#siren dust
janeelyakiri · 5 months
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from @llamagoddessofficial 's recent chapter of A Collection of Fables and Romances
Siren Dust was so perfectly spooky yet 💙💙💙
(it is a very dark chapter be warned!)
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Mermay day 7 (kinda): Breakfast
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It is a perfectly gloomy morning in Siren Port, just how a certain monster likes it. This au (siren port au) does center around the ocean and some siren bois but this particular picture is just Nootmare haveing breakfast and reading on his beach. I think it counts as mermay tho
The Siren bois in question: Yes the Murder time trio are called Hook, Line, and Sinker in this au.
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And Nightmare. Who The trio never seem to stop bothering. Please my man just wants to write in peace. Nightmare screaming at the sky: CAN'T MY LIFE JUST BE NORMAL! Ocean: lol no. have three weird sea creatures that are a constant annoyance to you. :D
prompt list here
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stevyguts · 5 months
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an assortment of undertale things i drew over the holidays
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persephosposts · 4 months
guys should I write an Alastor x Siren Demon! Reader?? Because I keep on having thoughts about how’d that play out
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Um, sorry for bothering but can I ask for siren boys reaction to a baby that reader brought?
I can understand if you don't take it or if you're busy
Of course you can! Never be afraid to ask- I may not get to it immediately, but don't worry 'bout being a bother.
I really like getting asks :]
(This is very similar to another ask I got, by @pikapikablog, so this counts as well!)
Ahem. Okay!
Classic, usually aloof or intimidatingly curious, goes surprisingly soft as he watches the child with wide sockets. He doesn't see many tiny humans around, but all of his instincts are simply informing him that they're small and need to be protected. If you two have some sort of relationship he may grin happily at you before doing goofy little tricks to catch the baby's attention.
Red, who is normally a people person and enjoys doing big displays of strength or power, will immediately quiet down and put his hand on the glass to study the baby you brought with you. He's got a certain softness in him towards kids- especially if a human he happens to adore has brought one. He gives you a goofy grin.
Axe, who is extremely elusive and hates almost all people (viewing them as food sources, usually) may actually turn up. He'll swim closer in his inky black water and you'll just see his large red eyelight fuzz as he looks down at the baby. If you can see his face, you'll see his grin soften.
Dust, who hates all and every single living thing in existence (usually), will probably come up to the glass and look from you to the baby you hold in a "that yours?" sort of gesture. He may entertain the baby by doing some goofy things for it, but don't expect too much.
Killer embodies his gremlin energy and can and will start making flirtatious (and potentially lewd) gestures at you once he realises you are, in fact, holding a baby. He'll be doing it for goofs, but it's obvious that somewhere in there, he actually thinks the child is kinda cute.
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elizakai · 4 months
Every time I draw or think about human Dust sans he has to be trans masc and I simply do not make the rules.
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Imagine This #17 - Male Siren Pt 2
➤ Pairing - M Siren x female (3rd pov)
➤ Wordcount 1.8k
She woke up snuggled against something warm, cold, salty air pressing on all sides and turning her fingertips blue. She groaned as she stretched out her legs, wincing at the imprints in her skin where her body had lain against the rock. The ship. She had fallen off the ship.
Fully awake, she looked at the creature who had saved her. She had heard so many stories, but each tale had been wilder than the next to the point where she dismissed them all. But, here she was with a monster of the sea right before her eyes. His face was resting on his arms and appeared to be asleep, which put her at ease as she studied him.
His upper body looked mostly human; tan shoulders dappled with spots that merged into larger patches covering his salmon-pink stomach. His eel-like tail was the color of mud and seaweed, with sharp fins catching in the wind and fluttering like tiny sails. The fine skin of his tail looked irritated and cracked. She was completely dry, which meant she had been sleeping for a while. Her dress crunched slightly as she moved.
