#sincerely. eat shit
umblrspectrum · 1 year
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how many times has this happened. its been at least 3 times i can tell you that much
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Husk: Hey, Angel, can you hold this?
Angel: *distracted* Hm? Yeah-
Angel: …
Angel: …this is just your hand?
Husk: Yeah.
Angel: 😳
Angel: *clutches hand tighter*
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daebelly · 4 months
jesus fucking christ. just. jesus FUCKING christ this hellsite's nearly irredeemable.
here's my carrd with links to my other sites, just in case i decide to leave this site.
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july-19th-club · 2 months
harrykim and tomparis hopelessly awkward in the cafeteria what social blunders will the commit!!
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mortalheartache · 2 months
sorry i haven’t posted. The Horrors.
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arthur-r · 3 months
something’s just not right / there’s hunger in my eyes, but you’re not looking into mine / in the morning light / i wake up next to you, but we’re no longer entwined / i want to love you with a ravenous hunger, tear your flesh into mine / you say you like me, but you’d rather that i listen quiet, keep it all inside / i romanticize a lust for blood and the glint of evil in your eyes / any kind of sign, something to tell me that your heart is burning just like mine / rend me to pieces if that’s what it takes to tell me that i taste divine / there’s something wrong but i just can’t quite place it, leave me on the precipice, i’m fine / something awakening and stirring inside me / i’m gearing up, your pretense in decline / i slice my heart up on a platter and find that you don’t even wanna dine / i gave my soul up, you can eat me raw / diced up and vulnerable, i’m yours to try / you’re glancing to the side, bored, and find that you don’t even wanna dine!!!!
#round 2 of recording my loser boring cannibalism song#(it has more words now. it is still not a complete song but it is getting somewhere….)#basically i really like cannibalism as a literary device and devouring somebody and being like violently enamored#and i convinced myself that my relationship was really good and healthy and i just don’t know how to handle a Good Normal Relationship#but secretly loving somebody should be at least a LITTLE BIT like cannibalism. especially if you’re me#so i got really hungry and he didn’t ever lift a finger for me or smile in my direction#and i wish he would just be hungry for me back. kill me a little bit if it would mean you care#i just thought that Normal People should be Normal about each other and he was just being Normal about me#when he like. did not prioritize me ever. and was only affectionate when he was drunk 🫠#he does NOT deserve to be the one who ended the relationship!!!!#anyway i would rather he eat me alive than not even look at me. and that’s what this song is about#and i’m gonna raise my standards so much fucking higher. he should be fucking hungry for me actually#literally and figuratively shdhdf i was always the one to invite him to dinner too.#and he was SHIT at communion motif. that guy had awful fucking table manners why did i date him#anyway shdhdf. idk here is round two of my hungry song#i’ve already changed the lyrics a little since recording this a couple mornings ago but it’s FINE my roommate is in here so can’t re-record#but: there’s something wrong but i’m not ready to face it. actually. cause it was so fucking obvious i was just willfully ignorant#anyways!! i’m feeling a little weird today and i haven’t done anything and i want to play music but i can’t. so i’m posting a song instead#and later i might be going to a concert?? we’ll see. if i’m feeling better physically by then!!#anyway i hope everybody is doing okay and lmk if you need anything!! sincerely arthur#me. my post. mine.#delete later (probably)#music
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concernedhobbits · 1 year
fuck you liam o’brien.
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stacks-of-stags · 11 months
respectfully will lana skye please stop ruining my entire life by trying to ruin hers at every fucking turn thanks
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shrinkingevergreen · 1 year
literally saw a "get off my page if you're wannarexic, i only want perfect anas following me" post in my recommended and truly, from the bottom of my heart, fuuuuuuuuck that shit.
y'all wanna know the secret of this fucking disease? there are no goddamn "perfect anas."
those of us who have struggled with this for years and years on end and still aren't at a 🌸✨uwu thinspo low weight🌸✨ AND those of us that you're calling "perfect" who are literally skin and bones, being forced into hospitalized recovery by their families are all exactly. the fucking. same.
we're all out here killing ourselves and self destructing and hating ourselves and hurting the people who care for us. like it or not, we're all fucked in exactly the same way. the fat anorexic and the skinny one and all the ones in between. we are suffering from the same exact stupid, toxic delusion that society and our own self-loathing have heaped on us. and that's just the ugly truth.
