#since it will likely be after all the multiverse stuff thats coming
amberimagination · 1 year
The idea of Namor being so strategic in his interactions with shuri is so interesting. His behavior towards her when she was in Talokan was kind of weird and romance could be one explanation but given his conversation with namora at the end of the movie I think the manipulation angle does make alot of sense. And then the fact that he was eavesdropping on Shuri and Queen Ramonda when he snuck into Wakanda the first time, so he was clearly watching their behavior and could likely see from there that it would be easier to sway Shuri into doing what he wanted. Then he planned out their whole interaction in Talokan down to putting that bracelet right up in her face as soon as she walked in lmao this man was thinking! i guess her becoming the Black Panther was unexpected but he still got what he wanted in the end anyway. I'm so curious now what they're gonna do with Namor next and with Shuri like will things play out the way he's imagining they will? Wakanda definitely has no political allies but Shuri does have superhero friends...also i feel like Wakanda could handle Val on their own. For Shuri to be desperate enough to ask Namor for help things would have to be extremely bad. And then at the moment at least Namor's vision of "helping" is to destroy the entire surface world which Shuri and probably M'Baku don't agree with. How are they all gonna figure things out? So many possibilities I hope we actually get to see how it plays out on screen!
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Analysis of MY multiverse AU
Idk what do call it...I wanna call it smth different than Salt's but I need to brainstorm. Anyways here's how all the characters are feeling in this AU. Because. Uhm. COol. YIPPEE! TSBS Golden definitely sees AGA Freddy as his child, no question. He would also very much so like AGA Goldie to become his child as well. Because we all know that TSBS Golden adopts every feral mentally ill child he sees...as we know from SaMS. TSBS Phantom does not give a singular flying SHIT about Freddy. He sometimes forgets Freddy's existence. His drama is with Goldie and Golden. (haha, let the confusion begin) Of course, we have the classic drama with Golden thats already cannon to TSBS. But we also have Phantom trying to adopt Goldie...which Golden does NOT like. Phantom most definitely has very bad intentions with Goldie. For one, Goldie has powers, which Phantom can use and exploit. Goldie is also reasonable gullible in Phantom's mind and very much lonely. Here's the kicker: Phantom's story is, in a way, a little similar to Goldie's, so he can twist it make it look like to Goldie that they are "the same." He mostly wants to use Goldie...though there is complicated stuff deep inside. AGA Goldie is mostly confused. Once he gets over this universe-crossover shit, he slowly realizes that Golden and Phantom are battling over him. On one hand Golden is very nice and seems to give good advice, but on the other hand him and Phantom share many similarities with each other. So on top of all his fights with his own brother, he now has these two multiverse twins fighting over who gets to "adopt" him, and he has to choose. And if he makes the wrong choice, he will most certainly come out destroyed. AGA Freddy isn't that involved in this AU. most of his plot is just stuff from the original AGA comic, since Phantom isn't bothering him. However, he does have TSBS Golden there for him, so that's that. He is very confused when an alternate version of his little brother is trying to be his father, but eventually, after hearing some things that Golden had to say, he just kinda let it happen. Of course when he asked Golden why and Golden replied with "oh I see you as my son because that's what you are in my universe," he had a huge "WHAT THE FUCK?!" moment. sobs this is longer than I intended. Is there actual plot here? I dont know maybe. I see it as comedy.
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triglycercule · 17 days
question, did ever feel like the stuff that happened in 0.7 pt2 was like, forced? like it didn't make any sense. Like cross wasn't aware of how much ink knew and didn't know when it came the torture that Xgaster put the xtale cast through so wouldn't he be more angry at ink even though inks knowledge about it was limited? (i don't think cross is aware of that so thats why he should be more angry at ink by logic) even though ink was unaware of most of the stuff going on in xtale, he did know about the crap xgaster was going to do to undertale, and wound up betraying everyone in the process. Heck cross doesn't even know that fell and swap were killed by xgaster cuz he was brought back just a moment later! But Dream is aware, and ink betrayed dream too!
the thing is, I feel that inks actions were swept under the rug like "oh we allllll make mistakes". I'm not hating on ink or anything, but it feels weird for this to happen when one of the major things about undertale is that actions have consequences. heck he hasn't even apologized and DIRECTLY said what he did was wrong to cross. Like i said earlier all he does is like, "whoopise? i betrayed you cuz i though xgaster plan was good and now all Au's and a bunch of others are dead but now i see its bad so were all good." Of course its an exaggeration and there's still awkwardness between the two but there should be more anger towards ink from cross.
it doesn't matter that they were friends because by that logic then shouldn't cross be on his way to forgive X!Papyrus for attempting to murder him? (and in the comics that Jakie creates that take place outside the canon Underverse timeline, that doesn't happen. According to those, their relationship is rockier than Mt. Ebott during an avalanche) And Xgaster as well (okay maybe i'm pushing it). but you get the point
all im saying is that ink should be suffering more serious consequences other than a punch to the face from cross and a standoffish dream. Cross shouldn't be so willing to forgive him after everything he's done because it just feels so forced and fast (and im not sure that even fits into his character) and dream/core???? Dudes should at least call out Ink for what he did. I feel like both of them are dancing around the fact that because of ink (indirectly) an omnicidal manic has destroyed all au's except for outertale and undertale timelines, and now xgaster has control over the OG undertale and is screwing it up so badly it might separate from the multiverse.
For goodness sake if the XTALE gang is chill with ink after finding out what he had to do with Xtale, i'm just done. There should be at least, AT LEAST some misplaced anger towards ink, and some valid anger too.
And i swear if the multiverse gives xgaster the same treament i'm going to explode.
had to rewatch 0.7 pt2 to answer this one ‼️‼️‼️ (an excuse to rewatch underverse)
ill be so damn honest. 0.7 p1 and 2 have been confusing because of the constant scene changes and character drops. like wdym fresh and cross head from the omega timeline to the antivoid while ink goes from doodlesphere to antivoid ans then errors there for no other reason than to whine and complain and then it all swaps over to aftertale and then fatals weird black fight void??? it's just a bunch of scene changes and character additions (where the fuck did fatal come from) and ngl i think all these squeezed in characters and locations is just for the fanservice (haven't seen error since 0.4 and fatal errors been teased for a long LONG time)
also cross and ink and xtale and xgaster aren't exactly my expertise since yk yk im all about the m. t. t. but i'll still try 2 answer this ask ‼️‼️ i feel like you're totally right about how cross should be WAYYYY more angry because all he did was spend a good 30 seconds punching ink and berating him and then the rest of 0.7pt2 was just them having playful banter. i get that crink were good friends and cross probably still likes ink but if i came to found out that my friend was in kahoots with the one guy that i absolutely despise (and like you said cross probably didn't know the full extent of what ink knows and by that logic he should assume ink knew everything) i'd be wayyyy more pissed than just punching the fella once
i think that dream and core aren't calling ink out because of a writing standpoint. inks supposed to figure out what he did was wrong and stuff and grow from that on his own personally but i doooo still think that he should see the effects his actions have caused because omega timeline is probably in a state of emergency from how many people thatve been displaced. ink is due a few more harsh scoldings. but aside from dream and core nobody else really gives a shit that the multiverse was destroyed (or theyre not ALIVE to gaf 💀💀) since the only universes (timelines) left are classic adjacent and most classic adjacent ones r probably busy dealing with their own stories
overall yaaa i definitely agree that the recent underverse parts have bern a bit rushed but i think that's mostly just a writing issue. the fact that underverse is animated is probably hard to juggle with all the lore and stuff compared to if it was a fanfic or smth. the people wanna see more of the story/animation and jakei has to squeeze in all these little plot points into a feasible animation without making underverse 100 episodes long and having cross and ink reconcile in a realistic time period probably didn't fit into the narrative that jakei wanted to tell
underverse still goated tho but we allowed to be critical of things we like ‼️‼️‼️ (THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! IT GOT MY GEARS TURNING!!!!)
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calkale · 11 months
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts in re mi7, cause most of the responses to the movie that I've come across have been positive (which clashes with the way I see it....) and I really agree about the negatives you mentioned (stunts being underwhelming even though they're the trademark of the series, the literal main character being neglected in favor of someone who's appearing in the series for the first time and whose biggest credit is that fuckass cgi disaster excuse for a multiverse movie- fr I had to look Hayley Atwell up to see what she'd even been in- and the long-standing supporting cast including luther, who'd been there since the beginning, just being discarded by the script like litter out of a car window). also it'd be cool to hear about smaller details cause often something is really off about a script and it kinda ruins the whole thing but you don't really know what it was till afterwards, and with new releases you can't rewatch or discuss it with much of anyone else (again, all there is are column reviews and stuff and they're mostly the same and very general on account of staying spoiler-free ).
Okay gonna be honest i havent looked at a single review or post about this movie other than the ilsa one i reblogged this morning cause im still so upset over it. Thank you for sending this ask cause i felt so alone lmao im glad someone agrees with my thoughts.
I hate them for making hayley the main character, if these are the last two movies, which it feel like they are, ethan and luther should really be the main characters along with benji and ilsa, not some new character. All for adding new characters and hayley couldve been in the start of the movie she had a place there she was the thief but after that she literally just took ilsas spot as the “woman of the team” as well as ethans spot in the spotlight.
This movie also seems to go against a lot of things ive heard mcq say in interviews, i cant source them cause i dont remember which ones theyre from but he’s talked about not over explaining things in movies and hes talked about not not wanting a strong female lead thats exactly like what hayelys character is in this movie. The over explaining thing happens SO FUCKING MUCH in this movie i was so bored and it just made me more lost because there was all this information i was taking in CONSTANTLY and i was trying to remember what character was doing what and who they were and it was just too much. I get this movie is probably more of a set up for part two but now we have all this shit we need to remember for part two and i dont even really wanna see it if im being honest, i will but if its anything like part one i know im gonna be disappointed again especially if its going in the direction i think its going.
Ive been trying to remember a lot of the smaller details that i noticed when watching it but a lot of them were part of bigger issues anyway so i just kinda grouped them together. Ill talk about the plot tho cause i knew i was gonna hate it but i didnt know id hate it for this reason. In other mi movies theyre doing the things they do because they have no other choice, in this movie it felt like there were so many choices that couldve been made and they didnt even talk about them it was just we’re doing this and thats it. Like on the train there were definitely better ways of doing that and i get there were short on time but that was almost exactly like the burj khalifa scene. Short on time, cant make a mask, need to meet with someone to make a deal. I just feel like there was so much more that they couldve done with that and the cliff jumping stunt and they just didnt do anything it was so underwhelming.
Going off of that a lot of things in this movie just didnt make sense to me and/or didnt need to be there, the ai villain?? Honestly couldve been cut completely, yes it was creepy but it didnt like actually do anything? everything it did couldve easily just been garbiel messing with the team and that wouldve also given paris more screen time (which i really would’ve liked i loved her character). As much as i loved briggs and degas they also didnt really need to be there? Dont get me wrong they were one of the things i really loved about this movie especially degas but there was really no point in them being there.
The main focus of the movie should have just been getting the keys and destroying them so no one can use the weapon that was on the sub, the ai did not need to be a part of it, someone couldve found the untraceable sub because this is fucking mission impossible!! Thats what happens in these movies!! The impossible!! Im grabbing tom cruise by the shoulders and shaking him nothing impossible happened in this movie
The submarine scene at the start also bothered me. I was fully expecting that to be the big stunt at the start of the movie i was really excited i was constantly like omg wheres ethan, i thought the torpedo or missile they saw on the radar was ethan and that was him entering the sub and something was gonna happen but no, not even close. Not a bad opening just not what i expected and that kinda made it bad.
This is an absolute mess of a post my apologies i have much more to say but i need to get back to drawing benji
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quixoticrobotic · 9 months
from what ive gathered, at4w is about a found family (where one of them is a gun) who deals with alternate universe shenanigans?
thats not an inaccurate summary (the gun is technically kind of a ghost who's soul powers a magic gun)
atop the fourth wall is an internet review show thats kinda like mst3k for comic books
then sometimes after the reveiw they'll be a short that ties into a larger plotline. the plotlines and the characters in them basically have their own fandom, because the characters are charming, the plotlines are interesting and its fun to watch them unfold, and since theres a lot we DON'T see its fun to imagine the domestic lives of these characters given the bonkers setting the live in
plotlines draw a lot from comic books, which is where a lot of the multiverse stuff comes from.
and of course, being a fandom, people like to imagine the relationships between characters and more mundane aspects of these characters lives that don't get brought up in the show.
but yeah you aren't wrong at all.
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ask-duotale-b2fc · 2 years
Mini Notice Before We Start
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Master Post Contents:
♥︎ Warnings & Info Links
♥︎ Chapter Links
♥︎ Character Sheets
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WARNINGS & Ask Box Info
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Note: Possible CW tags we will use for asks, art, and the comic: CW-Suggetive CW-18+ CW-SH/Abuse. Also, the dark humour could be a bordering on triggering, as with any adult cartoon (Ex: A joke about an abusive drunkard dad or a depressed character joking about their emotions like I do irl). It'll be rare but like yeah thats what dark humour is so warning on that too I guess.
Each CW will also be appropriately censored with the filters if need be.