Her damp handkerchief was wadded up in the pocket of her dress. She took it and leaned down to the water to soak it and squeezed the excess water onto the merman. The cold water woke him instantly, he jerked his head up and snapped, whirling around. She shrank back, clutching the handkerchief. When his eyes fell on her, his stiffened fins relaxed instantly and his lips pulled into the emulation of an agreeable closed smile, hiding his teeth. She offered him a smile back, and he scooted towards her.
Oh no. Was he going to eat her now? With no choice other than leaping into the ocean, she was forced to remain put with her heart beating in her throat. He seemed to only use his webbed hands for swimming, for he began his full investigation of her with his face. He put his face to her neck and sniffed, nipping curiously at the jewels around her neck, then nosing at her tangled hair. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, because he was much too scary when he was this close, with his large body and sweeping tail crowding her.
Don't eat me...
He studied her torso. Was he looking for injuries? He sniffed her arms and found his bite from the night before, where his teeth had slightly broken the skin. She sucked in a sharp breath as he leaned in, but it was only to lick remorsefully at the wound.
"I'm alright," she said softly, her voice cracking slightly.
He replied immediately with a volley of chirps and clicks and whistles and leaned down to put his teeth to the hem of her dress.
"Stop it," she said quickly, tucking her legs protectively against her chest. "T-this dress was a gift."
He pulled back and stared at her, then cast his eyes toward the water. Pale grey things flashed in the water, circling the rocks. The merman growled, his fins fanning out like a ship's sails catching the wind. He dove into the water and the ocean's surface was immediately disturbed by ferocious splashing and fighting. She watched with large eyes. She had never seen such earnest bloodshed, even between the angriest dogs. The water began to bloom pink and red, and her heart sank. There were so many surrounding him. He was never going to make it out alive.
She stood and squinted north. She could see a sandy stretch of land, and it was not far away. If she removed her heaviest layers, she might be able to make it there. She stripped till she was down to nothing but her shift and dove into the water on the far side of the rock. It was so cold she almost cried out, but she gritted her teeth and began to swim, silently thanking her parents for having insisted on swimming lessons when she was a child.
An eternity later, she was crawling up onto the sand on shaking arms and legs. It was a miracle that the sirens hadn't eaten her whole. She rolled onto her back and gazed up at the painfully blue sky, wondering if her savior was already dead. She mumbled an apology for leaving him to his fate and let the wind carry her words away. She dragged herself up as far up on the sand as she could go and passed out.
She woke up sneezing as sand tickled her nose. Her head was bolstered against something sturdy that smelled strongly of the sea. Her tired eyes flickered open to meet a pair of eyes with slitted pupils gazing down at her. The long strands of his hair dripped chilly water on her face. In an instant, she recognized her merman.
"You're alive!"
He grunted and dropped something on the sand beside her. It was her dress, soaking wet and stinking of fish, but at least she would have more to wear than the thin shift. Searching for a way to express her happiness, she leaned up and hesitantly brushed her cheek against his. He let out a sharp trill and repeated the motion with such enthusiasm that she feared he had misunderstood her intentions.
"Wait," she stammered, half-laughing as his strength knocked her flat.
He pressed his nose to her neck, supporting most of his weight as he hovered over her.
"T-thank you for saving me."
He leaned back and squinted her face. His eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, the gills on his neck flaring. He worked his jaw for a long moment and then blurted out,
She was surprised that he could speak at all, but most of her attention went to what he had said. The way he looked at her coupled with that word made his intentions quite clear.
"You can't keep me," she replied, reaching up and stroking his hair "I don't belong in the sea."
"Then land? Land good," he said.
She looked around her. Beyond the small strip of sand, there was a forest that grew thick, dark, and tangled. The tide was rising, which meant soon she would be forced to venture into the trees. She had no idea where she was.
"I need more than land," she said. "I need food, and water, and a bath... I need a house with fireplaces to keep warm, and a garden and-" She snapped out of her thoughts as the merman slithered towards the water.
