#skater fairies
wolffenstien · 9 months
Fionna and Cake Theory
Potential spoilers below the cut
Dueling Skates Theory
It's a play on "Dueling Fates" because I'm clever ;)
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So I was looking at the titles of the four remaining episodes: The Star, Jerry, Casper and Nova, and Cheers
Cheers - Easy enough, reference to Simon's favorite show, doubles as a greeting/celebration/goodbye term. Perfect for a finale! By the end, we'll have a new normal, everybody will know their names!
The Star - If it's a reference to previously known character, my guess would be Astrid, the Fionna and Cake fangirl.
Jerry - Shot in the dark here: Alternate version of Jermaine.
Now, for the good stuff, my actual theory is on who the titular Casper and Nova are! Drum roll, please! 🥁🥁🥁
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That's right! The Skate Fairies, let's go!
I was trying to think if there had been any unnamed pairs who had the potential to be fleshed out. These two came to mind. Especially because these two characters were actually hyped up in promotional material before the show released!
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I found this weird because in episode 2, Simon Petrikov, they don't actually speak. They babble for 2 seconds and throw leaves at Simon.
I just find this credit weird since in episode 1, Fionna Cambell, their derby girls counter parts aren't credited. They are just listed as "additional voices." Despite the fact that the Derby Girls have actual lines.
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Originally, it seemed like their purpose was just to show the links between events happening to Simon and how they directly affect the Fiona and Cake world. Simon is annoyed by the two Skater Fairies, so Fionna gets interrupted by two Derby Girls.
But do you really get two award winning voice actors just for that? But it's not like they show up again. Oh wait!
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Whose that on the right? A pair of thematically linked skaters voiced by, you guessed it:
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At this point, this is how I am feeling:
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The "Dueling Skates" theory
The Skater Fairies, the Derby Girls, and the Ice Scouts are all alerternate versions of each other
We will hear the Skater Fairies speak in a future episode
This is why the Fairies were credited but the Derby Girls weren't
They ARE Casper and Nova
In the penultimate episode they will have a bombshell reveal moment
They will be antagonists (separate from the Scarab) in that they will try to encourage Fionna and Cake to embrace violence to an unhealthy degree
This final point comes from the fact that the Derby Girls were praising Fionna for her "aggressive jerkiness," and the Ice Scouts encouraged Fionna and Cake to tear through the corrupted candy people in The Winter King.
One thing to note, combing through the episode, Destiny, I didn't see any obvious farmworld counterparts there (but there were lots of background characters with tires), and I didn't see any counterparts in baby world, but there might be some in episode 7.
Anyway, that's the theory. I hope you liked reading it, even if you think I'm completely off base with this one!
Bonus calls:
The Star is Astrid
Jerry is Jermaine
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shopwitchvamp · 1 month
The Fairy Collection sketches..!
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Originally I wanted to have this collection go live this spring in like March or April, but then everything happened so much. It's been in the works tho, and hopefully it'll be ready by early summer instead 🥀
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kniveslookbooks · 2 years
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strange & off-putting art student with a part time job hunting ghosts in rural vermont
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magicalshopping · 9 months
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♡ Plaid Mini Skirt (XS-3XL) by Trash Queen ♡
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djrockers · 5 days
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Some screenshots of other favs and pretty art too<3
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No idea who this last cookie is, but I dig their design. I think their name translates to Durian Cookie? Don't quote me on that tho
Source: Royal Mike
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aliyahgracedrawing · 8 months
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Yuri plysetsky, also known as YURIO, or THE FAIRY OF RUSSIA. He’s cool. I love him
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holleyteatime · 11 months
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Holley Tea Time 💖 Kawaii aesthetic fashion shop with plus sizes 💖🌙
Holley Tea Time on YouTube 🌟 subscribe to my channel 💞
Saturn's wish blue skater dress ✨
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starryqueen-18 · 1 month
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Welp, the poll has spoken, for those who doesn't know I made a poll of which role Olly shall be and the winner is Figure Skater so, everyone say hello to Elsa- *cough* I mean Figure Skater Olly. I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii.