This is just a spot for extra links people may look for often. (At least I was asked for them a few times.)
Lucifer's Mood Ring | UT/DR Discord Server | Commission Prices | Youtube Channel | Posting Schedule | Link Tree (Other Socials) | How to get your AU In The Comic | Duotale FAQ
Curious how the cast sound for Dubbing purposes? We don't have recordings of them all yet, but here's the ones we do have!
Blackberry | Lucifer | Strawberry | Friskitos
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All current chapter links for the story can be found below! If you're unable to get the links to work, you can just use #DTUpdate to find the pages.
Bonus #1 |
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 (Ongoing)
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Sans and Grillby
Queen Toriel Dreemurr
Reptile Leebians (Coming Soon)
Multiverse Citadel Staff Residents (Coming Soon)
♥︎ - - - - - - -♡- - - - - - - ♥︎
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lethalbreadkills · 1 year
so much zonic. these are all minorly incoherent buuuut yeah. reading forward please remember almost all of this is based on a roleplay me n my friends have been working on for a while now :)
regular ass no zone
pretty much the no zone is the multiverse prison- with cops to match. their zone (the universes) runs parallel to all other zones, so yeah they walk on walls its fun
HOWEVER the no zone is. well. its fucked up. dystopian cyberpunk future setting, with extreme technological advances and surprisingly enough /s, mass amounts of corruption. most of the content we see revolves around the no zone prison, which is where multiversal delinquents and criminals are kept. zonic is one of the highest ranking officers, and elite zone cop, and he watching all of the zones on tiny screens in a large room. he spends his life watching the lives of other sonics, seeing what he can never have. hes canonically 17 btw. just thought that was important to note.
one of the biggest issues we see in the comics is the warden (zobotnik) being a magnum cunt as per usual. hes the source of the corruption we see in comic, preferring violent methods of rehabilitation of the prisoners that generally dont actually work. theres a small program in place run by the therapist, zouge, to try and change the way rehabilitation is handled, actually trying to help the prisoners instead of torturing them and going yeah that works. at least in the universe me oat and jove have going, zouge is quite literally being blackmailed into continuing to work there with her life, with her having many cybernetic augmentations due to what would have been a fatal injury. zonic has depression. zouge also has depression. fun fact the no zone canonically clips scourges quills down to a very unhealthy length and theres not enough room in zonics uniform for him to have proper quills so he also has trimmed quills. theyre trimmed in the actual worst way possible (an electric razor) and thus dont grow back properly. more on that later anyways the only reason hedgehogs are even allowed to have quills as long as they do (which is still far too short) is because zonic straight up had an anxiety attack in the middle of a mission
(not fun)
also blackmail is a common thing, with zobotnik using plenty to keep ZONIC working as well, seeing as hes been working there SINCE he was nine (this is extremely illegal but no one gives a shit soooo :// oh well), with a big one being shit like "what would your father think?" (zules was an elite zone cop and died in action), and also the fact that due to beginning working when he was a child, he has no fucking clue what his rights are and thus works... whenever they tell him to. which is usually. he has no fucking friends and the closest he has is literally watching other sonics lives and getting attached to them as characters but not as people. because. he just,, watches their lives and interferes when shit gets too fucked. not good
scary current(ish) stuff
CURRENTLY in the roleplay (and im only explaining this so that the next section makes more sense.
currently, zonic has been fired (due to him using the favt he is a child (among many other reasons lmao) to get zobotnik out of power. it worked, but now hes out of a job bc...of his own reasoning. hes a child.) and is living in the prime zone for a bit. scourge has already been manipulated by mephiles (before and during getting KIDNAPPED) and then after as well) and offers to talk to mephiles so that he has a job to do
(zonic has gone so long being told what to do he longer knows how to function without it, so he readily agrees, happy to be obedient once again)(its kind of a coping mechanism. he has Issues)
so he and scourge are both helping mephiles whilst being manipulated by him. they arent aware.
of course this all comes to a head and goes way fucking wrong- but. well. thats a story for another time.
mephiles goes into hiding. zonic has been further trained into such obedience he struggles to function, attempting multiple times to run back to mephiles (it doesnt work)
which leads is toooo~
an alt route.
SO BASICALLY basically zonic goes to eggman yknow. and like,, what eggman *wouldnt* be happy with a sonic whos willing to do whatever he says? evem without the speed (which he gets taught how to control and use :)) he was actually combat trained, so he can fuck people up. and hes willing to do whatever eggman says.
and well, eggman doesnt really know about thw other zones and shit but this is a kid that looks and sounds exactly like sonoc aside from shorter quills and scars, so ots not hard to tell that *spmethings* up with him
orbot and cubot are. far more concerned about him mentally like theres so much wrong woth this kid. also hes short as hell. thats not important to this you just need to know that. but slowly hes learning to use his speed, and because. why not. we cant have a naked eggion (ignore all the naked eggions theyre not important) (mostly to hide his identity because lets be honest ots SUPER FUCKING OBVIOUS) he gwts a uniform. and upon trying out the gloves, the fact that his bracelet is the only thing keeping him.... upright, at least for them. adhering their gravitational pull, is found out. pretty much confirming that theres something wrong about zonic. they take a bit- experimenting woth technology to make the transition between the two easier. granted, it took a while, and zonic did not feel good (switchign pretty much made him fall face first into the floor)(or wall, depending) which was pretty finny
so yeah he had a migraine for a while bit it happens yknow
hes also got a longer mechanical tail (attaches to his actual tail) to help with keeping balance while running as well as general assistance, acting like nines tails from prime :)
hes also concerned orbot n cubot (and eggman but to a more minor extent) by vaguely talking about stuff from the past. comments like "this is the best job ive wver had :)" and "im glad you let me keep my quills. theyve never been this long before"(which likely does catch eggman off guard at least because. theyre still super short at this time) and readily agreeing to spy on his friends for eggman because thats what hes spent his entire life doing and he doesnt realize its wrong. stuff that kids shouldnt be saying or doing lol.
also the fact zonic accidentally tells eggman theres other universes when hes extremely delirious from staying up for nearly three days and having to desperately go "hey hey dont do whatever youre planning on dking because you will literally reset REALITY again and thats not very cool"
(then these replies from my wonderful boyfriend who helped me by . knowing eggman far better than i LMAO)
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zonic doesnt quite.. have motives? at least, not in that way. hes not really out to hurt people (yet). he's just.. desperate. he's gone his entire life under someones control, and not being so scares him. and he cant go back to mephiles, so eggman is the familiar middle ground. im not sure if desperation for the familiar counts as a motive, but thats what hes got. and then he stays because, well, it's better than every other job hes had.
IM NOT.. sure how that would work out? purely for the fact that like, the sonic team,, isnt really friends. theyre more aquaintences. zonic doesnt really... have friends. and he likely tries to keep his familial relations a secret, as much as he can at least. because he literally ran away for this. the spying only happened after a WHILE because zonic had been dead online for like. months. and upon learning he talked to them he was (initially) upset before realizing zonic could spy on them- at least i believe thats what was said lol. and zonics not going to try and get eggman to change his mind on friendship, cause to be quite honest, he ,, doesnt consider them friends. because hes not allowed friends. zobotnik sure as hell didnt want him having any considering how he was isolated. so.
AND I ACTUALLY LOVE THE ZONIC METAL THING? because also a big part of zonic is literally that he had to spend his life watching all of the sonics live lives he could never even *dream* of having. and now that he has the ability, he thinks thats his only option. be the name. hes not sonic, but he has to be. scourge is the only sonic to have denied his name and hes... well. its scourge. this is making less sense the longer i ramble aaaaa sorry lmao metals thing may have backfired tho because zonics going on a villain arc after this LMAO
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GOIGGE. okay chat i think thats enough 4 now lol. ggihrhhrerrerr bye bye
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beelieveinfandom · 3 years
Convo from the 18+ discord about a very silly star wars crossover I wanted to share.
gremgeous the gem pillar Just had a GREAT idea for a star wars crossover Just dipper visiting the star wars universe for whatever reason (multiverse vacation maybe? Idk. Dipper maybe dusted off that old portal in a fit of nostalgia or smth) and palpatine finds him and tries to tempt alcor to his side by offering him power Standard stuff for the sith really Except Well If you offer a demon unspecified power, in what form are they going to take it if not in the one who is offering's soul? Biggest and best tasting power boost there is, really! And then maybe he takes over the empty shell of a body afterwards which may or may not grant him force acess and alcor has a grand old time making a mess out of running the republic (or at least running lose in the senate) This is like... early prequals or pre-preauals era maybe. When palpafucker is still undercover and being all covert and unsuspicious and stuff I call this.... "palpatines penechance for grand speeches and unspecific ominous statements to try and seem all powerful and cool and dramatic fuck him over" Or in shorter terms ... . "There's a demon lose in the senate" And it basically runs like that one john mullaney bit With a side dashing of that one journak 3 thing where bill posesses a guy, messes with a roman army and then makes a guys head explode Also like nobody knows who alcor is or that hes even there bc theres no demons or dream demons in star wars (that i know of) so he gets the run of the place Even moreso than back home in gravity falls bc no one knows magic, its all "force this" and "force that" Dippered probably spends a lot of time nerding out over the different alien species since they dont have those back in his dimension (theyve got aliens but theyre different kinds) and also about the laser swords (just like the one Grunkle Ford made for them all (Ford, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Soos, Grenda, Candy, Grendas boyfriend, Pacifica, and even waddles and gompers)  back in 2017! Good times, good times.)
swbeeworm oh this sounds like fun
gremgeous the gem pillar Right???
swbeeworm if i was familiar enough with the star wars universe to write anything in it i'd give this a shot
gremgeous the gem pillar right???
swbeeworm like i know star wars?? but i don't know star wars n i have to know something to be confident in writing it
gremgeous the gem pillar Sadly everything i know comes from time travel fixit and semi-salty pro-jedi meta
swbeeworm but just.... the sheer chaotic potential of this...
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh yes....... Oh its be so good..........
swbeeworm oh mood it would be
gremgeous the gem pillar @Abigor u like star wars too gimme ur thooooughts When ur awake and have them to give
swbeeworm ugh i should. probably not be awake, i have stuff to do tomorrow n i have a headache but this is fun to think about
gremgeous the gem pillar I had another thing thats fun to think abt too Clone wars era, alcors there and everyon thinks hes a brand new sith player b/c gold eyes
swbeeworm just the shenanigans. the bullshittery. the sheer what-le-fuck reactions of everyone from the senate to the jedi to the people ooooooooo
gremgeous the gem pillar YES!!! Exactly.
gremgeous the gem pillar Oooooh jedi can do mind things i wonder what alcor wpuld feel like to them
swbeeworm my first instinctive responses were: 1) constant Screaming and a whirlwind mishmash of colors/concepts/etc that makes everyone who 'looks' too long start bleeding thru the nose/eyes 2) wii music on loop and these are VERY different prompts to have back to back but that's what i got
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHSGGSHD I LOVE IT Oh what if its both at the same time Ajdhegdhdj what rven is the music like in star wars anyway
swbeeworm the fkin,,,, cantina music
gremgeous the gem pillar Like how would they react when confronted w wii music
swbeeworm is the equivalent i would think
gremgeous the gem pillar Do they even have the same sorts of instruments do they even know what electronic music is
swbeeworm just. that spawned another Thought imagine that the cantina music from That One Scene is the sw-equivalent of the wii music and just.  just imagine that same scene playing but with wii music on loop in the background
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh "wii music on loop" i love it AODHDHSHSJD
swbeeworm it would probably FIT they have the same vibe
gremgeous the gem pillar Im crying Mits so good
swbeeworm sdjlksdafj i saw a post the other day that was talking abt the music there n how it kept playing on loop n the poster joked that it might have been like,, the john mulaney salt-pepper-diner-story situation which is only tangentially related to this topic but i had to recall it
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSHH i love that Gosh ok i feel like take 1 would fit with the new sith in town scenario And take 2 fits with theres a demon lose in the senate
swbeeworm sfsdkfjh yES
gremgeous the gem pillar But how FUCKING HILARIOUS would it be if in the senate story its the former, and in the oh so serious sith story its the wii music on loop im akdhsjdvsjdhsjbd
swbeeworm ASLDJSLKFJ plEASE take 1: gritty, serious, angst, deadly miscommunications--and fucking wii music on loop take 2: lighthearted, cracky, shenanigans and bullshittery--and fucking bleeding out the eyes if you try n read the guy talk about dissonance
gremgeous the gem pillar "Big scary sith! Look at the yellow eyes! What dastardly plots cpuld he be thinking/partaking in....." [Hard cut to alcor pov/inside alcors head] wii music plays as he stares off into space during a supposedly very important meeting
gremgeous the gem pillar OH I DO LOVE THE DISSONANCE Gsjdgysgsvsjgd wheeze its so good i love it
swbeeworm me tooooo .....for the sith one. would ppl see blue fire n think lightning
gremgeous the gem pillar Theyd probably think its some other secret sith technique
swbeeworm fair enough
gremgeous the gem pillar Everyone thinks one of the other sith lines that was supposedly wiped out had it since this sith deffs aint the line of bane- even the cirrent sith wanna know where alcors popped in from "Lightning was the bane line specialty.... guess where ever this kids guys from fire was theirs"
swbeeworm= adjlsdfkjlfkjf the shenanigans n bullshittery one imagine alcor-as-palpatine just. going incorporeal, still visible but not able to be touched, and the jedi go from "what the fuck is going on"  to "why the fuck is he  a force ghost"
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSGSHSGSHSA
swbeeworm alcor, who'd done it only bc his ~ornate robes~ had got so caught/tangled on something he could only get free by phasing through it: ??????
