#so I wasn't planning on an animation ESPECIALLY AN ACTUAL KISS but here we are
halfahelix · 2 years
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all I want is for Ladrien to kiss on the lips
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Hello! Could do Mihawk with an beloved who's like a Disney princess and attracts animal whenever she/they sing, but Mihawk is just confused standing there like "wtf? Why are there deer inside?? There's litterly no deer on his island????"
I love this!
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How and Why?
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When Mihawk had gotten with you he knew you were... odd-
The opposite of him in every way. While his hands were for killing and takinf away- yours was for life and charity. The embodiment of a Innocent Saint in his eyes- that he had in some wait tainted said innocence with his nature and desire for you.
It was hard for a killing machine like himself to gave to curve said nature when you came along. You promoting mercy, second chances and guidance for others.
While this tested his patients- it wasn't the main thing- no no
It was the animals-
It was the God damn animals that seemed to follow you everywhere!
You hum while outside- Bunnies suddently appear to shit on his lawn.
You whistle happily while gardening birds from all walks of life appear to once again shit on everything.
Goddess have mercy if you sing cause the animal kingdom appears randomly.
If he took you with him say out to a light mission or just for a vacation, suddently you'd have half the God damn forest trailing behind you and he would have to sneak a quick blade to snag a few rabbits without you noticing for a nice dinner. In fear you'd cry in knowing your abilties were being used for Mihawk to hunt dinner.
Non of this mattered since he loved you, he loved you more then he had words to express and you loved him just as much- So he was willing to turn a blind eye to this all. Till the day he couldn't.
It was suppose to be a relaxed day- get some nice food, some drinks and just lounge about. Mihawk was excited for this, he had been working hard and wanted some down time.. especially with you- Stepping into the livingroom ready to shower you in attention he froze.
"What the actual hell?-" Mihawk said way louder then he ment to and seeing you turn around quickly. There in the livingroom you were on your knees petting a fully grown fucking deer that was leaning into your touch.
"Hi honey!"
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Mihawk is just standing there holding a wine glass in his open shirt and staring at you in what can only be described as total shock and you can practically see the vein in his forehead.
"(Y/N)' How the hell did you get a deer in the house- Wait deer at all there are non on the island?" He questioned as he downed the glass of wine like a shot and set it aside.
"I sang and she came here" You say with a shrug and continue to pet the wide eyed doe.
He huffed at this, rubbing his temple.
"I thought we agreed no animals in the house?.." He grumbled- Trying to mentally wrap his head around a doe in his livingroom.
"But she looked so cold and was by the front door Hawks! I couldnt just leave her there" You say poking out your bottom lip- Mihawk mentally sighs.
"That doesnt... No- No matter... saves me from going to the market for venison" He says calmly and reaches for his blade calmly.
Your eyes widening as you realize what he means and hug the deer close to you.
"No! Mihawk you cant kill her" You yell as tears well in your eyes.
"You have a fully grown Doe in our livingroom- no idea were she came from and a meat locker low on venison" He tried to reason by you sat there crying and Mihawk groaned-
"Then what is your plan with it hm?" He questioned. That was what lead him outside, carrying a squirming 120 pound doe to the stables he had long since forgotten about while you set down some old hay, cut apples and nuts for feed and he releases the kicking animal into its new space.
Mihawk sighed now looking at the once empty stables of the castle now housed a doe- A Sinking feeling that this stable was going to be getting fuller..
"You are lucky I love you-" He grumbled, Hearing you giggle and jump up to kiss his cheek.
"I love you too Mihawk. And I promise to make it up to you~" You say with a wink. Mihawk now remembering how and why he had forgiven all the times before.
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ikeyniofthetayrangi · 3 months
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Avatar AU
Sully Family Trip To Animal Kingdom
Credit help from @neteyamsyawntu
Please do not repost my work on any other publishing site, I worked very hard on it with some help. You can repost here if you wish so that it reaches more people and if anyone wants to draw the Sully Family Trip, feel free but please tag me so I can see it! Also, I do not own the avatar franchise or characters, I just write and post them as a fan of the franchise. I really do hope you enjoy it as it is my first fiction and I feel very proud of myself for actually going through with a fiction instead of just writing it down and forgetting about it completely! Enjoy and happy reading!
It was their first trip to Earth and Jake decided to take his family to Walt Disney World for their family vacation. They were all wearing matching shirts that say "Sullys Stick Together" on the front, and on the back; their names and a number representing their age. Jake already planned to visit Animal Kingdom first as he heard they have an area similar to their home on Pandora.
After they entered into Animal Kingdom; everyone's jaw dropped at the sight of all the trees and animals within the park. But Tuk was the most excited out of all the Sully children. She was pulling Jake to a churro stand and pointed excitedly and spoke with vigor and enthusiasm. "Daddy, Daddy! Can I have a churro please?" Jake looked back at Neytiri, who just nodded in agreement so she wouldn't have to hear her daughter cry that she didn't get one. "Alright baby girl, we can share one." She squealed in delight as she munched on the treat. Kiri, Lo'ak, and Neteyam smiled at their little sister and suggested they ride Flight Of Passage together as a family. "It's just like the real thing back at home sir." Lo'ak was the one who made the suggestion as he was climbing on top of a garbage can that was nearby; a cast member telling him it's not for climbing. Neteyam just shook his head as he laughed. "My baby bro, ever the spider monkey.", he gave Lo'ak a noogie. Kiri just rolled her eyes at their antics, "Quit fooling around and let's go. I want to ride Na'Vi River Journey."
As they waited in line for Flight Of Passage; Lo'ak kept climbing up on the displays and getting into trouble with the cast members. "Lo'ak, stop being so careless. This is not our home." Neytiri scolded him and made to pluck his eyes out. "I pray to the great other that I do not pluck the eyes of my youngest son!" Tuk was just excited to ride an ikran; though she's too young for a real one, this is enough for her.
"That was so much fun daddy!" Tuk loved Flight Of Passage. Neteyam held her on his hip as they headed to Na'Vi River Journey. "It definitely was fun. Especially seeing Payakan jump out of the water." Kiri smacked him upside the head, "That wasn't Payakan you Skxawng!" Neytiri saw this, "Hey! Don't slap your brother." Lo'ak just chuckled silently.
Their experience the Na'Vi River Journey was even more exciting for the family. "Ma Jake, I really enjoyed that one the best! Especially the Tsa'hik at the end." She hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss. Jake just smiled, knowing that his wife had an unforgettable experience. "I'm glad you had fun baby. Hey, where's Kiri?" He looked at the places nearby but couldn't find her. "Lo'ak, those vines are not for climbing!" He shouted at his youngest son who also had Tuk on his back.
Meanwhile Kiri was sat upon a rock with Neteyam by her side admiring the floating mountains. "I wonder how they get them to float like the ones back home." She was definitely fascinated by them. Neteyam just smiles and watches on in silence.
"Hey Neytiri! I found them!" Jake approached the two awestruck teens and pulled them out of their trance with a hug. "Your father and I were wondering where you went; now we know. Neytiri smiled and took a brief look at the mountains. "Come, we're all tired and need some rest." So the Sully Family left the park, with Tuk fast asleep in her brothers arms. They definitely had quite the adventure, and they couldn't wait to tell everyone back home.
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wandawillkill312 · 2 years
Batman #125 *Spoilers*
Hey, I know everyone is mostly reacting to what happened to Tim; but let's not forget another important aspect:
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...we just lost another major Batman villain- and one of the main ones, at that!
First Deadshot and Manbat- though I'll resurrect them to full health, in my RP'S-, then Anarky, Hugo Strange, Ra's Al Ghul and now Penguin?!!!
He**! In her new series; even Poison Ivy states that she's either dying or is planning to commit suicide by mass genocide- probably the latter.
Man; Batman's rogues are dropping like flies, out here!
I'm not gonna bring up any deaths from "Task Force Z"; because as far as I'm concerned, it's an unofficial "Black Label" series.
But back to the topic: DC you need to stop killing Batman's Rogues, okay?
They are one of the handful of aspects, that makes Batman an interesting Superhero.
And while you're at it; bring back some of Batman's old Gold-Silver Age Rogues, as well- with new looks, of course.
But back to the main topic; a moment of silence for Oswald Cobblepot.
You were a great Batman villain and you gave us great stories.
You will be missed- assuming that you're actually dead!
You probably are, though.
Mercury poisoning is no joke.
Maybe next time, have your chef cook your fish, before you eat it!
I mean; just because you're named after a water bird that eats raw fish, doesn't mean you have to do it too, Ozzie! You Knob!
I mean look at Catwoman! She dresses as an animal that eats raw fish; but she still has the common sense, to eat her seafood cooked- most of the time.
Sushi is a thing; and you can bet that she occasionally indulges, in it.
But you have no excuse, Penguin!
Sorry...had to say all that.
It's tragic that he died, but still!
And for him; it wasn't even sushi, either!
Dude would straight up take a whole raw fish and actually chomp down on it- scales and all!
And in large amounts, as well!
Honestly; I'm actually surprised that he didn't die from Mercury poisoning, sooner.
Come to think of it; I'm also surprised that he wasn't dying from long-term Hypothermia- assuming that the temperature of his Iceberg Lounge was always freezing, which it probably wasn't.
I'm also surprised; that it wasn't diabetes, sirois, lung cancer or a clogged artery, that was doing him in.
Or even a combination of all four- with both Mercury Poisoning and that Cyanide capsule, added at the end.
Talk about a "Sinister Six" XD - oh right, DC Comics.
Not to mention; he also had a short fuse, brought on by his many complexes- including his Napoleon Complex! XD
So it is mindboggling; how anger-fueled strokes and aneurisms, weren't even a death factor for him, when #125 was being made.
But seriously. Penguin should have been dying from those four, that I listed , considering how Ozzie indulged in so much rich and fatty foods, copious amounts of alcohol and excess tobacco, over the years...
Not to mention; I don't think we ever saw him do any form of excercise, in the comics- not to lose weight, but to make sure his ticker and joints, were still working, perfectly.
And now that I'm thinking about it; he probably never brushed his teeth, after stuffing his face, either...🤢
No wonder his lips and saliva were always black, in the movie Batman Returns and in later comics...
Oh God! And he probably forced all his female workers and escorts to kiss him! 🤮
I'm pretty sure they all contracted something, afterwards! 😂
And he was supposed to be "The Gentleman of Crime?" 🤣
Ozzie; you were a gross Human being, with a short fuse, a vindictive attitude and a penchant for physically, mentally, emotionally and socially disfiguring anyone, who had the misfortune of crossing your "Socio-Path"- shout out to Rick Sanchez, for that term-, and doing anything, you saw as an attack, on your fragile ego!
You made a number of bad choices- especially in terms of personal health-, and all of Gotham City won't miss you, one bit- the citizens may remember you a lot and some may even finally get to safely mock you and produce a lot of stuff, in the media, to make you a fixture, in Gotham and cement your legacy...but they most certainly will not miss you!
Ohhh, I like how minutes ago; I was "soft-mourning" Ozzie's death, and now I'm just taking a massive dump, on his grave...
But considering what just happened to Tim- and right after Pride Month, too-; I'm probably the first of many, who will be doing that.
I guess you could say that we'll all be roasting him!
His goose has already been cooked, so why not. XD
Nevertheless; R.I.P. Oswald Cobblepot. AKA, "The Penguin"- "Detective Comics #58, 1941" - "Batman #125, 2022".
Thank you for being a great Batman villain and for making an umbrella of all personal items, one of the many symbols of fear, in Gotham- Oh! And for helping keep the top hat, monocle and tuxedo outfit, in fashion.
Diamond Jim Brady, would be proud:
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Also P.S.; in the backup story, with Catwoman...
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Silver lining, though; we may get to see Ethan Cobblepot, again- assuming DC remembers, that he exists.
(( To the following accounts:
Please reblog this makeshift eulogy/roast, so it can be shared around the Batman/Comic Book community, on here.
Thanks. 😁👍))
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descendants-brat · 2 years
Three questions:
What do you think about the book Aks and Vks(that is if you read the books)
Do you believe that descendants could have been a animated series from the start with ALL descendants kids and not just Mal
Who do you think got the worst treatment in the descendants fandom? AK version: Ben, Audrey, Lonnie or Chad?(or all 4)
I've read some of each book so I can answer briefly but I haven't ever sat down and read them all cover to cover back to back so excuse me if I left some things out.
1.) Pre-descendants (blank on which one was the prequel I think it was Isle of the lost not 100% though) Audrey was more naïve, honestly don't think I would've cared for her character if they kept her similar to female movie version Ben. I would've felt bad for her but I actually like movie Audrey more. A lot of fanfiction Audrey matches book Audrey's personality instead of Movie Audrey. I like that Audrey has a rougher personality, similar to the vks I relate Mal's d2 whole I'm not good enough and Evie's One kiss "maybe I'm just too bad" to her movie character because Audrey was selfish but she wasn't supposed to be she's a princess and I would've like to see how she struggled with that. In the books it's more or less non existent.
As for Ben I like him a lot more in the movies than in the books, I'm 50/50 on his book character. I think he's an ass, in the prequel it's implied that one of the only reasons he specifically picks Mal to come off the Isle because he has dreams about her (aka romantically interested) making it seem like he doesn't actually care for the Isle kids he just wanted to get himself a girl off of there. He's rude to Audrey, He basically implies that because he's becoming King his life is much harder than her fairy tale life and he thinks it's boring. He acknowledges that he doesn't even like her but continues to go out of these nicely planned dates with her. They make it seem like he's so tired and bored of everything in his life and that he's really only actively participating in friendships and relationships because he doesn't have anything else to do and takes the chance of bringing VKs into it to spice it up. They also instead of making it solely Mal's decision try to imply that Ben agreed with this decision instead of being pressured into it. Other than that he does seem like good o'l Ben there are sad moments were his insecurities of not being a good King are showed that I appreciated.