Proof below
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apaperimage · 6 months
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all brown :p
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leev444 · 24 days
thanks @sleepylibra25 for tagging me!! (new post bc the previous one was getting too long)
core aesthetic tag game
type ur name + core into pinterest and post the first six photos
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dragging mutuals into this -> @autismdurst @grungerockcowboy @0nlyangel0910 @curaheehee
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dragongodryss · 2 months
Memories of the past, Joys of the present and Dreams of the future
There wasn't much Gajeel missed about the days before he had joined Fairy Tail. In fact, it was only one thing. Skateboarding. He had been pretty damn good at it too, before he had developed motion sickness.
He wondered if the twins would grow up to enjoy it as much as he had, or if they would like different things entirely. The had only been born about six months ago, but he loved them with all his heart, and it sucked that he couldn't share this with them.
"What wrong Gajeel? Are twins okay? Are you okay?" Levy asked gently.
"Yeah. Just thinking."
"Don't hurt yourself." She joked before getting serious "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really. There's not much I can do about it anyway." He had more important things to worry about, like taking care of his kids, or his upcoming wedding. Or even the fact that he and Levy didn't really have time to do anything together anymore. When one went on a job, the other stayed home with the kids. His guildmates helped out sometimes, sure, but he could probably count the amount of people he fully trusted to take care of two babies on his hands. Bisca and Alzack. Maybe Mira or Freed. Maybe. No, Mirajane wasn't a good influence. Lisanna? He didn't really know her, but she seemed sensible. Lucy helped sometimes, but she didn't have much experience with babies and she had her own life. Rogue was the third best choice, after Bisca and Alzack, the fact that his frog was still alive was a testament to that. He had watched his niece and nephew on a couple of occasions, but he was helping Sting with Sabertooth.
On his way back from a job with Jet, Droy and Lily, he noticed a skate park. Several people were skateboarding there, having the time of their lives. Blasted motion sickness. That was also why they were walking.
He didn't know why the grief over not being to go skateboarding anymore was hitting him now. Was it because he would never be able to share the joy with the twins? He tried to conceal it from Levy. They both had bigger things to worry about. Or so he had thought.
It took Levy two weeks to drag Rogue into it. Gajeel, half asleep on a Sunday morning, could hear them through the floor.
"He won't tell me what's wrong, and Lily has no idea either. Whatever it is is clearly bugging him and it's not going away. Please just try." Levy was clearly at her wits' end. Gajeel hadn't wanted to worry her. He got up and got dressed. He needed to come clean.
"Alright, but if he hasn't told you or Lily, he probably won't tell me either." Rogue agreed.
"Fro thinks so too!"
Gajeel came downstairs.
"Morning." He said, not sure where to start.
"You heard us didn't you?" Lily stated more than asked.
"Yeah. Didn't wanna worry you. It's not a big deal. But I guess it's too late for that."
"What happened?" Levy asked.
"It's stupid. I used to really like skateboarding, but then my motion sickness, well, happened, and I couldn't do it anymore. Then a couple of weeks ago, I realized I'd never be able to teach the twins how to skate, even if they were interested."
"That's not stupid. I remember you doing it all the time. Of course you'd be upset about it." Rogue said.
Levy thought for a moment.
"Say, Gajeel? Did Wendy ever use Troia on you?" Levy asked.
"Nah, what's the point? It'll stop working anyway."
"Yeah, if you overuse it. Using it once or twice a year probably isn't going to do that. Or if you want to be sure you get to skate with the twins, once every two years. But I think once a year would probably be fine." Levy explained. "So you don't forget. You could even teach us, as practice."
Gajeel froze. Was she suggesting what he thought she was?
"Sounds fun. All we need are some skateboards. You and Frosch coming too, Rogue?" Lily asked.
"If you'll have us." Rogue smiled.
"Fro thinks so too."