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Alcor: how the fuck did this guy move around in these AJDHSGDH ALCOR NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE SITH- SHOWS UP TO THE SENATE IN THE SITH ROBES
swbeeworm asdlkjsfkjsdfdf
swbeeworm a fASHION STATEMENT YES alcor: :blobsweats: alcor: what the FUCK is a sith alcor: and why do they have better style than the jedi
gremgeous the gem pillar WHEEZE He doesnt know jack shit abt the jedi or anything hes just vibing!!!!!!
swbeeworm yesssssss
swbeeworm alcor: no listen. listen. i picked these space robes out of my space wardrobe because they looked cool, not because i'm part of some. some space cult ljflskdajfslkdfjsd
swbeeworm that's even better
gremgeous the gem pillar space cult im HOWLING
swbeeworm you KNOW he'd be so excited at being in space this DORK
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph gosh imagine it starts out all dark and serious and angsty and creepy in the whole beginning exchange But as soon as the day after alcor takes up palps role hits it takes a sharp turn into crack terriotry
gremgeous the gem pillar OH HE WOULD
swbeeworm yESSSS
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor takes one look at dooku and is like "youre the only one aroynd here with any sort of fashion sense" "And its HORRIBLE"
swbeeworm sljflskdjfsd
gremgeous the gem pillar Just roasts him And by extension everyone else too
swbeeworm dooku has NO IDEA what's going on but at this point ""palpatine"" or whatever's taken over him is ten minutes into a rant abt the layers on layers of boring robes jedi wear and at this point he'll take the backhanded compliment about his own style
gremgeous the gem pillar Akehdsjfssksgsjd
swbeeworm just to shut him up
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHDJDGDJDHD Alco goes on a 30 minute rant on why suits are SO much more professional
swbeeworm snaps "palpatine" into a suit and goes "...except maybe for this guy idk if anything could make him look good"
gremgeous the gem pillar And its more of a backhanded insukt than a backhanded compliment but anything to shut the guy up, right?
swbeeworm how much we roasting palpatine here
gremgeous the gem pillar To a blackened crisp
swbeeworm as it should be
gremgeous the gem pillar Its better than his wrinkly old rasin look anyday
swbeeworm lskjdlsakjfdf agreed
gremgeous the gem pillar Be hard NOT to improve on that honestly But the dude sinks so low i bet hed somehow manage it
swbeeworm --alcor getting fed up w palpatine's body and just. showing up to the senate meetings, full alcor, eyes n his normal face n everything, in palpatine's robes, and when someone rightfully asks him who the hell is he, he just deadpans "i'd think by this point you'd recognize your own chancellor" and just straight insists he's palpatine (and has the knowledge to back it up) every time someone sputters
gremgeous the gem pillar Also i included the bit abt the journal 3 thing bc my saga of alcor repeating bill's patterns, behaviors, and ideas unknowlingly and without awareness that that is what he is doing shall continue >:3c
swbeeworm because at this point it's less about blending in and more about trolling the whole senate and being as distracting as possible  because with everyone paying attention to his trolling theyre less likely to notice the bills for clone rights n abolishing slavery n such that he's pushing thru in the background misdirection at its finest
gremgeous the gem pillar I was gonna say a thing abt alcor replacing palps b4 the election and so they did elect alcor to chancelorhoood But it might be funnier if he took him over AFTER abd still says that bit abt recognizing their own chancellor Oh gosh in that secind scenario it would be hilarious if the jedi are all  :blobglare: @alcor except for obi-wan who is all like "i am looking away" bc at least THIS guy (whiever the hell he is) has stopped being such a creep abt anakin
swbeeworm the jedi are sent in to figure out wtf is going on and. they, unfortunately, bewilderingly, confirm that this is the same person as the chancellor who'd been showing up recently??? same wii music/bleeding effect??
swbeeworm alcor, finding appointments with some random jedi kid on palpatine's calendar: wtf why is this creep trying to meet with a kid alone, yeah how about i cancel that
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJD Alcor, looking at palpatibes planner: "every day i am more and more glad that i ate thig guys soul" "Like i knew it was oily but im suprised i havent got an upset stomach from it yet"
swbeeworm sjlskdfjsdf alcor the next day, after finding stuff abt the order 66 chip things, gagging: "i spoke too soon"
gremgeous the gem pillar Obi-wan to the council: hmm? Yes this is totally the chancellor, i know this because of all the previous meetings and close relationship he has had with my padawan which you allowed and helped facillitate- "Palpatine":[has a completley different body type, height, and face. Plus he actually has hair and is maybe even floating a little but its hard to be sure in those black and gold robes- and with a completely different voice] oh, yeah, totally, Im the chancellor and i totally know who this guy and that kid is yup yup yup-
gremgeous the gem pillar [UGLY LAUGHTER] AkdjskkdkdjsysAODJSJEUEIEIIEF
swbeeworm ASDKAFDF "palpatine": [grins with very sharp teeth at a nervous senator] council: "okay that is NOT normal" obi-wan, deadpan: "i'm sorry, it sounds like you're discriminating against non-human beings? that's not very jedi of you now is it"
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDHDJDHD Wait wait no what if its "This is completely normal behavior. I, as a human, know this for certain" "I can do this too, but i dont, because it is impolite, but hes the chancellor he can do whatever he wants"
swbeeworm asldksajflksdfjsdf;jsdf yes yes beautiful
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor and obi-wan team up to be passive agressive at everyone who allowed palps and anakin to hang out ABOUT them letting an unsupervised minor chill w a suoer duper old guy Shoulda had a chaperone at LEAST Butalso
swbeeworm the other humans on the council: "uh, actually-" obi-wan: [manages to sip tea (which he shouldn't even have access to in a council meeting btw) with an aggressively polite smile and silent Threat] the other humans: "....um."
gremgeous the gem pillar "Thats not very jedi of you now is it" AODHSJSIDHALSVD IM HOWLING I LOVE IT THE SASS wheeze*
swbeeworm i live for obi-wan sass it gives me LIFE
gremgeous the gem pillar SAME oh its so good Love that one post where obj-wan is on tatooine and calls all the force ghosts to view his powperpoint presentation about how letting palps have acess to analin was a bad idea as hed been saying all along-
swbeeworm u need to know i wrote this with the "that's not very plus ultra of you" meme, which is a bnha offshoot of the "that's not very cash money of you" meme, in my head on repeat
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph him terrorizing all the people palpatine had in his pocket...... Ok this is veering into even MORE crack territory but at some poibt alcor replaces, uh, whats the dudes name, palps second in command - mess something-or-other? - with a nightmare Not just ANY nightmare But a DIFFERENT nightmare each day
gremgeous the gem pillar They took it upon themselves to go on rotation They couldn't decide who should go when alcor proposed the idea so its everyone One at a time They dont even look REMOTELY human Or like anything the galaxy has ever known or seen And theres no "secretive supernatural species" excuse for them to fall back on here lmao
swbeeworm random dude: "what is that???" alcor, cheerful: "that's my assistant" rd: "is that--is that supposed to be a sheep?" alcor: "no they're my assistant" nightmare: [sound that, if you ignore the reverb and microphone-screeching and kazoo effects, might be a "baaa"] alcor: [smiles aggressively wider with sharp teeth] rd: [sweats nervously]
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDJDKSIEJEHAJWJWHEI Obi-wan: i am still l :eyes:king away Anakin: oooh, the wool is so soft master. Come feel it! Obi-wan: really? Ooh youre right The council: ....
swbeeworm rd: "okay but this is a DIFFERENT one than yesterday right?? right???" alcor: "i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :)" obi-wan, still with tea he should not have, this time with space whiskey mixed in: "sir i think you might be seeing things, they are clearly the same individual as yesterday"
gremgeous the gem pillar Mace: ...hrm it is quite soft- The rest of the council: ??? When did he get-
swbeeworm obi-wan looking mace dead in the eye and chugging his spiked tea which is more whiskey than tea at this point: "how dare you accuse me of lying.  me, after everything i've done for this council.  i am betrayed.  heartbroken.  never shall trust again.  i am leaving until i recover" -and promptly fucks off on a vacation with anakin
gremgeous the gem pillar The jedi start getting a LOT more missions about busting slave rings and giving aid in the outer rim - plus some more dimplomacy docused ones in regards to solving teeaties instead of putting down rebellions
-alcor shows up on the vacation with zero explanation and obi-wan at this point is like "fuck it why not" -a nightmare takes his place in palpatine's robes in the senate for the week they're gone
gremgeous the gem pillar ALSJSHDJDJSKDHEE Weirdly enough some of the more corrupt senators go missing after that week No one knows what hapoebed to them but the robes the "chancellor" wore that week have some awfully suspicious stains WAIT WAIT WHAT IF ITS NOT A NIGHTMARE WHAT IF ITS GOMPERS alcor didn't even ASK gompers to be there he was planning to not even warn anyone n just vanish but gompers just SHOWED UP the nightmares were the ones who put the robes on him
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor doesn't even KNOW gomoers is there He gets back after the week and is like "what the heck" The nightmares are pretty proud of themselves for that one
swbeeworm the nightmares, collectively: "this is gonna be HILARIOUS" alcor, halfway across the galaxy, sees a newsfeed of a senate meeting with gompers in the robes in his place, and spits his drink clear across the room
he's only mad because he didn't think of it in the first place
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Hes proud of them
swbeeworm he IS
gremgeous the gem pillar Its so HILARIOUS
swbeeworm i pity anyone trying to read this mess later but i hope we at least make them laugh once
gremgeous the gem pillar Same Its such a joy Alcor teaches anakin the secret to mabel juice
swbeeworm oh no
gremgeous the gem pillar Only the children thank him The minders.... not so much
swbeeworm alcor: "okay so what i'm hearing is, the adult jedi have been making Stupid Decisions and not paying as much attention to the kids, as evidenced by them letting that one kid have meetings one on one with the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago. so, clearly what needs to happen is something that forces the adults to pay attention to the kids and start keeping a closer eye on them, but it can't be something that actually hurts the kids because then i'd feel bad" alcor: "...." alcor: :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar akdhdjsgshsjhdsjdjdj
swbeeworm alcor in a totally not suspicious trench coat and sunglasses: "hey. hey, kid. you wanna try some mabel juice?"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDJDLFKFIFJIF WHEEZE "With the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago" ALDJDBDJDJDDHDHDJDJDJDJDJDJDJSJDJEJEJE
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSHDJDJF
swbeeworm star wars kids: "mr chancellor why are you wearing that" alcor: "because i think it's funny" kids: "it isn't" alcor: "look do you want the juice or not"
swbeeworm i am having WAY too much fun with this ldjsldkfjdsf;
gremgeous the gem pillar "Were not supposed to take drugs from strangersl" "Its not- just take it!"