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femcelhood · 8 months
I hope you all are really truly grateful to be able to eat whatever you want wherever you want
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blujaydoodles · 1 year
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
I'm cheating I choose all of your blorbos
YELLSSSS JUSTIN THERE ARE SO MANY BLORBOS!! This has also been tricky to think about because 'a romantic evening for a significant other' is not (necessarily) the same thing as 'a date', and also all of my OCs have either not been in an actual relationship in a long time, or have not been in one uhhh ever at all lmao
Elyss's idea of a romantic evening is private and intimate; I feel like she would plan something like an evening walk in the woods, but depending on the other person maybe also something cozy, like staying in and reading together by the fire (preferably the other person reading out loud to her)? I don’t think she’d plan anything near water for a romantic evening in case it distracted her (unless her partner can also breathe underwater, in which case yes yes obviously yes WHAT could be more romantic than sharing the overwhelming joy and peace of the quiet depths with someone you love)
Idri gets all her ideas about Romance from books and goes over the top setting up a fancy candlelit dinner, dancing, roses, chocolates, wine, rose petals all over the bedroom-- a very archetypal Whole Shebang. She can't cook, so the fancy dinner is at a fancy restaurant. She's the exact perfect blend of self-aware of how ridiculous it all is and playfully playing into that, while also being completely earnest about wanting it to be really fun and nice-- winking at them over the rose in her teeth, but only because she knows it’ll make them laugh
For Juniper, I feel like a part of her might be inclined to try to Do Things Correctly, especially if she’s not very confident yet in the relationship-- dinner, flowers, candles, dressing up probably. But if she’s more comfortable, she’d plan something less formally by the book, but more romantic to her, personally-- something like stargazing together, or getting up early just to watch the sunrise. There would still be flowers, but it’d be less ‘an obligatory bouquet in a vase’ and more ‘a bed of druidcrafted flowers she’s set up where they’re going to be stargazing’ or ‘a wild blossom tenderly tucked into her partner’s hair’
Aubree dotes-- she's cleaned the whole house, she's got a hot bath with candles and fancy soaps ready for them, she cooks their favorite dinner and dessert and presents it all as artfully as she can, and there's a bouquet of wildflowers on the table cause you've gotta have flowers if you're being romantic, she’s gonna give them a back rub at some point, etc. There’s also gonna be a lot of wine, cause wine pairs well with dinner and with dessert and with a cheese board and with backrubs and romantic bubble baths and suddenly that’s A Fair Bit, haha
Melliwyk is not especially good or well practiced at romance, so I think she’d struggle to figure out how to plan a romantic evening at all :’) I think she’d generally lean on Going Out (because that's what people do, isn't it?)-- a nice restaurant, or a museum or something-- preferably stuff more in line with the latter, because what could be more romantic than bonding over experiencing something interesting together? She probably would also bring a gift-- specifically, something personal and handmade
Nyssa’s romantic evening emphasizes sensuality; this is wine and chocolates in bed, surrounded by flowers and silks, and if you’re not already naked you’re overdressed. Her ‘plans’ aren’t any more specific than setting aside the entire evening, but the loose plan is to lounge and bask and talk and feed each other grapes and get drunk and play music and kiss a lot and get frisky whenever the spirit moves them
Kethri is the kind of person who loves going out and doing stuff, so I think a romantic evening (as opposed to a basic date night) would be a private night in, to center the relationship/ her partner and how much she cares about them. She’d dress up however she knows her partner likes best, and she’s probably written a song just for them, which she plays for them over after-dinner drinks by the fire. Kethri tends to be really playful and cheeky, so I think if she's planning a romantic evening it's going to highlight her tender and sincere side
Felix, even moreso than anyone else, is very minutely tailoring his to his partner’s tastes. In general, he really loves seeing people light up about the things that interest them and make them happy, so in a relationship, being able to do that for his partner would be the height of romance for him-- especially if it gives them an opportunity to get excited and talk about what interests them, like going to a play by a playwright they love so they can discuss the themes afterward, or whatever.
Um, also, this is a crossover ship I’ve only very casually indulged but this is SO specific to them I can’t just generalize about it: if the partner is Melliwyk, he has boobytrapped her entire house. Like, this is the ‘scavenger hunt that leads to the bedroom’ thing, but instead of clues that are just sheets of paper that amount to ‘look in the toaster’ the clues are all, like, meticulously planned escape room puzzles and actual riddles and shit. Also, they actually lead not to the bedroom but to a hot bath and an actual dinner, because the woman needs to be lovingly tricked into eating and relaxing literally ever
Ask about my OCs?