As for VKs
The Demon is worse than ever still the same terrible person that she is, except it's even worse now that I read her thoughts from the book.
Evie was shady sometimes but more or less the same character. They did give Carlos and Jay more lines and depth but I just feel like their characters book or movie version were never fully fleshed out. They have small characteristics that shows you hey it's this character talking but other times it's like you could switch the dialogue and say it's Jay talking here instead of Carlos and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Uma is very close to her movie adaptation in my opinion, probably because she was only a movie character at first so the writer didn't have to struggle with giving a character a personally than having to change it when the movie decides to change it.
2.) If you mean make it so all the characters got equal screen time if it was a series than yeah I do. I know we all hate how it became the Mal show but I honestly struggle to see how they would flesh out each character in the last two movies anyway which is why you, myself and a lot of other people think it should've been a series so that all characters could've have an arc. Maybe then it wouldn't be "Mal and anybody she likes=right and anybody else= wrong"
3.) Worst treatment hands down Ben and Audrey but in general I think the fans are too hard on all the AKS especially the boy ones. Jane was forgiven, Lonnie is just there, there's nothing really to hate besides her hypocrisy. But Doug is shitted on because he was an insecure teenage boy who as a form of comedy relief calmy asked if Evie was seeing someone else and then tried to list his good points so that if Evie was seeing someone else she'd pick him over them. Chad is...a chad I do think it's unfair how the fandom hates him for using Evie but completely ignores the fact that she was doing the same thing. She didn't care about him and he didn't care about her why should one be hated over the other. Movie Chad really wasn't as much of a playboy as they tried to make him (I don't like Chad) but the only girl we see him show real interest in is Audrey. Everybody knows I don't think he was wrong for what he said at family day either it's just a strong bias against AKs.
Ben gets shitted on to lift up Mal like the series doesnt even jump start because of him. She gets credited for a lot of things he's done or should have been in charge of but gets shitted on for all the bad stuff that is never really his fault. Mal tries to spell him he rightfully gets angry and somehow he's pushing on being an abusive boyfriend??? If it's not from Mal fans it's unfortunately from Audrey fans blaming him for the Did I mention scene when he was clearly drugged. There's way more but let's cut it short.
Nothing Audrey can do is right in this fandom, when she didn't get herself involved with the Vks and didn't blindly trust them She's a mean girl she's a bully. When she snaps after having her life turned upside down, being betrayed and dropped by everyone she knows including adults and her family and is left lonely and isolated while being forced to watch the girl who's family now has a pattern of fucking hers over, she's over dramatic and doing too much over a high school break up and should be punished. Meanwhile most likely their favorite characters have either a similar personality to Audrey's or have done actions similar to hers that have gone unpunished (Looking at all the C4)
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revy-the-first · 2 years
"Wait. Do you like me?"
His frame seemed to stutter. "I- I need you to know, that wasn't part of the plan. I wasn't supposed to love you."
I sat down hard in the middle of the books splayed out on the floor. "Love? That's— what plan are you talking about? Did my father—"
"It wasn't your father," he sat too, tapping his fingers on his knee. "It wasn't anyone you know."
My confusion was palpable. "It was a bet." I hadn't asked, but he nodded anyway. "What, you wanted to prove that being a whore runs in the family?" I asked the first thing that came to mind.
"It's not like that. You don't understand." He wasn't looking at me.
"Then make me understand. Please." It wasn't adding up. Not in this lifetime.
He took his sweet time, snapping the rubber bands on his wrist. I remember complaining about them stopping his circulation, until he explained to me how the pain helps him not bite his nails and stay focused especially in high stress situations. Like now.
"It was... It was just a dumb bet, between guys. They were laughing about what girls were virgins and the ones that weren't. And then they got to you." He snuck a glance at me through his lashes, and whatever he saw made him look back down. "Three of them said you were a virgin, three said you weren't. I was the tie breaker — I told them it didn't matter.
"And Kyle said, of course I would say something like that, since I'm a virgin too — I'm not, or I wasn't, but telling them my first time here was with a guy would've ended badly — and I don't... I don't know how or why, but I got really angry."
He moved to start pinching his arm. "I told him to go fuck himself, and the guys smelled weakness. So they dared me to... find out. By sleeping with you. Obviously."
"Obviously," I echoed, drawing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. The silence stretched. Punctuated by more snapping.
"When I asked if you liked me, I was leading up to a big, dramatic confession," I revealed, finally.
He whipped his head toward me in surprise.
"I would've been angrier if we'd actually slept together. But we haven't. Even that time I was drugged, you didn't do anything except take care of me," my face warmed at the memory.
He snorted, in spite of the seriousness of the conversation. "Well, yeah. I'm not an animal."
My eyes were trained on his hands when I asked, "But you... You do love me?"
He smiled, showing a chipped tooth that reminded me of the time he fell off a swing. "I love you. So much."
I swept my eyes to the side, eyeing rows and rows of dusty bookshelves. "I was thinking, we should walk around the library, and kiss every time we see our book."
That startled a laugh out of him. "That's the corniest thing you've ever thought of. I'm in." He rose to his feet, dusting off his pants and offering me a hand.
I took it. How could I not?
He drew me up, pulling me in for a hug. My face in the crook of his shoulder, I started to hum a song. Something we made up, a long time ago. I was swaying from side to side by the time he caught up.
We danced around the books, and our bags, and our food. Danced, crashing into shelves, and coughing from the dust. We danced until our feet hurt and we fell in a heap on the floor, stomachs aching from laughter, cheeks hurting from smiling.
We kissed each time we found the story of our love. Passed down, through the ages. Debated, discarded, disproved. Foolish young lovers.
Romeo and Juliet.
Another time, in another couple of years, we would find ourselves again, and sing the same song. Dance the same dance. Die the same deaths.
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readingandsiamese · 2 years
Okay last one folks! This time it's Red and my OC Anawyn thrown into the fake kiss scenario.
Warnings: kissing, maybe spoilers for ShoH?, It's mentioned a puppy was almost hurt but he's fine, chasing scene, Inquisitors are jerks
Red would inwardly know there’s no way that plan would work, but externally go along with it because he’s been dying to kiss the MC!
-Lena Nguyen
"Ana? What is it?" Red asked, concerned.
Something Familiar
Anawyn Tallmadge and a young girl ran around the corner. Ana couldn't correct herself in time and ran straight into Red Antiqua. She had been going fast enough they both bounced backwards.
"They're right behind us!"
The girl hesitated in her running and looked back to check on Anawyn.
"Keep going!"Ana called, then looked at Red. "They're after her. She used magic in public, but she's just a scared kid. They've not seen me, but I need to stall them…"
The little girl--possibly Caine's age--started to run again.
"Who is after her?" Red asked with a sinking feeling.
"Inquisitors. They could take her to the Chrysalis…" Ana bit her lip, then pulled him to block the alleyway. "Red, kiss me! They'll think we've been here making out this whole time."
Red's eyebrows raised, not sure exactly what his ex had gotten into and fairly certain her plan wouldn't work, but he pulled Ana closer and kissed her anyway. He'd been wanting to ever since...he first saw her again and she'd touched his face, actually.
Gods, it was like he remembered, but better.
One of her hands clutched the front of his shirt and the other slid to his lower back. He put a hand on her autumn colored hair, the other around her waist.
Too soon the thud of boots came.
"You two! Move! We're after a dangerous fugitive!"
Red and Ana did their best to look extremely confused and shocked.
"I'm sorry?" Red asked.
He moved out of the way, pulling Ana with him.
"A fugitive?" Ana asked. "Here?"
Red couldn't see her face, but knew from experience she'd made her purple eyes wide and large. Added to her freckles, it gave her an extremely innocent look that had been used against him more than once at the Circle.
"Did anyone run past you?" The first Inquisitor demanded. They looked positively bloodthirsty over chasing down a little girl.
"No sir," Red said.
Ana shook her head. "Not through the alley, but, I guess they could've gone past us, to one of the next ones? We...we didn't really notice."
Red glanced sideways and caught her faint blush. He wondered if that, at least, was genuine. That was the case with his own flush.
One of the Inquisitors cursed and said something about lovesick kids. They did both look younger than they were. Was this actually going to work? The pair started to talk together and Red and Ana stayed, waiting, just in case.
Eventually, the Inquisitors went back down the alley in the opposite direction from the girl.
Ana sagged into him in relief and Red kept his arm around her.
"Thank you," she said.
"Anytime you need me, I'll be there," Red said softly.
She looked into his eyes and put a hand on his cheek. They stared into each other's eyes for a long moment before Ana finally asked, "Especially if it involves making out?"
*Yes, especially then," Red agreed easily. "So Ana…?"
Anawyn smiled at him. "The little girl threw a shield up to stop a dog from running in front of a cart. It wasn't a good one, but that's impressive at her age and she did save the dog. Of course some Inquisitors saw her. I helped her avoid them, and told her to come see us at the Shepherds. Then we ran into you."
"Literally. That was brave of you, to help her."
"I had to, she didn't mean any harm. I hope she comes back."
*You want another 13 year old to join the Shepherds?"
Anawyn grinned. "She obviously likes animals, so she'll get on with Caine. I'm sure Blade won't mind…"
"Maybe if you ask him," Red returned.
Anawyn tucked her arm in Red's and they headed for the Shepherd's compound.
"Red? I'm sorry I made you kiss me," Anawyn finally said.
"You didn't make me," he replied, then stopped, facing her. "I wanted to."
"You did?" Her purple eyes looked into his.
"Yes." He brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face. Red opened his mouth to say 'I'd like to do it again' when he was patted enthusiastically on the back.
"Ooo, you two look like you're going to kiiiss," Pan said. "Where've you been? On a daaate? Ana, if you dump him this time, he'll never recover!"
"Pan," Red started, but the man was on a roll and he and Ana just shook their heads at him and headed back inside the compound with their friend.
Back home. Funny, it was home, now. And Red suspected Ana had a lot to do with that.
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rainycitysworld · 2 years
I'm so glad to see you back on here and writing again! And I got really excited when I saw chainsaw man on the list as well, I just read it and I love it!! Could you write some headcanons about Aki and Kishibe and what kind of dates they like to take their S/O's on? <3 Thank you!
It's good to be back :) and I'm so glad someone asked for Chainsaw man! I'm so pumped for the anime, I'm actually almost done with my reread. And I'm so glad you requested these two! Them and Quanxi are my crushes lol This was a lot of fun so I hope you enjoy!
Can we really quick appreciate young Kishibe???
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The things I would do to this man at 20 and 50 lol
Anyways I did if the S/O was not a public safety officer but if you want some angst feel free to request that version😈
What kind of date Aki would take his S/O on
Aki is such a romantic
I bet he would kick Denji and Power out of the house and cook S/O a meal. I feel like cooking food is a real act of love for Aki
I'm sure Denji and Power would try to sneak back in though so after spending more time stopping them from breaking in than hanging out with S/O he decides to take them on a walk
Power: “Bring Aki back by tomorrow morning! We need him to make us breakfast!”
Will apologize several times for his shitty roommates and assures S/O they will get a talking to
Since this wasn't really a part of the plan he's not entirely sure where to go but after wondering around for a while I feel like he'd stop in a quieter place with a bunch of trees nearby like a park or something
I've always felt like Aki had a strong tie to nature in the manga. Between the woods and beach being where important things happened to him
He resists the urge to smoke if S/O doesn't smoke because he doesn't want his bad habits to rub off on them but S/O can tell he want to and gives him permission.
From there I think it's finding a patch of grass to sit on, looking at the stars, talking about life and for Aki, forgetting about work and responsibilities.
Will obviously give S/O his jacket, even if it's not cold but apologizes if it smells like smoke.
Eventually it's time to leave so Aki walks them home. He tries to be really respectful, not wanting to make it seem like he wants or expects an invitation. Not going in for a kiss but he secretly really hopes that's what is S/O wants.
Plays it off very cool if they invite him in but is super excited and would smile like an idiot if he wasn’t forcing himself not to.
Is also secretly really glad he took precautions to keep S/O’s apartment location a secret. Power would come and drag him away in the morning to cook if she knew where he was.
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What kind of date Kishibe would take his S/O on
Is NOT a romantic. Not anymore.
I feel like after everything he's been through (plus the constant rejection from Quanxi) he kind of gave up on having anyone.
But he's been seeing this person for a while now and they make him feel just a little sane so he makes him for them.
Maybe not an S/O in a traditional sense but the closest he comfortable to having.
Big flamboyant gestures aren't really his thing. Small gestures aren't really his thing. But he will take S/O to his favorite bar and he's never taken anyone there. It's the closest he'll probably ever get to proposing.
It starts out with just some drinks and talking but mostly from S/O. Kishibe just likes to sit and listen about normal life. While he listens he imagines a domestic life where he comes home from his office job to S/O having made dinner. Maybe a couple of kids.
But after a few drinks he'll loosen up, maybe play some darts or pool. He obviously would win, they both know that but he throws the game every time.
“Your body is distracting, it messed me up”
And while he's not a big PDA person, especially in his older years, he’ll claim a kiss or two. And this man knows how to kiss- his kisses take the breath out of a person.
After drinks the two go to a late night ramen stand, just something to soak up the alcohol, but really Kishibe just wanted to see them in a better light.
