#snack of the heavens
Recovering from a gnarly cold means craving shrimp chips at 8 in the morning, apparently.
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betelgzart · 6 months
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RAP WOMEN~💕, two gifts for @akachan3000 as part of the Rhythm Heaven Secret Santa event held by @rhythm-week !
I had a blast drawing them!! I couldn't decide on one idea; the second is based on the Game Select Screen ✮ I hope you enjoy the presents Cheese, that you have a wonderful holiday, birthday, and a spectacular New Year!! 🎄✨
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myheartismadeofstars · 3 months
Triple Date: Hualian, Fengqing and Quanyin.
They attend a Chinese Opera.
XL and MQ are watching enraptured, completely obsessed with the story being told, the music, the performance, all of it!
HC hasn't noticed the performance at all, he's watching XL's face.
FX doesn't really care that much. Also:
FX: *sees some impressive acrobatics* "I could do that"
XL, MQ and HC, in unison: "no you couldn't"
QYZ keeps trying to run off because he's bored. YY likes Opera but he is too focused on keeping QYZ in his seat. He misses most of the performance (XL later buys him a solo ticket, with HC's money obviously, so he can see one on his own). QYZ eventually settles down when YY holds his hand. QYZ, despite his boredom, is happy to be out in public with Shixiong!
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submaskudari · 3 months
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they just had their stolen snacks stolen
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matimatti · 11 months
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So i finished tgcf this week
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aylish91 · 8 months
How would axe handle a territorial bitty reader?
I am assuming you mean Axe from SOH as opposed to Axe from "a bitty fic?" ? If not, I would be more than willing to answer this question again. haha!
Anyway, Axe from SOH:
A bitty reader? A palm-sized wonder? Well, look at that precious little snack. How  c u t e.
Axe would find it overwhelmingly adorable how such a small little bean could be like that. He himself is highly a bit territorial, but this is just cute. They could help each other keep an eye on things, hide things, keep others out of their business… It’s endearing to have someone like-minded. He also finds it convenient how easy it is to keep them away from the others in the beginning.
He doesn’t like to share all that much, after all, his Paps being the only exception. A territorial bitty reader would most likely feel the same.
It’s nice having more time with them. He doesn’t even have to be all that discrete with it. Why sneak off to his room when he can keep them tucked away in his shirt? He would absolutely hide them in a pocket or a pouch hung around his neck and tucked securely down the hollow of his ribcage.
Axe would also be more willing to commentate the goings on around them this way, opening more opportunities for casual conversation. It would help them bond a lot faster beyond savior and rescuee. In a way, Axe would become more relaxed and less snappy around others to keep his little treat safe. (don’t want to get into an altercation where reader could get dislodged or smashed…) It also makes him a lot more dangerous should someone else get ahold of reader.
However, Axe wouldn’t be as balanced emotionally with a bitty reader. Like a double-edged sword, he would be calmer with them but more volatile should something go wrong. The stakes would be bigger in this scenario. There would be a more likely outcome for others getting truly hurt.
In short: Axe will be calmer to be around, reader would stay hidden a lot longer, and more mysterious shenanigans would happen around the ship. Don’t tick Axe off. He will be far less likely to hold back…
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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Pretzel Queen 🥨 👑
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Picture this
Remus is feeling incredibly understimulated so to ensure he doesn't go around doing crazy stuff for the sake of it, Virgil gets Logan's help to make puzzles for Remus? Think, food puzzles for animals. Rat mazes. Snacks in containers that need to be opened in specific ways.
Either he gets the puzzle INCREDIBLY fast, or he needs like a million hints because he's overthinking it.
Virgil thinks its cute how smart (or dumb) Remus is about it and starts getting more involved in the puzzle creation, like "no Logan we need to alternate between his favorite snacks because he gets bored if the reward is the same" or "ree was able to get this cap off too easily, what if we tried superglueing it to mess with him?"
If the puzzle is too hard Remus gets frustrated and just starts slamming it on the ground to get the treat out. The next time they give him a puzzle, they reel back the difficulty a bit so he doesn't get discouraged.
I saw a video of an octopus inspecting his food through a jar, which made me think of Remus's face pressed up against a giant jar giving googoo eyes to Virgil, who is holding a shit ton of Remus's favorite snacks and encouraging him to get the jar open. And that's how I got here. Chaotic? Yes. But it suits them.