"Wait!" She jumped up, but he was slipping into the frothy sea and out of sight.
It didn't feel right to leave like this, and the sky was turning pink and gold, in any case. She couldn't wander around in the dark. She shook out her dress and laid it on some rocks to dry. She sat and watched the sky bloom with color and begin to darken, and she wondered if anyone thought she was still alive. Surely not. She tucked her chin against her knees and huddled against the cold, blowing on her numb fingers.
Her merman eventually returned as the tide was sweeping higher, devouring almost the entire beach. He was gripping a badly mangled fish in one hand. He chirped.
"Oh!" She looked at the mess and grimaced. "I can't eat that."
He looked confused. "Fish... Not good?"
"It will be good if I can build a fire," she said, jumping up to her feet and hurrying into the trees.
The merman watched her go, shifting uneasily. She was unused to being barefooted, especially on such rough terrain. A curse slipped out of her mouth as a sharp stick jabbed at her foot.
"Heavens. If Mother saw me now..." She murmured.
She didn't dare venture too far lest she get lost, but she was able to return with a decent armful of sticks and twigs and dry grass. She dumped the pile on the sand and turned.
"If only I can find two decent rocks," she said to herself, scouring the ground with her eyes.
Soon it would be too dark to see. She found two rocks that looked similar to what she had seen used in her travels. She had watched a lot of things done in the wilderness but didn't know how to accomplish much of anything herself. It took nearly half an hour of striking the rocks together before a spark caught. She blew on it carefully, adding small pieces of grass until the wood was properly burning. She held her hands to the small flames, nearly crying tears of joy.
"I may last the night after all," she announced to the merman, who was staring at the fire.
She took the fish with a grimace and began to try and make some sense of it, yelping when she stuck her finger on a sharp bone. She managed to salvage some of it. The charred fish tasted strong and salty, but at least it was edible. She crammed the rest of it into her mouth and chewed hastily. Now she was thirsty, but she knew better than to try and drink the salty ocean water.
"Thank you," she said to the merman, wiping her fingers on her handkerchief, which she then discarded onto the sand.
The merman pulled himself towards her, the flames reflecting in his dark eyes. She let him get as close as he wanted because she was a little curious about him herself.
"Why did you save me from the others?" She asked, looking down at his tail, which was crossed with silvery scales in many places.
He turned away, looking almost guilty. She caught his jaw, her fingers brushing over the gills on his neck. He let out a full-body shiver at the contact and finally looked into her eyes. His hair had dried into curls. She tucked the longest parts behind his pointed ear.
"You sang to me," she said. "I remember."
He chirped and leaned into her touch.
"I won't pretend I understand why," she said as she looked at him. "But you didn't kill me, and I'm grateful for that."
He smiled, and his teeth flashed golden in the light of the flames.
"Sleep," he said, curling himself around her and pulling her down so her head rested on his stomach. He made a pleased sound, adjusting himself into a comfortable position on his side.
She could hear the low purr in his throat. She gazed up at the stars, unease twisting in her belly. He might not have eaten her, but he probably wasn't going to let her go.
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midnight--siren · 2 months
I forgot to post them here so uuuuhhh...
Radiodust week art dump!
Posted in order of promt, expert the last one. I never finished it enough to share
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Likes and Reblogs are appreciated and give me life 💕
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aylish91 · 8 months
You! You beautiful, creative, amazing person! It's your fault I got back into the fandom and now I'm hyperfocused on Leviathan!Tale, again! (No but seriously your works are amazing and you should be proud of yourself!)
I have a request for Leviathan!Tale, (if you have the time) when did the reader join the shiver? And how? Were they wondering alone? Maybe almost killed off for being different? How did the others react to reader joining? Were they scared and refused to eat unless Nightmare or Dream was near?
Hello beautiful Anon! I deeply apologize for how long this has taken me to get to. I have kept it and hoarded it like a dragon with its precious treasure. It has brought me such great joy every time I reread it.