Doesn't really talk much as they eat but does smile and stare a lot. Refusing to answer why he has that look on his face.
Part of him feels like if this is a date he should probably do something romantic but he's coming up short so he decides to just tell them he loves them.
Even if he's said it before it's still an event because he doesn't say it often. Not because he doesn't though, I think he just feels a little guilty making them happy when he could die any second.
Unlike Aki, at the end of the night he'll make it very clear what he wants.
Probably gets more handsy the closer they get to his place. But honestly it's 50/50 on if he's too drunk and just passes out with S/O in his arms.
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p-antomime · 3 years
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dawn addiction.
— minors don't interact.
— wc: 3,3K
content + warnings: 18+, including: car sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, public sex (kinda of), unprotected sex, tummy bulge, pet names (dabi actually calls the reader "princess"), virginity loss (only mentioned), i bit of fluff bye
pairings: no quirk!dabi x fem!reader
— song: Press Your Number; by TAEMIN
After waking up alone one dark night without you sleeping next to him in the spacious bed placed in the middle of his room, Dabi catches himself thinking about you and feeling strange without having your warm body next to his in the bed. Thinking about Y/N was becoming a vicious habit for him and it was the kind of addiction that the more he fed, the more it seemed to swallow his sanity. However, he didn't blame you for not wanting to be seen or related to him, in a small town like the two of you Touya was the delinquent that people avoided interacting with lest they be excluded from that closed society.
He stretches to the side in order to get his own phone from the small table placed on the side of his bed and finds himself standing there for a few seconds feeling the smell of your body that permeated the pillow next to him. After taking a deep inhale, Dabi unlocks his cell phone to try to call you, but there is no answer, after all, it was past 1:00 AM in the dawn and Y/N was now probably lying in her own bed in her house trying to sleep.
The dark haired man lets out an impatient grunt before dropping the cell phone on the bed. He was deeply rooted in you and, because of that, feeling like an insane madman who was insisting on something that couldn't be his. But what could he do but fall in love with you after kissing your lips countless times and spreading your legs dangerously wide for him before claiming your virginity as his?
And the end of that night, just like all the others where you would finish fucking and you would shamefully put on your clothes to go home, would be filled by him masturbating with the thought of your naked body running through his mind.
Touya could feel the warm temperature of yours with little mental effort with his own fingers and would cling to the fading memories of the few non-sexual moments you had shared over the past few months.
That night, Dabi slept when the sun was already up, but Y/N, on the other hand, didn't even sleep a wink. She couldn't even take a lousy nap, because her eyes were glued to her cell phone screen waiting to see if he would call her again because on the first call of the night she wasn't brave enough to answer knowing that her parents were half a wall away. A coward? Yes, that's what she was. But there was a perfect daughter demeanor that she needed to maintain, especially if she wanted to continue to nurture her father's idea of letting her start studying at a university in the metropolitan area of the country.
Y/N would turn twenty a week from today — and if her father's promise to give you a car came true, her plan was already halfway done — and she didn't want to be stuck in that small, rural town forever. She had big dreams, and, ironically, in most of them the fulminating image of Dabi was present beside her. What if she was the only one there who wanted to leave that life? What if he didn't want to leave with her? But more importantly, at what point had their relationship become so deep?
It was now 7 o'clock in the morning, which meant that in about two hours your parents would wake up to go to work. You took a deep breath and reached out to grab the cell phone lying next to you on the bed, and then began to type a message as brief and vague as possible to your lover:
"Pack up all your stuff by next Friday. Take everything that you think is important or of value to you, pack it up, and meet me on the other side of the bridge that leads to the avenue out of town, the side that has the rusty 'Welcome to our town' sign. At two o'clock in the morning. No delays. And please try not to draw too much attention, wear the most decent, neutral clothes you have in your closet. Oh, and bring documents."
And all week long you could barely look your parents in the face without feeling guilty for wanting to break free from their protective arms, but you just couldn't take it anymore. You hated that small town, and you also hated being forced to go to church every Thursday and Sunday with your mother because she said that God would "bless you with all your dreams come true," so why didn't he just indirectly help you leave that town behind? Literally, the only thing holding you back in that town was Touya and you wanted to take him with you outside the boundaries of that town that looked more like a village forgotten by the rest of the world.
Y/N's favorite place to be was Dabi's lips, and even then, the girl's replies to him by messages and short calls that didn't last more than 5 minutes started to decrease drastically. The useless monologues continue to increase inside her mind. Until the Thursday before her birthday when Y/N was about to fall asleep after standing for almost 2 hours listening to the local church mass hoping that her mother would not notice her slouching and irritable posture, suddenly a sound of something banging against her bedroom window was heard. And initially she didn't bother to get up to find out what had caused the noise, until she heard it twice more and frowned as she got out of bed after seeing that it was almost two o'clock in the dawn.
You drew the curtains in front of the window, opened it and stuck your head out, looking down and suddenly feeling your cheeks heat up violently. And there was Touya looking at you with a look of sorrow and animosity. He pointed in the direction of the hidden backyard behind your house where the two of you in the beginning of your relationship used to hide just to spend some time together or have a make-out session that ended up leaving both of you sexually frustrated because neither of you had the courage to have sex in that place where anyone could see you if you made too much noise. However, Dabi was the devil in your life worth sinning for.
— What the fuck are you doing here? — Y/N asked almost desperately as she felt Touya wrap one of his arms around her waist to glue their bodies together.
— What? Can't a man miss his beloved and want to go see her? — He asked, holding her face with his free hand. — You barely answer my messages.
— I told you we were going to meet tomorrow, on Friday. — You rested your hands on his chest to move away just enough to look him in the face.
— And about that, you're killing me with curiosity, princess. What are you thinking of doing tomorrow? It's your birthday. — Dabi commented, running his thumb along her bottom lip affectionately.
— I-I know. — You replied, looking away. — I was planning on... going out... with you. — You just didn't say it was going to be an out-of-town trip with no intention of coming back.
— What are you hiding? — He asked, leaning down to place a simple, tender kiss on her lips.
— Would you follow me wherever I went?
— I would follow you to the ends of hell if you asked me to. — Dabi answered, and instinctively you grabbed his face to place your lips back on theirs in a kiss deeper than the one before in a frenzy of feeling.
— Then do it. — Y/N whispered against his lips staring into his beautiful turquoise eyes. — For my birthday the only thing I ask from you is to always be by my side, I don't need material gifts.
Seconds after you finished speaking, the sound of footsteps inside your house could be heard, and a shiver ran down your back as your hands desperately pushed Dabi away in the direction of the very door through which the two of you had entered the yard.
— Damn, not even at dawn I... — Touya began to complain as he walked briskly away from you and disappeared into the darkness of the night to return to his house.
— Shhh, shut up. I'll see you at dawn. Two o'clock, don't forget. — You whispered loud enough for him to hear you as you turned back and faced the back door of your house slowly opening to reveal to you the sleepy figure of your father.
— Honey? — He asked, and you gasped as if you were distracted by something while you could hear your heart beating rapidly. — What are you doing out here? It's late? and cold, you might catch cold.
— I... — Y/N looked around just to make sure there was no more sign of Dabi. — I heard a noise here when I went down to get some water and just wanted to come down and see if it wasn't an animal or something. But it was nothing, I guess it was just my mind playing with me. — It was a good enough lie considering that it wasn't hard to wake up during the night to go to the bathroom or eat something from the fridge.
And then your father called you inside and you promptly went. As the day went on, not even your father's birthday present with the car seemed to quell the anxiety inside you of going to see Dabi in the middle of the night with no intention of coming home. Y/N packed three backpacks and after watching your parents go to sleep, put them all on the back seats of the car after grabbing the keys that your father had left on top of the coffee table in the living room, and also grabbing some money from your father's safe that was in a secluded room in the residence.
After writing a short, albeit long, letter explaining to her mother that she was going to the metropolitan city — but without saying with whom — to try a new life there and that you would be fine because "there were friends waiting for you there" — which was a big lie, but she didn't need to know that — Y/N put on a sweatshirt and ran out of her now former home. Remembering all the various driving lessons her mother had made her take last year, you put the key in the ignition and made sure that your license and other documents were in one of the pockets of the three backpacks on the back seats. And you set off across town to reach the end of the bridge that served as both a gateway into and out of the city, parking exactly beside the welcome sign.
After about fifteen minutes, you watched a silhouette approach through the darkness, and if you didn't recognize the blue-toned sweatshirt with white details that Dabi usually wore when he didn't want to attract attention, you would surely lock yourself inside your car for fear that it was some sexual predator. Before he could finish approaching you at the agreed upon spot and open his mouth to vocalize something, you ran toward him to jump into his arms and kiss him fervently like you hadn't done in almost two weeks. He didn't fight your grip and responded to your display of affection instantly, he missed your touch more than he would admit.
— Where are we going? — He asked, analyzing her new car as he watched you open the back seat door and gestured for him to put his own belongings inside.
— To the big city. — You answered unlocking the door next to the driver's seat after hearing Dabi choke on his own saliva looking at you as if he hadn't heard you correctly. — Come in. — Your head swiveled inward.
— What do you mean we're going to the city? What about your parents? You have a loving family here, I have nothing to lose, but you? — Dabi put one hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently.
— I want to go to the city. I want to live with you. — Y/N replied feeling her cheeks heat up and looking at him expectantly. — You said you would go anywhere with me, to the ends of hell.
— And I will, but this decision... — You interrupted him.
— Please. For once in my life I want to do things my way. Without having to hide you from anyone, without having anyone judge me for being with you. Let's go to another city, live together, we'll figure it out when we get there. — You put one hand on his forearm, squeezing it gently.
Touya took a few seconds to process the information and after looking from you to the car, he said:
— Where are the keys? — You waved them in front of him, flashing an amused smile. — So get in the car, doll face. I'll drive. — He gave you a light slap on the butt before pushing you toward the driver's seat, getting into the car and putting the key in the ignition. — How long until we reach the city?
— About six hours, we can get there in the morning.
— Great. — Dabi started the car and began to drive along the deserted road while resting one hand on Y/N’s covered thigh and occasionally giving the area a gentle squeeze.
After about an hour of driving, you became distracted by fiddling with your cell phone until you noticed his long fingers sneaking up and over your thighs until they came dangerously close to Dabi's real intended destination. Her eyes cast a serious countenance at him as if she were silently saying: "Don't you dare" and in response his lips parted in a defiant smile as his hand on the steering wheel slowed and eventually brought the car to a full stop.
— C'mon. It's been almost two weeks since we had sex. — He said, lowering the two seats you were sitting on and pulling you to sit on his lap with your back against the steering wheel.
— And the best place you could find to have sex was inside my new car? — Despite your complaint, you didn't try to restrain his hands from reaching into your sweatshirt to grab and squeeze your breasts, nor did you object to the feeling of his knee pressing against the middle of your legs.
Touya lifts your arms and pulls up your sweatshirt and then concentrates on removing the simple tank top and lacy bra you were wearing, shortly after which he leans over your body to take one of your nipples between his lips to begin stimulating it. In response, you rub your hips against his leg as your hands grip his dark hair as a way to relieve the growing tension settling through your body. His hands slowly slid down your back, past your waist and into your pants, while his right hand also invaded your panties to run his fingers over your pussy lips and his left was busy opening the buttons of that garment.
Y/N put her hands on the hem of his sweatshirt, pulled it up, and was not surprised to see him with nothing underneath. Strangely enough, his skin was naturally too warm and it was not hard to believe that even with the low temperature outside the car he would only need a casual sweatshirt to not feel cold. And that was exactly why you liked so much to run your hands along his body exploring him calmly to make your touches last longer.
Dabi turned his body so that you were lying on the passenger seat and stood over you with a smug smile as his hands dug in and squeezed the skin of your legs after he finished getting rid of your pants with some difficulty because of the tight space.
— Keep your legs open for me or I won't let you cum, princess. — He whispered, sliding his mouth down her torso to her pelvis and pulling her hips up as high as possible before burying his fingers inside her pussy and enveloping her clit with his lips.
Y/N's hands gripped Touya's now messy hair and pushed his face against her hip in search of more of that mind-blowing pleasure she had missed for the few days she had been avoiding him. Suddenly the car became extremely hot, almost to the point where you both felt suffocated and ironically neither of you cared about that, not when Dabi was curving his fingers and sucking your clit in the way that always made your vision cloud and too loud moans escape your mouth. But, you didn't want to cum in his mouth, so your hands moved his face away from your hips and pulled his body up.
— Please, Touya, I need you inside me. — Her voice was slurred by her rapid breathing.
Dabi didn't need you to say anything else, he just stepped back briefly to get rid of the clothes that were still covering his lower body, adjusted your hips to his, leaned on the car door behind your body and guided his cock to the entrance of your pussy. As you felt him fill and enlarge you completely with his tip rubbing against your cervix, you groaned, leaning on his shoulders to face him and watching the small rise against your belly that was always present when that black haired man penetrated you.
Touya slid one hand down your neck and closed his fingers around your neck applying just the right amount of pressure to make waves of pleasure run through your body and not to hurt you. He began to move and Y/N passed her legs around his waist moving her body downward every time Dabi moved upward, occasionally he would take her lips on his just because he liked to feel her moans against his mouth and the rhythm of his hips gradually began to get harder and faster.
— I should cum inside you, hmm? — Touya asked, keeping eye contact with you every moment he thrust inside you again and making you clench your walls around his length without you even realizing it. — Damn, I love you so much, you have no idea what I would do for you.
