dwelling life, he is not entitled to a comforting touch.
Shadow pulls Zelda backwards into the darkness, using his magic to send Link where he’s meant to go. He dispels Zelda with similar disdain, watching the purple smoke consume her form.
The Princess is fine, of course, simply stowed away for later. Half a dozen hinoxes are currently on standby to receive her at the Tower of Winds. Shadow almost wishes he could escort her himself, but his work here is far from complete.
After all, he still has a castle to storm.
Link awakens with a sword at arm’s length. Not just any sword—the Four Sword, sunk into its holy pedestal before a stone mural he’s only noticed in passing. Zelda has taken him here before, throughout their many years of friendship, but this is his first time alone.
“I’m in the Four Sword Sanctuary,” Link says, rising shakily to his feet. He must have been sent here for a reason, right? He’d been under the castle before, with Zelda, doing… something. Checking on something, because of a dream she had. Something awful was coming, she’d told him. And he’d told her not to worry, because he’d put a stop to it.
But the awful thing had been unexpected, and the hero Link had failed.
He feels like a child, not a young man of nineteen. He often acts immaturely—arrogant, overconfident, enjoying himself more than a proper knight should—but he can’t remember the last time he felt this helpless. And why does he feel this way? The memory is distant, almost taunting.
What he does remember can’t possibly be true. A twisted copy of himself, gripping Zelda as she disappeared into a cloud of dark smoke. Oh, Zelda—she’d been so scared. Her face…
He’ll save her. Even if he doesn’t know what’s going on, he will save the princess. It’s what he does, and what he’ll always do, until the far-off day when he literally ceases to exist.
“Where’d that shadowy guy go?” he asks, rubbing the already-forming bump on his head from hitting the hard ground. He can more clearly picture it now, the strange specter who claimed to be Link while resembling his exact opposite.
 “Zelda!” Link calls, refusing to accept her absence. He turns to the sky, searches behind crumbling pillars. “Princess Zelda!”
She is nowhere to be found.
“Princess Zelda was kidnapped,” Link pants, hands on his knees, sweat rolling down his face. He feels like he’s going to be sick. “She said something awful was going to happen!”
What can I do? How can I help her?
His eyes wander to the sword in the pedestal. The legendary Four Sword, that defeated the demon Vaati…
He grips the hilt. If he draws the sword, he might break the seal holding Vaati and his demons—but he has to risk it. He doesn’t have any choice.
Link summons his courage and breathes in deep. “Four Sword, lend me your strength!”
He lifts the holy blade above his head, and then h
And then he exists.
Link lowers the sword slowly, making immediate note of the purple pommel. It’s strange, he could have sworn—
“W-what the?!”
Link’s head turns sharply to face Link, and Link, and also Link.
“So the legend…”
“‘He who draws the sword will split into four,’”
“It’s true,” says Link. Only those words leave his mouth. The rest… did not.
He crosses his arms and turns up his nose, looking from face to face to face. There are three of them—three of him—only one of whom resembles the him he thought he was, but now he’s not so sure. Why had he ever chosen to wear that green outfit? It’s clearly not his color.
“Wow,” says the Link in green, “it’s a little weird seeing… three other guys with my… face.”
Link nods. He couldn’t have said it better himself.
The green Link smiles, pumping a fist in the air. “But four Links means four times the awesomeness! Together we can save Princess Zelda easily!”
“Yeah!” Link finds himself agreeing, although to be honest he finds his other self’s vocabulary lacking. Awesomeness? Really?
Their celebration is cut short by a strong gust of wind, encircling the podium at the sanctuary’s center. One look at the mural and Link knows exactly what’s happening—how had he been so stupid, not to notice before? Or even stupider, to notice and rush in anyway?
A gigantic monster forms out of stone, because of course it does. They just freed a demon, what else should they expect?
“Free,” announces a reedy, sinister voice, “I’m free!”
Link is already taking stock of the enemy’s possible weaknesses. Its giant vulnerable eye is of particular interest.