Hooooh man thats so funny Oh gosh Alcor uses a different time/date system
Than the star wars one
swbeeworm ooooooo yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Nit super sure where im going with this but.... Pretty sure he woukdnt know the star wars one At all Maybe the in-umuverse knockoff calendar maybe Hes wnough of a nerd to have that memorized But the star wars proper one
No, no i dont think he knows that one
swbeeworm nope no chance
gremgeous the gem pillar Omg yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Well its a good thing we have this..... and the mistaken sith version too :blobamused:
swbeeworm i have 1 scene i can think of that actually almost made my friend cry and i have 1 au scene of a different au of mine where a character who canonically dies and gets brought back to life...doesn't come back (which is extra angst bc this is a Ghost Seeing Fic) and both of these i wrote at like 3-4am
swbeeworm SDFJKSDLFSJf YES :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor: "you know, i usually save this one for the kids who followed the stranger with the nice candy into the alleyway and end up as sacrifices but I feel like you could benefit from it too"
swbeeworm alcor: "no talking to suspicious ppl" anakin: "except you right?" alcor: "....in any other situation i'd say no but if i say that you're just gonna up and leave (i see that grin thanks very much) so in this one singular personal case it is fine that you trust my very suspicious self"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSJDJJD "My very suspicious self" Aksjdhdd
swbeeworm obi-wan, straight up knocking back shots now: "the man has a point anakin"
gremgeous the gem pillar Haha nice Obi-wan is taking notes Hes also re-inventing alcoholic mabel juice He weaseled the recipie out of the kids
swbeeworm asldfkjsdlkfjd imagine if somehow SIDIOUS CAME BACK and tries to take back over the senate but everyone at this point is used to alcor and one of two things happens: 1) they assume this is alcor messing with them with a clone/double (they don't know how he'd do it but at this point given his "assistants", the goat that somehow made more eloquent speeches than the "human", and the other things involved, they wouldn't put it past him) and just ignore him 2) they look between the real palpatine who'd been pushing thru some very sketchy bills, and between alcor who's been sneaking through law after law protecting all kinds of sentients, and they turn back to palpatine and go "how dare you impersonate the chancellor" and kick him out
swbeeworm at this point he deserves it tbh
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDHFDJDJDJD Ok i preffer him dead and gone and forgotten in favor of alcor (its what he deserves) but oh those are hilarious
swbeeworm agreed to both counts alsdjalsdk
gremgeous the gem pillar ESPECIALLY if the senate chooses to keep alcor over palps XD Ph man we can work that into him being dead and gone too- alcor starts dispersing the power and the other half of the senate w bail and padme are like "yeah seems legit" along w obi-wan The jedi only put like, a token effort into investigating and are more put out by trying to figure out what happened to the real palpatine and all his past shady dealings than exposing the current "palpatine" for a fake
swbeeworm palpatine: "excuse me?? i am the chancellor of this republic" councilmembers, with the same deadpan as alcor's been pulling on them all year: "sir, i think you're confused. this is the chancellor" [points to alcor, in palpatine's robes from his closet, making no attempt to hide his lack of resemblance to palpatine, with a nightmare at his side wearing a small top hat that proclaims its position as "chancellor's assistant"] palpatine: [screams of frustration]
gremgeous the gem pillar Once they reaize the shift in mission assignments can be attributed to new palp
swbeeworm yesss this
gremgeous the gem pillar I wanna say maul gets the joy and pleasure of offibg palpatine the second time in that version
swbeeworm FINALLY they get a chance to pull one back over on someone, pass along the suffering a little bit
swbeeworm oh definitely
oh shit we've been at this for an hour
gremgeous the gem pillar Maul comes back and offs palps and evrryone is jist like "Maul!!! How?!?" And completley ignore the palpatibe corpse 2.0 Ajdhhd so we have Niiiight book
Also from a tumblr post the phrase "your pal friendpatine" is hilarious and i think yall shoukd enjoy it too As is "SOMEHOW... MAUL RETURNS" Both taken from the same post lol Okokok so switchibg tracks for a bit Revisiting Some groundwork for the mistaken sith version Alcor is there..... because al-v was there first, made friends with the droid army mid clone war, and caled his dad in to help Which puts alcors initial point of contact as the separost foot soldiers
gremgeous the gem pillar No matter what the dominant language alcor has most recently been using OH OH OH ALCOR WITH ACESS TO OTHER UNIVERSE SLANG CONFUSING ALL THE SENATE WITH HIS NONSENSICAL PHRASES AND IDIOMS AND SLANG/PROFANITY LIKE "over the moon" AND "hot belgian waffles" AND "fuck" "Palpatine": [drops paperwork he JUST spent so much time disorganizing (as in putting in a dissaray)] FUCK Senator: .... sir, what is a 'fuck' "Palpatine": ......... im not explaining that to you Or conversley he makes smth up Alcor, upon realizing the most common swear word is "kriff': yeaht hats stupid im not saying that Alcor mercilessly roasting the star wars profanity And how stupid they all sound. This one is great for the al-v and alcor make friend w a droid army and maybe-sorta steal them while massivelt confusing and mystifying everyone along the way, bc why not add a language barrier on top of all the other assumptions and misunderstandings >:D But also at the same time it would make sense for him to have got thw local language in an infodump somewhere along the line (maybe an older version) if its located in a different galaxy but the same universe........... but also what if theyre just suoer far away so he didnt get priority acess...... or even if he traveled back in time ............. [Shrug] idk Mwanwhile inexplicably having the same language is hilarious in the demon lose in the senate ons but also imagine alcor pretending to be palpatine while unable to speak the common tongue lolol I know it wouldnt work (he has to be able to understand palpatine on some level to take MASSIVE advantage of him and eat his soul) but it is hilarious to think abt the shenanigans............ OH GOSH ALCOR TAKING CONTROL OF THE SENAT BUT BEING UNABLE TO R E A D AKDBSKSKJFF Okokok Imagine the basic/english language inexplicably being the same structure w a few different words and concepts...... when spoken And completley different when written down SO ALCOR CAN SPEAK BUT HE CANT READ Meanwhile in mistaken for a sith land alcor either doesnt have any knowledge of the local language or else gets a SUPER OLD AND POSSIBLE DEAD LANGUAGE in an infodump (to help feed the misunderstandings and rumors and future clashes w the sith and the jedi hehhehheh) bc semi-omniscience is not total omniscience and so is not everything and, once again, is not very helpful But ill leave off for tonight on the thought of alcor, lose in the senate, in the seat of the chancellor, lord of all paperwork for the galactic republic....... and able to read NONE of it And barely understands it too (demons are not ones for politics, Brian the Organ Duck and his 200 year sucessful presidency run aside) (his is soemthing of the exception, not the rule.) Meanwhile all those humanitarian aid bills and the like are all being passed by bail and padmes group all over the place bc their strange and inexplicable source of resistance was devoured like, a week ago Not ones to look a gift horse in ths mouth until AFTER they get what they want the group passes a ton of bills without delay - and manages to break up a few monopolies along the way Now im not saying that "palpatine" suddenly acting off and the bills facing a lot less resistance is a noticeable coincidence...... and around the same time he stops asking after anakin ............... but im totally saying they notice it and realize its probably, absolutely, not a coincidence and theyre not going to say anything bc they like this new "palpatine" better. Despite all the other mindbending weirdness and mindfuckery going on there The jedi are only mad abt alcor bc a few of their own started bleeding from the eyes nose and ears when they tried to investigate initially so theyre a little ticked off abt that, which, fair.
Also the blantant lying and lack of trying on alcors part is a little insulting to them as a whole ("does he think we'll really fall for that") and is slightly concerning to them ("who the heck is this, someone is inpersonating the chancellor of the ENTIRE REPUBLIC-" Which is, admittedly, a little concern worthy)  but if the council is honest (or some of the council anyway) with themselves its pretty much the darn best entertainmnt theyve had in a good long while, headaches aside, sot ehyll focus more on the okd palpatines dissapernace and dealings than the new "palpatine" so long as he doesnt start doing anything ACTIVELY damaging to the republic. A little mischief doesnt technically count as harm- and hey theys preffer to find the og chancellor b4 upsetting and potnetially causing the new one to do smth drastic by attsmpting to out him (not that alcor would, its so much funnier to deny everything to their faces while blatantly lying but they dont know that. So caution (and stress) it is)
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wandabanshee · 3 years
Okay I'm gonna talk for a minute.
I know every one is saying Wanda is gonna be the new MCU villain and like yeah it makes sense and all but I DONT WANT THAT.
We've seen her go through so much trauma and loss and while I'll admit that would be a pretty impressive super villain origin story I think most of the viewers (myself) don't want to see that happen to her.
SO I want to talk about what I think is happening and the little clues I've found that might mean something else :)
I think the main sword guy we'll call him Dir. Butt Face (i can't remember his name and he threatened my girl, he's done) knows Agnes. I definitely think they're working together not just because she's like mega sketch but also because she didn't have an ID attached to her profile on the board of "cast members" SO she COULD be Agatha Harkness but I'm not sure, could just be a nod (like all these damn devil jokes).
So my main thing, I'm pretty sure Tommy and Billy were the point of all this.
I think someone got to Wanda and made her think they were trying to possibly weaponize Vision? Maybe Agnes? Maybe Dir. Butt Face? Idk. Someone kind of poked the bear. Maybe gave her a reason to snatch him. She seemed pretty pissed which was sort of a drastic change from the kind of seemingly at peace Wanda we saw talking to Clint during the end of Endgame.
I'm not sure if they really were trying to weaponize him but I dont think that was the end goal. Pretty sure the end goal was to create the first Mutants.
Wanda has said herself that she just kind of found herself here and while we can see she's controlling the way the story goes it sort of seems like someone else is puppeting Wanda.
Possibly another powerful witch?!?! Again I think Agnes may just be a nod but if not......!!!
Anyways what I'm trying to get at here is THE KIDS!
In most of these tv shows they typically portray a family. Parents and kids. Thats kinda the norm. But whoever created Westview really made sure there were no children. Like someone MADE SURE that if Wanda wanted to have her perfect family that she wasn't going to just pluck out some rando youngsters and make them her own! No! No way! If she wanted to have kids like the typical picture perfect family she was going to have to manifest them herself.
Boom. Kids. Not just kids. MUTANT KIDS.
The first characters in the MCU (besides you know, Space ppl TM) to actually be born super-powered individuals!! Uh oh!
It isn't until after she has her kids that all of Westview is full of children! Kind of like whoever is doing this doesn't need Wanda to yearn for children anymore so we can fill this place to the brim with Trick R Treaters!
Plus that line from the second episode when literally everyone is chanting "FOR THE CHILDREN".
Yeah. I'm pretty sure this was all FOR THE CHILDREN.
The thing is Wanda is able to control the kids which means they have their own magic source. While it did COME from her its not COMING from her. So she's isn't able to control them like she does everyone else is Westview.
I mean Agnes even says "You can't control them. No matter how hard you try."
But boom! Now Dir. Butt Face has two mutant super-powered kids to start experimenting on which kinda seems like what he's going for. At least thats what I'm getting.
Anyway there is a lot of stuff I'm still unsure of.
The whole thing with Pietro is still super confusing to me idk if she just plucked him from the Multiverse or what. (especially since it seems like he has Pietro's and not Peter's memories??)
But that's all I've got for now. I cannot wait until we find out what the hell is happening although I'm going to be really sad when its over.
Sidenote: I'm also going to have a hard time saying goodbye to Vision after this unless she finds a way to charge him back up again.
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julday4 · 3 years
Aight! Hey ya'll! Long time no see, whoowee-
Aight how do I start this-
So some of you might know goodnightverse by now! (If not, here) the post is a bit old so uh @awelldressedtornado fucking edit it.
And well, since I'm now co-owner of it (wowie) I DECIDED TO MAKE A GNV2 MUAAHAH-
Aka, Goodnightverse: Bed Bugs.
And yes, these are all of the refs I've been talking about. (Warning: some of the refs gotten lazier over time cause I got feddup with drawing the clothes and stuff.) and plus, most of the templates here are copied from discord ahaha aight let's go!
(Also i didn't do everyone refs yet but I did most of them! I'll do the others soon if ya'll are interested-)
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Name: Boots (Aka, Goodnightverse!Rust)
Creators: Knife and Rose
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A pirate sword that can easily cut through Shadow Demons and are really good for battle. (Especially sword fights). The pirate sword has an Iron blade thats bending a bit and golden plating on the handle.
Human they protect: Jesse
Allies: Shine, Flare, PI.FI, Floral and Bush
Boots acts exactly like a pirate and loves anything pirate related. He says "YARR" unironically, when something intensive is happening or when something awesome (in his opinion) happens. He can get angry sometimes and is very attached to Jesse, Shine and his twin siblings Floral and Bush. He also LOVES fighting shadow demons with his pirate sword :).
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Name: Shine (Aka, Goodnightverse!Lukas)
Creators: Heart and Lighter
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdain
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A microphone that blasts out colorful musical notes, once you press the star button, which explode once they touch a surface. (He can also control how many musical notes that can come out, if he holds in the button, he can swing his microphone and a bunch of musical notes will come out. If he just touches the button once, only one musical note will come out. Its like those mechanics in games). The microphone is like those microphones you see on the news with a singular button. The microphone can also be used for singing and making special effects like: Gasping, laughing, screaming, oof, yay, ect.
Human they protect: Emerald
Allies: Boots, Flare, PI.FI, anyone
Shine is a lil colorful boy who loves singing and making new friends. He loves learning new things and is very energetic! He talks alot like his dad, Lighter. Aka: Yo, bro, dude, BROSKI, broseph, pog, swag, ect. His aswell very attached to his bro, Boots. He loves going on pirate adventures with him, singing with him and everything else. Their the bestest of friends :). He aswell loves fighting Shadow Demons by his Bro's side. Thou sometimes his a bit soft with Shadow Demons and will comfort them if their hurt.
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Name: PI.FI/Pinkie Finger (Aka, Goodnightverse!Hypernova)
Creators: M.W/Milky Way and Blade
Age/Years lived: 13/16 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian
Gender: Female
Weapon or Magic (Specify): A wand made out of magic that can be used to summon and levitate things and blast out sparkly magic. Thou she needs to train the wand so she can summon more and levitate heavier things over the years. (Once she becomes a guardian, her wand can levitate a closet or two and summon a brush, rope and shit. Thou she only uses it when necessary). The wand has a baby blue handle with a lil yellow glittery star on top that has a bunch of spikes around, looking like a pretty rock. (Hehhe Sprinkle).
Also uhh, her goop is made out of strawberry sauce. D. Does that count-
Human they protect: Abigal
Allies: Flare, Shine, Boots, anything.
PI.FI is a sweet, lovely, calm but also bossy lil girl. (She's mainly bossy towards Boots and Shine due to their immaturity and stupidity). Shes loves EVERYTHING girly and especially loves sparkly things, like fairies. She's very protective over her friends and especially Flare because how how shy and easily frightened she is. She's very calm towards Flare aswell and tries to make her feel comfortable. She also loves singing with her wand with Shine, their a pretty good duo! (Not as good as Shine and Boots thou). And she loves trying out new things.