— So show me. — You grabbed the wrist of his hand that was still resting on your neck and squeezed it without too much force. — Make me your girl.
With a smug and satisfied smile, he continued thrusting himself against her insides to the point where her hips began to ache just seconds before she reached her own orgasm with her nails digging into the skin of Touya's arm and her back arching as spasms coursed through her entire body at a high rate of speed. He gave a few thrusts against your pussy until the white streaks of cum painted your insides and slowly pulled out of you, wanting to prolong the feeling of having you squeeze him some more.
Dabi let his tired body fall back against the driver's seat and concentrated on stabilizing his breathing while you did the same as you looked up at him with the following thought running through your mind: "This is definitely the man I want to be with forever". The thought made your cheeks burn and it didn't go unnoticed by him:
— What? — One of his eyebrows arched.
— Nothing, I was just thinking... about you, about us. — You answered, starting to look around the car for your clothes, and an amused laugh came from Touya's mouth, who looked at you tenderly.
— So I'm always on your mind?
— More than you think, yes. — Y/N answered, leaning over to place a tender kiss at the corner of his lips. — Now get ready, get your clothes, let's get back on the road.
— Can we fuck again before we get to the city again? — Her eyes narrowed in disapproval.
— Shut up, you idiot.
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anya-grace · 3 years
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Two beautiful people sent me an ask about my rivetra actors au, and boyyyy let me tell you, it was so fun making them again 😍 thank you to the pretty souls who asked this! 💘
The first actors au were from season 1 and 2, this one will focus on the filming of season 3 until the last season :) here you go!
more rivetra actors!au headcanon (some are nsfw-ish)
- Let me get straight to the point: lots of sex. Car sex. On-set sex. Dressing room sex. Name it.
- Both of them are aware that it was unprofessional, but there was a time when they did not see each other for more than a month because of their (especially Levi’s) busy and conflicting schedule, so when Petra surprised him on set, the frustration and longing just piled up and they had sex.
- Then it became a habit.
- And this habit, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by the other casts and even crews of the show. Armin heard them once, and the poor boy made a mental note to never ever come close to Levi’s room again.
- The older casts are fine with it since, you know, normal adult stuff. But for the love of the three Walls, can you lovebirds tone the moaning down? People are trying to get some sleep wtf.
- Levi’s make-up artist had to deal with the pain of covering his hickeys (courtesy of Ms. Petra Ral) every shoot. The ones on his neck, especially those near his adam’s apple were the most visible. And since Captain Levi rarely wore a cravat in season three, part one, it made the work harder for the make-up artist.
- As compensation, Petra always bought a special souvenir for Levi’s make-up artist whenever she flies overseas for her theater shows.
- For the premiere of season 3, Levi took Petra as his date on the red carpet. It was the first event they attended publicly as a couple.
- It was a big milestone for their relationship because they are both public figures. And we all know what happens when celebrities publicize their relationships, it is prone to issues and controversies.
- And you can very well guess that Levi Ackerman showing off his beautiful girlfriend to the press was big news. As big as the AoT premiere even.
- During the air of season three, Levi became more famous and he attracted many overseas fans as well as international actresses because of his brilliant scenes with Kenny.
- Although Petra is not the jealous type, she admitted that somehow it affected her when other international actresses expressed their admiration towards Levi. Some even said that Levi is their type and they are looking forward to working with him in the future.
- When Levi sensed this, he immediately headed to his IG and posted a picture of Petra with a very cheesy caption lmao. Forgive him, he's new to this kind of relationship.
- Did I mention he also posted a picture of them kissing in front of the Eiffel tower?
- Only a few know this, but the real Levi is one clingy boyfriend.
- He is very touchy when it comes to Petra. He just really loves holding her. Sometimes he just randomly hugs her, caresses her, nuzzles her. He just loves having skin-to-skin contact with her.
- His love language is actions and gestures.
- His favorite gesture to do to Petra is a back hug with his arms under her boobs. It was a soft gesture and it wasn't sexual in any way...until it did.
- More than half of their sex started with Levi touching Petra’s underboobs tbh.
- Sometimes Levi thinks that he's neglecting Petra and more than once he considered quitting the show business for her. But then he’ll see her smiling at him, and she tells him that she's very proud of what he’s doing and that she's happy that she gets to support him with doing the things he is really passionate about and just… all he could think of that time is that he wants to marry this amazing woman.
- He is also supportive of Petra’s theater actress career, of course. And he hates the fact that he needs to hide whenever he watches one of her shows since people eventually gather around him asking for an autograph and he feels that it’s rude for Petra. This is her moment and he doesn’t want to ruin it for her.
- Hence, his all-black and mysterious get-up whenever he watches her show.
- AoT season three was a huge success and plans for season four are already on the move. Casts were given a long break before the shooting began again and both Petra and Levi took this as a chance to bond together.
-Petra's favorite thing to do with Levi is playing with animals. She has a soft spot for animals, and she wanted for them to adopt a pet but she knew that the poor animal will only be given less attention because both of them are always busy.
-When Petra's theater world tour ended, she and Levi started living together. They didn't have the chance to do it before since they were both busy.
-Them living together is probably the height of their relationship. They fought, they had sex, they laughed, they played, they bathe together. They did everything together and it was a beautiful experience.
- For their third anniversary, Levi booked a vacation on a private island for a week. It was also their last bonding because Levi is going to start filming again for season four in less than a month.
- They did not communicate with anyone during that one week. It was just them, and they made the most of it.
- Mornings were spent for morning sex and breakfast in bed. Afternoons were for swimming, sleeping, cuddling, hugging, kissing, and every activity they could think of doing. They explored the island, they petted stray animals, they dived into the ocean, they build sandcastles, they ate different dishes, they had sex in caves and while swimming on the beach, they climbed trees, they bought souvenirs, and most importantly, they took many pictures together.
- Evenings were the most romantic of all. They had sex in the darkness of their own room while they hear the ocean waves crashed to the shore outside and as the sea breeze cooled their sweat-slicked skin. They took the time to explore each other’s body like it’s their last (because it will be in a matter of days).
- On their last night, Pet cried while they’re having sex. Levi’s face was buried on the crook of her neck and she was moaning one moment, and then the next she’s sobbing like a poor little baby.
- She said that she’d gotten used to life with Levi always by her side and she didn’t want it to ever change. Levi comforted her. He petted her hair, and he said that it’s going to be okay. He kissed her head, then her hair, her face, and her body. Then they had the most emotional and meaningful sex of their entire life.
- Levi started shooting again for season four. Petra, like the past seasons, visits him as much as she can. It was hard adjusting to this type of life again, but she’s a strong woman. And besides, she’s going to start rehearsing for another theater show again.
- They need to undergo medical check-ups before the casting and she found out then that she is pregnant with Levi’s baby.
- It freaked her out. She and Levi never talked about babies before since they’re busy with their careers, and their relationship has always been just the two of them.
- Levi was out of town for the shoot, and she didn’t want to tell him the good news on the phone so she patiently waited until he got home.
- He was greeted with a fancy dinner, and a “Welcome home, Daddy” by Petra. Levi thought that it was her being cheeky and naughty at first, but when dinner ended and she ran for her life to the sink, that’s when he started getting worried. And when Petra showed him the positive result in her medical check-up, well, let’s just say that on that day, Levi Ackerman received a good reminder of what he did to her on their vacation months ago.
- But seriously, he was seconds away from calling his manager and dropping his AoT contract just so he can take care of Petra and their baby. Petra said that it was fine, and she doesn’t want him to quit.
- Levi apologized to Petra many times because he wasn’t there when she discovered it, but she assured him that it was alright and it wasn’t his fault. God, he’s with the perfect woman.
- Since Levi is a big shot in the industry, he demanded control over his schedules. Honestly, he wanted to be at her side 24/7. He wanted to see her belly swell as months went by. He wanted to be the one to satisfy her midnight pregnancy cravings. He wanted to kiss her face and her belly first thing in the morning.
- He convinced Petra to move temporarily to the Ackerman family house where Levi’s parents are staying. Kenny and Mikasa also lived in the same affluent neighborhood. He had doctors, and helpers, and bodyguards hired for Petra. But she said that she’s too uncomfortable with many people around her.
- Petra and Levi’s mom build a bond of their own. She’d gotten to know more of Levi through his mother’s perspective. The older woman showed her Levi’s teenage room, his past awards, his photos, his audition tapes that weren’t out for the public, and she fell in love with him more.
- They had a super private wedding with their relatives and closest friends. Petra was six months pregnant by that time and season four is planned to air three months from now.
- So, you know about that one holy Rivetra panel where Petra is looking back to Levi? The reason why the scene was not in the actual show was that she is pregnant. That’s why the directors are forced to use old scenes from season one instead.
- Despite all the efforts of being private, paparazzi and the media still caught wind of the secret wedding, and rumors about Petra being pregnant started circulating over the internet. Levi shut down these rumors every time someone attempted to question him in his interviews.
- When the shooting ended, Petra was already eight months into pregnancy. As per tradition, the cast and staff held an after-party, but Petra was surprised when it became a baby shower for her instead.
- The baby was supposedly due in the third week of December, but Petra’s water broke around the first week instead and she started her labor. She ended up having the same birthday as their healthy baby boy.
- The baby was named River Ackerman. He was named after Levi’s role where he won the Best Actor Award when he was seventeen. It was also a tribute to Levi’s role in AoT since his name was sometimes spelled as ‘Rivaille’ on many occasions.
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booksandlewks · 3 years
Intensity in Insmire | A Jurdan AU
Happy Holidays to my wonderful knife wife @starborn-faerie-queen!! I’m so lucky to have you as my friend and now snusband (we’re def married now) <3 I was so excited to see that I got to try and write something for you. I also have to thank everybody in the @jurdannet discord for helping me with my writer’s anxiety throughout, and @jurdannetrevels for hosting this secret santa event! 
So this was a prompt you didn’t ask for, but that I hope you will like. I thought of this right when I saw your name and have had a blast making it a reality. One of our first conversations in the discord was about none other than Lauren Layne, so I thought I’d give it my best go at making it Jurdan. I picked what I think of as the iconic scene in Passion on Park Avenue because Jude and Cardan literally define passion. You also put Nicaryn, so in my head when I wrote this they’re already dating and Jude just hasn’t noticed. 
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"Be careful, you're going to drop that!" Jude said watching her twin throw down yet another box full of her merchandise.
 It was times like these that Jude wondered about her choice in friends. Not that she had so many choices in friends to begin with, something about her being "abrasive". People may not always appreciate her edges, but that edge is what landed her on the 30 under 30 list. She was grateful, if not confused, about her new-found friendships. While the ladies made for excellent company, and fellow schemers in action, a moving company they were not. Not that Jude would say a word against their help out loud. She was still so grateful to have her twin back in her life.
Jude would thank Locke for bringing them together, if she'd thought it was even remotely a part of his plan. Maybe she could thank him for dying, so that they could find each other in the park that fateful day. Not likely, she had better people to think on.
Nicasia kicked a box into the corner with the toe of her Louboutin heels, "You worry too much, they're not going to break because I didn't gingerly place every single one of your hundreds of boxes down."
"I'm not worried about you breaking an accessory," Jude said huffing as she moved to open the box Nicasia had kicked to prove a point. She held up the lipstick tube, twisting to expose the blade to prove her point. "I'm worried about one of my accessories breaking you."
"Oh, I like that," Taryn laughed, her eyes widening, "Can I borrow that for my next date?"
"Well, it is just a sample," Jude nodded her head to the truck parked outside her new building, "You can keep it if you help me unload the rest of the truck." 
"You drive a tough bargain, a days labor in exchange for one accessory?" Nicasia teased.
Jude put one hand to her heart and the other to her forehead dramatically, "Oh you're truly suffering going up and down the elevator while carrying small boxes."
"These boots were not exactly made for walking Jude," Nicasia said flicking her hair over her shoulder, and punctuating it with an all too casual check of her nails. Why she wouldn't just concede to putting her hair up was beyond frustrating to Jude. She wasn't sure if she hated or respected Nicasia's commitment to always looking perfect.
 "I mean I didn't get to where I was by giving things away for free, but I may have also ordered us pizza and tiramisu from the Italian place on Lexington Ave."
 "Ahh I knew you were my favorite twin!" Taryn said wrapping her arms around Jude and kissing her cheek with an exaggerated smack.
 "I'm your only twin, and you definitely did not know it."
 "The real question isn't why I can't move things in these heels, it's why you think I should be doing this in the first place," Nicasia said glancing speculatively.
 "Wait, yeah, aren't you meant to be rich now Jude?"
"Well, according to my accountant, approximately I am," Jude tilted her head and pretended to tally with her free hand, "filthy rich." She moved the box that had been hoisted on her hip onto the floor of what would be the main living area.
Jude wasn't insane, the larger items like the couch and industrial garment racks would be delivered by a moving company later. She just knew that she could handle the smaller boxes herself. She'd always survived by being self-sufficient, so she wasn't going to start changing what was working now. She'd moved herself into her first shoe box apartment, all her belongings compact and loaded into the back of her ancient little two door.
 "Then why on earth are we moving all of this by hand?" Taryn said turning to her sister, exasperated to see the determination gracing her twin's face. She hated that look, especially when it was on the face that was practically her own under all that stubbornness. "Nic, I need backup here, we're entering dangerously uncharted areas in stupidity. "
 "Jude, love, remember when we agreed to stop each other from entering another toxic relationship?" Nicasia said gently, her hands up as if coaxing a small animal.
 "No, I've blocked out the entirety of Locke's funeral out of a sense of self-preservation," she said voice and face purposefully blank.