"You mean now?" Gajeel asked.
"No, we need to find someone to watch the twins and rent some skateboards. And ask Wendy to cast the spell on you two." Levy reminded him. "Next week. Should we go rent the boards on Saturday?"
"Hey, little blue! You got a minute?" Gajeel asked a couple of days later.
"Yes Gajeel? What's up?"
"Me, Lev, Rogue and the cats are going skateboarding on Sunday. Could you cast Troia on us and do you want to join us?" He asked.
"I'd love to come, but I don't think that spell will work on me. I can definitely cast it on you two though." Wendy said, a little sad.
"My bad, kid. Wanna go get ice-cream with us afterwards?" Gajeel frantically tried to cheer her up.
"Yep. See you on Sunday!" It had worked. Gajeel doubted he would have any trouble convincing the rest to get ice-cream.
Meanwhile, Levy had convinced Alzack and Bisca to watch the twins for the afternoon, so that was taken care of.
The group looked around the shop for skateboards, in the for hire section.
"No, Rogue. That skateboard is too small. No, Rogue, I don't care if it has frogs on it, you're going to get hurt." Gajeel insisted. "And before you ask, it's far too big for Frosch."
There was a clatter as the exceed in question launched herself into a stack of skateboards while riding a penny-board.
"Frosch, are you alright?" Rogue dashed over to rescue her.
"No testing the boards inside the shop!" The salesman scolded.
"Don't you think she's learned her lesson? Hasn't she suffered enough?" Rogue asked, clutching Frosch to his chest. Gajeel walked over to make sure Rogue didn't get them kicked out or arrested. But since the exceed was safe in his arms, Gajeel doubted it would come to that.
"Fro thinks Fro's going to fly."
Babysitting was hard. At least Levy and Lily had found boards that wouldn't cause them to fall flat on their faces. The idiot he was trying to wrangle, however, was still wistfully looking at the frog board.
"For the last time, Rogue-"
"Wait, hear me out! I can use my magic if I fall off, so it's fine." Rogue suggested.
"You'll be doing that anyway. Come on, there are loads of cool boards."
"Listen to Gajeel, Rogue, he knows what he's doing. Look, that one has a tiger on it!" Levy thankfully jumped in. It was nice that Rogue finally got to act like a kid, he'd definitely earned it, but when it was putting him in harms way, it got exhausting quickly.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool too. What do you think, Frosch?" Rogue agreed. Luckily, that board was the right size. He wasn't sure what he would have done if it wasn't.
"Fro likes it. It's pink and green, like Fro!"
It had been agreed that Rogue and Frosch would spend the night over at Gajeel and Levy's so they wouldn't have to travel all the way from Gazania. It was honestly impressive how much more responsible Rogue became the second he was around the twins, or literally anyone less responsible than him.
Right now, Gajeel was holding his children while Rogue cooked and Lily set the table. Levy was reading a fairy tale aloud to Frosch and the twins.
"Rogue, you'd better not be making fire in there! It'll take Salamander fifteen minutes to get here, even if he picks up his damn lacrima." Gajeel said when he smelled a faint burning smell. He didn't need to shout, Rogue wasn't deaf.
"It's fine, it's under control. And Natsu and Sting owe me 5'000 jewel now." Rogue said smugly from the kitchen.
"Why, did you bet on who could set my kitchen on fire first?" Gajeel asked.
"No, Sting and Natsu bet on who could set water on fire first, and before you ask, no, I don't know why, and I said I would because I'm sick and tired of having to turn off the fire alarm. He set everything except the water on fire."
"You set water on fire! How?"
"It's really easy, do you want to see?"
"No! Not in my house."
Levy had stopped reading, giving Gajeel a concerned look.
"No, it's fine. He's not going to set our house on fire." Gajeel reassured her.
Dinner was served soon after, surprisingly unburnt. It was spaghetti and meatballs. And chocolate cake.
"Okay, but how did you set the water on fire?" Levy finally asked.