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Name: Gold (Aka, Goodnightverse!Drake)
Creators: Indigo and Monarch
Age/Years lived: 16/19 y/o
Rank: Gaurdian......? (Yeah no his a fucking butler now)
Gender: Male
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Holographic purple or golden shields that are good for blocking off attacks or Shadow Demon essence. Gold has really good reflexes so his shields are pretty powerful at battles. He can also summon holograms that he uses to code so he can break through the barrier that's stopping him to travel through the multiverse.
He also has the ability to move his rat tail.
(also the reason he doesn't have any eyelights is well uh.. It happened when he started to slowly despise Jesse and despise gaurdians, like the eyelights started to slowly dissappear and they completely disappeared once he argued with Jesse and left her the next day.)
Human they protect: Used to protect Jesse.
Allies: Chloe, Floral.
Gold is a very formal but ALSO EVIL ASS boy. He used to protect Jesse when they were 8-12 y/o until he started to get tired of them. He started to get tired of their same everyday problems, angryness, annoyance, everything. He was tired of humans. One day, he met Chloe and she started telling him her plans and thoughts about gaurdians and humans and about destroying and taking over the gaurdians, Gold, agreed. Gold started to despise gaurdians, despise humans, despise protection. He believe Shadow demons were victorious and were a better future for this world then gaurdians and humans. So one day, after an argument with Jesse, he abandoned them and left them for Chloe and started being Chloe's minion/butler.
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Name: Chloe
Creators: Neptune and a bunch of glitches
Age/Years lived: Forever 13 y/o
Rank: Fucking Shadow Demon Outcode thing
Gender: None but she calls herself female.
Weapon or Magic (Specify): Dark pink Gasterblasters and Bones. The same dark pink as her eyelights. That glitch out depending on how long their used. For example: One hour, they'll be glitched out af, and if she hits the victim with them it'll be a PAINFUL CRITICAL DAMAGE SINCE THE VICTIMS BODY WILL START GLITCHING A BIT. Thou she uses Gold, aka her butler/minion, to attack for her since she's also a bit lazy lmao.
She has the ability to travel through multiverses and enter shadow pipes like other shadow demons.
Her voice and body will glitch out sometimes and when she teleports inside a dream, she might glitch out a bit aswell like if a gaurdian is failing to enter a human dream.
And her Shadow Demon form is behind her, which she rarely forms into, but it's always behind her, mimicking every action she does. Thou, only Shadow Demons can see her form.
Human they protect: None. Fuck protection.
Allies: Gold, Flare, Grain, Alexa, Charlotte(?).
Chloe is an outcode who's quite lazy and doesn't really care about anyone. She plans on destroying this world and let Shadow Demons rise. But for now she's starting small. She has Gold by her side to help her in battles and give her souls to eat. Other then that, she's just a glitch, a very dangerous glitch. Her main enemy is Boots. (She's also the main villian, lmao)
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Name & Last Name: Jesse Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 15 y/o
Sexuality: Transgender
Gender: Male (But currently female)
Hobby: being dead Drawing sometimes and playing the guitar a bit. They mainly just like laying on their bed and doing nothing.
Personality: Anger issued closeted teen who dislikes being social and will beat up someone if necessary.
Allies: Emerald, Kyle, Boots, her cat plushie Bow
(Yes this is a Alec x Chara shipkid stfu it's apparently canon now -)
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Name & Last Name: Kyle Cherry Smith
Parents: Chara Cherry Smith and Alec Margo
Age: 8 y/o
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Hobby: Writing and GOING ON IMAGINARY ADVENTURES ANYWHERE and playing outside.
Personality: A sweet energetic adventurous imaginative boy who will always find a way to annoy someone and somehow sees good in anything people say. Like seriously how the fuck do I bully you you piece of-
Also he can't read.
Allies: Abigal, Jesse/Jess/Best sissy in the entire world-, Flare/Flarey/Best partner in the entire world-
(woah another alec x chara shipkid woa-)
Anywho, I hope you guys like them and if you have any questions just ask away! (So sorry that it's so long like jesus-)
Anywho, Alec signing off 😎
(also goodnightverse belongs to @awelldressedtornado)
18 notes · View notes
bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-06
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♪ HS2 HS2 is baaaaack ♪
♪ HS2bloggin here we gooooo ♪
♪ Structural changes on their team but I don’t caaaaare ♪
♪ Already resooolved myself that its NOOOT gonna beee as good ♪ with inattentiveness to details characters like Terezi forgetting-what-they-used-to-know and an obsession with dwelling on traaageeeDEEE without relief-or-considering how weee’d feeeeeeel~ ♪♪♪ --so just gonna enjoy-what-i-caaaaaan about iiit~ ♪♪♪
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Okay time for bankruptcy
> CHAPTER 11. History's Most Notorious Haters
Let’s see how effectively my perky new lowered-expectations attitude lets me enjoy this comic  *click*
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Oh.  so is this Dave drawing comics about current events or Regular Calliope doing so for our very first lanky look at her presumably-grown-up-more cherub form
> Knight: Keep it real.
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so we just get to SEE them?!  just like that???  no buildup or anything?  :D
Okay I’m marking out a little that’s a good sign.  Also what a nerdy cop-out to turn the roboteyes into glasses that’s barely passable which is perfect, the rest of his outfit looks pretty cool tho
DAVEBOT: and thats reason four hundred nineteen why despite my mans many accomplishments i will never acknowledge big skateboardings contrived message that tony hawk is the quintessential skater of our generation ARADIA: o_o DAVEBOT: not in these trying times
Good to see Ultimate Dave is being true to form with regards to the core of his personality
DAVEBOT: beep boop ARADIA: i have told you several times that i was a robot before and i know for a fact you dont have to say beep boop DAVEBOT: hm that sounds fake does not compute ARADIA: david DAVEBOT: mom
I was with this conversation until the last two lines what the fuck
(I’m reading into it aren’t I, Aradia was trying to be atypically proper -- even though she wouldn’t have the frame of reference to know without being specifically told that “Dave” was considered nickname shorthand for the human name David, and thus if she DID know there’s no reason she’d use it except to troll him -- and Dave’s just mocking her response.  Without any shame about his continued weirdness of calling people Mom, and by without any shame I mean he made the choice EXPLICITLY to intentionally evoke the awkwardness.  Wow I got a lot out of two lines.)
(Oh, also alt!Callie’s true Jade-body incarnation here probably prompted her to start using “David” by example.  There, various mysteries solved via a pile of assumptions probably to be disproven in the next couple lines I read.)
The Knight and the Maid stare at each other briefly, having exchanged enough meaningful glances over their time together to know when to drop it.
Would Time players have an easier time gelling this way, like this particular smoothness?  Dropping it just before it gets weird or excessively irritating?
ARADIA: i think we have exchanged enough meaningful glances over our time together to know when to drop this DAVEBOT: what i enjoy about our conversations is that you just say things like that
OKAY I SNRK’D AT THAT.  That was funny.
Initially.  And now I’m concerned whether Aradia is being controlled by the narrative-speak, or whether they’re both just humorously referencing the meta-text they can both see, or--
ARADIA: oh is that what you enjoy ARADIA: well we are both an infinite number of years old living countless lifetimes at once but thats no reason to waste any of our...
WHAT??!?  She’s an Ultimate Self too?!?
Um, okay!  Yeah!  So they’re BOTH just riffing on the narrative then.  But... why would Dave need a robot body to accommodate his Ultimate Psyche without getting sick but Rose not need it?  I can understand Dirk not needing it because the merging of the full breadth of his multiversal individuality gels well with him being a God of the aspect governing the power of his multiversal individuality, but Aradia?
Were the robot bodies not necessary after all, and the sickness Rose suffered and Obama thought Dave would have suffered some sort of ruse?  Are there shenanigans afoot?  (Or are we going with the “troll biology is better” cop-out?)
She knows how this will play out, having undoubtedly tried this joke on her friend in some timeline or another. Their rapport reflects a unique combination of their matching aspects but greatly differing classes. One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
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Okay if that means anything like it sounds like I guess my class chart is finally blown up, sure, they only waited (*checks last edit date*) SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS TO BLOW THAT GUESS UP, SURE
Wow.  Okay, I feel some obligation to jump to conclusions and say the whole class chart is wrong, but let me stay strapped in to see if “passive” is as literal as one would expect alt!Callie to mean, or it just means “an active class passive compared to other classes”.  And, serving the aspect?  Oh dammit, now people are gonna come at me advocating a Maid / Page dichotomy about actively serving the aspect versus allowing the aspect to be served... or Page / Maid even, jesus
I wish I had enough energy to have those chats anymore.  I’d rather hold on and see the whole ridiculous chart scheme they have in mind... which is definitely (and hopefully) the one Andrew really drew up at the time and not made up by the staff, even if it throws away plenty of my old work...  I’ll just stop thinking about it and keep reading.
--no, I don’t think I can just stop thinking about it yet.  Dammit, brain.
So um.  Maids serving their aspect.  There was a whole “Maids serve” thing going on throughout the whole plot of Homestuck, but despite how prevalent it was, I wrote it off as the story riffing on the classical definition of Maid when the actual stuff Maids accomplished was something different and more specific, just like Knights constantly got riffed on for chivalry and the like.  Furthermore, service seemed like a really shitty class definition, when class definitions are the verbs one uses to interact with reality through Aspects to change the way reality unfolds, and “serving” isn’t really an action that results in change, implying a distinct deficit of agency that I wouldn’t have viewed as fair.  (Especially since you originally think “meant to serve others” and not “meant to serve the aspect”, implying even LESS agency.)  Furthermore, MOST passive classes from their descriptions seem to have a propensity to act “as if by the will of the aspect”, so even with the nuance of “serving the aspect”, devoting an entire class verb to service would just step on the territory of other active/passive class pairs’ passive sides, right?
But... IF we were to take this for granted as what it SEEMS... then concentrating on that angle of “serving the aspect” implies a whole lot more agency than a service class might sound on its surface.  The definition fits with the story better once you contextualize all the Maid-y references to service around Jane, for instance, with the additional idea of “serving Life” by baking prolifically and creating more of its symbols in food and--
--fuck.  “Serving”, like serving to others.  Serving the aspect as its attendant AND serving it out to others that need it.  Maybe this still IS part of the Additive class pair!  Whoa.  :O
Okay okay so, what I/we thought before was:
Create/Add - Maid / Sylph
Destroy/Reduce - Prince / Bard
But “additive” really isn’t an elegant verb compared to the “Destroyer” classes, so... could it be the “Servants” and the “Destroyers”?  Like Maids cleaning up and healing the broken wreckage strewn through the halls by a bratty Prince’s tantrum???
It’d certainly be weird... and it’d CERTAINLY be a wild twist where I was partially wrong in some fascinating ways but not entirely off base?
One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
And yet, I can’t bet on this being the situation yet; not at all.  First, it relies on the idea that alt!Callie’s explicit narrative here is slightly misleading, which would be a pretty extreme thing to commit to, even for a technical truth like “she was saying it was passive relative to other classes even though it’s technically “active””.  Second... it would mean that Muses are even more wildly defined than the previous insinuation of hers, that the Sylph -- what we thought was the passive additive class -- was not enough like a Muse compared to a Witch.  Muses not being that Additive?  I could grudgingly understand that, but Muses not being anything like passive Servants?!  That would be EXTREMELY weird!
So... there’s not a whole lot of chance that I’m not dramatically wrong somewhere about these classes!  In a way that throws the entire chart into disarray!
I’m... oddly excited?  Huh.
That’s a pretty nice surprise that I actually feel that way.
(Don’t hit me up all at once to discuss this Classpect development over Discord, I’ll still need a few days without talking about Homestuck to recharge as usual.  Like... maybe wait and come at me as a group chat? So I’m not talking about the latest developments separately with everyone?  No that wouldn’t work, how about... guh I dunno, look my outlook’s a little more positive right now but dealing with Homestuck still takes emotional energy okay?)
Okay the rest of this page...
ARADIA: ... DAVEBOT: time then make a weird face ARADIA: ........ DAVEBOT: waste time DAVEBOT: time ARADIA:............. DAVEBOT: i experience all points of time simultaneously please just say time and make a weird face
This is true.
ARADIA: .................. DAVEBOT: cmon megido youre killing me clocks ticking ARADIA: ... ARADIA: time o_o
The Maid casts a furtive glance around the empty crew quarters, as though to search for someone more sympathetic to her bit.
ARADIA: tough crowd
> ==>
(Lazy fruit-throwing sword-training I won’t bother to screenshot but looks fun)
(I mean, really lazy looking, these people really don’t have Andrew’s knack for action composition that would make the same amount of gif-creation effort feel like a microcosm of the event they’re depicting, unfortunately.  Again, I don’t blame them; Andrew was just too good at it.)
DAVEBOT: ok heres one DAVEBOT: how old do you think you are ARADIA: emotionally? ARADIA: that is a pretty heavy topic DAVEBOT: you know damn well thats not what i meant ARADIA: you know I have been through a lot dave DAVEBOT: ok ARADIA: its just so kind of someone DAVEBOT: ok i get it ARADIA: to finally ask how i feel ARADIA: i am beside myself with emotions ARADIA: i want to open up DAVEBOT: jesus christ ARADIA: shall i open up about my past traumas to you ARADIA: would you enjoy that ARADIA: to think even a frog like me can work through their pain with a dear friend ARADIA: you have truly blessed me on this day dave strider
Is Aradia JUST trolling here or is her Ultimate Self grappling with a ton of real unresolved trauma too that she’s bullshitting around Dave-style?