 "Why stop there, why not erase him from your entire mind?" Taryn said a bitter edge to her words.  
 Jude laughed, "Me and my therapist are hard at work doing just that."
 "Well while you're working on that, have her work on the toxic relationship you've got with your stupid pride," Nicasia said checking her already perfect nails.
 "Wait, was all of that just the set up for the punchline to your dumb joke?"
 "Woah Tar, harsh words from the woman who asked for my backup in the first place." Nicasia pursed her lips clearly displeased that Taryn had not enjoyed her attempts at humor. "Maybe you should try being nicer to me considering that I have the power to save you from Jude's torture."
 Jude laughed as Taryn started to pester Nicasia to tell her what she meant. While they'd all become fast friends on the fateful day of the funeral, Jude couldn't help but feel that Nicasia and her twin had gotten closer over the summer. She supposed it had to do with the fact that they both had to worry about their reputations and what the fallout from Locke's infidelity would do to it.
That old wound started niggling at Jude again. She may not have been in an official New York society relationship with the man, but she'd had to mourn the loss too. She supposed it hadn't affected her societal standing, being Locke's dirty secret, but she hadn't gotten out unscathed. The bastard had known about her fears. She'd confided in him, about her mother's cheating and how she'd grown up not wanting to get attached for fear of ending up in a similarly messed up situation.
 He'd comforted her, talking about how cheating on somebody wasn't in her character. He'd spelled out what their story could be instead, spinning a story of comfort, safety in his arms, and safety in that future. It made Jude's skin crawl to think about now. How he could say all of this while cheating on her with Nicasia and Taryn, and using her to cheat on them. Some nights it actually made her physically ill. She was such a careful woman, and yet she'd never suspected.
 She wondered if lying to her was part of the game to him, it had to be. Jude thought about how she'd considered bridging the gap and calling Taryn to tell her that she'd met somebody. She'd been too scared to reopen that wound. At eighteen Jude walked away from the stifling role of being Madoc's daughter. She hadn't thought about what leaving Taryn behind to deal Madoc's only other eligible daughter would do. She left her behind for him to put all of his stupid high society rules and dreams into. She'd wondered about her twin over the years, but could never pick up the phone and just dial. What would things be like if she had? Thinking about it wouldn't change anything.
 During Jude's musings Taryn had moved into Nicasia's lap and was switching between pleading and apologizing. Her groveling was so over the top that a warm spot bloomed in Jude's chest while watching her. She had no idea how much she'd missed Taryn, and yet having her take up space in her apartment just felt right.
 "Okay, okay, fine!" Nicasia said standing up and taking Taryn with her. "I happen to have a friend through the New York royalty network, as you call it, and he lives in this very apartment complex."
 "Oh thank god, I love you Judie Bee Jones, but this is the worst."
 "Woah no, I never agreed to having anybody over," Jude said walking over to lock her door, "and wasn't the point of having you ladies around to avoid the assholes."
 "How can you call them an asshole when you don’t even know who it is?" Nicasia asked unlocking the door. Jude went to stop her, but Taryn simply took her face in her hands and pointed it towards the window where the open moving truck stood idle.
 "I promise he's good people, we grew up together," Nicasia said clearly forgetting that her and Jude had not exactly grown up as friends.
Jude did not have much of a chance to consider who might be coming to the rescue she did not need, as there was a knocking at the door.
The warmth she felt from being with her friends left her the second she opened the door and saw Cardan Greenbriar standing there. She'd never seen Cardan look anything less than impeccable, so she was even more furious to see him standing there looking like a Saks Fifth Avenue model from the catalog to help her move. A cable knit sweater, really, to move boxes. With an overcoat no less. No, no, this couldn't possibly be happening. Jude would rather move every single box one by one, than have Cardan Greenbriar help her.
What on earth could have even possessed him to try. She thought she'd made it clear when she'd damn near bitten his head off in her "entry interview" to the apartment complex. It wasn't her fault. Cardan had a particular way of getting under her skin, and the fact that he'd known her from her twin and had not even bothered to look at the application resting in his hand the entire interview had gotten her blood boiling. She'd never actually wanted to live in Elfhame.
The stupid application had been filled out for her and sent in by her mother ages ago. Eva Duarte had been so proud of Jude's success, it had never occurred to her that her mother had plans to use it as a statement. She'd miss her mother's mean streak, and wished she'd been around longer so Jude could understand this plan. Jude had been shocked to be called in for the interview to move into The Palace, and caught completely off guard to see Cardan on the day of the interview.  
 She must've released an actual snarl at seeing him darkening her new doorstep because Taryn and Nicasia pried her away from the door and invited him to come in. This was ridiculous ; she was not a rabid dog to be put in the corner. Although, she was considering biting Cardan.
 "And hello to you too Jude," Cardan said laughing as she struggled to break free of the grip of her friends, "Lovely as ever to see you."
"Why am I seeing you?" 
Cardan raised an eyebrow at that, "Not a very friendly greeting neighbor."
"I read over the paperwork your father sent over and it said that the building takes care of pests in the apartments."
 "Ha ha, very funny Jude," Cardan said stalking closer, "I do hope that's true, as I'd love to see them take you out of here."
 "Really, we're going to resort to I know you are but what am I?" Jude intoned, "On day one?"
 “Is this really our first day together, Judiebeet?"
 "Don't call me that!"
 "As much as I do love seeing you upset my sweet villain," he said trailing a finger over her cheeks, "I didn't come to pick a fight." Jude knew her cheeks had to be bright red, she always got flushed when she was mad. She hated that he had command over her, more than she appeared to have over her own body. Which only made her more upset when he called her that stupid name.
"Why did you come, I had demon summoning scheduled for later in the day," Jude said ignoring the looks Nicasia and Taryn were shooting her.
 "I was informed of a damsel in distress, and princely duties demanded that I come to your aid."
"Oh no, that's it," Jude turned on her friends glaring, and pointing at the door while practically shoving Cardan out, "Everybody out, I'll move them all myself."
 "Wait, but I brought champagne," Cardan said materializing a bottle from the inside of his coat. 
"Jude you can't kick the man out, he brought Dom," Taryn said pulling Cardan back into the apartment by his arm. Jude watched as he re-entered what was meant to be her space, unwilling to fight with Taryn.
"Fine, but if he's here he works," Jude said looking at Cardan as if to say 'unless you've got a problem with that.' The Cardan she knew would never deign to do a day's labor on his own. Always calling somebody his father employed to do things for him instead. So Jude was shocked when all he did was set the actually quite nice bottle on the counter, and gesture his hand towards the door with a look that said 'after you'.
Jude was not sure if she was pleased or pissed off when Cardan actually matched her for work ethic for the rest of moving. He eventually took off the coat, and the sweater, tossing them on the counter with his welcome gift. Jude wished he had not, as she'd been determined to carry more than him before that. She would have managed it too, if he had not rolled up his white dress shirt to the direct center of his forearm. Where it hugged just below his elbow as he worked.
She dropped one of her merchandise boxes when his arm brushed hers while reaching for another, shocked by the contact of his skin hot against her own. Furious with herself for the look that graced his face when she cursed and picked up the box, she decided to be less ambitious with how much she carried.
They had not actually had all that many boxes left. Which made it all the more traitorous that Nicasia had called in for help. As the work dwindled Nicasia and Taryn gave up the pretense of pretending to want to help move the boxes, and sat on the benches that were near the building's entrance. They sat close talking and laughing quietly at each others jokes. Jude could be funny too, but her humor was more dry and wicked. Just as Jude was sprinting to get the very last box, the pizza delivery driver had pulled up to the curb. 
Taryn had gone from commiserating with Nicasia, to giving Jude puppy eyes in 10 seconds flat. Jude laughed softly as she went to go pay the man. Her path was blocked by Cardan who'd made a beeline for the car as it pulled in, while she'd been distracted. If she hadn't been so focused on his damn arms she might have missed how he went to get his wallet from his back pocket. Hell no.
Jude stood one shot at having Taryn and Nicasia not mention her attitude since Cardan walked in, and that was to buy their silence. Nothing says be on my side like hot pizza and good dessert. Which is why she was going to pay for it. Cardan was already handing the man a crisp bill when Jude went to shift the box she'd been holding to under one arm. God, she hated him so much. She'd already missed out on getting to bond with her friends over how annoying moving was because of him, and now he was going to ruin their meal too?
He'd already ruined Jude's childhood, but she was an adult now, and he would not even get a single day from her. She grabbed the boxes of her food and walked to the elevator clicking the button for her floor and slamming on the door close button before he could follow. She walked into her apartment, and she would've locked Cardan out if it not for the fact she had to wait on Taryn and Nicasia to follow. If she had to face him again today, it was going to be on her terms and her rules.
 Jude moved to the boxes now all neatly lined up in what would be her living room. She scanned the barcode stickers on the top of the boxes, each item had been carefully cataloged so that she could be sure that she didn't lose anything important in the move. Downsides to owning and running a successful companies that sold accessories with a dangerous edge? There was so much inventory to keep track of.
 She found what she was looking for and swapped her sneakers for stilettos. She'd love to see Cardan try to look down on her when they were eye level. She'd give a new meaning to the term glaring daggers. She was perfectly capable of paying for a damn pizza.
The door of her apartment opened and Cardan strolled in, his arm around each of her friends. Jude let out a breath that his shirt had been set back to normal, although she was not sure if she was relieved.
 "Really, my own twin?" she said putting a hand on her hip and looking at Taryn who moved, hands up, to sit on the counter top.
"Jude, he got us pizza, please be reasonable," Taryn said in a placatory tone.
 "I got you pizza, this interloper just stole it because pizza is joy, and he can't let me have it."
"You need to stop, you're hangry and turning into rude Jude," Nicasia teased using the family nickname she knew Jude hated. That was just low, she'd revealed that in a 2 A.M. group chat. Which every woman knows means it’s classified information.
 She was being rude, she knew, but well...frankly he started it. Years ago, but she was a petty elephant and would not forget.
 "Fine, have a slice of pizza and then get the fuck out."
When Nicasia and Taryn turned their looks at her, Jude just blinked her eyes slowly a few times. She had never claimed to be a saint. 
"Can I at least get a drink before you kick me out on my ass?" Cardan asked the corner of his mouth upturned.
"Nope, sorry," Jude started and feeling her friends angry stares added, "I just moved in, and I haven't stocked the fridge yet."
"Well, then it's lucky for us my friend was kind enough to drop in to christen the home with champagne," Nicasia said as she made remove the muselet. Jude watched her carefully grip the wire as she twisted it off with effortless ease, and admired her friends grace. Jude would've likely embarrassed herself biting at it. She'd been served champagne at events, but it always came in a glass if she was honest.
 With the sound of the popping cork her control of the apartment got further away from her. She watched as the three of them opened cupboards and looked at an empty counter top as if expecting glassware to simply appear. Jude knew she could easily scan the boxes and find her glassware, but business had taught her to spot an opportunity.  
 "Oh darn, it seems like we can't get you that drink after all."
 "Yes, you seem very forlorn about it," Cardan said shaking his head at her, amusement in those dark eyes. 
Jude gave him a mock apologetic shrug of her shoulders, lips pulled to one side of her mouth. The amusement in his eyes turned to challenge. Unbeknownst to Jude, Cardan's newest hobby was complicated jigsaw puzzles. He had needed something to do while being able to keep an eye on his father, and he found that once he started he just couldn't resist figuring out how the pieces fit together. She'd just presented him with his newest game, and he was going to figure out her pieces.
"Don't worry my darling, like I said we're neighbors now," smiling when Jude scowled at the pet name, "I can just head to my place, and get us some glasses."
It was clear that he'd gotten under Jude's skin when she stalked towards Nicasia and took the bottle from her, and into her own hands. Nicasia just looked at Taryn, and whatever that look meant Taryn must have understood. She moved to the edge of the counter top and invited Nicasia into the circle of her legs, resting her chin on her the top of the other woman’s head.
"How very unfortunate for high-born little princes like you, that you can only sip champagne from the finest of glasses."
She looked right into his eyes as she began glugging the expensive bubbly from the bottle and drinking it like watered down beer. She raised an eyebrow at him as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"I do hope I haven't offended you Cardan," she said snarling out his name as if it was foul, "I'd hate to scare you off from ever visiting again."
"Not at all, I'm quite charmed by your lovely manners," he said walking over to where she stood by Nicasia. "Do not expect others to share my depraved tastes," he said taking the bottle from Jude's firm grip and drinking directly while their gazes stayed locked in a battle of wills.
 "Nic, you feel like we're interrupting something here?" Taryn said from where she sat inches away. It shocked Jude out of her stupor, and her sister hopped off the counter as Jude made to reach for her. She was suddenly stricken, it was all fine and well to hurt Cardan, but she wouldn't lose Taryn again. Not when she just got her back.
"Ugh I thought you'd never ask, this is all too straight for me," Nicasia said taking Taryn's hand and making for the door.
"Wait guys, don't go--"
 "Nope, text us when you're ready to act like a person again," Nicasia said laughing as the door shut behind their quickly retreating figures.  
 "Way to go, you scared them off with your stupid smoldering thing."
 "Jude, I think you'll find I'm not the one in the wrong here, although I am delighted to hear you think I smolder," Cardan said backing away from her.
"I meant that stupid staring," she started but trailed off when she noted his smug face.
 "Jude, all I've done today is bring you a housewarming gift and offer help at my friends request."