I have made this for you, dear friend. I hope you are still with us undertale folk, and thank you! May you find answers within these chapters!
For those looking for the new/fresh chapter:
or below
New awakenings
You did not feel quite right. Your body was heavy and ached like you were coming down from a fever, lungs and throat burning and agitated. Guess it serves you right for going out on such a stormy night. Shrine Rock was sketchy to traverse on the best of nights, what possessed you into thinking you could do it with no moon and turbulent seas?
Uuuugh. You could be extremely reckless sometimes, but at least you were alive. A bit worse for wear, but alive.
Shifting, you contemplated opening your eyes. Despite your condition, you were starving and needed to get up and ready. It would be the last morning in your childhood home on the island and you had to get to the ferry by nine if you were going to make the bus into the city. You could tell by the muted bickering of your neighbors that it was already far past time you should have woken.
Groaning, you rolled to reach for your phone, blanket tangling around your legs uncomfortably. Shifting again, you weren’t expecting your bed to move or something else to wrap around you. Eyes snapping open, a frightened gasp left you breathless.
You weren’t in a bed at all. You weren’t even in your house. Wrapped around you were absolutely massive tentacles boxing and encasing you within their mass. They were a deep black, hints of bioluminescence giving them an iridescent sheen.
R e a l.
You would have thought you were in some sort of dream if you couldn’t physically feel every panicked movement. It made you roll and squirm, trying to bring your legs up to brace yourself against them. It also made you realize why the blanket had been so uncomfortable.
There was no blanket. And there were no legs…
In place of your legs were a mass of bunched and tangled tentacles, much like the giant ones surrounding you. They were curled up close to your center, winding amongst themselves. Out of reflex, you pushed away from them, only to have them unfurl and chaotically flail around. It was uncanny how you could feel each individual limb as they whipped around.
Then, everything tumbled and moved, the larger tentacles sliding away to open to the outside. There was a drastic drop in temperature as water flowed around you. Your breath hitched. Hunching into yourself, you frantically looked around.
To your horror, an animated skeleton seemed to climb or slide over the top of one of the tentacles, black trailing down from its sockets with a shark’s lower body. The connection of bone and body was seamless from the lower ribs down, some sort of glowing energy in the shape of a target above its bony chest.
You couldn’t move as it spoke.
“Finally! Would ya look at that. You made a little you boss.” It swam closer. “How interesting.”
Another, larger, voice vibrated the water. “Killer—"
To say you had a bit of an overreaction was an understatement. Adrenalin swamped your systems when the creature came forward with an outstretched clawed hand. Crying out, your first reaction was to kick it away. However, without legs to kick, your tentacles were the things that lashed out.
Two smashed into the face of its skull as a third and fourth wrapped around their arm. Startled, the creature jerked backward with a yelp, pulling you further into the open. Your limbs tightened, the rest flailing and grabbing anything they could reach. In the end, you grappled both of its arms and the majority of its torso.
You both made undignified panicked noises as tentacles and fins thrashed about, each of you doing your best to simultaneously free yourself while attempting to maintain some sort of hold on the other. The glowing target pulsing above his sternum continued to glow brighter and more erratic. One of your tentacles almost made contact with it but the creature managed to grab the appendage with a desperate snarl before it could.
“Boss! Nightmare!” A different tentacle found an opening around an upper rib causing a choked gasp. “A little help!!?”
You were so preoccupied unwillingly wrestling that you missed the laughter building around you. It took the rising rumbling chuckle vibrating the water again before you noticed it all.
Why was it so familiar…
Water swirled around you before large dark skeletal hands gently took hold of you, slowly removing your offending appendages from their target. “Calm yourself little fish. Do not fear. You are safe here among my own.”
You stilled, eyes wide.
The great Guardian Nightmare, thought to have been nothing more than a dream, held you in his hand, his fabled servants hovering not too far past the edges of his great limbs.