DAVEBOT: times fun when youre having flies
Okay that’s a damned good frog pun.
Alright now Davebot’s rapping
DAVEBOT: lacking tact i stay stacked while i breach contract DAVEBOT: sacred vows disavowed got divorce fever DAVEBOT: i leave her DAVEBOT: dont look back dont perceive her ARADIA: do you want to talk about it :( DAVEBOT: about what ARADIA: would you say you are hung up on leaving your wife and friends behind
Goddamnit is DAVE’S ton of real unresolved trauma leaking into his raps unintentionally Dave-style??  I knew we had to address it when we cut to Davebot but how about LESS TRAGEDY IN THIS COMIC MAYBE
DAVEBOT: arent you even a little guilty about ditching your boyfriend ARADIA: what ARADIA: oh fuck
But she knew what she was doing when she did it she explicitly did it didn’t she?  Epilogues quote:
DAVEBOT: what about your boy DAVEBOT: eyepatches ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
And then they stepped through the sky hole more or less.  Did like, distracted Ultimate Aradia not realize exactly how long she was leaving Sollux for, ie forever?  Or did she “ascend” to Ultimate status later and hadn’t thought back to the full consequences of her actions within this timeline?  Or both?  From the looks of the link we’ll probably find out on the next pa--
--Wait.  Something else I just thought of, unrelated.
If Aradia is an Ultimate Self, that’s another coincidentally Ultimate version of someone hanging around that happens to be on the prospective list of Soul-Powered Jujus that might have their creation loops closed in the coming story.  Could those two things play into each other somehow?  Like instead of their souls getting stuffed into the items, their “Ultimateness” is?  Or as if that’s a necessary component, or...  no, I’m probably overthinking things.
> (Months in the past, but not many...)
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Uh huh.  Is that flashing because he’s “watching” Aradia leave?  But I thought Aradia SAID she was leaving--
> (==>)
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--and that black hole portal doesn’t look as cool as it sounded in the Epilogues.  But why was Aradia acting surprised, she said “I’ll probably just cut him loose” mere MOMENTS before entering the portal, did she mean “cut him loose” as in “I’m going to talk to him before leaving” and then just IMMEDIATELY forget that she didn’t say anything to him because she cared so little???
Wait.  Waaaait wait wait.  I think.  I think maybe I missed some subtext.  Lemme do some fuller quotes here:
ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
His gaze remains fixed on her. She blinks and looks away, unsure what to say next. He’s standing perfectly still, presumably waiting for her to say something. She met him... what was it? Once, twice before? She can’t remember. But she knows this is a very different Dave. Aside from the metal skin, he seems implacably confident. But then, people go through changes. She’s been through more than her share. She cocks an eyebrow, recalling her own stint with a metal body.
DAVEBOT: hey earth to whats your face ARADIA: oh ARADIA: its aradia
DAVEBOT: youre coming DAVEBOT: better decide quick i doubt that dank fuckin hell funnel is staying open for much longer ARADIA: yes i suppose so ARADIA: thats where all the action is right? DAVEBOT: all the action that matters yeah ARADIA: off we go then :) DAVEBOT: word
He holds out his hand. She looks around, and assumes he means for her to take it, so she does. She didn’t know someone could fly this fast. He nearly yanks her arm out of its socket. She considers reminding him that maybe this isn’t necessary, since she can fly too. But she doesn’t want to risk saying more embarrassing stuff around this outrageously cool dude. Besides, they’re through the wormhole before she can even finish the thought. It vanishes the moment they’ve crossed.
...this was a SHIPPING thing wasn’t it.  She’s impressed as hell with Striderbot, she SAID she’d cut things off with Sollux, and then she was so busy being swooped off her feet and into the portal that she forgot to actually say anything to him.  Is that what happened????
Ultimate Self Davebot x Ultimate Self Aradia.  Huh.  Didn’t see that coming.  (Though, again... they could make it SLIGHTLY clearer that this wasn’t just a blatant continuity error.)
Anyway, a rare-don’t-get-used-to-it [S] page...
> [S] (Gaze.)
...Okay that was kinda funny.
> (==>)
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SOLLUX: h0w the fuck am i g0ing t0 get d0wn fr0m here.
HAH!  Okay, he’s taking it pretty well.  :)  --and THAT’s what she realized she forgot, giving him a flight down from the tower before leaving.
> Back to reality.
(Since the black hole is outside “canon” reality.)
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(Lord English’s blood leaving permanent timeless bloodstains would be a cool new thing to squeeze into canon i admit, i wouldn’t blame them for taking the excuse even if you could find small canon counterexamples I’m not sure of but dimly think might exist)
DAVEBOT: so youre telling me you dont even feel a little bad that you ditched him to be a weird death acolyte ARADIA: no i think he found my wiles both charming and irresistible DAVEBOT: not even an ounce of guilt or self doubt huh DAVEBOT: just like that DAVEBOT: no conversations about the greater good DAVEBOT: no revelations about your feelings
Is Aradia a jerk or weird?  Can’t decide.
ARADIA: do you often find your faith in yourself shaken like this or is it a new experience now that your mortal coil has been left behind DAVEBOT: what ARADIA: do you think now that all that is left of you is a literal ghost inside of a machine you are more or less likely to embrace finality DAVEBOT: oh dope more cult of one shit DAVEBOT: immortality changed you ARADIA: could it be that you are projecting your feelings onto my situation DAVEBOT: does not compute rose jr ARADIA: ... ARADIA: we dont have to talk about it DAVEBOT: thanks
Wow, I actually can’t follow this conversation at all.  Let me stare at it for a sec...
...okay, the first part she’s talking about DAVE’s faith in HIMself being shaken, not her own.  She’s not asking if he relates to HER experience, she’s contrasting it.
Then, asking if he’d be more likely to embrace death, or... Time?  Death.  Whether his self-worth has changed because he might view himself as “less real”, something Aradia doubtless struggled with when she was a robot who already had so many excuses to devalue herself at the time?  And then Dave talks about “cult of one” shit what does that even mean-...
OH.  Like she’s a death cult.  Gooot it.  Because Aradia’s of the position that death and ending should be celebrated, and Davebot understandably isn’t entirely bought in.  This is as hard to parse down as one would EXPECT conversations between two Ultimate Selves to be hard to parse down, unlike Rose and Dirk where their insane missions and glaring flaws shine bright enough through it all that you can follow their conversation flow easily.
JADE: They sit in each other's presence, the silence between them as meaningful as any words they could exchange. DAVEBOT: its always really cool to hear how meaningful my silences are DAVEBOT: especially while DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: especially while i am attempting to experience them
Alt!Callie pulling a narrative-text AFTER a talk-identifier like “JADE:” is really hilarious in my opinion.
JADE: i do not need your approval. the story will continue how it must. DAVEBOT: beep boop hater detected ARADIA: wow is that true JADE: i am not a hater. DAVEBOT: classic hater line DAVEBOT: i know this because i am pouring through genuine actual quadrabytes of information on historys most notorious haters JADE: no, you aren’t.
Pffffff. This is pretty fun.
DAVEBOT: you are the exact opposite of a hater ARADIA: a liker DAVEBOT: ok DAVEBOT: perfect example your tolerance for whatever is going on with DAVEBOT: all this ARADIA: i think she looks quite lovely covered in the viscera of the all-powerful enemy she consumed ARADIA: floating lifelessly in our periphery ARADIA: observing our every action and noting its relevance :) DAVEBOT: uh huh thats what i mean
I was gonna note “liker” as additive for pointless classpect purposes, but really more quoting it just because I really enjoy this conversation.  I’m starting to get sold on the chemistry of these two a lot faster than I expected.
JADE: even though I understand that it must happen, i am growing frustrated with the direction of this conversation. DAVEBOT: do you want to talk about something else stinky JADE: what would you suggest?
How long has that dried fucking blood been on her
DAVEBOT: ok hear me out DAVEBOT: kanaya DAVEBOT: but like DAVEBOT: wearing huge jorts
That explains Homestuck’s twitter earlier
> Weeks in the future, relative to the original point of interest...
Wait wait which point of interest?  This time we were just viewing? *click*
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I love what must be this shitty imagination-ship they’re using to cross the substrate of reality
> ==>
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Whoaaaa.  So they DIDN’T stay in those outfits for long?  It showed them in a bunk bed earlier, it showed CallieJade still going around blood-covered afterward-- dammit, I’m having a hard time gauging exactly how much time is supposed to have passed between their entry into the black portal, their earlier conversation, and this moment.  And as likely as some are to call this poor scene composition, I can’t think it’s anything but intentional, given we’re dealing with a couple of Ultimate Time players bullshitting with each other.
Moments like these are not rare, and serve a valuable function to the story. They are able to show a passage of time with the bulk of the emotional labor of a lengthy bonding process happening off screen. How did we get here? What have they been through? These questions are often better left open to individual interpretation and can give the one interpreting a sense of ownership of the story.
See?  We’re being trolled is why.  (Even if the authors are pulling the trick Alt!Callie describes maybe a little too damn often, because a cut like this where we’re supposed to fill in the emotional gaps and intervening events ourselves as readers depends on readers’ faith that sensible events and decisions for these characters would OCCUPY the gaps, as if readers don’t have faith that what intervenes WOULD make sense to their understanding of the characters the way the authors are writing them... it just seems like an excuse to do whatever you want without adequately explaining yourself, when in reality if you’d spelled out the events that led to it we’d all cry foul at the mischaracterization.)
...okay, maybe I’m a BIT bitter.  Sorry.  Where were we?
JADE: As a point of curiosity- ARADIA: oh shit!!!!
The dead Cherub possessing the body of an equally deceased Goddess of Space pauses at the interruption.
She doesn’t talk much, then?  Too busy doing whatever talking you’d do as your other possessed Jade body?  Just how temporally related is you controlling THIS Jade compared to when you were controlling the other?  When that Jade pegged you as enjoying contact with friends, are these two just not enough for you, or did you “experience” the trips entirely separately?  I don’t THINK the alt!Callie possessing either Jade is a separate entity from the other, but...
Were she to voice her opinion, it would be that --actually-- it is not unusual for those whose primary concern is The Grander Scheme to have a passing curiosity about the insignificant. So when one really thinks about it, any annoyance with the attendant’s small mindedness is both understandable and warranted.
She pissed
...also, “the attendant”.  Even if “serve” is really the verb here, that phrasing really irks me as if she’s talking down to her.  Which, I mean, makes sense for alt!Callie’s character, but doesn’t make me feel better about this new definition being foisted on us.
ARADIA: :( JADE: as a point of order, you never answered dave’s question. ARADIA: which one he is very chatty JADE: you experience time in a way that is woefully unfamiliar to me and it has... piqued my curiosity enough to learn more. ARADIA: ?_? DAVEBOT: shes asking how old you are
Wait a minute, is Alt!Callie asking a question about a dropped topic from WEEKS ago?!  And is Davebot so in touch with Time and the meta ordering of topics that he actually CAUGHT ON that fast to what she was actually wondering about?????
This is getting more disorienting by the minute.
ARADIA: in this form our bodies stop aging once we reach maturity i think ARADIA: the god tier keeps our physical form locked in a state of undying ARADIA: even in death the bodies do not decay ARADIA: only lay dormant
THAT LAST PART IS FUCKING IMPORTANT.  It’s being brought up intentionally to tell us that JOHN’S DEAD BODY can still be in the wallet Terezi’s carrying around RIGHT NOW without having decayed over the past years.  I remember remarking in SOME previous HS^2 liveblog post of mine that I was alarmed by the decay that would have happened there (can’t find my remark on short notice and don’t really care to), so this explicitly dismisses it so we won’t be surprised by the fact that she could keep it in just-dead condition.
DAVEBOT: like how long have you been alive JADE: yes, that one.
ARADIA: oh maybe a few hundred years or so DAVEBOT: what JADE: what? ARADIA: well if i had known you were going to be so judgy about it DAVEBOT: when did this happen ARADIA: oh i spent some time in other doomed realities and timelines and came back before anybody could tell i was gone
We knew she spent a LONG time in the dream bubbles, enough to talk to “pretty much all of the Nepetas”, but she was actually able to access a universe or universes and hop between them?  That’s not something any time traveller we’ve seen has been explicitly able to do intentionally before, quite like she’s describing.
DAVEBOT: oh just out for a bit of fun then DAVEBOT: just hopped on over to a different reality DAVEBOT: real casual like DAVEBOT: oh hello dont mind me just popping in to see if it really is as doomed as they say it is DAVEBOT: did not disappoint ARADIA: yes almost exactly like that :) DAVEBOT: who did you hang out with are they cooler than me ARADIA: it is complicated to explain DAVEBOT: oh ok nevermind then DAVEBOT: all clear
Yep, he’s kinda bewildered.  Is this Pesterquest stuff she’s referring to?  Did she stop by Pesterquest?