"Oh, there was oil in the pasta water, so I set that on fire. Then I put the lid on it to put it out." Rogue explained. Gajeel couldn't say he hadn't done stupider things with less care. At least Rogue understood how to put out an oil fire.
"It was a good idea, but could you not do that in our house in the future?" Levy requested.
"Yeah, sorry. I really should have asked first." "Fro thinks so too."
Rogue looked even guiltier than before, and Gajeel knew he wouldn't do it again.
"It was a pretty neat trick. I'll take the twins to Saber and you can show them there." Gajeel suggested.
"Do you want them to turn out like Natsu?" Lily asked.
"Do they owe you 5'000 jewel each or together?" Gajeel changed the subject.
"Each. They really didn't think I could do it."
"Wow. You should take bets from them more often." Gajeel said. Levy shot him a warning glare, which probably meant he was being a bad influence. Scratch that, he definitely was.
"Guess it pays to be the smartest idiot in the room." Rogue joked.
"Don't do anything stupid. Your reputation as the smartest Dragonslayer is in danger." Lily warned him. "Wendy'll come for your title, and if you keep listening to Natsu and Sting, so will Gajeel."
"Terrifying. I'll be careful." Rogue promised.
It was finally the day. Gajeel hadn't realized how excited he had been until the time had come. Wendy had cast her spell on them and everyone was ready to go.
"Helmets, everyone." Levy reminded them. Rogue was already wearing his, so the comment was directed at him and Lily, who was in his combat form.
"Fro doesn't need a helmet." Frosch proclaimed. Gajeel knew it was because she had opted out of actually skateboarding, but there also wasn't much brain to damage. The same could be said of him though, so he shut up about it.
As soon as his helmet was on, Gajeel sped off. He didn't know the names of most of the moves he did, since he'd rarely spoken to anyone about skating. But he jumped all of the ramps just fine. He had missed this so much, and now he could do it again. Out of practice, he fumbled the landing, landing on his hands and knees.
"Are you alright?"
"Yep. Happens to the best of us. What's important is to get right back up."
The first hour was fairly slow, with the other three trying to get comfortable with the boards. Rogue and Levy picked it up surprisingly quick, at least on flat ground. Lily struggled a bit, but Gajeel himself hadn't become an expert overnight. He taught them how to do an Ollie next, in part because it was fairly simple, but mostly because it was the only move he could name.
Levy took a while to position her feet correctly and decided to take a break to properly observe the difference between what Gajeel was doing and what the others were doing after falling down half a dozen times.
Rogue fell into his shadow the first few times, but perhaps as a result of that safety net, he was braver about it than he would have been otherwise. He was the first to master it among Gajeel's students. Once Rogue had succeeded, Levy decided she had observed enough and tried again. She had improved considerably, and Gajeel was once again impressed by how far taking a step back and watching had gotten her.
Lily, despite being otherwise physically capable, seemed to have some trouble grasping it. Remembering how Rogue had used his shadow, Gajeel led him to the lawn.
"Try practicing here. The board won't slip so much and the landing will be softer." He suggested. After a few more tries, during which Rogue and Levy practiced turning, Lily had managed to do an Ollie. It wasn't the most magnificent one Gajeel had ever seen, but it was an Ollie.
"Do you want to try on the concrete again?" Gajeel asked. Lily grinned.
"Of course." He fell a few more times, but he was succeeding more and more often. Gajeel patted him on the shoulder, concratulating him on his improvement.
He left Lily to practice a bit longer to check on the other two. Rogue had figured out how to spin mid-air, though he fumbles the landing and fell into his shadow, while Levy was doing laps around the park. and Frosch flew back and forth between them. He waved her over and walked over to Rogue. Levy drove over and tried to stop, but she miscalculated and crashed into Gajeel, who caught her. F
"Sorry!" She squeaked. Gajeel chuckled.
"Nah, don't worry. You're doing great. You both are." He praised them, and both grinned. "If you want to try some of the ramps, I think you can pull it off. Just be careful."