I'm a S L U T for Ree being a huge snack lover and him solving puzzles so I already L O V E this S O fucking much P L E A S E!!! Vee always makes sure to time Ree and write down the results for each time he solves the puzzles to see if the chaotic Duke can solve it faster than the last and if he keeps getting it too fast the difficulty rises resulting in the snack reward being bigger but even when they have to lower the difficulty so he doesn't get discouraged or too frustrated the same big treat is still installed so Dukey doesn't miss out on all of them <3
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💙Sam & Wes at the Warped Tour '97💙
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tomano-03 · 6 months
uneviscerate my yuri ples .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. /j
(real note tim.e um sowry. can u please draw ther r.apwoemn pleasr maybeehaps ahembfahshfjsh sorry)
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Yuri uneviscerated.
[Wait. Why dere two?]/hj
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ao3screenshotss · 3 months
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(yin yu gave snacks to ren song so he would interrogate other people for him)
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pennyserenade · 3 months
i miss video stores. they were the greatest place on god’s green earth to me as a child and i think we did the youth of today a grave injustice, getting rid of them the way we did
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
Hello! I was hoping you’d be able to write some Feng Xin hcs? Honestly anything you write will do because your writing is so good and I’m also starved for Feng Xin content 😭
Hello anon! thank you so much! I love to provide you guys some tgcf content any day! I love fx so much. I really like him as a character. Anyways here it goes.
I honestly hc him as a himbo.
But he loyal af. Like seriously you'll get no one more loyal than Feng Xin.
He'll love you for who you are, flaws and all.
He can look like a really tough guy on the outside with a frown 24/7. But when you are at home he's a huge softie. His expression looses the scowl and he's much more relaxed and has a soft smile.
He's very protective of you as well. He knows he can be a bit much so he tries to let you do your thing bcs he knows you are capable of doing it yourself.
Actually a thing he really admires of you is your self perseverance. The way you can always find a way to get through your problems. Even if you recognize that there's nothing it could be done, because it takes a lot of courage to admit that.
He's the type of guy that when you leave a building he slightly nudges you to the inner side of the sidewalk.
Definitely owns a motorbike and is a huge nerd about it.
When you ask him for a ride he's a bit worried bcs it's very dangerous and he worries for your safety.
Eventually you go out on a date and the feeling of your arms wrapped up around his waist with your head pressed against his back sends butterflies to his stomach.
Also I feel like his dates would be very active. Trying rock climbing, doing surf classes, going on park dates for sure.
If he finds a dog and it sniffs him he'll ask the owner to pet him and istg it's the most adorable sight. He looks so happy petting the cute doggo.
He's ok with hand holding when you're in public. But if you kiss his cheek or peck him. You'll have to give him a minute bcs FengXing.exe has stopped working.
Can't look at you for a while bcs he's afraid you noticed how red and embarrassed he is.
He loves to cuddle you while you're on top of him. Head resting on his chest.
We all know he's fit cmon now. He's a very comfortable pillow.
When you cuddle him be careful bcs he's super ticklish when it comes to his ribs.
Also he doesn't care if his arm goes numb when you sleep together.
He loves to kiss you on your forehead. The way you nuzzle into him has this guy weak for real.
He likes to sleep in your bed more bcs it smells like you but he'll never admit it.
He also loves the smell of your hair and always notices when you change scents or brands.
Also when he borrows his hoodies or sweats he low-key sprays them with a bit of his deodorant.
When comforting you he will be a bit blunt but he will always give good advice.
One day you offered to do his hair in the morning and now you do it almost every day you wake up with him.
He's never let anything rott in the fridge once. His appliances are very well kept. Overall his house style is simple and practical.
Actually find some pleasure and piece of mind when cleaning. It helps him clear his mind a bit.
Owns one plant and amazingly it's a fern!
Xie Lian gave it to him on his birthday and he takes such good care of it!
Names him Fred the fern.
I have an inkling feeling that Feng Xin would play cs:go and call of duty too.
Legit he's the guy who when you ask to but pads says "what size pussy do you wear?" but the thing is he says that unironically.
He a little confused but he got the spirit
I can clearly see Feng Xin as the person who says two trips to take the groceries are for losers for real.
And he definitely uses 5 in one shampoo don’t even try me 
I could see him playing american football or volleyball in high school 100%
If you go on beach trips he’d convince you to go to the water.
When you ask him to put sunscreen on your back he blushes for a bit but he’s super respectful about it.
Be careful if he doesn’t try to throw you into the water.
Ok I have more beach trip hc. I’ll save them for later ;) 
For now that’s all
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nessaadraws · 7 months
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Happy Highway to Heaven Monday, yes that is an actual thing in my house.
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artemisia-black · 6 months
Boil me, mash me and put me in a stew because this couch potato life is the one.
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Jason and Eleanor + high fives
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