DAVEBOT: a whole alternate universe ripe with the coolest motherfuckers imaginable ARADIA: you were there too i threw your air conditioner into the sun DAVEBOT: wow thats fucked up DAVEBOT: thats not where that goes at all JADE: these events are not-canonical. ARADIA: rude
Ah!  Yeah, almost certainly Pesterquest.  (Still haven’t played that and have little inclination to now that I’m more sure we aren’t being gaslit with intentional continuity errors, just disappointed by actual continuity errors.)  Oh!  And that makes a bit more sense because I imagine that’s Black Hole territory, and that territory outside of Canon seems pretty rich and easy for time-travellers to hop between stories and timelines willy-nilly.  As they’re apt to in fanfics, which is the most appropriate way for things to be in that realm!
DAVEBOT: is that the trope of being hundreds of years old but looking young forever patently sucks ass DAVEBOT: a plot device an asshole would write ARADIA: :( JADE: that is not what i am trying to say at all. DAVEBOT: hmm wow yeah thatd really be a sort of pot/kettle situation i guess DAVEBOT: i cant believe im the only woke one here DAVEBOT: its hard being such a visionary AND such a fine metallic specimen DAVEBOT: but im an altruist first and fucking foremost ARADIA: so selfless JADE: yes, the greater narrative is truly blessed by your beneficent presence. DAVEBOT: oh so you got jokes now huh JADE: i have always had the ‘jokes’ of which you speak, but i have heretofore exercised restraint in laying you low. JADE: i possess knowledge of many of your iterations, as the scope of my powers allows me to exist in several narrative structures at once. DAVEBOT: but can she see why kids love the sweet cinnamon taste of cinnamon toast crunch JADE: i do not know, or care, what that means. ARADIA: neither do i :)
I’m actually really enjoying this conversation
JADE: its cultural significance to you as an earthling is wasted on the two of us entirely, as we have not conflated the misguided notion of clinging to nostalgic cereal advertisement trivia with socially relevant conversation.
Pff she literally checked her meta notes just now to learn what the cereal ads were after admitting she didn’t know what it meant and pretending not to care
> ==>
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Oh, closer look at Davebot.  Are those actual SHAPED shades over his robotic eye bulges?  Weird, I thought it was just a lazy line drawn between them with red sharpie at first, Sans style.  That would’ve been funny.
> ==>
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Ohh, I get it.  I was gonna say that was an unwarranted reaction... but he just realized that the Time-wait puns will be coming from BOTH his shipmates from now on.  That’s gotta be a downer.  :)
> ==>
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> ==>
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Ah, was that Jade kicking you out?  Or just the multiverse punishing you for being briefly happy :(
--oh, end of the update.  Guess that’s it for now!
Alright I know I’m A BIT BEHIND on covering the HS2 commentary,
I really would rather wait on that a bit longer if that’s alright.  Real busy and stressful week or two.  (Found out my hair is starting to thin noticeably at age 31!  Quite suddenly, too.  Blood test looks fine so it’s nothing serious... gonna see a doctor to check if anything can be safely done about that, it’s really hurting my self-esteem more than I thought it would.  Didn’t think it would hit my emotions that hard when it eventually happened, knew it was likely but not so SOON... really messing with my anxiety every time I accidentally touch my hair, now.  I’ll deal with it.)
If I sound really aimless in this post, I think it’s cause I am?  My mental and emotional energy’s REALLY drained.  I’m glad that June/July break in HS^2 happened when it did, and I’m definitely glad there’s apparently plenty in HS^2 I can really enjoy, if this update is anything to go by.  Maybe this comic can help lift me up instead of knocking me down.  :)
See y’all later!  More Patreon commentary blogging catchup after some other upd8.
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thekaijudude · 3 years
After watching TAC, it made think a lot if wild stuff like since the Absolutian can travel through dimension and time, it is unknown that they are from the past, present or future but what if all these monster army recruiting and multiverse travelling will eventually lead to Dark Spark War? What if Dark Lugiel and Ginga originally an Absolutian since both of them come from the future? DL and AT mouthpiece look similar to me
Thats really an interesting theory you have there about all this conflict actually leading to the Dark Spark War
But first things first, I need to clarify that DL isn't an Absolutian as they are identified by the patterns on their crest, plus DL and Ginga were a single being once which I suppose we can call Ultraman Lugiel
But you also brought up something very interesting, that being that we truly don't know whether the Absolutians are from the past or the future, which could be the motivator for why they are so desperate to seek a second planet from another formidable race of beings
Tbh i really have no answers to your two ideas cause we still know so little about the Absolutians and we certainly don't know where is 'Ultraman Lugiel' at this point in time so I can't even say whether or not its possible at this point to determine how one may lead to another somehow
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, they're really something to keep in mind, especially with regards to the Dark Spark War
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agreste-image · 4 years
okay so to clarify on a couple things with the timeline stuff (like events in it)!
warning this is long af
all of Bustiers class wouldve been born 2001-2002. 
character list is:
chloe bourgeois
ivan bruel
alya cesaire
marinette dupain-cheng
juleka couffaine
luka couffaine
mylene haprele
max kante
alix kubdel
nino lahiffe
nathaniel kurtzberg
rose lavillant
le chien kim
sabrina raincomprix 
lila rossi
felix graham de vanily, maybe.............?
generally, if the character is around adriens age, they’re available. certain characters can control certain NPCs (kids get their parents or families as npcs, so i would control gabriel and emilie, and potentially nathalie and adriens bodyguard). however, im open to having some others taken. just ask.
the events of the show have been stretched over the course of 4 years, and akumas with episodes are some of the harder akuma that theyve faced / some of the most common ones (mr ramier is a repeat akuma thats easy to defeat, but someone like desperada was an INTENSELY difficult akuma). there are many other, smaller akuma that are more easily handled, and thus not shown on the show itself.
given the out of order episodes of the show, well say the last ‘episode’ that happened was timetagger, occurring in late march.
none of the city specials have happened (new york, shanghai, christmas..?), and the season three finale didnt happen. (chloe deserves to not have her development dumpstered thanks-)
kwami, their magic and guardianship work differently: 
kwami can use magic naturally occurring in the world to boost certain transformations without use of potions; example, if adrien goes into a timeline where magical beings, animal people, and humans all live together, plagg can draw on the ambient magic to turn the Chat Noir transformation into a cat person. (ever played kingdom hearts? if you have, then imagine something like how sora gets a different appearance on a lot of worlds.)
miraculous magic partially hides the identity of their user when transformed. this can vary from person to person, due to how the transformations are decided (which is by what they want and expect from it deep down). once someone fully realizes the wielders identity, the disguising magic doesnt work on them anymore. when used by someone from another timeline/universe, it generally overrides that person’s own magic (if a werewolf, for example, transforms with the miraculous, they wont transform into a werewolf while theyre using the miraculous.)
guardianship; im not going to have it erase the memories of the previous guardian, but havent quite figured out what itll do instead. given the finale/miracle queen didnt happen, though, its not a very big concern.
and there’s what ive already had the other characters do:
i started interacting with @eris-the-phantom-thief early on, thus meaning that Persona stuff has also kinda become a thing here. we can explain that away as a timeline slip, wherein two timelines are close enough to blur some lines. i would simply say an au, but by now, adrien has long since discussed things regarding hana and phantom thieves with others, so well probably have to go with that. (this also allows more opportunities for potential ocs.)
marinette has hung out with hana and adrien on multiple occasions. hana has asked if they were dating and both said no. marinette has had a sleepover with hana and alya (and, potentially, juleka and rose). stuff ive written involving marinette can be found under marimuse on my blog.
alya has done a sleepover with marinette and hana. she has also made an effort to get to know hana, with little success. stuff ive written for alya and anyone else in the class can be found on my blog under classmuse.
ladybug has been working with eris the phantom thief at the pleading of chat noir. she has earned chats trust by giving him a pair of raccoon miraculous earrings that she stole from the louvre, realizing the dangers of miraculous jewels simply sitting in a museum. ladybug is also aware that at least one person knows chat noirs identity, and has an idea of the multiverse, given said person ( @theheartmuncher ) is from another timeline filled with general magic. theheartmuncher has also filled in for chat noir by becoming chat picaro when adrien was transformed into a cat, and when he was akumatized. she is not aware of heart’s identity.
felix is aware of adriens identity as chat noir, due to adrien being a dumbass and mixing up the phone his father gave him, and the personal phone he secretly bought. he has matured since the episodes hes in on the show, and has offered to help maintain the secret by occasionally filling in for adrien while hes chat noir. stuff ive written for felix can be found on the blog under Signed. Felix Graham de Vanily
then, it finally comes to what has happened on the blog.
on may 9th, adrien joined tumblr.
on may 24th, theheartmuncher discovered chat noirs identity.
on june 6th, chat noir encountered eris the phantom thief for the first time.
on july 1st, adrien was turned into a cat by magic anons. theheartmuncher, as chat picaro, explained to ladybug that chat noir was on a trip he couldnt get out of, and he had discovered adrien agreste had been turned into a cat. (how he knew?: adrien stole his phone and managed to type ‘im adrien agreste’ on it.) adrien was legally missing for 24 hours, and was watched closely for two weeks after.
on august 1st, felix discovered he was chat noir.
on august 13th, adrien was akumatized into simulacrum, then was saved by @gardencracks and @daviscatessen coming to paris in spite of him telling them to stay away, and to leave things to ladybug (and, unbeknownst to him, chat picaro). adrien also vowed to move out of the agreste mansion.
on august 15th, eris brought chat noir the raccoon miraculous.
on august 16th, eris met up with ladybug and chat noir to discuss what to do with the earrings.
on august 24th, adrien fully moved into his own apartment. magic anons gave him two cats, one of which was a certified emotional support animal.
on september 8th, gardencracks and daviscatessen brought adrien to a large 18th birthday party they had planned and invited the classmates to. he also dyed his hair pink.
and that is the blog major-event timeline.
this is long as fuck and i apologize, but i kinda needed to get all this laid out anyway even if i wasnt potentially doing a timeline LOL thanks for ur patience
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agusvedder · 5 years
Alpha and Omega / Moriah/ Rising Hell- Spec and some parallels.
Ghost Situation: 
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-Alright, I was thinking that maybe, just like it happened in the Season 11 finale “Alpha and Omega”, they will take advantage of the ghost situation in “Rising Hell” and build a soul bomb with the help of Rowena, but instead of using it with Amara, this time they will attack God/Chuck with it.
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This is what I think it’s what Rowena’s got in her hands (Promo pic from 15x02 “Rising Hell”)
Another important thing is that after Dean and Sam left Waverly Hills in 11x23, the haunted asylum where they fished all the souls for the bomb, we saw as Billie was observing them. And this is important because I’m about to talk about her next. 
Billie/Chuck Rivalry: 
The scene that I will refer too is also from Alpha and Omega (11x23). Billie wasn’t Death yet, she was just a reaper so this scene is curious. She said she will reap god herself, I mean... was she in the top of the hierarchy of Reapers at that time? 
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Why would a simple reaper REAP GOD? 
From where I recall, The Death told Dean He will reap god when it comes the time, but then Dean killed him, so the place was left available. Billie always works by the book and it’s very respectful with the natural course of life... EXCEPT when it comes to the Winchesters, despite saying otherwise. He hinted Sam about being impure in the biblical sense in 11x02 Form and Void, knowing he’s smart enough to found out the cure, he teased Dean letting him know Sam was alive in 11x17 Red Meat, and telling him that she will say NO everytime they try to make a deal with her, like she’s closed and unreachable, but in Alpha and Omega 11x23 she offers herself to help them, she follows them to the bunker and offers the souls from the veil to end with Amara. I mean, she keeps teasing about the definitive death but she never gets to do it, and when she finally has a chance, she gets killed by Cas.
She’s not a simple reaper, and Chuck knows it, but he cannot say a lot without giving a lot about himself either so he just stares at her with angry eyes while she didn’t even looked at him, not even ONCE. 
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He does NOT LIKE HER. Why would that be?
Now the theory about Billie teasing the guys with death constantly to make herself being killed to become The New Death actually makes sense.
Now we can see the full picture, because in that moment we didn’t have all the information about what Chuck was and have done. Now we can say for sure he hates her because she’s unpredictable, she’s not manageable. She’s impossible to write and she makes her own choices, and that pisses Chuck off. 
I mean, we’re sure He hates her, like he said in Moriah (14x20)
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The old Death was all about “Fried pickles and tickle porn”. That’s something pretty... personal to know about someone, right? Chuck and the old Death were old pals and they knew each other pretty well.  In my opinion, Old Death knew EVERYTHING CHUCK WAS DOING. Why? Because he allowed Dean and Sam to die and come back again and again, because Chuck “rebuilt Cas more times than he could count”, because Death gave Dean his ring in season 5, just to fit his old friend’s narrative. 
Thats another reason why Chuck doesn't like her maybe, because she was evidently plotting to take his place as soon as it was left available, and that not only will end with his association with Death but also give her too much power. Power she will use against him.
This is a piece of dialogue from Form and Void (11x02) Billie tells Sam: 
“You and Dean . . . Dying and coming back again and again. The old death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives . . . dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it, well, you're not going to Heaven . . . Or Hell. One of us -- and, Lord, I hope it's me -- we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that. I know you're dying. I can feel it. You're unclean in the biblical sense. So I'll be seeing you again, Sam . . . Seeing you real soon. Name's Billie, by the way.” 