His shiver of loyal sharks.
Skeletal Mer sharks…
All the stories and warnings your grandmother had ever told you swarmed your mind. Everything simultaneously made sense and didn’t. You had heard many stories of the guardians saving wayward travelers and those loyal to them. But you were regular old you.
Had you really been judged and chosen?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a skeletal mer with shimmering golden fins and eyelights appearing over Nightmare’s shoulder, their subtle glow stunning you into stillness.
Their voice was as soft and smooth as you had once imagined…
“We’re glad you are finally awake. We were beginning to worry.” Gliding closer, he smiled, just close enough to be friendly. “I’m Dream. It is lovely to finally meet face to face. Nightmare was quite quick to hide you away.” His eyelights brightened with a sly look back. “My brother seemed to think you were quite agreeable.”
The giant hand you were in pulled away, another coming to shield you from view. “Brother. Perhaps you could be more useful and take the others to fetch some nourishment. Their sleep has been unexpectedly long.”
Circling your living barrier, Dream chuckled, playfully twirling his body as he went. “Of course. This is quite the occasion. If I must, I will keep the others busy while you get them comfortable.” Flicking his tail, he slipped past the shiver to call over his shoulder. “Come along then. We wouldn’t want anyone else spooking them and ending up like Killer.”
The circling mer erupted in laughter once again, the mer from before giving an indignant squawk as he darted after the mischievous guardian. It wasn’t long before the sound of their teasing banter faded into the distance.
The tension in your shoulders and… limbs eased, your fears fading away. Settling into the palm, you idly wrapped around the large bony fingers as you processed. Despite how far down you seemed to be, the world seemed clear and bright. Sunken ships of various ages littered the open expanse around you, your host casually sprawled atop an old wooden vessel elevated atop a rocky platform.
You knew beyond shrine rock was referred to as the depths, but still. How had something like this never been discovered? None of this felt real. You didn’t feel real, but the subtle twitch of tentacles and the feel of the cool water around you kept you grounded.
Your Grandmother’s stories didn’t do any of this justice.
You took a breath and looked up when you felt everything shift, Nightmare’s low calming voice bringing you back to him. “You must be full of questions. It is not very often a mortal finds themselves within our realm.”
You did have a lot of questions, but they all swirled and meshed together until they stuck in your throat. What was appropriate to ask? How should you address such a being? What did he expect of you?
Looking into the dark skeleton’s singular eyelight, A sense of calm overtook you. You had already talked with him before. There was no need to be so afraid. No questions had been wrong and there was no proper way to speak with him. Simply being yourself had been enough.
He had been so curious, kind, and alluring…
Regaining your courage, you attempted your voice. It cracked and burned, but you managed. “I had thought all of this was a dream, but… If this is true, I offered you my… Shouldn’t I be…”
He hummed, socket lidding. “Dead? Indeed. But I did warn you. When you offered me your soul, I took it for myself. You live, because I breathed life back into it.”
You could feel the sting around your eyes. “Why?”
“You intrigue me. It is rare to find someone such as yourself and you had already proved your loyalty. Sometimes, for a being like me, that is all that is needed.”
You mulled that over as you fought your emotions. “You are a Guardian. A king of the deep abyss. You chose to save me, grant me one of your gifts, because I was Interesting?”
That same deep chuckle vibrated the water, his body moving to lean against the mast. “In a way, little fish, yes.” He paused, grin turning solemn. “As I said that night beneath my raging storms. I am a greedy and selfish creature. I found you upon that rock, worshiping a being you had never seen and who had been silent for a great many years. You were not angry or pleading when you witnessed my approach. You did not beg or demand anything of me. We spoke cordially, as if we were equals. And when I then offered you my most coveted of gifts, you instead offered me that which was most sacred of yourself.” Tilting his head, he delicately ran a clawed bony finger under and along a few of your tentacles. “For that, you have earned my favor. Whether from my own greed or your appealing nature, it matters not. I have already claimed you as my own.”