Jude opened her mouth to protest about the pizza slight, but stopped as she'd realized she'd just dig herself into a deeper hole. All he'd really done was cover her food for her and her friends. Was it possible that her childhood tormentor really had come here without the intent of torturing her. She'd been too caught up in trying to catch his next move, that it hadn't occurred to her. He’d clearly taken her silence to mean something else, because he went to gather his coat and sweater.
"Look, it's clear you don't want me here and I'm not actually trying to hold you hostage in your own apartment."
Jude's pride stopped her from correcting him. She'd been working so hard to get him to leave, that she couldn't exactly walk back her position now. She wanted to though, she wanted to grab him by those rather toned arms and hold him in place. To explain herself or make him explain himself, she wasn't sure. Instead she nodded her agreement, and silently watched him leave. She watched as he walked down the hall, opening and then closing his door. Only then did she finally unfreeze from her doorway and shut her own door.
She sat for about 30 minutes just trying to process all that had just happened. She was not sure when she'd become the villain in this story, but she didn't enjoy the feeling. He was the bully, not her. If his actions today were to be trusted, maybe not even him any longer. Jude stood up suddenly confident in her movements as she scanned the boxes searching for her glasses. She hadn't actually moved everything today, so all she was able to find was some coffee mugs. She looked down at her "I Rule" coffee cup, it'd have to do.
Jude went to where the remains of the bottle was left on the counter, and poured it into the cup. She wouldn't apologize, as she was not truly sorry. Even if he was not the menace he used to be, one day of rudeness was the least of what he'd deserved. She did however write what she'd call her concession. She'd apologized for the coffee mug. The note told him that while her fine Waterford Crystals were still in storage, it should taste just as good coming out of a mug. Jude left the note under the cup, and knocked on his door before leaving.
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Allydia | Allison Argent x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @wonderdoves
Hosting a Christmas party is not something Allison ever really planned to do. She just figured that if parties happened to be going on, and she got an invite, she'd go. But throwing one herself? Absolutely not, for many levels of reasons.
Then again, she supposes she isn't throwing it herself. Technically it's not even her party, really—Lydia wanted to throw one, but her mom said no, so she asked to borrow Allison's house. Her dad's out of town with Melissa and won't be back until Christmas day, and her aunt Kate's flight was delayed, so she's still stuck in the airport for the next twenty-four hours or so. Leaving tonight totally free.
For the best, too. Right now, Allison can't even find her way through her own house. She knew it was big, but she didn't realize just how big until nearly a hundred people were crammed inside of it. And that's just a guess.
"Oh—sorry, excuse me," Allison apologizes as she knocks into someone with her shoulder while trying to wind her way past without spilling the cup in her hand. 
The person ignores her. She just hurries on, taking a drink. Honestly, she isn't that thirsty, but she needed something to do to feel less awkward and out of place. Plus, Lydia made the punch, and it's surprisingly good when it doesn't have the secret ingredient of wolfsbane. 
She narrowly avoids tripping over someone else's foot, stumbling slightly. When she turns back around, she spots Lydia quickly approaching. 
Allison breathes a sigh of relief and stops in front of a rather annoyed looking Lydia. 
"So, I've not only lost all of our friends in here somewhere, but I'm also ninety percent sure I've lost control of this thing entirely," Lydia tells her. 
Allison moves a strand of hair away from her face, blowing out a breath. 
"Well," she starts, letting her hand swing back to her side, "it could be worse, right? I mean, nothing is totally out of control, and everyone's having fun?"
Lydia raises an eyebrow. "Except you. And now me."
Allison rolls her eyes. "I'm not… not having fun. It is kind of nice to be able to relax a little. At least compared to what we're usually dealing with."
Lydia just gives a little hum in agreement, still not looking entirely sure as she surveys the shouting group hovering near them in the kitchen. 
"Here—" Allison holds out her cup, nodding her head at it, "—have a drink. It might help."
"I'm stressed, not dehydrated," Lydia replies, but she still accepts the offer and takes a drink. "Though maybe a little bit of that, too. Thanks. I'm just glad I found you."
A small smile curves Allison's mouth. She tries to ignore the slight flush of warmth in her face. She knows Lydia just means because she's worried about the party getting out of control and she doesn't want to be separated with strangers. But it still makes her a little bit happier to think she brings her some comfort. That feeling of safety that Allison gets every time she catches a glimpse of strawberry blond hair or that smile or their eyes lock across a room. 
The eyes she quickly realizes she's been gazing at for a moment too long. 
Snapping out of it, she quickly looks away, swallowing. Her heart thumps against her ribs accusingly. It's silenced when her eyes dart up.
"What?" Lydia asks, spotting her expression, now fixed on the doorway above them. Frowning, she follows her line of sight before Allison can stop her. 
She sees the sprig of mistletoe. One of many that they hung throughout the house, as insisted upon by Stiles when he and Scott came over to help them get the party ready.
"Oh," Lydia says.
Allison's gaze drops back to Lydia. She just stares up at the mistletoe with wide eyes, her lips parted as if to speak, but the words are getting lost on the way out. 
"I guess we should have expected something like this," Allison jokes, giving a half shrug and a forced chuckle. Trying to disguise how pink her face must be right now and keep the butterflies in her stomach calm. 
Lydia shifts her eyes from their captor to meet Allison's gaze. She presses her lips together, chewing on her lower lip. For a second, Allison thinks she's going to say how it's just some dumb, old tradition, and that she is not going to be a part of keeping something so pointless alive.
But she doesn't say that. She doesn't say anything. Doesn't make a getaway excuse. Her throat shifts as she swallows and takes a deep breath.
Then in a rushed exhale, she says, "You know, hanging mistletoe in a doorway comes from a Norse legend."
Allison's heart sinks. She nods, and smiles. She promised herself that if Lydia didn't show any sign of sharing her feeling by the end of the night, she'd let it go and move on. And reciting a Norse myth seems like a desperate attempt to get out of kissing her without just rejecting her. Even if it would be unknowingly. 
"Yeah," Allison says. "The, uh… the legend of Balder. Loki tricked Balder's twin brother into murdering him with mistletoe wood."
Lydia looks startled that she already knows. But surely that gives her an easy out then, right? 
"Yeah! Yeah, um…" Lydia doesn't move. She still stands there, glued to the spot, back to chewing at her bottom lip. Her face lights up, and she quickly says, "Well, uh, there are other legends, of course! People tend to mix them up with holly, because they look so similar, so people think that red berries mean mistletoe when, actually, they're quite different. And everyone knows that mistletoe is usually extremely toxic, to both humans and animals. As we know… from past experience."
Allison's just staring at Lydia, her eyebrows raised. She thought she knew where this was going. This? This is not it. Before she can say anything, Lydia's continuing her rambling, at such high speeds it's almost hard to keep up.
"It's toxicity actually varies quite a bit based on region, though, which—"
"Lydia," Allison starts. "We don't—"
"—can actually be really interesting!"
"There are many different types of mistletoe, with different scientific names. Viscum album, viscum cruciatum, even Phoradendron leucarpum, which is native to North America!"
"That's—that's really interesting, but—"
"Viscum album—the European mistletoe—is more toxic than Phoradendron serotinum, which is the kind that we're most familiar with."
"Oh, that's—I mean—"
"And, despite the fact that all one-thousand-five-hundred types of mistletoe are toxic in most situations, it used to be used for medicinal purposes to treat things like arthritis, epilepsy! It's still used in parts of South Asia, because the effects aren't fatal. Disturbing and, frankly, unpleasant, but not fatal! In fact, the effects tend to be more prominent in animals. Which, wouldn't be good for any of our friends. But—"
"Lydia," Allison finally cuts her off. Her eyebrows are as far as they can be on her forehead. "You're rambling a bunch of scientific facts to me, and honestly, it's a little scary."
Lydia nods, pressing her lips together again. "Yeaaah. Sorry."
Allison pauses, thinking, this is her one opportunity, there will never be a better time, and—Lydia isn't running away. She's nervous rambling science to her. But she's not using her usual methods of getting out of something she doesn't want to do. 
Shutting her brain off before she can overthink it, she goes for it.
"I want to kiss you," she tells Lydia. "If you don't want to kiss me, that's fine, we can ignore the mistletoe entirely and move on. Okay?"
The blunt confessions throws Lydia off her usually perfect guard. She blinks those wide eyes, her lips parting but nothing coming out. 
"Uh, y-yeah," she fumbles out, then shakes her head, "I mean—I'm okay with it. Kissing you, I'm okay with kissing you—that sounds so lame, oh my god—I want to kiss you, too!"
"Okay," Allison laughs, and leans in. 
Her skin is on fire before her lips find Lydia's, and her stomach is doing olympic style flips when she does kiss her, and Lydia's kissing back with an eagerness she definitely wasn't expecting. 
If anything, she was certain it'd be a quick, funny peck on the lips, and that's it over and done with, just a fun little moment to laugh about. But Lydia doesn't pull away, and Allison is not going to be the one to pull away first. 
Instead, they keep kissing. Lips moving together, Lydia's hands on the sides of Allison's neck, holding her closer. 
Next second, someone bumps into them. They break apart out of surprise, Lydia trying not to spill Allison's drink. The person's already stumbled away.
They both look back at each other, Allison's heart in her throat, and Lydia's eyes widening again. She draws her tongue across her bottom lip as she clearly falters for what to say now, but it's actually incredibly distracting.
"So…" Lydia starts, uncertain. Then a small smile forms at the corners of her mouth. "You wanted to kiss me? Any particular reason? Is it because of my lipgloss? It is especially appealing tonight, extra shiny."
Allison can't help but smile at Lydia's teasing tone. It appears her nerves have fluttered off and left behind her usual cool, calm composure.
"That is one reason," Allison says, nodding, and Lydia gives a curious little hum, arching an eyebrow. "But also… because I've wanted to kiss you for a while. Because I really like you. A lot."
"Yeah, I think I got that," Lydia says, barely containing the shake of laughter in her voice and absolutely failing at disguising the sparkle of delight in her eyes. "I just cannot believe that you confessed before I did. And under the mistletoe."
Allison can't even begin to comprehend the "before I did" part. She just laughs as well, shaking her head and faking a wince.
"Wow, of all the cliches," she jokes. 
"Well, personally, I don't mind a cliche here and there," Lydia says, with a smile that makes Allison's breath catch in her throat.
She pushes it out and quickly draws in another, returning her smile as she says, "Neither do I."
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
The Wolf Pack
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Part 3
Request: Yes or No
Just a little something to show that (Y/N) isn't that bad. Even if he did try to manipulate Jug a bit.
(Y/N) poured a shot of tequila and slid it over to Jughead.
"I don't drink." He mumbled, holding an ice pack to his knee.
"You also didn't smoke but did it anyway." (Y/N) pointed out.
"Blu will answer any questions you have." (Y/N) said, leaving the room. He entered his room, finding Malachai inside. The male was sitting on his bed.
"What a lovely suprise." (Y/N) smiled, kicking the door shut and approaching him. Malachai shot him a lazy smile. (Y/N) sat on his lap, pushing him back.
"What do you want, Malachai? You have whores waiting in line to fuck you." (Y/N) shrugged off his jacket, letting it drop to the floor.
"Right back at you. Even after all the shit you do, some people are crazy enough to fall for you." Malachai said. (Y/N) chuckled.
"Don't act as if you aren't one of those people." He purred, feeling Malachai's hands squeeze his thighs.
"I've been told that some of your girls have been on the Southside." Malachai said, hands trailing upwards until they reached (Y/N) belt.
"They need the money. Most people here are so uptight... Riverdale has unfaithful shits and the girls need them." (Y/N) said, fingers running over Malachai's exposed chest and abs.
"Your gang runs primarily on drugs, ours runs on a lot of things." (Y/N) leaned down, pressing soft kisses to his jawline.
"The girls distract my guys."
"Tell them to keep it in their pants unless they're paying and treating them right." (Y/N) pulled back, staring into his eyes.
"If someone from your gang mistreats any of my girls, I'll slit their throat and leave them to the vultures, got it?" (Y/N) questioned. Malachai nodded.
"Of course." He leaned up, kissing him. (Y/N) kissed him back, grabbing a handful of hair as Malachai made quick work of their clothes.
(Y/N) counted his money, glancing at Jughead.
"Well, you're halfway there! We should celebrate." (Y/N) smiled, getting some champagne and pouring him a cup.
"Cheers!" (Y/N) laughed, drinking his cup. Jughead silently stared at the bubbles with a blank expression.
"What's with the long face? You should be happy! At least you don't have to get a dick shoved up your ass." (Y/N) said, leaning over the bar and brushing some of his hair under his beanie. Jughead looked at him.
"You and Malachai.. What's the deal?" He asked, finally picking up his cup.
"Just pals being pals. Haven't you and Arch done the same? He's hot, you... Not so much." (Y/N) grinned.
"But don't worry, I'm sure Betty is waiting for you with open arms and hopefully her legs are only open for you." Jughead frowned at his words.
"I heard about the whole rebound thing, or maybe it wasn't a rebound? Who knows, am I right? I mean, if my best friend was my partners old crush, I'd be suspicious. Especially after they said they didn't like them, then went around and kissed them." (Y/N) said, pouring himself another drink.
"How do you know all of this?"
"I have eyes and ears everywhere, Juggie. In Greendale, Riverdale... In this whole fucked up country, one wrong move and I'll know within minutes." (Y/N) said softly. Jughead gulped, bringing up the cup to his lips.
"(Y/N)." Penny walked over to him. (Y/N) hummed, looking at her. Jughead couldn't help but notice how close Penny was to (Y/N). Sure, she probably didn't want everyone around to hear but she could just whisper. (Y/N) placed a hand on Penny's lower back.