Rogue and Frosch sped off to try out the ramps, while Levy went with him to check on Lily.
"Lily and I can race each other around the park, if you want to do some ramps." Levy suggested.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, you're the one that wanted to skate, it would be a shame if you didn't." Levy insisted, Lily nodding in agreement.
Gajeel smiled and took off, joining Rogue on the half pipe.
"Hey punk! Watch this!" He bragged, speeding up the pipe. He made it to the top and flipped over, flying through the air. The familiar rush of feeling the wind in his hair and nothing but the board under his feet washer over him. He landed at the top of the opposite side and skated down, coming to a stop.
"Wow! That's awesome!" Rogue cheered, while Frosch flew in circles around both of them.
"Gajeel flew like Fro! Like Fro!" The exceed laughed.
"Can I try?"
"Normally, I'd say no, but with your magic, the worst that could happen is that you'd look stupid."
Rogue smiled at that and skated to the top of the half-pipe, standing at the top. That was how Gajeel had started off too. He drove down at full speed and came up on the other side, flying straight into the air and straight back down onto the pipe before rolling back to the side where he started and rolling down again, stumbling to a halt at the bottom, without the help of his magic, Gajeel noted.
"Nailed it." Rogue said flatly.
"Good job. Not what you were aiming for, but it's still a solid trick."
"Fro thinks so too!"
Gajeel went to the other ramps to practice, leaving Rogue to practice his flips. He cleared the obstacle courses a few times before turning to watch Lily and Levy race. Lily was a little clumsy in his driving, but was maintaining decent speed, to Gajeel's pride. Levy, meanwhile, was matching him elegantly. A small rock, maybe the size of Gajeel's fist was in her way, but instead of swerving to avoid it, she jumped over it. He smiled as he heard her laugh aloud and sped off to join them. Lily fell back as he approached, granting them some time alone.
"Nice jump, shrimp! Hard to believe it's your first time."
"Thanks. It's hard to believe I'm finally skating." Levy admitted.
"Huh? You've thought about skating before?"
"Yeah. I've always wanted to learn, but there was something else that came first every time. It's more fun than I expected, you know." Levy's smile could have blinded Gajeel then and there.
"Glad to hear it. Do you want to try on of the obstacle courses with me?"
"Sure do!"
Gajeel led her to the simplest one, two bars, followed by a rise and then a small ramp with a stream the size of his forearm between it and the landing space. The whole park was much fancier that the one in Oak Town had been.
Gajeel did a double Ollie over the bars and casually drove over the rise, winking at Levy as he passed her. Then, to show off a bit, he did a flip over the ramp, which easily cleared the stream.
"How was that, Lev? You think you can do the course?" Gajeel asked. Levy grinned confidently.
"Watch me."
She cleared the bars, a little awkwardly, Gajeel admitted, but she stuck both landings. Then she turned her skateboard around to face him before going over the rise, where she winked at him. Turning to look ahead, she faced the ramp, flying into the air before hitting the ground and skidding to a halt. She almost fell over, but kept her balance and gave him a thumbs up, which he returned. When he placed his foot on the board, a now familiar wave of motion sickness washed over him. He picked the board up and walked over to Levy instead.
"Did the spell wear off?" She asked.
"Yeah. Guess it's time to get little blue the ice-cream I promised her." Gajeel confirmed.
They entered the cafe Wendy had chosen about an hour later, after dropping the skateboards off at Gajeel and Levy's house.
"Thanks kid. Today was great." Gajeel told Wendy. He looked at everyone. "I'm paying, buy whatever you want."
Lily was thrilled to learn that the shop had kiwi ice-cream as a temporary addition to the menu, and Wendy admitted that that was what made her choose the shop over the other one she was considering. Levy, out of curiosity, had a scoop of kiwi ice-cream and a scoop of vanilla. Gajeel mixed chocolate and raspberry. Frosch chose one scoop of bubblegum. Wendy had white chocolate, strawberry and bubblegum, which Gajeel doubted would mix well. Rogue chose white chocolate and mint-chocolate chip.