Alright, she’s pretty clear with this: “Now that the old Death is dead, let’s hope I am the next one to die to take his place... take this, it’s a little hint for you to cure yourself, I’m Billie, remember me” 
She told something similar to Dean in Red Meat 11x17:
“I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. But you are. Or will be, soon enough. Trust me. If the big “W” bit it, I'd get a call. Come along now, Dean. It's time. The Empty... it's waiting.” 
I MEAN, without the old Death to rule the reapers, who is the “Lord” or the Reapers? Why did she took the lead? Maybe because she has a very powerful association with a cosmic entity just like Chuck had with the old Death? 
Even when he keeps teasing Dean and Sam about their soon deaths, it appears to be she can always find a way to help them (Celebrating the life of Asa Fox / Advanced Thanatology / Nihilism) but when Rowena tried to ask her to bring his son back in Funeralia, she refused...
How can she refuse to bring Crowley back when his soul would be DEEP INTO THE EMPTY ‘cause he was a demon? and according to the Shadow itself, not even GOD had power in there... why would Billie? 
What’s Billie Association with THE EMPTY and HOW WILL THIS AFFECT THIS SEASON?
My evident speculation is that Billie already knew who Chuck was, what he does with his drafts and how he destroy worlds, and for some reason, she sees in this particular world a glimpse of hope now that She’s the New Death. 
That glimpse of hope is JACK.
Billie’s quotes from ADVANCED THANATOLOGY (13X05)
Billie: I didn’t say it was up to you. I said it depends on you. Word on the interdimensional street is you’ve been slipping between worlds, Dean. I wanna know how you did it. Now. Dean: Well, I thought Death knew everything. Billie: Then you can imagine how this one little blind spot is really bothering me.
Dean: How do I know I can trust you? Billie: You don’t. But then again, I’m not the one breaking cosmic bargains left and right, now, am I? Dean: Yeah, it’s not like you to hold a grudge. Billie: Don’t I? So… spill. Dean: Lucifer’s son. Jack. When he was born, it created a little rip.
I need to call your attention to this dialogue because just then, in that precise moment, Billie found out about how powerful Jack was... not only He could woke up a being sleeping in the empty but he also created “a little rip” to walk amongst worlds and realities.
“Because... this whole multi-versal quantum construct we live in, it's like a house of cards. And the last thing I need is some big, dumb Winchester knocking it all down“
“Since I got this…new job, I stand witness to a much larger picture. Do you know what I see? You. And your brother. You’re important.”  
“You have work to do. That’s all you need to know. And trust me, having my eyes opened to the necessity of any humans, especially Winchesters, is not a thrill. So…you wanna die, but I say…keep living.”
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(Excuse me, does this ring a bell to you?)
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Do you know what also happens in that episode, right? Cas comes back from the empty. 
Cas wakes up in the Empty thanks to Dean’s desperation that moved Jack in a way that made him possible to wake him up, so Jack has power in the Empty. Cas awakening was in episode 13x03 “Patience”, in Episode 13x04 “The Big Empty” we have Cas fighting against the Shadow and convincing him to bring him back to earth and in 13x05 “Advanced Thanatology” Cas comes back to Dean and Sam. Evidently Billie found out about God’s twisted nature when she took her Job as the New Death and KNEW Sam, Dean and Cas with Jack’s power could defeat him, that’s why she told them they’re important. 
That’s why she probably advised the Empty to release Cas too... she knows ONLY Sam, Cas and Dean Winchester’s nurture and influence (no pun intended, come on) will make Jack reach his full power to kill Chuck and restore the peace amongst multiverses.
But Chuck killed JACK before they could do something about that, so now She needs to talk with the kid in the Empty at the end of the season (14x20 Moriah) to orchestrate a new plan. 
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She made the mission of her existence to balance the multiverses but Chuck it’s like a small kid throwing a tantrum and it’s ruining her plan. 
This season will be a huge mess of unresolved stuff: Adam/ Michael/ Amara/ Cas’ Deal with the empty/ Will Rowena die in Sam’s hands?/ will Jack come back? 
All we know is that, despite everything she says about them, Billie TRUSTS the Winchesters to fight against God and she believes THEY CAN WIN. Now She need to convince her bussiness associate, The Shadow, to release Jack at the right moment and to deal with his soul situation. 
Okay, thanks for reading my very long ramble and I would really like to hear your own specs about this situation. 
Tagging: @verobatto-angelxhunter @metafest @emblue-sparks @mrsaquaman187 ! 
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HI! ive only been following you for a bit but i love hearing abt other ppls ocs its really cool and fun so if you wanted an excuse to infodump in a post about yours this ask is totally it :p
basically it takes place in this multiverse. its YEARSSSS after the verse that holds earth and the milky way and andromeda galaxies and etc has died out, its still existing but everything within it is jsut dead pretty much
so theres its googolplexianth cousin, Googolverse. and within it resides four trillion galaxies (twice as many as the earthverse, im just gonna call it that 2 keep things simple). the main focus is the Oryanx (ori-yanks) galaxy. it has a bunch of planets and stars and stuff and the Googolverse as a whole operates very differently from the Earthverse, in terms of time and physics and etc, all that stuff im not very intelligent about but yknow fuck it i think its cool anyways.
anyways, in Oryanx galaxy, all planets that inhabit life are very peaceful with themselves and each other. they despise fighting and war. the main planet is Astraunz (Ast-ronz). Astraunzians arent liek the savior or anything. theyre pretty mundane and simple. and the main character is Mizule (mizz-ool), xe is 217 earth years (longest lifespan of an Astraunzian in earth years is around 630 years). the other main character is Prymul (pre-mool), fae is from a diff galaxy but still in the Googolverse
so remember i said they hate war and stuff? welp! it happens anyway. and Prymul is recruited into the enemy galaxys army against faer will. the enemy galaxys mission is to wipe out all the galaxies (which actually wont be as "difficult" as u think bc everything operates differently), and they will recruit all members of every galaxy into their army against their will. the thing with many species in these galaxies is that death is not a decay or a state where they can no longer do anything, its actually just being in a permanent state of emptiness and unhappiness. they become zombie-like and are very forgetful, and when all their memories are gone, they fade away into "dust" (googolverse equivalent of dust).
so! the idea is Oryanx loses their shit! and doesnt know what to do. so eventually they have to abandon their pacifistic ways when they realize what is actually happening, that not everything can end with happy dancing and hand holding. mizule is one of the recruits, xe is a spy, so xe doesnt put up much of a fight when the enemy galaxy ppl take xir away. mizule is very agile and strong and etc despite being of a galaxy that doesnt fight. almost like it was xir destiny! wow
but xe meets Prymul. they get close with each other. mizule realizes that there is more to this than collecting information. its about saving lives. so this is where xe realizes that pacifism is not always right. xe falls in love with Prymul and shit happens, a lot of shit happens, but eventually the war is over and its a happy ending. mizule and prymul fall in love with each other, theyre gay folks!
a lot of this is still in development btw. so it may change. this was mostly thought of on the spot since ive been procrastinating on coming up with everything!! also, another one of the reasons Mizule learned how terrible this war was, was because if all the galaxies in the Googolverse were wiped out, the multiverse would be next. xe picked that up from eavesdropping.
so yea !!! thats. Pretty much all i have? this is long i think so im sorry abt that HSJFKFMGKG but ! i hope this suffices :] let me know if there are any weird implications, im careful abt this stuff surrounding war themes cuz ik it can worry a lot of people and i want to get the message across that im not trying to glorify certain terrible events or sympathize with oppressors who took part in/encourage(d) said terrible events!
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mightykittyyt · 4 years
So uh... Heres some info about my ocs~
There will be more text on EN’s part, but thats because shes more developed!
IN ‘headcanons’ (She's my oc so i guess it's more like facts than anything else…):
Her hands tend to get shaky sometimes and that's why she hates using small brushes.
She does actually have a soul, but it's not really good at displaying the proper emotions at the right time.
She gets mad really often.
like, really often.
she’s also pretty sadistic most of the time, i don't think she knows it herself though.
mistakenly used blood as red paint before and comments on how she would like to use it more often.
IN’s soul is just a vessel. It contains the shards she used to eat before. She still has to eat the shards, but she doesn't have to feel the feeling of the shard straight away, only when the soul deems the emotion appropriate for the occasion.
Which usually isn't the appropriate emotion. She needs some emotional control…
IN is really good at making chocolate. It's like you're tasting heaven.
The surprising ingredient is explosions.
Lets just say that if you hear explosions and you're with IN she probably exploded the kitchen making chocolate.
She would repair it for you though since she has nothing better to do, and honestly EN is only a threat to her chocolate.
EN doesn't even seem to try destroying things anymore, she just hangs out with ‘the gang’
But honestly IN doesn't mind EN hanging out with the gang. They're all idiots who has no common sense and it makes IN laugh really bad when they do something stupid.
It's usually something dangerous that IN finds funny.
That damn sadist
When IN is kind though…
Prepare to be mentally weirded out by how affectionate and cute she is.
Like seriously she’ll just shower you with endless affection and gifts, mostly consisting of chocolate, but shaped into hearts, animals, plants and etc. 
All Nassis loves cuddles.
Give this sadistic woman some cuddles.
Cuddles are the second best thing.
The first is EN doing something stupid.
She does care fo EN though. They have this love hate relationship that sisters seems to have.
she is asexual.
EN ‘headcanons’ (She's my oc too so i guess it's more like facts than anything else…):
EN loved to draw and has her own drawing collection.
Keyword: Loved. Past tense.
Of course they're old drawings, but sometimes she gets a weird urge to just draw something, sometimes something nice…
But other times…
She wants to aggressively scribble and stab the paper, tear it into pieces, chew it then burn it with a flamethrower and stomp on it's ashes.
You know the thing where there’s a good side and a bad side?
What if both sides were bad?
One side is an innocent looking girl, likes to wear white or pastels, loves to make flower crowns and stuff…
But she is secretly a manipulative murderer.
The other is… Well… EN. That one where she runs around with a flamethrower and burning everything that's near her, or just sometimes stab things for fun.
She doesn't NEED to stab things obviously, she can find a much quicker and less messy way to kill someone, but sometimes you're just too lazy to do magic…
CLTN is the innocent looking one, but is probably the cruelest. She loves killing them slowly, her victims usually die by blood loss. Her favorite killing method is the befriend betray method. Just the look on their face when their supposed ‘friend’ stabs them in the back… Literally and figuratively at the same time. Usually CLTN will avoid harming the heart or anything on the face, usually stabbing the legs, arms or just stabbing the victims back and miss the heart on purpose.
But EN likes a fast and clean method.
EN can't be bothered to clean anything, CLTN can't be bothered either, but it's not that big of a deal to her since she just leaves the person dying in an alleyway and destroys any form of communication before leaving. The only hard part is sneaking back home undetected and cleaning her clothes and knife. She usually wears gloves so fingerprints arent much of a problem.
Anyway, back to EN…
She really isn't the one you should be worried about, she is pretty chill and it would take a lot for her to actually try and kill you. She just isn't bothered. After all there isn't many aus in the multiverse she lives in, so if she tries to destroy them all there would literally be nothing left to do, and she does try to destroy them sometimes, but she would much rather plan stealing chocolate from IN.
EN is usually very affectionate, but sometimes she's faking it.
It can be really hard to tell when she's faking it, but if she clings onto you so much you feel like your bones will break, and if she stops when you say it's too tight, then it's probably real affection. If she doesn't stop crushing you in the hug, either she is trying to annoy you usually only does it for a few seconds, or she's faking it this will last until you're begging for your bones to live.
If she considers you her real friend she will endlessly shower you with affection anywhere you go… Literally. As long as she is allowed to go there. The clinginess is dependent on how close you are.
If you're as close with EN as ‘the gang’ is which is highly unlikely, then she will literally be a leech, but the only difference is that she will never get off. She will give you privacy when you sleep, change your clothes, go do anything in the bathroom or if you're trying to cook, but don't expect her to sit still while you do it. If you're cooking she would help if she would, slicing food like she is a master, but is really bad at anything else.
If you're changing or doing stuff in the bathroom not counting brushing your teeth and taking a bath, she will talk to you.
If you're going to sleep she might sometimes ask to cuddle.
Please give this attention starved baby affection.
She haven't touched anyone for 13 years and when her haphephobia was cured she has been craving for any sort of touch.
She's also surprisingly innocent when it comes to sexual things. She knows everything about torture and murder techniques, but sex is just something she doesn't know at all.
EN doesn't really know the difference with PDA and P(rivate)DA so she just does the same thing she would do regardless of where you were nad how many were watching.
This woman doesn't know what embarrassment is.
If you tell her to stop doing something in public she would listen, but when your in private again get ready to get showered with pent up affection.
If you're her friend she would still be clingy but wouldn't disturb you when you sleep, change your clothes, go do anything in the bathroom or if you're trying to cook.
She might help with the cooking sometimes or talk with you while doing it, but otherwise there won't be any affection when you're doing these things.
she would still hang on you like a leech, but since her attention span is literally nothing, she would get distracted and go somewhere then come back and just walk and talk like a normal human and it's just confusing sometimes.
Her attention span changes the closer you are with her.
EN only began destroying aus because she had a… hmm… complicated past with IN.
she is demisexual and straight.
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