"If you think they're gonna fuck with your drug business, I'll tell Ty to give them a spook. He loves pranking people with dead animals." (Y/N) said. Penny hummed, her fingers tapping against his arm as she inched ever so closer to him.
"Alright." She nodded, placing a hand against (Y/N) cheek and pulling him into a deep kiss. Jughead almost choked on his drink. Penny pulled back and smiled before walking away.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The kiss. I thought-" (Y/N) giggled.
"Pals being pals, Jug." He cooed, fixing Jugheads shirt.
"What? Getting jealous? I could always give you a taste, Juggie." (Y/N) said, leaning forward. Jughead opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unable to respond. (Y/N) chuckled.
"I'm just kidding, you have to earn it." (Y/N) winked, grabbing the bottle of champagne.
"Maybe once you pay your debt... I'll thank you in a fun way." (Y/N) grinned, blowing him a kiss.
"Jones, the next run is ready." Blu called. Jughead slid off the stool and headed over towards Blu.
"Are you actually gonna give him a taste? You have enough playthings." (Y/N) looked at Penny. He grabbed her hand, spinning her around and pulling her towards him so her back met his chest.
"Are you getting jealous?" He asked playfully. Penny rolled her eyes, turning around.
"You've been paying more attention to Malachai." Penny said, wrapping her arms around him.
"Sorry, doll. You're just so busy with everything that I find myself going to him." (Y/N) explained. He moved his hands to her thighs and lifted her up. Penny smiled, wrapping her legs around his waist and leaning down, kissing his lips. (Y/N) pulled back when someone cleared their throat.
"It'd be great if you could keep the PDA out of the bar room. People are trying to drown their problems and you two dry humping here, isn't helping." Delia said. (Y/N) chuckled, putting Penny down.
"What's the plan with Jughead? Are you really gonna let him go?" Penny asked, getting right back to business.
"I want him to turn on his friends. Once he does, I can go in for the kill and get them all against each other for the best entertainment of all; teenage drama."
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
The odd one out. (Goldstein Brothers)
No, this isn't a foursome. Sorry to disappoint?
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Requested: 32. "You didn't get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly." + 52. "You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theatre." From the prompt list.
Genre: comedy mostly? I swear I wasn't high when I wrote this just read till the end before you come at me 😂
(Third Person Point of View)
"He's actually got a big heart; you just don't realize until you really know him." The eldest Goldstein chuckles.
"I don't know. For now, he just seems really loud." The youngest shakes his head.
The two had been walking around aimlessly, just enjoying each other's company. The topic had somehow switched to a discussion of a certain night class prefect. Anything they could talk about was good enough for them, though.
"Aye, my favourite bros!" A familiar voice beams, unnecessarily extending the first and last words. The intruder inserts himself between the two brothers, putting an arm on each one's shoulder.
"We're..you're only bros." Elias stares at the taller blond in the middle. Why Klaus was acting this way, Elias wasn't sure, but he didn't feel the need to point it out. Yet.
Klaus rolls his eyes, "Well, metaphorically, I have a lot of bros."
"Since when do you even use the word bros?" Alfonse questions with a raised brow.
Klaus groans, "Why are all Goldsteins so uptight?"
The eldest and youngest share a confused look. "Excuse me?" Elias raises an eyebrow.
"You're forgiven!" The older man cheers. "Now let's go have a guys' night out; we don't have much time to waste here!" Klaus ignores the but it's daytime?s and why do we not have time?s his brothers were throwing at him and proceeds to drag them into town with no explanation whatsoever.
"Klaus, where are we going?" Alfonse prays for a single, meaningful answer.
Klaus pauses to look around the stores, "I'm sure it was somewhere around here.." he mumbles to himself, paying no mind to his older brother.
"What is?" Elias didn't enjoy being dragged around, unaware of where they're headed to; he was slowly losing his patience.
"Chill; it's a nice place, I've heard." Klaus dismisses the question again and proceeds forward.
"A strip club?!" Elias shrieks in horror at their destination.
"Dude, you're gonna get us kicked out before we even get inside." Klaus brings his index finger to his lips, motioning for Elias to keep quiet.
"Klaus, what are you thinking?! Are you feeling okay?" Alfonse eyes his younger brother.
Klaus sighs. "Okay, yes, it's weird to go to a strip club in broad daylight, but this place offers a 24-hour service! And you don't even have to worry about Elias being a little younger than the age required to enter; if we're smooth enough, he'll be fine!"
"Out of all these explanations, nothing was even related to our actual issue!" Elias flings his arms upwards in a mixture of disbelief and frustration.
"You're a Goldstein; that's how you're planning to spend your evening?!" The eldest begins scolding Klaus.
Klaus raises his hands in defence. "I've never been here before; I just thought we could try it out together. Come on." It didn't seem like he was taking his brothers seriously for their outbursts, which in turn pissed them off even more.
"I'm not stepping foot into this place!" Elias crosses his arms, looking away in disgust.
"Is it because you're scared your boyfriend will figure it out?" Klaus wiggles his eyebrow at his younger brother.
Elias's cheeks heat up at the unexpected question. "What boyfriend?! You know I don't have a boyfriend!"
"Oh, come on!" Klaus whines, in a not-so-Klaus-like-manner. "I know you're in love with Luca; it's so obvious in the way you stare at him! You don't need to hide anything from me!" He places his arms around Elias and hugs him tightly. (Actually, scratch that. He suffocates him.)
"You know you can tell me anything!" He squeezes Elias even more, if that was even possible. "I'm your owder bwother that woves you!" Klaus uses what could best be described as the voice you use when talking to a baby; he even begins to make kissy faces at Elias, in an attempt to kiss his cheek.
By now, Elias didn't know if he was more embarrassed or scared. He felt awfully mortified, but he also knew that this was not the usual Klaus. At all. Maybe his brother had been possessed, replaced by a clone, or under a spell, but there was no way this was the normal Klaus he knew. And one glance at an (almost) equally horrified Alfonse assured Elias he wasn't crazy for thinking that.
Elias pushes his older brother away. "I'm not in love with Luca, and I certainly don't need you to baby me!" Out of habit, the blond spoke the name with disgust, like he'd just seen the troublemaker cause a mess in the classroom.
"Well, why else would you not agree to join me and Alfonse?" Klaus raises an eyebrow.
"I actually never said I was-"
"Alfonse! You can't just interrupt Elias because he's the youngest!"
"He wasn't even-"
"You're doing it again, Alfonse!" Overshadowed by confusion, the eldest Goldstein stopped protesting, as Klaus interrogates their younger brother. "So? Elias? We're still waiting for an answer, you know."
"It has nothing to do with Luca!"
"Prove it, then." Eyes glinting with mischief, Klaus smirks at his younger sibling.
"What do you mean?" Elias wasn't a coward. However, when your older brother who's normally so stern and composed just took you to a strip club and started babying you, yeah, you might get a bit nervous about having to do what he suggests next.
"I just want you to enter the place on your own, spend 10 minutes inside, then come out, and we'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day." Klaus shrugs, "Bonus points if you get one of the dancers' number."
"Klaus, what in the world-" Was it interrupt Alfonse day? Cuz he sure felt like it was.
"It's okay, Al. I'll do it; at least then we'll be able to put an end to this strange trip." Elias states with determination.
"Ah, yeah, that look in your eyes! Love it!" Klaus rewards him with an applause, as if he'd just watched a scene out of a play.
Elias gives him a look but stays silent. He'd given up on understanding what was up with his brother; he just wanted to go back to his dorm and rest.
An excited Klaus and a worried Alfonse stood out of sight while Elias approaches the buff man guarding the entrance.
It couldn't have been longer than 2 minutes when they saw Elias come back to them sheepishly.
"Hey, the deal was 10 minutes." Klaus states.
"I didn't even get in! When I lied about my age, he asked where I worked. I panicked and blurted out the name of the academy.." Elias drifts off.
"So?" Klaus raises an eyebrow.
"Turns out he's friends with Vincent, and he knows the teaching staff there.." Elias hides his face in embarrassment.
"You got him in trouble for lying, and it's your fault!" Alfonse points an accusing finger at Klaus, who was trying not to burst into laughter.
"Well, technically, you didn't get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly." Shrugging, Klaus blames Elias for the incident, and in turn, earning more looks of disbelief from his siblings.
"Okay, I'm done. I'm just gonna go back to the dorms." Elias shakes his head, unable to keep up with Klaus's madness. That was enough for today; the humiliation and irritation were eating him alive.
However, before any of them could say anything, an angry Luca ran up to them, which was a rare, terrifying view. Elias was sure nobody had seen Luca so angry. Or seen Luca angry at all for that matter. Yet there he was, pissed.
"I've been searching all over for you!" He yells at Klaus.
Elias waited for Klaus to scare the crap out of Luca and everyone within a 5 mile radius of this scene, but instead, Klaus just laughed. Ironically, that scared Elias more than anything Klaus could've done.
"Come on, Emperor; it wasn't so bad!" Klaus teases.
Wait, why was Klaus calling Luca that?
Alfonse's head was spinning in circles; he wasn't sure what was happening or when it happened, but he assumed magic was involved.
"The only thing that wouldn't make this so bad is if murder was legal!" Luca grabs Klaus's collar.
They seemed to both zone out for a few seconds before Klaus pushes Luca's hand away in anger. Klaus's previously calm expression was replaced with a furious one while Luca was back to his playful, carefree self.
"Um..what is happening?" Elias finally asked. He certainly wasn't in the mood for solving riddles today, especially not after everything that happened.
"This is what happened." Klaus reaches into Luca's pocket, pulling out a small, green orb.
Elias thought it looked strangely familiar. Then, it hit him. Alfonse took the words right out of his mouth, though.
"You switched bodies." He whispered.
Elias remembered learning about that green orb, yet it hadn't occurred to him that this could be the case here. He felt slightly dumb for it, but he threw the blame on Luca, considering it was his fault to begin with.
"You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theatre." Elias glares at the green-haired male.
"Elias snapped." Klaus chuckles, as if the fact that Elias was trying to be intimidating was enough to amuse him and make him forget about Luca's actions. As if.
"Well, it was fun hanging out with you guys! Now, I gotta go!" Luca attempts to escape, but Klaus knew better.
"Not so fast." The prefect grabs Luca by the back of his collar. "You're not going anywhere. You're coming with me." Klaus drags Luca along with him as he walks towards the academy, leaving both Elias and Alfonse fairly overwhelmed.
"That was...weird." Alfonse heaves a sigh.
"I mean, at least Klaus hadn't decided to suddenly change and become this weird person, I guess?"
"True." Alfonse agrees, letting out a little laugh.
It's worth mentioning that only later that day that Elias realized Luca was the one to hug him and baby him, not Klaus, and he wasn't sure which was worse. It made him wish there was some other type of orb that could make them all forget that specific moment ever happened.
Alas, for now, all he could do is bury his red face into his pillow, as Yukiya wonders what's wrong with him.
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herowy · 4 years
Dating Headcanon 3 + Scenario
A total tsundere.
Most likely you would suggest going out in the first place.
Acts nonchalant with it but is actually really nervous.
She takes things slow in the relationship because she hasn't dated before and is just clueless about it.
Blushes a lot.
The type to want to hold your hand but is too shy to ask and will keep on debating over if she should. She misses the chance and is then pissed about it.
She's straightforward and blunt almost rude with people she doesn't care or relaxed with but with you, she is a complete mess and stuttering fool.
There are many times she wants to compliment you but is too shy and prideful to say them.
She would curse off people who are staring or making you feel uncomfortable, and if they brave enough to challenge her she'll get physical without a thought.
Gets into a lot fight in general and always have a few scratches and bruises on her.
She would be hesitant about dating at first because of all the violence and doesn't want to get you involved. The last thing she wants is you getting hurt. Of course, she'll never say that.
If you're really adamant on staying with her you'll have to really show it because then she'll just keep denying you and distancing herself.
If you do manage, swear on her life she'll keep you safe and as far from her brawls as possible. She might become more rational and actually think twice before getting into conflict to ensure your safety.
Your gonna have to be really patient with her since she doesn't express her emotions very well.
Hates overcrowded places, like really hates it, despises it.
Probably might see one of her enemies there or something.
She's not a romantic but does try and they usually end up failing.
Remembers the little things you like but acts like she doesn't care and tries to be very subtle with it.
If you unconsciously mention food or craving you want she'll pretend not to care but then a few minutes later or when your not looking she'll get it for you.
Not the type to initiate public affection and so you would have to make a move if you want any. Even then she'll try to avoid it but not because she hates it but because she's just really nervous and shy.
She's a private person so she prefers to be intimate when you two are alone.
The further the relationship develops she would start to show more affection and comfort but privately.
Baby steps like holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist and tiny compliments but all this while not looking at you.
She has a foul mouth but tried to lighten it with you. Tries.
There will be times when she's down in the dumps and will want to hold you close to her. These are the times where she's most vulnerable and needs you to be there.
Does get jealous quite easily and even over the little things but once you question her about it she will stutter out denial as quickly as possible.
Just sulks when she's jealous, depending on what or who she's jealous about it might get physical.
She prefers isolated places but if you really insist on going somewhere a little crowded then she'll follow grumpily.
Likes animals so probably the zoo or aquarium.
The night was as lively as ever, colourful streamers and small lanterns hunged and glowed vibrantly across the pathway. Stalls were situated at every corner emitting the smell of fried food and cotton candy.
The overflowing crowd continued to sway endlessly and voices overlapped one another with wild laughter and hollers.