Just like the night you died, you found yourself in utter awe of him, a warmth spreading through your chest from his admission. You couldn’t help redirecting away from yourself and your bubbling mix of feelings.
With a shaky chuckle of your own, you playfully looked up. “You might regret this later, you know. Look at me, I don’t even know how to tentacle properly.” As if by fate, one immediately jerked back to smack you in the face, making you grunt and quickly shove it back down.
The Guardian, much to your embarrassment, did a good job holding back a laugh, only letting out a quick rush of air… water?... before hiding behind an amused smile. “You will learn in time. You are still young and new. A pup does not learn everything in a single day.” He turned his head. “Isn’t that right, Cross?”
Your entire body twitched when you followed his gaze. A skeletal shark mer with one red and one white eyelight hovered a little away from the mass of Nightmare’s tentacles. The thing that struck you the most, however, was the jacket and belts he wore despite being underwater. The jacket was black and white with a fine amount of floof around the edges while two belts criss-crossed on what would have been his waist. The next thing that got your attention was his tail. Purplish in hue, it darkened around the tips of his fins and reminded you of a thresher shark’s tail. It especially gave you that impression when compared to the first mer, Killer’s, mako-esk body. When he looked up in greeting, there was a small scar beneath his right socket.
He looked uncomfortable, sending subtle glances your way as he fidgeted with something in his hands. “Um, yeah...” There was an awkward silence until he coughed. “I uh… Dream sent me back with something light while he helps the others. They went topside closer to the reef.” He held out a small mesh bag with what looked to be two crabs moving about inside.
Nightmare sighed. “I see. Let us take it elsewhere then.”
You had to brace yourself when everything around you began to move. Bringing you near his chest, Nightmare slipped down from the ship towards the bottom of the rockface. Once there, he ever so gently extracted you from his palm and fingers to set you down amongst a soft pile of seaweed and sand. Backing away, you watched in awe as he maneuvered the bottom half of his body into the curved opening of a cave. Even though it wasn’t very deep, it was enough to get his tentacles snugly within. It allowed for a better position next to your resting place more at your level. While you watched, Cross hesitantly swam down to join you, staying closer to Nightmare’s elbows a safe distance away. He didn’t relax until the Guardian had settled.
Loose sand clouded the water where the leviathan lay. “There. Now, if you would Cross.”
The mer scrunched into his jacket, looking anywhere but at you. “Yes sir.” Ever so carefully, he swam close enough to hand you the bag. “It’s not much considering, but they still taste good.”
Yep. Live crabs. You now had a big bag of crabs, and it wasn’t even market day. You suppose you were going to have to put them in your mouth.
Heh… Focus.
You had never eaten a crab raw before and they were still moving. Would the meat come out the same if it wasn’t cooked? Were you still susceptible to seafood poisoning now that you weren’t technically human? You were starting to get nervous.
Just staring…
Cross didn’t know what to do with that, becoming visibly more distressed. “I mean, I could go get urchins or oysters or something?”
You felt just as awkward. “No, no. This is fine. I mean, the other two things sound wonderful too, but I can just… Uh… I’ve never eaten it raw before? And they are still alive so… Um…”
You were floundering.
Nightmare chuckled when understanding dawned on Cross’ face. “Oh. Yeah. I forget humans like to cook their food.” Your tentacles curled when he came forward again, this time getting close enough to reach inside the bag. “They should be fine to eat. None of us have any problems. Here.”
Taking one of the crabs, he turned it over before jabbing the underbelly down the center with a crack. With it now limp, he grabbed all the legs on one side, pulling the entire chunk away from its body to hand to you. You tried not to grimace.
You had seen the fisherman at the docks and market do something similar (although either with a sharp knife, pick, or bang) so you weren’t surprised. But it was still raw, and he made killing it with his fingers seem so easy.