“Is that the demon?” asks Link, who apparently is the slow one of the bunch.
“We did break the seal,” growls Link, who must not be far behind. Ahead? It’s a mixed metaphor.
“Sorry,” says Link, the words leaving his own mouth. He likes the way they sound, the natural snark they carry. “I know you just got out, but… we have to put you away again!”
Taking the cue, the Link in green slashes at the monster’s arm with his own Four Sword. It smashes to the ground, which is good, but is quickly regrown by the monster, which is less good.
“His arm just grew back!” Green Link exclaims, stating the obvious. The others turn him, following his lead.
Link, however, can think for himself. “So what happens if we cut off all four limbs all at once?”
The others now turn to him, and a second later they launch into action. But the sanctuary is small and they’re used to fighting alone, so it’s not a surprise when the Link in green immediately collides with the one in blue.
“What are you doing?” snarls the Link in blue.
“It’s your fault! I was gonna get his right arm!”
“HYAAH!” Link cries out, slashing his own purple sword into a nearby limb. Unfortunately, his theory holds water—it’s pointless to do this alone.  
“Wait a second!” And here the green Link is again, saying what he already knows. “We can’t just keep flailing around! Against an opponent this big we have to work as a team!
“How do we do that?” asks the Link in red. “I’ve never worked on a team before!”
“Team scheam,” Link finds himself saying, the rhyme leaving a sour taste in his mouth. “I don’t need any help.”
The blue Link points to himself. “Ha! I’m a one-man team!
The green Link ogles the others, sweat on his brow. “W…what? I’m not really such a big jerk, am I?”
Yeah, he thinks, I am.
“I just became four times as selfish!”
The green Link falls to his knees, which Link finds to be a bit overkill. “Oh, father! If I’d listened to you this wouldn’t be happening!”
His tragic soliloquy is cut short by the violence. The monster roars, creating a strong wind that threatens to take them all. Link grips a crumbling column, teeth gritted in concentration. “He’s gonna… breathe us in…”
And then he sees it, flying through the air—a flower. Zelda’s favorite flower.
That flower…
He recalls long days in the castle gardens, spent beside his closest friend. But, he’s shocked to realized, there’s a certain distance to the recollection. It’s foreign and unsettling, as if certain feelings had been present then that he can no longer access. As if these are his memories, but not really his.
He’d found her beautiful, he remembers, before he drew the Four Sword. He’d wanted to hold her hand. But now… he can’t imagine doing that at all.
Losing feelings is one thing, but losing Zelda herself is unacceptable. However detached, Link does not want to abandon the friend in those distant memories.
It seems that the others feel the same, as they all manage to finally strike in unison. Severing all four arms at once, they finally see to their enemy’s demise.
It crumbles into pieces with a dreadful groan, but Link can’t help but notice a strange wind drifting from the rubble.
Still, he smiles. If only for a second.
“Was that Vaati?” asks the Link in green, frantically addressing the others.
Link nods. “He is a wind mage. That might not have been his final form.”
This sobers the group immediately. The Link in red puts a hand over his mouth.
“Vaati is free in the world again,” says the Link in green, who apparently has a knack for unnecessary summarization. “Let’s get back to the castle! If the legend is right, he wants to rule Hyrule.”
Link sighs and sheathes his sword. After all, when are ever the legends ever wrong?
Shadow lurks around a corner, chuckling at the aftermath of the heroes’ first battle. “Vaati is reborn,” he says to no one. He may not like Vaati (and Vaati definitely does not like him), but a successful plan is still worth celebrating. “Thank you, Link—next time we’ll bury you!”
The heroes stand in a circle, celebrating their false victory. Idiots, all of them. “The fact that there are four of you will only make it easier!”
Shadow laughs as he leans coolly against the crumbling stone wall. He’s not planning to stick around for much longer—in fact, he only stopped by the boring old sanctuary to confirm that Vaati’s release went according to plan.
No, Shadow Link’s grand debut is still yet to come… and by darkness, is he ready to perform.
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