If there was one thing she hated the most that would overcrowded places or loud and annoying bundles of people in one area. The grabble beneath them could barely be seen.
She gave out a low grunt while being dragged through the hoard by a delicate hand.
If it wasn't because of her lover and his doe-shaped eyes and honeyed voice begging her to come with him to a festival gathering, she would never, repeat, never come near this place.
"Come on jenn~ It'll be fun!." With his hands clasped together into a praying gesture.
" Ugh."
"Pleassseee Jenny." He closed the gap between them shouldering next to hers and giving the sweetest smile.
"There's nothing even fun out there. Just the same shit every year. Loud people and ball throwing crap." She grunted and stepped back slightly flustered at how close he was. She also didn't mention it being dangerous in the chances of passing by one of her enemies or them seeing her with him.
"No it's not. It will be fun if you actually give it a try. Come on, please. We've never gone to any festivals TOGETHER before. Besides, it'll make for a great date!"
"D date!?" Her face became red.
"Yeah, a date. Don't you want to?"
"…w well…it's not like…I don't w want to." She averted her eyes.
"…hmmm." He gawked at her inquisitively like he's searching for something.
"Ughh! Fine, let's go. Since your being so damn annoying and stop staring at me like that!" She blurted in defeat.
"Really!? Yay!!" He cheered.
Jenny grabbed her denim jacket and shoved it onto her self angrily. Damn him for being so cute!
And that's why they're now here.
Being dragged by the hands of her lover and making their way through the pathway as smooth as possible.
She could feel the excitement from how hastily he was hauling her.
A few seconds later she heard his voice saying something but it was blocked out by the screams of the crowd.
She tsked. Next minute the hand attached on her arm was gone.
"Wah hey!"
Jenny called for his name and expected for him to reply but nothing…
She started to panic. Aggressively pushing through the hoard of people and cursing at them to move. She managed to squeeze into a more spacious area and searched for his figure. Turning back and forth and desperately roared for his name.
She was really worried now. What if he got hurt? What if she can't find him? What if…someone found him?
Her heart clawed at her chest in anxiousness and her body started to sweat at the acceleration
Trying to calm herself. She pulled out her phone and frantically pressing onto his contact number.
"Fuck! Why isn't he answering!? Fuck for fuck sakes!"
She was pissed. Very pissed.
Running through each row of stalls and pushing at people.
Where the fuck is he?!
She sprinted to the gates where the stalls ended and it was the ocean.
Dashed down the grabble steps and onto the beach where the ocean was.
The scratchy sounds from the grinding of sand against her red converse.
Running through the shore and making her way to the end of the beach which would seem absurd. The beach is more than 100 feet long. She didn't care though, she just wanted to find him.
Then she came to a halt midway. A familiar figure. She prayed to god it was him.
The figure turned around and with a shocked expression.
"Jenny!" He cried cheerfully.
"Ha ha ha…ha…" Panting out of exhaustion and the rapid pulse of her heartbeat.
"Thank goodness your finally here. I was worried that you wouldn't come here. I was gonna call-"
"Fuck sakes!"
"What the fuck were you doing?!"
"Wh what are you talking about?"
"Why the fuck weren't you answering your fucking phone!?"
"Wah, my phone…oh, i-"
"Do you know how fucking worried I was!?"
He gaped and alarmed at her outburst. She was breathing heavily, sweat trailing from her forehead and her red hair sticking out everywhere. A complete mess.
"I was fucking running around for an hour trying to fucking find you! I called your phone and you didn't even fucking answer! Why the fuck even have a phone when you won't even fucking answer people's calls!?"
"…sorry…" His eyes fell down to his shoes and held a sad expression. It was like a child being scolded.
"Haaa…" She sighed and turned her face away from his.
A long moment of silence between them. The tension was thick and heavy.
"Jenny…im really sorry…I didn't mean to worry you. I got distracted by one of the stalls during the way. When I turned back…you were gone. It's my fault. I thought it was a good idea to wait here at the beach because it wasn't crowded and we can meet up together...but I didn't think…" He confessed with guilt in his voice and still not being able to look at her.
"Why didn't you answer my call?"
"I couldn't hear it during the crowd…"
She sighed again.
"I'm really sorry Jenny. I was planning on calling you though…" Biting his lips and felt a slight tremble, tears pricking at his eyes and slowly sliding down his soft cheeks.
Her eyes widened at the sight. His tears. He was crying. Her lover was crying. Jenny made her lover cry.
Her heart clawed at her again. Like before but it was more painful this time. It was piercing at her. Stabbing her through the front. Excruciatingly pain that made her hands welled into a fist and white.
"H hey…"
"Haaa look i-"
Jenny wanted to hold him. Embrace him entirely against her chest. Wipe those tears and protect him. Instead, she made him cry.
"I'm the one who should be sorry. I…I should have stayed closer with you and…I shouldn't have yelled at you either. Sorry."
"No no. It's clearly my fault, stupid of me to get so easily distracted and then get lost like that. I was stupid.
" Hey don't say shit like that! Your not…your not stupid. Look, it doesn't matter who's fault it is anymore. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
Witnessing the sadness in his expression and tears that held its place. Swallowing her pride. Jenny closed their distance and hugged his fragile-like body.
"Damn it. Hey, hey look at me."
He slowly looked up at her amber eyes.
She carefully wiped his tears with her thumb and then firmly held his waist and head against her own body.
He leaned in with comfort.
"I really am sorry Jenny." His voice slightly muffled against her shoulders.
"Stop apologising already."
"But i-"
She cuts him off by tilting his chin upwards and sealing his lips with hers. Her tongue caressing his. He was surprised at her boldness. She doesn't usually initiate the first kiss, especially in public.
A few seconds later they leaned back with a thread of saliva connecting their mouths. Panting for air. Staring at each other for god knows how long.
Jenny finally breaks out of the trance of his enchanting orbs and realises what was happening. An immediate rush of heat flooded her face and quickly lets go of him.
"Ahem…that uhh th that wa wasn't supposed to happen…" She coughed.
He frozed his gaze at her stuttering and then giggled.
"Don't worry Jenny, I get it. Thank you for comforting me"
"Wah h hey! It's not what you t think! I just did that so…so you would stop your cr crying! I don't actually care for you…"
"You were worried about me crying that's why you did that, right? So, you do care for me!"
"No, I don't fucking care! You were just being annoying and an eyesore!
" But you hugged me, wiped my tears and even kissed me."
"Shut up I only did that because it was in the moment."
"Hmmm just say you love me already."
"Shut the fuck up. No I fucking don't!"
Jenny was fuming with redness and frustrated by his persistence. She really wanted to shut him up again and his teasing.
"Haha, I love you too Jenny." He flashed a sweet smile.
By God was that long. Since it was only Jenny I'm writing for I decided to make it into headcanon plus scenario.
Honestly, reading back at them I feel bad for my lack of attention towards Mimi and Emily. Compared to the others I didn't write as much. They were my first OCS to start off with and I'm really fond of them.
I'll give them more writing next time to even it out.
0 notes
Moving In
Clare: shuddered when Drew got to the part about the ferret bringing him and Audra a mouse as a gift. “It’s great that they can sense whether or not the filthy thing is diseased. I’m not sure if cats can make that distinction? But ew. I would die if any pet came to me with a rodent in it’s mouth. If we ever get one, I hope it can sense that too and just kindly take it outside to dispose of. Did I tell you that I’ve never actually had a pet? Mom wouldn’t let us have one even though no one in my family has animal dander allergies or anything. I thought about getting a cat or a dog when I got my own house but I decided it wouldn’t be fair because I was at work all day and it would be alone most of the time.” Clare watched Drew describe the squirrels up in the attic. She chuckled picturing him banging on the walls and jumping on the roof. She shook her head. “Okay I guess there’s nothing to worry about. If the squirrels don’t bother us, there’s no reason to disturb their winter home. I’m just relieved nothing else is up there! But I still want to take a look around the attic sometime.” Clare smiled at her boyfriend. “Uh-huh. You were holding out on me on purpose. Don’t worry, I’ll only come for visits in your man cave. After all it’s not like I want to hang out down there and play video games. I would hope not. That’s kind of how living together works.” Once the lingering kiss came to an end, Clare added. “Besides I plan on turning one of the empty rooms on this floor into an office/library for me. That’s only fair right? You can come visit me too whenever you want.” She was sure this would feel like their home in no time and not just Drew’s. “Fuck.” Clare whispered groaning a little as she looked at the picture of Drew with facial hair. “You look hot, baby. I knew it.” She giggled. “There is no look you can’t pull off. How come you don’t look scruffy at all?” She smirked at Drew. “Good because I want a copy of this with just you.” Clare wasn’t jealous of the girl in the photo though. Allison was pretty but it wasn’t like Drew was going to go looking for her. She kissed Drew lovingly again. “You’ll still be handsome when we’re old, Mr. Clause. I’d love to give kids something to believe in. It’ll work to some degree whether or not they really believe you’re really Santa. They can at least count on us to show them a couple can stay happily married.” Clare giggled. “Once we actually are husband and wife that is.” She looked at Drew. “I just thought you’d need more time to focus on the restaurant. I knew it was running smoothly but you’ve been so busy. You were the one who said it would be best to wait two or three years before we started trying.” Clare reminded him. “I agreed because I’m not emotionally prepared right now.” She explained. “Even if you can take of us and a baby financially, I still have to feel like I’m contributing. My job isn’t secure enough and I can’t be worried about it or anything else when I’m pregnant. Stress is bad for the baby. However, it‘s not like we are getting married tomorrow. I probably will be ready by then. I do want to have a baby with you. That‘s why I was asking. I was hoping you were okay with it happening a little sooner. Leaving it up to fate is more than fine with me. I‘ll stop taking the pill after we get married.” Clare had paid attention when Drew pointed out the safe and she was glad he was putting up money just in case. But she didn’t ask any questions about it. Clare would rather put it out of her mind for now because it reminded her of robbers. “You’re right. I do. My boss thinks I’m overworked because I didn’t tell him what was going on. All he knows is I’m falling asleep at my desk and handing in the wrong articles.” Clare stated with a frown. “I was never asked to work late. I’m the one who puts the pressure on myself. I’ve been trying to convince my boss to give me my own column. I was determined to prove to my family that I could live in that house by myself and make it on my own. Instead of confiding in you sooner, I waited until all this pressure has built up inside me and I’m about to explore. All because I don’t want to be a failure.” Clare reached for Drew’s offered hand and got to her feet. “Okay Drew, I’m ready to go down there.” She leaned up to peck his lips. “I love you. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.”
Drew: listened to Clare mention pets and looked at her. "We can get a pet if you want. Any kind you want, just not cats simply because they can't determine if a rat has a disease and the last thing we need is our cat bringing a diseased rodent into the house especially if we have it when we have our baby." he stated and kissed her head. He knew that they were still going to wait for them to start working on their family, but not as long. "I wasn't really holding out on you, I mean I you weren't exactly living here and when you were over I just wanted to hold and cuddle you. Now that you're living here, you'll be here a lot more and at times here when I'm not so it's only fair if you know what's in all the rooms I know about and where they are." he assured and smiled at her when she mentioned a room of her own. "If you want, I can knock down a wall or you can have two rooms one office and one library. After all I have my man cave and it's pretty huge, you should have a pretty big room yourself or two." he agreed. "Though when we have a kid, he or she is getting their own playroom." he added. A soft chuckle fell from Drew's lips at Clare's reaction to seeing him with a lot of facial hair. "I think there are a few looks I can't pull off." he assured and thought to a few looks he's tried off in the past. "I don't look good with long hair, a friend put a wig on me of long black hair, it was thin like mine and trust me it didn't look good. As for not looking scruffy, I don't have an answer to that." he stated honestly and kissed her chastely. "It's yours, I'll get a friend to crop her out in Photoshop." he assured and listened to her calling him Mr. Clause as well as talking about them being married. "I can't wait. Though when I'm old, I might need Viagra." he smiled at her and listened to her mention his previous estimate about reproducing. "I thought it'd take me months for my restaurant to be up, but Jazz advertised it and I got a lot of people which was why I was busy plus the guy that Jazz sent whipped my guys into shape and I had my general manager hire someone and they did a great job at it. Not only that, but he called and asked if he can fire someone for trying to shop lift. I gave him permission and he's been doing great. No complaints, no missing money, no nothing." he stated. "It probably helped that my general manager was the general manager at a different restaurant that closed down. He knew what he was doing, but we had to teach him the menu and about my restaurant." he shrugged and listened to her mention not being stable enough for a baby. "We can still wait. I mean we do have time to have a baby." he assured and kissed her head. "I don't know when we're getting married and whenever that happens, we'll stop using protection and leave everything else to fate." he smiled and kissed her lovingly. "I love you and nothing's going to change that. I'm ready to have a baby when you are." he smiled at her and listened to her mention work, he didn't know that she was so stressed especially since she didn't seem stressed around him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were that stressed. I would've cuddled with you more, spent more time relaxing and giving you massages to make you feel better." he cooed and licked his lips. "You should tell your boss everything that's been going on, from getting robbed to moving in. And you're not a failure." he stated. "Or told me how stressed you've been." he added and wrapped his arm around her waist as she got up. He hugged her when she thanked him feeling she'd need one and kissed her head. "That's what I'm here for." he assured and smiled down at her only to lead her to his man cave. When they got down there, Drew pulled Clare in close and kissed her for a few minutes, then lead her over to the couch and held her. "Do you want to christen this room or just relax and christen it another time?" he asked curiously.
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