"Natsu set Lucy's house on fire today." Wendy told them mid meal.
"Really? What happened?" Levy asked. Gajeel and Rogue exchanged looks.
"Apparently, he was trying to burn water. Happy banned him from trying it at his house." Wendy seemed thoroughly confused. Levy looked at Rogue, who cleared his throat.
"Tell him Sting and I are inviting him to dinner in two days. Tell him to bring 5'000 jewel." He asked her.
"Sure, but why?"
"You'll see. Can the squirt and I come too?" Gajeel asked. Rogue agreed.
"Tell me how it goes." Levy asked.
"Don't you want to come too?" Rogue invited her.
"Nah. I'm going to stay with the twins."
"I'm good. Maybe Levy and I can finally finish that rom-com we were watching."
"Hello, welcome to our house!" Lector greeted Gajeel, Salamander and Wendy.
"Rogue! They're here!" Sting called out excitedly, rushing to the door. "Natsu, did you do it yet? The water thing."
"...No." Salamander admitted reluctantly.
"Me neither. Don't think Rogue has either. Don't think he really tried."
"I'll figure it out first!" Salamander declared. Gajeel suppressed a grin. Once he and Sting had gone off to see Rogue, Gajeel turned to Wendy.
"Did he bring the 5'000 jewel?"
"I made sure. But why?"
"He's about to lose a bet. Surprised he didn't guess."
The six of them sat at the kitchen table while Rogue brought the food. Gajeel noted the soot stains that marked the area around the stove. It was spaghetti again.
Rogue brought the pasta water over, earning him some questioning looks from everyone except Gajeel and Frosch. He pulled out a lighter and turned it on, trailing it over the oily water. It caught fire instantly, burning brightly. Salamander, Sting, Wendy and Lector gasped.
"5'000 jewel please, gentlemen." Rogue requested as Salamander ate the fire. Salamander looked upset at losing the bet, but Sting stared at Rogue in awestruck shock. Gajeel hoped he didn't look like that whenever Levy said something smart. Sting went over to grab his wallet to hand Rogue his winnings, and Gajeel nudged Salamander to do the same. At Rogue's insistence, they washed their hands afterwards before tucking in.
This was lining up to be one of the best weeks ever.
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badgerswithbagels · 3 months
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I've been thinking about making a dress with my moth designs and so I wanted to poll about potential styles! These are from Printful's mock up generators so...
Please reblog for a larger sample size!!!
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daaydreamy · 2 years
all the aus reacting to y/n giving them flowers (including Jack n joe)
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— bouquets and bouquets of flowers
— alien!harry
y/n looked around as she entered her home, closing the door behind her while also putting her bag on the floor. she was holding a bouquet of flowers that she bought while driving back home, which were specifically for harry.
“you’re home!”
y/n jumped a bit and chuckled softly when she saw harry now in front of her, letting out a small ‘umph’ when he hugged her tightly. she hugged him back and gave him a small pat on the back as well before pulling back, handing him the flowers.
“for you.” she smiled softly. “saw some on the drive home and figured you’d like them.”
harry’s cheeks grew warm, smiling as he took the flowers.
“thank you.”
— nerd!harry
y/n rang harry’s doorbell, standing on his doorstep as she waited for him to open the door. she tapped her foot against the ground a bit, peeking through the small sliver of glass at the sides of his door to see if anyone was inside.
she then stood up straight when she saw the doorknob twist, smiling a bit.
“hi! so sorry, i was cleaning.” harry smiled as he opened the door, making y/n’s smile grow bigger. “what brings you here?” he chuckled softly and she shrugged.
“wanted to surprise you.” she said and handed him the bouquet of flowers in her hand, making him laugh a bit.
“thank you, they’re really pretty.” he admired the flowers. “come in, come in.”
— fairy!harry
“you could put them in your house.” y/n smiled as harry held the bouquet of flowers in his hand that she gave him. he laughed and nudged her side, admiring the flowers.