Cross was watching with such hopeful attentiveness now though. Quietly thanking him, you gave him a gentle, yet uneasy, smile and did your best to separate meat from the base portion connecting the legs. Using your newfound sharpened nails, you were able to get some just fine, and the smell was actually quite nice.
You still hesitated.
“Go on, little fish. You need it. Others before you have questioned. They too found their way. You will find your taste in food has changed alongside you.”
You couldn’t really argue with that. He was an ancient being after all who had undoubtedly gone through this with countless others. You wondered if Cross was one of them.
Nodding, you took a breath and made the plunge. It was startling how different it tasted compared to when it was cooked. Or when you had been human? It was good! Better than plain, although, you wished you were able to dip it in butter. Your stomach was at least ready to accept more if nothing else. The single taste was not enough.
You were suddenly aware of just how empty your stomach was, quickly digging, mashing, and pulling more from your meal. Cross graciously passed over the other half during your ravenous display, taking the time to prepare the second crab for you as you ate. You were so focused on eating at the time, you almost didn’t catch the dopey grin spread across his face as he watched. Nightmare grinned down from the palm of his hand. Your mind was too overcome by the frenzy to care.
They were kind enough not to mention it.
By the time you had finished, your stomach thanked you. However, you were far from satiated and your body still ached.
You sighed.
Tidying up your mess for Cross, you quietly thanked him when he took it and swam off to dispose of it. Nightmare looked on, eyelight sharp and focused.
Feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, you sank into yourself and took a tentacle in your hands. If you focused on it instead, perhaps you wouldn’t feel so much. There were a few things you were curious enough to ask about too…
“You are in pain.” One of Nightmare's bony fingers startled you as it brushed against your limbs. Unconsciously, you willed one of them to wrap around it for comfort.
You had to look away. Cross was in the distance heading upward and towards something.
Something in you shivered at your name, but you never got the chance to answer him. A shout along with other voices announced the return of the others, Killer making a particularly quick approach. Circling the patch of seaweed, he smirked at your flinch.
“Wooow. Movin pretty quick Boss. Only the first day and ya already got em—”
You didn’t know tentacles could move that fast. One moment Killer was circling above, the next he was wrapped up tight enough to clamp his jaw shut. Nightmare was no longer as relaxed, spilling out of the cave enough to effectively sit among his agitated limbs, a couple looping around your little area.
“That is enough teasing for the day. Behave yourself. I am hardly in the mood.”
Killer didn’t seem affected by his predicament in the slightest, nodding with a muffled reply. As soon as he was released, he let himself sink to the ground with a wink. Dream, Cross, along with two others soon joined him with their spoils.
You ignored the pain and the suspicious eye of Nightmare in favor of looking over your new companions. Everything was strange and new. Only time could tell what was ahead of you.
You only hoped you were worthy of it.
Grand Master Post Leviathan Au
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seraphlune · 2 months
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blackbeautybaby · 3 months
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sapphire-sans · 5 months
What should I draw?
Results from the poll!! Guess I'm drawing Dream!! :D Should I do passive, normal, or shattered? Comment below!! ^^
@kitcomaniac is making me name all of the correct owners 🙄😭
Classic belongs to Toby Fox Swap belongs to P0pc0rnPr1nce Ink belongs to Comyet Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog Slash and Ash belong to itsxroxannex Killer belongs to Rahafwabas Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Dust belongs to Ask-Dusttale Cross belongs to JakeiArtworks
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Mermay day 12: Glass
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Line finds some Glass while exploring some kelp. he likes how it sparkles in the sunlight.
Prompt list here
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zeezeebum · 18 days
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You're both Hell and Paradise like the Ocean
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swasdoodles · 2 months
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As far as smug levels go, Aria's seen better.
dA request.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
The Depths Of Love
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From that once scene in Chapter 2 when Readz grabs the other Siren.
(Isn't fully proportionate, as Readz isn't absolutely gigantic, but I just felt like drawing it)
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