#come to think of it that's also maybe the most thoughtful and romantic thing someone could do FOR felix#'I invented an elaborate mystery for you to solve and rube goldberg'd the shit out of your house' means 'I love you' in gnomish#anyway thank you my love I'm sorry it took me TWO WEEKS to answer but you DID ask the trickiest question of ALL of my blorbos lmao#I know I had also tagged ambrose tsakesh and indigo in the ask prompt post but man I JUST ran out of steam sjhdjgf#tl;dr: ambrose is achingly capital-r Romantic and indigo takes them out stargazing and talking about destiny#(indigo employs the same strategy with casual hookups but actually he's completely sincere in either case)#tsakesh-- I'm not sure? I dunno why I'm having such a hard time with him on this question 🤔#nyssa is weird because with her cultural background I don't know if she groks romantic love BUT she would be very good at being romantic#oh make the other person feel deeply and personally loved?? slam dunk babey I can do that!#none of them would be bad at this in a way that's funny lol they're all either very charismatic or incredibly sincere (or both)#except mel but she's also not stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like- her inability to plan a good romantic evening is that she doesn't think to do it at al#she forgets her own birthday half the time. she forgets to EAT#but if she DOES think to plan a romantic evening at all it's not gonna be like comically bad or anything#ask thing#not art#my OCs#elyss#idri#juniper#aubree#nyssa#melliwyk#kethri#felix
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Ok wild thought but i just listened to the song Fooled Around And Fell in Love (by Elvin Bishop) and it’s giving me Mine “I didn't care how much they cried, no sir. Their tears left me cold as a stone. But then I fooled around and fell in love”
So he cast aside many women cause his interests never lasted and then he fell in love huh 🤔MHHHHM 🤔 i’ve connected the dots (i haven’t connected shit)
- yakozy from main
no you're absolutely cooking here you're onto something brother im nodding along and taking notes
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
I think I deserve a trophy for getting to the point where people make self-insert characters so they can smooch my OCs. I think that's very girlboss of me, actually
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6stronghands · 2 years
I feel like I’ve been in a lupus flare for over a year now and it’s really starting to piss me off. Also: got my third booster a couple weeks ago and got really goddamm sick, only started to feel lupus-flare-level-shitty again yesterday. 
I don’t mean to be a little bitch because just about everyone is in a very bad, very really really bad way. Literally everyone is chronically or acutely or mentally ill or financially unstable or trapped in bad work or personal straits or other hardships and a million other burdens and in so many ways and means. There is A LOT of heartbreak and horror going around my god. 
But I feel panicky lately, like I’m not gonna finish all my knitting and writing and parenting and other life shit, like maybe people like me aren’t going to make it through the very end of the pandemic. Like I know everyone is sick of masks and angry people and shit politicians and utterly soulless corporations but if this is the new normal, maybe middle-aged lupus chicks are the new old people. I mean I FEEL old, and I ACT old all the time lately. Maybe 50 isn’t the new 40, maybe it’s the new 80. Feeling kinda down about it, needed to vent, sorry. 
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ballisterboldheart · 2 years
im normal <- writing a whole essay on terry & daniel in her drafts
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Friend: How are you doing?
Me: Honestly I've been better
Friend: Do you want to burn down a city?
Me: ... Actually yeah that'd be nice
Friend: Do you want to burn down Texas?
Me: That's a bit bigger than a city but I'm down
Friend: Idea! Let's burn down any cities that deny people abortions
#kind of in love with this friend ngl#he frequently suggests burning down cities to deal with shit#he can be very kind and sincere#i remember one day i was Officer of the Day (working at summer camp)#and that position lasts all day. you run all of the meals. call commands for flags. find someone to do grace and color guard#running the meals is most overwhelming and you dont really get a chance to sit and eat#you just set down your plate and hope that in your running around you can shove something in your mouth#i happened to set my plate next to his so he saw me coming and going and saw how stressed i was getting#the kitchen had problems and was late and it was a big group of scouts and it was all fine but it was flustering me#he could see that so on one of my runs to shove a single bite of food in my mouth he asked very sincerely#'is there anything i can do to help?' and when i said no he said 'let me know if you need anything'#he took my sheet with all of the messages for the meal and wrote something on the corner without letting me see#he made it seem like it was going to be a super bitchy thing whoch would be on brand for him#but he just wrote 'you are amazing!'#but also he'll say the bitchiest (affectionate) things to me and we go back and forth like that#'back in my day the Handicraft director (my position) was sane'#to which i fired back 'back in my day we knew that the uniform included a nametag (he forgot to wear his)'#silly shit like that#and no matter the occasion he'll usually suggest burning something down#idk hes made the year really nice
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