“shut up.” he mumbled, cheeks warm and pink. they would never fit in his house considering how, well, it was a dollhouse for whenever he turned small.
“do you like them?”
“of course i do! they’re so pretty, i love them.”
- spellcaster!harry
“harry! look!”
harry got up from bed when he heard y/n call his name from the kitchen, nearly slipping while walking quickly since he had socks on. he walked into the kitchen and his eyes widened a bit when he saw her with his wand in her hand, although smiled upon seeing the smile on her face.
“i made flowers appear. see?” she smiled and held up a bouquet of flowers that came out of nowhere.
well, it may have disappeared from some random person’s flower shop, but who cares, right?
“magic.” she shrugged and harry laughed, wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist when she took a flower and tucked it behind his ear.
— drummer!harry
got you some flowers, thought they were nice. hope you like them. :)
love, y/n.
harry held the small card that came along with the bouquet of flowers y/n had gotten harry. harry’s cheeks were warm and he gulped quietly, taking the flowers up to his nose to give them a small sniff, the floral scent going up his nose.
she got him flowers.
no one’s done that for him before.
— frat boy!harry
y/n smiled when she saw the flowers she had gotten for harry sitting in a vase that was full of water, sat on the coffee table in the living room. harry had called her over and it was about 6 p.m. she walked past the living room and headed to harry’s room, knocking before entering.
“didn’t hear you come in.” harry chuckled softly and got up from the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist.
he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, smiling a bit.
he kept the flowers.
— soft dom!harry
“god, i love you.”
harry smiled up at y/n as she straddled his thighs, his hands on her hips. she was laughing and so was he, watching as she leaned over him and pressed her forehead to his.
she came over with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, which were laying on the bed beside them. the flowers smelled nice and they looked nice as well. y/n was kind of like a flower, or at least that’s what harry thought.
flowers were soft and delicate, but also bright and beautiful.
— dad!harry
“daddy, can i have one?” luke asked as he stood in front of harry, eyeing the bouquet of flowers in his hand. harry had let him smell them and he thought they were quite pretty and wanted one for himself.
y/n had gotten them for harry, handing them to him with a soft smile on her face as she did. while she was out doing errands and harry was at home, taking care of luke, she had passed by a small flower shop and decided to buy a bouquet to bring home.
“here.” harry took one out of the many, handing it to luke, who now had a big smile on his face.
y/n smiled softly as she stood behind the couch harry was sitting on, watching the two.
— doctor!harry
“hey, doctor.” y/n smiled as she walked into harry’s office, making him chuckle softly. she walked over to him and leaned down to press a quick kiss to his lips, holding up the bouquet of flowers she had brought over here.
“hi.” he smiled and took the flowers, smelling them for a second. “what are these for?”
“nothing.” she shrugged. “just thought they were pretty. just like you.”
harry laughed at that and placed the flowers on his desk, getting up and wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning in to kiss her once more.
— mafia!harry
“hi, baby.” y/n smiled and pressed a kiss to harry’s cheek, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand. harry hummed and smiled a bit, returning the kiss by pressing one to her cheek back.
“got something for you.” she handed him the flowers and he chuckled softly, putting an arm around y/n’s waist as he held the bouquet.
it was kind of funny, really. it was funny because usually harry was this kind of intimidating and overall kind of scary guy and now he had gone all soft for his girlfriend. he would smile and blush whenever she complimented him, sometimes even begging for her to cuddle him.
“thank you, my love.” he murmured.
— asmrry
harry blushed as he took the flowers y/n was giving them, smelling them for a second. he smiled at the gesture, hearing her chuckle softly as she watched him.
“thank you. um,” he was flustered now, “they’re gorgeous, i love them.”
“i’m glad you like them.”
— archaeologist!louis
y/n smiled a bit as she walked into the bedroom, seeing the flowers she had gotten louis yesterday sitting in a clear glass vase. they were right beside the lego flowers he had made for her a while ago on valentine’s day, and she chuckled softly as she looked at the two.
she was dating a dork.
she loved him immensely.
— dad!louis
“ooh, she got you flowers.” cassia smiled as she looked at the bouquet of flowers in louis’ hand. he handed them to her with a soft chuckle leaving his lips and she smelled them, humming softly from the nice smell.
“do you love her? like, actually?”
“yeah… yeah, i do.”
— camboy!louis
y/n furrowed her brows a little as she looked closer at her laptop screen, watching louis’ stream. in the background, there was a vase that had flowers in it, and the flowers looked awfully similar to the ones she got him two days ago.
“fuck.” louis moaned softly as he pleasured himself and y/n looked back at his body, cheeks growing warm.
— skater boy!niall
“niall!” y/n called out, waving her arm as she looked at niall from a distance. she was at the skate park he always went to, holding her own skateboard and a bouquet of flowers she bought for him.
niall smiled as he walked over to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“hi.” she smiled softly.
“hi.” he chuckled and put his skateboard down on the ground, putting his hands on her sides.
“got you flowers.”
niall smiled, taking them.
“thanks, petal.”
— husband!niall
y/n chuckled softly when she walked into her home, seeing her youngest kid sitting on niall’s shoulders. she walked over to niall and pressed a kiss to his cheek, making him smile.
“what’s that, mumma?” her son asked as she handed niall a bouquet of flowers, holding onto niall’s head so he wouldn’t fall.
“flowers.” she smiled at him and brought her hand up, stroking his cheek.
“i love you.” niall murmured and pressed a kiss to y/n’s lips, making her smile.
— brother’s best friend!niall
y/n held the window open as niall came in through it, closing it quietly so no one in the house could hear. she kissed his cheek and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge and taking the bouquet of flowers resting beside her.
“dunno’ if my brother is sleeping or not, so just be careful.” y/n looked up at niall and he hummed, leaning down to kiss her lips softly.
“anyway, i got you flowers.” she smiled and handed him the bouquet, making him chuckle.
she let out a small squeak when he pushed her down onto the bed, getting on top of her while pressing kisses all over her face.
“you’re amazing.”
— vampire!zayn
“i got you flowers.”
zayn’s lips parted when y/n handed him a bouquet of red roses, taking them from her. this was kind of weird. he hadn’t received flowers in, well, years. it felt nice though, receiving them. it was simple yet he liked. he wasn’t sure if it was because he hadn’t gotten any in a while or because he had a soft spot for y/n, either way though, he liked the flowers.
“oh, um, thank you.” he said softly and y/n smiled brightly.
— tattoo artist!zayn
“are these for me?” zayn chuckled softly as he looked down at the flowers in y/n’s hand, watching her nod with a smile on her face.
she was coming in to get another tattoo today, and he always tattooed her.
“‘course. for my favorite tattoo artist.”
zayn laughed and took the flowers, taking her over to his station.
— joe
joe stood beside y/n as he watched her buy a bouquet of flowers. he assumed she was buying them for herself and looked around the small shop, admiring all the different kinds of flowers. it smelled nice too, which was great.
“hey, here.” y/n nudged him lightly, handing him the bouquet she just bought.
“oh, they’re for me?”
“of course.” she chuckled. “c’mon, let’s go.”
— jack
“your hands are cold.” jack murmured as y/n tucked a flower behind his ear.
y/n chuckled softly and placed her apparently cold hand on his cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. she was sat on his lap with the bouquet of flowers she had gotten for him resting in between them.
“do you like them?” she asked him softly, referring to the flowers.
“of course i do.”
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primavera-allegoria · 2 years
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I was late to my hair appointment so I had to use these bad boys
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Luna Bodysuit & Skirt Set (XS-4X) ♡
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nutcaseart · 11 months
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I have added Character Creation Commissions to my Ko-fi commission area! You can order one over here: https://ko-fi.com/nutcaseart/commissions
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